#include "gmdocument.h" #include "gmutil.h" #include "ui/color.h" #include "ui/text.h" #include "ui/metrics.h" #include "ui/window.h" #include "history.h" #include "app.h" #include #include #include #include #include iDeclareType(GmLink) struct Impl_GmLink { iString url; iTime when; int flags; }; void init_GmLink(iGmLink *d) { init_String(&d->url); iZap(d->when); d->flags = 0; } void deinit_GmLink(iGmLink *d) { deinit_String(&d->url); } iDefineTypeConstruction(GmLink) iDeclareType(GmImage) struct Impl_GmImage { iInt2 size; size_t numBytes; iString mime; iGmLinkId linkId; SDL_Texture *texture; }; void init_GmImage(iGmImage *d, const iBlock *data) { init_String(&d->mime); d->numBytes = size_Block(data); uint8_t *imgData = stbi_load_from_memory( constData_Block(data), size_Block(data), &d->size.x, &d->size.y, NULL, 4); if (!imgData) { d->size = zero_I2(); d->texture = NULL; } else { SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom( imgData, d->size.x, d->size.y, 32, d->size.x * 4, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888); /* TODO: In multiwindow case, all windows must have the same shared renderer? Or at least a shared context. */ SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1"); /* linear scaling */ d->texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer_Window(get_Window()), surface); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); stbi_image_free(imgData); } d->linkId = 0; } void deinit_GmImage(iGmImage *d) { SDL_DestroyTexture(d->texture); deinit_String(&d->mime); } iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(GmImage, (const iBlock *data), data) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct Impl_GmDocument { iObject object; enum iGmDocumentFormat format; iString source; iString url; /* for resolving relative links */ iString localHost; iInt2 size; iArray layout; /* contents of source, laid out in document space */ iPtrArray links; iString title; /* the first top-level title */ iPtrArray images; /* persistent across layouts, references links by ID */ uint32_t themeSeed; iChar siteIcon; }; iDefineObjectConstruction(GmDocument) enum iGmLineType { text_GmLineType, bullet_GmLineType, preformatted_GmLineType, quote_GmLineType, header1_GmLineType, header2_GmLineType, header3_GmLineType, link_GmLineType, max_GmLineType, }; static enum iGmLineType lineType_GmDocument_(const iGmDocument *d, const iRangecc *line) { if (d->format == plainText_GmDocumentFormat) { return text_GmLineType; } if (isEmpty_Range(line)) { return text_GmLineType; } if (startsWith_Rangecc(line, "=>")) { return link_GmLineType; } if (startsWith_Rangecc(line, "###")) { return header3_GmLineType; } if (startsWith_Rangecc(line, "##")) { return header2_GmLineType; } if (startsWith_Rangecc(line, "#")) { return header1_GmLineType; } if (startsWith_Rangecc(line, "```")) { return preformatted_GmLineType; } if (*line->start == '>') { return quote_GmLineType; } if (size_Range(line) >= 2 && line->start[0] == '*' && isspace(line->start[1])) { return bullet_GmLineType; } return text_GmLineType; } static void trimLine_Rangecc_(iRangecc *line, enum iGmLineType type) { static const unsigned int skip[max_GmLineType] = { 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0 }; line->start += skip[type]; trim_Rangecc(line); } static int lastVisibleRunBottom_GmDocument_(const iGmDocument *d) { iReverseConstForEach(Array, i, &d->layout) { const iGmRun *run = i.value; if (isEmpty_Range(&run->text)) { continue; } return bottom_Rect(run->bounds); } return 0; } iInt2 measurePreformattedBlock_GmDocument_(const iGmDocument *d, const char *start, int font) { const iRangecc content = { start, constEnd_String(&d->source) }; iRangecc line = iNullRange; nextSplit_Rangecc(&content, "\n", &line); iAssert(startsWith_Rangecc(&line, "```")); iRangecc preBlock = { line.end + 1, line.end + 1 }; while (nextSplit_Rangecc(&content, "\n", &line)) { if (startsWith_Rangecc(&line, "```")) { break; } preBlock.end = line.end; } return measureRange_Text(font, preBlock); } static iRangecc addLink_GmDocument_(iGmDocument *d, iRangecc line, iGmLinkId *linkId) { iRegExp *pattern = new_RegExp("=>\\s*([^\\s]+)(\\s.