/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "text.h" #include "color.h" #include "metrics.h" #include "embedded.h" #include "window.h" #include "paint.h" #include "app.h" #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "../stb_truetype.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ) # include #endif #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_FRIBIDI) # include #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 10) # define LAGRANGE_RASTER_DEPTH 8 # define LAGRANGE_RASTER_FORMAT SDL_PIXELFORMAT_INDEX8 #else # define LAGRANGE_RASTER_DEPTH 32 # define LAGRANGE_RASTER_FORMAT SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888 #endif iDeclareType(Font) iDeclareType(Glyph) iDeclareTypeConstructionArgs(Glyph, iChar ch) static const float contentScale_Text_ = 1.3f; int gap_Text; /* cf. gap_UI in metrics.h */ int enableHalfPixelGlyphs_Text = iTrue; /* debug setting */ int enableKerning_Text = iTrue; /* looking up kern pairs is slow */ enum iGlyphFlag { rasterized0_GlyphFlag = iBit(1), /* zero offset */ rasterized1_GlyphFlag = iBit(2), /* half-pixel offset */ }; struct Impl_Glyph { iHashNode node; int flags; iFont *font; /* may come from symbols/emoji */ iRect rect[2]; /* zero and half pixel offset */ iInt2 d[2]; float advance; /* scaled */ }; void init_Glyph(iGlyph *d, uint32_t glyphIndex) { d->node.key = glyphIndex; d->flags = 0; d->font = NULL; d->rect[0] = zero_Rect(); d->rect[1] = zero_Rect(); d->advance = 0.0f; } void deinit_Glyph(iGlyph *d) { iUnused(d); } static uint32_t index_Glyph_(const iGlyph *d) { return d->node.key; } iLocalDef iBool isRasterized_Glyph_(const iGlyph *d, int hoff) { return (d->flags & (rasterized0_GlyphFlag << hoff)) != 0; } iLocalDef iBool isFullyRasterized_Glyph_(const iGlyph *d) { return (d->flags & (rasterized0_GlyphFlag | rasterized1_GlyphFlag)) == (rasterized0_GlyphFlag | rasterized1_GlyphFlag); } iLocalDef void setRasterized_Glyph_(iGlyph *d, int hoff) { d->flags |= rasterized0_GlyphFlag << hoff; } iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(Glyph, (iChar ch), ch) /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static iGlyph *glyph_Font_(iFont *d, iChar ch); iDeclareType(GlyphTable) struct Impl_GlyphTable { iHash glyphs; /* key is glyph index in the font */ /* TODO: `glyphs` does not need to be a Hash. We could lazily allocate an array with glyphCount elements instead. */ uint32_t indexTable[128 - 32]; /* quick ASCII lookup */ }; static void clearGlyphs_GlyphTable_(iGlyphTable *d) { if (d) { iForEach(Hash, i, &d->glyphs) { delete_Glyph((iGlyph *) i.value); } clear_Hash(&d->glyphs); } } static void init_GlyphTable(iGlyphTable *d) { init_Hash(&d->glyphs); memset(d->indexTable, 0xff, sizeof(d->indexTable)); } static void deinit_GlyphTable(iGlyphTable *d) { clearGlyphs_GlyphTable_(d); deinit_Hash(&d->glyphs); } iDefineTypeConstruction(GlyphTable) struct Impl_Font { const iFontSpec *fontSpec; const iFontFile *fontFile; int height; int baseline; int vertOffset; /* offset due to glyph scaling */ float xScale, yScale; float emAdvance; iGlyphTable * table; }; iLocalDef iBool isMonospaced_Font(const iFont *d) { return (d->fontSpec->flags & monospace_FontSpecFlag) != 0; } static iFont *font_Text_(enum iFontId id); static void init_Font(iFont *d, const iFontSpec *fontSpec, const iFontFile *fontFile, enum iFontSize sizeId, float height) { const int scaleType = scaleType_FontSpec(sizeId); d->fontSpec = fontSpec; d->fontFile = fontFile; /* TODO: Nunito kerning fixes need to be a font parameter of its own. */ #if 0 d->data = NULL; d->family = undefined_TextFont; /* Note: We only use `family` currently for applying a kerning fix to Nunito. */ if (data == &fontNunitoRegular_Embedded || data == &fontNunitoBold_Embedded || data == &fontNunitoExtraBold_Embedded || //data == &fontNunitoLightItalic_Embedded || data == &fontNunitoExtraLight_Embedded) { d->family = nunito_TextFont; } else if (//data == &fontScheherazadeNewRegular_Embedded) { data == &fontNotoSansArabicUIRegular_Embedded) { d->family = arabic_TextFont; } else if (data == &fontNotoSansSymbolsRegular_Embedded || data == &fontNotoSansSymbols2Regular_Embedded || data == &fontNotoEmojiRegular_Embedded || data == &fontSmolEmojiRegular_Embedded) { d->family = emojiAndSymbols_TextFont; } #endif d->height = (int) (height * fontSpec->heightScale[scaleType]); const float glyphScale = fontSpec->glyphScale[scaleType]; d->xScale = d->yScale = scaleForPixelHeight_FontFile(fontFile, d->height) * glyphScale; if (isMonospaced_Font(d)) { /* It is important that monospaced fonts align 1:1 with the pixel grid so that box-drawing characters don't have partially occupied edge pixels, leading to seams between adjacent glyphs. */ const float advance = (float) fontFile->emAdvance * d->xScale; if (advance > 4) { /* not too tiny */ d->xScale *= floorf(advance) / advance; } } d->emAdvance = fontFile->emAdvance * d->xScale; d->baseline = fontFile->ascent * d->yScale; d->vertOffset = d->height * (1.0f - glyphScale) / 2 * fontSpec->vertOffsetScale[scaleType]; d->table = NULL; } static void deinit_Font(iFont *d) { delete_GlyphTable(d->table); } static uint32_t glyphIndex_Font_(iFont *d, iChar ch) { /* TODO: Add a small cache of ~5 most recently found indices. */ const size_t entry = ch - 32; if (!d->table) { d->table = new_GlyphTable(); } iGlyphTable *table = d->table; if (entry < iElemCount(table->indexTable)) { if (table->indexTable[entry] == ~0u) { table->indexTable[entry] = findGlyphIndex_FontFile(d->fontFile, ch); } return table->indexTable[entry]; } return findGlyphIndex_FontFile(d->fontFile, ch); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ iDeclareType(Text) iDeclareType(CacheRow) struct Impl_CacheRow { int height; iInt2 pos; }; struct Impl_Text { // enum iTextFont contentFont; // enum iTextFont headingFont; float contentFontSize; iArray fonts; /* fonts currently selected for use (incl. all styles/sizes) */ int overrideFontId; /* always checked for glyphs first, regardless of which font is used */ SDL_Renderer * render; SDL_Texture * cache; iInt2 cacheSize; int cacheRowAllocStep; int cacheBottom; iArray cacheRows; SDL_Palette * grayscale; SDL_Palette * blackAndWhite; /* unsmoothed glyph palette */ iRegExp * ansiEscape; int ansiFlags; int baseFontId; /* base attributes (for restoring via escapes) */ int baseColorId; iBool missingGlyphs; /* true if a glyph couldn't be found */ }; iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(Text, (SDL_Renderer *render), render) static iText *activeText_; static void setupFontVariants_Text_(iText *d, const iFontSpec *spec, int baseId) { #if defined (iPlatformMobile) const float uiSize = fontSize_UI * 1.1f; #else const float uiSize = fontSize_UI; #endif const float textSize = fontSize_UI * d->contentFontSize; // const float monoSize = textSize * 0.71f; // const float smallMonoSize = monoSize * 0.8f; if (spec->flags & override_FontSpecFlag && d->overrideFontId < 0) { /* This is the highest priority override font. */ d->overrideFontId = baseId; } for (enum iFontStyle style = 0; style < max_FontStyle; style++) { for (enum iFontSize sizeId = 0; sizeId < max_FontSize; sizeId++) { init_Font(font_Text_(FONT_ID(baseId, style, sizeId)), spec, spec->styles[style], sizeId, (sizeId < contentRegular_FontSize ? uiSize : textSize) * scale_FontSize(sizeId)); } } } iLocalDef iFont *font_Text_(enum iFontId id) { return at_Array(&activeText_->fonts, id & mask_FontId); } static enum iFontId fontId_Text_(const iFont *font) { return (enum iFontId) (font - (const iFont *) constData_Array(&activeText_->fonts)); } iLocalDef enum iFontSize sizeId_Text_(const iFont *d) { return fontId_Text_(d) % max_FontSize; } iLocalDef enum iFontStyle styleId_Text_(const iFont *d) { return (fontId_Text_(d) / max_FontSize) % max_FontStyle; } static const iFontSpec *tryFindSpec_(enum iPrefsString ps, const char *fallback) { const iFontSpec *spec = findSpec_Fonts(cstr_String(&prefs_App()->strings[ps])); return spec ? spec : findSpec_Fonts(fallback); } static void initFonts_Text_(iText *d) { /* The `fonts` array has precomputed scaling factors and other parameters in all sizes and styles for each available font. Indices to `fonts` act as font runtime IDs. */ /* First the mandatory fonts. */ d->overrideFontId = -1; resize_Array(&d->fonts, auxiliary_FontId); /* room for the built-ins */ setupFontVariants_Text_(d, tryFindSpec_(uiFont_PrefsString, "default"), default_FontId); setupFontVariants_Text_(d, tryFindSpec_(monospaceFont_PrefsString, "iosevka"), monospace_FontId); setupFontVariants_Text_(d, tryFindSpec_(headingFont_PrefsString, "default"), documentHeading_FontId); setupFontVariants_Text_(d, tryFindSpec_(bodyFont_PrefsString, "default"), documentBody_FontId); setupFontVariants_Text_(d, tryFindSpec_(monospaceDocumentFont_PrefsString, "iosevka-body"), documentMonospace_FontId); /* Check if there are auxiliary fonts available and set those up, too. */ iConstForEach(PtrArray, s, listSpecsByPriority_Fonts()) { const iFontSpec *spec = s.ptr; if (spec->flags & (auxiliary_FontSpecFlag | user_FontSpecFlag)) { const int fontId = size_Array(&d->fonts); resize_Array(&d->fonts, fontId + maxVariants_Fonts); setupFontVariants_Text_(d, spec, fontId); } } #if !defined (NDEBUG) printf("[Text] %zu fonts ready\n", size_Array(&d->fonts)); #endif gap_Text = iRound(gap_UI * d->contentFontSize); } static void deinitFonts_Text_(iText *d) { iForEach(Array, i, &d->fonts) { deinit_Font(i.value); } clear_Array(&d->fonts); } static int maxGlyphHeight_Text_(const iText *d) { /* Huge size is 2 * contentFontSize. */ return 4 * d->contentFontSize * fontSize_UI; } static void initCache_Text_(iText *d) { init_Array(&d->cacheRows, sizeof(iCacheRow)); const int textSize = d->contentFontSize * fontSize_UI; iAssert(textSize > 0); const iInt2 cacheDims = init_I2(16, 40); d->cacheSize = mul_I2(cacheDims, init1_I2(iMax(textSize, fontSize_UI))); SDL_RendererInfo renderInfo; SDL_GetRendererInfo(d->render, &renderInfo); if (renderInfo.max_texture_height > 0 && d->cacheSize.y > renderInfo.max_texture_height) { d->cacheSize.y = renderInfo.max_texture_height; d->cacheSize.x = renderInfo.max_texture_width; } d->cacheRowAllocStep = iMax(2, textSize / 6); /* Allocate initial (empty) rows. These will be assigned actual locations in the cache once at least one glyph is stored. */ for (int h = d->cacheRowAllocStep; h <= 5 * textSize + d->cacheRowAllocStep; h += d->cacheRowAllocStep) { pushBack_Array(&d->cacheRows, &(iCacheRow){ .height = 0 }); } d->cacheBottom = 0; SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); d->cache = SDL_CreateTexture(d->render, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA4444, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC | SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, d->cacheSize.x, d->cacheSize.y); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(d->cache, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); } static void deinitCache_Text_(iText *d) { deinit_Array(&d->cacheRows); SDL_DestroyTexture(d->cache); } #if 0 void loadUserFonts_Text(void) { if (userFont_) { delete_Block(userFont_); userFont_ = NULL; } /* Load the system font. */ const iPrefs *prefs = prefs_App(); if (!isEmpty_String(&prefs->symbolFontPath)) { iFile *f = new_File(&prefs->symbolFontPath); if (open_File(f, readOnly_FileMode)) { userFont_ = readAll_File(f); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[Text] failed to open: %s\n", cstr_String(&prefs->symbolFontPath)); } iRelease(f); } } #endif void init_Text(iText *d, SDL_Renderer *render) { iText *oldActive = activeText_; activeText_ = d; init_Array(&d->fonts, sizeof(iFont)); d->contentFontSize = contentScale_Text_; d->ansiEscape = new_RegExp("[[()]([0-9;AB]*?)m", 0); d->baseFontId = -1; d->baseColorId = -1; d->render = render; /* A grayscale palette for rasterized glyphs. */ { SDL_Color colors[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { colors[i] = (SDL_Color){ 255, 255, 255, i }; } d->grayscale = SDL_AllocPalette(256); SDL_SetPaletteColors(d->grayscale, colors, 0, 256); } /* Black-and-white palette for unsmoothed glyphs. */ { SDL_Color colors[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { colors[i] = (SDL_Color){ 255, 255, 255, i < 100 ? 0 : 255 }; } d->blackAndWhite = SDL_AllocPalette(256); SDL_SetPaletteColors(d->blackAndWhite, colors, 0, 256); } initCache_Text_(d); initFonts_Text_(d); activeText_ = oldActive; } void deinit_Text(iText *d) { SDL_FreePalette(d->blackAndWhite); SDL_FreePalette(d->grayscale); deinitFonts_Text_(d); deinitCache_Text_(d); d->render = NULL; iRelease(d->ansiEscape); deinit_Array(&d->fonts); } void setCurrent_Text(iText *d) { activeText_ = d; } void setOpacity_Text(float opacity) { SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(activeText_->cache, iClamp(opacity, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255 + 0.5f); } void setBaseAttributes_Text(int fontId, int colorId) { activeText_->baseFontId = fontId; activeText_->baseColorId = colorId; } void setAnsiFlags_Text(int ansiFlags) { activeText_->ansiFlags = ansiFlags; } void setDocumentFontSize_Text(iText *d, float fontSizeFactor) { fontSizeFactor *= contentScale_Text_; iAssert(fontSizeFactor > 0); if (iAbs(d->contentFontSize - fontSizeFactor) > 0.001f) { d->contentFontSize = fontSizeFactor; resetFonts_Text(d); } } static void resetCache_Text_(iText *d) { deinitCache_Text_(d); iForEach(Array, i, &d->fonts) { clearGlyphs_GlyphTable_(((iFont *) i.value)->table); } initCache_Text_(d); } void resetFonts_Text(iText *d) { deinitFonts_Text_(d); deinitCache_Text_(d); initCache_Text_(d); initFonts_Text_(d); } static SDL_Palette *glyphPalette_(void) { return prefs_App()->fontSmoothing ? activeText_->grayscale : activeText_->blackAndWhite; } static SDL_Surface *rasterizeGlyph_Font_(const iFont *d, uint32_t glyphIndex, float xShift) { int w, h; uint8_t *bmp = rasterizeGlyph_FontFile(d->fontFile, d->xScale, d->yScale, xShift, glyphIndex, &w, &h); SDL_Surface *surface8 = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(bmp, w, h, 8, w, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_INDEX8); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surface8, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surface8, glyphPalette_()); #if LAGRANGE_RASTER_DEPTH != 8 /* Convert to the cache format. */ SDL_Surface *surf = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(surface8, LAGRANGE_RASTER_FORMAT, 0); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surf, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); free(bmp); SDL_FreeSurface(surface8); return surf; #else return surface8; #endif } iLocalDef iCacheRow *cacheRow_Text_(iText *d, int height) { return at_Array(&d->cacheRows, (height - 1) / d->cacheRowAllocStep); } static iInt2 assignCachePos_Text_(iText *d, iInt2 size) { iCacheRow *cur = cacheRow_Text_(d, size.y); if (cur->height == 0) { /* Begin a new row height. */ cur->height = (1 + (size.y - 1) / d->cacheRowAllocStep) * d->cacheRowAllocStep; cur->pos.y = d->cacheBottom; d->cacheBottom = cur->pos.y + cur->height; } iAssert(cur->height >= size.y); /* TODO: Automatically enlarge the cache if running out of space? Maybe make it paged, but beware of texture swapping too often inside a text string. */ if (cur->pos.x + size.x > d->cacheSize.x) { /* Does not fit on this row, advance to a new location in the cache. */ cur->pos.y = d->cacheBottom; cur->pos.x = 0; d->cacheBottom += cur->height; iAssert(d->cacheBottom <= d->cacheSize.y); } const iInt2 assigned = cur->pos; cur->pos.x += size.x; return assigned; } static void allocate_Font_(iFont *d, iGlyph *glyph, int hoff) { iRect *glRect = &glyph->rect[hoff]; int x0, y0, x1, y1; measureGlyph_FontFile(d->fontFile, index_Glyph_(glyph), d->xScale, d->yScale, hoff * 0.5f, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); glRect->size = init_I2(x1 - x0, y1 - y0); /* Determine placement in the glyph cache texture, advancing in rows. */ glRect->pos = assignCachePos_Text_(activeText_, glRect->size); glyph->d[hoff] = init_I2(x0, y0); glyph->d[hoff].y += d->vertOffset; if (hoff == 0) { /* hoff==1 uses same metrics as `glyph` */ int adv; stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(&d->fontFile->stbInfo, index_Glyph_(glyph), &adv, NULL); glyph->advance = d->xScale * adv; } } iLocalDef iFont *characterFont_Font_(iFont *d, iChar ch, uint32_t *glyphIndex) { if (isVariationSelector_Char(ch)) { return d; } const enum iFontStyle styleId = styleId_Text_(d); const enum iFontSize sizeId = sizeId_Text_(d); iFont *overrideFont = NULL; if (ch != 0x20 && activeText_->overrideFontId >= 0) { /* Override font is checked first. */ overrideFont = font_Text_(FONT_ID(activeText_->overrideFontId, styleId, sizeId)); if (overrideFont != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(overrideFont, ch)) != 0) { return overrideFont; } } #if 0 /* TODO: Put arrows in Smol Emoji. */ /* Manual exceptions. */ { if (ch >= 0x2190 && ch <= 0x2193 /* arrows */) { d = font_Text_(iosevka_FontId + d->sizeId); *glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(d, ch); return d; } } #endif /* The font's own version of the glyph. */ if ((*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(d, ch)) != 0) { return d; } /* As a fallback, check all other available fonts of this size. */ for (int aux = 0; aux < 2; aux++) { for (iFont *font = font_Text_(FONT_ID(0, styleId, sizeId)); font < (iFont *) end_Array(&activeText_->fonts); font += maxVariants_Fonts) { const iBool isAuxiliary = (font->fontSpec->flags & auxiliary_FontSpecFlag) ? 1 : 0; if (aux == isAuxiliary) { /* First try auxiliary fonts, then other remaining fonts. */ continue; } if (font == d || font == overrideFont) { continue; /* already checked this one */ } if ((*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(font, ch)) != 0) { // printf("using %s[%f] for %lc (%x) => %d\n", // cstr_String(&font->fontSpec->name), font->fontSpec->scaling, // (int) ch, ch, glyphIndex_Font_(font, ch)); return font; } } } #if 0 const int fallbacks[] = { notoEmoji_FontId, symbols2_FontId, symbols_FontId }; /* First fallback is Smol Emoji. */ if (ch != 0x20) { iForIndices(i, fallbacks) { iFont *fallback = font_Text_(fallbacks[i] + d->sizeId); if (fallback != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(fallback, ch)) != 0) { return fallback; } } } /* Try Simplified Chinese. */ if (ch >= 0x2e80) { iFont *sc = font_Text_(chineseSimplified_FontId + d->sizeId); if (sc != