msgid "doc.pre.nocaption" msgstr "Preformatted text without a caption" # Link download progress message. msgid "doc.fetching" msgstr "Fetching" # Inline download status message. msgid "" msgstr "Download will be cancelled if this tab is closed." # Inline download status message. msgid "" msgstr "Download completed." # Used in inline audio player metadata popup. msgid "audio.meta.title" msgstr "Title" # Used in inline audio player metadata popup. msgid "audio.meta.artist" msgstr "Artist" # Used in inline audio player metadata popup. msgid "audio.meta.genre" msgstr "Genre" # Used in inline audio player metadata popup. msgid "" msgstr "Date" # used as adjective, n is 8, 16, 24, 32, or 64 #, c-format msgid "n.bit" msgstr "%d-bit" msgid "numbertype.integer" msgstr "integer" msgid "numbertype.float" msgstr "float" # Hertz, unit for frequency values msgid "hz" msgstr "Hz" # Used in about:feeds. msgid "feeds.list.title" msgstr "Feed entries" #, c-format msgid "feeds.list.counts" msgid_plural "feeds.list.counts.n" msgstr[0] "You are subscribed to %zu feed that contains %%s.\n" msgstr[1] "You are subscribed to %zu feeds that contain %%s.\n" #, c-format msgid "feeds.list.entrycount" msgid_plural "feeds.list.entrycount.n" msgstr[0] "a total of %zu entry" msgstr[1] "a total of %zu entries" msgid "" msgstr "The latest refresh occurred just a moment ago." #, c-format msgid "feeds.list.refreshtime" msgstr "The latest refresh occurred %s." #, c-format msgid "minutes.ago" msgid_plural "minutes.ago.n" msgstr[0] "%d minute ago" msgstr[1] "%d minutes ago" #, c-format msgid "hours.ago" msgid_plural "hours.ago.n" msgstr[0] "%d hour ago" msgstr[1] "%d hours ago" #, c-format msgid "days.ago" msgid_plural "days.ago.n" msgstr[0] "%d day ago" msgstr[1] "%d days ago" # Alt-text of the preformatted logo. msgid "about.logo" msgstr "ASCII art: the word \"Lagrange\" using a large font" msgid "about.tagline" msgstr "A Beautiful Gemini Client" msgid "about.version" msgstr "Version" msgid "about.powered" msgstr "Powered by SDL 2, OpenSSL, and ☕️" msgid "cancel" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "dismiss" msgstr "Dismiss" msgid "dlg.message.ok" msgstr "Continue" msgid "dlg.default" msgstr " OK " msgid "toggle.yes" msgstr "YES" msgid "" msgstr "NO" msgid "menu.title.file" msgstr "File" msgid "menu.title.edit" msgstr "Edit" msgid "menu.title.view" msgstr "View" msgid "menu.title.bookmarks" msgstr "Bookmarks" msgid "menu.title.identity" msgstr "Identity" msgid "" msgstr "Help" msgid "menu.newtab" msgstr "New Tab" msgid "menu.closetab" msgstr "Close Tab" msgid "menu.closetab.other" msgstr "Close Other Tabs" msgid "menu.closetab.left" msgstr "Close Tabs To Left" msgid "menu.closetab.right" msgstr "Close Tabs To Right" msgid "menu.duptab" msgstr "Duplicate Tab" msgid "menu.openlocation" msgstr "Open Location…" msgid "menu.find" msgstr "Find on Page" msgid "" msgstr "Find" # Used on iOS. "Files" refers to Apple's iOS app where you can pick an iCloud folder. msgid "" msgstr "Save to Files" # Used on desktop operating systems. "Downloads" refers to the user's configured downloads directory. msgid "" msgstr "Save to Downloads" msgid "menu.sidebar" msgstr "Toggle Sidebar" msgid "menu.sidebar.left" msgstr "Toggle Left Sidebar" msgid "menu.sidebar.right" msgstr "Toggle Right Sidebar" msgid "" msgstr "Zoom In" msgid "menu.zoom.out" msgstr "Zoom Out" msgid "menu.zoom.reset" msgstr "Reset Zoom" msgid "menu.bookmarks.list" msgstr "List All Bookmarks" msgid "" msgstr "List All" msgid "menu.bookmarks.bytag" msgstr "List Bookmarks by Tag" msgid "" msgstr "List by Tag" msgid "menu.bookmarks.bytime" msgstr "List Bookmarks by Creation