/* Copyright 2020 Jaakko Keränen Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include "root.h" #include #include #include #include iDeclareType(Window) iDeclareTypeConstructionArgs(Window, iRect rect) enum iWindowSnap { none_WindowSnap = 0, left_WindowSnap = 1, right_WindowSnap = 2, maximized_WindowSnap = 3, yMaximized_WindowSnap = 4, fullscreen_WindowSnap = 5, mask_WindowSnap = 0xff, topBit_WindowSnap = iBit(9), bottomBit_WindowSnap = iBit(10), redo_WindowSnap = iBit(11), }; iDeclareType(WindowPlacement) /* Tracking of window placement. */ struct Impl_WindowPlacement { iInt2 initialPos; iRect normalRect; /* updated when window is moved/resized */ iInt2 lastNotifiedSize; /* keep track of horizontal/vertical notifications */ int snap; /* LAGRANGE_ENABLE_CUSTOM_FRAME */ int lastHit; }; enum iWindowSplit { vertical_WindowSplit = iBit(1), oneToTwo_WindowSplit = iBit(2), twoToOne_WindowSplit = iBit(3), equal_WindowSplit = oneToTwo_WindowSplit | twoToOne_WindowSplit, /* meta */ mode_WindowSplit = vertical_WindowSplit | equal_WindowSplit, mask_WindowSplit = equal_WindowSplit, merge_WindowSplit = iBit(10), noEvents_WindowSplit = iBit(11), }; struct Impl_Window { SDL_Window * win; iWindowPlacement place; iBool isDrawFrozen; /* avoids premature draws while restoring window state */ iBool isExposed; iBool isMinimized; iBool isMouseInside; iBool isInvalidated; iBool ignoreClick; uint32_t focusGainedAt; SDL_Renderer *render; iInt2 size; int splitMode; int pendingSplitMode; iString * pendingSplitUrl; /* URL to open in a newly opened split */ iRoot * roots[2]; /* root widget and UI state; second one is for split mode */ iRoot * keyRoot; /* root that has the current keyboard input focus */ iWidget * hover; iWidget * mouseGrab; iWidget * focus; float pixelRatio; /* conversion between points and pixels, e.g., coords, window size */ float displayScale; /* DPI-based scaling factor of current display, affects uiScale only */ float uiScale; uint32_t frameTime; double presentTime; SDL_Texture * appIcon; SDL_Texture * borderShadow; SDL_Cursor * cursors[SDL_NUM_SYSTEM_CURSORS]; SDL_Cursor * pendingCursor; int loadAnimTimer; iAnim rootOffset; int keyboardHeight; /* mobile software keyboards */ }; iBool processEvent_Window (iWindow *, const SDL_Event *); iBool dispatchEvent_Window (iWindow *, const SDL_Event *); void invalidate_Window (iWindow *); /* discard all cached graphics */ void draw_Window (iWindow *); void drawWhileResizing_Window(iWindow *d, int w, int h); /* workaround for SDL bug */ void resize_Window (iWindow *, int w, int h); void setTitle_Window (iWindow *, const iString *title); void setUiScale_Window (iWindow *, float uiScale); void setFreezeDraw_Window (iWindow *, iBool freezeDraw); iBool setKeyRoot_Window (iWindow *, iRoot *root); void setCursor_Window (iWindow *, int cursor); void setSnap_Window (iWindow *, int snapMode); void setKeyboardHeight_Window(iWindow *, int height); void setSplitMode_Window (iWindow *, int splitMode); void showToolbars_Window (iWindow *, iBool show); iBool postContextClick_Window (iWindow *, const SDL_MouseButtonEvent *); void checkPendingSplit_Window(iWindow *); void swapRoots_Window (iWindow *); uint32_t id_Window (const iWindow *); iInt2 size_Window (const iWindow *); iInt2 maxTextureSize_Window (const iWindow *); float uiScale_Window (const iWindow *); iInt2 coord_Window (const iWindow *, int x, int y); iInt2 mouseCoord_Window (const iWindow *, int whichDevice); iAnyObject *hitChild_Window (const iWindow *, iInt2 coord); uint32_t frameTime_Window (const iWindow *); SDL_Renderer *renderer_Window (const iWindow *); int snap_Window (const iWindow *); iBool isFullscreen_Window (const iWindow *); int numRoots_Window (const iWindow *); iRoot * findRoot_Window (const iWindow *, const iWidget *widget); iRoot * otherRoot_Window (const iWindow *, iRoot *root); iWindow * get_Window (void); #if defined (LAGRANGE_ENABLE_CUSTOM_FRAME) SDL_HitTestResult hitTest_Window(const iWindow *d, iInt2 pos); #endif iLocalDef iBool isExposed_Window(const iWindow *d) { iAssert(d); return d->isExposed; }