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(sc, ch)) != 0) { return sc; } } /* Could be Korean. */ if (ch >= 0x3000) { iFont *korean = font_Text_(korean_FontId + d->sizeId); if (korean != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(korean, ch)) != 0) { return korean; } } /* Japanese perhaps? */ if (ch > 0x3040) { iFont *japanese = font_Text_(japanese_FontId + d->sizeId); if (japanese != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(japanese, ch)) != 0) { return japanese; } } /* Maybe Arabic. */ if (ch >= 0x600) { iFont *arabic = font_Text_(arabic_FontId + d->sizeId); if (arabic != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(arabic, ch)) != 0) { return arabic; } } #if defined (iPlatformApple) /* White up arrow is used for the Shift key on macOS. Symbola's glyph is not a great match to the other text, so use the UI font instead. */ if ((ch == 0x2318 || ch == 0x21e7) && d == font_Text_(regular_FontId)) { *glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(d = font_Text_(defaultContentRegular_FontId), ch); return d; } #endif /* User's symbols font. */ { iFont *sys = font_Text_(userSymbols_FontId + d->sizeId); if (sys != d && (*glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(sys, ch)) != 0) { return sys; } } /* Final fallback. */ iFont *font = font_Text_(iosevka_FontId + d->sizeId); if (d != font) { *glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(font, ch); } #endif // 0 if (!*glyphIndex) { activeText_->missingGlyphs = iTrue; fprintf(stderr, "failed to find %08x (%lc)\n", ch, (int)ch); fflush(stderr); } return d; } static iGlyph *glyphByIndex_Font_(iFont *d, uint32_t glyphIndex) { iAssert(d->table); iGlyph* glyph = NULL; void * node = value_Hash(&d->table->glyphs, glyphIndex); if (node) { glyph = node; } else { /* If the cache is running out of space, clear it and we'll recache what's needed currently. */ if (activeText_->cacheBottom > activeText_->cacheSize.y - maxGlyphHeight_Text_(activeText_)) { #if !defined (NDEBUG) printf("[Text] glyph cache is full, clearing!\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif resetCache_Text_(activeText_); } glyph = new_Glyph(glyphIndex); glyph->font = d; /* New glyphs are always allocated at least. This reserves a position in the cache and updates the glyph metrics. */ allocate_Font_(d, glyph, 0); allocate_Font_(d, glyph, 1); insert_Hash(&d->table->glyphs, &glyph->node); } return glyph; } static iGlyph *glyph_Font_(iFont *d, iChar ch) { /* The glyph may actually come from a different font; look up the right font. */ uint32_t glyphIndex = 0; iFont *font = characterFont_Font_(d, ch, &glyphIndex); return glyphByIndex_Font_(font, glyphIndex); } static iChar nextChar_(const char **chPos, const char *end) { if (*chPos == end) { return 0; } iChar ch; int len = decodeBytes_MultibyteChar(*chPos, end, &ch); if (len <= 0) { (*chPos)++; /* skip it */ return 0; } (*chPos) += len; return ch; } static iBool isControl_Char_(iChar c) { return isDefaultIgnorable_Char(c) || isVariationSelector_Char(c) || isFitzpatrickType_Char(c); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ iDeclareType(AttributedRun) struct Impl_AttributedRun { iRangei logical; /* UTF-32 codepoint indices in the logical-order text */ iTextAttrib attrib; iFont *font; iColor fgColor_; /* any RGB color; A > 0 */ struct { uint8_t isLineBreak : 1; // uint8_t isRTL : 1; uint8_t isArabic : 1; /* Arabic script detected */ } flags; }; static iColor fgColor_AttributedRun_(const iAttributedRun *d) { if (d->fgColor_.a) { return d->fgColor_; } if (d->attrib.colorId == none_ColorId) { return (iColor){ 255, 255, 255, 255 }; } return get_Color(d->attrib.colorId); } static void setFgColor_AttributedRun_(iAttributedRun *d, int colorId) { d->attrib.colorId = colorId; d->fgColor_.a = 0; } iDeclareType(AttributedText) iDeclareTypeConstructionArgs(AttributedText, iRangecc text, size_t maxLen, iFont *font, int colorId, int baseDir, iFont *baseFont, int baseColorId, iChar overrideChar) struct Impl_AttributedText { iRangecc source; /* original source text */ size_t maxLen; iFont * font; int colorId; iFont * baseFont; int baseColorId; iBool isBaseRTL; iArray runs; iArray logical; /* UTF-32 text in logical order (mixed directions; matches source) */ iArray visual; /* UTF-32 text in visual order (LTR) */ iArray logicalToVisual; /* map visual index to logical index */ iArray visualToLogical; iArray logicalToSourceOffset; /* map logical character to an UTF-8 offset in the source text */ char * bidiLevels; }; iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(AttributedText, (iRangecc text, size_t maxLen, iFont *font, int colorId, int baseDir, iFont *baseFont, int baseColorId, iChar overrideChar), text, maxLen, font, colorId, baseDir, baseFont, baseColorId, overrideChar) static const char *sourcePtr_AttributedText_(const iAttributedText *d, int logicalPos) { const int *logToSource = constData_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset); return d->source.start + logToSource[logicalPos]; } static iRangecc sourceRange_AttributedText_(const iAttributedText *d, iRangei logical) { const int *logToSource = constData_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset); iRangecc range = { d->source.start + logToSource[logical.start], d->source.start + logToSource[logical.end] }; iAssert(range.start <= range.end); return range; } static void finishRun_AttributedText_(iAttributedText *d, iAttributedRun *run, int endAt) { iAttributedRun finishedRun = *run; iAssert(endAt >= 0 && endAt <= size_Array(&d->logical)); finishedRun.logical.end = endAt; if (!isEmpty_Range(&finishedRun.logical)) { #if 0 /* Colorize individual runs to see boundaries. */ static int dbg; static const int dbgClr[3] = { red_ColorId, green_ColorId, blue_ColorId }; finishedRun.attrib.colorId = dbgClr[dbg++ % 3]; #endif pushBack_Array(&d->runs, &finishedRun); run->flags.isLineBreak = iFalse; run->flags.isArabic = iFalse; } run->logical.start = endAt; } int fontWithSize_Text(int font, enum iFontSize sizeId) { const int familyId = (font / maxVariants_Fonts) * maxVariants_Fonts; const int styleId = (font / max_FontSize) % max_FontStyle; return FONT_ID(familyId, styleId, sizeId); } int fontWithStyle_Text(int font, enum iFontStyle styleId) { const int familyId = (font / maxVariants_Fonts) * maxVariants_Fonts; const int sizeId = font % max_FontSize; return FONT_ID(familyId, styleId, sizeId); } int fontWithFamily_Text(int font, enum iFontId familyId) { const int styleId = (font / max_FontSize) % max_FontStyle; const int sizeId = font % max_FontSize; return FONT_ID(familyId, styleId, sizeId); } static void prepare_AttributedText_(iAttributedText *d, int overrideBaseDir, iChar overrideChar) { iAssert(isEmpty_Array(&d->runs)); size_t length = 0; /* Prepare the UTF-32 logical string. */ { for (const char *ch = d->source.start; ch < d->source.end; ) { iChar u32; int len = decodeBytes_MultibyteChar(ch, d->source.end, &u32); if (len <= 0) break; if (overrideChar) { u32 = overrideChar; } pushBack_Array(&d->logical, &u32); length++; if (length == d->maxLen) { /* TODO: Check the combining class; only count base characters here. */ break; } /* Remember the byte offset to each character. We will need this to communicate back the wrapped UTF-8 ranges. */ pushBack_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset, &(int){ ch - d->source.start }); ch += len; } #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_FRIBIDI) /* Use FriBidi to reorder the codepoints. */ resize_Array(&d->visual, length); resize_Array(&d->logicalToVisual, length); resize_Array(&d->visualToLogical, length); d->bidiLevels = length ? malloc(length) : NULL; FriBidiParType baseDir = (FriBidiParType) FRIBIDI_TYPE_ON; /* TODO: If this returns zero (error occurred), act like everything is LTR. */ fribidi_log2vis(constData_Array(&d->logical), length, &baseDir, data_Array(&d->visual), data_Array(&d->logicalToVisual), data_Array(&d->visualToLogical), (FriBidiLevel *) d->bidiLevels); d->isBaseRTL = (overrideBaseDir == 0 ? FRIBIDI_IS_RTL(baseDir) : (overrideBaseDir < 0)); #else /* 1:1 mapping. */ setCopy_Array(&d->visual, &d->logical); resize_Array(&d->logicalToVisual, length); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { set_Array(&d->logicalToVisual, i, &(int){ i }); } setCopy_Array(&d->visualToLogical, &d->logicalToVisual); d->isBaseRTL = iFalse; #endif } /* The mapping needs to include the terminating NULL position. */ { pushBack_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset, &(int){ d->source.end - d->source.start }); pushBack_Array(&d->logicalToVisual, &(int){ length }); pushBack_Array(&d->visualToLogical, &(int){ length }); } iAttributedRun run = { .logical = { 0, length }, .attrib = { .colorId = d->colorId, .isBaseRTL = d->isBaseRTL }, .font = d->font, }; const int *logToSource = constData_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset); const int * logToVis = constData_Array(&d->logicalToVisual); const iChar * logicalText = constData_Array(&d->logical); iBool isRTL = d->isBaseRTL; int numNonSpace = 0; iFont * attribFont = d->font; for (int pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) { const iChar ch = logicalText[pos]; #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_FRIBIDI) if (d->bidiLevels) { const