{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module CommandLine ( Args , UsageError(..) , usageErrorMessage , parseInvocation , runArgs , arg , param , params , label ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Data.Either import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap import Debug.Trace import Numeric.Interval (Interval(..), singleton, (...), inf, sup, hull) import qualified Numeric.Interval as I import Numeric.Interval.Bounded import SuperOrd -- trace :: String -> a -> a -- trace _ x = x -- type CompF a = [String] -> [String] -> a type MergeData = [(Int,Ordering)] -- | Expr a -- data Expr a where -- | Prim -- -- Takes a function from the option arguments and unamed arguments repsectively to -- a value of type a, usually IO (), and gives you an expression tree. As one -- traverses down the tree only the 'interesting' option arguments are passed -- to this function, but all of the unnamed arguments are passed regardless of -- where we are in the tree. -- Prim :: ([[String]] -> [String] -> a) -> Interval (SuperOrd Int) -> Expr a -- | Star -- Applicative '<*>' Star :: MergeData -> Expr (b -> a) -> (Expr b) -> Expr a -- | Or -- Alternative '<|>' Or :: MergeData -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -- | Empty -- Alternative empty Empty :: Expr a -- deriving instance Functor Expr -- doesn't work on ghc 7.6.3 instance Functor Expr where fmap f (Prim g i) = Prim (\os us -> f $ g os us) i fmap f (Star m a b) = Star m (fmap (f .) a) b fmap f (Or m a b) = Or m (fmap f a) (fmap f b) fmap f Empty = Empty -- | Args -- -- Applicative Functor for interpretting command line arguments. data Args a = Args { expr :: Expr a -- ^ Expression tree , accepts :: [String] -- ^ sorted list of acceptable short and long option names (non positional arguments) -- The names include hyphens. } deriving Functor instance Applicative Args where pure x = Args { expr = Prim (\_ _ -> x) (singleton $ exactly 0), accepts = [] } f <*> b = Args { expr = Star d (expr f) (expr b) , accepts = m } where d = mergeData compare (accepts f) (accepts b) m = mergeLists d const (accepts f) (accepts b) instance Alternative Args where empty = Args Empty [] f <|> g = Args { expr = Or d (expr f) (expr g) , accepts = m } where d = mergeData compare (accepts f) (accepts g) m = mergeLists d const (accepts f) (accepts g) {- dead code? unpackBits :: Integer -> [Bool] unpackBits 0 = [False] unpackBits 1 = [True] unpackBits n = ( r /= 0 ) : unpackBits q where (q,r) = divMod n 2 -- requires finite list packBits :: [Bool] -> Integer packBits bs = sum $ zipWith (\b n -> if b then n else 0) bs $ iterate (*2) 1 -} -- | mergeData -- -- > mergeData compare [1,3,5] [2,2,4,6] ==> [(1,LT),(2,GT),(1,LT),(1,GT),(1,LT),(1,GT)] -- -- Given a comparison function and two sorted lists, 'mergeData' will return -- a RLE compressed (run-length encoded) list of the comparison results -- encountered while merging the lists. -- -- This data is enough information to perform the merge without doing the -- comparisons or to reverse a merged list back to two sorted lists. -- -- When one list is exausted, the length of the remaining list is returned as -- a run-length for LT or GT depending on whether the left list or the right -- list has elements. mergeData :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [(Int,Ordering)] mergeData comp (x:xs) (y:ys) | comp x y == LT = case mergeData comp xs (y:ys) of (n,LT):ys -> let n'=n+1 in n' `seq` (n',LT):ys ys -> (1,LT):ys | comp x y == EQ = case mergeData comp xs ys of (n,EQ):ys -> let n'=n+1 in n' `seq` (n',EQ):ys ys -> (1,EQ):ys | comp x y == GT = case mergeData comp (x:xs) ys of (n,GT):ys -> let n'=n+1 