#include "gmutil.h" #include #include #include void init_Url(iUrl *d, const iString *text) { iRegExp *absPat = new_RegExp("([a-z]+:)?(//[^/:?]*)(:[0-9]+)?([^?]*)(\\?.*)?", caseInsensitive_RegExpOption); iRegExpMatch m; if (matchString_RegExp(absPat, text, &m)) { d->protocol = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 1); d->host = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 2); if (!isEmpty_Range(&d->host)) { d->host.start += 2; /* skip the double slash */ } d->port = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 3); if (!isEmpty_Range(&d->port)) { d->port.start++; /* omit the colon */ } d->path = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 4); d->query = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 5); } else { /* Must be a relative path. */ iZap(*d); iRegExp *relPat = new_RegExp("([a-z]+:)?([^?]*)(\\?.*)?", 0); if (matchString_RegExp(relPat, text, &m)) { d->protocol = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 1); d->path = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 2); d->query = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 3); } iRelease(relPat); } iRelease(absPat); if (!isEmpty_Range(&d->protocol)) { d->protocol.end--; /* omit the colon */ } } static iRangecc dirPath_(iRangecc path) { const size_t pos = lastIndexOfCStr_Rangecc(&path, "/"); if (pos == iInvalidPos) return path; return (iRangecc){ path.start, path.start + pos }; } iLocalDef iBool isDef_(iRangecc cc) { return !isEmpty_Range(&cc); } static iRangecc prevPathSeg_(const char *end, const char *start) { iRangecc seg = { end, end }; do { seg.start--; } while (*seg.start != '/' && seg.start != start); return seg; } void cleanUrlPath_String(iString *d) { iString clean; init_String(&clean); iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, d); iRangecc seg = iNullRange; while (nextSplit_Rangecc(&parts.path, "/", &seg)) { if (equal_Rangecc(&seg, "..")) { /* Back up one segment. */ iRangecc last = prevPathSeg_(constEnd_String(&clean), constBegin_String(&clean)); truncate_Block(&clean.chars, last.start - constBegin_String(&clean)); } else if (equal_Rangecc(&seg, ".")) { /* Skip it. */ } else { appendCStr_String(&clean, "/"); appendRange_String(&clean, seg); } } if (endsWith_Rangecc(&parts.path, "/")) { appendCStr_String(&clean, "/"); } /* Replace with the new path. */ if (cmpCStrNSc_Rangecc(&parts.path, cstr_String(&clean), size_String(&clean), &iCaseSensitive)) { const size_t pos = parts.path.start - constBegin_String(d); remove_Block(&d->chars, pos, size_Range(&parts.path)); insertData_Block(&d->chars, pos, cstr_String(&clean), size_String(&clean)); } deinit_String(&clean); } iRangecc urlProtocol_String(const iString *d) { iUrl url; init_Url(&url, d); return url.protocol; } iRangecc urlHost_String(const iString *d) { iUrl url; init_Url(&url, d); return url.host; } const iString *absoluteUrl_String(const iString *d, const iString *urlMaybeRelative) { iUrl orig; iUrl rel; init_Url(&orig, d); init_Url(&rel, urlMaybeRelative); if (equalCase_Rangecc(&rel.protocol, "data") || equalCase_Rangecc(&rel.protocol, "about")) { /* Special case, the contents should be left unparsed. */ return urlMaybeRelative; } const iBool isRelative = !isDef_(rel.host); iRangecc protocol = range_CStr("gemini"); if (isDef_(rel.protocol)) { protocol = rel.protocol; } else if (isRelative && isDef_(orig.protocol)) { protocol = orig.protocol; } iString *absolute = collectNew_String(); appendRange_String(absolute, protocol); appendCStr_String(absolute, "://"); { const iUrl *selHost = isDef_(rel.host) ? &rel : &orig; appendRange_String(absolute, selHost->host); if (!isEmpty_Range(&selHost->port)) { appendCStr_String(absolute, ":"); appendRange_String(absolute, selHost->port); } } if (isDef_(rel.protocol) || isDef_(rel.host) || startsWith_Rangecc(&rel.path, "/")) { appendRange_String(absolute, rel.path); /* absolute path */ } else { if (!endsWith_Rangecc(&orig.path, "/")) { /* Referencing a file. */ appendRange_String(absolute, dirPath_(orig.path)); } else { /* Referencing a directory. */ appendRange_String(absolute, orig.path); } if (!endsWith_String(absolute, "/")) { appendCStr_String(absolute, "/"); } appendRange_String(absolute, rel.path); } appendRange_String(absolute, rel.query); cleanUrlPath_String(absolute); return absolute; } iString *makeFileUrl_String(const iString *localFilePath) { iString *url = cleaned_Path(localFilePath); replace_Block(&url->chars, '\\', '/'); /* in case it's a Windows path */ prependCStr_String(url, "file://"); return url; } void urlEncodeSpaces_String(iString *d) { for (;;) { const size_t pos = indexOfCStr_String(d, " "); if (pos == iInvalidPos) break; remove_Block(&d->chars, pos, 1); insertData_Block(&d->chars, pos, "%20", 3); } } static const struct { enum iGmStatusCode code; iGmError err; } errors_[] = { { unknownStatusCode_GmStatusCode, /* keep this as the first one (fallback return value) */ { 0x1f4ab, /* dizzy */ "Unknown Status Code", "The server responded with a status code that is not specified in the Gemini " "protocol as known to this client. Maybe the server is from the future? Or " "just malfunctioning."