char lev = d->bidiLevels[pos]; const iBool isNeutral = FRIBIDI_IS_NEUTRAL(lev); if (!isNeutral) { iBool rtl = FRIBIDI_IS_RTL(lev) != 0; if (rtl != isRTL) { /* Direction changes; must end the current run. */ // printf("dir change at %zu: %lc U+%04X\n", pos, ch, ch); finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos); isRTL = rtl; } } } #else const iBool isNeutral = iTrue; #endif run.attrib.isRTL = isRTL; if (ch == 0x1b) { /* ANSI escape. */ pos++; const char *srcPos = d->source.start + logToSource[pos]; /* Do a regexp match in the source text. */ iRegExpMatch m; init_RegExpMatch(&m); if (match_RegExp(activeText_->ansiEscape, srcPos, d->source.end - srcPos, &m)) { finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos - 1); const int ansi = activeText_->ansiFlags; if (ansi) { const iRangecc sequence = capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 1); /* Note: This styling is hardcoded to match `typesetOneLine_RunTypesetter_()`. */ if (ansi & allowFontStyle_AnsiFlag && equal_Rangecc(sequence, "1")) { run.attrib.bold = iTrue; if (d->baseColorId == tmParagraph_ColorId) { setFgColor_AttributedRun_(&run, tmFirstParagraph_ColorId); } attribFont = font_Text_(fontWithStyle_Text(fontId_Text_(d->baseFont), bold_FontStyle)); } else if (ansi & allowFontStyle_AnsiFlag && equal_Rangecc(sequence, "3")) { run.attrib.italic = iTrue; attribFont = font_Text_(fontWithStyle_Text(fontId_Text_(d->baseFont), italic_FontStyle)); } else if (ansi & allowFontStyle_AnsiFlag && equal_Rangecc(sequence, "11")) { run.attrib.monospace = iTrue; setFgColor_AttributedRun_(&run, tmPreformatted_ColorId); attribFont = font_Text_(fontWithFamily_Text(fontId_Text_(d->baseFont), monospace_FontId)); } else if (equal_Rangecc(sequence, "0")) { run.attrib.bold = iFalse; run.attrib.italic = iFalse; run.attrib.monospace = iFalse; attribFont = run.font = d->baseFont; setFgColor_AttributedRun_(&run, d->baseColorId); } else if (ansi & allowFg_AnsiFlag) { run.fgColor_ = ansiForeground_Color(sequence, tmParagraph_ColorId); } } pos += length_Rangecc(capturedRange_RegExpMatch(&m, 0)); // iAssert(logToSource[pos] == end_RegExpMatch(&m) - d->source.start); /* The run continues after the escape sequence. */ run.logical.start = pos--; /* loop increments `pos` */ continue; } } if (ch == '\v') { finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos); /* An internal color escape. */ iChar esc = logicalText[++pos]; int colorNum = none_ColorId; /* default color */ if (esc == '\v') { /* Extended range. */ esc = logicalText[++pos] + asciiExtended_ColorEscape; colorNum = esc - asciiBase_ColorEscape; } else if (esc != 0x24) { /* ASCII Cancel */ colorNum = esc - asciiBase_ColorEscape; } run.logical.start = pos + 1; setFgColor_AttributedRun_(&run, colorNum >= 0 ? colorNum : d->colorId); continue; } if (ch == '\n') { finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos); /* A separate run for the newline. */ run.logical.start = pos; run.flags.isLineBreak = iTrue; finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos + 1); continue; } if (isControl_Char_(ch)) { continue; } if (ch == 0x20) { if (run.font->fontSpec->flags & auxiliary_FontSpecFlag && ~run.font->fontSpec->flags & allowSpacePunct_FontSpecFlag) { finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos); run.font = d->font; /* auxilitary font space not allowed, could be wrong width */ } continue; } iFont *currentFont = attribFont; if (run.font->fontSpec->flags & auxiliary_FontSpecFlag && run.font->fontSpec->flags & allowSpacePunct_FontSpecFlag && isPunct_Char(ch)) { currentFont = run.font; /* keep the current font */ } const iGlyph *glyph = glyph_Font_(currentFont, ch); if (index_Glyph_(glyph) && glyph->font != run.font) { /* A different font is being used for this character. */ finishRun_AttributedText_(d, &run, pos); run.font = glyph->font; #if 0 printf("changing font to %d at pos %u (%lc) U+%04X\n", fontId_Text_(run.font), pos, (int)logicalText[pos], (int)logicalText[pos]); #endif } #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_FRIBIDI) if (fribidi_get_bidi_type(ch) == FRIBIDI_TYPE_AL) { run.flags.isArabic = iTrue; /* Arabic letter */ } #endif } if (!isEmpty_Range(&run.logical)) { pushBack_Array(&d->runs, &run); } #if 0 printf("[AttributedText] %zu runs:\n", size_Array(&d->runs)); iConstForEach(Array, i, &d->runs) { const iAttributedRun *run = i.value; printf(" %zu %s fnt:%d log:%d...%d vis:%d...%d {%s}\n", index_ArrayConstIterator(&i), run->attrib.isRTL ? "<-" : "->", fontId_Text_(run->font), run->logical.start, run->logical.end - 1, logToVis[run->logical.start], logToVis[run->logical.end - 1], cstr_Rangecc(sourceRange_AttributedText_(d, run->logical))); } #endif } void init_AttributedText(iAttributedText *d, iRangecc text, size_t maxLen, iFont *font, int colorId, int baseDir, iFont *baseFont, int baseColorId, iChar overrideChar) { d->source = text; d->maxLen = maxLen ? maxLen : iInvalidSize; d->font = font; d->colorId = colorId; d->baseFont = baseFont; d->baseColorId = baseColorId; d->isBaseRTL = iFalse; init_Array(&d->runs, sizeof(iAttributedRun)); init_Array(&d->logical, sizeof(iChar)); init_Array(&d->visual, sizeof(iChar)); init_Array(&d->logicalToVisual, sizeof(int)); init_Array(&d->visualToLogical, sizeof(int)); init_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset, sizeof(int)); d->bidiLevels = NULL; prepare_AttributedText_(d, baseDir, overrideChar); } void deinit_AttributedText(iAttributedText *d) { free(d->bidiLevels); deinit_Array(&d->logicalToSourceOffset); deinit_Array(&d->logicalToVisual); deinit_Array(&d->visualToLogical); deinit_Array(&d->visual); deinit_Array(&d->logical); deinit_Array(&d->runs); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ iDeclareType(RasterGlyph) struct Impl_RasterGlyph { iGlyph *glyph; int hoff; iRect rect; }; static void cacheGlyphs_Font_(iFont *d, const iArray *glyphIndices) { /* TODO: Make this an object so it can be used sequentially without reallocating buffers. */ SDL_Surface *buf = NULL; const iInt2 bufSize = init_I2(iMin(512, d->height * iMin(2 * size_Array(glyphIndices), 20)), d->height * 4 / 3); int bufX = 0; iArray * rasters = NULL; SDL_Texture *oldTarget = NULL; iBool isTargetChanged = iFalse; iAssert(isExposed_Window(get_Window())); /* We'll flush the buffered rasters periodically until everything is cached. */ size_t index = 0; while (index < size_Array(glyphIndices)) { for (; index < size_Array(glyphIndices); index++) { const uint32_t glyphIndex = constValue_Array(glyphIndices, index, uint32_t); const int lastCacheBottom = activeText_->cacheBottom; iGlyph *glyph = glyphByIndex_Font_(d, glyphIndex); if (activeText_->cacheBottom < lastCacheBottom) { /* The cache was reset due to running out of space. We need to restart from the beginning! */ bufX = 0; if (rasters) { clear_Array(rasters); } index = 0; break; } if (!isFullyRasterized_Glyph_(glyph)) { /* Need to cache this. */ if (buf == NULL) { rasters = new_Array(sizeof(iRasterGlyph)); buf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat( 0, bufSize.x, bufSize.y, LAGRANGE_RASTER_DEPTH, LAGRANGE_RASTER_FORMAT); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(buf, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_SetSurfacePalette(buf, glyphPalette_()); } SDL_Surface *surfaces[2] = { !isRasterized_Glyph_(glyph, 0) ? rasterizeGlyph_Font_(glyph->font, index_Glyph_(glyph), 0) : NULL, !isRasterized_Glyph_(glyph, 1) ? rasterizeGlyph_Font_(glyph->font, index_Glyph_(glyph), 0.5f) : NULL }; iBool outOfSpace = iFalse; iForIndices(i, surfaces) { if (surfaces[i]) { const int w = surfaces[i]->w; const int h = surfaces[i]->h; if (bufX + w <= bufSize.x) { SDL_BlitSurface(surfaces[i], NULL, buf, &(SDL_Rect){ bufX, 0, w, h }); pushBack_Array(rasters, &(iRasterGlyph){ glyph, i, init_Rect(bufX, 0, w, h) }); bufX += w; } else { outOfSpace = iTrue; break; } } } iForIndices(i, surfaces) { /* cleanup */ if (surfaces[i]) { if (surfaces[i]->flags & SDL_PREALLOC) { free(surfaces[i]->pixels); } SDL_FreeSurface(surfaces[i]); } } if (outOfSpace) { /* Redo this glyph. `index` does not get incremented. */ break; } } } /* Finished or the buffer is full, copy the glyphs to the cache texture. */ if (!isEmpty_Array(rasters)) { SDL_Texture *bufTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(activeText_->render, buf); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(bufTex, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); if (!isTargetChanged) { isTargetChanged = iTrue; oldTarget = SDL_GetRenderTarget(activeText_->render); SDL_SetRenderTarget(activeText_->render, activeText_->cache); } // printf("copying %zu rasters from %p\n", size_Array(rasters), bufTex); fflush(stdout); iConstForEach(Array, i, rasters) { const iRasterGlyph *rg = i.value; // iAssert(isEqual_I2(rg->rect.size, rg->glyph->rect[rg->hoff].size)); const iRect *glRect = &rg->glyph->rect[rg->hoff]; SDL_RenderCopy(activeText_->render, bufTex, (const SDL_Rect *) &rg->rect, (const SDL_Rect *) glRect); setRasterized_Glyph_(rg->glyph, rg->hoff); // printf(" - %u (hoff %d)\n", index_Glyph_(rg->glyph), rg->hoff); } SDL_DestroyTexture(bufTex); /* Resume with an empty buffer. */ clear_Array(rasters); bufX = 0; } } if (rasters) { delete_Array(rasters); } if (buf) { SDL_FreeSurface(buf); } if (isTargetChanged) { SDL_SetRenderTarget(activeText_->render, oldTarget); } } static void cacheSingleGlyph_Font_(iFont *d, uint32_t glyphIndex) { iArray indices; init_Array(&indices, sizeof(uint32_t)); pushBack_Array(&indices, &glyphIndex); cacheGlyphs_Font_(d, &indices); deinit_Array(&indices); } static void cacheTextGlyphs_Font_(iFont *d, const iRangecc text) { iArray glyphIndices; init_Array(&glyphIndices, sizeof(uint32_t)); iAttributedText attrText; init_AttributedText(&attrText, text, 0, d, none_ColorId, 0, d, none_ColorId, 0); /* We use AttributedText here so the font lookup matches the behavior during text drawing -- glyphs may be selected from a font that's different than `d`. */ const iChar *logicalText = constData_Array(&attrText.logical); iConstForEach(Array, i, &attrText.runs) { const iAttributedRun *run = i.value; if (run->flags.isLineBreak) { continue; } for (int pos = run->logical.start; pos < run->logical.end; pos++) { const iChar ch = logicalText[pos]; if (!isSpace_Char(ch) && !isControl_Char_(ch)) { /* TODO: Use `run->font`; the glyph may be selected from a different font. */ const uint32_t glyphIndex = glyphIndex_Font_(d, ch); if (glyphIndex) { pushBack_Array(&glyphIndices, &glyphIndex); } } } } deinit_AttributedText(&attrText); /* TODO: Cache glyphs from ALL the fonts we encountered above. */ cacheGlyphs_Font_(d, &glyphIndices); deinit_Array(&glyphIndices); } enum iRunMode { measure_RunMode = 0, draw_RunMode = 1, modeMask_RunMode = 0x00ff, flagsMask_RunMode = 0xff00, // noWrapFlag_RunMode = iBit(9), visualFlag_RunMode = iBit(10), /* actual visible bounding box of the glyph, e.g., for icons */ permanentColorFlag_RunMode = iBit(11), alwaysVariableWidthFlag_RunMode = iBit(12), fillBackground_RunMode = iBit(13), // stopAtNewline_RunMode = iBit(14), /* don't advance past \n, consider it a wrap pos */ }; iDeclareType(RunArgs) struct Impl_RunArgs { enum iRunMode mode; iRangecc text; size_t maxLen; /* max characters to process */ iInt2 pos; iWrapText * wrap; // int xposLimit; /* hard limit for wrapping */ // int xposLayoutBound; /* visible bound for layout purposes; does not affect wrapping */ int color; int baseDir; /* TODO: Cleanup using TextMetrics Use TextMetrics output pointer instead of return value & cursorAdvance_out. */ iInt2 * cursorAdvance_out; int * runAdvance_out; }; static iBool notify_WrapText_(iWrapText *d, const char *ending, iTextAttrib attrib, int origin, int advance) { if (d && d->wrapFunc && d->wrapRange_.start) { /* `wrapRange_` uses logical indices. */ const char *end = ending ? ending : d->wrapRange_.end; iRangecc range = { d->wrapRange_.start, end }; iAssert(range.start <= range.end); const iBool result = d->wrapFunc(d, range, attrib, origin, advance); if (result) { d->wrapRange_.start = end; } else { d->wrapRange_ = iNullRange; } return result; } return iTrue; } float horizKern_Font_(iFont *d, uint32_t glyph1, uint32_t glyph2) { #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_KERNING) if (!enableKerning_Text || ~d->fontSpec->flags & fixNunitoKerning_FontSpecFlag) { return 0.0f; } if (glyph1 && glyph2) { /* These indices will be quickly found from the lookup table. */ const uint32_t gi_h = glyphIndex_Font_(d, 'h'); const uint32_t gi_i = glyphIndex_Font_(d, 'i'); int kern = 0; /* Nunito needs some kerning fixes. */ if (glyph1 == glyphIndex_Font_(d, 'W') && (glyph2 == gi_h || glyph2 == gi_i)) { kern = -60; } else if (glyph1 == glyphIndex_Font_(d, 'T') && glyph2 == gi_h) { kern = -25; } else if (glyph1 == glyphIndex_Font_(d, 'V') && glyph2 == gi_i) { kern = -40; } return d->xScale * kern; } #endif return 0.0f; } #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ) iDeclareType(GlyphBuffer) struct Impl_GlyphBuffer { hb_buffer_t * hb; iFont * font; const iChar * logicalText; hb_glyph_info_t * glyphInfo; hb_glyph_position_t *glyphPos; unsigned int glyphCount; }; static void init_GlyphBuffer_(iGlyphBuffer *d, iFont *font, const iChar *logicalText) { d->hb = hb_buffer_create(); d->font = font; d->logicalText = logicalText; d->glyphInfo = NULL; d->glyphPos = NULL; d->glyphCount = 0; } static void deinit_GlyphBuffer_(iGlyphBuffer *d) { hb_buffer_destroy(d->hb); } static void shape_GlyphBuffer_(iGlyphBuffer *d) { if (!d->glyphInfo) { hb_shape(d->font->fontFile->hbFont, d->hb, NULL, 0); d->glyphInfo = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(d->hb, &d->glyphCount); d->glyphPos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(d->hb, &d->glyphCount); } } static float nextTabStop_Font_(const iFont *d, float x) { const float stop = 8 * d->emAdvance; return floorf(x / stop) * stop + stop; } static float advance_GlyphBuffer_(const iGlyphBuffer *d, iRangei wrapPosRange) { float x = 0.0f; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d->glyphCount; i++) { const int logPos = d->glyphInfo[i].cluster; if (logPos < wrapPosRange.start || logPos >= wrapPosRange.end) { continue; } x += d->font->xScale * d->glyphPos[i].x_advance; if (d->logicalText[logPos] == '\t') { x = nextTabStop_Font_(d->font, x); } if (i + 1 < d->glyphCount) { x += horizKern_Font_(d->font, d->glyphInfo[i].codepoint, d->glyphInfo[i + 1].codepoint); } } return x; } static void evenMonospaceAdvances_GlyphBuffer_(iGlyphBuffer *d, iFont *baseFont) { shape_GlyphBuffer_(d); const float monoAdvance = baseFont->emAdvance; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d->glyphCount; ++i) { const hb_glyph_info_t *info = d->glyphInfo + i; if (d->glyphPos[i].x_advance > 0 && d->font != baseFont) { const iChar ch = d->logicalText[info->cluster]; if (isPictograph_Char(ch) || isEmoji_Char(ch)) { const float dw = d->font->xScale * d->glyphPos[i].x_advance - monoAdvance; d->glyphPos[i].x_offset -= dw / 2 / d->font->xScale - 1; d->glyphPos[i].x_advance -= dw / d->font->xScale - 1; } } } } static iRect run_Font_(iFont *d, const iRunArgs *args) { const int mode = args->mode; const iInt2 orig = args->pos; iRect bounds = { orig, init_I2(0, d->height) }; float xCursor = 0.0f; float yCursor = 0.0f; float xCursorMax = 0.0f; const iBool isMonospaced = isMonospaced_Font(d); iWrapText *wrap = args->wrap; iAssert(args->text.end >= args->text.start); /* Split the text into a number of attributed runs that specify exactly which font is used and other attributes such as color. (HarfBuzz shaping is done with one specific font.) */ iAttributedText attrText; init_AttributedText(&attrText, args->text, args->maxLen, d, args->color, args->baseDir, activeText_->baseFontId >= 0 ? font_Text_(activeText_->baseFontId) : d, activeText_->baseColorId, wrap ? wrap->overrideChar : 0); if (wrap) { wrap->baseDir = attrText.isBaseRTL ? -1 : +1; /* TODO: Duplicated args? */ iAssert(equalRange_Rangecc(wrap->text, args->text)); /* Initialize the wrap range. */ wrap->wrapRange_ = args->text; wrap->hitAdvance_out = zero_I2(); wrap->hitChar_out = NULL; wrap->hitGlyphNormX_out = 0.0f; } const iChar *logicalText = constData_Array(&attrText.logical); const iChar *visualText = constData_Array(&attrText.visual); const int * logToVis = constData_Array(&attrText.logicalToVisual); const int * visToLog = constData_Array(&attrText.visualToLogical); const size_t runCount = size_Array(&attrText.runs); iArray buffers; init_Array(&buffers, sizeof(iGlyphBuffer)); resize_Array(&buffers, runCount); /* Prepare the HarfBuzz buffers. They will be lazily shaped when needed. */ iConstForEach(Array, i, &attrText.runs) { const iAttributedRun *run = i.value; iGlyphBuffer *buf = at_Array(&buffers, index_ArrayConstIterator(&i)); init_GlyphBuffer_(buf, run->font, logicalText); /* Insert the text in visual order (LTR) in the HarfBuzz buffer for shaping. First we need to map the logical run to the corresponding visual run. */ int v[2] = { logToVis[run->logical.start], logToVis[run->logical.end - 1] }; if (v[0] > v[1]) { iSwap(int, v[0], v[1]); /* always LTR */ } for (int vis = v[0]; vis <= v[1]; vis++) { hb_buffer_add(buf->hb, visualText[vis], visToLog[vis]); } hb_buffer_set_content_type(buf->hb, HB_BUFFER_CONTENT_TYPE_UNICODE); hb_buffer_set_direction(buf->hb, HB_DIRECTION_LTR); /* visual */ if (run->flags.isArabic) { hb_buffer_set_script(buf->hb, HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC); } } if (isMonospaced) { /* Fit borrowed glyphs into the expected monospacing. */ for (size_t runIndex = 0; runIndex < runCount; runIndex++) { evenMonospaceAdvances_GlyphBuffer_(at_Array(&buffers, runIndex), d); } } iBool willAbortDueToWrap = iFalse; const size_t textLen = size_Array(&attrText.logical); iRanges wrapRuns = { 0, runCount }; iRangei wrapPosRange = { 0, textLen }; int wrapResumePos = textLen; /* logical position where next line resumes */ size_t wrapResumeRunIndex = runCount; /* index of run where next line resumes */ iTextAttrib attrib = { .colorId = args->color, .isBaseRTL = attrText.isBaseRTL }; iTextAttrib wrapAttrib = attrib; iTextAttrib lastAttrib = attrib; const int layoutBound = (wrap ? wrap->maxWidth : 0); iBool isFirst = iTrue; const iBool checkHitPoint = wrap && !isEqual_I2(wrap->hitPoint, zero_I2()); const iBool checkHitChar = wrap && wrap->hitChar; while (!isEmpty_Range(&wrapRuns)) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = iFalse; } else { xCursor = 0; yCursor += d->height; } float wrapAdvance = 0.0f; /* First we need to figure out how much text fits on the current line. */ if (wrap && (wrap->maxWidth > 0 || checkHitPoint)) { const iBool isHitPointOnThisLine = (checkHitPoint && wrap->hitPoint.y >= orig.y + yCursor && wrap->hitPoint.y < orig.y + yCursor + d->height); iBool wasCharHit = iFalse; /* on this line */ float breakAdvance = -1.0f; size_t breakRunIndex = iInvalidPos; iAssert(wrapPosRange.end == textLen); /* Determine ends of wrapRuns and wrapVisRange. */ int safeBreakPos = -1; for (size_t runIndex = wrapRuns.start; runIndex < wrapRuns.end; runIndex++) { const iAttributedRun *run = at_Array(&attrText.runs, runIndex); /* Update the attributes. */ if (run->flags.isLineBreak) { if (checkHitChar && wrap->hitChar == sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, run->logical.start)) { wrap->hitAdvance_out = init_I2(wrapAdvance, yCursor); } wrapPosRange.end = run->logical.start; wrapResumePos = run->logical.end; wrapRuns.end = runIndex; wrapResumeRunIndex = runIndex + 1; break; } wrapResumeRunIndex = runCount; wrapResumePos = textLen; iGlyphBuffer *buf = at_Array(&buffers, runIndex); iAssert(run->font == buf->font); shape_GlyphBuffer_(buf); iChar prevCh = 0; lastAttrib = run->attrib; // printf("checking run %zu...