{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module PacketTranscoder where import Debug.Trace import GHC.Stack import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.OpenPGP import Data.OpenPGP.Util import GnuPGAgent import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.Map as Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable import System.IO ( stderr) import System.Posix.IO ( fdToHandle ) import Text.Show.Pretty as PP ( ppShow ) import KeyRing.Types import ControlMaybe (handleIO_) -- | Merge two representations of the same key, prefering secret version -- because they have more information. mergeKeyPacket :: String -> MappedPacket -> MappedPacket -> MappedPacket mergeKeyPacket what key p = key { packet = minimumBy (keyCompare what) [packet key,packet p] , locations = Map.union (locations key) (locations p) } -- | Compare different versions if the same key pair. Public versions -- are considered greater. If the two packets do not represent the same -- key or the packets are not keys at all, an error will result that -- includes the context provided as the first argument. keyCompare :: String -> Packet -> Packet -> Ordering keyCompare what (SecretKeyPacket {}) (PublicKeyPacket {}) = LT keyCompare what (PublicKeyPacket {}) (SecretKeyPacket {}) = GT keyCompare what a b | keykey a==keykey b = EQ keyCompare what a b = error $ unlines ["Unable to merge "++what++":" , if isKey a then fingerprint a else "" , PP.ppShow a , if isKey b then fingerprint b else "" , PP.ppShow b ] resolveInputFile :: InputFileContext -> InputFile -> [FilePath] resolveInputFile ctx = resolve where resolve HomeSec = return (homesecPath ctx) resolve HomePub = return (homepubPath ctx) resolve (ArgFile f) = return f resolve _ = [] resolveForReport :: Maybe InputFileContext -> InputFile -> FilePath resolveForReport mctx (Pipe fdr fdw) = resolveForReport mctx (ArgFile str) where str = case (fdr,fdw) of (0,1) -> "-" _ -> "&pipe" ++ show (fdr,fdw) resolveForReport mctx (FileDesc fd) = resolveForReport mctx (ArgFile str) where str = "&" ++ show fd resolveForReport mctx f = concat $ resolveInputFile ctx f where ctx = fromMaybe (InputFileContext "&secret" "&public") mctx readInputFileS :: InputFileContext -> InputFile -> IO S.ByteString readInputFileS ctx (Pipe fd _) = fdToHandle fd >>= S.hGetContents readInputFileS ctx (FileDesc fd) = fdToHandle fd >>= S.hGetContents readInputFileS ctx inp = do let fname = resolveInputFile ctx inp fmap S.concat $ mapM S.readFile fname -- | Reads contents of an 'InputFile' or returns the cached content from a prior call. -- An optional prompt is provided and will be printed on stdout only in the case that -- the provided 'InputFile' is 'FileDesc' 0 (i.e. stdin). cachedContents :: Maybe S.ByteString -> InputFileContext -> InputFile -> IO (IO S.ByteString) cachedContents maybePrompt ctx fd = do ref <- newIORef Nothing return $ get maybePrompt ref fd where trimCR bs = fst $ S.spanEnd (\x -> x==10 || x==13) bs get maybePrompt ref fd = do pw <- readIORef ref flip (flip maybe return) pw $ do if fd == FileDesc 0 then case maybePrompt of Just prompt -> S.hPutStr stderr prompt Nothing -> return () else return () pw <- fmap trimCR $ readInputFileS ctx fd writeIORef ref (Just pw) return pw data PassphraseResponse = ObtainedPassphrase S.ByteString | CanceledPassphrase | NextPassphrase deriving Show type PassphraseSource = (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> MappedPacket -> [IO PassphraseResponse] interpretPassSpec :: InputFileContext -> (Maybe MappedPacket, Map.Map KeyKey (OriginMapped Query)) -> PassphraseSpec -> IO (KikiCondition (PassphraseSource, IO ()) ) interpretPassSpec ctx keys PassphraseSpec { passSpecPassFile = fd , passSpecKeySpec = keyspec , passSpecRingFile = inputfile } = do getpw <- cachedContents (Just "Enter possibly multi-line passphrase (Press CTRL-D when finished):\n") ctx fd let matchkey fp mp = matchpr fp (packet mp) == fp matchfile file mp = Map.member file (locations mp) specializers = [ fmap matchkey keyspec, fmap matchfile