#include "labelwidget.h" #include "text.h" #include "color.h" #include "paint.h" #include "app.h" #include "util.h" iLocalDef iInt2 padding_(void) { return init_I2(3 * gap_UI, gap_UI); } struct Impl_LabelWidget { iWidget widget; iString label; int font; int key; int kmods; iString command; iClick click; }; iDefineObjectConstructionArgs(LabelWidget, (const char *label, int key, int kmods, const char *cmd), label, key, kmods, cmd) static iBool checkModifiers_(int have, int req) { return keyMods_Sym(req) == keyMods_Sym(have); } static void trigger_LabelWidget_(const iLabelWidget *d) { postCommand_Widget(&d->widget, "%s", cstr_String(&d->command)); } static iBool processEvent_LabelWidget_(iLabelWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { iWidget *w = &d->widget; if (isCommand_UserEvent(ev, "metrics.changed")) { updateSize_LabelWidget(d); } if (!isEmpty_String(&d->command)) { switch (processEvent_Click(&d->click, ev)) { case started_ClickResult: setFlags_Widget(w, pressed_WidgetFlag, iTrue); refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; case aborted_ClickResult: setFlags_Widget(w, pressed_WidgetFlag, iFalse); refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; case finished_ClickResult: setFlags_Widget(w, pressed_WidgetFlag, iFalse); trigger_LabelWidget_(d); refresh_Widget(w); return iTrue; case double_ClickResult: return iTrue; default: break; } switch (ev->type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: { const int mods = ev->key.keysym.mod; if (d->key && ev->key.keysym.sym == d->key && checkModifiers_(mods, d->kmods)) { trigger_LabelWidget_(d); return iTrue; } break; } } } return processEvent_Widget(&d->widget, ev); } static void keyStr_LabelWidget_(const iLabelWidget *d, iString *str) { #if defined (iPlatformApple) if (d->kmods & KMOD_CTRL) { appendChar_String(str, 0x2303); } if (d->kmods & KMOD_ALT) { appendChar_String(str, 0x2325); } if (d->kmods & KMOD_SHIFT) { appendChar_String(str, 0x21e7); } if (d->kmods & KMOD_GUI) { appendChar_String(str, 0x2318); } #else if (d->kmods & KMOD_CTRL) { appendCStr_String(str, "Ctrl+"); } if (d->kmods & KMOD_ALT) { appendCStr_String(str, "Alt+"); } if (d->kmods & KMOD_SHIFT) { appendCStr_String(str, "Shift+"); } if (d->kmods & KMOD_GUI) { appendCStr_String(str, "Meta+"); } #endif if (d->key == 0x20) { appendCStr_String(str, "Space"); } else if (d->key == SDLK_LEFT) { appendChar_String(str, 0x2190); } else if (d->key == SDLK_RIGHT) { appendChar_String(str, 0x2192); } else if (d->key < 128 && (isalnum(d->key) || ispunct(d->key))) { appendChar_String(str, upper_Char(d->key)); } else if (d->key == SDLK_BACKSPACE) { appendChar_String(str, 0x232b); /* Erase to the Left */ } else if (d->key == SDLK_DELETE) { appendChar_String(str, 0x2326); /* Erase to the Right */ } else { appendCStr_String(str, SDL_GetKeyName(d->key)); } } static void draw_LabelWidget_(const iLabelWidget *d) { const iWidget *w = constAs_Widget(d); draw_Widget(w); const iBool isButton = d->click.button != 0; const int flags = flags_Widget(w); const iRect bounds = bounds_Widget(w); iRect rect = bounds; if (isButton) { shrink_Rect(&rect, divi_I2(gap2_UI, 4)); adjustEdges_Rect(&rect, gap_UI / 8, 0, -gap_UI / 8, 0); } iPaint p; init_Paint(&p); int bg = 0; int fg = gray75_ColorId; int frame = isButton ? gray50_ColorId : gray25_ColorId; int frame2 = isButton ? black_ColorId : frame; if (flags & selected_WidgetFlag) { bg = teal_ColorId; fg = white_ColorId; frame = isButton ? cyan_ColorId : frame; } if (isHover_Widget(w)) { if (flags & frameless_WidgetFlag) { bg = teal_ColorId; fg = white_ColorId; if (isButton && flags & selected_WidgetFlag) frame = white_ColorId; } else { if (frame != cyan_ColorId) { if (startsWith_String(&d->label, orange_ColorEscape)) { frame = orange_ColorId; frame2 = brown_ColorId; } else { frame = cyan_ColorId; frame2 = teal_ColorId; } } else { frame = white_ColorId; frame2 = cyan_ColorId; } } } if (flags & pressed_WidgetFlag) { bg = orange_ColorId | permanent_ColorId; if (isButton) frame = bg; fg = black_ColorId | permanent_ColorId; } if (bg) { fillRect_Paint(&p, rect, bg); } if (~flags & frameless_WidgetFlag) { iRect frameRect = adjusted_Rect(rect, zero_I2(), init1_I2(-1)); if (isButton) { iInt2 points[] = { bottomLeft_Rect(frameRect), topLeft_Rect(frameRect), topRight_Rect(frameRect), bottomRight_Rect(frameRect), bottomLeft_Rect(frameRect) }; drawLines_Paint(&p, points + 2, 3, frame2); drawLines_Paint(&p, points, 3, frame); } else { drawRect_Paint(&p, frameRect, frame); } } setClip_Paint(&p, rect); if (flags & alignLeft_WidgetFlag) { draw_Text(d->font, add_I2(bounds.pos, padding_()), fg, cstr_String(&d->label)); if ((flags & drawKey_WidgetFlag) && d->key) { iString str; init_String(&str); keyStr_LabelWidget_(d, &str); drawAlign_Text(uiShortcuts_FontId, add_I2(topRight_Rect(bounds), negX_I2(padding_())), flags & pressed_WidgetFlag ? fg : cyan_ColorId, right_Alignment, cstr_String(&str)); deinit_String(&str); } } else if (flags & alignRight_WidgetFlag) { drawAlign_Text( d->font, add_I2(topRight_Rect(bounds), negX_I2(padding_())), fg, right_Alignment, cstr_String(&d->label)); } else { drawCentered_Text(d->font, bounds, fg, cstr_String(&d->label)); } clearClip_Paint(&p); } void updateSize_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d) { iWidget *w = as_Widget(d); const int flags = flags_Widget(w); iInt2 size = add_I2(measure_Text(d->font, cstr_String(&d->label)), muli_I2(padding_(), 2)); if ((flags & drawKey_WidgetFlag) && d->key) { iString str; init_String(&str); keyStr_LabelWidget_(d, &str); size.x += 2 * gap_UI + measure_Text(uiShortcuts_FontId, cstr_String(&str)).x; deinit_String(&str); } if (~flags & fixedWidth_WidgetFlag) { w->rect.size.x = size.x; } if (~flags & fixedHeight_WidgetFlag) { w->rect.size.y = size.y; } } void init_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d, const char *label, int key, int kmods, const char *cmd) { init_Widget(&d->widget); d->font = default_FontId; initCStr_String(&d->label, label); if (cmd) { initCStr_String(&d->command, cmd); } else { init_String(&d->command); } d->key = key; d->kmods = kmods; init_Click(&d->click, d, !isEmpty_String(&d->command) ? SDL_BUTTON_LEFT : 0); setFlags_Widget(&d->widget, hover_WidgetFlag, d->click.button != 0); updateSize_LabelWidget(d); } void deinit_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d) { deinit_String(&d->label); deinit_String(&d->command); } void setFont_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d, int fontId) { d->font = fontId; updateSize_LabelWidget(d); } void setText_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d, const iString *text) { updateText_LabelWidget(d, text); updateSize_LabelWidget(d); } void updateText_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d, const iString *text) { set_String(&d->label, text); refresh_Widget(&d->widget); } void updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d, const char *text) { setCStr_String(&d->label, text); refresh_Widget(&d->widget); } void setTextCStr_LabelWidget(iLabelWidget *d, const char *text) { setCStr_String(&d->label, text); updateSize_LabelWidget(d); } const iString *command_LabelWidget(const iLabelWidget *d) { return &d->command; } iBeginDefineSubclass(LabelWidget, Widget) .processEvent = (iAny *) processEvent_LabelWidget_, .draw = (iAny *) draw_LabelWidget_, iEndDefineSubclass(LabelWidget)