\n", runIndex); for (unsigned int ir = 0; ir < buf->glyphCount; ir++) { const int i = (run->attrib.isRTL ? buf->glyphCount - ir - 1 : ir); const hb_glyph_info_t *info = &buf->glyphInfo[i]; const hb_codepoint_t glyphId = info->codepoint; const int logPos = info->cluster; if (logPos < wrapPosRange.start || logPos >= wrapPosRange.end) { continue; } if (checkHitChar && !wasCharHit && wrap->hitChar == sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, logPos)) { wrap->hitAdvance_out = init_I2(wrapAdvance, yCursor); wasCharHit = iTrue; /* variation selectors etc. have matching cluster */ } /* Check if the hit point is on the left side of this line. */ if (isHitPointOnThisLine && !wrap->hitChar_out && wrap->hitPoint.x < orig.x) { wrap->hitChar_out = sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, logPos); wrap->hitGlyphNormX_out = 0.0f; } const iGlyph *glyph = glyphByIndex_Font_(run->font, glyphId); const int glyphFlags = hb_glyph_info_get_glyph_flags(info); const float xOffset = run->font->xScale * buf->glyphPos[i].x_offset; const float xAdvance = run->font->xScale * buf->glyphPos[i].x_advance; const iChar ch = logicalText[logPos]; iAssert(xAdvance >= 0); if (args->wrap->mode == word_WrapTextMode) { /* When word wrapping, only consider certain places breakable. */ if ((prevCh == '-' || prevCh == '/') && !isPunct_Char(ch)) { safeBreakPos = logPos; breakAdvance = wrapAdvance; breakRunIndex = runIndex; // printf("sbp:%d breakAdv_A:%f\n", safeBreakPos, breakAdvance); // isSoftHyphenBreak = iFalse; } else if (isSpace_Char(ch)) { safeBreakPos = logPos; breakAdvance = wrapAdvance; breakRunIndex = runIndex; // printf("sbp:%d breakAdv_B:%f\n", safeBreakPos, breakAdvance); // isSoftHyphenBreak = iFalse; } prevCh = ch; } else { safeBreakPos = logPos; breakAdvance = wrapAdvance; breakRunIndex = runIndex; wrapAttrib = run->attrib; } if (isHitPointOnThisLine) { if (wrap->hitPoint.x >= orig.x + wrapAdvance && wrap->hitPoint.x < orig.x + wrapAdvance + xAdvance) { wrap->hitChar_out = sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, logPos); wrap->hitGlyphNormX_out = (wrap->hitPoint.x - wrapAdvance) / xAdvance; } } if (ch == '\t') { wrapAdvance = nextTabStop_Font_(d, wrapAdvance) - xAdvance; } /* Out of room? */ if (wrap->maxWidth > 0 && wrapAdvance + xOffset + glyph->d[0].x + glyph->rect[0].size.x > args->wrap->maxWidth) { // printf("out of room at lp:%d! safeBreakPos:%d (idx:%zu) breakAdv:%f\n", // logPos, safeBreakPos, // breakRunIndex, breakAdvance); if (safeBreakPos >= 0) { wrapPosRange.end = safeBreakPos; } else { if (args->wrap->mode == word_WrapTextMode && run->logical.start > wrapPosRange.start) { /* Don't have a word break position, so the whole run needs to be cut. */ wrapPosRange.end = run->logical.start; wrapResumePos = run->logical.start; wrapRuns.end = runIndex + 1; wrapResumeRunIndex = runIndex; break; } wrapPosRange.end = logPos; breakAdvance = wrapAdvance; breakRunIndex = runIndex; } wrapResumePos = wrapPosRange.end; if (args->wrap->mode != anyCharacter_WrapTextMode) { while (wrapResumePos < textLen && isSpace_Char(logicalText[wrapResumePos])) { wrapResumePos++; /* skip space */ } } wrapRuns.end = breakRunIndex + 1; /* still includes this run */ wrapResumeRunIndex = breakRunIndex; /* ...but continue from the same one */ // printf("-> wrapAdv:%f (breakAdv:%f)\n", wrapAdvance, breakAdvance); wrapAdvance = breakAdvance; // printf("wrapResumePos:%d\n", wrapResumePos); break; } wrapAdvance += xAdvance; /* Additional kerning tweak. It would be better to use HarfBuzz font callbacks, but they don't seem to get called? */ if (i + 1 < buf->glyphCount) { wrapAdvance += horizKern_Font_(buf->font, glyphId, buf->glyphInfo[i + 1].codepoint); } } // printf("...finished checking run %zu\n", runIndex); } if (isHitPointOnThisLine && wrap->hitPoint.x >= orig.x + wrapAdvance) { /* On the right side. */ if (wrapResumePos == textLen) { wrap->hitChar_out = sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, wrapResumePos); } else { const char *hit = sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, iMax(0, wrapResumePos - 1)); while (hit > args->text.start) { if (!isSpace_Char(hit[-1])) break; hit--; } wrap->hitChar_out = hit; } wrap->hitGlyphNormX_out = 0.0f; } } else { /* Not wrapped so everything fits! Calculate total advance without wrapping. */ for (size_t i = wrapRuns.start; i < wrapRuns.end; i++) { wrapAdvance += advance_GlyphBuffer_(at_Array(&buffers, i), wrapPosRange); } } iArray runOrder; init_Array(&runOrder, sizeof(size_t)); /* Reorder the run indices according to text direction. */ { size_t oppositeInsertIndex = iInvalidPos; for (size_t runIndex = wrapRuns.start; runIndex < wrapRuns.end; runIndex++) { const iAttributedRun *run = at_Array(&attrText.runs, runIndex); if (!attrText.isBaseRTL) { /* left-to-right */ if (run->attrib.isRTL) { if (oppositeInsertIndex == iInvalidPos) { oppositeInsertIndex = size_Array(&runOrder); } insert_Array(&runOrder, oppositeInsertIndex, &runIndex); } else { pushBack_Array(&runOrder, &runIndex); oppositeInsertIndex = iInvalidPos; } } else { /* right-to-left */ if (!run->attrib.isRTL) { if (oppositeInsertIndex == iInvalidPos) { oppositeInsertIndex = 0; } insert_Array(&runOrder, oppositeInsertIndex++, &runIndex); } else { pushFront_Array(&runOrder, &runIndex); oppositeInsertIndex = iInvalidPos; } } } #if 0 printf("Run order: "); iConstForEach(Array, ro, &runOrder) { const size_t *idx = ro.value; printf("%zu {%s}\n", *idx, cstr_Rangecc(sourceRange_AttributedText_(&attrText, ((const iAttributedRun *) at_Array(&attrText.runs, *idx))->logical))); } printf("\n"); #endif } iAssert(size_Array(&runOrder) == size_Range(&wrapRuns)); /* Alignment. */ int origin = 0; iBool isRightAligned = attrText.isBaseRTL; if (isRightAligned) { if (layoutBound > 0) { origin = layoutBound - wrapAdvance; } } /* Make a callback for each wrapped line. */ if (wrap && wrap->wrapFunc && !notify_WrapText_(args->wrap, sourcePtr_AttributedText_(&attrText, wrapResumePos), wrapAttrib, origin, iRound(wrapAdvance))) { willAbortDueToWrap = iTrue; } wrapAttrib = lastAttrib; xCursor = origin; /* We have determined a possible wrap position and alignment for the work runs, so now we can process the glyphs. */ for (size_t logRunIndex = 0; logRunIndex < size_Array(&runOrder); logRunIndex++) { const size_t runIndex = constValue_Array(&runOrder, logRunIndex, size_t); const iAttributedRun *run = at_Array(&attrText.runs, runIndex); if (run->flags.isLineBreak) { xCursor = 0.0f; yCursor += d->height; continue; } iGlyphBuffer *buf = at_Array(&buffers, runIndex); shape_GlyphBuffer_(buf); iAssert(run->font == buf->font); /* Process all the glyphs. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buf->glyphCount; i++) { const hb_glyph_info_t *info = &buf->glyphInfo[i]; const hb_codepoint_t glyphId = info->codepoint; const int logPos = info->cluster; if (logPos < wrapPosRange.start || logPos >= wrapPosRange.end) { /* Already handled this part of the run. */ continue; } const float xOffset = run->font->xScale * buf->glyphPos[i].x_offset; const float yOffset = run->font->yScale * buf->glyphPos[i].y_offset; const float xAdvance = run->font->xScale * buf->glyphPos[i].x_advance; const float yAdvance = run->font->yScale * buf->glyphPos[i].y_advance; const iGlyph *glyph = glyphByIndex_Font_(run->font, glyphId); if (logicalText[logPos] == '\t') { #if 0 if (mode & draw_RunMode) { /* Tab indicator. */ iColor tabColor = get_Color(uiTextAction_ColorId); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(activeText_->render, tabColor.r, tabColor.g, tabColor.b, 255); const int pad = d->height / 6; SDL_RenderFillRect(activeText_->render, &(SDL_Rect){ orig.x + xCursor, orig.y + yCursor + d->height / 2 - pad / 2, pad, pad }); } #endif xCursor = nextTabStop_Font_(d, xCursor) - xAdvance; } const float xf = xCursor + xOffset; const int hoff = enableHalfPixelGlyphs_Text ? (xf - ((int) xf) > 0.5f ? 