AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-30Faster feedback for pen drawing.Joe Crayne
2019-05-30Fix updateBack ring-buffer bug.Joe Crayne
2019-05-30Update cabal build.Joe Crayne
2019-05-30Factored gpu-backend out of RingBuffer, wrote vector-backend.Joe Crayne
2019-05-26Render curve points as line strips rather than points.Joe Crayne
2019-05-26Avoid adding redundant points to ring buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-25Attempt to detect sharp-turns.Joe Crayne
2019-05-24Add curvature-coloring.Joe Crayne
2019-05-21Added colors to pen points + various updates.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Fleshed-out Data instance for AttributeKey.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Interface tweak to PointPrimitive ring buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Use Data.Data to specify ring buffer attributes.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Vertex attributes: Use relfection to obtain Parameter list.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Data.Data experiment: Use Nothing result instead of error call.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Experiment: use Data.Data to generate AttributeKeys.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Made ringCapacity give vertex-count rather than float-count.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19PointPrimitiveRing: rSize now counts vertices, not component/floats.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Use per-primitive index head rather than per-component in PointPrimitiveRing.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Type-safe incremental attribute update.Joe Crayne
2019-05-19Allow multiple attributes for dynamic buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Some notes.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Factored lambdacube patch module from ring buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Sort skyboxes.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Fixed gpu upload of PointPrimitive ring buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Control to move draw-plane up and down.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Allow alternate plane positions.Joe Crayne
2019-05-18Draw on the xz plane.Joe Crayne
2019-05-17Write on the camDistance sphere.Joe Crayne
2019-05-17Enable higher-precision rotation.Joe Crayne
2019-05-173d coordinate draw.Joe Crayne
2019-05-17Point primitive stream based ring buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-14Factor TEXTURE_BUFFER-based ring buffer into module.Joe Crayne
2019-05-14Temperarily revert upper bound for lambdacube-gl.Joe Crayne
2019-05-14TextureBuffer-based ring buffer.Joe Crayne
2019-05-13Use distinct types for TextureData and TextureCubeData.Joe Crayne
2019-05-06Renamed LambdaCube.GL.Uniform.Joe Crayne
2019-05-02Cope with missing skybox.Joe Crayne
2019-05-02Use compiler-support for TextureCube.Joe Crayne
2019-05-02Rotate camera-up direction too.Joe Crayne
2019-05-02meshsketch: drag background.Joe Crayne
2019-05-01meshsketch: scroll-wheel zoom (lens angle).Joe Crayne
2019-04-30This seems to work to use skycube and object texturing together.Joe Crayne
2019-04-30Updated meshsketch cabal build.Joe Crayne
2019-04-30skybox shader code.Joe Crayne
2019-04-29Skybox-related uniforms.Joe Crayne
2019-04-29WIP: Skybox for MeshSketch rework.Joe Crayne
2019-04-29MeshSketch rework: events.Joe Crayne
2019-04-29Switched camera flight to use Animator utility.Joe Crayne
2019-04-29Camera object.Joe Crayne now returns a widget.Joe Crayne