path: root/src/LambdaCube/Compiler/DesugaredSource.hs
diff options
authorPéter Diviánszky <>2016-04-26 19:25:07 +0200
committerPéter Diviánszky <>2016-04-26 19:25:07 +0200
commitb3c4fc5fcf623c389666192e905c0e3cb8d1d1d1 (patch)
treef9376e2b6dc257c9c09fcab238583d9631c8584d /src/LambdaCube/Compiler/DesugaredSource.hs
parent2f994583a60245cb3638f21e091d71284e67f883 (diff)
split desugared source code representation into a separate module
Diffstat (limited to 'src/LambdaCube/Compiler/DesugaredSource.hs')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/LambdaCube/Compiler/DesugaredSource.hs b/src/LambdaCube/Compiler/DesugaredSource.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96e4ea2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LambdaCube/Compiler/DesugaredSource.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
10module LambdaCube.Compiler.DesugaredSource where
12import Data.Monoid
13import Data.Maybe
14import Data.List
15import Data.Char
16import Data.String
17import Data.Function
18import qualified Data.Map as Map
19import qualified Data.Set as Set
20import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
21import Control.Monad.Except
22import Control.Monad.Reader
23import Control.Monad.Writer
24import Control.Monad.State
25import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))
26import Control.Applicative
27import Control.DeepSeq
28import Debug.Trace
30import LambdaCube.Compiler.Utils
32import qualified LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty as Parser
33import LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty hiding (Doc, braces, parens)
34import LambdaCube.Compiler.Lexer
36-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- expression representation
38data SExp' a
39 = SLit SI Lit
40 | SGlobal SIName
41 | SApp_ SI Visibility (SExp' a) (SExp' a)
42 | SBind_ SI Binder (SData SIName){-parameter name-} (SExp' a) (SExp' a)
43 | SVar_ (SData SIName) !Int
44 | SLet_ SI (SData SIName) (SExp' a) (SExp' a) -- let x = e in f --> SLet e f{-x is Var 0-}
45 | STyped a
46 deriving (Eq, Show)
48type SExp = SExp' Void
50data Binder
51 = BPi Visibility
52 | BLam Visibility
53 | BMeta -- a metavariable is like a floating hidden lambda
54 deriving (Eq, Show)
56data Visibility = Hidden | Visible
57 deriving (Eq, Show)
59dummyName s = SIName (debugSI s) ("v_" ++ s)
60dummyName' = SData . dummyName
61sVar = SVar . dummyName
63pattern SBind v x a b <- SBind_ _ v x a b
64 where SBind v x a b = SBind_ (sourceInfo a <> sourceInfo b) v x a b
65pattern SPi h a b <- SBind (BPi h) _ a b
66 where SPi h a b = SBind (BPi h) (dummyName' "SPi") a b
67pattern SLam h a b <- SBind (BLam h) _ a b
68 where SLam h a b = SBind (BLam h) (dummyName' "SLam") a b
69pattern Wildcard t <- SBind BMeta _ t (SVar _ 0)
70 where Wildcard t = SBind BMeta (dummyName' "Wildcard") t (sVar "Wildcard2" 0)
71pattern SLet n a b <- SLet_ _ (SData n) a b
72 where SLet n a b = SLet_ (sourceInfo a <> sourceInfo b) (SData n) a b
73pattern SLamV a = SLam Visible (Wildcard SType) a
74pattern SVar a b = SVar_ (SData a) b
76pattern SApp h a b <- SApp_ _ h a b
77 where SApp h a b = SApp_ (sourceInfo a <> sourceInfo b) h a b
78pattern SAppH a b = SApp Hidden a b
79pattern SAppV a b = SApp Visible a b
80pattern SAppV2 f a b = f `SAppV` a `SAppV` b
82infixl 2 `SAppV`, `SAppH`
