/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "sidebarwidget.h" #include "../gmdocument.h" #include "app.h" #include "bookmarks.h" #include "command.h" #include "documentwidget.h" #include "inputwidget.h" #include "labelwidget.h" #include "paint.h" #include "scrollwidget.h" #include "util.h" #include "visited.h" #include #include #include iDeclareType(SidebarItem) struct Impl_SidebarItem { uint32_t id; int indent; iChar icon; iString label; iString meta; iString url; iBool isSeparator; }; void init_SidebarItem(iSidebarItem *d) { d->id = 0; d->indent = 0; d->icon = 0; init_String(&d->label); init_String(&d->meta); init_String(&d->url); d->isSeparator = iFalse; } void deinit_SidebarItem(iSidebarItem *d) { deinit_String(&d->url); deinit_String(&d->meta); deinit_String(&d->label); } iDefineTypeConstruction(SidebarItem) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct Impl_SidebarWidget { iWidget widget; enum iSidebarMode mode; iScrollWidget *scroll; int scrollY; int modeScroll[max_SidebarMode]; int width; iLabelWidget *modeButtons[max_SidebarMode]; int itemHeight; int maxButtonLabelWidth; iArray items; size_t hoverItem; iClick click; iWidget *resizer; SDL_Cursor *resizeCursor; iWidget *menu; SDL_Texture *visBuffer; iBool visBufferValid; }; iDefineObjectConstruction(SidebarWidget) static void invalidate_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { d->visBufferValid = iFalse; refresh_Widget(as_Widget(d)); } static iBool isResizing_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d) { return (flags_Widget(d->resizer) & pressed_WidgetFlag) != 0; } static void clearItems_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { iForEach(Array, i, &d->items) { deinit_SidebarItem(i.value); } clear_Array(&d->items); } static iRect contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d) { iRect bounds = bounds_Widget(constAs_Widget(d)); const iWidget *scroll = constAs_Widget(d->scroll); adjustEdges_Rect(&bounds, as_Widget(d->modeButtons[0])->rect.size.y + gap_UI, isVisible_Widget(scroll) ? -scroll->rect.size.x : 0, -gap_UI, 0); return bounds; } static int scrollMax_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d) { return iMax(0, (int) size_Array(&d->items) * d->itemHeight - height_Rect(contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(d))); } static void updateVisible_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { const int contentSize = size_Array(&d->items) * d->itemHeight; const iRect bounds = contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(d); setRange_ScrollWidget(d->scroll, (iRangei){ 0, scrollMax_SidebarWidget_(d) }); setThumb_ScrollWidget(d->scroll, d->scrollY, contentSize > 0 ? height_Rect(bounds_Widget(as_Widget(d->scroll))) * height_Rect(bounds) / contentSize : 0); } static int cmpTitle_Bookmark_(const iBookmark **a, const iBookmark **b) { return cmpStringCase_String(&(*a)->title, &(*b)->title); } static void updateItems_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { clearItems_SidebarWidget_(d); destroy_Widget(d->menu); d->menu = NULL; d->hoverItem = iInvalidPos; switch (d->mode) { case documentOutline_SidebarMode: { const iGmDocument *doc = document_DocumentWidget(document_App()); iConstForEach(Array, i, headings_GmDocument(doc)) { const iGmHeading *head = i.value; iSidebarItem item; init_SidebarItem(&item); item.id = index_ArrayConstIterator(&i); setRange_String(&item.label, head->text); item.indent = head->level * 4 * gap_UI; pushBack_Array(&d->items, &item); } break; } case bookmarks_SidebarMode: { iConstForEach(PtrArray, i, list_Bookmarks(bookmarks_App(), NULL, cmpTitle_Bookmark_)) { const iBookmark *bm = i.ptr; iSidebarItem item; init_SidebarItem(&item); item.id = id_Bookmark(bm); item.icon = bm->icon; set_String(&item.url, &bm->url); set_String(&item.label, &bm->title); set_String(&item.meta, &bm->tags); pushBack_Array(&d->items, &item); } d->menu = makeMenu_Widget( as_Widget(d), (iMenuItem[]){ { "Edit Bookmark...", 0, 