#pragma once #include "widget.h" #include "color.h" #include #include iDeclareType(Root) struct Impl_Root { iWidget * widget; iWindow * window; iPtrArray *onTop; /* order is important; last one is topmost */ iPtrSet * pendingDestruction; iBool pendingArrange; int loadAnimTimer; iColor tmPalette[tmMax_ColorId]; /* theme-specific palette */ }; iDeclareTypeConstruction(Root) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void createUserInterface_Root (iRoot *); void setCurrent_Root (iRoot *); iRoot * current_Root (void); iRoot * get_Root (void); /* assert != NULL */ iAnyObject *findWidget_Root (const char *id); /* under current Root */ iPtrArray * onTop_Root (iRoot *); void destroyPending_Root (iRoot *); void updateMetrics_Root (iRoot *); void updatePadding_Root (iRoot *); /* TODO: is part of metrics? */ void dismissPortraitPhoneSidebars_Root (iRoot *); void showToolbar_Root (iRoot *, iBool show); void updateToolbarColors_Root (iRoot *); iInt2 size_Root (const iRoot *); iRect rect_Root (const iRoot *); iRect safeRect_Root (const iRoot *); iRect visibleRect_Root (const iRoot *); /* may be obstructed by software keyboard */ iBool isNarrow_Root (const iRoot *); int appIconSize_Root (void);