Time" msgid "" msgstr "List by Creation Time" msgid "menu.feeds.entrylist" msgstr "Show Feed Entries" msgid "menu.preferences" msgstr "Preferences…" msgid "" msgstr "Help" msgid "menu.releasenotes" msgstr "Release Notes" msgid "menu.quit" msgstr "Quit Lagrange" msgid "menu.cut" msgstr "Cut" msgid "menu.copy" msgstr "Copy" msgid "menu.paste" msgstr "Paste" msgid "" msgstr "Clear Selection" # Used in the Edit menu on macOS. Note: could be replaced with msgid "menu.copy.pagelink" msgstr "Copy Link to Page" # Used in the View menu on macOS. Shows sidebar and switches sidebar tab. msgid "" msgstr "Show Bookmarks" # Used in the View menu on macOS. Shows sidebar and switches sidebar tab. msgid "" msgstr "Show Feeds" # Used in the View menu on macOS. Shows sidebar and switches sidebar tab. msgid "" msgstr "Show History" # Used in the View menu on macOS. Shows sidebar and switches sidebar tab. msgid "" msgstr "Show Identities" # Used in the View menu on macOS. Shows sidebar and switches sidebar tab. msgid "" msgstr "Show Page Outline" msgid "menu.back" msgstr "Go Back" msgid "menu.forward" msgstr "Go Forward" msgid "menu.parent" msgstr "Go to Parent" msgid "menu.root" msgstr "Go to Root" msgid "menu.reload" msgstr "Reload Page" msgid "menu.autoreload" msgstr "Set Auto-Reload…" msgid "" msgstr "Bookmark Page…" msgid "" msgstr "Subscribe to Page…" msgid "menu.aboutpages" msgstr "About Pages" msgid "menu.about" msgstr "About" msgid "panel.back" msgstr "Back" msgid "menu.debug" msgstr "Debug Information" msgid "menu.import.links" msgstr "Import All Links on Page…" msgid "" msgstr "Import Links as Bookmarks…" msgid "" msgstr "Translate…" msgid "" msgstr "Copy Page URL" msgid "" msgstr "Copy Page Source" msgid "menu.bookmarks.refresh" msgstr "Refresh Remote Bookmarks" msgid "menu.feeds.refresh" msgstr "Refresh Feeds" msgid "" msgstr "New Identity…" msgid "menu.identity.import" msgstr "Import…" msgid "menu.identity.notactive" msgstr "No Active Identity" msgid "sidebar.bookmarks" msgstr "Bookmarks" msgid "sidebar.feeds" msgstr "Feeds" msgid "sidebar.history" msgstr "History" msgid "sidebar.identities" msgstr "Identities" msgid "sidebar.outline" msgstr "Outline" msgid "sidebar.action.feeds.showall" msgstr "All" msgid "sidebar.action.feeds.showunread" msgstr "Unread" msgid "" msgstr "New…" msgid "sidebar.action.ident.import" msgstr "Import…" # Usage: "(count) Unread" in the sidebar tab title, referring to feed entries. msgid "sidebar.unread" msgid_plural "sidebar.unread.n" msgstr[0] "Unread" msgstr[1] "Unread" msgid "toolbar.outline" msgstr "Page Outline" msgid "hint.findtext" msgstr "Find text on page" msgid "status.query" msgstr "Search Query" msgid "status.feeds" msgstr "Updating Feeds" # megabytes, used as the unit after a number msgid "mb" msgstr "MB" msgid "mb.per.sec" msgstr "MB/s" # kilobytes, used as the unit after a number msgid "kb" msgstr "KB" msgid "num.bytes" msgid_plural "num.bytes.n" msgstr[0] "%zu byte" msgstr[1] "%zu bytes" # strftime() formatted, split on two lines #, c-format msgid "page.timestamp" msgstr "Received at %I:%M %p\non %b %d, %Y" # strftime() formatted #, c-format msgid "" msgstr "%b. %d" # strftime() formatted #, c-format msgid "" msgstr "%b. %d, %Y" msgid "" msgstr "Today" msgid "feeds.entry.newtab" msgstr "Open Entry in New Tab" msgid "feeds.entry.markread" msgstr "Mark as Read" msgid "feeds.entry.markunread" msgstr "Mark as Unread" msgid "sidebar.entry.bookmark" msgstr "Add Bookmark…" msgid "feeds.entry.bookmark" msgstr "Add Bookmark…" msgid "feeds.entry.openfeed" msgstr "Open Feed Page" msgid "feeds.edit" msgstr "Edit Feed…" msgid "feeds.unsubscribe" msgstr "Unsubscribe…" msgid "feeds.markallread" msgstr "Mark All as Read" msgid "feeds.refresh" msgstr "Refresh Feeds" msgid "menu.opentab" msgstr "Open in New Tab" msgid "menu.opentab.background" msgstr "Open in Background Tab" msgid "menu.edit" msgstr "Edit…" msgid "menu.dup" msgstr "Duplicate…" msgid "menu.copyurl" msgstr "Copy URL" msgid "menu.forgeturl" msgstr "Forget URL" msgid "history.clear" msgstr "Clear History…" msgid "heading.history.clear" msgstr "CLEAR HISTORY" msgid "dlg.confirm.history.clear" msgstr "Do you really want to erase the history of all visited pages?" msgid "dlg.history.clear" msgstr "Clear History" msgid "bookmark.tag.home" msgstr "Use as Homepage" msgid "bookmark.tag.sub" msgstr "Subscribe to Feed" msgid "bookmark.tag.remote" msgstr "Use as Bookmark Source" msgid "bookmark.untag.home" msgstr "Remove Homepage" msgid "bookmark.untag.sub" msgstr "Unsubscribe from Feed" msgid "bookmark.untag.remote" msgstr "Remove Bookmark Source" msgid "bookmark.delete" msgstr "Delete Bookmark" msgid "bookmarks.reload" msgstr "Refresh Remote Sources" msgid "ident.using" msgstr "Using on this page" msgid "ident.notused" msgstr "Not used" #, c-format msgid "ident.usedonurls" msgid_plural "ident.usedonurls.n" msgstr[0] "Used on %zu URL" msgstr[1] "Used on %zu URLs" msgid "ident.temporary" msgstr "Temporary" # strftime() formatted #, c-format msgid "ident.expiry" msgstr "Expires %b %d, %Y" msgid "ident.use" msgstr "Use on This Page" msgid "ident.stopuse" msgstr "Stop Using on This Page" msgid "ident.stopuse.all" msgstr "Stop Using Everywhere" msgid "ident.showuse" msgstr "Show Usage" msgid "heading.ident.use" msgstr "IDENTITY USAGE" msgid "menu.edit.notes" msgstr "Edit Notes…" msgid "heading.ident.notes" msgstr "IDENTITY NOTES" # %s refers to name of an identity. #, c-format msgid "dlg.ident.notes" msgstr "Notes about %s:" msgid "ident.fingerprint" msgstr "Copy Fingerprint" msgid "ident.delete" msgstr "Delete Identity…" msgid "heading.ident.delete" msgstr "DELETE IDENTITY" #, c-format msgid "dlg.confirm.ident.delete" msgstr "Do you really want to delete the identity\n%s%s%s\nincluding its certificate and private key files?" msgid "dlg.ident.delete" msgstr "Delete Identity and Files" msgid "sidebar.empty.idents" msgstr "No Identities" # The %s format characters are used to highlight the word "Help" and must be used in the translation in same way as here. #, c-format msgid "ident.gotohelp" msgstr "See %sHelp%s for more information about TLS client certificates." msgid "heading.unsub" msgstr "UNSUBSCRIBE" #, c-format msgid "dlg.confirm.unsub" msgstr "Really unsubscribe from feed\n\"%s\"?" msgid "dlg.unsub" msgstr "Unsubscribe" #, c-format msgid "error.unsupported.suggestsave" msgstr "You can save it as a file to your Downloads folder, though. Press %s or select \"%s\" from the menu." msgid "heading.pageinfo" msgstr "PAGE INFORMATION" msgid "pageinfo.header.cached" msgstr "(cached content)" msgid "pageinfo.cert.status" msgstr "Certificate Status:" msgid "" msgstr "Verified by CA" msgid "" msgstr "Not verified by CA" msgid "pageinfo.cert.notexpired" msgstr "Not expired" msgid "pageinfo.cert.expired" msgstr "Expired" msgid "pageinfo.cert.trusted" msgstr "Trusted" msgid "pageinfo.cert.untrusted" msgstr "Not trusted" msgid "pageinfo.domain.match" msgstr "Domain name matches" msgid "pageinfo.domain.mismatch" msgstr "Domain name mismatch" msgid "" msgstr "Trust" msgid "dlg.cert.fingerprint" msgstr "Copy Fingerprint" #, c-format msgid "dlg.input.prompt" msgstr "Please enter input for %s:" msgid "dlg.input.send" msgstr "Send" msgid "" msgstr "FILE SAVED" msgid "" msgstr "PAGE INCOMPLETE" msgid "" msgstr "The page contents