path: root/testdata
diff options
authorPéter Diviánszky <>2016-04-28 22:43:51 +0200
committerPéter Diviánszky <>2016-04-28 22:43:51 +0200
commit67fd4cabceda047750c19e9bef98e0c25c6ed7dd (patch)
treee64ac6cd1de2583e13f386421b952f32ffb8f955 /testdata
parent56f6e4fb7b8c0fc6545843d467412fbfa8acb277 (diff)
switch to Haskell style syntax in pretty print
Diffstat (limited to 'testdata')
104 files changed, 8409 insertions, 8409 deletions
diff --git a/testdata/Builtins.out b/testdata/Builtins.out
index 1c0d0cc2..e5e3cf55 100644
--- a/testdata/Builtins.out
+++ b/testdata/Builtins.out
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3id :: {a} -> a->a 3id :: forall a . a -> a
4'VecS :: Type -> 'Nat->Type 4'VecS :: Type -> 'Nat -> Type
5V2 :: {a} -> a -> a -> 'VecS a 2 5V2 :: forall a . a -> a -> 'VecS a 2
6V3 :: {a} -> a -> a -> a -> 'VecS a 3 6V3 :: forall a . a -> a -> a -> 'VecS a 3
7V4 :: {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> 'VecS a 4 7V4 :: forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> 'VecS a 4
8'VecSCase :: {a} -> (b : (c:'Nat) -> 'VecS a c -> Type) -> ((d:a) -> (e:a) -> b 2 (V2 d e)) -> ((f:a) -> (g:a) -> (h:a) -> b 3 (V3 f g h)) -> ((i:a) -> (j:a) -> (k:a) -> (l:a) -> b 4 (V4 i j k l)) -> {m:'Nat} -> (n : 'VecS a m) -> b m n 8'VecSCase :: forall a . (b :: (c :: 'Nat) -> 'VecS a c -> Type) -> ((d :: a) -> (e :: a) -> b 2 (V2 d e)) -> ((f :: a) -> (g :: a) -> (h :: a) -> b 3 (V3 f g h)) -> ((i :: a) -> (j :: a) -> (k :: a) -> (l :: a) -> b 4 (V4 i j k l)) -> forall (m :: 'Nat) . (n :: 'VecS a m) -> b m n
9match'VecS :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:'Nat) -> a ('VecS b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 9match'VecS :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: 'Nat) -> a ('VecS b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
10mapVec :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> (a->b) -> 'VecS a c -> 'VecS b c 10mapVec :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . (a -> b) -> 'VecS a c -> 'VecS b c
11'Vec :: 'Nat -> Type->Type 11'Vec :: 'Nat -> Type -> Type
12'VecScalar :: 'Nat -> Type->Type 12'VecScalar :: 'Nat -> Type -> Type
13'Mat :: 'Nat -> 'Nat -> Type->Type 13'Mat :: 'Nat -> 'Nat -> Type -> Type
14M22F :: 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Mat 2 2 'Float 14M22F :: 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Mat 2 2 'Float
15M32F :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Mat 3 2 'Float 15M32F :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Mat 3 2 'Float
16M42F :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Mat 4 2 'Float 16M42F :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Mat 4 2 'Float
@@ -20,199 +20,199 @@ M43F :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec [32
20M24F :: 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Mat 2 4 'Float 20M24F :: 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Mat 2 4 'Float
21M34F :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Mat 3 4 'Float 21M34F :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Mat 3 4 'Float
22M44F :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float 22M44F :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float
23'MatCase :: (a : (b:'Nat) -> (c:'Nat) -> (d:Type) -> 'Mat b c d -> Type) -> ((e : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (f : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> a 2 2 'Float (M22F e f)) -> ((g : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (h : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a 3 2 'Float (M32F g h)) -> ((i : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (j : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 4 2 'Float (M42F i j)) -> ((k : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (l : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (m : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> a 2 3 'Float (M23F k l m)) -> ((n : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (o : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (p : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a 3 3 'Float (M33F n o p)) -> ((q : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (r : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (s : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 4 3 'Float (M43F q r s)) -> ((t : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (u : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (v : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (w : 'Vec 2 'Float) -> a 2 4 'Float (M24F t u v w)) -> ((x : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (y : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (z : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (a' : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a 3 4 'Float (M34F x y z a')) -> ((b' : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (c' : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (d' : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (e' : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 4 4 'Float (M44F b' c' d' e')) -> {f':'Nat} -> {g':'Nat} -> {h'} -> (i' : 'Mat f' g' h') -> a f' g' h' i' 23'MatCase :: (a :: (b :: 'Nat) -> (c :: 'Nat) -> (d :: Type) -> 'Mat b c d -> Type) -> ((e :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (f :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> a 2 2 'Float (M22F e f)) -> ((g :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (h :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a 3 2 'Float (M32F g h)) -> ((i :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (j :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 4 2 'Float (M42F i j)) -> ((k :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (l :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (m :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> a 2 3 'Float (M23F k l m)) -> ((n :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (o :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (p :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a 3 3 'Float (M33F n o p)) -> ((q :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (r :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (s :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 4 3 'Float (M43F q r s)) -> ((t :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (u :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (v :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> (w :: 'Vec 2 'Float) -> a 2 4 'Float (M24F t u v w)) -> ((x :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (y :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (z :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (a' :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a 3 4 'Float (M34F x y z a')) -> ((b' :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (c' :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (d' :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (e' :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 4 4 'Float (M44F b' c' d' e')) -> forall (f' :: 'Nat) (g' :: 'Nat) h' . (i' :: 'Mat f' g' h') -> a f' g' h' i'
24match'Mat :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'Nat) -> (c:'Nat) -> (d:Type) -> a ('Mat b c d)) -> (e:Type) -> a e -> a e 24match'Mat :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Nat) -> (c :: 'Nat) -> (d :: Type) -> a ('Mat b c d)) -> (e :: Type) -> a e -> a e
25'MatVecScalarElem :: Type->Type 25'MatVecScalarElem :: Type -> Type
26'Signed :: Type->Type 26'Signed :: Type -> Type
27'Component :: Type->Type 27'Component :: Type -> Type
28zero :: {a} -> {_ : 'Component a}->a 28zero :: forall a . 'Component a => a
29one :: {a} -> {_ : 'Component a}->a 29one :: forall a . 'Component a => a
30'Integral :: Type->Type 30'Integral :: Type -> Type
31'Floating :: Type->Type 31'Floating :: Type -> Type
32PrimAdd :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 32PrimAdd :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
33PrimSub :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 33PrimSub :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
34PrimMul :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 34PrimMul :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
35PrimAddS :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ 'MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> b -> a->b 35PrimAddS :: forall a b . (a ~ 'MatVecScalarElem b, 'Num a) => b -> a -> b
36PrimSubS :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ 'MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> b -> a->b 36PrimSubS :: forall a b . (a ~ 'MatVecScalarElem b, 'Num a) => b -> a -> b
37PrimMulS :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ 'MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> b -> a->b 37PrimMulS :: forall a b . (a ~ 'MatVecScalarElem b, 'Num a) => b -> a -> b
38PrimDiv :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 38PrimDiv :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
39PrimMod :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 39PrimMod :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
40PrimDivS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 40PrimDivS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
41PrimModS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 41PrimModS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
42PrimNeg :: {a} -> {_ : 'Signed ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a->a 42PrimNeg :: forall a . 'Signed ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a
43PrimBAnd :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 43PrimBAnd :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
44PrimBOr :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 44PrimBOr :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
45PrimBXor :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 45PrimBXor :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
46PrimBAndS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 46PrimBAndS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
47PrimBOrS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 47PrimBOrS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
48PrimBXorS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 48PrimBXorS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
49PrimBNot :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b->b 49PrimBNot :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b
50PrimBShiftL :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word} -> b -> d->b 50PrimBShiftL :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) d . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a, d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word) => b -> d -> b
51PrimBShiftR :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word} -> b -> d->b 51PrimBShiftR :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) d . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a, d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word) => b -> d -> b
52PrimBShiftLS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> 'Word->b 52PrimBShiftLS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> 'Word -> b
53PrimBShiftRS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> 'Word->b 53PrimBShiftRS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> 'Word -> b
54PrimAnd :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 54PrimAnd :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
55PrimOr :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 55PrimOr :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
56PrimXor :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 56PrimXor :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
57PrimNot :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a->a 57PrimNot :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a
58PrimAny :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool 58PrimAny :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool
59PrimAll :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool 59PrimAll :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool
60PrimACos :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 60PrimACos :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
61PrimACosH :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 61PrimACosH :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
62PrimASin :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 62PrimASin :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
63PrimASinH :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 63PrimASinH :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
64PrimATan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 64PrimATan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
65PrimATanH :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 65PrimATanH :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
66PrimCos :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 66PrimCos :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
67PrimCosH :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 67PrimCosH :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
68PrimDegrees :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 68PrimDegrees :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
69PrimRadians :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 69PrimRadians :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
70PrimSin :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 70PrimSin :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
71PrimSinH :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 71PrimSinH :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
72PrimTan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 72PrimTan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
73PrimTanH :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 73PrimTanH :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
74PrimExp :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 74PrimExp :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
75PrimLog :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 75PrimLog :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
76PrimExp2 :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 76PrimExp2 :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
77PrimLog2 :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 77PrimLog2 :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
78PrimSqrt :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 78PrimSqrt :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
79PrimInvSqrt :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 79PrimInvSqrt :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
80PrimPow :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->a 80PrimPow :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a
81PrimATan2 :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->a 81PrimATan2 :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a
82PrimFloor :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 82PrimFloor :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
83PrimTrunc :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 83PrimTrunc :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
84PrimRound :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 84PrimRound :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
85PrimRoundEven :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 85PrimRoundEven :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
86PrimCeil :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 86PrimCeil :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
87PrimFract :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 87PrimFract :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
88PrimMin :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 88PrimMin :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
89PrimMax :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 89PrimMax :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
90PrimMinS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 90PrimMinS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
91PrimMaxS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 91PrimMaxS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
92PrimIsNan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a->c 92PrimIsNan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float, c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> c
93PrimIsInf :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a->c 93PrimIsInf :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float, c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> c
94PrimAbs :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b->b 94PrimAbs :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Signed a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b
95PrimSign :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b->b 95PrimSign :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Signed a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b
96PrimModF :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->(a, a) 96PrimModF :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> (a, a)
97PrimClamp :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b -> b->b 97PrimClamp :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b -> b
98PrimClampS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a -> a->b 98PrimClampS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> a -> b
99PrimMix :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 99PrimMix :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
100PrimMixS :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> 'Float->a 100PrimMixS :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> 'Float -> a
101PrimMixB :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a -> c->a 101PrimMixB :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float, c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> c -> a
102PrimStep :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecS 'Float b} -> a -> a->a 102PrimStep :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecS 'Float b) => a -> a -> a
103PrimStepS :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> 'Float -> a->a 103PrimStepS :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => 'Float -> a -> a
104PrimSmoothStep :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecS 'Float b} -> a -> a -> a->a 104PrimSmoothStep :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecS 'Float b) => a -> a -> a -> a
105PrimSmoothStepS :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> 'Float -> 'Float -> a->a 105PrimSmoothStepS :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => 'Float -> 'Float -> a -> a
106PrimFloatBitsToInt :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Int 106PrimFloatBitsToInt :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Int
107PrimFloatBitsToUInt :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Word 107PrimFloatBitsToUInt :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Word
108PrimIntBitsToFloat :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Int -> 'VecScalar a 'Float 108PrimIntBitsToFloat :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Int -> 'VecScalar a 'Float
109PrimUIntBitsToFloat :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Word -> 'VecScalar a 'Float 109PrimUIntBitsToFloat :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Word -> 'VecScalar a 'Float
110PrimLength :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->'Float 110PrimLength :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> 'Float
111PrimDistance :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->'Float 111PrimDistance :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> 'Float
112PrimDot :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->'Float 112PrimDot :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> 'Float
113PrimCross :: {a} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecS 'Float 3} -> a -> a->a 113PrimCross :: forall a . (a ~ 'VecS 'Float 3) => a -> a -> a
114PrimNormalize :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 114PrimNormalize :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
115PrimFaceForward :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 115PrimFaceForward :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
116PrimRefract :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 116PrimRefract :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
117PrimReflect :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->a 117PrimReflect :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a
118PrimTranspose :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b a c 118PrimTranspose :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c . 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b a c
119PrimDeterminant :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> 'Mat a a b -> 'Float 119PrimDeterminant :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Mat a a b -> 'Float
120PrimInverse :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> 'Mat a a b -> 'Mat a a b 120PrimInverse :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Mat a a b -> 'Mat a a b
121PrimOuterProduct :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> 'Vec a b -> 'Vec c b -> 'Mat c a b 121PrimOuterProduct :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b (c :: 'Nat) . 'Vec a b -> 'Vec c b -> 'Mat c a b
122PrimMulMatVec :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> 'Mat a b c -> 'Vec b c -> 'Vec a c 122PrimMulMatVec :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c . 'Mat a b c -> 'Vec b c -> 'Vec a c
123PrimMulVecMat :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> 'Vec a b -> 'Mat a c b -> 'Vec c b 123PrimMulVecMat :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b (c :: 'Nat) . 'Vec a b -> 'Mat a c b -> 'Vec c b
124PrimMulMatMat :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d:'Nat} -> 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b d c -> 'Mat a d c 124PrimMulMatMat :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c (d :: 'Nat) . 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b d c -> 'Mat a d c
125PrimLessThan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a->d 125PrimLessThan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, a ~ 'VecScalar b c, d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> d
126PrimLessThanEqual :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a->d 126PrimLessThanEqual :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, a ~ 'VecScalar b c, d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> d
127PrimGreaterThan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a->d 127PrimGreaterThan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, a ~ 'VecScalar b c, d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> d
128PrimGreaterThanEqual :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a->d 128PrimGreaterThanEqual :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, a ~ 'VecScalar b c, d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> d
129PrimEqualV :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a->d 129PrimEqualV :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, a ~ 'VecScalar b c, d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> d
130PrimNotEqualV :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a->d 130PrimNotEqualV :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, a ~ 'VecScalar b c, d ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> d
131PrimEqual :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : b ~ 'MatVecScalarElem a} -> a -> a->'Bool 131PrimEqual :: forall a b . (b ~ 'MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> 'Bool
132PrimNotEqual :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : b ~ 'MatVecScalarElem a} -> a -> a->'Bool 132PrimNotEqual :: forall a b . (b ~ 'MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> 'Bool
133PrimDFdx :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 133PrimDFdx :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
134PrimDFdy :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 134PrimDFdy :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
135PrimFWidth :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 135PrimFWidth :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
136PrimNoise1 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Float 136PrimNoise1 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Float
137PrimNoise2 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float 137PrimNoise2 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float
138PrimNoise3 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float 138PrimNoise3 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float
139PrimNoise4 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float 139PrimNoise4 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float
140head :: {a} -> 'List a -> a 140head :: forall a . 'List a -> a
141++ :: {a} -> 'List a -> 'List a -> 'List a 141++ :: forall a . 'List a -> 'List a -> 'List a
142foldr :: {a} -> {b} -> (b -> a->a) -> a -> 'List b -> a 142foldr :: forall a b . (b -> a -> a) -> a -> 'List b -> a
143concat :: {a} -> 'List ('List a) -> 'List a 143concat :: forall a . 'List ('List a) -> 'List a
144map :: {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> 'List a -> 'List b 144map :: forall a b . (a -> b) -> 'List a -> 'List b
145concatMap :: {a} -> {b} -> (a -> 'List b) -> 'List a -> 'List b 145concatMap :: forall a b . (a -> 'List b) -> 'List a -> 'List b
146len :: {a} -> 'List a -> 'Int 146len :: forall a . 'List a -> 'Int
147'Maybe :: Type->Type 147'Maybe :: Type -> Type
148Nothing :: {a} -> 'Maybe a 148Nothing :: forall a . 'Maybe a
149Just :: {a} -> a -> 'Maybe a 149Just :: forall a . a -> 'Maybe a
150'MaybeCase :: {a} -> (b : 'Maybe a -> Type) -> b Nothing -> ((c:a) -> b (Just c)) -> (d : 'Maybe a) -> b d 150'MaybeCase :: forall a . (b :: 'Maybe a -> Type) -> b Nothing -> ((c :: a) -> b (Just c)) -> (d :: 'Maybe a) -> b d
151match'Maybe :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('Maybe b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 151match'Maybe :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('Maybe b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
152'Vector :: 'Nat -> Type->Type 152'Vector :: 'Nat -> Type -> Type
153'VectorCase :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> (c : 'Vector a b -> Type) -> (d : 'Vector a b) -> c d 153'VectorCase :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . (c :: 'Vector a b -> Type) -> (d :: 'Vector a b) -> c d
154match'Vector :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'Nat) -> (c:Type) -> a ('Vector b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 154match'Vector :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Nat) -> (c :: Type) -> a ('Vector b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
155'PrimitiveType :: Type 155'PrimitiveType :: Type
156Triangle :: 'PrimitiveType 156Triangle :: 'PrimitiveType
157Line :: 'PrimitiveType 157Line :: 'PrimitiveType
158Point :: 'PrimitiveType 158Point :: 'PrimitiveType
159TriangleAdjacency :: 'PrimitiveType 159TriangleAdjacency :: 'PrimitiveType
160LineAdjacency :: 'PrimitiveType 160LineAdjacency :: 'PrimitiveType
161'PrimitiveTypeCase :: (a : 'PrimitiveType->Type) -> a Triangle -> a Line -> a Point -> a TriangleAdjacency -> a LineAdjacency -> (b:'PrimitiveType) -> a b 161'PrimitiveTypeCase :: (a :: 'PrimitiveType -> Type) -> a Triangle -> a Line -> a Point -> a TriangleAdjacency -> a LineAdjacency -> (b :: 'PrimitiveType) -> a b
162match'PrimitiveType :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'PrimitiveType -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 162match'PrimitiveType :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'PrimitiveType -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
163'Primitive :: Type -> 'PrimitiveType->Type 163'Primitive :: Type -> 'PrimitiveType -> Type
164PrimPoint :: {a} -> a -> 'Primitive a Point 164PrimPoint :: forall a . a -> 'Primitive a Point
165PrimLine :: {a} -> a -> a -> 'Primitive a Line 165PrimLine :: forall a . a -> a -> 'Primitive a Line
166PrimTriangle :: {a} -> a -> a -> a -> 'Primitive a Triangle 166PrimTriangle :: forall a . a -> a -> a -> 'Primitive a Triangle
167'PrimitiveCase :: {a} -> (b : (c:'PrimitiveType) -> 'Primitive a c -> Type) -> ((d:a) -> b Point (PrimPoint d)) -> ((e:a) -> (f:a) -> b Line (PrimLine e f)) -> ((g:a) -> (h:a) -> (i:a) -> b Triangle (PrimTriangle g h i)) -> {j:'PrimitiveType} -> (k : 'Primitive a j) -> b j k 167'PrimitiveCase :: forall a . (b :: (c :: 'PrimitiveType) -> 'Primitive a c -> Type) -> ((d :: a) -> b Point (PrimPoint d)) -> ((e :: a) -> (f :: a) -> b Line (PrimLine e f)) -> ((g :: a) -> (h :: a) -> (i :: a) -> b Triangle (PrimTriangle g h i)) -> forall (j :: 'PrimitiveType) . (k :: 'Primitive a j) -> b j k
168match'Primitive :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:'PrimitiveType) -> a ('Primitive b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 168match'Primitive :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: 'PrimitiveType) -> a ('Primitive b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
169mapPrimitive :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'PrimitiveType} -> (a->b) -> 'Primitive a c -> 'Primitive b c 169mapPrimitive :: forall a b (c :: 'PrimitiveType) . (a -> b) -> 'Primitive a c -> 'Primitive b c
170'PrimitiveStream :: 'PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 170'PrimitiveStream :: 'PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
171mapPrimitives :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'PrimitiveType} -> (a->b) -> 'List ('Primitive a c) -> 'List ('Primitive b c) 171mapPrimitives :: forall a b (c :: 'PrimitiveType) . (a -> b) -> 'List ('Primitive a c) -> 'List ('Primitive b c)
172'ListElem :: Type->Type 172'ListElem :: Type -> Type
173fetchArrays :: {a:'PrimitiveType} -> {b : 'List Type} -> {c : 'List Type} -> {_ : b ~ map Type Type 'ListElem c} -> 'HList c -> 'PrimitiveStream a ('HList b) 173fetchArrays :: forall (a :: 'PrimitiveType) (b :: 'List Type) (c :: 'List Type) . (b ~ map Type Type 'ListElem c) => 'HList c -> 'PrimitiveStream a ('HList b)
174fetch :: {a:'PrimitiveType} -> {b : 'List Type} -> 'String -> 'HList b -> 'PrimitiveStream a ('HList b) 174fetch :: forall (a :: 'PrimitiveType) (b :: 'List Type) . 'String -> 'HList b -> 'PrimitiveStream a ('HList b)
175Attribute :: {a} -> 'String->a 175Attribute :: forall a . 'String -> a
176fetchStream :: {a:'PrimitiveType} -> {b : 'List Type} -> 'String -> (c : 'List 'String) -> {_ : len 'String c ~ len Type b} -> 'PrimitiveStream a ('HList b) 176fetchStream :: forall (a :: 'PrimitiveType) (b :: 'List Type) . 'String -> (c :: 'List 'String) -> (len 'String c ~ len Type b) => 'PrimitiveStream a ('HList b)
177'SimpleFragment :: Type->Type 177'SimpleFragment :: Type -> Type
178SimpleFragment :: {a} -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> a -> 'SimpleFragment a 178SimpleFragment :: forall a . 'Vec 3 'Float -> a -> 'SimpleFragment a
179'SimpleFragmentCase :: {a} -> (b : 'SimpleFragment a -> Type) -> ((c : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (d:a) -> b (SimpleFragment c d)) -> (e : 'SimpleFragment a) -> b e 179'SimpleFragmentCase :: forall a . (b :: 'SimpleFragment a -> Type) -> ((c :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (d :: a) -> b (SimpleFragment c d)) -> (e :: 'SimpleFragment a) -> b e
180match'SimpleFragment :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('SimpleFragment b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 180match'SimpleFragment :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('SimpleFragment b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
181'Fragment :: 'Nat -> Type->Type 181'Fragment :: 'Nat -> Type -> Type
182sFragmentCoords :: {a} -> 'SimpleFragment a -> 'VecS 'Float 3 182sFragmentCoords :: forall a . 'SimpleFragment a -> 'VecS 'Float 3
183sFragmentValue :: {a} -> 'SimpleFragment a -> a 183sFragmentValue :: forall a . 'SimpleFragment a -> a
184'FragmentStream :: 'Nat -> Type->Type 184'FragmentStream :: 'Nat -> Type -> Type
185customizeDepth :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> (a->'Float) -> 'Fragment b a -> 'Fragment b a 185customizeDepth :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a -> 'Float) -> 'Fragment b a -> 'Fragment b a
186customizeDepths :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> (a->'Float) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) 186customizeDepths :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a -> 'Float) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a)))
187filterFragment :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> (a->'Bool) -> 'Fragment b a -> 'Fragment b a 187filterFragment :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a -> 'Bool) -> 'Fragment b a -> 'Fragment b a
188filterFragments :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> (a->'Bool) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) 188filterFragments :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a -> 'Bool) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) -> 'List ('Vector b ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a)))
189mapFragment :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> (a->b) -> 'Fragment c a -> 'Fragment c b 189mapFragment :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . (a -> b) -> 'Fragment c a -> 'Fragment c b
190mapFragments :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> (a->b) -> 'List ('Vector c ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) -> 'List ('Vector c ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment b))) 190mapFragments :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . (a -> b) -> 'List ('Vector c ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment a))) -> 'List ('Vector c ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment b)))
191'ImageKind :: Type 191'ImageKind :: Type
192Color :: Type->'ImageKind 192Color :: Type -> 'ImageKind
193Depth :: 'ImageKind 193Depth :: 'ImageKind
194Stencil :: 'ImageKind 194Stencil :: 'ImageKind
195'ImageKindCase :: (a : 'ImageKind->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a (Color b)) -> a Depth -> a Stencil -> (c:'ImageKind) -> a c 195'ImageKindCase :: (a :: 'ImageKind -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a (Color b)) -> a Depth -> a Stencil -> (c :: 'ImageKind) -> a c
196match'ImageKind :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'ImageKind -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 196match'ImageKind :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'ImageKind -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
197imageType :: 'ImageKind->Type 197imageType :: 'ImageKind -> Type
198'Image :: 'Nat -> 'ImageKind->Type 198'Image :: 'Nat -> 'ImageKind -> Type
199'ImageCase :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'ImageKind} -> (c : 'Image a b -> Type) -> (d : 'Image a b) -> c d 199'ImageCase :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'ImageKind) . (c :: 'Image a b -> Type) -> (d :: 'Image a b) -> c d
200match'Image :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'Nat) -> (c:'ImageKind) -> a ('Image b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 200match'Image :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Nat) -> (c :: 'ImageKind) -> a ('Image b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
201ColorImage :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Num c} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar b c} -> d -> 'Image a (Color d) 201ColorImage :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c d . ('Num c, d ~ 'VecScalar b c) => d -> 'Image a (Color d)
202DepthImage :: {a:'Nat} -> 'Float -> 'Image a Depth 202DepthImage :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'Float -> 'Image a Depth
203StencilImage :: {a:'Nat} -> 'Int -> 'Image a Stencil 203StencilImage :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'Int -> 'Image a Stencil
204emptyDepthImage :: 'Float -> 'Image 1 Depth 204emptyDepthImage :: 'Float -> 'Image 1 Depth
205emptyColorImage :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar a b} -> c -> 'Image 1 (Color c) 205emptyColorImage :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b c . ('Num b, c ~ 'VecScalar a b) => c -> 'Image 1 (Color c)
206'Swizz :: Type 206'Swizz :: Type
207Sx :: 'Swizz 207Sx :: 'Swizz
208Sy :: 'Swizz 208Sy :: 'Swizz
209Sz :: 'Swizz 209Sz :: 'Swizz
210Sw :: 'Swizz 210Sw :: 'Swizz
211'SwizzCase :: (a : 'Swizz->Type) -> a Sx -> a Sy -> a Sz -> a Sw -> (b:'Swizz) -> a b 211'SwizzCase :: (a :: 'Swizz -> Type) -> a Sx -> a Sy -> a Sz -> a Sw -> (b :: 'Swizz) -> a b
212match'Swizz :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Swizz -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 212match'Swizz :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Swizz -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
213swizzscalar :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> 'Vec b a -> 'Swizz->a 213swizzscalar :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Vec b a -> 'Swizz -> a
214definedVec :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> 'Vec b a -> 'Bool 214definedVec :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Vec b a -> 'Bool
215swizzvector :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c:'Nat} -> 'Vec b a -> 'Vec c 'Swizz -> 'VecS a c 215swizzvector :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) (c :: 'Nat) . 'Vec b a -> 'Vec c 'Swizz -> 'VecS a c
216'BlendingFactor :: Type 216'BlendingFactor :: Type
217ZeroBF :: 'BlendingFactor 217ZeroBF :: 'BlendingFactor
218OneBF :: 'BlendingFactor 218OneBF :: 'BlendingFactor
@@ -229,16 +229,16 @@ OneMinusConstantColor :: 'BlendingFactor
229ConstantAlpha :: 'BlendingFactor 229ConstantAlpha :: 'BlendingFactor
230OneMinusConstantAlpha :: 'BlendingFactor 230OneMinusConstantAlpha :: 'BlendingFactor
231SrcAlphaSaturate :: 'BlendingFactor 231SrcAlphaSaturate :: 'BlendingFactor
232'BlendingFactorCase :: (a : 'BlendingFactor->Type) -> a ZeroBF -> a OneBF -> a SrcColor -> a OneMinusSrcColor -> a DstColor -> a OneMinusDstColor -> a SrcAlpha -> a OneMinusSrcAlpha -> a DstAlpha -> a OneMinusDstAlpha -> a ConstantColor -> a OneMinusConstantColor -> a ConstantAlpha -> a OneMinusConstantAlpha -> a SrcAlphaSaturate -> (b:'BlendingFactor) -> a b 232'BlendingFactorCase :: (a :: 'BlendingFactor -> Type) -> a ZeroBF -> a OneBF -> a SrcColor -> a OneMinusSrcColor -> a DstColor -> a OneMinusDstColor -> a SrcAlpha -> a OneMinusSrcAlpha -> a DstAlpha -> a OneMinusDstAlpha -> a ConstantColor -> a OneMinusConstantColor -> a ConstantAlpha -> a OneMinusConstantAlpha -> a SrcAlphaSaturate -> (b :: 'BlendingFactor) -> a b
233match'BlendingFactor :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'BlendingFactor -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 233match'BlendingFactor :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'BlendingFactor -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
234'BlendEquation :: Type 234'BlendEquation :: Type
235FuncAdd :: 'BlendEquation 235FuncAdd :: 'BlendEquation
236FuncSubtract :: 'BlendEquation 236FuncSubtract :: 'BlendEquation
237FuncReverseSubtract :: 'BlendEquation 237FuncReverseSubtract :: 'BlendEquation
238Min :: 'BlendEquation 238Min :: 'BlendEquation
239Max :: 'BlendEquation 239Max :: 'BlendEquation
240'BlendEquationCase :: (a : 'BlendEquation->Type) -> a FuncAdd -> a FuncSubtract -> a FuncReverseSubtract -> a Min -> a Max -> (b:'BlendEquation) -> a b 240'BlendEquationCase :: (a :: 'BlendEquation -> Type) -> a FuncAdd -> a FuncSubtract -> a FuncReverseSubtract -> a Min -> a Max -> (b :: 'BlendEquation) -> a b
241match'BlendEquation :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'BlendEquation -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 241match'BlendEquation :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'BlendEquation -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
242'LogicOperation :: Type 242'LogicOperation :: Type
243Clear :: 'LogicOperation 243Clear :: 'LogicOperation
244And :: 'LogicOperation 244And :: 'LogicOperation
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ CopyInverted :: 'LogicOperation
256OrInverted :: 'LogicOperation 256OrInverted :: 'LogicOperation
257Nand :: 'LogicOperation 257Nand :: 'LogicOperation
258Set :: 'LogicOperation 258Set :: 'LogicOperation
259'LogicOperationCase :: (a : 'LogicOperation->Type) -> a Clear -> a And -> a AndReverse -> a Copy -> a AndInverted -> a Noop -> a Xor -> a Or -> a Nor -> a Equiv -> a Invert -> a OrReverse -> a CopyInverted -> a OrInverted -> a Nand -> a Set -> (b:'LogicOperation) -> a b 259'LogicOperationCase :: (a :: 'LogicOperation -> Type) -> a Clear -> a And -> a AndReverse -> a Copy -> a AndInverted -> a Noop -> a Xor -> a Or -> a Nor -> a Equiv -> a Invert -> a OrReverse -> a CopyInverted -> a OrInverted -> a Nand -> a Set -> (b :: 'LogicOperation) -> a b
260match'LogicOperation :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'LogicOperation -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 260match'LogicOperation :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'LogicOperation -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
261'StencilOperation :: Type 261'StencilOperation :: Type
262OpZero :: 'StencilOperation 262OpZero :: 'StencilOperation
263OpKeep :: 'StencilOperation 263OpKeep :: 'StencilOperation
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ OpIncrWrap :: 'StencilOperation
267OpDecr :: 'StencilOperation 267OpDecr :: 'StencilOperation
268OpDecrWrap :: 'StencilOperation 268OpDecrWrap :: 'StencilOperation
269OpInvert :: 'StencilOperation 269OpInvert :: 'StencilOperation
270'StencilOperationCase :: (a : 'StencilOperation->Type) -> a OpZero -> a OpKeep -> a OpReplace -> a OpIncr -> a OpIncrWrap -> a OpDecr -> a OpDecrWrap -> a OpInvert -> (b:'StencilOperation) -> a b 270'StencilOperationCase :: (a :: 'StencilOperation -> Type) -> a OpZero -> a OpKeep -> a OpReplace -> a OpIncr -> a OpIncrWrap -> a OpDecr -> a OpDecrWrap -> a OpInvert -> (b :: 'StencilOperation) -> a b
271match'StencilOperation :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StencilOperation -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 271match'StencilOperation :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StencilOperation -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
272'ComparisonFunction :: Type 272'ComparisonFunction :: Type
273Never :: 'ComparisonFunction 273Never :: 'ComparisonFunction
274Less :: 'ComparisonFunction 274Less :: 'ComparisonFunction
@@ -278,139 +278,139 @@ Greater :: 'ComparisonFunction
278Notequal :: 'ComparisonFunction 278Notequal :: 'ComparisonFunction
279Gequal :: 'ComparisonFunction 279Gequal :: 'ComparisonFunction
280Always :: 'ComparisonFunction 280Always :: 'ComparisonFunction
281'ComparisonFunctionCase :: (a : 'ComparisonFunction->Type) -> a Never -> a Less -> a Equal -> a Lequal -> a Greater -> a Notequal -> a Gequal -> a Always -> (b:'ComparisonFunction) -> a b 281'ComparisonFunctionCase :: (a :: 'ComparisonFunction -> Type) -> a Never -> a Less -> a Equal -> a Lequal -> a Greater -> a Notequal -> a Gequal -> a Always -> (b :: 'ComparisonFunction) -> a b
282match'ComparisonFunction :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'ComparisonFunction -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 282match'ComparisonFunction :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'ComparisonFunction -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
283'ProvokingVertex :: Type 283'ProvokingVertex :: Type
284LastVertex :: 'ProvokingVertex 284LastVertex :: 'ProvokingVertex
285FirstVertex :: 'ProvokingVertex 285FirstVertex :: 'ProvokingVertex
286'ProvokingVertexCase :: (a : 'ProvokingVertex->Type) -> a LastVertex -> a FirstVertex -> (b:'ProvokingVertex) -> a b 286'ProvokingVertexCase :: (a :: 'ProvokingVertex -> Type) -> a LastVertex -> a FirstVertex -> (b :: 'ProvokingVertex) -> a b
287match'ProvokingVertex :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'ProvokingVertex -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 287match'ProvokingVertex :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'ProvokingVertex -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
288'CullMode :: Type 288'CullMode :: Type
289CullFront :: 'CullMode 289CullFront :: 'CullMode
290CullBack :: 'CullMode 290CullBack :: 'CullMode
291CullNone :: 'CullMode 291CullNone :: 'CullMode
292'CullModeCase :: (a : 'CullMode->Type) -> a CullFront -> a CullBack -> a CullNone -> (b:'CullMode) -> a b 292'CullModeCase :: (a :: 'CullMode -> Type) -> a CullFront -> a CullBack -> a CullNone -> (b :: 'CullMode) -> a b
293match'CullMode :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'CullMode -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 293match'CullMode :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'CullMode -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
294'PointSize :: Type->Type 294'PointSize :: Type -> Type
295PointSize :: {a} -> 'Float -> 'PointSize a 295PointSize :: forall a . 'Float -> 'PointSize a
296ProgramPointSize :: {a} -> (a->'Float) -> 'PointSize a 296ProgramPointSize :: forall a . (a -> 'Float) -> 'PointSize a
297'PointSizeCase :: {a} -> (b : 'PointSize a -> Type) -> ((c:'Float) -> b (PointSize c)) -> ((d : a->'Float) -> b (ProgramPointSize d)) -> (e : 'PointSize a) -> b e 297'PointSizeCase :: forall a . (b :: 'PointSize a -> Type) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> b (PointSize c)) -> ((d :: a -> 'Float) -> b (ProgramPointSize d)) -> (e :: 'PointSize a) -> b e
298match'PointSize :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('PointSize b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 298match'PointSize :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('PointSize b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
299'PolygonMode :: Type->Type 299'PolygonMode :: Type -> Type
300PolygonFill :: {a} -> 'PolygonMode a 300PolygonFill :: forall a . 'PolygonMode a
301PolygonPoint :: {a} -> 'PointSize a -> 'PolygonMode a 301PolygonPoint :: forall a . 'PointSize a -> 'PolygonMode a
302PolygonLine :: {a} -> 'Float -> 'PolygonMode a 302PolygonLine :: forall a . 'Float -> 'PolygonMode a
303'PolygonModeCase :: {a} -> (b : 'PolygonMode a -> Type) -> b PolygonFill -> ((c : 'PointSize a) -> b (PolygonPoint c)) -> ((d:'Float) -> b (PolygonLine d)) -> (e : 'PolygonMode a) -> b e 303'PolygonModeCase :: forall a . (b :: 'PolygonMode a -> Type) -> b PolygonFill -> ((c :: 'PointSize a) -> b (PolygonPoint c)) -> ((d :: 'Float) -> b (PolygonLine d)) -> (e :: 'PolygonMode a) -> b e
304match'PolygonMode :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('PolygonMode b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 304match'PolygonMode :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('PolygonMode b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
305'PolygonOffset :: Type 305'PolygonOffset :: Type
306NoOffset :: 'PolygonOffset 306NoOffset :: 'PolygonOffset
307Offset :: 'Float -> 'Float->'PolygonOffset 307Offset :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'PolygonOffset
308'PolygonOffsetCase :: (a : 'PolygonOffset->Type) -> a NoOffset -> ((b:'Float) -> (c:'Float) -> a (Offset b c)) -> (d:'PolygonOffset) -> a d 308'PolygonOffsetCase :: (a :: 'PolygonOffset -> Type) -> a NoOffset -> ((b :: 'Float) -> (c :: 'Float) -> a (Offset b c)) -> (d :: 'PolygonOffset) -> a d
309match'PolygonOffset :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'PolygonOffset -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 309match'PolygonOffset :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'PolygonOffset -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
310'PointSpriteCoordOrigin :: Type 310'PointSpriteCoordOrigin :: Type
311LowerLeft :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin 311LowerLeft :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin
312UpperLeft :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin 312UpperLeft :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin
313'PointSpriteCoordOriginCase :: (a : 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin->Type) -> a LowerLeft -> a UpperLeft -> (b:'PointSpriteCoordOrigin) -> a b 313'PointSpriteCoordOriginCase :: (a :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> Type) -> a LowerLeft -> a UpperLeft -> (b :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin) -> a b
314match'PointSpriteCoordOrigin :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 314match'PointSpriteCoordOrigin :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
315primTexture :: () -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float 315primTexture :: () -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float
316Uniform :: {a} -> 'String->a 316Uniform :: forall a . 'String -> a
317'RasterContext :: Type -> 'PrimitiveType->Type 317'RasterContext :: Type -> 'PrimitiveType -> Type
318TriangleCtx :: {a} -> 'CullMode -> 'PolygonMode a -> 'PolygonOffset -> 'ProvokingVertex -> 'RasterContext a Triangle 318TriangleCtx :: forall a . 'CullMode -> 'PolygonMode a -> 'PolygonOffset -> 'ProvokingVertex -> 'RasterContext a Triangle
319PointCtx :: {a} -> 'PointSize a -> 'Float -> 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> 'RasterContext a Point 319PointCtx :: forall a . 'PointSize a -> 'Float -> 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> 'RasterContext a Point
320LineCtx :: {a} -> 'Float -> 'ProvokingVertex -> 'RasterContext a Line 320LineCtx :: forall a . 'Float -> 'ProvokingVertex -> 'RasterContext a Line
321'RasterContextCase :: {a} -> (b : (c:'PrimitiveType) -> 'RasterContext a c -> Type) -> ((d:'CullMode) -> (e : 'PolygonMode a) -> (f:'PolygonOffset) -> (g:'ProvokingVertex) -> b Triangle (TriangleCtx d e f g)) -> ((h : 'PointSize a) -> (i:'Float) -> (j:'PointSpriteCoordOrigin) -> b Point (PointCtx h i j)) -> ((k:'Float) -> (l:'ProvokingVertex) -> b Line (LineCtx k l)) -> {m:'PrimitiveType} -> (n : 'RasterContext a m) -> b m n 321'RasterContextCase :: forall a . (b :: (c :: 'PrimitiveType) -> 'RasterContext a c -> Type) -> ((d :: 'CullMode) -> (e :: 'PolygonMode a) -> (f :: 'PolygonOffset) -> (g :: 'ProvokingVertex) -> b Triangle (TriangleCtx d e f g)) -> ((h :: 'PointSize a) -> (i :: 'Float) -> (j :: 'PointSpriteCoordOrigin) -> b Point (PointCtx h i j)) -> ((k :: 'Float) -> (l :: 'ProvokingVertex) -> b Line (LineCtx k l)) -> forall (m :: 'PrimitiveType) . (n :: 'RasterContext a m) -> b m n
322match'RasterContext :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:'PrimitiveType) -> a ('RasterContext b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 322match'RasterContext :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: 'PrimitiveType) -> a ('RasterContext b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
323'Blending :: Type->Type 323'Blending :: Type -> Type
324NoBlending :: {a} -> 'Blending a 324NoBlending :: forall a . 'Blending a
325BlendLogicOp :: {a} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> 'LogicOperation -> 'Blending a 325BlendLogicOp :: forall a . 'Integral a => 'LogicOperation -> 'Blending a
326Blend :: ('BlendEquation, 'BlendEquation) -> (('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor), ('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor)) -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Blending 'Float 326Blend :: ('BlendEquation, 'BlendEquation) -> (('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor), ('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor)) -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Blending 'Float
327'BlendingCase :: (a : (b:Type) -> 'Blending b -> Type) -> ({c} -> a c (NoBlending c)) -> ({d} -> {e : 'Integral d} -> (f:'LogicOperation) -> a d (BlendLogicOp d e f)) -> ((g:('BlendEquation, 'BlendEquation)) -> (h:(('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor), ('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor))) -> (i : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 'Float (Blend g h i)) -> {j} -> (k : 'Blending j) -> a j k 327'BlendingCase :: (a :: (b :: Type) -> 'Blending b -> Type) -> (forall c . a c (NoBlending c)) -> (forall d (e :: 'Integral d) . (f :: 'LogicOperation) -> a d (BlendLogicOp d e f)) -> ((g :: ('BlendEquation, 'BlendEquation)) -> (h :: (('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor), ('BlendingFactor, 'BlendingFactor))) -> (i :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a 'Float (Blend g h i)) -> forall j . (k :: 'Blending j) -> a j k
328match'Blending :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('Blending b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 328match'Blending :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('Blending b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
329'StencilTests :: Type 329'StencilTests :: Type
330'StencilTestsCase :: (a : 'StencilTests->Type) -> (b:'StencilTests) -> a b 330'StencilTestsCase :: (a :: 'StencilTests -> Type) -> (b :: 'StencilTests) -> a b
331match'StencilTests :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StencilTests -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 331match'StencilTests :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StencilTests -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
332'StencilOps :: Type 332'StencilOps :: Type
333'StencilOpsCase :: (a : 'StencilOps->Type) -> (b:'StencilOps) -> a b 333'StencilOpsCase :: (a :: 'StencilOps -> Type) -> (b :: 'StencilOps) -> a b
334match'StencilOps :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StencilOps -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 334match'StencilOps :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StencilOps -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
335'FragmentOperation :: 'ImageKind->Type 335'FragmentOperation :: 'ImageKind -> Type
336ColorOp :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'Blending a -> 'VecScalar b 'Bool -> 'FragmentOperation (Color ('VecScalar b a)) 336ColorOp :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Num a => 'Blending a -> 'VecScalar b 'Bool -> 'FragmentOperation (Color ('VecScalar b a))
337DepthOp :: 'ComparisonFunction -> 'Bool -> 'FragmentOperation Depth 337DepthOp :: 'ComparisonFunction -> 'Bool -> 'FragmentOperation Depth
338StencilOp :: 'StencilTests -> 'StencilOps -> 'StencilOps -> 'FragmentOperation Stencil 338StencilOp :: 'StencilTests -> 'StencilOps -> 'StencilOps -> 'FragmentOperation Stencil
339'FragmentOperationCase :: (a : (b:'ImageKind) -> 'FragmentOperation b -> Type) -> ({c} -> {d:'Nat} -> {e : 'Num c} -> (f : 'Blending c) -> (g : 'VecScalar d 'Bool) -> a (Color ('VecScalar d c)) (ColorOp c d e f g)) -> ((h:'ComparisonFunction) -> (i:'Bool) -> a Depth (DepthOp h i)) -> ((j:'StencilTests) -> (k:'StencilOps) -> (l:'StencilOps) -> a Stencil (StencilOp j k l)) -> {m:'ImageKind} -> (n : 'FragmentOperation m) -> a m n 339'FragmentOperationCase :: (a :: (b :: 'ImageKind) -> 'FragmentOperation b -> Type) -> (forall c (d :: 'Nat) (e :: 'Num c) . (f :: 'Blending c) -> (g :: 'VecScalar d 'Bool) -> a (Color ('VecScalar d c)) (ColorOp c d e f g)) -> ((h :: 'ComparisonFunction) -> (i :: 'Bool) -> a Depth (DepthOp h i)) -> ((j :: 'StencilTests) -> (k :: 'StencilOps) -> (l :: 'StencilOps) -> a Stencil (StencilOp j k l)) -> forall (m :: 'ImageKind) . (n :: 'FragmentOperation m) -> a m n
340match'FragmentOperation :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'ImageKind) -> a ('FragmentOperation b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 340match'FragmentOperation :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'ImageKind) -> a ('FragmentOperation b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
341'Interpolated :: Type->Type 341'Interpolated :: Type -> Type
342Smooth :: {a} -> {_ : 'Floating a} -> 'Interpolated a 342Smooth :: forall a . 'Floating a => 'Interpolated a
343NoPerspective :: {a} -> {_ : 'Floating a} -> 'Interpolated a 343NoPerspective :: forall a . 'Floating a => 'Interpolated a
344Flat :: {a} -> 'Interpolated a 344Flat :: forall a . 'Interpolated a
345'InterpolatedCase :: {a} -> (b : 'Interpolated a -> Type) -> ({c : 'Floating a} -> b (Smooth c)) -> ({d : 'Floating a} -> b (NoPerspective d)) -> b Flat -> (e : 'Interpolated a) -> b e 345'InterpolatedCase :: forall a . (b :: 'Interpolated a -> Type) -> (forall (c :: 'Floating a) . b (Smooth c)) -> (forall (d :: 'Floating a) . b (NoPerspective d)) -> b Flat -> (e :: 'Interpolated a) -> b e
346match'Interpolated :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('Interpolated b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 346match'Interpolated :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('Interpolated b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
347rasterizePrimitive :: {a : 'List Type} -> {b : 'List Type} -> {c : 'List Type} -> {d:'PrimitiveType} -> {_ : map Type Type 'Interpolated a ~ b} -> {_ : c ~ Cons ('Vec 4 'Float) a} -> 'HList b -> 'RasterContext ('HList c) d -> 'Primitive ('HList c) d -> 'FragmentStream 1 ('HList a) 347rasterizePrimitive :: forall (a :: 'List Type) (b :: 'List Type) (c :: 'List Type) (d :: 'PrimitiveType) . (map Type Type 'Interpolated a ~ b, c ~ Cons ('Vec 4 'Float) a) => 'HList b -> 'RasterContext ('HList c) d -> 'Primitive ('HList c) d -> 'FragmentStream 1 ('HList a)
348rasterizePrimitives :: {a : 'List Type} -> {b:'PrimitiveType} -> 'RasterContext ('HList (Cons ('Vec 4 'Float) a)) b -> 'HList (map Type Type 'Interpolated a) -> 'List ('Primitive ('HList (Cons ('Vec 4 'Float) a)) b) -> 'List ('Vector 1 ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment ('HList a)))) 348rasterizePrimitives :: forall (a :: 'List Type) (b :: 'PrimitiveType) . 'RasterContext ('HList (Cons ('Vec 4 'Float) a)) b -> 'HList (map Type Type 'Interpolated a) -> 'List ('Primitive ('HList (Cons ('Vec 4 'Float) a)) b) -> 'List ('Vector 1 ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment ('HList a))))
349'ImageLC :: Type->'Nat 349'ImageLC :: Type -> 'Nat
350allSame :: {a} -> 'List a -> Type 350allSame :: forall a . 'List a -> Type
351sameLayerCounts :: 'List Type -> Type 351sameLayerCounts :: 'List Type -> Type
352'FrameBuffer :: 'Nat -> 'List 'ImageKind -> Type 352'FrameBuffer :: 'Nat -> 'List 'ImageKind -> Type
353'FrameBufferCase :: {a:'Nat} -> {b : 'List 'ImageKind} -> (c : 'FrameBuffer a b -> Type) -> (d : 'FrameBuffer a b) -> c d 353'FrameBufferCase :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'List 'ImageKind) . (c :: 'FrameBuffer a b -> Type) -> (d :: 'FrameBuffer a b) -> c d
354match'FrameBuffer :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'Nat) -> (c : 'List 'ImageKind) -> a ('FrameBuffer b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 354match'FrameBuffer :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Nat) -> (c :: 'List 'ImageKind) -> a ('FrameBuffer b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
355imageType' :: 'List 'ImageKind -> 'List Type 355imageType' :: 'List 'ImageKind -> 'List Type
356'FragmentOperationKind :: Type->'ImageKind 356'FragmentOperationKind :: Type -> 'ImageKind
357Accumulate :: {a : 'List 'ImageKind} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c : 'List Type} -> {_ : a ~ map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind c} -> 'HList c -> 'FragmentStream b ('HList (imageType' a)) -> 'FrameBuffer b a -> 'FrameBuffer b a 357Accumulate :: forall (a :: 'List 'ImageKind) (b :: 'Nat) (c :: 'List Type) . (a ~ map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind c) => 'HList c -> 'FragmentStream b ('HList (imageType' a)) -> 'FrameBuffer b a -> 'FrameBuffer b a
358accumulateWith :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->(a, b) 358accumulateWith :: forall a b . a -> b -> (a, b)
359overlay :: {a:'Nat} -> {b : 'List Type} -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b) -> ('HList b, 'List ('Fragment a ('HList (imageType' (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b))))) -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b) 359overlay :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'List Type) . 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b) -> ('HList b, 'List ('Fragment a ('HList (imageType' (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b))))) -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b)
360'GetImageKind :: Type->'ImageKind 360'GetImageKind :: Type -> 'ImageKind
361FrameBuffer :: {a : 'List Type} -> {_ : sameLayerCounts a} -> 'HList a -> 'FrameBuffer ('ImageLC (head Type a)) (map Type 'ImageKind 'GetImageKind a) 361FrameBuffer :: forall (a :: 'List Type) . sameLayerCounts a => 'HList a -> 'FrameBuffer ('ImageLC (head Type a)) (map Type 'ImageKind 'GetImageKind a)
362imageFrame :: {a : 'List Type} -> {_ : sameLayerCounts a} -> 'HList a -> 'FrameBuffer ('ImageLC (head Type a)) (map Type 'ImageKind 'GetImageKind a) 362imageFrame :: forall (a :: 'List Type) . sameLayerCounts a => 'HList a -> 'FrameBuffer ('ImageLC (head Type a)) (map Type 'ImageKind 'GetImageKind a)
363accumulate :: {a:'Nat} -> {b : 'List Type} -> {c} -> 'HList b -> (c -> 'HList (imageType' (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b))) -> 'List ('Vector a ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment c))) -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b) -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b) 363accumulate :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'List Type) c . 'HList b -> (c -> 'HList (imageType' (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b))) -> 'List ('Vector a ('Maybe ('SimpleFragment c))) -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b) -> 'FrameBuffer a (map Type 'ImageKind 'FragmentOperationKind b)
364PrjImage :: {a:'ImageKind} -> 'FrameBuffer 1 (Cons a Nil) -> 'Image 1 a 364PrjImage :: forall (a :: 'ImageKind) . 'FrameBuffer 1 (Cons a Nil) -> 'Image 1 a
365PrjImageColor :: 'FrameBuffer 1 (Cons Depth (Cons (Color ('Vec 4 'Float)) Nil)) -> 'Image 1 (Color ('Vec 4 'Float)) 365PrjImageColor :: 'FrameBuffer 1 (Cons Depth (Cons (Color ('Vec 4 'Float)) Nil)) -> 'Image 1 (Color ('Vec 4 'Float))
366'Output :: Type 366'Output :: Type
367ScreenOut :: {a:'Nat} -> {b : 'List 'ImageKind} -> 'FrameBuffer a b -> 'Output 367ScreenOut :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'List 'ImageKind) . 'FrameBuffer a b -> 'Output
368'OutputCase :: (a : 'Output->Type) -> ({b:'Nat} -> {c : 'List 'ImageKind} -> (d : 'FrameBuffer b c) -> a (ScreenOut b c d)) -> (e:'Output) -> a e 368'OutputCase :: (a :: 'Output -> Type) -> (forall (b :: 'Nat) (c :: 'List 'ImageKind) . (d :: 'FrameBuffer b c) -> a (ScreenOut b c d)) -> (e :: 'Output) -> a e
369match'Output :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Output -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 369match'Output :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Output -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
370renderFrame :: {a:'Nat} -> {b : 'List 'ImageKind} -> 'FrameBuffer a b -> 'Output 370renderFrame :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'List 'ImageKind) . 'FrameBuffer a b -> 'Output
371'Texture :: Type 371'Texture :: Type
372Texture2DSlot :: 'String->'Texture 372Texture2DSlot :: 'String -> 'Texture
373Texture2D :: 'Vec 2 'Int -> 'Image 1 (Color ('Vec 4 'Float)) -> 'Texture 373Texture2D :: 'Vec 2 'Int -> 'Image 1 (Color ('Vec 4 'Float)) -> 'Texture
374'TextureCase :: (a : 'Texture->Type) -> ((b:'String) -> a (Texture2DSlot b)) -> ((c : 'Vec 2 'Int) -> (d : 'Image 1 (Color ('Vec 4 'Float))) -> a (Texture2D c d)) -> (e:'Texture) -> a e 374'TextureCase :: (a :: 'Texture -> Type) -> ((b :: 'String) -> a (Texture2DSlot b)) -> ((c :: 'Vec 2 'Int) -> (d :: 'Image 1 (Color ('Vec 4 'Float))) -> a (Texture2D c d)) -> (e :: 'Texture) -> a e
375match'Texture :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Texture -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 375match'Texture :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Texture -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
376'Filter :: Type 376'Filter :: Type
377PointFilter :: 'Filter 377PointFilter :: 'Filter
378LinearFilter :: 'Filter 378LinearFilter :: 'Filter
379'FilterCase :: (a : 'Filter->Type) -> a PointFilter -> a LinearFilter -> (b:'Filter) -> a b 379'FilterCase :: (a :: 'Filter -> Type) -> a PointFilter -> a LinearFilter -> (b :: 'Filter) -> a b
380match'Filter :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Filter -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 380match'Filter :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Filter -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
381'EdgeMode :: Type 381'EdgeMode :: Type
382Repeat :: 'EdgeMode 382Repeat :: 'EdgeMode
383MirroredRepeat :: 'EdgeMode 383MirroredRepeat :: 'EdgeMode
384ClampToEdge :: 'EdgeMode 384ClampToEdge :: 'EdgeMode
385'EdgeModeCase :: (a : 'EdgeMode->Type) -> a Repeat -> a MirroredRepeat -> a ClampToEdge -> (b:'EdgeMode) -> a b 385'EdgeModeCase :: (a :: 'EdgeMode -> Type) -> a Repeat -> a MirroredRepeat -> a ClampToEdge -> (b :: 'EdgeMode) -> a b
386match'EdgeMode :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'EdgeMode -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 386match'EdgeMode :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'EdgeMode -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
387'Sampler :: Type 387'Sampler :: Type
388Sampler :: 'Filter -> 'EdgeMode -> 'Texture->'Sampler 388Sampler :: 'Filter -> 'EdgeMode -> 'Texture -> 'Sampler
389'SamplerCase :: (a : 'Sampler->Type) -> ((b:'Filter) -> (c:'EdgeMode) -> (d:'Texture) -> a (Sampler b c d)) -> (e:'Sampler) -> a e 389'SamplerCase :: (a :: 'Sampler -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Filter) -> (c :: 'EdgeMode) -> (d :: 'Texture) -> a (Sampler b c d)) -> (e :: 'Sampler) -> a e
390match'Sampler :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Sampler -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 390match'Sampler :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Sampler -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
391texture2D :: 'Sampler -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float 391texture2D :: 'Sampler -> 'Vec 2 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float
392accumulationContext :: {a} -> a->a 392accumulationContext :: forall a . a -> a
393------------ tooltips 393------------ tooltips
394testdata/ 10:1-10:3 {a} -> a->a 394testdata/ 10:1-10:3 forall a . a -> a
395testdata/ 10:8-10:9 b_ 395testdata/ 10:8-10:9 _b
396testdata/ 14:6-14:10 Type | Type -> Nat->Type 396testdata/ 14:6-14:10 Type | Type -> Nat -> Type
397testdata/ 14:6-17:37 Type 397testdata/ 14:6-17:37 Type
398testdata/ 14:17-14:21 Type 398testdata/ 14:17-14:21 Type
399testdata/ 14:26-14:29 Type 399testdata/ 14:26-14:29 Type
400testdata/ 14:26-14:37 Type 400testdata/ 14:26-14:37 Type
401testdata/ 14:33-14:37 Type 401testdata/ 14:33-14:37 Type
402testdata/ 15:3-15:5 VecS d_ 2 | {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 402testdata/ 15:3-15:5 VecS _d 2 | forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
403testdata/ 15:3-15:27 Type 403testdata/ 15:3-15:27 Type
404testdata/ 15:9-15:10 Type 404testdata/ 15:9-15:10 Type
405testdata/ 15:9-15:27 Type 405testdata/ 15:9-15:27 Type
406testdata/ 15:14-15:15 Type 406testdata/ 15:14-15:15 Type
407testdata/ 15:14-15:27 Type 407testdata/ 15:14-15:27 Type
408testdata/ 15:19-15:23 Type -> Nat->Type 408testdata/ 15:19-15:23 Type -> Nat -> Type
409testdata/ 15:19-15:25 Nat->Type 409testdata/ 15:19-15:25 Nat -> Type
410testdata/ 15:19-15:27 Type 410testdata/ 15:19-15:27 Type
411testdata/ 15:24-15:25 Type 411testdata/ 15:24-15:25 Type
412testdata/ 15:26-15:27 b_ 412testdata/ 15:26-15:27 _b
413testdata/ 16:3-16:5 VecS f_ 3 | {a} -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 413testdata/ 16:3-16:5 VecS _f 3 | forall a . a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3
414testdata/ 16:3-16:32 Type 414testdata/ 16:3-16:32 Type
415testdata/ 16:9-16:10 Type 415testdata/ 16:9-16:10 Type
416testdata/ 16:9-16:32 Type 416testdata/ 16:9-16:32 Type
@@ -418,12 +418,12 @@ testdata/ 16:14-16:15 Type
418testdata/ 16:14-16:32 Type 418testdata/ 16:14-16:32 Type
419testdata/ 16:19-16:20 Type 419testdata/ 16:19-16:20 Type
420testdata/ 16:19-16:32 Type 420testdata/ 16:19-16:32 Type
421testdata/ 16:24-16:28 Type -> Nat->Type 421testdata/ 16:24-16:28 Type -> Nat -> Type
422testdata/ 16:24-16:30 Nat->Type 422testdata/ 16:24-16:30 Nat -> Type
423testdata/ 16:24-16:32 Type 423testdata/ 16:24-16:32 Type
424testdata/ 16:29-16:30 Type 424testdata/ 16:29-16:30 Type
425testdata/ 16:31-16:32 b_ 425testdata/ 16:31-16:32 _b
426testdata/ 17:3-17:5 VecS h_ 4 | {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 426testdata/ 17:3-17:5 VecS _h 4 | forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
427testdata/ 17:3-17:37 Type 427testdata/ 17:3-17:37 Type
428testdata/ 17:9-17:10 Type 428testdata/ 17:9-17:10 Type
429testdata/ 17:9-17:37 Type 429testdata/ 17:9-17:37 Type
@@ -433,88 +433,88 @@ testdata/ 17:19-17:20 Type
433testdata/ 17:19-17:37 Type 433testdata/ 17:19-17:37 Type
434testdata/ 17:24-17:25 Type 434testdata/ 17:24-17:25 Type
435testdata/ 17:24-17:37 Type 435testdata/ 17:24-17:37 Type
436testdata/ 17:29-17:33 Type -> Nat->Type 436testdata/ 17:29-17:33 Type -> Nat -> Type
437testdata/ 17:29-17:35 Nat->Type 437testdata/ 17:29-17:35 Nat -> Type
438testdata/ 17:29-17:37 Type 438testdata/ 17:29-17:37 Type
439testdata/ 17:34-17:35 Type 439testdata/ 17:34-17:35 Type
440testdata/ 17:36-17:37 b_ 440testdata/ 17:36-17:37 _b
441testdata/ 19:11-19:43 Type 441testdata/ 19:11-19:43 Type
442testdata/ 19:12-19:13 f_ 442testdata/ 19:12-19:13 _f
443testdata/ 19:17-19:18 Type | e_ 443testdata/ 19:17-19:18 Type | _e
444testdata/ 19:23-19:27 Type -> Nat->Type 444testdata/ 19:23-19:27 Type -> Nat -> Type
445testdata/ 19:23-19:29 Nat->Type 445testdata/ 19:23-19:29 Nat -> Type
446testdata/ 19:23-19:31 Type 446testdata/ 19:23-19:31 Type
447testdata/ 19:23-19:43 Type 447testdata/ 19:23-19:43 Type
448testdata/ 19:28-19:29 Type 448testdata/ 19:28-19:29 Type
449testdata/ 19:30-19:31 c_ 449testdata/ 19:30-19:31 _c
450testdata/ 19:35-19:39 Type -> Nat->Type 450testdata/ 19:35-19:39 Type -> Nat -> Type
451testdata/ 19:35-19:41 Nat->Type 451testdata/ 19:35-19:41 Nat -> Type
452testdata/ 19:35-19:43 Type 452testdata/ 19:35-19:43 Type
453testdata/ 19:40-19:41 Type 453testdata/ 19:40-19:41 Type
454testdata/ 19:42-19:43 Nat 454testdata/ 19:42-19:43 Nat
455testdata/ 20:1-20:7 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> (a->b) -> VecS a c -> VecS b c 455testdata/ 20:1-20:7 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (a -> b) -> VecS a c -> VecS b c
456testdata/ 20:21-20:23 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 456testdata/ 20:21-20:23 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
457testdata/ 20:21-20:29 f_ -> VecS f_ 2 457testdata/ 20:21-20:29 _f -> VecS _f 2
458testdata/ 20:21-20:35 VecS f_ 2 | a_ -> a_ -> VecS e_ 2 | b_ -> VecS f_ 2 458testdata/ 20:21-20:35 VecS _f 2 | _a -> _a -> VecS _e 2 | _b -> VecS _f 2
459testdata/ 20:21-21:43 (e_ -> e_ -> e_ -> e_ -> VecS d_ 4) -> {a:Nat} -> VecS e_ a -> VecS d_ a 459testdata/ 20:21-21:43 (_e -> _e -> _e -> _e -> VecS _d 4) -> forall (a :: Nat) . VecS _e a -> VecS _d a
460testdata/ 20:21-22:51 (c_->b_) -> VecS c_ a_ -> VecS b_ a_ | VecS d_ b_ -> VecS c_ b_ | {a:Nat} -> VecS e_ a -> VecS d_ a 460testdata/ 20:21-22:51 (_c -> _b) -> VecS _c _a -> VecS _b _a | VecS _d _b -> VecS _c _b | forall (a :: Nat) . VecS _e a -> VecS _d a
461testdata/ 20:25-20:26 i_->h_ 461testdata/ 20:25-20:26 _i -> _h
462testdata/ 20:25-20:28 f_ 462testdata/ 20:25-20:28 _f
463testdata/ 20:27-20:28 c_ 463testdata/ 20:27-20:28 _c
464testdata/ 20:31-20:32 g_->f_ 464testdata/ 20:31-20:32 _g -> _f
465testdata/ 20:31-20:34 f_ 465testdata/ 20:31-20:34 _f
466testdata/ 20:33-20:34 g_ 466testdata/ 20:33-20:34 _g
467testdata/ 21:23-21:25 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 467testdata/ 21:23-21:25 forall a . a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3
468testdata/ 21:23-21:31 g_ -> g_ -> VecS g_ 3 468testdata/ 21:23-21:31 _g -> _g -> VecS _g 3
469testdata/ 21:23-21:37 g_ -> VecS g_ 3 469testdata/ 21:23-21:37 _g -> VecS _g 3
470testdata/ 21:23-21:43 VecS g_ 3 | e_ -> e_ -> e_ -> VecS d_ 3 | f_ -> f_ -> VecS e_ 3 | g_ -> VecS f_ 3 470testdata/ 21:23-21:43 VecS _g 3 | _e -> _e -> _e -> VecS _d 3 | _f -> _f -> VecS _e 3 | _g -> VecS _f 3
471testdata/ 21:27-21:28 i_->h_ 471testdata/ 21:27-21:28 _i -> _h
472testdata/ 21:27-21:30 g_ 472testdata/ 21:27-21:30 _g
473testdata/ 21:29-21:30 h_ 473testdata/ 21:29-21:30 _h
474testdata/ 21:33-21:34 h_->g_ 474testdata/ 21:33-21:34 _h -> _g
475testdata/ 21:33-21:36 g_ 475testdata/ 21:33-21:36 _g
476testdata/ 21:35-21:36 h_ 476testdata/ 21:35-21:36 _h
477testdata/ 21:39-21:40 h_->g_ 477testdata/ 21:39-21:40 _h -> _g
478testdata/ 21:39-21:42 g_ 478testdata/ 21:39-21:42 _g
479testdata/ 21:41-21:42 h_ 479testdata/ 21:41-21:42 _h
480testdata/ 22:25-22:27 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 480testdata/ 22:25-22:27 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
481testdata/ 22:25-22:33 h_ -> h_ -> h_ -> VecS h_ 4 481testdata/ 22:25-22:33 _h -> _h -> _h -> VecS _h 4
482testdata/ 22:25-22:39 h_ -> h_ -> VecS h_ 4 482testdata/ 22:25-22:39 _h -> _h -> VecS _h 4
483testdata/ 22:25-22:45 h_ -> VecS h_ 4 483testdata/ 22:25-22:45 _h -> VecS _h 4
484testdata/ 22:25-22:51 VecS h_ 4 | e_ -> e_ -> e_ -> e_ -> VecS d_ 4 | f_ -> f_ -> f_ -> VecS e_ 4 | g_ -> g_ -> VecS f_ 4 | h_ -> VecS g_ 4 484testdata/ 22:25-22:51 VecS _h 4 | _e -> _e -> _e -> _e -> VecS _d 4 | _f -> _f -> _f -> VecS _e 4 | _g -> _g -> VecS _f 4 | _h -> VecS _g 4
485testdata/ 22:29-22:30 j_->i_ 485testdata/ 22:29-22:30 _j -> _i
486testdata/ 22:29-22:32 h_ 486testdata/ 22:29-22:32 _h
487testdata/ 22:31-22:32 i_ 487testdata/ 22:31-22:32 _i
488testdata/ 22:35-22:36 i_->h_ 488testdata/ 22:35-22:36 _i -> _h
489testdata/ 22:35-22:38 h_ 489testdata/ 22:35-22:38 _h
490testdata/ 22:37-22:38 i_ 490testdata/ 22:37-22:38 _i
491testdata/ 22:41-22:42 i_->h_ 491testdata/ 22:41-22:42 _i -> _h
492testdata/ 22:41-22:44 h_ 492testdata/ 22:41-22:44 _h
493testdata/ 22:43-22:44 i_ 493testdata/ 22:43-22:44 _i
494testdata/ 22:47-22:48 i_->h_ 494testdata/ 22:47-22:48 _i -> _h
495testdata/ 22:47-22:50 h_ 495testdata/ 22:47-22:50 _h
496testdata/ 22:49-22:50 i_ 496testdata/ 22:49-22:50 _i
497testdata/ 24:23-24:26 Type 497testdata/ 24:23-24:26 Type
498testdata/ 24:37-24:40 Nat -> Type->Type 498testdata/ 24:37-24:40 Nat -> Type -> Type
499testdata/ 24:47-24:51 Type -> Nat->Type 499testdata/ 24:47-24:51 Type -> Nat -> Type
500testdata/ 24:47-24:53 Nat->Type 500testdata/ 24:47-24:53 Nat -> Type
501testdata/ 24:47-24:55 Nat -> Type->Type | Type | Type->Type 501testdata/ 24:47-24:55 Nat -> Type -> Type | Type | Type -> Type
502testdata/ 24:52-24:53 Type 502testdata/ 24:52-24:53 Type
503testdata/ 24:54-24:55 Nat 503testdata/ 24:54-24:55 Nat
504testdata/ 27:29-27:32 Type 504testdata/ 27:29-27:32 Type
505testdata/ 28:5-28:14 Nat -> Type->Type 505testdata/ 28:5-28:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
506testdata/ 28:21-28:22 Type 506testdata/ 28:21-28:22 Type
507testdata/ 28:21-29:60 Nat -> Type->Type | Nat->Type | Type->Type 507testdata/ 28:21-29:60 Nat -> Type | Nat -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type
508testdata/ 29:37-29:40 Nat -> Type->Type 508testdata/ 29:37-29:40 Nat -> Type -> Type
509testdata/ 29:37-29:58 Type->Type 509testdata/ 29:37-29:58 Type -> Type
510testdata/ 29:37-29:60 Nat->Type | Type 510testdata/ 29:37-29:60 Nat -> Type | Type
511testdata/ 29:42-29:47 Nat->Nat 511testdata/ 29:42-29:47 Nat -> Nat
512testdata/ 29:42-29:57 Nat 512testdata/ 29:42-29:57 Nat
513testdata/ 29:49-29:54 Nat->Nat 513testdata/ 29:49-29:54 Nat -> Nat
514testdata/ 29:49-29:56 Nat 514testdata/ 29:49-29:56 Nat
515testdata/ 29:55-29:56 Nat 515testdata/ 29:55-29:56 Nat
516testdata/ 29:59-29:60 Type 516testdata/ 29:59-29:60 Type
517testdata/ 32:6-32:9 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type | Type 517testdata/ 32:6-32:9 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type | Type
518testdata/ 32:6-41:84 Type 518testdata/ 32:6-41:84 Type
519testdata/ 32:13-32:16 Type 519testdata/ 32:13-32:16 Type
520testdata/ 32:20-32:23 Type 520testdata/ 32:20-32:23 Type
@@ -524,414 +524,414 @@ testdata/ 32:27-32:39 Type
524testdata/ 32:35-32:39 Type 524testdata/ 32:35-32:39 Type
525testdata/ 33:3-33:7 Mat 2 2 Float | Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 2 Float 525testdata/ 33:3-33:7 Mat 2 2 Float | Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 2 Float
526testdata/ 33:3-33:54 Type 526testdata/ 33:3-33:54 Type
527testdata/ 33:11-33:14 Nat -> Type->Type 527testdata/ 33:11-33:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
528testdata/ 33:11-33:16 Type->Type 528testdata/ 33:11-33:16 Type -> Type
529testdata/ 33:11-33:22 Type 529testdata/ 33:11-33:22 Type
530testdata/ 33:15-33:16 b_ 530testdata/ 33:15-33:16 _b
531testdata/ 33:17-33:22 Type 531testdata/ 33:17-33:22 Type
532testdata/ 33:26-33:29 Nat -> Type->Type 532testdata/ 33:26-33:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
533testdata/ 33:26-33:31 Type->Type 533testdata/ 33:26-33:31 Type -> Type
534testdata/ 33:26-33:37 Type 534testdata/ 33:26-33:37 Type
535testdata/ 33:26-33:54 Type 535testdata/ 33:26-33:54 Type
536testdata/ 33:30-33:31 b_ 536testdata/ 33:30-33:31 _b
537testdata/ 33:32-33:37 Type 537testdata/ 33:32-33:37 Type
538testdata/ 33:41-33:44 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 538testdata/ 33:41-33:44 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
539testdata/ 33:41-33:46 Nat -> Type->Type 539testdata/ 33:41-33:46 Nat -> Type -> Type
540testdata/ 33:41-33:48 Type->Type 540testdata/ 33:41-33:48 Type -> Type
541testdata/ 33:41-33:54 Type 541testdata/ 33:41-33:54 Type
542testdata/ 33:45-33:46 b_ 542testdata/ 33:45-33:46 _b
543testdata/ 33:45-33:48 (a:Type) -> Mat 2 2 a -> Type 543testdata/ 33:45-33:48 (a :: Type) -> Mat 2 2 a -> Type
544testdata/ 33:45-33:54 Mat 2 2 Float -> Type 544testdata/ 33:45-33:54 Mat 2 2 Float -> Type
545testdata/ 33:47-33:48 b_ 545testdata/ 33:47-33:48 _b
546testdata/ 33:49-33:54 Type 546testdata/ 33:49-33:54 Type
547testdata/ 34:3-34:7 Mat 3 2 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 2 Float 547testdata/ 34:3-34:7 Mat 3 2 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 2 Float
548testdata/ 34:3-34:54 Type 548testdata/ 34:3-34:54 Type
549testdata/ 34:11-34:14 Nat -> Type->Type 549testdata/ 34:11-34:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
550testdata/ 34:11-34:16 Type->Type 550testdata/ 34:11-34:16 Type -> Type
551testdata/ 34:11-34:22 Type 551testdata/ 34:11-34:22 Type
552testdata/ 34:15-34:16 b_ 552testdata/ 34:15-34:16 _b
553testdata/ 34:17-34:22 Type 553testdata/ 34:17-34:22 Type
554testdata/ 34:26-34:29 Nat -> Type->Type 554testdata/ 34:26-34:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
555testdata/ 34:26-34:31 Type->Type 555testdata/ 34:26-34:31 Type -> Type
556testdata/ 34:26-34:37 Type 556testdata/ 34:26-34:37 Type
557testdata/ 34:26-34:54 Type 557testdata/ 34:26-34:54 Type
558testdata/ 34:30-34:31 b_ 558testdata/ 34:30-34:31 _b
559testdata/ 34:32-34:37 Type 559testdata/ 34:32-34:37 Type
560testdata/ 34:41-34:44 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 560testdata/ 34:41-34:44 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
561testdata/ 34:41-34:46 Nat -> Type->Type 561testdata/ 34:41-34:46 Nat -> Type -> Type
562testdata/ 34:41-34:48 Type->Type 562testdata/ 34:41-34:48 Type -> Type
563testdata/ 34:41-34:54 Type 563testdata/ 34:41-34:54 Type
564testdata/ 34:45-34:46 b_ 564testdata/ 34:45-34:46 _b
565testdata/ 34:45-34:48 (a:Type) -> Mat 3 2 a -> Type 565testdata/ 34:45-34:48 (a :: Type) -> Mat 3 2 a -> Type
566testdata/ 34:45-34:54 Mat 3 2 Float -> Type 566testdata/ 34:45-34:54 Mat 3 2 Float -> Type
567testdata/ 34:47-34:48 b_ 567testdata/ 34:47-34:48 _b
568testdata/ 34:49-34:54 Type 568testdata/ 34:49-34:54 Type
569testdata/ 35:3-35:7 Mat 4 2 Float | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 2 Float 569testdata/ 35:3-35:7 Mat 4 2 Float | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 2 Float
570testdata/ 35:3-35:54 Type 570testdata/ 35:3-35:54 Type
571testdata/ 35:11-35:14 Nat -> Type->Type 571testdata/ 35:11-35:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
572testdata/ 35:11-35:16 Type->Type 572testdata/ 35:11-35:16 Type -> Type
573testdata/ 35:11-35:22 Type 573testdata/ 35:11-35:22 Type
574testdata/ 35:15-35:16 b_ 574testdata/ 35:15-35:16 _b
575testdata/ 35:17-35:22 Type 575testdata/ 35:17-35:22 Type
576testdata/ 35:26-35:29 Nat -> Type->Type 576testdata/ 35:26-35:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
577testdata/ 35:26-35:31 Type->Type 577testdata/ 35:26-35:31 Type -> Type
578testdata/ 35:26-35:37 Type 578testdata/ 35:26-35:37 Type
579testdata/ 35:26-35:54 Type 579testdata/ 35:26-35:54 Type
580testdata/ 35:30-35:31 b_ 580testdata/ 35:30-35:31 _b
581testdata/ 35:32-35:37 Type 581testdata/ 35:32-35:37 Type
582testdata/ 35:41-35:44 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 582testdata/ 35:41-35:44 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
583testdata/ 35:41-35:46 Nat -> Type->Type 583testdata/ 35:41-35:46 Nat -> Type -> Type
584testdata/ 35:41-35:48 Type->Type 584testdata/ 35:41-35:48 Type -> Type
585testdata/ 35:41-35:54 Type 585testdata/ 35:41-35:54 Type
586testdata/ 35:45-35:46 b_ 586testdata/ 35:45-35:46 _b
587testdata/ 35:45-35:48 (a:Type) -> Mat 4 2 a -> Type 587testdata/ 35:45-35:48 (a :: Type) -> Mat 4 2 a -> Type
588testdata/ 35:45-35:54 Mat 4 2 Float -> Type 588testdata/ 35:45-35:54 Mat 4 2 Float -> Type
589testdata/ 35:47-35:48 b_ 589testdata/ 35:47-35:48 _b
590testdata/ 35:49-35:54 Type 590testdata/ 35:49-35:54 Type
591testdata/ 36:3-36:7 Mat 2 3 Float | Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 3 Float 591testdata/ 36:3-36:7 Mat 2 3 Float | Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 3 Float
592testdata/ 36:3-36:69 Type 592testdata/ 36:3-36:69 Type
593testdata/ 36:11-36:14 Nat -> Type->Type 593testdata/ 36:11-36:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
594testdata/ 36:11-36:16 Type->Type 594testdata/ 36:11-36:16 Type -> Type
595testdata/ 36:11-36:22 Type 595testdata/ 36:11-36:22 Type
596testdata/ 36:15-36:16 b_ 596testdata/ 36:15-36:16 _b
597testdata/ 36:17-36:22 Type 597testdata/ 36:17-36:22 Type
598testdata/ 36:26-36:29 Nat -> Type->Type 598testdata/ 36:26-36:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
599testdata/ 36:26-36:31 Type->Type 599testdata/ 36:26-36:31 Type -> Type
600testdata/ 36:26-36:37 Type 600testdata/ 36:26-36:37 Type
601testdata/ 36:26-36:69 Type 601testdata/ 36:26-36:69 Type
602testdata/ 36:30-36:31 b_ 602testdata/ 36:30-36:31 _b
603testdata/ 36:32-36:37 Type 603testdata/ 36:32-36:37 Type
604testdata/ 36:41-36:44 Nat -> Type->Type 604testdata/ 36:41-36:44 Nat -> Type -> Type
605testdata/ 36:41-36:46 Type->Type 605testdata/ 36:41-36:46 Type -> Type
606testdata/ 36:41-36:52 Type 606testdata/ 36:41-36:52 Type
607testdata/ 36:41-36:69 Type 607testdata/ 36:41-36:69 Type
608testdata/ 36:45-36:46 b_ 608testdata/ 36:45-36:46 _b
609testdata/ 36:47-36:52 Type 609testdata/ 36:47-36:52 Type
610testdata/ 36:56-36:59 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 610testdata/ 36:56-36:59 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
611testdata/ 36:56-36:61 Nat -> Type->Type 611testdata/ 36:56-36:61 Nat -> Type -> Type
612testdata/ 36:56-36:63 Type->Type 612testdata/ 36:56-36:63 Type -> Type
613testdata/ 36:56-36:69 Type 613testdata/ 36:56-36:69 Type
614testdata/ 36:60-36:61 b_ 614testdata/ 36:60-36:61 _b
615testdata/ 36:60-36:63 (a:Type) -> Mat 2 3 a -> Type 615testdata/ 36:60-36:63 (a :: Type) -> Mat 2 3 a -> Type
616testdata/ 36:60-36:69 Mat 2 3 Float -> Type 616testdata/ 36:60-36:69 Mat 2 3 Float -> Type
617testdata/ 36:62-36:63 b_ 617testdata/ 36:62-36:63 _b
618testdata/ 36:64-36:69 Type 618testdata/ 36:64-36:69 Type
619testdata/ 37:3-37:7 Mat 3 3 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 3 Float 619testdata/ 37:3-37:7 Mat 3 3 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 3 Float
620testdata/ 37:3-37:69 Type 620testdata/ 37:3-37:69 Type
621testdata/ 37:11-37:14 Nat -> Type->Type 621testdata/ 37:11-37:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
622testdata/ 37:11-37:16 Type->Type 622testdata/ 37:11-37:16 Type -> Type
623testdata/ 37:11-37:22 Type 623testdata/ 37:11-37:22 Type
624testdata/ 37:15-37:16 b_ 624testdata/ 37:15-37:16 _b
625testdata/ 37:17-37:22 Type 625testdata/ 37:17-37:22 Type
626testdata/ 37:26-37:29 Nat -> Type->Type 626testdata/ 37:26-37:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
627testdata/ 37:26-37:31 Type->Type 627testdata/ 37:26-37:31 Type -> Type
628testdata/ 37:26-37:37 Type 628testdata/ 37:26-37:37 Type
629testdata/ 37:26-37:69 Type 629testdata/ 37:26-37:69 Type
630testdata/ 37:30-37:31 b_ 630testdata/ 37:30-37:31 _b
631testdata/ 37:32-37:37 Type 631testdata/ 37:32-37:37 Type
632testdata/ 37:41-37:44 Nat -> Type->Type 632testdata/ 37:41-37:44 Nat -> Type -> Type
633testdata/ 37:41-37:46 Type->Type 633testdata/ 37:41-37:46 Type -> Type
634testdata/ 37:41-37:52 Type 634testdata/ 37:41-37:52 Type
635testdata/ 37:41-37:69 Type 635testdata/ 37:41-37:69 Type
636testdata/ 37:45-37:46 b_ 636testdata/ 37:45-37:46 _b
637testdata/ 37:47-37:52 Type 637testdata/ 37:47-37:52 Type
638testdata/ 37:56-37:59 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 638testdata/ 37:56-37:59 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
639testdata/ 37:56-37:61 Nat -> Type->Type 639testdata/ 37:56-37:61 Nat -> Type -> Type
640testdata/ 37:56-37:63 Type->Type 640testdata/ 37:56-37:63 Type -> Type
641testdata/ 37:56-37:69 Type 641testdata/ 37:56-37:69 Type
642testdata/ 37:60-37:61 b_ 642testdata/ 37:60-37:61 _b
643testdata/ 37:60-37:63 (a:Type) -> Mat 3 3 a -> Type 643testdata/ 37:60-37:63 (a :: Type) -> Mat 3 3 a -> Type
644testdata/ 37:60-37:69 Mat 3 3 Float -> Type 644testdata/ 37:60-37:69 Mat 3 3 Float -> Type
645testdata/ 37:62-37:63 b_ 645testdata/ 37:62-37:63 _b
646testdata/ 37:64-37:69 Type 646testdata/ 37:64-37:69 Type
647testdata/ 38:3-38:7 Mat 4 3 Float | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 3 Float 647testdata/ 38:3-38:7 Mat 4 3 Float | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 3 Float
648testdata/ 38:3-38:69 Type 648testdata/ 38:3-38:69 Type
649testdata/ 38:11-38:14 Nat -> Type->Type 649testdata/ 38:11-38:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
650testdata/ 38:11-38:16 Type->Type 650testdata/ 38:11-38:16 Type -> Type
651testdata/ 38:11-38:22 Type 651testdata/ 38:11-38:22 Type
652testdata/ 38:15-38:16 b_ 652testdata/ 38:15-38:16 _b
653testdata/ 38:17-38:22 Type 653testdata/ 38:17-38:22 Type
654testdata/ 38:26-38:29 Nat -> Type->Type 654testdata/ 38:26-38:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
655testdata/ 38:26-38:31 Type->Type 655testdata/ 38:26-38:31 Type -> Type
656testdata/ 38:26-38:37 Type 656testdata/ 38:26-38:37 Type
657testdata/ 38:26-38:69 Type 657testdata/ 38:26-38:69 Type
658testdata/ 38:30-38:31 b_ 658testdata/ 38:30-38:31 _b
659testdata/ 38:32-38:37 Type 659testdata/ 38:32-38:37 Type
660testdata/ 38:41-38:44 Nat -> Type->Type 660testdata/ 38:41-38:44 Nat -> Type -> Type
661testdata/ 38:41-38:46 Type->Type 661testdata/ 38:41-38:46 Type -> Type
662testdata/ 38:41-38:52 Type 662testdata/ 38:41-38:52 Type
663testdata/ 38:41-38:69 Type 663testdata/ 38:41-38:69 Type
664testdata/ 38:45-38:46 b_ 664testdata/ 38:45-38:46 _b
665testdata/ 38:47-38:52 Type 665testdata/ 38:47-38:52 Type
666testdata/ 38:56-38:59 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 666testdata/ 38:56-38:59 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
667testdata/ 38:56-38:61 Nat -> Type->Type 667testdata/ 38:56-38:61 Nat -> Type -> Type
668testdata/ 38:56-38:63 Type->Type 668testdata/ 38:56-38:63 Type -> Type
669testdata/ 38:56-38:69 Type 669testdata/ 38:56-38:69 Type
670testdata/ 38:60-38:61 b_ 670testdata/ 38:60-38:61 _b
671testdata/ 38:60-38:63 (a:Type) -> Mat 4 3 a -> Type 671testdata/ 38:60-38:63 (a :: Type) -> Mat 4 3 a -> Type
672testdata/ 38:60-38:69 Mat 4 3 Float -> Type 672testdata/ 38:60-38:69 Mat 4 3 Float -> Type
673testdata/ 38:62-38:63 b_ 673testdata/ 38:62-38:63 _b
674testdata/ 38:64-38:69 Type 674testdata/ 38:64-38:69 Type
675testdata/ 39:3-39:7 Mat 2 4 Float | Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 4 Float 675testdata/ 39:3-39:7 Mat 2 4 Float | Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 4 Float
676testdata/ 39:3-39:84 Type 676testdata/ 39:3-39:84 Type
677testdata/ 39:11-39:14 Nat -> Type->Type 677testdata/ 39:11-39:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
678testdata/ 39:11-39:16 Type->Type 678testdata/ 39:11-39:16 Type -> Type
679testdata/ 39:11-39:22 Type 679testdata/ 39:11-39:22 Type
680testdata/ 39:15-39:16 b_ 680testdata/ 39:15-39:16 _b
681testdata/ 39:17-39:22 Type 681testdata/ 39:17-39:22 Type
682testdata/ 39:26-39:29 Nat -> Type->Type 682testdata/ 39:26-39:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
683testdata/ 39:26-39:31 Type->Type 683testdata/ 39:26-39:31 Type -> Type
684testdata/ 39:26-39:37 Type 684testdata/ 39:26-39:37 Type
685testdata/ 39:26-39:84 Type 685testdata/ 39:26-39:84 Type
686testdata/ 39:30-39:31 b_ 686testdata/ 39:30-39:31 _b
687testdata/ 39:32-39:37 Type 687testdata/ 39:32-39:37 Type
688testdata/ 39:41-39:44 Nat -> Type->Type 688testdata/ 39:41-39:44 Nat -> Type -> Type
689testdata/ 39:41-39:46 Type->Type 689testdata/ 39:41-39:46 Type -> Type
690testdata/ 39:41-39:52 Type 690testdata/ 39:41-39:52 Type
691testdata/ 39:41-39:84 Type 691testdata/ 39:41-39:84 Type
692testdata/ 39:45-39:46 b_ 692testdata/ 39:45-39:46 _b
693testdata/ 39:47-39:52 Type 693testdata/ 39:47-39:52 Type
694testdata/ 39:56-39:59 Nat -> Type->Type 694testdata/ 39:56-39:59 Nat -> Type -> Type
695testdata/ 39:56-39:61 Type->Type 695testdata/ 39:56-39:61 Type -> Type
696testdata/ 39:56-39:67 Type 696testdata/ 39:56-39:67 Type
697testdata/ 39:56-39:84 Type 697testdata/ 39:56-39:84 Type
698testdata/ 39:60-39:61 b_ 698testdata/ 39:60-39:61 _b
699testdata/ 39:62-39:67 Type 699testdata/ 39:62-39:67 Type
700testdata/ 39:71-39:74 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 700testdata/ 39:71-39:74 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
701testdata/ 39:71-39:76 Nat -> Type->Type 701testdata/ 39:71-39:76 Nat -> Type -> Type
702testdata/ 39:71-39:78 Type->Type 702testdata/ 39:71-39:78 Type -> Type
703testdata/ 39:71-39:84 Type 703testdata/ 39:71-39:84 Type
704testdata/ 39:75-39:76 b_ 704testdata/ 39:75-39:76 _b
705testdata/ 39:75-39:78 (a:Type) -> Mat 2 4 a -> Type 705testdata/ 39:75-39:78 (a :: Type) -> Mat 2 4 a -> Type
706testdata/ 39:75-39:84 Mat 2 4 Float -> Type 706testdata/ 39:75-39:84 Mat 2 4 Float -> Type
707testdata/ 39:77-39:78 b_ 707testdata/ 39:77-39:78 _b
708testdata/ 39:79-39:84 Type 708testdata/ 39:79-39:84 Type
709testdata/ 40:3-40:7 Mat 3 4 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 4 Float 709testdata/ 40:3-40:7 Mat 3 4 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 4 Float
710testdata/ 40:3-40:84 Type 710testdata/ 40:3-40:84 Type
711testdata/ 40:11-40:14 Nat -> Type->Type 711testdata/ 40:11-40:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
712testdata/ 40:11-40:16 Type->Type 712testdata/ 40:11-40:16 Type -> Type
713testdata/ 40:11-40:22 Type 713testdata/ 40:11-40:22 Type
714testdata/ 40:15-40:16 b_ 714testdata/ 40:15-40:16 _b
715testdata/ 40:17-40:22 Type 715testdata/ 40:17-40:22 Type
716testdata/ 40:26-40:29 Nat -> Type->Type 716testdata/ 40:26-40:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
717testdata/ 40:26-40:31 Type->Type 717testdata/ 40:26-40:31 Type -> Type
718testdata/ 40:26-40:37 Type 718testdata/ 40:26-40:37 Type
719testdata/ 40:26-40:84 Type 719testdata/ 40:26-40:84 Type
720testdata/ 40:30-40:31 b_ 720testdata/ 40:30-40:31 _b
721testdata/ 40:32-40:37 Type 721testdata/ 40:32-40:37 Type
722testdata/ 40:41-40:44 Nat -> Type->Type 722testdata/ 40:41-40:44 Nat -> Type -> Type
723testdata/ 40:41-40:46 Type->Type 723testdata/ 40:41-40:46 Type -> Type
724testdata/ 40:41-40:52 Type 724testdata/ 40:41-40:52 Type
725testdata/ 40:41-40:84 Type 725testdata/ 40:41-40:84 Type
726testdata/ 40:45-40:46 b_ 726testdata/ 40:45-40:46 _b
727testdata/ 40:47-40:52 Type 727testdata/ 40:47-40:52 Type
728testdata/ 40:56-40:59 Nat -> Type->Type 728testdata/ 40:56-40:59 Nat -> Type -> Type
729testdata/ 40:56-40:61 Type->Type 729testdata/ 40:56-40:61 Type -> Type
730testdata/ 40:56-40:67 Type 730testdata/ 40:56-40:67 Type
731testdata/ 40:56-40:84 Type 731testdata/ 40:56-40:84 Type
732testdata/ 40:60-40:61 b_ 732testdata/ 40:60-40:61 _b
733testdata/ 40:62-40:67 Type 733testdata/ 40:62-40:67 Type
734testdata/ 40:71-40:74 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 734testdata/ 40:71-40:74 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
735testdata/ 40:71-40:76 Nat -> Type->Type 735testdata/ 40:71-40:76 Nat -> Type -> Type
736testdata/ 40:71-40:78 Type->Type 736testdata/ 40:71-40:78 Type -> Type
737testdata/ 40:71-40:84 Type 737testdata/ 40:71-40:84 Type
738testdata/ 40:75-40:76 b_ 738testdata/ 40:75-40:76 _b
739testdata/ 40:75-40:78 (a:Type) -> Mat 3 4 a -> Type 739testdata/ 40:75-40:78 (a :: Type) -> Mat 3 4 a -> Type
740testdata/ 40:75-40:84 Mat 3 4 Float -> Type 740testdata/ 40:75-40:84 Mat 3 4 Float -> Type
741testdata/ 40:77-40:78 b_ 741testdata/ 40:77-40:78 _b
742testdata/ 40:79-40:84 Type 742testdata/ 40:79-40:84 Type
743testdata/ 41:3-41:7 Mat 4 4 Float | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 743testdata/ 41:3-41:7 Mat 4 4 Float | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
744testdata/ 41:3-41:84 Type 744testdata/ 41:3-41:84 Type
745testdata/ 41:11-41:14 Nat -> Type->Type 745testdata/ 41:11-41:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
746testdata/ 41:11-41:16 Type->Type 746testdata/ 41:11-41:16 Type -> Type
747testdata/ 41:11-41:22 Type 747testdata/ 41:11-41:22 Type
748testdata/ 41:15-41:16 b_ 748testdata/ 41:15-41:16 _b
749testdata/ 41:17-41:22 Type 749testdata/ 41:17-41:22 Type
750testdata/ 41:26-41:29 Nat -> Type->Type 750testdata/ 41:26-41:29 Nat -> Type -> Type
751testdata/ 41:26-41:31 Type->Type 751testdata/ 41:26-41:31 Type -> Type
752testdata/ 41:26-41:37 Type 752testdata/ 41:26-41:37 Type
753testdata/ 41:26-41:84 Type 753testdata/ 41:26-41:84 Type
754testdata/ 41:30-41:31 b_ 754testdata/ 41:30-41:31 _b
755testdata/ 41:32-41:37 Type 755testdata/ 41:32-41:37 Type
756testdata/ 41:41-41:44 Nat -> Type->Type 756testdata/ 41:41-41:44 Nat -> Type -> Type
757testdata/ 41:41-41:46 Type->Type 757testdata/ 41:41-41:46 Type -> Type
758testdata/ 41:41-41:52 Type 758testdata/ 41:41-41:52 Type
759testdata/ 41:41-41:84 Type 759testdata/ 41:41-41:84 Type
760testdata/ 41:45-41:46 b_ 760testdata/ 41:45-41:46 _b
761testdata/ 41:47-41:52 Type 761testdata/ 41:47-41:52 Type
762testdata/ 41:56-41:59 Nat -> Type->Type 762testdata/ 41:56-41:59 Nat -> Type -> Type
763testdata/ 41:56-41:61 Type->Type 763testdata/ 41:56-41:61 Type -> Type
764testdata/ 41:56-41:67 Type 764testdata/ 41:56-41:67 Type
765testdata/ 41:56-41:84 Type 765testdata/ 41:56-41:84 Type
766testdata/ 41:60-41:61 b_ 766testdata/ 41:60-41:61 _b
767testdata/ 41:62-41:67 Type 767testdata/ 41:62-41:67 Type
768testdata/ 41:71-41:74 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 768testdata/ 41:71-41:74 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
769testdata/ 41:71-41:76 Nat -> Type->Type 769testdata/ 41:71-41:76 Nat -> Type -> Type
770testdata/ 41:71-41:78 Type->Type 770testdata/ 41:71-41:78 Type -> Type
771testdata/ 41:71-41:84 Type 771testdata/ 41:71-41:84 Type
772testdata/ 41:75-41:76 b_ 772testdata/ 41:75-41:76 _b
773testdata/ 41:75-41:78 (a:Type) -> Mat 4 4 a -> Type 773testdata/ 41:75-41:78 (a :: Type) -> Mat 4 4 a -> Type
774testdata/ 41:75-41:84 Mat 4 4 Float -> Type 774testdata/ 41:75-41:84 Mat 4 4 Float -> Type
775testdata/ 41:77-41:78 b_ 775testdata/ 41:77-41:78 _b
776testdata/ 41:79-41:84 Type 776testdata/ 41:79-41:84 Type
777testdata/ 44:5-44:21 Type->Type 777testdata/ 44:5-44:21 Type -> Type
778testdata/ 44:30-44:35 Type 778testdata/ 44:30-44:35 Type
779testdata/ 44:30-48:37 Type | Type->Type 779testdata/ 44:30-48:37 Type | Type -> Type
780testdata/ 45:29-45:33 Type 780testdata/ 45:29-45:33 Type
781testdata/ 45:29-48:37 Type 781testdata/ 45:29-48:37 Type
782testdata/ 46:28-46:31 Type 782testdata/ 46:28-46:31 Type
783testdata/ 46:28-48:37 Type 783testdata/ 46:28-48:37 Type
784testdata/ 47:35-47:36 Nat->Type | Type | Type -> Nat->Type 784testdata/ 47:35-47:36 Nat -> Type | Type | Type -> Nat -> Type
785testdata/ 47:35-48:37 Type 785testdata/ 47:35-48:37 Type
786testdata/ 48:36-48:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type | Nat -> Type->Type | Type | Type->Type 786testdata/ 48:36-48:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type | Nat -> Type -> Type | Type | Type -> Type
787testdata/ 52:7-52:13 Type->Type 787testdata/ 52:7-52:13 Type -> Type
788testdata/ 57:7-57:16 Type->Type 788testdata/ 57:7-57:16 Type -> Type
789testdata/ 57:7-58:12 Type 789testdata/ 57:7-58:12 Type
790testdata/ 57:7-59:11 Type 790testdata/ 57:7-59:11 Type
791testdata/ 58:3-58:7 {a} -> {_ : Component a}->a 791testdata/ 58:3-58:7 forall a . Component a => a
792testdata/ 58:11-58:12 Type 792testdata/ 58:11-58:12 Type
793testdata/ 59:3-59:6 {a} -> {_ : Component a}->a 793testdata/ 59:3-59:6 forall a . Component a => a
794testdata/ 59:10-59:11 Type 794testdata/ 59:10-59:11 Type
795testdata/ 62:10-62:11 b_ 795testdata/ 62:10-62:11 _b
796testdata/ 62:10-89:36 b_ | {_ : Component a_}->a_ | {a} -> {_ : Component a}->a 796testdata/ 62:10-89:36 Component _a => _a | _b | forall a . Component a => a
797testdata/ 62:15-62:18 Type 797testdata/ 62:15-62:18 Type
798testdata/ 63:9-63:10 b_ 798testdata/ 63:9-63:10 _b
799testdata/ 63:9-90:31 b_ | {_ : Component a_}->a_ | {a} -> {_ : Component a}->a 799testdata/ 63:9-90:31 Component _a => _a | _b | forall a . Component a => a
800testdata/ 63:14-63:17 Type 800testdata/ 63:14-63:17 Type
801testdata/ 65:10-65:11 b_ 801testdata/ 65:10-65:11 _b
802testdata/ 65:10-89:36 b_ 802testdata/ 65:10-89:36 _b
803testdata/ 65:15-65:19 Type 803testdata/ 65:15-65:19 Type
804testdata/ 66:9-66:10 b_ 804testdata/ 66:9-66:10 _b
805testdata/ 66:9-90:31 b_ 805testdata/ 66:9-90:31 _b
806testdata/ 66:14-66:18 Type 806testdata/ 66:14-66:18 Type
807testdata/ 68:10-68:13 Float 807testdata/ 68:10-68:13 Float
808testdata/ 68:10-89:36 b_ 808testdata/ 68:10-89:36 _b
809testdata/ 69:9-69:12 Float 809testdata/ 69:9-69:12 Float
810testdata/ 69:9-90:31 b_ 810testdata/ 69:9-90:31 _b
811testdata/ 71:10-71:12 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 811testdata/ 71:10-71:12 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
812testdata/ 71:10-71:16 Float -> VecS Float 2 812testdata/ 71:10-71:16 Float -> VecS Float 2
813testdata/ 71:10-71:20 VecS Float 2 813testdata/ 71:10-71:20 VecS Float 2
814testdata/ 71:10-77:28 (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ a) 814testdata/ 71:10-77:28 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ a)
815testdata/ 71:10-89:36 (a:Nat) -> VecS a_ a | (a:Type) -> (b:Nat) -> VecS a b | VecS b_ a_ 815testdata/ 71:10-89:36 (a :: Nat) -> VecS _a a | (a :: Type) -> (b :: Nat) -> VecS a b | VecS _b _a
816testdata/ 71:13-71:16 Float 816testdata/ 71:13-71:16 Float
817testdata/ 71:17-71:20 Float 817testdata/ 71:17-71:20 Float
818testdata/ 72:9-72:11 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 818testdata/ 72:9-72:11 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
819testdata/ 72:9-72:15 Float -> VecS Float 2 819testdata/ 72:9-72:15 Float -> VecS Float 2
820testdata/ 72:9-72:19 VecS Float 2 820testdata/ 72:9-72:19 VecS Float 2
821testdata/ 72:9-78:27 (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ a) 821testdata/ 72:9-78:27 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ a)
822testdata/ 72:9-90:31 (a:Nat) -> VecS a_ a | (a:Type) -> (b:Nat) -> VecS a b | VecS b_ a_ 822testdata/ 72:9-90:31 (a :: Nat) -> VecS _a a | (a :: Type) -> (b :: Nat) -> VecS a b | VecS _b _a
823testdata/ 72:12-72:15 Float 823testdata/ 72:12-72:15 Float
824testdata/ 72:16-72:19 Float 824testdata/ 72:16-72:19 Float
825testdata/ 74:10-74:12 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 825testdata/ 74:10-74:12 forall a . a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3
826testdata/ 74:10-74:16 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 3 826testdata/ 74:10-74:16 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 3
827testdata/ 74:10-74:20 Float -> VecS Float 3 827testdata/ 74:10-74:20 Float -> VecS Float 3
828testdata/ 74:10-74:24 VecS Float 3 828testdata/ 74:10-74:24 VecS Float 3
829testdata/ 74:10-77:28 (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a))) 829testdata/ 74:10-77:28 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))
830testdata/ 74:13-74:16 Float 830testdata/ 74:13-74:16 Float
831testdata/ 74:17-74:20 Float 831testdata/ 74:17-74:20 Float
832testdata/ 74:21-74:24 Float 832testdata/ 74:21-74:24 Float
833testdata/ 75:9-75:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 833testdata/ 75:9-75:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3
834testdata/ 75:9-75:15 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 3 834testdata/ 75:9-75:15 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 3
835testdata/ 75:9-75:19 Float -> VecS Float 3 835testdata/ 75:9-75:19 Float -> VecS Float 3
836testdata/ 75:9-75:23 VecS Float 3 836testdata/ 75:9-75:23 VecS Float 3
837testdata/ 75:9-78:27 (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a))) 837testdata/ 75:9-78:27 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))
838testdata/ 75:12-75:15 Float 838testdata/ 75:12-75:15 Float
839testdata/ 75:16-75:19 Float 839testdata/ 75:16-75:19 Float
840testdata/ 75:20-75:23 Float 840testdata/ 75:20-75:23 Float
841testdata/ 77:10-77:12 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 841testdata/ 77:10-77:12 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
842testdata/ 77:10-77:16 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 842testdata/ 77:10-77:16 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
843testdata/ 77:10-77:20 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 843testdata/ 77:10-77:20 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
844testdata/ 77:10-77:24 Float -> VecS Float 4 844testdata/ 77:10-77:24 Float -> VecS Float 4
845testdata/ 77:10-77:28 (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Float 4 845testdata/ 77:10-77:28 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Float 4
846testdata/ 77:13-77:16 Float 846testdata/ 77:13-77:16 Float
847testdata/ 77:17-77:20 Float 847testdata/ 77:17-77:20 Float
848testdata/ 77:21-77:24 Float 848testdata/ 77:21-77:24 Float
849testdata/ 77:25-77:28 Float 849testdata/ 77:25-77:28 Float
850testdata/ 78:9-78:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 850testdata/ 78:9-78:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
851testdata/ 78:9-78:15 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 851testdata/ 78:9-78:15 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
852testdata/ 78:9-78:19 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 852testdata/ 78:9-78:19 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
853testdata/ 78:9-78:23 Float -> VecS Float 4 853testdata/ 78:9-78:23 Float -> VecS Float 4
854testdata/ 78:9-78:27 (a:Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Float 4 854testdata/ 78:9-78:27 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Float ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Float 4
855testdata/ 78:12-78:15 Float 855testdata/ 78:12-78:15 Float
856testdata/ 78:16-78:19 Float 856testdata/ 78:16-78:19 Float
857testdata/ 78:20-78:23 Float 857testdata/ 78:20-78:23 Float
858testdata/ 78:24-78:27 Float 858testdata/ 78:24-78:27 Float
859testdata/ 80:10-80:15 Bool 859testdata/ 80:10-80:15 Bool
860testdata/ 81:9-81:13 Bool 860testdata/ 81:9-81:13 Bool
861testdata/ 83:10-83:12 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 861testdata/ 83:10-83:12 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
862testdata/ 83:10-83:18 Bool -> VecS Bool 2 862testdata/ 83:10-83:18 Bool -> VecS Bool 2
863testdata/ 83:10-83:24 VecS Bool 2 863testdata/ 83:10-83:24 VecS Bool 2
864testdata/ 83:10-89:36 (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ a) 864testdata/ 83:10-89:36 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ a)
865testdata/ 83:13-83:18 Bool 865testdata/ 83:13-83:18 Bool
866testdata/ 83:19-83:24 Bool 866testdata/ 83:19-83:24 Bool
867testdata/ 84:9-84:11 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 867testdata/ 84:9-84:11 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
868testdata/ 84:9-84:16 Bool -> VecS Bool 2 868testdata/ 84:9-84:16 Bool -> VecS Bool 2
869testdata/ 84:9-84:21 VecS Bool 2 869testdata/ 84:9-84:21 VecS Bool 2
870testdata/ 84:9-90:31 (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ a) 870testdata/ 84:9-90:31 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ a)) | (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ a)
871testdata/ 84:12-84:16 Bool 871testdata/ 84:12-84:16 Bool
872testdata/ 84:17-84:21 Bool 872testdata/ 84:17-84:21 Bool
873testdata/ 86:10-86:12 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 873testdata/ 86:10-86:12 forall a . a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3
874testdata/ 86:10-86:18 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 3 874testdata/ 86:10-86:18 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 3
875testdata/ 86:10-86:24 Bool -> VecS Bool 3 875testdata/ 86:10-86:24 Bool -> VecS Bool 3
876testdata/ 86:10-86:30 VecS Bool 3 876testdata/ 86:10-86:30 VecS Bool 3
877testdata/ 86:10-89:36 (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a))) 877testdata/ 86:10-89:36 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))
878testdata/ 86:13-86:18 Bool 878testdata/ 86:13-86:18 Bool
879testdata/ 86:19-86:24 Bool 879testdata/ 86:19-86:24 Bool
880testdata/ 86:25-86:30 Bool 880testdata/ 86:25-86:30 Bool
881testdata/ 87:9-87:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 881testdata/ 87:9-87:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3
882testdata/ 87:9-87:16 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 3 882testdata/ 87:9-87:16 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 3
883testdata/ 87:9-87:21 Bool -> VecS Bool 3 883testdata/ 87:9-87:21 Bool -> VecS Bool 3
884testdata/ 87:9-87:26 VecS Bool 3 884testdata/ 87:9-87:26 VecS Bool 3
885testdata/ 87:9-90:31 (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a))) 885testdata/ 87:9-90:31 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))
886testdata/ 87:12-87:16 Bool 886testdata/ 87:12-87:16 Bool
887testdata/ 87:17-87:21 Bool 887testdata/ 87:17-87:21 Bool
888testdata/ 87:22-87:26 Bool 888testdata/ 87:22-87:26 Bool
889testdata/ 89:10-89:12 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 889testdata/ 89:10-89:12 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
890testdata/ 89:10-89:18 Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4 890testdata/ 89:10-89:18 Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4
891testdata/ 89:10-89:24 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4 891testdata/ 89:10-89:24 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4
892testdata/ 89:10-89:30 Bool -> VecS Bool 4 892testdata/ 89:10-89:30 Bool -> VecS Bool 4
893testdata/ 89:10-89:36 (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Bool 4 893testdata/ 89:10-89:36 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Bool 4
894testdata/ 89:13-89:18 Bool 894testdata/ 89:13-89:18 Bool
895testdata/ 89:19-89:24 Bool 895testdata/ 89:19-89:24 Bool
896testdata/ 89:25-89:30 Bool 896testdata/ 89:25-89:30 Bool
897testdata/ 89:31-89:36 Bool 897testdata/ 89:31-89:36 Bool
898testdata/ 90:9-90:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 898testdata/ 90:9-90:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
899testdata/ 90:9-90:16 Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4 899testdata/ 90:9-90:16 Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4
900testdata/ 90:9-90:21 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4 900testdata/ 90:9-90:21 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4
901testdata/ 90:9-90:26 Bool -> VecS Bool 4 901testdata/ 90:9-90:26 Bool -> VecS Bool 4
902testdata/ 90:9-90:31 (a:Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Bool 4 902testdata/ 90:9-90:31 (a :: Nat) -> VecS Bool ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ a)))) | VecS Bool 4
903testdata/ 90:12-90:16 Bool 903testdata/ 90:12-90:16 Bool
904testdata/ 90:17-90:21 Bool 904testdata/ 90:17-90:21 Bool
905testdata/ 90:22-90:26 Bool 905testdata/ 90:22-90:26 Bool
906testdata/ 90:27-90:31 Bool 906testdata/ 90:27-90:31 Bool
907testdata/ 92:7-92:15 Type->Type 907testdata/ 92:7-92:15 Type -> Type
908testdata/ 97:7-97:15 Type->Type 908testdata/ 97:7-97:15 Type -> Type
909testdata/ 118:1-118:8 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 909testdata/ 118:1-118:8 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
910testdata/ 118:10-118:17 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 910testdata/ 118:10-118:17 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
911testdata/ 118:19-118:26 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 911testdata/ 118:19-118:26 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
912testdata/ 118:34-118:37 Type->Type 912testdata/ 118:34-118:37 Type -> Type
913testdata/ 118:34-118:58 Type 913testdata/ 118:34-118:58 Type
914testdata/ 118:34-118:73 Type 914testdata/ 118:34-118:73 Type
915testdata/ 118:39-118:55 Type->Type 915testdata/ 118:39-118:55 Type -> Type
916testdata/ 118:39-118:57 Type 916testdata/ 118:39-118:57 Type
917testdata/ 118:56-118:57 b_ 917testdata/ 118:56-118:57 _b
918testdata/ 118:62-118:63 Type 918testdata/ 118:62-118:63 Type
919testdata/ 118:62-118:73 Type 919testdata/ 118:62-118:73 Type
920testdata/ 118:67-118:68 Type 920testdata/ 118:67-118:68 Type
921testdata/ 118:67-118:73 Type 921testdata/ 118:67-118:73 Type
922testdata/ 118:72-118:73 Type 922testdata/ 118:72-118:73 Type
923testdata/ 119:1-119:9 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : Num a} -> b -> a->b 923testdata/ 119:1-119:9 forall a b . (a ~ MatVecScalarElem b, Num a) => b -> a -> b
924testdata/ 119:11-119:19 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : Num a} -> b -> a->b 924testdata/ 119:11-119:19 forall a b . (a ~ MatVecScalarElem b, Num a) => b -> a -> b
925testdata/ 119:21-119:29 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : Num a} -> b -> a->b 925testdata/ 119:21-119:29 forall a b . (a ~ MatVecScalarElem b, Num a) => b -> a -> b
926testdata/ 119:34-119:80 Type 926testdata/ 119:34-119:80 Type
927testdata/ 119:35-119:36 e_ 927testdata/ 119:35-119:36 _e
928testdata/ 119:35-119:38 d_->Type 928testdata/ 119:35-119:38 _d -> Type
929testdata/ 119:35-119:57 Type 929testdata/ 119:35-119:57 Type
930testdata/ 119:37-119:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 930testdata/ 119:37-119:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
931testdata/ 119:39-119:55 Type->Type 931testdata/ 119:39-119:55 Type -> Type
932testdata/ 119:39-119:57 Type 932testdata/ 119:39-119:57 Type
933testdata/ 119:56-119:57 b_ 933testdata/ 119:56-119:57 _b
934testdata/ 119:59-119:62 Type->Type 934testdata/ 119:59-119:62 Type -> Type
935testdata/ 119:59-119:64 Type 935testdata/ 119:59-119:64 Type
936testdata/ 119:59-119:80 Type 936testdata/ 119:59-119:80 Type
937testdata/ 119:63-119:64 Type 937testdata/ 119:63-119:64 Type
@@ -940,143 +940,143 @@ testdata/ 119:69-119:80 Type
940testdata/ 119:74-119:75 Type 940testdata/ 119:74-119:75 Type
941testdata/ 119:74-119:80 Type 941testdata/ 119:74-119:80 Type
942testdata/ 119:79-119:80 Type 942testdata/ 119:79-119:80 Type
943testdata/ 120:1-120:8 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 943testdata/ 120:1-120:8 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
944testdata/ 120:10-120:17 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 944testdata/ 120:10-120:17 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
945testdata/ 120:34-120:75 Type 945testdata/ 120:34-120:75 Type
946testdata/ 120:35-120:38 Type->Type 946testdata/ 120:35-120:38 Type -> Type
947testdata/ 120:35-120:40 Type 947testdata/ 120:35-120:40 Type
948testdata/ 120:39-120:40 f_ 948testdata/ 120:39-120:40 _f
949testdata/ 120:42-120:43 f_ 949testdata/ 120:42-120:43 _f
950testdata/ 120:42-120:45 e_->Type 950testdata/ 120:42-120:45 _e -> Type
951testdata/ 120:42-120:59 Type 951testdata/ 120:42-120:59 Type
952testdata/ 120:42-120:75 Type 952testdata/ 120:42-120:75 Type
953testdata/ 120:44-120:45 {a} -> a -> a->Type 953testdata/ 120:44-120:45 forall a . a -> a -> Type
954testdata/ 120:46-120:55 Nat -> Type->Type 954testdata/ 120:46-120:55 Nat -> Type -> Type
955testdata/ 120:46-120:57 Type->Type 955testdata/ 120:46-120:57 Type -> Type
956testdata/ 120:46-120:59 Type 956testdata/ 120:46-120:59 Type
957testdata/ 120:56-120:57 c_ 957testdata/ 120:56-120:57 _c
958testdata/ 120:58-120:59 Type 958testdata/ 120:58-120:59 Type
959testdata/ 120:64-120:65 Type 959testdata/ 120:64-120:65 Type
960testdata/ 120:64-120:75 Type 960testdata/ 120:64-120:75 Type
961testdata/ 120:69-120:70 Type 961testdata/ 120:69-120:70 Type
962testdata/ 120:69-120:75 Type 962testdata/ 120:69-120:75 Type
963testdata/ 120:74-120:75 Type 963testdata/ 120:74-120:75 Type
