#include "window.h" #include "embedded.h" #include "app.h" #include "command.h" #include "paint.h" #include "text.h" #include "util.h" #include "../visited.h" #include "labelwidget.h" #include "inputwidget.h" #include "documentwidget.h" #include "sidebarwidget.h" #include "gmutil.h" #if defined (iPlatformMsys) # include "../win32.h" #endif #if defined (iPlatformApple) && !defined (iPlatformIOS) # include "macos.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image.h" static iWindow *theWindow_ = NULL; #if defined (iPlatformApple) static float initialUiScale_ = 1.0f; #else static float initialUiScale_ = 1.1f; #endif iDefineTypeConstruction(Window) static iBool handleRootCommands_(iWidget *root, const char *cmd) { iUnused(root); if (equal_Command(cmd, "menu.open")) { iWidget *button = pointer_Command(cmd); iWidget *menu = findChild_Widget(button, "menu"); iAssert(menu); if (!isVisible_Widget(menu)) { openMenu_Widget(menu, init_I2(0, button->rect.size.y)); } else { closeMenu_Widget(menu); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "focus.set")) { setFocus_Widget(findWidget_App(cstr_String(string_Command(cmd, "id")))); return iTrue; } else if (handleCommand_App(cmd)) { return iTrue; } return iFalse; } #if defined (iPlatformApple) # define iHaveNativeMenus #endif #if !defined (iHaveNativeMenus) static const iMenuItem navMenuItems[] = { { "New Tab", 't', KMOD_PRIMARY, "tabs.new" }, { "Open Location...", SDLK_l, KMOD_PRIMARY, "focus.set id:url" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { "Preferences...", SDLK_COMMA, KMOD_PRIMARY, "preferences" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { "Quit Lagrange", 'q', KMOD_PRIMARY, "quit" } }; #endif #if defined (iHaveNativeMenus) /* Using native menus. */ static const iMenuItem fileMenuItems[] = { { "New Tab", SDLK_t, KMOD_PRIMARY, "tabs.new" }, { "Open Location...", SDLK_l, KMOD_PRIMARY, "focus.set id:url" }, }; static const iMenuItem editMenuItems[] = { }; static const iMenuItem viewMenuItems[] = { }; #endif static const char *reloadCStr_ = "\U0001f503"; static const char *stopCStr_ = orange_ColorEscape "\U0001f310"; static iBool handleNavBarCommands_(iWidget *navBar, const char *cmd) { if (equal_Command(cmd, "window.resized")) { const iBool isNarrow = width_Rect(bounds_Widget(navBar)) / gap_UI < 140; if (isNarrow ^ ((flags_Widget(navBar) & tight_WidgetFlag) != 0)) { setFlags_Widget(navBar, tight_WidgetFlag, isNarrow); iForEach(ObjectList, i, navBar->children) { iWidget *child = as_Widget(i.object); setFlags_Widget( child, tight_WidgetFlag, isNarrow || !cmp_String(id_Widget(child), "lock")); if (isInstance_Object(i.object, &Class_LabelWidget)) { iLabelWidget *label = i.object; updateSize_LabelWidget(label); } } } arrange_Widget(navBar); refresh_Widget(navBar); return iFalse; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "input.ended")) { iInputWidget *url = findChild_Widget(navBar, "url"); if (arg_Command(cmd) && pointer_Command(cmd) == url) { postCommandf_App( "open url:%s", cstr_String(absoluteUrl_String(&iStringLiteral(""), text_InputWidget(url)))); return iTrue; } } else if (startsWith_CStr(cmd, "document.")) { /* React to the current document only. */ if (document_Command(cmd) == document_App()) { iLabelWidget *reloadButton = findChild_Widget(navBar, "reload"); if (equal_Command(cmd, "document.changed")) { iInputWidget *url = findWidget_App("url"); const iString *urlStr = collect_String(suffix_Command(cmd, "url")); setText_InputWidget(url, urlStr); updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(reloadButton, reloadCStr_); return iFalse; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "document.request.cancelled")) { updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(reloadButton, reloadCStr_); return iFalse; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "document.request.started")) { iInputWidget *url = findChild_Widget(navBar, "url"); if (isFocused_Widget(as_Widget(url))) { setFocus_Widget(NULL); } setTextCStr_InputWidget(url, suffixPtr_Command(cmd, "url")); updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(reloadButton, stopCStr_); return iFalse; } } } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "tabs.changed")) { /* Update navbar according to the current