if (IOS) include (Depends-iOS.cmake) return () endif () find_package (PkgConfig) find_program (MESON_EXECUTABLE meson DOC "Meson build system") find_program (NINJA_EXECUTABLE ninja DOC "Ninja build tool") include (ExternalProject) set (_dependsToBuild) if (ENABLE_HARFBUZZ AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/harfbuzz/CMakeLists.txt) # Find HarfBuzz with pkg-config. if (NOT ENABLE_HARFBUZZ_MINIMAL AND PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules (HARFBUZZ IMPORTED_TARGET harfbuzz) endif () if (ENABLE_HARFBUZZ_MINIMAL OR NOT HARFBUZZ_FOUND) # Build HarfBuzz with minimal dependencies. if (MESON_EXECUTABLE AND NINJA_EXECUTABLE) set (_dst ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/harfbuzz) ExternalProject_Add (harfbuzz-ext PREFIX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/harfbuzz-ext SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/harfbuzz CONFIGURE_COMMAND NINJA=${NINJA_EXECUTABLE} ${MESON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/harfbuzz -Dbuildtype=release -Ddefault_library=both -Dlibdir=lib -Dtests=disabled -Dglib=disabled -Dgobject=disabled -Dcairo=disabled -Dicu=disabled -Dfreetype=disabled -Ddocs=disabled --prefix ${_dst} BUILD_COMMAND ${NINJA_EXECUTABLE} install INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) list (APPEND _dependsToBuild harfbuzz-ext) add_library (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE) target_include_directories (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE ${_dst}/include/harfbuzz) if (MSYS) # Link dynamically. target_link_libraries (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE -L${_dst}/lib harfbuzz) install (PROGRAMS ${_dst}/bin/msys-harfbuzz-0.dll DESTINATION .) else () if (APPLE) target_link_libraries (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE ${_dst}/lib/libharfbuzz.0.dylib) target_link_libraries (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE c++) else () target_link_libraries (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE ${_dst}/lib/libharfbuzz.a) target_link_libraries (harfbuzz-lib INTERFACE stdc++) endif () endif () set (HARFBUZZ_FOUND YES) else () # Try the CMake instead. set (HB_BUILD_SUBSET OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set (HB_HAVE_CORETEXT OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set (HB_HAVE_FREETYPE OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set (HB_HAVE_GLIB OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set (HB_HAVE_GOBJECT OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set (HB_HAVE_ICU OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set (SKIP_INSTALL_ALL YES CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) add_subdirectory (${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/harfbuzz) set (HARFBUZZ_LIBRARIES harfbuzz) # HarfBuzz is C++ so must link with the standard library. if (APPLE) list (APPEND HARFBUZZ_LIBRARIES c++) else () list (APPEND HARFBUZZ_LIBRARIES stdc++) endif () set (HARFBUZZ_FOUND YES) set (SKIP_INSTALL_ALL NO CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) endif () endif () endif () if (ENABLE_FRIBIDI AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/fribidi) # Find FriBidi with pkg-config. if (NOT ENABLE_FRIBIDI_BUILD AND PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules (FRIBIDI IMPORTED_TARGET fribidi) endif () if (ENABLE_FRIBIDI_BUILD OR NOT FRIBIDI_FOUND) # Build FriBidi with Meson. set (_dst ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/fribidi) if (MESON_EXECUTABLE AND NINJA_EXECUTABLE) ExternalProject_Add (fribidi-ext PREFIX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fribidi-ext SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/fribidi CONFIGURE_COMMAND NINJA=${NINJA_EXECUTABLE} ${MESON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/fribidi -Dbuildtype=release -Ddefault_library=static -Dtests=false -Ddocs=false -Dbin=false -Dc_flags=-Wno-macro-redefined -Dlibdir=lib --prefix ${_dst} BUILD_COMMAND ${NINJA_EXECUTABLE} install INSTALL_COMMAND "" BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${_dst}/lib/libfribidi.a ) list (APPEND _dependsToBuild fribidi-ext) else () message (FATAL_ERROR "GNU FriBidi must be built with Meson. Please install Meson and Ninja and try again, or provide FriBidi via pkg-config.") endif () add_library (fribidi-lib INTERFACE) target_include_directories (fribidi-lib INTERFACE ${_dst}/include) target_link_libraries (fribidi-lib INTERFACE ${_dst}/lib/libfribidi.a) set (FRIBIDI_FOUND YES) endif () endif () add_custom_target (ext-deps DEPENDS ${_dependsToBuild}) if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/the_Foundation/CMakeLists.txt) set (INSTALL_THE_FOUNDATION YES) find_package (the_Foundation REQUIRED) else () if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/the_Foundation/.git) # the_Foundation is checked out as a submodule, make sure it's up to date. find_package (Git) if (GIT_FOUND) execute_process ( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE subout OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if (subout) message (FATAL_ERROR "'lib/the_Foundation' Git submodule has been updated, please re-run CMake.\n") endif () endif () endif () set (INSTALL_THE_FOUNDATION OFF) set (TFDN_STATIC_LIBRARY ON CACHE BOOL "") set (TFDN_ENABLE_INSTALL OFF CACHE BOOL "") set (TFDN_ENABLE_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "") set (TFDN_ENABLE_WEBREQUEST OFF CACHE BOOL "") add_subdirectory (lib/the_Foundation) add_library (the_Foundation::the_Foundation ALIAS the_Foundation) if (NOT OPENSSL_FOUND) message (FATAL_ERROR "Lagrange requires OpenSSL for TLS. Please check if pkg-config can find 'openssl'.") endif () if (NOT ZLIB_FOUND) message (FATAL_ERROR "Lagrange requires zlib for reading compressed archives. Please check if pkg-config can find 'zlib'.") endif () endif () find_package (PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules (SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2) pkg_check_modules (MPG123 IMPORTED_TARGET libmpg123) pkg_check_modules (WEBP IMPORTED_TARGET libwebp)