964testdata/ 121:1-121:9 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 964testdata/ 121:1-121:9 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
965testdata/ 121:11-121:19 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 965testdata/ 121:11-121:19 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
966testdata/ 121:34-121:75 Type 966testdata/ 121:34-121:75 Type
967testdata/ 121:35-121:38 Type->Type 967testdata/ 121:35-121:38 Type -> Type
968testdata/ 121:35-121:40 Type 968testdata/ 121:35-121:40 Type
969testdata/ 121:39-121:40 f_ 969testdata/ 121:39-121:40 _f
970testdata/ 121:42-121:43 f_ 970testdata/ 121:42-121:43 _f
971testdata/ 121:42-121:45 e_->Type 971testdata/ 121:42-121:45 _e -> Type
972testdata/ 121:42-121:59 Type 972testdata/ 121:42-121:59 Type
973testdata/ 121:42-121:75 Type 973testdata/ 121:42-121:75 Type
974testdata/ 121:44-121:45 {a} -> a -> a->Type 974testdata/ 121:44-121:45 forall a . a -> a -> Type
975testdata/ 121:46-121:55 Nat -> Type->Type 975testdata/ 121:46-121:55 Nat -> Type -> Type
976testdata/ 121:46-121:57 Type->Type 976testdata/ 121:46-121:57 Type -> Type
977testdata/ 121:46-121:59 Type 977testdata/ 121:46-121:59 Type
978testdata/ 121:56-121:57 c_ 978testdata/ 121:56-121:57 _c
979testdata/ 121:58-121:59 Type 979testdata/ 121:58-121:59 Type
980testdata/ 121:64-121:65 Type 980testdata/ 121:64-121:65 Type
981testdata/ 121:64-121:75 Type 981testdata/ 121:64-121:75 Type
982testdata/ 121:69-121:70 Type 982testdata/ 121:69-121:70 Type
983testdata/ 121:69-121:75 Type 983testdata/ 121:69-121:75 Type
984testdata/ 121:74-121:75 Type 984testdata/ 121:74-121:75 Type
985testdata/ 122:1-122:8 {a} -> {_ : Signed (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a->a 985testdata/ 122:1-122:8 forall a . Signed (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a
986testdata/ 122:34-122:40 Type->Type 986testdata/ 122:34-122:40 Type -> Type
987testdata/ 122:34-122:61 Type 987testdata/ 122:34-122:61 Type
988testdata/ 122:34-122:71 Type 988testdata/ 122:34-122:71 Type
989testdata/ 122:42-122:58 Type->Type 989testdata/ 122:42-122:58 Type -> Type
990testdata/ 122:42-122:60 Type 990testdata/ 122:42-122:60 Type
991testdata/ 122:59-122:60 b_ 991testdata/ 122:59-122:60 _b
992testdata/ 122:65-122:66 Type 992testdata/ 122:65-122:66 Type
993testdata/ 122:65-122:71 Type 993testdata/ 122:65-122:71 Type
994testdata/ 122:70-122:71 Type 994testdata/ 122:70-122:71 Type
995testdata/ 124:1-124:9 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 995testdata/ 124:1-124:9 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
996testdata/ 124:11-124:18 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 996testdata/ 124:11-124:18 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
997testdata/ 124:20-124:28 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 997testdata/ 124:20-124:28 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
998testdata/ 124:34-124:80 Type 998testdata/ 124:34-124:80 Type
999testdata/ 124:35-124:43 Type->Type 999testdata/ 124:35-124:43 Type -> Type
1000testdata/ 124:35-124:45 Type 1000testdata/ 124:35-124:45 Type
1001testdata/ 124:44-124:45 f_ 1001testdata/ 124:44-124:45 _f
1002testdata/ 124:47-124:48 f_ 1002testdata/ 124:47-124:48 _f
1003testdata/ 124:47-124:50 e_->Type 1003testdata/ 124:47-124:50 _e -> Type
1004testdata/ 124:47-124:64 Type 1004testdata/ 124:47-124:64 Type
1005testdata/ 124:47-124:80 Type 1005testdata/ 124:47-124:80 Type
1006testdata/ 124:49-124:50 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1006testdata/ 124:49-124:50 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1007testdata/ 124:51-124:60 Nat -> Type->Type 1007testdata/ 124:51-124:60 Nat -> Type -> Type
1008testdata/ 124:51-124:62 Type->Type 1008testdata/ 124:51-124:62 Type -> Type
1009testdata/ 124:51-124:64 Type 1009testdata/ 124:51-124:64 Type
1010testdata/ 124:61-124:62 c_ 1010testdata/ 124:61-124:62 _c
1011testdata/ 124:63-124:64 Type 1011testdata/ 124:63-124:64 Type
1012testdata/ 124:69-124:70 Type 1012testdata/ 124:69-124:70 Type
1013testdata/ 124:69-124:80 Type 1013testdata/ 124:69-124:80 Type
1014testdata/ 124:74-124:75 Type 1014testdata/ 124:74-124:75 Type
1015testdata/ 124:74-124:80 Type 1015testdata/ 124:74-124:80 Type
1016testdata/ 124:79-124:80 Type 1016testdata/ 124:79-124:80 Type
1017testdata/ 125:1-125:10 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1017testdata/ 125:1-125:10 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1018testdata/ 125:12-125:20 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1018testdata/ 125:12-125:20 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1019testdata/ 125:22-125:31 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1019testdata/ 125:22-125:31 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1020testdata/ 125:34-125:80 Type 1020testdata/ 125:34-125:80 Type
1021testdata/ 125:35-125:43 Type->Type 1021testdata/ 125:35-125:43 Type -> Type
1022testdata/ 125:35-125:45 Type 1022testdata/ 125:35-125:45 Type
1023testdata/ 125:44-125:45 f_ 1023testdata/ 125:44-125:45 _f
1024testdata/ 125:47-125:48 f_ 1024testdata/ 125:47-125:48 _f
1025testdata/ 125:47-125:50 e_->Type 1025testdata/ 125:47-125:50 _e -> Type
1026testdata/ 125:47-125:64 Type 1026testdata/ 125:47-125:64 Type
1027testdata/ 125:47-125:80 Type 1027testdata/ 125:47-125:80 Type
1028testdata/ 125:49-125:50 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1028testdata/ 125:49-125:50 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1029testdata/ 125:51-125:60 Nat -> Type->Type 1029testdata/ 125:51-125:60 Nat -> Type -> Type
1030testdata/ 125:51-125:62 Type->Type 1030testdata/ 125:51-125:62 Type -> Type
1031testdata/ 125:51-125:64 Type 1031testdata/ 125:51-125:64 Type
1032testdata/ 125:61-125:62 c_ 1032testdata/ 125:61-125:62 _c
1033testdata/ 125:63-125:64 Type 1033testdata/ 125:63-125:64 Type
1034testdata/ 125:69-125:70 Type 1034testdata/ 125:69-125:70 Type
1035testdata/ 125:69-125:80 Type 1035testdata/ 125:69-125:80 Type
1036testdata/ 125:74-125:75 Type 1036testdata/ 125:74-125:75 Type
1037testdata/ 125:74-125:80 Type 1037testdata/ 125:74-125:80 Type
1038testdata/ 125:79-125:80 Type 1038testdata/ 125:79-125:80 Type
1039testdata/ 126:1-126:9 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 1039testdata/ 126:1-126:9 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
1040testdata/ 126:34-126:75 Type 1040testdata/ 126:34-126:75 Type
1041testdata/ 126:35-126:43 Type->Type 1041testdata/ 126:35-126:43 Type -> Type
1042testdata/ 126:35-126:45 Type 1042testdata/ 126:35-126:45 Type
1043testdata/ 126:44-126:45 f_ 1043testdata/ 126:44-126:45 _f
1044testdata/ 126:47-126:48 f_ 1044testdata/ 126:47-126:48 _f
1045testdata/ 126:47-126:50 e_->Type 1045testdata/ 126:47-126:50 _e -> Type
1046testdata/ 126:47-126:64 Type 1046testdata/ 126:47-126:64 Type
1047testdata/ 126:47-126:75 Type 1047testdata/ 126:47-126:75 Type
1048testdata/ 126:49-126:50 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1048testdata/ 126:49-126:50 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1049testdata/ 126:51-126:60 Nat -> Type->Type 1049testdata/ 126:51-126:60 Nat -> Type -> Type
1050testdata/ 126:51-126:62 Type->Type 1050testdata/ 126:51-126:62 Type -> Type
1051testdata/ 126:51-126:64 Type 1051testdata/ 126:51-126:64 Type
1052testdata/ 126:61-126:62 c_ 1052testdata/ 126:61-126:62 _c
1053testdata/ 126:63-126:64 Type 1053testdata/ 126:63-126:64 Type
1054testdata/ 126:69-126:70 Type 1054testdata/ 126:69-126:70 Type
1055testdata/ 126:69-126:75 Type 1055testdata/ 126:69-126:75 Type
1056testdata/ 126:74-126:75 Type 1056testdata/ 126:74-126:75 Type
1057testdata/ 127:1-127:12 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar c Word} -> b -> d->b 1057testdata/ 127:1-127:12 forall a b (c :: Nat) d . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a, d ~ VecScalar c Word) => b -> d -> b
1058testdata/ 127:14-127:25 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar c Word} -> b -> d->b 1058testdata/ 127:14-127:25 forall a b (c :: Nat) d . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a, d ~ VecScalar c Word) => b -> d -> b
1059testdata/ 127:34-127:102 Type 1059testdata/ 127:34-127:102 Type
1060testdata/ 127:35-127:43 Type->Type 1060testdata/ 127:35-127:43 Type -> Type
1061testdata/ 127:35-127:45 Type 1061testdata/ 127:35-127:45 Type
1062testdata/ 127:44-127:45 h_ 1062testdata/ 127:44-127:45 _h
1063testdata/ 127:47-127:48 h_ 1063testdata/ 127:47-127:48 _h
1064testdata/ 127:47-127:50 g_->Type 1064testdata/ 127:47-127:50 _g -> Type
1065testdata/ 127:47-127:64 Type 1065testdata/ 127:47-127:64 Type
1066testdata/ 127:47-127:102 Type 1066testdata/ 127:47-127:102 Type
1067testdata/ 127:49-127:50 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1067testdata/ 127:49-127:50 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1068testdata/ 127:51-127:60 Nat -> Type->Type 1068testdata/ 127:51-127:60 Nat -> Type -> Type
1069testdata/ 127:51-127:62 Type->Type 1069testdata/ 127:51-127:62 Type -> Type
1070testdata/ 127:51-127:64 Type 1070testdata/ 127:51-127:64 Type
1071testdata/ 127:61-127:62 e_ 1071testdata/ 127:61-127:62 _e
1072testdata/ 127:63-127:64 Type 1072testdata/ 127:63-127:64 Type
1073testdata/ 127:66-127:67 e_ 1073testdata/ 127:66-127:67 _e
1074testdata/ 127:66-127:69 d_->Type 1074testdata/ 127:66-127:69 _d -> Type
1075testdata/ 127:66-127:86 Type 1075testdata/ 127:66-127:86 Type
1076testdata/ 127:66-127:102 Type 1076testdata/ 127:66-127:102 Type
1077testdata/ 127:68-127:69 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1077testdata/ 127:68-127:69 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1078testdata/ 127:70-127:79 Nat -> Type->Type 1078testdata/ 127:70-127:79 Nat -> Type -> Type
1079testdata/ 127:70-127:81 Type->Type 1079testdata/ 127:70-127:81 Type -> Type
1080testdata/ 127:70-127:86 Type 1080testdata/ 127:70-127:86 Type
1081testdata/ 127:80-127:81 Nat 1081testdata/ 127:80-127:81 Nat
1082testdata/ 127:82-127:86 Type 1082testdata/ 127:82-127:86 Type
@@ -1085,222 +1085,222 @@ testdata/ 127:91-127:102 Type
1085testdata/ 127:96-127:97 Type 1085testdata/ 127:96-127:97 Type
1086testdata/ 127:96-127:102 Type 1086testdata/ 127:96-127:102 Type
1087testdata/ 127:101-127:102 Type 1087testdata/ 127:101-127:102 Type
1088testdata/ 128:1-128:13 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> Word->b 1088testdata/ 128:1-128:13 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> Word -> b
1089testdata/ 128:15-128:27 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> Word->b 1089testdata/ 128:15-128:27 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> Word -> b
1090testdata/ 128:34-128:83 Type 1090testdata/ 128:34-128:83 Type
1091testdata/ 128:35-128:43 Type->Type 1091testdata/ 128:35-128:43 Type -> Type
1092testdata/ 128:35-128:45 Type 1092testdata/ 128:35-128:45 Type
1093testdata/ 128:44-128:45 f_ 1093testdata/ 128:44-128:45 _f
1094testdata/ 128:47-128:48 f_ 1094testdata/ 128:47-128:48 _f
1095testdata/ 128:47-128:50 e_->Type 1095testdata/ 128:47-128:50 _e -> Type
1096testdata/ 128:47-128:64 Type 1096testdata/ 128:47-128:64 Type
1097testdata/ 128:47-128:83 Type 1097testdata/ 128:47-128:83 Type
1098testdata/ 128:49-128:50 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1098testdata/ 128:49-128:50 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1099testdata/ 128:51-128:60 Nat -> Type->Type 1099testdata/ 128:51-128:60 Nat -> Type -> Type
1100testdata/ 128:51-128:62 Type->Type 1100testdata/ 128:51-128:62 Type -> Type
1101testdata/ 128:51-128:64 Type 1101testdata/ 128:51-128:64 Type
1102testdata/ 128:61-128:62 c_ 1102testdata/ 128:61-128:62 _c
1103testdata/ 128:63-128:64 Type 1103testdata/ 128:63-128:64 Type
1104testdata/ 128:69-128:70 Type 1104testdata/ 128:69-128:70 Type
1105testdata/ 128:69-128:83 Type 1105testdata/ 128:69-128:83 Type
1106testdata/ 128:74-128:78 Type 1106testdata/ 128:74-128:78 Type
1107testdata/ 128:74-128:83 Type 1107testdata/ 128:74-128:83 Type
1108testdata/ 128:82-128:83 Type 1108testdata/ 128:82-128:83 Type
1109testdata/ 130:1-130:8 Bool -> Bool->Bool 1109testdata/ 130:1-130:8 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
1110testdata/ 130:10-130:16 Bool -> Bool->Bool 1110testdata/ 130:10-130:16 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
1111testdata/ 130:18-130:25 Bool -> Bool->Bool 1111testdata/ 130:18-130:25 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
1112testdata/ 130:34-130:38 Type 1112testdata/ 130:34-130:38 Type
1113testdata/ 130:42-130:46 Type 1113testdata/ 130:42-130:46 Type
1114testdata/ 130:42-130:54 Type 1114testdata/ 130:42-130:54 Type
1115testdata/ 130:50-130:54 Type 1115testdata/ 130:50-130:54 Type
1116testdata/ 131:1-131:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->a 1116testdata/ 131:1-131:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a
1117testdata/ 131:47-131:79 Type 1117testdata/ 131:47-131:79 Type
1118testdata/ 131:48-131:49 e_ 1118testdata/ 131:48-131:49 _e
1119testdata/ 131:48-131:51 d_->Type 1119testdata/ 131:48-131:51 _d -> Type
1120testdata/ 131:48-131:68 Type 1120testdata/ 131:48-131:68 Type
1121testdata/ 131:50-131:51 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1121testdata/ 131:50-131:51 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1122testdata/ 131:52-131:61 Nat -> Type->Type 1122testdata/ 131:52-131:61 Nat -> Type -> Type
1123testdata/ 131:52-131:63 Type->Type 1123testdata/ 131:52-131:63 Type -> Type
1124testdata/ 131:52-131:68 Type 1124testdata/ 131:52-131:68 Type
1125testdata/ 131:62-131:63 b_ 1125testdata/ 131:62-131:63 _b
1126testdata/ 131:64-131:68 Type 1126testdata/ 131:64-131:68 Type
1127testdata/ 131:73-131:74 Type 1127testdata/ 131:73-131:74 Type
1128testdata/ 131:73-131:79 Type 1128testdata/ 131:73-131:79 Type
1129testdata/ 131:78-131:79 Type 1129testdata/ 131:78-131:79 Type
1130testdata/ 132:1-132:8 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> Bool 1130testdata/ 132:1-132:8 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> Bool
1131testdata/ 132:10-132:17 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> Bool 1131testdata/ 132:10-132:17 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> Bool
1132testdata/ 132:34-132:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1132testdata/ 132:34-132:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1133testdata/ 132:34-132:45 Type->Type 1133testdata/ 132:34-132:45 Type -> Type
1134testdata/ 132:34-132:50 Type 1134testdata/ 132:34-132:50 Type
1135testdata/ 132:34-132:58 Type 1135testdata/ 132:34-132:58 Type
1136testdata/ 132:44-132:45 b_ 1136testdata/ 132:44-132:45 _b
1137testdata/ 132:46-132:50 Type 1137testdata/ 132:46-132:50 Type
1138testdata/ 132:54-132:58 Type 1138testdata/ 132:54-132:58 Type
1139testdata/ 135:1-135:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1139testdata/ 135:1-135:9 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1140testdata/ 135:11-135:20 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1140testdata/ 135:11-135:20 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1141testdata/ 135:22-135:30 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1141testdata/ 135:22-135:30 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1142testdata/ 135:32-135:41 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1142testdata/ 135:32-135:41 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1143testdata/ 135:43-135:51 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1143testdata/ 135:43-135:51 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1144testdata/ 135:53-135:62 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1144testdata/ 135:53-135:62 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1145testdata/ 135:64-135:71 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1145testdata/ 135:64-135:71 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1146testdata/ 135:73-135:81 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1146testdata/ 135:73-135:81 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1147testdata/ 135:83-135:94 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1147testdata/ 135:83-135:94 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1148testdata/ 135:96-135:107 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1148testdata/ 135:96-135:107 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1149testdata/ 135:109-135:116 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1149testdata/ 135:109-135:116 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1150testdata/ 135:118-135:126 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1150testdata/ 135:118-135:126 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1151testdata/ 135:128-135:135 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1151testdata/ 135:128-135:135 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1152testdata/ 135:137-135:145 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1152testdata/ 135:137-135:145 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1153testdata/ 135:147-135:154 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1153testdata/ 135:147-135:154 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1154testdata/ 135:156-135:163 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1154testdata/ 135:156-135:163 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1155testdata/ 135:165-135:173 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1155testdata/ 135:165-135:173 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1156testdata/ 135:175-135:183 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1156testdata/ 135:175-135:183 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1157testdata/ 135:185-135:193 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1157testdata/ 135:185-135:193 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1158testdata/ 135:195-135:206 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1158testdata/ 135:195-135:206 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1159testdata/ 136:34-136:67 Type 1159testdata/ 136:34-136:67 Type
1160testdata/ 136:35-136:36 e_ 1160testdata/ 136:35-136:36 _e
1161testdata/ 136:35-136:38 d_->Type 1161testdata/ 136:35-136:38 _d -> Type
1162testdata/ 136:35-136:56 Type 1162testdata/ 136:35-136:56 Type
1163testdata/ 136:37-136:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1163testdata/ 136:37-136:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1164testdata/ 136:39-136:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1164testdata/ 136:39-136:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1165testdata/ 136:39-136:50 Type->Type 1165testdata/ 136:39-136:50 Type -> Type
1166testdata/ 136:39-136:56 Type 1166testdata/ 136:39-136:56 Type
1167testdata/ 136:49-136:50 b_ 1167testdata/ 136:49-136:50 _b
1168testdata/ 136:51-136:56 Type 1168testdata/ 136:51-136:56 Type
1169testdata/ 136:61-136:62 Type 1169testdata/ 136:61-136:62 Type
1170testdata/ 136:61-136:67 Type 1170testdata/ 136:61-136:67 Type
1171testdata/ 136:66-136:67 Type 1171testdata/ 136:66-136:67 Type
1172testdata/ 137:1-137:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 1172testdata/ 137:1-137:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
1173testdata/ 137:10-137:19 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 1173testdata/ 137:10-137:19 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
1174testdata/ 137:34-137:72 Type 1174testdata/ 137:34-137:72 Type
1175testdata/ 137:35-137:36 e_ 1175testdata/ 137:35-137:36 _e
1176testdata/ 137:35-137:38 d_->Type 1176testdata/ 137:35-137:38 _d -> Type
1177testdata/ 137:35-137:56 Type 1177testdata/ 137:35-137:56 Type
1178testdata/ 137:37-137:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1178testdata/ 137:37-137:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1179testdata/ 137:39-137:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1179testdata/ 137:39-137:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1180testdata/ 137:39-137:50 Type->Type 1180testdata/ 137:39-137:50 Type -> Type
1181testdata/ 137:39-137:56 Type 1181testdata/ 137:39-137:56 Type
1182testdata/ 137:49-137:50 b_ 1182testdata/ 137:49-137:50 _b
1183testdata/ 137:51-137:56 Type 1183testdata/ 137:51-137:56 Type
1184testdata/ 137:61-137:62 Type 1184testdata/ 137:61-137:62 Type
1185testdata/ 137:61-137:72 Type 1185testdata/ 137:61-137:72 Type
1186testdata/ 137:66-137:67 Type 1186testdata/ 137:66-137:67 Type
1187testdata/ 137:66-137:72 Type 1187testdata/ 137:66-137:72 Type
1188testdata/ 137:71-137:72 Type 1188testdata/ 137:71-137:72 Type
1189testdata/ 139:1-139:10 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1189testdata/ 139:1-139:10 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1190testdata/ 139:12-139:21 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1190testdata/ 139:12-139:21 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1191testdata/ 139:23-139:32 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1191testdata/ 139:23-139:32 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1192testdata/ 139:34-139:47 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1192testdata/ 139:34-139:47 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1193testdata/ 139:49-139:57 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1193testdata/ 139:49-139:57 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1194testdata/ 139:59-139:68 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1194testdata/ 139:59-139:68 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1195testdata/ 140:34-140:67 Type 1195testdata/ 140:34-140:67 Type
1196testdata/ 140:35-140:36 e_ 1196testdata/ 140:35-140:36 _e
1197testdata/ 140:35-140:38 d_->Type 1197testdata/ 140:35-140:38 _d -> Type
1198testdata/ 140:35-140:56 Type 1198testdata/ 140:35-140:56 Type
1199testdata/ 140:37-140:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1199testdata/ 140:37-140:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1200testdata/ 140:39-140:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1200testdata/ 140:39-140:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1201testdata/ 140:39-140:50 Type->Type 1201testdata/ 140:39-140:50 Type -> Type
1202testdata/ 140:39-140:56 Type 1202testdata/ 140:39-140:56 Type
1203testdata/ 140:49-140:50 b_ 1203testdata/ 140:49-140:50 _b
1204testdata/ 140:51-140:56 Type 1204testdata/ 140:51-140:56 Type
1205testdata/ 140:61-140:62 Type 1205testdata/ 140:61-140:62 Type
1206testdata/ 140:61-140:67 Type 1206testdata/ 140:61-140:67 Type
1207testdata/ 140:66-140:67 Type 1207testdata/ 140:66-140:67 Type
1208testdata/ 141:1-141:8 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 1208testdata/ 141:1-141:8 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
1209testdata/ 141:10-141:17 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 1209testdata/ 141:10-141:17 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
1210testdata/ 141:34-141:75 Type 1210testdata/ 141:34-141:75 Type
1211testdata/ 141:35-141:38 Type->Type 1211testdata/ 141:35-141:38 Type -> Type
1212testdata/ 141:35-141:40 Type 1212testdata/ 141:35-141:40 Type
1213testdata/ 141:39-141:40 f_ 1213testdata/ 141:39-141:40 _f
1214testdata/ 141:42-141:43 f_ 1214testdata/ 141:42-141:43 _f
1215testdata/ 141:42-141:45 e_->Type 1215testdata/ 141:42-141:45 _e -> Type
1216testdata/ 141:42-141:59 Type 1216testdata/ 141:42-141:59 Type
1217testdata/ 141:42-141:75 Type 1217testdata/ 141:42-141:75 Type
1218testdata/ 141:44-141:45 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1218testdata/ 141:44-141:45 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1219testdata/ 141:46-141:55 Nat -> Type->Type 1219testdata/ 141:46-141:55 Nat -> Type -> Type
1220testdata/ 141:46-141:57 Type->Type 1220testdata/ 141:46-141:57 Type -> Type
1221testdata/ 141:46-141:59 Type 1221testdata/ 141:46-141:59 Type
1222testdata/ 141:56-141:57 c_ 1222testdata/ 141:56-141:57 _c
1223testdata/ 141:58-141:59 Type 1223testdata/ 141:58-141:59 Type
1224testdata/ 141:64-141:65 Type 1224testdata/ 141:64-141:65 Type
1225testdata/ 141:64-141:75 Type 1225testdata/ 141:64-141:75 Type
1226testdata/ 141:69-141:70 Type 1226testdata/ 141:69-141:70 Type
1227testdata/ 141:69-141:75 Type 1227testdata/ 141:69-141:75 Type
1228testdata/ 141:74-141:75 Type 1228testdata/ 141:74-141:75 Type
1229testdata/ 142:1-142:9 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1229testdata/ 142:1-142:9 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1230testdata/ 142:11-142:19 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1230testdata/ 142:11-142:19 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1231testdata/ 142:34-142:75 Type 1231testdata/ 142:34-142:75 Type
1232testdata/ 142:35-142:38 Type->Type 1232testdata/ 142:35-142:38 Type -> Type
1233testdata/ 142:35-142:40 Type 1233testdata/ 142:35-142:40 Type
1234testdata/ 142:39-142:40 f_ 1234testdata/ 142:39-142:40 _f
1235testdata/ 142:42-142:43 f_ 1235testdata/ 142:42-142:43 _f
1236testdata/ 142:42-142:45 e_->Type 1236testdata/ 142:42-142:45 _e -> Type
1237testdata/ 142:42-142:59 Type 1237testdata/ 142:42-142:59 Type
1238testdata/ 142:42-142:75 Type 1238testdata/ 142:42-142:75 Type
1239testdata/ 142:44-142:45 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1239testdata/ 142:44-142:45 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1240testdata/ 142:46-142:55 Nat -> Type->Type 1240testdata/ 142:46-142:55 Nat -> Type -> Type
1241testdata/ 142:46-142:57 Type->Type 1241testdata/ 142:46-142:57 Type -> Type
1242testdata/ 142:46-142:59 Type 1242testdata/ 142:46-142:59 Type
1243testdata/ 142:56-142:57 c_ 1243testdata/ 142:56-142:57 _c
1244testdata/ 142:58-142:59 Type 1244testdata/ 142:58-142:59 Type
1245testdata/ 142:64-142:65 Type 1245testdata/ 142:64-142:65 Type
1246testdata/ 142:64-142:75 Type 1246testdata/ 142:64-142:75 Type
1247testdata/ 142:69-142:70 Type 1247testdata/ 142:69-142:70 Type
1248testdata/ 142:69-142:75 Type 1248testdata/ 142:69-142:75 Type
1249testdata/ 142:74-142:75 Type 1249testdata/ 142:74-142:75 Type
1250testdata/ 143:1-143:10 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->c 1250testdata/ 143:1-143:10 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> c
1251testdata/ 143:12-143:21 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->c 1251testdata/ 143:12-143:21 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> c
1252testdata/ 143:34-143:89 Type 1252testdata/ 143:34-143:89 Type
1253testdata/ 143:35-143:36 g_ 1253testdata/ 143:35-143:36 _g
1254testdata/ 143:35-143:38 f_->Type 1254testdata/ 143:35-143:38 _f -> Type
1255testdata/ 143:35-143:56 Type 1255testdata/ 143:35-143:56 Type
1256testdata/ 143:37-143:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1256testdata/ 143:37-143:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1257testdata/ 143:39-143:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1257testdata/ 143:39-143:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1258testdata/ 143:39-143:50 Type->Type 1258testdata/ 143:39-143:50 Type -> Type
1259testdata/ 143:39-143:56 Type 1259testdata/ 143:39-143:56 Type
1260testdata/ 143:49-143:50 d_ 1260testdata/ 143:49-143:50 _d
1261testdata/ 143:51-143:56 Type 1261testdata/ 143:51-143:56 Type
1262testdata/ 143:58-143:59 d_ 1262testdata/ 143:58-143:59 _d
1263testdata/ 143:58-143:61 c_->Type 1263testdata/ 143:58-143:61 _c -> Type
1264testdata/ 143:58-143:78 Type 1264testdata/ 143:58-143:78 Type
1265testdata/ 143:58-143:89 Type 1265testdata/ 143:58-143:89 Type
1266testdata/ 143:60-143:61 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1266testdata/ 143:60-143:61 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1267testdata/ 143:62-143:71 Nat -> Type->Type 1267testdata/ 143:62-143:71 Nat -> Type -> Type
1268testdata/ 143:62-143:73 Type->Type 1268testdata/ 143:62-143:73 Type -> Type
1269testdata/ 143:62-143:78 Type 1269testdata/ 143:62-143:78 Type
1270testdata/ 143:72-143:73 Nat 1270testdata/ 143:72-143:73 Nat
1271testdata/ 143:74-143:78 Type 1271testdata/ 143:74-143:78 Type
1272testdata/ 143:83-143:84 Type 1272testdata/ 143:83-143:84 Type
1273testdata/ 143:83-143:89 Type 1273testdata/ 143:83-143:89 Type
1274testdata/ 143:88-143:89 Type 1274testdata/ 143:88-143:89 Type
1275testdata/ 144:1-144:8 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 1275testdata/ 144:1-144:8 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Signed a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
1276testdata/ 144:10-144:18 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 1276testdata/ 144:10-144:18 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Signed a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
1277testdata/ 144:34-144:73 Type 1277testdata/ 144:34-144:73 Type
1278testdata/ 144:35-144:41 Type->Type 1278testdata/ 144:35-144:41 Type -> Type
1279testdata/ 144:35-144:43 Type 1279testdata/ 144:35-144:43 Type
1280testdata/ 144:42-144:43 f_ 1280testdata/ 144:42-144:43 _f
1281testdata/ 144:45-144:46 f_ 1281testdata/ 144:45-144:46 _f
1282testdata/ 144:45-144:48 e_->Type 1282testdata/ 144:45-144:48 _e -> Type
1283testdata/ 144:45-144:62 Type 1283testdata/ 144:45-144:62 Type
1284testdata/ 144:45-144:73 Type 1284testdata/ 144:45-144:73 Type
1285testdata/ 144:47-144:48 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1285testdata/ 144:47-144:48 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1286testdata/ 144:49-144:58 Nat -> Type->Type 1286testdata/ 144:49-144:58 Nat -> Type -> Type
1287testdata/ 144:49-144:60 Type->Type 1287testdata/ 144:49-144:60 Type -> Type
1288testdata/ 144:49-144:62 Type 1288testdata/ 144:49-144:62 Type
1289testdata/ 144:59-144:60 c_ 1289testdata/ 144:59-144:60 _c
1290testdata/ 144:61-144:62 Type 1290testdata/ 144:61-144:62 Type
1291testdata/ 144:67-144:68 Type 1291testdata/ 144:67-144:68 Type
1292testdata/ 144:67-144:73 Type 1292testdata/ 144:67-144:73 Type
1293testdata/ 144:72-144:73 Type 1293testdata/ 144:72-144:73 Type
1294testdata/ 145:1-145:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->(a, a) 1294testdata/ 145:1-145:9 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> (a, a)
1295testdata/ 145:34-145:72 Type 1295testdata/ 145:34-145:72 Type
1296testdata/ 145:35-145:36 e_ 1296testdata/ 145:35-145:36 _e
1297testdata/ 145:35-145:38 d_->Type 1297testdata/ 145:35-145:38 _d -> Type
1298testdata/ 145:35-145:56 Type 1298testdata/ 145:35-145:56 Type
1299testdata/ 145:37-145:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1299testdata/ 145:37-145:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1300testdata/ 145:39-145:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1300testdata/ 145:39-145:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1301testdata/ 145:39-145:50 Type->Type 1301testdata/ 145:39-145:50 Type -> Type
1302testdata/ 145:39-145:56 Type 1302testdata/ 145:39-145:56 Type
1303testdata/ 145:49-145:50 b_ 1303testdata/ 145:49-145:50 _b
1304testdata/ 145:51-145:56 Type 1304testdata/ 145:51-145:56 Type
1305testdata/ 145:61-145:62 Type 1305testdata/ 145:61-145:62 Type
1306testdata/ 145:61-145:72 Type 1306testdata/ 145:61-145:72 Type
@@ -1308,20 +1308,20 @@ testdata/ 145:66-145:72 Type
1308testdata/ 145:67-145:68 Type 1308testdata/ 145:67-145:68 Type
1309testdata/ 145:67-145:71 List Type 1309testdata/ 145:67-145:71 List Type
1310testdata/ 145:70-145:71 List Type | Type 1310testdata/ 145:70-145:71 List Type | Type
1311testdata/ 146:1-146:10 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b -> b->b 1311testdata/ 146:1-146:10 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b -> b
1312testdata/ 146:34-146:80 Type 1312testdata/ 146:34-146:80 Type
1313testdata/ 146:35-146:38 Type->Type 1313testdata/ 146:35-146:38 Type -> Type
1314testdata/ 146:35-146:40 Type 1314testdata/ 146:35-146:40 Type
1315testdata/ 146:39-146:40 f_ 1315testdata/ 146:39-146:40 _f
1316testdata/ 146:42-146:43 f_ 1316testdata/ 146:42-146:43 _f
1317testdata/ 146:42-146:45 e_->Type 1317testdata/ 146:42-146:45 _e -> Type
1318testdata/ 146:42-146:59 Type 1318testdata/ 146:42-146:59 Type
1319testdata/ 146:42-146:80 Type 1319testdata/ 146:42-146:80 Type
1320testdata/ 146:44-146:45 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1320testdata/ 146:44-146:45 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1321testdata/ 146:46-146:55 Nat -> Type->Type 1321testdata/ 146:46-146:55 Nat -> Type -> Type
1322testdata/ 146:46-146:57 Type->Type 1322testdata/ 146:46-146:57 Type -> Type
1323testdata/ 146:46-146:59 Type 1323testdata/ 146:46-146:59 Type
1324testdata/ 146:56-146:57 c_ 1324testdata/ 146:56-146:57 _c
1325testdata/ 146:58-146:59 Type 1325testdata/ 146:58-146:59 Type
1326testdata/ 146:64-146:65 Type 1326testdata/ 146:64-146:65 Type
1327testdata/ 146:64-146:80 Type 1327testdata/ 146:64-146:80 Type
@@ -1330,20 +1330,20 @@ testdata/ 146:69-146:80 Type
1330testdata/ 146:74-146:75 Type 1330testdata/ 146:74-146:75 Type
1331testdata/ 146:74-146:80 Type 1331testdata/ 146:74-146:80 Type
1332testdata/ 146:79-146:80 Type 1332testdata/ 146:79-146:80 Type
1333testdata/ 147:1-147:11 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a -> a->b 1333testdata/ 147:1-147:11 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> a -> b
1334testdata/ 147:34-147:80 Type 1334testdata/ 147:34-147:80 Type
1335testdata/ 147:35-147:38 Type->Type 1335testdata/ 147:35-147:38 Type -> Type
1336testdata/ 147:35-147:40 Type 1336testdata/ 147:35-147:40 Type
1337testdata/ 147:39-147:40 f_ 1337testdata/ 147:39-147:40 _f
1338testdata/ 147:42-147:43 f_ 1338testdata/ 147:42-147:43 _f
1339testdata/ 147:42-147:45 e_->Type 1339testdata/ 147:42-147:45 _e -> Type
1340testdata/ 147:42-147:59 Type 1340testdata/ 147:42-147:59 Type
1341testdata/ 147:42-147:80 Type 1341testdata/ 147:42-147:80 Type
1342testdata/ 147:44-147:45 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1342testdata/ 147:44-147:45 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1343testdata/ 147:46-147:55 Nat -> Type->Type 1343testdata/ 147:46-147:55 Nat -> Type -> Type
1344testdata/ 147:46-147:57 Type->Type 1344testdata/ 147:46-147:57 Type -> Type
1345testdata/ 147:46-147:59 Type 1345testdata/ 147:46-147:59 Type
1346testdata/ 147:56-147:57 c_ 1346testdata/ 147:56-147:57 _c
1347testdata/ 147:58-147:59 Type 1347testdata/ 147:58-147:59 Type
1348testdata/ 147:64-147:65 Type 1348testdata/ 147:64-147:65 Type
1349testdata/ 147:64-147:80 Type 1349testdata/ 147:64-147:80 Type
@@ -1352,16 +1352,16 @@ testdata/ 147:69-147:80 Type
1352testdata/ 147:74-147:75 Type 1352testdata/ 147:74-147:75 Type
1353testdata/ 147:74-147:80 Type 1353testdata/ 147:74-147:80 Type
1354testdata/ 147:79-147:80 Type 1354testdata/ 147:79-147:80 Type
1355testdata/ 148:1-148:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 1355testdata/ 148:1-148:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
1356testdata/ 148:34-148:77 Type 1356testdata/ 148:34-148:77 Type
1357testdata/ 148:35-148:36 e_ 1357testdata/ 148:35-148:36 _e
1358testdata/ 148:35-148:38 d_->Type 1358testdata/ 148:35-148:38 _d -> Type
1359testdata/ 148:35-148:56 Type 1359testdata/ 148:35-148:56 Type
1360testdata/ 148:37-148:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1360testdata/ 148:37-148:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1361testdata/ 148:39-148:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1361testdata/ 148:39-148:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1362testdata/ 148:39-148:50 Type->Type 1362testdata/ 148:39-148:50 Type -> Type
1363testdata/ 148:39-148:56 Type 1363testdata/ 148:39-148:56 Type
1364testdata/ 148:49-148:50 b_ 1364testdata/ 148:49-148:50 _b
1365testdata/ 148:51-148:56 Type 1365testdata/ 148:51-148:56 Type
1366testdata/ 148:61-148:62 Type 1366testdata/ 148:61-148:62 Type
1367testdata/ 148:61-148:77 Type 1367testdata/ 148:61-148:77 Type
@@ -1370,16 +1370,16 @@ testdata/ 148:66-148:77 Type
1370testdata/ 148:71-148:72 Type 1370testdata/ 148:71-148:72 Type
1371testdata/ 148:71-148:77 Type 1371testdata/ 148:71-148:77 Type
1372testdata/ 148:76-148:77 Type 1372testdata/ 148:76-148:77 Type
1373testdata/ 149:1-149:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> Float->a 1373testdata/ 149:1-149:9 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float -> a
1374testdata/ 149:34-149:81 Type 1374testdata/ 149:34-149:81 Type
1375testdata/ 149:35-149:36 e_ 1375testdata/ 149:35-149:36 _e
1376testdata/ 149:35-149:38 d_->Type 1376testdata/ 149:35-149:38 _d -> Type
1377testdata/ 149:35-149:56 Type 1377testdata/ 149:35-149:56 Type
1378testdata/ 149:37-149:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1378testdata/ 149:37-149:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1379testdata/ 149:39-149:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1379testdata/ 149:39-149:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1380testdata/ 149:39-149:50 Type->Type 1380testdata/ 149:39-149:50 Type -> Type
1381testdata/ 149:39-149:56 Type 1381testdata/ 149:39-149:56 Type
1382testdata/ 149:49-149:50 b_ 1382testdata/ 149:49-149:50 _b
1383testdata/ 149:51-149:56 Type 1383testdata/ 149:51-149:56 Type
1384testdata/ 149:61-149:62 Type 1384testdata/ 149:61-149:62 Type
1385testdata/ 149:61-149:81 Type 1385testdata/ 149:61-149:81 Type
@@ -1388,24 +1388,24 @@ testdata/ 149:66-149:81 Type
1388testdata/ 149:71-149:76 Type 1388testdata/ 149:71-149:76 Type
1389testdata/ 149:71-149:81 Type 1389testdata/ 149:71-149:81 Type
1390testdata/ 149:80-149:81 Type 1390testdata/ 149:80-149:81 Type
1391testdata/ 150:1-150:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a -> c->a 1391testdata/ 150:1-150:9 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> c -> a
1392testdata/ 150:34-150:99 Type 1392testdata/ 150:34-150:99 Type
1393testdata/ 150:35-150:36 g_ 1393testdata/ 150:35-150:36 _g
1394testdata/ 150:35-150:38 f_->Type 1394testdata/ 150:35-150:38 _f -> Type
1395testdata/ 150:35-150:56 Type 1395testdata/ 150:35-150:56 Type
1396testdata/ 150:37-150:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1396testdata/ 150:37-150:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1397testdata/ 150:39-150:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1397testdata/ 150:39-150:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1398testdata/ 150:39-150:50 Type->Type 1398testdata/ 150:39-150:50 Type -> Type
1399testdata/ 150:39-150:56 Type 1399testdata/ 150:39-150:56 Type
1400testdata/ 150:49-150:50 d_ 1400testdata/ 150:49-150:50 _d
1401testdata/ 150:51-150:56 Type 1401testdata/ 150:51-150:56 Type
1402testdata/ 150:58-150:59 d_ 1402testdata/ 150:58-150:59 _d
1403testdata/ 150:58-150:61 c_->Type 1403testdata/ 150:58-150:61 _c -> Type
1404testdata/ 150:58-150:78 Type 1404testdata/ 150:58-150:78 Type
1405testdata/ 150:58-150:99 Type 1405testdata/ 150:58-150:99 Type
1406testdata/ 150:60-150:61 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1406testdata/ 150:60-150:61 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1407testdata/ 150:62-150:71 Nat -> Type->Type 1407testdata/ 150:62-150:71 Nat -> Type -> Type
1408testdata/ 150:62-150:73 Type->Type 1408testdata/ 150:62-150:73 Type -> Type
1409testdata/ 150:62-150:78 Type 1409testdata/ 150:62-150:78 Type
1410testdata/ 150:72-150:73 Nat 1410testdata/ 150:72-150:73 Nat
1411testdata/ 150:74-150:78 Type 1411testdata/ 150:74-150:78 Type
@@ -1416,48 +1416,48 @@ testdata/ 150:88-150:99 Type
1416testdata/ 150:93-150:94 Type 1416testdata/ 150:93-150:94 Type
1417testdata/ 150:93-150:99 Type 1417testdata/ 150:93-150:99 Type
1418testdata/ 150:98-150:99 Type 1418testdata/ 150:98-150:99 Type
1419testdata/ 151:1-151:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float b} -> a -> a->a 1419testdata/ 151:1-151:9 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecS Float b) => a -> a -> a
1420testdata/ 151:34-151:66 Type 1420testdata/ 151:34-151:66 Type
1421testdata/ 151:35-151:36 e_ 1421testdata/ 151:35-151:36 _e
1422testdata/ 151:35-151:38 d_->Type 1422testdata/ 151:35-151:38 _d -> Type
1423testdata/ 151:35-151:50 Type 1423testdata/ 151:35-151:50 Type
1424testdata/ 151:37-151:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1424testdata/ 151:37-151:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1425testdata/ 151:39-151:42 Nat -> Type->Type 1425testdata/ 151:39-151:42 Nat -> Type -> Type
1426testdata/ 151:39-151:44 Type->Type 1426testdata/ 151:39-151:44 Type -> Type
1427testdata/ 151:39-151:50 Type 1427testdata/ 151:39-151:50 Type
1428testdata/ 151:43-151:44 b_ 1428testdata/ 151:43-151:44 _b
1429testdata/ 151:45-151:50 Type 1429testdata/ 151:45-151:50 Type
1430testdata/ 151:55-151:56 Type 1430testdata/ 151:55-151:56 Type
1431testdata/ 151:55-151:66 Type 1431testdata/ 151:55-151:66 Type
1432testdata/ 151:60-151:61 Type 1432testdata/ 151:60-151:61 Type
1433testdata/ 151:60-151:66 Type 1433testdata/ 151:60-151:66 Type
1434testdata/ 151:65-151:66 Type 1434testdata/ 151:65-151:66 Type
1435testdata/ 152:1-152:10 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> Float -> a->a 1435testdata/ 152:1-152:10 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => Float -> a -> a
1436testdata/ 152:34-152:76 Type 1436testdata/ 152:34-152:76 Type
1437testdata/ 152:35-152:36 e_ 1437testdata/ 152:35-152:36 _e
1438testdata/ 152:35-152:38 d_->Type 1438testdata/ 152:35-152:38 _d -> Type
1439testdata/ 152:35-152:56 Type 1439testdata/ 152:35-152:56 Type
1440testdata/ 152:37-152:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1440testdata/ 152:37-152:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1441testdata/ 152:39-152:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1441testdata/ 152:39-152:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1442testdata/ 152:39-152:50 Type->Type 1442testdata/ 152:39-152:50 Type -> Type
1443testdata/ 152:39-152:56 Type 1443testdata/ 152:39-152:56 Type
1444testdata/ 152:49-152:50 b_ 1444testdata/ 152:49-152:50 _b
1445testdata/ 152:51-152:56 Type 1445testdata/ 152:51-152:56 Type
1446testdata/ 152:61-152:66 Type 1446testdata/ 152:61-152:66 Type
1447testdata/ 152:61-152:76 Type 1447testdata/ 152:61-152:76 Type
1448testdata/ 152:70-152:71 Type 1448testdata/ 152:70-152:71 Type
1449testdata/ 152:70-152:76 Type 1449testdata/ 152:70-152:76 Type
1450testdata/ 152:75-152:76 Type 1450testdata/ 152:75-152:76 Type
1451testdata/ 153:1-153:15 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float b} -> a -> a -> a->a 1451testdata/ 153:1-153:15 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecS Float b) => a -> a -> a -> a
1452testdata/ 153:34-153:71 Type 1452testdata/ 153:34-153:71 Type
1453testdata/ 153:35-153:36 e_ 1453testdata/ 153:35-153:36 _e
1454testdata/ 153:35-153:38 d_->Type 1454testdata/ 153:35-153:38 _d -> Type
1455testdata/ 153:35-153:50 Type 1455testdata/ 153:35-153:50 Type
1456testdata/ 153:37-153:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1456testdata/ 153:37-153:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1457testdata/ 153:39-153:42 Nat -> Type->Type 1457testdata/ 153:39-153:42 Nat -> Type -> Type
1458testdata/ 153:39-153:44 Type->Type 1458testdata/ 153:39-153:44 Type -> Type
1459testdata/ 153:39-153:50 Type 1459testdata/ 153:39-153:50 Type
1460testdata/ 153:43-153:44 b_ 1460testdata/ 153:43-153:44 _b
1461testdata/ 153:45-153:50 Type 1461testdata/ 153:45-153:50 Type
1462testdata/ 153:55-153:56 Type 1462testdata/ 153:55-153:56 Type
1463testdata/ 153:55-153:71 Type 1463testdata/ 153:55-153:71 Type
@@ -1466,16 +1466,16 @@ testdata/ 153:60-153:71 Type
1466testdata/ 153:65-153:66 Type 1466testdata/ 153:65-153:66 Type
1467testdata/ 153:65-153:71 Type 1467testdata/ 153:65-153:71 Type
1468testdata/ 153:70-153:71 Type 1468testdata/ 153:70-153:71 Type
1469testdata/ 154:1-154:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> Float -> Float -> a->a 1469testdata/ 154:1-154:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => Float -> Float -> a -> a
1470testdata/ 154:34-154:85 Type 1470testdata/ 154:34-154:85 Type
1471testdata/ 154:35-154:36 e_ 1471testdata/ 154:35-154:36 _e
1472testdata/ 154:35-154:38 d_->Type 1472testdata/ 154:35-154:38 _d -> Type
1473testdata/ 154:35-154:56 Type 1473testdata/ 154:35-154:56 Type
1474testdata/ 154:37-154:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1474testdata/ 154:37-154:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1475testdata/ 154:39-154:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1475testdata/ 154:39-154:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1476testdata/ 154:39-154:50 Type->Type 1476testdata/ 154:39-154:50 Type -> Type
1477testdata/ 154:39-154:56 Type 1477testdata/ 154:39-154:56 Type
1478testdata/ 154:49-154:50 b_ 1478testdata/ 154:49-154:50 _b
1479testdata/ 154:51-154:56 Type 1479testdata/ 154:51-154:56 Type
1480testdata/ 154:61-154:66 Type 1480testdata/ 154:61-154:66 Type
1481testdata/ 154:61-154:85 Type 1481testdata/ 154:61-154:85 Type
@@ -1484,126 +1484,126 @@ testdata/ 154:70-154:85 Type
1484testdata/ 154:79-154:80 Type 1484testdata/ 154:79-154:80 Type
1485testdata/ 154:79-154:85 Type 1485testdata/ 154:79-154:85 Type
1486testdata/ 154:84-154:85 Type 1486testdata/ 154:84-154:85 Type
1487testdata/ 157:1-157:19 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Int 1487testdata/ 157:1-157:19 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Int
1488testdata/ 157:34-157:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1488testdata/ 157:34-157:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1489testdata/ 157:34-157:45 Type->Type 1489testdata/ 157:34-157:45 Type -> Type
1490testdata/ 157:34-157:51 Type 1490testdata/ 157:34-157:51 Type
1491testdata/ 157:34-157:70 Type 1491testdata/ 157:34-157:70 Type
1492testdata/ 157:44-157:45 b_ 1492testdata/ 157:44-157:45 _b
1493testdata/ 157:46-157:51 Type 1493testdata/ 157:46-157:51 Type
1494testdata/ 157:55-157:64 Nat -> Type->Type 1494testdata/ 157:55-157:64 Nat -> Type -> Type
1495testdata/ 157:55-157:66 Type->Type 1495testdata/ 157:55-157:66 Type -> Type
1496testdata/ 157:55-157:70 Type 1496testdata/ 157:55-157:70 Type
1497testdata/ 157:65-157:66 Nat 1497testdata/ 157:65-157:66 Nat
1498testdata/ 157:67-157:70 Type 1498testdata/ 157:67-157:70 Type
1499testdata/ 158:1-158:20 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Word 1499testdata/ 158:1-158:20 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Word
1500testdata/ 158:34-158:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1500testdata/ 158:34-158:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1501testdata/ 158:34-158:45 Type->Type 1501testdata/ 158:34-158:45 Type -> Type
1502testdata/ 158:34-158:51 Type 1502testdata/ 158:34-158:51 Type
1503testdata/ 158:34-158:71 Type 1503testdata/ 158:34-158:71 Type
1504testdata/ 158:44-158:45 b_ 1504testdata/ 158:44-158:45 _b
1505testdata/ 158:46-158:51 Type 1505testdata/ 158:46-158:51 Type
1506testdata/ 158:55-158:64 Nat -> Type->Type 1506testdata/ 158:55-158:64 Nat -> Type -> Type
1507testdata/ 158:55-158:66 Type->Type 1507testdata/ 158:55-158:66 Type -> Type
1508testdata/ 158:55-158:71 Type 1508testdata/ 158:55-158:71 Type
1509testdata/ 158:65-158:66 Nat 1509testdata/ 158:65-158:66 Nat
1510testdata/ 158:67-158:71 Type 1510testdata/ 158:67-158:71 Type
1511testdata/ 159:1-159:19 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Int -> VecScalar a Float 1511testdata/ 159:1-159:19 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Int -> VecScalar a Float
1512testdata/ 159:34-159:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1512testdata/ 159:34-159:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1513testdata/ 159:34-159:45 Type->Type 1513testdata/ 159:34-159:45 Type -> Type
1514testdata/ 159:34-159:49 Type 1514testdata/ 159:34-159:49 Type
1515testdata/ 159:34-159:72 Type 1515testdata/ 159:34-159:72 Type
1516testdata/ 159:44-159:45 b_ 1516testdata/ 159:44-159:45 _b
1517testdata/ 159:46-159:49 Type 1517testdata/ 159:46-159:49 Type
1518testdata/ 159:55-159:64 Nat -> Type->Type 1518testdata/ 159:55-159:64 Nat -> Type -> Type
1519testdata/ 159:55-159:66 Type->Type 1519testdata/ 159:55-159:66 Type -> Type
1520testdata/ 159:55-159:72 Type 1520testdata/ 159:55-159:72 Type
1521testdata/ 159:65-159:66 Nat 1521testdata/ 159:65-159:66 Nat
1522testdata/ 159:67-159:72 Type 1522testdata/ 159:67-159:72 Type
1523testdata/ 160:1-160:20 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Word -> VecScalar a Float 1523testdata/ 160:1-160:20 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Word -> VecScalar a Float
1524testdata/ 160:34-160:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1524testdata/ 160:34-160:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1525testdata/ 160:34-160:45 Type->Type 1525testdata/ 160:34-160:45 Type -> Type
1526testdata/ 160:34-160:50 Type 1526testdata/ 160:34-160:50 Type
1527testdata/ 160:34-160:72 Type 1527testdata/ 160:34-160:72 Type
1528testdata/ 160:44-160:45 b_ 1528testdata/ 160:44-160:45 _b
1529testdata/ 160:46-160:50 Type 1529testdata/ 160:46-160:50 Type
1530testdata/ 160:55-160:64 Nat -> Type->Type 1530testdata/ 160:55-160:64 Nat -> Type -> Type
1531testdata/ 160:55-160:66 Type->Type 1531testdata/ 160:55-160:66 Type -> Type
1532testdata/ 160:55-160:72 Type 1532testdata/ 160:55-160:72 Type
1533testdata/ 160:65-160:66 Nat 1533testdata/ 160:65-160:66 Nat
1534testdata/ 160:67-160:72 Type 1534testdata/ 160:67-160:72 Type
1535testdata/ 162:1-162:11 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->Float 1535testdata/ 162:1-162:11 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> Float
1536testdata/ 162:34-162:71 Type 1536testdata/ 162:34-162:71 Type
1537testdata/ 162:35-162:36 e_ 1537testdata/ 162:35-162:36 _e
1538testdata/ 162:35-162:38 d_->Type 1538testdata/ 162:35-162:38 _d -> Type
1539testdata/ 162:35-162:56 Type 1539testdata/ 162:35-162:56 Type
1540testdata/ 162:37-162:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1540testdata/ 162:37-162:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1541testdata/ 162:39-162:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1541testdata/ 162:39-162:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1542testdata/ 162:39-162:50 Type->Type 1542testdata/ 162:39-162:50 Type -> Type
1543testdata/ 162:39-162:56 Type 1543testdata/ 162:39-162:56 Type
1544testdata/ 162:49-162:50 b_ 1544testdata/ 162:49-162:50 _b
1545testdata/ 162:51-162:56 Type 1545testdata/ 162:51-162:56 Type
1546testdata/ 162:61-162:62 Type 1546testdata/ 162:61-162:62 Type
1547testdata/ 162:61-162:71 Type 1547testdata/ 162:61-162:71 Type
1548testdata/ 162:66-162:71 Type 1548testdata/ 162:66-162:71 Type
1549testdata/ 163:1-163:13 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->Float 1549testdata/ 163:1-163:13 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float
1550testdata/ 163:15-163:22 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->Float 1550testdata/ 163:15-163:22 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float
1551testdata/ 163:34-163:76 Type 1551testdata/ 163:34-163:76 Type
1552testdata/ 163:35-163:36 e_ 1552testdata/ 163:35-163:36 _e
1553testdata/ 163:35-163:38 d_->Type 1553testdata/ 163:35-163:38 _d -> Type
1554testdata/ 163:35-163:56 Type 1554testdata/ 163:35-163:56 Type
1555testdata/ 163:37-163:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1555testdata/ 163:37-163:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1556testdata/ 163:39-163:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1556testdata/ 163:39-163:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1557testdata/ 163:39-163:50 Type->Type 1557testdata/ 163:39-163:50 Type -> Type
1558testdata/ 163:39-163:56 Type 1558testdata/ 163:39-163:56 Type
1559testdata/ 163:49-163:50 b_ 1559testdata/ 163:49-163:50 _b
1560testdata/ 163:51-163:56 Type 1560testdata/ 163:51-163:56 Type
1561testdata/ 163:61-163:62 Type 1561testdata/ 163:61-163:62 Type
1562testdata/ 163:61-163:76 Type 1562testdata/ 163:61-163:76 Type
1563testdata/ 163:66-163:67 Type 1563testdata/ 163:66-163:67 Type
1564testdata/ 163:66-163:76 Type 1564testdata/ 163:66-163:76 Type
1565testdata/ 163:71-163:76 Type 1565testdata/ 163:71-163:76 Type
1566testdata/ 164:1-164:10 {a} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float 3} -> a -> a->a 1566testdata/ 164:1-164:10 forall a . (a ~ VecS Float 3) => a -> a -> a
1567testdata/ 164:34-164:72 Type 1567testdata/ 164:34-164:72 Type
1568testdata/ 164:35-164:36 c_ 1568testdata/ 164:35-164:36 _c
1569testdata/ 164:35-164:38 b_->Type 1569testdata/ 164:35-164:38 _b -> Type
1570testdata/ 164:35-164:56 Type 1570testdata/ 164:35-164:56 Type
1571testdata/ 164:37-164:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1571testdata/ 164:37-164:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1572testdata/ 164:39-164:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1572testdata/ 164:39-164:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1573testdata/ 164:39-164:50 Type->Type 1573testdata/ 164:39-164:50 Type -> Type
1574testdata/ 164:39-164:56 Type 1574testdata/ 164:39-164:56 Type
1575testdata/ 164:49-164:50 b_ 1575testdata/ 164:49-164:50 _b
1576testdata/ 164:51-164:56 Type 1576testdata/ 164:51-164:56 Type
1577testdata/ 164:61-164:62 Type 1577testdata/ 164:61-164:62 Type
1578testdata/ 164:61-164:72 Type 1578testdata/ 164:61-164:72 Type
1579testdata/ 164:66-164:67 Type 1579testdata/ 164:66-164:67 Type
1580testdata/ 164:66-164:72 Type 1580testdata/ 164:66-164:72 Type
1581testdata/ 164:71-164:72 Type 1581testdata/ 164:71-164:72 Type
1582testdata/ 165:1-165:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1582testdata/ 165:1-165:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1583testdata/ 165:34-165:67 Type 1583testdata/ 165:34-165:67 Type
1584testdata/ 165:35-165:36 e_ 1584testdata/ 165:35-165:36 _e
1585testdata/ 165:35-165:38 d_->Type 1585testdata/ 165:35-165:38 _d -> Type
1586testdata/ 165:35-165:56 Type 1586testdata/ 165:35-165:56 Type
1587testdata/ 165:37-165:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1587testdata/ 165:37-165:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1588testdata/ 165:39-165:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1588testdata/ 165:39-165:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1589testdata/ 165:39-165:50 Type->Type 1589testdata/ 165:39-165:50 Type -> Type
1590testdata/ 165:39-165:56 Type 1590testdata/ 165:39-165:56 Type
1591testdata/ 165:49-165:50 b_ 1591testdata/ 165:49-165:50 _b
1592testdata/ 165:51-165:56 Type 1592testdata/ 165:51-165:56 Type
1593testdata/ 165:61-165:62 Type 1593testdata/ 165:61-165:62 Type
1594testdata/ 165:61-165:67 Type 1594testdata/ 165:61-165:67 Type
1595testdata/ 165:66-165:67 Type 1595testdata/ 165:66-165:67 Type
1596testdata/ 166:1-166:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 1596testdata/ 166:1-166:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
1597testdata/ 166:18-166:29 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 1597testdata/ 166:18-166:29 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
1598testdata/ 166:34-166:77 Type 1598testdata/ 166:34-166:77 Type
1599testdata/ 166:35-166:36 e_ 1599testdata/ 166:35-166:36 _e
1600testdata/ 166:35-166:38 d_->Type 1600testdata/ 166:35-166:38 _d -> Type
1601testdata/ 166:35-166:56 Type 1601testdata/ 166:35-166:56 Type
1602testdata/ 166:37-166:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1602testdata/ 166:37-166:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1603testdata/ 166:39-166:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1603testdata/ 166:39-166:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1604testdata/ 166:39-166:50 Type->Type 1604testdata/ 166:39-166:50 Type -> Type
1605testdata/ 166:39-166:56 Type 1605testdata/ 166:39-166:56 Type
1606testdata/ 166:49-166:50 b_ 1606testdata/ 166:49-166:50 _b
1607testdata/ 166:51-166:56 Type 1607testdata/ 166:51-166:56 Type
1608testdata/ 166:61-166:62 Type 1608testdata/ 166:61-166:62 Type
1609testdata/ 166:61-166:77 Type 1609testdata/ 166:61-166:77 Type
@@ -1612,175 +1612,175 @@ testdata/ 166:66-166:77 Type
1612testdata/ 166:71-166:72 Type 1612testdata/ 166:71-166:72 Type
1613testdata/ 166:71-166:77 Type 1613testdata/ 166:71-166:77 Type
1614testdata/ 166:76-166:77 Type 1614testdata/ 166:76-166:77 Type
1615testdata/ 167:1-167:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 1615testdata/ 167:1-167:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
1616testdata/ 167:34-167:72 Type 1616testdata/ 167:34-167:72 Type
1617testdata/ 167:35-167:36 e_ 1617testdata/ 167:35-167:36 _e
1618testdata/ 167:35-167:38 d_->Type 1618testdata/ 167:35-167:38 _d -> Type
1619testdata/ 167:35-167:56 Type 1619testdata/ 167:35-167:56 Type
1620testdata/ 167:37-167:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1620testdata/ 167:37-167:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1621testdata/ 167:39-167:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1621testdata/ 167:39-167:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1622testdata/ 167:39-167:50 Type->Type 1622testdata/ 167:39-167:50 Type -> Type
1623testdata/ 167:39-167:56 Type 1623testdata/ 167:39-167:56 Type
1624testdata/ 167:49-167:50 b_ 1624testdata/ 167:49-167:50 _b
1625testdata/ 167:51-167:56 Type 1625testdata/ 167:51-167:56 Type
1626testdata/ 167:61-167:62 Type 1626testdata/ 167:61-167:62 Type
1627testdata/ 167:61-167:72 Type 1627testdata/ 167:61-167:72 Type
1628testdata/ 167:66-167:67 Type 1628testdata/ 167:66-167:67 Type
1629testdata/ 167:66-167:72 Type 1629testdata/ 167:66-167:72 Type
1630testdata/ 167:71-167:72 Type 1630testdata/ 167:71-167:72 Type
1631testdata/ 169:1-169:14 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b a c 1631testdata/ 169:1-169:14 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Mat b a c
1632testdata/ 169:34-169:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1632testdata/ 169:34-169:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1633testdata/ 169:34-169:39 Nat -> Type->Type 1633testdata/ 169:34-169:39 Nat -> Type -> Type
1634testdata/ 169:34-169:41 Type->Type 1634testdata/ 169:34-169:41 Type -> Type
1635testdata/ 169:34-169:43 Type 1635testdata/ 169:34-169:43 Type
1636testdata/ 169:34-169:56 Type 1636testdata/ 169:34-169:56 Type
1637testdata/ 169:38-169:39 f_ 1637testdata/ 169:38-169:39 _f
1638testdata/ 169:40-169:41 d_ 1638testdata/ 169:40-169:41 _d
1639testdata/ 169:42-169:43 b_ 1639testdata/ 169:42-169:43 _b
1640testdata/ 169:47-169:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1640testdata/ 169:47-169:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1641testdata/ 169:47-169:52 Nat -> Type->Type 1641testdata/ 169:47-169:52 Nat -> Type -> Type
1642testdata/ 169:47-169:54 Type->Type 1642testdata/ 169:47-169:54 Type -> Type
1643testdata/ 169:47-169:56 Type 1643testdata/ 169:47-169:56 Type
1644testdata/ 169:51-169:52 Nat 1644testdata/ 169:51-169:52 Nat
1645testdata/ 169:53-169:54 Nat 1645testdata/ 169:53-169:54 Nat
1646testdata/ 169:55-169:56 Type 1646testdata/ 169:55-169:56 Type
1647testdata/ 170:1-170:16 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> Mat a a b -> Float 1647testdata/ 170:1-170:16 forall (a :: Nat) b . Mat a a b -> Float
1648testdata/ 170:34-170:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1648testdata/ 170:34-170:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1649testdata/ 170:34-170:39 Nat -> Type->Type 1649testdata/ 170:34-170:39 Nat -> Type -> Type
1650testdata/ 170:34-170:41 Type->Type 1650testdata/ 170:34-170:41 Type -> Type
1651testdata/ 170:34-170:43 Type 1651testdata/ 170:34-170:43 Type
1652testdata/ 170:34-170:52 Type 1652testdata/ 170:34-170:52 Type
1653testdata/ 170:38-170:39 d_ 1653testdata/ 170:38-170:39 _d
1654testdata/ 170:40-170:41 Nat 1654testdata/ 170:40-170:41 Nat
1655testdata/ 170:42-170:43 b_ 1655testdata/ 170:42-170:43 _b
1656testdata/ 170:47-170:52 Type 1656testdata/ 170:47-170:52 Type
1657testdata/ 171:1-171:12 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> Mat a a b -> Mat a a b 1657testdata/ 171:1-171:12 forall (a :: Nat) b . Mat a a b -> Mat a a b
1658testdata/ 171:34-171:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1658testdata/ 171:34-171:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1659testdata/ 171:34-171:39 Nat -> Type->Type 1659testdata/ 171:34-171:39 Nat -> Type -> Type
1660testdata/ 171:34-171:41 Type->Type 1660testdata/ 171:34-171:41 Type -> Type
1661testdata/ 171:34-171:43 Type 1661testdata/ 171:34-171:43 Type
1662testdata/ 171:34-171:56 Type 1662testdata/ 171:34-171:56 Type
1663testdata/ 171:38-171:39 d_ 1663testdata/ 171:38-171:39 _d
1664testdata/ 171:40-171:41 Nat 1664testdata/ 171:40-171:41 Nat
1665testdata/ 171:42-171:43 b_ 1665testdata/ 171:42-171:43 _b
1666testdata/ 171:47-171:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1666testdata/ 171:47-171:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1667testdata/ 171:47-171:52 Nat -> Type->Type 1667testdata/ 171:47-171:52 Nat -> Type -> Type
1668testdata/ 171:47-171:54 Type->Type 1668testdata/ 171:47-171:54 Type -> Type
1669testdata/ 171:47-171:56 Type 1669testdata/ 171:47-171:56 Type
1670testdata/ 171:51-171:52 Nat 1670testdata/ 171:51-171:52 Nat
1671testdata/ 171:53-171:54 Nat 1671testdata/ 171:53-171:54 Nat
1672testdata/ 171:55-171:56 Type 1672testdata/ 171:55-171:56 Type
1673testdata/ 172:1-172:17 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> Vec a b -> Vec c b -> Mat c a b 1673testdata/ 172:1-172:17 forall (a :: Nat) b (c :: Nat) . Vec a b -> Vec c b -> Mat c a b
1674testdata/ 172:34-172:37 Nat -> Type->Type 1674testdata/ 172:34-172:37 Nat -> Type -> Type
1675testdata/ 172:34-172:39 Type->Type 1675testdata/ 172:34-172:39 Type -> Type
1676testdata/ 172:34-172:41 Type 1676testdata/ 172:34-172:41 Type
1677testdata/ 172:34-172:69 Type 1677testdata/ 172:34-172:69 Type
1678testdata/ 172:38-172:39 f_ 1678testdata/ 172:38-172:39 _f
1679testdata/ 172:40-172:41 d_ 1679testdata/ 172:40-172:41 _d
1680testdata/ 172:47-172:50 Nat -> Type->Type 1680testdata/ 172:47-172:50 Nat -> Type -> Type
1681testdata/ 172:47-172:52 Type->Type 1681testdata/ 172:47-172:52 Type -> Type
1682testdata/ 172:47-172:54 Type 1682testdata/ 172:47-172:54 Type
1683testdata/ 172:47-172:69 Type 1683testdata/ 172:47-172:69 Type
1684testdata/ 172:51-172:52 c_ 1684testdata/ 172:51-172:52 _c
1685testdata/ 172:53-172:54 Type 1685testdata/ 172:53-172:54 Type
1686testdata/ 172:60-172:63 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1686testdata/ 172:60-172:63 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1687testdata/ 172:60-172:65 Nat -> Type->Type 1687testdata/ 172:60-172:65 Nat -> Type -> Type
1688testdata/ 172:60-172:67 Type->Type 1688testdata/ 172:60-172:67 Type -> Type
1689testdata/ 172:60-172:69 Type 1689testdata/ 172:60-172:69 Type
1690testdata/ 172:64-172:65 Nat 1690testdata/ 172:64-172:65 Nat
1691testdata/ 172:66-172:67 Nat 1691testdata/ 172:66-172:67 Nat
1692testdata/ 172:68-172:69 Type 1692testdata/ 172:68-172:69 Type
1693testdata/ 173:1-173:14 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Vec b c -> Vec a c 1693testdata/ 173:1-173:14 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Vec b c -> Vec a c
1694testdata/ 173:34-173:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1694testdata/ 173:34-173:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1695testdata/ 173:34-173:39 Nat -> Type->Type 1695testdata/ 173:34-173:39 Nat -> Type -> Type
1696testdata/ 173:34-173:41 Type->Type 1696testdata/ 173:34-173:41 Type -> Type
1697testdata/ 173:34-173:43 Type 1697testdata/ 173:34-173:43 Type
1698testdata/ 173:34-173:67 Type 1698testdata/ 173:34-173:67 Type
1699testdata/ 173:38-173:39 f_ 1699testdata/ 173:38-173:39 _f
1700testdata/ 173:40-173:41 d_ 1700testdata/ 173:40-173:41 _d
1701testdata/ 173:42-173:43 b_ 1701testdata/ 173:42-173:43 _b
1702testdata/ 173:47-173:50 Nat -> Type->Type 1702testdata/ 173:47-173:50 Nat -> Type -> Type
1703testdata/ 173:47-173:52 Type->Type 1703testdata/ 173:47-173:52 Type -> Type
1704testdata/ 173:47-173:54 Type 1704testdata/ 173:47-173:54 Type
1705testdata/ 173:47-173:67 Type 1705testdata/ 173:47-173:67 Type
1706testdata/ 173:51-173:52 Nat 1706testdata/ 173:51-173:52 Nat
1707testdata/ 173:53-173:54 Type 1707testdata/ 173:53-173:54 Type
1708testdata/ 173:60-173:63 Nat -> Type->Type 1708testdata/ 173:60-173:63 Nat -> Type -> Type
1709testdata/ 173:60-173:65 Type->Type 1709testdata/ 173:60-173:65 Type -> Type
1710testdata/ 173:60-173:67 Type 1710testdata/ 173:60-173:67 Type
1711testdata/ 173:64-173:65 Nat 1711testdata/ 173:64-173:65 Nat
1712testdata/ 173:66-173:67 Type 1712testdata/ 173:66-173:67 Type
1713testdata/ 174:1-174:14 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> Vec a b -> Mat a c b -> Vec c b 1713testdata/ 174:1-174:14 forall (a :: Nat) b (c :: Nat) . Vec a b -> Mat a c b -> Vec c b
1714testdata/ 174:34-174:37 Nat -> Type->Type 1714testdata/ 174:34-174:37 Nat -> Type -> Type
1715testdata/ 174:34-174:39 Type->Type 1715testdata/ 174:34-174:39 Type -> Type
1716testdata/ 174:34-174:41 Type 1716testdata/ 174:34-174:41 Type
1717testdata/ 174:34-174:67 Type 1717testdata/ 174:34-174:67 Type
1718testdata/ 174:38-174:39 f_ 1718testdata/ 174:38-174:39 _f
1719testdata/ 174:40-174:41 d_ 1719testdata/ 174:40-174:41 _d
1720testdata/ 174:47-174:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1720testdata/ 174:47-174:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1721testdata/ 174:47-174:52 Nat -> Type->Type 1721testdata/ 174:47-174:52 Nat -> Type -> Type
1722testdata/ 174:47-174:54 Type->Type 1722testdata/ 174:47-174:54 Type -> Type
1723testdata/ 174:47-174:56 Type 1723testdata/ 174:47-174:56 Type
1724testdata/ 174:47-174:67 Type 1724testdata/ 174:47-174:67 Type
1725testdata/ 174:51-174:52 Nat 1725testdata/ 174:51-174:52 Nat
1726testdata/ 174:53-174:54 c_ 1726testdata/ 174:53-174:54 _c
1727testdata/ 174:55-174:56 Type 1727testdata/ 174:55-174:56 Type
1728testdata/ 174:60-174:63 Nat -> Type->Type 1728testdata/ 174:60-174:63 Nat -> Type -> Type
1729testdata/ 174:60-174:65 Type->Type 1729testdata/ 174:60-174:65 Type -> Type
1730testdata/ 174:60-174:67 Type 1730testdata/ 174:60-174:67 Type
1731testdata/ 174:64-174:65 Nat 1731testdata/ 174:64-174:65 Nat
1732testdata/ 174:66-174:67 Type 1732testdata/ 174:66-174:67 Type
1733testdata/ 175:1-175:14 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d:Nat} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c 1733testdata/ 175:1-175:14 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c (d :: Nat) . Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c
1734testdata/ 175:34-175:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1734testdata/ 175:34-175:37 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1735testdata/ 175:34-175:39 Nat -> Type->Type 1735testdata/ 175:34-175:39 Nat -> Type -> Type
1736testdata/ 175:34-175:41 Type->Type 1736testdata/ 175:34-175:41 Type -> Type
1737testdata/ 175:34-175:43 Type 1737testdata/ 175:34-175:43 Type
1738testdata/ 175:34-175:69 Type 1738testdata/ 175:34-175:69 Type
1739testdata/ 175:38-175:39 h_ 1739testdata/ 175:38-175:39 _h
1740testdata/ 175:40-175:41 f_ 1740testdata/ 175:40-175:41 _f
1741testdata/ 175:42-175:43 d_ 1741testdata/ 175:42-175:43 _d
1742testdata/ 175:47-175:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1742testdata/ 175:47-175:50 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1743testdata/ 175:47-175:52 Nat -> Type->Type 1743testdata/ 175:47-175:52 Nat -> Type -> Type
1744testdata/ 175:47-175:54 Type->Type 1744testdata/ 175:47-175:54 Type -> Type
1745testdata/ 175:47-175:56 Type 1745testdata/ 175:47-175:56 Type
1746testdata/ 175:47-175:69 Type 1746testdata/ 175:47-175:69 Type
1747testdata/ 175:51-175:52 Nat 1747testdata/ 175:51-175:52 Nat
1748testdata/ 175:53-175:54 c_ 1748testdata/ 175:53-175:54 _c
1749testdata/ 175:55-175:56 Type 1749testdata/ 175:55-175:56 Type
1750testdata/ 175:60-175:63 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1750testdata/ 175:60-175:63 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1751testdata/ 175:60-175:65 Nat -> Type->Type 1751testdata/ 175:60-175:65 Nat -> Type -> Type
1752testdata/ 175:60-175:67 Type->Type 1752testdata/ 175:60-175:67 Type -> Type
1753testdata/ 175:60-175:69 Type 1753testdata/ 175:60-175:69 Type
1754testdata/ 175:64-175:65 Nat 1754testdata/ 175:64-175:65 Nat
1755testdata/ 175:66-175:67 Nat 1755testdata/ 175:66-175:67 Nat
1756testdata/ 175:68-175:69 Type 1756testdata/ 175:68-175:69 Type
1757testdata/ 177:1-177:13 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 1757testdata/ 177:1-177:13 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
1758testdata/ 177:15-177:32 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 1758testdata/ 177:15-177:32 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
1759testdata/ 177:34-177:49 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 1759testdata/ 177:34-177:49 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
1760testdata/ 177:51-177:71 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 1760testdata/ 177:51-177:71 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
1761testdata/ 177:73-177:83 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 1761testdata/ 177:73-177:83 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
1762testdata/ 177:85-177:98 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 1762testdata/ 177:85-177:98 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
1763testdata/ 178:51-178:114 Type 1763testdata/ 178:51-178:114 Type
1764testdata/ 178:52-178:55 Type->Type 1764testdata/ 178:52-178:55 Type -> Type
1765testdata/ 178:52-178:57 Type 1765testdata/ 178:52-178:57 Type
1766testdata/ 178:56-178:57 d_ 1766testdata/ 178:56-178:57 _d
1767testdata/ 178:59-178:60 i_ 1767testdata/ 178:59-178:60 _i
1768testdata/ 178:59-178:62 h_->Type 1768testdata/ 178:59-178:62 _h -> Type
1769testdata/ 178:59-178:76 Type 1769testdata/ 178:59-178:76 Type
1770testdata/ 178:59-178:114 Type 1770testdata/ 178:59-178:114 Type
1771testdata/ 178:61-178:62 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1771testdata/ 178:61-178:62 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1772testdata/ 178:63-178:72 Nat -> Type->Type 1772testdata/ 178:63-178:72 Nat -> Type -> Type
1773testdata/ 178:63-178:74 Type->Type 1773testdata/ 178:63-178:74 Type -> Type
1774testdata/ 178:63-178:76 Type 1774testdata/ 178:63-178:76 Type
1775testdata/ 178:73-178:74 f_ 1775testdata/ 178:73-178:74 _f
1776testdata/ 178:75-178:76 Type 1776testdata/ 178:75-178:76 Type
1777testdata/ 178:78-178:79 e_ 1777testdata/ 178:78-178:79 _e
1778testdata/ 178:78-178:81 d_->Type 1778testdata/ 178:78-178:81 _d -> Type
1779testdata/ 178:78-178:98 Type 1779testdata/ 178:78-178:98 Type
1780testdata/ 178:78-178:114 Type 1780testdata/ 178:78-178:114 Type
1781testdata/ 178:80-178:81 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1781testdata/ 178:80-178:81 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1782testdata/ 178:82-178:91 Nat -> Type->Type 1782testdata/ 178:82-178:91 Nat -> Type -> Type
1783testdata/ 178:82-178:93 Type->Type 1783testdata/ 178:82-178:93 Type -> Type
1784testdata/ 178:82-178:98 Type 1784testdata/ 178:82-178:98 Type
1785testdata/ 178:92-178:93 Nat 1785testdata/ 178:92-178:93 Nat
1786testdata/ 178:94-178:98 Type 1786testdata/ 178:94-178:98 Type
@@ -1789,155 +1789,155 @@ testdata/ 178:103-178:114 Type
1789testdata/ 178:108-178:109 Type 1789testdata/ 178:108-178:109 Type
1790testdata/ 178:108-178:114 Type 1790testdata/ 178:108-178:114 Type
1791testdata/ 178:113-178:114 Type 1791testdata/ 178:113-178:114 Type
1792testdata/ 179:1-179:10 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : b ~ MatVecScalarElem a} -> a -> a->Bool 1792testdata/ 179:1-179:10 forall a b . (b ~ MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> Bool
1793testdata/ 179:12-179:24 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : b ~ MatVecScalarElem a} -> a -> a->Bool 1793testdata/ 179:12-179:24 forall a b . (b ~ MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> Bool
1794testdata/ 179:47-179:89 Type 1794testdata/ 179:47-179:89 Type
1795testdata/ 179:48-179:49 c_ 1795testdata/ 179:48-179:49 _c
1796testdata/ 179:48-179:51 b_->Type 1796testdata/ 179:48-179:51 _b -> Type
1797testdata/ 179:48-179:70 Type 1797testdata/ 179:48-179:70 Type
1798testdata/ 179:50-179:51 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1798testdata/ 179:50-179:51 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1799testdata/ 179:52-179:68 Type->Type 1799testdata/ 179:52-179:68 Type -> Type
1800testdata/ 179:52-179:70 Type 1800testdata/ 179:52-179:70 Type
1801testdata/ 179:69-179:70 c_ 1801testdata/ 179:69-179:70 _c
1802testdata/ 179:75-179:76 Type 1802testdata/ 179:75-179:76 Type
1803testdata/ 179:75-179:89 Type 1803testdata/ 179:75-179:89 Type
1804testdata/ 179:80-179:81 Type 1804testdata/ 179:80-179:81 Type
1805testdata/ 179:80-179:89 Type 1805testdata/ 179:80-179:89 Type
1806testdata/ 179:85-179:89 Type 1806testdata/ 179:85-179:89 Type
1807testdata/ 181:1-181:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1807testdata/ 181:1-181:9 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1808testdata/ 181:11-181:19 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1808testdata/ 181:11-181:19 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1809testdata/ 181:21-181:31 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1809testdata/ 181:21-181:31 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1810testdata/ 182:34-182:67 Type 1810testdata/ 182:34-182:67 Type
1811testdata/ 182:35-182:36 e_ 1811testdata/ 182:35-182:36 _e
1812testdata/ 182:35-182:38 d_->Type 1812testdata/ 182:35-182:38 _d -> Type
1813testdata/ 182:35-182:56 Type 1813testdata/ 182:35-182:56 Type
1814testdata/ 182:37-182:38 {a} -> a -> a->Type 1814testdata/ 182:37-182:38 forall a . a -> a -> Type
1815testdata/ 182:39-182:48 Nat -> Type->Type 1815testdata/ 182:39-182:48 Nat -> Type -> Type
1816testdata/ 182:39-182:50 Type->Type 1816testdata/ 182:39-182:50 Type -> Type
1817testdata/ 182:39-182:56 Type 1817testdata/ 182:39-182:56 Type
1818testdata/ 182:49-182:50 b_ 1818testdata/ 182:49-182:50 _b
1819testdata/ 182:51-182:56 Type 1819testdata/ 182:51-182:56 Type
1820testdata/ 182:61-182:62 Type 1820testdata/ 182:61-182:62 Type
1821testdata/ 182:61-182:67 Type 1821testdata/ 182:61-182:67 Type
1822testdata/ 182:66-182:67 Type 1822testdata/ 182:66-182:67 Type
1823testdata/ 184:1-184:11 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Float 1823testdata/ 184:1-184:11 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Float
1824testdata/ 184:34-184:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1824testdata/ 184:34-184:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1825testdata/ 184:34-184:45 Type->Type 1825testdata/ 184:34-184:45 Type -> Type
1826testdata/ 184:34-184:51 Type 1826testdata/ 184:34-184:51 Type
1827testdata/ 184:34-184:60 Type 1827testdata/ 184:34-184:60 Type
1828testdata/ 184:44-184:45 b_ 1828testdata/ 184:44-184:45 _b
1829testdata/ 184:46-184:51 Type 1829testdata/ 184:46-184:51 Type
1830testdata/ 184:55-184:60 Type 1830testdata/ 184:55-184:60 Type
1831testdata/ 185:1-185:11 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 2 Float 1831testdata/ 185:1-185:11 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 2 Float
1832testdata/ 185:34-185:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1832testdata/ 185:34-185:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1833testdata/ 185:34-185:45 Type->Type 1833testdata/ 185:34-185:45 Type -> Type
1834testdata/ 185:34-185:51 Type 1834testdata/ 185:34-185:51 Type
1835testdata/ 185:34-185:66 Type 1835testdata/ 185:34-185:66 Type
1836testdata/ 185:44-185:45 b_ 1836testdata/ 185:44-185:45 _b
1837testdata/ 185:46-185:51 Type 1837testdata/ 185:46-185:51 Type
1838testdata/ 185:55-185:58 Nat -> Type->Type 1838testdata/ 185:55-185:58 Nat -> Type -> Type
1839testdata/ 185:55-185:60 Type->Type 1839testdata/ 185:55-185:60 Type -> Type
1840testdata/ 185:55-185:66 Type 1840testdata/ 185:55-185:66 Type
1841testdata/ 185:59-185:60 b_ 1841testdata/ 185:59-185:60 _b
1842testdata/ 185:61-185:66 Type 1842testdata/ 185:61-185:66 Type
1843testdata/ 186:1-186:11 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 3 Float 1843testdata/ 186:1-186:11 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 3 Float
1844testdata/ 186:34-186:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1844testdata/ 186:34-186:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1845testdata/ 186:34-186:45 Type->Type 1845testdata/ 186:34-186:45 Type -> Type
1846testdata/ 186:34-186:51 Type 1846testdata/ 186:34-186:51 Type
1847testdata/ 186:34-186:66 Type 1847testdata/ 186:34-186:66 Type
1848testdata/ 186:44-186:45 b_ 1848testdata/ 186:44-186:45 _b
1849testdata/ 186:46-186:51 Type 1849testdata/ 186:46-186:51 Type
1850testdata/ 186:55-186:58 Nat -> Type->Type 1850testdata/ 186:55-186:58 Nat -> Type -> Type
1851testdata/ 186:55-186:60 Type->Type 1851testdata/ 186:55-186:60 Type -> Type
1852testdata/ 186:55-186:66 Type 1852testdata/ 186:55-186:66 Type
1853testdata/ 186:59-186:60 b_ 1853testdata/ 186:59-186:60 _b
1854testdata/ 186:61-186:66 Type 1854testdata/ 186:61-186:66 Type
1855testdata/ 187:1-187:11 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 4 Float 1855testdata/ 187:1-187:11 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 4 Float
1856testdata/ 187:34-187:43 Nat -> Type->Type 1856testdata/ 187:34-187:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
1857testdata/ 187:34-187:45 Type->Type 1857testdata/ 187:34-187:45 Type -> Type
1858testdata/ 187:34-187:51 Type 1858testdata/ 187:34-187:51 Type
1859testdata/ 187:34-187:66 Type 1859testdata/ 187:34-187:66 Type
1860testdata/ 187:44-187:45 b_ 1860testdata/ 187:44-187:45 _b
1861testdata/ 187:46-187:51 Type 1861testdata/ 187:46-187:51 Type
1862testdata/ 187:55-187:58 Nat -> Type->Type 1862testdata/ 187:55-187:58 Nat -> Type -> Type
1863testdata/ 187:55-187:60 Type->Type 1863testdata/ 187:55-187:60 Type -> Type
1864testdata/ 187:55-187:66 Type 1864testdata/ 187:55-187:66 Type
1865testdata/ 187:59-187:60 b_ 1865testdata/ 187:59-187:60 _b
1866testdata/ 187:61-187:66 Type 1866testdata/ 187:61-187:66 Type
1867testdata/ 201:1-201:5 {a} -> List a -> a 1867testdata/ 201:1-201:5 forall a . List a -> a
1868testdata/ 201:15-201:16 List c_ -> b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> a_ | d_ 1868testdata/ 201:15-201:16 List _c -> _b | _b -> List _b -> _a | _d
1869testdata/ 203:6-203:8 {a} -> List a -> List a -> List a 1869testdata/ 203:6-203:8 forall a . List a -> List a -> List a
1870testdata/ 203:14-203:16 d_ 1870testdata/ 203:14-203:16 _d
1871testdata/ 203:14-204:26 List a_ -> List a_ | a_->a_ 1871testdata/ 203:14-204:26 List _a -> List _a | _a -> _a
1872testdata/ 204:14-204:15 d_ 1872testdata/ 204:14-204:15 _d
1873testdata/ 204:14-204:17 List c_ -> List c_ 1873testdata/ 204:14-204:17 List _c -> List _c
1874testdata/ 204:14-204:26 List b_ -> d_ | List c_ | a_ -> List a_ -> c_ 1874testdata/ 204:14-204:26 List _b -> _d | List _c | _a -> List _a -> _c
1875testdata/ 204:16-204:17 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 1875testdata/ 204:16-204:17 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
1876testdata/ 204:18-204:20 List f_ 1876testdata/ 204:18-204:20 List _f
1877testdata/ 204:21-204:23 h_ 1877testdata/ 204:21-204:23 _h
1878testdata/ 204:24-204:26 List g_ 1878testdata/ 204:24-204:26 List _g
1879testdata/ 206:1-206:6 {a} -> {b} -> (b -> a->a) -> a -> List b -> a 1879testdata/ 206:1-206:6 forall a b . (b -> a -> a) -> a -> List b -> a
1880testdata/ 206:16-206:17 f_ 1880testdata/ 206:16-206:17 _f
1881testdata/ 206:16-207:39 List b_ -> f_ | a_->a_ 1881testdata/ 206:16-207:39 List _b -> _f | _a -> _a
1882testdata/ 207:21-207:22 i_ 1882testdata/ 207:21-207:22 _i
1883testdata/ 207:21-207:39 List b_ -> f_ | a_ -> List a_ -> e_ 1883testdata/ 207:21-207:39 List _b -> _f | _a -> List _a -> _e
1884testdata/ 207:23-207:24 f_ 1884testdata/ 207:23-207:24 _f
1885testdata/ 207:26-207:31 n_ 1885testdata/ 207:26-207:31 _n
1886testdata/ 207:32-207:33 j_->g_ 1886testdata/ 207:32-207:33 _j -> _g
1887testdata/ 207:34-207:35 o_ 1887testdata/ 207:34-207:35 _o
1888testdata/ 207:36-207:38 List k_ 1888testdata/ 207:36-207:38 List _k
1889testdata/ 209:1-209:7 {a} -> List (List a) -> List a 1889testdata/ 209:1-209:7 forall a . List (List a) -> List a
1890testdata/ 209:10-209:15 {a} -> {b} -> (b -> a->a) -> a -> List b -> a 1890testdata/ 209:10-209:15 forall a b . (b -> a -> a) -> a -> List b -> a
1891testdata/ 209:10-209:20 List a_ -> List (List a_) -> List a_ 1891testdata/ 209:10-209:20 List _a -> List (List _a) -> List _a
1892testdata/ 209:10-209:23 List (List a_) -> List a_ 1892testdata/ 209:10-209:23 List (List _a) -> List _a
1893testdata/ 209:16-209:20 {a} -> List a -> List a -> List a 1893testdata/ 209:16-209:20 forall a . List a -> List a -> List a
1894testdata/ 209:21-209:23 {a} -> List a 1894testdata/ 209:21-209:23 forall a . List a
1895testdata/ 211:1-211:4 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 1895testdata/ 211:1-211:4 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
1896testdata/ 211:16-211:18 {a} -> List a 1896testdata/ 211:16-211:18 forall a . List a
1897testdata/ 211:16-212:30 List b_ -> List a_ | a_->a_ 1897testdata/ 211:16-212:30 List _b -> List _a | _a -> _a
1898testdata/ 212:16-212:17 i_ 1898testdata/ 212:16-212:17 _i
1899testdata/ 212:16-212:21 List a_ -> List a_ 1899testdata/ 212:16-212:21 List _a -> List _a
1900testdata/ 212:16-212:30 List c_ | List c_ -> List b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 1900testdata/ 212:16-212:30 List _c | List _c -> List _b | _b -> List _b -> List _a
1901testdata/ 212:18-212:19 h_ 1901testdata/ 212:18-212:19 _h
1902testdata/ 212:20-212:21 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 1902testdata/ 212:20-212:21 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
1903testdata/ 212:22-212:25 i_ 1903testdata/ 212:22-212:25 _i
1904testdata/ 212:26-212:27 g_->f_ 1904testdata/ 212:26-212:27 _g -> _f
1905testdata/ 212:28-212:30 List h_ 1905testdata/ 212:28-212:30 List _h
1906testdata/ 214:14-214:38 Type 1906testdata/ 214:14-214:38 Type
1907testdata/ 214:15-214:16 d_ 1907testdata/ 214:15-214:16 _d
1908testdata/ 214:20-214:23 Type 1908testdata/ 214:20-214:23 Type
1909testdata/ 214:21-214:22 c_ 1909testdata/ 214:21-214:22 _c
1910testdata/ 214:28-214:31 Type 1910testdata/ 214:28-214:31 Type
1911testdata/ 214:28-214:38 Type 1911testdata/ 214:28-214:38 Type
1912testdata/ 214:29-214:30 Type 1912testdata/ 214:29-214:30 Type
1913testdata/ 214:35-214:38 Type 1913testdata/ 214:35-214:38 Type
1914testdata/ 214:36-214:37 Type 1914testdata/ 214:36-214:37 Type
1915testdata/ 215:1-215:10 {a} -> {b} -> (a -> List b) -> List a -> List b 1915testdata/ 215:1-215:10 forall a b . (a -> List b) -> List a -> List b
1916testdata/ 215:17-215:23 {a} -> List (List a) -> List a 1916testdata/ 215:17-215:23 forall a . List (List a) -> List a
1917testdata/ 215:17-215:33 (b_ -> List a_) -> List b_ -> List a_ | List c_ | List c_ -> List b_ 1917testdata/ 215:17-215:33 (_b -> List _a) -> List _b -> List _a | List _c | List _c -> List _b
1918testdata/ 215:25-215:28 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 1918testdata/ 215:25-215:28 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
1919testdata/ 215:25-215:30 List e_ -> List (List d_) 1919testdata/ 215:25-215:30 List _e -> List (List _d)
1920testdata/ 215:25-215:32 List (List c_) 1920testdata/ 215:25-215:32 List (List _c)
1921testdata/ 215:29-215:30 g_ -> List f_ 1921testdata/ 215:29-215:30 _g -> List _f
1922testdata/ 215:31-215:32 List d_ 1922testdata/ 215:31-215:32 List _d
1923testdata/ 217:1-217:4 {a} -> List a -> Int 1923testdata/ 217:1-217:4 forall a . List a -> Int
1924testdata/ 217:10-217:11 b_ 1924testdata/ 217:10-217:11 _b
1925testdata/ 217:10-218:35 List b_ -> Int | a_->a_ 1925testdata/ 217:10-218:35 List _b -> Int | _a -> _a
1926testdata/ 218:14-218:15 b_ 1926testdata/ 218:14-218:15 _b
1927testdata/ 218:14-218:28 Int->Int 1927testdata/ 218:14-218:28 Int -> Int
1928testdata/ 218:14-218:35 Int | List d_ -> c_ | c_ -> List c_ -> b_ 1928testdata/ 218:14-218:35 Int | List _d -> _c | _c -> List _c -> _b
1929testdata/ 218:16-218:28 Int -> Int->Int 1929testdata/ 218:16-218:28 Int -> Int -> Int
1930testdata/ 218:29-218:32 h_ 1930testdata/ 218:29-218:32 _h
1931testdata/ 218:33-218:35 List g_ 1931testdata/ 218:33-218:35 List _g
1932testdata/ 222:6-222:11 Type | Type->Type 1932testdata/ 222:6-222:11 Type | Type -> Type
1933testdata/ 222:6-222:13 Type 1933testdata/ 222:6-222:13 Type
1934testdata/ 222:6-224:11 Type 1934testdata/ 222:6-224:11 Type
1935testdata/ 222:6-224:13 Type 1935testdata/ 222:6-224:13 Type
1936testdata/ 222:12-222:13 Type 1936testdata/ 222:12-222:13 Type
1937testdata/ 223:7-223:14 Maybe b_ | {a} -> Maybe a 1937testdata/ 223:7-223:14 Maybe _b | forall a . Maybe a
1938testdata/ 224:7-224:11 Maybe d_ | Type | {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1938testdata/ 224:7-224:11 Maybe _d | Type | forall a . a -> Maybe a
1939testdata/ 224:12-224:13 Type 1939testdata/ 224:12-224:13 Type
1940testdata/ 227:6-227:12 Nat -> Type->Type | Type 1940testdata/ 227:6-227:12 Nat -> Type -> Type | Type
1941testdata/ 227:19-227:22 Type 1941testdata/ 227:19-227:22 Type
1942testdata/ 231:6-231:19 Type 1942testdata/ 231:6-231:19 Type
1943testdata/ 231:6-236:20 Type 1943testdata/ 231:6-236:20 Type
@@ -1946,32 +1946,32 @@ testdata/ 233:7-233:11 PrimitiveType
1946testdata/ 234:7-234:12 PrimitiveType 1946testdata/ 234:7-234:12 PrimitiveType
1947testdata/ 235:7-235:24 PrimitiveType 1947testdata/ 235:7-235:24 PrimitiveType
1948testdata/ 236:7-236:20 PrimitiveType 1948testdata/ 236:7-236:20 PrimitiveType
1949testdata/ 238:6-238:15 Type | Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 1949testdata/ 238:6-238:15 Type | Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
1950testdata/ 238:6-241:56 Type 1950testdata/ 238:6-241:56 Type
1951testdata/ 238:21-238:34 Type 1951testdata/ 238:21-238:34 Type
1952testdata/ 238:21-238:42 Type 1952testdata/ 238:21-238:42 Type
1953testdata/ 238:38-238:42 Type 1953testdata/ 238:38-238:42 Type
1954testdata/ 239:5-239:14 Primitive c_ 'Point | {a} -> a -> Primitive a 'Point 1954testdata/ 239:5-239:14 Primitive _c 'Point | forall a . a -> Primitive a 'Point
1955testdata/ 239:5-239:53 Type 1955testdata/ 239:5-239:53 Type
1956testdata/ 239:21-239:22 Type 1956testdata/ 239:21-239:22 Type
1957testdata/ 239:21-239:53 Type 1957testdata/ 239:21-239:53 Type
1958testdata/ 239:36-239:45 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 1958testdata/ 239:36-239:45 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
1959testdata/ 239:36-239:47 PrimitiveType->Type 1959testdata/ 239:36-239:47 PrimitiveType -> Type
1960testdata/ 239:36-239:53 Type 1960testdata/ 239:36-239:53 Type
1961testdata/ 239:46-239:47 Type 1961testdata/ 239:46-239:47 Type
1962testdata/ 239:48-239:53 PrimitiveType 1962testdata/ 239:48-239:53 PrimitiveType
1963testdata/ 240:5-240:13 Primitive e_ 'Line | {a} -> a -> a -> Primitive a 'Line 1963testdata/ 240:5-240:13 Primitive _e 'Line | forall a . a -> a -> Primitive a 'Line
1964testdata/ 240:5-240:52 Type 1964testdata/ 240:5-240:52 Type
1965testdata/ 240:21-240:22 Type 1965testdata/ 240:21-240:22 Type
1966testdata/ 240:21-240:52 Type 1966testdata/ 240:21-240:52 Type
1967testdata/ 240:26-240:27 Type 1967testdata/ 240:26-240:27 Type
1968testdata/ 240:26-240:52 Type 1968testdata/ 240:26-240:52 Type
1969testdata/ 240:36-240:45 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 1969testdata/ 240:36-240:45 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
1970testdata/ 240:36-240:47 PrimitiveType->Type 1970testdata/ 240:36-240:47 PrimitiveType -> Type
1971testdata/ 240:36-240:52 Type 1971testdata/ 240:36-240:52 Type
1972testdata/ 240:46-240:47 Type 1972testdata/ 240:46-240:47 Type
1973testdata/ 240:48-240:52 PrimitiveType 1973testdata/ 240:48-240:52 PrimitiveType
1974testdata/ 241:5-241:17 Primitive g_ 'Triangle | {a} -> a -> a -> a -> Primitive a 'Triangle 1974testdata/ 241:5-241:17 Primitive _g 'Triangle | forall a . a -> a -> a -> Primitive a 'Triangle
1975testdata/ 241:5-241:56 Type 1975testdata/ 241:5-241:56 Type
1976testdata/ 241:21-241:22 Type 1976testdata/ 241:21-241:22 Type
1977testdata/ 241:21-241:56 Type 1977testdata/ 241:21-241:56 Type
@@ -1979,96 +1979,96 @@ testdata/ 241:26-241:27 Type
1979testdata/ 241:26-241:56 Type 1979testdata/ 241:26-241:56 Type
1980testdata/ 241:31-241:32 Type 1980testdata/ 241:31-241:32 Type
1981testdata/ 241:31-241:56 Type 1981testdata/ 241:31-241:56 Type
1982testdata/ 241:36-241:45 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 1982testdata/ 241:36-241:45 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
1983testdata/ 241:36-241:47 PrimitiveType->Type 1983testdata/ 241:36-241:47 PrimitiveType -> Type
1984testdata/ 241:36-241:56 Type 1984testdata/ 241:36-241:56 Type
1985testdata/ 241:46-241:47 Type 1985testdata/ 241:46-241:47 Type
1986testdata/ 241:48-241:56 PrimitiveType 1986testdata/ 241:48-241:56 PrimitiveType
1987testdata/ 243:1-243:13 {a} -> {b} -> {c:PrimitiveType} -> (a->b) -> Primitive a c -> Primitive b c 1987testdata/ 243:1-243:13 forall a b (c :: PrimitiveType) . (a -> b) -> Primitive a c -> Primitive b c
1988testdata/ 243:17-243:59 Type 1988testdata/ 243:17-243:59 Type
1989testdata/ 243:18-243:19 f_ 1989testdata/ 243:18-243:19 _f
1990testdata/ 243:23-243:24 Type | e_ 1990testdata/ 243:23-243:24 Type | _e
1991testdata/ 243:29-243:38 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 1991testdata/ 243:29-243:38 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
1992testdata/ 243:29-243:40 PrimitiveType->Type 1992testdata/ 243:29-243:40 PrimitiveType -> Type
1993testdata/ 243:29-243:42 Type 1993testdata/ 243:29-243:42 Type
1994testdata/ 243:29-243:59 Type 1994testdata/ 243:29-243:59 Type
1995testdata/ 243:39-243:40 Type 1995testdata/ 243:39-243:40 Type
1996testdata/ 243:41-243:42 c_ 1996testdata/ 243:41-243:42 _c
1997testdata/ 243:46-243:55 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 1997testdata/ 243:46-243:55 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
1998testdata/ 243:46-243:57 PrimitiveType->Type 1998testdata/ 243:46-243:57 PrimitiveType -> Type
1999testdata/ 243:46-243:59 Type 1999testdata/ 243:46-243:59 Type
2000testdata/ 243:56-243:57 Type 2000testdata/ 243:56-243:57 Type
2001testdata/ 243:58-243:59 PrimitiveType 2001testdata/ 243:58-243:59 PrimitiveType
2002testdata/ 250:6-250:21 PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 2002testdata/ 250:6-250:21 PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
2003testdata/ 250:28-250:43 Type 2003testdata/ 250:28-250:43 Type
2004testdata/ 250:29-250:38 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2004testdata/ 250:29-250:38 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2005testdata/ 250:29-250:40 PrimitiveType->Type 2005testdata/ 250:29-250:40 PrimitiveType -> Type
2006testdata/ 250:29-250:42 Type 2006testdata/ 250:29-250:42 Type
2007testdata/ 250:39-250:40 b_ 2007testdata/ 250:39-250:40 _b
2008testdata/ 250:41-250:42 c_ 2008testdata/ 250:41-250:42 _c
2009testdata/ 252:18-252:72 Type 2009testdata/ 252:18-252:72 Type
2010testdata/ 252:19-252:20 f_ 2010testdata/ 252:19-252:20 _f
2011testdata/ 252:24-252:25 Type | e_ 2011testdata/ 252:24-252:25 Type | _e
2012testdata/ 252:30-252:45 PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 2012testdata/ 252:30-252:45 PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
2013testdata/ 252:30-252:47 Type->Type 2013testdata/ 252:30-252:47 Type -> Type
2014testdata/ 252:30-252:49 Type 2014testdata/ 252:30-252:49 Type
2015testdata/ 252:30-252:72 Type 2015testdata/ 252:30-252:72 Type
2016testdata/ 252:46-252:47 c_ 2016testdata/ 252:46-252:47 _c
2017testdata/ 252:48-252:49 Type 2017testdata/ 252:48-252:49 Type
2018testdata/ 252:53-252:68 PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 2018testdata/ 252:53-252:68 PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
2019testdata/ 252:53-252:70 Type->Type 2019testdata/ 252:53-252:70 Type -> Type
2020testdata/ 252:53-252:72 Type 2020testdata/ 252:53-252:72 Type
2021testdata/ 252:69-252:70 PrimitiveType 2021testdata/ 252:69-252:70 PrimitiveType
2022testdata/ 252:71-252:72 Type 2022testdata/ 252:71-252:72 Type
2023testdata/ 253:1-253:14 {a} -> {b} -> {c:PrimitiveType} -> (a->b) -> List (Primitive a c) -> List (Primitive b c) 2023testdata/ 253:1-253:14 forall a b (c :: PrimitiveType) . (a -> b) -> List (Primitive a c) -> List (Primitive b c)
2024testdata/ 253:19-253:22 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2024testdata/ 253:19-253:22 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2025testdata/ 253:19-253:39 (c_->b_) -> PrimitiveStream a_ c_ -> PrimitiveStream a_ b_ | List (Primitive e_ a_) -> List (Primitive d_ a_) 2025testdata/ 253:19-253:39 (_c -> _b) -> PrimitiveStream _a _c -> PrimitiveStream _a _b | List (Primitive _e _a) -> List (Primitive _d _a)
2026testdata/ 253:24-253:36 {a} -> {b} -> {c:PrimitiveType} -> (a->b) -> Primitive a c -> Primitive b c 2026testdata/ 253:24-253:36 forall a b (c :: PrimitiveType) . (a -> b) -> Primitive a c -> Primitive b c
2027testdata/ 253:24-253:38 Primitive g_ a_ -> Primitive f_ a_ 2027testdata/ 253:24-253:38 Primitive _g _a -> Primitive _f _a
2028testdata/ 253:37-253:38 i_->h_ 2028testdata/ 253:37-253:38 _i -> _h
2029testdata/ 255:30-255:38 Type->Type 2029testdata/ 255:30-255:38 Type -> Type
2030testdata/ 255:45-255:46 Type | Type->Type 2030testdata/ 255:45-255:46 Type | Type -> Type
2031testdata/ 260:1-260:12 {a:PrimitiveType} -> {b : List Type} -> {c : List Type} -> {_ : b ~ 'map Type Type ListElem c} -> HList c -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b) 2031testdata/ 260:1-260:12 forall (a :: PrimitiveType) (b :: List Type) (c :: List Type) . (b ~ 'map Type Type ListElem c) => HList c -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b)
2032testdata/ 260:32-260:119 Type 2032testdata/ 260:32-260:119 Type
2033testdata/ 260:56-260:57 e_ 2033testdata/ 260:56-260:57 _e
2034testdata/ 260:56-260:59 d_->Type 2034testdata/ 260:56-260:59 _d -> Type
2035testdata/ 260:56-260:75 Type 2035testdata/ 260:56-260:75 Type
2036testdata/ 260:58-260:59 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2036testdata/ 260:58-260:59 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2037testdata/ 260:60-260:63 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2037testdata/ 260:60-260:63 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2038testdata/ 260:60-260:72 List Type -> List Type 2038testdata/ 260:60-260:72 List Type -> List Type
2039testdata/ 260:60-260:75 List Type 2039testdata/ 260:60-260:75 List Type
2040testdata/ 260:64-260:72 Type->Type 2040testdata/ 260:64-260:72 Type -> Type
2041testdata/ 260:73-260:75 b_ 2041testdata/ 260:73-260:75 _b
2042testdata/ 260:80-260:85 List Type -> Type 2042testdata/ 260:80-260:85 List Type -> Type
2043testdata/ 260:80-260:88 Type 2043testdata/ 260:80-260:88 Type
2044testdata/ 260:80-260:119 Type 2044testdata/ 260:80-260:119 Type
2045testdata/ 260:86-260:88 List Type 2045testdata/ 260:86-260:88 List Type
2046testdata/ 260:92-260:107 PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 2046testdata/ 260:92-260:107 PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
2047testdata/ 260:92-260:109 Type->Type 2047testdata/ 260:92-260:109 Type -> Type
2048testdata/ 260:92-260:119 Type 2048testdata/ 260:92-260:119 Type
2049testdata/ 260:108-260:109 f_ 2049testdata/ 260:108-260:109 _f
2050testdata/ 260:111-260:116 List Type -> Type 2050testdata/ 260:111-260:116 List Type -> Type
2051testdata/ 260:111-260:118 Type 2051testdata/ 260:111-260:118 Type
2052testdata/ 260:117-260:118 List Type 2052testdata/ 260:117-260:118 List Type
2053testdata/ 262:1-262:6 {a:PrimitiveType} -> {b : List Type} -> String -> HList b -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b) 2053testdata/ 262:1-262:6 forall (a :: PrimitiveType) (b :: List Type) . String -> HList b -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b)
2054testdata/ 262:56-262:62 Type 2054testdata/ 262:56-262:62 Type
2055testdata/ 262:56-262:104 Type 2055testdata/ 262:56-262:104 Type
2056testdata/ 262:66-262:71 List Type -> Type 2056testdata/ 262:66-262:71 List Type -> Type
2057testdata/ 262:66-262:73 Type 2057testdata/ 262:66-262:73 Type
2058testdata/ 262:66-262:104 Type 2058testdata/ 262:66-262:104 Type
2059testdata/ 262:72-262:73 c_ 2059testdata/ 262:72-262:73 _c
2060testdata/ 262:77-262:92 PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 2060testdata/ 262:77-262:92 PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
2061testdata/ 262:77-262:94 Type->Type 2061testdata/ 262:77-262:94 Type -> Type
2062testdata/ 262:77-262:104 Type 2062testdata/ 262:77-262:104 Type
2063testdata/ 262:93-262:94 e_ 2063testdata/ 262:93-262:94 _e
2064testdata/ 262:96-262:101 List Type -> Type 2064testdata/ 262:96-262:101 List Type -> Type
2065testdata/ 262:96-262:103 Type 2065testdata/ 262:96-262:103 Type
2066testdata/ 262:102-262:103 List Type 2066testdata/ 262:102-262:103 List Type
2067testdata/ 264:1-264:10 {a} -> String->a 2067testdata/ 264:1-264:10 forall a . String -> a
2068testdata/ 264:14-264:20 Type 2068testdata/ 264:14-264:20 Type
2069testdata/ 264:14-264:25 Type 2069testdata/ 264:14-264:25 Type
2070testdata/ 264:24-264:25 Type | c_ 2070testdata/ 264:24-264:25 Type | _c
2071testdata/ 266:1-266:12 {a:PrimitiveType} -> {b : List Type} -> String -> (c : List String) -> {_ : 'len String c ~ 'len Type b} -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b) 2071testdata/ 266:1-266:12 forall (a :: PrimitiveType) (b :: List Type) . String -> (c :: List String) -> ('len String c ~ 'len Type b) => PrimitiveStream a (HList b)
2072testdata/ 266:31-266:37 Type 2072testdata/ 266:31-266:37 Type
2073testdata/ 266:31-266:123 Type 2073testdata/ 266:31-266:123 Type
2074testdata/ 266:32-266:36 Type 2074testdata/ 266:32-266:36 Type
@@ -2077,225 +2077,225 @@ testdata/ 266:41-266:123 Type
2077testdata/ 266:51-266:123 Type 2077testdata/ 266:51-266:123 Type
2078testdata/ 266:65-266:73 Type 2078testdata/ 266:65-266:73 Type
2079testdata/ 266:66-266:72 Type 2079testdata/ 266:66-266:72 Type
2080testdata/ 266:78-266:81 {a} -> List a -> Int 2080testdata/ 266:78-266:81 forall a . List a -> Int
2081testdata/ 266:78-266:84 Int 2081testdata/ 266:78-266:84 Int
2082testdata/ 266:78-266:86 Int->Type 2082testdata/ 266:78-266:86 Int -> Type
2083testdata/ 266:78-266:92 Type 2083testdata/ 266:78-266:92 Type
2084testdata/ 266:78-266:123 Type 2084testdata/ 266:78-266:123 Type
2085testdata/ 266:82-266:84 List String 2085testdata/ 266:82-266:84 List String
2086testdata/ 266:85-266:86 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2086testdata/ 266:85-266:86 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2087testdata/ 266:87-266:90 {a} -> List a -> Int 2087testdata/ 266:87-266:90 forall a . List a -> Int
2088testdata/ 266:87-266:92 Int 2088testdata/ 266:87-266:92 Int
2089testdata/ 266:91-266:92 List Type 2089testdata/ 266:91-266:92 List Type
2090testdata/ 266:96-266:111 PrimitiveType -> Type->Type 2090testdata/ 266:96-266:111 PrimitiveType -> Type -> Type
2091testdata/ 266:96-266:113 Type->Type 2091testdata/ 266:96-266:113 Type -> Type
2092testdata/ 266:96-266:123 Type 2092testdata/ 266:96-266:123 Type
2093testdata/ 266:112-266:113 f_ 2093testdata/ 266:112-266:113 _f
2094testdata/ 266:115-266:120 List Type -> Type 2094testdata/ 266:115-266:120 List Type -> Type
2095testdata/ 266:115-266:122 Type 2095testdata/ 266:115-266:122 Type
2096testdata/ 266:121-266:122 List Type 2096testdata/ 266:121-266:122 List Type
2097testdata/ 270:6-270:14 Nat -> Type->Type 2097testdata/ 270:6-270:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
2098testdata/ 270:21-270:27 Nat -> Type->Type 2098testdata/ 270:21-270:27 Nat -> Type -> Type
2099testdata/ 270:21-270:29 Type->Type 2099testdata/ 270:21-270:29 Type -> Type
2100testdata/ 270:21-270:56 Type 2100testdata/ 270:21-270:56 Type
2101testdata/ 270:28-270:29 d_ 2101testdata/ 270:28-270:29 _d
2102testdata/ 270:31-270:36 Type->Type 2102testdata/ 270:31-270:36 Type -> Type
2103testdata/ 270:31-270:55 Type 2103testdata/ 270:31-270:55 Type
2104testdata/ 270:38-270:52 Type->Type 2104testdata/ 270:38-270:52 Type -> Type
2105testdata/ 270:38-270:54 Type 2105testdata/ 270:38-270:54 Type
2106testdata/ 270:53-270:54 b_ 2106testdata/ 270:53-270:54 _b
2107testdata/ 272:6-272:20 Type | Type->Type 2107testdata/ 272:6-272:20 Type | Type -> Type
2108testdata/ 272:6-272:22 Type 2108testdata/ 272:6-272:22 Type
2109testdata/ 272:6-272:39 Type 2109testdata/ 272:6-272:39 Type
2110testdata/ 272:6-274:29 Type 2110testdata/ 272:6-274:29 Type
2111testdata/ 272:21-272:22 Type 2111testdata/ 272:21-272:22 Type
2112testdata/ 272:25-272:39 SimpleFragment d_ | Type | {a} -> Vec 3 Float -> a -> SimpleFragment a 2112testdata/ 272:25-272:39 SimpleFragment _d | Type | forall a . Vec 3 Float -> a -> SimpleFragment a
2113testdata/ 273:7-273:22 {a} -> SimpleFragment a -> VecS Float 3 2113testdata/ 273:7-273:22 forall a . SimpleFragment a -> VecS Float 3
2114testdata/ 273:28-273:31 Nat -> Type->Type 2114testdata/ 273:28-273:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
2115testdata/ 273:28-273:33 Type->Type 2115testdata/ 273:28-273:33 Type -> Type
2116testdata/ 273:28-273:39 Type 2116testdata/ 273:28-273:39 Type
2117testdata/ 273:32-273:33 b_ 2117testdata/ 273:32-273:33 _b
2118testdata/ 273:34-273:39 Type 2118testdata/ 273:34-273:39 Type
2119testdata/ 274:7-274:21 {a} -> SimpleFragment a -> a 2119testdata/ 274:7-274:21 forall a . SimpleFragment a -> a
2120testdata/ 274:28-274:29 Type 2120testdata/ 274:28-274:29 Type
2121testdata/ 277:6-277:20 Nat -> Type->Type 2121testdata/ 277:6-277:20 Nat -> Type -> Type
2122testdata/ 277:27-277:41 Type 2122testdata/ 277:27-277:41 Type
2123testdata/ 277:28-277:36 Nat -> Type->Type 2123testdata/ 277:28-277:36 Nat -> Type -> Type
2124testdata/ 277:28-277:38 Type->Type 2124testdata/ 277:28-277:38 Type -> Type
2125testdata/ 277:28-277:40 Type 2125testdata/ 277:28-277:40 Type
2126testdata/ 277:37-277:38 d_ 2126testdata/ 277:37-277:38 _d
2127testdata/ 277:39-277:40 b_ 2127testdata/ 277:39-277:40 _b
2128testdata/ 279:1-279:15 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> (a->Float) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a 2128testdata/ 279:1-279:15 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a -> Float) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a
2129testdata/ 279:19-279:63 Type 2129testdata/ 279:19-279:63 Type
2130testdata/ 279:20-279:21 d_ 2130testdata/ 279:20-279:21 _d
2131testdata/ 279:25-279:30 Type 2131testdata/ 279:25-279:30 Type
2132testdata/ 279:35-279:43 Nat -> Type->Type 2132testdata/ 279:35-279:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
2133testdata/ 279:35-279:45 Type->Type 2133testdata/ 279:35-279:45 Type -> Type
2134testdata/ 279:35-279:47 Type 2134testdata/ 279:35-279:47 Type
2135testdata/ 279:35-279:63 Type 2135testdata/ 279:35-279:63 Type
2136testdata/ 279:44-279:45 c_ 2136testdata/ 279:44-279:45 _c
2137testdata/ 279:46-279:47 Type 2137testdata/ 279:46-279:47 Type
2138testdata/ 279:51-279:59 Nat -> Type->Type 2138testdata/ 279:51-279:59 Nat -> Type -> Type
2139testdata/ 279:51-279:61 Type->Type 2139testdata/ 279:51-279:61 Type -> Type
2140testdata/ 279:51-279:63 Type 2140testdata/ 279:51-279:63 Type
2141testdata/ 279:60-279:61 Nat 2141testdata/ 279:60-279:61 Nat
2142testdata/ 279:62-279:63 Type 2142testdata/ 279:62-279:63 Type
2143testdata/ 281:20-281:76 Type 2143testdata/ 281:20-281:76 Type
2144testdata/ 281:21-281:22 d_ 2144testdata/ 281:21-281:22 _d
2145testdata/ 281:26-281:31 Type 2145testdata/ 281:26-281:31 Type
2146testdata/ 281:36-281:50 Nat -> Type->Type 2146testdata/ 281:36-281:50 Nat -> Type -> Type
2147testdata/ 281:36-281:52 Type->Type 2147testdata/ 281:36-281:52 Type -> Type
2148testdata/ 281:36-281:54 Type 2148testdata/ 281:36-281:54 Type
2149testdata/ 281:36-281:76 Type 2149testdata/ 281:36-281:76 Type
2150testdata/ 281:51-281:52 c_ 2150testdata/ 281:51-281:52 _c
2151testdata/ 281:53-281:54 Type 2151testdata/ 281:53-281:54 Type
2152testdata/ 281:58-281:72 Nat -> Type->Type 2152testdata/ 281:58-281:72 Nat -> Type -> Type
2153testdata/ 281:58-281:74 Type->Type 2153testdata/ 281:58-281:74 Type -> Type
2154testdata/ 281:58-281:76 Type 2154testdata/ 281:58-281:76 Type
2155testdata/ 281:73-281:74 Nat 2155testdata/ 281:73-281:74 Nat
2156testdata/ 281:75-281:76 Type 2156testdata/ 281:75-281:76 Type
2157testdata/ 282:1-282:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> (a->Float) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) 2157testdata/ 282:1-282:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a -> Float) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a)))
2158testdata/ 282:21-282:24 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2158testdata/ 282:21-282:24 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2159testdata/ 282:21-282:43 (b_->Float) -> FragmentStream a_ b_ -> FragmentStream a_ b_ | List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment d_))) -> List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment d_))) 2159testdata/ 282:21-282:43 (_b -> Float) -> FragmentStream _a _b -> FragmentStream _a _b | List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _d))) -> List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _d)))
2160testdata/ 282:26-282:40 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> (a->Float) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a 2160testdata/ 282:26-282:40 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a -> Float) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a
2161testdata/ 282:26-282:42 Fragment a_ f_ -> Fragment a_ f_ 2161testdata/ 282:26-282:42 Fragment _a _f -> Fragment _a _f
2162testdata/ 282:41-282:42 g_->Float 2162testdata/ 282:41-282:42 _g -> Float
2163testdata/ 284:1-284:15 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> (a->Bool) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a 2163testdata/ 284:1-284:15 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a -> Bool) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a
2164testdata/ 284:19-284:62 Type 2164testdata/ 284:19-284:62 Type
2165testdata/ 284:20-284:21 d_ 2165testdata/ 284:20-284:21 _d
2166testdata/ 284:25-284:29 Type 2166testdata/ 284:25-284:29 Type
2167testdata/ 284:34-284:42 Nat -> Type->Type 2167testdata/ 284:34-284:42 Nat -> Type -> Type
2168testdata/ 284:34-284:44 Type->Type 2168testdata/ 284:34-284:44 Type -> Type
2169testdata/ 284:34-284:46 Type 2169testdata/ 284:34-284:46 Type
2170testdata/ 284:34-284:62 Type 2170testdata/ 284:34-284:62 Type
2171testdata/ 284:43-284:44 c_ 2171testdata/ 284:43-284:44 _c
2172testdata/ 284:45-284:46 Type 2172testdata/ 284:45-284:46 Type
2173testdata/ 284:50-284:58 Nat -> Type->Type 2173testdata/ 284:50-284:58 Nat -> Type -> Type
2174testdata/ 284:50-284:60 Type->Type 2174testdata/ 284:50-284:60 Type -> Type
2175testdata/ 284:50-284:62 Type 2175testdata/ 284:50-284:62 Type
2176testdata/ 284:59-284:60 Nat 2176testdata/ 284:59-284:60 Nat
2177testdata/ 284:61-284:62 Type 2177testdata/ 284:61-284:62 Type
2178testdata/ 286:20-286:75 Type 2178testdata/ 286:20-286:75 Type
2179testdata/ 286:21-286:22 d_ 2179testdata/ 286:21-286:22 _d
2180testdata/ 286:26-286:30 Type 2180testdata/ 286:26-286:30 Type
2181testdata/ 286:35-286:49 Nat -> Type->Type 2181testdata/ 286:35-286:49 Nat -> Type -> Type
2182testdata/ 286:35-286:51 Type->Type 2182testdata/ 286:35-286:51 Type -> Type
2183testdata/ 286:35-286:53 Type 2183testdata/ 286:35-286:53 Type
2184testdata/ 286:35-286:75 Type 2184testdata/ 286:35-286:75 Type
2185testdata/ 286:50-286:51 c_ 2185testdata/ 286:50-286:51 _c
2186testdata/ 286:52-286:53 Type 2186testdata/ 286:52-286:53 Type
2187testdata/ 286:57-286:71 Nat -> Type->Type 2187testdata/ 286:57-286:71 Nat -> Type -> Type
2188testdata/ 286:57-286:73 Type->Type 2188testdata/ 286:57-286:73 Type -> Type
2189testdata/ 286:57-286:75 Type 2189testdata/ 286:57-286:75 Type
2190testdata/ 286:72-286:73 Nat 2190testdata/ 286:72-286:73 Nat
2191testdata/ 286:74-286:75 Type 2191testdata/ 286:74-286:75 Type
2192testdata/ 287:1-287:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> (a->Bool) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) 2192testdata/ 287:1-287:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a -> Bool) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector b (Maybe (SimpleFragment a)))
2193testdata/ 287:21-287:24 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2193testdata/ 287:21-287:24 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2194testdata/ 287:21-287:43 (b_->Bool) -> FragmentStream a_ b_ -> FragmentStream a_ b_ | List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment d_))) -> List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment d_))) 2194testdata/ 287:21-287:43 (_b -> Bool) -> FragmentStream _a _b -> FragmentStream _a _b | List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _d))) -> List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _d)))
2195testdata/ 287:26-287:40 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> (a->Bool) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a 2195testdata/ 287:26-287:40 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a -> Bool) -> Fragment b a -> Fragment b a
2196testdata/ 287:26-287:42 Fragment a_ f_ -> Fragment a_ f_ 2196testdata/ 287:26-287:42 Fragment _a _f -> Fragment _a _f
2197testdata/ 287:41-287:42 g_->Bool 2197testdata/ 287:41-287:42 _g -> Bool
2198testdata/ 289:1-289:12 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> (a->b) -> Fragment c a -> Fragment c b 2198testdata/ 289:1-289:12 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (a -> b) -> Fragment c a -> Fragment c b
2199testdata/ 289:16-289:56 Type 2199testdata/ 289:16-289:56 Type
2200testdata/ 289:17-289:18 f_ 2200testdata/ 289:17-289:18 _f
2201testdata/ 289:22-289:23 Type | e_ 2201testdata/ 289:22-289:23 Type | _e
2202testdata/ 289:28-289:36 Nat -> Type->Type 2202testdata/ 289:28-289:36 Nat -> Type -> Type
2203testdata/ 289:28-289:38 Type->Type 2203testdata/ 289:28-289:38 Type -> Type
2204testdata/ 289:28-289:40 Type 2204testdata/ 289:28-289:40 Type
2205testdata/ 289:28-289:56 Type 2205testdata/ 289:28-289:56 Type
2206testdata/ 289:37-289:38 c_ 2206testdata/ 289:37-289:38 _c
2207testdata/ 289:39-289:40 Type 2207testdata/ 289:39-289:40 Type
2208testdata/ 289:44-289:52 Nat -> Type->Type 2208testdata/ 289:44-289:52 Nat -> Type -> Type
2209testdata/ 289:44-289:54 Type->Type 2209testdata/ 289:44-289:54 Type -> Type
2210testdata/ 289:44-289:56 Type 2210testdata/ 289:44-289:56 Type
2211testdata/ 289:53-289:54 Nat 2211testdata/ 289:53-289:54 Nat
2212testdata/ 289:55-289:56 Type 2212testdata/ 289:55-289:56 Type
2213testdata/ 291:17-291:69 Type 2213testdata/ 291:17-291:69 Type
2214testdata/ 291:18-291:19 f_ 2214testdata/ 291:18-291:19 _f
2215testdata/ 291:23-291:24 Type | e_ 2215testdata/ 291:23-291:24 Type | _e
2216testdata/ 291:29-291:43 Nat -> Type->Type 2216testdata/ 291:29-291:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
2217testdata/ 291:29-291:45 Type->Type 2217testdata/ 291:29-291:45 Type -> Type
2218testdata/ 291:29-291:47 Type 2218testdata/ 291:29-291:47 Type
2219testdata/ 291:29-291:69 Type 2219testdata/ 291:29-291:69 Type
2220testdata/ 291:44-291:45 c_ 2220testdata/ 291:44-291:45 _c
2221testdata/ 291:46-291:47 Type 2221testdata/ 291:46-291:47 Type
2222testdata/ 291:51-291:65 Nat -> Type->Type 2222testdata/ 291:51-291:65 Nat -> Type -> Type
2223testdata/ 291:51-291:67 Type->Type 2223testdata/ 291:51-291:67 Type -> Type
2224testdata/ 291:51-291:69 Type 2224testdata/ 291:51-291:69 Type
2225testdata/ 291:66-291:67 Nat 2225testdata/ 291:66-291:67 Nat
2226testdata/ 291:68-291:69 Type 2226testdata/ 291:68-291:69 Type
2227testdata/ 292:1-292:13 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> (a->b) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment b))) 2227testdata/ 292:1-292:13 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (a -> b) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment b)))
2228testdata/ 292:18-292:21 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2228testdata/ 292:18-292:21 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2229testdata/ 292:18-292:37 (c_->b_) -> FragmentStream a_ c_ -> FragmentStream a_ b_ | List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment e_))) -> List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment d_))) 2229testdata/ 292:18-292:37 (_c -> _b) -> FragmentStream _a _c -> FragmentStream _a _b | List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _e))) -> List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _d)))
2230testdata/ 292:23-292:34 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> (a->b) -> Fragment c a -> Fragment c b 2230testdata/ 292:23-292:34 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (a -> b) -> Fragment c a -> Fragment c b
2231testdata/ 292:23-292:36 Fragment a_ g_ -> Fragment a_ f_ 2231testdata/ 292:23-292:36 Fragment _a _g -> Fragment _a _f
2232testdata/ 292:35-292:36 i_->h_ 2232testdata/ 292:35-292:36 _i -> _h
2233testdata/ 296:6-296:15 Type 2233testdata/ 296:6-296:15 Type
2234testdata/ 296:6-299:14 Type 2234testdata/ 296:6-299:14 Type
2235testdata/ 297:7-297:12 ImageKind | Type | Type->ImageKind 2235testdata/ 297:7-297:12 ImageKind | Type | Type -> ImageKind
2236testdata/ 297:13-297:17 Type 2236testdata/ 297:13-297:17 Type
2237testdata/ 298:7-298:12 ImageKind 2237testdata/ 298:7-298:12 ImageKind
2238testdata/ 299:7-299:14 ImageKind 2238testdata/ 299:7-299:14 ImageKind
2239testdata/ 301:14-301:23 Type 2239testdata/ 301:14-301:23 Type
2240testdata/ 301:27-301:31 Type 2240testdata/ 301:27-301:31 Type
2241testdata/ 302:1-302:10 ImageKind->Type 2241testdata/ 302:1-302:10 ImageKind -> Type
2242testdata/ 302:23-302:24 Type | Type->a_ 2242testdata/ 302:23-302:24 Type | Type -> _a
2243testdata/ 302:23-303:25 Type -> ImageKind->Type 2243testdata/ 302:23-303:25 Type -> ImageKind -> Type
2244testdata/ 302:23-304:25 ImageKind->Type | Type 2244testdata/ 302:23-304:25 ImageKind -> Type | Type
2245testdata/ 303:19-303:25 Type 2245testdata/ 303:19-303:25 Type
2246testdata/ 304:21-304:25 Type 2246testdata/ 304:21-304:25 Type
2247testdata/ 306:6-306:11 Nat -> ImageKind->Type | Type 2247testdata/ 306:6-306:11 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type | Type
2248testdata/ 306:6-306:38 Type 2248testdata/ 306:6-306:38 Type