*)?", caseInsensitive_RegExpOption); iRegExpMatch m; if (matchRange_RegExp(pattern, line, &m)) { iGmLink *link = new_GmLink(); setRange_String(&link->url, capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 1)); set_String(&link->url, absoluteUrl_String(&d->url, &link->url)); /* Check the URL. */ { iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, &link->url); if (!equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.host, cstr_String(&d->localHost))) { link->flags |= remote_GmLinkFlag; } if (startsWithCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "gemini")) { link->flags |= gemini_GmLinkFlag; } else if (startsWithCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "http")) { link->flags |= http_GmLinkFlag; } else if (equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "gopher")) { link->flags |= gopher_GmLinkFlag; } else if (equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "file")) { link->flags |= file_GmLinkFlag; } else if (equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "data")) { link->flags |= data_GmLinkFlag; } /* Check the file name extension, if present. */ if (!isEmpty_Range(&parts.path)) { iString *path = newRange_String(parts.path); if (endsWithCase_String(path, ".gif") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".jpg") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".jpeg") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".png") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".tga") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".psd") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".hdr") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".pic")) { link->flags |= imageFileExtension_GmLinkFlag; } else if (endsWithCase_String(path, ".mp3") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".wav") || endsWithCase_String(path, ".mid")) { link->flags |= audioFileExtension_GmLinkFlag; } delete_String(path); } /* Check if visited. */ if (cmpString_String(&link->url, &d->url)) { link->when = urlVisitTime_History(history_App(), &link->url); if (isValid_Time(&link->when)) { link->flags |= visited_GmLinkFlag; } } } pushBack_PtrArray(&d->links, link); *linkId = size_PtrArray(&d->links); /* index + 1 */ iRangecc desc = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 2); trim_Rangecc(&desc); if (!isEmpty_Range(&desc)) { line = desc; /* Just show the description. */ link->flags |= userFriendly_GmLinkFlag; } else { line = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 1); /* Show the URL. */ } } iRelease(pattern); return line; } static void clearLinks_GmDocument_(iGmDocument *d) { iForEach(PtrArray, i, &d->links) { delete_GmLink(i.ptr); } clear_PtrArray(&d->links); } static size_t findLinkImage_GmDocument_(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { /* TODO: use a hash */ iConstForEach(PtrArray, i, &d->images) { const iGmImage *img = i.ptr; if (img->linkId == linkId) { return index_PtrArrayConstIterator(&i); } } return iInvalidPos; } static void doLayout_GmDocument_(iGmDocument *d) { /* TODO: Collect these parameters into a GmTheme. */ static const int fonts[max_GmLineType] = { paragraph_FontId, paragraph_FontId, /* bullet */ preformatted_FontId, quote_FontId, header1_FontId, header2_FontId, header3_FontId, regular_FontId, }; static const int colors[max_GmLineType] = { tmParagraph_ColorId, tmParagraph_ColorId, tmPreformatted_ColorId, tmQuote_ColorId, tmHeader1_ColorId, tmHeader2_ColorId, tmHeader3_ColorId, tmLinkText_ColorId, }; static const int indents[max_GmLineType] = { 5, 10, 5, 10, 0, 0, 0, 5 }; static const float topMargin[max_GmLineType] = { 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f }; static const float bottomMargin[max_GmLineType] = { 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; static const char *arrow = "\u2192"; static const char *bullet = "\u2022"; static const char *folder = "\U0001f4c1"; static const char *globe = "\U0001f310"; const float midRunSkip = 0.1f; /* extra space between wrapped text/quote lines */ clear_Array(&d->layout); clearLinks_GmDocument_(d); clear_String(&d->title); if (d->size.x <= 0 || isEmpty_String(&d->source)) { return; } const iRangecc content = range_String(&d->source); iInt2 pos = zero_I2(); iRangecc line = iNullRange; iRangecc preAltText = iNullRange; enum iGmLineType prevType = text_GmLineType; iBool isPreformat = iFalse; iBool isFirstText = iTrue; iBool addSiteBanner = iTrue; int preFont = preformatted_FontId; if (d->format == plainText_GmDocumentFormat) { isPreformat = iTrue; isFirstText = iFalse; } while (nextSplit_Rangecc(&content, "\n", &line)) { iGmRun run; run.flags = 0; run.color = white_ColorId; run.linkId = 0; run.imageId = 0; enum iGmLineType type; int indent = 0; if (!isPreformat) { type = lineType_GmDocument_(d, &line); indent = indents[type]; if (type == preformatted_GmLineType) { isPreformat = iTrue; preFont = preformatted_FontId; /* Use a smaller font if the block contents are wide. */ if (measurePreformattedBlock_GmDocument_(d, line.start, preFont).x > d->size.x - indents[preformatted_GmLineType]) { preFont = preformattedSmall_FontId; } trimLine_Rangecc_(&line, type); preAltText = line; /* TODO: store and link the alt text to this run */ continue; } else if (type == link_GmLineType) { line = addLink_GmDocument_(d, line, &run.linkId); if (!run.linkId) { /* Invalid formatting. */ type = text_GmLineType; } } trimLine_Rangecc_(&line, type); run.font = fonts[type]; } else { /* Preformatted line. */ type = preformatted_GmLineType; if (d->format == gemini_GmDocumentFormat && startsWithSc_Rangecc(&line, "```", &iCaseSensitive)) { isPreformat = iFalse; preAltText = iNullRange; addSiteBanner = iFalse; /* overrides the banner */ continue; } run.font = preFont; indent = indents[type]; } if (addSiteBanner) { addSiteBanner = iFalse; const iRangecc bannerText = urlHost_String(&d->url); if (!isEmpty_Range(&bannerText)) { iGmRun banner = { .flags = siteBanner_GmRunFlag }; banner.bounds = zero_Rect(); banner.visBounds = init_Rect(0, 0, d->size.x, lineHeight_Text(banner_FontId) * 2); banner.font = banner_FontId; banner.text = bannerText; banner.color = tmBannerTitle_ColorId; pushBack_Array(&d->layout, &banner); pos.y += height_Rect(banner.visBounds) + lineHeight_Text(paragraph_FontId); } } /* Empty lines don't produce text runs. */ if (isEmpty_Range(&line)) { pos.y += lineHeight_Text(run.font); prevType = text_GmLineType; /* TODO: Extra skip needed here? */ continue; } /* Check the margin vs. previous run. */ if (!isPreformat || (prevType != preformatted_GmLineType)) { int required = iMax(topMargin[type], bottomMargin[prevType]) * lineHeight_Text(paragraph_FontId); if ((type == link_GmLineType && prevType == link_GmLineType) || (type == quote_GmLineType && prevType == quote_GmLineType)) { /* No margin between consecutive links/quote lines. */ required = (type == link_GmLineType ? midRunSkip * lineHeight_Text(paragraph_FontId) : 0); } if (isEmpty_Array(&d->layout)) { required = 0; /* top of document */ } int delta = pos.y - lastVisibleRunBottom_GmDocument_(d); if (delta < required) { pos.y += required - delta; } } /* Save the document title. */ if (type == header1_GmLineType && isEmpty_String(&d->title)) { setRange_String(&d->title, line); } /* List bullet. */ run.color = colors[type]; if (type == bullet_GmLineType) { run.visBounds.pos = addX_I2(pos, indent * gap_Text); run.visBounds.size = advance_Text(run.font, bullet); run.visBounds.pos.x -= 4 * gap_Text - width_Rect(run.visBounds) / 2; run.bounds = zero_Rect(); /* just visual */ run.text = range_CStr(bullet); pushBack_Array(&d->layout, &run); } /* Link icon. */ if (type == link_GmLineType) { run.visBounds.pos = pos; run.visBounds.size = init_I2(indent * gap_Text, lineHeight_Text(run.font)); run.bounds = zero_Rect(); /* just visual */ const iGmLink *link = constAt_PtrArray(&d->links, run.linkId - 1); run.text = range_CStr(link->flags & file_GmLinkFlag ? folder : link->flags & remote_GmLinkFlag ? globe : arrow); if (link->flags & remote_GmLinkFlag) { run.visBounds.pos.x -= gap_Text / 2; } run.color = linkColor_GmDocument(d, run.linkId, icon_GmLinkPart); pushBack_Array(&d->layout, &run); } run.color = colors[type]; if (d->format == plainText_GmDocumentFormat) { run.color = colors[text_GmLineType]; } /* Special