#include "documentwidget.h" #include "scrollwidget.h" #include "inputwidget.h" #include "paint.h" #include "command.h" #include "util.h" #include "app.h" #include "../gemini.h" #include "../gmdocument.h" #include "../gmrequest.h" #include "../gmutil.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum iDocumentState { blank_DocumentState, fetching_DocumentState, receivedPartialResponse_DocumentState, layout_DocumentState, ready_DocumentState, }; iDeclareClass(MediaRequest) struct Impl_MediaRequest { iObject object; iDocumentWidget *doc; iGmLinkId linkId; iGmRequest *req; iAtomicInt isUpdated; }; static void updated_MediaRequest_(iAnyObject *obj) { iMediaRequest *d = obj; int wasUpdated = exchange_Atomic(&d->isUpdated, iTrue); if (!wasUpdated) { postCommandf_App("media.updated link:%u request:%p", d->linkId, d); } } static void finished_MediaRequest_(iAnyObject *obj) { iMediaRequest *d = obj; postCommandf_App("media.finished link:%u request:%p", d->linkId, d); } void init_MediaRequest(iMediaRequest *d, iDocumentWidget *doc, iGmLinkId linkId, const iString *url) { d->doc = doc; d->linkId = linkId; d->req = new_GmRequest(); setUrl_GmRequest(d->req, url); iConnect(GmRequest, d->req, updated, d, updated_MediaRequest_); iConnect(GmRequest, d->req, finished, d, finished_MediaRequest_); set_Atomic(&d->isUpdated, iFalse); submit_GmRequest(d->req); } void deinit_MediaRequest(iMediaRequest *d) { iDisconnect(GmRequest, d->req, updated, d, updated_MediaRequest_); iDisconnect(GmRequest, d->req, finished, d, finished_MediaRequest_); iRelease(d->req); } iDefineObjectConstructionArgs(MediaRequest, (iDocumentWidget *doc, iGmLinkId linkId, const iString *url), doc, linkId, url) iDefineClass(MediaRequest) struct Impl_DocumentWidget { iWidget widget; enum iDocumentState state; iString *url; iString *titleUser; iGmRequest *request; iAtomicInt isRequestUpdated; /* request has new content, need to parse it */ iObjectList *media; iGmDocument *doc; iBool selecting; iRangecc selectMark; iRangecc foundMark; int pageMargin; int scrollY; iPtrArray visibleLinks; const iGmRun *hoverLink; iClick click; iScrollWidget *scroll; iWidget *menu; SDL_Cursor *arrowCursor; SDL_Cursor *beamCursor; SDL_Cursor *handCursor; }; iDefineObjectConstruction(DocumentWidget) void init_DocumentWidget(iDocumentWidget *d) { iWidget *w = as_Widget(d); init_Widget(w); setId_Widget(w, "document"); d->state = blank_DocumentState; d->url = new_String(); d->titleUser = new_String(); d->request = NULL; d->isRequestUpdated = iFalse; d->media = new_ObjectList(); d->doc = new_GmDocument(); d->selecting = iFalse; d->selectMark = iNullRange; d->foundMark = iNullRange; d->pageMargin = 5; d->scrollY = 0; d->hoverLink = NULL; d->arrowCursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW); d->beamCursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM); d->handCursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); init_PtrArray(&d->visibleLinks); init_Click(&d->click, d, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT); addChild_Widget(w, iClob(d->scroll = new_ScrollWidget())); d->menu = makeMenu_Widget(w, (iMenuItem[]){ { "Back", SDLK_LEFT, KMOD_PRIMARY, "navigate.back" }, { "Forward", SDLK_RIGHT, KMOD_PRIMARY, "navigate.forward" }, { "Reload", 'r', KMOD_PRIMARY, "navigate.reload" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { "Copy", 'c', KMOD_PRIMARY, "copy" }, { "Copy Link", 0, 0, "document.copylink" } }, 6); } void deinit_DocumentWidget(iDocumentWidget *d) { iRelease(d->media); iRelease(d->request); iRelease(d->doc); deinit_PtrArray(&d->visibleLinks); delete_String(d->url); delete_String(d->titleUser); SDL_FreeCursor(d->arrowCursor); SDL_FreeCursor(d->beamCursor); SDL_FreeCursor(d->handCursor); } static iString *cleanUrl_(const iString *url) { iString *clean = copy_String(url); if (indexOfCStr_String(url, "://") == iInvalidPos && !startsWithCase_String(url, "gemini:")) { /* Prepend default protocol. */ prependCStr_String(clean, "gemini://"); } return clean; } static int