2249testdata/ 306:18-306:21 Type 2249testdata/ 306:18-306:21 Type
2250testdata/ 306:29-306:38 Type 2250testdata/ 306:29-306:38 Type
2251testdata/ 308:1-308:11 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b c} -> d -> Image a ('Color d) 2251testdata/ 308:1-308:11 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, d ~ VecScalar b c) => d -> Image a ('Color d)
2252testdata/ 308:45-309:55 Type 2252testdata/ 308:45-309:55 Type
2253testdata/ 308:46-308:49 Type->Type 2253testdata/ 308:46-308:49 Type -> Type
2254testdata/ 308:46-308:51 Type 2254testdata/ 308:46-308:51 Type
2255testdata/ 308:50-308:51 d_ 2255testdata/ 308:50-308:51 _d
2256testdata/ 308:53-308:58 d_ 2256testdata/ 308:53-308:58 _d
2257testdata/ 308:53-308:60 c_->Type 2257testdata/ 308:53-308:60 _c -> Type
2258testdata/ 308:53-308:74 Type 2258testdata/ 308:53-308:74 Type
2259testdata/ 308:53-309:55 Type 2259testdata/ 308:53-309:55 Type
2260testdata/ 308:59-308:60 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2260testdata/ 308:59-308:60 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2261testdata/ 308:61-308:70 Nat -> Type->Type 2261testdata/ 308:61-308:70 Nat -> Type -> Type
2262testdata/ 308:61-308:72 Type->Type 2262testdata/ 308:61-308:72 Type -> Type
2263testdata/ 308:61-308:74 Type 2263testdata/ 308:61-308:74 Type
2264testdata/ 308:71-308:72 f_ 2264testdata/ 308:71-308:72 _f
2265testdata/ 308:73-308:74 Type 2265testdata/ 308:73-308:74 Type
2266testdata/ 309:24-309:29 Type 2266testdata/ 309:24-309:29 Type
2267testdata/ 309:24-309:55 Type 2267testdata/ 309:24-309:55 Type
2268testdata/ 309:34-309:39 Nat -> ImageKind->Type 2268testdata/ 309:34-309:39 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type
2269testdata/ 309:34-309:41 ImageKind->Type 2269testdata/ 309:34-309:41 ImageKind -> Type
2270testdata/ 309:34-309:55 Type 2270testdata/ 309:34-309:55 Type
2271testdata/ 309:40-309:41 h_ 2271testdata/ 309:40-309:41 _h
2272testdata/ 309:43-309:48 Type->ImageKind 2272testdata/ 309:43-309:48 Type -> ImageKind
2273testdata/ 309:43-309:54 ImageKind 2273testdata/ 309:43-309:54 ImageKind
2274testdata/ 309:49-309:54 Type 2274testdata/ 309:49-309:54 Type
2275testdata/ 310:1-310:11 {a:Nat} -> Float -> Image a 'Depth 2275testdata/ 310:1-310:11 forall (a :: Nat) . Float -> Image a 'Depth
2276testdata/ 310:35-310:40 Type 2276testdata/ 310:35-310:40 Type
2277testdata/ 310:35-310:58 Type 2277testdata/ 310:35-310:58 Type
2278testdata/ 310:45-310:50 Nat -> ImageKind->Type 2278testdata/ 310:45-310:50 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type
2279testdata/ 310:45-310:52 ImageKind->Type 2279testdata/ 310:45-310:52 ImageKind -> Type
2280testdata/ 310:45-310:58 Type 2280testdata/ 310:45-310:58 Type
2281testdata/ 310:51-310:52 c_ 2281testdata/ 310:51-310:52 _c
2282testdata/ 310:53-310:58 ImageKind 2282testdata/ 310:53-310:58 ImageKind
2283testdata/ 311:1-311:13 {a:Nat} -> Int -> Image a 'Stencil 2283testdata/ 311:1-311:13 forall (a :: Nat) . Int -> Image a 'Stencil
2284testdata/ 311:35-311:38 Type 2284testdata/ 311:35-311:38 Type
2285testdata/ 311:35-311:60 Type 2285testdata/ 311:35-311:60 Type
2286testdata/ 311:45-311:50 Nat -> ImageKind->Type 2286testdata/ 311:45-311:50 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type
2287testdata/ 311:45-311:52 ImageKind->Type 2287testdata/ 311:45-311:52 ImageKind -> Type
2288testdata/ 311:45-311:60 Type 2288testdata/ 311:45-311:60 Type
2289testdata/ 311:51-311:52 c_ 2289testdata/ 311:51-311:52 _c
2290testdata/ 311:53-311:60 ImageKind 2290testdata/ 311:53-311:60 ImageKind
2291testdata/ 313:1-313:16 Float -> Image 1 'Depth 2291testdata/ 313:1-313:16 Float -> Image 1 'Depth
2292testdata/ 313:19-313:29 {a:Nat} -> Float -> Image a 'Depth 2292testdata/ 313:19-313:29 forall (a :: Nat) . Float -> Image a 'Depth
2293testdata/ 313:19-313:32 Float -> Image 1 'Depth 2293testdata/ 313:19-313:32 Float -> Image 1 'Depth
2294testdata/ 313:31-313:32 b_ 2294testdata/ 313:31-313:32 _b
2295testdata/ 314:1-314:16 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 2295testdata/ 314:1-314:16 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
2296testdata/ 314:19-314:29 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b c} -> d -> Image a ('Color d) 2296testdata/ 314:19-314:29 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, d ~ VecScalar b c) => d -> Image a ('Color d)
2297testdata/ 314:19-314:32 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 2297testdata/ 314:19-314:32 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
2298testdata/ 314:31-314:32 b_ 2298testdata/ 314:31-314:32 _b
2299testdata/ 321:6-321:11 Type 2299testdata/ 321:6-321:11 Type
2300testdata/ 321:6-321:31 Type 2300testdata/ 321:6-321:31 Type
2301testdata/ 321:14-321:16 Swizz 2301testdata/ 321:14-321:16 Swizz
@@ -2303,77 +2303,77 @@ testdata/ 321:19-321:21 Swizz
2303testdata/ 321:24-321:26 Swizz 2303testdata/ 321:24-321:26 Swizz
2304testdata/ 321:29-321:31 Swizz 2304testdata/ 321:29-321:31 Swizz
2305testdata/ 339:16-339:48 Type 2305testdata/ 339:16-339:48 Type
2306testdata/ 339:27-339:30 Nat -> Type->Type 2306testdata/ 339:27-339:30 Nat -> Type -> Type
2307testdata/ 339:27-339:32 Type->Type 2307testdata/ 339:27-339:32 Type -> Type
2308testdata/ 339:27-339:34 Type 2308testdata/ 339:27-339:34 Type
2309testdata/ 339:27-339:48 Type 2309testdata/ 339:27-339:48 Type
2310testdata/ 339:31-339:32 b_ 2310testdata/ 339:31-339:32 _b
2311testdata/ 339:33-339:34 c_ 2311testdata/ 339:33-339:34 _c
2312testdata/ 339:38-339:43 Type 2312testdata/ 339:38-339:43 Type
2313testdata/ 339:38-339:48 Type 2313testdata/ 339:38-339:48 Type
2314testdata/ 339:47-339:48 Type 2314testdata/ 339:47-339:48 Type
2315testdata/ 340:1-340:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> Vec b a -> Swizz->a 2315testdata/ 340:1-340:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . Vec b a -> Swizz -> a
2316testdata/ 340:27-340:28 e_ 2316testdata/ 340:27-340:28 _e
2317testdata/ 340:27-341:28 b_ -> b_->a_ | c_ | c_->b_ | d_ -> d_ -> Swizz->d_ 2317testdata/ 340:27-341:28 _b -> _b -> _a | _c | _c -> _b | _d -> _d -> Swizz -> _d
2318testdata/ 340:27-344:30 (a_ -> a_ -> a_ -> a_->a_) -> {a:Nat} -> VecS a_ a -> a_ 2318testdata/ 340:27-344:30 (_a -> _a -> _a -> _a -> _a) -> forall (a :: Nat) . VecS _a a -> _a
2319testdata/ 340:27-348:32 Swizz->c_ | Vec a_ b_ -> Swizz->b_ | d_ | {a:Nat} -> VecS a_ a -> a_ 2319testdata/ 340:27-348:32 Swizz -> _c | Vec _a _b -> Swizz -> _b | _d | forall (a :: Nat) . VecS _a a -> _a
2320testdata/ 341:27-341:28 d_ 2320testdata/ 341:27-341:28 _d
2321testdata/ 342:29-342:30 e_ 2321testdata/ 342:29-342:30 _e
2322testdata/ 342:29-343:30 d_ -> d_ -> Swizz->d_ 2322testdata/ 342:29-343:30 _d -> _d -> Swizz -> _d
2323testdata/ 342:29-344:30 a_ -> a_ -> a_->a_ | b_ -> b_->b_ | c_->c_ | d_ | d_ -> Swizz->d_ 2323testdata/ 342:29-344:30 _a -> _a -> _a -> _a | _b -> _b -> _b | _c -> _c | _d | _d -> Swizz -> _d
2324testdata/ 343:29-343:30 d_ 2324testdata/ 343:29-343:30 _d
2325testdata/ 344:29-344:30 d_ 2325testdata/ 344:29-344:30 _d
2326testdata/ 345:31-345:32 f_ 2326testdata/ 345:31-345:32 _f
2327testdata/ 345:31-346:32 e_ -> e_ -> Swizz->e_ 2327testdata/ 345:31-346:32 _e -> _e -> Swizz -> _e
2328testdata/ 345:31-347:32 e_ -> Swizz->e_ 2328testdata/ 345:31-347:32 _e -> Swizz -> _e
2329testdata/ 345:31-348:32 Swizz->e_ | a_ -> a_ -> a_ -> a_->a_ | b_ -> b_ -> b_->b_ | c_ -> c_->c_ | d_->d_ | e_ 2329testdata/ 345:31-348:32 Swizz -> _e | _a -> _a -> _a -> _a -> _a | _b -> _b -> _b -> _b | _c -> _c -> _c | _d -> _d | _e
2330testdata/ 346:31-346:32 e_ 2330testdata/ 346:31-346:32 _e
2331testdata/ 347:31-347:32 e_ 2331testdata/ 347:31-347:32 _e
2332testdata/ 348:31-348:32 e_ 2332testdata/ 348:31-348:32 _e
2333testdata/ 351:28-351:31 Nat -> Type->Type 2333testdata/ 351:28-351:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
2334testdata/ 351:28-351:33 Type->Type 2334testdata/ 351:28-351:33 Type -> Type
2335testdata/ 351:28-351:35 Type 2335testdata/ 351:28-351:35 Type
2336testdata/ 351:28-351:43 Type 2336testdata/ 351:28-351:43 Type
2337testdata/ 351:32-351:33 b_ 2337testdata/ 351:32-351:33 _b
2338testdata/ 351:34-351:35 c_ 2338testdata/ 351:34-351:35 _c
2339testdata/ 351:39-351:43 Type 2339testdata/ 351:39-351:43 Type
2340testdata/ 352:1-352:11 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> Vec b a -> Bool 2340testdata/ 352:1-352:11 forall a (b :: Nat) . Vec b a -> Bool
2341testdata/ 352:23-352:27 Bool | b_ -> b_->a_ | c_->b_ 2341testdata/ 352:23-352:27 Bool | _b -> _b -> _a | _c -> _b
2342testdata/ 352:23-353:29 (a_ -> a_ -> a_ -> a_->Bool) -> {a:Nat} -> VecS a_ a -> Bool 2342testdata/ 352:23-353:29 (_a -> _a -> _a -> _a -> Bool) -> forall (a :: Nat) . VecS _a a -> Bool
2343testdata/ 352:23-354:31 Bool | Vec a_ b_ -> Bool | {a:Nat} -> VecS a_ a -> Bool 2343testdata/ 352:23-354:31 Bool | Vec _a _b -> Bool | forall (a :: Nat) . VecS _a a -> Bool
2344testdata/ 353:25-353:29 Bool | a_ -> a_ -> a_->Bool | b_ -> b_->Bool | c_->Bool 2344testdata/ 353:25-353:29 Bool | _a -> _a -> _a -> Bool | _b -> _b -> Bool | _c -> Bool
2345testdata/ 354:27-354:31 Bool | a_ -> a_ -> a_ -> a_->Bool | b_ -> b_ -> b_->Bool | c_ -> c_->Bool | d_->Bool 2345testdata/ 354:27-354:31 Bool | _a -> _a -> _a -> _a -> Bool | _b -> _b -> _b -> Bool | _c -> _c -> Bool | _d -> Bool
2346testdata/ 356:16-356:71 Type 2346testdata/ 356:16-356:71 Type
2347testdata/ 356:27-356:71 Type 2347testdata/ 356:27-356:71 Type
2348testdata/ 356:38-356:41 Nat -> Type->Type 2348testdata/ 356:38-356:41 Nat -> Type -> Type
2349testdata/ 356:38-356:43 Type->Type 2349testdata/ 356:38-356:43 Type -> Type
2350testdata/ 356:38-356:45 Type 2350testdata/ 356:38-356:45 Type
2351testdata/ 356:38-356:71 Type 2351testdata/ 356:38-356:71 Type
2352testdata/ 356:42-356:43 d_ 2352testdata/ 356:42-356:43 _d
2353testdata/ 356:44-356:45 e_ 2353testdata/ 356:44-356:45 _e
2354testdata/ 356:49-356:52 Nat -> Type->Type 2354testdata/ 356:49-356:52 Nat -> Type -> Type
2355testdata/ 356:49-356:54 Type->Type 2355testdata/ 356:49-356:54 Type -> Type
2356testdata/ 356:49-356:60 Type 2356testdata/ 356:49-356:60 Type
2357testdata/ 356:49-356:71 Type 2357testdata/ 356:49-356:71 Type
2358testdata/ 356:53-356:54 c_ 2358testdata/ 356:53-356:54 _c
2359testdata/ 356:55-356:60 Type 2359testdata/ 356:55-356:60 Type
2360testdata/ 356:64-356:67 Nat -> Type->Type 2360testdata/ 356:64-356:67 Nat -> Type -> Type
2361testdata/ 356:64-356:69 Type->Type 2361testdata/ 356:64-356:69 Type -> Type
2362testdata/ 356:64-356:71 Type 2362testdata/ 356:64-356:71 Type
2363testdata/ 356:68-356:69 Nat 2363testdata/ 356:68-356:69 Nat
2364testdata/ 356:70-356:71 Type 2364testdata/ 356:70-356:71 Type
2365testdata/ 357:1-357:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c:Nat} -> Vec b a -> Vec c Swizz -> VecS a c 2365testdata/ 357:1-357:12 forall a (b :: Nat) (c :: Nat) . Vec b a -> Vec c Swizz -> VecS a c
2366testdata/ 357:19-357:29 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> Vec b a -> Bool 2366testdata/ 357:19-357:29 forall a (b :: Nat) . Vec b a -> Bool
2367testdata/ 357:19-357:31 Bool 2367testdata/ 357:19-357:31 Bool
2368testdata/ 357:19-357:58 Vec b_ Swizz -> Vec b_ d_ | Vec b_ c_ -> Vec a_ Swizz -> Vec a_ c_ | VecS e_ c_ 2368testdata/ 357:19-357:58 Vec _b Swizz -> Vec _b _d | Vec _b _c -> Vec _a Swizz -> Vec _a _c | VecS _e _c
2369testdata/ 357:30-357:31 Vec f_ g_ 2369testdata/ 357:30-357:31 Vec _f _g
2370testdata/ 357:34-357:40 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> (a->b) -> VecS a c -> VecS b c 2370testdata/ 357:34-357:40 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (a -> b) -> VecS a c -> VecS b c
2371testdata/ 357:34-357:56 VecS Swizz a_ -> VecS g_ a_ 2371testdata/ 357:34-357:56 VecS Swizz _a -> VecS _g _a
2372testdata/ 357:34-357:58 VecS e_ c_ 2372testdata/ 357:34-357:58 VecS _e _c
2373testdata/ 357:42-357:53 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> Vec b a -> Swizz->a 2373testdata/ 357:42-357:53 forall a (b :: Nat) . Vec b a -> Swizz -> a
2374testdata/ 357:42-357:55 Swizz->i_ 2374testdata/ 357:42-357:55 Swizz -> _i
2375testdata/ 357:54-357:55 Vec j_ k_ 2375testdata/ 357:54-357:55 Vec _j _k
2376testdata/ 357:57-357:58 Vec d_ Swizz 2376testdata/ 357:57-357:58 Vec _d Swizz
2377testdata/ 361:6-361:20 Type 2377testdata/ 361:6-361:20 Type
2378testdata/ 361:6-376:23 Type 2378testdata/ 361:6-376:23 Type
2379testdata/ 362:7-362:13 BlendingFactor 2379testdata/ 362:7-362:13 BlendingFactor
@@ -2445,35 +2445,35 @@ testdata/ 427:6-430:15 Type
2445testdata/ 428:7-428:16 CullMode 2445testdata/ 428:7-428:16 CullMode
2446testdata/ 429:7-429:15 CullMode 2446testdata/ 429:7-429:15 CullMode
2447testdata/ 430:7-430:15 CullMode 2447testdata/ 430:7-430:15 CullMode
2448testdata/ 432:6-432:15 Type | Type->Type 2448testdata/ 432:6-432:15 Type | Type -> Type
2449testdata/ 432:6-432:17 Type 2449testdata/ 432:6-432:17 Type
2450testdata/ 432:6-433:22 Type 2450testdata/ 432:6-433:22 Type
2451testdata/ 432:6-434:23 Type 2451testdata/ 432:6-434:23 Type
2452testdata/ 432:6-434:36 Type 2452testdata/ 432:6-434:36 Type
2453testdata/ 432:16-432:17 Type 2453testdata/ 432:16-432:17 Type
2454testdata/ 433:7-433:16 PointSize c_ | Type | {a} -> Float -> PointSize a 2454testdata/ 433:7-433:16 PointSize _c | Type | forall a . Float -> PointSize a
2455testdata/ 433:17-433:22 Type 2455testdata/ 433:17-433:22 Type
2456testdata/ 434:7-434:23 PointSize d_ | Type | {a} -> (a->Float) -> PointSize a 2456testdata/ 434:7-434:23 PointSize _d | Type | forall a . (a -> Float) -> PointSize a
2457testdata/ 434:25-434:26 Type 2457testdata/ 434:25-434:26 Type
2458testdata/ 434:30-434:35 Type 2458testdata/ 434:30-434:35 Type
2459testdata/ 436:6-436:17 Type | Type->Type 2459testdata/ 436:6-436:17 Type | Type -> Type
2460testdata/ 436:6-436:19 Type 2460testdata/ 436:6-436:19 Type
2461testdata/ 436:6-438:33 Type 2461testdata/ 436:6-438:33 Type
2462testdata/ 436:6-439:18 Type 2462testdata/ 436:6-439:18 Type
2463testdata/ 436:6-439:24 Type 2463testdata/ 436:6-439:24 Type
2464testdata/ 436:18-436:19 Type 2464testdata/ 436:18-436:19 Type
2465testdata/ 437:7-437:18 PolygonMode b_ | {a} -> PolygonMode a 2465testdata/ 437:7-437:18 PolygonMode _b | forall a . PolygonMode a
2466testdata/ 438:7-438:19 PolygonMode d_ | Type | {a} -> PointSize a -> PolygonMode a 2466testdata/ 438:7-438:19 PolygonMode _d | Type | forall a . PointSize a -> PolygonMode a
2467testdata/ 438:21-438:30 Type->Type 2467testdata/ 438:21-438:30 Type -> Type
2468testdata/ 438:21-438:32 Type 2468testdata/ 438:21-438:32 Type
2469testdata/ 438:31-438:32 Type 2469testdata/ 438:31-438:32 Type
2470testdata/ 439:7-439:18 PolygonMode e_ | Type | {a} -> Float -> PolygonMode a 2470testdata/ 439:7-439:18 PolygonMode _e | Type | forall a . Float -> PolygonMode a
2471testdata/ 439:19-439:24 Type 2471testdata/ 439:19-439:24 Type
2472testdata/ 441:6-441:19 Type 2472testdata/ 441:6-441:19 Type
2473testdata/ 441:6-443:13 Type 2473testdata/ 441:6-443:13 Type
2474testdata/ 441:6-443:25 Type 2474testdata/ 441:6-443:25 Type
2475testdata/ 442:7-442:15 PolygonOffset 2475testdata/ 442:7-442:15 PolygonOffset
2476testdata/ 443:7-443:13 Float -> Float->PolygonOffset | PolygonOffset | Type 2476testdata/ 443:7-443:13 Float -> Float -> PolygonOffset | PolygonOffset | Type
2477testdata/ 443:14-443:19 Type 2477testdata/ 443:14-443:19 Type
2478testdata/ 443:20-443:25 Type 2478testdata/ 443:20-443:25 Type
2479testdata/ 445:6-445:28 Type 2479testdata/ 445:6-445:28 Type
@@ -2482,31 +2482,31 @@ testdata/ 446:7-446:16 PointSpriteCoordOrigin
2482testdata/ 447:7-447:16 PointSpriteCoordOrigin 2482testdata/ 447:7-447:16 PointSpriteCoordOrigin
2483testdata/ 450:1-450:12 () -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 4 Float 2483testdata/ 450:1-450:12 () -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 4 Float
2484testdata/ 450:16-450:18 Type 2484testdata/ 450:16-450:18 Type
2485testdata/ 450:22-450:25 Nat -> Type->Type 2485testdata/ 450:22-450:25 Nat -> Type -> Type
2486testdata/ 450:22-450:27 Type->Type 2486testdata/ 450:22-450:27 Type -> Type
2487testdata/ 450:22-450:33 Type 2487testdata/ 450:22-450:33 Type
2488testdata/ 450:22-450:48 Type 2488testdata/ 450:22-450:48 Type
2489testdata/ 450:26-450:27 b_ 2489testdata/ 450:26-450:27 _b
2490testdata/ 450:28-450:33 Type 2490testdata/ 450:28-450:33 Type
2491testdata/ 450:37-450:40 Nat -> Type->Type 2491testdata/ 450:37-450:40 Nat -> Type -> Type
2492testdata/ 450:37-450:42 Type->Type 2492testdata/ 450:37-450:42 Type -> Type
2493testdata/ 450:37-450:48 Type 2493testdata/ 450:37-450:48 Type
2494testdata/ 450:41-450:42 b_ 2494testdata/ 450:41-450:42 _b
2495testdata/ 450:43-450:48 Type 2495testdata/ 450:43-450:48 Type
2496testdata/ 453:1-453:8 {a} -> String->a 2496testdata/ 453:1-453:8 forall a . String -> a
2497testdata/ 453:14-453:20 Type 2497testdata/ 453:14-453:20 Type
2498testdata/ 453:14-453:25 Type 2498testdata/ 453:14-453:25 Type
2499testdata/ 453:24-453:25 Type | c_ 2499testdata/ 453:24-453:25 Type | _c
2500testdata/ 455:6-455:19 Type | Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2500testdata/ 455:6-455:19 Type | Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2501testdata/ 455:6-458:111 Type 2501testdata/ 455:6-458:111 Type
2502testdata/ 455:25-455:38 Type 2502testdata/ 455:25-455:38 Type
2503testdata/ 455:25-455:46 Type 2503testdata/ 455:25-455:46 Type
2504testdata/ 455:42-455:46 Type 2504testdata/ 455:42-455:46 Type
2505testdata/ 456:3-456:14 RasterContext f_ 'Triangle | {a} -> CullMode -> PolygonMode a -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a 'Triangle 2505testdata/ 456:3-456:14 RasterContext _f 'Triangle | forall a . CullMode -> PolygonMode a -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a 'Triangle
2506testdata/ 456:3-456:115 Type 2506testdata/ 456:3-456:115 Type
2507testdata/ 456:26-456:34 Type 2507testdata/ 456:26-456:34 Type
2508testdata/ 456:26-456:115 Type 2508testdata/ 456:26-456:115 Type
2509testdata/ 456:38-456:49 Type->Type 2509testdata/ 456:38-456:49 Type -> Type
2510testdata/ 456:38-456:51 Type 2510testdata/ 456:38-456:51 Type
2511testdata/ 456:38-456:115 Type 2511testdata/ 456:38-456:115 Type
2512testdata/ 456:50-456:51 Type 2512testdata/ 456:50-456:51 Type
@@ -2514,14 +2514,14 @@ testdata/ 456:55-456:68 Type
2514testdata/ 456:55-456:115 Type 2514testdata/ 456:55-456:115 Type
2515testdata/ 456:72-456:87 Type 2515testdata/ 456:72-456:87 Type
2516testdata/ 456:72-456:115 Type 2516testdata/ 456:72-456:115 Type
2517testdata/ 456:91-456:104 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2517testdata/ 456:91-456:104 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2518testdata/ 456:91-456:106 PrimitiveType->Type 2518testdata/ 456:91-456:106 PrimitiveType -> Type
2519testdata/ 456:91-456:115 Type 2519testdata/ 456:91-456:115 Type
2520testdata/ 456:105-456:106 Type 2520testdata/ 456:105-456:106 Type
2521testdata/ 456:107-456:115 PrimitiveType 2521testdata/ 456:107-456:115 PrimitiveType
2522testdata/ 457:3-457:11 RasterContext f_ 'Point | {a} -> PointSize a -> Float -> PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> RasterContext a 'Point 2522testdata/ 457:3-457:11 RasterContext _f 'Point | forall a . PointSize a -> Float -> PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> RasterContext a 'Point
2523testdata/ 457:3-457:112 Type 2523testdata/ 457:3-457:112 Type
2524testdata/ 457:26-457:35 Type->Type 2524testdata/ 457:26-457:35 Type -> Type
2525testdata/ 457:26-457:37 Type 2525testdata/ 457:26-457:37 Type
2526testdata/ 457:26-457:112 Type 2526testdata/ 457:26-457:112 Type
2527testdata/ 457:36-457:37 Type 2527testdata/ 457:36-457:37 Type
@@ -2529,40 +2529,40 @@ testdata/ 457:41-457:46 Type
2529testdata/ 457:41-457:112 Type 2529testdata/ 457:41-457:112 Type
2530testdata/ 457:50-457:72 Type 2530testdata/ 457:50-457:72 Type
2531testdata/ 457:50-457:112 Type 2531testdata/ 457:50-457:112 Type
2532testdata/ 457:91-457:104 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2532testdata/ 457:91-457:104 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2533testdata/ 457:91-457:106 PrimitiveType->Type 2533testdata/ 457:91-457:106 PrimitiveType -> Type
2534testdata/ 457:91-457:112 Type 2534testdata/ 457:91-457:112 Type
2535testdata/ 457:105-457:106 Type 2535testdata/ 457:105-457:106 Type
2536testdata/ 457:107-457:112 PrimitiveType 2536testdata/ 457:107-457:112 PrimitiveType
2537testdata/ 458:3-458:10 RasterContext f_ 'Line | {a} -> Float -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a 'Line 2537testdata/ 458:3-458:10 RasterContext _f 'Line | forall a . Float -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a 'Line
2538testdata/ 458:3-458:111 Type 2538testdata/ 458:3-458:111 Type
2539testdata/ 458:26-458:31 Type 2539testdata/ 458:26-458:31 Type
2540testdata/ 458:26-458:111 Type 2540testdata/ 458:26-458:111 Type
2541testdata/ 458:35-458:50 Type 2541testdata/ 458:35-458:50 Type
2542testdata/ 458:35-458:111 Type 2542testdata/ 458:35-458:111 Type
2543testdata/ 458:91-458:104 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2543testdata/ 458:91-458:104 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2544testdata/ 458:91-458:106 PrimitiveType->Type 2544testdata/ 458:91-458:106 PrimitiveType -> Type
2545testdata/ 458:91-458:111 Type 2545testdata/ 458:91-458:111 Type
2546testdata/ 458:105-458:106 Type 2546testdata/ 458:105-458:106 Type
2547testdata/ 458:107-458:111 PrimitiveType 2547testdata/ 458:107-458:111 PrimitiveType
2548testdata/ 460:6-460:14 Type | Type->Type 2548testdata/ 460:6-460:14 Type | Type -> Type
2549testdata/ 460:6-465:74 Type 2549testdata/ 460:6-465:74 Type
2550testdata/ 460:18-460:22 Type 2550testdata/ 460:18-460:22 Type
2551testdata/ 460:26-460:30 Type 2551testdata/ 460:26-460:30 Type
2552testdata/ 461:3-461:13 Blending a_ | {a} -> Blending a 2552testdata/ 461:3-461:13 Blending _a | forall a . Blending a
2553testdata/ 461:3-461:70 Type 2553testdata/ 461:3-461:70 Type
2554testdata/ 461:60-461:68 Type->Type 2554testdata/ 461:60-461:68 Type -> Type
2555testdata/ 461:60-461:70 Type 2555testdata/ 461:60-461:70 Type
2556testdata/ 461:69-461:70 Type | b_ 2556testdata/ 461:69-461:70 Type | _b
2557testdata/ 462:3-462:15 Blending c_ | {a} -> {_ : Integral a} -> LogicOperation -> Blending a 2557testdata/ 462:3-462:15 Blending _c | forall a . Integral a => LogicOperation -> Blending a
2558testdata/ 462:3-462:70 Type 2558testdata/ 462:3-462:70 Type
2559testdata/ 462:26-462:70 Type 2559testdata/ 462:26-462:70 Type
2560testdata/ 462:27-462:35 Type->Type 2560testdata/ 462:27-462:35 Type -> Type
2561testdata/ 462:27-462:37 Type 2561testdata/ 462:27-462:37 Type
2562testdata/ 462:36-462:37 b_ 2562testdata/ 462:36-462:37 _b
2563testdata/ 462:42-462:56 Type 2563testdata/ 462:42-462:56 Type
2564testdata/ 462:42-462:70 Type 2564testdata/ 462:42-462:70 Type
2565testdata/ 462:60-462:68 Type->Type 2565testdata/ 462:60-462:68 Type -> Type
2566testdata/ 462:60-462:70 Type 2566testdata/ 462:60-462:70 Type
2567testdata/ 462:69-462:70 Type 2567testdata/ 462:69-462:70 Type
2568testdata/ 463:3-463:8 (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) -> Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float | Blending Float 2568testdata/ 463:3-463:8 (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) -> Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float | Blending Float
@@ -2582,43 +2582,43 @@ testdata/ 464:64-464:96 List Type | Type
2582testdata/ 464:65-464:79 Type 2582testdata/ 464:65-464:79 Type
2583testdata/ 464:65-464:95 List Type 2583testdata/ 464:65-464:95 List Type
2584testdata/ 464:81-464:95 List Type | Type 2584testdata/ 464:81-464:95 List Type | Type
2585testdata/ 465:29-465:32 Nat -> Type->Type 2585testdata/ 465:29-465:32 Nat -> Type -> Type
2586testdata/ 465:29-465:34 Type->Type 2586testdata/ 465:29-465:34 Type -> Type
2587testdata/ 465:29-465:40 Type 2587testdata/ 465:29-465:40 Type
2588testdata/ 465:29-465:74 Type 2588testdata/ 465:29-465:74 Type
2589testdata/ 465:33-465:34 b_ 2589testdata/ 465:33-465:34 _b
2590testdata/ 465:35-465:40 Type 2590testdata/ 465:35-465:40 Type
2591testdata/ 465:60-465:68 Type->Type 2591testdata/ 465:60-465:68 Type -> Type
2592testdata/ 465:60-465:74 Type 2592testdata/ 465:60-465:74 Type
2593testdata/ 465:69-465:74 Type 2593testdata/ 465:69-465:74 Type
2594testdata/ 467:6-467:18 Type 2594testdata/ 467:6-467:18 Type
2595testdata/ 468:6-468:16 Type 2595testdata/ 468:6-468:16 Type
2596testdata/ 470:6-470:23 ImageKind->Type | Type 2596testdata/ 470:6-470:23 ImageKind -> Type | Type
2597testdata/ 470:6-473:96 Type 2597testdata/ 470:6-473:96 Type
2598testdata/ 470:27-470:36 Type 2598testdata/ 470:27-470:36 Type
2599testdata/ 470:40-470:44 Type 2599testdata/ 470:40-470:44 Type
2600testdata/ 471:3-471:10 FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar d_ e_)) | {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> Blending a -> VecScalar b Bool -> FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar b a)) 2600testdata/ 471:3-471:10 FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar _d _e)) | forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => Blending a -> VecScalar b Bool -> FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar b a))
2601testdata/ 471:3-471:112 Type 2601testdata/ 471:3-471:112 Type
2602testdata/ 471:26-471:29 Type->Type 2602testdata/ 471:26-471:29 Type -> Type
2603testdata/ 471:26-471:31 Type 2603testdata/ 471:26-471:31 Type
2604testdata/ 471:26-471:112 Type 2604testdata/ 471:26-471:112 Type
2605testdata/ 471:30-471:31 d_ 2605testdata/ 471:30-471:31 _d
2606testdata/ 471:35-471:43 Type->Type 2606testdata/ 471:35-471:43 Type -> Type
2607testdata/ 471:35-471:45 Type 2607testdata/ 471:35-471:45 Type
2608testdata/ 471:35-471:112 Type 2608testdata/ 471:35-471:112 Type
2609testdata/ 471:44-471:45 Type 2609testdata/ 471:44-471:45 Type
2610testdata/ 471:49-471:58 Nat -> Type->Type 2610testdata/ 471:49-471:58 Nat -> Type -> Type
2611testdata/ 471:49-471:60 Type->Type 2611testdata/ 471:49-471:60 Type -> Type
2612testdata/ 471:49-471:65 Type 2612testdata/ 471:49-471:65 Type
2613testdata/ 471:49-471:112 Type 2613testdata/ 471:49-471:112 Type
2614testdata/ 471:59-471:60 d_ 2614testdata/ 471:59-471:60 _d
2615testdata/ 471:61-471:65 Type 2615testdata/ 471:61-471:65 Type
2616testdata/ 471:71-471:88 ImageKind->Type 2616testdata/ 471:71-471:88 ImageKind -> Type
2617testdata/ 471:71-471:112 Type 2617testdata/ 471:71-471:112 Type
2618testdata/ 471:90-471:95 Type->ImageKind 2618testdata/ 471:90-471:95 Type -> ImageKind
2619testdata/ 471:90-471:111 ImageKind 2619testdata/ 471:90-471:111 ImageKind
2620testdata/ 471:97-471:106 Nat -> Type->Type 2620testdata/ 471:97-471:106 Nat -> Type -> Type
2621testdata/ 471:97-471:108 Type->Type 2621testdata/ 471:97-471:108 Type -> Type
2622testdata/ 471:97-471:110 Type 2622testdata/ 471:97-471:110 Type
2623testdata/ 471:107-471:108 Nat 2623testdata/ 471:107-471:108 Nat
2624testdata/ 471:109-471:110 Type 2624testdata/ 471:109-471:110 Type
@@ -2627,7 +2627,7 @@ testdata/ 472:3-472:94 Type
2627testdata/ 472:26-472:44 Type 2627testdata/ 472:26-472:44 Type
2628testdata/ 472:48-472:52 Type 2628testdata/ 472:48-472:52 Type
2629testdata/ 472:48-472:94 Type 2629testdata/ 472:48-472:94 Type
2630testdata/ 472:71-472:88 ImageKind->Type 2630testdata/ 472:71-472:88 ImageKind -> Type
2631testdata/ 472:71-472:94 Type 2631testdata/ 472:71-472:94 Type
2632testdata/ 472:89-472:94 ImageKind 2632testdata/ 472:89-472:94 ImageKind
2633testdata/ 473:3-473:12 FragmentOperation 'Stencil | StencilTests -> StencilOps -> StencilOps -> FragmentOperation 'Stencil 2633testdata/ 473:3-473:12 FragmentOperation 'Stencil | StencilTests -> StencilOps -> StencilOps -> FragmentOperation 'Stencil
@@ -2637,124 +2637,124 @@ testdata/ 473:42-473:52 Type
2637testdata/ 473:42-473:96 Type 2637testdata/ 473:42-473:96 Type
2638testdata/ 473:56-473:66 Type 2638testdata/ 473:56-473:66 Type
2639testdata/ 473:56-473:96 Type 2639testdata/ 473:56-473:96 Type
2640testdata/ 473:71-473:88 ImageKind->Type 2640testdata/ 473:71-473:88 ImageKind -> Type
2641testdata/ 473:71-473:96 Type 2641testdata/ 473:71-473:96 Type
2642testdata/ 473:89-473:96 ImageKind 2642testdata/ 473:89-473:96 ImageKind
2643testdata/ 475:6-475:18 Type | Type->Type 2643testdata/ 475:6-475:18 Type | Type -> Type
2644testdata/ 475:6-478:7 Type 2644testdata/ 475:6-478:7 Type
2645testdata/ 476:3-476:9 Interpolated c_ | Type | {a} -> {_ : Floating a} -> Interpolated a 2645testdata/ 476:3-476:9 Interpolated _c | Type | forall a . Floating a => Interpolated a
2646testdata/ 476:11-476:24 Interpolated d_ | Type | {a} -> {_ : Floating a} -> Interpolated a 2646testdata/ 476:11-476:24 Interpolated _d | Type | forall a . Floating a => Interpolated a
2647testdata/ 477:26-477:56 Type 2647testdata/ 477:26-477:56 Type
2648testdata/ 477:27-477:35 Type->Type 2648testdata/ 477:27-477:35 Type -> Type
2649testdata/ 477:27-477:37 Type 2649testdata/ 477:27-477:37 Type
2650testdata/ 477:36-477:37 Type 2650testdata/ 477:36-477:37 Type
2651testdata/ 477:42-477:54 Type->Type 2651testdata/ 477:42-477:54 Type -> Type
2652testdata/ 477:42-477:56 Type 2652testdata/ 477:42-477:56 Type
2653testdata/ 477:55-477:56 Type 2653testdata/ 477:55-477:56 Type
2654testdata/ 478:3-478:7 Interpolated d_ | {a} -> Interpolated a 2654testdata/ 478:3-478:7 Interpolated _d | forall a . Interpolated a
2655testdata/ 478:42-478:54 Type->Type 2655testdata/ 478:42-478:54 Type -> Type
2656testdata/ 478:42-478:56 Type 2656testdata/ 478:42-478:56 Type
2657testdata/ 478:55-478:56 Type 2657testdata/ 478:55-478:56 Type
2658testdata/ 480:1-480:19 {a : List Type} -> {b : List Type} -> {c : List Type} -> {d:PrimitiveType} -> {_ : 'map Type Type Interpolated a ~ b} -> {_ : c ~ 'Cons (Vec 4 Float) a} -> HList b -> RasterContext (HList c) d -> Primitive (HList c) d -> FragmentStream 1 (HList a) 2658testdata/ 480:1-480:19 forall (a :: List Type) (b :: List Type) (c :: List Type) (d :: PrimitiveType) . ('map Type Type Interpolated a ~ b, c ~ 'Cons (Vec 4 Float) a) => HList b -> RasterContext (HList c) d -> Primitive (HList c) d -> FragmentStream 1 (HList a)
2659testdata/ 481:8-486:34 Type 2659testdata/ 481:8-486:34 Type
2660testdata/ 481:10-481:13 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2660testdata/ 481:10-481:13 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2661testdata/ 481:10-481:26 List Type -> List Type 2661testdata/ 481:10-481:26 List Type -> List Type
2662testdata/ 481:10-481:28 List Type 2662testdata/ 481:10-481:28 List Type
2663testdata/ 481:10-481:30 List Type -> Type 2663testdata/ 481:10-481:30 List Type -> Type
2664testdata/ 481:10-481:44 Type 2664testdata/ 481:10-481:44 Type
2665testdata/ 481:14-481:26 Type->Type 2665testdata/ 481:14-481:26 Type -> Type
2666testdata/ 481:27-481:28 h_ 2666testdata/ 481:27-481:28 _h
2667testdata/ 481:29-481:30 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2667testdata/ 481:29-481:30 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2668testdata/ 481:31-481:44 f_ 2668testdata/ 481:31-481:44 _f
2669testdata/ 482:10-482:11 f_ 2669testdata/ 482:10-482:11 _f
2670testdata/ 482:10-482:13 e_->Type 2670testdata/ 482:10-482:13 _e -> Type
2671testdata/ 482:10-482:35 Type 2671testdata/ 482:10-482:35 Type
2672testdata/ 482:10-486:34 Type 2672testdata/ 482:10-486:34 Type
2673testdata/ 482:12-482:13 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2673testdata/ 482:12-482:13 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2674testdata/ 482:14-482:19 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 2674testdata/ 482:14-482:19 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
2675testdata/ 482:14-482:33 List Type -> List Type 2675testdata/ 482:14-482:33 List Type -> List Type
2676testdata/ 482:14-482:35 List Type 2676testdata/ 482:14-482:35 List Type
2677testdata/ 482:21-482:24 Nat -> Type->Type 2677testdata/ 482:21-482:24 Nat -> Type -> Type
2678testdata/ 482:21-482:26 Type->Type 2678testdata/ 482:21-482:26 Type -> Type
2679testdata/ 482:21-482:32 Type 2679testdata/ 482:21-482:32 Type
2680testdata/ 482:25-482:26 b_ 2680testdata/ 482:25-482:26 _b
2681testdata/ 482:27-482:32 Type 2681testdata/ 482:27-482:32 Type
2682testdata/ 482:34-482:35 List Type 2682testdata/ 482:34-482:35 List Type
2683testdata/ 483:8-483:13 List Type -> Type 2683testdata/ 483:8-483:13 List Type -> Type
2684testdata/ 483:8-483:27 Type 2684testdata/ 483:8-483:27 Type
2685testdata/ 483:8-486:34 Type 2685testdata/ 483:8-486:34 Type
2686testdata/ 483:14-483:27 List Type 2686testdata/ 483:14-483:27 List Type
2687testdata/ 484:8-484:21 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2687testdata/ 484:8-484:21 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2688testdata/ 484:8-484:31 PrimitiveType->Type 2688testdata/ 484:8-484:31 PrimitiveType -> Type
2689testdata/ 484:8-484:33 Type 2689testdata/ 484:8-484:33 Type
2690testdata/ 484:8-486:34 Type 2690testdata/ 484:8-486:34 Type
2691testdata/ 484:23-484:28 List Type -> Type 2691testdata/ 484:23-484:28 List Type -> Type
2692testdata/ 484:23-484:30 Type 2692testdata/ 484:23-484:30 Type
2693testdata/ 484:29-484:30 List Type 2693testdata/ 484:29-484:30 List Type
2694testdata/ 484:32-484:33 e_ 2694testdata/ 484:32-484:33 _e
2695testdata/ 485:8-485:17 Type -> PrimitiveType->Type 2695testdata/ 485:8-485:17 Type -> PrimitiveType -> Type
2696testdata/ 485:8-485:27 PrimitiveType->Type 2696testdata/ 485:8-485:27 PrimitiveType -> Type
2697testdata/ 485:8-485:29 Type 2697testdata/ 485:8-485:29 Type
2698testdata/ 485:8-486:34 Type 2698testdata/ 485:8-486:34 Type
2699testdata/ 485:19-485:24 List Type -> Type 2699testdata/ 485:19-485:24 List Type -> Type
2700testdata/ 485:19-485:26 Type 2700testdata/ 485:19-485:26 Type
2701testdata/ 485:25-485:26 List Type 2701testdata/ 485:25-485:26 List Type
2702testdata/ 485:28-485:29 PrimitiveType 2702testdata/ 485:28-485:29 PrimitiveType
2703testdata/ 486:8-486:22 Nat -> Type->Type 2703testdata/ 486:8-486:22 Nat -> Type -> Type
2704testdata/ 486:8-486:24 Type->Type 2704testdata/ 486:8-486:24 Type -> Type
2705testdata/ 486:8-486:34 Type 2705testdata/ 486:8-486:34 Type
2706testdata/ 486:23-486:24 b_ 2706testdata/ 486:23-486:24 _b
2707testdata/ 486:26-486:31 List Type -> Type 2707testdata/ 486:26-486:31 List Type -> Type
2708testdata/ 486:26-486:33 Type 2708testdata/ 486:26-486:33 Type
2709testdata/ 486:32-486:33 List Type 2709testdata/ 486:32-486:33 List Type
2710testdata/ 488:1-488:20 {a : List Type} -> {b:PrimitiveType} -> RasterContext (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b -> HList ('map Type Type Interpolated a) -> List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList a)))) 2710testdata/ 488:1-488:20 forall (a :: List Type) (b :: PrimitiveType) . RasterContext (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b -> HList ('map Type Type Interpolated a) -> List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList a))))
2711testdata/ 488:32-488:38 {a} -> List (List a) -> List a 2711testdata/ 488:32-488:38 forall a . List (List a) -> List a
2712testdata/ 488:32-488:74 List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList b_)))) 2712testdata/ 488:32-488:74 List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList _b))))
2713testdata/ 488:40-488:43 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2713testdata/ 488:40-488:43 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2714testdata/ 488:40-488:71 List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) b_)) a_) -> List (List (Fragment 1 (HList b_))) 2714testdata/ 488:40-488:71 List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) _b)) _a) -> List (List (Fragment 1 (HList _b)))
2715testdata/ 488:40-488:73 List (List (Fragment 1 (HList b_))) 2715testdata/ 488:40-488:73 List (List (Fragment 1 (HList _b)))
2716testdata/ 488:45-488:63 {a : List Type} -> {b : List Type} -> {c : List Type} -> {d:PrimitiveType} -> {_ : 'map Type Type Interpolated a ~ b} -> {_ : c ~ 'Cons (Vec 4 Float) a} -> HList b -> RasterContext (HList c) d -> Primitive (HList c) d -> FragmentStream 1 (HList a) 2716testdata/ 488:45-488:63 forall (a :: List Type) (b :: List Type) (c :: List Type) (d :: PrimitiveType) . ('map Type Type Interpolated a ~ b, c ~ 'Cons (Vec 4 Float) a) => HList b -> RasterContext (HList c) d -> Primitive (HList c) d -> FragmentStream 1 (HList a)
2717testdata/ 488:45-488:66 RasterContext (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) b_)) a_ -> Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) b_)) a_ -> FragmentStream 1 (HList b_) 2717testdata/ 488:45-488:66 RasterContext (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) _b)) _a -> Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) _b)) _a -> FragmentStream 1 (HList _b)
2718testdata/ 488:45-488:70 Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) b_)) a_ -> FragmentStream 1 (HList b_) 2718testdata/ 488:45-488:70 Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) _b)) _a -> FragmentStream 1 (HList _b)
2719testdata/ 488:64-488:66 i_ 2719testdata/ 488:64-488:66 _i
2720testdata/ 488:67-488:70 h_ 2720testdata/ 488:67-488:70 _h
2721testdata/ 488:72-488:73 d_ 2721testdata/ 488:72-488:73 _d
2722testdata/ 490:26-490:29 Type 2722testdata/ 490:26-490:29 Type
2723testdata/ 490:36-490:43 Type->Nat 2723testdata/ 490:36-490:43 Type -> Nat
2724testdata/ 490:58-490:59 ImageKind->Nat | Nat | Nat -> ImageKind->Nat | Type->Nat 2724testdata/ 490:58-490:59 ImageKind -> Nat | Nat | Nat -> ImageKind -> Nat | Type -> Nat
2725testdata/ 492:12-492:15 Type 2725testdata/ 492:12-492:15 Type
2726testdata/ 492:12-492:23 Type 2726testdata/ 492:12-492:23 Type
2727testdata/ 492:12-495:50 a_->a_ | {a} -> List a -> Type 2727testdata/ 492:12-495:50 _a -> _a | forall a . List a -> Type
2728testdata/ 492:13-492:14 b_ 2728testdata/ 492:13-492:14 _b
2729testdata/ 492:19-492:23 Type 2729testdata/ 492:19-492:23 Type
2730testdata/ 493:1-493:8 {a} -> List a -> Type 2730testdata/ 493:1-493:8 forall a . List a -> Type
2731testdata/ 493:14-493:19 Type 2731testdata/ 493:14-493:19 Type
2732testdata/ 493:14-495:50 List a_ -> Type | Type 2732testdata/ 493:14-495:50 List _a -> Type | Type
2733testdata/ 494:15-494:20 Type 2733testdata/ 494:15-494:20 Type
2734testdata/ 494:15-495:50 List b_ -> Type | List c_ -> Type | Type | a_ -> List a_ -> Type 2734testdata/ 494:15-495:50 List _b -> Type | List _c -> Type | Type | _a -> List _a -> Type
2735testdata/ 495:22-495:25 Type -> Type->Type 2735testdata/ 495:22-495:25 Type -> Type -> Type
2736testdata/ 495:22-495:33 Type->Type 2736testdata/ 495:22-495:33 Type -> Type
2737testdata/ 495:22-495:50 List b_ -> Type | Type | a_ -> List a_ -> Type 2737testdata/ 495:22-495:50 List _b -> Type | Type | _a -> List _a -> Type
2738testdata/ 495:27-495:28 g_ 2738testdata/ 495:27-495:28 _g
2739testdata/ 495:27-495:30 f_->Type 2739testdata/ 495:27-495:30 _f -> Type
2740testdata/ 495:27-495:32 Type 2740testdata/ 495:27-495:32 Type
2741testdata/ 495:29-495:30 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2741testdata/ 495:29-495:30 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2742testdata/ 495:31-495:32 c_ 2742testdata/ 495:31-495:32 _c
2743testdata/ 495:35-495:42 {a} -> List a -> Type 2743testdata/ 495:35-495:42 forall a . List a -> Type
2744testdata/ 495:35-495:49 Type 2744testdata/ 495:35-495:49 Type
2745testdata/ 495:44-495:45 g_ 2745testdata/ 495:44-495:45 _g
2746testdata/ 495:44-495:46 List f_ -> List f_ 2746testdata/ 495:44-495:46 List _f -> List _f
2747testdata/ 495:44-495:48 List e_ 2747testdata/ 495:44-495:48 List _e
2748testdata/ 495:45-495:46 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 2748testdata/ 495:45-495:46 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
2749testdata/ 495:46-495:48 List e_ 2749testdata/ 495:46-495:48 List _e
2750testdata/ 497:1-497:16 List Type -> Type 2750testdata/ 497:1-497:16 List Type -> Type
2751testdata/ 497:21-497:28 {a} -> List a -> Type 2751testdata/ 497:21-497:28 forall a . List a -> Type
2752testdata/ 497:21-497:45 Type 2752testdata/ 497:21-497:45 Type
2753testdata/ 497:30-497:33 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2753testdata/ 497:30-497:33 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2754testdata/ 497:30-497:42 List Type -> List Nat 2754testdata/ 497:30-497:42 List Type -> List Nat
2755testdata/ 497:30-497:44 List Nat 2755testdata/ 497:30-497:44 List Nat
2756testdata/ 497:34-497:42 Type->Nat 2756testdata/ 497:34-497:42 Type -> Nat
2757testdata/ 497:43-497:44 b_ 2757testdata/ 497:43-497:44 _b
2758testdata/ 509:6-509:17 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type | Type 2758testdata/ 509:6-509:17 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type | Type
2759testdata/ 509:6-509:46 Type 2759testdata/ 509:6-509:46 Type
2760testdata/ 509:24-509:27 Type 2760testdata/ 509:24-509:27 Type
@@ -2765,42 +2765,42 @@ testdata/ 511:16-511:25 Type
2765testdata/ 511:30-511:36 Type 2765testdata/ 511:30-511:36 Type
2766testdata/ 511:31-511:35 Type 2766testdata/ 511:31-511:35 Type
2767testdata/ 512:1-512:11 List ImageKind -> List Type 2767testdata/ 512:1-512:11 List ImageKind -> List Type
2768testdata/ 512:25-512:28 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2768testdata/ 512:25-512:28 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2769testdata/ 512:25-512:38 List ImageKind -> List Type 2769testdata/ 512:25-512:38 List ImageKind -> List Type
2770testdata/ 512:25-512:40 List Type 2770testdata/ 512:25-512:40 List Type
2771testdata/ 512:25-513:31 List ImageKind -> List Type | List Type | List Type -> ImageKind -> List Type | List b_ -> List Type | a_ -> List a_ -> List Type 2771testdata/ 512:25-513:31 List ImageKind -> List Type | List Type | List Type -> ImageKind -> List Type | List _b -> List Type | _a -> List _a -> List Type
2772testdata/ 512:29-512:38 ImageKind->Type 2772testdata/ 512:29-512:38 ImageKind -> Type
2773testdata/ 512:39-512:40 List c_ 2773testdata/ 512:39-512:40 List _c
2774testdata/ 513:16-513:19 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2774testdata/ 513:16-513:19 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2775testdata/ 513:16-513:29 List ImageKind -> List Type 2775testdata/ 513:16-513:29 List ImageKind -> List Type
2776testdata/ 513:16-513:31 List Type | Type->a_ 2776testdata/ 513:16-513:31 List Type | Type -> _a
2777testdata/ 513:20-513:29 ImageKind->Type 2777testdata/ 513:20-513:29 ImageKind -> Type
2778testdata/ 513:30-513:31 List ImageKind 2778testdata/ 513:30-513:31 List ImageKind
2779testdata/ 515:40-515:49 Type 2779testdata/ 515:40-515:49 Type
2780testdata/ 515:56-515:77 Type->ImageKind 2780testdata/ 515:56-515:77 Type -> ImageKind
2781testdata/ 515:102-515:103 ImageKind | ImageKind->ImageKind | Type->ImageKind 2781testdata/ 515:102-515:103 ImageKind | ImageKind -> ImageKind | Type -> ImageKind
2782testdata/ 517:1-517:11 {a : List ImageKind} -> {b:Nat} -> {c : List Type} -> {_ : a ~ 'map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind c} -> HList c -> FragmentStream b (HList ('imageType' a)) -> FrameBuffer b a -> FrameBuffer b a 2782testdata/ 517:1-517:11 forall (a :: List ImageKind) (b :: Nat) (c :: List Type) . (a ~ 'map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind c) => HList c -> FragmentStream b (HList ('imageType' a)) -> FrameBuffer b a -> FrameBuffer b a
2783testdata/ 517:15-517:174 Type 2783testdata/ 517:15-517:174 Type
2784testdata/ 517:28-517:31 Type 2784testdata/ 517:28-517:31 Type
2785testdata/ 517:39-517:45 Type 2785testdata/ 517:39-517:45 Type
2786testdata/ 517:39-517:174 Type 2786testdata/ 517:39-517:174 Type
2787testdata/ 517:40-517:44 Type 2787testdata/ 517:40-517:44 Type
2788testdata/ 517:49-517:174 Type 2788testdata/ 517:49-517:174 Type
2789testdata/ 517:50-517:51 e_ 2789testdata/ 517:50-517:51 _e
2790testdata/ 517:50-517:53 d_->Type 2790testdata/ 517:50-517:53 _d -> Type
2791testdata/ 517:50-517:81 Type 2791testdata/ 517:50-517:81 Type
2792testdata/ 517:52-517:53 {a} -> a -> a->Type 2792testdata/ 517:52-517:53 forall a . a -> a -> Type
2793testdata/ 517:54-517:57 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2793testdata/ 517:54-517:57 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2794testdata/ 517:54-517:79 List Type -> List ImageKind 2794testdata/ 517:54-517:79 List Type -> List ImageKind
2795testdata/ 517:54-517:81 List ImageKind 2795testdata/ 517:54-517:81 List ImageKind
2796testdata/ 517:58-517:79 Type->ImageKind 2796testdata/ 517:58-517:79 Type -> ImageKind
2797testdata/ 517:80-517:81 List Type 2797testdata/ 517:80-517:81 List Type
2798testdata/ 517:86-517:91 List Type -> Type 2798testdata/ 517:86-517:91 List Type -> Type
2799testdata/ 517:86-517:93 Type 2799testdata/ 517:86-517:93 Type
2800testdata/ 517:86-517:174 Type 2800testdata/ 517:86-517:174 Type
2801testdata/ 517:92-517:93 List Type 2801testdata/ 517:92-517:93 List Type
2802testdata/ 517:97-517:111 Nat -> Type->Type 2802testdata/ 517:97-517:111 Nat -> Type -> Type
2803testdata/ 517:97-517:113 Type->Type 2803testdata/ 517:97-517:113 Type -> Type
2804testdata/ 517:97-517:136 Type 2804testdata/ 517:97-517:136 Type
2805testdata/ 517:97-517:174 Type 2805testdata/ 517:97-517:174 Type
2806testdata/ 517:112-517:113 Nat 2806testdata/ 517:112-517:113 Nat
@@ -2820,22 +2820,22 @@ testdata/ 517:159-517:172 List ImageKind -> Type
2820testdata/ 517:159-517:174 Type 2820testdata/ 517:159-517:174 Type
2821testdata/ 517:171-517:172 Nat 2821testdata/ 517:171-517:172 Nat
2822testdata/ 517:173-517:174 List ImageKind 2822testdata/ 517:173-517:174 List ImageKind
2823testdata/ 519:1-519:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->(a, b) 2823testdata/ 519:1-519:15 forall a b . a -> b -> (a, b)
2824testdata/ 519:24-519:32 (d_, b_) 2824testdata/ 519:24-519:32 (_d, _b)
2825testdata/ 519:25-519:28 f_ 2825testdata/ 519:25-519:28 _f
2826testdata/ 519:30-519:31 ((b_)) | e_ 2826testdata/ 519:30-519:31 ((_b)) | _e
2827testdata/ 520:1-520:8 {a:Nat} -> {b : List Type} -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) -> (HList b, List (Fragment a (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b))))) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) 2827testdata/ 520:1-520:8 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List Type) . FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) -> (HList b, List (Fragment a (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b))))) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b)
2828testdata/ 520:25-520:35 {a : List ImageKind} -> {b:Nat} -> {c : List Type} -> {_ : a ~ 'map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind c} -> HList c -> FragmentStream b (HList ('imageType' a)) -> FrameBuffer b a -> FrameBuffer b a 2828testdata/ 520:25-520:35 forall (a :: List ImageKind) (b :: Nat) (c :: List Type) . (a ~ 'map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind c) => HList c -> FragmentStream b (HList ('imageType' a)) -> FrameBuffer b a -> FrameBuffer b a
2829testdata/ 520:25-520:39 FragmentStream b_ (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_))) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) 2829testdata/ 520:25-520:39 FragmentStream _b (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a))) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a)
2830testdata/ 520:25-520:43 FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) 2830testdata/ 520:25-520:43 FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a)
2831testdata/ 520:25-520:46 FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) | HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 2831testdata/ 520:25-520:46 FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a) | HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a
2832testdata/ 520:36-520:39 m_ 2832testdata/ 520:36-520:39 _m
2833testdata/ 520:40-520:43 h_ 2833testdata/ 520:40-520:43 _h
2834testdata/ 520:44-520:46 n_ 2834testdata/ 520:44-520:46 _n
2835testdata/ 524:31-524:40 Type 2835testdata/ 524:31-524:40 Type
2836testdata/ 524:47-524:59 Type->ImageKind 2836testdata/ 524:47-524:59 Type -> ImageKind
2837testdata/ 524:74-524:75 ImageKind | ImageKind->ImageKind | Nat -> ImageKind->ImageKind | Type->ImageKind 2837testdata/ 524:74-524:75 ImageKind | ImageKind -> ImageKind | Nat -> ImageKind -> ImageKind | Type -> ImageKind
2838testdata/ 530:1-530:12 {a : List Type} -> {_ : 'sameLayerCounts a} -> HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a) 2838testdata/ 530:1-530:12 forall (a :: List Type) . 'sameLayerCounts a => HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a)
2839testdata/ 530:30-530:36 Type 2839testdata/ 530:30-530:36 Type
2840testdata/ 530:31-530:35 Type 2840testdata/ 530:31-530:35 Type
2841testdata/ 530:40-530:125 Type 2841testdata/ 530:40-530:125 Type
@@ -2849,102 +2849,102 @@ testdata/ 530:69-530:70 List Type
2849testdata/ 530:74-530:85 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type 2849testdata/ 530:74-530:85 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type
2850testdata/ 530:74-530:104 List ImageKind -> Type 2850testdata/ 530:74-530:104 List ImageKind -> Type
2851testdata/ 530:74-530:125 Type 2851testdata/ 530:74-530:125 Type
2852testdata/ 530:87-530:94 Type->Nat 2852testdata/ 530:87-530:94 Type -> Nat
2853testdata/ 530:87-530:103 Nat 2853testdata/ 530:87-530:103 Nat
2854testdata/ 530:96-530:100 {a} -> List a -> a 2854testdata/ 530:96-530:100 forall a . List a -> a
2855testdata/ 530:96-530:102 Type 2855testdata/ 530:96-530:102 Type
2856testdata/ 530:101-530:102 List Type 2856testdata/ 530:101-530:102 List Type
2857testdata/ 530:106-530:109 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 2857testdata/ 530:106-530:109 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
2858testdata/ 530:106-530:122 List Type -> List ImageKind 2858testdata/ 530:106-530:122 List Type -> List ImageKind
2859testdata/ 530:106-530:124 List ImageKind 2859testdata/ 530:106-530:124 List ImageKind
2860testdata/ 530:110-530:122 Type->ImageKind 2860testdata/ 530:110-530:122 Type -> ImageKind
2861testdata/ 530:123-530:124 List Type 2861testdata/ 530:123-530:124 List Type
2862testdata/ 532:1-532:11 {a : List Type} -> {_ : 'sameLayerCounts a} -> HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a) 2862testdata/ 532:1-532:11 forall (a :: List Type) . 'sameLayerCounts a => HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a)
2863testdata/ 532:14-532:25 {a : List Type} -> {_ : 'sameLayerCounts a} -> HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a) 2863testdata/ 532:14-532:25 forall (a :: List Type) . 'sameLayerCounts a => HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a)
2864testdata/ 534:1-534:11 {a:Nat} -> {b : List Type} -> {c} -> HList b -> (c -> HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b))) -> List (Vector a (Maybe (SimpleFragment c))) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) 2864testdata/ 534:1-534:11 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List Type) c . HList b -> (c -> HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b))) -> List (Vector a (Maybe (SimpleFragment c))) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b)
2865testdata/ 534:34-534:44 {a : List ImageKind} -> {b:Nat} -> {c : List Type} -> {_ : a ~ 'map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind c} -> HList c -> FragmentStream b (HList ('imageType' a)) -> FrameBuffer b a -> FrameBuffer b a 2865testdata/ 534:34-534:44 forall (a :: List ImageKind) (b :: Nat) (c :: List Type) . (a ~ 'map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind c) => HList c -> FragmentStream b (HList ('imageType' a)) -> FrameBuffer b a -> FrameBuffer b a
2866testdata/ 534:34-534:48 FragmentStream b_ (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_))) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind a_) 2866testdata/ 534:34-534:48 FragmentStream _b (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a))) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _a)
2867testdata/ 534:34-534:76 FrameBuffer c_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b_) -> FrameBuffer c_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b_) 2867testdata/ 534:34-534:76 FrameBuffer _c ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _b) -> FrameBuffer _c ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _b)
2868testdata/ 534:34-534:79 FrameBuffer c_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b_) 2868testdata/ 534:34-534:79 FrameBuffer _c ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _b)
2869testdata/ 534:45-534:48 j_ 2869testdata/ 534:45-534:48 _j
2870testdata/ 534:50-534:62 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> (a->b) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment b))) 2870testdata/ 534:50-534:62 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (a -> b) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment a))) -> List (Vector c (Maybe (SimpleFragment b)))
2871testdata/ 534:50-534:70 List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment c_))) -> List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment b_))) 2871testdata/ 534:50-534:70 List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _c))) -> List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment _b)))
2872testdata/ 534:50-534:75 List (Vector c_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b_)))))) 2872testdata/ 534:50-534:75 List (Vector _c (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind _b))))))
2873testdata/ 534:63-534:70 k_ 2873testdata/ 534:63-534:70 _k
2874testdata/ 534:71-534:75 g_ 2874testdata/ 534:71-534:75 _g
2875testdata/ 534:77-534:79 e_ 2875testdata/ 534:77-534:79 _e
2876testdata/ 537:1-537:9 {a:ImageKind} -> FrameBuffer 1 ('Cons a 'Nil) -> Image 1 a 2876testdata/ 537:1-537:9 forall (a :: ImageKind) . FrameBuffer 1 ('Cons a 'Nil) -> Image 1 a
2877testdata/ 537:24-537:35 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type 2877testdata/ 537:24-537:35 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type
2878testdata/ 537:24-537:37 List ImageKind -> Type 2878testdata/ 537:24-537:37 List ImageKind -> Type
2879testdata/ 537:24-537:42 Type 2879testdata/ 537:24-537:42 Type
2880testdata/ 537:24-537:55 Type 2880testdata/ 537:24-537:55 Type
2881testdata/ 537:36-537:37 b_ 2881testdata/ 537:36-537:37 _b
2882testdata/ 537:38-537:42 List ImageKind 2882testdata/ 537:38-537:42 List ImageKind
2883testdata/ 537:40-537:41 c_ 2883testdata/ 537:40-537:41 _c
2884testdata/ 537:46-537:51 Nat -> ImageKind->Type 2884testdata/ 537:46-537:51 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type
2885testdata/ 537:46-537:53 ImageKind->Type 2885testdata/ 537:46-537:53 ImageKind -> Type
2886testdata/ 537:46-537:55 Type 2886testdata/ 537:46-537:55 Type
2887testdata/ 537:52-537:53 b_ 2887testdata/ 537:52-537:53 _b
2888testdata/ 537:54-537:55 ImageKind 2888testdata/ 537:54-537:55 ImageKind
2889testdata/ 538:1-538:14 FrameBuffer 1 ('Cons 'Depth ('Cons ('Color (Vec 4 Float)) 'Nil)) -> Image 1 ('Color (Vec 4 Float)) 2889testdata/ 538:1-538:14 FrameBuffer 1 ('Cons 'Depth ('Cons ('Color (Vec 4 Float)) 'Nil)) -> Image 1 ('Color (Vec 4 Float))
2890testdata/ 538:24-538:35 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type 2890testdata/ 538:24-538:35 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type
2891testdata/ 538:24-538:37 List ImageKind -> Type 2891testdata/ 538:24-538:37 List ImageKind -> Type
2892testdata/ 538:24-538:70 Type 2892testdata/ 538:24-538:70 Type
2893testdata/ 538:36-538:37 b_ 2893testdata/ 538:36-538:37 _b
2894testdata/ 538:38-538:70 List ImageKind 2894testdata/ 538:38-538:70 List ImageKind
2895testdata/ 538:41-538:47 ImageKind 2895testdata/ 538:41-538:47 ImageKind
2896testdata/ 538:49-538:55 Type->ImageKind 2896testdata/ 538:49-538:55 Type -> ImageKind
2897testdata/ 538:49-538:69 ImageKind | List ImageKind 2897testdata/ 538:49-538:69 ImageKind | List ImageKind
2898testdata/ 538:57-538:60 Nat -> Type->Type 2898testdata/ 538:57-538:60 Nat -> Type -> Type
2899testdata/ 538:57-538:62 Type->Type 2899testdata/ 538:57-538:62 Type -> Type
2900testdata/ 538:57-538:68 Type 2900testdata/ 538:57-538:68 Type
2901testdata/ 538:61-538:62 b_ 2901testdata/ 538:61-538:62 _b
2902testdata/ 538:63-538:68 Type 2902testdata/ 538:63-538:68 Type
2903testdata/ 538:74-538:79 Nat -> ImageKind->Type 2903testdata/ 538:74-538:79 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type
2904testdata/ 538:74-538:81 ImageKind->Type 2904testdata/ 538:74-538:81 ImageKind -> Type
2905testdata/ 538:74-538:103 Type 2905testdata/ 538:74-538:103 Type
2906testdata/ 538:80-538:81 b_ 2906testdata/ 538:80-538:81 _b
2907testdata/ 538:83-538:88 Type->ImageKind 2907testdata/ 538:83-538:88 Type -> ImageKind
2908testdata/ 538:83-538:102 ImageKind 2908testdata/ 538:83-538:102 ImageKind
2909testdata/ 538:90-538:93 Nat -> Type->Type 2909testdata/ 538:90-538:93 Nat -> Type -> Type
2910testdata/ 538:90-538:95 Type->Type 2910testdata/ 538:90-538:95 Type -> Type
2911testdata/ 538:90-538:101 Type 2911testdata/ 538:90-538:101 Type
2912testdata/ 538:94-538:95 b_ 2912testdata/ 538:94-538:95 _b
2913testdata/ 538:96-538:101 Type 2913testdata/ 538:96-538:101 Type
2914testdata/ 540:6-540:12 Type 2914testdata/ 540:6-540:12 Type
2915testdata/ 540:6-541:12 Type 2915testdata/ 540:6-541:12 Type
2916testdata/ 541:3-541:12 Output | Type | {a:Nat} -> {b : List ImageKind} -> FrameBuffer a b -> Output 2916testdata/ 541:3-541:12 Output | Type | forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List ImageKind) . FrameBuffer a b -> Output
2917testdata/ 541:26-541:37 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type 2917testdata/ 541:26-541:37 Nat -> List ImageKind -> Type
2918testdata/ 541:26-541:39 List ImageKind -> Type 2918testdata/ 541:26-541:39 List ImageKind -> Type
2919testdata/ 541:26-541:41 Type 2919testdata/ 541:26-541:41 Type
2920testdata/ 541:26-541:51 Type 2920testdata/ 541:26-541:51 Type
2921testdata/ 541:38-541:39 d_ 2921testdata/ 541:38-541:39 _d
2922testdata/ 541:40-541:41 b_ 2922testdata/ 541:40-541:41 _b
2923testdata/ 541:45-541:51 Type 2923testdata/ 541:45-541:51 Type
2924testdata/ 543:1-543:12 {a:Nat} -> {b : List ImageKind} -> FrameBuffer a b -> Output 2924testdata/ 543:1-543:12 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List ImageKind) . FrameBuffer a b -> Output
2925testdata/ 543:15-543:24 {a:Nat} -> {b : List ImageKind} -> FrameBuffer a b -> Output 2925testdata/ 543:15-543:24 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List ImageKind) . FrameBuffer a b -> Output
2926testdata/ 549:6-549:13 Type 2926testdata/ 549:6-549:13 Type
2927testdata/ 549:6-553:12 Type 2927testdata/ 549:6-553:12 Type
2928testdata/ 550:3-550:16 String->Texture | Texture | Type 2928testdata/ 550:3-550:16 String -> Texture | Texture | Type
2929testdata/ 550:20-550:26 Type 2929testdata/ 550:20-550:26 Type
2930testdata/ 551:20-551:27 Type 2930testdata/ 551:20-551:27 Type
2931testdata/ 553:3-553:12 Texture | Type | Vec 2 Int -> Image 1 ('Color (Vec 4 Float)) -> Texture 2931testdata/ 553:3-553:12 Texture | Type | Vec 2 Int -> Image 1 ('Color (Vec 4 Float)) -> Texture
2932testdata/ 553:20-553:23 Nat -> Type->Type 2932testdata/ 553:20-553:23 Nat -> Type -> Type
2933testdata/ 553:20-553:25 Type->Type 2933testdata/ 553:20-553:25 Type -> Type
2934testdata/ 553:20-553:29 Type 2934testdata/ 553:20-553:29 Type
2935testdata/ 553:24-553:25 b_ 2935testdata/ 553:24-553:25 _b
2936testdata/ 553:26-553:29 Type 2936testdata/ 553:26-553:29 Type
2937testdata/ 554:20-554:25 Nat -> ImageKind->Type 2937testdata/ 554:20-554:25 Nat -> ImageKind -> Type
2938testdata/ 554:20-554:27 ImageKind->Type 2938testdata/ 554:20-554:27 ImageKind -> Type
2939testdata/ 554:20-554:49 Type 2939testdata/ 554:20-554:49 Type
2940testdata/ 554:20-555:27 Type 2940testdata/ 554:20-555:27 Type
2941testdata/ 554:26-554:27 b_ 2941testdata/ 554:26-554:27 _b
2942testdata/ 554:29-554:34 Type->ImageKind 2942testdata/ 554:29-554:34 Type -> ImageKind
2943testdata/ 554:29-554:48 ImageKind 2943testdata/ 554:29-554:48 ImageKind
2944testdata/ 554:36-554:39 Nat -> Type->Type 2944testdata/ 554:36-554:39 Nat -> Type -> Type
2945testdata/ 554:36-554:41 Type->Type 2945testdata/ 554:36-554:41 Type -> Type
2946testdata/ 554:36-554:47 Type 2946testdata/ 554:36-554:47 Type
2947testdata/ 554:40-554:41 b_ 2947testdata/ 554:40-554:41 _b
2948testdata/ 554:42-554:47 Type 2948testdata/ 554:42-554:47 Type
2949testdata/ 555:20-555:27 Type 2949testdata/ 555:20-555:27 Type
2950testdata/ 557:6-557:12 Type 2950testdata/ 557:6-557:12 Type
@@ -2959,25 +2959,25 @@ testdata/ 564:5-564:16 EdgeMode
2959testdata/ 566:6-566:13 Type 2959testdata/ 566:6-566:13 Type
2960testdata/ 566:6-566:23 Type 2960testdata/ 566:6-566:23 Type
2961testdata/ 566:6-566:47 Type 2961testdata/ 566:6-566:47 Type
2962testdata/ 566:16-566:23 Filter -> EdgeMode -> Texture->Sampler | Sampler | Type 2962testdata/ 566:16-566:23 Filter -> EdgeMode -> Texture -> Sampler | Sampler | Type
2963testdata/ 566:24-566:30 Type 2963testdata/ 566:24-566:30 Type
2964testdata/ 566:31-566:39 Type 2964testdata/ 566:31-566:39 Type
2965testdata/ 566:40-566:47 Type 2965testdata/ 566:40-566:47 Type
2966testdata/ 569:1-569:10 Sampler -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 4 Float 2966testdata/ 569:1-569:10 Sampler -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 4 Float
2967testdata/ 569:14-569:21 Type 2967testdata/ 569:14-569:21 Type
2968testdata/ 569:25-569:28 Nat -> Type->Type 2968testdata/ 569:25-569:28 Nat -> Type -> Type
2969testdata/ 569:25-569:30 Type->Type 2969testdata/ 569:25-569:30 Type -> Type
2970testdata/ 569:25-569:36 Type 2970testdata/ 569:25-569:36 Type
2971testdata/ 569:25-569:51 Type 2971testdata/ 569:25-569:51 Type
2972testdata/ 569:29-569:30 b_ 2972testdata/ 569:29-569:30 _b
2973testdata/ 569:31-569:36 Type 2973testdata/ 569:31-569:36 Type
2974testdata/ 569:40-569:43 Nat -> Type->Type 2974testdata/ 569:40-569:43 Nat -> Type -> Type
2975testdata/ 569:40-569:45 Type->Type 2975testdata/ 569:40-569:45 Type -> Type
2976testdata/ 569:40-569:51 Type 2976testdata/ 569:40-569:51 Type
2977testdata/ 569:44-569:45 b_ 2977testdata/ 569:44-569:45 _b
2978testdata/ 569:46-569:51 Type 2978testdata/ 569:46-569:51 Type
2979testdata/ 573:1-573:20 {a} -> a->a 2979testdata/ 573:1-573:20 forall a . a -> a
2980testdata/ 573:25-573:26 b_ 2980testdata/ 573:25-573:26 _b
2981------------ warnings 2981------------ warnings
2982Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/ 2982Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/
2983head (x: _) = x 2983head (x: _) = x
@@ -3004,5 +3004,5 @@ Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/
3004swizzvector v w | definedVec v = mapVec (swizzscalar v) w 3004swizzvector v w | definedVec v = mapVec (swizzscalar v) w
3005^^^^^^^^^^^ 3005^^^^^^^^^^^
3006Missing case(s): 3006Missing case(s):
3007 _ _ | False <- definedVec b_ 3007 _ _ | False <- definedVec _b
3008 3008
diff --git a/testdata/Internals.out b/testdata/Internals.out
index 7ca88d81..6eb77da3 100644
--- a/testdata/Internals.out
+++ b/testdata/Internals.out
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3typeAnn :: {a} -> a->a 3typeAnn :: forall a . a -> a
4parens :: {a} -> a->a 4parens :: forall a . a -> a
5undefined :: {a}->a 5undefined :: forall a . a
6primFix :: {a} -> (a->a)->a 6primFix :: forall a . (a -> a) -> a
7'Unit :: Type 7'Unit :: Type
8TT :: 'Unit 8TT :: 'Unit
9'UnitCase :: (a : 'Unit->Type) -> a TT -> (b:'Unit) -> a b 9'UnitCase :: (a :: 'Unit -> Type) -> a TT -> (b :: 'Unit) -> a b
10match'Unit :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Unit -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 10match'Unit :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Unit -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
11'String :: Type 11'String :: Type
12'StringCase :: (a : 'String->Type) -> (b:'String) -> a b 12'StringCase :: (a :: 'String -> Type) -> (b :: 'String) -> a b
13match'String :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'String -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 13match'String :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'String -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
14'Empty :: 'String->Type 14'Empty :: 'String -> Type
15'EmptyCase :: {a:'String} -> (b : 'Empty a -> Type) -> (c : 'Empty a) -> b c 15'EmptyCase :: forall (a :: 'String) . (b :: 'Empty a -> Type) -> (c :: 'Empty a) -> b c
16match'Empty :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'String) -> a ('Empty b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 16match'Empty :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'String) -> a ('Empty b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
17unsafeCoerce :: {a} -> {b} -> a->b 17unsafeCoerce :: forall a b . a -> b
18'EqCT :: (a:Type) -> a -> a->Type 18'EqCT :: (a :: Type) -> a -> a -> Type
19parEval :: (a:Type) -> a -> a->a 19parEval :: (a :: Type) -> a -> a -> a
20'T2 :: Type -> Type->Type 20'T2 :: Type -> Type -> Type
21match'Type :: (a : Type->Type) -> a Type -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 21match'Type :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a Type -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
22'EqCTt :: {a} -> a -> a->Type 22'EqCTt :: forall a . a -> a -> Type
23t2C :: 'Unit -> 'Unit->'Unit 23t2C :: 'Unit -> 'Unit -> 'Unit
24'Int :: Type 24'Int :: Type
25'IntCase :: (a : 'Int->Type) -> (b:'Int) -> a b 25'IntCase :: (a :: 'Int -> Type) -> (b :: 'Int) -> a b
26match'Int :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Int -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 26match'Int :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Int -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
27'Word :: Type 27'Word :: Type
28'WordCase :: (a : 'Word->Type) -> (b:'Word) -> a b 28'WordCase :: (a :: 'Word -> Type) -> (b :: 'Word) -> a b
29match'Word :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Word -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 29match'Word :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Word -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
30'Float :: Type 30'Float :: Type
31'FloatCase :: (a : 'Float->Type) -> (b:'Float) -> a b 31'FloatCase :: (a :: 'Float -> Type) -> (b :: 'Float) -> a b
32match'Float :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Float -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 32match'Float :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Float -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
33'Char :: Type 33'Char :: Type
34'CharCase :: (a : 'Char->Type) -> (b:'Char) -> a b 34'CharCase :: (a :: 'Char -> Type) -> (b :: 'Char) -> a b
35match'Char :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Char -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 35match'Char :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Char -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
36'Bool :: Type 36'Bool :: Type
37False :: 'Bool 37False :: 'Bool
38True :: 'Bool 38True :: 'Bool
39'BoolCase :: (a : 'Bool->Type) -> a False -> a True -> (b:'Bool) -> a b 39'BoolCase :: (a :: 'Bool -> Type) -> a False -> a True -> (b :: 'Bool) -> a b
40match'Bool :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Bool -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 40match'Bool :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Bool -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
41'Ordering :: Type 41'Ordering :: Type
42LT :: 'Ordering 42LT :: 'Ordering
43EQ :: 'Ordering 43EQ :: 'Ordering
44GT :: 'Ordering 44GT :: 'Ordering
45'OrderingCase :: (a : 'Ordering->Type) -> a LT -> a EQ -> a GT -> (b:'Ordering) -> a b 45'OrderingCase :: (a :: 'Ordering -> Type) -> a LT -> a EQ -> a GT -> (b :: 'Ordering) -> a b
46match'Ordering :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Ordering -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 46match'Ordering :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Ordering -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
47'Nat :: Type 47'Nat :: Type
48Zero :: 'Nat 48Zero :: 'Nat
49Succ :: 'Nat->'Nat 49Succ :: 'Nat -> 'Nat
50'NatCase :: (a : 'Nat->Type) -> a 0 -> ((b:'Nat) -> a (Succ b)) -> (c:'Nat) -> a c 50'NatCase :: (a :: 'Nat -> Type) -> a 0 -> ((b :: 'Nat) -> a (Succ b)) -> (c :: 'Nat) -> a c
51match'Nat :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Nat -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 51match'Nat :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Nat -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
52primIntToWord :: 'Int->'Word 52primIntToWord :: 'Int -> 'Word
53primIntToFloat :: 'Int->'Float 53primIntToFloat :: 'Int -> 'Float
54primIntToNat :: 'Int->'Nat 54primIntToNat :: 'Int -> 'Nat
55primCompareInt :: 'Int -> 'Int->'Ordering 55primCompareInt :: 'Int -> 'Int -> 'Ordering
56primCompareWord :: 'Word -> 'Word->'Ordering 56primCompareWord :: 'Word -> 'Word -> 'Ordering
57primCompareFloat :: 'Float -> 'Float->'Ordering 57primCompareFloat :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Ordering
58primCompareChar :: 'Char -> 'Char->'Ordering 58primCompareChar :: 'Char -> 'Char -> 'Ordering
59primCompareString :: 'String -> 'String->'Ordering 59primCompareString :: 'String -> 'String -> 'Ordering
60primNegateInt :: 'Int->'Int 60primNegateInt :: 'Int -> 'Int
61primNegateWord :: 'Word->'Word 61primNegateWord :: 'Word -> 'Word
62primNegateFloat :: 'Float->'Float 62primNegateFloat :: 'Float -> 'Float
63primAddInt :: 'Int -> 'Int->'Int 63primAddInt :: 'Int -> 'Int -> 'Int
64primSubInt :: 'Int -> 'Int->'Int 64primSubInt :: 'Int -> 'Int -> 'Int
65primModInt :: 'Int -> 'Int->'Int 65primModInt :: 'Int -> 'Int -> 'Int
66primSqrtFloat :: 'Float->'Float 66primSqrtFloat :: 'Float -> 'Float
67primRound :: 'Float->'Int 67primRound :: 'Float -> 'Int
68primIfThenElse :: {a} -> 'Bool -> a -> a->a 68primIfThenElse :: forall a . 'Bool -> a -> a -> a
69isEQ :: 'Ordering->'Bool 69isEQ :: 'Ordering -> 'Bool
70'Num :: Type->Type 70'Num :: Type -> Type
71fromInt :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'Int->a 71fromInt :: forall a . 'Num a => 'Int -> a
72compare :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a -> a->'Ordering 72compare :: forall a . 'Num a => a -> a -> 'Ordering
73negate :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->a 73negate :: forall a . 'Num a => a -> a
74'Eq :: Type->Type 74'Eq :: Type -> Type
75== :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> a -> a->'Bool 75== :: forall a . 'Eq a => a -> a -> 'Bool
76'List :: Type->Type 76'List :: Type -> Type
77Nil :: {a} -> 'List a 77Nil :: forall a . 'List a
78Cons :: {a} -> a -> 'List a -> 'List a 78Cons :: forall a . a -> 'List a -> 'List a
79'ListCase :: {a} -> (b : 'List a -> Type) -> b Nil -> ((c:a) -> (d : 'List a) -> b (Cons c d)) -> (e : 'List a) -> b e 79'ListCase :: forall a . (b :: 'List a -> Type) -> b Nil -> ((c :: a) -> (d :: 'List a) -> b (Cons c d)) -> (e :: 'List a) -> b e
80match'List :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> a ('List b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 80match'List :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> a ('List b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
81'HList :: 'List Type -> Type 81'HList :: 'List Type -> Type
82HNil :: () 82HNil :: ()
83HCons :: {a} -> {b : 'List Type} -> a -> 'HList b -> 'HList (Cons a b) 83HCons :: forall a (b :: 'List Type) . a -> 'HList b -> 'HList (Cons a b)
84'HListCase :: (a : (b : 'List Type) -> 'HList b -> Type) -> a Nil () -> ({c} -> {d : 'List Type} -> (e:c) -> (f : 'HList d) -> a (Cons c d) (HCons c d e f)) -> {g : 'List Type} -> (h : 'HList g) -> a g h 84'HListCase :: (a :: (b :: 'List Type) -> 'HList b -> Type) -> a Nil () -> (forall c (d :: 'List Type) . (e :: c) -> (f :: 'HList d) -> a (Cons c d) (HCons c d e f)) -> forall (g :: 'List Type) . (h :: 'HList g) -> a g h
85match'HList :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b : 'List Type) -> a ('HList b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 85match'HList :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'List Type) -> a ('HList b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
86hlistNilCase :: (a:Type) -> a -> ()->a 86hlistNilCase :: (a :: Type) -> a -> () -> a
87hlistConsCase :: {a} -> {b : 'List Type} -> (c:Type) -> (a -> 'HList b -> c) -> 'HList (Cons a b) -> c 87hlistConsCase :: forall a (b :: 'List Type) . (c :: Type) -> (a -> 'HList b -> c) -> 'HList (Cons a b) -> c
88------------ tooltips 88------------ tooltips
89testdata/ 6:1-6:8 {a} -> a->a 89testdata/ 6:1-6:8 forall a . a -> a
90testdata/ 6:13-6:14 b_ 90testdata/ 6:13-6:14 _b
91testdata/ 9:1-9:7 {a} -> a->a 91testdata/ 9:1-9:7 forall a . a -> a
92testdata/ 9:12-9:13 b_ 92testdata/ 9:12-9:13 _b
93testdata/ 11:1-11:10 {a}->a 93testdata/ 11:1-11:10 forall a . a
94testdata/ 11:27-11:31 Type 94testdata/ 11:27-11:31 Type
95testdata/ 11:35-11:36 Type 95testdata/ 11:35-11:36 Type
96testdata/ 13:1-13:8 {a} -> (a->a)->a 96testdata/ 13:1-13:8 forall a . (a -> a) -> a
97testdata/ 13:25-13:29 Type 97testdata/ 13:25-13:29 Type
98testdata/ 13:33-13:46 Type 98testdata/ 13:33-13:46 Type
99testdata/ 13:34-13:35 Type 99testdata/ 13:34-13:35 Type
@@ -103,44 +103,44 @@ testdata/ 15:6-15:10 Type
103testdata/ 15:6-15:15 Type 103testdata/ 15:6-15:15 Type
104testdata/ 15:13-15:15 Unit 104testdata/ 15:13-15:15 Unit
105testdata/ 16:6-16:12 Type 105testdata/ 16:6-16:12 Type
106testdata/ 17:6-17:11 String->Type | Type 106testdata/ 17:6-17:11 String -> Type | Type
107testdata/ 17:18-17:24 Type 107testdata/ 17:18-17:24 Type
108testdata/ 19:1-19:13 {a} -> {b} -> a->b 108testdata/ 19:1-19:13 forall a b . a -> b
109testdata/ 19:30-19:31 d_ 109testdata/ 19:30-19:31 _d
110testdata/ 19:30-19:36 Type 110testdata/ 19:30-19:36 Type
111testdata/ 19:35-19:36 Type | c_ 111testdata/ 19:35-19:36 Type | _c
112testdata/ 22:13-22:17 (a:Type) -> a -> a->Type 112testdata/ 22:13-22:17 (a :: Type) -> a -> a -> Type
113testdata/ 22:24-22:28 Type 113testdata/ 22:24-22:28 Type
114testdata/ 22:36-22:37 Type 114testdata/ 22:36-22:37 Type
115testdata/ 22:36-22:46 Type 115testdata/ 22:36-22:46 Type
116testdata/ 22:45-22:46 Type 116testdata/ 22:45-22:46 Type
117testdata/ 31:1-31:8 (a:Type) -> a -> a->a 117testdata/ 31:1-31:8 (a :: Type) -> a -> a -> a
118testdata/ 31:24-31:25 b_ 118testdata/ 31:24-31:25 _b
119testdata/ 31:24-31:35 Type 119testdata/ 31:24-31:35 Type
120testdata/ 31:29-31:30 Type 120testdata/ 31:29-31:30 Type
121testdata/ 31:29-31:35 Type 121testdata/ 31:29-31:35 Type
122testdata/ 31:34-31:35 Type 122testdata/ 31:34-31:35 Type
123testdata/ 34:13-34:15 Type -> Type->Type 123testdata/ 34:13-34:15 Type -> Type -> Type
124testdata/ 36:1-36:11 (a : Type->Type) -> a Type -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 124testdata/ 36:1-36:11 (a :: Type -> Type) -> a Type -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
125testdata/ 36:28-36:32 Type 125testdata/ 36:28-36:32 Type
126testdata/ 36:36-36:40 Type 126testdata/ 36:36-36:40 Type
127testdata/ 36:45-36:46 Type->Type 127testdata/ 36:45-36:46 Type -> Type
128testdata/ 36:45-36:51 Type 128testdata/ 36:45-36:51 Type
129testdata/ 36:45-36:87 Type 129testdata/ 36:45-36:87 Type
130testdata/ 36:47-36:51 Type 130testdata/ 36:47-36:51 Type
131testdata/ 36:55-36:87 Type 131testdata/ 36:55-36:87 Type
132testdata/ 36:68-36:72 Type 132testdata/ 36:68-36:72 Type
133testdata/ 36:77-36:78 Type->Type 133testdata/ 36:77-36:78 Type -> Type
134testdata/ 36:77-36:80 Type 134testdata/ 36:77-36:80 Type
135testdata/ 36:77-36:87 Type 135testdata/ 36:77-36:87 Type
136testdata/ 36:79-36:80 Type 136testdata/ 36:79-36:80 Type
137testdata/ 36:84-36:85 Type->Type 137testdata/ 36:84-36:85 Type -> Type
138testdata/ 36:84-36:87 Type 138testdata/ 36:84-36:87 Type
139testdata/ 36:86-36:87 Type 139testdata/ 36:86-36:87 Type
140testdata/ 38:6-38:11 {a} -> a -> a->Type 140testdata/ 38:6-38:11 forall a . a -> a -> Type
141testdata/ 38:14-38:18 (a:Type) -> a -> a->Type 141testdata/ 38:14-38:18 (a :: Type) -> a -> a -> Type
142testdata/ 38:14-38:20 a_ -> a_->Type 142testdata/ 38:14-38:20 _a -> _a -> Type
143testdata/ 41:1-41:4 Unit -> Unit->Unit 143testdata/ 41:1-41:4 Unit -> Unit -> Unit
144testdata/ 41:8-41:12 Type 144testdata/ 41:8-41:12 Type
145testdata/ 41:16-41:20 Type 145testdata/ 41:16-41:20 Type
146testdata/ 41:16-41:28 Type 146testdata/ 41:16-41:28 Type
@@ -161,191 +161,191 @@ testdata/ 51:27-51:29 Ordering
161testdata/ 53:6-53:9 Type 161testdata/ 53:6-53:9 Type
162testdata/ 53:6-53:23 Type 162testdata/ 53:6-53:23 Type
163testdata/ 53:12-53:16 Nat 163testdata/ 53:12-53:16 Nat
164testdata/ 53:19-53:23 Nat | Nat->Nat | Type 164testdata/ 53:19-53:23 Nat | Nat -> Nat | Type
165testdata/ 53:24-53:27 Type 165testdata/ 53:24-53:27 Type
166testdata/ 56:1-56:14 Int->Word 166testdata/ 56:1-56:14 Int -> Word
167testdata/ 56:24-56:27 Type 167testdata/ 56:24-56:27 Type
168testdata/ 56:33-56:37 Type 168testdata/ 56:33-56:37 Type
169testdata/ 57:1-57:15 Int->Float 169testdata/ 57:1-57:15 Int -> Float
170testdata/ 57:24-57:27 Type 170testdata/ 57:24-57:27 Type
171testdata/ 57:33-57:38 Type 171testdata/ 57:33-57:38 Type
172testdata/ 58:1-58:13 Int->Nat 172testdata/ 58:1-58:13 Int -> Nat
173testdata/ 58:24-58:27 Type 173testdata/ 58:24-58:27 Type
174testdata/ 58:33-58:36 Type 174testdata/ 58:33-58:36 Type
175testdata/ 59:1-59:15 Int -> Int->Ordering 175testdata/ 59:1-59:15 Int -> Int -> Ordering
176testdata/ 59:24-59:27 Type 176testdata/ 59:24-59:27 Type
177testdata/ 59:33-59:36 Type 177testdata/ 59:33-59:36 Type
178testdata/ 59:33-59:50 Type 178testdata/ 59:33-59:50 Type
179testdata/ 59:42-59:50 Type 179testdata/ 59:42-59:50 Type
180testdata/ 60:1-60:16 Word -> Word->Ordering 180testdata/ 60:1-60:16 Word -> Word -> Ordering
181testdata/ 60:24-60:28 Type 181testdata/ 60:24-60:28 Type
182testdata/ 60:33-60:37 Type 182testdata/ 60:33-60:37 Type
183testdata/ 60:33-60:50 Type 183testdata/ 60:33-60:50 Type
184testdata/ 60:42-60:50 Type 184testdata/ 60:42-60:50 Type
185testdata/ 61:1-61:17 Float -> Float->Ordering 185testdata/ 61:1-61:17 Float -> Float -> Ordering
186testdata/ 61:24-61:29 Type 186testdata/ 61:24-61:29 Type
187testdata/ 61:33-61:38 Type 187testdata/ 61:33-61:38 Type
188testdata/ 61:33-61:50 Type 188testdata/ 61:33-61:50 Type
189testdata/ 61:42-61:50 Type 189testdata/ 61:42-61:50 Type
190testdata/ 62:1-62:16 Char -> Char->Ordering 190testdata/ 62:1-62:16 Char -> Char -> Ordering
191testdata/ 62:24-62:28 Type 191testdata/ 62:24-62:28 Type
192testdata/ 62:33-62:37 Type 192testdata/ 62:33-62:37 Type
193testdata/ 62:33-62:50 Type 193testdata/ 62:33-62:50 Type
194testdata/ 62:42-62:50 Type 194testdata/ 62:42-62:50 Type
195testdata/ 63:1-63:18 String -> String->Ordering 195testdata/ 63:1-63:18 String -> String -> Ordering
196testdata/ 63:24-63:30 Type 196testdata/ 63:24-63:30 Type
197testdata/ 63:34-63:40 Type 197testdata/ 63:34-63:40 Type
198testdata/ 63:34-63:52 Type 198testdata/ 63:34-63:52 Type
199testdata/ 63:44-63:52 Type 199testdata/ 63:44-63:52 Type
200testdata/ 64:1-64:14 Int->Int 200testdata/ 64:1-64:14 Int -> Int
201testdata/ 64:24-64:27 Type 201testdata/ 64:24-64:27 Type
202testdata/ 64:33-64:36 Type 202testdata/ 64:33-64:36 Type
203testdata/ 65:1-65:15 Word->Word 203testdata/ 65:1-65:15 Word -> Word
204testdata/ 65:24-65:28 Type 204testdata/ 65:24-65:28 Type
205testdata/ 65:33-65:37 Type 205testdata/ 65:33-65:37 Type
206testdata/ 66:1-66:16 Float->Float 206testdata/ 66:1-66:16 Float -> Float
207testdata/ 66:24-66:29 Type 207testdata/ 66:24-66:29 Type
208testdata/ 66:33-66:38 Type 208testdata/ 66:33-66:38 Type
209testdata/ 67:1-67:11 Int -> Int->Int 209testdata/ 67:1-67:11 Int -> Int -> Int
210testdata/ 67:24-67:27 Type 210testdata/ 67:24-67:27 Type
211testdata/ 67:33-67:36 Type 211testdata/ 67:33-67:36 Type
212testdata/ 67:33-67:45 Type 212testdata/ 67:33-67:45 Type
213testdata/ 67:42-67:45 Type 213testdata/ 67:42-67:45 Type
214testdata/ 68:1-68:11 Int -> Int->Int 214testdata/ 68:1-68:11 Int -> Int -> Int
215testdata/ 68:24-68:27 Type 215testdata/ 68:24-68:27 Type
216testdata/ 68:33-68:36 Type 216testdata/ 68:33-68:36 Type
217testdata/ 68:33-68:45 Type 217testdata/ 68:33-68:45 Type
218testdata/ 68:42-68:45 Type 218testdata/ 68:42-68:45 Type
219testdata/ 69:1-69:11 Int -> Int->Int 219testdata/ 69:1-69:11 Int -> Int -> Int
220testdata/ 69:24-69:27 Type 220testdata/ 69:24-69:27 Type
221testdata/ 69:33-69:36 Type 221testdata/ 69:33-69:36 Type
222testdata/ 69:33-69:45 Type 222testdata/ 69:33-69:45 Type
223testdata/ 69:42-69:45 Type 223testdata/ 69:42-69:45 Type
224testdata/ 70:1-70:14 Float->Float 224testdata/ 70:1-70:14 Float -> Float
225testdata/ 70:24-70:29 Type 225testdata/ 70:24-70:29 Type
226testdata/ 70:33-70:38 Type 226testdata/ 70:33-70:38 Type
227testdata/ 71:1-71:10 Float->Int 227testdata/ 71:1-71:10 Float -> Int
228testdata/ 71:24-71:29 Type 228testdata/ 71:24-71:29 Type
229testdata/ 71:33-71:36 Type 229testdata/ 71:33-71:36 Type
230testdata/ 74:19-74:23 Type 230testdata/ 74:19-74:23 Type
231testdata/ 74:19-74:38 Type 231testdata/ 74:19-74:38 Type
232testdata/ 74:27-74:28 c_ 232testdata/ 74:27-74:28 _c
233testdata/ 74:27-74:38 Type 233testdata/ 74:27-74:38 Type
234testdata/ 74:32-74:33 Type 234testdata/ 74:32-74:33 Type
235testdata/ 74:32-74:38 Type 235testdata/ 74:32-74:38 Type
236testdata/ 74:37-74:38 Type 236testdata/ 74:37-74:38 Type
237testdata/ 75:1-75:15 {a} -> Bool -> a -> a->a 237testdata/ 75:1-75:15 forall a . Bool -> a -> a -> a
238testdata/ 75:28-75:29 d_ 238testdata/ 75:28-75:29 _d
239testdata/ 75:28-76:29 Bool -> a_ -> a_->a_ | Bool->d_ | b_ -> b_->b_ | c_->c_ | d_ 239testdata/ 75:28-76:29 Bool -> _a -> _a -> _a | Bool -> _d | _b -> _b -> _b | _c -> _c | _d
240testdata/ 76:28-76:29 e_ 240testdata/ 76:28-76:29 _e
241testdata/ 78:1-78:5 Ordering->Bool 241testdata/ 78:1-78:5 Ordering -> Bool
242testdata/ 78:11-78:15 Bool 242testdata/ 78:11-78:15 Bool
243testdata/ 78:11-79:15 Bool -> Ordering->Bool 243testdata/ 78:11-79:15 Bool -> Ordering -> Bool
244testdata/ 79:10-79:15 Bool 244testdata/ 79:10-79:15 Bool
245testdata/ 82:7-82:10 Type->Type 245testdata/ 82:7-82:10 Type -> Type
246testdata/ 82:7-83:22 Type 246testdata/ 82:7-83:22 Type
247testdata/ 82:7-84:32 Type 247testdata/ 82:7-84:32 Type
248testdata/ 82:7-85:19 Type 248testdata/ 82:7-85:19 Type
249testdata/ 83:3-83:10 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> Int->a 249testdata/ 83:3-83:10 forall a . Num a => Int -> a
250testdata/ 83:14-83:17 Type 250testdata/ 83:14-83:17 Type
251testdata/ 83:14-83:22 Type 251testdata/ 83:14-83:22 Type
252testdata/ 83:21-83:22 Type 252testdata/ 83:21-83:22 Type
253testdata/ 84:3-84:10 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a -> a->Ordering 253testdata/ 84:3-84:10 forall a . Num a => a -> a -> Ordering
254testdata/ 84:14-84:15 Type 254testdata/ 84:14-84:15 Type
255testdata/ 84:14-84:32 Type 255testdata/ 84:14-84:32 Type
256testdata/ 84:19-84:20 Type 256testdata/ 84:19-84:20 Type
257testdata/ 84:19-84:32 Type 257testdata/ 84:19-84:32 Type
258testdata/ 84:24-84:32 Type 258testdata/ 84:24-84:32 Type
259testdata/ 85:3-85:9 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->a 259testdata/ 85:3-85:9 forall a . Num a => a -> a
260testdata/ 85:13-85:14 Type 260testdata/ 85:13-85:14 Type
261testdata/ 85:13-85:19 Type 261testdata/ 85:13-85:19 Type
262testdata/ 85:18-85:19 Type 262testdata/ 85:18-85:19 Type
263testdata/ 88:13-100:25 Int->b_ | {_ : Num a_} -> Int->a_ | {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> Int->a 263testdata/ 88:13-100:25 Int -> _b | Num _a => Int -> _a | forall a . Num a => Int -> a
264testdata/ 88:19-88:20 b_ 264testdata/ 88:19-88:20 _b
265testdata/ 89:13-89:27 Int -> Int->Ordering 265testdata/ 89:13-89:27 Int -> Int -> Ordering
266testdata/ 89:13-101:22 b_ -> b_->Ordering | {_ : Num a_} -> a_ -> a_->Ordering | {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a -> a->Ordering 266testdata/ 89:13-101:22 Num _a => _a -> _a -> Ordering | _b -> _b -> Ordering | forall a . Num a => a -> a -> Ordering
267testdata/ 90:13-90:26 Int->Int 267testdata/ 90:13-90:26 Int -> Int
268testdata/ 90:13-102:22 b_->b_ | {_ : Num a_} -> a_->a_ | {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->a 268testdata/ 90:13-102:22 Num _a => _a -> _a | _b -> _b | forall a . Num a => a -> a
269testdata/ 92:13-92:26 Int->Word 269testdata/ 92:13-92:26 Int -> Word
270testdata/ 92:13-100:25 Int->b_ 270testdata/ 92:13-100:25 Int -> _b
271testdata/ 93:13-93:28 Word -> Word->Ordering 271testdata/ 93:13-93:28 Word -> Word -> Ordering
272testdata/ 93:13-101:22 b_ -> b_->Ordering 272testdata/ 93:13-101:22 _b -> _b -> Ordering
273testdata/ 94:13-94:27 Word->Word 273testdata/ 94:13-94:27 Word -> Word
274testdata/ 94:13-102:22 b_->b_ 274testdata/ 94:13-102:22 _b -> _b
275testdata/ 96:13-96:27 Int->Float 275testdata/ 96:13-96:27 Int -> Float
276testdata/ 96:13-100:25 Int->b_ 276testdata/ 96:13-100:25 Int -> _b
277testdata/ 97:13-97:29 Float -> Float->Ordering 277testdata/ 97:13-97:29 Float -> Float -> Ordering
278testdata/ 97:13-101:22 b_ -> b_->Ordering 278testdata/ 97:13-101:22 _b -> _b -> Ordering
279testdata/ 98:13-98:28 Float->Float 279testdata/ 98:13-98:28 Float -> Float
280testdata/ 98:13-102:22 b_->b_ 280testdata/ 98:13-102:22 _b -> _b
281testdata/ 100:13-100:25 Int->Nat 281testdata/ 100:13-100:25 Int -> Nat
282testdata/ 101:13-101:22 {a}->a 282testdata/ 101:13-101:22 forall a . a
283testdata/ 102:13-102:22 {a}->a 283testdata/ 102:13-102:22 forall a . a
284testdata/ 104:7-104:9 Type->Type 284testdata/ 104:7-104:9 Type -> Type
285testdata/ 104:7-105:27 Type 285testdata/ 104:7-105:27 Type
286testdata/ 104:7-120:29 a_->a_ | {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 286testdata/ 104:7-120:29 _a -> _a | forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
287testdata/ 105:6-105:8 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 287testdata/ 105:6-105:8 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
288testdata/ 105:13-105:14 Type 288testdata/ 105:13-105:14 Type
289testdata/ 105:13-105:27 Type 289testdata/ 105:13-105:27 Type
290testdata/ 105:18-105:19 Type 290testdata/ 105:18-105:19 Type
291testdata/ 105:18-105:27 Type 291testdata/ 105:18-105:27 Type
292testdata/ 105:23-105:27 Type 292testdata/ 105:23-105:27 Type
293testdata/ 109:35-109:39 Ordering->Bool 293testdata/ 109:35-109:39 Ordering -> Bool
294testdata/ 109:35-109:63 Bool 294testdata/ 109:35-109:63 Bool
295testdata/ 109:35-120:29 b_ -> b_->Bool | {_ : Eq a_} -> a_ -> a_->Bool | {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 295testdata/ 109:35-120:29 Eq _a => _a -> _a -> Bool | _b -> _b -> Bool | forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
296testdata/ 109:41-109:58 String -> String->Ordering 296testdata/ 109:41-109:58 String -> String -> Ordering
297testdata/ 109:41-109:60 String->Ordering 297testdata/ 109:41-109:60 String -> Ordering
298testdata/ 109:41-109:62 Ordering 298testdata/ 109:41-109:62 Ordering
299testdata/ 109:59-109:60 d_ 299testdata/ 109:59-109:60 _d
300testdata/ 109:61-109:62 b_ 300testdata/ 109:61-109:62 _b
301testdata/ 110:33-110:37 Ordering->Bool 301testdata/ 110:33-110:37 Ordering -> Bool
302testdata/ 110:33-110:59 Bool 302testdata/ 110:33-110:59 Bool
303testdata/ 110:33-120:29 b_ -> b_->Bool 303testdata/ 110:33-120:29 _b -> _b -> Bool
304testdata/ 110:39-110:54 Char -> Char->Ordering 304testdata/ 110:39-110:54 Char -> Char -> Ordering
305testdata/ 110:39-110:56 Char->Ordering 305testdata/ 110:39-110:56 Char -> Ordering
306testdata/ 110:39-110:58 Ordering 306testdata/ 110:39-110:58 Ordering
307testdata/ 110:55-110:56 d_ 307testdata/ 110:55-110:56 _d
308testdata/ 110:57-110:58 b_ 308testdata/ 110:57-110:58 _b
309testdata/ 111:32-111:36 Ordering->Bool 309testdata/ 111:32-111:36 Ordering -> Bool
310testdata/ 111:32-111:57 Bool 310testdata/ 111:32-111:57 Bool
311testdata/ 111:32-120:29 b_ -> b_->Bool 311testdata/ 111:32-120:29 _b -> _b -> Bool
312testdata/ 111:38-111:52 Int -> Int->Ordering 312testdata/ 111:38-111:52 Int -> Int -> Ordering
313testdata/ 111:38-111:54 Int->Ordering 313testdata/ 111:38-111:54 Int -> Ordering
314testdata/ 111:38-111:56 Ordering 314testdata/ 111:38-111:56 Ordering
315testdata/ 111:53-111:54 d_ 315testdata/ 111:53-111:54 _d
316testdata/ 111:55-111:56 b_ 316testdata/ 111:55-111:56 _b
317testdata/ 112:34-112:38 Ordering->Bool 317testdata/ 112:34-112:38 Ordering -> Bool
318testdata/ 112:34-112:61 Bool 318testdata/ 112:34-112:61 Bool
319testdata/ 112:34-120:29 b_ -> b_->Bool 319testdata/ 112:34-120:29 _b -> _b -> Bool
320testdata/ 112:40-112:56 Float -> Float->Ordering 320testdata/ 112:40-112:56 Float -> Float -> Ordering
321testdata/ 112:40-112:58 Float->Ordering 321testdata/ 112:40-112:58 Float -> Ordering
322testdata/ 112:40-112:60 Ordering 322testdata/ 112:40-112:60 Ordering
323testdata/ 112:57-112:58 d_ 323testdata/ 112:57-112:58 _d
324testdata/ 112:59-112:60 b_ 324testdata/ 112:59-112:60 _b
325testdata/ 114:20-114:24 Bool 325testdata/ 114:20-114:24 Bool
326testdata/ 114:20-116:19 Bool | Bool->Bool 326testdata/ 114:20-116:19 Bool | Bool -> Bool
327testdata/ 114:20-120:29 b_ -> b_->Bool 327testdata/ 114:20-120:29 _b -> _b -> Bool
328testdata/ 115:22-115:26 Bool 328testdata/ 115:22-115:26 Bool
329testdata/ 115:22-116:19 Bool | Bool->Bool 329testdata/ 115:22-116:19 Bool | Bool -> Bool
330testdata/ 116:14-116:19 Bool 330testdata/ 116:14-116:19 Bool
331testdata/ 118:24-118:28 Bool 331testdata/ 118:24-118:28 Bool
332testdata/ 118:24-120:29 Nat->Bool 332testdata/ 118:24-120:29 Nat -> Bool
333testdata/ 119:24-119:25 Nat 333testdata/ 119:24-119:25 Nat
334testdata/ 119:24-119:28 Nat->Bool 334testdata/ 119:24-119:28 Nat -> Bool
335testdata/ 119:24-119:30 Bool | Nat->Bool 335testdata/ 119:24-119:30 Bool | Nat -> Bool
336testdata/ 119:24-120:29 Nat->Bool 336testdata/ 119:24-120:29 Nat -> Bool
337testdata/ 119:26-119:28 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 337testdata/ 119:26-119:28 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
338testdata/ 119:29-119:30 Nat 338testdata/ 119:29-119:30 Nat
339testdata/ 120:24-120:29 Bool | Nat->Bool 339testdata/ 120:24-120:29 Bool | Nat -> Bool
340testdata/ 122:6-122:10 Type | Type->Type 340testdata/ 122:6-122:10 Type | Type -> Type
341testdata/ 122:6-122:12 Type 341testdata/ 122:6-122:12 Type
342testdata/ 122:6-122:25 Type 342testdata/ 122:6-122:25 Type
343testdata/ 122:6-122:36 Type 343testdata/ 122:6-122:36 Type
344testdata/ 122:11-122:12 Type 344testdata/ 122:11-122:12 Type
345testdata/ 122:15-122:18 List b_ | {a} -> List a 345testdata/ 122:15-122:18 List _b | forall a . List a
346testdata/ 122:21-122:25 List e_ | Type | {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 346testdata/ 122:21-122:25 List _e | Type | forall a . a -> List a -> List a
347testdata/ 122:26-122:27 Type 347testdata/ 122:26-122:27 Type
348testdata/ 122:29-122:33 Type->Type 348testdata/ 122:29-122:33 Type -> Type
349testdata/ 122:29-122:35 Type 349testdata/ 122:29-122:35 Type
350testdata/ 122:34-122:35 Type 350testdata/ 122:34-122:35 Type
351testdata/ 126:6-126:11 List Type -> Type | Type 351testdata/ 126:6-126:11 List Type -> Type | Type
@@ -357,33 +357,33 @@ testdata/ 127:5-127:9 ()
357testdata/ 127:5-127:22 Type 357testdata/ 127:5-127:22 Type
358testdata/ 127:13-127:18 List Type -> Type 358testdata/ 127:13-127:18 List Type -> Type
359testdata/ 127:13-127:22 Type 359testdata/ 127:13-127:22 Type
360testdata/ 127:19-127:22 {a} -> List a 360testdata/ 127:19-127:22 forall a . List a
361testdata/ 128:5-128:10 HList ('Cons d_ c_) | {a} -> {b : List Type} -> a -> HList b -> HList ('Cons a b) 361testdata/ 128:5-128:10 HList ('Cons _d _c) | forall a (b :: List Type) . a -> HList b -> HList ('Cons a b)
362testdata/ 128:5-128:45 Type 362testdata/ 128:5-128:45 Type
363testdata/ 128:14-128:15 d_ 363testdata/ 128:14-128:15 _d
364testdata/ 128:14-128:45 Type 364testdata/ 128:14-128:45 Type
365testdata/ 128:19-128:24 List Type -> Type 365testdata/ 128:19-128:24 List Type -> Type
366testdata/ 128:19-128:27 Type 366testdata/ 128:19-128:27 Type
367testdata/ 128:19-128:45 Type 367testdata/ 128:19-128:45 Type
368testdata/ 128:25-128:27 c_ 368testdata/ 128:25-128:27 _c
369testdata/ 128:31-128:36 List Type -> Type 369testdata/ 128:31-128:36 List Type -> Type
370testdata/ 128:31-128:45 Type 370testdata/ 128:31-128:45 Type
371testdata/ 128:39-128:40 Type 371testdata/ 128:39-128:40 Type
372testdata/ 128:39-128:41 List Type -> List Type 372testdata/ 128:39-128:41 List Type -> List Type
373testdata/ 128:39-128:44 List Type 373testdata/ 128:39-128:44 List Type
374testdata/ 128:40-128:41 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 374testdata/ 128:40-128:41 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
375testdata/ 128:42-128:44 List Type 375testdata/ 128:42-128:44 List Type
376testdata/ 130:1-130:13 (a:Type) -> a -> ()->a 376testdata/ 130:1-130:13 (a :: Type) -> a -> () -> a
377testdata/ 130:29-130:30 b_ 377testdata/ 130:29-130:30 _b
378testdata/ 130:29-130:48 Type 378testdata/ 130:29-130:48 Type
379testdata/ 130:34-130:39 List Type -> Type 379testdata/ 130:34-130:39 List Type -> Type
380testdata/ 130:34-130:43 Type 380testdata/ 130:34-130:43 Type
381testdata/ 130:34-130:48 Type 381testdata/ 130:34-130:48 Type
382testdata/ 130:40-130:43 {a} -> List a 382testdata/ 130:40-130:43 forall a . List a
383testdata/ 130:47-130:48 Type 383testdata/ 130:47-130:48 Type
384testdata/ 131:1-131:14 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> (c:Type) -> (a -> HList b -> c) -> HList ('Cons a b) -> c 384testdata/ 131:1-131:14 forall a (b :: List Type) . (c :: Type) -> (a -> HList b -> c) -> HList ('Cons a b) -> c
385testdata/ 132:21-132:25 Type 385testdata/ 132:21-132:25 Type
386testdata/ 132:33-132:37 Type->Type 386testdata/ 132:33-132:37 Type -> Type
387testdata/ 132:33-132:42 Type 387testdata/ 132:33-132:42 Type
388testdata/ 132:33-136:9 Type 388testdata/ 132:33-136:9 Type
389testdata/ 132:38-132:42 Type 389testdata/ 132:38-132:42 Type
@@ -394,11 +394,11 @@ testdata/ 134:14-134:19 List Type -> Type
394testdata/ 134:14-134:21 Type 394testdata/ 134:14-134:21 Type
395testdata/ 134:14-134:26 Type 395testdata/ 134:14-134:26 Type
396testdata/ 134:20-134:21 List Type 396testdata/ 134:20-134:21 List Type
397testdata/ 134:25-134:26 Type | d_ 397testdata/ 134:25-134:26 Type | _d
398testdata/ 135:8-135:13 List Type -> Type 398testdata/ 135:8-135:13 List Type -> Type
399testdata/ 135:8-135:24 Type 399testdata/ 135:8-135:24 Type
400testdata/ 135:8-136:9 Type 400testdata/ 135:8-136:9 Type
401testdata/ 135:15-135:19 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 401testdata/ 135:15-135:19 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
402testdata/ 135:15-135:21 List Type -> List Type 402testdata/ 135:15-135:21 List Type -> List Type
403testdata/ 135:15-135:23 List Type 403testdata/ 135:15-135:23 List Type
404testdata/ 135:20-135:21 Type 404testdata/ 135:20-135:21 Type
diff --git a/testdata/Material.out b/testdata/Material.out
index 0e4834d2..1112eb52 100644
--- a/testdata/Material.out
+++ b/testdata/Material.out
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ main is not found
3identityLight :: 'Float 3identityLight :: 'Float
4'Entity :: Type 4'Entity :: Type
5Entity :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Entity 5Entity :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Entity
6'EntityCase :: (a : 'Entity->Type) -> ((b : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (c : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (d : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (e : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a (Entity b c d e)) -> (f:'Entity) -> a f 6'EntityCase :: (a :: 'Entity -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (c :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (d :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (e :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a (Entity b c d e)) -> (f :: 'Entity) -> a f
7match'Entity :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Entity -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 7match'Entity :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Entity -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
8eAmbientLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4 8eAmbientLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4
9eDirectedLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4 9eDirectedLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4
10eLightDir :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 3 10eLightDir :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 3
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ WT_Square :: 'WaveType
16WT_Sawtooth :: 'WaveType 16WT_Sawtooth :: 'WaveType
17WT_InverseSawtooth :: 'WaveType 17WT_InverseSawtooth :: 'WaveType
18WT_Noise :: 'WaveType 18WT_Noise :: 'WaveType
19'WaveTypeCase :: (a : 'WaveType->Type) -> a WT_Sin -> a WT_Triangle -> a WT_Square -> a WT_Sawtooth -> a WT_InverseSawtooth -> a WT_Noise -> (b:'WaveType) -> a b 19'WaveTypeCase :: (a :: 'WaveType -> Type) -> a WT_Sin -> a WT_Triangle -> a WT_Square -> a WT_Sawtooth -> a WT_InverseSawtooth -> a WT_Noise -> (b :: 'WaveType) -> a b
20match'WaveType :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'WaveType -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 20match'WaveType :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'WaveType -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
21'Wave :: Type 21'Wave :: Type
22Wave :: 'WaveType -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'Wave 22Wave :: 'WaveType -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Wave
23'WaveCase :: (a : 'Wave->Type) -> ((b:'WaveType) -> (c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> (e:'Float) -> (f:'Float) -> a (Wave b c d e f)) -> (g:'Wave) -> a g 23'WaveCase :: (a :: 'Wave -> Type) -> ((b :: 'WaveType) -> (c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'Float) -> (f :: 'Float) -> a (Wave b c d e f)) -> (g :: 'Wave) -> a g
24match'Wave :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Wave -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 24match'Wave :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Wave -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
25'Deform :: Type 25'Deform :: Type
26D_AutoSprite :: 'Deform 26D_AutoSprite :: 'Deform
27D_AutoSprite2 :: 'Deform 27D_AutoSprite2 :: 'Deform
28D_Bulge :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'Deform 28D_Bulge :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Deform
29D_Move :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Wave->'Deform 29D_Move :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Wave -> 'Deform
30D_Normal :: 'Float -> 'Float->'Deform 30D_Normal :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Deform
31D_ProjectionShadow :: 'Deform 31D_ProjectionShadow :: 'Deform
32D_Text0 :: 'Deform 32D_Text0 :: 'Deform
33D_Text1 :: 'Deform 33D_Text1 :: 'Deform
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ D_Text4 :: 'Deform
37D_Text5 :: 'Deform 37D_Text5 :: 'Deform
38D_Text6 :: 'Deform 38D_Text6 :: 'Deform
39D_Text7 :: 'Deform 39D_Text7 :: 'Deform
40D_Wave :: 'Float -> 'Wave->'Deform 40D_Wave :: 'Float -> 'Wave -> 'Deform
41'DeformCase :: (a : 'Deform->Type) -> a D_AutoSprite -> a D_AutoSprite2 -> ((b:'Float) -> (c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> a (D_Bulge b c d)) -> ((e : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (f:'Wave) -> a (D_Move e f)) -> ((g:'Float) -> (h:'Float) -> a (D_Normal g h)) -> a D_ProjectionShadow -> a D_Text0 -> a D_Text1 -> a D_Text2 -> a D_Text3 -> a D_Text4 -> a D_Text5 -> a D_Text6 -> a D_Text7 -> ((i:'Float) -> (j:'Wave) -> a (D_Wave i j)) -> (k:'Deform) -> a k 41'DeformCase :: (a :: 'Deform -> Type) -> a D_AutoSprite -> a D_AutoSprite2 -> ((b :: 'Float) -> (c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> a (D_Bulge b c d)) -> ((e :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (f :: 'Wave) -> a (D_Move e f)) -> ((g :: 'Float) -> (h :: 'Float) -> a (D_Normal g h)) -> a D_ProjectionShadow -> a D_Text0 -> a D_Text1 -> a D_Text2 -> a D_Text3 -> a D_Text4 -> a D_Text5 -> a D_Text6 -> a D_Text7 -> ((i :: 'Float) -> (j :: 'Wave) -> a (D_Wave i j)) -> (k :: 'Deform) -> a k
42match'Deform :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Deform -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 42match'Deform :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Deform -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
43'CullType :: Type 43'CullType :: Type
44CT_FrontSided :: 'CullType 44CT_FrontSided :: 'CullType
45CT_BackSided :: 'CullType 45CT_BackSided :: 'CullType
46CT_TwoSided :: 'CullType 46CT_TwoSided :: 'CullType
47'CullTypeCase :: (a : 'CullType->Type) -> a CT_FrontSided -> a CT_BackSided -> a CT_TwoSided -> (b:'CullType) -> a b 47'CullTypeCase :: (a :: 'CullType -> Type) -> a CT_FrontSided -> a CT_BackSided -> a CT_TwoSided -> (b :: 'CullType) -> a b
48match'CullType :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'CullType -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 48match'CullType :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'CullType -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
49'Blending' :: Type 49'Blending' :: Type
50B_DstAlpha :: 'Blending' 50B_DstAlpha :: 'Blending'
51B_DstColor :: 'Blending' 51B_DstColor :: 'Blending'
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ B_SrcAlpha :: 'Blending'
58B_SrcAlphaSaturate :: 'Blending' 58B_SrcAlphaSaturate :: 'Blending'
59B_SrcColor :: 'Blending' 59B_SrcColor :: 'Blending'
60B_Zero :: 'Blending' 60B_Zero :: 'Blending'
61'Blending'Case :: (a : 'Blending'->Type) -> a B_DstAlpha -> a B_DstColor -> a B_One -> a B_OneMinusDstAlpha -> a B_OneMinusDstColor -> a B_OneMinusSrcAlpha -> a B_OneMinusSrcColor -> a B_SrcAlpha -> a B_SrcAlphaSaturate -> a B_SrcColor -> a B_Zero -> (b:'Blending') -> a b 61'Blending'Case :: (a :: 'Blending' -> Type) -> a B_DstAlpha -> a B_DstColor -> a B_One -> a B_OneMinusDstAlpha -> a B_OneMinusDstColor -> a B_OneMinusSrcAlpha -> a B_OneMinusSrcColor -> a B_SrcAlpha -> a B_SrcAlphaSaturate -> a B_SrcColor -> a B_Zero -> (b :: 'Blending') -> a b
62match'Blending' :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Blending' -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 62match'Blending' :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Blending' -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
63'RGBGen :: Type 63'RGBGen :: Type
64RGB_Wave :: 'Wave->'RGBGen 64RGB_Wave :: 'Wave -> 'RGBGen
65RGB_Const :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'RGBGen 65RGB_Const :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'RGBGen
66RGB_Identity :: 'RGBGen 66RGB_Identity :: 'RGBGen
67RGB_IdentityLighting :: 'RGBGen 67RGB_IdentityLighting :: 'RGBGen
68RGB_Entity :: 'RGBGen 68RGB_Entity :: 'RGBGen
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ RGB_Vertex :: 'RGBGen
72RGB_LightingDiffuse :: 'RGBGen 72RGB_LightingDiffuse :: 'RGBGen
73RGB_OneMinusVertex :: 'RGBGen 73RGB_OneMinusVertex :: 'RGBGen
74RGB_Undefined :: 'RGBGen 74RGB_Undefined :: 'RGBGen
75'RGBGenCase :: (a : 'RGBGen->Type) -> ((b:'Wave) -> a (RGB_Wave b)) -> ((c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> (e:'Float) -> a (RGB_Const c d e)) -> a RGB_Identity -> a RGB_IdentityLighting -> a RGB_Entity -> a RGB_OneMinusEntity -> a RGB_ExactVertex -> a RGB_Vertex -> a RGB_LightingDiffuse -> a RGB_OneMinusVertex -> a RGB_Undefined -> (f:'RGBGen) -> a f 75'RGBGenCase :: (a :: 'RGBGen -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Wave) -> a (RGB_Wave b)) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'Float) -> a (RGB_Const c d e)) -> a RGB_Identity -> a RGB_IdentityLighting -> a RGB_Entity -> a RGB_OneMinusEntity -> a RGB_ExactVertex -> a RGB_Vertex -> a RGB_LightingDiffuse -> a RGB_OneMinusVertex -> a RGB_Undefined -> (f :: 'RGBGen) -> a f
76match'RGBGen :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'RGBGen -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 76match'RGBGen :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'RGBGen -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
77'AlphaGen :: Type 77'AlphaGen :: Type
78A_Wave :: 'Wave->'AlphaGen 78A_Wave :: 'Wave -> 'AlphaGen
79A_Const :: 'Float->'AlphaGen 79A_Const :: 'Float -> 'AlphaGen
80A_Portal :: 'AlphaGen 80A_Portal :: 'AlphaGen
81A_Identity :: 'AlphaGen 81A_Identity :: 'AlphaGen
82A_Entity :: 'AlphaGen 82A_Entity :: 'AlphaGen
@@ -84,109 +84,109 @@ A_OneMinusEntity :: 'AlphaGen
84A_Vertex :: 'AlphaGen 84A_Vertex :: 'AlphaGen
85A_LightingSpecular :: 'AlphaGen 85A_LightingSpecular :: 'AlphaGen
86A_OneMinusVertex :: 'AlphaGen 86A_OneMinusVertex :: 'AlphaGen
87'AlphaGenCase :: (a : 'AlphaGen->Type) -> ((b:'Wave) -> a (A_Wave b)) -> ((c:'Float) -> a (A_Const c)) -> a A_Portal -> a A_Identity -> a A_Entity -> a A_OneMinusEntity -> a A_Vertex -> a A_LightingSpecular -> a A_OneMinusVertex -> (d:'AlphaGen) -> a d 87'AlphaGenCase :: (a :: 'AlphaGen -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Wave) -> a (A_Wave b)) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> a (A_Const c)) -> a A_Portal -> a A_Identity -> a A_Entity -> a A_OneMinusEntity -> a A_Vertex -> a A_LightingSpecular -> a A_OneMinusVertex -> (d :: 'AlphaGen) -> a d
88match'AlphaGen :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'AlphaGen -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 88match'AlphaGen :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'AlphaGen -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
89'TCGen :: Type 89'TCGen :: Type
90TG_Base :: 'TCGen 90TG_Base :: 'TCGen
91TG_Lightmap :: 'TCGen 91TG_Lightmap :: 'TCGen
92TG_Environment :: 'TCGen 92TG_Environment :: 'TCGen
93TG_Vector :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'TCGen 93TG_Vector :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'TCGen
94TG_Undefined :: 'TCGen 94TG_Undefined :: 'TCGen
95'TCGenCase :: (a : 'TCGen->Type) -> a TG_Base -> a TG_Lightmap -> a TG_Environment -> ((b : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (c : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a (TG_Vector b c)) -> a TG_Undefined -> (d:'TCGen) -> a d 95'TCGenCase :: (a :: 'TCGen -> Type) -> a TG_Base -> a TG_Lightmap -> a TG_Environment -> ((b :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (c :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a (TG_Vector b c)) -> a TG_Undefined -> (d :: 'TCGen) -> a d
96match'TCGen :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'TCGen -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 96match'TCGen :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'TCGen -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
97'TCMod :: Type 97'TCMod :: Type
98TM_EntityTranslate :: 'TCMod 98TM_EntityTranslate :: 'TCMod
99TM_Rotate :: 'Float->'TCMod 99TM_Rotate :: 'Float -> 'TCMod
100TM_Scroll :: 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 100TM_Scroll :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
101TM_Scale :: 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 101TM_Scale :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
102TM_Stretch :: 'Wave->'TCMod 102TM_Stretch :: 'Wave -> 'TCMod
103TM_Transform :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 103TM_Transform :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
104TM_Turb :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 104TM_Turb :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
105'TCModCase :: (a : 'TCMod->Type) -> a TM_EntityTranslate -> ((b:'Float) -> a (TM_Rotate b)) -> ((c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> a (TM_Scroll c d)) -> ((e:'Float) -> (f:'Float) -> a (TM_Scale e f)) -> ((g:'Wave) -> a (TM_Stretch g)) -> ((h:'Float) -> (i:'Float) -> (j:'Float) -> (k:'Float) -> (l:'Float) -> (m:'Float) -> a (TM_Transform h i j k l m)) -> ((n:'Float) -> (o:'Float) -> (p:'Float) -> (q:'Float) -> a (TM_Turb n o p q)) -> (r:'TCMod) -> a r 105'TCModCase :: (a :: 'TCMod -> Type) -> a TM_EntityTranslate -> ((b :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Rotate b)) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Scroll c d)) -> ((e :: 'Float) -> (f :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Scale e f)) -> ((g :: 'Wave) -> a (TM_Stretch g)) -> ((h :: 'Float) -> (i :: 'Float) -> (j :: 'Float) -> (k :: 'Float) -> (l :: 'Float) -> (m :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Transform h i j k l m)) -> ((n :: 'Float) -> (o :: 'Float) -> (p :: 'Float) -> (q :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Turb n o p q)) -> (r :: 'TCMod) -> a r
106match'TCMod :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'TCMod -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 106match'TCMod :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'TCMod -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
107'StageTexture :: Type 107'StageTexture :: Type
108ST_Map :: 'String->'StageTexture 108ST_Map :: 'String -> 'StageTexture
109ST_ClampMap :: 'String->'StageTexture 109ST_ClampMap :: 'String -> 'StageTexture
110ST_AnimMap :: 'Float -> 'List 'String -> 'StageTexture 110ST_AnimMap :: 'Float -> 'List 'String -> 'StageTexture
111ST_Lightmap :: 'StageTexture 111ST_Lightmap :: 'StageTexture
112ST_WhiteImage :: 'StageTexture 112ST_WhiteImage :: 'StageTexture
113'StageTextureCase :: (a : 'StageTexture->Type) -> ((b:'String) -> a (ST_Map b)) -> ((c:'String) -> a (ST_ClampMap c)) -> ((d:'Float) -> (e : 'List 'String) -> a (ST_AnimMap d e)) -> a ST_Lightmap -> a ST_WhiteImage -> (f:'StageTexture) -> a f 113'StageTextureCase :: (a :: 'StageTexture -> Type) -> ((b :: 'String) -> a (ST_Map b)) -> ((c :: 'String) -> a (ST_ClampMap c)) -> ((d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'List 'String) -> a (ST_AnimMap d e)) -> a ST_Lightmap -> a ST_WhiteImage -> (f :: 'StageTexture) -> a f
114match'StageTexture :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StageTexture -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 114match'StageTexture :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StageTexture -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
115'AlphaFunction :: Type 115'AlphaFunction :: Type
116A_Gt0 :: 'AlphaFunction 116A_Gt0 :: 'AlphaFunction
117A_Lt128 :: 'AlphaFunction 117A_Lt128 :: 'AlphaFunction
118A_Ge128 :: 'AlphaFunction 118A_Ge128 :: 'AlphaFunction
119'AlphaFunctionCase :: (a : 'AlphaFunction->Type) -> a A_Gt0 -> a A_Lt128 -> a A_Ge128 -> (b:'AlphaFunction) -> a b 119'AlphaFunctionCase :: (a :: 'AlphaFunction -> Type) -> a A_Gt0 -> a A_Lt128 -> a A_Ge128 -> (b :: 'AlphaFunction) -> a b
120match'AlphaFunction :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'AlphaFunction -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 120match'AlphaFunction :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'AlphaFunction -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
121'DepthFunction :: Type 121'DepthFunction :: Type
122D_Equal :: 'DepthFunction 122D_Equal :: 'DepthFunction
123D_Lequal :: 'DepthFunction 123D_Lequal :: 'DepthFunction
124'DepthFunctionCase :: (a : 'DepthFunction->Type) -> a D_Equal -> a D_Lequal -> (b:'DepthFunction) -> a b 124'DepthFunctionCase :: (a :: 'DepthFunction -> Type) -> a D_Equal -> a D_Lequal -> (b :: 'DepthFunction) -> a b
125match'DepthFunction :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'DepthFunction -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 125match'DepthFunction :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'DepthFunction -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
126'StageAttrs :: Type 126'StageAttrs :: Type
127StageAttrs :: 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending') -> 'RGBGen -> 'AlphaGen -> 'TCGen -> 'List 'TCMod -> 'StageTexture -> 'Bool -> 'DepthFunction -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction -> 'Bool -> 'String->'StageAttrs 127StageAttrs :: 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending') -> 'RGBGen -> 'AlphaGen -> 'TCGen -> 'List 'TCMod -> 'StageTexture -> 'Bool -> 'DepthFunction -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction -> 'Bool -> 'String -> 'StageAttrs
128'StageAttrsCase :: (a : 'StageAttrs->Type) -> ((b : 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending')) -> (c:'RGBGen) -> (d:'AlphaGen) -> (e:'TCGen) -> (f : 'List 'TCMod) -> (g:'StageTexture) -> (h:'Bool) -> (i:'DepthFunction) -> (j : 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction) -> (k:'Bool) -> (l:'String) -> a (StageAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l)) -> (m:'StageAttrs) -> a m 128'StageAttrsCase :: (a :: 'StageAttrs -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending')) -> (c :: 'RGBGen) -> (d :: 'AlphaGen) -> (e :: 'TCGen) -> (f :: 'List 'TCMod) -> (g :: 'StageTexture) -> (h :: 'Bool) -> (i :: 'DepthFunction) -> (j :: 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction) -> (k :: 'Bool) -> (l :: 'String) -> a (StageAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l)) -> (m :: 'StageAttrs) -> a m
129match'StageAttrs :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StageAttrs -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 129match'StageAttrs :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StageAttrs -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
130saBlend :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending') 130saBlend :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending')
131saRGBGen :: 'StageAttrs->'RGBGen 131saRGBGen :: 'StageAttrs -> 'RGBGen
132saAlphaGen :: 'StageAttrs->'AlphaGen 132saAlphaGen :: 'StageAttrs -> 'AlphaGen
133saTCGen :: 'StageAttrs->'TCGen 133saTCGen :: 'StageAttrs -> 'TCGen
134saTCMod :: 'StageAttrs -> 'List 'TCMod 134saTCMod :: 'StageAttrs -> 'List 'TCMod
135saTexture :: 'StageAttrs->'StageTexture 135saTexture :: 'StageAttrs -> 'StageTexture
136saDepthWrite :: 'StageAttrs->'Bool 136saDepthWrite :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool
137saDepthFunc :: 'StageAttrs->'DepthFunction 137saDepthFunc :: 'StageAttrs -> 'DepthFunction
138saAlphaFunc :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction 138saAlphaFunc :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction
139saDepthMaskExplicit :: 'StageAttrs->'Bool 139saDepthMaskExplicit :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool
140saTextureUniform :: 'StageAttrs->'String 140saTextureUniform :: 'StageAttrs -> 'String
141defaultStageAttrs :: 'StageAttrs 141defaultStageAttrs :: 'StageAttrs
142'CommonAttrs :: Type 142'CommonAttrs :: Type
