{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards, KindSignatures, GADTs, DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving #-} -- TODO: Formulate this module as a patch against lambdacube-gl. module MaskableStream where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Data import Data.Foldable import Data.Function import Data.Int import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Word import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Vector as V ;import Data.Vector as V ((!),(//)) import Foreign.C.Types (CPtrdiff) import Foreign.Marshal import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Data.Dependent.Sum import Data.Some import Data.GADT.Show import GHC.TypeLits import System.IO import LambdaCube.GL as LC import LambdaCube.GL.Data -- (uploadCubeMapToGPU,uploadTextureBufferToGPU,updateTextureBuffer) import LambdaCube.GL.Mesh as LC import LambdaCube.GL.Type import LambdaCube.IR as LC import LambdaCube.GL.Util import LambdaCube.GL.Input.Type import LambdaCube.GL.Input hiding (createObjectCommands) import Graphics.GL.Core33 -- based on addMeshToObjectArray addToObjectArray :: GLStorage -> String -- ^ Slot name for a PrimitiveStream. -> [String] -- ^ Uniform names. IORefs will be put in 'objUniSetup'. -> GPUData -> IO Object addToObjectArray input slotName objUniNames (GPUData prim streams indices _) = do let ObjectArraySchema _ slotStreams = fromMaybe (error $ "addMeshToObjectArray - missing object array: " ++ slotName) $ Map.lookup slotName $! objectArrays $! schema input addObject input slotName prim indices (Map.intersection streams slotStreams) objUniNames setUniformCommand :: (String -> GLUniform) -> (String,GLint) -> GLObjectCommand setUniformCommand ulookup (n,i) = GLSetUniform i (ulookup n) bindTextureCommand :: (String -> IORef GLint) -> (String -> GLUniform) -> String -> GLObjectCommand bindTextureCommand tlookup ulookup n = GLBindTexture (inputTypeToTextureTarget $ uniInputType u) (tlookup n) u where u = ulookup n uniInputType (GLTypedUniform ty _) = unwitnessType ty uniInputType (GLUniform r) = objectType r -- One of these: -- VertexAttribPointer -- Array -- VertexAttribIPointer -- streams. -- VertexAttribI{1,2,3,4}[u]iv -- constant integer attribute. -- Or some number of these in sequence: -- VertexAttrib{1,2,3,4}fv -- constant vector or matrix of floats. setVertexAttribCommmand :: (t -> Stream Buffer) -> (GLuint, t) -> GLObjectCommand setVertexAttribCommmand alookup (i,name) = case alookup name of Stream ty (Buffer arrs bo) arrIdx start len -> mkAttrCmd i bo n (arrayTypeToGLType arrType) (intPtrToPtr $! offset) where (n, mkAttrCmd) = classifyStreamType ty ArrayDesc arrType arrLen arrOffs arrSize = arrs ! arrIdx offset = fromIntegral (arrOffs + start * fromIntegral n * sizeOfArrayType arrType) -- constant generic attribute constAttr -> GLSetVertexAttrib i constAttr lookupOrLookup :: (Ord k, Show k) => String -> Map.Map k a -> Map.Map k a -> k -> a lookupOrLookup callsite objUnis topUnis n = Map.findWithDefault (topUni n) n objUnis where topUni n = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "internal error ("++callsite++"): " ++ show n) n topUnis classifyStreamType :: StreamType -> ( GLint , GLuint -> GLuint -> GLint -> GLenum -> Ptr () -> GLObjectCommand) classifyStreamType = \case Attribute_Word -> ( 1 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_V2U -> ( 2 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_V3U -> ( 3 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_V4U -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_Int -> ( 1 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_V2I -> ( 2 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_V3I -> ( 3 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_V4I -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray ) Attribute_Float -> ( 1 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_V2F -> ( 2 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_V3F -> ( 3 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_V4F -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M22F -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M23F -> ( 6 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M24F -> ( 8 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M32F -> ( 6 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M33F -> ( 9 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M34F -> ( 12 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M42F -> ( 8 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M43F -> ( 12 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) Attribute_M44F -> ( 16 , GLSetVertexAttribArray ) drawElementsCommand :: GLenum -> IndexStream Buffer -> GLObjectCommand drawElementsCommand prim (IndexStream (Buffer arrs bo) arrIdx start idxCount) = GLDrawElements prim (fromIntegral idxCount) idxType bo ptr where ArrayDesc arrType arrLen arrOffs arrSize = arrs ! arrIdx idxType = arrayTypeToGLType arrType ptr = intPtrToPtr $! fromIntegral (arrOffs + start * sizeOfArrayType arrType) -- Note: all enabled attribute arrays should have the same count. -- So an object should select similarly sized streams from 'dStreams' of GPUData. -- So the 'mAttributes' map of a Mesh should contain equally sized arrays. -- uploadMeshToGPU uses a single Buffer for all of a Mesh's attributes. objectDrawStyle :: (GLsizei -> [(GLint,GLsizei)]) -- ^ mask, normally \x -> [(0,x)] -> Object -> Either [(GLint,GLsizei)] (IndexStream Buffer) objectDrawStyle streamMask obj = case objIndices obj of Nothing -> Left $ let cnt = head [c | Stream _ _ _ _ c <- Map.elems (objAttributes obj)] in streamMask $ fromIntegral cnt Just idxStream -> Right idxStream -- backward-compatible non-masking interface. createObjectCommands :: Map.Map String (IORef GLint) -> Map.Map String GLUniform -> Object -> GLProgram -> [GLObjectCommand] createObjectCommands texUnitMap topUnis obj prg = createObjectCommands_ (objectEnvironment texUnitMap topUnis obj (pure . ((,) 0))) prg data ObjectEnvironment = ObjectEnvironment { envPrim :: GLenum -- GL version of LambdaCube.GL.Primitive , envDrawStyle :: Either [(GLint,GLsizei)] -- Mask of array attributes (one draw command for pair). (IndexStream Buffer) -- Indirect P_TriangleStripI or P_TrianglesI indices. , tlookup :: String -> IORef GLint -- lookup texture unit , ulookup :: String -> GLUniform -- lookup uniform , alookup :: String -> Stream Buffer -- lookup vertex attribute } objectEnvironment :: Map.Map String (IORef GLint) -> Map.Map String GLUniform -> Object -> (GLsizei -> [(GLint, GLsizei)]) -> ObjectEnvironment objectEnvironment texUnitMap topUnis obj streamMask = ObjectEnvironment { envPrim = primitiveToGLType $ objPrimitive obj , envDrawStyle = objectDrawStyle streamMask obj , tlookup = \n -> Map.findWithDefault (error $ "missing texture unit: " ++ show n) n texUnitMap , ulookup = lookupOrLookup "missing uniform: " (objUniSetup obj) topUnis , alookup = \n -> Map.findWithDefault (error $ "missing attribute: " ++ n) n $ objAttributes obj } createObjectCommands_ :: ObjectEnvironment -> GLProgram -> [GLObjectCommand] createObjectCommands_ ObjectEnvironment{..} prg = concat [ map (setUniformCommand ulookup) $ Map.toList (inputUniforms prg) , map (bindTextureCommand tlookup ulookup) $ toList (inputTextureUniforms prg) , map (setVertexAttribCommmand alookup) $ Map.elems (inputStreams prg) , case envDrawStyle of Left ranges -> map (uncurry $ GLDrawArrays envPrim) ranges Right indexed -> pure $ drawElementsCommand envPrim indexed ] updateCommands :: GLStorage -> Object -> (GLsizei -> [(GLint,GLsizei)]) -> IO Object updateCommands input obj mask = do let cmdsRef = objCommands obj :: IORef (V.Vector (V.Vector [GLObjectCommand])) slotIdx = objSlot obj :: Int ppls <- readIORef $ pipelines input cmds <- V.forM (ppls :: V.Vector (Maybe GLRenderer)) $ \mp -> case mp of Nothing -> return V.empty Just p -> do let env = objectEnvironment (glTexUnitMapping p) (uniformSetup input) obj mask Just ic <- readIORef $ glInput p case icSlotMapInputToPipeline ic ! slotIdx of Nothing -> return V.empty -- this slot is not used in that pipeline Just pSlotIdx -> do let emptyV = V.replicate (V.length $ glPrograms p) [] return $ emptyV // [(prgIdx,createObjectCommands_ env (glPrograms p ! prgIdx)) | prgIdx <- glSlotPrograms p ! pSlotIdx] writeIORef cmdsRef cmds return obj componentCount :: GLABI c -> Int componentCount x@(IsGLVector _) = fromIntegral $ natVal $ vectorLength x componentCount x@(IsGLMatrix _) = let (r,c) = matrixDimensions x in fromIntegral (natVal r) * fromIntegral (natVal c) uploadDynamicBuffer :: Int -> [Parameter] -> IO GPUData uploadDynamicBuffer sz params = do bo <- alloca $! \pbo -> glGenBuffers 1 pbo >> peek pbo glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER bo let (mkstreams, mkarrays) = unzip $ mapMaybe attrInfo params attrInfo (Parameter n typ) = do atyp <- toStreamType typ This tt <- witnessType typ let abi = glABI tt cnt = componentCount abi arrtyp = let go :: GLPointerType typ -> ArrayType go = \case GLPrimUInt -> ArrWord32 GLPrimInt -> ArrInt32 GLPrimFloat -> ArrFloat in case abi of { IsGLVector p -> go p ; IsGLMatrix p -> go p } return ( \b i -> (n, Stream atyp b i 0 sz) , \offset -> ArrayDesc arrtyp (cnt * sz) offset (4 * sz * cnt)) streams = zipWith ($ buffer) mkstreams [0..] arrays = foldr mk (const []) mkarrays 0 where mk f fin offset = let a = f offset in a : fin (offset + arrSize a) buffer = Buffer (V.fromList arrays) bo byteCount = sum $ map arrSize arrays glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (fromIntegral byteCount) nullPtr GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0 let gd = GPUData PointList (Map.fromList streams) Nothing [buffer] return gd incrementalUpdateBuffer :: MonadIO m => Buffer -> GLintptr -> GLsizeiptr -> Ptr a -> m () incrementalUpdateBuffer b byteoffset bytecount ptr = do glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (bufGLObj b) glBufferSubData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER byteoffset bytecount ptr glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0 instance Typeable c => Data (AttributeKey c) where data AttributeKey c = AttributeKey (TypeTag c) Buffer CPtrdiff attributeKey :: TypeTagable c => GPUData -> String -> Maybe (AttributeKey c) attributeKey dta name = do stream <- Map.lookup name (dStreams dta) fix $ \mp -> let typ = typeTag (fromJust mp) in case stream of Stream t b i _ _ -> do let a = bufArrays b ! i -- arrType :: ArrayType -- arrLength :: Int -- number of 32 bit values -- arrOffset :: Int -- byte offset into buffer -- arrSize :: Int -- byte count off = arrOffset a guard (fromStreamType t == unwitnessType typ) Just $ AttributeKey typ b (fromIntegral off) _ -> Nothing lookupAttributeKey :: GPUData -> String -> Maybe (Some AttributeKey) lookupAttributeKey dta name = do stream <- Map.lookup name (dStreams dta) case stream of Stream t b i _ _ -> do let a = bufArrays b ! i off = arrOffset a This tt <- witnessType (fromStreamType t) Just $ This (AttributeKey tt b (fromIntegral off)) _ -> Nothing (@<-) :: GLData a c => AttributeKey c -> a -> Writer [DSum AttributeKey GLUniformValue] () k @<- v = tell [k :=> GLUniformValue v] updateAttributes :: Int -> Writer [DSum AttributeKey GLUniformValue] a -> IO () updateAttributes i writer = forM_ (execWriter writer) $ \case AttributeKey typ b base :=> GLUniformValue a -> do glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (bufGLObj b) let abi = glABI typ attribSize = 4 * componentCount abi case marshalUniform abi a of Just (MarshalGLVector with) -> with $ \sz ptr -> do let sz' = fromIntegral $ attribSize * (fromIntegral sz) putStrLn $ "vector sz = " ++ show sz glBufferSubData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (base + fromIntegral i * sz') sz' ptr Just (MarshalGLMatrix with) -> with $ \sz isrowcol ptr -> case isrowcol of 0 -> do let sz' = fromIntegral $ attribSize * (fromIntegral sz) glBufferSubData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (base + fromIntegral i * sz') sz' ptr _ -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "WARNING: (TODO) row-major matrix attribute update unimplemented." Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warning: dimension mismatch updating " ++ show (unwitnessType typ) ++ " attribute." glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0