formatting for the first paragraph (e.g., subtitle, introduction, or lede). */ int bigCount = 0; if (type == text_GmLineType && isFirstText) { run.font = firstParagraph_FontId; run.color = tmFirstParagraph_ColorId; bigCount = 15; /* max lines -- what if the whole document is one paragraph? */ isFirstText = iFalse; } else if (type != header1_GmLineType) { isFirstText = iFalse; } iRangecc runLine = line; /* Create one or more text runs for this line. */ run.flags |= startOfLine_GmRunFlag; iAssert(!isEmpty_Range(&runLine)); /* must have something at this point */ while (!isEmpty_Range(&runLine)) { /* Little bit of breathing space between wrapped lines. */ if ((type == text_GmLineType || type == quote_GmLineType || type == bullet_GmLineType) && runLine.start != line.start) { pos.y += midRunSkip * lineHeight_Text(run.font); } run.bounds.pos = addX_I2(pos, indent * gap_Text); const char *contPos; const int avail = d->size.x - run.bounds.pos.x; const iInt2 dims = tryAdvance_Text(run.font, runLine, isPreformat ? 0 : avail, &contPos); run.bounds.size.x = iMax(avail, dims.x); /* Extends to the right edge for selection. */ run.bounds.size.y = dims.y; run.visBounds = run.bounds; run.visBounds.size.x = dims.x; if (contPos > runLine.start) { run.text = (iRangecc){ runLine.start, contPos }; } else { run.text = runLine; contPos = runLine.end; } pushBack_Array(&d->layout, &run); run.flags &= ~startOfLine_GmRunFlag; runLine.start = contPos; trimStart_Rangecc(&runLine); pos.y += lineHeight_Text(run.font); if (--bigCount == 0) { run.font = paragraph_FontId; run.color = colors[text_GmLineType]; } } /* Flag the end of line, too. */ ((iGmRun *) back_Array(&d->layout))->flags |= endOfLine_GmRunFlag; /* Image content. */ if (type == link_GmLineType) { const size_t imgIndex = findLinkImage_GmDocument_(d, run.linkId); if (imgIndex != iInvalidPos) { ((iGmLink *) at_PtrArray(&d->links, run.linkId - 1))->flags |= content_GmLinkFlag; const iGmImage *img = constAt_PtrArray(&d->images, imgIndex); const int margin = 0.5f * lineHeight_Text(paragraph_FontId); pos.y += margin; run.bounds.pos = pos; run.bounds.size.x = d->size.x; const float aspect = (float) img->size.y / (float) img->size.x; run.bounds.size.y = d->size.x * aspect; run.visBounds = run.bounds; const iInt2 maxSize = mulf_I2(img->size, get_Window()->pixelRatio); if (width_Rect(run.visBounds) > maxSize.x) { /* Don't scale the image up. */ run.visBounds.size.y = run.visBounds.size.y * maxSize.x / width_Rect(run.visBounds); run.visBounds.size.x = maxSize.x; run.visBounds.pos.x = run.bounds.size.x / 2 - width_Rect(run.visBounds) / 2; run.bounds.size.y = run.visBounds.size.y; } run.text = iNullRange; run.font = 0; run.color = 0; run.imageId = imgIndex + 1; pushBack_Array(&d->layout, &run); pos.y += run.bounds.size.y + margin; } } prevType = type; } d->size.y = pos.y; } void init_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d) { d->format = gemini_GmDocumentFormat; init_String(&d->source); init_String(&d->url); init_String(&d->localHost); d->size = zero_I2(); init_Array(&d->layout, sizeof(iGmRun)); init_PtrArray(&d->links); init_String(&d->title); init_PtrArray(&d->images); setThemeSeed_GmDocument(d, NULL); } void deinit_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d) { deinit_String(&d->title); clearLinks_GmDocument_(d); deinit_PtrArray(&d->links); deinit_Array(&d->layout); deinit_String(&d->localHost); deinit_String(&d->url); deinit_String(&d->source); } void reset_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d) { /* Free the loaded images. */ iForEach(PtrArray, i, &d->images) { deinit_GmImage(i.ptr); } clear_PtrArray(&d->images); clearLinks_GmDocument_(d); clear_Array(&d->layout); clear_String(&d->url); clear_String(&d->localHost); d->themeSeed = 0; } static float fixHue_(float hue) { if (hue > 260 && hue < 330) { if (hue < 295) return hue - 90; return hue + 90; } return hue; } void setThemeSeed_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d, const iBlock *seed) { static const iChar siteIcons[] = { 0x25ed, 0x2600, 0x2601, 0x2604, 0x2605, 0x2606, 0x265c, 0x265e, 0x2690, 0x2691, 0x2693, 0x2698, 0x2699, 