143CommonAttrs :: () -> () -> 'Bool -> 'Float -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'CullType -> 'List 'Deform -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'List 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool->'CommonAttrs 143CommonAttrs :: () -> () -> 'Bool -> 'Float -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'CullType -> 'List 'Deform -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'List 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool -> 'CommonAttrs
144'CommonAttrsCase :: (a : 'CommonAttrs->Type) -> ((b:()) -> (c:()) -> (d:'Bool) -> (e:'Float) -> (f:'Bool) -> (g:'Bool) -> (h:'CullType) -> (i : 'List 'Deform) -> (j:'Bool) -> (k:'Bool) -> (l : 'List 'StageAttrs) -> (m:'Bool) -> a (CommonAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l m)) -> (n:'CommonAttrs) -> a n 144'CommonAttrsCase :: (a :: 'CommonAttrs -> Type) -> ((b :: ()) -> (c :: ()) -> (d :: 'Bool) -> (e :: 'Float) -> (f :: 'Bool) -> (g :: 'Bool) -> (h :: 'CullType) -> (i :: 'List 'Deform) -> (j :: 'Bool) -> (k :: 'Bool) -> (l :: 'List 'StageAttrs) -> (m :: 'Bool) -> a (CommonAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l m)) -> (n :: 'CommonAttrs) -> a n
145match'CommonAttrs :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'CommonAttrs -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 145match'CommonAttrs :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'CommonAttrs -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
146caSkyParms :: 'CommonAttrs->() 146caSkyParms :: 'CommonAttrs -> ()
147caFogParms :: 'CommonAttrs->() 147caFogParms :: 'CommonAttrs -> ()
148caPortal :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 148caPortal :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
149caSort :: 'CommonAttrs->'Float 149caSort :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Float
150caEntityMergable :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 150caEntityMergable :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
151caFogOnly :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 151caFogOnly :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
152caCull :: 'CommonAttrs->'CullType 152caCull :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'CullType
153caDeformVertexes :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'Deform 153caDeformVertexes :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'Deform
154caNoMipMaps :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 154caNoMipMaps :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
155caPolygonOffset :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 155caPolygonOffset :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
156caStages :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'StageAttrs 156caStages :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'StageAttrs
157caIsSky :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 157caIsSky :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
158defaultCommonAttrs :: 'CommonAttrs 158defaultCommonAttrs :: 'CommonAttrs
159------------ tooltips 159------------ tooltips
160testdata/ 7:18-7:23 Type 160testdata/ 7:18-7:23 Type
161testdata/ 8:1-8:14 Float 161testdata/ 8:1-8:14 Float
162testdata/ 8:17-8:18 b_ 162testdata/ 8:17-8:18 _b
163testdata/ 10:6-10:12 Type 163testdata/ 10:6-10:12 Type
164testdata/ 10:6-11:13 Type 164testdata/ 10:6-11:13 Type
165testdata/ 10:6-15:39 Type 165testdata/ 10:6-15:39 Type
166testdata/ 11:7-11:13 Entity | Type | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Entity 166testdata/ 11:7-11:13 Entity | Type | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Entity
167testdata/ 12:7-12:20 Entity -> VecS Float 4 167testdata/ 12:7-12:20 Entity -> VecS Float 4
168testdata/ 12:28-12:31 Nat -> Type->Type 168testdata/ 12:28-12:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
169testdata/ 12:28-12:33 Type->Type 169testdata/ 12:28-12:33 Type -> Type
170testdata/ 12:28-12:39 Type 170testdata/ 12:28-12:39 Type
171testdata/ 12:32-12:33 b_ 171testdata/ 12:32-12:33 _b
172testdata/ 12:34-12:39 Type 172testdata/ 12:34-12:39 Type
173testdata/ 13:7-13:21 Entity -> VecS Float 4 173testdata/ 13:7-13:21 Entity -> VecS Float 4
174testdata/ 13:28-13:31 Nat -> Type->Type 174testdata/ 13:28-13:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
175testdata/ 13:28-13:33 Type->Type 175testdata/ 13:28-13:33 Type -> Type
176testdata/ 13:28-13:39 Type 176testdata/ 13:28-13:39 Type
177testdata/ 13:32-13:33 b_ 177testdata/ 13:32-13:33 _b
178testdata/ 13:34-13:39 Type 178testdata/ 13:34-13:39 Type
179testdata/ 14:7-14:16 Entity -> VecS Float 3 179testdata/ 14:7-14:16 Entity -> VecS Float 3
180testdata/ 14:28-14:31 Nat -> Type->Type 180testdata/ 14:28-14:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
181testdata/ 14:28-14:33 Type->Type 181testdata/ 14:28-14:33 Type -> Type
182testdata/ 14:28-14:39 Type 182testdata/ 14:28-14:39 Type
183testdata/ 14:32-14:33 b_ 183testdata/ 14:32-14:33 _b
184testdata/ 14:34-14:39 Type 184testdata/ 14:34-14:39 Type
185testdata/ 15:7-15:18 Entity -> VecS Float 4 185testdata/ 15:7-15:18 Entity -> VecS Float 4
186testdata/ 15:28-15:31 Nat -> Type->Type 186testdata/ 15:28-15:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
187testdata/ 15:28-15:33 Type->Type 187testdata/ 15:28-15:33 Type -> Type
188testdata/ 15:28-15:39 Type 188testdata/ 15:28-15:39 Type
189testdata/ 15:32-15:33 b_ 189testdata/ 15:32-15:33 _b
190testdata/ 15:34-15:39 Type 190testdata/ 15:34-15:39 Type
191testdata/ 18:6-18:14 Type 191testdata/ 18:6-18:14 Type
192testdata/ 18:6-24:15 Type 192testdata/ 18:6-24:15 Type
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ testdata/ 24:7-24:15 WaveType
199testdata/ 27:6-27:10 Type 199testdata/ 27:6-27:10 Type
200testdata/ 27:6-27:17 Type 200testdata/ 27:6-27:17 Type
201testdata/ 27:6-27:50 Type 201testdata/ 27:6-27:50 Type
202testdata/ 27:13-27:17 Type | Wave | WaveType -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->Wave 202testdata/ 27:13-27:17 Type | Wave | WaveType -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Wave
203testdata/ 27:18-27:26 Type 203testdata/ 27:18-27:26 Type
204testdata/ 27:27-27:32 Type 204testdata/ 27:27-27:32 Type
205testdata/ 27:33-27:38 Type 205testdata/ 27:33-27:38 Type
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@ testdata/ 29:6-44:13 Type
213testdata/ 29:6-44:24 Type 213testdata/ 29:6-44:24 Type
214testdata/ 30:7-30:19 Deform 214testdata/ 30:7-30:19 Deform
215testdata/ 31:7-31:20 Deform 215testdata/ 31:7-31:20 Deform
216testdata/ 32:7-32:14 Deform | Float -> Float -> Float->Deform | Type 216testdata/ 32:7-32:14 Deform | Float -> Float -> Float -> Deform | Type
217testdata/ 32:15-32:20 Type 217testdata/ 32:15-32:20 Type
218testdata/ 32:21-32:26 Type 218testdata/ 32:21-32:26 Type
219testdata/ 32:27-32:32 Type 219testdata/ 32:27-32:32 Type
220testdata/ 33:7-33:13 Deform | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Wave->Deform 220testdata/ 33:7-33:13 Deform | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Wave -> Deform
221testdata/ 33:15-33:18 Nat -> Type->Type 221testdata/ 33:15-33:18 Nat -> Type -> Type
222testdata/ 33:15-33:20 Type->Type 222testdata/ 33:15-33:20 Type -> Type
223testdata/ 33:15-33:26 Type 223testdata/ 33:15-33:26 Type
224testdata/ 33:19-33:20 b_ 224testdata/ 33:19-33:20 _b
225testdata/ 33:21-33:26 Type 225testdata/ 33:21-33:26 Type
226testdata/ 33:28-33:32 Type 226testdata/ 33:28-33:32 Type
227testdata/ 34:7-34:15 Deform | Float -> Float->Deform | Type 227testdata/ 34:7-34:15 Deform | Float -> Float -> Deform | Type
228testdata/ 34:16-34:21 Type 228testdata/ 34:16-34:21 Type
229testdata/ 34:22-34:27 Type 229testdata/ 34:22-34:27 Type
230testdata/ 35:7-35:25 Deform 230testdata/ 35:7-35:25 Deform
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ testdata/ 40:7-40:14 Deform
236testdata/ 41:7-41:14 Deform 236testdata/ 41:7-41:14 Deform
237testdata/ 42:7-42:14 Deform 237testdata/ 42:7-42:14 Deform
238testdata/ 43:7-43:14 Deform 238testdata/ 43:7-43:14 Deform
239testdata/ 44:7-44:13 Deform | Float -> Wave->Deform | Type 239testdata/ 44:7-44:13 Deform | Float -> Wave -> Deform | Type
240testdata/ 44:14-44:19 Type 240testdata/ 44:14-44:19 Type
241testdata/ 44:20-44:24 Type 241testdata/ 44:20-44:24 Type
242testdata/ 47:6-47:14 Type 242testdata/ 47:6-47:14 Type
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ testdata/ 64:7-64:13 Blending'
260testdata/ 67:6-67:12 Type 260testdata/ 67:6-67:12 Type
261testdata/ 67:6-69:34 Type 261testdata/ 67:6-69:34 Type
262testdata/ 67:6-78:20 Type 262testdata/ 67:6-78:20 Type
263testdata/ 68:7-68:15 RGBGen | Type | Wave->RGBGen 263testdata/ 68:7-68:15 RGBGen | Type | Wave -> RGBGen
264testdata/ 68:16-68:20 Type 264testdata/ 68:16-68:20 Type
265testdata/ 69:7-69:16 Float -> Float -> Float->RGBGen | RGBGen | Type 265testdata/ 69:7-69:16 Float -> Float -> Float -> RGBGen | RGBGen | Type
266testdata/ 69:17-69:22 Type 266testdata/ 69:17-69:22 Type
267testdata/ 69:23-69:28 Type 267testdata/ 69:23-69:28 Type
268testdata/ 69:29-69:34 Type 268testdata/ 69:29-69:34 Type
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ testdata/ 77:7-77:25 RGBGen
277testdata/ 78:7-78:20 RGBGen 277testdata/ 78:7-78:20 RGBGen
278testdata/ 81:6-81:14 Type 278testdata/ 81:6-81:14 Type
279testdata/ 81:6-90:23 Type 279testdata/ 81:6-90:23 Type
280testdata/ 82:7-82:13 AlphaGen | Type | Wave->AlphaGen 280testdata/ 82:7-82:13 AlphaGen | Type | Wave -> AlphaGen
281testdata/ 82:14-82:18 Type 281testdata/ 82:14-82:18 Type
282testdata/ 83:7-83:14 AlphaGen | Float->AlphaGen | Type 282testdata/ 83:7-83:14 AlphaGen | Float -> AlphaGen | Type
283testdata/ 83:15-83:20 Type 283testdata/ 83:15-83:20 Type
284testdata/ 84:7-84:15 AlphaGen 284testdata/ 84:7-84:15 AlphaGen
285testdata/ 85:7-85:17 AlphaGen 285testdata/ 85:7-85:17 AlphaGen
@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@ testdata/ 94:7-94:14 TCGen
295testdata/ 95:7-95:18 TCGen 295testdata/ 95:7-95:18 TCGen
296testdata/ 96:7-96:21 TCGen 296testdata/ 96:7-96:21 TCGen
297testdata/ 97:7-97:16 TCGen | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> TCGen 297testdata/ 97:7-97:16 TCGen | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> TCGen
298testdata/ 97:18-97:21 Nat -> Type->Type 298testdata/ 97:18-97:21 Nat -> Type -> Type
299testdata/ 97:18-97:23 Type->Type 299testdata/ 97:18-97:23 Type -> Type
300testdata/ 97:18-97:29 Type 300testdata/ 97:18-97:29 Type
301testdata/ 97:22-97:23 b_ 301testdata/ 97:22-97:23 _b
302testdata/ 97:24-97:29 Type 302testdata/ 97:24-97:29 Type
303testdata/ 97:32-97:35 Nat -> Type->Type 303testdata/ 97:32-97:35 Nat -> Type -> Type
304testdata/ 97:32-97:37 Type->Type 304testdata/ 97:32-97:37 Type -> Type
305testdata/ 97:32-97:43 Type 305testdata/ 97:32-97:43 Type
306testdata/ 97:36-97:37 b_ 306testdata/ 97:36-97:37 _b
307testdata/ 97:38-97:43 Type 307testdata/ 97:38-97:43 Type
308testdata/ 98:7-98:19 TCGen 308testdata/ 98:7-98:19 TCGen
309testdata/ 101:6-101:11 Type 309testdata/ 101:6-101:11 Type
@@ -313,24 +313,24 @@ testdata/ 101:6-107:55 Type
313testdata/ 101:6-108:14 Type 313testdata/ 101:6-108:14 Type
314testdata/ 101:6-108:38 Type 314testdata/ 101:6-108:38 Type
315testdata/ 102:7-102:25 TCMod 315testdata/ 102:7-102:25 TCMod
316testdata/ 103:7-103:16 Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 316testdata/ 103:7-103:16 Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
317testdata/ 103:17-103:22 Type 317testdata/ 103:17-103:22 Type
318testdata/ 104:7-104:16 Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 318testdata/ 104:7-104:16 Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
319testdata/ 104:17-104:22 Type 319testdata/ 104:17-104:22 Type
320testdata/ 104:23-104:28 Type 320testdata/ 104:23-104:28 Type
321testdata/ 105:7-105:15 Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 321testdata/ 105:7-105:15 Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
322testdata/ 105:16-105:21 Type 322testdata/ 105:16-105:21 Type
323testdata/ 105:22-105:27 Type 323testdata/ 105:22-105:27 Type
324testdata/ 106:7-106:17 TCMod | Type | Wave->TCMod 324testdata/ 106:7-106:17 TCMod | Type | Wave -> TCMod
325testdata/ 106:18-106:22 Type 325testdata/ 106:18-106:22 Type
326testdata/ 107:7-107:19 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 326testdata/ 107:7-107:19 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
327testdata/ 107:20-107:25 Type 327testdata/ 107:20-107:25 Type
328testdata/ 107:26-107:31 Type 328testdata/ 107:26-107:31 Type
329testdata/ 107:32-107:37 Type 329testdata/ 107:32-107:37 Type
330testdata/ 107:38-107:43 Type 330testdata/ 107:38-107:43 Type
331testdata/ 107:44-107:49 Type 331testdata/ 107:44-107:49 Type
332testdata/ 107:50-107:55 Type 332testdata/ 107:50-107:55 Type
333testdata/ 108:7-108:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 333testdata/ 108:7-108:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
334testdata/ 108:15-108:20 Type 334testdata/ 108:15-108:20 Type
335testdata/ 108:21-108:26 Type 335testdata/ 108:21-108:26 Type
336testdata/ 108:27-108:32 Type 336testdata/ 108:27-108:32 Type
@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ testdata/ 108:33-108:38 Type
338testdata/ 111:6-111:18 Type 338testdata/ 111:6-111:18 Type
339testdata/ 111:6-114:35 Type 339testdata/ 111:6-114:35 Type
340testdata/ 111:6-116:20 Type 340testdata/ 111:6-116:20 Type
341testdata/ 112:7-112:13 StageTexture | String->StageTexture | Type 341testdata/ 112:7-112:13 StageTexture | String -> StageTexture | Type
342testdata/ 112:21-112:27 Type 342testdata/ 112:21-112:27 Type
343testdata/ 113:7-113:18 StageTexture | String->StageTexture | Type 343testdata/ 113:7-113:18 StageTexture | String -> StageTexture | Type
344testdata/ 113:21-113:27 Type 344testdata/ 113:21-113:27 Type
345testdata/ 114:7-114:17 Float -> List String -> StageTexture | StageTexture | Type 345testdata/ 114:7-114:17 Float -> List String -> StageTexture | StageTexture | Type
346testdata/ 114:21-114:26 Type 346testdata/ 114:21-114:26 Type
@@ -360,116 +360,116 @@ testdata/ 127:7-127:15 DepthFunction
360testdata/ 130:6-130:16 Type 360testdata/ 130:6-130:16 Type
361testdata/ 130:6-131:17 Type 361testdata/ 130:6-131:17 Type
362testdata/ 130:6-144:34 Type 362testdata/ 130:6-144:34 Type
363testdata/ 131:7-131:17 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs | StageAttrs | Type 363testdata/ 131:7-131:17 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs | StageAttrs | Type
364testdata/ 132:7-132:14 StageAttrs -> Maybe (Blending', Blending') 364testdata/ 132:7-132:14 StageAttrs -> Maybe (Blending', Blending')
365testdata/ 132:25-132:30 Type->Type 365testdata/ 132:25-132:30 Type -> Type
366testdata/ 132:25-132:53 Type 366testdata/ 132:25-132:53 Type
367testdata/ 132:31-132:53 Type 367testdata/ 132:31-132:53 Type
368testdata/ 132:32-132:41 Type 368testdata/ 132:32-132:41 Type
369testdata/ 132:32-132:52 List Type 369testdata/ 132:32-132:52 List Type
370testdata/ 132:43-132:52 List Type | Type 370testdata/ 132:43-132:52 List Type | Type
371testdata/ 133:7-133:15 StageAttrs->RGBGen 371testdata/ 133:7-133:15 StageAttrs -> RGBGen
372testdata/ 133:24-133:30 Type 372testdata/ 133:24-133:30 Type
373testdata/ 134:7-134:17 StageAttrs->AlphaGen 373testdata/ 134:7-134:17 StageAttrs -> AlphaGen
374testdata/ 134:24-134:32 Type 374testdata/ 134:24-134:32 Type
375testdata/ 135:7-135:14 StageAttrs->TCGen 375testdata/ 135:7-135:14 StageAttrs -> TCGen
376testdata/ 135:24-135:29 Type 376testdata/ 135:24-135:29 Type
377testdata/ 136:7-136:14 StageAttrs -> List TCMod 377testdata/ 136:7-136:14 StageAttrs -> List TCMod
378testdata/ 136:24-136:31 Type 378testdata/ 136:24-136:31 Type
379testdata/ 136:25-136:30 Type 379testdata/ 136:25-136:30 Type
380testdata/ 137:7-137:16 StageAttrs->StageTexture 380testdata/ 137:7-137:16 StageAttrs -> StageTexture
381testdata/ 137:24-137:36 Type 381testdata/ 137:24-137:36 Type
382testdata/ 138:7-138:19 StageAttrs->Bool 382testdata/ 138:7-138:19 StageAttrs -> Bool
383testdata/ 138:24-138:28 Type 383testdata/ 138:24-138:28 Type
384testdata/ 139:7-139:18 StageAttrs->DepthFunction 384testdata/ 139:7-139:18 StageAttrs -> DepthFunction
385testdata/ 139:24-139:37 Type 385testdata/ 139:24-139:37 Type
386testdata/ 140:7-140:18 StageAttrs -> Maybe AlphaFunction 386testdata/ 140:7-140:18 StageAttrs -> Maybe AlphaFunction
387testdata/ 140:25-140:30 Type->Type 387testdata/ 140:25-140:30 Type -> Type
388testdata/ 140:25-140:44 Type 388testdata/ 140:25-140:44 Type
389testdata/ 140:31-140:44 Type 389testdata/ 140:31-140:44 Type
390testdata/ 143:7-143:26 StageAttrs->Bool 390testdata/ 143:7-143:26 StageAttrs -> Bool
391testdata/ 143:32-143:36 Type 391testdata/ 143:32-143:36 Type
392testdata/ 144:7-144:23 StageAttrs->String 392testdata/ 144:7-144:23 StageAttrs -> String
393testdata/ 144:28-144:34 Type 393testdata/ 144:28-144:34 Type
394testdata/ 148:22-148:32 Type 394testdata/ 148:22-148:32 Type
395testdata/ 149:1-149:18 StageAttrs 395testdata/ 149:1-149:18 StageAttrs
396testdata/ 149:21-149:31 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 396testdata/ 149:21-149:31 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
397testdata/ 149:21-150:30 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 397testdata/ 149:21-150:30 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
398testdata/ 149:21-151:36 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 398testdata/ 149:21-151:36 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
399testdata/ 149:21-152:33 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 399testdata/ 149:21-152:33 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
400testdata/ 149:21-153:35 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 400testdata/ 149:21-153:35 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
401testdata/ 149:21-154:25 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 401testdata/ 149:21-154:25 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
402testdata/ 149:21-155:36 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 402testdata/ 149:21-155:36 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
403testdata/ 149:21-156:27 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 403testdata/ 149:21-156:27 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
404testdata/ 149:21-157:31 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 404testdata/ 149:21-157:31 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
405testdata/ 149:21-158:30 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 405testdata/ 149:21-158:30 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
406testdata/ 149:21-159:36 String->StageAttrs 406testdata/ 149:21-159:36 String -> StageAttrs
407testdata/ 149:21-161:6 StageAttrs 407testdata/ 149:21-161:6 StageAttrs
408testdata/ 150:23-150:30 {a} -> Maybe a 408testdata/ 150:23-150:30 forall a . Maybe a
409testdata/ 151:23-151:36 RGBGen 409testdata/ 151:23-151:36 RGBGen
410testdata/ 152:23-152:33 AlphaGen 410testdata/ 152:23-152:33 AlphaGen
411testdata/ 153:23-153:35 TCGen 411testdata/ 153:23-153:35 TCGen
412testdata/ 154:23-154:25 {a} -> List a 412testdata/ 154:23-154:25 forall a . List a
413testdata/ 155:23-155:36 StageTexture 413testdata/ 155:23-155:36 StageTexture
414testdata/ 156:23-156:27 Bool 414testdata/ 156:23-156:27 Bool
415testdata/ 157:23-157:31 DepthFunction 415testdata/ 157:23-157:31 DepthFunction
416testdata/ 158:23-158:30 {a} -> Maybe a 416testdata/ 158:23-158:30 forall a . Maybe a
417testdata/ 159:31-159:36 Bool 417testdata/ 159:31-159:36 Bool
418testdata/ 160:27-160:29 String 418testdata/ 160:27-160:29 String
419testdata/ 163:6-163:17 Type 419testdata/ 163:6-163:17 Type
420testdata/ 163:6-164:18 Type 420testdata/ 163:6-164:18 Type
421testdata/ 163:6-178:32 Type 421testdata/ 163:6-178:32 Type
422testdata/ 164:7-164:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs | CommonAttrs | Type 422testdata/ 164:7-164:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs | CommonAttrs | Type
423testdata/ 165:7-165:17 CommonAttrs->() 423testdata/ 165:7-165:17 CommonAttrs -> ()
424testdata/ 165:28-165:30 Type 424testdata/ 165:28-165:30 Type
425testdata/ 166:7-166:17 CommonAttrs->() 425testdata/ 166:7-166:17 CommonAttrs -> ()
426testdata/ 166:28-166:30 Type 426testdata/ 166:28-166:30 Type
427testdata/ 167:7-167:15 CommonAttrs->Bool 427testdata/ 167:7-167:15 CommonAttrs -> Bool
428testdata/ 167:28-167:32 Type 428testdata/ 167:28-167:32 Type
429testdata/ 168:7-168:13 CommonAttrs->Float 429testdata/ 168:7-168:13 CommonAttrs -> Float
430testdata/ 168:28-168:33 Type 430testdata/ 168:28-168:33 Type
431testdata/ 169:7-169:23 CommonAttrs->Bool 431testdata/ 169:7-169:23 CommonAttrs -> Bool
432testdata/ 169:28-169:32 Type 432testdata/ 169:28-169:32 Type
433testdata/ 170:7-170:16 CommonAttrs->Bool 433testdata/ 170:7-170:16 CommonAttrs -> Bool
434testdata/ 170:28-170:32 Type 434testdata/ 170:28-170:32 Type
435testdata/ 171:7-171:13 CommonAttrs->CullType 435testdata/ 171:7-171:13 CommonAttrs -> CullType
436testdata/ 171:28-171:36 Type 436testdata/ 171:28-171:36 Type
437testdata/ 172:7-172:23 CommonAttrs -> List Deform 437testdata/ 172:7-172:23 CommonAttrs -> List Deform
438testdata/ 172:28-172:36 Type 438testdata/ 172:28-172:36 Type
439testdata/ 172:29-172:35 Type 439testdata/ 172:29-172:35 Type
440testdata/ 173:7-173:18 CommonAttrs->Bool 440testdata/ 173:7-173:18 CommonAttrs -> Bool
441testdata/ 173:28-173:32 Type 441testdata/ 173:28-173:32 Type
442testdata/ 174:7-174:22 CommonAttrs->Bool 442testdata/ 174:7-174:22 CommonAttrs -> Bool
443testdata/ 174:28-174:32 Type 443testdata/ 174:28-174:32 Type
444testdata/ 175:7-175:15 CommonAttrs -> List StageAttrs 444testdata/ 175:7-175:15 CommonAttrs -> List StageAttrs
445testdata/ 175:28-175:40 Type 445testdata/ 175:28-175:40 Type
446testdata/ 175:29-175:39 Type 446testdata/ 175:29-175:39 Type
447testdata/ 178:7-178:14 CommonAttrs->Bool 447testdata/ 178:7-178:14 CommonAttrs -> Bool
448testdata/ 178:28-178:32 Type 448testdata/ 178:28-178:32 Type
449testdata/ 182:23-182:34 Type 449testdata/ 182:23-182:34 Type
450testdata/ 183:1-183:19 CommonAttrs 450testdata/ 183:1-183:19 CommonAttrs
451testdata/ 183:22-183:33 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 451testdata/ 183:22-183:33 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
452testdata/ 183:22-184:29 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 452testdata/ 183:22-184:29 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
453testdata/ 183:22-185:29 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 453testdata/ 183:22-185:29 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
454testdata/ 183:22-186:32 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 454testdata/ 183:22-186:32 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
455testdata/ 183:22-187:28 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 455testdata/ 183:22-187:28 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
456testdata/ 183:22-188:32 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 456testdata/ 183:22-188:32 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
457testdata/ 183:22-189:32 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 457testdata/ 183:22-189:32 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
458testdata/ 183:22-190:40 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 458testdata/ 183:22-190:40 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
459testdata/ 183:22-191:29 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 459testdata/ 183:22-191:29 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
460testdata/ 183:22-192:32 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 460testdata/ 183:22-192:32 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
461testdata/ 183:22-193:32 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 461testdata/ 183:22-193:32 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
462testdata/ 183:22-194:29 Bool->CommonAttrs 462testdata/ 183:22-194:29 Bool -> CommonAttrs
463testdata/ 183:22-196:6 CommonAttrs 463testdata/ 183:22-196:6 CommonAttrs
464testdata/ 184:27-184:29 () 464testdata/ 184:27-184:29 ()
465testdata/ 185:27-185:29 () 465testdata/ 185:27-185:29 ()
466testdata/ 186:27-186:32 Bool 466testdata/ 186:27-186:32 Bool
467testdata/ 187:27-187:28 b_ 467testdata/ 187:27-187:28 _b
468testdata/ 188:27-188:32 Bool 468testdata/ 188:27-188:32 Bool
469testdata/ 189:27-189:32 Bool 469testdata/ 189:27-189:32 Bool
470testdata/ 190:27-190:40 CullType 470testdata/ 190:27-190:40 CullType
471testdata/ 191:27-191:29 {a} -> List a 471testdata/ 191:27-191:29 forall a . List a
472testdata/ 192:27-192:32 Bool 472testdata/ 192:27-192:32 Bool
473testdata/ 193:27-193:32 Bool 473testdata/ 193:27-193:32 Bool
474testdata/ 194:27-194:29 {a} -> List a 474testdata/ 194:27-194:29 forall a . List a
475testdata/ 195:27-195:32 Bool 475testdata/ 195:27-195:32 Bool
diff --git a/testdata/Prelude.out b/testdata/Prelude.out
index d5d3852b..7299d40d 100644
--- a/testdata/Prelude.out
+++ b/testdata/Prelude.out
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3const :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 3const :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
4otherwise :: 'Bool 4otherwise :: 'Bool
5& :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> (a->b)->b 5& :: forall a b . a -> (a -> b) -> b
6$ :: {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> a->b 6$ :: forall a b . (a -> b) -> a -> b
7. :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (b->c) -> (a->b) -> a->c 7. :: forall a b c . (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
8uncurry :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (a -> c->b) -> (a, c)->b 8uncurry :: forall a b c . (a -> c -> b) -> (a, c) -> b
9*** :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> (a->c) -> (b->d) -> (a, b)->(c, d) 9*** :: forall a b c d . (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (a, b) -> (c, d)
10pi :: 'Float 10pi :: 'Float
11zip :: {a} -> {b} -> 'List a -> 'List b -> 'List (a, b) 11zip :: forall a b . 'List a -> 'List b -> 'List (a, b)
12unzip :: {a} -> {b} -> 'List (a, b) -> ('List a, 'List b) 12unzip :: forall a b . 'List (a, b) -> ('List a, 'List b)
13filter :: {a} -> (a->'Bool) -> 'List a -> 'List a 13filter :: forall a . (a -> 'Bool) -> 'List a -> 'List a
14tail :: {a} -> 'List a -> 'List a 14tail :: forall a . 'List a -> 'List a
15pairs :: {a} -> 'List a -> 'List (a, a) 15pairs :: forall a . 'List a -> 'List (a, a)
16foldl' :: {a} -> {b} -> (a -> b->a) -> a -> 'List b -> a 16foldl' :: forall a b . (a -> b -> a) -> a -> 'List b -> a
17foldr1 :: {a} -> (a -> a->a) -> 'List a -> a 17foldr1 :: forall a . (a -> a -> a) -> 'List a -> a
18split :: {a} -> 'List a -> ('List a, 'List a) 18split :: forall a . 'List a -> ('List a, 'List a)
19mergeBy :: {a} -> (a -> a->'Ordering) -> 'List a -> 'List a -> 'List a 19mergeBy :: forall a . (a -> a -> 'Ordering) -> 'List a -> 'List a -> 'List a
20sortBy :: {a} -> (a -> a->'Ordering) -> 'List a -> 'List a 20sortBy :: forall a . (a -> a -> 'Ordering) -> 'List a -> 'List a
21iterate :: {a} -> (a->a) -> a -> 'List a 21iterate :: forall a . (a -> a) -> a -> 'List a
22fst :: {a} -> {b} -> (a, b)->a 22fst :: forall a b . (a, b) -> a
23snd :: {a} -> {b} -> (a, b)->b 23snd :: forall a b . (a, b) -> b
24||| :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 24||| :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
25&&& :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 25&&& :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
26'RecItem :: Type 26'RecItem :: Type
27RecItem :: 'String -> Type->'RecItem 27RecItem :: 'String -> Type -> 'RecItem
28'RecItemCase :: (a : 'RecItem->Type) -> ((b:'String) -> (c:Type) -> a (RecItem b c)) -> (d:'RecItem) -> a d 28'RecItemCase :: (a :: 'RecItem -> Type) -> ((b :: 'String) -> (c :: Type) -> a (RecItem b c)) -> (d :: 'RecItem) -> a d
29match'RecItem :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'RecItem -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 29match'RecItem :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'RecItem -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
30recItemType :: 'RecItem->Type 30recItemType :: 'RecItem -> Type
31'RecordC :: 'List 'RecItem -> Type 31'RecordC :: 'List 'RecItem -> Type
32RecordCons :: {a : 'List 'RecItem} -> 'HList (map 'RecItem Type recItemType a) -> 'RecordC a 32RecordCons :: forall (a :: 'List 'RecItem) . 'HList (map 'RecItem Type recItemType a) -> 'RecordC a
33'RecordCCase :: {a : 'List 'RecItem} -> (b : 'RecordC a -> Type) -> ((c : 'HList (map 'RecItem Type recItemType a)) -> b (RecordCons c)) -> (d : 'RecordC a) -> b d 33'RecordCCase :: forall (a :: 'List 'RecItem) . (b :: 'RecordC a -> Type) -> ((c :: 'HList (map 'RecItem Type recItemType a)) -> b (RecordCons c)) -> (d :: 'RecordC a) -> b d
34match'RecordC :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b : 'List 'RecItem) -> a ('RecordC b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 34match'RecordC :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'List 'RecItem) -> a ('RecordC b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
35isKeyC :: 'String -> Type -> 'List 'RecItem -> Type 35isKeyC :: 'String -> Type -> 'List 'RecItem -> Type
36fstTup :: {a} -> {b : 'List Type} -> 'HList (Cons a b) -> a 36fstTup :: forall a (b :: 'List Type) . 'HList (Cons a b) -> a
37sndTup :: {a} -> {b : 'List Type} -> 'HList (Cons a b) -> 'HList b 37sndTup :: forall a (b :: 'List Type) . 'HList (Cons a b) -> 'HList b
38project :: {a} -> {b : 'List 'RecItem} -> (c:'String) -> {_ : isKeyC c a b} -> 'RecordC b -> a 38project :: forall a (b :: 'List 'RecItem) . (c :: 'String) -> isKeyC c a b => 'RecordC b -> a
39rgb :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'VecS 'Float 4 39rgb :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'VecS 'Float 4
40black :: 'VecS 'Float 4 40black :: 'VecS 'Float 4
41gray :: 'VecS 'Float 4 41gray :: 'VecS 'Float 4
@@ -53,114 +53,114 @@ navy :: 'VecS 'Float 4
53blue :: 'VecS 'Float 4 53blue :: 'VecS 'Float 4
54purple :: 'VecS 'Float 4 54purple :: 'VecS 'Float 4
55fuchsia :: 'VecS 'Float 4 55fuchsia :: 'VecS 'Float 4
56colorImage1 :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar a b} -> c -> 'Image 1 (Color c) 56colorImage1 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b c . ('Num b, c ~ 'VecScalar a b) => c -> 'Image 1 (Color c)
57colorImage2 :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar a b} -> c -> 'Image 2 (Color c) 57colorImage2 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b c . ('Num b, c ~ 'VecScalar a b) => c -> 'Image 2 (Color c)
58depthImage1 :: 'Float -> 'Image 1 Depth 58depthImage1 :: 'Float -> 'Image 1 Depth
59v3FToV4F :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'VecS 'Float 4 59v3FToV4F :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'VecS 'Float 4
60radians :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 60radians :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
61degrees :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 61degrees :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
62sin :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 62sin :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
63cos :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 63cos :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
64tan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 64tan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
65sinh :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 65sinh :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
66cosh :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 66cosh :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
67tanh :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 67tanh :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
68asin :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 68asin :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
69asinh :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 69asinh :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
70acos :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 70acos :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
71acosh :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 71acosh :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
72atan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 72atan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
73atanh :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 73atanh :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
74atan2 :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->a 74atan2 :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a
75pow :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->a 75pow :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a
76exp :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 76exp :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
77log :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 77log :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
78exp2 :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 78exp2 :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
79log2 :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 79log2 :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
80sqrt :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 80sqrt :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
81inversesqrt :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 81inversesqrt :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
82abs :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b->b 82abs :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Signed a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b
83sign :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b->b 83sign :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Signed a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b
84floor :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 84floor :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
85trunc :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 85trunc :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
86round :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 86round :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
87roundEven :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 87roundEven :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
88ceil :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 88ceil :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
89fract :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 89fract :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
90mod :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 90mod :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
91min :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 91min :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
92max :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 92max :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
93modF :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->(a, a) 93modF :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> (a, a)
94clamp :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b -> b->b 94clamp :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b -> b
95clampS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a -> a->b 95clampS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Num a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> a -> b
96mix :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 96mix :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
97mixS :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> 'Float->a 97mixS :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> 'Float -> a
98mixB :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a -> a -> c->a 98mixB :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float, c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> a -> c -> a
99step :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecS 'Float b} -> a -> a->a 99step :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecS 'Float b) => a -> a -> a
100stepS :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> 'Float -> a->a 100stepS :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => 'Float -> a -> a
101smoothstep :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecS 'Float b} -> a -> a -> a->a 101smoothstep :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecS 'Float b) => a -> a -> a -> a
102smoothstepS :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> 'Float -> 'Float -> a->a 102smoothstepS :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => 'Float -> 'Float -> a -> a
103isNan :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a->c 103isNan :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float, c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> c
104isInf :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> {_ : c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool} -> a->c 104isInf :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) c . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float, c ~ 'VecScalar b 'Bool) => a -> c
105dFdx :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 105dFdx :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
106dFdy :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 106dFdy :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
107fWidth :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 107fWidth :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
108noise1 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Float 108noise1 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Float
109noise2 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float 109noise2 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 2 'Float
110noise3 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float 110noise3 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float
111noise4 :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float 111noise4 :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float
112length :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->'Float 112length :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> 'Float
113distance :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->'Float 113distance :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> 'Float
114dot :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->'Float 114dot :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> 'Float
115cross :: {a} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecS 'Float 3} -> a -> a->a 115cross :: forall a . (a ~ 'VecS 'Float 3) => a -> a -> a
116normalize :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a->a 116normalize :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a
117faceforward :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 117faceforward :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
118reflect :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a->a 118reflect :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a
119refract :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 119refract :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . (a ~ 'VecScalar b 'Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
120transpose :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b a c 120transpose :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c . 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b a c
121det :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> 'Mat a a b -> 'Float 121det :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Mat a a b -> 'Float
122inv :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> 'Mat a a b -> 'Mat a a b 122inv :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Mat a a b -> 'Mat a a b
123outer :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> 'Vec a b -> 'Vec c b -> 'Mat c a b 123outer :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b (c :: 'Nat) . 'Vec a b -> 'Vec c b -> 'Mat c a b
124bAnd :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 124bAnd :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
125bOr :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 125bOr :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
126bXor :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 126bXor :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
127bNot :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b->b 127bNot :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> b
128bAndS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 128bAndS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
129bOrS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 129bOrS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
130bXorS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 130bXorS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
131shiftL :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word} -> b -> d->b 131shiftL :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) d . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a, d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word) => b -> d -> b
132shiftR :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word} -> b -> d->b 132shiftR :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) d . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a, d ~ 'VecScalar c 'Word) => b -> d -> b
133shiftLS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> 'Word->b 133shiftLS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> 'Word -> b
134shiftRS :: {a} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ 'VecScalar c a} -> b -> 'Word->b 134shiftRS :: forall a b (c :: 'Nat) . ('Integral a, b ~ 'VecScalar c a) => b -> 'Word -> b
135floatBitsToInt :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Int 135floatBitsToInt :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Int
136floatBitsToWord :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Word 136floatBitsToWord :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Float -> 'VecScalar a 'Word
137intBitsToFloat :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Int -> 'VecScalar a 'Float 137intBitsToFloat :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Int -> 'VecScalar a 'Float
138wordBitsToFloat :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Word -> 'VecScalar a 'Float 138wordBitsToFloat :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Word -> 'VecScalar a 'Float
139+ :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 139+ :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
140- :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 140- :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
141* :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 141* :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
142/ :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a 142/ :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Num a => 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a
143% :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a 143% :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Num a => 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a -> 'VecScalar b a
144neg :: {a} -> {_ : 'Signed ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a->a 144neg :: forall a . 'Signed ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a
145/= :: {a} -> a -> a->'Bool 145/= :: forall a . a -> a -> 'Bool
146< :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool 146< :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Num b => 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool
147<= :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool 147<= :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Num b => 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool
148>= :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool 148>= :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Num b => 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool
149> :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool 149> :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b . 'Num b => 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a b -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool
150&& :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 150&& :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
151|| :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 151|| :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
152xor :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 152xor :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
153not :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool 153not :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool
154any :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool 154any :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool
155all :: {a:'Nat} -> 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool 155all :: forall (a :: 'Nat) . 'VecScalar a 'Bool -> 'Bool
156.*. :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> {d:'Nat} -> 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b d c -> 'Mat a d c 156.*. :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c (d :: 'Nat) . 'Mat a b c -> 'Mat b d c -> 'Mat a d c
157*. :: {a:'Nat} -> {b:'Nat} -> {c} -> 'Mat a b c -> 'VecS c b -> 'Vec a c 157*. :: forall (a :: 'Nat) (b :: 'Nat) c . 'Mat a b c -> 'VecS c b -> 'Vec a c
158.* :: {a:'Nat} -> {b} -> {c:'Nat} -> 'VecS b a -> 'Mat a c b -> 'Vec c b 158.* :: forall (a :: 'Nat) b (c :: 'Nat) . 'VecS b a -> 'Mat a c b -> 'Vec c b
159+! :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> 'MatVecScalarElem a -> a 159+! :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> 'MatVecScalarElem a -> a
160-! :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> 'MatVecScalarElem a -> a 160-! :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> 'MatVecScalarElem a -> a
161*! :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> 'MatVecScalarElem a -> a 161*! :: forall a . 'Num ('MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> 'MatVecScalarElem a -> a
162/! :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'VecScalar b a -> a -> 'VecScalar b a 162/! :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Num a => 'VecScalar b a -> a -> 'VecScalar b a
163%! :: {a} -> {b:'Nat} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'VecScalar b a -> a -> 'VecScalar b a 163%! :: forall a (b :: 'Nat) . 'Num a => 'VecScalar b a -> a -> 'VecScalar b a
164perspective :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float 164perspective :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float
165rotMatrixZ :: 'VecScalar 1 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float 165rotMatrixZ :: 'VecScalar 1 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float
166rotMatrixY :: 'VecScalar 1 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float 166rotMatrixY :: 'VecScalar 1 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float
@@ -170,278 +170,278 @@ translateBefore4 :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'M
170lookat :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float 170lookat :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Mat 4 4 'Float
171scale :: 'Float -> 'VecS 'Float 4 -> 'VecS 'Float 4 171scale :: 'Float -> 'VecS 'Float 4 -> 'VecS 'Float 4
172fromTo :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'List 'Float 172fromTo :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'List 'Float
173!! :: {a} -> 'List a -> 'Int->a 173!! :: forall a . 'List a -> 'Int -> a
174------------ tooltips 174------------ tooltips
175testdata/ 16:1-16:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 175testdata/ 16:1-16:6 forall a b . a -> b -> a
176testdata/ 16:13-16:14 d_ 176testdata/ 16:13-16:14 _d
177testdata/ 18:1-18:10 Bool 177testdata/ 18:1-18:10 Bool
178testdata/ 18:13-18:17 Bool 178testdata/ 18:13-18:17 Bool
179testdata/ 20:3-20:4 {a} -> {b} -> a -> (a->b)->b 179testdata/ 20:3-20:4 forall a b . a -> (a -> b) -> b
180testdata/ 20:9-20:10 b_ 180testdata/ 20:9-20:10 _b
181testdata/ 20:11-20:12 g_ 181testdata/ 20:11-20:12 _g
182testdata/ 22:2-22:3 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> a->b 182testdata/ 22:2-22:3 forall a b . (a -> b) -> a -> b
183testdata/ 22:15-22:16 d_ 183testdata/ 22:15-22:16 _d
184testdata/ 22:17-22:18 e_ 184testdata/ 22:17-22:18 _e
185testdata/ 23:2-23:3 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (b->c) -> (a->b) -> a->c 185testdata/ 23:2-23:3 forall a b c . (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
186testdata/ 23:17-23:18 f_ 186testdata/ 23:17-23:18 _f
187testdata/ 23:20-23:21 g_ 187testdata/ 23:20-23:21 _g
188testdata/ 23:22-23:23 h_ 188testdata/ 23:22-23:23 _h
189testdata/ 25:1-25:8 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (a -> c->b) -> (a, c)->b 189testdata/ 25:1-25:8 forall a b c . (a -> c -> b) -> (a, c) -> b
190testdata/ 25:20-25:21 o_ 190testdata/ 25:20-25:21 _o
191testdata/ 25:20-25:25 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | d_ 191testdata/ 25:20-25:25 HList _c -> _b | _c | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _d
192testdata/ 25:22-25:23 n_ 192testdata/ 25:22-25:23 _n
193testdata/ 25:24-25:25 j_ 193testdata/ 25:24-25:25 _j
194testdata/ 27:2-27:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> (a->c) -> (b->d) -> (a, b)->(c, d) 194testdata/ 27:2-27:5 forall a b c d . (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (a, b) -> (c, d)
195testdata/ 27:20-27:30 (b_, a_) | HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 195testdata/ 27:20-27:30 (_b, _a) | HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a
196testdata/ 27:21-27:22 s_ 196testdata/ 27:21-27:22 _s
197testdata/ 27:23-27:24 p_ 197testdata/ 27:23-27:24 _p
198testdata/ 27:26-27:27 r_ 198testdata/ 27:26-27:27 _r
199testdata/ 27:26-27:29 ((a_)) 199testdata/ 27:26-27:29 ((_a))
200testdata/ 27:28-27:29 l_ 200testdata/ 27:28-27:29 _l
201testdata/ 29:1-29:3 Float 201testdata/ 29:1-29:3 Float
202testdata/ 29:6-29:23 Float 202testdata/ 29:6-29:23 Float
203testdata/ 31:8-31:11 Type 203testdata/ 31:8-31:11 Type
204testdata/ 31:8-31:29 Type 204testdata/ 31:8-31:29 Type
205testdata/ 31:8-34:39 a_->a_ | {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 205testdata/ 31:8-34:39 _a -> _a | forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
206testdata/ 31:9-31:10 d_ 206testdata/ 31:9-31:10 _d
207testdata/ 31:15-31:18 Type 207testdata/ 31:15-31:18 Type
208testdata/ 31:15-31:29 Type 208testdata/ 31:15-31:29 Type
209testdata/ 31:16-31:17 c_ 209testdata/ 31:16-31:17 _c
210testdata/ 31:22-31:29 Type 210testdata/ 31:22-31:29 Type
211testdata/ 31:23-31:28 Type 211testdata/ 31:23-31:28 Type
212testdata/ 31:24-31:25 Type 212testdata/ 31:24-31:25 Type
213testdata/ 31:24-31:27 List Type 213testdata/ 31:24-31:27 List Type
214testdata/ 31:26-31:27 List Type | Type 214testdata/ 31:26-31:27 List Type | Type
215testdata/ 32:1-32:4 {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 215testdata/ 32:1-32:4 forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
216testdata/ 32:22-32:24 {a} -> List a 216testdata/ 32:22-32:24 forall a . List a
217testdata/ 32:22-34:39 List (d_, c_) | List a_ -> List (a_, d_) | List b_ -> List (c_, b_) | List b_ -> List a_ -> List (b_, a_) 217testdata/ 32:22-34:39 List (_d, _c) | List _a -> List (_a, _d) | List _b -> List (_c, _b) | List _b -> List _a -> List (_b, _a)
218testdata/ 33:22-33:24 {a} -> List a 218testdata/ 33:22-33:24 forall a . List a
219testdata/ 33:22-34:39 List (c_, f_) | List a_ -> List (e_, a_) | List c_ -> List b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 219testdata/ 33:22-34:39 List (_c, _f) | List _a -> List (_e, _a) | List _c -> List _b | _b -> List _b -> List _a
220testdata/ 34:23-34:28 (h_, d_) 220testdata/ 34:23-34:28 (_h, _d)
221testdata/ 34:23-34:29 List (h_, d_) -> List (h_, d_) 221testdata/ 34:23-34:29 List (_h, _d) -> List (_h, _d)
222testdata/ 34:23-34:39 List (g_, c_) | List c_ -> List b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 222testdata/ 34:23-34:39 List (_g, _c) | List _c -> List _b | _b -> List _b -> List _a
223testdata/ 34:24-34:25 k_ 223testdata/ 34:24-34:25 _k
224testdata/ 34:26-34:27 ((d_)) | g_ 224testdata/ 34:26-34:27 ((_d)) | _g
225testdata/ 34:28-34:29 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 225testdata/ 34:28-34:29 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
226testdata/ 34:30-34:33 {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 226testdata/ 34:30-34:33 forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
227testdata/ 34:30-34:36 List a_ -> List (h_, a_) 227testdata/ 34:30-34:36 List _a -> List (_h, _a)
228testdata/ 34:30-34:39 List (g_, c_) 228testdata/ 34:30-34:39 List (_g, _c)
229testdata/ 34:34-34:36 List i_ 229testdata/ 34:34-34:36 List _i
230testdata/ 34:37-34:39 List c_ 230testdata/ 34:37-34:39 List _c
231testdata/ 36:10-36:17 Type 231testdata/ 36:10-36:17 Type
232testdata/ 36:10-36:30 Type 232testdata/ 36:10-36:30 Type
233testdata/ 36:10-39:27 a_->a_ | {a} -> {b} -> List (a, b) -> (List a, List b) 233testdata/ 36:10-39:27 _a -> _a | forall a b . List (a, b) -> (List a, List b)
234testdata/ 36:11-36:16 Type 234testdata/ 36:11-36:16 Type
235testdata/ 36:12-36:13 e_ 235testdata/ 36:12-36:13 _e
236testdata/ 36:12-36:15 List Type 236testdata/ 36:12-36:15 List Type
237testdata/ 36:14-36:15 List Type | c_ 237testdata/ 36:14-36:15 List Type | _c
238testdata/ 36:21-36:30 Type 238testdata/ 36:21-36:30 Type
239testdata/ 36:22-36:25 Type 239testdata/ 36:22-36:25 Type
240testdata/ 36:22-36:29 List Type 240testdata/ 36:22-36:29 List Type
241testdata/ 36:23-36:24 Type 241testdata/ 36:23-36:24 Type
242testdata/ 36:26-36:29 List Type | Type 242testdata/ 36:26-36:29 List Type | Type
243testdata/ 36:27-36:28 Type 243testdata/ 36:27-36:28 Type
244testdata/ 37:1-37:6 {a} -> {b} -> List (a, b) -> (List a, List b) 244testdata/ 37:1-37:6 forall a b . List (a, b) -> (List a, List b)
245testdata/ 37:12-37:19 (List b_, List a_) 245testdata/ 37:12-37:19 (List _b, List _a)
246testdata/ 37:12-39:27 (List c_, List b_) | List (b_, a_) -> (List b_, List a_) 246testdata/ 37:12-39:27 (List _c, List _b) | List (_b, _a) -> (List _b, List _a)
247testdata/ 37:13-37:15 {a} -> List a 247testdata/ 37:13-37:15 forall a . List a
248testdata/ 37:16-37:18 ((List a_)) | {a} -> List a 248testdata/ 37:16-37:18 ((List _a)) | forall a . List a
249testdata/ 38:20-38:31 (List n_, List i_) 249testdata/ 38:20-38:31 (List _n, List _i)
250testdata/ 38:20-39:27 (List d_, List a_) | (List d_, List c_) | (List h_, List c_) | HList c_ -> b_ | List d_ -> (List c_, List b_) | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | c_ -> List c_ -> (List b_, List a_) 250testdata/ 38:20-39:27 (List _d, List _a) | (List _d, List _c) | (List _h, List _c) | HList _c -> _b | List _d -> (List _c, List _b) | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _c -> List _c -> (List _b, List _a)
251testdata/ 38:21-38:22 s_ 251testdata/ 38:21-38:22 _s
252testdata/ 38:21-38:23 List r_ -> List r_ 252testdata/ 38:21-38:23 List _r -> List _r
253testdata/ 38:21-38:25 List p_ 253testdata/ 38:21-38:25 List _p
254testdata/ 38:22-38:23 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 254testdata/ 38:22-38:23 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
255testdata/ 38:23-38:25 List f_ 255testdata/ 38:23-38:25 List _f
256testdata/ 38:26-38:27 n_ 256testdata/ 38:26-38:27 _n
257testdata/ 38:26-38:28 List m_ -> List m_ 257testdata/ 38:26-38:28 List _m -> List _m
258testdata/ 38:26-38:30 ((List i_)) | List k_ 258testdata/ 38:26-38:30 ((List _i)) | List _k
259testdata/ 38:27-38:28 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 259testdata/ 38:27-38:28 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
260testdata/ 38:28-38:30 List f_ 260testdata/ 38:28-38:30 List _f
261testdata/ 39:10-39:12 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | d_ | h_ | k_ 261testdata/ 39:10-39:12 HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _d | _h | _k
262testdata/ 39:10-39:15 (List e_, List d_) | (List f_, List e_) 262testdata/ 39:10-39:15 (List _e, List _d) | (List _f, List _e)
263testdata/ 39:13-39:15 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | f_ 263testdata/ 39:13-39:15 HList _c -> _b | _c | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _f
264testdata/ 39:19-39:24 {a} -> {b} -> List (a, b) -> (List a, List b) 264testdata/ 39:19-39:24 forall a b . List (a, b) -> (List a, List b)
265testdata/ 39:19-39:27 (List b_, List a_) 265testdata/ 39:19-39:27 (List _b, List _a)
266testdata/ 39:25-39:27 List r_ 266testdata/ 39:25-39:27 List _r
267testdata/ 41:1-41:7 {a} -> (a->Bool) -> List a -> List a 267testdata/ 41:1-41:7 forall a . (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
268testdata/ 41:21-41:23 {a} -> List a 268testdata/ 41:21-41:23 forall a . List a
269testdata/ 41:21-44:49 List a_ -> List a_ | a_->a_ 269testdata/ 41:21-44:49 List _a -> List _a | _a -> _a
270testdata/ 42:22-44:49 List c_ | List c_ -> List b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 270testdata/ 42:22-44:49 List _c | List _c -> List _b | _b -> List _b -> List _a
271testdata/ 42:27-42:31 g_ 271testdata/ 42:27-42:31 _g
272testdata/ 42:32-42:33 f_ 272testdata/ 42:32-42:33 _f
273testdata/ 43:32-44:49 Bool -> List f_ 273testdata/ 43:32-44:49 Bool -> List _f
274testdata/ 43:33-43:34 h_ 274testdata/ 43:33-43:34 _h
275testdata/ 43:33-43:36 List g_ -> List g_ 275testdata/ 43:33-43:36 List _g -> List _g
276testdata/ 43:33-43:51 List f_ 276testdata/ 43:33-43:51 List _f
277testdata/ 43:35-43:36 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 277testdata/ 43:35-43:36 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
278testdata/ 43:37-43:43 j_ -> List f_ -> List f_ 278testdata/ 43:37-43:43 _j -> List _f -> List _f
279testdata/ 43:37-43:48 List f_ -> List f_ 279testdata/ 43:37-43:48 List _f -> List _f
280testdata/ 43:37-43:51 List f_ 280testdata/ 43:37-43:51 List _f
281testdata/ 43:44-43:48 j_ 281testdata/ 43:44-43:48 _j
282testdata/ 43:49-43:51 List f_ 282testdata/ 43:49-43:51 List _f
283testdata/ 44:34-44:40 m_ 283testdata/ 44:34-44:40 _m
284testdata/ 44:41-44:45 n_ 284testdata/ 44:41-44:45 _n
285testdata/ 44:46-44:48 List k_ 285testdata/ 44:46-44:48 List _k
286testdata/ 49:9-49:12 Type 286testdata/ 49:9-49:12 Type
287testdata/ 49:9-49:19 Type 287testdata/ 49:9-49:19 Type
288testdata/ 49:10-49:11 b_ 288testdata/ 49:10-49:11 _b
289testdata/ 49:16-49:19 Type 289testdata/ 49:16-49:19 Type
290testdata/ 49:17-49:18 Type 290testdata/ 49:17-49:18 Type
291testdata/ 50:1-50:5 {a} -> List a -> List a 291testdata/ 50:1-50:5 forall a . List a -> List a
292testdata/ 50:16-50:18 List a_ -> List a_ | List b_ | List c_ -> b_ | List d_ | b_ -> List b_ -> a_ 292testdata/ 50:16-50:18 List _a -> List _a | List _b | List _c -> _b | List _d | _b -> List _b -> _a
293testdata/ 52:10-52:13 Type 293testdata/ 52:10-52:13 Type
294testdata/ 52:10-52:25 Type 294testdata/ 52:10-52:25 Type
295testdata/ 52:11-52:12 b_ 295testdata/ 52:11-52:12 _b
296testdata/ 52:17-52:25 Type 296testdata/ 52:17-52:25 Type
297testdata/ 52:18-52:24 Type 297testdata/ 52:18-52:24 Type
298testdata/ 52:19-52:20 Type 298testdata/ 52:19-52:20 Type
299testdata/ 52:19-52:23 List Type 299testdata/ 52:19-52:23 List Type
300testdata/ 52:22-52:23 List Type | Type 300testdata/ 52:22-52:23 List Type | Type
301testdata/ 53:1-53:6 {a} -> List a -> List (a, a) 301testdata/ 53:1-53:6 forall a . List a -> List (a, a)
302testdata/ 53:11-53:14 {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 302testdata/ 53:11-53:14 forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
303testdata/ 53:11-53:16 List a_ -> List (c_, a_) 303testdata/ 53:11-53:16 List _a -> List (_c, _a)
304testdata/ 53:11-53:25 List (b_, b_) | List a_ -> List (a_, a_) 304testdata/ 53:11-53:25 List (_b, _b) | List _a -> List (_a, _a)
305testdata/ 53:15-53:16 List d_ 305testdata/ 53:15-53:16 List _d
306testdata/ 53:18-53:22 {a} -> List a -> List a 306testdata/ 53:18-53:22 forall a . List a -> List a
307testdata/ 53:18-53:24 List b_ 307testdata/ 53:18-53:24 List _b
308testdata/ 53:23-53:24 List c_ 308testdata/ 53:23-53:24 List _c
309testdata/ 55:1-55:7 {a} -> {b} -> (a -> b->a) -> a -> List b -> a 309testdata/ 55:1-55:7 forall a b . (a -> b -> a) -> a -> List b -> a
310testdata/ 55:17-55:18 f_ 310testdata/ 55:17-55:18 _f
311testdata/ 55:17-56:41 List b_ -> f_ | a_->a_ 311testdata/ 55:17-56:41 List _b -> _f | _a -> _a
312testdata/ 56:22-56:28 k_ 312testdata/ 56:22-56:28 _k
313testdata/ 56:22-56:41 List b_ -> f_ | a_ -> List a_ -> e_ 313testdata/ 56:22-56:41 List _b -> _f | _a -> List _a -> _e
314testdata/ 56:29-56:30 l_ 314testdata/ 56:29-56:30 _l
315testdata/ 56:32-56:33 m_ 315testdata/ 56:32-56:33 _m
316testdata/ 56:34-56:35 n_ 316testdata/ 56:34-56:35 _n
317testdata/ 56:36-56:37 k_ 317testdata/ 56:36-56:37 _k
318testdata/ 56:39-56:41 List h_ 318testdata/ 56:39-56:41 List _h
319testdata/ 58:1-58:7 {a} -> (a -> a->a) -> List a -> a 319testdata/ 58:1-58:7 forall a . (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> a
320testdata/ 58:20-58:25 {a} -> {b} -> (b -> a->a) -> a -> List b -> a 320testdata/ 58:20-58:25 forall a b . (b -> a -> a) -> a -> List b -> a
321testdata/ 58:20-58:27 b_ -> List a_ -> b_ 321testdata/ 58:20-58:27 _b -> List _a -> _b
322testdata/ 58:20-58:29 List a_ -> e_ 322testdata/ 58:20-58:29 List _a -> _e
323testdata/ 58:20-58:32 List c_ -> b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> a_ | c_ 323testdata/ 58:20-58:32 List _c -> _b | _b -> List _b -> _a | _c
324testdata/ 58:26-58:27 j_ 324testdata/ 58:26-58:27 _j
325testdata/ 58:28-58:29 f_ 325testdata/ 58:28-58:29 _f
326testdata/ 58:30-58:32 List d_ 326testdata/ 58:30-58:32 List _d
327testdata/ 60:1-60:6 {a} -> List a -> (List a, List a) 327testdata/ 60:1-60:6 forall a . List a -> (List a, List a)
328testdata/ 60:12-60:20 (List b_, List a_) 328testdata/ 60:12-60:20 (List _b, List _a)
329testdata/ 60:12-61:55 List b_ -> (List b_, List a_) | a_->a_ 329testdata/ 60:12-61:55 List _b -> (List _b, List _a) | _a -> _a
330testdata/ 60:13-60:15 {a} -> List a 330testdata/ 60:13-60:15 forall a . List a
331testdata/ 60:17-60:19 ((List a_)) | {a} -> List a 331testdata/ 60:17-60:19 ((List _a)) | forall a . List a
332testdata/ 61:17-61:28 (List i_, c_) 332testdata/ 61:17-61:28 (List _i, _c)
333testdata/ 61:17-61:55 List d_ -> (List c_, List b_) | c_ -> List c_ -> (List b_, List a_) 333testdata/ 61:17-61:55 List _d -> (List _c, List _b) | _c -> List _c -> (List _b, List _a)
334testdata/ 61:18-61:19 m_ 334testdata/ 61:18-61:19 _m
335testdata/ 61:18-61:20 List l_ -> List l_ 335testdata/ 61:18-61:20 List _l -> List _l
336testdata/ 61:18-61:23 List j_ 336testdata/ 61:18-61:23 List _j
337testdata/ 61:19-61:20 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 337testdata/ 61:19-61:20 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
338testdata/ 61:21-61:23 d_ 338testdata/ 61:21-61:23 _d
339testdata/ 61:25-61:27 ((c_)) | f_ 339testdata/ 61:25-61:27 ((_c)) | _f
340testdata/ 61:37-61:39 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | d_ | h_ | k_ 340testdata/ 61:37-61:39 HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _d | _h | _k
341testdata/ 61:37-61:43 (e_, d_) | d_ 341testdata/ 61:37-61:43 (_e, _d) | _d
342testdata/ 61:41-61:43 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | f_ 342testdata/ 61:41-61:43 HList _c -> _b | _c | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _f
343testdata/ 61:47-61:52 i_ 343testdata/ 61:47-61:52 _i
344testdata/ 61:53-61:55 List h_ 344testdata/ 61:53-61:55 List _h
345testdata/ 63:1-63:8 {a} -> (a -> a->Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a 345testdata/ 63:1-63:8 forall a . (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a
346testdata/ 63:27-65:32 List b_ -> i_ | List e_ | a_ -> List a_ -> h_ 346testdata/ 63:27-65:32 List _b -> _i | List _e | _a -> List _a -> _h
347testdata/ 63:27-67:21 List b_ -> d_ | List c_ | List c_ -> List c_ | a_ -> List a_ -> c_ | a_->a_ 347testdata/ 63:27-67:21 List _b -> _d | List _c | List _c -> List _c | _a -> List _a -> _c | _a -> _a
348testdata/ 63:32-63:33 j_ 348testdata/ 63:32-63:33 _j
349testdata/ 63:34-63:35 h_ 349testdata/ 63:34-63:35 _h
350testdata/ 63:36-63:37 i_ 350testdata/ 63:36-63:37 _i
351testdata/ 64:11-64:12 j_ 351testdata/ 64:11-64:12 _j
352testdata/ 64:11-64:13 List i_ -> List i_ 352testdata/ 64:11-64:13 List _i -> List _i
353testdata/ 64:11-64:33 List h_ 353testdata/ 64:11-64:33 List _h
354testdata/ 64:11-65:32 List g_ -> Ordering -> List g_ 354testdata/ 64:11-65:32 List _g -> Ordering -> List _g
355testdata/ 64:12-64:13 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 355testdata/ 64:12-64:13 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
356testdata/ 64:14-64:21 p_ 356testdata/ 64:14-64:21 _p
357testdata/ 64:22-64:23 q_ 357testdata/ 64:22-64:23 _q
358testdata/ 64:24-64:26 List l_ 358testdata/ 64:24-64:26 List _l
359testdata/ 64:28-64:29 j_ 359testdata/ 64:28-64:29 _j
360testdata/ 64:28-64:30 List i_ -> List i_ 360testdata/ 64:28-64:30 List _i -> List _i
361testdata/ 64:28-64:32 List i_ 361testdata/ 64:28-64:32 List _i
362testdata/ 64:29-64:30 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 362testdata/ 64:29-64:30 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
363testdata/ 64:30-64:32 List i_ 363testdata/ 64:30-64:32 List _i
364testdata/ 65:10-65:11 f_ | h_ 364testdata/ 65:10-65:11 _f | _h
365testdata/ 65:10-65:12 List e_ -> List e_ | List g_ -> List g_ 365testdata/ 65:10-65:12 List _e -> List _e | List _g -> List _g
366testdata/ 65:10-65:32 List g_ 366testdata/ 65:10-65:32 List _g
367testdata/ 65:11-65:12 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 367testdata/ 65:11-65:12 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
368testdata/ 65:13-65:20 m_ -> List g_ -> List g_ -> List g_ 368testdata/ 65:13-65:20 _m -> List _g -> List _g -> List _g
369testdata/ 65:13-65:22 List g_ -> List g_ -> List g_ 369testdata/ 65:13-65:22 List _g -> List _g -> List _g
370testdata/ 65:13-65:29 List g_ -> List g_ 370testdata/ 65:13-65:29 List _g -> List _g
371testdata/ 65:13-65:32 List g_ 371testdata/ 65:13-65:32 List _g
372testdata/ 65:21-65:22 m_ 372testdata/ 65:21-65:22 _m
373testdata/ 65:24-65:25 h_ 373testdata/ 65:24-65:25 _h
374testdata/ 65:24-65:26 List g_ -> List g_ 374testdata/ 65:24-65:26 List _g -> List _g
375testdata/ 65:24-65:28 List g_ 375testdata/ 65:24-65:28 List _g
376testdata/ 65:25-65:26 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 376testdata/ 65:25-65:26 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
377testdata/ 65:26-65:28 List g_ 377testdata/ 65:26-65:28 List _g
378testdata/ 65:30-65:32 List g_ 378testdata/ 65:30-65:32 List _g
379testdata/ 66:19-66:21 d_ 379testdata/ 66:19-66:21 _d
380testdata/ 67:19-67:21 i_ 380testdata/ 67:19-67:21 _i
381testdata/ 69:1-69:7 {a} -> (a -> a->Ordering) -> List a -> List a 381testdata/ 69:1-69:7 forall a . (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List a
382testdata/ 69:15-69:17 {a} -> List a 382testdata/ 69:15-69:17 forall a . List a
383testdata/ 69:15-71:71 List b_ -> List b_ | a_->a_ 383testdata/ 69:15-71:71 List _b -> List _b | _a -> _a
384testdata/ 70:16-70:19 List e_ 384testdata/ 70:16-70:19 List _e
385testdata/ 70:16-71:71 List b_ -> List f_ | List c_ -> List b_ | List d_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 385testdata/ 70:16-71:71 List _b -> List _f | List _c -> List _b | List _d | _b -> List _b -> List _a
386testdata/ 70:17-70:18 g_ 386testdata/ 70:17-70:18 _g
387testdata/ 71:15-71:22 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (a -> c->b) -> (a, c)->b 387testdata/ 71:15-71:22 forall a b c . (a -> c -> b) -> (a, c) -> b
388testdata/ 71:15-71:34 (List a_, List a_) -> List a_ 388testdata/ 71:15-71:34 (List _a, List _a) -> List _a
389testdata/ 71:15-71:71 List b_ -> List f_ | List h_ | a_ -> List a_ -> List e_ 389testdata/ 71:15-71:71 List _b -> List _f | List _h | _a -> List _a -> List _e
390testdata/ 71:24-71:31 {a} -> (a -> a->Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a 390testdata/ 71:24-71:31 forall a . (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a
391testdata/ 71:24-71:33 List a_ -> List a_ -> List a_ 391testdata/ 71:24-71:33 List _a -> List _a -> List _a
392testdata/ 71:32-71:33 o_ 392testdata/ 71:32-71:33 _o
393testdata/ 71:36-71:70 (List h_, List h_) 393testdata/ 71:36-71:70 (List _h, List _h)
394testdata/ 71:37-71:43 p_ 394testdata/ 71:37-71:43 _p
395testdata/ 71:37-71:49 (c_->a_) -> (d_, c_)->(b_, a_) 395testdata/ 71:37-71:49 (_c -> _a) -> (_d, _c) -> (_b, _a)
396testdata/ 71:37-71:58 (b_, b_)->(a_, a_) 396testdata/ 71:37-71:58 (_b, _b) -> (_a, _a)
397testdata/ 71:44-71:45 n_ -> n_->Ordering 397testdata/ 71:44-71:45 _n -> _n -> Ordering
398testdata/ 71:46-71:49 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> (a->c) -> (b->d) -> (a, b)->(c, d) 398testdata/ 71:46-71:49 forall a b c d . (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (a, b) -> (c, d)
399testdata/ 71:50-71:56 (k_ -> k_->Ordering) -> d_->b_ 399testdata/ 71:50-71:56 (_k -> _k -> Ordering) -> _d -> _b
400testdata/ 71:50-71:58 b_->a_ 400testdata/ 71:50-71:58 _b -> _a
401testdata/ 71:57-71:58 i_ -> i_->Ordering 401testdata/ 71:57-71:58 _i -> _i -> Ordering
402testdata/ 71:61-71:66 {a} -> List a -> (List a, List a) 402testdata/ 71:61-71:66 forall a . List a -> (List a, List a)
403testdata/ 71:61-71:69 (List a_, List a_) 403testdata/ 71:61-71:69 (List _a, List _a)
404testdata/ 71:67-71:69 k_ 404testdata/ 71:67-71:69 _k
405testdata/ 73:12-73:32 Type 405testdata/ 73:12-73:32 Type
406testdata/ 73:12-74:35 a_->a_ | {a} -> (a->a) -> a -> List a 406testdata/ 73:12-74:35 _a -> _a | forall a . (a -> a) -> a -> List a
407testdata/ 73:13-73:14 b_ 407testdata/ 73:13-73:14 _b
408testdata/ 73:18-73:19 Type 408testdata/ 73:18-73:19 Type
409testdata/ 73:24-73:25 Type 409testdata/ 73:24-73:25 Type
410testdata/ 73:24-73:32 Type 410testdata/ 73:24-73:32 Type
411testdata/ 73:29-73:32 Type 411testdata/ 73:29-73:32 Type
412testdata/ 73:30-73:31 Type 412testdata/ 73:30-73:31 Type
413testdata/ 74:1-74:8 {a} -> (a->a) -> a -> List a 413testdata/ 74:1-74:8 forall a . (a -> a) -> a -> List a
414testdata/ 74:16-74:17 d_ 414testdata/ 74:16-74:17 _d
415testdata/ 74:16-74:19 List c_ -> List c_ 415testdata/ 74:16-74:19 List _c -> List _c
416testdata/ 74:16-74:35 (a_->a_) -> a_ -> List a_ | List c_ | b_ -> List b_ 416testdata/ 74:16-74:35 (_a -> _a) -> _a -> List _a | List _c | _b -> List _b
417testdata/ 74:18-74:19 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 417testdata/ 74:18-74:19 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
418testdata/ 74:20-74:27 {a} -> (a->a) -> a -> List a 418testdata/ 74:20-74:27 forall a . (a -> a) -> a -> List a
419testdata/ 74:20-74:29 c_ -> List c_ 419testdata/ 74:20-74:29 _c -> List _c
420testdata/ 74:20-74:35 List c_ 420testdata/ 74:20-74:35 List _c
421testdata/ 74:28-74:29 d_->d_ 421testdata/ 74:28-74:29 _d -> _d
422testdata/ 74:31-74:32 c_->c_ 422testdata/ 74:31-74:32 _c -> _c
423testdata/ 74:31-74:34 c_ 423testdata/ 74:31-74:34 _c
424testdata/ 74:33-74:34 c_ 424testdata/ 74:33-74:34 _c
425testdata/ 76:1-76:4 {a} -> {b} -> (a, b)->a 425testdata/ 76:1-76:4 forall a b . (a, b) -> a
426testdata/ 76:14-76:15 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | d_ | h_ | k_ 426testdata/ 76:14-76:15 HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _d | _h | _k
427testdata/ 77:1-77:4 {a} -> {b} -> (a, b)->b 427testdata/ 77:1-77:4 forall a b . (a, b) -> b
428testdata/ 77:14-77:15 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | f_ 428testdata/ 77:14-77:15 HList _c -> _b | _c | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _f
429testdata/ 79:7-79:10 Bool -> Bool->Bool 429testdata/ 79:7-79:10 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
430testdata/ 79:15-79:16 c_ 430testdata/ 79:15-79:16 _c
431testdata/ 79:15-80:18 Bool->Bool 431testdata/ 79:15-80:18 Bool -> Bool
432testdata/ 80:14-80:18 Bool 432testdata/ 80:14-80:18 Bool
433testdata/ 84:6-84:9 Bool -> Bool->Bool 433testdata/ 84:6-84:9 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
434testdata/ 84:14-84:15 b_ 434testdata/ 84:14-84:15 _b
435testdata/ 84:14-85:20 Bool->Bool 435testdata/ 84:14-85:20 Bool -> Bool
436testdata/ 85:15-85:20 Bool 436testdata/ 85:15-85:20 Bool
437testdata/ 122:6-122:13 Type 437testdata/ 122:6-122:13 Type
438testdata/ 122:6-122:23 Type 438testdata/ 122:6-122:23 Type
439testdata/ 122:6-122:35 Type 439testdata/ 122:6-122:35 Type
440testdata/ 122:16-122:23 RecItem | String -> Type->RecItem | Type 440testdata/ 122:16-122:23 RecItem | String -> Type -> RecItem | Type
441testdata/ 122:24-122:30 Type 441testdata/ 122:24-122:30 Type
442testdata/ 122:31-122:35 Type 442testdata/ 122:31-122:35 Type
443testdata/ 124:1-124:12 RecItem->Type 443testdata/ 124:1-124:12 RecItem -> Type
444testdata/ 124:29-124:30 String -> Type->a_ | Type | Type->b_ 444testdata/ 124:29-124:30 String -> Type -> _a | Type | Type -> _b
445testdata/ 126:6-126:13 List RecItem -> Type | Type 445testdata/ 126:6-126:13 List RecItem -> Type | Type
446testdata/ 126:6-126:17 Type 446testdata/ 126:6-126:17 Type
447testdata/ 126:6-127:17 Type 447testdata/ 126:6-127:17 Type
@@ -449,48 +449,48 @@ testdata/ 126:6-127:46 Type
449testdata/ 126:15-126:17 List RecItem 449testdata/ 126:15-126:17 List RecItem
450testdata/ 126:21-126:30 Type 450testdata/ 126:21-126:30 Type
451testdata/ 126:22-126:29 Type 451testdata/ 126:22-126:29 Type
452testdata/ 127:7-127:17 RecordC c_ | Type | {a : List RecItem} -> HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType a) -> RecordC a 452testdata/ 127:7-127:17 RecordC _c | Type | forall (a :: List RecItem) . HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType a) -> RecordC a
453testdata/ 127:19-127:24 List Type -> Type 453testdata/ 127:19-127:24 List Type -> Type
454testdata/ 127:19-127:45 Type 454testdata/ 127:19-127:45 Type
455testdata/ 127:26-127:29 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 455testdata/ 127:26-127:29 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
456testdata/ 127:26-127:41 List RecItem -> List Type 456testdata/ 127:26-127:41 List RecItem -> List Type
457testdata/ 127:26-127:44 List Type 457testdata/ 127:26-127:44 List Type
458testdata/ 127:30-127:41 RecItem->Type 458testdata/ 127:30-127:41 RecItem -> Type
459testdata/ 127:42-127:44 List RecItem 459testdata/ 127:42-127:44 List RecItem
460testdata/ 129:1-129:7 String -> Type -> List RecItem -> Type 460testdata/ 129:1-129:7 String -> Type -> List RecItem -> Type
461testdata/ 129:17-129:23 String->Type 461testdata/ 129:17-129:23 String -> Type
462testdata/ 129:17-129:26 Type 462testdata/ 129:17-129:26 Type
463testdata/ 129:17-130:75 List RecItem -> Type | a_->a_ 463testdata/ 129:17-130:75 List RecItem -> Type | _a -> _a
464testdata/ 129:24-129:26 String 464testdata/ 129:24-129:26 String
465testdata/ 130:34-130:75 List b_ -> Type | String -> Type->a_ | Type | Type->b_ | a_ -> List a_ -> Type 465testdata/ 130:34-130:75 List _b -> Type | String -> Type -> _a | Type | Type -> _b | _a -> List _a -> Type
466testdata/ 130:37-130:38 o_ 466testdata/ 130:37-130:38 _o
467testdata/ 130:37-130:41 n_->Bool 467testdata/ 130:37-130:41 _n -> Bool
468testdata/ 130:37-130:44 Bool 468testdata/ 130:37-130:44 Bool
469testdata/ 130:37-130:56 Type->Type 469testdata/ 130:37-130:56 Type -> Type
470testdata/ 130:39-130:41 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 470testdata/ 130:39-130:41 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
471testdata/ 130:42-130:44 String 471testdata/ 130:42-130:44 String
472testdata/ 130:50-130:51 l_ 472testdata/ 130:50-130:51 _l
473testdata/ 130:50-130:53 k_->Type 473testdata/ 130:50-130:53 _k -> Type
474testdata/ 130:50-130:56 Type 474testdata/ 130:50-130:56 Type
475testdata/ 130:52-130:53 {a} -> a -> a->Type 475testdata/ 130:52-130:53 forall a . a -> a -> Type
476testdata/ 130:54-130:56 Type 476testdata/ 130:54-130:56 Type
477testdata/ 130:62-130:68 k_ 477testdata/ 130:62-130:68 _k
478testdata/ 130:69-130:70 String 478testdata/ 130:69-130:70 String
479testdata/ 130:71-130:72 Type 479testdata/ 130:71-130:72 Type
480testdata/ 130:73-130:75 List i_ 480testdata/ 130:73-130:75 List _i
481testdata/ 132:1-132:7 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> HList ('Cons a b) -> a 481testdata/ 132:1-132:7 forall a (b :: List Type) . HList ('Cons a b) -> a
482testdata/ 132:10-132:23 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> (c:Type) -> (a -> HList b -> c) -> HList ('Cons a b) -> c 482testdata/ 132:10-132:23 forall a (b :: List Type) . (c :: Type) -> (a -> HList b -> c) -> HList ('Cons a b) -> c
483testdata/ 132:10-132:25 (c_ -> HList b_ -> a_) -> HList ('Cons c_ b_) -> a_ 483testdata/ 132:10-132:25 (_c -> HList _b -> _a) -> HList ('Cons _c _b) -> _a
484testdata/ 132:10-132:37 HList ('Cons b_ a_) -> b_ 484testdata/ 132:10-132:37 HList ('Cons _b _a) -> _b
485testdata/ 132:27-132:36 c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 485testdata/ 132:27-132:36 _c -> HList _b -> _a
486testdata/ 132:35-132:36 HList c_ -> b_ | e_ 486testdata/ 132:35-132:36 HList _c -> _b | _e
487testdata/ 133:1-133:7 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> HList ('Cons a b) -> HList b 487testdata/ 133:1-133:7 forall a (b :: List Type) . HList ('Cons a b) -> HList b
488testdata/ 133:10-133:23 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> (c:Type) -> (a -> HList b -> c) -> HList ('Cons a b) -> c 488testdata/ 133:10-133:23 forall a (b :: List Type) . (c :: Type) -> (a -> HList b -> c) -> HList ('Cons a b) -> c
489testdata/ 133:10-133:25 (c_ -> HList b_ -> a_) -> HList ('Cons c_ b_) -> a_ 489testdata/ 133:10-133:25 (_c -> HList _b -> _a) -> HList ('Cons _c _b) -> _a
490testdata/ 133:10-133:37 HList ('Cons b_ a_) -> HList a_ 490testdata/ 133:10-133:37 HList ('Cons _b _a) -> HList _a
491testdata/ 133:27-133:36 c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 491testdata/ 133:27-133:36 _c -> HList _b -> _a
492testdata/ 133:35-133:36 HList c_ -> b_ | HList d_ 492testdata/ 133:35-133:36 HList _c -> _b | HList _d
493testdata/ 136:12-138:181 a_->a_ | {a} -> {b : List RecItem} -> (c:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC c a b} -> RecordC b -> a 493testdata/ 136:12-138:181 _a -> _a | forall a (b :: List RecItem) . (c :: String) -> 'isKeyC c a b => RecordC b -> a
494testdata/ 136:28-136:37 Type 494testdata/ 136:28-136:37 Type
495testdata/ 136:28-136:97 Type 495testdata/ 136:28-136:97 Type
496testdata/ 136:29-136:36 Type 496testdata/ 136:29-136:36 Type
@@ -502,50 +502,50 @@ testdata/ 136:65-136:75 List RecItem -> Type
502testdata/ 136:65-136:78 Type 502testdata/ 136:65-136:78 Type
503testdata/ 136:65-136:97 Type 503testdata/ 136:65-136:97 Type
504testdata/ 136:72-136:73 String 504testdata/ 136:72-136:73 String
505testdata/ 136:74-136:75 d_ 505testdata/ 136:74-136:75 _d
506testdata/ 136:76-136:78 List RecItem 506testdata/ 136:76-136:78 List RecItem
507testdata/ 136:82-136:89 List RecItem -> Type 507testdata/ 136:82-136:89 List RecItem -> Type
508testdata/ 136:82-136:92 Type 508testdata/ 136:82-136:92 Type
509testdata/ 136:82-136:97 Type 509testdata/ 136:82-136:97 Type
510testdata/ 136:90-136:92 List RecItem 510testdata/ 136:90-136:92 List RecItem
511testdata/ 136:96-136:97 Type 511testdata/ 136:96-136:97 Type
512testdata/ 137:1-137:8 {a} -> {b : List RecItem} -> (c:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC c a b} -> RecordC b -> a 512testdata/ 137:1-137:8 forall a (b :: List RecItem) . (c :: String) -> 'isKeyC c a b => RecordC b -> a
513testdata/ 137:57-137:58 String 513testdata/ 137:57-137:58 String
514testdata/ 137:57-137:61 String->Bool 514testdata/ 137:57-137:61 String -> Bool
515testdata/ 137:57-137:64 Bool 515testdata/ 137:57-137:64 Bool
516testdata/ 137:57-138:181 (a:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC a b_ a_} -> RecordC a_ -> b_ | HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType b_) -> a_ | List c_ -> b_ | RecordC c_ -> d_ | String -> Type->a_ | Type->b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> a_ | e_ | g_ | j_ | m_ | {_ : 'isKeyC a_ c_ b_} -> RecordC b_ -> c_ | {a : List RecItem} -> (b:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC b a_ a} -> RecordC a -> a_ | {a} -> {b : List RecItem} -> (c:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC c a b} -> RecordC b -> a 516testdata/ 137:57-138:181 'isKeyC _a _c _b => RecordC _b -> _c | (a :: String) -> 'isKeyC a _b _a => RecordC _a -> _b | HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _b) -> _a | List _c -> _b | RecordC _c -> _d | String -> Type -> _a | Type -> _b | _b -> List _b -> _a | _e | _g | _j | _m | forall (a :: List RecItem) . (b :: String) -> 'isKeyC b _a a => RecordC a -> _a | forall a (b :: List RecItem) . (c :: String) -> 'isKeyC c a b => RecordC b -> a
517testdata/ 137:59-137:61 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 517testdata/ 137:59-137:61 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
518testdata/ 137:62-137:64 String 518testdata/ 137:62-137:64 String
519testdata/ 137:67-137:73 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> HList ('Cons a b) -> a 519testdata/ 137:67-137:73 forall a (b :: List Type) . HList ('Cons a b) -> a
520testdata/ 137:67-137:129 n_ 520testdata/ 137:67-137:129 _n
521testdata/ 137:67-138:181 Bool->n_ 521testdata/ 137:67-138:181 Bool -> _n
522testdata/ 137:75-137:87 {a} -> {b} -> a->b 522testdata/ 137:75-137:87 forall a b . a -> b
523testdata/ 137:75-137:90 {a} -> a_->a 523testdata/ 137:75-137:90 forall a . _a -> a
524testdata/ 137:75-137:125 a_ -> HList ('Cons q_ ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType j_)) 524testdata/ 137:75-137:125 _a -> HList ('Cons _q ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _j))
525testdata/ 137:75-137:128 HList ('Cons n_ ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType g_)) 525testdata/ 137:75-137:128 HList ('Cons _n ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _g))
526testdata/ 137:93-137:98 List Type -> Type 526testdata/ 137:93-137:98 List Type -> Type
527testdata/ 137:93-137:124 Type 527testdata/ 137:93-137:124 Type
528testdata/ 137:101-137:102 Type 528testdata/ 137:101-137:102 Type
529testdata/ 137:101-137:104 List Type -> List Type 529testdata/ 137:101-137:104 List Type -> List Type
530testdata/ 137:101-137:123 List Type 530testdata/ 137:101-137:123 List Type
531testdata/ 137:103-137:104 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 531testdata/ 137:103-137:104 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
532testdata/ 137:105-137:108 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 532testdata/ 137:105-137:108 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
533testdata/ 137:105-137:120 List RecItem -> List Type 533testdata/ 137:105-137:120 List RecItem -> List Type
534testdata/ 137:105-137:123 List Type 534testdata/ 137:105-137:123 List Type
535testdata/ 137:109-137:120 RecItem->Type 535testdata/ 137:109-137:120 RecItem -> Type
536testdata/ 137:121-137:123 List RecItem 536testdata/ 137:121-137:123 List RecItem
537testdata/ 137:126-137:128 HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType d_) 537testdata/ 137:126-137:128 HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _d)
538testdata/ 138:57-138:64 {a} -> {b : List RecItem} -> (c:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC c a b} -> RecordC b -> a 538testdata/ 138:57-138:64 forall a (b :: List RecItem) . (c :: String) -> 'isKeyC c a b => RecordC b -> a
539testdata/ 138:57-138:67 {a : List RecItem} -> (b:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC b p_ a} -> RecordC a -> p_ 539testdata/ 138:57-138:67 forall (a :: List RecItem) . (b :: String) -> 'isKeyC b _p a => RecordC a -> _p
540testdata/ 138:57-138:71 (a:String) -> {_ : 'isKeyC a o_ h_} -> RecordC h_ -> o_ 540testdata/ 138:57-138:71 (a :: String) -> 'isKeyC a _o _h => RecordC _h -> _o
541testdata/ 138:57-138:73 {_ : 'isKeyC m_ o_ h_} -> RecordC h_ -> o_ 541testdata/ 138:57-138:73 'isKeyC _m _o _h => RecordC _h -> _o
542testdata/ 138:57-138:103 RecordC h_ -> o_ 542testdata/ 138:57-138:103 RecordC _h -> _o
543testdata/ 138:57-138:181 n_ 543testdata/ 138:57-138:181 _n
544testdata/ 138:66-138:67 Type 544testdata/ 138:66-138:67 Type
545testdata/ 138:69-138:71 List k_ 545testdata/ 138:69-138:71 List _k
546testdata/ 138:72-138:73 String 546testdata/ 138:72-138:73 String
547testdata/ 138:76-138:85 {a}->a 547testdata/ 138:76-138:85 forall a . a
548testdata/ 138:76-138:102 'isKeyC m_ o_ h_ 548testdata/ 138:76-138:102 'isKeyC _m _o _h
549testdata/ 138:88-138:94 String -> Type -> List RecItem -> Type 549testdata/ 138:88-138:94 String -> Type -> List RecItem -> Type
550testdata/ 138:88-138:96 Type -> List RecItem -> Type 550testdata/ 138:88-138:96 Type -> List RecItem -> Type
551testdata/ 138:88-138:98 List RecItem -> Type 551testdata/ 138:88-138:98 List RecItem -> Type
@@ -553,35 +553,35 @@ testdata/ 138:88-138:101 Type
553testdata/ 138:95-138:96 String 553testdata/ 138:95-138:96 String
554testdata/ 138:97-138:98 Type 554testdata/ 138:97-138:98 Type
555testdata/ 138:99-138:101 List RecItem 555testdata/ 138:99-138:101 List RecItem
556testdata/ 138:105-138:115 {a : List RecItem} -> HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType a) -> RecordC a 556testdata/ 138:105-138:115 forall (a :: List RecItem) . HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType a) -> RecordC a
557testdata/ 138:105-138:180 RecordC b_ 557testdata/ 138:105-138:180 RecordC _b
558testdata/ 138:117-138:123 {a} -> {b : List Type} -> HList ('Cons a b) -> HList b 558testdata/ 138:117-138:123 forall a (b :: List Type) . HList ('Cons a b) -> HList b
559testdata/ 138:117-138:179 HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType h_) 559testdata/ 138:117-138:179 HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _h)
560testdata/ 138:125-138:137 {a} -> {b} -> a->b 560testdata/ 138:125-138:137 forall a b . a -> b
561testdata/ 138:125-138:140 {a} -> a_->a 561testdata/ 138:125-138:140 forall a . _a -> a
562testdata/ 138:125-138:175 a_ -> HList ('Cons r_ ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType k_)) 562testdata/ 138:125-138:175 _a -> HList ('Cons _r ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _k))
563testdata/ 138:125-138:178 HList ('Cons o_ ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType h_)) 563testdata/ 138:125-138:178 HList ('Cons _o ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _h))
564testdata/ 138:143-138:148 List Type -> Type 564testdata/ 138:143-138:148 List Type -> Type
565testdata/ 138:143-138:174 Type 565testdata/ 138:143-138:174 Type
566testdata/ 138:151-138:152 Type 566testdata/ 138:151-138:152 Type
567testdata/ 138:151-138:154 List Type -> List Type 567testdata/ 138:151-138:154 List Type -> List Type
568testdata/ 138:151-138:173 List Type 568testdata/ 138:151-138:173 List Type
569testdata/ 138:153-138:154 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 569testdata/ 138:153-138:154 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
570testdata/ 138:155-138:158 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> List a -> List b 570testdata/ 138:155-138:158 forall a b . (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
571testdata/ 138:155-138:170 List RecItem -> List Type 571testdata/ 138:155-138:170 List RecItem -> List Type
572testdata/ 138:155-138:173 List Type 572testdata/ 138:155-138:173 List Type
573testdata/ 138:159-138:170 RecItem->Type 573testdata/ 138:159-138:170 RecItem -> Type
574testdata/ 138:171-138:173 List RecItem 574testdata/ 138:171-138:173 List RecItem
575testdata/ 138:176-138:178 HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType e_) 575testdata/ 138:176-138:178 HList ('map RecItem Type 'recItemType _e)
576testdata/ 142:1-142:4 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 576testdata/ 142:1-142:4 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
577testdata/ 142:13-142:15 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 577testdata/ 142:13-142:15 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
578testdata/ 142:13-142:17 f_ -> f_ -> f_ -> VecS f_ 4 578testdata/ 142:13-142:17 _f -> _f -> _f -> VecS _f 4
579testdata/ 142:13-142:19 e_ -> e_ -> VecS e_ 4 579testdata/ 142:13-142:19 _e -> _e -> VecS _e 4
580testdata/ 142:13-142:21 d_ -> VecS d_ 4 580testdata/ 142:13-142:21 _d -> VecS _d 4
581testdata/ 142:13-142:25 VecS Float 4 581testdata/ 142:13-142:25 VecS Float 4
582testdata/ 142:16-142:17 g_ 582testdata/ 142:16-142:17 _g
583testdata/ 142:18-142:19 d_ 583testdata/ 142:18-142:19 _d
584testdata/ 142:20-142:21 b_ 584testdata/ 142:20-142:21 _b
585testdata/ 142:22-142:25 Float 585testdata/ 142:22-142:25 Float
586testdata/ 144:1-144:6 VecS Float 4 586testdata/ 144:1-144:6 VecS Float 4
587testdata/ 144:11-144:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 587testdata/ 144:11-144:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -711,30 +711,30 @@ testdata/ 159:11-159:26 VecS Float 4
711testdata/ 159:15-159:18 Float 711testdata/ 159:15-159:18 Float
712testdata/ 159:19-159:22 Float 712testdata/ 159:19-159:22 Float
713testdata/ 159:23-159:26 Float 713testdata/ 159:23-159:26 Float
714testdata/ 161:1-161:12 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 714testdata/ 161:1-161:12 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
715testdata/ 161:15-161:25 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b c} -> d -> Image a ('Color d) 715testdata/ 161:15-161:25 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, d ~ VecScalar b c) => d -> Image a ('Color d)
716testdata/ 161:15-161:28 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 716testdata/ 161:15-161:28 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
717testdata/ 161:27-161:28 b_ 717testdata/ 161:27-161:28 _b
718testdata/ 162:1-162:12 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 2 ('Color c) 718testdata/ 162:1-162:12 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 2 ('Color c)
719testdata/ 162:15-162:25 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b c} -> d -> Image a ('Color d) 719testdata/ 162:15-162:25 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, d ~ VecScalar b c) => d -> Image a ('Color d)
720testdata/ 162:15-162:28 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 2 ('Color c) 720testdata/ 162:15-162:28 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 2 ('Color c)
721testdata/ 162:27-162:28 b_ 721testdata/ 162:27-162:28 _b
722testdata/ 164:1-164:12 Float -> Image 1 'Depth 722testdata/ 164:1-164:12 Float -> Image 1 'Depth
723testdata/ 164:15-164:25 {a:Nat} -> Float -> Image a 'Depth 723testdata/ 164:15-164:25 forall (a :: Nat) . Float -> Image a 'Depth
724testdata/ 164:15-164:28 Float -> Image 1 'Depth 724testdata/ 164:15-164:28 Float -> Image 1 'Depth
725testdata/ 164:27-164:28 b_ 725testdata/ 164:27-164:28 _b
726testdata/ 166:13-166:16 Nat -> Type->Type 726testdata/ 166:13-166:16 Nat -> Type -> Type
727testdata/ 166:13-166:18 Type->Type 727testdata/ 166:13-166:18 Type -> Type
728testdata/ 166:13-166:24 Type 728testdata/ 166:13-166:24 Type
729testdata/ 166:17-166:18 b_ 729testdata/ 166:17-166:18 _b
730testdata/ 166:19-166:24 Type 730testdata/ 166:19-166:24 Type
731testdata/ 166:28-166:31 Nat -> Type->Type 731testdata/ 166:28-166:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
732testdata/ 166:28-166:33 Type->Type 732testdata/ 166:28-166:33 Type -> Type
733testdata/ 166:28-166:39 Type 733testdata/ 166:28-166:39 Type
734testdata/ 166:32-166:33 b_ 734testdata/ 166:32-166:33 _b
735testdata/ 166:34-166:39 Type 735testdata/ 166:34-166:39 Type
736testdata/ 167:1-167:9 Vec 3 Float -> VecS Float 4 736testdata/ 167:1-167:9 Vec 3 Float -> VecS Float 4
737testdata/ 167:14-167:16 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 737testdata/ 167:14-167:16 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
738testdata/ 167:14-167:20 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 738testdata/ 167:14-167:20 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
739testdata/ 167:14-167:24 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 739testdata/ 167:14-167:24 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
740testdata/ 167:14-167:28 Float -> VecS Float 4 740testdata/ 167:14-167:28 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -745,303 +745,303 @@ testdata/ 167:21-167:22 Vec 3 Float
745testdata/ 167:21-167:24 Float 745testdata/ 167:21-167:24 Float
746testdata/ 167:25-167:26 Vec 3 Float 746testdata/ 167:25-167:26 Vec 3 Float
747testdata/ 167:25-167:28 Float 747testdata/ 167:25-167:28 Float
748testdata/ 167:29-167:30 b_ 748testdata/ 167:29-167:30 _b
749testdata/ 174:1-174:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 749testdata/ 174:1-174:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
750testdata/ 174:11-174:22 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 750testdata/ 174:11-174:22 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
751testdata/ 175:1-175:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 751testdata/ 175:1-175:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
752testdata/ 175:11-175:22 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 752testdata/ 175:11-175:22 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
753testdata/ 176:1-176:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 753testdata/ 176:1-176:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
754testdata/ 176:7-176:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 754testdata/ 176:7-176:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
755testdata/ 177:1-177:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 755testdata/ 177:1-177:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
756testdata/ 177:7-177:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 756testdata/ 177:7-177:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
757testdata/ 178:1-178:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 757testdata/ 178:1-178:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
758testdata/ 178:7-178:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 758testdata/ 178:7-178:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
759testdata/ 179:1-179:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 759testdata/ 179:1-179:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
760testdata/ 179:8-179:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 760testdata/ 179:8-179:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
761testdata/ 180:1-180:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 761testdata/ 180:1-180:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
762testdata/ 180:8-180:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 762testdata/ 180:8-180:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
763testdata/ 181:1-181:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 763testdata/ 181:1-181:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
764testdata/ 181:8-181:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 764testdata/ 181:8-181:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
765testdata/ 182:1-182:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 765testdata/ 182:1-182:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
766testdata/ 182:8-182:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 766testdata/ 182:8-182:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
767testdata/ 183:1-183:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 767testdata/ 183:1-183:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
768testdata/ 183:9-183:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 768testdata/ 183:9-183:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
769testdata/ 184:1-184:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 769testdata/ 184:1-184:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
770testdata/ 184:8-184:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 770testdata/ 184:8-184:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
771testdata/ 185:1-185:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 771testdata/ 185:1-185:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
772testdata/ 185:9-185:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 772testdata/ 185:9-185:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
773testdata/ 186:1-186:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 773testdata/ 186:1-186:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
774testdata/ 186:8-186:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 774testdata/ 186:8-186:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
775testdata/ 187:1-187:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 775testdata/ 187:1-187:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
776testdata/ 187:9-187:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 776testdata/ 187:9-187:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
777testdata/ 188:1-188:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 777testdata/ 188:1-188:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
778testdata/ 188:9-188:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 778testdata/ 188:9-188:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
779testdata/ 191:1-191:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 779testdata/ 191:1-191:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
780testdata/ 191:7-191:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 780testdata/ 191:7-191:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
781testdata/ 192:1-192:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 781testdata/ 192:1-192:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
782testdata/ 192:7-192:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 782testdata/ 192:7-192:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
783testdata/ 193:1-193:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 783testdata/ 193:1-193:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
784testdata/ 193:7-193:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 784testdata/ 193:7-193:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
785testdata/ 194:1-194:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 785testdata/ 194:1-194:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
786testdata/ 194:8-194:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 786testdata/ 194:8-194:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
787testdata/ 195:1-195:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 787testdata/ 195:1-195:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
788testdata/ 195:8-195:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 788testdata/ 195:8-195:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
789testdata/ 196:1-196:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 789testdata/ 196:1-196:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
790testdata/ 196:8-196:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 790testdata/ 196:8-196:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
791testdata/ 197:1-197:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 791testdata/ 197:1-197:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
792testdata/ 197:15-197:26 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 792testdata/ 197:15-197:26 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
793testdata/ 200:1-200:4 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 793testdata/ 200:1-200:4 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Signed a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
794testdata/ 200:7-200:14 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 794testdata/ 200:7-200:14 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Signed a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
795testdata/ 201:1-201:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 795testdata/ 201:1-201:5 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Signed a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
796testdata/ 201:8-201:16 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Signed a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 796testdata/ 201:8-201:16 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Signed a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
797testdata/ 202:1-202:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 797testdata/ 202:1-202:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
798testdata/ 202:9-202:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 798testdata/ 202:9-202:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
799testdata/ 203:1-203:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 799testdata/ 203:1-203:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
800testdata/ 203:9-203:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 800testdata/ 203:9-203:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
801testdata/ 204:1-204:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 801testdata/ 204:1-204:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
802testdata/ 204:9-204:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 802testdata/ 204:9-204:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
803testdata/ 205:1-205:10 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 803testdata/ 205:1-205:10 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
804testdata/ 205:13-205:26 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 804testdata/ 205:13-205:26 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
805testdata/ 206:1-206:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 805testdata/ 206:1-206:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
806testdata/ 206:8-206:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 806testdata/ 206:8-206:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
807testdata/ 207:1-207:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 807testdata/ 207:1-207:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
808testdata/ 207:9-207:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 808testdata/ 207:9-207:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
809testdata/ 208:1-208:4 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 809testdata/ 208:1-208:4 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
810testdata/ 208:7-208:14 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 810testdata/ 208:7-208:14 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
811testdata/ 209:1-209:4 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 811testdata/ 209:1-209:4 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
812testdata/ 209:7-209:14 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 812testdata/ 209:7-209:14 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
813testdata/ 210:1-210:4 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 813testdata/ 210:1-210:4 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
814testdata/ 210:7-210:14 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 814testdata/ 210:7-210:14 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
815testdata/ 211:1-211:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->(a, a) 815testdata/ 211:1-211:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> (a, a)
816testdata/ 211:8-211:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->(a, a) 816testdata/ 211:8-211:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> (a, a)
817testdata/ 212:1-212:6 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b -> b->b 817testdata/ 212:1-212:6 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b -> b
818testdata/ 212:9-212:18 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b -> b->b 818testdata/ 212:9-212:18 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b -> b
819testdata/ 213:1-213:7 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a -> a->b 819testdata/ 213:1-213:7 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> a -> b
820testdata/ 213:10-213:20 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a -> a->b 820testdata/ 213:10-213:20 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> a -> b
821testdata/ 214:1-214:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 821testdata/ 214:1-214:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
822testdata/ 214:7-214:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 822testdata/ 214:7-214:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
823testdata/ 215:1-215:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> Float->a 823testdata/ 215:1-215:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float -> a
824testdata/ 215:8-215:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> Float->a 824testdata/ 215:8-215:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float -> a
825testdata/ 216:1-216:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a -> c->a 825testdata/ 216:1-216:5 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> c -> a
826testdata/ 216:8-216:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a -> c->a 826testdata/ 216:8-216:16 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> c -> a
827testdata/ 217:1-217:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float b} -> a -> a->a 827testdata/ 217:1-217:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecS Float b) => a -> a -> a
828testdata/ 217:8-217:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float b} -> a -> a->a 828testdata/ 217:8-217:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecS Float b) => a -> a -> a
829testdata/ 218:1-218:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> Float -> a->a 829testdata/ 218:1-218:6 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => Float -> a -> a
830testdata/ 218:9-218:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> Float -> a->a 830testdata/ 218:9-218:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => Float -> a -> a
831testdata/ 219:1-219:11 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float b} -> a -> a -> a->a 831testdata/ 219:1-219:11 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecS Float b) => a -> a -> a -> a
832testdata/ 219:14-219:28 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float b} -> a -> a -> a->a 832testdata/ 219:14-219:28 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecS Float b) => a -> a -> a -> a
833testdata/ 220:1-220:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> Float -> Float -> a->a 833testdata/ 220:1-220:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => Float -> Float -> a -> a
834testdata/ 220:15-220:30 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> Float -> Float -> a->a 834testdata/ 220:15-220:30 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => Float -> Float -> a -> a
835testdata/ 221:1-221:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->c 835testdata/ 221:1-221:6 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> c
836testdata/ 221:9-221:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->c 836testdata/ 221:9-221:18 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> c
837testdata/ 222:1-222:6 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->c 837testdata/ 222:1-222:6 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> c
838testdata/ 222:9-222:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->c 838testdata/ 222:9-222:18 forall a (b :: Nat) c . (a ~ VecScalar b Float, c ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> c
839testdata/ 224:1-224:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 839testdata/ 224:1-224:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
840testdata/ 224:8-224:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 840testdata/ 224:8-224:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
841testdata/ 225:1-225:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 841testdata/ 225:1-225:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
842testdata/ 225:8-225:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 842testdata/ 225:8-225:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
843testdata/ 226:1-226:7 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 843testdata/ 226:1-226:7 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
844testdata/ 226:10-226:20 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 844testdata/ 226:10-226:20 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
845testdata/ 228:1-228:7 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Float 845testdata/ 228:1-228:7 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Float
846testdata/ 228:10-228:20 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Float 846testdata/ 228:10-228:20 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Float
847testdata/ 229:1-229:7 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 2 Float 847testdata/ 229:1-229:7 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 2 Float
848testdata/ 229:10-229:20 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 2 Float 848testdata/ 229:10-229:20 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 2 Float
849testdata/ 230:1-230:7 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 3 Float 849testdata/ 230:1-230:7 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 3 Float
850testdata/ 230:10-230:20 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 3 Float 850testdata/ 230:10-230:20 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 3 Float
851testdata/ 231:1-231:7 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 4 Float 851testdata/ 231:1-231:7 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 4 Float
852testdata/ 231:10-231:20 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> Vec 4 Float 852testdata/ 231:10-231:20 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> Vec 4 Float
853testdata/ 234:1-234:7 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->Float 853testdata/ 234:1-234:7 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> Float
854testdata/ 234:10-234:20 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->Float 854testdata/ 234:10-234:20 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> Float
855testdata/ 235:1-235:9 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->Float 855testdata/ 235:1-235:9 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float
856testdata/ 235:12-235:24 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->Float 856testdata/ 235:12-235:24 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float
857testdata/ 236:1-236:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->Float 857testdata/ 236:1-236:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float
858testdata/ 236:7-236:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->Float 858testdata/ 236:7-236:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> Float
859testdata/ 237:1-237:6 {a} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float 3} -> a -> a->a 859testdata/ 237:1-237:6 forall a . (a ~ VecS Float 3) => a -> a -> a
860testdata/ 237:9-237:18 {a} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float 3} -> a -> a->a 860testdata/ 237:9-237:18 forall a . (a ~ VecS Float 3) => a -> a -> a
861testdata/ 238:1-238:10 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 861testdata/ 238:1-238:10 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
862testdata/ 238:13-238:26 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 862testdata/ 238:13-238:26 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
863testdata/ 239:1-239:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 863testdata/ 239:1-239:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
864testdata/ 239:15-239:30 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 864testdata/ 239:15-239:30 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
865testdata/ 240:1-240:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 865testdata/ 240:1-240:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
866testdata/ 240:11-240:22 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a->a 866testdata/ 240:11-240:22 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a
867testdata/ 241:1-241:8 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 867testdata/ 241:1-241:8 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
868testdata/ 241:11-241:22 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a -> a -> a->a 868testdata/ 241:11-241:22 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a -> a -> a
869testdata/ 243:1-243:10 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b a c 869testdata/ 243:1-243:10 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Mat b a c
870testdata/ 243:13-243:26 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b a c 870testdata/ 243:13-243:26 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Mat b a c
871testdata/ 244:1-244:4 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> Mat a a b -> Float 871testdata/ 244:1-244:4 forall (a :: Nat) b . Mat a a b -> Float
872testdata/ 244:7-244:22 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> Mat a a b -> Float 872testdata/ 244:7-244:22 forall (a :: Nat) b . Mat a a b -> Float
873testdata/ 245:1-245:4 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> Mat a a b -> Mat a a b 873testdata/ 245:1-245:4 forall (a :: Nat) b . Mat a a b -> Mat a a b
874testdata/ 245:7-245:18 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> Mat a a b -> Mat a a b 874testdata/ 245:7-245:18 forall (a :: Nat) b . Mat a a b -> Mat a a b
875testdata/ 246:1-246:6 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> Vec a b -> Vec c b -> Mat c a b 875testdata/ 246:1-246:6 forall (a :: Nat) b (c :: Nat) . Vec a b -> Vec c b -> Mat c a b
876testdata/ 246:9-246:25 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> Vec a b -> Vec c b -> Mat c a b 876testdata/ 246:9-246:25 forall (a :: Nat) b (c :: Nat) . Vec a b -> Vec c b -> Mat c a b
877testdata/ 248:1-248:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 877testdata/ 248:1-248:5 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
878testdata/ 248:11-248:19 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 878testdata/ 248:11-248:19 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