documentWidth_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d) { const iWidget *w = constAs_Widget(d); const iRect bounds = bounds_Widget(w); return iMini(bounds.size.x - gap_UI * d->pageMargin * 2, fontSize_UI * 40); } static iRect documentBounds_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d) { const iRect bounds = bounds_Widget(constAs_Widget(d)); const int margin = gap_UI * d->pageMargin; iRect rect; rect.size.x = documentWidth_DocumentWidget_(d); rect.pos.x = bounds.size.x / 2 - rect.size.x / 2; rect.pos.y = top_Rect(bounds) + margin; rect.size.y = height_Rect(bounds) - 2 * margin; if (size_GmDocument(d->doc).y < rect.size.y) { /* Center vertically if short. */ int offset = (rect.size.y - size_GmDocument(d->doc).y) / 2; rect.pos.y += offset; rect.size.y = size_GmDocument(d->doc).y; } return rect; } static iInt2 documentPos_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d, iInt2 pos) { return addY_I2(sub_I2(pos, topLeft_Rect(documentBounds_DocumentWidget_(d))), d->scrollY); } static void requestUpdated_DocumentWidget_(iAnyObject *obj) { iDocumentWidget *d = obj; const int wasUpdated = exchange_Atomic(&d->isRequestUpdated, iTrue); if (!wasUpdated) { postCommand_Widget(obj, "document.request.updated request:%p", d->request); } } static void requestFinished_DocumentWidget_(iAnyObject *obj) { iDocumentWidget *d = obj; postCommand_Widget(obj, "document.request.finished request:%p", d->request); } static iRangei visibleRange_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d) { const int margin = gap_UI * d->pageMargin; return (iRangei){ d->scrollY - margin, d->scrollY + height_Rect(bounds_Widget(constAs_Widget(d))) - margin }; } static void addVisibleLink_DocumentWidget_(void *context, const iGmRun *run) { iDocumentWidget *d = context; if (run->linkId) { pushBack_PtrArray(&d->visibleLinks, run); } } static int scrollMax_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d) { return size_GmDocument(d->doc).y - height_Rect(bounds_Widget(constAs_Widget(d))) + 2 * d->pageMargin * gap_UI; } static void updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d) { const iRangei visRange = visibleRange_DocumentWidget_(d); const iRect bounds = bounds_Widget(as_Widget(d)); setRange_ScrollWidget(d->scroll, (iRangei){ 0, scrollMax_DocumentWidget_(d) }); const int docSize = size_GmDocument(d->doc).y; setThumb_ScrollWidget(d->scroll, d->scrollY, docSize > 0 ? height_Rect(bounds) * size_Range(&visRange) / docSize : 0); clear_PtrArray(&d->visibleLinks); render_GmDocument(d->doc, visRange, addVisibleLink_DocumentWidget_, d); } static void updateWindowTitle_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d) { const char *titleSep = " \u2013 "; iString *title = collect_String(copy_String(title_GmDocument(d->doc))); if (!isEmpty_String(d->titleUser)) { if (!isEmpty_String(title)) appendCStr_String(title, titleSep); append_String(title, d->titleUser); } if (isEmpty_String(title)) { setCStr_String(title, "Lagrange"); } setTitle_Window(get_Window(), title); } static void setSource_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, const iString *source) { iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, d->url); setHost_GmDocument(d->doc, collect_String(newRange_String(parts.host))); setSource_GmDocument(d->doc, source, documentWidth_DocumentWidget_(d)); d->foundMark = iNullRange; d->selectMark = iNullRange; d->hoverLink = NULL; updateWindowTitle_DocumentWidget_(d); updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(as_Widget(d)); } static void showErrorPage_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, enum iGmStatusCode code) { iString *src = collectNew_String(); const iGmError *msg = get_GmError(code); format_String(src, "# %lc %s\n%s", msg->icon ? msg->icon : 0x2327, /* X in a box */ msg->title, msg->info); switch (code) { case failedToOpenFile_GmStatusCode: case certificateNotValid_GmStatusCode: appendFormat_String(src, "\n\n%s", cstr_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request))); break; case unsupportedMimeType_GmStatusCode: appendFormat_String(src, "\n```\n%s\n```\n", cstr_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request))); break; case slowDown_GmStatusCode: appendFormat_String(src, "\n\nWait %s seconds before your next request.", cstr_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request))); break; default: break; } setSource_DocumentWidget_(d, src); } static void updateSource_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d) { /* TODO: Do this in the background. However, that requires a text metrics calculator that does not try to cache the glyph bitmaps. */ const enum iGmStatusCode statusCode = status_GmRequest(d->request); if (statusCode != input_GmStatusCode && statusCode != sensitiveInput_GmStatusCode) { iString str; initBlock_String(&str, body_GmRequest(d->request)); if (statusCode == success_GmStatusCode) { /* Check the MIME type. */ const iString *mime = meta_GmRequest(d->request); if (startsWith_String(mime, "text/plain")) { setFormat_GmDocument(d->doc, plainText_GmDocumentFormat); } else if (startsWith_String(mime, "text/gemini")) { setFormat_GmDocument(d->doc, gemini_GmDocumentFormat); } else if (startsWith_String(mime, "image/")) { /* TODO: Make a simple document with an image. */ clear_String(&str); } else { showErrorPage_DocumentWidget_(d, unsupportedMimeType_GmStatusCode); deinit_String(&str); return; } } setSource_DocumentWidget_(d, &str); deinit_String(&str); } } static void fetch_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d) { /* Forget the previous request. */ if (d->request) { iRelease(d->request); d->request = NULL; } postCommandf_App("document.request.started url:%s", cstr_String(d->url)); clear_ObjectList(d->media); d->state = fetching_DocumentState; set_Atomic(&d->isRequestUpdated, iFalse); d->request = new_GmRequest(); setUrl_GmRequest(d->request, d->url); iConnect(GmRequest, d->request, updated, d, requestUpdated_DocumentWidget_); iConnect(GmRequest, d->request, finished, d, requestFinished_DocumentWidget_); submit_GmRequest(d->request); } void setUrl_DocumentWidget(iDocumentWidget *d, const iString *url) { iString *newUrl = collect_String(cleanUrl_(url)); if (cmpStringSc_String(d->url, newUrl, &iCaseInsensitive)) { set_String(d->url, newUrl); fetch_DocumentWidget_(d); } /* See if there a username in the URL. */ { clear_String(d->titleUser); iRegExp *userPats[2] = { new_RegExp("~([^/?]+)", 0), new_RegExp("/users/([^/?]+)", caseInsensitive_RegExpOption) }; iRegExpMatch m; iForIndices(i, userPats) { if (matchString_RegExp(userPats[i], d->url, &m)) { setRange_String(d->titleUser, capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 1)); } iRelease(userPats[i]); } } } iBool isRequestOngoing_DocumentWidget(const iDocumentWidget *d) { return d->state == fetching_DocumentState || d->state == receivedPartialResponse_DocumentState; } static void scroll_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, int offset) { d->scrollY += offset; if (d->scrollY < 0) { d->scrollY = 0; } const int scrollMax = scrollMax_DocumentWidget_(d); if (scrollMax > 0) { d->scrollY = iMin(d->scrollY, scrollMax); } else { d->scrollY = 0; } updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(as_Widget(d)); } static void scrollTo_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, int documentY) { d->scrollY = documentY - documentBounds_DocumentWidget_(d).size.y / 2; scroll_DocumentWidget_(d, 0); /* clamp it */ } static iRangecc dirPath_(iRangecc path) { const size_t pos = lastIndexOfCStr_Rangecc(&path, "/"); if (pos == iInvalidPos) return path; return (iRangecc){ path.start, path.start + pos }; } static const iString *absoluteUrl_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d, const iString *url) { if (indexOfCStr_String(url, "://") != iInvalidPos) { /* Already absolute. */ return url; } iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, d->url); iString *absolute = new_String(); appendRange_String(absolute, parts.protocol); appendCStr_String(absolute, "://"); appendRange_String(absolute, parts.host); if (!isEmpty_Range(&parts.port)) { appendCStr_String(absolute, ":"); appendRange_String(absolute, parts.port); } if (startsWith_String(url, "/")) { append_String(absolute, url); } else { iRangecc relPath = range_String(url); iRangecc dir = dirPath_(parts.path); for (;;) { if (equal_Rangecc(&relPath, ".")) { relPath.start++; } else if (startsWith_Rangecc(&relPath, "./")) { relPath.start += 2; } else if (equal_Rangecc(&relPath, "..")) { relPath.start += 2; dir = dirPath_(dir); } else if (startsWith_Rangecc(&relPath, "../")) { relPath.start += 3; dir = dirPath_(dir); } else break; } appendRange_String(absolute, dir); if (!endsWith_String(absolute, "/")) { appendCStr_String(absolute, "/"); } appendRange_String(absolute, relPath); } return collect_String(absolute); } static void checkResponseCode_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d) { if (!d->request) { return; } if (d->state == fetching_DocumentState) { d->state = receivedPartialResponse_DocumentState; d->scrollY = 0; reset_GmDocument(d->doc); /* new content incoming */ enum iGmStatusCode statusCode = status_GmRequest(d->request); switch (statusCode) { case none_GmStatusCode: case success_GmStatusCode: break; case input_GmStatusCode: case sensitiveInput_GmStatusCode: { iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, d->url); iWidget *dlg = makeValueInput_Widget( as_Widget(d), NULL, format_CStr(cyan_ColorEscape "%s", cstr_String(collect_String(newRange_String(parts.host)))), isEmpty_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request)) ? format_CStr( "Please enter input for %s:", cstr_String(collect_String(newRange_String(parts.path)))) : cstr_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request)), orange_ColorEscape "Send \u21d2", "document.input.submit"); setSensitive_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "input"), statusCode == sensitiveInput_GmStatusCode); break; } case redirectTemporary_GmStatusCode: case redirectPermanent_GmStatusCode: if (isEmpty_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request))) { showErrorPage_DocumentWidget_(d, invalidRedirect_GmStatusCode); } else { postCommandf_App("open redirect:1 url:%s", cstr_String(meta_GmRequest(d->request))); iReleasePtr(&d->request); } break; default: showErrorPage_DocumentWidget_(d, statusCode); break; } } } static const char *sourceLoc_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d, iInt2 pos) { return findLoc_GmDocument(d->doc, documentPos_DocumentWidget_(d, pos)); } static void removeMediaRequest_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->media) { iMediaRequest *req = (iMediaRequest *) i.object; if (req->linkId == linkId) { remove_ObjectListIterator(&i); break; } } } static iMediaRequest *findMediaRequest_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->media) { const iMediaRequest *req = (const iMediaRequest *) i.object; if (req->linkId == linkId) { return iConstCast(iMediaRequest *, req); } } return NULL; } static void requestMedia_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, iGmLinkId linkId) { if (!findMediaRequest_DocumentWidget_(d, linkId)) { pushBack_ObjectList( d->media, iClob(new_MediaRequest( d, linkId, absoluteUrl_DocumentWidget_(d, linkUrl_GmDocument(d->doc, linkId))))); } } static iBool handleMediaEvent_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, const char *cmd) { iMediaRequest *req = pointerLabel_Command(cmd, "request"); if (!req || req->doc != d) { return iFalse; /* not our request */ } if (equal_Command(cmd, "media.updated")) { /* TODO: Show a progress indicator */ return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "media.finished")) { const enum iGmStatusCode code = status_GmRequest(req->req); /* Give the media to the document for presentation. */ if (code == success_GmStatusCode) { printf("media finished: %s\n size: %zu\n type: %s\n", cstr_String(url_GmRequest(req->req)), size_Block(body_GmRequest(req->req)), cstr_String(meta_GmRequest(req->req))); if (startsWith_String(meta_GmRequest(req->req), "image/")) { setImage_GmDocument(d->doc, req->linkId, meta_GmRequest(req->req), body_GmRequest(req->req)); updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(as_Widget(d)); } } else { const iGmError *err = get_GmError(code); makeMessage_Widget(format_CStr(orange_ColorEscape "%s", err->title), err->info); removeMediaRequest_DocumentWidget_(d, req->linkId); } return iTrue; } return iFalse; } static iBool processEvent_DocumentWidget_(iDocumentWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { iWidget *w = as_Widget(d); if (isResize_UserEvent(ev)) { setWidth_GmDocument(d->doc, documentWidth_DocumentWidget_(d)); scroll_DocumentWidget_(d, 0); updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(w); } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "copy")) { if (d->selectMark.start) { iRangecc mark = d->selectMark; if (mark.start > mark.end) { iSwap(const char *, mark.start, mark.end); } iString *copied = newRange_String(mark); SDL_SetClipboardText(cstr_String(copied)); delete_String(copied); return iTrue; } } else if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "document.copylink")) { if (d->hoverLink) { SDL_SetClipboardText(cstr_String( absoluteUrl_DocumentWidget_(d, linkUrl_GmDocument(d->doc, d->hoverLink->linkId)))); } else { SDL_SetClipboardText(cstr_String(d->url)); } return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "document.input.submit")) { iString *value = collect_String(suffix_Command(command_UserEvent(ev), "value")); urlEncode_String(value); iString *url = collect_String(copy_String(d->url)); const size_t qPos = indexOfCStr_String(url, "?"); if (qPos != iInvalidPos) { remove_Block(&url->chars, qPos, iInvalidSize); } appendCStr_String(url, "?"); append_String(url, value); postCommandf_App("open url:%s", cstr_String(url)); return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "valueinput.cancelled") && cmp_String(string_Command(command_UserEvent(ev), "id"), "document.input.submit") == 0) { postCommand_App("navigate.back"); return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "document.request.updated") && pointerLabel_Command(command_UserEvent(ev), "request") == d->request) { updateSource_DocumentWidget_(d); checkResponseCode_DocumentWidget_(d); return iFalse; } else if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "document.request.finished") && pointerLabel_Command(command_UserEvent(ev), "request") == d->request) { updateSource_DocumentWidget_(d); checkResponseCode_DocumentWidget_(d); d->state = ready_DocumentState; iReleasePtr(&d->request); postCommandf_App("document.changed url:%s", cstr_String(d->url)); return iFalse; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "document.request.cancelled")) { postCommand_App("navigate.back"); return iFalse; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "document.stop")) { if (d->request) { postCommandf_App("document.request.cancelled url:%s", cstr_String(d->url)); iReleasePtr(&d->request); d->state = ready_DocumentState; } return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "media.updated") || isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "media.finished")) { return handleMediaEvent_DocumentWidget_(d, command_UserEvent(ev)); } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "document.reload")) { fetch_DocumentWidget_(d); return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "scroll.moved")) { d->scrollY = arg_Command(command_UserEvent(ev)); updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "scroll.page")) { scroll_DocumentWidget_( d, arg_Command(command_UserEvent(ev)) * height_Rect(documentBounds_DocumentWidget_(d))); return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "find.next") || isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "find.prev")) { const int dir = isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "find.next") ? +1 : -1; iRangecc (*finder)(const iGmDocument *, const iString *, const char *) = dir > 0 ? findText_GmDocument : findTextBefore_GmDocument; iInputWidget *find = findWidget_App("find.input"); if (isEmpty_String(text_InputWidget(find))) { d->foundMark = iNullRange; } else { const