{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Kiki where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding import Data.ASN1.Encoding import Data.ASN1.Types import Data.Binary import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.OpenPGP import Data.OpenPGP.Util import Data.Ord import System.Directory import System.FilePath.Posix import System.IO import System.Posix.User import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as Base64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified SSHKey as SSH import CommandLine import KeyRing -- | -- Regenerate /var/cache/kiki refresh :: (FilePath -> FilePath) -> CommonArgsParsed -> IO () refresh root homepass = do let homepass' = homepass { cap_homespec = fmap root (cap_homespec homepass) } KikiResult r report <- runKeyRing $ minimalOp homepass' let mroot = case root "" of "/" -> Nothing "" -> Nothing pth -> Just pth case r of KikiSuccess rt -> refreshCache rt mroot _ -> return () -- XXX: silent fail? data CommonArgsParsed = CommonArgsParsed { cap_homespec :: Maybe String, cap_passfd :: Maybe InputFile } streaminfo :: StreamInfo streaminfo = StreamInfo { fill = KF_None , spill = KF_None , typ = KeyRingFile , initializer = NoCreate , access = AutoAccess , transforms = [] } minimalOp :: CommonArgsParsed -> KeyRingOperation minimalOp cap = op where streaminfo = StreamInfo { fill = KF_None , typ = KeyRingFile , spill = KF_All , initializer = NoCreate , access = AutoAccess , transforms = [] } op = KeyRingOperation { opFiles = Map.fromList $ [ ( HomeSec, streaminfo { access = Sec }) , ( HomePub, streaminfo { access = Pub }) ] , opPassphrases = do pfile <- maybeToList (cap_passfd cap) return $ PassphraseSpec Nothing Nothing pfile , opTransforms = [] , opHome = cap_homespec cap } run :: [String] -> Args (IO ()) -> IO () run args x = case runArgs (parseInvocation (uncurry fancy kikiOptions "") args) x of Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr $ usageErrorMessage e Right io -> io importAndRefresh :: (FilePath -> FilePath) -> CommonArgsParsed -> IO () importAndRefresh root cmn = do let rootdir = do guard (root "x" /= "x") Just $ root "" me <- getEffectiveUserID let noChrootArg = rootdir == Nothing bUnprivileged = (me/=0) && noChrootArg if rootdir==Just "" then error "--chroot requires an argument" else do let homespec = mplus (slash <$> rootdir <*> cap_homespec cmn) (fmap (++"/root/.gnupg") rootdir) sshkeygen size = Just $ concat [ "mkdir -p \"$(dirname $file)\" && " , "ssh-keygen -P \"\" -q -f $file -b " , show size ] mkdirFor path = do let dir = takeDirectory path -- putStrLn $ "mkdirFor " ++ show dir createDirectoryIfMissing True dir -- ssl = Just "mkdir -p \"$(dirname $file)\" && openssl genrsa -out $file 1024" (home,secring,pubring,mbwk) <- unconditionally $ getHomeDir homespec osHomeDir <- if bUnprivileged then getHomeDirectory else return "/root" -- Generate secring.gpg if it does not exist... gotsec <- doesFileExist secring when (not gotsec) $ do {- ssh-keygen to create master key... let mkpath = home ++ "/master-key" mkdirFor mkpath e <- systemEnv [ ("file",mkpath) ] (fromJust $ sshkeygen 4096) case e of ExitFailure num -> error "ssh-keygen failed to create master key" ExitSuccess -> return () [PEMPacket mk] <- readSecretPEMFile (ArgFile mkpath) writeInputFileL (InputFileContext secring pubring) HomeSec ( encode $ Message [mk { is_subkey = False }] ) -} master <- (\k -> k { is_subkey = False }) <$> generateKey (GenRSA $ 4096 `div` 8 ) mkdirFor secring writeInputFileL (InputFileContext secring pubring) HomeSec $ encode $ Message [master { is_subkey = False}] gotpub <- doesFileExist