#include "widget.h" #include "app.h" #include "command.h" #include "paint.h" #include "util.h" #include "window.h" #include #include #include iDeclareType(RootData) struct Impl_RootData { iWidget *hover; iWidget *mouseGrab; iWidget *focus; iPtrSet *onTop; iPtrSet *pendingDestruction; }; static iRootData rootData_; iPtrSet *onTop_RootData_(void) { if (!rootData_.onTop) { rootData_.onTop = new_PtrSet(); } return rootData_.onTop; } void destroyPending_Widget(void) { iForEach(PtrSet, i, rootData_.pendingDestruction) { iWidget *widget = *i.value; remove_PtrSet(onTop_RootData_(), widget); iRelease(removeChild_Widget(widget->parent, widget)); remove_PtrSetIterator(&i); } } iDefineObjectConstruction(Widget) void init_Widget(iWidget *d) { init_String(&d->id); d->flags = 0; d->rect = zero_Rect(); d->bgColor = none_ColorId; d->frameColor = none_ColorId; d->children = NULL; d->parent = NULL; d->commandHandler = NULL; } void deinit_Widget(iWidget *d) { iReleasePtr(&d->children); deinit_String(&d->id); } static void aboutToBeDestroyed_Widget_(iWidget *d) { if (isFocused_Widget(d)) { setFocus_Widget(NULL); return; } if (isHover_Widget(d)) { rootData_.hover = NULL; } iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { aboutToBeDestroyed_Widget_(as_Widget(i.object)); } } void destroy_Widget(iWidget *d) { aboutToBeDestroyed_Widget_(d); if (!rootData_.pendingDestruction) { rootData_.pendingDestruction = new_PtrSet(); } insert_PtrSet(rootData_.pendingDestruction, d); postRefresh_App(); } void setId_Widget(iWidget *d, const char *id) { setCStr_String(&d->id, id); } const iString *id_Widget(const iWidget *d) { return &d->id; } int flags_Widget(const iWidget *d) { return d->flags; } void setFlags_Widget(iWidget *d, int flags, iBool set) { iChangeFlags(d->flags, flags, set); if (flags & keepOnTop_WidgetFlag) { if (set) { insert_PtrSet(onTop_RootData_(), d); } else { remove_PtrSet(onTop_RootData_(), d); } } } void setPos_Widget(iWidget *d, iInt2 pos) { d->rect.pos = pos; } void setSize_Widget(iWidget *d, iInt2 size) { d->rect.size = size; setFlags_Widget(d, fixedSize_WidgetFlag, iTrue); } void setBackgroundColor_Widget(iWidget *d, int bgColor) { d->bgColor = bgColor; } void setFrameColor_Widget(iWidget *d, int frameColor) { d->frameColor = frameColor; } void setCommandHandler_Widget(iWidget *d, iBool (*handler)(iWidget *, const char *)) { d->commandHandler = handler; } static int numExpandingChildren_Widget_(const iWidget *d) { int count = 0; iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *child = constAs_Widget(i.object); if (flags_Widget(child) & expand_WidgetFlag) { count++; } } return count; } static int widestChild_Widget_(const iWidget *d) { int width = 0; iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *child = constAs_Widget(i.object); width = iMax(width, child->rect.size.x); } return width; } static void setWidth_Widget_(iWidget *d, int width) { if (~d->flags & fixedWidth_WidgetFlag) { d->rect.size.x = width; } } static void setHeight_Widget_(iWidget *d, int height) { if (~d->flags & fixedHeight_WidgetFlag) { d->rect.size.y = height; } } iLocalDef iBool isCollapsed_Widget_(const iWidget *d) { return (d->flags & (hidden_WidgetFlag | collapse_WidgetFlag)) == (hidden_WidgetFlag | collapse_WidgetFlag); } void arrange_Widget(iWidget *d) { if (isCollapsed_Widget_(d)) { setFlags_Widget(d, wasCollapsed_WidgetFlag, iTrue); return; } if (d->flags & moveToParentRightEdge_WidgetFlag) { d->rect.pos.x = width_Rect(d->parent->rect) - width_Rect(d->rect); } if (d->flags & resizeToParentWidth_WidgetFlag) { setWidth_Widget_(d, d->parent->rect.size.x); } if (d->flags & resizeToParentHeight_WidgetFlag) { setHeight_Widget_(d, d->parent->rect.size.y); } /* The rest of the arrangement depends on child widgets. */ if (!d->children) { return; } /* Resize children to fill the parent widget. */ const size_t childCount = size_ObjectList(d->children); if (d->flags & resizeChildren_WidgetFlag) { /* Collapse hidden children. */ iForEach(ObjectList, c, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(c.object); if (isCollapsed_Widget_(child)) { if (d->flags & arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag) { setWidth_Widget_(child, 0); } if (d->flags & arrangeVertical_WidgetFlag) { setHeight_Widget_(child, 