tab. */ iDocumentWidget *doc = document_App(); if (doc) { setText_InputWidget(findWidget_App("url"), url_DocumentWidget(doc)); updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(findChild_Widget(navBar, "reload"), isRequestOngoing_DocumentWidget(doc) ? stopCStr_ : reloadCStr_); } } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "mouse.clicked")) { iWidget *widget = pointer_Command(cmd); iWidget *menu = findWidget_App("doctabs.menu"); if (isTabButton_Widget(widget)) { iWidget *tabs = findWidget_App("doctabs"); showTabPage_Widget(tabs, tabPage_Widget(tabs, childIndex_Widget(widget->parent, widget))); openMenu_Widget(menu, coord_Command(cmd)); } } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "navigate.reload")) { iDocumentWidget *doc = document_Command(cmd); if (isRequestOngoing_DocumentWidget(doc)) { postCommand_App("document.stop"); } else { postCommand_App("document.reload"); } return iTrue; } return iFalse; } static iBool handleSearchBarCommands_(iWidget *searchBar, const char *cmd) { if (equal_Command(cmd, "input.ended") && cmp_String(string_Command(cmd, "id"), "find.input") == 0) { iInputWidget *input = findChild_Widget(searchBar, "find.input"); if (arg_Command(cmd) && argLabel_Command(cmd, "enter") && isVisible_Widget(as_Widget(input))) { postCommand_App("find.next"); /* Keep focus when pressing Enter. */ if (!isEmpty_String(text_InputWidget(input))) { postCommand_App("focus.set id:find.input"); } } else { postCommand_App("find.clearmark"); } return iTrue; } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "focus.gained")) { if (pointer_Command(cmd) == findChild_Widget(searchBar, "find.input")) { if (!isVisible_Widget(searchBar)) { setFlags_Widget(searchBar, hidden_WidgetFlag, iFalse); arrange_Widget(get_Window()->root); refresh_App(); } } } else if (equal_Command(cmd, "find.close")) { if (isVisible_Widget(searchBar)) { setFlags_Widget(searchBar, hidden_WidgetFlag, iTrue); arrange_Widget(searchBar->parent); if (isFocused_Widget(findChild_Widget(searchBar, "find.input"))) { setFocus_Widget(NULL); } refresh_Widget(searchBar->parent); } return iTrue; } return iFalse; } static void setupUserInterface_Window(iWindow *d) { /* Children of root cover the entire window. */ setFlags_Widget(d->root, resizeChildren_WidgetFlag, iTrue); setCommandHandler_Widget(d->root, handleRootCommands_); iWidget *div = makeVDiv_Widget(); setId_Widget(div, "navdiv"); addChild_Widget(d->root, iClob(div)); /* Navigation bar. */ { iWidget *navBar = new_Widget(); setId_Widget(navBar, "navbar"); setFlags_Widget(navBar, arrangeHeight_WidgetFlag | resizeChildren_WidgetFlag | arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag, iTrue); addChild_Widget(div, iClob(navBar)); setBackgroundColor_Widget(navBar, gray25_ColorId); setCommandHandler_Widget(navBar, handleNavBarCommands_); addChild_Widget(navBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget(" \U0001f850 ", 0, 0, "navigate.back"))); addChild_Widget(navBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget("\U0001f852", 0, 0, "navigate.forward"))); addChild_Widget(navBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget("\U0001f3e0", 0, 0, "navigate.home"))); iLabelWidget *lock = addChildFlags_Widget(navBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget("\U0001f513", 0, 0, "server.showcert")), frameless_WidgetFlag | tight_WidgetFlag); setId_Widget(as_Widget(lock), "navbar.lock"); setFont_LabelWidget(lock, defaultSymbols_FontId); updateTextCStr_LabelWidget(lock, "\U0001f512"); iInputWidget *url = new_InputWidget(0); setId_Widget(as_Widget(url), "url"); setTextCStr_InputWidget(url, "gemini://"); addChildFlags_Widget(navBar, iClob(url), expand_WidgetFlag); setId_Widget( addChild_Widget(navBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget(reloadCStr_, 0, 0, "navigate.reload"))), "reload"); addChild_Widget(navBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget("\U0001f464", 0, 0, "cert.client"))); #if !defined (iHaveNativeMenus) iLabelWidget *navMenu = makeMenuButton_LabelWidget("\U0001d362", navMenuItems, iElemCount(navMenuItems)); setAlignVisually_LabelWidget(navMenu, iTrue); addChild_Widget(navBar, iClob(navMenu)); #else insertMenuItems_MacOS("File", fileMenuItems, iElemCount(fileMenuItems)); #endif } /* Tab bar. */ { iWidget *tabBar = makeTabs_Widget(div); setId_Widget(tabBar, "doctabs"); setFlags_Widget(tabBar, expand_WidgetFlag, iTrue); setBackgroundColor_Widget(tabBar, gray25_ColorId); appendTabPage_Widget(tabBar, iClob(new_DocumentWidget()), "Document", '1', KMOD_PRIMARY); iWidget *buttons = findChild_Widget(tabBar, "tabs.buttons"); setFlags_Widget(buttons, collapse_WidgetFlag | hidden_WidgetFlag, iTrue); setId_Widget( addChild_Widget(buttons, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget("\u2795", 0, 0, "tabs.new"))), "newtab"); } /* Side bar. */ { iWidget *content = findChild_Widget(d->root, "tabs.content"); iSidebarWidget *sidebar = new_SidebarWidget(); addChildPos_Widget(content, iClob(sidebar), front_WidgetAddPos); } /* Search bar. */ { iWidget *searchBar = new_Widget(); setId_Widget(searchBar, "search"); setFlags_Widget(searchBar, hidden_WidgetFlag | collapse_WidgetFlag | arrangeHeight_WidgetFlag | resizeChildren_WidgetFlag | arrangeHorizontal_WidgetFlag, iTrue); addChild_Widget(div, iClob(searchBar)); setBackgroundColor_Widget(searchBar, gray25_ColorId); setCommandHandler_Widget(searchBar, handleSearchBarCommands_); addChild_Widget(searchBar, iClob(new_LabelWidget("\U0001f50d Text", 0, 0, NULL))); iInputWidget *input = new_InputWidget(0); setId_Widget(addChildFlags_Widget(searchBar, iClob(input), expand_WidgetFlag), "find.input"); addChild_Widget(searchBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget(" \u2b9f ", 'g', KMOD_PRIMARY, "find.next"))); addChild_Widget(searchBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget(" \u2b9d ", 'g', KMOD_PRIMARY | KMOD_SHIFT, "find.prev"))); addChild_Widget(searchBar, iClob(newIcon_LabelWidget("\u2a2f", SDLK_ESCAPE, 0, "find.close"))); } iWidget *tabsMenu = makeMenu_Widget(d->root, (iMenuItem[]){ { "Close Tab", 0, 0, "tabs.close" }, { "Duplicate Tab", 0, 0, "tabs.new duplicate:1" }, { "---", 0, 0, NULL }, { "Close Other Tabs", 0, 0, "tabs.close toleft:1 toright:1" }, { "Close Tabs To Left", 0, 0, "tabs.close toleft:1" }, { "Close Tabs To Right", 0, 0, "tabs.close toright:1" }, }, 6); setId_Widget(tabsMenu, "doctabs.menu"); /* Glboal keyboard shortcuts. */ { addAction_Widget(d->root, SDLK_LEFTBRACKET, KMOD_SHIFT | KMOD_PRIMARY, "tabs.prev"); addAction_Widget(d->root, SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET, KMOD_SHIFT | KMOD_PRIMARY, "tabs.next"); addAction_Widget(d->root, 'l', KMOD_PRIMARY, "focus.set id:url"); addAction_Widget(d->root, 'f', KMOD_PRIMARY, "focus.set id:find.input"); } } static void updateRootSize_Window_(iWindow *d) { iInt2 *size = &d->root->rect.size; SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(d->render, &size->x, &size->y); arrange_Widget(d->root); postCommandf_App("window.resized width:%d height:%d", size->x, size->y); postRefresh_App(); } static float pixelRatio_Window_(const iWindow *d) { int dx, x; SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(d->render, &dx, NULL); SDL_GetWindowSize(d->win, &x, NULL); return (float) dx / (float) x; } void init_Window(iWindow *d) { theWindow_ = d; uint32_t flags = SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE | SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; #if defined (iPlatformApple) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, "metal"); #else flags |= SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL; #endif SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_VSYNC, "1"); if (SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(800, 500, flags, &d->win, &d->render)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error when creating window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(-2); } SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(d->win, 640, 400); SDL_SetWindowTitle(d->win, "Lagrange"); /* Some info. */ { SDL_RendererInfo info; SDL_GetRendererInfo(d->render, &info); printf("[window] renderer: %s\n", info.name); } d->uiScale = initialUiScale_; d->pixelRatio = pixelRatio_Window_(d); setPixelRatio_Metrics(d->pixelRatio * d->uiScale); #if defined (iPlatformMsys) useExecutableIconResource_SDLWindow(d->win); #endif #if defined (iPlatformLinux) /* Load the window icon. */ { int w, h, num; const iBlock *icon = &imageLagrange64_Embedded; stbi_uc *pixels = stbi_load_from_memory(constData_Block(icon), size_Block(icon), &w, &h, &num, STBI_rgb_alpha); SDL_Surface *surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(pixels, w, h, 32, 4 * w, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32); SDL_SetWindowIcon(d->win, surf); SDL_FreeSurface(surf); stbi_image_free(pixels); } #endif d->root = new_Widget(); d->presentTime = 0.0; setId_Widget(d->root, "root"); init_Text(d->render); #if defined (iPlatformApple) && !defined (iPlatformIOS) setupApplication_MacOS(); #endif setupUserInterface_Window(d); updateRootSize_Window_(d); } void deinit_Window(iWindow *d) { if (theWindow_ == d) { theWindow_ = NULL; } iReleasePtr(&d->root); deinit_Text(); SDL_DestroyRenderer(d->render); SDL_DestroyWindow(d->win); } SDL_Renderer *renderer_Window(const iWindow *d) { return d->render; } static iBool handleWindowEvent_Window_(iWindow *d, const SDL_WindowEvent *ev) { switch (ev->event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: /* No need to do anything. */ return iTrue; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: updateRootSize_Window_(d); return iTrue; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: unhover_Widget(); return iTrue; default: break; } return iFalse; } iBool processEvent_Window(iWindow *d, const SDL_Event *ev) { switch (ev->type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { return handleWindowEvent_Window_(d, &ev->window); } default: { SDL_Event event = *ev; /* Map mouse pointer coordinate to our coordinate system. */ if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { const iInt2 pos = coord_Window(d, event.motion.x, event.motion.y); event.motion.x = pos.x; event.motion.y = pos.y; } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP || event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { const iInt2 pos = coord_Window(d, event.button.x, event.button.y); event.button.x = pos.x; event.button.y = pos.y; } iWidget *widget = d->root; if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION || event.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL || event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP || event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (mouseGrab_Widget()) { widget = mouseGrab_Widget(); } } iWidget *oldHover = hover_Widget(); /* Dispatch the event to the tree of widgets. */ iBool wasUsed = dispatchEvent_Widget(widget, &event); if (oldHover != hover_Widget()) { postRefresh_App(); } return wasUsed; } } return iFalse; } void draw_Window(iWindow *d) { /* Clear the window. */ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(d->render, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(d->render); /* Draw widgets. */ d->frameTime = SDL_GetTicks(); draw_Widget(d->root); #if 0 /* Text cache debugging. */ { SDL_Texture *cache = glyphCache_Text(); SDL_Rect rect = { d->root->rect.size.x - 640, 0, 640, 5 * 640 }; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(d->render, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(d->render, &rect); SDL_RenderCopy(d->render, glyphCache_Text(), NULL, &rect); } #endif SDL_RenderPresent(d->render); } void resize_Window(iWindow *d, int w, int h) { SDL_SetWindowSize(d->win, w, h); updateRootSize_Window_(d); } void setTitle_Window(iWindow *d, const iString *title) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(d->win, cstr_String(title)); } void setUiScale_Window(iWindow *d, float uiScale) { uiScale = iClamp(uiScale, 0.5f, 4.0f); if (d) { d->uiScale = uiScale; #if 0 deinit_Text(); setPixelRatio_Metrics(d->pixelRatio * d->uiScale); init_Text(d->render); postCommand_App("metrics.changed"); /* TODO: Dynamic UI metrics change. Widgets need to update themselves. */ #endif } else { initialUiScale_ = uiScale; } } iInt2 rootSize_Window(const iWindow *d) { return d->root->rect.size; } iInt2 coord_Window(const iWindow *d, int x, int y) { return mulf_I2(init_I2(x, y), d->pixelRatio); } iInt2 mouseCoord_Window(const iWindow *d) { int x, y; SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); return coord_Window(d, x, y); } float uiScale_Window(const iWindow *d) { return d->uiScale; } uint32_t frameTime_Window(const iWindow *d) { return d->frameTime; } iWindow *get_Window(void) { return theWindow_; }