Name: kiki Version: 0.0.3 cabal-version: >= 1.8 Synopsis: A bridge between (cryptographic) keys Description: gpg operations... TODO License: Undecided -- License-file: LICENSE TODO Author: Joseph Crayne Maintainer: Joseph Crayne --Homepage: TODO build-type: Simple Flag cryptonite Description: Use newer cryptonite-based x509 version 1.6 and higher Default: True Flag hourglass Description: Use newer hourglass-based x509 version 1.5 and higher Default: True Flag needlocale Description: Link against old-locale package for older versions of the time package. Default: False Flag unixEnv Default: False Executable kiki Main-is: kiki.hs -- base >=4.6 due to use of readEither in KikiD.Message Build-Depends: base >=, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, binary, bytestring, containers, dataenc, directory, filepath, tar, text, time, unix, openpgp-util, network, kiki other-modules: DNSKey if !flag(cryptonite) Build-Depends: crypto-pubkey >=0.2.3, cryptohash -any, crypto-pubkey-types -any if flag(hourglass) Build-Depends: hourglass -any, x509 >=1.5 && <1.6 else Build-Depends: x509 <1.6 else Build-Depends: cryptonite, x509 >=1.6, memory, hourglass Executable hosts Main-is: hosts.hs Build-Depends: base >=, bytestring, network, kiki Executable cokiki Main-is: cokiki.hs Build-Depends: base >=, bytestring, filepath, unix, directory, deepseq, kiki library hs-source-dirs: lib exposed-modules: KeyRing, Kiki, ScanningParser, PEM, DotLock, Base58, CryptoCoins, ProcessUtils, Hosts, SSHKey, LengthPrefixedBE, CommandLine, Numeric.Interval, Numeric.Interval.Bounded, SuperOrd other-modules: TimeUtil, ControlMaybe, Compat, FunctorToMaybe Build-Depends: base >=, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, binary, bytestring, containers, dataenc, directory, filepath, network, openpgp-util, pretty-show, process, temporary, text, unix, zlib -- todo: remove this dependency when flag(hourglass) if flag(needlocale) build-depends: time < 1.5, old-locale else build-depends: time >= 1.5 if !flag(cryptonite) Build-Depends: crypto-pubkey >=0.2.3, cryptohash -any, crypto-pubkey-types -any if flag(hourglass) Build-Depends: hourglass -any, x509 >=1.5 && <1.6 else Build-Depends: x509 <1.6 else Build-Depends: cryptonite, x509 >=1.6, memory, hourglass c-sources: lib/dotlock.c Test-suite testkiki type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Main-is: testkiki.hs hs-source-dirs: testkiki Build-depends: Cabal , hspec , process , directory , unix , filepath , bytestring , time , cryptohash , kiki if flag(unixEnv) Build-depends: base < 4.7.0, unix else Build-depends: base >= 4.7.0