/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include "gmdocument.h" #include "ui/color.h" #include "ui/text.h" /* User preferences */ iDeclareType(Prefs) enum iPrefsString { /* General */ uiLanguage_PrefsString, downloadDir_PrefsString, searchUrl_PrefsString, /* Network */ caFile_PrefsString, caPath_PrefsString, geminiProxy_PrefsString, gopherProxy_PrefsString, httpProxy_PrefsString, /* Style */ uiFont_PrefsString, headingFont_PrefsString, bodyFont_PrefsString, monospaceFont_PrefsString, monospaceDocumentFont_PrefsString, /* Meta */ max_PrefsString }; /* Note: These match match the array/struct in Prefs. */ enum iPrefsBool { /* Window and User Interface */ useSystemTheme_PrefsBool, customFrame_PrefsBool, retainWindowSize_PrefsBool, uiAnimations_PrefsBool, hideToolbarOnScroll_PrefsBool, blinkingCursor_PrefsBool, /* Document presentation */ sideIcon_PrefsBool, time24h_PrefsBool, /* Behavior */ hoverLink_PrefsBool, smoothScrolling_PrefsBool, loadImageInsteadOfScrolling_PrefsBool, openDataUrlImagesOnLoad_PrefsBool, collapsePreOnLoad_PrefsBool, openArchiveIndexPages_PrefsBool, addBookmarksToBottom_PrefsBool, warnAboutMissingGlyphs_PrefsBool, /* Network */ decodeUserVisibleURLs_PrefsBool, /* Style */ monospaceGemini_PrefsBool, monospaceGopher_PrefsBool, boldLinkVisited_PrefsBool, boldLinkDark_PrefsBool, boldLinkLight_PrefsBool, fontSmoothing_PrefsBool, bigFirstParagraph_PrefsBool, quoteIcon_PrefsBool, centerShortDocs_PrefsBool, plainTextWrap_PrefsBool, /* Meta */ max_PrefsBool }; #define maxNavbarActions_Prefs 4 /* TODO: Use a systematic command naming convention for notifications. */ struct Impl_Prefs { iString strings[max_PrefsString]; union { iBool bools[max_PrefsBool]; /* For convenience, contents of the array are accessible also via these members. */ struct { /* Window and User Interface */ iBool useSystemTheme; iBool customFrame; /* when LAGRANGE_ENABLE_CUSTOM_FRAME is defined */ iBool retainWindowSize; iBool uiAnimations; iBool hideToolbarOnScroll; iBool blinkingCursor; /* Document presentation */ iBool sideIcon; iBool time24h; /* Behavior */ iBool hoverLink; iBool smoothScrolling; iBool loadImageInsteadOfScrolling; iBool openDataUrlImagesOnLoad; iBool collapsePreOnLoad; iBool openArchiveIndexPages; iBool addBookmarksToBottom; iBool warnAboutMissingGlyphs; /* Network */ iBool decodeUserVisibleURLs; /* Style */ iBool monospaceGemini; iBool monospaceGopher; iBool boldLinkVisited; iBool boldLinkDark; iBool boldLinkLight; iBool fontSmoothing; iBool bigFirstParagraph; iBool quoteIcon; iBool centerShortDocs; iBool plainTextWrap; }; }; /* UI state (belongs to state.lgr...) */ int dialogTab; int langFrom; int langTo; /* Colors */ enum iColorTheme systemPreferredColorTheme[2]; /* dark, light */ enum iColorTheme theme; enum iColorAccent accent; /* Window and User Interface */ float uiScale; enum iToolbarAction navbarActions[maxNavbarActions_Prefs]; enum iToolbarAction toolbarActions[2]; /* Document presentation */ int zoomPercent; /* Behavior */ int pinSplit; /* 0: no pinning, 1: left doc, 2: right doc */ int returnKey; int smoothScrollSpeed[max_ScrollType]; /* Network */ int maxCacheSize; /* MB */ int maxMemorySize; /* MB */ int maxUrlSize; /* bytes; longer ones will be disregarded */ /* Style */ iStringSet * disabledFontPacks; int gemtextAnsiEscapes; int lineWidth; float lineSpacing; enum iImageStyle imageStyle; /* Colors */ enum iGmDocumentTheme docThemeDark; enum iGmDocumentTheme docThemeLight; float saturation; }; iDeclareTypeConstruction(Prefs) iLocalDef float scrollSpeedFactor_Prefs(const iPrefs *d, enum iScrollType type) { iAssert(type >= 0 && type < max_ScrollType); return 10.0f / iMax(1, d->smoothScrollSpeed[type]) * (type == mouse_ScrollType ? 0.5f : 1.0f); }