in n' `seq` (n',GT):ys ys -> (1,GT):ys mergeData comp [] [] = [] mergeData comp [] ys = (length ys, GT) : [] mergeData comp xs [] = (length xs, LT) : [] mergeLists :: [(Int,Ordering)] -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] mergeLists ((n,LT):os) f xs ys = ls ++ mergeLists os f xs' ys where (ls,xs') = splitAt n xs mergeLists ((n,EQ):os) f xs ys = es ++ mergeLists os f xs' ys' where (les,xs') = splitAt n xs (res,ys') = splitAt n ys es = zipWith f les res mergeLists ((n,GT):os) f xs ys = gs ++ mergeLists os f xs ys' where (gs,ys') = splitAt n ys mergeLists [] f [] ys = ys mergeLists [] f xs [] = xs mergeLists [] f xs ys = error "xs ++ ys" {- computeMask :: Int -> Ordering -> Ordering -> [(Int,Ordering)] -> Integer computeMask k w t [] = 0 computeMask k w t ((n,v):os) = if w==v then r .|. shiftL (bit n - 1) k else r where r = computeMask (k+n') w t os n' | v==t = n | otherwise = 0 -- WRONG, one-blocks are not spaced the same in input and output, need shifts mergeIntegers :: [(Int,Ordering)] -> (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer mergeIntegers os f x y = (leftmask .&. x) .|. (rightmask .&. y) .|. (f (leqmask .&. x) (reqmask .&. y)) where leftmask = computeMask 0 LT EQ os leqmask = computeMask 0 EQ LT os reqmask = computeMask 0 EQ GT os rightmask = computeMask 0 GT EQ os -} {- kinda dead code mergeIntegers ((n,LT):os) f !x !y = v `seq` m `seq` m .|. v where m = x .&. (bit n - 1) r = mergeIntegers os f (shiftR x n) y v = r `seq` shiftL r n mergeIntegers ((n,EQ):os) f !x !y = mm `seq` v `seq` mm .|. v where mm = f mx my mx = x .&. (bit n - 1) my = y .&. (bit n - 1) r = mergeIntegers os f (shiftR x n) (shiftR y n) v = r `seq` shiftL r n mergeIntegers ((n,GT):os) f !x !y = v `seq` m `seq` m .|. v where m = y .&. (bit n - 1) r = mergeIntegers os f x (shiftR y n) v = r `seq` shiftL r n mergeIntegers [] f !0 !y = y mergeIntegers [] f !x !0 = x mergeIntegers [] f !x !y = error "x .|. y" -} splitLists :: [(Int,Ordering)] -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) splitLists ((n,LT):os) xs = (ls ++ lls, rrs) where (ls,xs') = splitAt n xs (lls,rrs) = splitLists os xs' splitLists ((n,EQ):os) xs = (es ++ lls, es ++ rrs) where (es,xs') = splitAt n xs (lls,rrs) = splitLists os xs' splitLists ((n,GT):os) xs = (lls, rs ++ rrs) where (rs,xs') = splitAt n xs (lls,rrs) = splitLists os xs' splitLists [] xs = (xs,xs) {- mergeBy :: Show a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> ( (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer , (b -> b -> b) -> [b] -> [b] -> [b] , [b] -> ([b], [b])) mergeBy comp xs ys = trace (unlines ["xs="++show xs,"ys="++show ys,"mergeData="++show d]) (mergeIntegers d, mergeLists d, splitLists d) where d = mergeData comp xs ys -} param :: Int -> Args String param n = Args (Prim (\_ us -> us!!n) (singleton $ exactly (n+1))) [] arg :: String -> Args String arg optname = Args (Prim (\opts _ -> head $ concat $ take 1 opts) (singleton $ exactly 0)) [optname] params :: Args [String] params = Args (Prim (\_ args -> args) (exactly 0 ... PositiveInfinity)) [] label :: String -> Args a -> Args a label _ = id data ArgsStyle = ArgsStyle { parseInvocation :: String -> [String] -> ([(String,[String])], [String]) } -- | Phase 1. This function accepts a list of command line arguments in its -- second argument that will be parsed to obtain a pair of lists: named -- argument-value pairs and unnamed arguments values. -- -- The first argument indicates which short options will be treated as on/off -- flags and given a dummy value of \"\". Hyphen-prefixed options not in this -- list are given their imeediately following string as a value. -- -- The \"--\" convention is