879testdata/ 249:1-249:4 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 879testdata/ 249:1-249:4 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
880testdata/ 249:11-249:18 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 880testdata/ 249:11-249:18 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
881testdata/ 250:1-250:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 881testdata/ 250:1-250:5 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
882testdata/ 250:11-250:19 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 882testdata/ 250:11-250:19 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
883testdata/ 251:1-251:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 883testdata/ 251:1-251:5 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
884testdata/ 251:11-251:19 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b->b 884testdata/ 251:11-251:19 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b
885testdata/ 252:1-252:6 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 885testdata/ 252:1-252:6 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
886testdata/ 252:11-252:20 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 886testdata/ 252:11-252:20 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
887testdata/ 253:1-253:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 887testdata/ 253:1-253:5 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
888testdata/ 253:11-253:19 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 888testdata/ 253:11-253:19 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
889testdata/ 254:1-254:6 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 889testdata/ 254:1-254:6 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
890testdata/ 254:11-254:20 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 890testdata/ 254:11-254:20 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
891testdata/ 255:1-255:7 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar c Word} -> b -> d->b 891testdata/ 255:1-255:7 forall a b (c :: Nat) d . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a, d ~ VecScalar c Word) => b -> d -> b
892testdata/ 255:11-255:22 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar c Word} -> b -> d->b 892testdata/ 255:11-255:22 forall a b (c :: Nat) d . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a, d ~ VecScalar c Word) => b -> d -> b
893testdata/ 256:1-256:7 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar c Word} -> b -> d->b 893testdata/ 256:1-256:7 forall a b (c :: Nat) d . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a, d ~ VecScalar c Word) => b -> d -> b
894testdata/ 256:11-256:22 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {d} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar c Word} -> b -> d->b 894testdata/ 256:11-256:22 forall a b (c :: Nat) d . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a, d ~ VecScalar c Word) => b -> d -> b
895testdata/ 257:1-257:8 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> Word->b 895testdata/ 257:1-257:8 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> Word -> b
896testdata/ 257:11-257:23 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> Word->b 896testdata/ 257:11-257:23 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> Word -> b
897testdata/ 258:1-258:8 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> Word->b 897testdata/ 258:1-258:8 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> Word -> b
898testdata/ 258:11-258:23 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Integral a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> Word->b 898testdata/ 258:11-258:23 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Integral a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> Word -> b
899testdata/ 260:1-260:15 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Int 899testdata/ 260:1-260:15 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Int
900testdata/ 260:19-260:37 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Int 900testdata/ 260:19-260:37 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Int
901testdata/ 261:1-261:16 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Word 901testdata/ 261:1-261:16 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Word
902testdata/ 261:19-261:38 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Word 902testdata/ 261:19-261:38 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Float -> VecScalar a Word
903testdata/ 262:1-262:15 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Int -> VecScalar a Float 903testdata/ 262:1-262:15 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Int -> VecScalar a Float
904testdata/ 262:19-262:37 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Int -> VecScalar a Float 904testdata/ 262:19-262:37 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Int -> VecScalar a Float
905testdata/ 263:1-263:16 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Word -> VecScalar a Float 905testdata/ 263:1-263:16 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Word -> VecScalar a Float
906testdata/ 263:19-263:38 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Word -> VecScalar a Float 906testdata/ 263:19-263:38 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Word -> VecScalar a Float
907testdata/ 281:3-281:4 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 907testdata/ 281:3-281:4 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
908testdata/ 281:9-281:16 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 908testdata/ 281:9-281:16 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
909testdata/ 281:9-281:18 e_->e_ 909testdata/ 281:9-281:18 _e -> _e
910testdata/ 281:9-281:20 d_ 910testdata/ 281:9-281:20 _d
911testdata/ 281:17-281:18 f_ 911testdata/ 281:17-281:18 _f
912testdata/ 281:19-281:20 c_ 912testdata/ 281:19-281:20 _c
913testdata/ 282:3-282:4 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 913testdata/ 282:3-282:4 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
914testdata/ 282:9-282:16 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 914testdata/ 282:9-282:16 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
915testdata/ 282:9-282:18 e_->e_ 915testdata/ 282:9-282:18 _e -> _e
916testdata/ 282:9-282:20 d_ 916testdata/ 282:9-282:20 _d
917testdata/ 282:17-282:18 f_ 917testdata/ 282:17-282:18 _f
918testdata/ 282:19-282:20 c_ 918testdata/ 282:19-282:20 _c
919testdata/ 283:3-283:4 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 919testdata/ 283:3-283:4 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
920testdata/ 283:9-283:16 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 920testdata/ 283:9-283:16 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
921testdata/ 283:9-283:18 e_->e_ 921testdata/ 283:9-283:18 _e -> _e
922testdata/ 283:9-283:20 d_ 922testdata/ 283:9-283:20 _d
923testdata/ 283:17-283:18 f_ 923testdata/ 283:17-283:18 _f
924testdata/ 283:19-283:20 c_ 924testdata/ 283:19-283:20 _c
925testdata/ 284:3-284:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 925testdata/ 284:3-284:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
926testdata/ 284:9-284:16 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 926testdata/ 284:9-284:16 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
927testdata/ 284:9-284:18 VecScalar b_ c_ -> VecScalar b_ c_ 927testdata/ 284:9-284:18 VecScalar _b _c -> VecScalar _b _c
928testdata/ 284:9-284:20 VecScalar b_ c_ 928testdata/ 284:9-284:20 VecScalar _b _c
929testdata/ 284:17-284:18 g_ 929testdata/ 284:17-284:18 _g
930testdata/ 284:19-284:20 e_ 930testdata/ 284:19-284:20 _e
931testdata/ 285:3-285:4 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 931testdata/ 285:3-285:4 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
932testdata/ 285:9-285:16 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> b->b 932testdata/ 285:9-285:16 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> b -> b
933testdata/ 285:9-285:18 VecScalar b_ c_ -> VecScalar b_ c_ 933testdata/ 285:9-285:18 VecScalar _b _c -> VecScalar _b _c
934testdata/ 285:9-285:20 VecScalar b_ c_ 934testdata/ 285:9-285:20 VecScalar _b _c
935testdata/ 285:17-285:18 g_ 935testdata/ 285:17-285:18 _g
936testdata/ 285:19-285:20 e_ 936testdata/ 285:19-285:20 _e
937testdata/ 287:1-287:4 {a} -> {_ : Signed (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a->a 937testdata/ 287:1-287:4 forall a . Signed (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a
938testdata/ 287:9-287:16 {a} -> {_ : Signed (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a->a 938testdata/ 287:9-287:16 forall a . Signed (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a
939testdata/ 287:9-287:18 c_ 939testdata/ 287:9-287:18 _c
940testdata/ 287:17-287:18 d_ 940testdata/ 287:17-287:18 _d
941testdata/ 291:3-291:5 {a} -> a -> a->Bool 941testdata/ 291:3-291:5 forall a . a -> a -> Bool
942testdata/ 291:10-291:22 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : b ~ MatVecScalarElem a} -> a -> a->Bool 942testdata/ 291:10-291:22 forall a b . (b ~ MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> Bool
943testdata/ 291:10-291:24 d_->Bool 943testdata/ 291:10-291:24 _d -> Bool
944testdata/ 291:10-291:26 Bool 944testdata/ 291:10-291:26 Bool
945testdata/ 291:23-291:24 e_ 945testdata/ 291:23-291:24 _e
946testdata/ 291:25-291:26 b_ 946testdata/ 291:25-291:26 _b
947testdata/ 292:3-292:4 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 947testdata/ 292:3-292:4 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
948testdata/ 292:9-292:21 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 948testdata/ 292:9-292:21 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
949testdata/ 292:9-292:23 VecScalar c_ b_ -> VecScalar c_ Bool 949testdata/ 292:9-292:23 VecScalar _c _b -> VecScalar _c Bool
950testdata/ 292:9-292:25 VecScalar c_ Bool 950testdata/ 292:9-292:25 VecScalar _c Bool
951testdata/ 292:22-292:23 g_ 951testdata/ 292:22-292:23 _g
952testdata/ 292:24-292:25 e_ 952testdata/ 292:24-292:25 _e
953testdata/ 293:3-293:5 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 953testdata/ 293:3-293:5 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
954testdata/ 293:10-293:27 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 954testdata/ 293:10-293:27 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
955testdata/ 293:10-293:29 VecScalar c_ b_ -> VecScalar c_ Bool 955testdata/ 293:10-293:29 VecScalar _c _b -> VecScalar _c Bool
956testdata/ 293:10-293:31 VecScalar c_ Bool 956testdata/ 293:10-293:31 VecScalar _c Bool
957testdata/ 293:28-293:29 g_ 957testdata/ 293:28-293:29 _g
958testdata/ 293:30-293:31 e_ 958testdata/ 293:30-293:31 _e
959testdata/ 294:3-294:5 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 959testdata/ 294:3-294:5 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
960testdata/ 294:10-294:30 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 960testdata/ 294:10-294:30 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
961testdata/ 294:10-294:32 VecScalar c_ b_ -> VecScalar c_ Bool 961testdata/ 294:10-294:32 VecScalar _c _b -> VecScalar _c Bool
962testdata/ 294:10-294:34 VecScalar c_ Bool 962testdata/ 294:10-294:34 VecScalar _c Bool
963testdata/ 294:31-294:32 g_ 963testdata/ 294:31-294:32 _g
964testdata/ 294:33-294:34 e_ 964testdata/ 294:33-294:34 _e
965testdata/ 295:3-295:4 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 965testdata/ 295:3-295:4 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
966testdata/ 295:9-295:24 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a -> a->d 966testdata/ 295:9-295:24 forall a (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, a ~ VecScalar b c, d ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a -> d
967testdata/ 295:9-295:26 VecScalar c_ b_ -> VecScalar c_ Bool 967testdata/ 295:9-295:26 VecScalar _c _b -> VecScalar _c Bool
968testdata/ 295:9-295:28 VecScalar c_ Bool 968testdata/ 295:9-295:28 VecScalar _c Bool
969testdata/ 295:25-295:26 g_ 969testdata/ 295:25-295:26 _g
970testdata/ 295:27-295:28 e_ 970testdata/ 295:27-295:28 _e
971testdata/ 298:3-298:5 Bool -> Bool->Bool 971testdata/ 298:3-298:5 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
972testdata/ 298:10-298:17 Bool -> Bool->Bool 972testdata/ 298:10-298:17 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
973testdata/ 298:10-298:19 Bool->Bool 973testdata/ 298:10-298:19 Bool -> Bool
974testdata/ 298:10-298:21 Bool 974testdata/ 298:10-298:21 Bool
975testdata/ 298:18-298:19 d_ 975testdata/ 298:18-298:19 _d
976testdata/ 298:20-298:21 b_ 976testdata/ 298:20-298:21 _b
977testdata/ 299:3-299:5 Bool -> Bool->Bool 977testdata/ 299:3-299:5 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
978testdata/ 299:10-299:16 Bool -> Bool->Bool 978testdata/ 299:10-299:16 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
979testdata/ 299:10-299:18 Bool->Bool 979testdata/ 299:10-299:18 Bool -> Bool
980testdata/ 299:10-299:20 Bool 980testdata/ 299:10-299:20 Bool
981testdata/ 299:17-299:18 d_ 981testdata/ 299:17-299:18 _d
982testdata/ 299:19-299:20 b_ 982testdata/ 299:19-299:20 _b
983testdata/ 300:1-300:4 Bool -> Bool->Bool 983testdata/ 300:1-300:4 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
984testdata/ 300:7-300:14 Bool -> Bool->Bool 984testdata/ 300:7-300:14 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
985testdata/ 301:1-301:4 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> VecScalar a Bool 985testdata/ 301:1-301:4 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> VecScalar a Bool
986testdata/ 301:9-301:16 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Bool} -> a->a 986testdata/ 301:9-301:16 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Bool) => a -> a
987testdata/ 301:9-301:18 VecScalar a_ Bool 987testdata/ 301:9-301:18 VecScalar _a Bool
988testdata/ 301:17-301:18 c_ 988testdata/ 301:17-301:18 _c
989testdata/ 302:1-302:4 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> Bool 989testdata/ 302:1-302:4 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> Bool
990testdata/ 302:9-302:16 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> Bool 990testdata/ 302:9-302:16 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> Bool
991testdata/ 302:9-302:18 Bool 991testdata/ 302:9-302:18 Bool
992testdata/ 302:17-302:18 c_ 992testdata/ 302:17-302:18 _c
993testdata/ 303:1-303:4 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> Bool 993testdata/ 303:1-303:4 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> Bool
994testdata/ 303:9-303:16 {a:Nat} -> VecScalar a Bool -> Bool 994testdata/ 303:9-303:16 forall (a :: Nat) . VecScalar a Bool -> Bool
995testdata/ 303:9-303:18 Bool 995testdata/ 303:9-303:18 Bool
996testdata/ 303:17-303:18 c_ 996testdata/ 303:17-303:18 _c
997testdata/ 306:3-306:6 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d:Nat} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c 997testdata/ 306:3-306:6 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c (d :: Nat) . Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c
998testdata/ 306:11-306:24 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d:Nat} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c 998testdata/ 306:11-306:24 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c (d :: Nat) . Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c
999testdata/ 306:11-306:26 Mat c_ a_ b_ -> Mat d_ a_ b_ 999testdata/ 306:11-306:26 Mat _c _a _b -> Mat _d _a _b
1000testdata/ 306:11-306:28 Mat d_ a_ b_ 1000testdata/ 306:11-306:28 Mat _d _a _b
1001testdata/ 306:25-306:26 h_ 1001testdata/ 306:25-306:26 _h
1002testdata/ 306:27-306:28 f_ 1002testdata/ 306:27-306:28 _f
1003testdata/ 307:3-307:5 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> VecS c b -> Vec a c 1003testdata/ 307:3-307:5 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> VecS c b -> Vec a c
1004testdata/ 307:10-307:23 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Vec b c -> Vec a c 1004testdata/ 307:10-307:23 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Vec b c -> Vec a c
1005testdata/ 307:10-307:25 Vec b_ a_ -> Vec c_ a_ 1005testdata/ 307:10-307:25 Vec _b _a -> Vec _c _a
1006testdata/ 307:10-307:27 Vec c_ a_ 1006testdata/ 307:10-307:27 Vec _c _a
1007testdata/ 307:24-307:25 g_ 1007testdata/ 307:24-307:25 _g
1008testdata/ 307:26-307:27 e_ 1008testdata/ 307:26-307:27 _e
1009testdata/ 308:3-308:5 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> VecS b a -> Mat a c b -> Vec c b 1009testdata/ 308:3-308:5 forall (a :: Nat) b (c :: Nat) . VecS b a -> Mat a c b -> Vec c b
1010testdata/ 308:10-308:23 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> Vec a b -> Mat a c b -> Vec c b 1010testdata/ 308:10-308:23 forall (a :: Nat) b (c :: Nat) . Vec a b -> Mat a c b -> Vec c b
1011testdata/ 308:10-308:25 Mat c_ a_ b_ -> Vec a_ b_ 1011testdata/ 308:10-308:25 Mat _c _a _b -> Vec _a _b
1012testdata/ 308:10-308:27 Vec a_ b_ 1012testdata/ 308:10-308:27 Vec _a _b
1013testdata/ 308:24-308:25 g_ 1013testdata/ 308:24-308:25 _g
1014testdata/ 308:26-308:27 e_ 1014testdata/ 308:26-308:27 _e
1015testdata/ 315:3-315:5 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> MatVecScalarElem a -> a 1015testdata/ 315:3-315:5 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> MatVecScalarElem a -> a
1016testdata/ 315:10-315:18 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : Num a} -> b -> a->b 1016testdata/ 315:10-315:18 forall a b . (a ~ MatVecScalarElem b, Num a) => b -> a -> b
1017testdata/ 315:10-315:20 MatVecScalarElem e_ -> e_ 1017testdata/ 315:10-315:20 MatVecScalarElem _e -> _e
1018testdata/ 315:10-315:22 d_ 1018testdata/ 315:10-315:22 _d
1019testdata/ 315:19-315:20 f_ 1019testdata/ 315:19-315:20 _f
1020testdata/ 315:21-315:22 c_ 1020testdata/ 315:21-315:22 _c
1021testdata/ 316:3-316:5 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> MatVecScalarElem a -> a 1021testdata/ 316:3-316:5 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> MatVecScalarElem a -> a
1022testdata/ 316:10-316:18 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : Num a} -> b -> a->b 1022testdata/ 316:10-316:18 forall a b . (a ~ MatVecScalarElem b, Num a) => b -> a -> b
1023testdata/ 316:10-316:20 MatVecScalarElem e_ -> e_ 1023testdata/ 316:10-316:20 MatVecScalarElem _e -> _e
1024testdata/ 316:10-316:22 d_ 1024testdata/ 316:10-316:22 _d
1025testdata/ 316:19-316:20 f_ 1025testdata/ 316:19-316:20 _f
1026testdata/ 316:21-316:22 c_ 1026testdata/ 316:21-316:22 _c
1027testdata/ 317:3-317:5 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> MatVecScalarElem a -> a 1027testdata/ 317:3-317:5 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> MatVecScalarElem a -> a
1028testdata/ 317:10-317:18 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : a ~ MatVecScalarElem b} -> {_ : Num a} -> b -> a->b 1028testdata/ 317:10-317:18 forall a b . (a ~ MatVecScalarElem b, Num a) => b -> a -> b
1029testdata/ 317:10-317:20 MatVecScalarElem e_ -> e_ 1029testdata/ 317:10-317:20 MatVecScalarElem _e -> _e
1030testdata/ 317:10-317:22 d_ 1030testdata/ 317:10-317:22 _d
1031testdata/ 317:19-317:20 f_ 1031testdata/ 317:19-317:20 _f
1032testdata/ 317:21-317:22 c_ 1032testdata/ 317:21-317:22 _c
1033testdata/ 318:3-318:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> a -> VecScalar b a 1033testdata/ 318:3-318:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> a -> VecScalar b a
1034testdata/ 318:10-318:18 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1034testdata/ 318:10-318:18 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1035testdata/ 318:10-318:20 c_ -> VecScalar b_ c_ 1035testdata/ 318:10-318:20 _c -> VecScalar _b _c
1036testdata/ 318:10-318:22 VecScalar b_ d_ 1036testdata/ 318:10-318:22 VecScalar _b _d
1037testdata/ 318:19-318:20 g_ 1037testdata/ 318:19-318:20 _g
1038testdata/ 318:21-318:22 e_ 1038testdata/ 318:21-318:22 _e
1039testdata/ 319:3-319:5 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> a -> VecScalar b a 1039testdata/ 319:3-319:5 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> a -> VecScalar b a
1040testdata/ 319:10-319:18 {a} -> {b} -> {c:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : b ~ VecScalar c a} -> b -> a->b 1040testdata/ 319:10-319:18 forall a b (c :: Nat) . (Num a, b ~ VecScalar c a) => b -> a -> b
1041testdata/ 319:10-319:20 c_ -> VecScalar b_ c_ 1041testdata/ 319:10-319:20 _c -> VecScalar _b _c
1042testdata/ 319:10-319:22 VecScalar b_ d_ 1042testdata/ 319:10-319:22 VecScalar _b _d
1043testdata/ 319:19-319:20 g_ 1043testdata/ 319:19-319:20 _g
1044testdata/ 319:21-319:22 e_ 1044testdata/ 319:21-319:22 _e
1045testdata/ 326:16-326:21 Type 1045testdata/ 326:16-326:21 Type
1046testdata/ 327:16-327:21 Type 1046testdata/ 327:16-327:21 Type
1047testdata/ 327:16-330:29 Type 1047testdata/ 327:16-330:29 Type
@@ -1049,12 +1049,12 @@ testdata/ 328:16-328:21 Type
1049testdata/ 328:16-330:29 Type 1049testdata/ 328:16-330:29 Type
1050testdata/ 329:16-329:21 Type 1050testdata/ 329:16-329:21 Type
1051testdata/ 329:16-330:29 Type 1051testdata/ 329:16-330:29 Type
1052testdata/ 330:16-330:19 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1052testdata/ 330:16-330:19 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1053testdata/ 330:16-330:21 Nat -> Type->Type 1053testdata/ 330:16-330:21 Nat -> Type -> Type
1054testdata/ 330:16-330:23 Type->Type 1054testdata/ 330:16-330:23 Type -> Type
1055testdata/ 330:16-330:29 Type 1055testdata/ 330:16-330:29 Type
1056testdata/ 330:20-330:21 b_ 1056testdata/ 330:20-330:21 _b
1057testdata/ 330:22-330:23 b_ 1057testdata/ 330:22-330:23 _b
1058testdata/ 330:24-330:29 Type 1058testdata/ 330:24-330:29 Type
1059testdata/ 331:1-331:12 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1059testdata/ 331:1-331:12 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1060testdata/ 332:5-332:9 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1060testdata/ 332:5-332:9 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
@@ -1063,49 +1063,49 @@ testdata/ 332:5-333:59 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1063testdata/ 332:5-334:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1063testdata/ 332:5-334:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1064testdata/ 332:5-335:59 Mat 4 4 Float 1064testdata/ 332:5-335:59 Mat 4 4 Float
1065testdata/ 332:5-340:11 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1065testdata/ 332:5-340:11 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1066testdata/ 332:11-332:13 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1066testdata/ 332:11-332:13 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1067testdata/ 332:11-332:25 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1067testdata/ 332:11-332:25 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1068testdata/ 332:11-332:29 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1068testdata/ 332:11-332:29 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1069testdata/ 332:11-332:43 Float -> VecS Float 4 1069testdata/ 332:11-332:43 Float -> VecS Float 4
1070testdata/ 332:11-332:58 VecS Float 4 1070testdata/ 332:11-332:58 VecS Float 4
1071testdata/ 332:15-332:16 b_ 1071testdata/ 332:15-332:16 _b
1072testdata/ 332:15-332:17 c_->c_ 1072testdata/ 332:15-332:17 _c -> _c
1073testdata/ 332:15-332:18 VecScalar 1 Float 1073testdata/ 332:15-332:18 VecScalar 1 Float
1074testdata/ 332:15-332:19 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1074testdata/ 332:15-332:19 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1075testdata/ 332:15-332:24 VecScalar 1 Float 1075testdata/ 332:15-332:24 VecScalar 1 Float
1076testdata/ 332:16-332:17 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1076testdata/ 332:16-332:17 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1077testdata/ 332:17-332:18 Float 1077testdata/ 332:17-332:18 Float
1078testdata/ 332:18-332:19 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1078testdata/ 332:18-332:19 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1079testdata/ 332:20-332:21 Float 1079testdata/ 332:20-332:21 Float
1080testdata/ 332:20-332:22 Float->Float 1080testdata/ 332:20-332:22 Float -> Float
1081testdata/ 332:20-332:23 Float 1081testdata/ 332:20-332:23 Float
1082testdata/ 332:21-332:22 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1082testdata/ 332:21-332:22 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1083testdata/ 332:22-332:23 Float 1083testdata/ 332:22-332:23 Float
1084testdata/ 332:28-332:29 b_ 1084testdata/ 332:28-332:29 _b
1085testdata/ 332:42-332:43 b_ 1085testdata/ 332:42-332:43 _b
1086testdata/ 332:57-332:58 b_ 1086testdata/ 332:57-332:58 _b
1087testdata/ 333:11-333:13 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1087testdata/ 333:11-333:13 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1088testdata/ 333:11-333:15 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1088testdata/ 333:11-333:15 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1089testdata/ 333:11-333:39 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1089testdata/ 333:11-333:39 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1090testdata/ 333:11-333:43 Float -> VecS Float 4 1090testdata/ 333:11-333:43 Float -> VecS Float 4
1091testdata/ 333:11-333:58 VecS Float 4 1091testdata/ 333:11-333:58 VecS Float 4
1092testdata/ 333:14-333:15 b_ 1092testdata/ 333:14-333:15 _b
1093testdata/ 333:29-333:30 b_ 1093testdata/ 333:29-333:30 _b
1094testdata/ 333:29-333:31 c_->c_ 1094testdata/ 333:29-333:31 _c -> _c
1095testdata/ 333:29-333:32 VecScalar 1 Float 1095testdata/ 333:29-333:32 VecScalar 1 Float
1096testdata/ 333:29-333:33 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1096testdata/ 333:29-333:33 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1097testdata/ 333:29-333:38 VecScalar 1 Float 1097testdata/ 333:29-333:38 VecScalar 1 Float
1098testdata/ 333:30-333:31 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1098testdata/ 333:30-333:31 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1099testdata/ 333:31-333:32 Float 1099testdata/ 333:31-333:32 Float
1100testdata/ 333:32-333:33 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1100testdata/ 333:32-333:33 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1101testdata/ 333:34-333:35 Float 1101testdata/ 333:34-333:35 Float
1102testdata/ 333:34-333:36 Float->Float 1102testdata/ 333:34-333:36 Float -> Float
1103testdata/ 333:34-333:37 Float 1103testdata/ 333:34-333:37 Float
1104testdata/ 333:35-333:36 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1104testdata/ 333:35-333:36 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1105testdata/ 333:36-333:37 Float 1105testdata/ 333:36-333:37 Float
1106testdata/ 333:42-333:43 b_ 1106testdata/ 333:42-333:43 _b
1107testdata/ 333:57-333:58 b_ 1107testdata/ 333:57-333:58 _b
1108testdata/ 334:11-334:13 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1108testdata/ 334:11-334:13 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1109testdata/ 334:11-334:27 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1109testdata/ 334:11-334:27 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1110testdata/ 334:11-334:41 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1110testdata/ 334:11-334:41 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1111testdata/ 334:11-334:56 Float -> VecS Float 4 1111testdata/ 334:11-334:56 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -1113,94 +1113,94 @@ testdata/ 334:11-334:61 VecS Float 4
1113testdata/ 334:15-334:21 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1113testdata/ 334:15-334:21 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1114testdata/ 334:15-334:26 VecScalar 1 Float 1114testdata/ 334:15-334:26 VecScalar 1 Float
1115testdata/ 334:16-334:17 Float 1115testdata/ 334:16-334:17 Float
1116testdata/ 334:16-334:18 Float->Float 1116testdata/ 334:16-334:18 Float -> Float
1117testdata/ 334:16-334:19 Float 1117testdata/ 334:16-334:19 Float
1118testdata/ 334:17-334:18 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1118testdata/ 334:17-334:18 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1119testdata/ 334:18-334:19 Float 1119testdata/ 334:18-334:19 Float
1120testdata/ 334:20-334:21 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1120testdata/ 334:20-334:21 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1121testdata/ 334:22-334:23 Float 1121testdata/ 334:22-334:23 Float
1122testdata/ 334:22-334:24 Float->Float 1122testdata/ 334:22-334:24 Float -> Float
1123testdata/ 334:22-334:25 Float 1123testdata/ 334:22-334:25 Float
1124testdata/ 334:23-334:24 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1124testdata/ 334:23-334:24 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1125testdata/ 334:24-334:25 Float 1125testdata/ 334:24-334:25 Float
1126testdata/ 334:29-334:35 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1126testdata/ 334:29-334:35 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1127testdata/ 334:29-334:40 VecScalar 1 Float 1127testdata/ 334:29-334:40 VecScalar 1 Float
1128testdata/ 334:30-334:31 Float 1128testdata/ 334:30-334:31 Float
1129testdata/ 334:30-334:32 Float->Float 1129testdata/ 334:30-334:32 Float -> Float
1130testdata/ 334:30-334:33 Float 1130testdata/ 334:30-334:33 Float
1131testdata/ 334:31-334:32 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1131testdata/ 334:31-334:32 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1132testdata/ 334:32-334:33 Float 1132testdata/ 334:32-334:33 Float
1133testdata/ 334:34-334:35 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1133testdata/ 334:34-334:35 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1134testdata/ 334:36-334:37 Float 1134testdata/ 334:36-334:37 Float
1135testdata/ 334:36-334:38 Float->Float 1135testdata/ 334:36-334:38 Float -> Float
1136testdata/ 334:36-334:39 Float 1136testdata/ 334:36-334:39 Float
1137testdata/ 334:37-334:38 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1137testdata/ 334:37-334:38 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1138testdata/ 334:38-334:39 Float 1138testdata/ 334:38-334:39 Float
1139testdata/ 334:43-334:44 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1139testdata/ 334:43-334:44 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1140testdata/ 334:43-334:55 Float 1140testdata/ 334:43-334:55 Float
1141testdata/ 334:44-334:50 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1141testdata/ 334:44-334:50 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1142testdata/ 334:44-334:55 VecScalar 1 Float 1142testdata/ 334:44-334:55 VecScalar 1 Float
1143testdata/ 334:45-334:46 Float 1143testdata/ 334:45-334:46 Float
1144testdata/ 334:45-334:47 Float->Float 1144testdata/ 334:45-334:47 Float -> Float
1145testdata/ 334:45-334:48 Float 1145testdata/ 334:45-334:48 Float
1146testdata/ 334:46-334:47 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1146testdata/ 334:46-334:47 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1147testdata/ 334:47-334:48 Float 1147testdata/ 334:47-334:48 Float
1148testdata/ 334:49-334:50 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1148testdata/ 334:49-334:50 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1149testdata/ 334:51-334:52 Float 1149testdata/ 334:51-334:52 Float
1150testdata/ 334:51-334:53 Float->Float 1150testdata/ 334:51-334:53 Float -> Float
1151testdata/ 334:51-334:54 Float 1151testdata/ 334:51-334:54 Float
1152testdata/ 334:52-334:53 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1152testdata/ 334:52-334:53 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1153testdata/ 334:53-334:54 Float 1153testdata/ 334:53-334:54 Float
1154testdata/ 334:58-334:59 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1154testdata/ 334:58-334:59 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1155testdata/ 334:58-334:60 Float 1155testdata/ 334:58-334:60 Float
1156testdata/ 334:59-334:60 b_ 1156testdata/ 334:59-334:60 _b
1157testdata/ 335:11-335:13 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1157testdata/ 335:11-335:13 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1158testdata/ 335:11-335:15 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1158testdata/ 335:11-335:15 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1159testdata/ 335:11-335:29 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1159testdata/ 335:11-335:29 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1160testdata/ 335:11-335:56 Float -> VecS Float 4 1160testdata/ 335:11-335:56 Float -> VecS Float 4
1161testdata/ 335:11-335:58 VecS Float 4 1161testdata/ 335:11-335:58 VecS Float 4
1162testdata/ 335:14-335:15 b_ 1162testdata/ 335:14-335:15 _b
1163testdata/ 335:28-335:29 b_ 1163testdata/ 335:28-335:29 _b
1164testdata/ 335:43-335:44 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1164testdata/ 335:43-335:44 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1165testdata/ 335:43-335:55 Float 1165testdata/ 335:43-335:55 Float
1166testdata/ 335:44-335:45 b_ 1166testdata/ 335:44-335:45 _b
1167testdata/ 335:44-335:46 c_->c_ 1167testdata/ 335:44-335:46 _c -> _c
1168testdata/ 335:44-335:47 Float 1168testdata/ 335:44-335:47 Float
1169testdata/ 335:44-335:48 Float->Float 1169testdata/ 335:44-335:48 Float -> Float
1170testdata/ 335:44-335:49 Float 1170testdata/ 335:44-335:49 Float
1171testdata/ 335:44-335:50 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1171testdata/ 335:44-335:50 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1172testdata/ 335:44-335:55 VecScalar 1 Float 1172testdata/ 335:44-335:55 VecScalar 1 Float
1173testdata/ 335:45-335:46 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1173testdata/ 335:45-335:46 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1174testdata/ 335:46-335:47 Float 1174testdata/ 335:46-335:47 Float
1175testdata/ 335:47-335:48 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1175testdata/ 335:47-335:48 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1176testdata/ 335:48-335:49 Float 1176testdata/ 335:48-335:49 Float
1177testdata/ 335:49-335:50 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1177testdata/ 335:49-335:50 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1178testdata/ 335:51-335:52 Float 1178testdata/ 335:51-335:52 Float
1179testdata/ 335:51-335:53 Float->Float 1179testdata/ 335:51-335:53 Float -> Float
1180testdata/ 335:51-335:54 Float 1180testdata/ 335:51-335:54 Float
1181testdata/ 335:52-335:53 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1181testdata/ 335:52-335:53 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1182testdata/ 335:53-335:54 Float 1182testdata/ 335:53-335:54 Float
1183testdata/ 335:57-335:58 b_ 1183testdata/ 335:57-335:58 _b
1184testdata/ 337:9-337:10 Float 1184testdata/ 337:9-337:10 Float
1185testdata/ 337:9-337:11 Float->Float 1185testdata/ 337:9-337:11 Float -> Float
1186testdata/ 337:9-337:22 Float 1186testdata/ 337:9-337:22 Float
1187testdata/ 337:10-337:11 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1187testdata/ 337:10-337:11 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1188testdata/ 337:11-337:14 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1188testdata/ 337:11-337:14 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1189testdata/ 337:11-337:22 VecScalar 1 Float 1189testdata/ 337:11-337:22 VecScalar 1 Float
1190testdata/ 337:15-337:19 Float 1190testdata/ 337:15-337:19 Float
1191testdata/ 337:15-337:20 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 1191testdata/ 337:15-337:20 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
1192testdata/ 337:15-337:21 VecScalar 1 Float 1192testdata/ 337:15-337:21 VecScalar 1 Float
1193testdata/ 337:19-337:20 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 1193testdata/ 337:19-337:20 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
1194testdata/ 337:20-337:21 b_ 1194testdata/ 337:20-337:21 _b
1195testdata/ 338:9-338:10 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1195testdata/ 338:9-338:10 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1196testdata/ 338:9-338:11 Float 1196testdata/ 338:9-338:11 Float
1197testdata/ 338:10-338:11 Float 1197testdata/ 338:10-338:11 Float
1198testdata/ 339:9-339:15 Float 1198testdata/ 339:9-339:15 Float
1199testdata/ 339:9-339:16 Float->Float 1199testdata/ 339:9-339:16 Float -> Float
1200testdata/ 339:9-339:17 Float 1200testdata/ 339:9-339:17 Float
1201testdata/ 339:15-339:16 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1201testdata/ 339:15-339:16 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1202testdata/ 339:16-339:17 Float 1202testdata/ 339:16-339:17 Float
1203testdata/ 340:9-340:10 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1203testdata/ 340:9-340:10 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1204testdata/ 340:9-340:11 Float 1204testdata/ 340:9-340:11 Float
1205testdata/ 340:10-340:11 Float 1205testdata/ 340:10-340:11 Float
1206testdata/ 342:1-342:11 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1206testdata/ 342:1-342:11 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
@@ -1209,177 +1209,177 @@ testdata/ 342:16-342:33 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float ->
1209testdata/ 342:16-342:49 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1209testdata/ 342:16-342:49 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1210testdata/ 342:16-342:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1210testdata/ 342:16-342:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1211testdata/ 342:16-342:75 Mat 4 4 Float 1211testdata/ 342:16-342:75 Mat 4 4 Float
1212testdata/ 342:22-342:24 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1212testdata/ 342:22-342:24 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1213testdata/ 342:22-342:26 VecScalar c_ Float -> VecScalar c_ Float -> VecScalar c_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar c_ Float) 4 1213testdata/ 342:22-342:26 VecScalar _c Float -> VecScalar _c Float -> VecScalar _c Float -> VecS (VecScalar _c Float) 4
1214testdata/ 342:22-342:28 VecScalar c_ Float -> VecScalar c_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar c_ Float) 4 1214testdata/ 342:22-342:28 VecScalar _c Float -> VecScalar _c Float -> VecS (VecScalar _c Float) 4
1215testdata/ 342:22-342:30 VecScalar d_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar d_ Float) 4 1215testdata/ 342:22-342:30 VecScalar _d Float -> VecS (VecScalar _d Float) 4
1216testdata/ 342:22-342:32 VecS (VecScalar 1 Float) 4 1216testdata/ 342:22-342:32 VecS (VecScalar 1 Float) 4
1217testdata/ 342:25-342:26 VecScalar d_ Float 1217testdata/ 342:25-342:26 VecScalar _d Float
1218testdata/ 342:27-342:28 VecScalar c_ Float 1218testdata/ 342:27-342:28 VecScalar _c Float
1219testdata/ 342:29-342:30 b_ 1219testdata/ 342:29-342:30 _b
1220testdata/ 342:31-342:32 b_ 1220testdata/ 342:31-342:32 _b
1221testdata/ 342:35-342:37 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1221testdata/ 342:35-342:37 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1222testdata/ 342:35-342:42 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1222testdata/ 342:35-342:42 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1223testdata/ 342:35-342:44 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1223testdata/ 342:35-342:44 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1224testdata/ 342:35-342:46 Float -> VecS Float 4 1224testdata/ 342:35-342:46 Float -> VecS Float 4
1225testdata/ 342:35-342:48 VecS Float 4 1225testdata/ 342:35-342:48 VecS Float 4
1226testdata/ 342:39-342:40 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1226testdata/ 342:39-342:40 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1227testdata/ 342:39-342:41 Float 1227testdata/ 342:39-342:41 Float
1228testdata/ 342:40-342:41 VecScalar 1 Float 1228testdata/ 342:40-342:41 VecScalar 1 Float
1229testdata/ 342:43-342:44 VecScalar 1 Float 1229testdata/ 342:43-342:44 VecScalar 1 Float
1230testdata/ 342:45-342:46 b_ 1230testdata/ 342:45-342:46 _b
1231testdata/ 342:47-342:48 b_ 1231testdata/ 342:47-342:48 _b
1232testdata/ 342:51-342:53 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1232testdata/ 342:51-342:53 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1233testdata/ 342:51-342:55 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1233testdata/ 342:51-342:55 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1234testdata/ 342:51-342:57 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1234testdata/ 342:51-342:57 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1235testdata/ 342:51-342:59 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1235testdata/ 342:51-342:59 _c -> VecS _c 4
1236testdata/ 342:51-342:61 VecS Float 4 1236testdata/ 342:51-342:61 VecS Float 4
1237testdata/ 342:54-342:55 b_ 1237testdata/ 342:54-342:55 _b
1238testdata/ 342:56-342:57 b_ 1238testdata/ 342:56-342:57 _b
1239testdata/ 342:58-342:59 b_ 1239testdata/ 342:58-342:59 _b
1240testdata/ 342:60-342:61 b_ 1240testdata/ 342:60-342:61 _b
1241testdata/ 342:64-342:66 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1241testdata/ 342:64-342:66 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1242testdata/ 342:64-342:68 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1242testdata/ 342:64-342:68 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1243testdata/ 342:64-342:70 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1243testdata/ 342:64-342:70 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1244testdata/ 342:64-342:72 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1244testdata/ 342:64-342:72 _c -> VecS _c 4
1245testdata/ 342:64-342:74 VecS Float 4 1245testdata/ 342:64-342:74 VecS Float 4
1246testdata/ 342:67-342:68 b_ 1246testdata/ 342:67-342:68 _b
1247testdata/ 342:69-342:70 b_ 1247testdata/ 342:69-342:70 _b
1248testdata/ 342:71-342:72 b_ 1248testdata/ 342:71-342:72 _b
1249testdata/ 342:73-342:74 b_ 1249testdata/ 342:73-342:74 _b
1250testdata/ 344:9-344:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1250testdata/ 344:9-344:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1251testdata/ 344:9-344:14 VecScalar a_ Float 1251testdata/ 344:9-344:14 VecScalar _a Float
1252testdata/ 344:13-344:14 c_ 1252testdata/ 344:13-344:14 _c
1253testdata/ 345:9-345:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1253testdata/ 345:9-345:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1254testdata/ 345:9-345:14 VecScalar b_ Float 1254testdata/ 345:9-345:14 VecScalar _b Float
1255testdata/ 345:13-345:14 VecScalar c_ Float 1255testdata/ 345:13-345:14 VecScalar _c Float
1256testdata/ 347:1-347:11 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1256testdata/ 347:1-347:11 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1257testdata/ 347:16-347:20 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1257testdata/ 347:16-347:20 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1258testdata/ 347:16-347:36 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1258testdata/ 347:16-347:36 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1259testdata/ 347:16-347:49 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1259testdata/ 347:16-347:49 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1260testdata/ 347:16-347:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1260testdata/ 347:16-347:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1261testdata/ 347:16-347:75 Mat 4 4 Float 1261testdata/ 347:16-347:75 Mat 4 4 Float
1262testdata/ 347:22-347:24 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1262testdata/ 347:22-347:24 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1263testdata/ 347:22-347:26 VecScalar c_ Float -> VecScalar c_ Float -> VecScalar c_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar c_ Float) 4 1263testdata/ 347:22-347:26 VecScalar _c Float -> VecScalar _c Float -> VecScalar _c Float -> VecS (VecScalar _c Float) 4
1264testdata/ 347:22-347:28 VecScalar d_ Float -> VecScalar d_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar d_ Float) 4 1264testdata/ 347:22-347:28 VecScalar _d Float -> VecScalar _d Float -> VecS (VecScalar _d Float) 4
1265testdata/ 347:22-347:33 VecScalar f_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar f_ Float) 4 1265testdata/ 347:22-347:33 VecScalar _f Float -> VecS (VecScalar _f Float) 4
1266testdata/ 347:22-347:35 VecS (VecScalar 1 Float) 4 1266testdata/ 347:22-347:35 VecS (VecScalar 1 Float) 4
1267testdata/ 347:25-347:26 VecScalar d_ Float 1267testdata/ 347:25-347:26 VecScalar _d Float
1268testdata/ 347:27-347:28 b_ 1268testdata/ 347:27-347:28 _b
1269testdata/ 347:30-347:31 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1269testdata/ 347:30-347:31 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1270testdata/ 347:30-347:32 VecScalar f_ Float 1270testdata/ 347:30-347:32 VecScalar _f Float
1271testdata/ 347:31-347:32 VecScalar f_ Float 1271testdata/ 347:31-347:32 VecScalar _f Float
1272testdata/ 347:34-347:35 b_ 1272testdata/ 347:34-347:35 _b
1273testdata/ 347:38-347:40 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1273testdata/ 347:38-347:40 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1274testdata/ 347:38-347:42 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1274testdata/ 347:38-347:42 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1275testdata/ 347:38-347:44 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1275testdata/ 347:38-347:44 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1276testdata/ 347:38-347:46 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1276testdata/ 347:38-347:46 _c -> VecS _c 4
1277testdata/ 347:38-347:48 VecS Float 4 1277testdata/ 347:38-347:48 VecS Float 4
1278testdata/ 347:41-347:42 b_ 1278testdata/ 347:41-347:42 _b
1279testdata/ 347:43-347:44 b_ 1279testdata/ 347:43-347:44 _b
1280testdata/ 347:45-347:46 b_ 1280testdata/ 347:45-347:46 _b
1281testdata/ 347:47-347:48 b_ 1281testdata/ 347:47-347:48 _b
1282testdata/ 347:51-347:53 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1282testdata/ 347:51-347:53 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1283testdata/ 347:51-347:55 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1283testdata/ 347:51-347:55 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1284testdata/ 347:51-347:57 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1284testdata/ 347:51-347:57 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1285testdata/ 347:51-347:59 Float -> VecS Float 4 1285testdata/ 347:51-347:59 Float -> VecS Float 4
1286testdata/ 347:51-347:61 VecS Float 4 1286testdata/ 347:51-347:61 VecS Float 4
1287testdata/ 347:54-347:55 VecScalar 1 Float 1287testdata/ 347:54-347:55 VecScalar 1 Float
1288testdata/ 347:56-347:57 b_ 1288testdata/ 347:56-347:57 _b
1289testdata/ 347:58-347:59 VecScalar 1 Float 1289testdata/ 347:58-347:59 VecScalar 1 Float
1290testdata/ 347:60-347:61 b_ 1290testdata/ 347:60-347:61 _b
1291testdata/ 347:64-347:66 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1291testdata/ 347:64-347:66 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1292testdata/ 347:64-347:68 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1292testdata/ 347:64-347:68 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1293testdata/ 347:64-347:70 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1293testdata/ 347:64-347:70 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1294testdata/ 347:64-347:72 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1294testdata/ 347:64-347:72 _c -> VecS _c 4
1295testdata/ 347:64-347:74 VecS Float 4 1295testdata/ 347:64-347:74 VecS Float 4
1296testdata/ 347:67-347:68 b_ 1296testdata/ 347:67-347:68 _b
1297testdata/ 347:69-347:70 b_ 1297testdata/ 347:69-347:70 _b
1298testdata/ 347:71-347:72 b_ 1298testdata/ 347:71-347:72 _b
1299testdata/ 347:73-347:74 b_ 1299testdata/ 347:73-347:74 _b
1300testdata/ 349:9-349:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1300testdata/ 349:9-349:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1301testdata/ 349:9-349:14 VecScalar a_ Float 1301testdata/ 349:9-349:14 VecScalar _a Float
1302testdata/ 349:13-349:14 c_ 1302testdata/ 349:13-349:14 _c
1303testdata/ 350:9-350:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1303testdata/ 350:9-350:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1304testdata/ 350:9-350:14 VecScalar b_ Float 1304testdata/ 350:9-350:14 VecScalar _b Float
1305testdata/ 350:13-350:14 VecScalar c_ Float 1305testdata/ 350:13-350:14 VecScalar _c Float
1306testdata/ 352:1-352:11 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1306testdata/ 352:1-352:11 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1307testdata/ 352:16-352:20 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1307testdata/ 352:16-352:20 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1308testdata/ 352:16-352:33 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1308testdata/ 352:16-352:33 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1309testdata/ 352:16-352:46 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1309testdata/ 352:16-352:46 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1310testdata/ 352:16-352:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1310testdata/ 352:16-352:62 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1311testdata/ 352:16-352:75 Mat 4 4 Float 1311testdata/ 352:16-352:75 Mat 4 4 Float
1312testdata/ 352:22-352:24 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1312testdata/ 352:22-352:24 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1313testdata/ 352:22-352:26 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1313testdata/ 352:22-352:26 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1314testdata/ 352:22-352:28 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1314testdata/ 352:22-352:28 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1315testdata/ 352:22-352:30 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1315testdata/ 352:22-352:30 _c -> VecS _c 4
1316testdata/ 352:22-352:32 VecS Float 4 1316testdata/ 352:22-352:32 VecS Float 4
1317testdata/ 352:25-352:26 b_ 1317testdata/ 352:25-352:26 _b
1318testdata/ 352:27-352:28 b_ 1318testdata/ 352:27-352:28 _b
1319testdata/ 352:29-352:30 b_ 1319testdata/ 352:29-352:30 _b
1320testdata/ 352:31-352:32 b_ 1320testdata/ 352:31-352:32 _b
1321testdata/ 352:35-352:37 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1321testdata/ 352:35-352:37 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1322testdata/ 352:35-352:39 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1322testdata/ 352:35-352:39 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1323testdata/ 352:35-352:41 VecScalar d_ Float -> VecScalar d_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar d_ Float) 4 1323testdata/ 352:35-352:41 VecScalar _d Float -> VecScalar _d Float -> VecS (VecScalar _d Float) 4
1324testdata/ 352:35-352:43 VecScalar d_ Float -> VecS (VecScalar d_ Float) 4 1324testdata/ 352:35-352:43 VecScalar _d Float -> VecS (VecScalar _d Float) 4
1325testdata/ 352:35-352:45 VecS (VecScalar 1 Float) 4 1325testdata/ 352:35-352:45 VecS (VecScalar 1 Float) 4
1326testdata/ 352:38-352:39 b_ 1326testdata/ 352:38-352:39 _b
1327testdata/ 352:40-352:41 VecScalar e_ Float 1327testdata/ 352:40-352:41 VecScalar _e Float
1328testdata/ 352:42-352:43 VecScalar d_ Float 1328testdata/ 352:42-352:43 VecScalar _d Float
1329testdata/ 352:44-352:45 b_ 1329testdata/ 352:44-352:45 _b
1330testdata/ 352:48-352:50 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1330testdata/ 352:48-352:50 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1331testdata/ 352:48-352:52 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1331testdata/ 352:48-352:52 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1332testdata/ 352:48-352:57 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1332testdata/ 352:48-352:57 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1333testdata/ 352:48-352:59 Float -> VecS Float 4 1333testdata/ 352:48-352:59 Float -> VecS Float 4
1334testdata/ 352:48-352:61 VecS Float 4 1334testdata/ 352:48-352:61 VecS Float 4
1335testdata/ 352:51-352:52 b_ 1335testdata/ 352:51-352:52 _b
1336testdata/ 352:54-352:55 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1336testdata/ 352:54-352:55 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1337testdata/ 352:54-352:56 Float 1337testdata/ 352:54-352:56 Float
1338testdata/ 352:55-352:56 VecScalar 1 Float 1338testdata/ 352:55-352:56 VecScalar 1 Float
1339testdata/ 352:58-352:59 VecScalar 1 Float 1339testdata/ 352:58-352:59 VecScalar 1 Float
1340testdata/ 352:60-352:61 b_ 1340testdata/ 352:60-352:61 _b
1341testdata/ 352:64-352:66 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1341testdata/ 352:64-352:66 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1342testdata/ 352:64-352:68 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1342testdata/ 352:64-352:68 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1343testdata/ 352:64-352:70 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1343testdata/ 352:64-352:70 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1344testdata/ 352:64-352:72 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1344testdata/ 352:64-352:72 _c -> VecS _c 4
1345testdata/ 352:64-352:74 VecS Float 4 1345testdata/ 352:64-352:74 VecS Float 4
1346testdata/ 352:67-352:68 b_ 1346testdata/ 352:67-352:68 _b
1347testdata/ 352:69-352:70 b_ 1347testdata/ 352:69-352:70 _b
1348testdata/ 352:71-352:72 b_ 1348testdata/ 352:71-352:72 _b
1349testdata/ 352:73-352:74 b_ 1349testdata/ 352:73-352:74 _b
1350testdata/ 354:9-354:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1350testdata/ 354:9-354:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1351testdata/ 354:9-354:14 VecScalar a_ Float 1351testdata/ 354:9-354:14 VecScalar _a Float
1352testdata/ 354:13-354:14 c_ 1352testdata/ 354:13-354:14 _c
1353testdata/ 355:9-355:12 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1353testdata/ 355:9-355:12 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1354testdata/ 355:9-355:14 VecScalar b_ Float 1354testdata/ 355:9-355:14 VecScalar _b Float
1355testdata/ 355:13-355:14 VecScalar c_ Float 1355testdata/ 355:13-355:14 VecScalar _c Float
1356testdata/ 357:1-357:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1356testdata/ 357:1-357:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1357testdata/ 357:23-357:33 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1357testdata/ 357:23-357:33 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1358testdata/ 357:23-357:35 Mat 4 4 Float 1358testdata/ 357:23-357:35 Mat 4 4 Float
1359testdata/ 357:23-357:39 Mat 4 a_ Float -> Mat 4 a_ Float 1359testdata/ 357:23-357:39 Mat 4 _a Float -> Mat 4 _a Float
1360testdata/ 357:23-357:52 Mat 4 4 Float 1360testdata/ 357:23-357:52 Mat 4 4 Float
1361testdata/ 357:23-357:56 Mat 4 a_ Float -> Mat 4 a_ Float 1361testdata/ 357:23-357:56 Mat 4 _a Float -> Mat 4 _a Float
1362testdata/ 357:23-357:69 Mat 4 4 Float 1362testdata/ 357:23-357:69 Mat 4 4 Float
1363testdata/ 357:34-357:35 k_ 1363testdata/ 357:34-357:35 _k
1364testdata/ 357:36-357:39 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d:Nat} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c 1364testdata/ 357:36-357:39 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c (d :: Nat) . Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c
1365testdata/ 357:40-357:50 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1365testdata/ 357:40-357:50 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1366testdata/ 357:40-357:52 Mat 4 4 Float 1366testdata/ 357:40-357:52 Mat 4 4 Float
1367testdata/ 357:51-357:52 e_ 1367testdata/ 357:51-357:52 _e
1368testdata/ 357:53-357:56 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d:Nat} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c 1368testdata/ 357:53-357:56 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c (d :: Nat) . Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c
1369testdata/ 357:57-357:67 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1369testdata/ 357:57-357:67 VecScalar 1 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1370testdata/ 357:57-357:69 Mat 4 4 Float 1370testdata/ 357:57-357:69 Mat 4 4 Float
1371testdata/ 357:68-357:69 b_ 1371testdata/ 357:68-357:69 _b
1372testdata/ 359:21-359:24 Nat -> Type->Type 1372testdata/ 359:21-359:24 Nat -> Type -> Type
1373testdata/ 359:21-359:26 Type->Type 1373testdata/ 359:21-359:26 Type -> Type
1374testdata/ 359:21-359:32 Type 1374testdata/ 359:21-359:32 Type
1375testdata/ 359:25-359:26 b_ 1375testdata/ 359:25-359:26 _b
1376testdata/ 359:27-359:32 Type 1376testdata/ 359:27-359:32 Type
1377testdata/ 359:36-359:39 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1377testdata/ 359:36-359:39 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1378testdata/ 359:36-359:41 Nat -> Type->Type 1378testdata/ 359:36-359:41 Nat -> Type -> Type
1379testdata/ 359:36-359:43 Type->Type 1379testdata/ 359:36-359:43 Type -> Type
1380testdata/ 359:36-359:49 Type 1380testdata/ 359:36-359:49 Type
1381testdata/ 359:40-359:41 b_ 1381testdata/ 359:40-359:41 _b
1382testdata/ 359:42-359:43 b_ 1382testdata/ 359:42-359:43 _b
1383testdata/ 359:44-359:49 Type 1383testdata/ 359:44-359:49 Type
1384testdata/ 360:1-360:17 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1384testdata/ 360:1-360:17 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1385testdata/ 360:22-360:26 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1385testdata/ 360:22-360:26 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
@@ -1388,38 +1388,38 @@ testdata/ 360:22-360:32 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1388testdata/ 360:22-360:35 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1388testdata/ 360:22-360:35 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1389testdata/ 360:22-360:38 Mat 4 4 Float 1389testdata/ 360:22-360:38 Mat 4 4 Float
1390testdata/ 360:22-365:25 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1390testdata/ 360:22-365:25 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1391testdata/ 360:27-360:29 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecS a 4 1391testdata/ 360:27-360:29 forall a . Num a => VecS a 4
1392testdata/ 360:30-360:32 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecS a 4 1392testdata/ 360:30-360:32 forall a . Num a => VecS a 4
1393testdata/ 360:33-360:35 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecS a 4 1393testdata/ 360:33-360:35 forall a . Num a => VecS a 4
1394testdata/ 360:36-360:38 VecS Float 4 1394testdata/ 360:36-360:38 VecS Float 4
1395testdata/ 362:9-362:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1395testdata/ 362:9-362:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1396testdata/ 362:9-362:13 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1396testdata/ 362:9-362:13 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1397testdata/ 362:9-362:15 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1397testdata/ 362:9-362:15 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1398testdata/ 362:9-362:17 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1398testdata/ 362:9-362:17 _c -> VecS _c 4
1399testdata/ 362:9-362:19 VecS c_ 4 1399testdata/ 362:9-362:19 VecS _c 4
1400testdata/ 362:12-362:13 b_ 1400testdata/ 362:12-362:13 _b
1401testdata/ 362:14-362:15 b_ 1401testdata/ 362:14-362:15 _b
1402testdata/ 362:16-362:17 b_ 1402testdata/ 362:16-362:17 _b
1403testdata/ 362:18-362:19 b_ 1403testdata/ 362:18-362:19 _b
1404testdata/ 363:9-363:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1404testdata/ 363:9-363:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1405testdata/ 363:9-363:13 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1405testdata/ 363:9-363:13 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1406testdata/ 363:9-363:15 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1406testdata/ 363:9-363:15 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1407testdata/ 363:9-363:17 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1407testdata/ 363:9-363:17 _c -> VecS _c 4
1408testdata/ 363:9-363:19 VecS c_ 4 1408testdata/ 363:9-363:19 VecS _c 4
1409testdata/ 363:12-363:13 b_ 1409testdata/ 363:12-363:13 _b
1410testdata/ 363:14-363:15 b_ 1410testdata/ 363:14-363:15 _b
1411testdata/ 363:16-363:17 b_ 1411testdata/ 363:16-363:17 _b
1412testdata/ 363:18-363:19 b_ 1412testdata/ 363:18-363:19 _b
1413testdata/ 364:9-364:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1413testdata/ 364:9-364:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1414testdata/ 364:9-364:13 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1414testdata/ 364:9-364:13 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1415testdata/ 364:9-364:15 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1415testdata/ 364:9-364:15 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1416testdata/ 364:9-364:17 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1416testdata/ 364:9-364:17 _c -> VecS _c 4
1417testdata/ 364:9-364:19 VecS c_ 4 1417testdata/ 364:9-364:19 VecS _c 4
1418testdata/ 364:12-364:13 b_ 1418testdata/ 364:12-364:13 _b
1419testdata/ 364:14-364:15 b_ 1419testdata/ 364:14-364:15 _b
1420testdata/ 364:16-364:17 b_ 1420testdata/ 364:16-364:17 _b
1421testdata/ 364:18-364:19 b_ 1421testdata/ 364:18-364:19 _b
1422testdata/ 365:9-365:11 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1422testdata/ 365:9-365:11 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1423testdata/ 365:9-365:15 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1423testdata/ 365:9-365:15 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1424testdata/ 365:9-365:19 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 1424testdata/ 365:9-365:19 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
1425testdata/ 365:9-365:23 Float -> VecS Float 4 1425testdata/ 365:9-365:23 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -1430,120 +1430,120 @@ testdata/ 365:16-365:17 Vec 3 Float
1430testdata/ 365:16-365:19 Float 1430testdata/ 365:16-365:19 Float
1431testdata/ 365:20-365:21 Vec 3 Float 1431testdata/ 365:20-365:21 Vec 3 Float
1432testdata/ 365:20-365:23 Float 1432testdata/ 365:20-365:23 Float
1433testdata/ 365:24-365:25 b_ 1433testdata/ 365:24-365:25 _b
1434testdata/ 368:11-368:14 Nat -> Type->Type 1434testdata/ 368:11-368:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
1435testdata/ 368:11-368:16 Type->Type 1435testdata/ 368:11-368:16 Type -> Type
1436testdata/ 368:11-368:22 Type 1436testdata/ 368:11-368:22 Type
1437testdata/ 368:15-368:16 b_ 1437testdata/ 368:15-368:16 _b
1438testdata/ 368:17-368:22 Type 1438testdata/ 368:17-368:22 Type
1439testdata/ 369:11-369:14 Nat -> Type->Type 1439testdata/ 369:11-369:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
1440testdata/ 369:11-369:16 Type->Type 1440testdata/ 369:11-369:16 Type -> Type
1441testdata/ 369:11-369:22 Type 1441testdata/ 369:11-369:22 Type
1442testdata/ 369:11-371:24 Type 1442testdata/ 369:11-371:24 Type
1443testdata/ 369:15-369:16 b_ 1443testdata/ 369:15-369:16 _b
1444testdata/ 369:17-369:22 Type 1444testdata/ 369:17-369:22 Type
1445testdata/ 370:11-370:14 Nat -> Type->Type 1445testdata/ 370:11-370:14 Nat -> Type -> Type
1446testdata/ 370:11-370:16 Type->Type 1446testdata/ 370:11-370:16 Type -> Type
1447testdata/ 370:11-370:22 Type 1447testdata/ 370:11-370:22 Type
1448testdata/ 370:11-371:24 Type 1448testdata/ 370:11-371:24 Type
1449testdata/ 370:15-370:16 b_ 1449testdata/ 370:15-370:16 _b
1450testdata/ 370:17-370:22 Type 1450testdata/ 370:17-370:22 Type
1451testdata/ 371:11-371:14 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 1451testdata/ 371:11-371:14 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
1452testdata/ 371:11-371:16 Nat -> Type->Type 1452testdata/ 371:11-371:16 Nat -> Type -> Type
1453testdata/ 371:11-371:18 Type->Type 1453testdata/ 371:11-371:18 Type -> Type
1454testdata/ 371:11-371:24 Type 1454testdata/ 371:11-371:24 Type
1455testdata/ 371:15-371:16 b_ 1455testdata/ 371:15-371:16 _b
1456testdata/ 371:17-371:18 b_ 1456testdata/ 371:17-371:18 _b
1457testdata/ 371:19-371:24 Type 1457testdata/ 371:19-371:24 Type
1458testdata/ 372:1-372:7 Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1458testdata/ 372:1-372:7 Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1459testdata/ 372:24-372:25 Mat 4 4 Float 1459testdata/ 372:24-372:25 Mat 4 4 Float
1460testdata/ 372:24-372:29 Mat 4 a_ Float -> Mat 4 a_ Float 1460testdata/ 372:24-372:29 Mat 4 _a Float -> Mat 4 _a Float
1461testdata/ 372:24-372:56 Mat 4 4 Float 1461testdata/ 372:24-372:56 Mat 4 4 Float
1462testdata/ 372:24-378:65 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1462testdata/ 372:24-378:65 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1463testdata/ 372:26-372:29 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d:Nat} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c 1463testdata/ 372:26-372:29 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c (d :: Nat) . Mat a b c -> Mat b d c -> Mat a d c
1464testdata/ 372:30-372:46 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1464testdata/ 372:30-372:46 Vec 3 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1465testdata/ 372:30-372:56 Mat 4 4 Float 1465testdata/ 372:30-372:56 Mat 4 4 Float
1466testdata/ 372:48-372:51 {a} -> {_ : Signed (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a->a 1466testdata/ 372:48-372:51 forall a . Signed (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a
1467testdata/ 372:48-372:55 VecS Float 3 1467testdata/ 372:48-372:55 VecS Float 3
1468testdata/ 372:52-372:55 Vec 3 Float 1468testdata/ 372:52-372:55 Vec 3 Float
1469testdata/ 374:14-374:16 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1469testdata/ 374:14-374:16 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1470testdata/ 374:14-374:20 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1470testdata/ 374:14-374:20 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1471testdata/ 374:14-374:24 b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1471testdata/ 374:14-374:24 _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1472testdata/ 374:14-374:28 b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1472testdata/ 374:14-374:28 _b -> VecS _b 4
1473testdata/ 374:14-374:30 VecS c_ 4 1473testdata/ 374:14-374:30 VecS _c 4
1474testdata/ 374:17-374:18 e_ 1474testdata/ 374:17-374:18 _e
1475testdata/ 374:17-374:20 b_ 1475testdata/ 374:17-374:20 _b
1476testdata/ 374:21-374:22 VecS d_ c_ 1476testdata/ 374:21-374:22 VecS _d _c
1477testdata/ 374:21-374:24 b_ 1477testdata/ 374:21-374:24 _b
1478testdata/ 374:25-374:26 VecS d_ c_ 1478testdata/ 374:25-374:26 VecS _d _c
1479testdata/ 374:25-374:28 b_ 1479testdata/ 374:25-374:28 _b
1480testdata/ 374:29-374:30 b_ 1480testdata/ 374:29-374:30 _b
1481testdata/ 375:9-375:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1481testdata/ 375:9-375:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1482testdata/ 375:9-375:20 VecScalar a_ Float -> VecScalar a_ Float 1482testdata/ 375:9-375:20 VecScalar _a Float -> VecScalar _a Float
1483testdata/ 375:9-375:33 VecScalar 3 Float 1483testdata/ 375:9-375:33 VecScalar 3 Float
1484testdata/ 375:19-375:20 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> a->b 1484testdata/ 375:19-375:20 forall a b . (a -> b) -> a -> b
1485testdata/ 375:21-375:24 Vec 3 Float 1485testdata/ 375:21-375:24 Vec 3 Float
1486testdata/ 375:21-375:26 VecS Float 3 -> VecS Float 3 1486testdata/ 375:21-375:26 VecS Float 3 -> VecS Float 3
1487testdata/ 375:21-375:33 VecS Float 3 1487testdata/ 375:21-375:33 VecS Float 3
1488testdata/ 375:25-375:26 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1488testdata/ 375:25-375:26 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1489testdata/ 375:27-375:33 Vec 3 Float 1489testdata/ 375:27-375:33 Vec 3 Float
1490testdata/ 376:9-376:18 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 1490testdata/ 376:9-376:18 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
1491testdata/ 376:9-376:20 VecScalar a_ Float -> VecScalar a_ Float 1491testdata/ 376:9-376:20 VecScalar _a Float -> VecScalar _a Float
1492testdata/ 376:9-376:33 VecScalar 3 Float 1492testdata/ 376:9-376:33 VecScalar 3 Float
1493testdata/ 376:19-376:20 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> a->b 1493testdata/ 376:19-376:20 forall a b . (a -> b) -> a -> b
1494testdata/ 376:21-376:23 Vec 3 Float 1494testdata/ 376:21-376:23 Vec 3 Float
1495testdata/ 376:21-376:31 VecS Float 3 -> VecS Float 3 1495testdata/ 376:21-376:31 VecS Float 3 -> VecS Float 3
1496testdata/ 376:21-376:33 VecS Float 3 1496testdata/ 376:21-376:33 VecS Float 3
1497testdata/ 376:24-376:31 {a} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float 3} -> a -> a->a 1497testdata/ 376:24-376:31 forall a . (a ~ VecS Float 3) => a -> a -> a
1498testdata/ 376:32-376:33 VecScalar 3 Float 1498testdata/ 376:32-376:33 VecScalar 3 Float
1499testdata/ 377:9-377:10 VecScalar 3 Float 1499testdata/ 377:9-377:10 VecScalar 3 Float
1500testdata/ 377:9-377:18 VecS Float 3 -> VecS Float 3 1500testdata/ 377:9-377:18 VecS Float 3 -> VecS Float 3
1501testdata/ 377:9-377:20 VecS Float 3 1501testdata/ 377:9-377:20 VecS Float 3
1502testdata/ 377:11-377:18 {a} -> {_ : a ~ VecS Float 3} -> a -> a->a 1502testdata/ 377:11-377:18 forall a . (a ~ VecS Float 3) => a -> a -> a
1503testdata/ 377:19-377:20 VecScalar 3 Float 1503testdata/ 377:19-377:20 VecScalar 3 Float
1504testdata/ 378:9-378:18 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Mat b a c 1504testdata/ 378:9-378:18 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Mat b a c
1505testdata/ 378:9-378:20 Mat c_ b_ a_ -> Mat b_ c_ a_ 1505testdata/ 378:9-378:20 Mat _c _b _a -> Mat _b _c _a
1506testdata/ 378:9-378:65 Mat 4 4 Float 1506testdata/ 378:9-378:65 Mat 4 4 Float
1507testdata/ 378:19-378:20 {a} -> {b} -> (a->b) -> a->b 1507testdata/ 378:19-378:20 forall a b . (a -> b) -> a -> b
1508testdata/ 378:21-378:25 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1508testdata/ 378:21-378:25 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1509testdata/ 378:21-378:34 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1509testdata/ 378:21-378:34 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1510testdata/ 378:21-378:43 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1510testdata/ 378:21-378:43 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1511testdata/ 378:21-378:52 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float 1511testdata/ 378:21-378:52 Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float
1512testdata/ 378:21-378:65 Mat 4 4 Float 1512testdata/ 378:21-378:65 Mat 4 4 Float
1513testdata/ 378:27-378:31 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecS a b -> VecS a 4 1513testdata/ 378:27-378:31 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecS a b -> VecS a 4
1514testdata/ 378:27-378:33 VecS Float 4 1514testdata/ 378:27-378:33 VecS Float 4
1515testdata/ 378:32-378:33 VecScalar 3 Float 1515testdata/ 378:32-378:33 VecScalar 3 Float
1516testdata/ 378:36-378:40 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecS a b -> VecS a 4 1516testdata/ 378:36-378:40 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecS a b -> VecS a 4
1517testdata/ 378:36-378:42 VecS Float 4 1517testdata/ 378:36-378:42 VecS Float 4
1518testdata/ 378:41-378:42 VecS Float 3 1518testdata/ 378:41-378:42 VecS Float 3
1519testdata/ 378:45-378:49 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecS a b -> VecS a 4 1519testdata/ 378:45-378:49 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecS a b -> VecS a 4
1520testdata/ 378:45-378:51 VecS Float 4 1520testdata/ 378:45-378:51 VecS Float 4
1521testdata/ 378:50-378:51 VecScalar 3 Float 1521testdata/ 378:50-378:51 VecScalar 3 Float
1522testdata/ 378:54-378:56 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1522testdata/ 378:54-378:56 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1523testdata/ 378:54-378:58 b_ -> b_ -> b_ -> VecS b_ 4 1523testdata/ 378:54-378:58 _b -> _b -> _b -> VecS _b 4
1524testdata/ 378:54-378:60 c_ -> c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1524testdata/ 378:54-378:60 _c -> _c -> VecS _c 4
1525testdata/ 378:54-378:62 c_ -> VecS c_ 4 1525testdata/ 378:54-378:62 _c -> VecS _c 4
1526testdata/ 378:54-378:64 VecS Float 4 1526testdata/ 378:54-378:64 VecS Float 4
1527testdata/ 378:57-378:58 b_ 1527testdata/ 378:57-378:58 _b
1528testdata/ 378:59-378:60 b_ 1528testdata/ 378:59-378:60 _b
1529testdata/ 378:61-378:62 b_ 1529testdata/ 378:61-378:62 _b
1530testdata/ 378:63-378:64 b_ 1530testdata/ 378:63-378:64 _b
1531testdata/ 380:1-380:6 Float -> VecS Float 4 -> VecS Float 4 1531testdata/ 380:1-380:6 Float -> VecS Float 4 -> VecS Float 4
1532testdata/ 380:13-380:14 d_ 1532testdata/ 380:13-380:14 _d
1533testdata/ 380:13-380:16 c_->c_ 1533testdata/ 380:13-380:16 _c -> _c
1534testdata/ 380:13-380:29 VecS Float 4 1534testdata/ 380:13-380:29 VecS Float 4
1535testdata/ 380:15-380:16 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1535testdata/ 380:15-380:16 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1536testdata/ 380:17-380:19 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 1536testdata/ 380:17-380:19 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
1537testdata/ 380:17-380:21 e_ -> e_ -> e_ -> VecS e_ 4 1537testdata/ 380:17-380:21 _e -> _e -> _e -> VecS _e 4
1538testdata/ 380:17-380:23 e_ -> e_ -> VecS e_ 4 1538testdata/ 380:17-380:23 _e -> _e -> VecS _e 4
1539testdata/ 380:17-380:25 e_ -> VecS e_ 4 1539testdata/ 380:17-380:25 _e -> VecS _e 4
1540testdata/ 380:17-380:29 VecS Float 4 1540testdata/ 380:17-380:29 VecS Float 4
1541testdata/ 380:20-380:21 f_ 1541testdata/ 380:20-380:21 _f
1542testdata/ 380:22-380:23 e_ 1542testdata/ 380:22-380:23 _e
1543testdata/ 380:24-380:25 e_ 1543testdata/ 380:24-380:25 _e
1544testdata/ 380:26-380:29 Float 1544testdata/ 380:26-380:29 Float
1545testdata/ 382:11-382:16 Type 1545testdata/ 382:11-382:16 Type
1546testdata/ 382:11-385:38 Float -> Float -> List Float | a_->a_ 1546testdata/ 382:11-385:38 Float -> Float -> List Float | _a -> _a
1547testdata/ 382:20-382:25 Type 1547testdata/ 382:20-382:25 Type
1548testdata/ 382:20-382:36 Type 1548testdata/ 382:20-382:36 Type
1549testdata/ 382:29-382:36 Type 1549testdata/ 382:29-382:36 Type
@@ -1553,42 +1553,42 @@ testdata/ 384:7-384:8 Float
1553testdata/ 384:7-384:10 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 1553testdata/ 384:7-384:10 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
1554testdata/ 384:7-384:12 VecScalar 1 Bool 1554testdata/ 384:7-384:12 VecScalar 1 Bool
1555testdata/ 384:7-385:38 Float -> Float -> List Float | Float -> List Float | List Float 1555testdata/ 384:7-385:38 Float -> Float -> List Float | Float -> List Float | List Float
1556testdata/ 384:9-384:10 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 1556testdata/ 384:9-384:10 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
1557testdata/ 384:11-384:12 Float 1557testdata/ 384:11-384:12 Float
1558testdata/ 384:15-384:17 {a} -> List a 1558testdata/ 384:15-384:17 forall a . List a
1559testdata/ 384:15-385:38 Bool -> List Float 1559testdata/ 384:15-385:38 Bool -> List Float
1560testdata/ 385:19-385:20 Float 1560testdata/ 385:19-385:20 Float
1561testdata/ 385:19-385:21 List Float -> List Float 1561testdata/ 385:19-385:21 List Float -> List Float
1562testdata/ 385:19-385:38 List Float 1562testdata/ 385:19-385:38 List Float
1563testdata/ 385:20-385:21 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 1563testdata/ 385:20-385:21 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
1564testdata/ 385:22-385:28 Float -> Float -> List Float 1564testdata/ 385:22-385:28 Float -> Float -> List Float
1565testdata/ 385:22-385:36 Float -> List Float 1565testdata/ 385:22-385:36 Float -> List Float
1566testdata/ 385:22-385:38 List Float 1566testdata/ 385:22-385:38 List Float
1567testdata/ 385:30-385:31 Float 1567testdata/ 385:30-385:31 Float
1568testdata/ 385:30-385:33 Float->Float 1568testdata/ 385:30-385:33 Float -> Float
1569testdata/ 385:30-385:35 Float 1569testdata/ 385:30-385:35 Float
1570testdata/ 385:32-385:33 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1570testdata/ 385:32-385:33 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1571testdata/ 385:34-385:35 b_ 1571testdata/ 385:34-385:35 _b
1572testdata/ 385:37-385:38 Float 1572testdata/ 385:37-385:38 Float
1573testdata/ 387:9-387:12 Type 1573testdata/ 387:9-387:12 Type
1574testdata/ 387:9-387:24 Type 1574testdata/ 387:9-387:24 Type
1575testdata/ 387:9-389:30 a_->a_ | {a} -> List a -> Int->a 1575testdata/ 387:9-389:30 _a -> _a | forall a . List a -> Int -> a
1576testdata/ 387:10-387:11 b_ 1576testdata/ 387:10-387:11 _b
1577testdata/ 387:16-387:19 Type 1577testdata/ 387:16-387:19 Type
1578testdata/ 387:16-387:24 Type 1578testdata/ 387:16-387:24 Type
1579testdata/ 387:23-387:24 Type 1579testdata/ 387:23-387:24 Type
1580testdata/ 388:10-388:12 {a} -> List a -> Int->a 1580testdata/ 388:10-388:12 forall a . List a -> Int -> a
1581testdata/ 388:19-388:20 d_ 1581testdata/ 388:19-388:20 _d
1582testdata/ 388:19-389:30 Bool->d_ | Int->b_ | List a_ -> Int->a_ | List c_ -> b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> a_ | c_ 1582testdata/ 388:19-389:30 Bool -> _d | Int -> _b | List _a -> Int -> _a | List _c -> _b | _b -> List _b -> _a | _c
1583testdata/ 389:19-389:21 List f_ 1583testdata/ 389:19-389:21 List _f
1584testdata/ 389:19-389:24 Int->e_ 1584testdata/ 389:19-389:24 Int -> _e
1585testdata/ 389:19-389:30 d_ 1585testdata/ 389:19-389:30 _d
1586testdata/ 389:22-389:24 {a} -> List a -> Int->a 1586testdata/ 389:22-389:24 forall a . List a -> Int -> a
1587testdata/ 389:26-389:27 Int 1587testdata/ 389:26-389:27 Int
1588testdata/ 389:26-389:28 Int->Int 1588testdata/ 389:26-389:28 Int -> Int
1589testdata/ 389:26-389:29 Int 1589testdata/ 389:26-389:29 Int
1590testdata/ 389:27-389:28 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 1590testdata/ 389:27-389:28 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
1591testdata/ 389:28-389:29 b_ 1591testdata/ 389:28-389:29 _b
1592------------ warnings 1592------------ warnings
1593Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/ 1593Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/
1594tail (_: xs) = xs 1594tail (_: xs) = xs
diff --git a/testdata/SampleMaterial.out b/testdata/SampleMaterial.out
index 878fd833..04076a28 100644
--- a/testdata/SampleMaterial.out
+++ b/testdata/SampleMaterial.out
@@ -6,68 +6,68 @@ testdata/ 3:1-3:15 List (String, CommonAttrs)
6testdata/ 4:3-2183:4 List (String, CommonAttrs) 6testdata/ 4:3-2183:4 List (String, CommonAttrs)
7testdata/ 4:5-46:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 7testdata/ 4:5-46:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
8testdata/ 4:7-4:40 String 8testdata/ 4:7-4:40 String
9testdata/ 5:7-5:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 9testdata/ 5:7-5:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
10testdata/ 5:7-6:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 10testdata/ 5:7-6:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
11testdata/ 5:7-7:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 11testdata/ 5:7-7:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
12testdata/ 5:7-8:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 12testdata/ 5:7-8:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
13testdata/ 5:7-9:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 13testdata/ 5:7-9:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
14testdata/ 5:7-10:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 14testdata/ 5:7-10:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
15testdata/ 5:7-11:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 15testdata/ 5:7-11:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
16testdata/ 5:7-12:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 16testdata/ 5:7-12:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
17testdata/ 5:7-13:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 17testdata/ 5:7-13:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
18testdata/ 5:7-14:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 18testdata/ 5:7-14:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
19testdata/ 5:7-15:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 19testdata/ 5:7-15:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
20testdata/ 5:7-43:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 20testdata/ 5:7-43:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
21testdata/ 5:7-45:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 21testdata/ 5:7-45:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
22testdata/ 6:24-6:26 () 22testdata/ 6:24-6:26 ()
23testdata/ 7:24-7:26 () 23testdata/ 7:24-7:26 ()
24testdata/ 8:22-8:27 Bool 24testdata/ 8:22-8:27 Bool
25testdata/ 9:20-9:21 b_ 25testdata/ 9:20-9:21 _b
26testdata/ 10:30-10:35 Bool 26testdata/ 10:30-10:35 Bool
27testdata/ 11:23-11:28 Bool 27testdata/ 11:23-11:28 Bool
28testdata/ 12:20-12:33 CullType 28testdata/ 12:20-12:33 CullType
29testdata/ 13:30-13:32 {a} -> List a 29testdata/ 13:30-13:32 forall a . List a
30testdata/ 14:25-14:30 Bool 30testdata/ 14:25-14:30 Bool
31testdata/ 15:29-15:34 Bool 31testdata/ 15:29-15:34 Bool
32testdata/ 17:13-43:14 List StageAttrs 32testdata/ 17:13-43:14 List StageAttrs
33testdata/ 17:15-17:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 33testdata/ 17:15-17:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
34testdata/ 17:15-18:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 34testdata/ 17:15-18:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
35testdata/ 17:15-19:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 35testdata/ 17:15-19:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
36testdata/ 17:15-20:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 36testdata/ 17:15-20:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
37testdata/ 17:15-21:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 37testdata/ 17:15-21:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
38testdata/ 17:15-22:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 38testdata/ 17:15-22:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
39testdata/ 17:15-23:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 39testdata/ 17:15-23:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
40testdata/ 17:15-24:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 40testdata/ 17:15-24:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
41testdata/ 17:15-25:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 41testdata/ 17:15-25:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
42testdata/ 17:15-26:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 42testdata/ 17:15-26:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
43testdata/ 17:15-27:46 String->StageAttrs 43testdata/ 17:15-27:46 String -> StageAttrs
44testdata/ 17:15-29:18 StageAttrs 44testdata/ 17:15-29:18 StageAttrs
45testdata/ 18:29-18:36 {a} -> Maybe a 45testdata/ 18:29-18:36 forall a . Maybe a
46testdata/ 19:30-19:50 RGBGen 46testdata/ 19:30-19:50 RGBGen
47testdata/ 20:32-20:42 AlphaGen 47testdata/ 20:32-20:42 AlphaGen
48testdata/ 21:29-21:36 TCGen 48testdata/ 21:29-21:36 TCGen
49testdata/ 22:29-22:31 {a} -> List a 49testdata/ 22:29-22:31 forall a . List a
50testdata/ 23:31-23:37 String->StageTexture 50testdata/ 23:31-23:37 String -> StageTexture
51testdata/ 23:31-23:71 StageTexture 51testdata/ 23:31-23:71 StageTexture
52testdata/ 23:38-23:71 String 52testdata/ 23:38-23:71 String
53testdata/ 24:34-24:38 Bool 53testdata/ 24:34-24:38 Bool
54testdata/ 25:33-25:41 DepthFunction 54testdata/ 25:33-25:41 DepthFunction
55testdata/ 26:33-26:40 {a} -> Maybe a 55testdata/ 26:33-26:40 forall a . Maybe a
56testdata/ 27:41-27:46 Bool 56testdata/ 27:41-27:46 Bool
57testdata/ 28:38-28:54 String 57testdata/ 28:38-28:54 String
58testdata/ 30:15-30:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 58testdata/ 30:15-30:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
59testdata/ 30:15-31:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 59testdata/ 30:15-31:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
60testdata/ 30:15-32:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 60testdata/ 30:15-32:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
61testdata/ 30:15-33:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 61testdata/ 30:15-33:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
62testdata/ 30:15-34:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 62testdata/ 30:15-34:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
63testdata/ 30:15-35:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 63testdata/ 30:15-35:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
64testdata/ 30:15-36:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 64testdata/ 30:15-36:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
65testdata/ 30:15-37:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 65testdata/ 30:15-37:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
66testdata/ 30:15-38:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 66testdata/ 30:15-38:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
67testdata/ 30:15-39:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 67testdata/ 30:15-39:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
68testdata/ 30:15-40:46 String->StageAttrs 68testdata/ 30:15-40:46 String -> StageAttrs
69testdata/ 30:15-42:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 69testdata/ 30:15-42:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
70testdata/ 31:29-31:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 70testdata/ 31:29-31:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
71testdata/ 31:29-31:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 71testdata/ 31:29-31:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
72testdata/ 31:34-31:57 (Blending', Blending') 72testdata/ 31:34-31:57 (Blending', Blending')
73testdata/ 31:36-31:46 Blending' 73testdata/ 31:36-31:46 Blending'
@@ -75,79 +75,79 @@ testdata/ 31:49-31:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
75testdata/ 32:30-32:50 RGBGen 75testdata/ 32:30-32:50 RGBGen
76testdata/ 33:32-33:42 AlphaGen 76testdata/ 33:32-33:42 AlphaGen
77testdata/ 34:29-34:40 TCGen 77testdata/ 34:29-34:40 TCGen
78testdata/ 35:29-35:31 {a} -> List a 78testdata/ 35:29-35:31 forall a . List a
79testdata/ 36:31-36:42 StageTexture 79testdata/ 36:31-36:42 StageTexture
80testdata/ 37:34-37:38 Bool 80testdata/ 37:34-37:38 Bool
81testdata/ 38:33-38:41 DepthFunction 81testdata/ 38:33-38:41 DepthFunction
82testdata/ 39:33-39:40 {a} -> Maybe a 82testdata/ 39:33-39:40 forall a . Maybe a
83testdata/ 40:41-40:46 Bool 83testdata/ 40:41-40:46 Bool
84testdata/ 41:38-41:54 String 84testdata/ 41:38-41:54 String
85testdata/ 44:21-44:26 Bool 85testdata/ 44:21-44:26 Bool
86testdata/ 47:5-89:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 86testdata/ 47:5-89:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
87testdata/ 47:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 87testdata/ 47:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
88testdata/ 47:7-47:39 String 88testdata/ 47:7-47:39 String
89testdata/ 48:7-48:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 89testdata/ 48:7-48:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
90testdata/ 48:7-49:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 90testdata/ 48:7-49:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
91testdata/ 48:7-50:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 91testdata/ 48:7-50:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
92testdata/ 48:7-51:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 92testdata/ 48:7-51:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
93testdata/ 48:7-52:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 93testdata/ 48:7-52:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
94testdata/ 48:7-53:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 94testdata/ 48:7-53:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
95testdata/ 48:7-54:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 95testdata/ 48:7-54:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
96testdata/ 48:7-55:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 96testdata/ 48:7-55:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
97testdata/ 48:7-56:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 97testdata/ 48:7-56:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
98testdata/ 48:7-57:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 98testdata/ 48:7-57:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
99testdata/ 48:7-58:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 99testdata/ 48:7-58:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
100testdata/ 48:7-86:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 100testdata/ 48:7-86:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
101testdata/ 48:7-88:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 101testdata/ 48:7-88:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
102testdata/ 49:24-49:26 () 102testdata/ 49:24-49:26 ()
103testdata/ 50:24-50:26 () 103testdata/ 50:24-50:26 ()
104testdata/ 51:22-51:27 Bool 104testdata/ 51:22-51:27 Bool
105testdata/ 52:20-52:21 b_ 105testdata/ 52:20-52:21 _b
106testdata/ 53:30-53:35 Bool 106testdata/ 53:30-53:35 Bool
107testdata/ 54:23-54:28 Bool 107testdata/ 54:23-54:28 Bool
108testdata/ 55:20-55:33 CullType 108testdata/ 55:20-55:33 CullType
109testdata/ 56:30-56:32 {a} -> List a 109testdata/ 56:30-56:32 forall a . List a
110testdata/ 57:25-57:30 Bool 110testdata/ 57:25-57:30 Bool
111testdata/ 58:29-58:34 Bool 111testdata/ 58:29-58:34 Bool
112testdata/ 60:13-86:14 List StageAttrs 112testdata/ 60:13-86:14 List StageAttrs
113testdata/ 60:15-60:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 113testdata/ 60:15-60:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
114testdata/ 60:15-61:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 114testdata/ 60:15-61:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
115testdata/ 60:15-62:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 115testdata/ 60:15-62:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
116testdata/ 60:15-63:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 116testdata/ 60:15-63:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
117testdata/ 60:15-64:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 117testdata/ 60:15-64:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
118testdata/ 60:15-65:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 118testdata/ 60:15-65:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
119testdata/ 60:15-66:70 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 119testdata/ 60:15-66:70 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
120testdata/ 60:15-67:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 120testdata/ 60:15-67:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
121testdata/ 60:15-68:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 121testdata/ 60:15-68:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
122testdata/ 60:15-69:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 122testdata/ 60:15-69:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
123testdata/ 60:15-70:46 String->StageAttrs 123testdata/ 60:15-70:46 String -> StageAttrs
124testdata/ 60:15-72:18 StageAttrs 124testdata/ 60:15-72:18 StageAttrs
125testdata/ 61:29-61:36 {a} -> Maybe a 125testdata/ 61:29-61:36 forall a . Maybe a
126testdata/ 62:30-62:50 RGBGen 126testdata/ 62:30-62:50 RGBGen
127testdata/ 63:32-63:42 AlphaGen 127testdata/ 63:32-63:42 AlphaGen
128testdata/ 64:29-64:36 TCGen 128testdata/ 64:29-64:36 TCGen
129testdata/ 65:29-65:31 {a} -> List a 129testdata/ 65:29-65:31 forall a . List a
130testdata/ 66:31-66:37 String->StageTexture 130testdata/ 66:31-66:37 String -> StageTexture
131testdata/ 66:31-66:70 StageTexture 131testdata/ 66:31-66:70 StageTexture
132testdata/ 66:38-66:70 String 132testdata/ 66:38-66:70 String
133testdata/ 67:34-67:38 Bool 133testdata/ 67:34-67:38 Bool
134testdata/ 68:33-68:41 DepthFunction 134testdata/ 68:33-68:41 DepthFunction
135testdata/ 69:33-69:40 {a} -> Maybe a 135testdata/ 69:33-69:40 forall a . Maybe a
136testdata/ 70:41-70:46 Bool 136testdata/ 70:41-70:46 Bool
137testdata/ 71:38-71:54 String 137testdata/ 71:38-71:54 String
138testdata/ 73:15-73:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 138testdata/ 73:15-73:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
139testdata/ 73:15-74:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 139testdata/ 73:15-74:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
140testdata/ 73:15-75:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 140testdata/ 73:15-75:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
141testdata/ 73:15-76:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 141testdata/ 73:15-76:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
142testdata/ 73:15-77:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 142testdata/ 73:15-77:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
143testdata/ 73:15-78:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 143testdata/ 73:15-78:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
144testdata/ 73:15-79:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 144testdata/ 73:15-79:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
145testdata/ 73:15-80:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 145testdata/ 73:15-80:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
146testdata/ 73:15-81:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 146testdata/ 73:15-81:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
147testdata/ 73:15-82:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 147testdata/ 73:15-82:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
148testdata/ 73:15-83:46 String->StageAttrs 148testdata/ 73:15-83:46 String -> StageAttrs
149testdata/ 73:15-85:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 149testdata/ 73:15-85:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
150testdata/ 74:29-74:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 150testdata/ 74:29-74:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
151testdata/ 74:29-74:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 151testdata/ 74:29-74:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
152testdata/ 74:34-74:57 (Blending', Blending') 152testdata/ 74:34-74:57 (Blending', Blending')
153testdata/ 74:36-74:46 Blending' 153testdata/ 74:36-74:46 Blending'
@@ -155,79 +155,79 @@ testdata/ 74:49-74:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
155testdata/ 75:30-75:50 RGBGen 155testdata/ 75:30-75:50 RGBGen
156testdata/ 76:32-76:42 AlphaGen 156testdata/ 76:32-76:42 AlphaGen
157testdata/ 77:29-77:40 TCGen 157testdata/ 77:29-77:40 TCGen
158testdata/ 78:29-78:31 {a} -> List a 158testdata/ 78:29-78:31 forall a . List a
159testdata/ 79:31-79:42 StageTexture 159testdata/ 79:31-79:42 StageTexture
160testdata/ 80:34-80:38 Bool 160testdata/ 80:34-80:38 Bool
161testdata/ 81:33-81:41 DepthFunction 161testdata/ 81:33-81:41 DepthFunction
162testdata/ 82:33-82:40 {a} -> Maybe a 162testdata/ 82:33-82:40 forall a . Maybe a
163testdata/ 83:41-83:46 Bool 163testdata/ 83:41-83:46 Bool
164testdata/ 84:38-84:54 String 164testdata/ 84:38-84:54 String
165testdata/ 87:21-87:26 Bool 165testdata/ 87:21-87:26 Bool
166testdata/ 90:5-132:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 166testdata/ 90:5-132:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
167testdata/ 90:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 167testdata/ 90:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
168testdata/ 90:7-90:40 String 168testdata/ 90:7-90:40 String
169testdata/ 91:7-91:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 169testdata/ 91:7-91:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
170testdata/ 91:7-92:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 170testdata/ 91:7-92:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
171testdata/ 91:7-93:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 171testdata/ 91:7-93:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
172testdata/ 91:7-94:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 172testdata/ 91:7-94:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
173testdata/ 91:7-95:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 173testdata/ 91:7-95:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
174testdata/ 91:7-96:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 174testdata/ 91:7-96:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
175testdata/ 91:7-97:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 175testdata/ 91:7-97:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
176testdata/ 91:7-98:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 176testdata/ 91:7-98:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
177testdata/ 91:7-99:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 177testdata/ 91:7-99:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
178testdata/ 91:7-100:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 178testdata/ 91:7-100:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
179testdata/ 91:7-101:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 179testdata/ 91:7-101:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
180testdata/ 91:7-129:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 180testdata/ 91:7-129:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
181testdata/ 91:7-131:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 181testdata/ 91:7-131:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
182testdata/ 92:24-92:26 () 182testdata/ 92:24-92:26 ()
183testdata/ 93:24-93:26 () 183testdata/ 93:24-93:26 ()
184testdata/ 94:22-94:27 Bool 184testdata/ 94:22-94:27 Bool
185testdata/ 95:20-95:21 b_ 185testdata/ 95:20-95:21 _b
186testdata/ 96:30-96:35 Bool 186testdata/ 96:30-96:35 Bool
187testdata/ 97:23-97:28 Bool 187testdata/ 97:23-97:28 Bool
188testdata/ 98:20-98:33 CullType 188testdata/ 98:20-98:33 CullType
189testdata/ 99:30-99:32 {a} -> List a 189testdata/ 99:30-99:32 forall a . List a
190testdata/ 100:25-100:30 Bool 190testdata/ 100:25-100:30 Bool
191testdata/ 101:29-101:34 Bool 191testdata/ 101:29-101:34 Bool
192testdata/ 103:13-129:14 List StageAttrs 192testdata/ 103:13-129:14 List StageAttrs
193testdata/ 103:15-103:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 193testdata/ 103:15-103:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
194testdata/ 103:15-104:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 194testdata/ 103:15-104:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
195testdata/ 103:15-105:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 195testdata/ 103:15-105:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
196testdata/ 103:15-106:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 196testdata/ 103:15-106:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
197testdata/ 103:15-107:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 197testdata/ 103:15-107:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
198testdata/ 103:15-108:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 198testdata/ 103:15-108:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
199testdata/ 103:15-109:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 199testdata/ 103:15-109:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
200testdata/ 103:15-110:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 200testdata/ 103:15-110:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
201testdata/ 103:15-111:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 201testdata/ 103:15-111:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
202testdata/ 103:15-112:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 202testdata/ 103:15-112:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
203testdata/ 103:15-113:46 String->StageAttrs 203testdata/ 103:15-113:46 String -> StageAttrs
204testdata/ 103:15-115:18 StageAttrs 204testdata/ 103:15-115:18 StageAttrs
205testdata/ 104:29-104:36 {a} -> Maybe a 205testdata/ 104:29-104:36 forall a . Maybe a
206testdata/ 105:30-105:50 RGBGen 206testdata/ 105:30-105:50 RGBGen
207testdata/ 106:32-106:42 AlphaGen 207testdata/ 106:32-106:42 AlphaGen
208testdata/ 107:29-107:36 TCGen 208testdata/ 107:29-107:36 TCGen
209testdata/ 108:29-108:31 {a} -> List a 209testdata/ 108:29-108:31 forall a . List a
210testdata/ 109:31-109:37 String->StageTexture 210testdata/ 109:31-109:37 String -> StageTexture
211testdata/ 109:31-109:71 StageTexture 211testdata/ 109:31-109:71 StageTexture
212testdata/ 109:38-109:71 String 212testdata/ 109:38-109:71 String
213testdata/ 110:34-110:38 Bool 213testdata/ 110:34-110:38 Bool
214testdata/ 111:33-111:41 DepthFunction 214testdata/ 111:33-111:41 DepthFunction
215testdata/ 112:33-112:40 {a} -> Maybe a 215testdata/ 112:33-112:40 forall a . Maybe a
216testdata/ 113:41-113:46 Bool 216testdata/ 113:41-113:46 Bool
217testdata/ 114:38-114:54 String 217testdata/ 114:38-114:54 String
218testdata/ 116:15-116:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 218testdata/ 116:15-116:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
219testdata/ 116:15-117:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 219testdata/ 116:15-117:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
220testdata/ 116:15-118:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 220testdata/ 116:15-118:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
221testdata/ 116:15-119:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 221testdata/ 116:15-119:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
222testdata/ 116:15-120:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 222testdata/ 116:15-120:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
223testdata/ 116:15-121:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 223testdata/ 116:15-121:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
224testdata/ 116:15-122:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 224testdata/ 116:15-122:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
225testdata/ 116:15-123:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 225testdata/ 116:15-123:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
226testdata/ 116:15-124:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 226testdata/ 116:15-124:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
227testdata/ 116:15-125:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 227testdata/ 116:15-125:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
228testdata/ 116:15-126:46 String->StageAttrs 228testdata/ 116:15-126:46 String -> StageAttrs
229testdata/ 116:15-128:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 229testdata/ 116:15-128:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
230testdata/ 117:29-117:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 230testdata/ 117:29-117:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
231testdata/ 117:29-117:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 231testdata/ 117:29-117:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
232testdata/ 117:34-117:57 (Blending', Blending') 232testdata/ 117:34-117:57 (Blending', Blending')
233testdata/ 117:36-117:46 Blending' 233testdata/ 117:36-117:46 Blending'
@@ -235,79 +235,79 @@ testdata/ 117:49-117:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
235testdata/ 118:30-118:50 RGBGen 235testdata/ 118:30-118:50 RGBGen
236testdata/ 119:32-119:42 AlphaGen 236testdata/ 119:32-119:42 AlphaGen
237testdata/ 120:29-120:40 TCGen 237testdata/ 120:29-120:40 TCGen
238testdata/ 121:29-121:31 {a} -> List a 238testdata/ 121:29-121:31 forall a . List a
239testdata/ 122:31-122:42 StageTexture 239testdata/ 122:31-122:42 StageTexture
240testdata/ 123:34-123:38 Bool 240testdata/ 123:34-123:38 Bool
241testdata/ 124:33-124:41 DepthFunction 241testdata/ 124:33-124:41 DepthFunction
242testdata/ 125:33-125:40 {a} -> Maybe a 242testdata/ 125:33-125:40 forall a . Maybe a
243testdata/ 126:41-126:46 Bool 243testdata/ 126:41-126:46 Bool
244testdata/ 127:38-127:54 String 244testdata/ 127:38-127:54 String
245testdata/ 130:21-130:26 Bool 245testdata/ 130:21-130:26 Bool
246testdata/ 133:5-175:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 246testdata/ 133:5-175:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
247testdata/ 133:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 247testdata/ 133:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
248testdata/ 133:7-133:42 String 248testdata/ 133:7-133:42 String
249testdata/ 134:7-134:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 249testdata/ 134:7-134:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
250testdata/ 134:7-135:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 250testdata/ 134:7-135:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
251testdata/ 134:7-136:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 251testdata/ 134:7-136:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
252testdata/ 134:7-137:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 252testdata/ 134:7-137:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
253testdata/ 134:7-138:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 253testdata/ 134:7-138:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
254testdata/ 134:7-139:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 254testdata/ 134:7-139:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
255testdata/ 134:7-140:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 255testdata/ 134:7-140:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
256testdata/ 134:7-141:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 256testdata/ 134:7-141:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
257testdata/ 134:7-142:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 257testdata/ 134:7-142:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
258testdata/ 134:7-143:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 258testdata/ 134:7-143:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
259testdata/ 134:7-144:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 259testdata/ 134:7-144:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
260testdata/ 134:7-172:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 260testdata/ 134:7-172:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
261testdata/ 134:7-174:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 261testdata/ 134:7-174:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
262testdata/ 135:24-135:26 () 262testdata/ 135:24-135:26 ()
263testdata/ 136:24-136:26 () 263testdata/ 136:24-136:26 ()
264testdata/ 137:22-137:27 Bool 264testdata/ 137:22-137:27 Bool
265testdata/ 138:20-138:21 b_ 265testdata/ 138:20-138:21 _b
266testdata/ 139:30-139:35 Bool 266testdata/ 139:30-139:35 Bool
267testdata/ 140:23-140:28 Bool 267testdata/ 140:23-140:28 Bool
268testdata/ 141:20-141:33 CullType 268testdata/ 141:20-141:33 CullType
269testdata/ 142:30-142:32 {a} -> List a 269testdata/ 142:30-142:32 forall a . List a
270testdata/ 143:25-143:30 Bool 270testdata/ 143:25-143:30 Bool
271testdata/ 144:29-144:34 Bool 271testdata/ 144:29-144:34 Bool
272testdata/ 146:13-172:14 List StageAttrs 272testdata/ 146:13-172:14 List StageAttrs
273testdata/ 146:15-146:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 273testdata/ 146:15-146:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
274testdata/ 146:15-147:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 274testdata/ 146:15-147:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
275testdata/ 146:15-148:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 275testdata/ 146:15-148:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
276testdata/ 146:15-149:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 276testdata/ 146:15-149:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
277testdata/ 146:15-150:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 277testdata/ 146:15-150:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
278testdata/ 146:15-151:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 278testdata/ 146:15-151:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
279testdata/ 146:15-152:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 279testdata/ 146:15-152:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
280testdata/ 146:15-153:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 280testdata/ 146:15-153:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
281testdata/ 146:15-154:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 281testdata/ 146:15-154:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
282testdata/ 146:15-155:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 282testdata/ 146:15-155:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
283testdata/ 146:15-156:46 String->StageAttrs 283testdata/ 146:15-156:46 String -> StageAttrs
284testdata/ 146:15-158:18 StageAttrs 284testdata/ 146:15-158:18 StageAttrs
285testdata/ 147:29-147:36 {a} -> Maybe a 285testdata/ 147:29-147:36 forall a . Maybe a
286testdata/ 148:30-148:50 RGBGen 286testdata/ 148:30-148:50 RGBGen
287testdata/ 149:32-149:42 AlphaGen 287testdata/ 149:32-149:42 AlphaGen
288testdata/ 150:29-150:36 TCGen 288testdata/ 150:29-150:36 TCGen
289testdata/ 151:29-151:31 {a} -> List a 289testdata/ 151:29-151:31 forall a . List a
290testdata/ 152:31-152:37 String->StageTexture 290testdata/ 152:31-152:37 String -> StageTexture
291testdata/ 152:31-152:73 StageTexture 291testdata/ 152:31-152:73 StageTexture
292testdata/ 152:38-152:73 String 292testdata/ 152:38-152:73 String
293testdata/ 153:34-153:38 Bool 293testdata/ 153:34-153:38 Bool
294testdata/ 154:33-154:41 DepthFunction 294testdata/ 154:33-154:41 DepthFunction
295testdata/ 155:33-155:40 {a} -> Maybe a 295testdata/ 155:33-155:40 forall a . Maybe a
296testdata/ 156:41-156:46 Bool 296testdata/ 156:41-156:46 Bool
297testdata/ 157:38-157:54 String 297testdata/ 157:38-157:54 String
298testdata/ 159:15-159:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 298testdata/ 159:15-159:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
299testdata/ 159:15-160:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 299testdata/ 159:15-160:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
300testdata/ 159:15-161:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 300testdata/ 159:15-161:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
301testdata/ 159:15-162:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 301testdata/ 159:15-162:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
302testdata/ 159:15-163:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 302testdata/ 159:15-163:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
303testdata/ 159:15-164:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 303testdata/ 159:15-164:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
304testdata/ 159:15-165:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 304testdata/ 159:15-165:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
305testdata/ 159:15-166:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 305testdata/ 159:15-166:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
306testdata/ 159:15-167:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 306testdata/ 159:15-167:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
307testdata/ 159:15-168:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 307testdata/ 159:15-168:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
308testdata/ 159:15-169:46 String->StageAttrs 308testdata/ 159:15-169:46 String -> StageAttrs
309testdata/ 159:15-171:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 309testdata/ 159:15-171:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
310testdata/ 160:29-160:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 310testdata/ 160:29-160:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
311testdata/ 160:29-160:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 311testdata/ 160:29-160:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
312testdata/ 160:34-160:57 (Blending', Blending') 312testdata/ 160:34-160:57 (Blending', Blending')
313testdata/ 160:36-160:46 Blending' 313testdata/ 160:36-160:46 Blending'
@@ -315,100 +315,100 @@ testdata/ 160:49-160:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
315testdata/ 161:30-161:50 RGBGen 315testdata/ 161:30-161:50 RGBGen
316testdata/ 162:32-162:42 AlphaGen 316testdata/ 162:32-162:42 AlphaGen
317testdata/ 163:29-163:40 TCGen 317testdata/ 163:29-163:40 TCGen
318testdata/ 164:29-164:31 {a} -> List a 318testdata/ 164:29-164:31 forall a . List a
319testdata/ 165:31-165:42 StageTexture 319testdata/ 165:31-165:42 StageTexture
320testdata/ 166:34-166:38 Bool 320testdata/ 166:34-166:38 Bool
321testdata/ 167:33-167:41 DepthFunction 321testdata/ 167:33-167:41 DepthFunction
322testdata/ 168:33-168:40 {a} -> Maybe a 322testdata/ 168:33-168:40 forall a . Maybe a
323testdata/ 169:41-169:46 Bool 323testdata/ 169:41-169:46 Bool
324testdata/ 170:38-170:54 String 324testdata/ 170:38-170:54 String
325testdata/ 173:21-173:26 Bool 325testdata/ 173:21-173:26 Bool
326testdata/ 176:5-232:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 326testdata/ 176:5-232:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
327testdata/ 176:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 327testdata/ 176:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
328testdata/ 176:7-176:46 String 328testdata/ 176:7-176:46 String
329testdata/ 177:7-177:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 329testdata/ 177:7-177:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
330testdata/ 177:7-178:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 330testdata/ 177:7-178:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
331testdata/ 177:7-179:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 331testdata/ 177:7-179:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