iBool wrap = d->foundMark.start != NULL; d->foundMark = finder(d->doc, text_InputWidget(find), dir > 0 ? d->foundMark.end : d->foundMark.start); if (!d->foundMark.start && wrap) { /* Wrap around. */ d->foundMark = finder(d->doc, text_InputWidget(find), NULL); } if (d->foundMark.start) { const iGmRun *found; if ((found = findRunAtLoc_GmDocument(d->doc, d->foundMark.start)) != NULL) { scrollTo_DocumentWidget_(d, mid_Rect(found->bounds).y); } } } refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "find.clearmark")) { if (d->foundMark.start) { d->foundMark = iNullRange; refresh_Widget(w); } return iTrue; } if (ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { const int mods = keyMods_Sym(ev->key.keysym.mod); const int key = ev->key.keysym.sym; switch (key) { case SDLK_HOME: d->scrollY = 0; updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; case SDLK_END: d->scrollY = scrollMax_DocumentWidget_(d); updateVisible_DocumentWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; case SDLK_UP: case SDLK_DOWN: if (mods == 0) { scroll_DocumentWidget_(d, 2 * lineHeight_Text(paragraph_FontId) * (key == SDLK_UP ? -1 : 1)); return iTrue; } break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: case ' ': postCommand_Widget(w, "scroll.page arg:%d", key == SDLK_PAGEUP ? -1 : +1); return iTrue; case '0': { extern int enableHalfPixelGlyphs_Text; enableHalfPixelGlyphs_Text = !enableHalfPixelGlyphs_Text; refresh_Widget(w); printf("halfpixel: %d\n", enableHalfPixelGlyphs_Text); fflush(stdout); break; } } } else if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) { scroll_DocumentWidget_(d, -3 * ev->wheel.y * lineHeight_Text(default_FontId)); return iTrue; } else if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { if (isVisible_Widget(d->menu)) { SDL_SetCursor(d->arrowCursor); } else { const iRect docBounds = documentBounds_DocumentWidget_(d); const iInt2 mouse = init_I2(ev->motion.x, ev->motion.y); const iGmRun *oldHoverLink = d->hoverLink; d->hoverLink = NULL; const iInt2 hoverPos = addY_I2(sub_I2(mouse, topLeft_Rect(docBounds)), d->scrollY); if (d->state == ready_DocumentState) { iConstForEach(PtrArray, i, &d->visibleLinks) { const iGmRun *run = i.ptr; if (contains_Rect(run->bounds, hoverPos)) { d->hoverLink = run; break; } } } if (d->hoverLink != oldHoverLink) { refresh_Widget(w); } if (!contains_Widget(w, mouse) || contains_Widget(constAs_Widget(d->scroll), mouse)) { SDL_SetCursor(d->arrowCursor); } else { SDL_SetCursor(d->hoverLink ? d->handCursor : d->beamCursor); } } } if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (ev->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X1) { postCommand_App("navigate.back"); return iTrue; } if (ev->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X2) { postCommand_App("navigate.forward"); return iTrue; } } processContextMenuEvent_Widget(d->menu, ev); switch (processEvent_Click(&d->click, ev)) { case started_ClickResult: d->selecting = iFalse; return iTrue; case drag_ClickResult: { /* Begin selecting a range of text. */ if (!d->selecting) { d->selecting = iTrue; d->selectMark.start = d->selectMark.end = sourceLoc_DocumentWidget_(d, d->click.startPos); refresh_Widget(w); } const char *loc = sourceLoc_DocumentWidget_(d, pos_Click(&d->click)); if (!d->selectMark.start) { d->selectMark.start = d->selectMark.end = loc; } else if (loc) { d->selectMark.end = loc; } refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; } case finished_ClickResult: if (!isMoved_Click(&d->click)) { if (d->hoverLink) { const iGmLinkId linkId = d->hoverLink->linkId; iAssert(linkId); /* Media links are opened inline by default. */ if (isMediaLink_GmDocument(d->doc, linkId)) { requestMedia_DocumentWidget_(d, linkId); } else { postCommandf_App("open url:%s", cstr_String(absoluteUrl_DocumentWidget_( d, linkUrl_GmDocument(d->doc, linkId)))); } } if (d->selectMark.start) { d->selectMark = iNullRange; refresh_Widget(w); } } return iTrue; case double_ClickResult: case aborted_ClickResult: return iTrue; default: break; } return processEvent_Widget(w, ev); } iDeclareType(DrawContext) struct Impl_DrawContext { const iDocumentWidget *widget; iRect bounds; iPaint paint; iBool inSelectMark; iBool inFoundMark; }; static void fillRange_DrawContext_(iDrawContext *d, const iGmRun *run, enum iColorId color, iRangecc mark, iBool *isInside) { if (mark.start > mark.end) { /* Selection may be done in either direction. */ iSwap(const char *, mark.start, mark.end); } if ((!