1 : 0) : 0; /* Output position for the glyph. */ SDL_Rect dst = { orig.x + xCursor + xOffset + glyph->d[hoff].x, orig.y + yCursor - yOffset + glyph->font->baseline + glyph->d[hoff].y, glyph->rect[hoff].size.x, glyph->rect[hoff].size.y }; /* Align baselines of different fonts. */ if (run->font != attrText.baseFont && ~run->font->fontSpec->flags & auxiliary_FontSpecFlag) { const int bl1 = attrText.baseFont->baseline + attrText.baseFont->vertOffset; const int bl2 = run->font->baseline + run->font->vertOffset; dst.y += bl1 - bl2; } if (mode & visualFlag_RunMode) { if (isEmpty_Rect(bounds)) { bounds = init_Rect(dst.x, dst.y, dst.w, dst.h); } else { bounds = union_Rect(bounds, init_Rect(dst.x, dst.y, dst.w, dst.h)); } } else { bounds.size.x = iMax(bounds.size.x, dst.x + dst.w - orig.x); bounds.size.y = iMax(bounds.size.y, yCursor + glyph->font->height); } if (mode & draw_RunMode && logicalText[logPos] > 0x20) { /* Draw the glyph. */ if (!isRasterized_Glyph_(glyph, hoff)) { cacheSingleGlyph_Font_(run->font, glyphId); /* may cause cache reset */ glyph = glyphByIndex_Font_(run->font, glyphId); iAssert(isRasterized_Glyph_(glyph, hoff)); } if (~mode & permanentColorFlag_RunMode) { const iColor clr = fgColor_AttributedRun_(run); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(activeText_->cache, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b); if (args->mode & fillBackground_RunMode) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(activeText_->render, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b, 0); } } SDL_Rect src; memcpy(&src, &glyph->rect[hoff], sizeof(SDL_Rect)); dst.x += origin_Paint.x; dst.y += origin_Paint.y; if (args->mode & fillBackground_RunMode) { /* Alpha blending looks much better if the RGB components don't change in the partially transparent pixels. */ /* TODO: Backgrounds of all glyphs should be cleared before drawing anything else. */ SDL_RenderFillRect(activeText_->render, &dst); } SDL_RenderCopy(activeText_->render, activeText_->cache, &src, &dst); #if 0 /* Show spaces and direction. */ if (logicalText[logPos] == 0x20) { const iColor debug = get_Color(run->flags.isRTL ? yellow_ColorId : red_ColorId); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(text_.render, debug.r, debug.g, debug.b, 255); dst.w = xAdvance; dst.h = d->height / 2; dst.y -= d->height / 2; SDL_RenderFillRect(text_.render, &dst); } #endif } xCursor += xAdvance; yCursor += yAdvance; /* Additional kerning tweak. It would be better to use HarfBuzz font callbacks, but they don't seem to get called? */ if (i + 1 < buf->glyphCount) { xCursor += horizKern_Font_(run->font, glyphId, buf->glyphInfo[i + 1].codepoint); } xCursorMax = iMax(xCursorMax, xCursor); } } deinit_Array(&runOrder); if (willAbortDueToWrap) { break; } wrapRuns.start = wrapResumeRunIndex; wrapRuns.end = runCount; wrapPosRange.start = wrapResumePos; wrapPosRange.end = textLen; } if (checkHitChar && wrap->hitChar == args->text.end) { wrap->hitAdvance_out = init_I2(xCursor, yCursor); } if (endsWith_Rangecc(args->text, "\n")) { /* FIXME: This is a kludge, the wrap loop should handle this case, too. */ /* The last wrap is an empty newline wrap. */ xCursor = 0; yCursor += d->height; } if (args->cursorAdvance_out) { *args->cursorAdvance_out = init_I2(xCursor, yCursor); } if (args->runAdvance_out) { *args->runAdvance_out = xCursorMax; } iForEach(Array, b, &buffers) { deinit_GlyphBuffer_(b.value); } deinit_Array(&buffers); deinit_AttributedText(&attrText); return bounds; } #else /* !defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ) */ /* The fallback method: an incomplete solution for simple scripts. */ # define run_Font_ runSimple_Font_ # include "text_simple.c" #endif /* defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ) */ int lineHeight_Text(int fontId) { return font_Text_(fontId)->height; } float emRatio_Text(int fontId) { const iFont *font = font_Text_(fontId); return font->emAdvance / font->height; } iTextMetrics measureRange_Text(int fontId, iRangecc text) { if (isEmpty_Range(&text)) { return (iTextMetrics){ init_Rect(0, 0, 0, lineHeight_Text(fontId)), zero_I2() }; } iTextMetrics tm; tm.bounds = run_Font_(font_Text_(fontId), &(iRunArgs){ .mode = measure_RunMode, .text = text, .cursorAdvance_out = &tm.advance }); return tm; } iRect visualBounds_Text(int fontId, iRangecc text) { return run_Font_(font_Text_(fontId), &(iRunArgs){ .mode = measure_RunMode | visualFlag_RunMode, .text = text, }); } void cache_Text(int fontId, iRangecc text) { cacheTextGlyphs_Font_(font_Text_(fontId), text); } static int runFlagsFromId_(enum iFontId fontId) { int runFlags = 0; if (fontId & alwaysVariableFlag_FontId) { runFlags |= alwaysVariableWidthFlag_RunMode; } return runFlags; } static iBool cbAdvanceOneLine_(iWrapText *d, iRangecc range, iTextAttrib attrib, int origin, int advance) { iUnused(attrib, origin, advance); *((const char **) d->context) = range.end; return iFalse; /* just one line */ } iInt2 tryAdvance_Text(int fontId, iRangecc text, int width, const char **endPos) { iWrapText wrap = { .mode = word_WrapTextMode, .text = text, .maxWidth = width, .wrapFunc = cbAdvanceOneLine_, .context = endPos }; /* The return value is expected to be the horizontal/vertical bounds. */ return measure_WrapText(&wrap, fontId).bounds.size; } iInt2 tryAdvanceNoWrap_Text(int fontId, iRangecc text, int width, const char **endPos) { /* "NoWrap" means words aren't wrapped; the line is broken at nearest character. */ iWrapText wrap = { .mode = anyCharacter_WrapTextMode, .text = text, .maxWidth = width, .wrapFunc = cbAdvanceOneLine_, .context = endPos }; iTextMetrics tm = measure_WrapText(&wrap, fontId); return init_I2(maxWidth_TextMetrics(tm), tm.bounds.size.y); } iTextMetrics measureN_Text(int fontId, const char *text, size_t n) { if (n == 0) { return (iTextMetrics){ init_Rect(0, 0, 0, lineHeight_Text(fontId)), zero_I2() }; } iTextMetrics tm; tm.bounds = run_Font_(font_Text_(fontId), &(iRunArgs){ .mode = measure_RunMode | runFlagsFromId_(fontId), .text = range_CStr(text), .maxLen = n, .cursorAdvance_out = &tm.advance }); return tm; } static void drawBoundedN_Text_(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int xposBound, int color, iRangecc text, size_t maxLen) { iText * d = activeText_; iFont * font = font_Text_(fontId); const iColor clr = get_Color(color & mask_ColorId); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(d->cache, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b); run_Font_(font, &(iRunArgs){ .mode = draw_RunMode | (color & permanent_ColorId ? permanentColorFlag_RunMode : 0) | (color & fillBackground_ColorId ? fillBackground_RunMode : 0) | runFlagsFromId_(fontId), .text = text, .maxLen = maxLen, .pos = pos, // .xposLayoutBound = xposBound, .color = color & mask_ColorId, .baseDir = xposBound ? iSign(xposBound - pos.x) : 0 }); } static void drawBounded_Text_(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int xposBound, int color, iRangecc text) { drawBoundedN_Text_(fontId, pos, xposBound, color, text, 0); } static void draw_Text_(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, iRangecc text) { drawBounded_Text_(fontId, pos, 0, color, text); } void drawAlign_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, enum iAlignment align, const char *text, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); { va_list args; va_start(args, text); vprintf_Block(&chars, text, args); va_end(args); } if (align == center_Alignment) { pos.x -= measure_Text(fontId, cstr_Block(&chars)).bounds.size.x / 2; } else if (align == right_Alignment) { pos.x -= measure_Text(fontId, cstr_Block(&chars)).bounds.size.x; } draw_Text_(fontId, pos, color, range_Block(&chars)); deinit_Block(&chars); } void draw_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, const char *text, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); { va_list args; va_start(args, text); vprintf_Block(&chars, text, args); va_end(args); } draw_Text_(fontId, pos, color, range_Block(&chars)); deinit_Block(&chars); } void drawString_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, const iString *text) { draw_Text_(fontId, pos, color, range_String(text)); } void drawRange_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, iRangecc text) { draw_Text_(fontId, pos, color, text); } void drawRangeN_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, iRangecc text, size_t maxChars) { drawBoundedN_Text_(fontId, pos, 0, color, text, maxChars); } void drawOutline_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int outlineColor, int fillColor, iRangecc text) { for (int off = 0; off < 4; ++off) { drawRange_Text(fontId, add_I2(pos, init_I2(off % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1, off / 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)), outlineColor, text); } if (fillColor != none_ColorId) { drawRange_Text(fontId, pos, fillColor, text); } } iTextMetrics measureWrapRange_Text(int fontId, int maxWidth, iRangecc text) { iWrapText wrap = { .text = text, .maxWidth = maxWidth, .mode = word_WrapTextMode }; return measure_WrapText(&wrap, fontId); } void drawBoundRange_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int boundWidth, int color, iRangecc text) { /* This function is used together with text that has already been wrapped, so we'll know the bound width but don't have to re-wrap