path: root/testdata/Spiral.out
diff options
authorPéter Diviánszky <>2016-02-14 11:28:53 +0100
committerPéter Diviánszky <>2016-02-14 11:32:08 +0100
commit4b8d586412b024f24121e00c8ce0f2bc3eb53234 (patch)
treedcc006db9670a71c32bdf2bf13332227d1765e82 /testdata/Spiral.out
parentcc11c0743bbab50f0f9d7bcc33fd41533a280870 (diff)
pretty print pipelines in .out files
Diffstat (limited to 'testdata/Spiral.out')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/testdata/Spiral.out b/testdata/Spiral.out
index be099700..b9351455 100644
--- a/testdata/Spiral.out
+++ b/testdata/Spiral.out
@@ -1 +1,147 @@
1Pipeline {info = "generated by lambdcube-compiler", backend = OpenGL33, textures = [], samplers = [], targets = [RenderTarget {renderTargets = [TargetItem {targetSemantic = Depth, targetRef = Just (Framebuffer Depth)},TargetItem {targetSemantic = Color, targetRef = Just (Framebuffer Color)}]}], programs = [Program {programUniforms = fromList [("MVP",M44F),("Mouse",V2F)], programStreams = fromList [("vi1",Parameter {name = "attribute_0", ty = V3F})], programInTextures = fromList [], programOutput = [Parameter {name = "f0", ty = V4F}], vertexShader = "#version 330 core\nvec4 texture2D(sampler2D s, vec2 uv){return texture(s,uv);}\nuniform mat4 MVP ;\nuniform vec2 Mouse ;\nin vec3 vi1 ;\nsmooth out vec4 vo1 ;\nvoid main() {\ngl_Position = ( ( MVP ) * ( vec4 ( ( exp ( ( ( ( Mouse ).x ) - ( 0.5 ) ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ) * ( sin ( ( 0.9 ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ),( exp ( ( ( ( Mouse ).x ) - ( 0.5 ) ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ) * ( cos ( ( 0.9 ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ),( ( Mouse ).y ) * ( ( 0.9 ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ),1.0 ) ) ) * ( vec4 ( 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0 ) );\nvo1 = vec4 ( ( vi1 ).x,( vi1 ).y,( vi1 ).z,1.0 );\n}\n", geometryShader = Nothing, fragmentShader = "#version 330 core\nvec4 texture2D(sampler2D s, vec2 uv){return texture(s,uv);}\nsmooth in vec4 vo1 ;\nout vec4 f0 ;\nvoid main() {\nf0 = vo1;\n}\n"}], slots = [], streams = [StreamData {streamData = fromList [("attribute_0",VFloatArray [-5.0,0.0,0.0,-4.0,0.0,0.0,-4.0,0.0,0.0,-3.0,0.0,0.0,-3.0,0.0,0.0,-2.0,0.0,0.0,-2.0,0.0,0.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0,0.0,5.0,0.0,0.0])], streamType = fromList [("attribute_0",V3F)], streamPrimitive = Lines, streamPrograms = [0]}], commands = [SetRenderTarget 0,ClearRenderTarget [ClearImage {imageSemantic = Depth, clearValue = VFloat 1000.0},ClearImage {imageSemantic = Color, clearValue = VV4F (V4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0)}],SetProgram 0,SetRasterContext (LineCtx 1.0 LastVertex),SetAccumulationContext (AccumulationContext {accViewportName = Nothing, accOperations = [DepthOp Less True,ColorOp NoBlending (VV4B (V4 True True True True))]}),RenderStream 0]} \ No newline at end of file 1Pipeline
2 { info = "generated by lambdcube-compiler"
3 , backend = OpenGL33