*isInside && contains_Range(&run->text, mark.start)) || *isInside) { int x = 0; if (!*isInside) { x = advanceRange_Text(run->font, (iRangecc){ run->text.start, mark.start }).x; } int w = width_Rect(run->bounds) - x; if (contains_Range(&run->text, mark.end) || run->text.end == mark.end) { w = advanceRange_Text(run->font, !*isInside ? mark : (iRangecc){ run->text.start, mark.end }).x; *isInside = iFalse; } else { *isInside = iTrue; /* at least until the next run */ } if (w > width_Rect(run->visBounds) - x) { w = width_Rect(run->visBounds) - x; } const iInt2 visPos = add_I2(run->bounds.pos, addY_I2(d->bounds.pos, -d->widget->scrollY)); fillRect_Paint(&d->paint, (iRect){ addX_I2(visPos, x), init_I2(w, height_Rect(run->bounds)) }, color); } } static void drawRun_DrawContext_(void *context, const iGmRun *run) { iDrawContext *d = context; const iInt2 origin = addY_I2(d->bounds.pos, -d->widget->scrollY); if (run->imageId) { SDL_Texture *tex = imageTexture_GmDocument(d->widget->doc, run->imageId); if (tex) { const iRect dst = moved_Rect(run->visBounds, origin); SDL_RenderCopy(d->paint.dst->render, tex, NULL, &(SDL_Rect){ dst.pos.x, dst.pos.y, dst.size.x, dst.size.y }); } return; } iString text; /* TODO: making a copy is unnecessary; the text routines should accept Rangecc */ initRange_String(&text, run->text); enum iColorId fg = run->color; if (run == d->widget->hoverLink) { const iGmDocument *doc = d->widget->doc; const iGmLinkId linkId = d->widget->hoverLink->linkId; const iString * url = linkUrl_GmDocument(doc, linkId); const int flags = linkFlags_GmDocument(doc, linkId); iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, url); const iString *host = collect_String(newRange_String(parts.host)); fg = linkColor_GmDocument(doc, linkId); const iBool showHost = (!isEmpty_String(host) && flags & userFriendly_GmLinkFlag); const iBool showImage = (flags & imageFileExtension_GmLinkFlag) != 0; const iBool showAudio = (flags & audioFileExtension_GmLinkFlag) != 0; if (flags & (imageFileExtension_GmLinkFlag | audioFileExtension_GmLinkFlag) || showHost) { iRect linkRect = moved_Rect(run->visBounds, origin); drawAlign_Text(default_FontId, topRight_Rect(linkRect), fg - 1, left_Alignment, " \u2014%s%s%s\r%c%s", showHost ? " " : "", showHost ? cstr_String(host) : "", showHost && (showImage || showAudio) ? " \u2014" : "", showImage || showAudio ? '0' + fg : ('0' + fg - 1), showImage ? " View Image \U0001f5bc" : showAudio ? " Play Audio \U0001f3b5" : ""); } } const iInt2 visPos = add_I2(run->visBounds.pos, origin); /* Text markers. */ fillRange_DrawContext_(d, run, teal_ColorId, d->widget->foundMark, &d->inFoundMark); fillRange_DrawContext_(d, run, brown_ColorId, d->widget->selectMark, &d->inSelectMark); drawString_Text(run->font, visPos, fg, &text); deinit_String(&text); // drawRect_Paint(&d->paint, (iRect){ visPos, run->bounds.size }, green_ColorId); // drawRect_Paint(&d->paint, (iRect){ visPos, run->visBounds.size }, red_ColorId); } static void draw_DocumentWidget_(const iDocumentWidget *d) { const iWidget *w = constAs_Widget(d); const iRect bounds = bounds_Widget(w); draw_Widget(w); iDrawContext ctx = { .widget = d, .bounds = documentBounds_DocumentWidget_(d) }; init_Paint(&ctx.paint); fillRect_Paint(&ctx.paint, bounds, gray15_ColorId); setClip_Paint(&ctx.paint, bounds); render_GmDocument(d->doc, visibleRange_DocumentWidget_(d), drawRun_DrawContext_, &ctx); clearClip_Paint(&ctx.paint); draw_Widget(w); } iBeginDefineSubclass(DocumentWidget, Widget) .processEvent = (iAny *) processEvent_DocumentWidget_, .draw = (iAny *) draw_DocumentWidget_, iEndDefineSubclass(DocumentWidget)