#include "app.h" #include "embedded.h" #include "gmcerts.h" #include "gmutil.h" #include "history.h" #include "visited.h" #include "ui/command.h" #include "ui/window.h" #include "ui/inputwidget.h" #include "ui/labelwidget.h" #include "ui/documentwidget.h" #include "ui/util.h" #include "ui/text.h" #include "ui/color.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (iPlatformApple) && !defined (iPlatformIOS) # include "ui/macos.h" #endif iDeclareType(App) #if defined (iPlatformApple) #define EMB_BIN "../../Resources/resources.bin" static const char *dataDir_App_ = "~/Library/Application Support/fi.skyjake.Lagrange"; #endif #if defined (iPlatformMsys) #define EMB_BIN "../resources.bin" static const char *dataDir_App_ = "~/AppData/Roaming/fi.skyjake.Lagrange"; #endif #if defined (iPlatformLinux) #define EMB_BIN "../../share/lagrange/resources.bin" #define EMB_BIN2 "../resources.bin" /* try from build dir as well */ static const char *dataDir_App_ = "~/.config/lagrange"; #endif static const char *prefsFileName_App_ = "prefs.cfg"; struct Impl_App { iCommandLine args; iBool running; iWindow * window; iSortedArray tickers; iBool pendingRefresh; iGmCerts * certs; // iHistory * history; iVisited * visited; /* Preferences: */ iBool retainWindowSize; float uiScale; }; static iApp app_; iDeclareType(Ticker) struct Impl_Ticker { iAny *context; void (*callback)(iAny *); }; static int cmp_Ticker_(const void *a, const void *b) { const iTicker *elems[2] = { a, b }; return iCmp(elems[0]->context, elems[1]->context); } const iString *dateStr_(const iDate *date) { return collectNewFormat_String("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", date->year, date->month, date->day, date->hour, date->minute, date->second); } static iString *serializePrefs_App_(const iApp *d) { iString *str = new_String(); iWindow *win = get_Window(); if (d->retainWindowSize) { int w, h, x, y; SDL_GetWindowSize(d->window->win, &w, &h); SDL_GetWindowPosition(d->window->win, &x, &y); appendFormat_String(str, "restorewindow width:%d height:%d coord:%d %d\n", w, h, x, y); } appendFormat_String(str, "uiscale arg:%f\n", uiScale_Window(d->window)); return str; } static const iString *prefsFileName_(void) { return collect_String(concatCStr_Path(&iStringLiteral(dataDir_App_), prefsFileName_App_)); } static void loadPrefs_App_(iApp *d) { iUnused(d); /* Create the data dir if it doesn't exist yet. */ makeDirs_Path(collectNewCStr_String(dataDir_App_)); iFile *f = new_File(prefsFileName_()); if (open_File(f, readOnly_FileMode | text_FileMode)) { iString *str = readString_File(f); const iRangecc src = range_String(str); iRangecc line = iNullRange; while (nextSplit_Rangecc(&src, "\n", &line)) { iString cmd; initRange_String(&cmd, line); if (equal_Command(cstr_String(&cmd), "uiscale")) { /* Must be handled before the window is created. */ setUiScale_Window(get_Window(), argf_Command(cstr_String(&cmd))); } else { postCommandString_App(&cmd); } deinit_String(&cmd); } delete_String(str); } else { /* default preference values */ } iRelease(f); } static void savePrefs_App_(const iApp *d) { iString *cfg = serializePrefs_App_(d); iFile *f = new_File(prefsFileName_()); if (open_File(f, writeOnly_FileMode | text_FileMode)) { write_File(f, &cfg->chars); } iRelease(f); delete_String(cfg); } static void init_App_(iApp *d, int argc, char **argv) { init_CommandLine(&d->args, argc, argv); init_SortedArray(&d->tickers, sizeof(iTicker), cmp_Ticker_); d->running = iFalse; d->window = NULL; d->retainWindowSize = iTrue; d->pendingRefresh = iFalse; d->certs = new_GmCerts(dataDir_App_); d->visited = new_Visited(); loadPrefs_App_(d); load_Visited(d->visited, dataDir_App_); #if defined (iHaveLoadEmbed) /* Load the resources from a file. */ { if (!load_Embed(concatPath_CStr(cstr_String(execPath_App()), "../resources.bin"))) { if (!load_Embed(concatPath_CStr(cstr_String(execPath_App()), EMB_BIN))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load resources.bin: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } } } #endif d->window = new_Window(); /* Widget state init. */ { postCommand_App("navigate.home"); } } static void deinit_App(iApp *d) { savePrefs_App_(d); save_Visited(d->visited, dataDir_App_); delete_Visited(d->visited); delete_GmCerts(d->certs); deinit_SortedArray(&d->tickers); delete_Window(d->window); d->window = NULL; deinit_CommandLine(&d->args); } const iString *execPath_App(void) { return executablePath_CommandLine(&app_.args); } void processEvents_App(enum iAppEventMode eventMode) { iApp *d = &app_; SDL_Event ev; while ( (!d->pendingRefresh && eventMode == waitForNewEvents_AppEventMode && SDL_WaitEvent(&ev)) || ((d->pendingRefresh || eventMode == postedEventsOnly_AppEventMode) && SDL_PollEvent(&ev))) { switch (ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: d->running = iFalse; goto backToMainLoop; case SDL_DROPFILE: postCommandf_App("open url:file://%s", ev.drop.file); break; default: { iBool wasUsed = processEvent_Window(d->window, &ev); if (ev.type == SDL_USEREVENT && ev.user.code == command_UserEventCode) { #if defined (iPlatformApple) && !defined (iPlatformIOS) handleCommand_MacOS(command_UserEvent(&ev)); #endif if (isCommand_UserEvent(&ev, "metrics.changed")) { arrange_Widget(d->window->root); } if (!wasUsed) { /* No widget handled the command, so we'll do it. */ handleCommand_App(ev.user.data1); } /* Allocated by postCommand_Apps(). */ free(ev.user.data1); } break; } } } backToMainLoop:; } static void runTickers_App_(iApp *d) { /* Tickers may add themselves again, so we'll run off a copy. */ iSortedArray *pending = copy_SortedArray(&d->tickers); clear_SortedArray(&d->tickers); if (!isEmpty_SortedArray(pending)) { postRefresh_App(); } iConstForEach(Array, i, &pending->values) { const iTicker *ticker = i.value; if (ticker->callback) { ticker->callback(ticker->context); } } delete_SortedArray(pending); } static int run_App_(iApp *d) { arrange_Widget(findWidget_App("root")); d->running = iTrue; SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); /* open files via drag'n'drop */ while (d->running) { runTickers_App_(d); processEvents_App(waitForNewEvents_AppEventMode); refresh_App(); recycle_Garbage(); } return 0; } void refresh_App(void) { iApp *d = &app_; destroyPending_Widget(); draw_Window(d->window); d->pendingRefresh = iFalse; } int run_App(int argc, char **argv) { init_App_(&app_, argc, argv); const int rc = run_App_(&app_); deinit_App(&app_); return rc; } void postRefresh_App(void) { iApp *d = &app_; if (!d->pendingRefresh) { d->pendingRefresh = iTrue; SDL_Event ev; ev.user.type = SDL_USEREVENT; ev.user.code = refresh_UserEventCode; ev.user.windowID = get_Window() ? SDL_GetWindowID(get_Window()->win) : 0; ev.user.data1 = NULL; ev.user.data2 = NULL; SDL_PushEvent(&ev); } } void postCommand_App(const char *command) { SDL_Event ev; ev.user.type = SDL_USEREVENT; ev.user.code = command_UserEventCode; ev.user.windowID = get_Window() ? SDL_GetWindowID(get_Window()->win) : 0; ev.user.data1 = strdup(command); ev.user.data2 = NULL; SDL_PushEvent(&ev); #if !defined (NDEBUG) printf("[command] %s\n", command); fflush(stdout); #endif } void postCommandf_App(const char *command, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); va_list args; va_start(args, command); vprintf_Block(&chars, command, args); va_end(args); postCommand_App(cstr_Block(&chars)); deinit_Block(&chars); } iAny *findWidget_App(const char *id) { return findChild_Widget(app_.window->root, id); } void addTicker_App(void (*ticker)(iAny *), iAny *context) { iApp *d = &app_; insert_SortedArray(&d->tickers, &(iTicker){ context, ticker }); } iGmCerts *certs_App(void) { return app_.certs; } iVisited *visited_App(void) { return app_.visited; } static iBool handlePrefsCommands_(iWidget *d, const char *cmd) { if (equal_Command(cmd, "prefs.dismiss") || equal_Command(cmd, "preferences")) { setUiScale_Window(get_Window(), toFloat_String(text_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(d, "prefs.uiscale")))); destroy_Widget(d); return iTrue; } return iFalse; } iDocumentWidget *document_App(void) { return iConstCast(iDocumentWidget *, currentTabPage_Widget(findWidget_App("doctabs"))); } iDocumentWidget *document_Command(const char *cmd) { /* Explicitly referenced. */ iAnyObject *obj = pointerLabel_Command(cmd, "doc"); if (obj) { return obj; } /* Implicit via source widget. */ obj = pointer_Command(cmd); if (obj && isInstance_Object(obj, &Class_DocumentWidget)) { return obj; } /* Currently visible document. */ return document_App(); } iBool handleCommand_App(const char *cmd) { iApp *d = &app_; if (equal_Command(cmd, "open")) { const iString *url = collect_String(newCStr_String(suffixPtr_Command(cmd, "url"))); iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, url); if (equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "http") || equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "https")) { openInDefaultBrowser_App(url); return iTrue; } iDocumentWidget *doc = document_Command(cmd); iHistory *history = history_DocumentWidget(doc); const iBool isHistory = argLabel_Command(cmd, "history") != 0; if (!isHistory) { if (argLabel_Command(cmd, "redirect")) { replace_History(history, url); } else { add_History(history, url); } } visitUrl_Visited(d->visited, url); setInitialScroll_DocumentWidget(doc, argLabel_Command(cmd, "scroll") * gap_UI); setUrlFromCache_DocumentWidget(doc, url, isHistory); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "document.request.cancelled")) { /* TODO: How should cancelled requests be treated in the history? */ #if 0 if (d->historyPos == 0) { iHistoryItem *item = historyItem_App_(d, 0); if (item) { /* Pop this cancelled URL off history. */ deinit_HistoryItem(item); popBack_Array(&d->history); printHistory_App_(d); } } #endif return iFalse; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "tabs.new")) { iWidget *tabs = findWidget_App("doctabs"); iWidget *newTabButton = findChild_Widget(tabs, "newtab"); removeChild_Widget(newTabButton->parent, newTabButton); iDocumentWidget *newDoc = new_DocumentWidget(); setId_Widget(as_Widget(newDoc), format_CStr("document%03d", tabCount_Widget(tabs))); appendTabPage_Widget(tabs, iClob(newDoc), "", 0, 0); addChild_Widget(findChild_Widget(tabs, "tabs.buttons"), iClob(newTabButton)); postCommandf_App("tabs.switch page:%p", newDoc); postCommand_App("navigate.home"); arrange_Widget(tabs); refresh_Widget(tabs); return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "quit")) { SDL_Event ev; ev.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&ev); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "preferences")) { iWindow *win = get_Window(); iWidget *dlg = makePreferences_Widget(); setToggle_Widget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "prefs.retainwindow"), d->retainWindowSize); setText_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "prefs.uiscale"), collectNewFormat_String("%g", uiScale_Window(get_Window()))); setCommandHandler_Widget(dlg, handlePrefsCommands_); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "restorewindow")) { d->retainWindowSize = iTrue; resize_Window(d->window, argLabel_Command(cmd, "width"), argLabel_Command(cmd, "height")); const iInt2 pos = coord_Command(cmd); SDL_SetWindowPosition(d->window->win, pos.x, pos.y); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "navigate.home")) { iString *homePath = newCStr_String(dataDir_App_); clean_Path(homePath); append_Path(homePath, &iStringLiteral("home.gmi")); prependCStr_String(homePath, "file://"); postCommandf_App("open url:%s", cstr_String(homePath)); delete_String(homePath); return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "font.setfactor")) { setContentFontSize_Text((float) arg_Command(cmd) / 100.0f); postCommand_App("font.changed"); refresh_App(); return iTrue; } else { return iFalse; } return iTrue; } void openInDefaultBrowser_App(const iString *url) { iProcess *proc = new_Process(); setArguments_Process(proc, #if defined (iPlatformApple) iClob(newStringsCStr_StringList("/usr/bin/open", cstr_String(url), NULL)) #elif defined (iPlatformLinux) iClob(newStringsCStr_StringList("/usr/bin/x-www-browser", cstr_String(url), NULL)) #elif defined (iPlatformMsys) iClob(newStringsCStr_StringList("start", cstr_String(url), NULL)) #endif ); start_Process(proc); iRelease(proc); }