0, "bookmark.edit" }, { "Copy URL", 0, 0, "bookmark.copy" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { uiTextCaution_ColorEscape "Delete Bookmark", 0, 0, "bookmark.delete" } }, 4); break; } case history_SidebarMode: { iDate on; initCurrent_Date(&on); const int thisYear = on.year; iConstForEach(PtrArray, i, list_Visited(visited_App(), 200)) { const iVisitedUrl *visit = i.ptr; iSidebarItem item; init_SidebarItem(&item); set_String(&item.url, &visit->url); iDate date; init_Date(&date, &visit->when); if (date.day != on.day || date.month != on.month || date.year != on.year) { /* Date separator. */ iSidebarItem sep; init_SidebarItem(&sep); sep.isSeparator = iTrue; set_String(&sep.meta, collect_String(format_Date( &date, date.year != thisYear ? "%b %d %Y" : "%b %d"))); pushBack_Array(&d->items, &sep); on = date; } pushBack_Array(&d->items, &item); } d->menu = makeMenu_Widget( as_Widget(d), (iMenuItem[]){ { "Copy URL", 0, 0, "history.copy" }, { "Add Bookmark", 0, 0, "history.addbookmark" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { "Remove URL", 0, 0, "history.delete" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { uiTextCaution_ColorEscape "Clear History", 0, 0, "history.clear confirm:1" }, }, 6); break; } default: break; } updateVisible_SidebarWidget_(d); invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } static void scroll_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d, int offset) { const int oldScroll = d->scrollY; d->scrollY += offset; if (d->scrollY < 0) { d->scrollY = 0; } const int scrollMax = scrollMax_SidebarWidget_(d); d->scrollY = iMin(d->scrollY, scrollMax); if (oldScroll != d->scrollY) { d->hoverItem = iInvalidPos; updateVisible_SidebarWidget_(d); invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } } void setMode_SidebarWidget(iSidebarWidget *d, enum iSidebarMode mode) { if (d->mode == mode) return; if (d->mode >= 0 && d->mode < max_SidebarMode) { d->modeScroll[d->mode] = d->scrollY; /* saved for later */ } d->mode = mode; for (enum iSidebarMode i = 0; i < max_SidebarMode; i++) { setFlags_Widget(as_Widget(d->modeButtons[i]), selected_WidgetFlag, i == d->mode); } const float heights[max_SidebarMode] = { 1.333f, 1.333f, 2.5f, 1.2f }; d->itemHeight = heights[mode] * lineHeight_Text(uiContent_FontId); invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); /* Restore previous scroll position. */ d->scrollY = d->modeScroll[mode]; } enum iSidebarMode mode_SidebarWidget(const iSidebarWidget *d) { return d->mode; } int width_SidebarWidget(const iSidebarWidget *d) { return d->width; } static const char *normalModeLabels_[max_SidebarMode] = { "\U0001f588 Bookmarks", "\U0001f553 History", "\U0001f464 Identities", "\U0001f5b9 Outline", }; static const char *tightModeLabels_[max_SidebarMode] = { "\U0001f588", "\U0001f553", "\U0001f464", "\U0001f5b9", }; void init_SidebarWidget(iSidebarWidget *d) { iWidget *w = as_Widget(d); init_Widget(w); setId_Widget(w, "sidebar"); setBackgroundColor_Widget(w, none_ColorId); setFlags_Widget(w, hidden_WidgetFlag | hover_WidgetFlag | arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag | resizeWidthOfChildren_WidgetFlag | collapse_WidgetFlag, iTrue); d->scrollY = 0; iZap(d->modeScroll); d->mode = -1; d->width = 60 * gap_UI; init_Array(&d->items, sizeof(iSidebarItem)); d->hoverItem = iInvalidPos; init_Click(&d->click, d, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT); setFlags_Widget(w, fixedWidth_WidgetFlag, iTrue); d->maxButtonLabelWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max_SidebarMode; i++) { d->modeButtons[i] = addChildFlags_Widget( w, iClob( new_LabelWidget(tightModeLabels_[i], 0, 0, format_CStr("sidebar.mode arg:%d", i))), frameless_WidgetFlag | expand_WidgetFlag); d->maxButtonLabelWidth = iMaxi(d->maxButtonLabelWidth, 3 * gap_UI + measure_Text(uiLabel_FontId, normalModeLabels_[i]).x); } addChild_Widget(w, iClob(d->scroll = new_ScrollWidget())); setThumb_ScrollWidget(d->scroll, 0, 