the text. */ drawBounded_Text_(fontId, pos, pos.x + boundWidth, color, text); } int drawWrapRange_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int maxWidth, int color, iRangecc text) { const char *endp; while (!isEmpty_Range(&text)) { const iInt2 adv = tryAdvance_Text(fontId, text, maxWidth, &endp); drawRange_Text(fontId, pos, color, (iRangecc){ text.start, endp }); text.start = endp; pos.y += iMax(adv.y, lineHeight_Text(fontId)); } return pos.y; } void drawCentered_Text(int fontId, iRect rect, iBool alignVisual, int color, const char *format, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vprintf_Block(&chars, format, args); va_end(args); } drawCenteredRange_Text(fontId, rect, alignVisual, color, range_Block(&chars)); deinit_Block(&chars); } void drawCenteredOutline_Text(int fontId, iRect rect, iBool alignVisual, int outlineColor, int fillColor, const char *format, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vprintf_Block(&chars, format, args); va_end(args); } if (outlineColor != none_ColorId) { for (int off = 0; off < 4; ++off) { drawCenteredRange_Text( fontId, moved_Rect(rect, init_I2(off % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1, off / 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)), alignVisual, outlineColor, range_Block(&chars)); } } if (fillColor != none_ColorId) { drawCenteredRange_Text(fontId, rect, alignVisual, fillColor, range_Block(&chars)); } deinit_Block(&chars); } void drawCenteredRange_Text(int fontId, iRect rect, iBool alignVisual, int color, iRangecc text) { iRect textBounds = alignVisual ? visualBounds_Text(fontId, text) : measureRange_Text(fontId, text).bounds; textBounds.pos = sub_I2(mid_Rect(rect), mid_Rect(textBounds)); textBounds.pos.x = iMax(textBounds.pos.x, left_Rect(rect)); /* keep left edge visible */ draw_Text_(fontId, textBounds.pos, color, text); } iTextMetrics measure_WrapText(iWrapText *d, int fontId) { iTextMetrics tm; tm.bounds = run_Font_(font_Text_(fontId), &(iRunArgs){ .mode = measure_RunMode | runFlagsFromId_(fontId), .text = d->text, .wrap = d, .cursorAdvance_out = &tm.advance }); return tm; } iTextMetrics draw_WrapText(iWrapText *d, int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color) { iTextMetrics tm; #if !defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ) /* In simple mode, each line must be wrapped first so we can break at the right points and do wrap notifications before drawing. */ iRangecc text = d->text; iZap(tm); d->wrapRange_ = (iRangecc){ d->text.start, d->text.start }; const iInt2 orig = pos; while (!isEmpty_Range(&text)) { const char *endPos; const int width = d->mode == word_WrapTextMode ? tryAdvance_Text(fontId, text, d->maxWidth, &endPos).x : tryAdvanceNoWrap_Text(fontId, text, d->maxWidth, &endPos).x; notify_WrapText_(d, endPos, 0, width, iFalse); drawRange_Text(fontId, pos, color, (iRangecc){ text.start, endPos }); text.start = endPos; pos.y += lineHeight_Text(fontId); tm.bounds.size.x = iMax(tm.bounds.size.x, width); tm.bounds.size.y = pos.y - orig.y; } tm.advance = sub_I2(pos, orig); #else tm.bounds = run_Font_(font_Text_(fontId), &(iRunArgs){ .mode = draw_RunMode | runFlagsFromId_(fontId) | (color & permanent_ColorId ? permanentColorFlag_RunMode : 0) | (color & fillBackground_ColorId ? fillBackground_RunMode : 0), .text = d->text, .pos = pos, .wrap = d, .color = color & mask_ColorId, .cursorAdvance_out = &tm.advance, }); #endif return tm; } iBool checkMissing_Text(void) { iText *d = activeText_; const iBool missing = d->missingGlyphs; d->missingGlyphs = iFalse; return missing; } SDL_Texture *glyphCache_Text(void) { return activeText_->cache; } static void freeBitmap_(void *ptr) { stbtt_FreeBitmap(ptr, NULL); } iString *renderBlockChars_Text(const iBlock *fontData, int height, enum iTextBlockMode mode, const iString *text) { iBeginCollect(); stbtt_fontinfo font; iZap(font); stbtt_InitFont(&font, constData_Block(fontData), 0); int ascent; stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent, NULL, NULL); iDeclareType(CharBuf); struct Impl_CharBuf { uint8_t *pixels; iInt2 size; int dy; int advance; }; iArray * chars = collectNew_Array(sizeof(iCharBuf)); int pxRatio = (mode == quadrants_TextBlockMode ? 2 : 1); int pxHeight = height * pxRatio; const float scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, pxHeight); const float xScale = scale * 2; /* character aspect ratio */ const int baseline = ascent * scale; int width = 0; size_t strRemain = length_String(text); iConstForEach(String, i, text) { if (!strRemain) break; if (isVariationSelector_Char(i.value) || isDefaultIgnorable_Char(i.value)) { strRemain--; continue; } iCharBuf buf = { .size = zero_I2() }; buf.pixels = stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap( &font, xScale, scale, i.value, &buf.size.x, &buf.size.y, 0, &buf.dy); stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&font, i.value, &buf.advance, NULL); buf.advance *= xScale; if (!isSpace_Char(i.value)) { if (mode == quadrants_TextBlockMode) { buf.advance = (buf.size.x - 1) / 2 * 2 + 2; } else { buf.advance = buf.size.x + 1; } } pushBack_Array(chars, &buf); collect_Garbage(buf.pixels, freeBitmap_); width += buf.advance; strRemain--; } const size_t len = (mode == quadrants_TextBlockMode ? height * ((width + 1) / 2 + 1) : (height * (width + 1))); iChar *outBuf = iCollectMem(malloc(sizeof(iChar) * len)); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { outBuf[i] = 0x20; } iChar *outPos = outBuf; for (int y = 0; y < pxHeight; y += pxRatio) { const iCharBuf *ch = constData_Array(chars); int lx = 0; for (int x = 0; x < width; x += pxRatio, lx += pxRatio) { if (lx >= ch->advance) { ch++; lx = 0; } const int ly = y - baseline - ch->dy; if (mode == quadrants_TextBlockMode) { #define checkPixel_(offx, offy) \ (lx + offx < ch->size.x && ly + offy < ch->size.y && ly + offy >= 0 ? \ ch->pixels[(lx + offx) + (ly + offy) * ch->size.x] > 155 \ : iFalse) const int mask = (checkPixel_(0, 0) ? 1 : 0) | (checkPixel_(1, 0) ? 2 : 0) | (checkPixel_(0, 1) ? 4 : 0) | (checkPixel_(1, 1) ? 8 : 0); #undef checkPixel_ static const iChar blocks[16] = { 0x0020, 0x2598, 0x259D, 0x2580, 0x2596, 0x258C, 0x259E, 0x259B, 0x2597, 0x259A, 0x2590, 0x259C, 0x2584, 0x2599, 0x259F, 0x2588 }; *outPos++ = blocks[mask]; } else { static const iChar shades[5] = { 0x0020, 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2588 }; *outPos++ = shades[lx < ch->size.x && ly < ch->size.y && ly >= 0 ? ch->pixels[lx + ly * ch->size.x] * 5 / 256 : 0]; } } *outPos++ = '\n'; } /* We could compose the lines separately, but we'd still need to convert them to Strings individually to trim them. */ iStringList *lines = split_String(collect_String(newUnicodeN_String(outBuf, len)), "\n"); while (!isEmpty_StringList(lines) && isEmpty_String(collect_String(trimmed_String(at_StringList(lines, 0))))) { popFront_StringList(lines); } while (!isEmpty_StringList(lines) && isEmpty_String(collect_String(trimmed_String( at_StringList(lines, size_StringList(lines) - 1))))) { popBack_StringList(lines); } iEndCollect(); return joinCStr_StringList(iClob(lines), "\n"); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(TextBuf, (iWrapText *wrapText, int font, int color), wrapText, font, color) void init_TextBuf(iTextBuf *d, iWrapText *wrapText, int font, int color) { SDL_Renderer *render = activeText_->render; d->size = measure_WrapText(wrapText, font).bounds.size; SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); if (d->size.x * d->size.y) { d->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(render, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA4444, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC | SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, d->size.x, d->size.y); } else { d->texture = NULL; } if (d->texture) { SDL_Texture *oldTarget = SDL_GetRenderTarget(render); const iInt2 oldOrigin = origin_Paint; origin_Paint = zero_I2(); SDL_SetRenderTarget(render, d->texture); SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(render, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(render, 255, 255, 255, 0); SDL_RenderClear(render); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(activeText_->cache, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); /* blended when TextBuf is drawn */ draw_WrapText(wrapText, font, zero_I2(), color | fillBackground_ColorId); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(activeText_->cache, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderTarget(render, oldTarget); origin_Paint = oldOrigin; SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(d->texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); } } void deinit_TextBuf(iTextBuf *d) { SDL_DestroyTexture(d->texture); } iTextBuf *newRange_TextBuf(int font, int color, iRangecc text) { return new_TextBuf(&(iWrapText){ .text = text }, font, color); } void draw_TextBuf(const iTextBuf *d, iInt2 pos, int color) { addv_I2(&pos, origin_Paint); const iColor clr = get_Color(color); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(d->texture, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b); SDL_RenderCopy(activeText_->render, d->texture, &(SDL_Rect){ 0, 0, d->size.x, d->size.y }, &(SDL_Rect){ pos.x, pos.y, d->size.x, d->size.y }); }