0x26f0, 0x270e, 0x2728, 0x272a, 0x272f, 0x2731, 0x2738, 0x273a, 0x273e, 0x2740, 0x2742, 0x2744, 0x2748, 0x274a, 0x2751, 0x2756, 0x2766, 0x27bd, 0x27c1, 0x27d0, 0x2b19, 0x1f300, 0x1f303, 0x1f306, 0x1f308, 0x1f30a, 0x1f319, 0x1f31f, 0x1f320, 0x1f340, 0x1f4cd, 0x1f4e1, 0x1f657, 0x1f659, 0x1f665, 0x1f78b, 0x1f796, 0x1f79c, }; d->themeSeed = 0; d->siteIcon = 0; /* Default colors. */ { const iHSLColor base = { 0, 0, 0.15f, 1.0f }; setHsl_Color(tmBackground_ColorId, base); set_Color(tmParagraph_ColorId, get_Color(gray75_ColorId)); setHsl_Color(tmFirstParagraph_ColorId, addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0, 0.75f)); set_Color(tmQuote_ColorId, get_Color(cyan_ColorId)); set_Color(tmPreformatted_ColorId, get_Color(cyan_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHeader1_ColorId, get_Color(white_ColorId)); setHsl_Color(tmHeader2_ColorId, addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0, 0.7f)); setHsl_Color(tmHeader3_ColorId, addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0, 0.6f)); set_Color(tmBannerBackground_ColorId, get_Color(black_ColorId)); set_Color(tmBannerTitle_ColorId, get_Color(white_ColorId)); set_Color(tmBannerIcon_ColorId, get_Color(orange_ColorId)); set_Color(tmInlineContentMetadata_ColorId, get_Color(cyan_ColorId)); set_Color(tmBadLink_ColorId, get_Color(red_ColorId)); set_Color(tmLinkText_ColorId, get_Color(white_ColorId)); set_Color(tmLinkIcon_ColorId, get_Color(cyan_ColorId)); set_Color(tmLinkTextHover_ColorId, get_Color(cyan_ColorId)); set_Color(tmLinkIconVisited_ColorId, get_Color(teal_ColorId)); set_Color(tmLinkDomain_ColorId, get_Color(teal_ColorId)); set_Color(tmLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId, get_Color(cyan_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHypertextLinkText_ColorId, get_Color(white_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHypertextLinkIcon_ColorId, get_Color(orange_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHypertextLinkTextHover_ColorId, get_Color(orange_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHypertextLinkIconVisited_ColorId, get_Color(brown_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHypertextLinkDomain_ColorId, get_Color(brown_ColorId)); set_Color(tmHypertextLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId, get_Color(orange_ColorId)); set_Color(tmGopherLinkText_ColorId, get_Color(white_ColorId)); set_Color(tmGopherLinkIcon_ColorId, get_Color(blue_ColorId)); set_Color(tmGopherLinkTextHover_ColorId, get_Color(blue_ColorId)); set_Color(tmGopherLinkIconVisited_ColorId, get_Color(magenta_ColorId)); set_Color(tmGopherLinkDomain_ColorId, get_Color(magenta_ColorId)); set_Color(tmGopherLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId, get_Color(blue_ColorId)); } if (seed && !isEmpty_Block(seed)) { d->themeSeed = crc32_Block(seed); d->siteIcon = siteIcons[(d->themeSeed >> 7) % iElemCount(siteIcons)]; /* Set up colors. */ { static const float hues[] = { 5, 25, 40, 56, 80, 120, 160, 180, 208, 231, 270, 324 }; static const struct { int index[2]; } altHues[iElemCount(hues)] = { { 2, 4 }, /* red */ { 8, 3 }, /* reddish orange */ { 7, 9 }, /* yellowish orange */ { 5, 7 }, /* yellow */ { 11, 2 }, /* greenish yellow */ { 1, 3 }, /* green */ { 2, 4 }, /* bluish green */ { 2, 11 }, /* cyan */ { 6, 10 }, /* sky blue */ { 3, 11 }, /* blue */ { 8, 9 }, /* violet */ { 7, 8 }, /* pink */ }; const float saturationLevel = 1.0f; /* TODO: user setting */ const iBool isLightMode = iFalse; /* TODO: user setting */ const iBool isBannerLighter = (d->themeSeed & 0x4000) != 0; const size_t primIndex = (d->themeSeed & 0xff) % iElemCount(hues); const iBool isDarkBgSat = (d->themeSeed & 0x200000) != 0 && (primIndex < 1 || primIndex > 4); iHSLColor base = { hues[primIndex], 0.8f * (d->themeSeed >> 24) / 255.0f, 0.06f + 0.09f * ((d->themeSeed >> 5) & 0x7) / 7.0f, 1.0f }; printf("background: %d %f %f\n", (int) base.hue, base.sat, base.lum); printf("isDarkBgSat: %d\n", isDarkBgSat); setHsl_Color(tmBackground_ColorId, base); setHsl_Color(tmBannerBackground_ColorId, addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0.1f, 0.04f * (isBannerLighter ? 