/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include enum iColorTheme { pureBlack_ColorTheme, dark_ColorTheme, light_ColorTheme, pureWhite_ColorTheme, max_ColorTheme }; enum iColorAccent { cyan_ColorAccent, orange_ColorAccent, max_ColorAccent }; iLocalDef iBool isDark_ColorTheme(enum iColorTheme d) { return d == pureBlack_ColorTheme || d == dark_ColorTheme; } iLocalDef iBool isLight_ColorTheme(enum iColorTheme d) { return !isDark_ColorTheme(d); } enum iColorId { none_ColorId = -1, black_ColorId, gray25_ColorId, gray50_ColorId, gray75_ColorId, white_ColorId, brown_ColorId, orange_ColorId, teal_ColorId, cyan_ColorId, yellow_ColorId, red_ColorId, magenta_ColorId, blue_ColorId, green_ColorId, /* user interface colors for semantic use */ uiFirst_ColorId, uiBackground_ColorId = uiFirst_ColorId, uiBackgroundHover_ColorId, uiBackgroundPressed_ColorId, uiBackgroundSelected_ColorId, uiBackgroundFramelessHover_ColorId, uiText_ColorId, uiTextPressed_ColorId, uiTextSelected_ColorId, uiTextDisabled_ColorId, uiTextFramelessHover_ColorId, uiTextFramelessSelected_ColorId, uiTextStrong_ColorId, uiTextShortcut_ColorId, uiTextAction_ColorId, uiTextCaution_ColorId, uiFrame_ColorId, uiEmboss1_ColorId, uiEmboss2_ColorId, uiEmbossHover1_ColorId, uiEmbossHover2_ColorId, uiEmbossPressed1_ColorId, uiEmbossPressed2_ColorId, uiEmbossSelected1_ColorId, uiEmbossSelected2_ColorId, uiEmbossSelectedHover1_ColorId, uiEmbossSelectedHover2_ColorId, uiInputBackground_ColorId, uiInputBackgroundFocused_ColorId, uiInputText_ColorId, uiInputTextFocused_ColorId, uiInputFrame_ColorId, uiInputFrameHover_ColorId, uiInputFrameFocused_ColorId, uiInputCursor_ColorId, uiInputCursorText_ColorId, uiHeading_ColorId, uiAnnotation_ColorId, uiIcon_ColorId, uiIconHover_ColorId, uiSeparator_ColorId, uiMarked_ColorId, uiMatching_ColorId, uiBackgroundUnfocusedSelection_ColorId, uiBackgroundFolder_ColorId, uiTextDim_ColorId, uiSubheading_ColorId, uiTextAppTitle_ColorId, uiBackgroundSidebar_ColorId, uiBackgroundMenu_ColorId, /* content theme colors */ tmFirst_ColorId, tmBackground_ColorId = tmFirst_ColorId, tmParagraph_ColorId, tmFirstParagraph_ColorId, tmQuote_ColorId, tmQuoteIcon_ColorId, tmPreformatted_ColorId, tmHeading1_ColorId, tmHeading2_ColorId, tmHeading3_ColorId, tmBannerBackground_ColorId, tmBannerTitle_ColorId, tmBannerIcon_ColorId, tmBannerSideTitle_ColorId, tmOutlineHeadingAbove_ColorId, tmOutlineHeadingBelow_ColorId, tmInlineContentMetadata_ColorId, tmBadLink_ColorId, tmLinkIcon_ColorId, tmLinkIconVisited_ColorId, tmLinkText_ColorId, tmLinkTextHover_ColorId, tmLinkDomain_ColorId, tmLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId, tmHypertextLinkIcon_ColorId, tmHypertextLinkIconVisited_ColorId, tmHypertextLinkText_ColorId, tmHypertextLinkTextHover_ColorId, tmHypertextLinkDomain_ColorId, tmHypertextLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId, tmGopherLinkIcon_ColorId, tmGopherLinkIconVisited_ColorId, tmGopherLinkText_ColorId, tmGopherLinkTextHover_ColorId, tmGopherLinkDomain_ColorId, tmGopherLinkLastVisitDate_ColorId, max_ColorId }; iLocalDef iBool isLink_ColorId(enum iColorId d) { return d >= tmBadLink_ColorId; } iLocalDef iBool isBackground_ColorId(enum iColorId d) { return d == tmBackground_ColorId || d == tmBannerBackground_ColorId; } iLocalDef iBool isText_ColorId(enum iColorId d) { return d >= tmFirst_ColorId && !isBackground_ColorId(d); } iLocalDef iBool isLinkText_ColorId(enum iColorId d) { return d == tmLinkText_ColorId || d == tmHypertextLinkText_ColorId || d == tmGopherLinkText_ColorId; } iLocalDef iBool isRegularText_ColorId(enum iColorId d) { return isLinkText_ColorId(d) || d == tmParagraph_ColorId || d == tmFirstParagraph_ColorId; } #define mask_ColorId 0x7f #define permanent_ColorId 0x80 /* cannot be changed via escapes */ #define asciiBase_ColorEscape 33 #define asciiExtended_ColorEscape (128 - asciiBase_ColorEscape) #define restore_ColorEscape "\r\x24" /* ASCII Cancel */ #define black_ColorEscape "\r!" #define gray25_ColorEscape "\r\"" #define gray50_ColorEscape "\r#" #define gray75_ColorEscape "\r$" #define white_ColorEscape "\r%" #define brown_ColorEscape "\r&" #define orange_ColorEscape "\r'" #define teal_ColorEscape "\r(" #define cyan_ColorEscape "\r)" #define yellow_ColorEscape "\r*" #define red_ColorEscape "\r+" #define magenta_ColorEscape "\r," #define blue_ColorEscape "\r-" #define green_ColorEscape "\r." #define uiText_ColorEscape "\r4" #define uiTextAction_ColorEscape "\r<" #define uiTextCaution_ColorEscape "\r=" #define uiTextStrong_ColorEscape "\r:" #define uiHeading_ColorEscape "\rR" iDeclareType(Color) iDeclareType(HSLColor) struct Impl_Color { uint8_t r, g, b, a; }; iLocalDef iBool equal_Color(const iColor a, const iColor b) { return memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) == 0; } struct Impl_HSLColor { float hue, sat, lum, a; }; iHSLColor hsl_Color (iColor); iColor rgb_HSLColor (iHSLColor); iHSLColor setSat_HSLColor (iHSLColor, float sat); iHSLColor setLum_HSLColor (iHSLColor, float lum); iHSLColor addSatLum_HSLColor (iHSLColor, float sat, float lum); iColor get_Color (int color); int darker_Color (int color); int lighter_Color (int color); void set_Color (int color, iColor rgba); iColor mix_Color (iColor c1, iColor c2, float t); int delta_Color (iColor c1, iColor c2); iLocalDef iHSLColor get_HSLColor(int color) { return hsl_Color(get_Color(color)); } iLocalDef void setHsl_Color(int color, iHSLColor hsl) { set_Color(color, rgb_HSLColor(hsl)); } void setThemePalette_Color (enum iColorTheme theme); iColor ansiForeground_Color (iRangecc escapeSequence, int fallback); const char * escape_Color (int color);