332testdata/ 177:7-180:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 332testdata/ 177:7-180:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
333testdata/ 177:7-181:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 333testdata/ 177:7-181:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
334testdata/ 177:7-182:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 334testdata/ 177:7-182:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
335testdata/ 177:7-183:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 335testdata/ 177:7-183:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
336testdata/ 177:7-184:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 336testdata/ 177:7-184:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
337testdata/ 177:7-185:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 337testdata/ 177:7-185:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
338testdata/ 177:7-186:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 338testdata/ 177:7-186:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
339testdata/ 177:7-187:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 339testdata/ 177:7-187:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
340testdata/ 177:7-229:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 340testdata/ 177:7-229:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
341testdata/ 177:7-231:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 341testdata/ 177:7-231:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
342testdata/ 178:24-178:26 () 342testdata/ 178:24-178:26 ()
343testdata/ 179:24-179:26 () 343testdata/ 179:24-179:26 ()
344testdata/ 180:22-180:27 Bool 344testdata/ 180:22-180:27 Bool
345testdata/ 181:20-181:21 b_ 345testdata/ 181:20-181:21 _b
346testdata/ 182:30-182:35 Bool 346testdata/ 182:30-182:35 Bool
347testdata/ 183:23-183:28 Bool 347testdata/ 183:23-183:28 Bool
348testdata/ 184:20-184:33 CullType 348testdata/ 184:20-184:33 CullType
349testdata/ 185:30-185:32 {a} -> List a 349testdata/ 185:30-185:32 forall a . List a
350testdata/ 186:25-186:30 Bool 350testdata/ 186:25-186:30 Bool
351testdata/ 187:29-187:34 Bool 351testdata/ 187:29-187:34 Bool
352testdata/ 189:13-229:14 List StageAttrs 352testdata/ 189:13-229:14 List StageAttrs
353testdata/ 189:15-189:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 353testdata/ 189:15-189:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
354testdata/ 189:15-190:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 354testdata/ 189:15-190:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
355testdata/ 189:15-191:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 355testdata/ 189:15-191:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
356testdata/ 189:15-192:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 356testdata/ 189:15-192:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
357testdata/ 189:15-193:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 357testdata/ 189:15-193:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
358testdata/ 189:15-195:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 358testdata/ 189:15-195:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
359testdata/ 189:15-196:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 359testdata/ 189:15-196:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
360testdata/ 189:15-197:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 360testdata/ 189:15-197:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
361testdata/ 189:15-198:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 361testdata/ 189:15-198:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
362testdata/ 189:15-199:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 362testdata/ 189:15-199:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
363testdata/ 189:15-200:46 String->StageAttrs 363testdata/ 189:15-200:46 String -> StageAttrs
364testdata/ 189:15-202:18 StageAttrs 364testdata/ 189:15-202:18 StageAttrs
365testdata/ 190:29-190:36 {a} -> Maybe a 365testdata/ 190:29-190:36 forall a . Maybe a
366testdata/ 191:30-191:42 RGBGen 366testdata/ 191:30-191:42 RGBGen
367testdata/ 192:32-192:42 AlphaGen 367testdata/ 192:32-192:42 AlphaGen
368testdata/ 193:29-193:36 TCGen 368testdata/ 193:29-193:36 TCGen
369testdata/ 195:21-195:88 List TCMod 369testdata/ 195:21-195:88 List TCMod
370testdata/ 195:23-195:32 Float -> Float->TCMod 370testdata/ 195:23-195:32 Float -> Float -> TCMod
371testdata/ 195:23-195:36 Float->TCMod 371testdata/ 195:23-195:36 Float -> TCMod
372testdata/ 195:23-195:40 TCMod 372testdata/ 195:23-195:40 TCMod
373testdata/ 195:33-195:36 Float 373testdata/ 195:33-195:36 Float
374testdata/ 195:37-195:40 Float 374testdata/ 195:37-195:40 Float
375testdata/ 195:43-195:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 375testdata/ 195:43-195:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
376testdata/ 195:43-195:54 Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 376testdata/ 195:43-195:54 Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
377testdata/ 195:43-195:59 Float -> Float->TCMod 377testdata/ 195:43-195:59 Float -> Float -> TCMod
378testdata/ 195:43-195:63 Float->TCMod 378testdata/ 195:43-195:63 Float -> TCMod
379testdata/ 195:43-195:67 TCMod 379testdata/ 195:43-195:67 TCMod
380testdata/ 195:43-195:86 List TCMod 380testdata/ 195:43-195:86 List TCMod
381testdata/ 195:51-195:54 Float 381testdata/ 195:51-195:54 Float
382testdata/ 195:55-195:59 Float 382testdata/ 195:55-195:59 Float
383testdata/ 195:60-195:63 Float 383testdata/ 195:60-195:63 Float
384testdata/ 195:64-195:67 Float 384testdata/ 195:64-195:67 Float
385testdata/ 195:70-195:78 Float -> Float->TCMod 385testdata/ 195:70-195:78 Float -> Float -> TCMod
386testdata/ 195:70-195:82 Float->TCMod 386testdata/ 195:70-195:82 Float -> TCMod
387testdata/ 195:70-195:86 List TCMod | TCMod 387testdata/ 195:70-195:86 List TCMod | TCMod
388testdata/ 195:79-195:82 Float 388testdata/ 195:79-195:82 Float
389testdata/ 195:83-195:86 Float 389testdata/ 195:83-195:86 Float
390testdata/ 196:31-196:37 String->StageTexture 390testdata/ 196:31-196:37 String -> StageTexture
391testdata/ 196:31-196:66 StageTexture 391testdata/ 196:31-196:66 StageTexture
392testdata/ 196:38-196:66 String 392testdata/ 196:38-196:66 String
393testdata/ 197:34-197:38 Bool 393testdata/ 197:34-197:38 Bool
394testdata/ 198:33-198:41 DepthFunction 394testdata/ 198:33-198:41 DepthFunction
395testdata/ 199:33-199:40 {a} -> Maybe a 395testdata/ 199:33-199:40 forall a . Maybe a
396testdata/ 200:41-200:46 Bool 396testdata/ 200:41-200:46 Bool
397testdata/ 201:38-201:52 String 397testdata/ 201:38-201:52 String
398testdata/ 203:15-203:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 398testdata/ 203:15-203:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
399testdata/ 203:15-204:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 399testdata/ 203:15-204:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
400testdata/ 203:15-205:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 400testdata/ 203:15-205:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
401testdata/ 203:15-206:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 401testdata/ 203:15-206:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
402testdata/ 203:15-207:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 402testdata/ 203:15-207:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
403testdata/ 203:15-208:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 403testdata/ 203:15-208:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
404testdata/ 203:15-209:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 404testdata/ 203:15-209:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
405testdata/ 203:15-210:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 405testdata/ 203:15-210:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
406testdata/ 203:15-211:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 406testdata/ 203:15-211:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
407testdata/ 203:15-212:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 407testdata/ 203:15-212:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
408testdata/ 203:15-213:46 String->StageAttrs 408testdata/ 203:15-213:46 String -> StageAttrs
409testdata/ 203:15-215:18 StageAttrs 409testdata/ 203:15-215:18 StageAttrs
410testdata/ 203:15-228:18 List StageAttrs 410testdata/ 203:15-228:18 List StageAttrs
411testdata/ 204:29-204:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 411testdata/ 204:29-204:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
412testdata/ 204:29-204:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 412testdata/ 204:29-204:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
413testdata/ 204:34-204:69 (Blending', Blending') 413testdata/ 204:34-204:69 (Blending', Blending')
414testdata/ 204:36-204:46 Blending' 414testdata/ 204:36-204:46 Blending'
@@ -416,28 +416,28 @@ testdata/ 204:49-204:67 ((Blending')) | Blending'
416testdata/ 205:30-205:42 RGBGen 416testdata/ 205:30-205:42 RGBGen
417testdata/ 206:32-206:42 AlphaGen 417testdata/ 206:32-206:42 AlphaGen
418testdata/ 207:29-207:36 TCGen 418testdata/ 207:29-207:36 TCGen
419testdata/ 208:29-208:31 {a} -> List a 419testdata/ 208:29-208:31 forall a . List a
420testdata/ 209:31-209:37 String->StageTexture 420testdata/ 209:31-209:37 String -> StageTexture
421testdata/ 209:31-209:81 StageTexture 421testdata/ 209:31-209:81 StageTexture
422testdata/ 209:38-209:81 String 422testdata/ 209:38-209:81 String
423testdata/ 210:34-210:39 Bool 423testdata/ 210:34-210:39 Bool
424testdata/ 211:33-211:41 DepthFunction 424testdata/ 211:33-211:41 DepthFunction
425testdata/ 212:33-212:40 {a} -> Maybe a 425testdata/ 212:33-212:40 forall a . Maybe a
426testdata/ 213:41-213:46 Bool 426testdata/ 213:41-213:46 Bool
427testdata/ 214:38-214:54 String 427testdata/ 214:38-214:54 String
428testdata/ 216:15-216:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 428testdata/ 216:15-216:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
429testdata/ 216:15-217:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 429testdata/ 216:15-217:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
430testdata/ 216:15-218:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 430testdata/ 216:15-218:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
431testdata/ 216:15-219:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 431testdata/ 216:15-219:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
432testdata/ 216:15-220:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 432testdata/ 216:15-220:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
433testdata/ 216:15-221:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 433testdata/ 216:15-221:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
434testdata/ 216:15-222:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 434testdata/ 216:15-222:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
435testdata/ 216:15-223:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 435testdata/ 216:15-223:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
436testdata/ 216:15-224:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 436testdata/ 216:15-224:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
437testdata/ 216:15-225:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 437testdata/ 216:15-225:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
438testdata/ 216:15-226:46 String->StageAttrs 438testdata/ 216:15-226:46 String -> StageAttrs
439testdata/ 216:15-228:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 439testdata/ 216:15-228:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
440testdata/ 217:29-217:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 440testdata/ 217:29-217:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
441testdata/ 217:29-217:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 441testdata/ 217:29-217:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
442testdata/ 217:34-217:69 (Blending', Blending') 442testdata/ 217:34-217:69 (Blending', Blending')
443testdata/ 217:36-217:46 Blending' 443testdata/ 217:36-217:46 Blending'
@@ -445,79 +445,79 @@ testdata/ 217:49-217:67 ((Blending')) | Blending'
445testdata/ 218:30-218:42 RGBGen 445testdata/ 218:30-218:42 RGBGen
446testdata/ 219:32-219:42 AlphaGen 446testdata/ 219:32-219:42 AlphaGen
447testdata/ 220:29-220:40 TCGen 447testdata/ 220:29-220:40 TCGen
448testdata/ 221:29-221:31 {a} -> List a 448testdata/ 221:29-221:31 forall a . List a
449testdata/ 222:31-222:42 StageTexture 449testdata/ 222:31-222:42 StageTexture
450testdata/ 223:34-223:39 Bool 450testdata/ 223:34-223:39 Bool
451testdata/ 224:33-224:41 DepthFunction 451testdata/ 224:33-224:41 DepthFunction
452testdata/ 225:33-225:40 {a} -> Maybe a 452testdata/ 225:33-225:40 forall a . Maybe a
453testdata/ 226:41-226:46 Bool 453testdata/ 226:41-226:46 Bool
454testdata/ 227:38-227:54 String 454testdata/ 227:38-227:54 String
455testdata/ 230:21-230:26 Bool 455testdata/ 230:21-230:26 Bool
456testdata/ 233:5-275:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 456testdata/ 233:5-275:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
457testdata/ 233:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 457testdata/ 233:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
458testdata/ 233:7-233:40 String 458testdata/ 233:7-233:40 String
459testdata/ 234:7-234:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 459testdata/ 234:7-234:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
460testdata/ 234:7-235:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 460testdata/ 234:7-235:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
461testdata/ 234:7-236:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 461testdata/ 234:7-236:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
462testdata/ 234:7-237:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 462testdata/ 234:7-237:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
463testdata/ 234:7-238:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 463testdata/ 234:7-238:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
464testdata/ 234:7-239:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 464testdata/ 234:7-239:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
465testdata/ 234:7-240:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 465testdata/ 234:7-240:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
466testdata/ 234:7-241:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 466testdata/ 234:7-241:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
467testdata/ 234:7-242:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 467testdata/ 234:7-242:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
468testdata/ 234:7-243:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 468testdata/ 234:7-243:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
469testdata/ 234:7-244:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 469testdata/ 234:7-244:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
470testdata/ 234:7-272:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 470testdata/ 234:7-272:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
471testdata/ 234:7-274:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 471testdata/ 234:7-274:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
472testdata/ 235:24-235:26 () 472testdata/ 235:24-235:26 ()
473testdata/ 236:24-236:26 () 473testdata/ 236:24-236:26 ()
474testdata/ 237:22-237:27 Bool 474testdata/ 237:22-237:27 Bool
475testdata/ 238:20-238:21 b_ 475testdata/ 238:20-238:21 _b
476testdata/ 239:30-239:35 Bool 476testdata/ 239:30-239:35 Bool
477testdata/ 240:23-240:28 Bool 477testdata/ 240:23-240:28 Bool
478testdata/ 241:20-241:33 CullType 478testdata/ 241:20-241:33 CullType
479testdata/ 242:30-242:32 {a} -> List a 479testdata/ 242:30-242:32 forall a . List a
480testdata/ 243:25-243:30 Bool 480testdata/ 243:25-243:30 Bool
481testdata/ 244:29-244:34 Bool 481testdata/ 244:29-244:34 Bool
482testdata/ 246:13-272:14 List StageAttrs 482testdata/ 246:13-272:14 List StageAttrs
483testdata/ 246:15-246:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 483testdata/ 246:15-246:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
484testdata/ 246:15-247:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 484testdata/ 246:15-247:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
485testdata/ 246:15-248:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 485testdata/ 246:15-248:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
486testdata/ 246:15-249:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 486testdata/ 246:15-249:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
487testdata/ 246:15-250:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 487testdata/ 246:15-250:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
488testdata/ 246:15-251:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 488testdata/ 246:15-251:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
489testdata/ 246:15-252:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 489testdata/ 246:15-252:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
490testdata/ 246:15-253:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 490testdata/ 246:15-253:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
491testdata/ 246:15-254:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 491testdata/ 246:15-254:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
492testdata/ 246:15-255:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 492testdata/ 246:15-255:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
493testdata/ 246:15-256:46 String->StageAttrs 493testdata/ 246:15-256:46 String -> StageAttrs
494testdata/ 246:15-258:18 StageAttrs 494testdata/ 246:15-258:18 StageAttrs
495testdata/ 247:29-247:36 {a} -> Maybe a 495testdata/ 247:29-247:36 forall a . Maybe a
496testdata/ 248:30-248:50 RGBGen 496testdata/ 248:30-248:50 RGBGen
497testdata/ 249:32-249:42 AlphaGen 497testdata/ 249:32-249:42 AlphaGen
498testdata/ 250:29-250:36 TCGen 498testdata/ 250:29-250:36 TCGen
499testdata/ 251:29-251:31 {a} -> List a 499testdata/ 251:29-251:31 forall a . List a
500testdata/ 252:31-252:37 String->StageTexture 500testdata/ 252:31-252:37 String -> StageTexture
501testdata/ 252:31-252:71 StageTexture 501testdata/ 252:31-252:71 StageTexture
502testdata/ 252:38-252:71 String 502testdata/ 252:38-252:71 String
503testdata/ 253:34-253:38 Bool 503testdata/ 253:34-253:38 Bool
504testdata/ 254:33-254:41 DepthFunction 504testdata/ 254:33-254:41 DepthFunction
505testdata/ 255:33-255:40 {a} -> Maybe a 505testdata/ 255:33-255:40 forall a . Maybe a
506testdata/ 256:41-256:46 Bool 506testdata/ 256:41-256:46 Bool
507testdata/ 257:38-257:54 String 507testdata/ 257:38-257:54 String
508testdata/ 259:15-259:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 508testdata/ 259:15-259:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
509testdata/ 259:15-260:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 509testdata/ 259:15-260:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
510testdata/ 259:15-261:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 510testdata/ 259:15-261:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
511testdata/ 259:15-262:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 511testdata/ 259:15-262:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
512testdata/ 259:15-263:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 512testdata/ 259:15-263:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
513testdata/ 259:15-264:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 513testdata/ 259:15-264:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
514testdata/ 259:15-265:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 514testdata/ 259:15-265:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
515testdata/ 259:15-266:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 515testdata/ 259:15-266:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
516testdata/ 259:15-267:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 516testdata/ 259:15-267:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
517testdata/ 259:15-268:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 517testdata/ 259:15-268:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
518testdata/ 259:15-269:46 String->StageAttrs 518testdata/ 259:15-269:46 String -> StageAttrs
519testdata/ 259:15-271:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 519testdata/ 259:15-271:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
520testdata/ 260:29-260:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 520testdata/ 260:29-260:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
521testdata/ 260:29-260:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 521testdata/ 260:29-260:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
522testdata/ 260:34-260:57 (Blending', Blending') 522testdata/ 260:34-260:57 (Blending', Blending')
523testdata/ 260:36-260:46 Blending' 523testdata/ 260:36-260:46 Blending'
@@ -525,79 +525,79 @@ testdata/ 260:49-260:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
525testdata/ 261:30-261:50 RGBGen 525testdata/ 261:30-261:50 RGBGen
526testdata/ 262:32-262:42 AlphaGen 526testdata/ 262:32-262:42 AlphaGen
527testdata/ 263:29-263:40 TCGen 527testdata/ 263:29-263:40 TCGen
528testdata/ 264:29-264:31 {a} -> List a 528testdata/ 264:29-264:31 forall a . List a
529testdata/ 265:31-265:42 StageTexture 529testdata/ 265:31-265:42 StageTexture
530testdata/ 266:34-266:38 Bool 530testdata/ 266:34-266:38 Bool
531testdata/ 267:33-267:41 DepthFunction 531testdata/ 267:33-267:41 DepthFunction
532testdata/ 268:33-268:40 {a} -> Maybe a 532testdata/ 268:33-268:40 forall a . Maybe a
533testdata/ 269:41-269:46 Bool 533testdata/ 269:41-269:46 Bool
534testdata/ 270:38-270:54 String 534testdata/ 270:38-270:54 String
535testdata/ 273:21-273:26 Bool 535testdata/ 273:21-273:26 Bool
536testdata/ 276:5-318:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 536testdata/ 276:5-318:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
537testdata/ 276:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 537testdata/ 276:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
538testdata/ 276:7-276:42 String 538testdata/ 276:7-276:42 String
539testdata/ 277:7-277:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 539testdata/ 277:7-277:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
540testdata/ 277:7-278:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 540testdata/ 277:7-278:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
541testdata/ 277:7-279:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 541testdata/ 277:7-279:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
542testdata/ 277:7-280:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 542testdata/ 277:7-280:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
543testdata/ 277:7-281:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 543testdata/ 277:7-281:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
544testdata/ 277:7-282:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 544testdata/ 277:7-282:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
545testdata/ 277:7-283:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 545testdata/ 277:7-283:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
546testdata/ 277:7-284:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 546testdata/ 277:7-284:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
547testdata/ 277:7-285:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 547testdata/ 277:7-285:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
548testdata/ 277:7-286:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 548testdata/ 277:7-286:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
549testdata/ 277:7-287:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 549testdata/ 277:7-287:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
550testdata/ 277:7-315:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 550testdata/ 277:7-315:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
551testdata/ 277:7-317:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 551testdata/ 277:7-317:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
552testdata/ 278:24-278:26 () 552testdata/ 278:24-278:26 ()
553testdata/ 279:24-279:26 () 553testdata/ 279:24-279:26 ()
554testdata/ 280:22-280:27 Bool 554testdata/ 280:22-280:27 Bool
555testdata/ 281:20-281:21 b_ 555testdata/ 281:20-281:21 _b
556testdata/ 282:30-282:35 Bool 556testdata/ 282:30-282:35 Bool
557testdata/ 283:23-283:28 Bool 557testdata/ 283:23-283:28 Bool
558testdata/ 284:20-284:33 CullType 558testdata/ 284:20-284:33 CullType
559testdata/ 285:30-285:32 {a} -> List a 559testdata/ 285:30-285:32 forall a . List a
560testdata/ 286:25-286:30 Bool 560testdata/ 286:25-286:30 Bool
561testdata/ 287:29-287:34 Bool 561testdata/ 287:29-287:34 Bool
562testdata/ 289:13-315:14 List StageAttrs 562testdata/ 289:13-315:14 List StageAttrs
563testdata/ 289:15-289:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 563testdata/ 289:15-289:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
564testdata/ 289:15-290:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 564testdata/ 289:15-290:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
565testdata/ 289:15-291:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 565testdata/ 289:15-291:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
566testdata/ 289:15-292:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 566testdata/ 289:15-292:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
567testdata/ 289:15-293:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 567testdata/ 289:15-293:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
568testdata/ 289:15-294:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 568testdata/ 289:15-294:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
569testdata/ 289:15-295:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 569testdata/ 289:15-295:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
570testdata/ 289:15-296:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 570testdata/ 289:15-296:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
571testdata/ 289:15-297:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 571testdata/ 289:15-297:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
572testdata/ 289:15-298:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 572testdata/ 289:15-298:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
573testdata/ 289:15-299:46 String->StageAttrs 573testdata/ 289:15-299:46 String -> StageAttrs
574testdata/ 289:15-301:18 StageAttrs 574testdata/ 289:15-301:18 StageAttrs
575testdata/ 290:29-290:36 {a} -> Maybe a 575testdata/ 290:29-290:36 forall a . Maybe a
576testdata/ 291:30-291:50 RGBGen 576testdata/ 291:30-291:50 RGBGen
577testdata/ 292:32-292:42 AlphaGen 577testdata/ 292:32-292:42 AlphaGen
578testdata/ 293:29-293:36 TCGen 578testdata/ 293:29-293:36 TCGen
579testdata/ 294:29-294:31 {a} -> List a 579testdata/ 294:29-294:31 forall a . List a
580testdata/ 295:31-295:37 String->StageTexture 580testdata/ 295:31-295:37 String -> StageTexture
581testdata/ 295:31-295:73 StageTexture 581testdata/ 295:31-295:73 StageTexture
582testdata/ 295:38-295:73 String 582testdata/ 295:38-295:73 String
583testdata/ 296:34-296:38 Bool 583testdata/ 296:34-296:38 Bool
584testdata/ 297:33-297:41 DepthFunction 584testdata/ 297:33-297:41 DepthFunction
585testdata/ 298:33-298:40 {a} -> Maybe a 585testdata/ 298:33-298:40 forall a . Maybe a
586testdata/ 299:41-299:46 Bool 586testdata/ 299:41-299:46 Bool
587testdata/ 300:38-300:53 String 587testdata/ 300:38-300:53 String
588testdata/ 302:15-302:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 588testdata/ 302:15-302:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
589testdata/ 302:15-303:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 589testdata/ 302:15-303:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
590testdata/ 302:15-304:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 590testdata/ 302:15-304:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
591testdata/ 302:15-305:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 591testdata/ 302:15-305:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
592testdata/ 302:15-306:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 592testdata/ 302:15-306:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
593testdata/ 302:15-307:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 593testdata/ 302:15-307:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
594testdata/ 302:15-308:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 594testdata/ 302:15-308:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
595testdata/ 302:15-309:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 595testdata/ 302:15-309:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
596testdata/ 302:15-310:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 596testdata/ 302:15-310:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
597testdata/ 302:15-311:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 597testdata/ 302:15-311:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
598testdata/ 302:15-312:46 String->StageAttrs 598testdata/ 302:15-312:46 String -> StageAttrs
599testdata/ 302:15-314:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 599testdata/ 302:15-314:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
600testdata/ 303:29-303:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 600testdata/ 303:29-303:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
601testdata/ 303:29-303:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 601testdata/ 303:29-303:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
602testdata/ 303:34-303:57 (Blending', Blending') 602testdata/ 303:34-303:57 (Blending', Blending')
603testdata/ 303:36-303:46 Blending' 603testdata/ 303:36-303:46 Blending'
@@ -605,79 +605,79 @@ testdata/ 303:49-303:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
605testdata/ 304:30-304:50 RGBGen 605testdata/ 304:30-304:50 RGBGen
606testdata/ 305:32-305:42 AlphaGen 606testdata/ 305:32-305:42 AlphaGen
607testdata/ 306:29-306:40 TCGen 607testdata/ 306:29-306:40 TCGen
608testdata/ 307:29-307:31 {a} -> List a 608testdata/ 307:29-307:31 forall a . List a
609testdata/ 308:31-308:42 StageTexture 609testdata/ 308:31-308:42 StageTexture
610testdata/ 309:34-309:38 Bool 610testdata/ 309:34-309:38 Bool
611testdata/ 310:33-310:41 DepthFunction 611testdata/ 310:33-310:41 DepthFunction
612testdata/ 311:33-311:40 {a} -> Maybe a 612testdata/ 311:33-311:40 forall a . Maybe a
613testdata/ 312:41-312:46 Bool 613testdata/ 312:41-312:46 Bool
614testdata/ 313:38-313:54 String 614testdata/ 313:38-313:54 String
615testdata/ 316:21-316:26 Bool 615testdata/ 316:21-316:26 Bool
616testdata/ 319:5-361:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 616testdata/ 319:5-361:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
617testdata/ 319:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 617testdata/ 319:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
618testdata/ 319:7-319:43 String 618testdata/ 319:7-319:43 String
619testdata/ 320:7-320:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 619testdata/ 320:7-320:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
620testdata/ 320:7-321:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 620testdata/ 320:7-321:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
621testdata/ 320:7-322:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 621testdata/ 320:7-322:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
622testdata/ 320:7-323:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 622testdata/ 320:7-323:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
623testdata/ 320:7-324:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 623testdata/ 320:7-324:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
624testdata/ 320:7-325:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 624testdata/ 320:7-325:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
625testdata/ 320:7-326:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 625testdata/ 320:7-326:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
626testdata/ 320:7-327:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 626testdata/ 320:7-327:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
627testdata/ 320:7-328:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 627testdata/ 320:7-328:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
628testdata/ 320:7-329:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 628testdata/ 320:7-329:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
629testdata/ 320:7-330:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 629testdata/ 320:7-330:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
630testdata/ 320:7-358:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 630testdata/ 320:7-358:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
631testdata/ 320:7-360:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 631testdata/ 320:7-360:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
632testdata/ 321:24-321:26 () 632testdata/ 321:24-321:26 ()
633testdata/ 322:24-322:26 () 633testdata/ 322:24-322:26 ()
634testdata/ 323:22-323:27 Bool 634testdata/ 323:22-323:27 Bool
635testdata/ 324:20-324:21 b_ 635testdata/ 324:20-324:21 _b
636testdata/ 325:30-325:35 Bool 636testdata/ 325:30-325:35 Bool
637testdata/ 326:23-326:28 Bool 637testdata/ 326:23-326:28 Bool
638testdata/ 327:20-327:33 CullType 638testdata/ 327:20-327:33 CullType
639testdata/ 328:30-328:32 {a} -> List a 639testdata/ 328:30-328:32 forall a . List a
640testdata/ 329:25-329:30 Bool 640testdata/ 329:25-329:30 Bool
641testdata/ 330:29-330:34 Bool 641testdata/ 330:29-330:34 Bool
642testdata/ 332:13-358:14 List StageAttrs 642testdata/ 332:13-358:14 List StageAttrs
643testdata/ 332:15-332:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 643testdata/ 332:15-332:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
644testdata/ 332:15-333:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 644testdata/ 332:15-333:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
645testdata/ 332:15-334:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 645testdata/ 332:15-334:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
646testdata/ 332:15-335:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 646testdata/ 332:15-335:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
647testdata/ 332:15-336:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 647testdata/ 332:15-336:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
648testdata/ 332:15-337:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 648testdata/ 332:15-337:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
649testdata/ 332:15-338:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 649testdata/ 332:15-338:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
650testdata/ 332:15-339:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 650testdata/ 332:15-339:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
651testdata/ 332:15-340:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 651testdata/ 332:15-340:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
652testdata/ 332:15-341:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 652testdata/ 332:15-341:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
653testdata/ 332:15-342:46 String->StageAttrs 653testdata/ 332:15-342:46 String -> StageAttrs
654testdata/ 332:15-344:18 StageAttrs 654testdata/ 332:15-344:18 StageAttrs
655testdata/ 333:29-333:36 {a} -> Maybe a 655testdata/ 333:29-333:36 forall a . Maybe a
656testdata/ 334:30-334:50 RGBGen 656testdata/ 334:30-334:50 RGBGen
657testdata/ 335:32-335:42 AlphaGen 657testdata/ 335:32-335:42 AlphaGen
658testdata/ 336:29-336:36 TCGen 658testdata/ 336:29-336:36 TCGen
659testdata/ 337:29-337:31 {a} -> List a 659testdata/ 337:29-337:31 forall a . List a
660testdata/ 338:31-338:37 String->StageTexture 660testdata/ 338:31-338:37 String -> StageTexture
661testdata/ 338:31-338:74 StageTexture 661testdata/ 338:31-338:74 StageTexture
662testdata/ 338:38-338:74 String 662testdata/ 338:38-338:74 String
663testdata/ 339:34-339:38 Bool 663testdata/ 339:34-339:38 Bool
664testdata/ 340:33-340:41 DepthFunction 664testdata/ 340:33-340:41 DepthFunction
665testdata/ 341:33-341:40 {a} -> Maybe a 665testdata/ 341:33-341:40 forall a . Maybe a
666testdata/ 342:41-342:46 Bool 666testdata/ 342:41-342:46 Bool
667testdata/ 343:38-343:54 String 667testdata/ 343:38-343:54 String
668testdata/ 345:15-345:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 668testdata/ 345:15-345:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
669testdata/ 345:15-346:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 669testdata/ 345:15-346:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
670testdata/ 345:15-347:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 670testdata/ 345:15-347:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
671testdata/ 345:15-348:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 671testdata/ 345:15-348:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
672testdata/ 345:15-349:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 672testdata/ 345:15-349:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
673testdata/ 345:15-350:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 673testdata/ 345:15-350:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
674testdata/ 345:15-351:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 674testdata/ 345:15-351:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
675testdata/ 345:15-352:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 675testdata/ 345:15-352:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
676testdata/ 345:15-353:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 676testdata/ 345:15-353:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
677testdata/ 345:15-354:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 677testdata/ 345:15-354:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
678testdata/ 345:15-355:46 String->StageAttrs 678testdata/ 345:15-355:46 String -> StageAttrs
679testdata/ 345:15-357:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 679testdata/ 345:15-357:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
680testdata/ 346:29-346:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 680testdata/ 346:29-346:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
681testdata/ 346:29-346:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 681testdata/ 346:29-346:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
682testdata/ 346:34-346:57 (Blending', Blending') 682testdata/ 346:34-346:57 (Blending', Blending')
683testdata/ 346:36-346:46 Blending' 683testdata/ 346:36-346:46 Blending'
@@ -685,79 +685,79 @@ testdata/ 346:49-346:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
685testdata/ 347:30-347:50 RGBGen 685testdata/ 347:30-347:50 RGBGen
686testdata/ 348:32-348:42 AlphaGen 686testdata/ 348:32-348:42 AlphaGen
687testdata/ 349:29-349:40 TCGen 687testdata/ 349:29-349:40 TCGen
688testdata/ 350:29-350:31 {a} -> List a 688testdata/ 350:29-350:31 forall a . List a
689testdata/ 351:31-351:42 StageTexture 689testdata/ 351:31-351:42 StageTexture
690testdata/ 352:34-352:38 Bool 690testdata/ 352:34-352:38 Bool
691testdata/ 353:33-353:41 DepthFunction 691testdata/ 353:33-353:41 DepthFunction
692testdata/ 354:33-354:40 {a} -> Maybe a 692testdata/ 354:33-354:40 forall a . Maybe a
693testdata/ 355:41-355:46 Bool 693testdata/ 355:41-355:46 Bool
694testdata/ 356:38-356:54 String 694testdata/ 356:38-356:54 String
695testdata/ 359:21-359:26 Bool 695testdata/ 359:21-359:26 Bool
696testdata/ 362:5-404:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 696testdata/ 362:5-404:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
697testdata/ 362:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 697testdata/ 362:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
698testdata/ 362:7-362:53 String 698testdata/ 362:7-362:53 String
699testdata/ 363:7-363:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 699testdata/ 363:7-363:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
700testdata/ 363:7-364:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 700testdata/ 363:7-364:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
701testdata/ 363:7-365:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 701testdata/ 363:7-365:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
702testdata/ 363:7-366:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 702testdata/ 363:7-366:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
703testdata/ 363:7-367:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 703testdata/ 363:7-367:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
704testdata/ 363:7-368:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 704testdata/ 363:7-368:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
705testdata/ 363:7-369:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 705testdata/ 363:7-369:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
706testdata/ 363:7-370:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 706testdata/ 363:7-370:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
707testdata/ 363:7-371:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 707testdata/ 363:7-371:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
708testdata/ 363:7-372:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 708testdata/ 363:7-372:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
709testdata/ 363:7-373:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 709testdata/ 363:7-373:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
710testdata/ 363:7-401:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 710testdata/ 363:7-401:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
711testdata/ 363:7-403:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 711testdata/ 363:7-403:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
712testdata/ 364:24-364:26 () 712testdata/ 364:24-364:26 ()
713testdata/ 365:24-365:26 () 713testdata/ 365:24-365:26 ()
714testdata/ 366:22-366:27 Bool 714testdata/ 366:22-366:27 Bool
715testdata/ 367:20-367:21 b_ 715testdata/ 367:20-367:21 _b
716testdata/ 368:30-368:35 Bool 716testdata/ 368:30-368:35 Bool
717testdata/ 369:23-369:28 Bool 717testdata/ 369:23-369:28 Bool
718testdata/ 370:20-370:33 CullType 718testdata/ 370:20-370:33 CullType
719testdata/ 371:30-371:32 {a} -> List a 719testdata/ 371:30-371:32 forall a . List a
720testdata/ 372:25-372:30 Bool 720testdata/ 372:25-372:30 Bool
721testdata/ 373:29-373:34 Bool 721testdata/ 373:29-373:34 Bool
722testdata/ 375:13-401:14 List StageAttrs 722testdata/ 375:13-401:14 List StageAttrs
723testdata/ 375:15-375:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 723testdata/ 375:15-375:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
724testdata/ 375:15-376:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 724testdata/ 375:15-376:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
725testdata/ 375:15-377:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 725testdata/ 375:15-377:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
726testdata/ 375:15-378:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 726testdata/ 375:15-378:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
727testdata/ 375:15-379:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 727testdata/ 375:15-379:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
728testdata/ 375:15-380:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 728testdata/ 375:15-380:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
729testdata/ 375:15-381:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 729testdata/ 375:15-381:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
730testdata/ 375:15-382:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 730testdata/ 375:15-382:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
731testdata/ 375:15-383:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 731testdata/ 375:15-383:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
732testdata/ 375:15-384:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 732testdata/ 375:15-384:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
733testdata/ 375:15-385:46 String->StageAttrs 733testdata/ 375:15-385:46 String -> StageAttrs
734testdata/ 375:15-387:18 StageAttrs 734testdata/ 375:15-387:18 StageAttrs
735testdata/ 376:29-376:36 {a} -> Maybe a 735testdata/ 376:29-376:36 forall a . Maybe a
736testdata/ 377:30-377:50 RGBGen 736testdata/ 377:30-377:50 RGBGen
737testdata/ 378:32-378:42 AlphaGen 737testdata/ 378:32-378:42 AlphaGen
738testdata/ 379:29-379:36 TCGen 738testdata/ 379:29-379:36 TCGen
739testdata/ 380:29-380:31 {a} -> List a 739testdata/ 380:29-380:31 forall a . List a
740testdata/ 381:31-381:37 String->StageTexture 740testdata/ 381:31-381:37 String -> StageTexture
741testdata/ 381:31-381:84 StageTexture 741testdata/ 381:31-381:84 StageTexture
742testdata/ 381:38-381:84 String 742testdata/ 381:38-381:84 String
743testdata/ 382:34-382:38 Bool 743testdata/ 382:34-382:38 Bool
744testdata/ 383:33-383:41 DepthFunction 744testdata/ 383:33-383:41 DepthFunction
745testdata/ 384:33-384:40 {a} -> Maybe a 745testdata/ 384:33-384:40 forall a . Maybe a
746testdata/ 385:41-385:46 Bool 746testdata/ 385:41-385:46 Bool
747testdata/ 386:38-386:54 String 747testdata/ 386:38-386:54 String
748testdata/ 388:15-388:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 748testdata/ 388:15-388:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
749testdata/ 388:15-389:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 749testdata/ 388:15-389:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
750testdata/ 388:15-390:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 750testdata/ 388:15-390:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
751testdata/ 388:15-391:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 751testdata/ 388:15-391:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
752testdata/ 388:15-392:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 752testdata/ 388:15-392:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
753testdata/ 388:15-393:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 753testdata/ 388:15-393:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
754testdata/ 388:15-394:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 754testdata/ 388:15-394:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
755testdata/ 388:15-395:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 755testdata/ 388:15-395:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
756testdata/ 388:15-396:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 756testdata/ 388:15-396:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
757testdata/ 388:15-397:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 757testdata/ 388:15-397:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
758testdata/ 388:15-398:46 String->StageAttrs 758testdata/ 388:15-398:46 String -> StageAttrs
759testdata/ 388:15-400:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 759testdata/ 388:15-400:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
760testdata/ 389:29-389:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 760testdata/ 389:29-389:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
761testdata/ 389:29-389:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 761testdata/ 389:29-389:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
762testdata/ 389:34-389:57 (Blending', Blending') 762testdata/ 389:34-389:57 (Blending', Blending')
763testdata/ 389:36-389:46 Blending' 763testdata/ 389:36-389:46 Blending'
@@ -765,79 +765,79 @@ testdata/ 389:49-389:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
765testdata/ 390:30-390:50 RGBGen 765testdata/ 390:30-390:50 RGBGen
766testdata/ 391:32-391:42 AlphaGen 766testdata/ 391:32-391:42 AlphaGen
767testdata/ 392:29-392:40 TCGen 767testdata/ 392:29-392:40 TCGen
768testdata/ 393:29-393:31 {a} -> List a 768testdata/ 393:29-393:31 forall a . List a
769testdata/ 394:31-394:42 StageTexture 769testdata/ 394:31-394:42 StageTexture
770testdata/ 395:34-395:38 Bool 770testdata/ 395:34-395:38 Bool
771testdata/ 396:33-396:41 DepthFunction 771testdata/ 396:33-396:41 DepthFunction
772testdata/ 397:33-397:40 {a} -> Maybe a 772testdata/ 397:33-397:40 forall a . Maybe a
773testdata/ 398:41-398:46 Bool 773testdata/ 398:41-398:46 Bool
774testdata/ 399:38-399:54 String 774testdata/ 399:38-399:54 String
775testdata/ 402:21-402:26 Bool 775testdata/ 402:21-402:26 Bool
776testdata/ 405:5-447:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 776testdata/ 405:5-447:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
777testdata/ 405:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 777testdata/ 405:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
778testdata/ 405:7-405:53 String 778testdata/ 405:7-405:53 String
779testdata/ 406:7-406:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 779testdata/ 406:7-406:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
780testdata/ 406:7-407:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 780testdata/ 406:7-407:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
781testdata/ 406:7-408:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 781testdata/ 406:7-408:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
782testdata/ 406:7-409:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 782testdata/ 406:7-409:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
783testdata/ 406:7-410:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 783testdata/ 406:7-410:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
784testdata/ 406:7-411:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 784testdata/ 406:7-411:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
785testdata/ 406:7-412:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 785testdata/ 406:7-412:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
786testdata/ 406:7-413:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 786testdata/ 406:7-413:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
787testdata/ 406:7-414:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 787testdata/ 406:7-414:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
788testdata/ 406:7-415:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 788testdata/ 406:7-415:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
789testdata/ 406:7-416:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 789testdata/ 406:7-416:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
790testdata/ 406:7-444:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 790testdata/ 406:7-444:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
791testdata/ 406:7-446:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 791testdata/ 406:7-446:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
792testdata/ 407:24-407:26 () 792testdata/ 407:24-407:26 ()
793testdata/ 408:24-408:26 () 793testdata/ 408:24-408:26 ()
794testdata/ 409:22-409:27 Bool 794testdata/ 409:22-409:27 Bool
795testdata/ 410:20-410:21 b_ 795testdata/ 410:20-410:21 _b
796testdata/ 411:30-411:35 Bool 796testdata/ 411:30-411:35 Bool
797testdata/ 412:23-412:28 Bool 797testdata/ 412:23-412:28 Bool
798testdata/ 413:20-413:33 CullType 798testdata/ 413:20-413:33 CullType
799testdata/ 414:30-414:32 {a} -> List a 799testdata/ 414:30-414:32 forall a . List a
800testdata/ 415:25-415:30 Bool 800testdata/ 415:25-415:30 Bool
801testdata/ 416:29-416:34 Bool 801testdata/ 416:29-416:34 Bool
802testdata/ 418:13-444:14 List StageAttrs 802testdata/ 418:13-444:14 List StageAttrs
803testdata/ 418:15-418:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 803testdata/ 418:15-418:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
804testdata/ 418:15-419:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 804testdata/ 418:15-419:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
805testdata/ 418:15-420:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 805testdata/ 418:15-420:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
806testdata/ 418:15-421:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 806testdata/ 418:15-421:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
807testdata/ 418:15-422:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 807testdata/ 418:15-422:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
808testdata/ 418:15-423:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 808testdata/ 418:15-423:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
809testdata/ 418:15-424:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 809testdata/ 418:15-424:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
810testdata/ 418:15-425:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 810testdata/ 418:15-425:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
811testdata/ 418:15-426:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 811testdata/ 418:15-426:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
812testdata/ 418:15-427:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 812testdata/ 418:15-427:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
813testdata/ 418:15-428:46 String->StageAttrs 813testdata/ 418:15-428:46 String -> StageAttrs
814testdata/ 418:15-430:18 StageAttrs 814testdata/ 418:15-430:18 StageAttrs
815testdata/ 419:29-419:36 {a} -> Maybe a 815testdata/ 419:29-419:36 forall a . Maybe a
816testdata/ 420:30-420:50 RGBGen 816testdata/ 420:30-420:50 RGBGen
817testdata/ 421:32-421:42 AlphaGen 817testdata/ 421:32-421:42 AlphaGen
818testdata/ 422:29-422:36 TCGen 818testdata/ 422:29-422:36 TCGen
819testdata/ 423:29-423:31 {a} -> List a 819testdata/ 423:29-423:31 forall a . List a
820testdata/ 424:31-424:37 String->StageTexture 820testdata/ 424:31-424:37 String -> StageTexture
821testdata/ 424:31-424:84 StageTexture 821testdata/ 424:31-424:84 StageTexture
822testdata/ 424:38-424:84 String 822testdata/ 424:38-424:84 String
823testdata/ 425:34-425:38 Bool 823testdata/ 425:34-425:38 Bool
824testdata/ 426:33-426:41 DepthFunction 824testdata/ 426:33-426:41 DepthFunction
825testdata/ 427:33-427:40 {a} -> Maybe a 825testdata/ 427:33-427:40 forall a . Maybe a
826testdata/ 428:41-428:46 Bool 826testdata/ 428:41-428:46 Bool
827testdata/ 429:38-429:54 String 827testdata/ 429:38-429:54 String
828testdata/ 431:15-431:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 828testdata/ 431:15-431:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
829testdata/ 431:15-432:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 829testdata/ 431:15-432:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
830testdata/ 431:15-433:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 830testdata/ 431:15-433:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
831testdata/ 431:15-434:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 831testdata/ 431:15-434:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
832testdata/ 431:15-435:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 832testdata/ 431:15-435:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
833testdata/ 431:15-436:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 833testdata/ 431:15-436:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
834testdata/ 431:15-437:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 834testdata/ 431:15-437:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
835testdata/ 431:15-438:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 835testdata/ 431:15-438:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
836testdata/ 431:15-439:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 836testdata/ 431:15-439:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
837testdata/ 431:15-440:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 837testdata/ 431:15-440:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
838testdata/ 431:15-441:46 String->StageAttrs 838testdata/ 431:15-441:46 String -> StageAttrs
839testdata/ 431:15-443:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 839testdata/ 431:15-443:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
840testdata/ 432:29-432:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 840testdata/ 432:29-432:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
841testdata/ 432:29-432:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 841testdata/ 432:29-432:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
842testdata/ 432:34-432:57 (Blending', Blending') 842testdata/ 432:34-432:57 (Blending', Blending')
843testdata/ 432:36-432:46 Blending' 843testdata/ 432:36-432:46 Blending'
@@ -845,79 +845,79 @@ testdata/ 432:49-432:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
845testdata/ 433:30-433:50 RGBGen 845testdata/ 433:30-433:50 RGBGen
846testdata/ 434:32-434:42 AlphaGen 846testdata/ 434:32-434:42 AlphaGen
847testdata/ 435:29-435:40 TCGen 847testdata/ 435:29-435:40 TCGen
848testdata/ 436:29-436:31 {a} -> List a 848testdata/ 436:29-436:31 forall a . List a
849testdata/ 437:31-437:42 StageTexture 849testdata/ 437:31-437:42 StageTexture
850testdata/ 438:34-438:38 Bool 850testdata/ 438:34-438:38 Bool
851testdata/ 439:33-439:41 DepthFunction 851testdata/ 439:33-439:41 DepthFunction
852testdata/ 440:33-440:40 {a} -> Maybe a 852testdata/ 440:33-440:40 forall a . Maybe a
853testdata/ 441:41-441:46 Bool 853testdata/ 441:41-441:46 Bool
854testdata/ 442:38-442:54 String 854testdata/ 442:38-442:54 String
855testdata/ 445:21-445:26 Bool 855testdata/ 445:21-445:26 Bool
856testdata/ 448:5-490:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 856testdata/ 448:5-490:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
857testdata/ 448:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 857testdata/ 448:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
858testdata/ 448:7-448:53 String 858testdata/ 448:7-448:53 String
859testdata/ 449:7-449:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 859testdata/ 449:7-449:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
860testdata/ 449:7-450:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 860testdata/ 449:7-450:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
861testdata/ 449:7-451:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 861testdata/ 449:7-451:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
862testdata/ 449:7-452:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 862testdata/ 449:7-452:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
863testdata/ 449:7-453:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 863testdata/ 449:7-453:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
864testdata/ 449:7-454:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 864testdata/ 449:7-454:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
865testdata/ 449:7-455:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 865testdata/ 449:7-455:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
866testdata/ 449:7-456:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 866testdata/ 449:7-456:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
867testdata/ 449:7-457:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 867testdata/ 449:7-457:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
868testdata/ 449:7-458:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 868testdata/ 449:7-458:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
869testdata/ 449:7-459:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 869testdata/ 449:7-459:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
870testdata/ 449:7-487:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 870testdata/ 449:7-487:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
871testdata/ 449:7-489:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 871testdata/ 449:7-489:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
872testdata/ 450:24-450:26 () 872testdata/ 450:24-450:26 ()
873testdata/ 451:24-451:26 () 873testdata/ 451:24-451:26 ()
874testdata/ 452:22-452:27 Bool 874testdata/ 452:22-452:27 Bool
875testdata/ 453:20-453:21 b_ 875testdata/ 453:20-453:21 _b
876testdata/ 454:30-454:35 Bool 876testdata/ 454:30-454:35 Bool
877testdata/ 455:23-455:28 Bool 877testdata/ 455:23-455:28 Bool
878testdata/ 456:20-456:33 CullType 878testdata/ 456:20-456:33 CullType
879testdata/ 457:30-457:32 {a} -> List a 879testdata/ 457:30-457:32 forall a . List a
880testdata/ 458:25-458:30 Bool 880testdata/ 458:25-458:30 Bool
881testdata/ 459:29-459:34 Bool 881testdata/ 459:29-459:34 Bool
882testdata/ 461:13-487:14 List StageAttrs 882testdata/ 461:13-487:14 List StageAttrs
883testdata/ 461:15-461:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 883testdata/ 461:15-461:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
884testdata/ 461:15-462:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 884testdata/ 461:15-462:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
885testdata/ 461:15-463:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 885testdata/ 461:15-463:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
886testdata/ 461:15-464:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 886testdata/ 461:15-464:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
887testdata/ 461:15-465:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 887testdata/ 461:15-465:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
888testdata/ 461:15-466:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 888testdata/ 461:15-466:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
889testdata/ 461:15-467:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 889testdata/ 461:15-467:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
890testdata/ 461:15-468:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 890testdata/ 461:15-468:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
891testdata/ 461:15-469:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 891testdata/ 461:15-469:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
892testdata/ 461:15-470:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 892testdata/ 461:15-470:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
893testdata/ 461:15-471:46 String->StageAttrs 893testdata/ 461:15-471:46 String -> StageAttrs
894testdata/ 461:15-473:18 StageAttrs 894testdata/ 461:15-473:18 StageAttrs
895testdata/ 462:29-462:36 {a} -> Maybe a 895testdata/ 462:29-462:36 forall a . Maybe a
896testdata/ 463:30-463:50 RGBGen 896testdata/ 463:30-463:50 RGBGen
897testdata/ 464:32-464:42 AlphaGen 897testdata/ 464:32-464:42 AlphaGen
898testdata/ 465:29-465:36 TCGen 898testdata/ 465:29-465:36 TCGen
899testdata/ 466:29-466:31 {a} -> List a 899testdata/ 466:29-466:31 forall a . List a
900testdata/ 467:31-467:37 String->StageTexture 900testdata/ 467:31-467:37 String -> StageTexture
901testdata/ 467:31-467:84 StageTexture 901testdata/ 467:31-467:84 StageTexture
902testdata/ 467:38-467:84 String 902testdata/ 467:38-467:84 String
903testdata/ 468:34-468:38 Bool 903testdata/ 468:34-468:38 Bool
904testdata/ 469:33-469:41 DepthFunction 904testdata/ 469:33-469:41 DepthFunction
905testdata/ 470:33-470:40 {a} -> Maybe a 905testdata/ 470:33-470:40 forall a . Maybe a
906testdata/ 471:41-471:46 Bool 906testdata/ 471:41-471:46 Bool
907testdata/ 472:38-472:54 String 907testdata/ 472:38-472:54 String
908testdata/ 474:15-474:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 908testdata/ 474:15-474:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
909testdata/ 474:15-475:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 909testdata/ 474:15-475:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
910testdata/ 474:15-476:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 910testdata/ 474:15-476:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
911testdata/ 474:15-477:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 911testdata/ 474:15-477:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
912testdata/ 474:15-478:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 912testdata/ 474:15-478:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
913testdata/ 474:15-479:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 913testdata/ 474:15-479:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
914testdata/ 474:15-480:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 914testdata/ 474:15-480:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
915testdata/ 474:15-481:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 915testdata/ 474:15-481:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
916testdata/ 474:15-482:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 916testdata/ 474:15-482:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
917testdata/ 474:15-483:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 917testdata/ 474:15-483:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
918testdata/ 474:15-484:46 String->StageAttrs 918testdata/ 474:15-484:46 String -> StageAttrs
919testdata/ 474:15-486:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 919testdata/ 474:15-486:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
920testdata/ 475:29-475:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 920testdata/ 475:29-475:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
921testdata/ 475:29-475:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 921testdata/ 475:29-475:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
922testdata/ 475:34-475:57 (Blending', Blending') 922testdata/ 475:34-475:57 (Blending', Blending')
923testdata/ 475:36-475:46 Blending' 923testdata/ 475:36-475:46 Blending'
@@ -925,79 +925,79 @@ testdata/ 475:49-475:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
925testdata/ 476:30-476:50 RGBGen 925testdata/ 476:30-476:50 RGBGen
926testdata/ 477:32-477:42 AlphaGen 926testdata/ 477:32-477:42 AlphaGen
927testdata/ 478:29-478:40 TCGen 927testdata/ 478:29-478:40 TCGen
928testdata/ 479:29-479:31 {a} -> List a 928testdata/ 479:29-479:31 forall a . List a
929testdata/ 480:31-480:42 StageTexture 929testdata/ 480:31-480:42 StageTexture
930testdata/ 481:34-481:38 Bool 930testdata/ 481:34-481:38 Bool
931testdata/ 482:33-482:41 DepthFunction 931testdata/ 482:33-482:41 DepthFunction
932testdata/ 483:33-483:40 {a} -> Maybe a 932testdata/ 483:33-483:40 forall a . Maybe a
933testdata/ 484:41-484:46 Bool 933testdata/ 484:41-484:46 Bool
934testdata/ 485:38-485:54 String 934testdata/ 485:38-485:54 String
935testdata/ 488:21-488:26 Bool 935testdata/ 488:21-488:26 Bool
936testdata/ 491:5-533:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 936testdata/ 491:5-533:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
937testdata/ 491:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 937testdata/ 491:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
938testdata/ 491:7-491:53 String 938testdata/ 491:7-491:53 String
939testdata/ 492:7-492:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 939testdata/ 492:7-492:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
940testdata/ 492:7-493:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 940testdata/ 492:7-493:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
941testdata/ 492:7-494:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 941testdata/ 492:7-494:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
942testdata/ 492:7-495:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 942testdata/ 492:7-495:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
943testdata/ 492:7-496:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 943testdata/ 492:7-496:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
944testdata/ 492:7-497:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 944testdata/ 492:7-497:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
945testdata/ 492:7-498:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 945testdata/ 492:7-498:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
946testdata/ 492:7-499:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 946testdata/ 492:7-499:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
947testdata/ 492:7-500:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 947testdata/ 492:7-500:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
948testdata/ 492:7-501:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 948testdata/ 492:7-501:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
949testdata/ 492:7-502:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 949testdata/ 492:7-502:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
950testdata/ 492:7-530:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 950testdata/ 492:7-530:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
951testdata/ 492:7-532:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 951testdata/ 492:7-532:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
952testdata/ 493:24-493:26 () 952testdata/ 493:24-493:26 ()
953testdata/ 494:24-494:26 () 953testdata/ 494:24-494:26 ()
954testdata/ 495:22-495:27 Bool 954testdata/ 495:22-495:27 Bool
955testdata/ 496:20-496:21 b_ 955testdata/ 496:20-496:21 _b
956testdata/ 497:30-497:35 Bool 956testdata/ 497:30-497:35 Bool
957testdata/ 498:23-498:28 Bool 957testdata/ 498:23-498:28 Bool
958testdata/ 499:20-499:33 CullType 958testdata/ 499:20-499:33 CullType
959testdata/ 500:30-500:32 {a} -> List a 959testdata/ 500:30-500:32 forall a . List a
960testdata/ 501:25-501:30 Bool 960testdata/ 501:25-501:30 Bool
961testdata/ 502:29-502:34 Bool 961testdata/ 502:29-502:34 Bool
962testdata/ 504:13-530:14 List StageAttrs 962testdata/ 504:13-530:14 List StageAttrs
963testdata/ 504:15-504:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 963testdata/ 504:15-504:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
964testdata/ 504:15-505:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 964testdata/ 504:15-505:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
965testdata/ 504:15-506:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 965testdata/ 504:15-506:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
966testdata/ 504:15-507:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 966testdata/ 504:15-507:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
967testdata/ 504:15-508:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 967testdata/ 504:15-508:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
968testdata/ 504:15-509:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 968testdata/ 504:15-509:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
969testdata/ 504:15-510:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 969testdata/ 504:15-510:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
970testdata/ 504:15-511:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 970testdata/ 504:15-511:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
971testdata/ 504:15-512:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 971testdata/ 504:15-512:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
972testdata/ 504:15-513:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 972testdata/ 504:15-513:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
973testdata/ 504:15-514:46 String->StageAttrs 973testdata/ 504:15-514:46 String -> StageAttrs
974testdata/ 504:15-516:18 StageAttrs 974testdata/ 504:15-516:18 StageAttrs
975testdata/ 505:29-505:36 {a} -> Maybe a 975testdata/ 505:29-505:36 forall a . Maybe a
976testdata/ 506:30-506:50 RGBGen 976testdata/ 506:30-506:50 RGBGen
977testdata/ 507:32-507:42 AlphaGen 977testdata/ 507:32-507:42 AlphaGen
978testdata/ 508:29-508:36 TCGen 978testdata/ 508:29-508:36 TCGen
979testdata/ 509:29-509:31 {a} -> List a 979testdata/ 509:29-509:31 forall a . List a
980testdata/ 510:31-510:37 String->StageTexture 980testdata/ 510:31-510:37 String -> StageTexture
981testdata/ 510:31-510:84 StageTexture 981testdata/ 510:31-510:84 StageTexture
982testdata/ 510:38-510:84 String 982testdata/ 510:38-510:84 String
983testdata/ 511:34-511:38 Bool 983testdata/ 511:34-511:38 Bool
984testdata/ 512:33-512:41 DepthFunction 984testdata/ 512:33-512:41 DepthFunction
985testdata/ 513:33-513:40 {a} -> Maybe a 985testdata/ 513:33-513:40 forall a . Maybe a
986testdata/ 514:41-514:46 Bool 986testdata/ 514:41-514:46 Bool
987testdata/ 515:38-515:54 String 987testdata/ 515:38-515:54 String
988testdata/ 517:15-517:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 988testdata/ 517:15-517:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
989testdata/ 517:15-518:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 989testdata/ 517:15-518:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
990testdata/ 517:15-519:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 990testdata/ 517:15-519:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
991testdata/ 517:15-520:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 991testdata/ 517:15-520:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
992testdata/ 517:15-521:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 992testdata/ 517:15-521:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
993testdata/ 517:15-522:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 993testdata/ 517:15-522:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
994testdata/ 517:15-523:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 994testdata/ 517:15-523:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
995testdata/ 517:15-524:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 995testdata/ 517:15-524:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
996testdata/ 517:15-525:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 996testdata/ 517:15-525:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
997testdata/ 517:15-526:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 997testdata/ 517:15-526:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
998testdata/ 517:15-527:46 String->StageAttrs 998testdata/ 517:15-527:46 String -> StageAttrs
999testdata/ 517:15-529:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 999testdata/ 517:15-529:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1000testdata/ 518:29-518:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1000testdata/ 518:29-518:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1001testdata/ 518:29-518:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1001testdata/ 518:29-518:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1002testdata/ 518:34-518:57 (Blending', Blending') 1002testdata/ 518:34-518:57 (Blending', Blending')
1003testdata/ 518:36-518:46 Blending' 1003testdata/ 518:36-518:46 Blending'
@@ -1005,79 +1005,79 @@ testdata/ 518:49-518:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1005testdata/ 519:30-519:50 RGBGen 1005testdata/ 519:30-519:50 RGBGen
1006testdata/ 520:32-520:42 AlphaGen 1006testdata/ 520:32-520:42 AlphaGen
1007testdata/ 521:29-521:40 TCGen 1007testdata/ 521:29-521:40 TCGen
1008testdata/ 522:29-522:31 {a} -> List a 1008testdata/ 522:29-522:31 forall a . List a
1009testdata/ 523:31-523:42 StageTexture 1009testdata/ 523:31-523:42 StageTexture
1010testdata/ 524:34-524:38 Bool 1010testdata/ 524:34-524:38 Bool
1011testdata/ 525:33-525:41 DepthFunction 1011testdata/ 525:33-525:41 DepthFunction
1012testdata/ 526:33-526:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1012testdata/ 526:33-526:40 forall a . Maybe a
1013testdata/ 527:41-527:46 Bool 1013testdata/ 527:41-527:46 Bool
1014testdata/ 528:38-528:54 String 1014testdata/ 528:38-528:54 String
1015testdata/ 531:21-531:26 Bool 1015testdata/ 531:21-531:26 Bool
1016testdata/ 534:5-576:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1016testdata/ 534:5-576:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1017testdata/ 534:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1017testdata/ 534:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1018testdata/ 534:7-534:42 String 1018testdata/ 534:7-534:42 String
1019testdata/ 535:7-535:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1019testdata/ 535:7-535:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1020testdata/ 535:7-536:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1020testdata/ 535:7-536:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1021testdata/ 535:7-537:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1021testdata/ 535:7-537:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1022testdata/ 535:7-538:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1022testdata/ 535:7-538:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1023testdata/ 535:7-539:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1023testdata/ 535:7-539:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1024testdata/ 535:7-540:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1024testdata/ 535:7-540:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1025testdata/ 535:7-541:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1025testdata/ 535:7-541:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1026testdata/ 535:7-542:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1026testdata/ 535:7-542:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1027testdata/ 535:7-543:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1027testdata/ 535:7-543:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1028testdata/ 535:7-544:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1028testdata/ 535:7-544:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1029testdata/ 535:7-545:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1029testdata/ 535:7-545:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1030testdata/ 535:7-573:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1030testdata/ 535:7-573:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1031testdata/ 535:7-575:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1031testdata/ 535:7-575:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1032testdata/ 536:24-536:26 () 1032testdata/ 536:24-536:26 ()
1033testdata/ 537:24-537:26 () 1033testdata/ 537:24-537:26 ()
1034testdata/ 538:22-538:27 Bool 1034testdata/ 538:22-538:27 Bool
1035testdata/ 539:20-539:21 b_ 1035testdata/ 539:20-539:21 _b
1036testdata/ 540:30-540:35 Bool 1036testdata/ 540:30-540:35 Bool
1037testdata/ 541:23-541:28 Bool 1037testdata/ 541:23-541:28 Bool
1038testdata/ 542:20-542:33 CullType 1038testdata/ 542:20-542:33 CullType
1039testdata/ 543:30-543:32 {a} -> List a 1039testdata/ 543:30-543:32 forall a . List a
1040testdata/ 544:25-544:30 Bool 1040testdata/ 544:25-544:30 Bool
1041testdata/ 545:29-545:34 Bool 1041testdata/ 545:29-545:34 Bool
1042testdata/ 547:13-573:14 List StageAttrs 1042testdata/ 547:13-573:14 List StageAttrs
1043testdata/ 547:15-547:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1043testdata/ 547:15-547:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1044testdata/ 547:15-548:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1044testdata/ 547:15-548:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1045testdata/ 547:15-549:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1045testdata/ 547:15-549:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1046testdata/ 547:15-550:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1046testdata/ 547:15-550:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1047testdata/ 547:15-551:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1047testdata/ 547:15-551:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1048testdata/ 547:15-552:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1048testdata/ 547:15-552:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1049testdata/ 547:15-553:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1049testdata/ 547:15-553:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1050testdata/ 547:15-554:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1050testdata/ 547:15-554:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1051testdata/ 547:15-555:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1051testdata/ 547:15-555:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1052testdata/ 547:15-556:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1052testdata/ 547:15-556:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1053testdata/ 547:15-557:46 String->StageAttrs 1053testdata/ 547:15-557:46 String -> StageAttrs
1054testdata/ 547:15-559:18 StageAttrs 1054testdata/ 547:15-559:18 StageAttrs
1055testdata/ 548:29-548:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1055testdata/ 548:29-548:36 forall a . Maybe a
1056testdata/ 549:30-549:50 RGBGen 1056testdata/ 549:30-549:50 RGBGen
1057testdata/ 550:32-550:42 AlphaGen 1057testdata/ 550:32-550:42 AlphaGen
1058testdata/ 551:29-551:36 TCGen 1058testdata/ 551:29-551:36 TCGen
1059testdata/ 552:29-552:31 {a} -> List a 1059testdata/ 552:29-552:31 forall a . List a
1060testdata/ 553:31-553:37 String->StageTexture 1060testdata/ 553:31-553:37 String -> StageTexture
1061testdata/ 553:31-553:73 StageTexture 1061testdata/ 553:31-553:73 StageTexture
1062testdata/ 553:38-553:73 String 1062testdata/ 553:38-553:73 String
1063testdata/ 554:34-554:38 Bool 1063testdata/ 554:34-554:38 Bool
1064testdata/ 555:33-555:41 DepthFunction 1064testdata/ 555:33-555:41 DepthFunction
1065testdata/ 556:33-556:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1065testdata/ 556:33-556:40 forall a . Maybe a
1066testdata/ 557:41-557:46 Bool 1066testdata/ 557:41-557:46 Bool
1067testdata/ 558:38-558:54 String 1067testdata/ 558:38-558:54 String
1068testdata/ 560:15-560:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1068testdata/ 560:15-560:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1069testdata/ 560:15-561:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1069testdata/ 560:15-561:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1070testdata/ 560:15-562:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1070testdata/ 560:15-562:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1071testdata/ 560:15-563:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1071testdata/ 560:15-563:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1072testdata/ 560:15-564:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1072testdata/ 560:15-564:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1073testdata/ 560:15-565:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1073testdata/ 560:15-565:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1074testdata/ 560:15-566:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1074testdata/ 560:15-566:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1075testdata/ 560:15-567:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1075testdata/ 560:15-567:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1076testdata/ 560:15-568:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1076testdata/ 560:15-568:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1077testdata/ 560:15-569:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1077testdata/ 560:15-569:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1078testdata/ 560:15-570:46 String->StageAttrs 1078testdata/ 560:15-570:46 String -> StageAttrs
1079testdata/ 560:15-572:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1079testdata/ 560:15-572:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1080testdata/ 561:29-561:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1080testdata/ 561:29-561:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1081testdata/ 561:29-561:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1081testdata/ 561:29-561:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1082testdata/ 561:34-561:57 (Blending', Blending') 1082testdata/ 561:34-561:57 (Blending', Blending')
1083testdata/ 561:36-561:46 Blending' 1083testdata/ 561:36-561:46 Blending'
@@ -1085,79 +1085,79 @@ testdata/ 561:49-561:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1085testdata/ 562:30-562:50 RGBGen 1085testdata/ 562:30-562:50 RGBGen
1086testdata/ 563:32-563:42 AlphaGen 1086testdata/ 563:32-563:42 AlphaGen
1087testdata/ 564:29-564:40 TCGen 1087testdata/ 564:29-564:40 TCGen
1088testdata/ 565:29-565:31 {a} -> List a 1088testdata/ 565:29-565:31 forall a . List a
1089testdata/ 566:31-566:42 StageTexture 1089testdata/ 566:31-566:42 StageTexture
1090testdata/ 567:34-567:38 Bool 1090testdata/ 567:34-567:38 Bool
1091testdata/ 568:33-568:41 DepthFunction 1091testdata/ 568:33-568:41 DepthFunction
1092testdata/ 569:33-569:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1092testdata/ 569:33-569:40 forall a . Maybe a
1093testdata/ 570:41-570:46 Bool 1093testdata/ 570:41-570:46 Bool
1094testdata/ 571:38-571:54 String 1094testdata/ 571:38-571:54 String
1095testdata/ 574:21-574:26 Bool 1095testdata/ 574:21-574:26 Bool
1096testdata/ 577:5-619:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1096testdata/ 577:5-619:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1097testdata/ 577:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1097testdata/ 577:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1098testdata/ 577:7-577:42 String 1098testdata/ 577:7-577:42 String
1099testdata/ 578:7-578:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1099testdata/ 578:7-578:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1100testdata/ 578:7-579:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1100testdata/ 578:7-579:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1101testdata/ 578:7-580:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1101testdata/ 578:7-580:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1102testdata/ 578:7-581:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1102testdata/ 578:7-581:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1103testdata/ 578:7-582:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1103testdata/ 578:7-582:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1104testdata/ 578:7-583:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1104testdata/ 578:7-583:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1105testdata/ 578:7-584:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1105testdata/ 578:7-584:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1106testdata/ 578:7-585:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1106testdata/ 578:7-585:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1107testdata/ 578:7-586:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1107testdata/ 578:7-586:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1108testdata/ 578:7-587:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1108testdata/ 578:7-587:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1109testdata/ 578:7-588:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1109testdata/ 578:7-588:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1110testdata/ 578:7-616:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1110testdata/ 578:7-616:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1111testdata/ 578:7-618:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1111testdata/ 578:7-618:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1112testdata/ 579:24-579:26 () 1112testdata/ 579:24-579:26 ()
1113testdata/ 580:24-580:26 () 1113testdata/ 580:24-580:26 ()
1114testdata/ 581:22-581:27 Bool 1114testdata/ 581:22-581:27 Bool
1115testdata/ 582:20-582:21 b_ 1115testdata/ 582:20-582:21 _b
1116testdata/ 583:30-583:35 Bool 1116testdata/ 583:30-583:35 Bool
1117testdata/ 584:23-584:28 Bool 1117testdata/ 584:23-584:28 Bool
1118testdata/ 585:20-585:33 CullType 1118testdata/ 585:20-585:33 CullType
1119testdata/ 586:30-586:32 {a} -> List a 1119testdata/ 586:30-586:32 forall a . List a
1120testdata/ 587:25-587:30 Bool 1120testdata/ 587:25-587:30 Bool
1121testdata/ 588:29-588:34 Bool 1121testdata/ 588:29-588:34 Bool
1122testdata/ 590:13-616:14 List StageAttrs 1122testdata/ 590:13-616:14 List StageAttrs
1123testdata/ 590:15-590:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1123testdata/ 590:15-590:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1124testdata/ 590:15-591:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1124testdata/ 590:15-591:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1125testdata/ 590:15-592:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1125testdata/ 590:15-592:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1126testdata/ 590:15-593:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1126testdata/ 590:15-593:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1127testdata/ 590:15-594:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1127testdata/ 590:15-594:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1128testdata/ 590:15-595:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1128testdata/ 590:15-595:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1129testdata/ 590:15-596:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1129testdata/ 590:15-596:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1130testdata/ 590:15-597:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1130testdata/ 590:15-597:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1131testdata/ 590:15-598:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1131testdata/ 590:15-598:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1132testdata/ 590:15-599:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1132testdata/ 590:15-599:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1133testdata/ 590:15-600:46 String->StageAttrs 1133testdata/ 590:15-600:46 String -> StageAttrs
1134testdata/ 590:15-602:18 StageAttrs 1134testdata/ 590:15-602:18 StageAttrs
1135testdata/ 591:29-591:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1135testdata/ 591:29-591:36 forall a . Maybe a
1136testdata/ 592:30-592:50 RGBGen 1136testdata/ 592:30-592:50 RGBGen
1137testdata/ 593:32-593:42 AlphaGen 1137testdata/ 593:32-593:42 AlphaGen
1138testdata/ 594:29-594:36 TCGen 1138testdata/ 594:29-594:36 TCGen
1139testdata/ 595:29-595:31 {a} -> List a 1139testdata/ 595:29-595:31 forall a . List a
1140testdata/ 596:31-596:37 String->StageTexture 1140testdata/ 596:31-596:37 String -> StageTexture
1141testdata/ 596:31-596:73 StageTexture 1141testdata/ 596:31-596:73 StageTexture
1142testdata/ 596:38-596:73 String 1142testdata/ 596:38-596:73 String
1143testdata/ 597:34-597:38 Bool 1143testdata/ 597:34-597:38 Bool
1144testdata/ 598:33-598:41 DepthFunction 1144testdata/ 598:33-598:41 DepthFunction
1145testdata/ 599:33-599:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1145testdata/ 599:33-599:40 forall a . Maybe a
1146testdata/ 600:41-600:46 Bool 1146testdata/ 600:41-600:46 Bool
1147testdata/ 601:38-601:54 String 1147testdata/ 601:38-601:54 String
1148testdata/ 603:15-603:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1148testdata/ 603:15-603:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1149testdata/ 603:15-604:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1149testdata/ 603:15-604:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1150testdata/ 603:15-605:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1150testdata/ 603:15-605:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1151testdata/ 603:15-606:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1151testdata/ 603:15-606:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1152testdata/ 603:15-607:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1152testdata/ 603:15-607:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1153testdata/ 603:15-608:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1153testdata/ 603:15-608:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1154testdata/ 603:15-609:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1154testdata/ 603:15-609:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1155testdata/ 603:15-610:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1155testdata/ 603:15-610:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1156testdata/ 603:15-611:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1156testdata/ 603:15-611:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1157testdata/ 603:15-612:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1157testdata/ 603:15-612:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1158testdata/ 603:15-613:46 String->StageAttrs 1158testdata/ 603:15-613:46 String -> StageAttrs
1159testdata/ 603:15-615:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1159testdata/ 603:15-615:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1160testdata/ 604:29-604:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1160testdata/ 604:29-604:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1161testdata/ 604:29-604:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1161testdata/ 604:29-604:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1162testdata/ 604:34-604:57 (Blending', Blending') 1162testdata/ 604:34-604:57 (Blending', Blending')
1163testdata/ 604:36-604:46 Blending' 1163testdata/ 604:36-604:46 Blending'
@@ -1165,79 +1165,79 @@ testdata/ 604:49-604:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1165testdata/ 605:30-605:50 RGBGen 1165testdata/ 605:30-605:50 RGBGen
1166testdata/ 606:32-606:42 AlphaGen 1166testdata/ 606:32-606:42 AlphaGen
1167testdata/ 607:29-607:40 TCGen 1167testdata/ 607:29-607:40 TCGen
1168testdata/ 608:29-608:31 {a} -> List a 1168testdata/ 608:29-608:31 forall a . List a
1169testdata/ 609:31-609:42 StageTexture 1169testdata/ 609:31-609:42 StageTexture
1170testdata/ 610:34-610:38 Bool 1170testdata/ 610:34-610:38 Bool
1171testdata/ 611:33-611:41 DepthFunction 1171testdata/ 611:33-611:41 DepthFunction
1172testdata/ 612:33-612:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1172testdata/ 612:33-612:40 forall a . Maybe a
1173testdata/ 613:41-613:46 Bool 1173testdata/ 613:41-613:46 Bool
1174testdata/ 614:38-614:54 String 1174testdata/ 614:38-614:54 String
1175testdata/ 617:21-617:26 Bool 1175testdata/ 617:21-617:26 Bool
1176testdata/ 620:5-662:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1176testdata/ 620:5-662:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1177testdata/ 620:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1177testdata/ 620:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1178testdata/ 620:7-620:42 String 1178testdata/ 620:7-620:42 String
1179testdata/ 621:7-621:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1179testdata/ 621:7-621:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1180testdata/ 621:7-622:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1180testdata/ 621:7-622:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1181testdata/ 621:7-623:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1181testdata/ 621:7-623:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1182testdata/ 621:7-624:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1182testdata/ 621:7-624:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1183testdata/ 621:7-625:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1183testdata/ 621:7-625:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1184testdata/ 621:7-626:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1184testdata/ 621:7-626:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1185testdata/ 621:7-627:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1185testdata/ 621:7-627:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1186testdata/ 621:7-628:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1186testdata/ 621:7-628:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1187testdata/ 621:7-629:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1187testdata/ 621:7-629:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1188testdata/ 621:7-630:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1188testdata/ 621:7-630:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1189testdata/ 621:7-631:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1189testdata/ 621:7-631:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1190testdata/ 621:7-659:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1190testdata/ 621:7-659:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1191testdata/ 621:7-661:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1191testdata/ 621:7-661:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1192testdata/ 622:24-622:26 () 1192testdata/ 622:24-622:26 ()
1193testdata/ 623:24-623:26 () 1193testdata/ 623:24-623:26 ()
1194testdata/ 624:22-624:27 Bool 1194testdata/ 624:22-624:27 Bool
1195testdata/ 625:20-625:21 b_ 1195testdata/ 625:20-625:21 _b
1196testdata/ 626:30-626:35 Bool 1196testdata/ 626:30-626:35 Bool
1197testdata/ 627:23-627:28 Bool 1197testdata/ 627:23-627:28 Bool
1198testdata/ 628:20-628:33 CullType 1198testdata/ 628:20-628:33 CullType
1199testdata/ 629:30-629:32 {a} -> List a 1199testdata/ 629:30-629:32 forall a . List a
1200testdata/ 630:25-630:30 Bool 1200testdata/ 630:25-630:30 Bool
1201testdata/ 631:29-631:34 Bool 1201testdata/ 631:29-631:34 Bool
1202testdata/ 633:13-659:14 List StageAttrs 1202testdata/ 633:13-659:14 List StageAttrs
1203testdata/ 633:15-633:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1203testdata/ 633:15-633:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1204testdata/ 633:15-634:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1204testdata/ 633:15-634:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1205testdata/ 633:15-635:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1205testdata/ 633:15-635:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1206testdata/ 633:15-636:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1206testdata/ 633:15-636:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1207testdata/ 633:15-637:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1207testdata/ 633:15-637:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1208testdata/ 633:15-638:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1208testdata/ 633:15-638:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1209testdata/ 633:15-639:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1209testdata/ 633:15-639:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1210testdata/ 633:15-640:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1210testdata/ 633:15-640:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1211testdata/ 633:15-641:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1211testdata/ 633:15-641:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1212testdata/ 633:15-642:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1212testdata/ 633:15-642:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1213testdata/ 633:15-643:46 String->StageAttrs 1213testdata/ 633:15-643:46 String -> StageAttrs
1214testdata/ 633:15-645:18 StageAttrs 1214testdata/ 633:15-645:18 StageAttrs
1215testdata/ 634:29-634:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1215testdata/ 634:29-634:36 forall a . Maybe a
1216testdata/ 635:30-635:50 RGBGen 1216testdata/ 635:30-635:50 RGBGen
1217testdata/ 636:32-636:42 AlphaGen 1217testdata/ 636:32-636:42 AlphaGen
1218testdata/ 637:29-637:36 TCGen 1218testdata/ 637:29-637:36 TCGen
1219testdata/ 638:29-638:31 {a} -> List a 1219testdata/ 638:29-638:31 forall a . List a
1220testdata/ 639:31-639:37 String->StageTexture 1220testdata/ 639:31-639:37 String -> StageTexture
1221testdata/ 639:31-639:73 StageTexture 1221testdata/ 639:31-639:73 StageTexture
1222testdata/ 639:38-639:73 String 1222testdata/ 639:38-639:73 String
1223testdata/ 640:34-640:38 Bool 1223testdata/ 640:34-640:38 Bool
1224testdata/ 641:33-641:41 DepthFunction 1224testdata/ 641:33-641:41 DepthFunction
1225testdata/ 642:33-642:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1225testdata/ 642:33-642:40 forall a . Maybe a
1226testdata/ 643:41-643:46 Bool 1226testdata/ 643:41-643:46 Bool
1227testdata/ 644:38-644:54 String 1227testdata/ 644:38-644:54 String
1228testdata/ 646:15-646:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1228testdata/ 646:15-646:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1229testdata/ 646:15-647:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1229testdata/ 646:15-647:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1230testdata/ 646:15-648:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1230testdata/ 646:15-648:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1231testdata/ 646:15-649:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1231testdata/ 646:15-649:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1232testdata/ 646:15-650:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1232testdata/ 646:15-650:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1233testdata/ 646:15-651:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1233testdata/ 646:15-651:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1234testdata/ 646:15-652:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1234testdata/ 646:15-652:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1235testdata/ 646:15-653:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1235testdata/ 646:15-653:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1236testdata/ 646:15-654:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1236testdata/ 646:15-654:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1237testdata/ 646:15-655:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1237testdata/ 646:15-655:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1238testdata/ 646:15-656:46 String->StageAttrs 1238testdata/ 646:15-656:46 String -> StageAttrs
1239testdata/ 646:15-658:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1239testdata/ 646:15-658:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1240testdata/ 647:29-647:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1240testdata/ 647:29-647:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1241testdata/ 647:29-647:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1241testdata/ 647:29-647:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1242testdata/ 647:34-647:57 (Blending', Blending') 1242testdata/ 647:34-647:57 (Blending', Blending')
1243testdata/ 647:36-647:46 Blending' 1243testdata/ 647:36-647:46 Blending'
@@ -1245,79 +1245,79 @@ testdata/ 647:49-647:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1245testdata/ 648:30-648:50 RGBGen 1245testdata/ 648:30-648:50 RGBGen
1246testdata/ 649:32-649:42 AlphaGen 1246testdata/ 649:32-649:42 AlphaGen
1247testdata/ 650:29-650:40 TCGen 1247testdata/ 650:29-650:40 TCGen
1248testdata/ 651:29-651:31 {a} -> List a 1248testdata/ 651:29-651:31 forall a . List a
1249testdata/ 652:31-652:42 StageTexture 1249testdata/ 652:31-652:42 StageTexture
1250testdata/ 653:34-653:38 Bool 1250testdata/ 653:34-653:38 Bool
1251testdata/ 654:33-654:41 DepthFunction 1251testdata/ 654:33-654:41 DepthFunction
1252testdata/ 655:33-655:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1252testdata/ 655:33-655:40 forall a . Maybe a
1253testdata/ 656:41-656:46 Bool 1253testdata/ 656:41-656:46 Bool
1254testdata/ 657:38-657:54 String 1254testdata/ 657:38-657:54 String
1255testdata/ 660:21-660:26 Bool 1255testdata/ 660:21-660:26 Bool
1256testdata/ 663:5-705:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1256testdata/ 663:5-705:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1257testdata/ 663:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1257testdata/ 663:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1258testdata/ 663:7-663:42 String 1258testdata/ 663:7-663:42 String
1259testdata/ 664:7-664:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1259testdata/ 664:7-664:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1260testdata/ 664:7-665:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1260testdata/ 664:7-665:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1261testdata/ 664:7-666:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1261testdata/ 664:7-666:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1262testdata/ 664:7-667:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1262testdata/ 664:7-667:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1263testdata/ 664:7-668:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1263testdata/ 664:7-668:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1264testdata/ 664:7-669:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1264testdata/ 664:7-669:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1265testdata/ 664:7-670:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1265testdata/ 664:7-670:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1266testdata/ 664:7-671:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1266testdata/ 664:7-671:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1267testdata/ 664:7-672:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1267testdata/ 664:7-672:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1268testdata/ 664:7-673:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1268testdata/ 664:7-673:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1269testdata/ 664:7-674:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1269testdata/ 664:7-674:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1270testdata/ 664:7-702:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1270testdata/ 664:7-702:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1271testdata/ 664:7-704:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1271testdata/ 664:7-704:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1272testdata/ 665:24-665:26 () 1272testdata/ 665:24-665:26 ()
1273testdata/ 666:24-666:26 () 1273testdata/ 666:24-666:26 ()
1274testdata/ 667:22-667:27 Bool 1274testdata/ 667:22-667:27 Bool
1275testdata/ 668:20-668:21 b_ 1275testdata/ 668:20-668:21 _b
1276testdata/ 669:30-669:35 Bool 1276testdata/ 669:30-669:35 Bool
1277testdata/ 670:23-670:28 Bool 1277testdata/ 670:23-670:28 Bool
1278testdata/ 671:20-671:33 CullType 1278testdata/ 671:20-671:33 CullType
1279testdata/ 672:30-672:32 {a} -> List a 1279testdata/ 672:30-672:32 forall a . List a
1280testdata/ 673:25-673:30 Bool 1280testdata/ 673:25-673:30 Bool
1281testdata/ 674:29-674:34 Bool 1281testdata/ 674:29-674:34 Bool
1282testdata/ 676:13-702:14 List StageAttrs 1282testdata/ 676:13-702:14 List StageAttrs
1283testdata/ 676:15-676:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1283testdata/ 676:15-676:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1284testdata/ 676:15-677:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1284testdata/ 676:15-677:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1285testdata/ 676:15-678:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1285testdata/ 676:15-678:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1286testdata/ 676:15-679:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1286testdata/ 676:15-679:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1287testdata/ 676:15-680:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1287testdata/ 676:15-680:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1288testdata/ 676:15-681:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1288testdata/ 676:15-681:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1289testdata/ 676:15-682:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1289testdata/ 676:15-682:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1290testdata/ 676:15-683:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1290testdata/ 676:15-683:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1291testdata/ 676:15-684:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1291testdata/ 676:15-684:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1292testdata/ 676:15-685:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1292testdata/ 676:15-685:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1293testdata/ 676:15-686:46 String->StageAttrs 1293testdata/ 676:15-686:46 String -> StageAttrs
1294testdata/ 676:15-688:18 StageAttrs 1294testdata/ 676:15-688:18 StageAttrs
1295testdata/ 677:29-677:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1295testdata/ 677:29-677:36 forall a . Maybe a
1296testdata/ 678:30-678:50 RGBGen 1296testdata/ 678:30-678:50 RGBGen
1297testdata/ 679:32-679:42 AlphaGen 1297testdata/ 679:32-679:42 AlphaGen
1298testdata/ 680:29-680:36 TCGen 1298testdata/ 680:29-680:36 TCGen
1299testdata/ 681:29-681:31 {a} -> List a 1299testdata/ 681:29-681:31 forall a . List a
1300testdata/ 682:31-682:37 String->StageTexture 1300testdata/ 682:31-682:37 String -> StageTexture
1301testdata/ 682:31-682:73 StageTexture 1301testdata/ 682:31-682:73 StageTexture
1302testdata/ 682:38-682:73 String 1302testdata/ 682:38-682:73 String
1303testdata/ 683:34-683:38 Bool 1303testdata/ 683:34-683:38 Bool
1304testdata/ 684:33-684:41 DepthFunction 1304testdata/ 684:33-684:41 DepthFunction
1305testdata/ 685:33-685:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1305testdata/ 685:33-685:40 forall a . Maybe a
1306testdata/ 686:41-686:46 Bool 1306testdata/ 686:41-686:46 Bool
1307testdata/ 687:38-687:54 String 1307testdata/ 687:38-687:54 String
1308testdata/ 689:15-689:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1308testdata/ 689:15-689:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1309testdata/ 689:15-690:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1309testdata/ 689:15-690:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1310testdata/ 689:15-691:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1310testdata/ 689:15-691:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1311testdata/ 689:15-692:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1311testdata/ 689:15-692:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1312testdata/ 689:15-693:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1312testdata/ 689:15-693:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1313testdata/ 689:15-694:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1313testdata/ 689:15-694:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1314testdata/ 689:15-695:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1314testdata/ 689:15-695:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1315testdata/ 689:15-696:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1315testdata/ 689:15-696:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1316testdata/ 689:15-697:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1316testdata/ 689:15-697:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1317testdata/ 689:15-698:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1317testdata/ 689:15-698:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1318testdata/ 689:15-699:46 String->StageAttrs 1318testdata/ 689:15-699:46 String -> StageAttrs
1319testdata/ 689:15-701:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1319testdata/ 689:15-701:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1320testdata/ 690:29-690:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1320testdata/ 690:29-690:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1321testdata/ 690:29-690:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1321testdata/ 690:29-690:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1322testdata/ 690:34-690:57 (Blending', Blending') 1322testdata/ 690:34-690:57 (Blending', Blending')
1323testdata/ 690:36-690:46 Blending' 1323testdata/ 690:36-690:46 Blending'
@@ -1325,79 +1325,79 @@ testdata/ 690:49-690:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1325testdata/ 691:30-691:50 RGBGen 1325testdata/ 691:30-691:50 RGBGen
1326testdata/ 692:32-692:42 AlphaGen 1326testdata/ 692:32-692:42 AlphaGen
1327testdata/ 693:29-693:40 TCGen 1327testdata/ 693:29-693:40 TCGen
1328testdata/ 694:29-694:31 {a} -> List a 1328testdata/ 694:29-694:31 forall a . List a
1329testdata/ 695:31-695:42 StageTexture 1329testdata/ 695:31-695:42 StageTexture
1330testdata/ 696:34-696:38 Bool 1330testdata/ 696:34-696:38 Bool
1331testdata/ 697:33-697:41 DepthFunction 1331testdata/ 697:33-697:41 DepthFunction
1332testdata/ 698:33-698:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1332testdata/ 698:33-698:40 forall a . Maybe a
1333testdata/ 699:41-699:46 Bool 1333testdata/ 699:41-699:46 Bool
1334testdata/ 700:38-700:54 String 1334testdata/ 700:38-700:54 String
1335testdata/ 703:21-703:26 Bool 1335testdata/ 703:21-703:26 Bool
1336testdata/ 706:5-748:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1336testdata/ 706:5-748:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1337testdata/ 706:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1337testdata/ 706:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1338testdata/ 706:7-706:42 String 1338testdata/ 706:7-706:42 String
1339testdata/ 707:7-707:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1339testdata/ 707:7-707:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1340testdata/ 707:7-708:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1340testdata/ 707:7-708:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1341testdata/ 707:7-709:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1341testdata/ 707:7-709:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1342testdata/ 707:7-710:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1342testdata/ 707:7-710:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1343testdata/ 707:7-711:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1343testdata/ 707:7-711:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1344testdata/ 707:7-712:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1344testdata/ 707:7-712:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1345testdata/ 707:7-713:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1345testdata/ 707:7-713:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1346testdata/ 707:7-714:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1346testdata/ 707:7-714:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1347testdata/ 707:7-715:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1347testdata/ 707:7-715:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1348testdata/ 707:7-716:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1348testdata/ 707:7-716:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1349testdata/ 707:7-717:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1349testdata/ 707:7-717:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1350testdata/ 707:7-745:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1350testdata/ 707:7-745:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1351testdata/ 707:7-747:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1351testdata/ 707:7-747:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1352testdata/ 708:24-708:26 () 1352testdata/ 708:24-708:26 ()