inputfile] specialize alg mp = if and $ map (\f -> f mp) $ catMaybes specializers then [ObtainedPassphrase <$> getpw] else [] return $ KikiSuccess (specialize, return ()) interpretPassSpec ctx keys PassphraseAgent = do mb <- session fromMaybe (return AgentConnectionFailure) $ do agent <- mb Just $ do let cacheSearch alg mp = case getQueries keys mp of [] -> [] kqry:qs -> -- trace ("queries="++show (kqry:qs)) $ map (sendQuery agent (AskNot,NextPassphrase)) (kqry:qs) ++ sendQuery agent (initial_ask,CanceledPassphrase) kqry : replicate 3 (sendQuery agent (AskAgain "Bad passphrase",CanceledPassphrase) kqry) where srcalg = symmetric_algorithm $ packet mp initial_ask | Unencrypted <- srcalg = AskNew | otherwise = AskExisting return $ KikiSuccess (cacheSearch, quit agent) sendQuery :: GnuPGAgent -> (QueryMode,PassphraseResponse) -> OriginMapped Query -> IO PassphraseResponse sendQuery agent (ask,failure) qry = do mbpw <- getPassphrase agent ask (packet qry) case mbpw of Nothing -> do S8.hPutStrLn stderr $ S8.pack $ "Failed to get passphrase "++show failure return failure Just pw -> do -- S8.hPutStrLn stderr $ S8.pack $ "received pw: "++pw return $ ObtainedPassphrase $ S8.pack pw getQueries :: (Maybe MappedPacket,Map KeyKey (OriginMapped Query)) -> OriginMapped Packet -> [OriginMapped Query] getQueries (workingkey,keys) mp = let kk = keykey $ packet mp in case Map.lookup kk keys of Just qryk -> case queryMainKey (packet qryk) of Just maink -> let kkmain = keykey maink in case Map.lookup kkmain keys of Just qrym -> qryk : qrym : (Map.elems . Map.delete kkmain . Map.delete kk) keys Nothing -> [ qryk ] Nothing -> [ qryk ] Nothing -> -- This is probably a newly imported key. We'll treat the current working key as it's main key. -- trace ("getQueries cache miss "++show (fingerprint $ packet mp)) [] let (qryk,qrym) = fromMaybe (Query (packet mp) "anonymous2" Nothing,Nothing) $ do guard $ is_subkey (packet mp) working <- fmap packet workingkey q <- Map.lookup (keykey working) keys return ( Query (packet mp) (queryUID $ packet q) (Just working), Just q) delm = case workingkey of Nothing -> id Just wk -> Map.delete (keykey $ packet wk) in [ fmap (const qryk) mp ] ++ maybeToList qrym ++ (Map.elems . delm . Map.delete kk) keys makeTranscoder :: IORef (Map.Map (KeyKey,SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) Packet) -> IO (KikiCondition (PassphraseSource, IO ())) -> ( (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> MappedPacket -> IO (KikiCondition Packet) ) -> ( (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> MappedPacket -> IO (KikiCondition Packet) ) makeTranscoder unkeysRef source next alg mp = do ssr <- source case ssr of KikiSuccess (getqs, quit) -> tries (quit >> next alg mp) $ getqs alg mp er -> return $ fmap (error "makeTranscoder") er where tries fin [] = fin tries fin (src:srcs) = do S8.hPutStrLn stderr "trying..." resp <- src case resp of CanceledPassphrase -> return OperationCanceled NextPassphrase -> tries fin srcs ObtainedPassphrase pw -> do let wkun = fromMaybe (packet mp) $ do guard $ symmetric_algorithm (packet mp) /= Unencrypted decryptSecretKey pw (packet mp) kk = keykey (packet mp) retryOrFail = tries fin srcs case symmetric_algorithm wkun of Unencrypted -> do modifyIORef unkeysRef (Map.insert (kk,Unencrypted,S2K 100 "") wkun) ek <- case fst alg of Unencrypted -> do S8.hPutStrLn stderr "decrypted packet" return $ Just wkun _ -> encryptSecretKey pw (snd alg) (fst alg) wkun case ek of Nothing -> do S8.hPutStrLn stderr "failed to encrypt" retryOrFail Just wken -> do S8.hPutStrLn stderr "success encrypted" let (a,s) = alg modifyIORef unkeysRef (Map.insert (kk,a,s) wken) return $ KikiSuccess wken _ -> do S8.hPutStrLn stderr "failed to decrypt" retryOrFail normalizeAlgorithm :: (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) normalizeAlgorithm (Unencrypted,_) = (Unencrypted,S2K 100 "") normalizeAlgorithm alg = alg transcodeWithCache :: IORef (Map (KeyKey, SymmetricAlgorithm, S2K) Packet) -> ( (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> MappedPacket -> IO (KikiCondition Packet) ) -> ( (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> MappedPacket -> IO (KikiCondition Packet) ) transcodeWithCache unkeysRef miss alg0 mp@MappedPacket{ packet = wk } = do let alg = normalizeAlgorithm alg0 unkeys <- readIORef unkeysRef calls <- currentCallStack putStrLn $ concat [fingerprint wk," ", show (symmetric_algorithm wk,s2k wk)," --> ",show alg] mapM_ putStrLn calls if (symmetric_algorithm wk,s2k wk) == alg then return (KikiSuccess wk) else maybe (miss alg mp) (return . KikiSuccess) $ Map.lookup (keykey wk,fst alg, snd alg) unkeys tryInOrder [] _ _ = return BadPassphrase tryInOrder [f] alg mp = f alg mp tryInOrder (f:fs) alg mp = do r <- f alg mp case r of KikiSuccess _ -> return r e -> do S8.hPutStrLn stderr $ S8.pack ("got "++errorString e++", trying next") tryInOrder fs alg mp -- The transcoder works on 'MappedPacket' instead of 'Packet' so that -- file-specific passphrases can be utilized. makeMemoizingDecrypter :: KeyRingOperation -> InputFileContext -> (Maybe MappedPacket, Map.Map KeyKey (OriginMapped Query)) -> IO PacketTranscoder makeMemoizingDecrypter operation ctx (workingkey,keys) = do unkeysRef <- newIORef (Map.empty :: Map.Map (KeyKey,SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) Packet) return $ tryInOrder $ map passSpecTranscoder chains ++ [ trans unkeysRef ] where (chains,passpecs) = span isChain $ sort $ opPassphrases operation where isChain (PassphraseMemoizer {}) = True isChain _ = False srcs = map (interpretPassSpec ctx (workingkey,keys)) passpecs trans unkeysRef = transcodeWithCache unkeysRef (foldr (makeTranscoder unkeysRef) (\_ _ -> return BadPassphrase) srcs) keyQueries :: Maybe String -> Map InputFile (StreamInfo,Message) -> (Maybe MappedPacket, Map KeyKey (OriginMapped Query)) keyQueries grip ringPackets = (mwk, fmap makeQuery keys) where makeQuery (maink,mp,us) = mp { packet = q } where q = Query { queryPacket = packet mp , queryUID = concat $ take 1 $ Map.keys $ Map.union us (getUIDS maink) , queryMainKey = if is_subkey (packet mp) then maink `mplus` fmap packet mwk else Nothing } getUIDS maink = fromMaybe Map.empty $ do k <- maink (_,_,mus) <- Map.lookup (keykey k) keys return mus -- | mwk -- first master key matching the provided grip -- (the m is for "MappedPacket", wk for working key) mwk :: Maybe MappedPacket mwk = listToMaybe $ do fp <- maybeToList grip let matchfp mp | not (is_subkey p) && matchpr fp p == fp = Just mp | otherwise = Nothing where p = packet mp Map.elems $ Map.mapMaybe matchfp $ fmap (\(_,p,_) -> p) $ keys keys = Map.foldl slurpkeys Map.empty $ Map.mapWithKey filterSecrets ringPackets where filterSecrets :: InputFile -> (a,Message) -> [[MappedPacket]] filterSecrets f (_,Message ps) = keygroups -- filter (isSecretKey . packet) mps where mps = zipWith (mappedPacketWithHint fname) ps [1..] fname = resolveForReport Nothing f -- (Just ctx) f keygroups = dropWhile (not . isSecretKey . packet . head) $ groupBy (const $ not . isSecretKey . packet) mps slurpkeys :: (Map KeyKey (Maybe Packet,MappedPacket,Map String [Packet])) -> [[MappedPacket]] -> (Map KeyKey (Maybe Packet, MappedPacket,Map String [Packet])) slurpkeys m pss = Map.unionWith combineKeyKey m m2 where m2 :: Map.Map KeyKey (Maybe Packet, MappedPacket, (Map.Map String [Packet])) m2 = Map.fromList $ drop 1 $ scanl' build failure pss where failure = ( error "bug in PacketTranscoder(3)" , (Nothing,error "bug in PacketTranscoder (1)" , error "bug in PacketTranscoder (2)") ) build (_,(main0,_,_)) ps = (kk,(main,kp,uidmap ps')) where main | is_subkey (packet kp) = main0 | otherwise = Just $ packet kp (kpkt,ps') = splitAt 1 ps kp = head kpkt kk = keykey . packet $ kp combineKeyKey (master1,mp,um) (master2,mp2,um2) = (master1 `mplus` master2,mp,Map.unionWith (++) um um2) uidmap ps = um2 where ugs = dropWhile (not . isUserID . packet .head) $ groupBy (const $ not . isUserID . packet) ps um2 = Map.fromList $ map (\(MappedPacket (UserIDPacket s) _:sigs)->(s,takeWhile isSignaturePacket $ map packet sigs)) ugs