84pattern SBuiltin s <- SGlobal (SIName _ s)
85 where SBuiltin s = SGlobal (SIName (debugSI $ "builtin " ++ s) s)
87pattern SRHS a = SBuiltin "^rhs" `SAppV` a
88pattern Section e = SBuiltin "^section" `SAppV` e
89pattern SType = SBuiltin "'Type"
90pattern Parens e = SBuiltin "parens" `SAppV` e
91pattern SAnn a t = SBuiltin "typeAnn" `SAppH` t `SAppV` a
92pattern TyType a = SAnn a SType
94-- builtin heterogenous list
95pattern HList a = SBuiltin "'HList" `SAppV` a
96pattern HCons a b = SBuiltin "HCons" `SAppV` a `SAppV` b
97pattern HNil = SBuiltin "HNil"
99-- builtin list
100pattern BList a = SBuiltin "'List" `SAppV` a
101pattern BCons a b = SBuiltin "Cons" `SAppV` a `SAppV` b
102pattern BNil = SBuiltin "Nil"
104getTTuple (HList (getList -> Just xs)) = xs
105getTTuple x = [x]
107getList BNil = Just []
108getList (BCons x (getList -> Just y)) = Just (x:y)
109getList _ = Nothing
111sLit = SLit mempty
113isPi (BPi _) = True
114isPi _ = False
116pattern UncurryS :: [(Visibility, SExp' a)] -> SExp' a -> SExp' a
117pattern UncurryS ps t <- (getParamsS -> (ps, t))
118 where UncurryS ps t = foldr (uncurry SPi) t ps
120getParamsS (SPi h t x) = first ((h, t):) $ getParamsS x
121getParamsS x = ([], x)
123pattern AppsS :: SExp' a -> [(Visibility, SExp' a)] -> SExp' a
124pattern AppsS f args <- (getApps -> (f, args))
125 where AppsS = foldl $ \a (v, b) -> SApp v a b
127getApps = second reverse . run where
128 run (SApp h a b) = second ((h, b):) $ run a
129 run x = (x, [])
131-- todo: remove
132downToS err n m = [sVar (err ++ "_" ++ show i) (n + i) | i <- [m-1, m-2..0]]
134instance SourceInfo (SExp' a) where
135 sourceInfo = \case
136 SGlobal sn -> sourceInfo sn
137 SBind_ si _ _ _ _ -> si
138 SApp_ si _ _ _ -> si
139 SLet_ si _ _ _ -> si
140 SVar sn _ -> sourceInfo sn
141 SLit si _ -> si
142 STyped _ -> mempty
144instance SetSourceInfo SExp where
145 setSI si = \case
146 SBind_ _ a b c d -> SBind_ si a b c d
147 SApp_ _ a b c -> SApp_ si a b c
148 SLet_ _ le a b -> SLet_ si le a b
149 SVar sn i -> SVar (setSI si sn) i
150 SGlobal sn -> SGlobal (setSI si sn)
151 SLit _ l -> SLit si l
152 STyped v -> elimVoid v
154-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- low-level toolbox
156class Up a where
157 up_ :: Int -> Int -> a -> a
158 up_ n i = iterateN n $ up1_ i
159 up1_ :: Int -> a -> a
160 up1_ = up_ 1
162 foldVar :: Monoid e => (Int{-level-} -> Int{-index-} -> e) -> Int -> a -> e
164 usedVar :: Int -> a -> Bool
165 usedVar = (getAny .) . foldVar ((Any .) . (==))
167 closedExp :: a -> a
168 closedExp a = a
170instance (Up a, Up b) => Up (a, b) where
171 up_ n i (a, b) = (up_ n i a, up_ n i b)
172 usedVar i (a, b) = usedVar i a || usedVar i b
173 foldVar f i (a, b) = foldVar f i a <> foldVar f i b
174 closedExp (a, b) = (closedExp a, closedExp b)
176instance Up a => Up [a] where
177 up_ i k = map (up_ i k)
179up n = up_ n 0
180up1 = up1_ 0
183 :: Monoid m
184 => (Int -> t -> m)
185 -> (SIName -> Int -> m)
186 -> (SIName -> Int -> Int -> m)
187 -> Int
188 -> SExp' t
189 -> m
190foldS h g f = fs
191 where
192 fs i = \case
193 SApp _ a b -> fs i a <> fs i b
194 SLet _ a b -> fs i a <> fs (i+1) b
195 SBind_ _ _ _ a b -> fs i a <> fs (i+1) b
196 SVar sn j -> f sn j i
197 SGlobal sn -> g sn i
198 x@SLit{} -> mempty
199 STyped x -> h i x
201foldName f = foldS (\_ -> elimVoid) (\sn _ -> f sn) mempty 0
