/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include "gmutil.h" #include "media.h" #include #include #include #include #include iDeclareType(GmHeading) iDeclareType(GmPreMeta) iDeclareType(GmRun) enum iGmLineType { text_GmLineType, bullet_GmLineType, preformatted_GmLineType, quote_GmLineType, heading1_GmLineType, heading2_GmLineType, heading3_GmLineType, link_GmLineType, max_GmLineType, }; enum iGmLineType lineType_Rangecc (const iRangecc line); void trimLine_Rangecc (iRangecc *line, enum iGmLineType type, iBool normalize); enum iGmDocumentTheme { colorfulDark_GmDocumentTheme, colorfulLight_GmDocumentTheme, black_GmDocumentTheme, gray_GmDocumentTheme, white_GmDocumentTheme, sepia_GmDocumentTheme, highContrast_GmDocumentTheme, }; iBool isDark_GmDocumentTheme(enum iGmDocumentTheme); typedef uint16_t iGmLinkId; enum iGmLinkFlags { gemini_GmLinkFlag = iBit(1), gopher_GmLinkFlag = iBit(2), finger_GmLinkFlag = iBit(3), http_GmLinkFlag = iBit(4), file_GmLinkFlag = iBit(5), data_GmLinkFlag = iBit(6), about_GmLinkFlag = iBit(7), mailto_GmLinkFlag = iBit(8), supportedProtocol_GmLinkFlag = 0xff, remote_GmLinkFlag = iBit(9), humanReadable_GmLinkFlag = iBit(10), /* link has a human-readable description */ imageFileExtension_GmLinkFlag = iBit(11), audioFileExtension_GmLinkFlag = iBit(12), content_GmLinkFlag = iBit(13), /* content visible below */ visited_GmLinkFlag = iBit(14), /* in the history */ permanent_GmLinkFlag = iBit(15), /* content cannot be dismissed; media link */ query_GmLinkFlag = iBit(16), /* Gopher query link */ iconFromLabel_GmLinkFlag = iBit(17), /* use an Emoji/special character from label */ isOpen_GmLinkFlag = iBit(18), /* currently open in a tab */ }; struct Impl_GmHeading { iRangecc text; int level; /* 0, 1, 2 */ }; enum iGmPreMetaFlag { folded_GmPreMetaFlag = 0x1, topLeft_GmPreMetaFlag = 0x2, }; struct Impl_GmPreMeta { iRangecc bounds; /* including ``` markers */ iRangecc altText; /* range in source */ iRangecc contents; /* just the content lines */ int flags; /* TODO: refactor old code to incorporate wide scroll handling here */ iRect pixelRect; }; enum iGmRunFlags { decoration_GmRunFlag = iBit(1), /* not part of the source */ startOfLine_GmRunFlag = iBit(2), endOfLine_GmRunFlag = iBit(3), siteBanner_GmRunFlag = iBit(4), /* area reserved for the site banner */ quoteBorder_GmRunFlag = iBit(5), wide_GmRunFlag = iBit(6), /* horizontally scrollable */ footer_GmRunFlag = iBit(7), altText_GmRunFlag = iBit(8), }; enum iGmRunMediaType { none_GmRunMediaType, image_GmRunMediaType, audio_GmRunMediaType, download_GmRunMediaType, }; struct Impl_GmRun { iRangecc text; iRect bounds; /* used for hit testing, may extend to edges */ iRect visBounds; /* actual visual bounds */ uint8_t font; uint8_t color; uint8_t flags; uint8_t mediaType; uint16_t preId; /* preformatted block ID (sequential) */ iGmLinkId linkId; /* zero for non-links */ uint16_t mediaId; /* zero if not an image */ }; iDeclareType(GmRunRange) struct Impl_GmRunRange { const iGmRun *start; const iGmRun *end; }; iRangecc findLoc_GmRun (const iGmRun *, iInt2 pos); iDeclareClass(GmDocument) iDeclareObjectConstruction(GmDocument) enum iGmDocumentFormat { undefined_GmDocumentFormat = -1, gemini_GmDocumentFormat = 0, plainText_GmDocumentFormat, }; enum iGmDocumentBanner { none_GmDocumentBanner, siteDomain_GmDocumentBanner, certificateWarning_GmDocumentBanner, }; enum iGmDocumentUpdate { partial_GmDocumentUpdate, /* appending more content */ final_GmDocumentUpdate, /* process all lines, including the last one if not terminated */ }; void setThemeSeed_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, const iBlock *seed); void setFormat_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, enum iGmDocumentFormat format); void setBanner_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, enum iGmDocumentBanner type); void setWidth_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, int width); void redoLayout_GmDocument (iGmDocument *); iBool updateOpenURLs_GmDocument(iGmDocument *); void setUrl_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, const iString *url); void setSource_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, const iString *source, int width, enum iGmDocumentUpdate updateType); void foldPre_GmDocument (iGmDocument *, uint16_t preId); //void reset_GmDocument (iGmDocument *); /* free images */ typedef void (*iGmDocumentRenderFunc)(void *, const iGmRun *); iMedia * media_GmDocument (iGmDocument *); const iMedia * constMedia_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); void render_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iRangei visRangeY, iGmDocumentRenderFunc render, void *); /* includes partial overlaps */ const iGmRun * renderProgressive_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *d, const iGmRun *first, int dir, size_t maxCount, iRangei visRangeY, iGmDocumentRenderFunc render, void *context); iInt2 size_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); const iGmRun * siteBanner_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); iBool hasSiteBanner_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); enum iGmDocumentBanner bannerType_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *); const iString * bannerText_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); const iArray * headings_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); /* array of GmHeadings */ const iString * source_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); size_t memorySize_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); /* bytes */ iRangecc findText_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, const iString *text, const char *start); iRangecc findTextBefore_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, const iString *text, const char *before); iGmRunRange findPreformattedRange_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, const iGmRun *run); enum iGmLinkPart { icon_GmLinkPart, text_GmLinkPart, textHover_GmLinkPart, domain_GmLinkPart, visited_GmLinkPart, }; const iGmRun * findRun_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iInt2 pos); iRangecc findLoc_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iInt2 pos); const iGmRun * findRunAtLoc_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, const char *loc); const iString * linkUrl_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); iRangecc linkUrlRange_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); iRangecc linkLabel_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); iMediaId linkImage_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); iMediaId linkAudio_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); int linkFlags_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); enum iColorId linkColor_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId, enum iGmLinkPart part); const iTime * linkTime_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); iBool isMediaLink_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, iGmLinkId linkId); const iString * title_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); iChar siteIcon_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *); const iGmPreMeta *preMeta_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, uint16_t preId); iInt2 preRunMargin_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, uint16_t preId); iBool preIsFolded_GmDocument (const iGmDocument *, uint16_t preId); iBool preHasAltText_GmDocument(const iGmDocument *, uint16_t preId);