/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once /* Base class for UI widgets. */ #include "metrics.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define iDeclareWidgetClass(className) \ iDeclareType(className); \ typedef iWidgetClass i##className##Class; \ extern i##className##Class Class_##className; iDeclareType(Widget) iBeginDeclareClass(Widget) iBool (*processEvent) (iWidget *, const SDL_Event *); void (*draw) (const iWidget *); iEndDeclareClass(Widget) enum iWidgetFlag { hidden_WidgetFlag = iBit(1), disabled_WidgetFlag = iBit(2), hover_WidgetFlag = iBit(3), /* eligible for mouse hover */ selected_WidgetFlag = iBit(4), pressed_WidgetFlag = iBit(5), alignLeft_WidgetFlag = iBit(6), alignRight_WidgetFlag = iBit(7), frameless_WidgetFlag = iBit(8), commandOnClick_WidgetFlag = iBit(9), drawKey_WidgetFlag = iBit(10), focusable_WidgetFlag = iBit(11), tight_WidgetFlag = iBit(12), /* smaller padding */ keepOnTop_WidgetFlag = iBit(13), /* gets events first; drawn last */ mouseModal_WidgetFlag = iBit(14), /* eats all unprocessed mouse events */ /* arrange behavior */ arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag = iBit(17), /* arrange children horizontally */ arrangeVertical_WidgetFlag = iBit(18), /* arrange children vertically */ arrangeWidth_WidgetFlag = iBit(19), /* area of children becomes parent size */ arrangeHeight_WidgetFlag = iBit(20), /* area of children becomes parent size */ resizeWidthOfChildren_WidgetFlag = iBit(21), resizeHeightOfChildren_WidgetFlag = iBit(22), expand_WidgetFlag = iBit(23), fixedWidth_WidgetFlag = iBit(24), fixedHeight_WidgetFlag = iBit(25), resizeChildrenToWidestChild_WidgetFlag = iBit(26), resizeToParentWidth_WidgetFlag = iBit(27), resizeToParentHeight_WidgetFlag = iBit(28), moveToParentRightEdge_WidgetFlag = iBit(29), collapse_WidgetFlag = iBit(30), /* when hidden, arrange size to zero */ wasCollapsed_WidgetFlag = iBit(31), /* combinations */ arrangeSize_WidgetFlag = arrangeWidth_WidgetFlag | arrangeHeight_WidgetFlag, resizeChildren_WidgetFlag = resizeWidthOfChildren_WidgetFlag | resizeHeightOfChildren_WidgetFlag, fixedSize_WidgetFlag = fixedWidth_WidgetFlag | fixedHeight_WidgetFlag, }; enum iWidgetAddPos { back_WidgetAddPos, front_WidgetAddPos, }; enum iWidgetFocusDir { forward_WidgetFocusDir, backward_WidgetFocusDir, }; struct Impl_Widget { iObject object; iString id; int flags; iRect rect; int padding[4]; /* left, top, right, bottom */ int bgColor; int frameColor; iObjectList *children; iWidget * parent; iBool (*commandHandler)(iWidget *, const char *); }; iDeclareObjectConstruction(Widget) iLocalDef iWidget *as_Widget(iAnyObject *d) { #if !defined (NDEBUG) if (d) { iAssertIsObject(d); iAssert(isInstance_Object(d, &Class_Widget)); } #endif return (iWidget *) d; } iLocalDef const iWidget *constAs_Widget(const iAnyObject *d) { #if !defined (NDEBUG) if (d) { iAssertIsObject(d); iAssert(isInstance_Object(d, &Class_Widget)); } #endif return (const iWidget *) d; } void destroy_Widget (iWidget *); /* widget removed and deleted later */ void destroyPending_Widget(void); const iString *id_Widget (const iWidget *); int flags_Widget (const iWidget *); iRect bounds_Widget (const iWidget *); /* outer bounds */ iRect innerBounds_Widget (const iWidget *); iInt2 localCoord_Widget (const iWidget *, iInt2 coord); iBool contains_Widget (const iWidget *, iInt2 coord); iAny * findChild_Widget (const iWidget *, const char *id); iAny * findFocusable_Widget(const iWidget *startFrom, enum iWidgetFocusDir focusDir); size_t childCount_Widget (const iWidget *); void draw_Widget (const iWidget *); iLocalDef iObjectList *children_Widget(iAnyObject *d) { iAssert(isInstance_Object(d, &Class_Widget)); return ((iWidget *) d)->children; } iBool isVisible_Widget (const iWidget *); iBool isDisabled_Widget (const iWidget *); iBool isFocused_Widget (const iWidget *); iBool isHover_Widget (const iWidget *); iBool isSelected_Widget (const iWidget *); iBool isCommand_Widget (const iWidget *d, const SDL_Event *ev, const char *cmd); iBool hasParent_Widget (const iWidget *d, const iWidget *someParent); void setId_Widget (iWidget *, const char *id); void setFlags_Widget (iWidget *, int flags, iBool set); void setPos_Widget (iWidget *, iInt2 pos); void setSize_Widget (iWidget *, iInt2 size); void setPadding_Widget (iWidget *, int left, int top, int right, int bottom); iLocalDef void setPadding1_Widget (iWidget *d, int padding) { setPadding_Widget(d, padding, padding, padding, padding); } void setBackgroundColor_Widget (iWidget *, int bgColor); void setFrameColor_Widget (iWidget *, int frameColor); void setCommandHandler_Widget (iWidget *, iBool (*handler)(iWidget *, const char *)); iAny * addChild_Widget (iWidget *, iAnyObject *child); /* holds a ref */ iAny * addChildPos_Widget (iWidget *, iAnyObject *child, enum iWidgetAddPos addPos); iAny * addChildFlags_Widget(iWidget *, iAnyObject *child, int childFlags); /* holds a ref */ iAny * removeChild_Widget (iWidget *, iAnyObject *child); /* returns a ref */ iAny * child_Widget (iWidget *, size_t index); /* O(n) */ size_t childIndex_Widget (const iWidget *, const iAnyObject *child); /* O(n) */ void arrange_Widget (iWidget *); iBool dispatchEvent_Widget(iWidget *, const SDL_Event *); iBool processEvent_Widget (iWidget *, const SDL_Event *); void postCommand_Widget (const iWidget *, const char *cmd, ...); void refresh_Widget (const iWidget *); void setFocus_Widget (iWidget *); iWidget *focus_Widget (void); iWidget *hover_Widget (void); void unhover_Widget (void); void setMouseGrab_Widget (iWidget *); iWidget *mouseGrab_Widget (void); iBool equalWidget_Command (const char *cmd, const iWidget *widget, const char *checkCommand);