1 : -1))); setHsl_Color(tmBannerTitle_ColorId, setLum_HSLColor(addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0.1f, 0), 0.55f)); setHsl_Color(tmBannerIcon_ColorId, setLum_HSLColor(addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0.35f, 0), 0.65f)); const int altIndex[2] = { (d->themeSeed & 0x4) != 0, (d->themeSeed & 0x40) != 0 }; // printf("primHue: %zu alts: %d %d\n", // primIndex, // altHues[primIndex].index[altIndex[0]], // altHues[primIndex].index[altIndex[1]]); const float altHue = hues[altHues[primIndex].index[altIndex[0]]]; const float altHue2 = hues[altHues[primIndex].index[altIndex[1]]]; iHSLColor altBase = { altHue, base.sat, base.lum, 1 }; const float titleLum = 0.2f * ((d->themeSeed >> 17) & 0x7) / 7.0f; setHsl_Color(tmHeader1_ColorId, setLum_HSLColor(altBase, titleLum + 0.80f)); setHsl_Color(tmHeader2_ColorId, setLum_HSLColor(altBase, titleLum + 0.70f)); setHsl_Color(tmHeader3_ColorId, setLum_HSLColor(altBase, titleLum + 0.60f)); setHsl_Color(tmParagraph_ColorId, addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0.1f, 0.6f)); setHsl_Color(tmFirstParagraph_ColorId, addSatLum_HSLColor(base, 0.2f, 0.8f)); setHsl_Color(tmPreformatted_ColorId, (iHSLColor){ altHue2, 1.0f, 0.75f, 1.0f }); set_Color(tmQuote_ColorId, get_Color(tmPreformatted_ColorId)); set_Color(tmInlineContentMetadata_ColorId, get_Color(tmHeader3_ColorId)); /* Adjust colors based on light/dark mode. */ for (int i = tmFirst_ColorId; i < max_ColorId; i++) { iHSLColor color = hsl_Color(get_Color(i)); if (isLightMode) { color.lum = 1.0f - color.lum; /* All colors invert lightness. */ if (isRegularText_ColorId(i)) { /* Darken paragraphs and default state link text. */ color.lum *= 0.5f; } else if (i == tmBackground_ColorId) { color.sat = (color.sat + 1) / 2; color.lum += 0.06f; } else if (i == tmHeader3_ColorId) { color.lum *= 0.75f; } else if (isLink_ColorId(i)) { /* Darken links generally to improve visibility against a light background. */ color.lum *= 0.5f; color.sat = 1.0f; } else if (i == tmBannerIcon_ColorId || i == tmBannerTitle_ColorId) { if (isBannerLighter) { color.lum *= 0.75f; } else { color.lum = 0.98f; } } else if (i == tmBannerBackground_ColorId) { if (isBannerLighter) { color.lum = 1.0f; } else { color.sat *= 0.8f; color.lum = 0.4f; } } else if (isText_ColorId(i)) { color.sat = 0.9f; color.lum = (9 * color.lum + 0.5f) / 10; } } else { /* dark mode */ if (!isLink_ColorId(i)) { if (isDarkBgSat) { /* Saturate background, desaturate text. */ if (isBackground_ColorId(i)) { color.sat = (color.sat + 1) / 2; // color.lum = (color.lum + 2 * 0.5f) / 3; color.lum *= 0.75f; } else if (isText_ColorId(i)) { // color.sat *= 0.85f; color.lum = (color.lum + 1) / 2; } } else { /* Desaturate background, saturate text. */ if (isBackground_ColorId(i)) { color.sat *= 0.333f; // color.lum *= 0.5f; } else if (isText_ColorId(i)) { color.sat = (color.sat + 2) / 3; color.lum = (2 * color.lum + 1) / 3; // color.lum = (color.lum + 0.5f) / 2; } } } } /* Modify overall saturation. */ color.sat *= saturationLevel; setHsl_Color(i, color); } } } /* Special exceptions. */ if (seed) { if (equal_CStr(cstr_Block(seed), "gemini.circumlunar.space")) { d->siteIcon = 0x264a; /* gemini symbol */ } } fflush(stdout); } void setFormat_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d, enum iGmDocumentFormat format) { d->format = format; } void setWidth_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d, int width) { d->size.x = width; doLayout_GmDocument_(d); /* TODO: just flag need-layout and do it later */ } iLocalDef iBool isNormalizableSpace_(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } static void normalize_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d) { iString *normalized = new_String(); iRangecc src = range_String(&d->source); iRangecc line = iNullRange; iBool isPreformat = iFalse; if (d->format == plainText_GmDocumentFormat) { isPreformat = iTrue; /* Cannot be turned off. */ } const int preTabWidth = 8; /* TODO: user-configurable parameter */ while (nextSplit_Rangecc(&src, "\n", &line)) { if (isPreformat) { /* Replace any tab characters with spaces for