#include "text.h" #include "color.h" #include "metrics.h" #include "embedded.h" #include "app.h" #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "../stb_truetype.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include iDeclareType(Glyph) iDeclareTypeConstructionArgs(Glyph, iChar ch) struct Impl_Glyph { iHashNode node; iRect rect; int advance; int dx, dy; }; void init_Glyph(iGlyph *d, iChar ch) { d->node.key = ch; d->rect = zero_Rect(); d->advance = 0; } void deinit_Glyph(iGlyph *d) { iUnused(d); } iChar char_Glyph(const iGlyph *d) { return d->node.key; } iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(Glyph, (iChar ch), ch) /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ iDeclareType(Font) struct Impl_Font { iBlock * data; stbtt_fontinfo font; float scale; int height; int baseline; iHash glyphs; }; static void init_Font(iFont *d, const iBlock *data, int height) { init_Hash(&d->glyphs); d->data = NULL; d->height = height; iZap(d->font); stbtt_InitFont(&d->font, constData_Block(data), 0); d->scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&d->font, height); int ascent; stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&d->font, &ascent, 0, 0); d->baseline = (int) ascent * d->scale; } static void deinit_Font(iFont *d) { iForEach(Hash, i, &d->glyphs) { delete_Glyph((iGlyph *) i.value); } deinit_Hash(&d->glyphs); delete_Block(d->data); } iDeclareType(Text) struct Impl_Text { iFont fonts[max_FontId]; SDL_Renderer *render; SDL_Texture * cache; iInt2 cacheSize; iInt2 cachePos; int cacheRowHeight; SDL_Palette * grayscale; }; static iText text_; void init_Text(SDL_Renderer *render) { iText *d = &text_; d->render = render; /* A grayscale palette for rasterized glyphs. */ { SDL_Color colors[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { colors[i] = (SDL_Color){ 255, 255, 255, i }; } d->grayscale = SDL_AllocPalette(256); SDL_SetPaletteColors(d->grayscale, colors, 0, 256); } /* Initialize the glyph cache. */ { d->cacheSize = init1_I2(fontSize_UI * 16); d->cachePos = zero_I2(); d->cache = SDL_CreateTexture(render, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC | SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, d->cacheSize.x, d->cacheSize.y); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(d->cache, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); d->cacheRowHeight = 0; } /* Load the fonts. */ { const struct { const iBlock *ttf; int size; } fontData[max_FontId] = { { &fontFiraSansRegular_Embedded, fontSize_UI }, { &fontFiraMonoRegular_Embedded, fontSize_UI }, { &fontFiraSansRegular_Embedded, fontSize_UI * 1.5f }, { &fontFiraSansLightItalic_Embedded, fontSize_UI }, { &fontFiraSansBold_Embedded, fontSize_UI }, { &fontFiraSansBold_Embedded, fontSize_UI * 1.5f }, { &fontFiraSansBold_Embedded, fontSize_UI * 1.75f }, { &fontFiraSansBold_Embedded, fontSize_UI * 2.0f }, }; iForIndices(i, fontData) { init_Font(&d->fonts[i], fontData[i].ttf, fontData[i].size); } } } void deinit_Text(void) { iText *d = &text_; SDL_FreePalette(d->grayscale); iForIndices(i, d->fonts) { deinit_Font(&d->fonts[i]); } SDL_DestroyTexture(d->cache); d->render = NULL; } static SDL_Surface *rasterizeGlyph_Font_(const iFont *d, iChar ch) { int w, h; uint8_t *bmp = stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(&d->font, d->scale, d->scale, ch, &w, &h, 0, 0); /* Note: `bmp` must be freed afterwards. */ SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(bmp, w, h, 8, w, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_INDEX8); SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surface, text_.grayscale); return surface; } static iBool isSpecialChar_(iChar ch) { return ch >= specialSymbol_Text && ch < 0x20; } static float symbolEmWidth_(int symbol) { return 1.5f; } static float