203usedS :: SIName -> SExp -> Bool
204usedS n = getAny . foldName (Any . (== n))
207 :: (Int -> a -> SExp' a)
208 -> (SIName -> Int -> SExp' a)
209 -> (SIName -> Int -> Int{-level-} -> SExp' a)
210 -> Int
211 -> SExp' a
212 -> SExp' a
213mapS hh gg f2 = g where
214 g i = \case
215 SApp_ si v a b -> SApp_ si v (g i a) (g i b)
216 SLet_ si x a b -> SLet_ si x (g i a) (g (i+1) b)
217 SBind_ si k si' a b -> SBind_ si k si' (g i a) (g (i+1) b)
218 SVar sn j -> f2 sn j i
219 SGlobal sn -> gg sn i
220 STyped x -> hh i x
221 x@SLit{} -> x
223instance Up Void where
224 up_ _ _ = elimVoid
225 foldVar _ _ = elimVoid
227instance Up a => Up (SExp' a) where
228 up_ n = mapS (\i x -> STyped $ up_ n i x) (const . SGlobal) (\sn j i -> SVar sn $ if j < i then j else j+n)
229 foldVar f = foldS (foldVar f) mempty $ \sn j i -> f j i
231-- rearrange free variables
232-- up_ n k == rearrange k (+n)
233class Rearrange a where
234 rearrange :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> a
236rSubst :: Rearrange a => Int -> Int -> a -> a
237rSubst i j = rearrange 0 $ \k -> if k == i then j else if k > i then k - 1 else k
239rUp :: Rearrange a => Int -> Int -> a -> a
240rUp n l = rearrange l $ \k -> if k >= 0 then k + n else k
242instance Rearrange a => Rearrange [a] where
243 rearrange l f = map $ rearrange l f
245instance (Rearrange a, Rearrange b) => Rearrange (Either a b) where
246 rearrange l f = rearrange l f +++ rearrange l f
248instance (Rearrange a, Rearrange b) => Rearrange (a, b) where
249 rearrange l f = rearrange l f *** rearrange l f
251instance Rearrange SExp where
252 rearrange i f = mapS (\_ -> elimVoid) (const . SGlobal) (\sn j i -> SVar sn $ if j < i then j else i + f (j - i)) i
254-- replace names with de bruijn indices
255class DeBruijnify a where
256 deBruijnify_ :: Int -> [SIName] -> a -> a
258deBruijnify = deBruijnify_ 0
260instance (DeBruijnify a, DeBruijnify b) => DeBruijnify (a, b) where
261 deBruijnify_ k ns = deBruijnify_ k ns *** deBruijnify_ k ns
263instance (DeBruijnify a, DeBruijnify b) => DeBruijnify (Either a b) where
264 deBruijnify_ k ns = deBruijnify_ k ns +++ deBruijnify_ k ns
266instance (DeBruijnify a) => DeBruijnify [a] where
267 deBruijnify_ k ns = fmap (deBruijnify_ k ns)
269instance DeBruijnify SExp where
270 deBruijnify_ j xs
271 = mapS (\_ -> elimVoid) (\sn x -> maybe (SGlobal sn) (\i -> SVar sn $ i + x) $ elemIndex sn xs)
272 (\sn j k -> SVar sn $ if j >= k then j + l else j) j
273 where
274 l = length xs
276trSExp :: (a -> b) -> SExp' a -> SExp' b
277trSExp f = g where
278 g = \case
279 SApp_ si v a b -> SApp_ si v (g a) (g b)
280 SLet_ si x a b -> SLet_ si x (g a) (g b)
281 SBind_ si k si' a b -> SBind_ si k si' (g a) (g b)
282 SVar sn j -> SVar sn j
283 SGlobal sn -> SGlobal sn
284 SLit si l -> SLit si l
285 STyped a -> STyped $ f a
287trSExp' :: SExp -> SExp' a
288trSExp' = trSExp elimVoid
290-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statements
292data Stmt
293 = Let SIName (Maybe SExp) SExp
294 | Data SIName [(Visibility, SExp)]{-parameters-} SExp{-type-} Bool{-True:add foralls-} [(SIName, SExp)]{-constructor names and types-}
295 | PrecDef SIName Fixity
296 deriving (Show)
298pattern Primitive n t <- Let n (Just t) (SBuiltin "undefined") where Primitive n t = Let n (Just t) $ SBuiltin "undefined"
300instance PShow Stmt where
301 pShowPrec p = \case