pubring when (not gotpub) $ do mkdirFor pubring writeInputFileL (InputFileContext secring pubring) HomePub ( encode $ Message [] ) -- Old paths.. -- -- Private -- pem tor /var/lib/tor/samizdat/private_key -- pem ssh-client %(home)/.ssh/id_rsa -- pem ssh-server /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -- pem ipsec /etc/ipsec.d/private/%(onion).pem -- Public -- ssh-client %(home)/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -- ssh-server /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub -- ipsec /etc/ipsec.d/certs/%(onion).pem -- First, we ensure that the tor key exists and is imported -- so that we know where to put the strongswan key. let passfd = cap_passfd cmn strm = StreamInfo { typ = KeyRingFile , fill = KF_None , spill = KF_All , access = AutoAccess , initializer = NoCreate , transforms = [] } buildStreamInfo rtyp ftyp = StreamInfo { typ = ftyp , fill = rtyp , spill = KF_All , access = AutoAccess , initializer = NoCreate , transforms = [] } peminfo bits usage = StreamInfo { typ = PEMFile , fill = KF_None -- KF_Match usage , spill = KF_Match usage , access = Sec , initializer = Internal (GenRSA $ bits `div` 8) , transforms = [] } sshcpath = fromMaybe "" rootdir ++ osHomeDir ++ ".ssh/id_rsa" sshspath = fromMaybe "" rootdir ++ "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" op = KeyRingOperation { opFiles = Map.fromList $ [ ( HomeSec, buildStreamInfo KF_All KeyRingFile ) , ( HomePub, (buildStreamInfo KF_All KeyRingFile) { access = Pub } ) , ( Generate 0 (GenRSA (1024 `div` 8)), strm { spill = KF_Match "tor" }) , ( Generate 1 (GenRSA (1024 `div` 8)), strm { spill = KF_Match "ipsec" }) , ( ArgFile sshcpath, (peminfo 2048 "ssh-client") ) , ( ArgFile sshspath, (peminfo 2048 "ssh-server") ) ] , opPassphrases = do pfd <- maybeToList passfd return $ PassphraseSpec Nothing Nothing pfd , opHome = homespec , opTransforms = [] } -- doNothing = return () nop = KeyRingOperation { opFiles = Map.empty , opPassphrases = do pfd <- maybeToList passfd return $ PassphraseSpec Nothing Nothing pfd , opHome=homespec, opTransforms = [] } -- if bUnprivileged then doNothing else mkdirFor torpath KikiResult rt report <- runKeyRing (if bUnprivileged then nop else op) forM_ report $ \(fname,act) -> do putStrLn $ fname ++ ": " ++ reportString act rt <- case rt of BadPassphrase -> error "Operation requires correct passphrase. (Hint: Use --passphrase-fd=0 to input it on stdin.)" _ -> unconditionally $ return rt when (not bUnprivileged) $ refreshCache rt rootdir refreshCache :: KeyRingRuntime -> Maybe FilePath -> IO () refreshCache rt rootdir = do let mkpath pth = fromMaybe "" rootdir ++ "/var/cache/kiki/"++pth write f bs = do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory f writeFile f bs let oname' = do wk <- rtWorkingKey rt -- XXX unnecessary signature check onionNameForContact (keykey wk) (rtKeyDB rt) bUnprivileged = False -- TODO if (oname' == Nothing) && (not bUnprivileged) then error "Missing tor key" else do let oname = fromMaybe "" oname' -- sshcpathpub0 = fromMaybe "" rootdir ++ osHomeDir ".ssh" "id_rsa.pub" -- sshspathpub0 = fromMaybe "" rootdir ++ "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub" -- contactipsec0 = fromMaybe "" rootdir ++ "/etc/ipsec.d/certs/%(onion).pem" -- Finally, export public keys if they do not exist. flip (maybe $ warn "missing working key?") (rtGrip rt) $ \grip -> do either warn (write $ mkpath "root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") $ show_ssh' "ssh-client" grip (rtKeyDB rt) either warn (write $ mkpath "ssh_host_rsa_key.pub") $ show_ssh' "ssh-server" grip (rtKeyDB rt) either warn (write $ mkpath "ipsec.d/certs/" ++ oname++".pem") $ show_pem' "ipsec" grip (rtKeyDB rt) pemFromPacket let cs = filter notme (Map.elems $ rtKeyDB rt) kk = keykey (fromJust $ rtWorkingKey rt) notme kd = keykey (keyPacket kd) /= kk installConctact kd = do -- The getHostnames command requires a valid cross-signed tor key -- for each onion name returned in (_,(ns,_)). let (_,(ns,_)) = getHostnames kd contactname = fmap Char8.unpack $ listToMaybe ns -- only first onion name. flip (maybe $ return ()) contactname $ \contactname -> do let cpath = interp (Map.singleton "onion" contactname) "ipsec.d/certs/%(onion).pem" their_master = packet $ keyMappedPacket kd -- We find all cross-certified ipsec keys for the given cross-certified onion name. ipsecs = sortOn (Down . timestamp) $ getCrossSignedSubkeys their_master (keySubKeys kd) "ipsec" forM_ (take 1 ipsecs) $ \k -> do either warn (write $ mkpath cpath) $ pemFromPacket k mapM_ installConctact cs #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn f = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x)) #endif pemFromPacket k = do let rsa = pkcs8 . fromJust $ rsaKeyFromPacket k der = encodeASN1 DER (toASN1 rsa []) qq = Base64.encode (L.unpack der) return $ writePEM "PUBLIC KEY" qq -- ("TODO "++show keyspec) show_pem keyspec wkgrip db = either warn putStrLn $ show_pem' keyspec wkgrip db pemFromPacket show_pem' keyspec wkgrip db keyfmt = do let s = parseSpec wkgrip keyspec flip (maybe . Left $ keyspec ++ ": not found") (selectPublicKey s db) keyfmt warn str = hPutStrLn stderr str show_ssh keyspec wkgrip db = either warn putStrLn $ show_ssh' keyspec wkgrip db show_ssh' keyspec wkgrip db = do let s = parseSpec wkgrip keyspec flip (maybe . Left $ keyspec ++ ": not found") (selectPublicKey s db) $ return . sshblobFromPacket -- | -- interpolate %var patterns in a string. interp vars raw = es >>= interp1 where gs = groupBy (\_ c -> c/='%') raw es = dropWhile null $ gobbleEscapes ("":gs) where gobbleEscapes :: [String] -> [String] gobbleEscapes (a:"%":b:bs) = (a++b) : gobbleEscapes bs gobbleEscapes (g:gs) = g : gobbleEscapes gs gobbleEscapes [] = [] interp1 ('%':'(':str) = fromMaybe "" (Map.lookup key vars) ++ drop 1 rest where (key,rest) = break (==')') str interp1 plain = plain sshblobFromPacket k = blob where Just (RSAKey (MPI n) (MPI e)) = rsaKeyFromPacket k bs = SSH.keyblob (n,e) blob = Char8.unpack bs replaceSshServerKeys root cmn = do let homepass' = cmn { cap_homespec = fmap root (cap_homespec cmn) } replaceSSH op = op { opFiles = files } where files = Map.adjust delssh HomeSec $ Map.adjust delssh HomePub $ Map.insert (ArgFile $ root "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key") strm $ opFiles op strm = streaminfo { typ = PEMFile, spill = KF_Match "ssh-server", access = Sec } delssh strm = strm { transforms = DeleteSubkeyByUsage "ssh-server" : transforms strm , fill = KF_All } KikiResult r report <- runKeyRing $ minimalOp homepass' case r of KikiSuccess rt -> Kiki.refreshCache rt $ case root "" of "/" -> Nothing "" -> Nothing pth -> Just pth err -> hPutStrLn stderr $ errorString err slash :: String -> String -> String slash "/" ('/':xs) = '/':xs slash "" ('/':xs) = '/':xs slash "" xs = '/':xs slash (y:ys) xs = y:slash ys xs ㄧchroot :: Args (FilePath -> FilePath) ㄧchroot = pure (\r a -> slash r a) <*> arg "--chroot" <|> pure id ㄧhomedir :: Args CommonArgsParsed ㄧhomedir = CommonArgsParsed <$> optional (arg "--homedir") <*> optional (FileDesc <$> read <$> arg "--passphrase-fd") kikiOptions :: ( [(String,Int)], [String] ) kikiOptions = ( ss, ps ) where ss = [("--chroot",1),("--passphrase-fd",1),("--homedir",1)] ps = []