1353testdata/ 709:24-709:26 () 1353testdata/ 709:24-709:26 ()
1354testdata/ 710:22-710:27 Bool 1354testdata/ 710:22-710:27 Bool
1355testdata/ 711:20-711:21 b_ 1355testdata/ 711:20-711:21 _b
1356testdata/ 712:30-712:35 Bool 1356testdata/ 712:30-712:35 Bool
1357testdata/ 713:23-713:28 Bool 1357testdata/ 713:23-713:28 Bool
1358testdata/ 714:20-714:33 CullType 1358testdata/ 714:20-714:33 CullType
1359testdata/ 715:30-715:32 {a} -> List a 1359testdata/ 715:30-715:32 forall a . List a
1360testdata/ 716:25-716:30 Bool 1360testdata/ 716:25-716:30 Bool
1361testdata/ 717:29-717:34 Bool 1361testdata/ 717:29-717:34 Bool
1362testdata/ 719:13-745:14 List StageAttrs 1362testdata/ 719:13-745:14 List StageAttrs
1363testdata/ 719:15-719:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1363testdata/ 719:15-719:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1364testdata/ 719:15-720:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1364testdata/ 719:15-720:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1365testdata/ 719:15-721:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1365testdata/ 719:15-721:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1366testdata/ 719:15-722:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1366testdata/ 719:15-722:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1367testdata/ 719:15-723:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1367testdata/ 719:15-723:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1368testdata/ 719:15-724:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1368testdata/ 719:15-724:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1369testdata/ 719:15-725:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1369testdata/ 719:15-725:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1370testdata/ 719:15-726:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1370testdata/ 719:15-726:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1371testdata/ 719:15-727:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1371testdata/ 719:15-727:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1372testdata/ 719:15-728:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1372testdata/ 719:15-728:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1373testdata/ 719:15-729:46 String->StageAttrs 1373testdata/ 719:15-729:46 String -> StageAttrs
1374testdata/ 719:15-731:18 StageAttrs 1374testdata/ 719:15-731:18 StageAttrs
1375testdata/ 720:29-720:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1375testdata/ 720:29-720:36 forall a . Maybe a
1376testdata/ 721:30-721:50 RGBGen 1376testdata/ 721:30-721:50 RGBGen
1377testdata/ 722:32-722:42 AlphaGen 1377testdata/ 722:32-722:42 AlphaGen
1378testdata/ 723:29-723:36 TCGen 1378testdata/ 723:29-723:36 TCGen
1379testdata/ 724:29-724:31 {a} -> List a 1379testdata/ 724:29-724:31 forall a . List a
1380testdata/ 725:31-725:37 String->StageTexture 1380testdata/ 725:31-725:37 String -> StageTexture
1381testdata/ 725:31-725:73 StageTexture 1381testdata/ 725:31-725:73 StageTexture
1382testdata/ 725:38-725:73 String 1382testdata/ 725:38-725:73 String
1383testdata/ 726:34-726:38 Bool 1383testdata/ 726:34-726:38 Bool
1384testdata/ 727:33-727:41 DepthFunction 1384testdata/ 727:33-727:41 DepthFunction
1385testdata/ 728:33-728:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1385testdata/ 728:33-728:40 forall a . Maybe a
1386testdata/ 729:41-729:46 Bool 1386testdata/ 729:41-729:46 Bool
1387testdata/ 730:38-730:54 String 1387testdata/ 730:38-730:54 String
1388testdata/ 732:15-732:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1388testdata/ 732:15-732:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1389testdata/ 732:15-733:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1389testdata/ 732:15-733:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1390testdata/ 732:15-734:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1390testdata/ 732:15-734:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1391testdata/ 732:15-735:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1391testdata/ 732:15-735:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1392testdata/ 732:15-736:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1392testdata/ 732:15-736:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1393testdata/ 732:15-737:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1393testdata/ 732:15-737:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1394testdata/ 732:15-738:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1394testdata/ 732:15-738:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1395testdata/ 732:15-739:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1395testdata/ 732:15-739:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1396testdata/ 732:15-740:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1396testdata/ 732:15-740:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1397testdata/ 732:15-741:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1397testdata/ 732:15-741:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1398testdata/ 732:15-742:46 String->StageAttrs 1398testdata/ 732:15-742:46 String -> StageAttrs
1399testdata/ 732:15-744:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1399testdata/ 732:15-744:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1400testdata/ 733:29-733:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1400testdata/ 733:29-733:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1401testdata/ 733:29-733:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1401testdata/ 733:29-733:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1402testdata/ 733:34-733:57 (Blending', Blending') 1402testdata/ 733:34-733:57 (Blending', Blending')
1403testdata/ 733:36-733:46 Blending' 1403testdata/ 733:36-733:46 Blending'
@@ -1405,79 +1405,79 @@ testdata/ 733:49-733:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1405testdata/ 734:30-734:50 RGBGen 1405testdata/ 734:30-734:50 RGBGen
1406testdata/ 735:32-735:42 AlphaGen 1406testdata/ 735:32-735:42 AlphaGen
1407testdata/ 736:29-736:40 TCGen 1407testdata/ 736:29-736:40 TCGen
1408testdata/ 737:29-737:31 {a} -> List a 1408testdata/ 737:29-737:31 forall a . List a
1409testdata/ 738:31-738:42 StageTexture 1409testdata/ 738:31-738:42 StageTexture
1410testdata/ 739:34-739:38 Bool 1410testdata/ 739:34-739:38 Bool
1411testdata/ 740:33-740:41 DepthFunction 1411testdata/ 740:33-740:41 DepthFunction
1412testdata/ 741:33-741:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1412testdata/ 741:33-741:40 forall a . Maybe a
1413testdata/ 742:41-742:46 Bool 1413testdata/ 742:41-742:46 Bool
1414testdata/ 743:38-743:54 String 1414testdata/ 743:38-743:54 String
1415testdata/ 746:21-746:26 Bool 1415testdata/ 746:21-746:26 Bool
1416testdata/ 749:5-791:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1416testdata/ 749:5-791:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1417testdata/ 749:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1417testdata/ 749:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1418testdata/ 749:7-749:42 String 1418testdata/ 749:7-749:42 String
1419testdata/ 750:7-750:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1419testdata/ 750:7-750:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1420testdata/ 750:7-751:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1420testdata/ 750:7-751:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1421testdata/ 750:7-752:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1421testdata/ 750:7-752:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1422testdata/ 750:7-753:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1422testdata/ 750:7-753:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1423testdata/ 750:7-754:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1423testdata/ 750:7-754:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1424testdata/ 750:7-755:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1424testdata/ 750:7-755:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1425testdata/ 750:7-756:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1425testdata/ 750:7-756:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1426testdata/ 750:7-757:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1426testdata/ 750:7-757:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1427testdata/ 750:7-758:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1427testdata/ 750:7-758:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1428testdata/ 750:7-759:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1428testdata/ 750:7-759:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1429testdata/ 750:7-760:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1429testdata/ 750:7-760:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1430testdata/ 750:7-788:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1430testdata/ 750:7-788:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1431testdata/ 750:7-790:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1431testdata/ 750:7-790:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1432testdata/ 751:24-751:26 () 1432testdata/ 751:24-751:26 ()
1433testdata/ 752:24-752:26 () 1433testdata/ 752:24-752:26 ()
1434testdata/ 753:22-753:27 Bool 1434testdata/ 753:22-753:27 Bool
1435testdata/ 754:20-754:21 b_ 1435testdata/ 754:20-754:21 _b
1436testdata/ 755:30-755:35 Bool 1436testdata/ 755:30-755:35 Bool
1437testdata/ 756:23-756:28 Bool 1437testdata/ 756:23-756:28 Bool
1438testdata/ 757:20-757:33 CullType 1438testdata/ 757:20-757:33 CullType
1439testdata/ 758:30-758:32 {a} -> List a 1439testdata/ 758:30-758:32 forall a . List a
1440testdata/ 759:25-759:30 Bool 1440testdata/ 759:25-759:30 Bool
1441testdata/ 760:29-760:34 Bool 1441testdata/ 760:29-760:34 Bool
1442testdata/ 762:13-788:14 List StageAttrs 1442testdata/ 762:13-788:14 List StageAttrs
1443testdata/ 762:15-762:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1443testdata/ 762:15-762:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1444testdata/ 762:15-763:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1444testdata/ 762:15-763:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1445testdata/ 762:15-764:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1445testdata/ 762:15-764:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1446testdata/ 762:15-765:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1446testdata/ 762:15-765:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1447testdata/ 762:15-766:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1447testdata/ 762:15-766:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1448testdata/ 762:15-767:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1448testdata/ 762:15-767:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1449testdata/ 762:15-768:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1449testdata/ 762:15-768:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1450testdata/ 762:15-769:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1450testdata/ 762:15-769:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1451testdata/ 762:15-770:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1451testdata/ 762:15-770:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1452testdata/ 762:15-771:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1452testdata/ 762:15-771:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1453testdata/ 762:15-772:46 String->StageAttrs 1453testdata/ 762:15-772:46 String -> StageAttrs
1454testdata/ 762:15-774:18 StageAttrs 1454testdata/ 762:15-774:18 StageAttrs
1455testdata/ 763:29-763:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1455testdata/ 763:29-763:36 forall a . Maybe a
1456testdata/ 764:30-764:50 RGBGen 1456testdata/ 764:30-764:50 RGBGen
1457testdata/ 765:32-765:42 AlphaGen 1457testdata/ 765:32-765:42 AlphaGen
1458testdata/ 766:29-766:36 TCGen 1458testdata/ 766:29-766:36 TCGen
1459testdata/ 767:29-767:31 {a} -> List a 1459testdata/ 767:29-767:31 forall a . List a
1460testdata/ 768:31-768:37 String->StageTexture 1460testdata/ 768:31-768:37 String -> StageTexture
1461testdata/ 768:31-768:73 StageTexture 1461testdata/ 768:31-768:73 StageTexture
1462testdata/ 768:38-768:73 String 1462testdata/ 768:38-768:73 String
1463testdata/ 769:34-769:38 Bool 1463testdata/ 769:34-769:38 Bool
1464testdata/ 770:33-770:41 DepthFunction 1464testdata/ 770:33-770:41 DepthFunction
1465testdata/ 771:33-771:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1465testdata/ 771:33-771:40 forall a . Maybe a
1466testdata/ 772:41-772:46 Bool 1466testdata/ 772:41-772:46 Bool
1467testdata/ 773:38-773:54 String 1467testdata/ 773:38-773:54 String
1468testdata/ 775:15-775:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1468testdata/ 775:15-775:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1469testdata/ 775:15-776:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1469testdata/ 775:15-776:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1470testdata/ 775:15-777:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1470testdata/ 775:15-777:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1471testdata/ 775:15-778:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1471testdata/ 775:15-778:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1472testdata/ 775:15-779:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1472testdata/ 775:15-779:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1473testdata/ 775:15-780:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1473testdata/ 775:15-780:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1474testdata/ 775:15-781:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1474testdata/ 775:15-781:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1475testdata/ 775:15-782:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1475testdata/ 775:15-782:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1476testdata/ 775:15-783:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1476testdata/ 775:15-783:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1477testdata/ 775:15-784:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1477testdata/ 775:15-784:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1478testdata/ 775:15-785:46 String->StageAttrs 1478testdata/ 775:15-785:46 String -> StageAttrs
1479testdata/ 775:15-787:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1479testdata/ 775:15-787:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1480testdata/ 776:29-776:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1480testdata/ 776:29-776:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1481testdata/ 776:29-776:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1481testdata/ 776:29-776:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1482testdata/ 776:34-776:57 (Blending', Blending') 1482testdata/ 776:34-776:57 (Blending', Blending')
1483testdata/ 776:36-776:46 Blending' 1483testdata/ 776:36-776:46 Blending'
@@ -1485,79 +1485,79 @@ testdata/ 776:49-776:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1485testdata/ 777:30-777:50 RGBGen 1485testdata/ 777:30-777:50 RGBGen
1486testdata/ 778:32-778:42 AlphaGen 1486testdata/ 778:32-778:42 AlphaGen
1487testdata/ 779:29-779:40 TCGen 1487testdata/ 779:29-779:40 TCGen
1488testdata/ 780:29-780:31 {a} -> List a 1488testdata/ 780:29-780:31 forall a . List a
1489testdata/ 781:31-781:42 StageTexture 1489testdata/ 781:31-781:42 StageTexture
1490testdata/ 782:34-782:38 Bool 1490testdata/ 782:34-782:38 Bool
1491testdata/ 783:33-783:41 DepthFunction 1491testdata/ 783:33-783:41 DepthFunction
1492testdata/ 784:33-784:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1492testdata/ 784:33-784:40 forall a . Maybe a
1493testdata/ 785:41-785:46 Bool 1493testdata/ 785:41-785:46 Bool
1494testdata/ 786:38-786:54 String 1494testdata/ 786:38-786:54 String
1495testdata/ 789:21-789:26 Bool 1495testdata/ 789:21-789:26 Bool
1496testdata/ 792:5-834:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1496testdata/ 792:5-834:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1497testdata/ 792:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1497testdata/ 792:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1498testdata/ 792:7-792:41 String 1498testdata/ 792:7-792:41 String
1499testdata/ 793:7-793:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1499testdata/ 793:7-793:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1500testdata/ 793:7-794:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1500testdata/ 793:7-794:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1501testdata/ 793:7-795:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1501testdata/ 793:7-795:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1502testdata/ 793:7-796:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1502testdata/ 793:7-796:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1503testdata/ 793:7-797:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1503testdata/ 793:7-797:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1504testdata/ 793:7-798:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1504testdata/ 793:7-798:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1505testdata/ 793:7-799:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1505testdata/ 793:7-799:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1506testdata/ 793:7-800:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1506testdata/ 793:7-800:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1507testdata/ 793:7-801:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1507testdata/ 793:7-801:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1508testdata/ 793:7-802:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1508testdata/ 793:7-802:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1509testdata/ 793:7-803:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1509testdata/ 793:7-803:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1510testdata/ 793:7-831:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1510testdata/ 793:7-831:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1511testdata/ 793:7-833:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1511testdata/ 793:7-833:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1512testdata/ 794:24-794:26 () 1512testdata/ 794:24-794:26 ()
1513testdata/ 795:24-795:26 () 1513testdata/ 795:24-795:26 ()
1514testdata/ 796:22-796:27 Bool 1514testdata/ 796:22-796:27 Bool
1515testdata/ 797:20-797:21 b_ 1515testdata/ 797:20-797:21 _b
1516testdata/ 798:30-798:35 Bool 1516testdata/ 798:30-798:35 Bool
1517testdata/ 799:23-799:28 Bool 1517testdata/ 799:23-799:28 Bool
1518testdata/ 800:20-800:33 CullType 1518testdata/ 800:20-800:33 CullType
1519testdata/ 801:30-801:32 {a} -> List a 1519testdata/ 801:30-801:32 forall a . List a
1520testdata/ 802:25-802:30 Bool 1520testdata/ 802:25-802:30 Bool
1521testdata/ 803:29-803:34 Bool 1521testdata/ 803:29-803:34 Bool
1522testdata/ 805:13-831:14 List StageAttrs 1522testdata/ 805:13-831:14 List StageAttrs
1523testdata/ 805:15-805:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1523testdata/ 805:15-805:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1524testdata/ 805:15-806:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1524testdata/ 805:15-806:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1525testdata/ 805:15-807:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1525testdata/ 805:15-807:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1526testdata/ 805:15-808:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1526testdata/ 805:15-808:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1527testdata/ 805:15-809:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1527testdata/ 805:15-809:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1528testdata/ 805:15-810:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1528testdata/ 805:15-810:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1529testdata/ 805:15-811:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1529testdata/ 805:15-811:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1530testdata/ 805:15-812:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1530testdata/ 805:15-812:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1531testdata/ 805:15-813:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1531testdata/ 805:15-813:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1532testdata/ 805:15-814:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1532testdata/ 805:15-814:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1533testdata/ 805:15-815:46 String->StageAttrs 1533testdata/ 805:15-815:46 String -> StageAttrs
1534testdata/ 805:15-817:18 StageAttrs 1534testdata/ 805:15-817:18 StageAttrs
1535testdata/ 806:29-806:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1535testdata/ 806:29-806:36 forall a . Maybe a
1536testdata/ 807:30-807:50 RGBGen 1536testdata/ 807:30-807:50 RGBGen
1537testdata/ 808:32-808:42 AlphaGen 1537testdata/ 808:32-808:42 AlphaGen
1538testdata/ 809:29-809:36 TCGen 1538testdata/ 809:29-809:36 TCGen
1539testdata/ 810:29-810:31 {a} -> List a 1539testdata/ 810:29-810:31 forall a . List a
1540testdata/ 811:31-811:37 String->StageTexture 1540testdata/ 811:31-811:37 String -> StageTexture
1541testdata/ 811:31-811:72 StageTexture 1541testdata/ 811:31-811:72 StageTexture
1542testdata/ 811:38-811:72 String 1542testdata/ 811:38-811:72 String
1543testdata/ 812:34-812:38 Bool 1543testdata/ 812:34-812:38 Bool
1544testdata/ 813:33-813:41 DepthFunction 1544testdata/ 813:33-813:41 DepthFunction
1545testdata/ 814:33-814:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1545testdata/ 814:33-814:40 forall a . Maybe a
1546testdata/ 815:41-815:46 Bool 1546testdata/ 815:41-815:46 Bool
1547testdata/ 816:38-816:54 String 1547testdata/ 816:38-816:54 String
1548testdata/ 818:15-818:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1548testdata/ 818:15-818:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1549testdata/ 818:15-819:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1549testdata/ 818:15-819:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1550testdata/ 818:15-820:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1550testdata/ 818:15-820:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1551testdata/ 818:15-821:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1551testdata/ 818:15-821:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1552testdata/ 818:15-822:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1552testdata/ 818:15-822:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1553testdata/ 818:15-823:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1553testdata/ 818:15-823:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1554testdata/ 818:15-824:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1554testdata/ 818:15-824:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1555testdata/ 818:15-825:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1555testdata/ 818:15-825:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1556testdata/ 818:15-826:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1556testdata/ 818:15-826:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1557testdata/ 818:15-827:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1557testdata/ 818:15-827:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1558testdata/ 818:15-828:46 String->StageAttrs 1558testdata/ 818:15-828:46 String -> StageAttrs
1559testdata/ 818:15-830:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1559testdata/ 818:15-830:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1560testdata/ 819:29-819:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1560testdata/ 819:29-819:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1561testdata/ 819:29-819:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1561testdata/ 819:29-819:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1562testdata/ 819:34-819:57 (Blending', Blending') 1562testdata/ 819:34-819:57 (Blending', Blending')
1563testdata/ 819:36-819:46 Blending' 1563testdata/ 819:36-819:46 Blending'
@@ -1565,100 +1565,100 @@ testdata/ 819:49-819:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1565testdata/ 820:30-820:50 RGBGen 1565testdata/ 820:30-820:50 RGBGen
1566testdata/ 821:32-821:42 AlphaGen 1566testdata/ 821:32-821:42 AlphaGen
1567testdata/ 822:29-822:40 TCGen 1567testdata/ 822:29-822:40 TCGen
1568testdata/ 823:29-823:31 {a} -> List a 1568testdata/ 823:29-823:31 forall a . List a
1569testdata/ 824:31-824:42 StageTexture 1569testdata/ 824:31-824:42 StageTexture
1570testdata/ 825:34-825:38 Bool 1570testdata/ 825:34-825:38 Bool
1571testdata/ 826:33-826:41 DepthFunction 1571testdata/ 826:33-826:41 DepthFunction
1572testdata/ 827:33-827:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1572testdata/ 827:33-827:40 forall a . Maybe a
1573testdata/ 828:41-828:46 Bool 1573testdata/ 828:41-828:46 Bool
1574testdata/ 829:38-829:54 String 1574testdata/ 829:38-829:54 String
1575testdata/ 832:21-832:26 Bool 1575testdata/ 832:21-832:26 Bool
1576testdata/ 835:5-891:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1576testdata/ 835:5-891:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1577testdata/ 835:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1577testdata/ 835:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1578testdata/ 835:7-835:41 String 1578testdata/ 835:7-835:41 String
1579testdata/ 836:7-836:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1579testdata/ 836:7-836:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1580testdata/ 836:7-837:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1580testdata/ 836:7-837:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1581testdata/ 836:7-838:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1581testdata/ 836:7-838:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1582testdata/ 836:7-839:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1582testdata/ 836:7-839:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1583testdata/ 836:7-840:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1583testdata/ 836:7-840:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1584testdata/ 836:7-841:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1584testdata/ 836:7-841:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1585testdata/ 836:7-842:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1585testdata/ 836:7-842:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1586testdata/ 836:7-843:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1586testdata/ 836:7-843:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1587testdata/ 836:7-844:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1587testdata/ 836:7-844:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1588testdata/ 836:7-845:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1588testdata/ 836:7-845:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1589testdata/ 836:7-846:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1589testdata/ 836:7-846:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1590testdata/ 836:7-888:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1590testdata/ 836:7-888:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1591testdata/ 836:7-890:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1591testdata/ 836:7-890:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1592testdata/ 837:24-837:26 () 1592testdata/ 837:24-837:26 ()
1593testdata/ 838:24-838:26 () 1593testdata/ 838:24-838:26 ()
1594testdata/ 839:22-839:27 Bool 1594testdata/ 839:22-839:27 Bool
1595testdata/ 840:20-840:21 b_ 1595testdata/ 840:20-840:21 _b
1596testdata/ 841:30-841:35 Bool 1596testdata/ 841:30-841:35 Bool
1597testdata/ 842:23-842:28 Bool 1597testdata/ 842:23-842:28 Bool
1598testdata/ 843:20-843:33 CullType 1598testdata/ 843:20-843:33 CullType
1599testdata/ 844:30-844:32 {a} -> List a 1599testdata/ 844:30-844:32 forall a . List a
1600testdata/ 845:25-845:30 Bool 1600testdata/ 845:25-845:30 Bool
1601testdata/ 846:29-846:34 Bool 1601testdata/ 846:29-846:34 Bool
1602testdata/ 848:13-888:14 List StageAttrs 1602testdata/ 848:13-888:14 List StageAttrs
1603testdata/ 848:15-848:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1603testdata/ 848:15-848:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1604testdata/ 848:15-849:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1604testdata/ 848:15-849:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1605testdata/ 848:15-850:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1605testdata/ 848:15-850:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1606testdata/ 848:15-851:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1606testdata/ 848:15-851:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1607testdata/ 848:15-852:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1607testdata/ 848:15-852:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1608testdata/ 848:15-854:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1608testdata/ 848:15-854:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1609testdata/ 848:15-855:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1609testdata/ 848:15-855:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1610testdata/ 848:15-856:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1610testdata/ 848:15-856:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1611testdata/ 848:15-857:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1611testdata/ 848:15-857:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1612testdata/ 848:15-858:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1612testdata/ 848:15-858:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1613testdata/ 848:15-859:46 String->StageAttrs 1613testdata/ 848:15-859:46 String -> StageAttrs
1614testdata/ 848:15-861:18 StageAttrs 1614testdata/ 848:15-861:18 StageAttrs
1615testdata/ 849:29-849:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1615testdata/ 849:29-849:36 forall a . Maybe a
1616testdata/ 850:30-850:42 RGBGen 1616testdata/ 850:30-850:42 RGBGen
1617testdata/ 851:32-851:42 AlphaGen 1617testdata/ 851:32-851:42 AlphaGen
1618testdata/ 852:29-852:36 TCGen 1618testdata/ 852:29-852:36 TCGen
1619testdata/ 854:21-854:88 List TCMod 1619testdata/ 854:21-854:88 List TCMod
1620testdata/ 854:23-854:32 Float -> Float->TCMod 1620testdata/ 854:23-854:32 Float -> Float -> TCMod
1621testdata/ 854:23-854:36 Float->TCMod 1621testdata/ 854:23-854:36 Float -> TCMod
1622testdata/ 854:23-854:40 TCMod 1622testdata/ 854:23-854:40 TCMod
1623testdata/ 854:33-854:36 Float 1623testdata/ 854:33-854:36 Float
1624testdata/ 854:37-854:40 Float 1624testdata/ 854:37-854:40 Float
1625testdata/ 854:43-854:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 1625testdata/ 854:43-854:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
1626testdata/ 854:43-854:54 Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 1626testdata/ 854:43-854:54 Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
1627testdata/ 854:43-854:59 Float -> Float->TCMod 1627testdata/ 854:43-854:59 Float -> Float -> TCMod
1628testdata/ 854:43-854:63 Float->TCMod 1628testdata/ 854:43-854:63 Float -> TCMod
1629testdata/ 854:43-854:67 TCMod 1629testdata/ 854:43-854:67 TCMod
1630testdata/ 854:43-854:86 List TCMod 1630testdata/ 854:43-854:86 List TCMod
1631testdata/ 854:51-854:54 Float 1631testdata/ 854:51-854:54 Float
1632testdata/ 854:55-854:59 Float 1632testdata/ 854:55-854:59 Float
1633testdata/ 854:60-854:63 Float 1633testdata/ 854:60-854:63 Float
1634testdata/ 854:64-854:67 Float 1634testdata/ 854:64-854:67 Float
1635testdata/ 854:70-854:78 Float -> Float->TCMod 1635testdata/ 854:70-854:78 Float -> Float -> TCMod
1636testdata/ 854:70-854:82 Float->TCMod 1636testdata/ 854:70-854:82 Float -> TCMod
1637testdata/ 854:70-854:86 List TCMod | TCMod 1637testdata/ 854:70-854:86 List TCMod | TCMod
1638testdata/ 854:79-854:82 Float 1638testdata/ 854:79-854:82 Float
1639testdata/ 854:83-854:86 Float 1639testdata/ 854:83-854:86 Float
1640testdata/ 855:31-855:37 String->StageTexture 1640testdata/ 855:31-855:37 String -> StageTexture
1641testdata/ 855:31-855:66 StageTexture 1641testdata/ 855:31-855:66 StageTexture
1642testdata/ 855:38-855:66 String 1642testdata/ 855:38-855:66 String
1643testdata/ 856:34-856:38 Bool 1643testdata/ 856:34-856:38 Bool
1644testdata/ 857:33-857:41 DepthFunction 1644testdata/ 857:33-857:41 DepthFunction
1645testdata/ 858:33-858:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1645testdata/ 858:33-858:40 forall a . Maybe a
1646testdata/ 859:41-859:46 Bool 1646testdata/ 859:41-859:46 Bool
1647testdata/ 860:38-860:54 String 1647testdata/ 860:38-860:54 String
1648testdata/ 862:15-862:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1648testdata/ 862:15-862:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1649testdata/ 862:15-863:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1649testdata/ 862:15-863:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1650testdata/ 862:15-864:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1650testdata/ 862:15-864:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1651testdata/ 862:15-865:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1651testdata/ 862:15-865:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1652testdata/ 862:15-866:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1652testdata/ 862:15-866:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1653testdata/ 862:15-867:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1653testdata/ 862:15-867:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1654testdata/ 862:15-868:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1654testdata/ 862:15-868:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1655testdata/ 862:15-869:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1655testdata/ 862:15-869:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1656testdata/ 862:15-870:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1656testdata/ 862:15-870:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1657testdata/ 862:15-871:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1657testdata/ 862:15-871:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1658testdata/ 862:15-872:46 String->StageAttrs 1658testdata/ 862:15-872:46 String -> StageAttrs
1659testdata/ 862:15-874:18 StageAttrs 1659testdata/ 862:15-874:18 StageAttrs
1660testdata/ 862:15-887:18 List StageAttrs 1660testdata/ 862:15-887:18 List StageAttrs
1661testdata/ 863:29-863:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1661testdata/ 863:29-863:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1662testdata/ 863:29-863:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1662testdata/ 863:29-863:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1663testdata/ 863:34-863:69 (Blending', Blending') 1663testdata/ 863:34-863:69 (Blending', Blending')
1664testdata/ 863:36-863:46 Blending' 1664testdata/ 863:36-863:46 Blending'
@@ -1666,28 +1666,28 @@ testdata/ 863:49-863:67 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1666testdata/ 864:30-864:42 RGBGen 1666testdata/ 864:30-864:42 RGBGen
1667testdata/ 865:32-865:42 AlphaGen 1667testdata/ 865:32-865:42 AlphaGen
1668testdata/ 866:29-866:36 TCGen 1668testdata/ 866:29-866:36 TCGen
1669testdata/ 867:29-867:31 {a} -> List a 1669testdata/ 867:29-867:31 forall a . List a
1670testdata/ 868:31-868:37 String->StageTexture 1670testdata/ 868:31-868:37 String -> StageTexture
1671testdata/ 868:31-868:76 StageTexture 1671testdata/ 868:31-868:76 StageTexture
1672testdata/ 868:38-868:76 String 1672testdata/ 868:38-868:76 String
1673testdata/ 869:34-869:39 Bool 1673testdata/ 869:34-869:39 Bool
1674testdata/ 870:33-870:41 DepthFunction 1674testdata/ 870:33-870:41 DepthFunction
1675testdata/ 871:33-871:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1675testdata/ 871:33-871:40 forall a . Maybe a
1676testdata/ 872:41-872:46 Bool 1676testdata/ 872:41-872:46 Bool
1677testdata/ 873:38-873:54 String 1677testdata/ 873:38-873:54 String
1678testdata/ 875:15-875:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1678testdata/ 875:15-875:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1679testdata/ 875:15-876:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1679testdata/ 875:15-876:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1680testdata/ 875:15-877:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1680testdata/ 875:15-877:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1681testdata/ 875:15-878:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1681testdata/ 875:15-878:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1682testdata/ 875:15-879:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1682testdata/ 875:15-879:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1683testdata/ 875:15-880:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1683testdata/ 875:15-880:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1684testdata/ 875:15-881:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1684testdata/ 875:15-881:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1685testdata/ 875:15-882:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1685testdata/ 875:15-882:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1686testdata/ 875:15-883:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1686testdata/ 875:15-883:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1687testdata/ 875:15-884:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1687testdata/ 875:15-884:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1688testdata/ 875:15-885:46 String->StageAttrs 1688testdata/ 875:15-885:46 String -> StageAttrs
1689testdata/ 875:15-887:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1689testdata/ 875:15-887:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1690testdata/ 876:29-876:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1690testdata/ 876:29-876:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1691testdata/ 876:29-876:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1691testdata/ 876:29-876:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1692testdata/ 876:34-876:57 (Blending', Blending') 1692testdata/ 876:34-876:57 (Blending', Blending')
1693testdata/ 876:36-876:46 Blending' 1693testdata/ 876:36-876:46 Blending'
@@ -1695,79 +1695,79 @@ testdata/ 876:49-876:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1695testdata/ 877:30-877:42 RGBGen 1695testdata/ 877:30-877:42 RGBGen
1696testdata/ 878:32-878:42 AlphaGen 1696testdata/ 878:32-878:42 AlphaGen
1697testdata/ 879:29-879:40 TCGen 1697testdata/ 879:29-879:40 TCGen
1698testdata/ 880:29-880:31 {a} -> List a 1698testdata/ 880:29-880:31 forall a . List a
1699testdata/ 881:31-881:42 StageTexture 1699testdata/ 881:31-881:42 StageTexture
1700testdata/ 882:34-882:39 Bool 1700testdata/ 882:34-882:39 Bool
1701testdata/ 883:33-883:41 DepthFunction 1701testdata/ 883:33-883:41 DepthFunction
1702testdata/ 884:33-884:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1702testdata/ 884:33-884:40 forall a . Maybe a
1703testdata/ 885:41-885:46 Bool 1703testdata/ 885:41-885:46 Bool
1704testdata/ 886:38-886:54 String 1704testdata/ 886:38-886:54 String
1705testdata/ 889:21-889:26 Bool 1705testdata/ 889:21-889:26 Bool
1706testdata/ 892:5-934:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1706testdata/ 892:5-934:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1707testdata/ 892:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1707testdata/ 892:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1708testdata/ 892:7-892:41 String 1708testdata/ 892:7-892:41 String
1709testdata/ 893:7-893:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1709testdata/ 893:7-893:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1710testdata/ 893:7-894:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1710testdata/ 893:7-894:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1711testdata/ 893:7-895:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1711testdata/ 893:7-895:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1712testdata/ 893:7-896:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1712testdata/ 893:7-896:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1713testdata/ 893:7-897:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1713testdata/ 893:7-897:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1714testdata/ 893:7-898:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1714testdata/ 893:7-898:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1715testdata/ 893:7-899:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1715testdata/ 893:7-899:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1716testdata/ 893:7-900:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1716testdata/ 893:7-900:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1717testdata/ 893:7-901:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1717testdata/ 893:7-901:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1718testdata/ 893:7-902:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1718testdata/ 893:7-902:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1719testdata/ 893:7-903:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1719testdata/ 893:7-903:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1720testdata/ 893:7-931:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1720testdata/ 893:7-931:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1721testdata/ 893:7-933:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1721testdata/ 893:7-933:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1722testdata/ 894:24-894:26 () 1722testdata/ 894:24-894:26 ()
1723testdata/ 895:24-895:26 () 1723testdata/ 895:24-895:26 ()
1724testdata/ 896:22-896:27 Bool 1724testdata/ 896:22-896:27 Bool
1725testdata/ 897:20-897:21 b_ 1725testdata/ 897:20-897:21 _b
1726testdata/ 898:30-898:35 Bool 1726testdata/ 898:30-898:35 Bool
1727testdata/ 899:23-899:28 Bool 1727testdata/ 899:23-899:28 Bool
1728testdata/ 900:20-900:33 CullType 1728testdata/ 900:20-900:33 CullType
1729testdata/ 901:30-901:32 {a} -> List a 1729testdata/ 901:30-901:32 forall a . List a
1730testdata/ 902:25-902:30 Bool 1730testdata/ 902:25-902:30 Bool
1731testdata/ 903:29-903:34 Bool 1731testdata/ 903:29-903:34 Bool
1732testdata/ 905:13-931:14 List StageAttrs 1732testdata/ 905:13-931:14 List StageAttrs
1733testdata/ 905:15-905:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1733testdata/ 905:15-905:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1734testdata/ 905:15-906:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1734testdata/ 905:15-906:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1735testdata/ 905:15-907:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1735testdata/ 905:15-907:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1736testdata/ 905:15-908:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1736testdata/ 905:15-908:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1737testdata/ 905:15-909:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1737testdata/ 905:15-909:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1738testdata/ 905:15-910:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1738testdata/ 905:15-910:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1739testdata/ 905:15-911:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1739testdata/ 905:15-911:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1740testdata/ 905:15-912:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1740testdata/ 905:15-912:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1741testdata/ 905:15-913:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1741testdata/ 905:15-913:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1742testdata/ 905:15-914:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1742testdata/ 905:15-914:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1743testdata/ 905:15-915:46 String->StageAttrs 1743testdata/ 905:15-915:46 String -> StageAttrs
1744testdata/ 905:15-917:18 StageAttrs 1744testdata/ 905:15-917:18 StageAttrs
1745testdata/ 906:29-906:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1745testdata/ 906:29-906:36 forall a . Maybe a
1746testdata/ 907:30-907:50 RGBGen 1746testdata/ 907:30-907:50 RGBGen
1747testdata/ 908:32-908:42 AlphaGen 1747testdata/ 908:32-908:42 AlphaGen
1748testdata/ 909:29-909:36 TCGen 1748testdata/ 909:29-909:36 TCGen
1749testdata/ 910:29-910:31 {a} -> List a 1749testdata/ 910:29-910:31 forall a . List a
1750testdata/ 911:31-911:37 String->StageTexture 1750testdata/ 911:31-911:37 String -> StageTexture
1751testdata/ 911:31-911:72 StageTexture 1751testdata/ 911:31-911:72 StageTexture
1752testdata/ 911:38-911:72 String 1752testdata/ 911:38-911:72 String
1753testdata/ 912:34-912:38 Bool 1753testdata/ 912:34-912:38 Bool
1754testdata/ 913:33-913:41 DepthFunction 1754testdata/ 913:33-913:41 DepthFunction
1755testdata/ 914:33-914:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1755testdata/ 914:33-914:40 forall a . Maybe a
1756testdata/ 915:41-915:46 Bool 1756testdata/ 915:41-915:46 Bool
1757testdata/ 916:38-916:54 String 1757testdata/ 916:38-916:54 String
1758testdata/ 918:15-918:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1758testdata/ 918:15-918:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1759testdata/ 918:15-919:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1759testdata/ 918:15-919:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1760testdata/ 918:15-920:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1760testdata/ 918:15-920:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1761testdata/ 918:15-921:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1761testdata/ 918:15-921:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1762testdata/ 918:15-922:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1762testdata/ 918:15-922:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1763testdata/ 918:15-923:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1763testdata/ 918:15-923:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1764testdata/ 918:15-924:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1764testdata/ 918:15-924:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1765testdata/ 918:15-925:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1765testdata/ 918:15-925:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1766testdata/ 918:15-926:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1766testdata/ 918:15-926:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1767testdata/ 918:15-927:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1767testdata/ 918:15-927:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1768testdata/ 918:15-928:46 String->StageAttrs 1768testdata/ 918:15-928:46 String -> StageAttrs
1769testdata/ 918:15-930:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1769testdata/ 918:15-930:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1770testdata/ 919:29-919:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1770testdata/ 919:29-919:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1771testdata/ 919:29-919:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1771testdata/ 919:29-919:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1772testdata/ 919:34-919:57 (Blending', Blending') 1772testdata/ 919:34-919:57 (Blending', Blending')
1773testdata/ 919:36-919:46 Blending' 1773testdata/ 919:36-919:46 Blending'
@@ -1775,79 +1775,79 @@ testdata/ 919:49-919:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1775testdata/ 920:30-920:50 RGBGen 1775testdata/ 920:30-920:50 RGBGen
1776testdata/ 921:32-921:42 AlphaGen 1776testdata/ 921:32-921:42 AlphaGen
1777testdata/ 922:29-922:40 TCGen 1777testdata/ 922:29-922:40 TCGen
1778testdata/ 923:29-923:31 {a} -> List a 1778testdata/ 923:29-923:31 forall a . List a
1779testdata/ 924:31-924:42 StageTexture 1779testdata/ 924:31-924:42 StageTexture
1780testdata/ 925:34-925:38 Bool 1780testdata/ 925:34-925:38 Bool
1781testdata/ 926:33-926:41 DepthFunction 1781testdata/ 926:33-926:41 DepthFunction
1782testdata/ 927:33-927:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1782testdata/ 927:33-927:40 forall a . Maybe a
1783testdata/ 928:41-928:46 Bool 1783testdata/ 928:41-928:46 Bool
1784testdata/ 929:38-929:54 String 1784testdata/ 929:38-929:54 String
1785testdata/ 932:21-932:26 Bool 1785testdata/ 932:21-932:26 Bool
1786testdata/ 935:5-978:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1786testdata/ 935:5-978:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1787testdata/ 935:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1787testdata/ 935:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1788testdata/ 935:7-935:54 String 1788testdata/ 935:7-935:54 String
1789testdata/ 936:7-936:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1789testdata/ 936:7-936:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1790testdata/ 936:7-937:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1790testdata/ 936:7-937:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1791testdata/ 936:7-938:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1791testdata/ 936:7-938:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1792testdata/ 936:7-939:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1792testdata/ 936:7-939:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1793testdata/ 936:7-940:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1793testdata/ 936:7-940:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1794testdata/ 936:7-941:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1794testdata/ 936:7-941:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1795testdata/ 936:7-942:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1795testdata/ 936:7-942:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1796testdata/ 936:7-943:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1796testdata/ 936:7-943:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1797testdata/ 936:7-944:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1797testdata/ 936:7-944:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1798testdata/ 936:7-945:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1798testdata/ 936:7-945:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1799testdata/ 936:7-946:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1799testdata/ 936:7-946:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1800testdata/ 936:7-975:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1800testdata/ 936:7-975:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1801testdata/ 936:7-977:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1801testdata/ 936:7-977:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1802testdata/ 937:24-937:26 () 1802testdata/ 937:24-937:26 ()
1803testdata/ 938:24-938:26 () 1803testdata/ 938:24-938:26 ()
1804testdata/ 939:22-939:27 Bool 1804testdata/ 939:22-939:27 Bool
1805testdata/ 940:20-940:21 b_ 1805testdata/ 940:20-940:21 _b
1806testdata/ 941:30-941:35 Bool 1806testdata/ 941:30-941:35 Bool
1807testdata/ 942:23-942:28 Bool 1807testdata/ 942:23-942:28 Bool
1808testdata/ 943:20-943:33 CullType 1808testdata/ 943:20-943:33 CullType
1809testdata/ 944:30-944:32 {a} -> List a 1809testdata/ 944:30-944:32 forall a . List a
1810testdata/ 945:25-945:30 Bool 1810testdata/ 945:25-945:30 Bool
1811testdata/ 946:29-946:34 Bool 1811testdata/ 946:29-946:34 Bool
1812testdata/ 948:13-975:14 List StageAttrs 1812testdata/ 948:13-975:14 List StageAttrs
1813testdata/ 948:15-948:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1813testdata/ 948:15-948:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1814testdata/ 948:15-949:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1814testdata/ 948:15-949:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1815testdata/ 948:15-950:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1815testdata/ 948:15-950:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1816testdata/ 948:15-951:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1816testdata/ 948:15-951:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1817testdata/ 948:15-952:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1817testdata/ 948:15-952:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1818testdata/ 948:15-953:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1818testdata/ 948:15-953:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1819testdata/ 948:15-955:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1819testdata/ 948:15-955:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1820testdata/ 948:15-956:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1820testdata/ 948:15-956:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1821testdata/ 948:15-957:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1821testdata/ 948:15-957:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1822testdata/ 948:15-958:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1822testdata/ 948:15-958:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1823testdata/ 948:15-959:46 String->StageAttrs 1823testdata/ 948:15-959:46 String -> StageAttrs
1824testdata/ 948:15-961:18 StageAttrs 1824testdata/ 948:15-961:18 StageAttrs
1825testdata/ 949:29-949:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1825testdata/ 949:29-949:36 forall a . Maybe a
1826testdata/ 950:30-950:50 RGBGen 1826testdata/ 950:30-950:50 RGBGen
1827testdata/ 951:32-951:42 AlphaGen 1827testdata/ 951:32-951:42 AlphaGen
1828testdata/ 952:29-952:36 TCGen 1828testdata/ 952:29-952:36 TCGen
1829testdata/ 953:29-953:31 {a} -> List a 1829testdata/ 953:29-953:31 forall a . List a
1830testdata/ 955:21-955:27 String->StageTexture 1830testdata/ 955:21-955:27 String -> StageTexture
1831testdata/ 955:21-955:75 StageTexture 1831testdata/ 955:21-955:75 StageTexture
1832testdata/ 955:28-955:75 String 1832testdata/ 955:28-955:75 String
1833testdata/ 956:34-956:38 Bool 1833testdata/ 956:34-956:38 Bool
1834testdata/ 957:33-957:41 DepthFunction 1834testdata/ 957:33-957:41 DepthFunction
1835testdata/ 958:33-958:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1835testdata/ 958:33-958:40 forall a . Maybe a
1836testdata/ 959:41-959:46 Bool 1836testdata/ 959:41-959:46 Bool
1837testdata/ 960:38-960:54 String 1837testdata/ 960:38-960:54 String
1838testdata/ 962:15-962:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1838testdata/ 962:15-962:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1839testdata/ 962:15-963:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1839testdata/ 962:15-963:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1840testdata/ 962:15-964:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1840testdata/ 962:15-964:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1841testdata/ 962:15-965:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1841testdata/ 962:15-965:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1842testdata/ 962:15-966:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1842testdata/ 962:15-966:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1843testdata/ 962:15-967:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1843testdata/ 962:15-967:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1844testdata/ 962:15-968:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1844testdata/ 962:15-968:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1845testdata/ 962:15-969:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1845testdata/ 962:15-969:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1846testdata/ 962:15-970:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1846testdata/ 962:15-970:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1847testdata/ 962:15-971:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1847testdata/ 962:15-971:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1848testdata/ 962:15-972:46 String->StageAttrs 1848testdata/ 962:15-972:46 String -> StageAttrs
1849testdata/ 962:15-974:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1849testdata/ 962:15-974:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1850testdata/ 963:29-963:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1850testdata/ 963:29-963:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1851testdata/ 963:29-963:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1851testdata/ 963:29-963:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1852testdata/ 963:34-963:57 (Blending', Blending') 1852testdata/ 963:34-963:57 (Blending', Blending')
1853testdata/ 963:36-963:46 Blending' 1853testdata/ 963:36-963:46 Blending'
@@ -1855,79 +1855,79 @@ testdata/ 963:49-963:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1855testdata/ 964:30-964:50 RGBGen 1855testdata/ 964:30-964:50 RGBGen
1856testdata/ 965:32-965:42 AlphaGen 1856testdata/ 965:32-965:42 AlphaGen
1857testdata/ 966:29-966:40 TCGen 1857testdata/ 966:29-966:40 TCGen
1858testdata/ 967:29-967:31 {a} -> List a 1858testdata/ 967:29-967:31 forall a . List a
1859testdata/ 968:31-968:42 StageTexture 1859testdata/ 968:31-968:42 StageTexture
1860testdata/ 969:34-969:38 Bool 1860testdata/ 969:34-969:38 Bool
1861testdata/ 970:33-970:41 DepthFunction 1861testdata/ 970:33-970:41 DepthFunction
1862testdata/ 971:33-971:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1862testdata/ 971:33-971:40 forall a . Maybe a
1863testdata/ 972:41-972:46 Bool 1863testdata/ 972:41-972:46 Bool
1864testdata/ 973:38-973:54 String 1864testdata/ 973:38-973:54 String
1865testdata/ 976:21-976:26 Bool 1865testdata/ 976:21-976:26 Bool
1866testdata/ 979:5-1021:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1866testdata/ 979:5-1021:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1867testdata/ 979:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1867testdata/ 979:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1868testdata/ 979:7-979:45 String 1868testdata/ 979:7-979:45 String
1869testdata/ 980:7-980:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1869testdata/ 980:7-980:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1870testdata/ 980:7-981:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1870testdata/ 980:7-981:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1871testdata/ 980:7-982:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1871testdata/ 980:7-982:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1872testdata/ 980:7-983:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1872testdata/ 980:7-983:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1873testdata/ 980:7-984:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1873testdata/ 980:7-984:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1874testdata/ 980:7-985:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1874testdata/ 980:7-985:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1875testdata/ 980:7-986:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1875testdata/ 980:7-986:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1876testdata/ 980:7-987:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1876testdata/ 980:7-987:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1877testdata/ 980:7-988:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1877testdata/ 980:7-988:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1878testdata/ 980:7-989:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1878testdata/ 980:7-989:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1879testdata/ 980:7-990:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1879testdata/ 980:7-990:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1880testdata/ 980:7-1018:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1880testdata/ 980:7-1018:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1881testdata/ 980:7-1020:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1881testdata/ 980:7-1020:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1882testdata/ 981:24-981:26 () 1882testdata/ 981:24-981:26 ()
1883testdata/ 982:24-982:26 () 1883testdata/ 982:24-982:26 ()
1884testdata/ 983:22-983:27 Bool 1884testdata/ 983:22-983:27 Bool
1885testdata/ 984:20-984:21 b_ 1885testdata/ 984:20-984:21 _b
1886testdata/ 985:30-985:35 Bool 1886testdata/ 985:30-985:35 Bool
1887testdata/ 986:23-986:28 Bool 1887testdata/ 986:23-986:28 Bool
1888testdata/ 987:20-987:33 CullType 1888testdata/ 987:20-987:33 CullType
1889testdata/ 988:30-988:32 {a} -> List a 1889testdata/ 988:30-988:32 forall a . List a
1890testdata/ 989:25-989:30 Bool 1890testdata/ 989:25-989:30 Bool
1891testdata/ 990:29-990:34 Bool 1891testdata/ 990:29-990:34 Bool
1892testdata/ 992:13-1018:14 List StageAttrs 1892testdata/ 992:13-1018:14 List StageAttrs
1893testdata/ 992:15-992:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1893testdata/ 992:15-992:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1894testdata/ 992:15-993:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1894testdata/ 992:15-993:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1895testdata/ 992:15-994:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1895testdata/ 992:15-994:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1896testdata/ 992:15-995:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1896testdata/ 992:15-995:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1897testdata/ 992:15-996:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1897testdata/ 992:15-996:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1898testdata/ 992:15-997:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1898testdata/ 992:15-997:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1899testdata/ 992:15-998:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1899testdata/ 992:15-998:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1900testdata/ 992:15-999:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1900testdata/ 992:15-999:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1901testdata/ 992:15-1000:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1901testdata/ 992:15-1000:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1902testdata/ 992:15-1001:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1902testdata/ 992:15-1001:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1903testdata/ 992:15-1002:46 String->StageAttrs 1903testdata/ 992:15-1002:46 String -> StageAttrs
1904testdata/ 992:15-1004:18 StageAttrs 1904testdata/ 992:15-1004:18 StageAttrs
1905testdata/ 993:29-993:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1905testdata/ 993:29-993:36 forall a . Maybe a
1906testdata/ 994:30-994:50 RGBGen 1906testdata/ 994:30-994:50 RGBGen
1907testdata/ 995:32-995:42 AlphaGen 1907testdata/ 995:32-995:42 AlphaGen
1908testdata/ 996:29-996:36 TCGen 1908testdata/ 996:29-996:36 TCGen
1909testdata/ 997:29-997:31 {a} -> List a 1909testdata/ 997:29-997:31 forall a . List a
1910testdata/ 998:31-998:37 String->StageTexture 1910testdata/ 998:31-998:37 String -> StageTexture
1911testdata/ 998:31-998:76 StageTexture 1911testdata/ 998:31-998:76 StageTexture
1912testdata/ 998:38-998:76 String 1912testdata/ 998:38-998:76 String
1913testdata/ 999:34-999:38 Bool 1913testdata/ 999:34-999:38 Bool
1914testdata/ 1000:33-1000:41 DepthFunction 1914testdata/ 1000:33-1000:41 DepthFunction
1915testdata/ 1001:33-1001:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1915testdata/ 1001:33-1001:40 forall a . Maybe a
1916testdata/ 1002:41-1002:46 Bool 1916testdata/ 1002:41-1002:46 Bool
1917testdata/ 1003:38-1003:54 String 1917testdata/ 1003:38-1003:54 String
1918testdata/ 1005:15-1005:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1918testdata/ 1005:15-1005:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1919testdata/ 1005:15-1006:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1919testdata/ 1005:15-1006:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1920testdata/ 1005:15-1007:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1920testdata/ 1005:15-1007:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1921testdata/ 1005:15-1008:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1921testdata/ 1005:15-1008:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1922testdata/ 1005:15-1009:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1922testdata/ 1005:15-1009:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1923testdata/ 1005:15-1010:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1923testdata/ 1005:15-1010:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1924testdata/ 1005:15-1011:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1924testdata/ 1005:15-1011:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1925testdata/ 1005:15-1012:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1925testdata/ 1005:15-1012:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1926testdata/ 1005:15-1013:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1926testdata/ 1005:15-1013:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1927testdata/ 1005:15-1014:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1927testdata/ 1005:15-1014:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1928testdata/ 1005:15-1015:46 String->StageAttrs 1928testdata/ 1005:15-1015:46 String -> StageAttrs
1929testdata/ 1005:15-1017:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1929testdata/ 1005:15-1017:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1930testdata/ 1006:29-1006:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1930testdata/ 1006:29-1006:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1931testdata/ 1006:29-1006:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1931testdata/ 1006:29-1006:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1932testdata/ 1006:34-1006:57 (Blending', Blending') 1932testdata/ 1006:34-1006:57 (Blending', Blending')
1933testdata/ 1006:36-1006:46 Blending' 1933testdata/ 1006:36-1006:46 Blending'
@@ -1935,79 +1935,79 @@ testdata/ 1006:49-1006:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1935testdata/ 1007:30-1007:50 RGBGen 1935testdata/ 1007:30-1007:50 RGBGen
1936testdata/ 1008:32-1008:42 AlphaGen 1936testdata/ 1008:32-1008:42 AlphaGen
1937testdata/ 1009:29-1009:40 TCGen 1937testdata/ 1009:29-1009:40 TCGen
1938testdata/ 1010:29-1010:31 {a} -> List a 1938testdata/ 1010:29-1010:31 forall a . List a
1939testdata/ 1011:31-1011:42 StageTexture 1939testdata/ 1011:31-1011:42 StageTexture
1940testdata/ 1012:34-1012:38 Bool 1940testdata/ 1012:34-1012:38 Bool
1941testdata/ 1013:33-1013:41 DepthFunction 1941testdata/ 1013:33-1013:41 DepthFunction
1942testdata/ 1014:33-1014:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1942testdata/ 1014:33-1014:40 forall a . Maybe a
1943testdata/ 1015:41-1015:46 Bool 1943testdata/ 1015:41-1015:46 Bool
1944testdata/ 1016:38-1016:54 String 1944testdata/ 1016:38-1016:54 String
1945testdata/ 1019:21-1019:26 Bool 1945testdata/ 1019:21-1019:26 Bool
1946testdata/ 1022:5-1064:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1946testdata/ 1022:5-1064:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1947testdata/ 1022:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1947testdata/ 1022:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1948testdata/ 1022:7-1022:44 String 1948testdata/ 1022:7-1022:44 String
1949testdata/ 1023:7-1023:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1949testdata/ 1023:7-1023:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1950testdata/ 1023:7-1024:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1950testdata/ 1023:7-1024:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1951testdata/ 1023:7-1025:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1951testdata/ 1023:7-1025:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1952testdata/ 1023:7-1026:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1952testdata/ 1023:7-1026:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1953testdata/ 1023:7-1027:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1953testdata/ 1023:7-1027:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1954testdata/ 1023:7-1028:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1954testdata/ 1023:7-1028:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1955testdata/ 1023:7-1029:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1955testdata/ 1023:7-1029:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1956testdata/ 1023:7-1030:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1956testdata/ 1023:7-1030:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1957testdata/ 1023:7-1031:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1957testdata/ 1023:7-1031:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1958testdata/ 1023:7-1032:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1958testdata/ 1023:7-1032:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1959testdata/ 1023:7-1033:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1959testdata/ 1023:7-1033:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1960testdata/ 1023:7-1061:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1960testdata/ 1023:7-1061:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1961testdata/ 1023:7-1063:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1961testdata/ 1023:7-1063:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1962testdata/ 1024:24-1024:26 () 1962testdata/ 1024:24-1024:26 ()
1963testdata/ 1025:24-1025:26 () 1963testdata/ 1025:24-1025:26 ()
1964testdata/ 1026:22-1026:27 Bool 1964testdata/ 1026:22-1026:27 Bool
1965testdata/ 1027:20-1027:21 b_ 1965testdata/ 1027:20-1027:21 _b
1966testdata/ 1028:30-1028:35 Bool 1966testdata/ 1028:30-1028:35 Bool
1967testdata/ 1029:23-1029:28 Bool 1967testdata/ 1029:23-1029:28 Bool
1968testdata/ 1030:20-1030:33 CullType 1968testdata/ 1030:20-1030:33 CullType
1969testdata/ 1031:30-1031:32 {a} -> List a 1969testdata/ 1031:30-1031:32 forall a . List a
1970testdata/ 1032:25-1032:30 Bool 1970testdata/ 1032:25-1032:30 Bool
1971testdata/ 1033:29-1033:34 Bool 1971testdata/ 1033:29-1033:34 Bool
1972testdata/ 1035:13-1061:14 List StageAttrs 1972testdata/ 1035:13-1061:14 List StageAttrs
1973testdata/ 1035:15-1035:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1973testdata/ 1035:15-1035:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1974testdata/ 1035:15-1036:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1974testdata/ 1035:15-1036:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1975testdata/ 1035:15-1037:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1975testdata/ 1035:15-1037:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1976testdata/ 1035:15-1038:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1976testdata/ 1035:15-1038:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1977testdata/ 1035:15-1039:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1977testdata/ 1035:15-1039:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1978testdata/ 1035:15-1040:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1978testdata/ 1035:15-1040:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1979testdata/ 1035:15-1041:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1979testdata/ 1035:15-1041:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1980testdata/ 1035:15-1042:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1980testdata/ 1035:15-1042:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1981testdata/ 1035:15-1043:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1981testdata/ 1035:15-1043:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1982testdata/ 1035:15-1044:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1982testdata/ 1035:15-1044:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1983testdata/ 1035:15-1045:46 String->StageAttrs 1983testdata/ 1035:15-1045:46 String -> StageAttrs
1984testdata/ 1035:15-1047:18 StageAttrs 1984testdata/ 1035:15-1047:18 StageAttrs
1985testdata/ 1036:29-1036:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1985testdata/ 1036:29-1036:36 forall a . Maybe a
1986testdata/ 1037:30-1037:50 RGBGen 1986testdata/ 1037:30-1037:50 RGBGen
1987testdata/ 1038:32-1038:42 AlphaGen 1987testdata/ 1038:32-1038:42 AlphaGen
1988testdata/ 1039:29-1039:36 TCGen 1988testdata/ 1039:29-1039:36 TCGen
1989testdata/ 1040:29-1040:31 {a} -> List a 1989testdata/ 1040:29-1040:31 forall a . List a
1990testdata/ 1041:31-1041:37 String->StageTexture 1990testdata/ 1041:31-1041:37 String -> StageTexture
1991testdata/ 1041:31-1041:75 StageTexture 1991testdata/ 1041:31-1041:75 StageTexture
1992testdata/ 1041:38-1041:75 String 1992testdata/ 1041:38-1041:75 String
1993testdata/ 1042:34-1042:38 Bool 1993testdata/ 1042:34-1042:38 Bool
1994testdata/ 1043:33-1043:41 DepthFunction 1994testdata/ 1043:33-1043:41 DepthFunction
1995testdata/ 1044:33-1044:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1995testdata/ 1044:33-1044:40 forall a . Maybe a
1996testdata/ 1045:41-1045:46 Bool 1996testdata/ 1045:41-1045:46 Bool
1997testdata/ 1046:38-1046:54 String 1997testdata/ 1046:38-1046:54 String
1998testdata/ 1048:15-1048:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1998testdata/ 1048:15-1048:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1999testdata/ 1048:15-1049:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1999testdata/ 1048:15-1049:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2000testdata/ 1048:15-1050:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2000testdata/ 1048:15-1050:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2001testdata/ 1048:15-1051:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2001testdata/ 1048:15-1051:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2002testdata/ 1048:15-1052:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2002testdata/ 1048:15-1052:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2003testdata/ 1048:15-1053:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2003testdata/ 1048:15-1053:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2004testdata/ 1048:15-1054:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2004testdata/ 1048:15-1054:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2005testdata/ 1048:15-1055:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2005testdata/ 1048:15-1055:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2006testdata/ 1048:15-1056:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2006testdata/ 1048:15-1056:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2007testdata/ 1048:15-1057:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2007testdata/ 1048:15-1057:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2008testdata/ 1048:15-1058:46 String->StageAttrs 2008testdata/ 1048:15-1058:46 String -> StageAttrs
2009testdata/ 1048:15-1060:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2009testdata/ 1048:15-1060:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2010testdata/ 1049:29-1049:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2010testdata/ 1049:29-1049:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2011testdata/ 1049:29-1049:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2011testdata/ 1049:29-1049:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2012testdata/ 1049:34-1049:57 (Blending', Blending') 2012testdata/ 1049:34-1049:57 (Blending', Blending')
2013testdata/ 1049:36-1049:46 Blending' 2013testdata/ 1049:36-1049:46 Blending'
@@ -2015,79 +2015,79 @@ testdata/ 1049:49-1049:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2015testdata/ 1050:30-1050:50 RGBGen 2015testdata/ 1050:30-1050:50 RGBGen
2016testdata/ 1051:32-1051:42 AlphaGen 2016testdata/ 1051:32-1051:42 AlphaGen
2017testdata/ 1052:29-1052:40 TCGen 2017testdata/ 1052:29-1052:40 TCGen
2018testdata/ 1053:29-1053:31 {a} -> List a 2018testdata/ 1053:29-1053:31 forall a . List a
2019testdata/ 1054:31-1054:42 StageTexture 2019testdata/ 1054:31-1054:42 StageTexture
2020testdata/ 1055:34-1055:38 Bool 2020testdata/ 1055:34-1055:38 Bool
2021testdata/ 1056:33-1056:41 DepthFunction 2021testdata/ 1056:33-1056:41 DepthFunction
2022testdata/ 1057:33-1057:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2022testdata/ 1057:33-1057:40 forall a . Maybe a
2023testdata/ 1058:41-1058:46 Bool 2023testdata/ 1058:41-1058:46 Bool
2024testdata/ 1059:38-1059:54 String 2024testdata/ 1059:38-1059:54 String
2025testdata/ 1062:21-1062:26 Bool 2025testdata/ 1062:21-1062:26 Bool
2026testdata/ 1065:5-1107:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2026testdata/ 1065:5-1107:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2027testdata/ 1065:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2027testdata/ 1065:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2028testdata/ 1065:7-1065:44 String 2028testdata/ 1065:7-1065:44 String
2029testdata/ 1066:7-1066:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2029testdata/ 1066:7-1066:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2030testdata/ 1066:7-1067:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2030testdata/ 1066:7-1067:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2031testdata/ 1066:7-1068:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2031testdata/ 1066:7-1068:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2032testdata/ 1066:7-1069:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2032testdata/ 1066:7-1069:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2033testdata/ 1066:7-1070:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2033testdata/ 1066:7-1070:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2034testdata/ 1066:7-1071:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2034testdata/ 1066:7-1071:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2035testdata/ 1066:7-1072:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2035testdata/ 1066:7-1072:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2036testdata/ 1066:7-1073:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2036testdata/ 1066:7-1073:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2037testdata/ 1066:7-1074:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2037testdata/ 1066:7-1074:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2038testdata/ 1066:7-1075:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2038testdata/ 1066:7-1075:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2039testdata/ 1066:7-1076:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2039testdata/ 1066:7-1076:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2040testdata/ 1066:7-1104:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2040testdata/ 1066:7-1104:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2041testdata/ 1066:7-1106:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2041testdata/ 1066:7-1106:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2042testdata/ 1067:24-1067:26 () 2042testdata/ 1067:24-1067:26 ()
2043testdata/ 1068:24-1068:26 () 2043testdata/ 1068:24-1068:26 ()
2044testdata/ 1069:22-1069:27 Bool 2044testdata/ 1069:22-1069:27 Bool
2045testdata/ 1070:20-1070:21 b_ 2045testdata/ 1070:20-1070:21 _b
2046testdata/ 1071:30-1071:35 Bool 2046testdata/ 1071:30-1071:35 Bool
2047testdata/ 1072:23-1072:28 Bool 2047testdata/ 1072:23-1072:28 Bool
2048testdata/ 1073:20-1073:33 CullType 2048testdata/ 1073:20-1073:33 CullType
2049testdata/ 1074:30-1074:32 {a} -> List a 2049testdata/ 1074:30-1074:32 forall a . List a
2050testdata/ 1075:25-1075:30 Bool 2050testdata/ 1075:25-1075:30 Bool
2051testdata/ 1076:29-1076:34 Bool 2051testdata/ 1076:29-1076:34 Bool
2052testdata/ 1078:13-1104:14 List StageAttrs 2052testdata/ 1078:13-1104:14 List StageAttrs
2053testdata/ 1078:15-1078:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2053testdata/ 1078:15-1078:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2054testdata/ 1078:15-1079:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2054testdata/ 1078:15-1079:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2055testdata/ 1078:15-1080:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2055testdata/ 1078:15-1080:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2056testdata/ 1078:15-1081:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2056testdata/ 1078:15-1081:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2057testdata/ 1078:15-1082:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2057testdata/ 1078:15-1082:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2058testdata/ 1078:15-1083:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2058testdata/ 1078:15-1083:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2059testdata/ 1078:15-1084:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2059testdata/ 1078:15-1084:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2060testdata/ 1078:15-1085:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2060testdata/ 1078:15-1085:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2061testdata/ 1078:15-1086:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2061testdata/ 1078:15-1086:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2062testdata/ 1078:15-1087:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2062testdata/ 1078:15-1087:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2063testdata/ 1078:15-1088:46 String->StageAttrs 2063testdata/ 1078:15-1088:46 String -> StageAttrs
2064testdata/ 1078:15-1090:18 StageAttrs 2064testdata/ 1078:15-1090:18 StageAttrs
2065testdata/ 1079:29-1079:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2065testdata/ 1079:29-1079:36 forall a . Maybe a
2066testdata/ 1080:30-1080:50 RGBGen 2066testdata/ 1080:30-1080:50 RGBGen
2067testdata/ 1081:32-1081:42 AlphaGen 2067testdata/ 1081:32-1081:42 AlphaGen
2068testdata/ 1082:29-1082:36 TCGen 2068testdata/ 1082:29-1082:36 TCGen
2069testdata/ 1083:29-1083:31 {a} -> List a 2069testdata/ 1083:29-1083:31 forall a . List a
2070testdata/ 1084:31-1084:37 String->StageTexture 2070testdata/ 1084:31-1084:37 String -> StageTexture
2071testdata/ 1084:31-1084:75 StageTexture 2071testdata/ 1084:31-1084:75 StageTexture
2072testdata/ 1084:38-1084:75 String 2072testdata/ 1084:38-1084:75 String
2073testdata/ 1085:34-1085:38 Bool 2073testdata/ 1085:34-1085:38 Bool
2074testdata/ 1086:33-1086:41 DepthFunction 2074testdata/ 1086:33-1086:41 DepthFunction
2075testdata/ 1087:33-1087:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2075testdata/ 1087:33-1087:40 forall a . Maybe a
2076testdata/ 1088:41-1088:46 Bool 2076testdata/ 1088:41-1088:46 Bool
2077testdata/ 1089:38-1089:54 String 2077testdata/ 1089:38-1089:54 String
2078testdata/ 1091:15-1091:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2078testdata/ 1091:15-1091:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2079testdata/ 1091:15-1092:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2079testdata/ 1091:15-1092:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2080testdata/ 1091:15-1093:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2080testdata/ 1091:15-1093:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2081testdata/ 1091:15-1094:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2081testdata/ 1091:15-1094:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2082testdata/ 1091:15-1095:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2082testdata/ 1091:15-1095:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2083testdata/ 1091:15-1096:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2083testdata/ 1091:15-1096:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2084testdata/ 1091:15-1097:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2084testdata/ 1091:15-1097:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2085testdata/ 1091:15-1098:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2085testdata/ 1091:15-1098:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2086testdata/ 1091:15-1099:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2086testdata/ 1091:15-1099:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2087testdata/ 1091:15-1100:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2087testdata/ 1091:15-1100:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2088testdata/ 1091:15-1101:46 String->StageAttrs 2088testdata/ 1091:15-1101:46 String -> StageAttrs
2089testdata/ 1091:15-1103:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2089testdata/ 1091:15-1103:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2090testdata/ 1092:29-1092:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2090testdata/ 1092:29-1092:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2091testdata/ 1092:29-1092:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2091testdata/ 1092:29-1092:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2092testdata/ 1092:34-1092:57 (Blending', Blending') 2092testdata/ 1092:34-1092:57 (Blending', Blending')
2093testdata/ 1092:36-1092:46 Blending' 2093testdata/ 1092:36-1092:46 Blending'
@@ -2095,79 +2095,79 @@ testdata/ 1092:49-1092:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2095testdata/ 1093:30-1093:50 RGBGen 2095testdata/ 1093:30-1093:50 RGBGen
2096testdata/ 1094:32-1094:42 AlphaGen 2096testdata/ 1094:32-1094:42 AlphaGen
2097testdata/ 1095:29-1095:40 TCGen 2097testdata/ 1095:29-1095:40 TCGen
2098testdata/ 1096:29-1096:31 {a} -> List a 2098testdata/ 1096:29-1096:31 forall a . List a
2099testdata/ 1097:31-1097:42 StageTexture 2099testdata/ 1097:31-1097:42 StageTexture
2100testdata/ 1098:34-1098:38 Bool 2100testdata/ 1098:34-1098:38 Bool
2101testdata/ 1099:33-1099:41 DepthFunction 2101testdata/ 1099:33-1099:41 DepthFunction
2102testdata/ 1100:33-1100:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2102testdata/ 1100:33-1100:40 forall a . Maybe a
2103testdata/ 1101:41-1101:46 Bool 2103testdata/ 1101:41-1101:46 Bool
2104testdata/ 1102:38-1102:54 String 2104testdata/ 1102:38-1102:54 String
2105testdata/ 1105:21-1105:26 Bool 2105testdata/ 1105:21-1105:26 Bool
2106testdata/ 1108:5-1150:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2106testdata/ 1108:5-1150:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2107testdata/ 1108:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2107testdata/ 1108:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2108testdata/ 1108:7-1108:49 String 2108testdata/ 1108:7-1108:49 String
2109testdata/ 1109:7-1109:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2109testdata/ 1109:7-1109:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2110testdata/ 1109:7-1110:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2110testdata/ 1109:7-1110:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2111testdata/ 1109:7-1111:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2111testdata/ 1109:7-1111:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2112testdata/ 1109:7-1112:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2112testdata/ 1109:7-1112:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2113testdata/ 1109:7-1113:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2113testdata/ 1109:7-1113:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2114testdata/ 1109:7-1114:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2114testdata/ 1109:7-1114:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2115testdata/ 1109:7-1115:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2115testdata/ 1109:7-1115:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2116testdata/ 1109:7-1116:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2116testdata/ 1109:7-1116:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2117testdata/ 1109:7-1117:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2117testdata/ 1109:7-1117:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2118testdata/ 1109:7-1118:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2118testdata/ 1109:7-1118:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2119testdata/ 1109:7-1119:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2119testdata/ 1109:7-1119:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2120testdata/ 1109:7-1147:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2120testdata/ 1109:7-1147:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2121testdata/ 1109:7-1149:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2121testdata/ 1109:7-1149:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2122testdata/ 1110:24-1110:26 () 2122testdata/ 1110:24-1110:26 ()
2123testdata/ 1111:24-1111:26 () 2123testdata/ 1111:24-1111:26 ()
2124testdata/ 1112:22-1112:27 Bool 2124testdata/ 1112:22-1112:27 Bool
2125testdata/ 1113:20-1113:21 b_ 2125testdata/ 1113:20-1113:21 _b
2126testdata/ 1114:30-1114:35 Bool 2126testdata/ 1114:30-1114:35 Bool
2127testdata/ 1115:23-1115:28 Bool 2127testdata/ 1115:23-1115:28 Bool
2128testdata/ 1116:20-1116:33 CullType 2128testdata/ 1116:20-1116:33 CullType
2129testdata/ 1117:30-1117:32 {a} -> List a 2129testdata/ 1117:30-1117:32 forall a . List a
2130testdata/ 1118:25-1118:30 Bool 2130testdata/ 1118:25-1118:30 Bool
2131testdata/ 1119:29-1119:34 Bool 2131testdata/ 1119:29-1119:34 Bool
2132testdata/ 1121:13-1147:14 List StageAttrs 2132testdata/ 1121:13-1147:14 List StageAttrs
2133testdata/ 1121:15-1121:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2133testdata/ 1121:15-1121:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2134testdata/ 1121:15-1122:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2134testdata/ 1121:15-1122:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2135testdata/ 1121:15-1123:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2135testdata/ 1121:15-1123:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2136testdata/ 1121:15-1124:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2136testdata/ 1121:15-1124:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2137testdata/ 1121:15-1125:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2137testdata/ 1121:15-1125:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2138testdata/ 1121:15-1126:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2138testdata/ 1121:15-1126:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2139testdata/ 1121:15-1127:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2139testdata/ 1121:15-1127:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2140testdata/ 1121:15-1128:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2140testdata/ 1121:15-1128:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2141testdata/ 1121:15-1129:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2141testdata/ 1121:15-1129:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2142testdata/ 1121:15-1130:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2142testdata/ 1121:15-1130:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2143testdata/ 1121:15-1131:46 String->StageAttrs 2143testdata/ 1121:15-1131:46 String -> StageAttrs
2144testdata/ 1121:15-1133:18 StageAttrs 2144testdata/ 1121:15-1133:18 StageAttrs
2145testdata/ 1122:29-1122:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2145testdata/ 1122:29-1122:36 forall a . Maybe a
2146testdata/ 1123:30-1123:50 RGBGen 2146testdata/ 1123:30-1123:50 RGBGen
2147testdata/ 1124:32-1124:42 AlphaGen 2147testdata/ 1124:32-1124:42 AlphaGen
2148testdata/ 1125:29-1125:36 TCGen 2148testdata/ 1125:29-1125:36 TCGen
2149testdata/ 1126:29-1126:31 {a} -> List a 2149testdata/ 1126:29-1126:31 forall a . List a
2150testdata/ 1127:31-1127:37 String->StageTexture 2150testdata/ 1127:31-1127:37 String -> StageTexture
2151testdata/ 1127:31-1127:80 StageTexture 2151testdata/ 1127:31-1127:80 StageTexture
2152testdata/ 1127:38-1127:80 String 2152testdata/ 1127:38-1127:80 String
2153testdata/ 1128:34-1128:38 Bool 2153testdata/ 1128:34-1128:38 Bool
2154testdata/ 1129:33-1129:41 DepthFunction 2154testdata/ 1129:33-1129:41 DepthFunction
2155testdata/ 1130:33-1130:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2155testdata/ 1130:33-1130:40 forall a . Maybe a
2156testdata/ 1131:41-1131:46 Bool 2156testdata/ 1131:41-1131:46 Bool
2157testdata/ 1132:38-1132:54 String 2157testdata/ 1132:38-1132:54 String
2158testdata/ 1134:15-1134:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2158testdata/ 1134:15-1134:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2159testdata/ 1134:15-1135:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2159testdata/ 1134:15-1135:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2160testdata/ 1134:15-1136:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2160testdata/ 1134:15-1136:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2161testdata/ 1134:15-1137:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2161testdata/ 1134:15-1137:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2162testdata/ 1134:15-1138:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2162testdata/ 1134:15-1138:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2163testdata/ 1134:15-1139:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2163testdata/ 1134:15-1139:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2164testdata/ 1134:15-1140:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2164testdata/ 1134:15-1140:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2165testdata/ 1134:15-1141:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2165testdata/ 1134:15-1141:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2166testdata/ 1134:15-1142:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2166testdata/ 1134:15-1142:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2167testdata/ 1134:15-1143:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2167testdata/ 1134:15-1143:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2168testdata/ 1134:15-1144:46 String->StageAttrs 2168testdata/ 1134:15-1144:46 String -> StageAttrs
2169testdata/ 1134:15-1146:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2169testdata/ 1134:15-1146:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2170testdata/ 1135:29-1135:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2170testdata/ 1135:29-1135:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2171testdata/ 1135:29-1135:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2171testdata/ 1135:29-1135:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2172testdata/ 1135:34-1135:57 (Blending', Blending') 2172testdata/ 1135:34-1135:57 (Blending', Blending')
2173testdata/ 1135:36-1135:46 Blending' 2173testdata/ 1135:36-1135:46 Blending'
@@ -2175,79 +2175,79 @@ testdata/ 1135:49-1135:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2175testdata/ 1136:30-1136:50 RGBGen 2175testdata/ 1136:30-1136:50 RGBGen
2176testdata/ 1137:32-1137:42 AlphaGen 2176testdata/ 1137:32-1137:42 AlphaGen
2177testdata/ 1138:29-1138:40 TCGen 2177testdata/ 1138:29-1138:40 TCGen
2178testdata/ 1139:29-1139:31 {a} -> List a 2178testdata/ 1139:29-1139:31 forall a . List a
2179testdata/ 1140:31-1140:42 StageTexture 2179testdata/ 1140:31-1140:42 StageTexture
2180testdata/ 1141:34-1141:38 Bool 2180testdata/ 1141:34-1141:38 Bool
2181testdata/ 1142:33-1142:41 DepthFunction 2181testdata/ 1142:33-1142:41 DepthFunction
2182testdata/ 1143:33-1143:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2182testdata/ 1143:33-1143:40 forall a . Maybe a
2183testdata/ 1144:41-1144:46 Bool 2183testdata/ 1144:41-1144:46 Bool
2184testdata/ 1145:38-1145:54 String 2184testdata/ 1145:38-1145:54 String
2185testdata/ 1148:21-1148:26 Bool 2185testdata/ 1148:21-1148:26 Bool
2186testdata/ 1151:5-1193:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2186testdata/ 1151:5-1193:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2187testdata/ 1151:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2187testdata/ 1151:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2188testdata/ 1151:7-1151:41 String 2188testdata/ 1151:7-1151:41 String
2189testdata/ 1152:7-1152:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2189testdata/ 1152:7-1152:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2190testdata/ 1152:7-1153:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2190testdata/ 1152:7-1153:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2191testdata/ 1152:7-1154:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2191testdata/ 1152:7-1154:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2192testdata/ 1152:7-1155:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2192testdata/ 1152:7-1155:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2193testdata/ 1152:7-1156:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2193testdata/ 1152:7-1156:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2194testdata/ 1152:7-1157:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2194testdata/ 1152:7-1157:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2195testdata/ 1152:7-1158:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2195testdata/ 1152:7-1158:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2196testdata/ 1152:7-1159:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2196testdata/ 1152:7-1159:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2197testdata/ 1152:7-1160:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2197testdata/ 1152:7-1160:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2198testdata/ 1152:7-1161:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2198testdata/ 1152:7-1161:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2199testdata/ 1152:7-1162:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2199testdata/ 1152:7-1162:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2200testdata/ 1152:7-1190:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2200testdata/ 1152:7-1190:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2201testdata/ 1152:7-1192:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2201testdata/ 1152:7-1192:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2202testdata/ 1153:24-1153:26 () 2202testdata/ 1153:24-1153:26 ()
2203testdata/ 1154:24-1154:26 () 2203testdata/ 1154:24-1154:26 ()
2204testdata/ 1155:22-1155:27 Bool 2204testdata/ 1155:22-1155:27 Bool
2205testdata/ 1156:20-1156:21 b_ 2205testdata/ 1156:20-1156:21 _b
2206testdata/ 1157:30-1157:35 Bool 2206testdata/ 1157:30-1157:35 Bool
2207testdata/ 1158:23-1158:28 Bool 2207testdata/ 1158:23-1158:28 Bool
2208testdata/ 1159:20-1159:33 CullType 2208testdata/ 1159:20-1159:33 CullType
2209testdata/ 1160:30-1160:32 {a} -> List a 2209testdata/ 1160:30-1160:32 forall a . List a
2210testdata/ 1161:25-1161:30 Bool 2210testdata/ 1161:25-1161:30 Bool
2211testdata/ 1162:29-1162:34 Bool 2211testdata/ 1162:29-1162:34 Bool
2212testdata/ 1164:13-1190:14 List StageAttrs 2212testdata/ 1164:13-1190:14 List StageAttrs
2213testdata/ 1164:15-1164:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2213testdata/ 1164:15-1164:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2214testdata/ 1164:15-1165:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2214testdata/ 1164:15-1165:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2215testdata/ 1164:15-1166:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2215testdata/ 1164:15-1166:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2216testdata/ 1164:15-1167:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2216testdata/ 1164:15-1167:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2217testdata/ 1164:15-1168:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2217testdata/ 1164:15-1168:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2218testdata/ 1164:15-1169:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2218testdata/ 1164:15-1169:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2219testdata/ 1164:15-1170:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2219testdata/ 1164:15-1170:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2220testdata/ 1164:15-1171:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2220testdata/ 1164:15-1171:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2221testdata/ 1164:15-1172:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2221testdata/ 1164:15-1172:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2222testdata/ 1164:15-1173:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2222testdata/ 1164:15-1173:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2223testdata/ 1164:15-1174:46 String->StageAttrs 2223testdata/ 1164:15-1174:46 String -> StageAttrs
2224testdata/ 1164:15-1176:18 StageAttrs 2224testdata/ 1164:15-1176:18 StageAttrs
2225testdata/ 1165:29-1165:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2225testdata/ 1165:29-1165:36 forall a . Maybe a
2226testdata/ 1166:30-1166:50 RGBGen 2226testdata/ 1166:30-1166:50 RGBGen
2227testdata/ 1167:32-1167:42 AlphaGen 2227testdata/ 1167:32-1167:42 AlphaGen
2228testdata/ 1168:29-1168:36 TCGen 2228testdata/ 1168:29-1168:36 TCGen
2229testdata/ 1169:29-1169:31 {a} -> List a 2229testdata/ 1169:29-1169:31 forall a . List a
2230testdata/ 1170:31-1170:37 String->StageTexture 2230testdata/ 1170:31-1170:37 String -> StageTexture
2231testdata/ 1170:31-1170:72 StageTexture 2231testdata/ 1170:31-1170:72 StageTexture
2232testdata/ 1170:38-1170:72 String 2232testdata/ 1170:38-1170:72 String
2233testdata/ 1171:34-1171:38 Bool 2233testdata/ 1171:34-1171:38 Bool
2234testdata/ 1172:33-1172:41 DepthFunction 2234testdata/ 1172:33-1172:41 DepthFunction
2235testdata/ 1173:33-1173:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2235testdata/ 1173:33-1173:40 forall a . Maybe a
2236testdata/ 1174:41-1174:46 Bool 2236testdata/ 1174:41-1174:46 Bool
2237testdata/ 1175:38-1175:54 String 2237testdata/ 1175:38-1175:54 String
2238testdata/ 1177:15-1177:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2238testdata/ 1177:15-1177:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2239testdata/ 1177:15-1178:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2239testdata/ 1177:15-1178:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2240testdata/ 1177:15-1179:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2240testdata/ 1177:15-1179:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2241testdata/ 1177:15-1180:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2241testdata/ 1177:15-1180:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2242testdata/ 1177:15-1181:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2242testdata/ 1177:15-1181:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2243testdata/ 1177:15-1182:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2243testdata/ 1177:15-1182:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2244testdata/ 1177:15-1183:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2244testdata/ 1177:15-1183:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2245testdata/ 1177:15-1184:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2245testdata/ 1177:15-1184:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2246testdata/ 1177:15-1185:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2246testdata/ 1177:15-1185:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2247testdata/ 1177:15-1186:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2247testdata/ 1177:15-1186:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2248testdata/ 1177:15-1187:46 String->StageAttrs 2248testdata/ 1177:15-1187:46 String -> StageAttrs
2249testdata/ 1177:15-1189:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2249testdata/ 1177:15-1189:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2250testdata/ 1178:29-1178:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2250testdata/ 1178:29-1178:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2251testdata/ 1178:29-1178:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2251testdata/ 1178:29-1178:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2252testdata/ 1178:34-1178:57 (Blending', Blending') 2252testdata/ 1178:34-1178:57 (Blending', Blending')
2253testdata/ 1178:36-1178:46 Blending' 2253testdata/ 1178:36-1178:46 Blending'
@@ -2255,79 +2255,79 @@ testdata/ 1178:49-1178:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2255testdata/ 1179:30-1179:50 RGBGen 2255testdata/ 1179:30-1179:50 RGBGen
2256testdata/ 1180:32-1180:42 AlphaGen 2256testdata/ 1180:32-1180:42 AlphaGen
2257testdata/ 1181:29-1181:40 TCGen 2257testdata/ 1181:29-1181:40 TCGen
2258testdata/ 1182:29-1182:31 {a} -> List a 2258testdata/ 1182:29-1182:31 forall a . List a
2259testdata/ 1183:31-1183:42 StageTexture 2259testdata/ 1183:31-1183:42 StageTexture
2260testdata/ 1184:34-1184:38 Bool 2260testdata/ 1184:34-1184:38 Bool
2261testdata/ 1185:33-1185:41 DepthFunction 2261testdata/ 1185:33-1185:41 DepthFunction
2262testdata/ 1186:33-1186:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2262testdata/ 1186:33-1186:40 forall a . Maybe a
2263testdata/ 1187:41-1187:46 Bool 2263testdata/ 1187:41-1187:46 Bool
2264testdata/ 1188:38-1188:54 String 2264testdata/ 1188:38-1188:54 String
2265testdata/ 1191:21-1191:26 Bool 2265testdata/ 1191:21-1191:26 Bool
2266testdata/ 1194:5-1236:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2266testdata/ 1194:5-1236:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2267testdata/ 1194:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2267testdata/ 1194:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2268testdata/ 1194:7-1194:43 String 2268testdata/ 1194:7-1194:43 String
2269testdata/ 1195:7-1195:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2269testdata/ 1195:7-1195:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2270testdata/ 1195:7-1196:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2270testdata/ 1195:7-1196:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2271testdata/ 1195:7-1197:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2271testdata/ 1195:7-1197:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2272testdata/ 1195:7-1198:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2272testdata/ 1195:7-1198:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2273testdata/ 1195:7-1199:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2273testdata/ 1195:7-1199:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2274testdata/ 1195:7-1200:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2274testdata/ 1195:7-1200:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2275testdata/ 1195:7-1201:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2275testdata/ 1195:7-1201:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2276testdata/ 1195:7-1202:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2276testdata/ 1195:7-1202:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2277testdata/ 1195:7-1203:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2277testdata/ 1195:7-1203:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2278testdata/ 1195:7-1204:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2278testdata/ 1195:7-1204:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2279testdata/ 1195:7-1205:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2279testdata/ 1195:7-1205:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2280testdata/ 1195:7-1233:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2280testdata/ 1195:7-1233:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2281testdata/ 1195:7-1235:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2281testdata/ 1195:7-1235:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2282testdata/ 1196:24-1196:26 () 2282testdata/ 1196:24-1196:26 ()
2283testdata/ 1197:24-1197:26 () 2283testdata/ 1197:24-1197:26 ()
2284testdata/ 1198:22-1198:27 Bool 2284testdata/ 1198:22-1198:27 Bool
2285testdata/ 1199:20-1199:21 b_ 2285testdata/ 1199:20-1199:21 _b
2286testdata/ 1200:30-1200:35 Bool 2286testdata/ 1200:30-1200:35 Bool
2287testdata/ 1201:23-1201:28 Bool 2287testdata/ 1201:23-1201:28 Bool
2288testdata/ 1202:20-1202:33 CullType 2288testdata/ 1202:20-1202:33 CullType
2289testdata/ 1203:30-1203:32 {a} -> List a 2289testdata/ 1203:30-1203:32 forall a . List a
2290testdata/ 1204:25-1204:30 Bool 2290testdata/ 1204:25-1204:30 Bool
2291testdata/ 1205:29-1205:34 Bool 2291testdata/ 1205:29-1205:34 Bool
2292testdata/ 1207:13-1233:14 List StageAttrs 2292testdata/ 1207:13-1233:14 List StageAttrs
2293testdata/ 1207:15-1207:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2293testdata/ 1207:15-1207:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2294testdata/ 1207:15-1208:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2294testdata/ 1207:15-1208:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2295testdata/ 1207:15-1209:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2295testdata/ 1207:15-1209:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2296testdata/ 1207:15-1210:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2296testdata/ 1207:15-1210:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2297testdata/ 1207:15-1211:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2297testdata/ 1207:15-1211:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2298testdata/ 1207:15-1212:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2298testdata/ 1207:15-1212:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2299testdata/ 1207:15-1213:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2299testdata/ 1207:15-1213:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2300testdata/ 1207:15-1214:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2300testdata/ 1207:15-1214:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2301testdata/ 1207:15-1215:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2301testdata/ 1207:15-1215:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2302testdata/ 1207:15-1216:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2302testdata/ 1207:15-1216:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2303testdata/ 1207:15-1217:46 String->StageAttrs 2303testdata/ 1207:15-1217:46 String -> StageAttrs
2304testdata/ 1207:15-1219:18 StageAttrs 2304testdata/ 1207:15-1219:18 StageAttrs
2305testdata/ 1208:29-1208:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2305testdata/ 1208:29-1208:36 forall a . Maybe a
2306testdata/ 1209:30-1209:50 RGBGen 2306testdata/ 1209:30-1209:50 RGBGen
2307testdata/ 1210:32-1210:42 AlphaGen 2307testdata/ 1210:32-1210:42 AlphaGen
2308testdata/ 1211:29-1211:36 TCGen 2308testdata/ 1211:29-1211:36 TCGen
2309testdata/ 1212:29-1212:31 {a} -> List a 2309testdata/ 1212:29-1212:31 forall a . List a
2310testdata/ 1213:31-1213:37 String->StageTexture 2310testdata/ 1213:31-1213:37 String -> StageTexture
2311testdata/ 1213:31-1213:74 StageTexture 2311testdata/ 1213:31-1213:74 StageTexture
2312testdata/ 1213:38-1213:74 String 2312testdata/ 1213:38-1213:74 String
2313testdata/ 1214:34-1214:38 Bool 2313testdata/ 1214:34-1214:38 Bool
2314testdata/ 1215:33-1215:41 DepthFunction 2314testdata/ 1215:33-1215:41 DepthFunction
2315testdata/ 1216:33-1216:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2315testdata/ 1216:33-1216:40 forall a . Maybe a
2316testdata/ 1217:41-1217:46 Bool 2316testdata/ 1217:41-1217:46 Bool
2317testdata/ 1218:38-1218:54 String 2317testdata/ 1218:38-1218:54 String
2318testdata/ 1220:15-1220:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2318testdata/ 1220:15-1220:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2319testdata/ 1220:15-1221:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2319testdata/ 1220:15-1221:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2320testdata/ 1220:15-1222:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2320testdata/ 1220:15-1222:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2321testdata/ 1220:15-1223:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2321testdata/ 1220:15-1223:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2322testdata/ 1220:15-1224:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2322testdata/ 1220:15-1224:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2323testdata/ 1220:15-1225:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2323testdata/ 1220:15-1225:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2324testdata/ 1220:15-1226:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2324testdata/ 1220:15-1226:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2325testdata/ 1220:15-1227:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2325testdata/ 1220:15-1227:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2326testdata/ 1220:15-1228:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2326testdata/ 1220:15-1228:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2327testdata/ 1220:15-1229:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2327testdata/ 1220:15-1229:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2328testdata/ 1220:15-1230:46 String->StageAttrs 2328testdata/ 1220:15-1230:46 String -> StageAttrs
2329testdata/ 1220:15-1232:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2329testdata/ 1220:15-1232:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2330testdata/ 1221:29-1221:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2330testdata/ 1221:29-1221:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2331testdata/ 1221:29-1221:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2331testdata/ 1221:29-1221:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2332testdata/ 1221:34-1221:57 (Blending', Blending') 2332testdata/ 1221:34-1221:57 (Blending', Blending')
2333testdata/ 1221:36-1221:46 Blending' 2333testdata/ 1221:36-1221:46 Blending'