302 Let n ty e -> text (sName n) </> "=" <+> maybe (pShow e) (\ty -> pShow e </> "::" <+> pShow ty) ty
303 Data n ps ty fa cs -> "data" <+> text (sName n)
304 PrecDef n i -> "precedence" <+> text (sName n) <+> text (show i)
306instance DeBruijnify Stmt where
307 deBruijnify_ k v = \case
308 Let sn mt e -> Let sn (deBruijnify_ k v <$> mt) (deBruijnify_ k v e)
309 x -> error $ "deBruijnify @ " ++ show x
311-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declaration desugaring
313data StmtNode = StmtNode
314 { snId :: !Int
315 , snValue :: Stmt
316 , snChildren :: [StmtNode]
317 , snRevChildren :: [StmtNode]
318 }
320sortDefs :: [Stmt] -> [Stmt]
321sortDefs xs = concatMap (desugarMutual . map snValue) $ scc snId snChildren snRevChildren nodes
322 where
323 nodes = zipWith mkNode [0..] xs
324 where
325 mkNode i s = StmtNode i s (nubBy ((==) `on` snId) $ catMaybes $ (`Map.lookup` defMap) <$> need)
326 (fromMaybe [] $ IM.lookup i revMap)
327 where
328 need = Set.toList $ case s of
329 PrecDef{} -> mempty
330 Let _ mt e -> foldMap names mt <> names e
331 Data _ ps t _ cs -> foldMap (names . snd) ps <> names t <> foldMap (names . snd) cs
333 names = foldName Set.singleton
335 revMap = IM.unionsWith (++) [IM.singleton (snId c) [n] | n <- nodes, c <- snChildren n]
337 defMap = Map.fromList [(s, n) | n <- nodes, s <- def $ snValue n]
338 where
339 def = \case
340 PrecDef{} -> mempty
341 Let n _ _ -> [n]
342 Data n _ _ _ cs -> n: map fst cs
344desugarMutual [x] = [x]
345desugarMutual xs = xs
347-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modules
349data Module_ a = Module
350 { extensions :: Extensions
351 , moduleImports :: [(SIName, ImportItems)]
352 , moduleExports :: Maybe [Export]
353 , definitions :: a
354 }
356data Export = ExportModule SIName | ExportId SIName
358data ImportItems
359 = ImportAllBut [SIName]
360 | ImportJust [SIName]
362type Extensions = [Extension]
364data Extension
365 = NoImplicitPrelude
366 | TraceTypeCheck
367 deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
369extensionMap :: Map.Map String Extension
370extensionMap = Map.fromList $ map (show &&& id) [toEnum 0 .. ]
372-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- builtin precedences
374data Prec
375 = PrecAtom -- ( _ ) ...
376 | PrecAtom'
377 | PrecAt -- _@_ {assoc} -- in patterns
378 | PrecProj -- _ ._ {left}
379 | PrecSwiz -- _%_ {left}
380 | PrecApp -- _ _ {left}
381 | PrecOp
382 | PrecArr -- _ -> _ {right}
383 | PrecEq -- _ ~ _
384 | PrecAnn -- _ :: _ {right}
385 | PrecLet -- _ := _
386 | PrecLam -- \ _ -> _ {right} {accum}
387 deriving (Eq, Ord)
389instance Up a => PShow (SExp' a) where
390 pShowPrec _ = showDoc_ . sExpDoc
392type Doc = NameDB PrecString
394-- name De Bruijn indices
395type NameDB a = StateT [String] (Reader [String]) a
397showDoc :: Doc -> String
398showDoc = str . flip runReader [] . flip evalStateT (flip (:) <$> iterate ('\'':) "" <*> ['a'..'z'])
400showDoc_ :: Doc -> Parser.Doc
401showDoc_ = text . str . flip runReader [] . flip evalStateT (flip (:) <$> iterate ('\'':) "" <*> ['a'..'z'])
403sExpDoc :: Up a => SExp' a -> Doc
404sExpDoc = \case
405 SGlobal ns -> pure $ shAtom $ sName ns
406 SAnn a b -> shAnn ":" False <$> sExpDoc a <*> sExpDoc b
407 TyType a -> shApp Visible (shAtom "tyType") <$> sExpDoc a
408 SApp h a b -> shApp h <$> sExpDoc a <*> sExpDoc b