visualization. */ for (const char *ch = line.start; ch != line.end; ch++) { if (*ch == '\t') { int column = ch - line.start; int numSpaces = (column / preTabWidth + 1) * preTabWidth - column; while (numSpaces-- > 0) { appendCStrN_String(normalized, " ", 1); } } else if (*ch != '\r') { appendCStrN_String(normalized, ch, 1); } } appendCStr_String(normalized, "\n"); if (lineType_GmDocument_(d, &line) == preformatted_GmLineType) { isPreformat = iFalse; } continue; } if (lineType_GmDocument_(d, &line) == preformatted_GmLineType) { isPreformat = iTrue; appendRange_String(normalized, line); appendCStr_String(normalized, "\n"); continue; } iBool isPrevSpace = iFalse; for (const char *ch = line.start; ch != line.end; ch++) { char c = *ch; if (c == '\r') continue; if (isNormalizableSpace_(c)) { if (isPrevSpace) { continue; /* skip repeated spaces */ } c = ' '; isPrevSpace = iTrue; } else { isPrevSpace = iFalse; } appendCStrN_String(normalized, &c, 1); } appendCStr_String(normalized, "\n"); } set_String(&d->source, collect_String(normalized)); } void setUrl_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d, const iString *url) { set_String(&d->url, url); iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, url); setRange_String(&d->localHost, parts.host); } void setSource_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d, const iString *source, int width) { set_String(&d->source, source); normalize_GmDocument(d); setWidth_GmDocument(d, width); /* TODO: just flag need-layout and do it later */ } void setImage_GmDocument(iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId, const iString *mime, const iBlock *data) { if (!mime || !data) { iGmImage *img; if (take_PtrArray(&d->images, findLinkImage_GmDocument_(d, linkId), (void **) &img)) { delete_GmImage(img); } } else { /* TODO: check if we know this MIME type */ /* Load the image. */ { iGmImage *img = new_GmImage(data); img->linkId = linkId; /* TODO: use a hash? */ set_String(&img->mime, mime); if (img->texture) { pushBack_PtrArray(&d->images, img); } else { delete_GmImage(img); } } } doLayout_GmDocument_(d); } void render_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iRangei visRangeY, iGmDocumentRenderFunc render, void *context) { iBool isInside = iFalse; /* TODO: Check lookup table for quick starting position. */ iConstForEach(Array, i, &d->layout) { const iGmRun *run = i.value; if (isInside) { if (top_Rect(run->visBounds) > visRangeY.end) { break; } render(context, run); } else if (bottom_Rect(run->visBounds) >= visRangeY.start) { isInside = iTrue; render(context, run); } } } iInt2 size_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d) { return d->size; } iBool hasSiteBanner_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d) { if (isEmpty_Array(&d->layout)) { return iFalse; } const iGmRun *first = constFront_Array(&d->layout); return (first->flags & siteBanner_GmRunFlag) != 0; } iRangecc findText_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, const iString *text, const char *start) { const char * src = constBegin_String(&d->source); const size_t startPos = (start ? start - src : 0); const size_t pos = indexOfCStrFromSc_String(&d->source, cstr_String(text), startPos, &iCaseInsensitive); if (pos == iInvalidPos) { return iNullRange; } return (iRangecc){ src + pos, src + pos + size_String(text) }; } iRangecc findTextBefore_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, const iString *text, const char *before) { iRangecc found = iNullRange; const char *start = constBegin_String(&d->source); if (!before) before = constEnd_String(&d->source); while (start < before) { iRangecc range = findText_GmDocument(d, text, start); if (range.start == NULL || range.start >= before) break; found = range; start = range.end; } return found; } const iGmRun *findRun_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iInt2 pos) { /* TODO: Perf optimization likely needed; use a block map? */ iConstForEach(Array, i, &d->layout) { const iGmRun *run = i.value; if (contains_Rect(run->bounds, pos)) { return run; } } return NULL; } const char *findLoc_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iInt2 