0); } } else if (child->flags & wasCollapsed_WidgetFlag) { setFlags_Widget(child, wasCollapsed_WidgetFlag, iFalse); /* Undo collapse and determine the normal size again. */ if (child->flags & arrangeSize_WidgetFlag) { arrange_Widget(child); } } } const int expCount = numExpandingChildren_Widget_(d); /* Only resize the expanding children, not touching the others. */ if (expCount > 0) { iInt2 avail = d->rect.size; iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *child = constAs_Widget(i.object); if (~child->flags & expand_WidgetFlag) { subv_I2(&avail, child->rect.size); } } avail = divi_I2(avail, expCount); iForEach(ObjectList, j, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(j.object); if (isCollapsed_Widget_(child)) continue; if (child->flags & expand_WidgetFlag) { if (d->flags & arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag) { setWidth_Widget_(child, avail.x); setHeight_Widget_(child, d->rect.size.y); } else if (d->flags & arrangeVertical_WidgetFlag) { setWidth_Widget_(child, d->rect.size.x); setHeight_Widget_(child, avail.y); } } else { /* Fill the off axis, though. */ if (d->flags & arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag) { setHeight_Widget_(child, d->rect.size.y); } else if (d->flags & arrangeVertical_WidgetFlag) { setWidth_Widget_(child, d->rect.size.x); } } } } else { /* Evenly size all children. */ iInt2 childSize = d->rect.size; if (d->flags & arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag) { childSize.x /= childCount; } else if (d->flags & arrangeVertical_WidgetFlag) { childSize.y /= childCount; } iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(i.object); if (!isCollapsed_Widget_(child)) { setWidth_Widget_(child, childSize.x); setHeight_Widget_(child, childSize.y); } } } } if (d->flags & resizeChildrenToWidestChild_WidgetFlag) { const int widest = widestChild_Widget_(d); iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { setWidth_Widget_(as_Widget(i.object), widest); } } iInt2 pos = zero_I2(); iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(i.object); arrange_Widget(child); if (d->flags & (arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag | arrangeVertical_WidgetFlag)) { child->rect.pos = pos; if (d->flags & arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag) { pos.x += child->rect.size.x; } else { pos.y += child->rect.size.y; } } } /* Update the size of the widget according to the arrangement. */ if (d->flags & arrangeSize_WidgetFlag) { iRect bounds = zero_Rect(); iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *child = constAs_Widget(i.object); if (isEmpty_Rect(bounds)) { bounds = child->rect; } else { bounds = union_Rect(bounds, child->rect); } } if (d->flags & arrangeWidth_WidgetFlag) { setWidth_Widget_(d, bounds.size.x); /* Parent size changed, must update the children.*/ iForEach(ObjectList, j, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(j.object); if (child->flags & (resizeToParentWidth_WidgetFlag | moveToParentRightEdge_WidgetFlag)) { arrange_Widget(child); } } } if (d->flags & arrangeHeight_WidgetFlag) { setHeight_Widget_(d, bounds.size.y); /* Parent size changed, must update the children.*/ iForEach(ObjectList, j, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(j.object); if (child->flags & resizeToParentHeight_WidgetFlag) { arrange_Widget(child); } } } } } iRect bounds_Widget(const iWidget *d) { iRect bounds = d->rect; for (const iWidget *w = d->parent; w; w = w->parent) { addv_I2(&bounds.pos, w->rect.pos); } return bounds; } iInt2 localCoord_Widget(const iWidget *d, iInt2 coord) { for (const iWidget *w = d; w; w = w->parent) { subv_I2(&coord, w->rect.pos); } return coord; } iBool contains_Widget(const iWidget *d, iInt2 coord) { const iRect bounds = { zero_I2(), d->rect.size }; return contains_Rect(bounds, localCoord_Widget(d, coord)); } iLocalDef iBool isKeyboardEvent_(const SDL_Event *ev) { return (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP || ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN || ev->type == SDL_TEXTINPUT); } iLocalDef iBool isMouseEvent_(const SDL_Event *ev) { return (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL || ev->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION || ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP || ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN); } static iBool filterEvent_Widget_(const iWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { const iBool isKey = isKeyboardEvent_(ev); const iBool isMouse = isMouseEvent_(ev); if (d->flags & disabled_WidgetFlag) { if (isKey || isMouse) return iFalse; } if (d->flags & hidden_WidgetFlag) { if (isMouse) return iFalse; } return iTrue; } void unhover_Widget(void) { rootData_.hover = NULL; } iBool dispatchEvent_Widget(iWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { if (!d->parent) { if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { /* Hover widget may change. */ rootData_.hover = NULL; } if (rootData_.focus && isKeyboardEvent_(ev)) { /* Root dispatches keyboard events directly to the focused widget. */ if (dispatchEvent_Widget(rootData_.focus, ev)) { return iTrue; } } /* Root offers events first to widgets on top. */ iForEach(PtrSet, i, rootData_.onTop) { iWidget *widget = *i.value; if (isVisible_Widget(widget) && dispatchEvent_Widget(widget, ev)) { return iTrue; } } } else if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION && !rootData_.hover && flags_Widget(d) & hover_WidgetFlag && ~flags_Widget(d) & hidden_WidgetFlag && ~flags_Widget(d) & disabled_WidgetFlag) { if (contains_Widget(d, init_I2(ev->motion.x, ev->motion.y))) { rootData_.hover = d; } } if (filterEvent_Widget_(d, ev)) { /* Children may handle it first. Done in reverse so children drawn on top get to handle the events first. */ iReverseForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(i.object); if (child == rootData_.focus && isKeyboardEvent_(ev)) { continue; /* Already dispatched. */ } if (isVisible_Widget(child) && child->flags & keepOnTop_WidgetFlag) { /* Already dispatched. */ continue; } if (dispatchEvent_Widget(child, ev)) { return iTrue; } } if (class_Widget(d)->processEvent(d, ev)) { return iTrue; } } return iFalse; } iBool processEvent_Widget(iWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { if (ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (ev->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) { setFocus_Widget(findFocusable_Widget(focus_Widget(), ev->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT ? backward_WidgetFocusDir : forward_WidgetFocusDir)); return iTrue; } } switch (ev->type) { case SDL_USEREVENT: { if (ev->user.code == command_UserEventCode && d->commandHandler && d->commandHandler(d, ev->user.data1)) { return iTrue; } break; } } return iFalse; } void draw_Widget(const iWidget *d) { if (d->flags & hidden_WidgetFlag) return; if (d->bgColor >= 0 || d->frameColor >= 0) { const iRect rect = bounds_Widget(d); iPaint p; init_Paint(&p); if (d->bgColor >= 0) { fillRect_Paint(&p, rect, d->bgColor); } if (d->frameColor >= 0) { drawRectThickness_Paint(&p, rect, gap_UI / 4, d->frameColor); } } iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *child = constAs_Widget(i.object); if (~child->flags & keepOnTop_WidgetFlag && ~child->flags & hidden_WidgetFlag) { class_Widget(child)->draw(child); } } /* Root draws the on-top widgets on top of everything else. */ if (!d->parent) { iConstForEach(PtrSet, i, onTop_RootData_()) { draw_Widget(*i.value); } } } iAny *addChild_Widget(iWidget *d, iAnyObject *child) { return addChildPos_Widget(d, child, back_WidgetAddPos); } iAny *addChildPos_Widget(iWidget *d, iAnyObject *child, enum iWidgetAddPos addPos) { iAssert(child); iAssert(d != child); iWidget *widget = as_Widget(child); iAssert(!widget->parent); if (!d->children) { d->children = new_ObjectList(); } if (addPos == back_WidgetAddPos) { pushBack_ObjectList(d->children, widget); /* ref */ } else { pushFront_ObjectList(d->children, widget); /* ref */ } widget->parent = d; return child; } iAny *addChildFlags_Widget(iWidget *d, iAnyObject *child, int childFlags) { setFlags_Widget(child, childFlags, iTrue); return addChild_Widget(d, child); } iAny *removeChild_Widget(iWidget *d, iAnyObject *child) { ref_Object(child); iBool found = iFalse; iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { if (i.object == child) { remove_ObjectListIterator(&i); found = iTrue; break; } } iAssert(found); ((iWidget *) child)->parent = NULL; postRefresh_App(); return child; } iAny *child_Widget(iWidget *d, size_t index) { iForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { if (index-- == 0) { return i.object; } } return NULL; } iAny *findChild_Widget(const iWidget *d, const char *id) { if (cmp_String(id_Widget(d), id) == 0) { return iConstCast(iAny *, d); } iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { iAny *found = findChild_Widget(constAs_Widget(i.object), id); if (found) return found; } return NULL; } size_t childCount_Widget(const iWidget *d) { if (!d->children) return 0; return size_ObjectList(d->children); } iBool isVisible_Widget(const iWidget *d) { for (const iWidget *w = d; w; w = w->parent) { if (w->flags & hidden_WidgetFlag) { return iFalse; } } return iTrue; } iBool isDisabled_Widget(const iWidget *d) { for (const iWidget *w = d; w; w = w->parent) { if (w->flags & disabled_WidgetFlag) { return iTrue; } } return iFalse; } iBool isFocused_Widget(const iWidget *d) { return rootData_.focus == d; } iBool isHover_Widget(const iWidget *d) { return rootData_.hover == d; } iBool isSelected_Widget(const iWidget *d) { return (d->flags & selected_WidgetFlag) != 0; } iBool equalWidget_Command(const char *cmd, const iWidget *widget, const char *checkCommand) { if (equal_Command(cmd, checkCommand)) { const iWidget *src = pointer_Command(cmd); iAssert(!src || strstr(cmd, " ptr:")); return src == widget || hasParent_Widget(src, widget); } return iFalse; } iBool isCommand_Widget(const iWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev, const char *cmd) { if (ev->type == SDL_USEREVENT && ev->user.code == command_UserEventCode) { return equalWidget_Command(command_UserEvent(ev), d, cmd); } return iFalse; } iBool hasParent_Widget(const iWidget *d, const iWidget *someParent) { if (d) { for (const iWidget *w = d->parent; w; w = w->parent) { if (w == someParent) return iTrue; } } return iFalse; } void setFocus_Widget(iWidget *d) { if (rootData_.focus != d) { if (rootData_.focus) { iAssert(!contains_PtrSet(rootData_.pendingDestruction, rootData_.focus)); postCommand_Widget(rootData_.focus, "focus.lost"); } rootData_.focus = d; if (d) { iAssert(flags_Widget(d) & focusable_WidgetFlag); postCommand_Widget(d, "focus.gained"); } } } iWidget *focus_Widget(void) { return rootData_.focus; } iWidget *hover_Widget(void) { return rootData_.hover; } static const iWidget *findFocusable_Widget_(const iWidget *d, const iWidget *startFrom, iBool *getNext, enum iWidgetFocusDir focusDir) { if (startFrom == d) { *getNext = iTrue; return NULL; } if ((d->flags & focusable_WidgetFlag) && isVisible_Widget(d) && !isDisabled_Widget(d) && *getNext) { return d; } if (focusDir == forward_WidgetFocusDir) { iConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *found = findFocusable_Widget_(constAs_Widget(i.object), startFrom, getNext, focusDir); if (found) return found; } } else { iReverseConstForEach(ObjectList, i, d->children) { const iWidget *found = findFocusable_Widget_(constAs_Widget(i.object), startFrom, getNext, focusDir); if (found) return found; } } return NULL; } iAny *findFocusable_Widget(const iWidget *startFrom, enum iWidgetFocusDir focusDir) { iWidget *root = get_Window()->root; iBool getNext = (startFrom ? iFalse : iTrue); const iWidget *found = findFocusable_Widget_(root, startFrom, &getNext, focusDir); if (!found && startFrom) { getNext = iTrue; found = findFocusable_Widget_(root, NULL, &getNext, focusDir); } return iConstCast(iWidget *, found); } void setMouseGrab_Widget(iWidget *d) { if (rootData_.mouseGrab != d) { rootData_.mouseGrab = d; SDL_CaptureMouse(d != NULL); } } iWidget *mouseGrab_Widget(void) { return rootData_.mouseGrab; } void postCommand_Widget(const iWidget *d, const char *cmd, ...) { iString str; init_String(&str); { va_list args; va_start(args, cmd); vprintf_Block(&str.chars, cmd, args); va_end(args); } iBool isGlobal = iFalse; if (*cstr_String(&str) == '!') { isGlobal = iTrue; remove_Block(&str.chars, 0, 1); } if (!isGlobal) { appendFormat_String(&str, " ptr:%p", d); } postCommandString_App(&str); deinit_String(&str); } void refresh_Widget(const iWidget *d) { /* TODO: Could be widget specific, if parts of the tree are cached. */ iUnused(d); postRefresh_App(); } iBeginDefineClass(Widget) .processEvent = processEvent_Widget, .draw = draw_Widget, iEndDefineClass(Widget)