symbolAdvance_(int symbol) { return 1.5f; } static int specialChar_(iChar ch) { return ch - specialSymbol_Text; } iLocalDef SDL_Rect sdlRect_(const iRect rect) { return (SDL_Rect){ rect.pos.x, rect.pos.y, rect.size.x, rect.size.y }; } #if 0 static void fillTriangle_(SDL_Surface *surface, const SDL_Rect *rect, int dir) { const uint32_t color = 0xffffffff; SDL_LockSurface(surface); uint32_t *row = surface->pixels; row += rect->x + rect->y * surface->pitch / 4; for (int y = 0; y < rect->h; y++, row += surface->pitch / 4) { float norm = (float) y / (float) (rect->h - 1) * 2.0f; if (norm > 1.0f) norm = 2.0f - norm; const int len = norm * rect->w; const float fract = norm * rect->w - len; const uint32_t fractColor = 0xffffff00 | (int) (fract * 0xff); if (dir > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) { row[x] = color; } if (len < rect->w) { row[len] = fractColor; } } else { for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) { row[rect->w - len + x] = color; } if (len < rect->w) { row[rect->w - len - 1] = fractColor; } } } SDL_UnlockSurface(surface); } #endif static void cache_Font_(iFont *d, iGlyph *glyph) { iText *txt = &text_; SDL_Renderer *render = txt->render; SDL_Texture *tex = NULL; SDL_Surface *surface = NULL; const iChar ch = char_Glyph(glyph); iBool fromStb = iFalse; if (!isSpecialChar_(ch)) { /* Rasterize the glyph using stbtt. */ surface = rasterizeGlyph_Font_(d, ch); stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox( &d->font, ch, d->scale, d->scale, &glyph->dx, &glyph->dy, NULL, NULL); fromStb = iTrue; tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(render, surface); glyph->rect.size = init_I2(surface->w, surface->h); } else { /* Metrics for special symbols. */ int em, lsb; const int symbol = specialChar_(ch); stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&d->font, 'M', &em, &lsb); glyph->dx = d->baseline / 10; glyph->dy = -d->baseline; glyph->rect.size = init_I2(symbolEmWidth_(symbol) * em * d->scale, d->height); #if 0 if (isRasterizedSymbol_(ch)) { /* Rasterize manually. */ surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat( 0, width_Rect(glyph->rect), height_Rect(glyph->rect), 32, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888); SDL_FillRect(surface, NULL, 0); const uint32_t white = 0xffffffff; switch (specialChar_(ch)) { case play_SpecialSymbol: fillTriangle_(surface, &(SDL_Rect){ 0, 0, surface->w, d->baseline }, 1); break; case pause_SpecialSymbol: { const int w = surface->w * 4 / 11; SDL_FillRect(surface, &(SDL_Rect){ 0, 0, w, d->baseline }, white); SDL_FillRect(surface, &(SDL_Rect){ surface->w - w, 0, w, d->baseline }, white); break; } case rewind_SpecialSymbol: { const int w1 = surface->w / 7; const int w2 = surface->w * 3 / 7; const int h = d->baseline * 4 / 5; const int off = (d->baseline - h) / 2; SDL_FillRect(surface, &(SDL_Rect){ 0, off, w1, h}, white); fillTriangle_(surface, &(SDL_Rect){ w1, off, w2, h }, -1); fillTriangle_(surface, &(SDL_Rect){ surface->w * 4 / 7, off, w2, h }, -1); break; } } tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(render, surface); } #endif } /* Determine placement in the glyph cache texture, advancing in rows. */ if (txt->cachePos.x + glyph->rect.size.x > txt->cacheSize.x) { txt->cachePos.x = 0; txt->cachePos.y += txt->cacheRowHeight; txt->cacheRowHeight = 0; } glyph->rect.pos = txt->cachePos; SDL_SetRenderTarget(render, txt->cache); const SDL_Rect dstRect = sdlRect_(glyph->rect); if (surface) { SDL_RenderCopy(render, tex, &(SDL_Rect){ 0, 0, dstRect.w, dstRect.h }, &dstRect); } else { /* Draw a special symbol. */ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(render, 255, 255, 255, 255); const iInt2 tl = init_I2(dstRect.x, dstRect.y); const iInt2 br = init_I2(dstRect.x + dstRect.w - 1, dstRect.y + dstRect.h - 1); const int midX = tl.x + dstRect.w / 2; const int midY = tl.y + dstRect.h / 2; const int symH = dstRect.h * 2 / 6; #if 0 /* Frame. */ if (isFramedSymbol_(ch)) { SDL_RenderDrawLines( render, (SDL_Point[]){ { tl.x, tl.y }, { br.x, tl.y }, { br.x, br.y }, { tl.x, br.y }, { tl.x, tl.y } }, 5); } iArray points; init_Array(&points, sizeof(SDL_Point)); switch (specialChar_(ch)) { case 0: /* silence */ break; case 1: /* sine */ for (int i = 0; i < dstRect.w; ++i) { float rad = 2.0f * iMathPif * (float) i / dstRect.w; SDL_Point pt = { tl.x + i, midY + sin(rad) * symH}; pushBack_Array(&points, &pt); } SDL_RenderDrawLines(render, constData_Array(&points), size_Array(&points)); break; case 2: /* square */ SDL_RenderDrawLines(render, (SDL_Point[]){ { tl.x, midY - symH }, { midX, midY - symH }, { midX, midY + symH }, { br.x, midY + symH } }, 4); break; case 3: /* saw */ SDL_RenderDrawLines(render, (SDL_Point[]){ { tl.x, midY }, { midX, midY - symH }, { midX, midY + symH }, { br.x, midY } }, 4); break; case 4: /* triangle */ SDL_RenderDrawLines(render, (SDL_Point[]){ { tl.x, midY }, { tl.x + dstRect.w / 4, midY - symH }, { br.x - dstRect.w / 4, midY + symH }, { br.x, midY } }, 4); break; case 5: /* noise */ for (int i = 0; i < dstRect.w; ++i) { for (int p = 0; p < 2; ++p) { const float val = iRandomf() * 2.0f - 1.0f; pushBack_Array(&points, &(SDL_Point){ tl.x + i, midY - val * symH }); } } SDL_RenderDrawPoints(render, constData_Array(&points), size_Array(&points)); break; } deinit_Array(&points); #endif } SDL_SetRenderTarget(render, NULL); if (tex) { SDL_DestroyTexture(tex); iAssert(surface); if (fromStb) stbtt_FreeBitmap(surface->pixels, NULL); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); } /* Update cache cursor. */ txt->cachePos.x += glyph->rect.size.x; txt->cacheRowHeight = iMax(txt->cacheRowHeight, glyph->rect.size.y); } static const iGlyph *glyph_Font_(iFont *d, iChar ch) { const void *node = value_Hash(&d->glyphs, ch); if (node) { return node; } iGlyph *glyph = new_Glyph(ch); cache_Font_(d, glyph); insert_Hash(&d->glyphs, &glyph->node); return glyph; } enum iRunMode { measure_RunMode, draw_RunMode, drawPermanentColor_RunMode }; static iInt2 run_Font_(iFont *d, enum iRunMode mode, const char *text, size_t maxLen, iInt2 pos, int *runAdvance_out) { iInt2 size = zero_I2(); const iInt2 orig = pos; const stbtt_fontinfo *info = &d->font; float xpos = pos.x; float xposMax = xpos; const iString textStr = iStringLiteral(text); iConstForEach(String, i, &textStr) { iChar ch = i.value; /* Special instructions. */ { if (ch == '\n') { xpos = pos.x; pos.y += d->height; continue; } if (ch == '\r') { next_StringConstIterator(&i); const iColor clr = get_Color(i.value - '0'); if (mode == draw_RunMode) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(text_.cache, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b); } continue; } } const iGlyph *glyph = glyph_Font_(d, ch); int x1 = iRound(xpos); int x2 = x1 + glyph->rect.size.x; size.x = iMax(size.x, x2 - orig.x); size.y = iMax(size.y, pos.y + d->height - orig.y); if (mode != measure_RunMode) { SDL_Rect dst = { x1 + glyph->dx, pos.y + d->baseline + glyph->dy, glyph->rect.size.x, glyph->rect.size.y }; SDL_RenderCopy(text_.render, text_.cache, (const SDL_Rect *) &glyph->rect, &dst); } int advance, lsb; const iBool spec = isSpecialChar_(ch); stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(info, spec ? 'M' : ch, &advance, &lsb); if (spec) { advance *= symbolAdvance_(specialChar_(ch)); } xpos += d->scale * advance; xposMax = iMax(xposMax, xpos); /* Check the next character. */ { iStringConstIterator j = i; next_StringConstIterator(&j); const iChar next = j.value; if (next) { xpos += d->scale * stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(info, ch, next); } } if (--maxLen == 0) { break; } } if (runAdvance_out) { *runAdvance_out = xposMax - orig.x; } return size; } int lineHeight_Text(int fontId) { return text_.fonts[fontId].height; } iInt2 measure_Text(int fontId, const char *text) { if (!