pos) { const iGmRun *run = findRun_GmDocument(d, pos); if (run) { return findLoc_GmRun(run, pos); } return NULL; } const iGmRun *findRunAtLoc_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, const char *textCStr) { iConstForEach(Array, i, &d->layout) { const iGmRun *run = i.value; if (contains_Range(&run->text, textCStr) || run->text.start > textCStr /* went past */) { return run; } } return NULL; } static const iGmLink *link_GmDocument_(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId id) { if (id > 0 && id <= size_PtrArray(&d->links)) { return constAt_PtrArray(&d->links, id - 1); } return NULL; } const iString *linkUrl_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { const iGmLink *link = link_GmDocument_(d, linkId); return link ? &link->url : NULL; } int linkFlags_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { const iGmLink *link = link_GmDocument_(d, linkId); return link ? link->flags : 0; } const iTime *linkTime_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { const iGmLink *link = link_GmDocument_(d, linkId); return link ? &link->when : NULL; } uint16_t linkImage_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { size_t index = findLinkImage_GmDocument_(d, linkId); if (index != iInvalidPos) { return index + 1; } return 0; } enum iColorId linkColor_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId, enum iGmLinkPart part) { const iGmLink *link = link_GmDocument_(d, linkId); if (link) { const iBool isBad = (link->flags & supportedProtocol_GmLinkFlag) == 0; if (part == icon_GmLinkPart) { if (isBad) { return tmBadLink_ColorId; } if (link->flags & visited_GmLinkFlag) { return link->flags & http_GmLinkFlag ? tmHypertextLinkIconVisited_ColorId : link->flags & gopher_GmLinkFlag ? tmGopherLinkIconVisited_ColorId : tmLinkIconVisited_ColorId; } return link->flags & http_GmLinkFlag ? tmHypertextLinkIcon_ColorId : link->flags & gopher_GmLinkFlag ? tmGopherLinkIcon_ColorId : tmLinkIcon_ColorId; } if (part == text_GmLinkPart) { return link->flags & http_GmLinkFlag ? tmHypertextLinkText_ColorId : link->flags & gopher_GmLinkFlag ? tmGopherLinkText_ColorId : tmLinkText_ColorId; } if (part == textHover_GmLinkPart) { return link->flags & http_GmLinkFlag ? tmHypertextLinkTextHover_ColorId : link->flags & gopher_GmLinkFlag ? tmGopherLinkTextHover_ColorId : tmLinkTextHover_ColorId; } if (part == domain_GmLinkPart) { if (isBad) { return tmBadLink_ColorId; } return link->flags & http_GmLinkFlag ? tmHypertextLinkDomain_ColorId : link->flags & gopher_GmLinkFlag ? tmGopherLinkDomain_ColorId : tmLinkDomain_ColorId; } if (part == visited_GmLinkPart) { return link->flags & http_GmLinkFlag ? tmHypertextLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId : link->flags & gopher_GmLinkFlag ? tmGopherLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId : tmLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId; } } return tmLinkText_ColorId; } iBool isMediaLink_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { return (linkFlags_GmDocument(d, linkId) & (imageFileExtension_GmLinkFlag | audioFileExtension_GmLinkFlag)) != 0; } SDL_Texture *imageTexture_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, uint16_t imageId) { if (imageId > 0 && imageId <= size_PtrArray(&d->images)) { const iGmImage *img = constAt_PtrArray(&d->images, imageId - 1); return img->texture; } return NULL; } void imageInfo_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, uint16_t imageId, iGmImageInfo *info_out) { if (imageId > 0 && imageId <= size_PtrArray(&d->images)) { const iGmImage *img = constAt_PtrArray(&d->images, imageId - 1); info_out->size = img->size; info_out->numBytes = img->numBytes; info_out->mime = cstr_String(&img->mime); } else { iZap(*info_out); } } const iString *title_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d) { return &d->title; } iChar siteIcon_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d) { return d->siteIcon; } const char *findLoc_GmRun(const iGmRun *d, iInt2 pos) { const int x = pos.x - left_Rect(d->bounds); const char *loc; tryAdvanceNoWrap_Text(d->font, d->text, x, &loc); return loc; } iDefineClass(GmDocument)