409 Wildcard t -> shAnn ":" True (shAtom "_") <$> sExpDoc t
410 SBind_ _ h _ a b -> join $ shLam (usedVar 0 b) h <$> sExpDoc a <*> pure (sExpDoc b)
411 SLet _ a b -> shLet_ (sExpDoc a) (sExpDoc b)
412 STyped _{-(e,t)-} -> pure $ shAtom "<<>>" -- todo: expDoc e
413 SVar _ i -> shAtom <$> shVar i
414 SLit _ l -> pure $ shAtom $ show l
416shVar i = asks lookupVarName where
417 lookupVarName xs | i < length xs && i >= 0 = xs !! i
418 lookupVarName _ = "V" ++ show i
420newName = gets head <* modify tail
422shLet i a b = shAtom <$> shVar i >>= \i' -> local (dropNth i) $ shLam' <$> (cpar . shLet' (fmap inBlue i') <$> a) <*> b
423shLet_ a b = newName >>= \i -> shLam' <$> (cpar . shLet' (shAtom i) <$> a) <*> local (i:) b
424shLam usedVar h a b = newName >>= \i ->
425 let lam = case h of
426 BPi _ -> shArr
427 _ -> shLam'
428 p = case h of
429 BMeta -> cpar . shAnn ":" True (shAtom $ inBlue i)
430 BLam h -> vpar h
431 BPi h -> vpar h
432 vpar Hidden = brace . shAnn ":" True (shAtom $ inGreen i)
433 vpar Visible = ann (shAtom $ inGreen i)
434 ann | usedVar = shAnn ":" False
435 | otherwise = const id
436 in lam (p a) <$> local (i:) b
440data PS a = PS Prec a deriving (Functor)
441type PrecString = PS String
443getPrec (PS p _) = p
444prec i s = PS i (s i)
445str (PS _ s) = s
447lpar, rpar :: PrecString -> Prec -> String
448lpar (PS i s) j = par (i >. j) s where
449 PrecLam >. i = i > PrecAtom'
450 i >. PrecLam = i >= PrecArr
451 PrecApp >. PrecApp = False
452 i >. j = i >= j
453rpar (PS i s) j = par (i >. j) s where
454 PrecLam >. PrecLam = False
455 PrecLam >. i = i > PrecAtom'
456 PrecArr >. PrecArr = False
457 PrecAnn >. PrecAnn = False
458 i >. j = i >= j
460par True s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
461par False s = s
463isAtom = (==PrecAtom) . getPrec
464isAtom' = (<=PrecAtom') . getPrec
466shAtom = PS PrecAtom
467shAtom' = PS PrecAtom'
468shTuple xs = prec PrecAtom $ \_ -> case xs of
469 [x] -> "((" ++ str x ++ "))"
470 xs -> "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map str xs) ++ ")"
471shAnn _ True x y | str y `elem` ["Type", inGreen "Type"] = x
472shAnn s simp x y | isAtom x && isAtom y = shAtom' $ str x <> s <> str y
473shAnn s simp x y = prec PrecAnn $ lpar x <> " " <> const s <> " " <> rpar y
474shApp Hidden x y = prec PrecApp $ lpar x <> " " <> const (str $ brace y)
475shApp h x y = prec PrecApp $ lpar x <> " " <> rpar y
476shArr x y | isAtom x && isAtom y = shAtom' $ str x <> "->" <> str y
477shArr x y = prec PrecArr $ lpar x <> " -> " <> rpar y
478shCstr x y | isAtom x && isAtom y = shAtom' $ str x <> "~" <> str y
479shCstr x y = prec PrecEq $ lpar x <> " ~ " <> rpar y
480shLet' x y | isAtom x && isAtom y = shAtom' $ str x <> ":=" <> str y
481shLet' x y = prec PrecLet $ lpar x <> " := " <> rpar y
482shLam' x y | PrecLam <- getPrec y = prec PrecLam $ "\\" <> lpar x <> " " <> pure (dropC $ str y)
483 where
484 dropC (ESC s (dropC -> x)) = ESC s x
485 dropC (x: xs) = xs
486shLam' x y | isAtom x && isAtom y = shAtom' $ "\\" <> str x <> "->" <> str y
487shLam' x y = prec PrecLam $ "\\" <> lpar x <> " -> " <> rpar y
488brace s = shAtom $ "{" <> str s <> "}"
489cpar s | isAtom' s = s -- TODO: replace with lpar, rpar
490cpar s = shAtom $ par True $ str s
491epar = fmap underlined
493instance IsString (Prec -> String) where fromString = const