are still being downloaded." msgid "" msgstr "Size:" msgid "" msgstr "ERROR SAVING FILE" msgid "heading.import.bookmarks" msgstr "IMPORT BOOKMARKS" #, c-format msgid "dlg.import.found" msgid_plural "dlg.import.found.n" msgstr[0] "Found one new link on the page." msgstr[1] "Found %d new links on the page." #, c-format msgid "dlg.import.add" msgid_plural "dlg.import.add.n" msgstr[0] "%sAdd Bookmark" msgstr[1] "%sAdd %d Bookmarks" msgid "dlg.import.notnew" msgstr "All links on this page are already bookmarked." msgid "heading.autoreload" msgstr "AUTO-RELOAD" msgid "dlg.autoreload" msgstr "Select the auto-reload interval for this tab." msgid "reload.never" msgstr "Never" msgid "reload.onceperday" msgstr "Once per day" #, c-format msgid "num.minutes" msgid_plural "num.minutes.n" msgstr[0] "%d minute" msgstr[1] "%d minutes" #, c-format msgid "num.hours" msgid_plural "num.hours.n" msgstr[0] "%d hour" msgstr[1] "%d hours" msgid "link.newtab" msgstr "Open Link in New Tab" msgid "link.newtab.background" msgstr "Open Link in Background Tab" msgid "link.browser" msgstr "Open Link in Default Browser" msgid "link.noproxy" msgstr "Open without Proxy" msgid "link.copy" msgstr "Copy Link" msgid "link.bookmark" msgstr "Bookmark Link…" msgid "" msgstr "Download Linked File" msgid "heading.openlink" msgstr "OPEN LINK" #, c-format msgid "dlg.openlink.confirm" msgstr "Open this link in the default browser?\n%s%s" msgid "dlg.openlink" msgstr "Open Link" msgid "heading.certwarn" msgstr "UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE" #, c-format msgid "dlg.certwarn.mayberenewed" msgid_plural "dlg.certwarn.mayberenewed.n" msgstr[0] "The received certificate may have been recently renewed — it is for the correct domain and has not expired. The currently trusted certificate will expire on %s, in one day." msgstr[1] "The received certificate may have been recently renewed — it is for the correct domain and has not expired. The currently trusted certificate will expire on %s, in %d days." msgid "dlg.certwarn.different" msgstr "The received certificate is valid but different than the one we trust." #, c-format msgid "dlg.certwarn.expired" msgstr "The received certificate has expired on %s." msgid "dlg.certwarn.domain" msgstr "The received certificate is for the wrong domain (%s). This may be a server configuration problem." msgid "dlg.certwarn.domain.expired" msgstr "The received certificate is expired AND for the wrong domain." msgid "heading.certimport" msgstr "IMPORT IDENTITY" msgid "" msgstr "Paste a PEM-encoded certificate and/or private key,\nor drop a .crt/.key file on the window." msgid "dlg.certimport.notfound" msgstr "No certificate or private key was found." msgid "" msgstr "No certificate/key found on the current page." msgid "heading.certimport.pasted" msgstr "PASTED FROM CLIPBOARD" msgid "heading.certimport.dropped" msgstr "DROPPED FILE" msgid "dlg.certimport.import" msgstr "Import" msgid "dlg.certimport.notes" msgstr "Notes:" msgid "hint.certimport.description" msgstr "description" msgid "dlg.certimport.nocert" msgstr "No Certificate" msgid "dlg.certimport.nokey" msgstr "No Private Key" msgid "" msgstr "Play Audio" msgid "link.hint.image" msgstr "View Image" msgid "bookmark.title.blank" msgstr "Blank Page" # Interpret as "Results from bookmarks..." msgid "heading.lookup.bookmarks" msgstr "BOOKMARKS" # Interpret as "Results from feeds..." msgid "heading.lookup.feeds" msgstr "FEEDS" # Interpret as "Results from history..." msgid "heading.lookup.history" msgstr "HISTORY" # Interpret as "Results from page content..." msgid "heading.lookup.pagecontent" msgstr "PAGE CONTENT" # Interpret as "Results from