4 , textures = []
5 , samplers = []
6 , targets =
7 [ RenderTarget
8 { renderTargets =
9 [ TargetItem
10 { targetSemantic = Depth , targetRef = Just (Framebuffer Depth) }
11 , TargetItem
12 { targetSemantic = Color , targetRef = Just (Framebuffer Color) }
13 ]
14 }
15 ]
16 , programs =
17 [ Program
18 { programUniforms =
19 fromList [ ( "MVP" , M44F ) , ( "Mouse" , V2F ) ]
20 , programStreams =
21 fromList
22 [ ( "vi1" , Parameter { name = "attribute_0" , ty = V3F } ) ]
23 , programInTextures = fromList []
24 , programOutput = [ Parameter { name = "f0" , ty = V4F } ]
25 , vertexShader =
26 """
27 #version 330 core
28 vec4 texture2D(sampler2D s, vec2 uv){return texture(s,uv);}
29 uniform mat4 MVP ;
30 uniform vec2 Mouse ;
31 in vec3 vi1 ;
32 smooth out vec4 vo1 ;
33 void main() {
34 gl_Position = ( ( MVP ) * ( vec4 ( ( exp ( ( ( ( Mouse ).x ) - ( 0.5 ) ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ) * ( sin ( ( 0.9 ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ),( exp ( ( ( ( Mouse ).x ) - ( 0.5 ) ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ) * ( cos ( ( 0.9 ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ) ),( ( Mouse ).y ) * ( ( 0.9 ) * ( ( vi1 ).x ) ),1.0 ) ) ) * ( vec4 ( 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0 ) );
35 vo1 = vec4 ( ( vi1 ).x,( vi1 ).y,( vi1 ).z,1.0 );
36 }
38 """
39 , geometryShader = Nothing
40 , fragmentShader =
41 """
42 #version 330 core
43 vec4 texture2D(sampler2D s, vec2 uv){return texture(s,uv);}
44 smooth in vec4 vo1 ;
45 out vec4 f0 ;
46 void main() {
47 f0 = vo1;
48 }
50 """
51 }
52 ]
53 , slots = []
54 , streams =
55 [ StreamData
56 { streamData =
57 fromList
58 [ ( "attribute_0"
59 , VFloatArray
60 [ -5.0
61 , 0.0
62 , 0.0
63 , -4.0
64 , 0.0
65 , 0.0
66 , -4.0
67 , 0.0
68 , 0.0
69 , -3.0
70 , 0.0
71 , 0.0
72 , -3.0
73 , 0.0
74 , 0.0
75 , -2.0
76 , 0.0
77 , 0.0
78 , -2.0
79 , 0.0
80 , 0.0
81 , -1.0
82 , 0.0
83 , 0.0
84 , -1.0
85 , 0.0
86 , 0.0
87 , 0.0
88 , 0.0
89 , 0.0
90 , 0.0
91 , 0.0
92 , 0.0
93 , 1.0
94 , 0.0
95 , 0.0
96 , 1.0
97 , 0.0
98 , 0.0
99 , 2.0
100 , 0.0
101 , 0.0
102 , 2.0
103 , 0.0
104 , 0.0
105 , 3.0
106 , 0.0
107 , 0.0
108 , 3.0
109 , 0.0
110 , 0.0
111 , 4.0
112 , 0.0
113 , 0.0
114 , 4.0
115 , 0.0
116 , 0.0
117 , 5.0
118 , 0.0
119 , 0.0
120 ]
121 )
122 ]
123 , streamType = fromList [ ( "attribute_0" , V3F ) ]
124 , streamPrimitive = Lines
125 , streamPrograms = [ 0 ]
126 }
127 ]
128 , commands =
129 [ SetRenderTarget 0
130 , ClearRenderTarget
131 [ ClearImage { imageSemantic = Depth , clearValue = VFloat 1000.0 }
132 , ClearImage
133 { imageSemantic = Color , clearValue = VV4F (V4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) }
134 ]
135 , SetProgram 0
136 , SetRasterContext (LineCtx 1.0 LastVertex)
137 , SetAccumulationContext
138 AccumulationContext
139 { accViewportName = Nothing
140 , accOperations =
141 [ DepthOp Less True
142 , ColorOp NoBlending (VV4B (V4 True True True True))
143 ]
144 }
145 , RenderStream 0
146 ]
147 } \ No newline at end of file