} }, { failedToOpenFile_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f4c1, /* file folder */ "Failed to Open File", "The requested file does not exist or is inaccessible. " "Please check the file path." } }, { invalidLocalResource_GmStatusCode, { 0, "Invalid Resource", "The requested resource does not exist." } }, { unsupportedMimeType_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f47d, /* alien */ "Unsupported MIME Type", "The received content is in an unsupported format and cannot be viewed with " "this application." } }, { invalidHeader_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f4a9, /* pile of poo */ "Invalid Header", "The received header did not conform to the Gemini specification. " "Perhaps the server is malfunctioning or you tried to contact a " "non-Gemini server." } }, { invalidRedirect_GmStatusCode, { 0x27a0, /* dashed arrow */ "Invalid Redirect", "The server responded with a redirect but did not provide a valid destination URL. " "Perhaps the server is malfunctioning." } }, { temporaryFailure_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f50c, /* electric plug */ "Temporary Failure", "The request has failed, but may succeed if you try again in the future." } }, { serverUnavailable_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f525, /* fire */ "Server Unavailable", "The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Check back later." } }, { cgiError_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f4a5, /* collision */ "CGI Error", "Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due " "to buggy serverside software." } }, { proxyError_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f310, /* globe */ "Proxy Error", "A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully " "complete a transaction with the remote host. Perhaps there are difficulties " "with network connectivity." } }, { slowDown_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f40c, /* snail */ "Slow Down", "The server is rate limiting requests. Please wait..." } }, { permanentFailure_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f6ab, /* no entry */ "Permanent Failure", "Your request has failed and will fail in the future as well if repeated." } }, { notFound_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f50d, /* magnifying glass */ "Not Found", "The requested resource could not be found at this time." } }, { gone_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f47b, /* ghost */ "Gone", "The resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again." } }, { proxyRequestRefused_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f6c2, /* passport control */ "Proxy Request Refused", "The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the " "server does not accept proxy requests." } }, { badRequest_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f44e, /* thumbs down */ "Bad Request", "The server was unable to parse your request, presumably due to the " "request being malformed." } }, { clientCertificateRequired_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f511, /* key */ "Certificate Required", "Access to the requested resource requires identification via " "a client certificate." } }, { certificateNotAuthorized_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f512, /* lock */ "Certificate Not Authorized", "The provided client certificate is valid but is not authorized for accessing " "the requested resource. " } }, { certificateNotValid_GmStatusCode, { 0x1f6a8, /* revolving light */ "Invalid Certificate", "The provided client certificate is expired or invalid." } }, }; iBool isDefined_GmError(enum iGmStatusCode code) { iForIndices(i, errors_) { if (errors_[i].code == code) { return iTrue; } } return iFalse; } const iGmError *get_GmError(enum iGmStatusCode code) { static const iGmError none = { 0, "", "" }; if (code == 0) { return &none; } iForIndices(i, errors_) { if (errors_[i].code == code) { return &errors_[i].err; } } iAssert(errors_[0].code == unknownStatusCode_GmStatusCode); return &errors_[0].err; /* unknown */ }