% LAGRANGE(1) % Jaakko Keränen (jaakko.keranen@iki.fi) % January 2022 # NAME lagrange - a beautiful Gemini client # SYNOPSIS **lagrange** \[options\]\ \[_URL_\]...\ \[_FILE_\]... # DESCRIPTION Lagrange is a graphical client for the Gemini, Gopher, and Finger protocols. It offers modern conveniences familiar from web browsers, such as smooth scrolling, inline image viewing, multiple tabs, visual themes, Unicode fonts, and bookmarks. # OPTIONS When multiple URLs and/or local files are specified, they are opened in separate tabs. **-E**, **\--echo** : Print all internal application events to stdout. Useful for debugging. **\--help** : List the available command line options. **-u**, **\--url-or-search** _URL_ | _TEXT_ : Open a URL, or make a search query with given text. This only works if the search query URL has been configured. **-V**, **\--version** : Output the version number. ## Window options: **-h**, **\--height** _N_ : Set initial window height to _N_ pixels. **\--sw** : Disable hardware-accelerated rendering. **-w**, **\--width** _N_ : Set initial window width to _N_ pixels. ## Control options: These options are used to control the currently running Lagrange instance via the command line. **\--close-tab** : Close the current tab. **-L**, **\--list-tab-urls** : Print the URLs of open tabs to stdout. If the app isn't running, nothing is printed. **\--new-tab** [_URL_] : Open a new tab. If the URL argument is omitted, the user's homepage is opened. **\--tab-url** : Print the URL of the active tab. # ENVIRONMENT `LAGRANGE_OVERRIDE_DPI` : Override the autodetected screen DPI with a user-provided value. Some window systems and/or monitors may not provide an appropriate DPI value, so this enables further tuning the UI scaling in addition to the "UI scale factor" found in Preferences. # FILES User-specific files such as bookmarks and navigation history are stored in the following operating system dependent locations: - Windows: "C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Roaming\\fi.skyjake.Lagrange" - macOS: "~/Library/Application Support/fi.skyjake.Lagrange" - Other: "~/.config/lagrange" The directory contains: **bindings.txt** : Customized key bindings. **bookmarks.ini** : Bookmarks in TOML format. **feeds.txt** : State of subscribed feeds: all the known entries and latest update timestamps. **fonts.ini** : Custom fonts to load at launch. **idents.lgr** : Information about identities. **idents/** : Subdirectory containing client certificates and private keys in PEM format. **modmap.txt** : Customized keyboard modifier mapping. **mimehooks.txt** : Configuration of external programs to filter page contents depending on MIME type. **palette.txt** : Colors of the UI palette. **prefs.cfg** : User's preferences. This is a list of UI events that gets executed at launch (cf. output of **\--echo**). **state.lgr** : Serialized UI state, specifying open tabs and sidebar state. **sitespec.ini** : Site-specific preferences in TOML format. **trusted.2.txt** : Fingerprints of trusted server certificates. **visited.2.txt** : List of visited URLs with timestamps. # STANDARDS * [Gemini Protocol Specification](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/specification.gmi) * [Gempub Specification](https://codeberg.org/oppenlab/gempub) * [RFC 1436: The Internet Gopher Protocol](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1436) * [RFC 1288: The Finger User Information Protocol](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1288) # SEE ALSO Open "about:help" in the application to view the complete Help page.