0); setMode_SidebarWidget(d, documentOutline_SidebarMode); d->resizer = addChildFlags_Widget( w, iClob(new_Widget()), hover_WidgetFlag | commandOnClick_WidgetFlag | fixedWidth_WidgetFlag | resizeToParentHeight_WidgetFlag | moveToParentRightEdge_WidgetFlag); setId_Widget(d->resizer, "sidebar.grab"); d->resizer->rect.size.x = gap_UI; setBackgroundColor_Widget(d->resizer, none_ColorId); d->resizeCursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE); d->menu = NULL; d->visBuffer = NULL; d->visBufferValid = iFalse; } void deinit_SidebarWidget(iSidebarWidget *d) { SDL_FreeCursor(d->resizeCursor); clearItems_SidebarWidget_(d); deinit_Array(&d->items); SDL_DestroyTexture(d->visBuffer); } static int visCount_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d) { return iMin(height_Rect(bounds_Widget(constAs_Widget(d))) / d->itemHeight, (int) size_Array(&d->items)); } static iRanges visRange_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d) { iRanges vis = { d->scrollY / d->itemHeight, 0 }; vis.end = iMin(size_Array(&d->items), vis.start + visCount_SidebarWidget_(d)); return vis; } static size_t itemIndex_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d, iInt2 pos) { const iRect bounds = contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(d); pos.y -= top_Rect(bounds) - d->scrollY; if (pos.y < 0) return iInvalidPos; size_t index = pos.y / d->itemHeight; if (index >= size_Array(&d->items)) return iInvalidPos; return index; } static void itemClicked_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d, size_t index) { const iSidebarItem *item = constAt_Array(&d->items, index); switch (d->mode) { case documentOutline_SidebarMode: { const iGmDocument *doc = document_DocumentWidget(document_App()); const iGmHeading *head = constAt_Array(headings_GmDocument(doc), item->id); postCommandf_App("document.goto loc:%p", head->text.start); break; } case bookmarks_SidebarMode: case history_SidebarMode: { if (!isEmpty_String(&item->url)) { postCommandf_App("open url:%s", cstr_String(&item->url)); } break; } case identities_SidebarMode: { break; } default: break; } } static void checkModeButtonLayout_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { const iBool isTight = (width_Rect(bounds_Widget(as_Widget(d->modeButtons[0]))) < d->maxButtonLabelWidth); for (int i = 0; i < max_SidebarMode; i++) { if (isTight && ~flags_Widget(as_Widget(d->modeButtons[i])) & tight_WidgetFlag) { setFlags_Widget(as_Widget(d->modeButtons[i]), tight_WidgetFlag, iTrue); updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(d->modeButtons[i], tightModeLabels_[i]); } else if (!isTight && flags_Widget(as_Widget(d->modeButtons[i])) & tight_WidgetFlag) { setFlags_Widget(as_Widget(d->modeButtons[i]), tight_WidgetFlag, iFalse); updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(d->modeButtons[i], normalModeLabels_[i]); } } } static iSidebarItem *hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { if (d->hoverItem < size_Array(&d->items)) { return at_Array(&d->items, d->hoverItem); } return NULL; } void setWidth_SidebarWidget(iSidebarWidget *d, int width) { iWidget *w = as_Widget(d); width = iMax(30 * gap_UI, width); d->width = width; if (isVisible_Widget(w)) { w->rect.size.x = width; } arrange_Widget(findWidget_App("doctabs")); checkModeButtonLayout_SidebarWidget_(d); if (!isRefreshPending_App()) { updateSize_DocumentWidget(document_App()); invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } } iBool handleBookmarkEditorCommands_SidebarWidget_(iWidget *editor, const char *cmd) { if (equal_Command(cmd, "bmed.accept") || equal_Command(cmd, "cancel")) { iSidebarWidget *d = findWidget_App("sidebar"); if (equal_Command(cmd, "bmed.accept")) { const iString *title = text_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(editor, "bmed.title")); const iString *url = text_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(editor, "bmed.url")); const iString *tags = text_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(editor, "bmed.tags")); if (!cmp_String(id_Widget(editor), "bmed.create")) { add_Bookmarks(bookmarks_App(), url, title, tags, 0x1f310); } else { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); iAssert(item); /* hover item cannot have been changed */ iBookmark *bm = get_Bookmarks(bookmarks_App(), item->id); set_String(&bm->title, title); set_String(&bm->url, url); set_String(&bm->tags, tags); } postCommand_App("bookmarks.changed"); } setFlags_Widget(as_Widget(d), disabled_WidgetFlag, iFalse); destroy_Widget(editor); return iTrue; } return iFalse; } static iBool processEvent_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { iWidget *w = as_Widget(d); /* Handle commands. */ if (isResize_UserEvent(ev)) { updateVisible_SidebarWidget_(d); checkModeButtonLayout_SidebarWidget_(d); invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } else if (ev->type == SDL_USEREVENT && ev->user.code == command_UserEventCode) { const char *cmd = command_UserEvent(ev); if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "mouse.clicked")) { if (argLabel_Command(cmd, "button") == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (arg_Command(cmd)) { setFlags_Widget(d->resizer, pressed_WidgetFlag, iTrue); setBackgroundColor_Widget(d->resizer, uiBackgroundFramelessHover_ColorId); setMouseGrab_Widget(d->resizer); refresh_Widget(d->resizer); } else { setFlags_Widget(d->resizer, pressed_WidgetFlag, iFalse); setBackgroundColor_Widget(d->resizer, none_ColorId); setMouseGrab_Widget(NULL); refresh_Widget(d->resizer); } } return iTrue; } else if (isCommand_Widget(w, ev, "mouse.moved")) { if (isResizing_SidebarWidget_(d)) { const iInt2 local = localCoord_Widget(w, coord_Command(cmd)); setWidth_SidebarWidget(d, local.x + d->resizer->rect.size.x / 2); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "sidebar.width")) { setWidth_SidebarWidget(d, arg_Command(cmd)); return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "sidebar.mode")) { setMode_SidebarWidget(d, arg_Command(cmd)); updateItems_SidebarWidget_(d); if (argLabel_Command(cmd, "show") && !isVisible_Widget(w)) { postCommand_App("sidebar.toggle"); } scroll_SidebarWidget_(d, 0); return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "sidebar.toggle")) { setFlags_Widget(w, hidden_WidgetFlag, isVisible_Widget(w)); if (isVisible_Widget(w)) { w->rect.size.x = d->width; invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } arrange_Widget(w->parent); updateSize_DocumentWidget(document_App()); refresh_Widget(w->parent); return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "scroll.moved")) { d->scrollY = arg_Command(command_UserEvent(ev)); d->hoverItem = iInvalidPos; invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "tabs.changed") || equal_Command(cmd, "document.changed")) { updateItems_SidebarWidget_(d); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "theme.changed")) { invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "bookmark.copy")) { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); if (d->mode == bookmarks_SidebarMode && item) { SDL_SetClipboardText(cstr_String(&item->url)); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "bookmark.edit")) { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); if (d->mode == bookmarks_SidebarMode && item) { setFlags_Widget(w, disabled_WidgetFlag, iTrue); iWidget *dlg = makeBookmarkEditor_Widget(); iBookmark *bm = get_Bookmarks(bookmarks_App(), item->id); setText_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.title"), &bm->title); setText_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.url"), &bm->url); setText_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.tags"), &bm->tags); setCommandHandler_Widget(dlg, handleBookmarkEditorCommands_SidebarWidget_); setFocus_Widget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.title")); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "bookmark.delete")) { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); if (d->mode == bookmarks_SidebarMode && item && remove_Bookmarks(bookmarks_App(), item->id)) { postCommand_App("bookmarks.changed"); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "bookmarks.changed")) { updateItems_SidebarWidget_(d); } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "history.delete")) { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); if (item && !isEmpty_String(&item->url)) { removeUrl_Visited(visited_App(), &item->url); updateItems_SidebarWidget_(d); scroll_SidebarWidget_(d, 0); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "history.copy")) { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); if (item && !isEmpty_String(&item->url)) { SDL_SetClipboardText(cstr_String(&item->url)); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "history.addbookmark")) { const iSidebarItem *item = hoverItem_SidebarWidget_(d); if (!isEmpty_String(&item->url)) { iWidget *dlg = makeBookmarkEditor_Widget(); setId_Widget(dlg, "bmed.create"); setTextCStr_LabelWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.heading"), uiHeading_ColorEscape "ADD BOOKMARK"); iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, &item->url); setTextCStr_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.title"), cstr_Rangecc(parts.host)); setText_InputWidget(findChild_Widget(dlg, "bmed.url"), &item->url); setCommandHandler_Widget(dlg, handleBookmarkEditorCommands_SidebarWidget_); } } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "history.clear")) { if (argLabel_Command(cmd, "confirm")) { makeQuestion_Widget( uiTextCaution_ColorEscape "CLEAR HISTORY", "Do you really want to erase the history of all visited pages?", (const char *[]){ "Cancel", uiTextCaution_ColorEscape "Clear History" }, (const char *[]){ "cancel", "history.clear confirm:0" }, 2); } else { clear_Visited(visited_App()); updateItems_SidebarWidget_(d); scroll_SidebarWidget_(d, 0); } return iTrue; } } if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION && !isVisible_Widget(d->menu)) { const iInt2 mouse = init_I2(ev->motion.x, ev->motion.y); size_t hover = iInvalidPos; if (contains_Widget(d->resizer, mouse)) { setCursor_Window(get_Window(), SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE); } else { if (contains_Widget(w, mouse)) { setCursor_Window(get_Window(), SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW); hover = itemIndex_SidebarWidget_(d, mouse); } } if (hover != d->hoverItem) { d->hoverItem = hover; invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); } } if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL && isHover_Widget(w)) { #if defined (iPlatformApple) /* Momentum scrolling. */ scroll_SidebarWidget_(d, -ev->wheel.y * get_Window()->pixelRatio); #else scroll_SidebarWidget_(d, -ev->wheel.y * 3 * d->itemHeight); #endif return iTrue; } if (d->menu && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (d->hoverItem != iInvalidPos || isVisible_Widget(d->menu)) { processContextMenuEvent_Widget(d->menu, ev, {}); } } switch (processEvent_Click(&d->click, ev)) { case started_ClickResult: invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); break; case finished_ClickResult: if (contains_Rect(contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(d), pos_Click(&d->click)) && d->hoverItem != iInvalidSize) { itemClicked_SidebarWidget_(d, d->hoverItem); } invalidate_SidebarWidget_(d); break; default: break; } return processEvent_Widget(w, ev); } static void allocVisBuffer_SidebarWidget_(iSidebarWidget *d) { const iInt2 size = contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(d).size; if (!d->visBuffer || !isEqual_I2(size_SDLTexture(d->visBuffer), size)) { if (d->visBuffer) { SDL_DestroyTexture(d->visBuffer); } d->visBuffer = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer_Window(get_Window()), SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC | SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, size.x, size.y); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(d->visBuffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); d->visBufferValid = iFalse; } } static void draw_SidebarWidget_(const iSidebarWidget *d) { const iWidget *w = constAs_Widget(d); const iRect bounds = contentBounds_SidebarWidget_(d); const iBool isPressing = d->click.isActive && contains_Rect(bounds, pos_Click(&d->click)); iPaint p; init_Paint(&p); const int bg = d->mode == documentOutline_SidebarMode ? tmBackground_ColorId : uiBackground_ColorId; fillRect_Paint(&p, bounds_Widget(w), bg); /* TODO: should do only the mode buttons area */ if (!d->visBufferValid) { allocVisBuffer_SidebarWidget_(iConstCast(iSidebarWidget *, d)); iRect bufBounds = bounds; bufBounds.pos = zero_I2(); beginTarget_Paint(&p, d->visBuffer); fillRect_Paint(&p, bufBounds, bg); /* Draw the items. */ { const int font = uiContent_FontId; const iRanges visRange = visRange_SidebarWidget_(d); iInt2 pos = addY_I2(topLeft_Rect(bufBounds), -(d->scrollY % d->itemHeight)); for (size_t i = visRange.start; i < visRange.end; i++) { const iSidebarItem *item = constAt_Array(&d->items, i); const iRect itemRect = { pos, init_I2(width_Rect(bufBounds), d->itemHeight) }; const iBool isHover = (d->hoverItem == i); setClip_Paint(&p, intersect_Rect(itemRect, bufBounds)); if (isHover && !item->isSeparator) { fillRect_Paint(&p, itemRect, isPressing ? uiBackgroundPressed_ColorId : uiBackgroundFramelessHover_ColorId); } if (d->mode == documentOutline_SidebarMode) { const int fg = isHover ? (isPressing ? uiTextPressed_ColorId : uiTextFramelessHover_ColorId) : (tmHeading1_ColorId + item->indent / (4 * gap_UI)); drawRange_Text(font, init_I2(pos.x + 3 * gap_UI + item->indent, mid_Rect(itemRect).y - lineHeight_Text(font) / 2), fg, range_String(&item->label)); } else if (d->mode == bookmarks_SidebarMode) { const int fg = isHover ? (isPressing ? uiTextPressed_ColorId : uiTextFramelessHover_ColorId) : uiText_ColorId; iString str; init_String(&str); appendChar_String(&str, item->icon ? item->icon : 0x1f588); const iRect iconArea = { addX_I2(pos, gap_UI), init_I2(7 * gap_UI, d->itemHeight) }; drawCentered_Text( font, iconArea, iTrue, isHover ? (isPressing ? uiTextPressed_ColorId : uiIconHover_ColorId) : uiIcon_ColorId, "%s", cstr_String(&str)); deinit_String(&str); iInt2 textPos = addY_I2(topRight_Rect(iconArea), (d->itemHeight - lineHeight_Text(font)) / 2); drawRange_Text(font, textPos, fg, range_String(&item->label)); } else if (d->mode == history_SidebarMode) { iBeginCollect(); const int fg = isHover ? (isPressing ? uiTextPressed_ColorId : uiTextFramelessHover_ColorId) : uiText_ColorId; if (!isEmpty_String(&item->meta)) { drawHLine_Paint( &p, topLeft_Rect(itemRect), width_Rect(itemRect), uiIcon_ColorId); drawRange_Text( default_FontId, add_I2(topLeft_Rect(itemRect), init_I2(3 * gap_UI, (d->itemHeight - lineHeight_Text(default_FontId)) / 2)), uiIcon_ColorId, range_String(&item->meta)); } else { iUrl parts; init_Url(&parts, &item->url); const iBool isGemini = equalCase_Rangecc(&parts.protocol, "gemini"); draw_Text( font, add_I2(topLeft_Rect(itemRect), init_I2(3 * gap_UI, (d->itemHeight - lineHeight_Text(font)) / 2)), fg, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", isGemini ? "" : cstr_Rangecc(parts.protocol), isGemini ? "" : "://", escape_Color(isHover ? (isPressing ? uiTextPressed_ColorId : uiTextFramelessHover_ColorId) : uiTextStrong_ColorId), cstr_Rangecc(parts.host), escape_Color(fg), cstr_Rangecc(parts.path)); } iEndCollect(); } unsetClip_Paint(&p); pos.y += d->itemHeight; } } endTarget_Paint(&p); iConstCast(iSidebarWidget *, d)->visBufferValid = iTrue; } SDL_RenderCopy( renderer_Window(get_Window()), d->visBuffer, NULL, (const SDL_Rect *) &bounds); draw_Widget(w); drawVLine_Paint(&p, addX_I2(topRight_Rect(bounds_Widget(w)), -1), height_Rect(bounds_Widget(w)), uiSeparator_ColorId); } iBeginDefineSubclass(SidebarWidget, Widget) .processEvent = (iAny *) processEvent_SidebarWidget_, .draw = (iAny *) draw_SidebarWidget_, iEndDefineSubclass(SidebarWidget)