*text) { return init_I2(0, lineHeight_Text(fontId)); } return run_Font_(&text_.fonts[fontId], measure_RunMode, text, iInvalidSize, zero_I2(), NULL); } iInt2 advance_Text(int fontId, const char *text) { int advance; const int height = run_Font_(&text_.fonts[fontId], measure_RunMode, text, iInvalidSize, zero_I2(), &advance).y; return init_I2(advance, height); //lineHeight_Text(fontId)); } iInt2 advanceN_Text(int fontId, const char *text, size_t n) { if (n == 0) { return init_I2(0, lineHeight_Text(fontId)); } int advance; run_Font_(&text_.fonts[fontId], measure_RunMode, text, n, zero_I2(), &advance); return init_I2(advance, lineHeight_Text(fontId)); } iInt2 advanceRange_Text(int fontId, iRangecc text) { /* TODO: Rangecc should be the default for runs; no need to copy here */ iString str; initRange_String(&str, text); const iInt2 metrics = advance_Text(fontId, cstr_String(&str)); deinit_String(&str); return metrics; } static void draw_Text_(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, const char *text) { iText *d = &text_; const iColor clr = get_Color(color & mask_ColorId); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(d->cache, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b); run_Font_(&d->fonts[fontId], color & permanent_ColorId ? drawPermanentColor_RunMode : draw_RunMode, text, iInvalidSize, pos, NULL); } void draw_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, const char *text, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); { va_list args; va_start(args, text); vprintf_Block(&chars, text, args); va_end(args); } if (pos.x < 0) { /* Right-aligned. */ pos.x = -pos.x - measure_Text(fontId, cstr_Block(&chars)).x; } if (pos.y < 0) { /* Bottom-aligned. */ pos.y = -pos.y - lineHeight_Text(fontId); } draw_Text_(fontId, pos, color, cstr_Block(&chars)); deinit_Block(&chars); } void drawString_Text(int fontId, iInt2 pos, int color, const iString *text) { draw_Text_(fontId, pos, color, cstr_String(text)); } void drawCentered_Text(int fontId, iRect rect, int color, const char *text, ...) { iBlock chars; init_Block(&chars, 0); { va_list args; va_start(args, text); vprintf_Block(&chars, text, args); va_end(args); } const iInt2 textSize = advance_Text(fontId, cstr_Block(&chars)); draw_Text_(fontId, sub_I2(mid_Rect(rect), divi_I2(textSize, 2)), color, cstr_Block(&chars)); deinit_Block(&chars); } SDL_Texture *glyphCache_Text(void) { return text_.cache; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ iDefineTypeConstructionArgs(TextBuf, (int font, const char *text), font, text) void init_TextBuf(iTextBuf *d, int font, const char *text) { SDL_Renderer *render = text_.render; d->size = advance_Text(font, text); d->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(render, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC | SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, d->size.x, d->size.y); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(d->texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderTarget(render, d->texture); draw_Text_(font, zero_I2(), white_ColorId, text); SDL_SetRenderTarget(render, NULL); } void deinit_TextBuf(iTextBuf *d) { SDL_DestroyTexture(d->texture); } void draw_TextBuf(const iTextBuf *d, iInt2 pos, int color) { const iColor clr = get_Color(color); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(d->texture, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b); SDL_RenderCopy(text_.render, d->texture, &(SDL_Rect){ 0, 0, d->size.x, d->size.y }, &(SDL_Rect){ pos.x, pos.y, d->size.x, d->size.y }); }