identitites..." msgid "heading.lookup.identities" msgstr "IDENTITIES" # Interpret as "Other results..." msgid "heading.lookup.other" msgstr "OTHER" msgid "heading.translate" msgstr "TRANSLATE PAGE" msgid "dlg.translate.unavail" msgstr "Service Unavailable" msgid "" msgstr "Request Failed" msgid "dlg.translate" msgstr "Translate" msgid "dlg.translate.from" msgstr "From:" msgid "" msgstr "To:" msgid "" msgstr "Arabic" msgid "lang.zh" msgstr "Chinese" msgid "lang.zh.hans" msgstr "Chinese (Simplified)" msgid "lang.zh.hant" msgstr "Chinese (Traditional)" msgid "" msgstr "German" msgid "lang.en" msgstr "English" msgid "" msgstr "Interlingue" msgid "" msgstr "Finnish" msgid "" msgstr "French" msgid "lang.hi" msgstr "Hindi" msgid "" msgstr "Italian" msgid "lang.ja" msgstr "Japanese" msgid "" msgstr "Portuguese" msgid "" msgstr "Russian" msgid "" msgstr "Spanish" msgid "" msgstr "Serbian" msgid "heading.newident" msgstr "NEW IDENTITY" msgid "dlg.newident.rsa.selfsign" msgstr "Creating a self-signed 2048-bit RSA certificate." msgid "dlg.newident.until" msgstr "Valid until:" msgid "" msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" msgid "hint.newident.optional" msgstr "optional" msgid "dlg.newident.commonname" msgstr "Common name:" msgid "dlg.newident.temp" msgstr "Temporary:" msgid "dlg.newident.notsaved" msgstr "not saved to disk" msgid "" msgstr "Email:" msgid "dlg.newident.userid" msgstr "User ID:" msgid "dlg.newident.domain" msgstr "Domain:" msgid "" msgstr "Organization:" msgid "" msgstr "Country:" msgid "dlg.newident.create" msgstr "Create Identity" msgid "heading.feedcfg" msgstr "FEED SETTINGS" msgid "heading.subscribe" msgstr "SUBSCRIBE TO PAGE" msgid "dlg.feed.title" msgstr "Title:" msgid "dlg.feed.entrytype" msgstr "Entry type:" msgid "dlg.feed.type.gemini" msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD Links" msgid "dlg.feed.type.headings" msgstr "New Headings" msgid "" msgstr "Save Settings" msgid "dlg.feed.sub" msgstr "Subscribe" msgid "heading.bookmark.add" msgstr "ADD BOOKMARK" msgid "heading.bookmark.edit" msgstr "EDIT BOOKMARK" msgid "" msgstr "Save Bookmark" msgid "dlg.bookmark.title" msgstr "Title:" msgid "dlg.bookmark.url" msgstr "URL:" msgid "dlg.bookmark.tags" msgstr "Tags:" msgid "dlg.bookmark.icon" msgstr "Icon:" msgid "heading.prefs" msgstr "PREFERENCES" msgid "heading.prefs.certs" msgstr "CERTIFICATES" # tab button msgid "heading.prefs.colors" msgstr "Colors" msgid "heading.prefs.fonts" msgstr "FONTS" # tab button msgid "heading.prefs.general" msgstr "General" # tab button msgid "heading.prefs.interface" msgstr "Interface" # tab button msgid "heading.prefs.keys" msgstr "Keys" # tab button msgid "" msgstr "Network" msgid "heading.prefs.paragraph" msgstr "PARAGRAPH" msgid "heading.prefs.pagecontent" msgstr "PAGE CONTENT" msgid "heading.prefs.proxies" msgstr "PROXIES" msgid "heading.prefs.scrolling" msgstr "SCROLLING" msgid "heading.prefs.sizing" msgstr "SIZING" msgid "heading.prefs.widelayout" msgstr "WIDE LAYOUT" # tab button msgid "" msgstr "Style" # tab button msgid "heading.prefs.userinterface" msgstr "User Interface" msgid "prefs.downloads" msgstr "Downloads folder:" msgid "prefs.searchurl" msgstr "Search URL:" msgid "prefs.hoverlink" msgstr "Show URL on hover:" msgid "prefs.centershort" msgstr "Vertical centering:" msgid "prefs.collapsepreonload" msgstr "Collapse preformatted:" msgid "prefs.smoothscroll" msgstr "Smooth scrolling:" msgid "prefs.imageloadscroll" msgstr "Load image on scroll:" msgid "prefs.hidetoolbarscroll" msgstr "Hide toolbar on scroll:" msgid "prefs.ostheme" msgstr "Use system theme:" msgid "prefs.theme" msgstr "Theme:" msgid "" msgstr "Black" msgid "prefs.theme.dark" msgstr "Dark" msgid "prefs.theme.light" msgstr "Light" msgid "prefs.theme.white" msgstr "White" msgid "prefs.accent" msgstr "Accent color:" msgid "prefs.accent.teal" msgstr "Teal" msgid "" msgstr "Orange" msgid "prefs.uilang" msgstr "Language:" msgid "prefs.uiscale" msgstr "UI scale factor:" msgid "prefs.customframe" msgstr "Custom window frame:" msgid "prefs.retainwindow" msgstr "Retain placement:" msgid "prefs.sideicon" msgstr "Capsule icon:" msgid "prefs.doctheme.dark" msgstr "Dark theme:" msgid "prefs.doctheme.light" msgstr "Light theme:" msgid "" msgstr "Colorful Dark" msgid "" msgstr "Colorful Light" msgid "" msgstr "Black" msgid "" msgstr "Gray" msgid "" msgstr "White" msgid "" msgstr "Sepia" msgid "" msgstr "High Contrast" msgid "prefs.saturation" msgstr "Saturation:" msgid "prefs.headingfont" msgstr "Heading font:" msgid "prefs.font" msgstr "Body font:" msgid "prefs.mono" msgstr "Monospace body:" msgid "prefs.mono.gemini" msgstr "Gemini" msgid "prefs.mono.gopher" msgstr "Gopher" msgid "prefs.boldlink" msgstr "Bold links:" # Interpretation: (Bold links) on dark (background). msgid "prefs.boldlink.dark" msgstr "On Dark" # Interpretation: (Bold links) on light (background). msgid "prefs.boldlink.light" msgstr "On Light" msgid "prefs.linewidth" msgstr "Line width:" msgid "prefs.linewidth.normal" msgstr "Normal" msgid "prefs.linewidth.fill" msgstr "Fill" msgid "prefs.quoteicon" msgstr "Quote indicator:" msgid "prefs.quoteicon.icon" msgstr "\" Icon" msgid "prefs.quoteicon.line" msgstr "Line" msgid "prefs.biglede" msgstr "Big 1st paragaph:" msgid "prefs.plaintext.wrap" msgstr "Wrap plain text:" msgid "prefs.decodeurls" msgstr "Decode URLs:" msgid "prefs.cachesize" msgstr "Cache size:" msgid "" msgstr "CA file:" msgid "" msgstr "CA path:" msgid "prefs.proxy.gemini" msgstr "Gemini proxy:" msgid "prefs.proxy.gopher" msgstr "Gopher proxy:" msgid "prefs.proxy.http" msgstr "HTTP proxy:" msgid "menu.binding.reset" msgstr "Reset to Default" msgid "menu.binding.clear" msgstr "Remove" msgid "" msgstr "Jump to top" msgid "keys.bottom" msgstr "Jump to bottom" msgid "keys.scroll.up" msgstr "Scroll up" msgid "keys.scroll.down" msgstr "Scroll down" msgid "keys.scroll.halfpage.up" msgstr "Scroll up half a page" msgid "keys.scroll.halfpage.down" msgstr "Scroll down half a page" msgid "" msgstr "Scroll up a page" msgid "" msgstr "Scroll down a page" msgid "keys.back" msgstr "Go back" msgid "keys.forward" msgstr "Go forward" msgid "keys.parent" msgstr "Go to parent directory" msgid "keys.root" msgstr "Go to capsule root" msgid "keys.reload" msgstr "Reload page" msgid "" msgstr "Open link via modifier key" msgid "" msgstr "Open link via home row keys" msgid "" msgstr "Open link in new tab via home row keys" msgid "" msgstr "Hover on link via home row keys" msgid "" msgstr "Next set of home row key links" msgid "keys.bookmark.add" msgstr "Add bookmark" msgid "keys.subscribe" msgstr "Subscribe to page" msgid "keys.findtext" msgstr "Find text on page" msgid "" msgstr "Zoom in" msgid "keys.zoom.out" msgstr "Zoom out" msgid "keys.zoom.reset" msgstr "Reset zoom" msgid "keys.fullscreen" msgstr "Toggle fullscreen mode" msgid "" msgstr "New tab" msgid "" msgstr "Close tab" msgid "" msgstr "Previous tab" msgid "" msgstr "Next tab" msgid "keys.hoverurl" msgstr "Toggle show URL on hover" msgid "error.badstatus" msgstr "Unknown Status Code" msgid "error.badstatus.msg" msgstr "The server responded with a status code that is not in the Gemini protocol specification. Maybe the server is from the future? Or just malfunctioning." msgid "error.openfile" msgstr "Failed to Open File" msgid "error.openfile.msg" msgstr "The requested file does not exist or is inaccessible. Please check the file path." msgid "error.badresource" msgstr "Invalid Resource" msgid "error.badresource.msg" msgstr "The requested resource does not exist." msgid "" msgstr "Unsupported Content Type" msgid "" msgstr "The received content cannot be viewed with this application." msgid "error.unsupported.protocol" msgstr "Unsupported Protocol" msgid "error.unsupported.protocol.msg" msgstr "The requested protocol is not supported by this application." msgid "error.badheader" msgstr "Invalid Header" msgid "error.badheader.msg" msgstr "The received header does not conform to the Gemini protocol specification. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning, or you tried to contact a non-Gemini server." msgid "error.badredirect" msgstr "Invalid Redirect" msgid "error.badredirect.msg" msgstr "The server responded with a redirect but did not provide a valid destination URL. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning." msgid "error.schemeredirect" msgstr "Scheme-Changing Redirect" msgid "error.schemeredirect.msg" msgstr "The server attempted to redirect us to a URL whose scheme is different than the originating URL's scheme. Here is the link so you can open it manually if appropriate." msgid "error.manyredirects" msgstr "Too Many Redirects" msgid "error.manyredirects.msg" msgstr "You may be stuck in a redirection loop. The next redirected URL is below if you want to continue manually." msgid "error.tls" msgstr "Network/TLS Failure" msgid "error.tls.msg" msgstr "Failed to communicate with the server. Here is the error message:" msgid "error.temporary" msgstr "Temporary Failure" msgid "error.temporary.msg" msgstr "The request has failed, but may succeed if you try again in the future." msgid "error.unavail" msgstr "Server Unavailable" msgid "error.unavail.msg" msgstr "The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Check back later." msgid "error.cgi" msgstr "CGI Error" msgid "error.cgi.msg" msgstr "Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due to malfunctioning serverside software." msgid "error.proxy" msgstr "Proxy Error" msgid "error.proxy.msg" msgstr "A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Perhaps there are difficulties with network connectivity." msgid "error.slowdown" msgstr "Slow Down" msgid "error.slowdown.msg" msgstr "The server is rate limiting requests. Please wait…" msgid "error.permanent" msgstr "Permanent Failure" msgid "error.permanent.msg" msgstr "Your request has failed and will fail in the future as well if repeated." msgid "error.notfound" msgstr "Not Found" msgid "error.notfound.msg" msgstr "The requested resource could not be found at this time." msgid "error.gone" msgstr "Gone" msgid "error.gone.msg" msgstr "The requested resource is no longer available." msgid "error.proxyrefusal" msgstr "Proxy Request Refused" msgid "error.proxyrefusal.msg" msgstr "The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests." msgid "error.badrequest" msgstr "Bad Request" msgid "error.badrequest.msg" msgstr "The server did not understand your request." msgid "error.cert.needed" msgstr "Certificate Required" msgid "error.cert.needed.msg" msgstr "Access to the requested resource requires identification via a client certificate." msgid "error.cert.auth" msgstr "Certificate Not Authorized" msgid "error.cert.auth.msg" msgstr "The provided client certificate is valid but is not authorized for accessing the requested resource." msgid "error.cert.invalid" msgstr "Invalid Certificate" msgid "error.cert.invalid.msg" msgstr "The provided client certificate is expired or invalid."