implemented to indicate all remaining arguments are -- unnamed argument values. -- -- The results of this function are intended to be used as input to 'runArgs'. vanilla :: ArgsStyle vanilla = ArgsStyle { parseInvocation = parse } where parse flags cli = (opts, concat nons ++ nondashed ++ drop 1 trailing) where (as, trailing) = span (/= "--") cli (nons,bs) = span ((==[True]) . map (not . isPrefixOf "-") . take 1) $ groupBy (const $ not . isPrefixOf "-") as (ds, nondashed) = second concat $ unzip $ map splitParams bs opts = map ((first concat) . splitAt 1) (ds :: [[String]]) splitParams (('-':[x]):xs) | x `elem` flags = (['-':[x]],xs) splitParams xs = splitAt 2 xs -- | Information about how the user failed to satisfy a specified usage. data UsageError = TooManyParameters Int -- ^ The given number of excessive unnamed arguments occured. | InsufficientParameters Int -- ^ Not enough unnamed arguments. The number indicates how many are -- total are expected. | TooManyOf String [String] -- ^ An option was supplied too many times. The list is a set of values -- associated with the repeated instances. | Missing [String] -- ^ A list of required options that the user failed to specify. | ChooseOne [[String]] -- ^ The user failed to choose one of the given set of option combinations. | Misunderstood [String] -- ^ A list of unrecognized options. | Incompatible [[String]] -- ^ A list of supplied options that may not be used together. | NamedFailure String UsageError -- ^ Extra context provided via the 'label' primitive. deriving (Eq,Show) -- | Obtain a description of a usage error that can be reported to the user. usageErrorMessage :: UsageError -> String usageErrorMessage (NamedFailure _ e) = usageErrorMessage e usageErrorMessage (TooManyParameters _) = "too many arguments" usageErrorMessage (InsufficientParameters c) = "insufficient arguments (need "++show c++")" usageErrorMessage (TooManyOf n xs) = n ++" can be specified only once" usageErrorMessage (Missing ns) = "missing: "++intercalate ", " ns usageErrorMessage (ChooseOne nss) = "choose one of: "++intercalate ", " (map (intercalate " ") nss) usageErrorMessage (Misunderstood ns) = "unrecognized: "++intercalate ", " ns usageErrorMessage (Incompatible nss) = intercalate " and " (map (intercalate " ") nss) ++ " cannot be used together" {- rankError :: UsageError -> Int rankError (NamedFailure _ e) = rankError e rankError (TooManyParameters _) = 0 rankError (InsufficientParameters _) = 1 rankError (TooManyOf _ xs) = 1 rankError (Missing _) = 2 rankError (ChooseOne _) = 2 rankError (Misunderstood xs) = 2 + length xs rankError (Incompatible ys) = 2 + length ys tagError :: UsageError -> Int tagError (NamedFailure _ _) = 0 tagError (TooManyParameters _) = 1 tagError (InsufficientParameters _) = 2 tagError (TooManyOf _ _) = 3 tagError (Missing _) = 4 tagError (ChooseOne _) = 5 tagError (Misunderstood _) = 6 tagError (Incompatible _) = 7 missingWhat :: UsageError -> [[String]] missingWhat (Missing xs) = [xs] missingWhat (ChooseOne ys) = ys missingWhat (NamedFailure _ e) = missingWhat e missingWhat _ = [] misunderstoodWhat :: UsageError -> [String] misunderstoodWhat (Misunderstood xs) = xs misunderstoodWhat (Incompatible yss) = concatMap (take 1) yss misunderstoodWhat (NamedFailure _ e) = misunderstoodWhat e misunderstoodWhat _ = [] -} {- dead code tryCompute :: [(String,String)] -> [String] -> Computation a -> Either UsageError a tryCompute os us c@(Computation { compLabel = lbl }) | null lbl = tryCompute' os us c | otherwise = either (Left . NamedFailure lbl) Right $ tryCompute' os us c where tryCompute' os us c | not (null unused_os) = Left $ Misunderstood $ map fst unused_os | not (null missing) = Left $ Missing missing | not (null repss) = Left $ TooManyOf (fst $ head $ head repss) (map snd $ head repss) | ulen < clen = Left $ InsufficientParameters clen | ulen > clen = Left $ TooManyParameters (ulen - clen) | otherwise = Right $ compute c os us where (found, missing) = partition (\k -> k `elem` map fst os) $ consumedOptions c (used_os, unused_os) = partition (\(k,v) -> k `elem` consumedOptions c) os ulen = length us repss = filter (not . null . tail) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (comparing fst) used_os clen = case consumedParameters c of -1 -> ulen num -> num -} #if defined(VERSION_base) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn f = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x)) #endif #endif removeIntersection (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = removeIntersection xs ys | x < y = first (x :) $ removeIntersection xs (y:ys) | x > y = second (y :) $ removeIntersection (x:xs) ys removeIntersection [] ys = ([],ys) removeIntersection xs [] = (xs,[]) -- ordinary sorted list merge. mergeL :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] mergeL as bs = mergeLists (mergeData compare as bs) const as bs -- | runArgs -- -- (os,us) - named arguments(options, name-value pairs), and unnamed arguments -- c - expression tree (applicative functor) -- -- returns either a UsageError or a computed result (perhaps IO ()) -- -- Evaluate the given set of named and unnamed values and return -- the computed result or else indicate bad usage. -- -- 'parseInvocation' may be used on the results of 'System.Environment.getArgs' -- to obtain suitable input for this function. runArgs :: ([(String,[String])], [String]) -> Args a -> Either UsageError a runArgs (os,us) c | not (null bads) = Left $ Misunderstood $ map fst bads | not (null dups) = Left $ TooManyOf (fst $ head dups) (concat $ take 1 $ snd $ head dups) -- only reports first dup. | otherwise = makeError $ compute (expr c) (zipWith const [0..] (accepts c)) us where os' = sortOn fst os dups = mapMaybe notSingle $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) (os' :: [(String,[String])]) where notSingle [x] = Nothing notSingle ((k,v):xs) = Just (k,v : map snd xs) getbit = let r = Map.fromList $ zip (accepts c) [0..] in trace ("getbit = "++show r) r goods :: [(Int,[String])] (bads,goods) = let r = partitionEithers $ map f os' in trace ("(bads,goods)="++show r) r where f (k,v) = case Map.lookup k getbit of Just b -> Right (b,v) Nothing -> Left (k,v) valmap = IntMap.fromList goods namemap = IntMap.fromList $ zip [0..] (accepts c) vals = map snd goods ulen = length us makeError (_,Left e) = Left $ makeError' e where makeError' (Left xss) = Incompatible $ map (map (namemap IntMap.!)) xss makeError' (Right [xs]) = Missing $ map (namemap IntMap.!) xs makeError' (Right xss) = ChooseOne $ map (map (namemap IntMap.!)) xss makeError (i,Right v) | exactly ulen > sup i = Left $ TooManyParameters (ulen - superApprox (sup i)) | exactly ulen < inf i = Left $ InsufficientParameters (superApprox (inf i)) | otherwise = Right v -- On success, returns Right, otherwise: -- -- * @ Left (Right xss) @ - xss indicates unspecified required named-options. -- -- * @ Left (Left xss) @ - xss is a list of mutually-exclusive sets of specified options. -- compute :: Expr a -> [Int] -> [String] -> (Interval (SuperOrd Int), Either (Either [[Int]] [[Int]]) a) compute (Prim f i) opts us | null es = (i, Right $ f vals us ) | otherwise = (i, Left $ Right [es]) where (es,vals) = partitionEithers $ map (\k -> maybe (Left k) Right (k `IntMap.lookup` valmap)) opts compute (Star d f b) opts us = (max (inf fi) (inf bi) ... max (sup fi) (sup bi), r) where r = case (fres,bres) of (Right ff , Right bb) -> Right $ ff bb (Left e , Right _) -> Left e (Right _ , Left e) -> Left e (Left (Right ls) , Left (Right rs)) -> Left $ Right [ mergeL l r | l <- ls, r <- rs ] (Left (Left ls) , Left (Left rs)) -> Left $ Left (ls ++ rs) (Left e , Left (Right _)) -> Left e (Left (Right _) , Left e ) -> Left e (fopts,bopts) = splitLists d opts (fi,fres) = compute f fopts us (bi,bres) = compute b bopts us compute (Or d f g) opts us = case () of () | null fonly , null gonly , Left (Right fms) <- fr , Left (Right gms) <- gr -> (hi, Left $ Right $ fms ++ gms) () | Left (Left fss) <- fr , Left (Left gss) <- gr -> (hi, Left (Left (fss ++ gss))) () | null gonly, Left _ <- gr -> (fi,fr) () | null fonly, Left _ <- fr -> (gi,gr) () | null gonly, Right _ <- fr -> (fi,fr) () | null fonly, Right _ <- gr -> (gi,gr) () | Left (Left fss) <- fr -> (hi, Left (Left ( filter (not . null) (gonly : map (filter (not . (`elem` gopts))) fss)))) () | Left (Left gss) <- gr -> (hi, Left (Left ( filter (not . null) (fonly : map (filter (not . (`elem` fopts))) gss)))) () -> (hi, Left (Left [fonly,gonly])) where (fopts,gopts) = splitLists d opts (fonly,gonly) = (filterPresent *** filterPresent) $ removeIntersection fopts gopts filterPresent = filter (`IntMap.member` valmap) (fi,fr) = compute f fopts us (gi,gr) = compute g gopts us hi = hull fi gi compute Empty _ _ = error "CommandLine: empty evaluation" {- -- | Phase 2. Evaluate the given set of named and unnamed values and return -- the computed result or else indicate bad usage. -- -- 'parseInvocation' may be used on the results of 'System.Environment.getArgs' -- to obtain suitable input for this function. runArgsOlder :: ([(String,String)], [String]) -> ArgsOlder a -> Either UsageError a runArgsOlder (os,us) (ArgsOlder alts) | not (null rs) = Right $ head rs | not (null ls) = Left $ chooseError ls | otherwise = Right $ error $ show (length alts,ls) where recs = map (tryCompute os us) alts rs = rights recs ls = lefts recs -} {- chooseError :: [UsageError] -> UsageError chooseError ls = case span ((==2) . rankError) $ sortOn rankError ls of ([e],_) -> e (e:es,_) | overlap -> em | otherwise -> -- trace ("ms="++show ms) $ case findPartition ms of Just (xs@(_:_:_)) -> ChooseOne $ map return xs _ -> em where em:ems = sortBy (comparing (maximum . map length . missingWhat)) (e:es) ms = concatMap missingWhat (em:ems) mi = foldr1 intersect ms overlap = any null $ map (\\ mi) ms (_,e:es) -> case takeWhile ((>2) . rankError) (e:es) of [f] -> f f:fs -> -- trace ("ws="++show (w:ws)) case u of [_] -> f _ -> Incompatible u where u = foldr1 union $ w : takeWhile ((==wlen) . length) ws w:ws = map misunderstoodWhat (f:fs) wlen = length w [] -> e -} {- -- Given a collection of sets, return a list of unique reprasentative members. findPartition :: Eq x => [[x]] -> Maybe [x] findPartition yss = case sortBy (comparing length) yss of []:_ -> Nothing zss | not (null ds) -> Nothing | otherwise -> _findPartition ps es xss3 where (pss,xss0) = span isSingle zss isSingle [x] = True isSingle _ = False ps = foldr union [] pss xss1 = map (partition (`elem` ps)) xss0 (xss2,bs) = partition (null . fst) xss1 (cs,ds) = partition (null . drop 1 . fst) bs es = foldr union [] $ map snd cs xss3 = map snd xss2 _findPartition :: Eq x => [x] -> [x] -> [[x]] -> Maybe [x] _findPartition ps qs [] = Just ps _findPartition ps qs (xs:xss) | null cs = Nothing | otherwise = listToMaybe ss where cs = filter (not . flip elem qs) xs ts = init $ zipWith (\as (b:bs) -> (b,as++bs)) (inits cs) (tails cs) ss = mapMaybe (\(t,tqs) -> _findPartition (t:ps) (tqs++qs) (filter (not . elem t) xss)) ts -}