@@ -2335,79 +2335,79 @@ testdata/ 1221:49-1221:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2335testdata/ 1222:30-1222:50 RGBGen 2335testdata/ 1222:30-1222:50 RGBGen
2336testdata/ 1223:32-1223:42 AlphaGen 2336testdata/ 1223:32-1223:42 AlphaGen
2337testdata/ 1224:29-1224:40 TCGen 2337testdata/ 1224:29-1224:40 TCGen
2338testdata/ 1225:29-1225:31 {a} -> List a 2338testdata/ 1225:29-1225:31 forall a . List a
2339testdata/ 1226:31-1226:42 StageTexture 2339testdata/ 1226:31-1226:42 StageTexture
2340testdata/ 1227:34-1227:38 Bool 2340testdata/ 1227:34-1227:38 Bool
2341testdata/ 1228:33-1228:41 DepthFunction 2341testdata/ 1228:33-1228:41 DepthFunction
2342testdata/ 1229:33-1229:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2342testdata/ 1229:33-1229:40 forall a . Maybe a
2343testdata/ 1230:41-1230:46 Bool 2343testdata/ 1230:41-1230:46 Bool
2344testdata/ 1231:38-1231:54 String 2344testdata/ 1231:38-1231:54 String
2345testdata/ 1234:21-1234:26 Bool 2345testdata/ 1234:21-1234:26 Bool
2346testdata/ 1237:5-1279:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2346testdata/ 1237:5-1279:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2347testdata/ 1237:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2347testdata/ 1237:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2348testdata/ 1237:7-1237:41 String 2348testdata/ 1237:7-1237:41 String
2349testdata/ 1238:7-1238:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2349testdata/ 1238:7-1238:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2350testdata/ 1238:7-1239:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2350testdata/ 1238:7-1239:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2351testdata/ 1238:7-1240:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2351testdata/ 1238:7-1240:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2352testdata/ 1238:7-1241:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2352testdata/ 1238:7-1241:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2353testdata/ 1238:7-1242:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2353testdata/ 1238:7-1242:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2354testdata/ 1238:7-1243:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2354testdata/ 1238:7-1243:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2355testdata/ 1238:7-1244:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2355testdata/ 1238:7-1244:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2356testdata/ 1238:7-1245:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2356testdata/ 1238:7-1245:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2357testdata/ 1238:7-1246:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2357testdata/ 1238:7-1246:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2358testdata/ 1238:7-1247:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2358testdata/ 1238:7-1247:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2359testdata/ 1238:7-1248:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2359testdata/ 1238:7-1248:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2360testdata/ 1238:7-1276:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2360testdata/ 1238:7-1276:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2361testdata/ 1238:7-1278:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2361testdata/ 1238:7-1278:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2362testdata/ 1239:24-1239:26 () 2362testdata/ 1239:24-1239:26 ()
2363testdata/ 1240:24-1240:26 () 2363testdata/ 1240:24-1240:26 ()
2364testdata/ 1241:22-1241:27 Bool 2364testdata/ 1241:22-1241:27 Bool
2365testdata/ 1242:20-1242:21 b_ 2365testdata/ 1242:20-1242:21 _b
2366testdata/ 1243:30-1243:35 Bool 2366testdata/ 1243:30-1243:35 Bool
2367testdata/ 1244:23-1244:28 Bool 2367testdata/ 1244:23-1244:28 Bool
2368testdata/ 1245:20-1245:33 CullType 2368testdata/ 1245:20-1245:33 CullType
2369testdata/ 1246:30-1246:32 {a} -> List a 2369testdata/ 1246:30-1246:32 forall a . List a
2370testdata/ 1247:25-1247:30 Bool 2370testdata/ 1247:25-1247:30 Bool
2371testdata/ 1248:29-1248:34 Bool 2371testdata/ 1248:29-1248:34 Bool
2372testdata/ 1250:13-1276:14 List StageAttrs 2372testdata/ 1250:13-1276:14 List StageAttrs
2373testdata/ 1250:15-1250:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2373testdata/ 1250:15-1250:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2374testdata/ 1250:15-1251:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2374testdata/ 1250:15-1251:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2375testdata/ 1250:15-1252:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2375testdata/ 1250:15-1252:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2376testdata/ 1250:15-1253:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2376testdata/ 1250:15-1253:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2377testdata/ 1250:15-1254:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2377testdata/ 1250:15-1254:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2378testdata/ 1250:15-1255:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2378testdata/ 1250:15-1255:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2379testdata/ 1250:15-1256:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2379testdata/ 1250:15-1256:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2380testdata/ 1250:15-1257:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2380testdata/ 1250:15-1257:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2381testdata/ 1250:15-1258:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2381testdata/ 1250:15-1258:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2382testdata/ 1250:15-1259:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2382testdata/ 1250:15-1259:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2383testdata/ 1250:15-1260:46 String->StageAttrs 2383testdata/ 1250:15-1260:46 String -> StageAttrs
2384testdata/ 1250:15-1262:18 StageAttrs 2384testdata/ 1250:15-1262:18 StageAttrs
2385testdata/ 1251:29-1251:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2385testdata/ 1251:29-1251:36 forall a . Maybe a
2386testdata/ 1252:30-1252:50 RGBGen 2386testdata/ 1252:30-1252:50 RGBGen
2387testdata/ 1253:32-1253:42 AlphaGen 2387testdata/ 1253:32-1253:42 AlphaGen
2388testdata/ 1254:29-1254:36 TCGen 2388testdata/ 1254:29-1254:36 TCGen
2389testdata/ 1255:29-1255:31 {a} -> List a 2389testdata/ 1255:29-1255:31 forall a . List a
2390testdata/ 1256:31-1256:37 String->StageTexture 2390testdata/ 1256:31-1256:37 String -> StageTexture
2391testdata/ 1256:31-1256:72 StageTexture 2391testdata/ 1256:31-1256:72 StageTexture
2392testdata/ 1256:38-1256:72 String 2392testdata/ 1256:38-1256:72 String
2393testdata/ 1257:34-1257:38 Bool 2393testdata/ 1257:34-1257:38 Bool
2394testdata/ 1258:33-1258:41 DepthFunction 2394testdata/ 1258:33-1258:41 DepthFunction
2395testdata/ 1259:33-1259:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2395testdata/ 1259:33-1259:40 forall a . Maybe a
2396testdata/ 1260:41-1260:46 Bool 2396testdata/ 1260:41-1260:46 Bool
2397testdata/ 1261:38-1261:54 String 2397testdata/ 1261:38-1261:54 String
2398testdata/ 1263:15-1263:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2398testdata/ 1263:15-1263:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2399testdata/ 1263:15-1264:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2399testdata/ 1263:15-1264:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2400testdata/ 1263:15-1265:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2400testdata/ 1263:15-1265:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2401testdata/ 1263:15-1266:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2401testdata/ 1263:15-1266:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2402testdata/ 1263:15-1267:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2402testdata/ 1263:15-1267:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2403testdata/ 1263:15-1268:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2403testdata/ 1263:15-1268:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2404testdata/ 1263:15-1269:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2404testdata/ 1263:15-1269:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2405testdata/ 1263:15-1270:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2405testdata/ 1263:15-1270:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2406testdata/ 1263:15-1271:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2406testdata/ 1263:15-1271:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2407testdata/ 1263:15-1272:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2407testdata/ 1263:15-1272:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2408testdata/ 1263:15-1273:46 String->StageAttrs 2408testdata/ 1263:15-1273:46 String -> StageAttrs
2409testdata/ 1263:15-1275:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2409testdata/ 1263:15-1275:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2410testdata/ 1264:29-1264:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2410testdata/ 1264:29-1264:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2411testdata/ 1264:29-1264:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2411testdata/ 1264:29-1264:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2412testdata/ 1264:34-1264:57 (Blending', Blending') 2412testdata/ 1264:34-1264:57 (Blending', Blending')
2413testdata/ 1264:36-1264:46 Blending' 2413testdata/ 1264:36-1264:46 Blending'
@@ -2415,79 +2415,79 @@ testdata/ 1264:49-1264:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2415testdata/ 1265:30-1265:50 RGBGen 2415testdata/ 1265:30-1265:50 RGBGen
2416testdata/ 1266:32-1266:42 AlphaGen 2416testdata/ 1266:32-1266:42 AlphaGen
2417testdata/ 1267:29-1267:40 TCGen 2417testdata/ 1267:29-1267:40 TCGen
2418testdata/ 1268:29-1268:31 {a} -> List a 2418testdata/ 1268:29-1268:31 forall a . List a
2419testdata/ 1269:31-1269:42 StageTexture 2419testdata/ 1269:31-1269:42 StageTexture
2420testdata/ 1270:34-1270:38 Bool 2420testdata/ 1270:34-1270:38 Bool
2421testdata/ 1271:33-1271:41 DepthFunction 2421testdata/ 1271:33-1271:41 DepthFunction
2422testdata/ 1272:33-1272:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2422testdata/ 1272:33-1272:40 forall a . Maybe a
2423testdata/ 1273:41-1273:46 Bool 2423testdata/ 1273:41-1273:46 Bool
2424testdata/ 1274:38-1274:54 String 2424testdata/ 1274:38-1274:54 String
2425testdata/ 1277:21-1277:26 Bool 2425testdata/ 1277:21-1277:26 Bool
2426testdata/ 1280:5-1322:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2426testdata/ 1280:5-1322:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2427testdata/ 1280:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2427testdata/ 1280:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2428testdata/ 1280:7-1280:44 String 2428testdata/ 1280:7-1280:44 String
2429testdata/ 1281:7-1281:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2429testdata/ 1281:7-1281:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2430testdata/ 1281:7-1282:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2430testdata/ 1281:7-1282:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2431testdata/ 1281:7-1283:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2431testdata/ 1281:7-1283:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2432testdata/ 1281:7-1284:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2432testdata/ 1281:7-1284:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2433testdata/ 1281:7-1285:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2433testdata/ 1281:7-1285:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2434testdata/ 1281:7-1286:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2434testdata/ 1281:7-1286:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2435testdata/ 1281:7-1287:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2435testdata/ 1281:7-1287:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2436testdata/ 1281:7-1288:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2436testdata/ 1281:7-1288:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2437testdata/ 1281:7-1289:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2437testdata/ 1281:7-1289:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2438testdata/ 1281:7-1290:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2438testdata/ 1281:7-1290:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2439testdata/ 1281:7-1291:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2439testdata/ 1281:7-1291:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2440testdata/ 1281:7-1319:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2440testdata/ 1281:7-1319:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2441testdata/ 1281:7-1321:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2441testdata/ 1281:7-1321:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2442testdata/ 1282:24-1282:26 () 2442testdata/ 1282:24-1282:26 ()
2443testdata/ 1283:24-1283:26 () 2443testdata/ 1283:24-1283:26 ()
2444testdata/ 1284:22-1284:27 Bool 2444testdata/ 1284:22-1284:27 Bool
2445testdata/ 1285:20-1285:21 b_ 2445testdata/ 1285:20-1285:21 _b
2446testdata/ 1286:30-1286:35 Bool 2446testdata/ 1286:30-1286:35 Bool
2447testdata/ 1287:23-1287:28 Bool 2447testdata/ 1287:23-1287:28 Bool
2448testdata/ 1288:20-1288:33 CullType 2448testdata/ 1288:20-1288:33 CullType
2449testdata/ 1289:30-1289:32 {a} -> List a 2449testdata/ 1289:30-1289:32 forall a . List a
2450testdata/ 1290:25-1290:30 Bool 2450testdata/ 1290:25-1290:30 Bool
2451testdata/ 1291:29-1291:34 Bool 2451testdata/ 1291:29-1291:34 Bool
2452testdata/ 1293:13-1319:14 List StageAttrs 2452testdata/ 1293:13-1319:14 List StageAttrs
2453testdata/ 1293:15-1293:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2453testdata/ 1293:15-1293:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2454testdata/ 1293:15-1294:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2454testdata/ 1293:15-1294:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2455testdata/ 1293:15-1295:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2455testdata/ 1293:15-1295:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2456testdata/ 1293:15-1296:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2456testdata/ 1293:15-1296:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2457testdata/ 1293:15-1297:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2457testdata/ 1293:15-1297:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2458testdata/ 1293:15-1298:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2458testdata/ 1293:15-1298:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2459testdata/ 1293:15-1299:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2459testdata/ 1293:15-1299:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2460testdata/ 1293:15-1300:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2460testdata/ 1293:15-1300:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2461testdata/ 1293:15-1301:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2461testdata/ 1293:15-1301:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2462testdata/ 1293:15-1302:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2462testdata/ 1293:15-1302:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2463testdata/ 1293:15-1303:46 String->StageAttrs 2463testdata/ 1293:15-1303:46 String -> StageAttrs
2464testdata/ 1293:15-1305:18 StageAttrs 2464testdata/ 1293:15-1305:18 StageAttrs
2465testdata/ 1294:29-1294:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2465testdata/ 1294:29-1294:36 forall a . Maybe a
2466testdata/ 1295:30-1295:50 RGBGen 2466testdata/ 1295:30-1295:50 RGBGen
2467testdata/ 1296:32-1296:42 AlphaGen 2467testdata/ 1296:32-1296:42 AlphaGen
2468testdata/ 1297:29-1297:36 TCGen 2468testdata/ 1297:29-1297:36 TCGen
2469testdata/ 1298:29-1298:31 {a} -> List a 2469testdata/ 1298:29-1298:31 forall a . List a
2470testdata/ 1299:31-1299:37 String->StageTexture 2470testdata/ 1299:31-1299:37 String -> StageTexture
2471testdata/ 1299:31-1299:75 StageTexture 2471testdata/ 1299:31-1299:75 StageTexture
2472testdata/ 1299:38-1299:75 String 2472testdata/ 1299:38-1299:75 String
2473testdata/ 1300:34-1300:38 Bool 2473testdata/ 1300:34-1300:38 Bool
2474testdata/ 1301:33-1301:41 DepthFunction 2474testdata/ 1301:33-1301:41 DepthFunction
2475testdata/ 1302:33-1302:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2475testdata/ 1302:33-1302:40 forall a . Maybe a
2476testdata/ 1303:41-1303:46 Bool 2476testdata/ 1303:41-1303:46 Bool
2477testdata/ 1304:38-1304:54 String 2477testdata/ 1304:38-1304:54 String
2478testdata/ 1306:15-1306:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2478testdata/ 1306:15-1306:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2479testdata/ 1306:15-1307:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2479testdata/ 1306:15-1307:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2480testdata/ 1306:15-1308:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2480testdata/ 1306:15-1308:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2481testdata/ 1306:15-1309:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2481testdata/ 1306:15-1309:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2482testdata/ 1306:15-1310:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2482testdata/ 1306:15-1310:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2483testdata/ 1306:15-1311:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2483testdata/ 1306:15-1311:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2484testdata/ 1306:15-1312:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2484testdata/ 1306:15-1312:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2485testdata/ 1306:15-1313:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2485testdata/ 1306:15-1313:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2486testdata/ 1306:15-1314:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2486testdata/ 1306:15-1314:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2487testdata/ 1306:15-1315:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2487testdata/ 1306:15-1315:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2488testdata/ 1306:15-1316:46 String->StageAttrs 2488testdata/ 1306:15-1316:46 String -> StageAttrs
2489testdata/ 1306:15-1318:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2489testdata/ 1306:15-1318:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2490testdata/ 1307:29-1307:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2490testdata/ 1307:29-1307:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2491testdata/ 1307:29-1307:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2491testdata/ 1307:29-1307:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2492testdata/ 1307:34-1307:57 (Blending', Blending') 2492testdata/ 1307:34-1307:57 (Blending', Blending')
2493testdata/ 1307:36-1307:46 Blending' 2493testdata/ 1307:36-1307:46 Blending'
@@ -2495,79 +2495,79 @@ testdata/ 1307:49-1307:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2495testdata/ 1308:30-1308:50 RGBGen 2495testdata/ 1308:30-1308:50 RGBGen
2496testdata/ 1309:32-1309:42 AlphaGen 2496testdata/ 1309:32-1309:42 AlphaGen
2497testdata/ 1310:29-1310:40 TCGen 2497testdata/ 1310:29-1310:40 TCGen
2498testdata/ 1311:29-1311:31 {a} -> List a 2498testdata/ 1311:29-1311:31 forall a . List a
2499testdata/ 1312:31-1312:42 StageTexture 2499testdata/ 1312:31-1312:42 StageTexture
2500testdata/ 1313:34-1313:38 Bool 2500testdata/ 1313:34-1313:38 Bool
2501testdata/ 1314:33-1314:41 DepthFunction 2501testdata/ 1314:33-1314:41 DepthFunction
2502testdata/ 1315:33-1315:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2502testdata/ 1315:33-1315:40 forall a . Maybe a
2503testdata/ 1316:41-1316:46 Bool 2503testdata/ 1316:41-1316:46 Bool
2504testdata/ 1317:38-1317:54 String 2504testdata/ 1317:38-1317:54 String
2505testdata/ 1320:21-1320:26 Bool 2505testdata/ 1320:21-1320:26 Bool
2506testdata/ 1323:5-1365:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2506testdata/ 1323:5-1365:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2507testdata/ 1323:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2507testdata/ 1323:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2508testdata/ 1323:7-1323:43 String 2508testdata/ 1323:7-1323:43 String
2509testdata/ 1324:7-1324:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2509testdata/ 1324:7-1324:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2510testdata/ 1324:7-1325:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2510testdata/ 1324:7-1325:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2511testdata/ 1324:7-1326:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2511testdata/ 1324:7-1326:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2512testdata/ 1324:7-1327:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2512testdata/ 1324:7-1327:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2513testdata/ 1324:7-1328:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2513testdata/ 1324:7-1328:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2514testdata/ 1324:7-1329:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2514testdata/ 1324:7-1329:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2515testdata/ 1324:7-1330:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2515testdata/ 1324:7-1330:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2516testdata/ 1324:7-1331:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2516testdata/ 1324:7-1331:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2517testdata/ 1324:7-1332:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2517testdata/ 1324:7-1332:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2518testdata/ 1324:7-1333:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2518testdata/ 1324:7-1333:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2519testdata/ 1324:7-1334:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2519testdata/ 1324:7-1334:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2520testdata/ 1324:7-1362:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2520testdata/ 1324:7-1362:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2521testdata/ 1324:7-1364:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2521testdata/ 1324:7-1364:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2522testdata/ 1325:24-1325:26 () 2522testdata/ 1325:24-1325:26 ()
2523testdata/ 1326:24-1326:26 () 2523testdata/ 1326:24-1326:26 ()
2524testdata/ 1327:22-1327:27 Bool 2524testdata/ 1327:22-1327:27 Bool
2525testdata/ 1328:20-1328:21 b_ 2525testdata/ 1328:20-1328:21 _b
2526testdata/ 1329:30-1329:35 Bool 2526testdata/ 1329:30-1329:35 Bool
2527testdata/ 1330:23-1330:28 Bool 2527testdata/ 1330:23-1330:28 Bool
2528testdata/ 1331:20-1331:33 CullType 2528testdata/ 1331:20-1331:33 CullType
2529testdata/ 1332:30-1332:32 {a} -> List a 2529testdata/ 1332:30-1332:32 forall a . List a
2530testdata/ 1333:25-1333:30 Bool 2530testdata/ 1333:25-1333:30 Bool
2531testdata/ 1334:29-1334:34 Bool 2531testdata/ 1334:29-1334:34 Bool
2532testdata/ 1336:13-1362:14 List StageAttrs 2532testdata/ 1336:13-1362:14 List StageAttrs
2533testdata/ 1336:15-1336:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2533testdata/ 1336:15-1336:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2534testdata/ 1336:15-1337:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2534testdata/ 1336:15-1337:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2535testdata/ 1336:15-1338:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2535testdata/ 1336:15-1338:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2536testdata/ 1336:15-1339:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2536testdata/ 1336:15-1339:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2537testdata/ 1336:15-1340:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2537testdata/ 1336:15-1340:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2538testdata/ 1336:15-1341:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2538testdata/ 1336:15-1341:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2539testdata/ 1336:15-1342:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2539testdata/ 1336:15-1342:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2540testdata/ 1336:15-1343:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2540testdata/ 1336:15-1343:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2541testdata/ 1336:15-1344:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2541testdata/ 1336:15-1344:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2542testdata/ 1336:15-1345:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2542testdata/ 1336:15-1345:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2543testdata/ 1336:15-1346:46 String->StageAttrs 2543testdata/ 1336:15-1346:46 String -> StageAttrs
2544testdata/ 1336:15-1348:18 StageAttrs 2544testdata/ 1336:15-1348:18 StageAttrs
2545testdata/ 1337:29-1337:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2545testdata/ 1337:29-1337:36 forall a . Maybe a
2546testdata/ 1338:30-1338:50 RGBGen 2546testdata/ 1338:30-1338:50 RGBGen
2547testdata/ 1339:32-1339:42 AlphaGen 2547testdata/ 1339:32-1339:42 AlphaGen
2548testdata/ 1340:29-1340:36 TCGen 2548testdata/ 1340:29-1340:36 TCGen
2549testdata/ 1341:29-1341:31 {a} -> List a 2549testdata/ 1341:29-1341:31 forall a . List a
2550testdata/ 1342:31-1342:37 String->StageTexture 2550testdata/ 1342:31-1342:37 String -> StageTexture
2551testdata/ 1342:31-1342:74 StageTexture 2551testdata/ 1342:31-1342:74 StageTexture
2552testdata/ 1342:38-1342:74 String 2552testdata/ 1342:38-1342:74 String
2553testdata/ 1343:34-1343:38 Bool 2553testdata/ 1343:34-1343:38 Bool
2554testdata/ 1344:33-1344:41 DepthFunction 2554testdata/ 1344:33-1344:41 DepthFunction
2555testdata/ 1345:33-1345:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2555testdata/ 1345:33-1345:40 forall a . Maybe a
2556testdata/ 1346:41-1346:46 Bool 2556testdata/ 1346:41-1346:46 Bool
2557testdata/ 1347:38-1347:54 String 2557testdata/ 1347:38-1347:54 String
2558testdata/ 1349:15-1349:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2558testdata/ 1349:15-1349:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2559testdata/ 1349:15-1350:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2559testdata/ 1349:15-1350:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2560testdata/ 1349:15-1351:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2560testdata/ 1349:15-1351:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2561testdata/ 1349:15-1352:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2561testdata/ 1349:15-1352:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2562testdata/ 1349:15-1353:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2562testdata/ 1349:15-1353:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2563testdata/ 1349:15-1354:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2563testdata/ 1349:15-1354:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2564testdata/ 1349:15-1355:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2564testdata/ 1349:15-1355:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2565testdata/ 1349:15-1356:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2565testdata/ 1349:15-1356:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2566testdata/ 1349:15-1357:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2566testdata/ 1349:15-1357:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2567testdata/ 1349:15-1358:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2567testdata/ 1349:15-1358:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2568testdata/ 1349:15-1359:46 String->StageAttrs 2568testdata/ 1349:15-1359:46 String -> StageAttrs
2569testdata/ 1349:15-1361:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2569testdata/ 1349:15-1361:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2570testdata/ 1350:29-1350:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2570testdata/ 1350:29-1350:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2571testdata/ 1350:29-1350:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2571testdata/ 1350:29-1350:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2572testdata/ 1350:34-1350:57 (Blending', Blending') 2572testdata/ 1350:34-1350:57 (Blending', Blending')
2573testdata/ 1350:36-1350:46 Blending' 2573testdata/ 1350:36-1350:46 Blending'
@@ -2575,79 +2575,79 @@ testdata/ 1350:49-1350:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2575testdata/ 1351:30-1351:50 RGBGen 2575testdata/ 1351:30-1351:50 RGBGen
2576testdata/ 1352:32-1352:42 AlphaGen 2576testdata/ 1352:32-1352:42 AlphaGen
2577testdata/ 1353:29-1353:40 TCGen 2577testdata/ 1353:29-1353:40 TCGen
2578testdata/ 1354:29-1354:31 {a} -> List a 2578testdata/ 1354:29-1354:31 forall a . List a
2579testdata/ 1355:31-1355:42 StageTexture 2579testdata/ 1355:31-1355:42 StageTexture
2580testdata/ 1356:34-1356:38 Bool 2580testdata/ 1356:34-1356:38 Bool
2581testdata/ 1357:33-1357:41 DepthFunction 2581testdata/ 1357:33-1357:41 DepthFunction
2582testdata/ 1358:33-1358:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2582testdata/ 1358:33-1358:40 forall a . Maybe a
2583testdata/ 1359:41-1359:46 Bool 2583testdata/ 1359:41-1359:46 Bool
2584testdata/ 1360:38-1360:54 String 2584testdata/ 1360:38-1360:54 String
2585testdata/ 1363:21-1363:26 Bool 2585testdata/ 1363:21-1363:26 Bool
2586testdata/ 1366:5-1408:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2586testdata/ 1366:5-1408:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2587testdata/ 1366:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2587testdata/ 1366:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2588testdata/ 1366:7-1366:44 String 2588testdata/ 1366:7-1366:44 String
2589testdata/ 1367:7-1367:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2589testdata/ 1367:7-1367:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2590testdata/ 1367:7-1368:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2590testdata/ 1367:7-1368:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2591testdata/ 1367:7-1369:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2591testdata/ 1367:7-1369:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2592testdata/ 1367:7-1370:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2592testdata/ 1367:7-1370:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2593testdata/ 1367:7-1371:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2593testdata/ 1367:7-1371:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2594testdata/ 1367:7-1372:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2594testdata/ 1367:7-1372:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2595testdata/ 1367:7-1373:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2595testdata/ 1367:7-1373:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2596testdata/ 1367:7-1374:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2596testdata/ 1367:7-1374:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2597testdata/ 1367:7-1375:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2597testdata/ 1367:7-1375:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2598testdata/ 1367:7-1376:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2598testdata/ 1367:7-1376:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2599testdata/ 1367:7-1377:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2599testdata/ 1367:7-1377:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2600testdata/ 1367:7-1405:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2600testdata/ 1367:7-1405:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2601testdata/ 1367:7-1407:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2601testdata/ 1367:7-1407:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2602testdata/ 1368:24-1368:26 () 2602testdata/ 1368:24-1368:26 ()
2603testdata/ 1369:24-1369:26 () 2603testdata/ 1369:24-1369:26 ()
2604testdata/ 1370:22-1370:27 Bool 2604testdata/ 1370:22-1370:27 Bool
2605testdata/ 1371:20-1371:21 b_ 2605testdata/ 1371:20-1371:21 _b
2606testdata/ 1372:30-1372:35 Bool 2606testdata/ 1372:30-1372:35 Bool
2607testdata/ 1373:23-1373:28 Bool 2607testdata/ 1373:23-1373:28 Bool
2608testdata/ 1374:20-1374:33 CullType 2608testdata/ 1374:20-1374:33 CullType
2609testdata/ 1375:30-1375:32 {a} -> List a 2609testdata/ 1375:30-1375:32 forall a . List a
2610testdata/ 1376:25-1376:30 Bool 2610testdata/ 1376:25-1376:30 Bool
2611testdata/ 1377:29-1377:34 Bool 2611testdata/ 1377:29-1377:34 Bool
2612testdata/ 1379:13-1405:14 List StageAttrs 2612testdata/ 1379:13-1405:14 List StageAttrs
2613testdata/ 1379:15-1379:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2613testdata/ 1379:15-1379:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2614testdata/ 1379:15-1380:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2614testdata/ 1379:15-1380:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2615testdata/ 1379:15-1381:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2615testdata/ 1379:15-1381:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2616testdata/ 1379:15-1382:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2616testdata/ 1379:15-1382:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2617testdata/ 1379:15-1383:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2617testdata/ 1379:15-1383:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2618testdata/ 1379:15-1384:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2618testdata/ 1379:15-1384:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2619testdata/ 1379:15-1385:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2619testdata/ 1379:15-1385:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2620testdata/ 1379:15-1386:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2620testdata/ 1379:15-1386:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2621testdata/ 1379:15-1387:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2621testdata/ 1379:15-1387:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2622testdata/ 1379:15-1388:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2622testdata/ 1379:15-1388:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2623testdata/ 1379:15-1389:46 String->StageAttrs 2623testdata/ 1379:15-1389:46 String -> StageAttrs
2624testdata/ 1379:15-1391:18 StageAttrs 2624testdata/ 1379:15-1391:18 StageAttrs
2625testdata/ 1380:29-1380:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2625testdata/ 1380:29-1380:36 forall a . Maybe a
2626testdata/ 1381:30-1381:50 RGBGen 2626testdata/ 1381:30-1381:50 RGBGen
2627testdata/ 1382:32-1382:42 AlphaGen 2627testdata/ 1382:32-1382:42 AlphaGen
2628testdata/ 1383:29-1383:36 TCGen 2628testdata/ 1383:29-1383:36 TCGen
2629testdata/ 1384:29-1384:31 {a} -> List a 2629testdata/ 1384:29-1384:31 forall a . List a
2630testdata/ 1385:31-1385:37 String->StageTexture 2630testdata/ 1385:31-1385:37 String -> StageTexture
2631testdata/ 1385:31-1385:75 StageTexture 2631testdata/ 1385:31-1385:75 StageTexture
2632testdata/ 1385:38-1385:75 String 2632testdata/ 1385:38-1385:75 String
2633testdata/ 1386:34-1386:38 Bool 2633testdata/ 1386:34-1386:38 Bool
2634testdata/ 1387:33-1387:41 DepthFunction 2634testdata/ 1387:33-1387:41 DepthFunction
2635testdata/ 1388:33-1388:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2635testdata/ 1388:33-1388:40 forall a . Maybe a
2636testdata/ 1389:41-1389:46 Bool 2636testdata/ 1389:41-1389:46 Bool
2637testdata/ 1390:38-1390:54 String 2637testdata/ 1390:38-1390:54 String
2638testdata/ 1392:15-1392:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2638testdata/ 1392:15-1392:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2639testdata/ 1392:15-1393:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2639testdata/ 1392:15-1393:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2640testdata/ 1392:15-1394:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2640testdata/ 1392:15-1394:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2641testdata/ 1392:15-1395:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2641testdata/ 1392:15-1395:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2642testdata/ 1392:15-1396:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2642testdata/ 1392:15-1396:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2643testdata/ 1392:15-1397:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2643testdata/ 1392:15-1397:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2644testdata/ 1392:15-1398:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2644testdata/ 1392:15-1398:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2645testdata/ 1392:15-1399:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2645testdata/ 1392:15-1399:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2646testdata/ 1392:15-1400:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2646testdata/ 1392:15-1400:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2647testdata/ 1392:15-1401:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2647testdata/ 1392:15-1401:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2648testdata/ 1392:15-1402:46 String->StageAttrs 2648testdata/ 1392:15-1402:46 String -> StageAttrs
2649testdata/ 1392:15-1404:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2649testdata/ 1392:15-1404:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2650testdata/ 1393:29-1393:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2650testdata/ 1393:29-1393:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2651testdata/ 1393:29-1393:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2651testdata/ 1393:29-1393:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2652testdata/ 1393:34-1393:57 (Blending', Blending') 2652testdata/ 1393:34-1393:57 (Blending', Blending')
2653testdata/ 1393:36-1393:46 Blending' 2653testdata/ 1393:36-1393:46 Blending'
@@ -2655,79 +2655,79 @@ testdata/ 1393:49-1393:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2655testdata/ 1394:30-1394:50 RGBGen 2655testdata/ 1394:30-1394:50 RGBGen
2656testdata/ 1395:32-1395:42 AlphaGen 2656testdata/ 1395:32-1395:42 AlphaGen
2657testdata/ 1396:29-1396:40 TCGen 2657testdata/ 1396:29-1396:40 TCGen
2658testdata/ 1397:29-1397:31 {a} -> List a 2658testdata/ 1397:29-1397:31 forall a . List a
2659testdata/ 1398:31-1398:42 StageTexture 2659testdata/ 1398:31-1398:42 StageTexture
2660testdata/ 1399:34-1399:38 Bool 2660testdata/ 1399:34-1399:38 Bool
2661testdata/ 1400:33-1400:41 DepthFunction 2661testdata/ 1400:33-1400:41 DepthFunction
2662testdata/ 1401:33-1401:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2662testdata/ 1401:33-1401:40 forall a . Maybe a
2663testdata/ 1402:41-1402:46 Bool 2663testdata/ 1402:41-1402:46 Bool
2664testdata/ 1403:38-1403:54 String 2664testdata/ 1403:38-1403:54 String
2665testdata/ 1406:21-1406:26 Bool 2665testdata/ 1406:21-1406:26 Bool
2666testdata/ 1409:5-1451:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2666testdata/ 1409:5-1451:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2667testdata/ 1409:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2667testdata/ 1409:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2668testdata/ 1409:7-1409:44 String 2668testdata/ 1409:7-1409:44 String
2669testdata/ 1410:7-1410:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2669testdata/ 1410:7-1410:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2670testdata/ 1410:7-1411:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2670testdata/ 1410:7-1411:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2671testdata/ 1410:7-1412:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2671testdata/ 1410:7-1412:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2672testdata/ 1410:7-1413:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2672testdata/ 1410:7-1413:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2673testdata/ 1410:7-1414:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2673testdata/ 1410:7-1414:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2674testdata/ 1410:7-1415:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2674testdata/ 1410:7-1415:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2675testdata/ 1410:7-1416:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2675testdata/ 1410:7-1416:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2676testdata/ 1410:7-1417:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2676testdata/ 1410:7-1417:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2677testdata/ 1410:7-1418:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2677testdata/ 1410:7-1418:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2678testdata/ 1410:7-1419:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2678testdata/ 1410:7-1419:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2679testdata/ 1410:7-1420:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2679testdata/ 1410:7-1420:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2680testdata/ 1410:7-1448:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2680testdata/ 1410:7-1448:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2681testdata/ 1410:7-1450:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2681testdata/ 1410:7-1450:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2682testdata/ 1411:24-1411:26 () 2682testdata/ 1411:24-1411:26 ()
2683testdata/ 1412:24-1412:26 () 2683testdata/ 1412:24-1412:26 ()
2684testdata/ 1413:22-1413:27 Bool 2684testdata/ 1413:22-1413:27 Bool
2685testdata/ 1414:20-1414:21 b_ 2685testdata/ 1414:20-1414:21 _b
2686testdata/ 1415:30-1415:35 Bool 2686testdata/ 1415:30-1415:35 Bool
2687testdata/ 1416:23-1416:28 Bool 2687testdata/ 1416:23-1416:28 Bool
2688testdata/ 1417:20-1417:33 CullType 2688testdata/ 1417:20-1417:33 CullType
2689testdata/ 1418:30-1418:32 {a} -> List a 2689testdata/ 1418:30-1418:32 forall a . List a
2690testdata/ 1419:25-1419:30 Bool 2690testdata/ 1419:25-1419:30 Bool
2691testdata/ 1420:29-1420:34 Bool 2691testdata/ 1420:29-1420:34 Bool
2692testdata/ 1422:13-1448:14 List StageAttrs 2692testdata/ 1422:13-1448:14 List StageAttrs
2693testdata/ 1422:15-1422:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2693testdata/ 1422:15-1422:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2694testdata/ 1422:15-1423:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2694testdata/ 1422:15-1423:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2695testdata/ 1422:15-1424:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2695testdata/ 1422:15-1424:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2696testdata/ 1422:15-1425:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2696testdata/ 1422:15-1425:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2697testdata/ 1422:15-1426:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2697testdata/ 1422:15-1426:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2698testdata/ 1422:15-1427:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2698testdata/ 1422:15-1427:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2699testdata/ 1422:15-1428:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2699testdata/ 1422:15-1428:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2700testdata/ 1422:15-1429:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2700testdata/ 1422:15-1429:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2701testdata/ 1422:15-1430:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2701testdata/ 1422:15-1430:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2702testdata/ 1422:15-1431:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2702testdata/ 1422:15-1431:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2703testdata/ 1422:15-1432:46 String->StageAttrs 2703testdata/ 1422:15-1432:46 String -> StageAttrs
2704testdata/ 1422:15-1434:18 StageAttrs 2704testdata/ 1422:15-1434:18 StageAttrs
2705testdata/ 1423:29-1423:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2705testdata/ 1423:29-1423:36 forall a . Maybe a
2706testdata/ 1424:30-1424:50 RGBGen 2706testdata/ 1424:30-1424:50 RGBGen
2707testdata/ 1425:32-1425:42 AlphaGen 2707testdata/ 1425:32-1425:42 AlphaGen
2708testdata/ 1426:29-1426:36 TCGen 2708testdata/ 1426:29-1426:36 TCGen
2709testdata/ 1427:29-1427:31 {a} -> List a 2709testdata/ 1427:29-1427:31 forall a . List a
2710testdata/ 1428:31-1428:37 String->StageTexture 2710testdata/ 1428:31-1428:37 String -> StageTexture
2711testdata/ 1428:31-1428:75 StageTexture 2711testdata/ 1428:31-1428:75 StageTexture
2712testdata/ 1428:38-1428:75 String 2712testdata/ 1428:38-1428:75 String
2713testdata/ 1429:34-1429:38 Bool 2713testdata/ 1429:34-1429:38 Bool
2714testdata/ 1430:33-1430:41 DepthFunction 2714testdata/ 1430:33-1430:41 DepthFunction
2715testdata/ 1431:33-1431:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2715testdata/ 1431:33-1431:40 forall a . Maybe a
2716testdata/ 1432:41-1432:46 Bool 2716testdata/ 1432:41-1432:46 Bool
2717testdata/ 1433:38-1433:54 String 2717testdata/ 1433:38-1433:54 String
2718testdata/ 1435:15-1435:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2718testdata/ 1435:15-1435:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2719testdata/ 1435:15-1436:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2719testdata/ 1435:15-1436:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2720testdata/ 1435:15-1437:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2720testdata/ 1435:15-1437:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2721testdata/ 1435:15-1438:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2721testdata/ 1435:15-1438:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2722testdata/ 1435:15-1439:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2722testdata/ 1435:15-1439:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2723testdata/ 1435:15-1440:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2723testdata/ 1435:15-1440:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2724testdata/ 1435:15-1441:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2724testdata/ 1435:15-1441:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2725testdata/ 1435:15-1442:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2725testdata/ 1435:15-1442:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2726testdata/ 1435:15-1443:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2726testdata/ 1435:15-1443:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2727testdata/ 1435:15-1444:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2727testdata/ 1435:15-1444:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2728testdata/ 1435:15-1445:46 String->StageAttrs 2728testdata/ 1435:15-1445:46 String -> StageAttrs
2729testdata/ 1435:15-1447:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2729testdata/ 1435:15-1447:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2730testdata/ 1436:29-1436:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2730testdata/ 1436:29-1436:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2731testdata/ 1436:29-1436:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2731testdata/ 1436:29-1436:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2732testdata/ 1436:34-1436:57 (Blending', Blending') 2732testdata/ 1436:34-1436:57 (Blending', Blending')
2733testdata/ 1436:36-1436:46 Blending' 2733testdata/ 1436:36-1436:46 Blending'
@@ -2735,79 +2735,79 @@ testdata/ 1436:49-1436:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2735testdata/ 1437:30-1437:50 RGBGen 2735testdata/ 1437:30-1437:50 RGBGen
2736testdata/ 1438:32-1438:42 AlphaGen 2736testdata/ 1438:32-1438:42 AlphaGen
2737testdata/ 1439:29-1439:40 TCGen 2737testdata/ 1439:29-1439:40 TCGen
2738testdata/ 1440:29-1440:31 {a} -> List a 2738testdata/ 1440:29-1440:31 forall a . List a
2739testdata/ 1441:31-1441:42 StageTexture 2739testdata/ 1441:31-1441:42 StageTexture
2740testdata/ 1442:34-1442:38 Bool 2740testdata/ 1442:34-1442:38 Bool
2741testdata/ 1443:33-1443:41 DepthFunction 2741testdata/ 1443:33-1443:41 DepthFunction
2742testdata/ 1444:33-1444:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2742testdata/ 1444:33-1444:40 forall a . Maybe a
2743testdata/ 1445:41-1445:46 Bool 2743testdata/ 1445:41-1445:46 Bool
2744testdata/ 1446:38-1446:54 String 2744testdata/ 1446:38-1446:54 String
2745testdata/ 1449:21-1449:26 Bool 2745testdata/ 1449:21-1449:26 Bool
2746testdata/ 1452:5-1494:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2746testdata/ 1452:5-1494:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2747testdata/ 1452:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2747testdata/ 1452:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2748testdata/ 1452:7-1452:44 String 2748testdata/ 1452:7-1452:44 String
2749testdata/ 1453:7-1453:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2749testdata/ 1453:7-1453:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2750testdata/ 1453:7-1454:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2750testdata/ 1453:7-1454:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2751testdata/ 1453:7-1455:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2751testdata/ 1453:7-1455:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2752testdata/ 1453:7-1456:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2752testdata/ 1453:7-1456:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2753testdata/ 1453:7-1457:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2753testdata/ 1453:7-1457:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2754testdata/ 1453:7-1458:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2754testdata/ 1453:7-1458:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2755testdata/ 1453:7-1459:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2755testdata/ 1453:7-1459:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2756testdata/ 1453:7-1460:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2756testdata/ 1453:7-1460:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2757testdata/ 1453:7-1461:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2757testdata/ 1453:7-1461:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2758testdata/ 1453:7-1462:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2758testdata/ 1453:7-1462:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2759testdata/ 1453:7-1463:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2759testdata/ 1453:7-1463:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2760testdata/ 1453:7-1491:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2760testdata/ 1453:7-1491:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2761testdata/ 1453:7-1493:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2761testdata/ 1453:7-1493:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2762testdata/ 1454:24-1454:26 () 2762testdata/ 1454:24-1454:26 ()
2763testdata/ 1455:24-1455:26 () 2763testdata/ 1455:24-1455:26 ()
2764testdata/ 1456:22-1456:27 Bool 2764testdata/ 1456:22-1456:27 Bool
2765testdata/ 1457:20-1457:21 b_ 2765testdata/ 1457:20-1457:21 _b
2766testdata/ 1458:30-1458:35 Bool 2766testdata/ 1458:30-1458:35 Bool
2767testdata/ 1459:23-1459:28 Bool 2767testdata/ 1459:23-1459:28 Bool
2768testdata/ 1460:20-1460:33 CullType 2768testdata/ 1460:20-1460:33 CullType
2769testdata/ 1461:30-1461:32 {a} -> List a 2769testdata/ 1461:30-1461:32 forall a . List a
2770testdata/ 1462:25-1462:30 Bool 2770testdata/ 1462:25-1462:30 Bool
2771testdata/ 1463:29-1463:34 Bool 2771testdata/ 1463:29-1463:34 Bool
2772testdata/ 1465:13-1491:14 List StageAttrs 2772testdata/ 1465:13-1491:14 List StageAttrs
2773testdata/ 1465:15-1465:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2773testdata/ 1465:15-1465:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2774testdata/ 1465:15-1466:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2774testdata/ 1465:15-1466:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2775testdata/ 1465:15-1467:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2775testdata/ 1465:15-1467:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2776testdata/ 1465:15-1468:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2776testdata/ 1465:15-1468:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2777testdata/ 1465:15-1469:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2777testdata/ 1465:15-1469:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2778testdata/ 1465:15-1470:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2778testdata/ 1465:15-1470:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2779testdata/ 1465:15-1471:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2779testdata/ 1465:15-1471:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2780testdata/ 1465:15-1472:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2780testdata/ 1465:15-1472:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2781testdata/ 1465:15-1473:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2781testdata/ 1465:15-1473:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2782testdata/ 1465:15-1474:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2782testdata/ 1465:15-1474:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2783testdata/ 1465:15-1475:46 String->StageAttrs 2783testdata/ 1465:15-1475:46 String -> StageAttrs
2784testdata/ 1465:15-1477:18 StageAttrs 2784testdata/ 1465:15-1477:18 StageAttrs
2785testdata/ 1466:29-1466:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2785testdata/ 1466:29-1466:36 forall a . Maybe a
2786testdata/ 1467:30-1467:50 RGBGen 2786testdata/ 1467:30-1467:50 RGBGen
2787testdata/ 1468:32-1468:42 AlphaGen 2787testdata/ 1468:32-1468:42 AlphaGen
2788testdata/ 1469:29-1469:36 TCGen 2788testdata/ 1469:29-1469:36 TCGen
2789testdata/ 1470:29-1470:31 {a} -> List a 2789testdata/ 1470:29-1470:31 forall a . List a
2790testdata/ 1471:31-1471:37 String->StageTexture 2790testdata/ 1471:31-1471:37 String -> StageTexture
2791testdata/ 1471:31-1471:75 StageTexture 2791testdata/ 1471:31-1471:75 StageTexture
2792testdata/ 1471:38-1471:75 String 2792testdata/ 1471:38-1471:75 String
2793testdata/ 1472:34-1472:38 Bool 2793testdata/ 1472:34-1472:38 Bool
2794testdata/ 1473:33-1473:41 DepthFunction 2794testdata/ 1473:33-1473:41 DepthFunction
2795testdata/ 1474:33-1474:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2795testdata/ 1474:33-1474:40 forall a . Maybe a
2796testdata/ 1475:41-1475:46 Bool 2796testdata/ 1475:41-1475:46 Bool
2797testdata/ 1476:38-1476:54 String 2797testdata/ 1476:38-1476:54 String
2798testdata/ 1478:15-1478:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2798testdata/ 1478:15-1478:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2799testdata/ 1478:15-1479:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2799testdata/ 1478:15-1479:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2800testdata/ 1478:15-1480:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2800testdata/ 1478:15-1480:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2801testdata/ 1478:15-1481:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2801testdata/ 1478:15-1481:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2802testdata/ 1478:15-1482:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2802testdata/ 1478:15-1482:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2803testdata/ 1478:15-1483:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2803testdata/ 1478:15-1483:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2804testdata/ 1478:15-1484:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2804testdata/ 1478:15-1484:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2805testdata/ 1478:15-1485:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2805testdata/ 1478:15-1485:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2806testdata/ 1478:15-1486:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2806testdata/ 1478:15-1486:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2807testdata/ 1478:15-1487:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2807testdata/ 1478:15-1487:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2808testdata/ 1478:15-1488:46 String->StageAttrs 2808testdata/ 1478:15-1488:46 String -> StageAttrs
2809testdata/ 1478:15-1490:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2809testdata/ 1478:15-1490:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2810testdata/ 1479:29-1479:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2810testdata/ 1479:29-1479:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2811testdata/ 1479:29-1479:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2811testdata/ 1479:29-1479:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2812testdata/ 1479:34-1479:57 (Blending', Blending') 2812testdata/ 1479:34-1479:57 (Blending', Blending')
2813testdata/ 1479:36-1479:46 Blending' 2813testdata/ 1479:36-1479:46 Blending'
@@ -2815,79 +2815,79 @@ testdata/ 1479:49-1479:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2815testdata/ 1480:30-1480:50 RGBGen 2815testdata/ 1480:30-1480:50 RGBGen
2816testdata/ 1481:32-1481:42 AlphaGen 2816testdata/ 1481:32-1481:42 AlphaGen
2817testdata/ 1482:29-1482:40 TCGen 2817testdata/ 1482:29-1482:40 TCGen
2818testdata/ 1483:29-1483:31 {a} -> List a 2818testdata/ 1483:29-1483:31 forall a . List a
2819testdata/ 1484:31-1484:42 StageTexture 2819testdata/ 1484:31-1484:42 StageTexture
2820testdata/ 1485:34-1485:38 Bool 2820testdata/ 1485:34-1485:38 Bool
2821testdata/ 1486:33-1486:41 DepthFunction 2821testdata/ 1486:33-1486:41 DepthFunction
2822testdata/ 1487:33-1487:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2822testdata/ 1487:33-1487:40 forall a . Maybe a
2823testdata/ 1488:41-1488:46 Bool 2823testdata/ 1488:41-1488:46 Bool
2824testdata/ 1489:38-1489:54 String 2824testdata/ 1489:38-1489:54 String
2825testdata/ 1492:21-1492:26 Bool 2825testdata/ 1492:21-1492:26 Bool
2826testdata/ 1495:5-1537:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2826testdata/ 1495:5-1537:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2827testdata/ 1495:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2827testdata/ 1495:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2828testdata/ 1495:7-1495:45 String 2828testdata/ 1495:7-1495:45 String
2829testdata/ 1496:7-1496:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2829testdata/ 1496:7-1496:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2830testdata/ 1496:7-1497:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2830testdata/ 1496:7-1497:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2831testdata/ 1496:7-1498:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2831testdata/ 1496:7-1498:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2832testdata/ 1496:7-1499:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2832testdata/ 1496:7-1499:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2833testdata/ 1496:7-1500:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2833testdata/ 1496:7-1500:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2834testdata/ 1496:7-1501:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2834testdata/ 1496:7-1501:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2835testdata/ 1496:7-1502:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2835testdata/ 1496:7-1502:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2836testdata/ 1496:7-1503:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2836testdata/ 1496:7-1503:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2837testdata/ 1496:7-1504:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2837testdata/ 1496:7-1504:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2838testdata/ 1496:7-1505:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2838testdata/ 1496:7-1505:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2839testdata/ 1496:7-1506:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2839testdata/ 1496:7-1506:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2840testdata/ 1496:7-1534:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2840testdata/ 1496:7-1534:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2841testdata/ 1496:7-1536:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2841testdata/ 1496:7-1536:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2842testdata/ 1497:24-1497:26 () 2842testdata/ 1497:24-1497:26 ()
2843testdata/ 1498:24-1498:26 () 2843testdata/ 1498:24-1498:26 ()
2844testdata/ 1499:22-1499:27 Bool 2844testdata/ 1499:22-1499:27 Bool
2845testdata/ 1500:20-1500:21 b_ 2845testdata/ 1500:20-1500:21 _b
2846testdata/ 1501:30-1501:35 Bool 2846testdata/ 1501:30-1501:35 Bool
2847testdata/ 1502:23-1502:28 Bool 2847testdata/ 1502:23-1502:28 Bool
2848testdata/ 1503:20-1503:33 CullType 2848testdata/ 1503:20-1503:33 CullType
2849testdata/ 1504:30-1504:32 {a} -> List a 2849testdata/ 1504:30-1504:32 forall a . List a
2850testdata/ 1505:25-1505:30 Bool 2850testdata/ 1505:25-1505:30 Bool
2851testdata/ 1506:29-1506:34 Bool 2851testdata/ 1506:29-1506:34 Bool
2852testdata/ 1508:13-1534:14 List StageAttrs 2852testdata/ 1508:13-1534:14 List StageAttrs
2853testdata/ 1508:15-1508:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2853testdata/ 1508:15-1508:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2854testdata/ 1508:15-1509:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2854testdata/ 1508:15-1509:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2855testdata/ 1508:15-1510:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2855testdata/ 1508:15-1510:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2856testdata/ 1508:15-1511:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2856testdata/ 1508:15-1511:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2857testdata/ 1508:15-1512:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2857testdata/ 1508:15-1512:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2858testdata/ 1508:15-1513:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2858testdata/ 1508:15-1513:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2859testdata/ 1508:15-1514:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2859testdata/ 1508:15-1514:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2860testdata/ 1508:15-1515:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2860testdata/ 1508:15-1515:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2861testdata/ 1508:15-1516:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2861testdata/ 1508:15-1516:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2862testdata/ 1508:15-1517:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2862testdata/ 1508:15-1517:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2863testdata/ 1508:15-1518:46 String->StageAttrs 2863testdata/ 1508:15-1518:46 String -> StageAttrs
2864testdata/ 1508:15-1520:18 StageAttrs 2864testdata/ 1508:15-1520:18 StageAttrs
2865testdata/ 1509:29-1509:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2865testdata/ 1509:29-1509:36 forall a . Maybe a
2866testdata/ 1510:30-1510:50 RGBGen 2866testdata/ 1510:30-1510:50 RGBGen
2867testdata/ 1511:32-1511:42 AlphaGen 2867testdata/ 1511:32-1511:42 AlphaGen
2868testdata/ 1512:29-1512:36 TCGen 2868testdata/ 1512:29-1512:36 TCGen
2869testdata/ 1513:29-1513:31 {a} -> List a 2869testdata/ 1513:29-1513:31 forall a . List a
2870testdata/ 1514:31-1514:37 String->StageTexture 2870testdata/ 1514:31-1514:37 String -> StageTexture
2871testdata/ 1514:31-1514:76 StageTexture 2871testdata/ 1514:31-1514:76 StageTexture
2872testdata/ 1514:38-1514:76 String 2872testdata/ 1514:38-1514:76 String
2873testdata/ 1515:34-1515:38 Bool 2873testdata/ 1515:34-1515:38 Bool
2874testdata/ 1516:33-1516:41 DepthFunction 2874testdata/ 1516:33-1516:41 DepthFunction
2875testdata/ 1517:33-1517:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2875testdata/ 1517:33-1517:40 forall a . Maybe a
2876testdata/ 1518:41-1518:46 Bool 2876testdata/ 1518:41-1518:46 Bool
2877testdata/ 1519:38-1519:54 String 2877testdata/ 1519:38-1519:54 String
2878testdata/ 1521:15-1521:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2878testdata/ 1521:15-1521:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2879testdata/ 1521:15-1522:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2879testdata/ 1521:15-1522:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2880testdata/ 1521:15-1523:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2880testdata/ 1521:15-1523:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2881testdata/ 1521:15-1524:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2881testdata/ 1521:15-1524:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2882testdata/ 1521:15-1525:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2882testdata/ 1521:15-1525:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2883testdata/ 1521:15-1526:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2883testdata/ 1521:15-1526:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2884testdata/ 1521:15-1527:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2884testdata/ 1521:15-1527:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2885testdata/ 1521:15-1528:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2885testdata/ 1521:15-1528:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2886testdata/ 1521:15-1529:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2886testdata/ 1521:15-1529:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2887testdata/ 1521:15-1530:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2887testdata/ 1521:15-1530:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2888testdata/ 1521:15-1531:46 String->StageAttrs 2888testdata/ 1521:15-1531:46 String -> StageAttrs
2889testdata/ 1521:15-1533:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2889testdata/ 1521:15-1533:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2890testdata/ 1522:29-1522:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2890testdata/ 1522:29-1522:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2891testdata/ 1522:29-1522:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2891testdata/ 1522:29-1522:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2892testdata/ 1522:34-1522:57 (Blending', Blending') 2892testdata/ 1522:34-1522:57 (Blending', Blending')
2893testdata/ 1522:36-1522:46 Blending' 2893testdata/ 1522:36-1522:46 Blending'
@@ -2895,79 +2895,79 @@ testdata/ 1522:49-1522:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2895testdata/ 1523:30-1523:50 RGBGen 2895testdata/ 1523:30-1523:50 RGBGen
2896testdata/ 1524:32-1524:42 AlphaGen 2896testdata/ 1524:32-1524:42 AlphaGen
2897testdata/ 1525:29-1525:40 TCGen 2897testdata/ 1525:29-1525:40 TCGen
2898testdata/ 1526:29-1526:31 {a} -> List a 2898testdata/ 1526:29-1526:31 forall a . List a
2899testdata/ 1527:31-1527:42 StageTexture 2899testdata/ 1527:31-1527:42 StageTexture
2900testdata/ 1528:34-1528:38 Bool 2900testdata/ 1528:34-1528:38 Bool
2901testdata/ 1529:33-1529:41 DepthFunction 2901testdata/ 1529:33-1529:41 DepthFunction
2902testdata/ 1530:33-1530:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2902testdata/ 1530:33-1530:40 forall a . Maybe a
2903testdata/ 1531:41-1531:46 Bool 2903testdata/ 1531:41-1531:46 Bool
2904testdata/ 1532:38-1532:54 String 2904testdata/ 1532:38-1532:54 String
2905testdata/ 1535:21-1535:26 Bool 2905testdata/ 1535:21-1535:26 Bool
2906testdata/ 1538:5-1580:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2906testdata/ 1538:5-1580:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2907testdata/ 1538:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2907testdata/ 1538:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2908testdata/ 1538:7-1538:47 String 2908testdata/ 1538:7-1538:47 String
2909testdata/ 1539:7-1539:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2909testdata/ 1539:7-1539:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2910testdata/ 1539:7-1540:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2910testdata/ 1539:7-1540:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2911testdata/ 1539:7-1541:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2911testdata/ 1539:7-1541:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2912testdata/ 1539:7-1542:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2912testdata/ 1539:7-1542:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2913testdata/ 1539:7-1543:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2913testdata/ 1539:7-1543:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2914testdata/ 1539:7-1544:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2914testdata/ 1539:7-1544:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2915testdata/ 1539:7-1545:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2915testdata/ 1539:7-1545:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2916testdata/ 1539:7-1546:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2916testdata/ 1539:7-1546:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2917testdata/ 1539:7-1547:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2917testdata/ 1539:7-1547:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2918testdata/ 1539:7-1548:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2918testdata/ 1539:7-1548:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2919testdata/ 1539:7-1549:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2919testdata/ 1539:7-1549:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2920testdata/ 1539:7-1577:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2920testdata/ 1539:7-1577:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2921testdata/ 1539:7-1579:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2921testdata/ 1539:7-1579:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2922testdata/ 1540:24-1540:26 () 2922testdata/ 1540:24-1540:26 ()
2923testdata/ 1541:24-1541:26 () 2923testdata/ 1541:24-1541:26 ()
2924testdata/ 1542:22-1542:27 Bool 2924testdata/ 1542:22-1542:27 Bool
2925testdata/ 1543:20-1543:21 b_ 2925testdata/ 1543:20-1543:21 _b
2926testdata/ 1544:30-1544:35 Bool 2926testdata/ 1544:30-1544:35 Bool
2927testdata/ 1545:23-1545:28 Bool 2927testdata/ 1545:23-1545:28 Bool
2928testdata/ 1546:20-1546:33 CullType 2928testdata/ 1546:20-1546:33 CullType
2929testdata/ 1547:30-1547:32 {a} -> List a 2929testdata/ 1547:30-1547:32 forall a . List a
2930testdata/ 1548:25-1548:30 Bool 2930testdata/ 1548:25-1548:30 Bool
2931testdata/ 1549:29-1549:34 Bool 2931testdata/ 1549:29-1549:34 Bool
2932testdata/ 1551:13-1577:14 List StageAttrs 2932testdata/ 1551:13-1577:14 List StageAttrs
2933testdata/ 1551:15-1551:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2933testdata/ 1551:15-1551:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2934testdata/ 1551:15-1552:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2934testdata/ 1551:15-1552:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2935testdata/ 1551:15-1553:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2935testdata/ 1551:15-1553:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2936testdata/ 1551:15-1554:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2936testdata/ 1551:15-1554:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2937testdata/ 1551:15-1555:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2937testdata/ 1551:15-1555:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2938testdata/ 1551:15-1556:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2938testdata/ 1551:15-1556:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2939testdata/ 1551:15-1557:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2939testdata/ 1551:15-1557:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2940testdata/ 1551:15-1558:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2940testdata/ 1551:15-1558:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2941testdata/ 1551:15-1559:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2941testdata/ 1551:15-1559:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2942testdata/ 1551:15-1560:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2942testdata/ 1551:15-1560:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2943testdata/ 1551:15-1561:46 String->StageAttrs 2943testdata/ 1551:15-1561:46 String -> StageAttrs
2944testdata/ 1551:15-1563:18 StageAttrs 2944testdata/ 1551:15-1563:18 StageAttrs
2945testdata/ 1552:29-1552:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2945testdata/ 1552:29-1552:36 forall a . Maybe a
2946testdata/ 1553:30-1553:50 RGBGen 2946testdata/ 1553:30-1553:50 RGBGen
2947testdata/ 1554:32-1554:42 AlphaGen 2947testdata/ 1554:32-1554:42 AlphaGen
2948testdata/ 1555:29-1555:36 TCGen 2948testdata/ 1555:29-1555:36 TCGen
2949testdata/ 1556:29-1556:31 {a} -> List a 2949testdata/ 1556:29-1556:31 forall a . List a
2950testdata/ 1557:31-1557:37 String->StageTexture 2950testdata/ 1557:31-1557:37 String -> StageTexture
2951testdata/ 1557:31-1557:78 StageTexture 2951testdata/ 1557:31-1557:78 StageTexture
2952testdata/ 1557:38-1557:78 String 2952testdata/ 1557:38-1557:78 String
2953testdata/ 1558:34-1558:38 Bool 2953testdata/ 1558:34-1558:38 Bool
2954testdata/ 1559:33-1559:41 DepthFunction 2954testdata/ 1559:33-1559:41 DepthFunction
2955testdata/ 1560:33-1560:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2955testdata/ 1560:33-1560:40 forall a . Maybe a
2956testdata/ 1561:41-1561:46 Bool 2956testdata/ 1561:41-1561:46 Bool
2957testdata/ 1562:38-1562:54 String 2957testdata/ 1562:38-1562:54 String
2958testdata/ 1564:15-1564:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2958testdata/ 1564:15-1564:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2959testdata/ 1564:15-1565:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2959testdata/ 1564:15-1565:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2960testdata/ 1564:15-1566:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2960testdata/ 1564:15-1566:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2961testdata/ 1564:15-1567:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2961testdata/ 1564:15-1567:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2962testdata/ 1564:15-1568:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2962testdata/ 1564:15-1568:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2963testdata/ 1564:15-1569:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2963testdata/ 1564:15-1569:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2964testdata/ 1564:15-1570:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2964testdata/ 1564:15-1570:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2965testdata/ 1564:15-1571:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2965testdata/ 1564:15-1571:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2966testdata/ 1564:15-1572:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2966testdata/ 1564:15-1572:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2967testdata/ 1564:15-1573:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2967testdata/ 1564:15-1573:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2968testdata/ 1564:15-1574:46 String->StageAttrs 2968testdata/ 1564:15-1574:46 String -> StageAttrs
2969testdata/ 1564:15-1576:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2969testdata/ 1564:15-1576:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2970testdata/ 1565:29-1565:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2970testdata/ 1565:29-1565:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2971testdata/ 1565:29-1565:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2971testdata/ 1565:29-1565:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2972testdata/ 1565:34-1565:57 (Blending', Blending') 2972testdata/ 1565:34-1565:57 (Blending', Blending')
2973testdata/ 1565:36-1565:46 Blending' 2973testdata/ 1565:36-1565:46 Blending'
@@ -2975,79 +2975,79 @@ testdata/ 1565:49-1565:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
2975testdata/ 1566:30-1566:50 RGBGen 2975testdata/ 1566:30-1566:50 RGBGen
2976testdata/ 1567:32-1567:42 AlphaGen 2976testdata/ 1567:32-1567:42 AlphaGen
2977testdata/ 1568:29-1568:40 TCGen 2977testdata/ 1568:29-1568:40 TCGen
2978testdata/ 1569:29-1569:31 {a} -> List a 2978testdata/ 1569:29-1569:31 forall a . List a
2979testdata/ 1570:31-1570:42 StageTexture 2979testdata/ 1570:31-1570:42 StageTexture
2980testdata/ 1571:34-1571:38 Bool 2980testdata/ 1571:34-1571:38 Bool
2981testdata/ 1572:33-1572:41 DepthFunction 2981testdata/ 1572:33-1572:41 DepthFunction
2982testdata/ 1573:33-1573:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2982testdata/ 1573:33-1573:40 forall a . Maybe a
2983testdata/ 1574:41-1574:46 Bool 2983testdata/ 1574:41-1574:46 Bool
2984testdata/ 1575:38-1575:54 String 2984testdata/ 1575:38-1575:54 String
2985testdata/ 1578:21-1578:26 Bool 2985testdata/ 1578:21-1578:26 Bool
2986testdata/ 1581:5-1623:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2986testdata/ 1581:5-1623:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2987testdata/ 1581:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2987testdata/ 1581:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2988testdata/ 1581:7-1581:49 String 2988testdata/ 1581:7-1581:49 String
2989testdata/ 1582:7-1582:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2989testdata/ 1582:7-1582:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2990testdata/ 1582:7-1583:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2990testdata/ 1582:7-1583:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2991testdata/ 1582:7-1584:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2991testdata/ 1582:7-1584:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2992testdata/ 1582:7-1585:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2992testdata/ 1582:7-1585:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2993testdata/ 1582:7-1586:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2993testdata/ 1582:7-1586:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2994testdata/ 1582:7-1587:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2994testdata/ 1582:7-1587:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2995testdata/ 1582:7-1588:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2995testdata/ 1582:7-1588:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2996testdata/ 1582:7-1589:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2996testdata/ 1582:7-1589:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2997testdata/ 1582:7-1590:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2997testdata/ 1582:7-1590:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2998testdata/ 1582:7-1591:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2998testdata/ 1582:7-1591:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2999testdata/ 1582:7-1592:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2999testdata/ 1582:7-1592:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3000testdata/ 1582:7-1620:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3000testdata/ 1582:7-1620:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3001testdata/ 1582:7-1622:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3001testdata/ 1582:7-1622:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3002testdata/ 1583:24-1583:26 () 3002testdata/ 1583:24-1583:26 ()
3003testdata/ 1584:24-1584:26 () 3003testdata/ 1584:24-1584:26 ()
3004testdata/ 1585:22-1585:27 Bool 3004testdata/ 1585:22-1585:27 Bool
3005testdata/ 1586:20-1586:21 b_ 3005testdata/ 1586:20-1586:21 _b
3006testdata/ 1587:30-1587:35 Bool 3006testdata/ 1587:30-1587:35 Bool
3007testdata/ 1588:23-1588:28 Bool 3007testdata/ 1588:23-1588:28 Bool
3008testdata/ 1589:20-1589:33 CullType 3008testdata/ 1589:20-1589:33 CullType
3009testdata/ 1590:30-1590:32 {a} -> List a 3009testdata/ 1590:30-1590:32 forall a . List a
3010testdata/ 1591:25-1591:30 Bool 3010testdata/ 1591:25-1591:30 Bool
3011testdata/ 1592:29-1592:34 Bool 3011testdata/ 1592:29-1592:34 Bool
3012testdata/ 1594:13-1620:14 List StageAttrs 3012testdata/ 1594:13-1620:14 List StageAttrs
3013testdata/ 1594:15-1594:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3013testdata/ 1594:15-1594:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3014testdata/ 1594:15-1595:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3014testdata/ 1594:15-1595:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3015testdata/ 1594:15-1596:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3015testdata/ 1594:15-1596:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3016testdata/ 1594:15-1597:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3016testdata/ 1594:15-1597:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3017testdata/ 1594:15-1598:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3017testdata/ 1594:15-1598:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3018testdata/ 1594:15-1599:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3018testdata/ 1594:15-1599:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3019testdata/ 1594:15-1600:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3019testdata/ 1594:15-1600:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3020testdata/ 1594:15-1601:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3020testdata/ 1594:15-1601:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3021testdata/ 1594:15-1602:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3021testdata/ 1594:15-1602:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3022testdata/ 1594:15-1603:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3022testdata/ 1594:15-1603:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3023testdata/ 1594:15-1604:46 String->StageAttrs 3023testdata/ 1594:15-1604:46 String -> StageAttrs
3024testdata/ 1594:15-1606:18 StageAttrs 3024testdata/ 1594:15-1606:18 StageAttrs
3025testdata/ 1595:29-1595:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3025testdata/ 1595:29-1595:36 forall a . Maybe a
3026testdata/ 1596:30-1596:50 RGBGen 3026testdata/ 1596:30-1596:50 RGBGen
3027testdata/ 1597:32-1597:42 AlphaGen 3027testdata/ 1597:32-1597:42 AlphaGen
3028testdata/ 1598:29-1598:36 TCGen 3028testdata/ 1598:29-1598:36 TCGen
3029testdata/ 1599:29-1599:31 {a} -> List a 3029testdata/ 1599:29-1599:31 forall a . List a
3030testdata/ 1600:31-1600:37 String->StageTexture 3030testdata/ 1600:31-1600:37 String -> StageTexture
3031testdata/ 1600:31-1600:80 StageTexture 3031testdata/ 1600:31-1600:80 StageTexture
3032testdata/ 1600:38-1600:80 String 3032testdata/ 1600:38-1600:80 String
3033testdata/ 1601:34-1601:38 Bool 3033testdata/ 1601:34-1601:38 Bool
3034testdata/ 1602:33-1602:41 DepthFunction 3034testdata/ 1602:33-1602:41 DepthFunction
3035testdata/ 1603:33-1603:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3035testdata/ 1603:33-1603:40 forall a . Maybe a
3036testdata/ 1604:41-1604:46 Bool 3036testdata/ 1604:41-1604:46 Bool
3037testdata/ 1605:38-1605:54 String 3037testdata/ 1605:38-1605:54 String
3038testdata/ 1607:15-1607:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3038testdata/ 1607:15-1607:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3039testdata/ 1607:15-1608:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3039testdata/ 1607:15-1608:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3040testdata/ 1607:15-1609:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3040testdata/ 1607:15-1609:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3041testdata/ 1607:15-1610:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3041testdata/ 1607:15-1610:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3042testdata/ 1607:15-1611:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3042testdata/ 1607:15-1611:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3043testdata/ 1607:15-1612:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3043testdata/ 1607:15-1612:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3044testdata/ 1607:15-1613:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3044testdata/ 1607:15-1613:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3045testdata/ 1607:15-1614:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3045testdata/ 1607:15-1614:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3046testdata/ 1607:15-1615:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3046testdata/ 1607:15-1615:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3047testdata/ 1607:15-1616:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3047testdata/ 1607:15-1616:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3048testdata/ 1607:15-1617:46 String->StageAttrs 3048testdata/ 1607:15-1617:46 String -> StageAttrs
3049testdata/ 1607:15-1619:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3049testdata/ 1607:15-1619:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3050testdata/ 1608:29-1608:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3050testdata/ 1608:29-1608:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3051testdata/ 1608:29-1608:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3051testdata/ 1608:29-1608:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3052testdata/ 1608:34-1608:57 (Blending', Blending') 3052testdata/ 1608:34-1608:57 (Blending', Blending')
3053testdata/ 1608:36-1608:46 Blending' 3053testdata/ 1608:36-1608:46 Blending'
@@ -3055,79 +3055,79 @@ testdata/ 1608:49-1608:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3055testdata/ 1609:30-1609:50 RGBGen 3055testdata/ 1609:30-1609:50 RGBGen
3056testdata/ 1610:32-1610:42 AlphaGen 3056testdata/ 1610:32-1610:42 AlphaGen
3057testdata/ 1611:29-1611:40 TCGen 3057testdata/ 1611:29-1611:40 TCGen
3058testdata/ 1612:29-1612:31 {a} -> List a 3058testdata/ 1612:29-1612:31 forall a . List a
3059testdata/ 1613:31-1613:42 StageTexture 3059testdata/ 1613:31-1613:42 StageTexture
3060testdata/ 1614:34-1614:38 Bool 3060testdata/ 1614:34-1614:38 Bool
3061testdata/ 1615:33-1615:41 DepthFunction 3061testdata/ 1615:33-1615:41 DepthFunction
3062testdata/ 1616:33-1616:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3062testdata/ 1616:33-1616:40 forall a . Maybe a
3063testdata/ 1617:41-1617:46 Bool 3063testdata/ 1617:41-1617:46 Bool
3064testdata/ 1618:38-1618:54 String 3064testdata/ 1618:38-1618:54 String
3065testdata/ 1621:21-1621:26 Bool 3065testdata/ 1621:21-1621:26 Bool
3066testdata/ 1624:5-1666:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3066testdata/ 1624:5-1666:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3067testdata/ 1624:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3067testdata/ 1624:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3068testdata/ 1624:7-1624:44 String 3068testdata/ 1624:7-1624:44 String
3069testdata/ 1625:7-1625:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3069testdata/ 1625:7-1625:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3070testdata/ 1625:7-1626:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3070testdata/ 1625:7-1626:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3071testdata/ 1625:7-1627:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3071testdata/ 1625:7-1627:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3072testdata/ 1625:7-1628:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3072testdata/ 1625:7-1628:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3073testdata/ 1625:7-1629:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3073testdata/ 1625:7-1629:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3074testdata/ 1625:7-1630:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3074testdata/ 1625:7-1630:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3075testdata/ 1625:7-1631:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3075testdata/ 1625:7-1631:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3076testdata/ 1625:7-1632:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3076testdata/ 1625:7-1632:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3077testdata/ 1625:7-1633:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3077testdata/ 1625:7-1633:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3078testdata/ 1625:7-1634:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3078testdata/ 1625:7-1634:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3079testdata/ 1625:7-1635:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3079testdata/ 1625:7-1635:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3080testdata/ 1625:7-1663:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3080testdata/ 1625:7-1663:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3081testdata/ 1625:7-1665:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3081testdata/ 1625:7-1665:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3082testdata/ 1626:24-1626:26 () 3082testdata/ 1626:24-1626:26 ()
3083testdata/ 1627:24-1627:26 () 3083testdata/ 1627:24-1627:26 ()
3084testdata/ 1628:22-1628:27 Bool 3084testdata/ 1628:22-1628:27 Bool
3085testdata/ 1629:20-1629:21 b_ 3085testdata/ 1629:20-1629:21 _b
3086testdata/ 1630:30-1630:35 Bool 3086testdata/ 1630:30-1630:35 Bool
3087testdata/ 1631:23-1631:28 Bool 3087testdata/ 1631:23-1631:28 Bool
3088testdata/ 1632:20-1632:33 CullType 3088testdata/ 1632:20-1632:33 CullType
3089testdata/ 1633:30-1633:32 {a} -> List a 3089testdata/ 1633:30-1633:32 forall a . List a
3090testdata/ 1634:25-1634:30 Bool 3090testdata/ 1634:25-1634:30 Bool
3091testdata/ 1635:29-1635:34 Bool 3091testdata/ 1635:29-1635:34 Bool
3092testdata/ 1637:13-1663:14 List StageAttrs 3092testdata/ 1637:13-1663:14 List StageAttrs
3093testdata/ 1637:15-1637:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3093testdata/ 1637:15-1637:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3094testdata/ 1637:15-1638:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3094testdata/ 1637:15-1638:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3095testdata/ 1637:15-1639:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3095testdata/ 1637:15-1639:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3096testdata/ 1637:15-1640:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3096testdata/ 1637:15-1640:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3097testdata/ 1637:15-1641:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3097testdata/ 1637:15-1641:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3098testdata/ 1637:15-1642:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3098testdata/ 1637:15-1642:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3099testdata/ 1637:15-1643:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3099testdata/ 1637:15-1643:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3100testdata/ 1637:15-1644:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3100testdata/ 1637:15-1644:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3101testdata/ 1637:15-1645:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3101testdata/ 1637:15-1645:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3102testdata/ 1637:15-1646:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3102testdata/ 1637:15-1646:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3103testdata/ 1637:15-1647:46 String->StageAttrs 3103testdata/ 1637:15-1647:46 String -> StageAttrs
3104testdata/ 1637:15-1649:18 StageAttrs 3104testdata/ 1637:15-1649:18 StageAttrs
3105testdata/ 1638:29-1638:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3105testdata/ 1638:29-1638:36 forall a . Maybe a
3106testdata/ 1639:30-1639:50 RGBGen 3106testdata/ 1639:30-1639:50 RGBGen
3107testdata/ 1640:32-1640:42 AlphaGen 3107testdata/ 1640:32-1640:42 AlphaGen
3108testdata/ 1641:29-1641:36 TCGen 3108testdata/ 1641:29-1641:36 TCGen
3109testdata/ 1642:29-1642:31 {a} -> List a 3109testdata/ 1642:29-1642:31 forall a . List a
3110testdata/ 1643:31-1643:37 String->StageTexture 3110testdata/ 1643:31-1643:37 String -> StageTexture
3111testdata/ 1643:31-1643:75 StageTexture 3111testdata/ 1643:31-1643:75 StageTexture
3112testdata/ 1643:38-1643:75 String 3112testdata/ 1643:38-1643:75 String
3113testdata/ 1644:34-1644:38 Bool 3113testdata/ 1644:34-1644:38 Bool
3114testdata/ 1645:33-1645:41 DepthFunction 3114testdata/ 1645:33-1645:41 DepthFunction
3115testdata/ 1646:33-1646:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3115testdata/ 1646:33-1646:40 forall a . Maybe a
3116testdata/ 1647:41-1647:46 Bool 3116testdata/ 1647:41-1647:46 Bool
3117testdata/ 1648:38-1648:54 String 3117testdata/ 1648:38-1648:54 String
3118testdata/ 1650:15-1650:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3118testdata/ 1650:15-1650:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3119testdata/ 1650:15-1651:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3119testdata/ 1650:15-1651:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3120testdata/ 1650:15-1652:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3120testdata/ 1650:15-1652:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3121testdata/ 1650:15-1653:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3121testdata/ 1650:15-1653:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3122testdata/ 1650:15-1654:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3122testdata/ 1650:15-1654:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3123testdata/ 1650:15-1655:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3123testdata/ 1650:15-1655:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3124testdata/ 1650:15-1656:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3124testdata/ 1650:15-1656:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3125testdata/ 1650:15-1657:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3125testdata/ 1650:15-1657:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3126testdata/ 1650:15-1658:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3126testdata/ 1650:15-1658:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3127testdata/ 1650:15-1659:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3127testdata/ 1650:15-1659:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3128testdata/ 1650:15-1660:46 String->StageAttrs 3128testdata/ 1650:15-1660:46 String -> StageAttrs
3129testdata/ 1650:15-1662:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3129testdata/ 1650:15-1662:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3130testdata/ 1651:29-1651:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3130testdata/ 1651:29-1651:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3131testdata/ 1651:29-1651:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3131testdata/ 1651:29-1651:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3132testdata/ 1651:34-1651:57 (Blending', Blending') 3132testdata/ 1651:34-1651:57 (Blending', Blending')
3133testdata/ 1651:36-1651:46 Blending' 3133testdata/ 1651:36-1651:46 Blending'
@@ -3135,79 +3135,79 @@ testdata/ 1651:49-1651:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3135testdata/ 1652:30-1652:50 RGBGen 3135testdata/ 1652:30-1652:50 RGBGen
3136testdata/ 1653:32-1653:42 AlphaGen 3136testdata/ 1653:32-1653:42 AlphaGen
3137testdata/ 1654:29-1654:40 TCGen 3137testdata/ 1654:29-1654:40 TCGen
3138testdata/ 1655:29-1655:31 {a} -> List a 3138testdata/ 1655:29-1655:31 forall a . List a
3139testdata/ 1656:31-1656:42 StageTexture 3139testdata/ 1656:31-1656:42 StageTexture
3140testdata/ 1657:34-1657:38 Bool 3140testdata/ 1657:34-1657:38 Bool
3141testdata/ 1658:33-1658:41 DepthFunction 3141testdata/ 1658:33-1658:41 DepthFunction
3142testdata/ 1659:33-1659:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3142testdata/ 1659:33-1659:40 forall a . Maybe a
3143testdata/ 1660:41-1660:46 Bool 3143testdata/ 1660:41-1660:46 Bool
3144testdata/ 1661:38-1661:54 String 3144testdata/ 1661:38-1661:54 String
3145testdata/ 1664:21-1664:26 Bool 3145testdata/ 1664:21-1664:26 Bool
3146testdata/ 1667:5-1709:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3146testdata/ 1667:5-1709:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3147testdata/ 1667:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3147testdata/ 1667:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3148testdata/ 1667:7-1667:43 String 3148testdata/ 1667:7-1667:43 String
3149testdata/ 1668:7-1668:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3149testdata/ 1668:7-1668:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3150testdata/ 1668:7-1669:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3150testdata/ 1668:7-1669:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3151testdata/ 1668:7-1670:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3151testdata/ 1668:7-1670:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3152testdata/ 1668:7-1671:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3152testdata/ 1668:7-1671:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3153testdata/ 1668:7-1672:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3153testdata/ 1668:7-1672:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3154testdata/ 1668:7-1673:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3154testdata/ 1668:7-1673:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3155testdata/ 1668:7-1674:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3155testdata/ 1668:7-1674:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3156testdata/ 1668:7-1675:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3156testdata/ 1668:7-1675:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3157testdata/ 1668:7-1676:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3157testdata/ 1668:7-1676:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3158testdata/ 1668:7-1677:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3158testdata/ 1668:7-1677:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3159testdata/ 1668:7-1678:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3159testdata/ 1668:7-1678:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3160testdata/ 1668:7-1706:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3160testdata/ 1668:7-1706:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3161testdata/ 1668:7-1708:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3161testdata/ 1668:7-1708:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3162testdata/ 1669:24-1669:26 () 3162testdata/ 1669:24-1669:26 ()
3163testdata/ 1670:24-1670:26 () 3163testdata/ 1670:24-1670:26 ()
3164testdata/ 1671:22-1671:27 Bool 3164testdata/ 1671:22-1671:27 Bool
3165testdata/ 1672:20-1672:21 b_ 3165testdata/ 1672:20-1672:21 _b
3166testdata/ 1673:30-1673:35 Bool 3166testdata/ 1673:30-1673:35 Bool
3167testdata/ 1674:23-1674:28 Bool 3167testdata/ 1674:23-1674:28 Bool
3168testdata/ 1675:20-1675:33 CullType 3168testdata/ 1675:20-1675:33 CullType
3169testdata/ 1676:30-1676:32 {a} -> List a 3169testdata/ 1676:30-1676:32 forall a . List a
3170testdata/ 1677:25-1677:30 Bool 3170testdata/ 1677:25-1677:30 Bool
3171testdata/ 1678:29-1678:34 Bool 3171testdata/ 1678:29-1678:34 Bool
3172testdata/ 1680:13-1706:14 List StageAttrs 3172testdata/ 1680:13-1706:14 List StageAttrs
3173testdata/ 1680:15-1680:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3173testdata/ 1680:15-1680:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3174testdata/ 1680:15-1681:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3174testdata/ 1680:15-1681:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3175testdata/ 1680:15-1682:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3175testdata/ 1680:15-1682:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3176testdata/ 1680:15-1683:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3176testdata/ 1680:15-1683:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3177testdata/ 1680:15-1684:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3177testdata/ 1680:15-1684:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3178testdata/ 1680:15-1685:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3178testdata/ 1680:15-1685:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3179testdata/ 1680:15-1686:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3179testdata/ 1680:15-1686:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3180testdata/ 1680:15-1687:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3180testdata/ 1680:15-1687:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3181testdata/ 1680:15-1688:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3181testdata/ 1680:15-1688:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3182testdata/ 1680:15-1689:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3182testdata/ 1680:15-1689:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3183testdata/ 1680:15-1690:46 String->StageAttrs 3183testdata/ 1680:15-1690:46 String -> StageAttrs
3184testdata/ 1680:15-1692:18 StageAttrs 3184testdata/ 1680:15-1692:18 StageAttrs
3185testdata/ 1681:29-1681:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3185testdata/ 1681:29-1681:36 forall a . Maybe a
3186testdata/ 1682:30-1682:50 RGBGen 3186testdata/ 1682:30-1682:50 RGBGen
3187testdata/ 1683:32-1683:42 AlphaGen 3187testdata/ 1683:32-1683:42 AlphaGen
3188testdata/ 1684:29-1684:36 TCGen 3188testdata/ 1684:29-1684:36 TCGen
3189testdata/ 1685:29-1685:31 {a} -> List a 3189testdata/ 1685:29-1685:31 forall a . List a
3190testdata/ 1686:31-1686:37 String->StageTexture 3190testdata/ 1686:31-1686:37 String -> StageTexture
3191testdata/ 1686:31-1686:74 StageTexture 3191testdata/ 1686:31-1686:74 StageTexture
3192testdata/ 1686:38-1686:74 String 3192testdata/ 1686:38-1686:74 String
3193testdata/ 1687:34-1687:38 Bool 3193testdata/ 1687:34-1687:38 Bool
3194testdata/ 1688:33-1688:41 DepthFunction 3194testdata/ 1688:33-1688:41 DepthFunction
3195testdata/ 1689:33-1689:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3195testdata/ 1689:33-1689:40 forall a . Maybe a
3196testdata/ 1690:41-1690:46 Bool 3196testdata/ 1690:41-1690:46 Bool
3197testdata/ 1691:38-1691:54 String 3197testdata/ 1691:38-1691:54 String
3198testdata/ 1693:15-1693:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3198testdata/ 1693:15-1693:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3199testdata/ 1693:15-1694:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3199testdata/ 1693:15-1694:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3200testdata/ 1693:15-1695:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3200testdata/ 1693:15-1695:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3201testdata/ 1693:15-1696:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3201testdata/ 1693:15-1696:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3202testdata/ 1693:15-1697:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3202testdata/ 1693:15-1697:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3203testdata/ 1693:15-1698:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3203testdata/ 1693:15-1698:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3204testdata/ 1693:15-1699:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3204testdata/ 1693:15-1699:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3205testdata/ 1693:15-1700:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3205testdata/ 1693:15-1700:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3206testdata/ 1693:15-1701:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3206testdata/ 1693:15-1701:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3207testdata/ 1693:15-1702:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3207testdata/ 1693:15-1702:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3208testdata/ 1693:15-1703:46 String->StageAttrs 3208testdata/ 1693:15-1703:46 String -> StageAttrs
3209testdata/ 1693:15-1705:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3209testdata/ 1693:15-1705:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3210testdata/ 1694:29-1694:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3210testdata/ 1694:29-1694:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3211testdata/ 1694:29-1694:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3211testdata/ 1694:29-1694:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3212testdata/ 1694:34-1694:57 (Blending', Blending') 3212testdata/ 1694:34-1694:57 (Blending', Blending')
3213testdata/ 1694:36-1694:46 Blending' 3213testdata/ 1694:36-1694:46 Blending'
@@ -3215,79 +3215,79 @@ testdata/ 1694:49-1694:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3215testdata/ 1695:30-1695:50 RGBGen 3215testdata/ 1695:30-1695:50 RGBGen
3216testdata/ 1696:32-1696:42 AlphaGen 3216testdata/ 1696:32-1696:42 AlphaGen
3217testdata/ 1697:29-1697:40 TCGen 3217testdata/ 1697:29-1697:40 TCGen
3218testdata/ 1698:29-1698:31 {a} -> List a 3218testdata/ 1698:29-1698:31 forall a . List a
3219testdata/ 1699:31-1699:42 StageTexture 3219testdata/ 1699:31-1699:42 StageTexture
3220testdata/ 1700:34-1700:38 Bool 3220testdata/ 1700:34-1700:38 Bool
3221testdata/ 1701:33-1701:41 DepthFunction 3221testdata/ 1701:33-1701:41 DepthFunction
3222testdata/ 1702:33-1702:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3222testdata/ 1702:33-1702:40 forall a . Maybe a
3223testdata/ 1703:41-1703:46 Bool 3223testdata/ 1703:41-1703:46 Bool
3224testdata/ 1704:38-1704:54 String 3224testdata/ 1704:38-1704:54 String
3225testdata/ 1707:21-1707:26 Bool 3225testdata/ 1707:21-1707:26 Bool
3226testdata/ 1710:5-1752:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3226testdata/ 1710:5-1752:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3227testdata/ 1710:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3227testdata/ 1710:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3228testdata/ 1710:7-1710:41 String 3228testdata/ 1710:7-1710:41 String
3229testdata/ 1711:7-1711:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3229testdata/ 1711:7-1711:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3230testdata/ 1711:7-1712:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3230testdata/ 1711:7-1712:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3231testdata/ 1711:7-1713:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3231testdata/ 1711:7-1713:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3232testdata/ 1711:7-1714:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3232testdata/ 1711:7-1714:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3233testdata/ 1711:7-1715:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3233testdata/ 1711:7-1715:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3234testdata/ 1711:7-1716:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3234testdata/ 1711:7-1716:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3235testdata/ 1711:7-1717:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3235testdata/ 1711:7-1717:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3236testdata/ 1711:7-1718:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3236testdata/ 1711:7-1718:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3237testdata/ 1711:7-1719:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3237testdata/ 1711:7-1719:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3238testdata/ 1711:7-1720:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3238testdata/ 1711:7-1720:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3239testdata/ 1711:7-1721:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3239testdata/ 1711:7-1721:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3240testdata/ 1711:7-1749:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3240testdata/ 1711:7-1749:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3241testdata/ 1711:7-1751:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3241testdata/ 1711:7-1751:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3242testdata/ 1712:24-1712:26 () 3242testdata/ 1712:24-1712:26 ()
3243testdata/ 1713:24-1713:26 () 3243testdata/ 1713:24-1713:26 ()
3244testdata/ 1714:22-1714:27 Bool 3244testdata/ 1714:22-1714:27 Bool
3245testdata/ 1715:20-1715:21 b_ 3245testdata/ 1715:20-1715:21 _b
3246testdata/ 1716:30-1716:35 Bool 3246testdata/ 1716:30-1716:35 Bool
3247testdata/ 1717:23-1717:28 Bool 3247testdata/ 1717:23-1717:28 Bool
3248testdata/ 1718:20-1718:33 CullType 3248testdata/ 1718:20-1718:33 CullType
3249testdata/ 1719:30-1719:32 {a} -> List a 3249testdata/ 1719:30-1719:32 forall a . List a
3250testdata/ 1720:25-1720:30 Bool 3250testdata/ 1720:25-1720:30 Bool
3251testdata/ 1721:29-1721:34 Bool 3251testdata/ 1721:29-1721:34 Bool
3252testdata/ 1723:13-1749:14 List StageAttrs 3252testdata/ 1723:13-1749:14 List StageAttrs
3253testdata/ 1723:15-1723:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3253testdata/ 1723:15-1723:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3254testdata/ 1723:15-1724:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3254testdata/ 1723:15-1724:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3255testdata/ 1723:15-1725:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3255testdata/ 1723:15-1725:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3256testdata/ 1723:15-1726:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3256testdata/ 1723:15-1726:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3257testdata/ 1723:15-1727:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3257testdata/ 1723:15-1727:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3258testdata/ 1723:15-1728:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3258testdata/ 1723:15-1728:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3259testdata/ 1723:15-1729:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3259testdata/ 1723:15-1729:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3260testdata/ 1723:15-1730:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3260testdata/ 1723:15-1730:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3261testdata/ 1723:15-1731:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3261testdata/ 1723:15-1731:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3262testdata/ 1723:15-1732:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3262testdata/ 1723:15-1732:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3263testdata/ 1723:15-1733:46 String->StageAttrs 3263testdata/ 1723:15-1733:46 String -> StageAttrs
3264testdata/ 1723:15-1735:18 StageAttrs 3264testdata/ 1723:15-1735:18 StageAttrs
3265testdata/ 1724:29-1724:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3265testdata/ 1724:29-1724:36 forall a . Maybe a
3266testdata/ 1725:30-1725:50 RGBGen 3266testdata/ 1725:30-1725:50 RGBGen
3267testdata/ 1726:32-1726:42 AlphaGen 3267testdata/ 1726:32-1726:42 AlphaGen
3268testdata/ 1727:29-1727:36 TCGen 3268testdata/ 1727:29-1727:36 TCGen
3269testdata/ 1728:29-1728:31 {a} -> List a 3269testdata/ 1728:29-1728:31 forall a . List a
3270testdata/ 1729:31-1729:37 String->StageTexture 3270testdata/ 1729:31-1729:37 String -> StageTexture
3271testdata/ 1729:31-1729:72 StageTexture 3271testdata/ 1729:31-1729:72 StageTexture
3272testdata/ 1729:38-1729:72 String 3272testdata/ 1729:38-1729:72 String
3273testdata/ 1730:34-1730:38 Bool 3273testdata/ 1730:34-1730:38 Bool
3274testdata/ 1731:33-1731:41 DepthFunction 3274testdata/ 1731:33-1731:41 DepthFunction
3275testdata/ 1732:33-1732:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3275testdata/ 1732:33-1732:40 forall a . Maybe a
3276testdata/ 1733:41-1733:46 Bool 3276testdata/ 1733:41-1733:46 Bool
3277testdata/ 1734:38-1734:54 String 3277testdata/ 1734:38-1734:54 String
3278testdata/ 1736:15-1736:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3278testdata/ 1736:15-1736:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3279testdata/ 1736:15-1737:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3279testdata/ 1736:15-1737:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3280testdata/ 1736:15-1738:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3280testdata/ 1736:15-1738:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3281testdata/ 1736:15-1739:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3281testdata/ 1736:15-1739:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3282testdata/ 1736:15-1740:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3282testdata/ 1736:15-1740:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3283testdata/ 1736:15-1741:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3283testdata/ 1736:15-1741:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3284testdata/ 1736:15-1742:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3284testdata/ 1736:15-1742:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3285testdata/ 1736:15-1743:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3285testdata/ 1736:15-1743:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3286testdata/ 1736:15-1744:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3286testdata/ 1736:15-1744:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3287testdata/ 1736:15-1745:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3287testdata/ 1736:15-1745:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3288testdata/ 1736:15-1746:46 String->StageAttrs 3288testdata/ 1736:15-1746:46 String -> StageAttrs
3289testdata/ 1736:15-1748:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3289testdata/ 1736:15-1748:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3290testdata/ 1737:29-1737:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3290testdata/ 1737:29-1737:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3291testdata/ 1737:29-1737:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3291testdata/ 1737:29-1737:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3292testdata/ 1737:34-1737:57 (Blending', Blending') 3292testdata/ 1737:34-1737:57 (Blending', Blending')
3293testdata/ 1737:36-1737:46 Blending' 3293testdata/ 1737:36-1737:46 Blending'
@@ -3295,79 +3295,79 @@ testdata/ 1737:49-1737:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3295testdata/ 1738:30-1738:50 RGBGen 3295testdata/ 1738:30-1738:50 RGBGen
3296testdata/ 1739:32-1739:42 AlphaGen 3296testdata/ 1739:32-1739:42 AlphaGen
3297testdata/ 1740:29-1740:40 TCGen 3297testdata/ 1740:29-1740:40 TCGen
3298testdata/ 1741:29-1741:31 {a} -> List a 3298testdata/ 1741:29-1741:31 forall a . List a
3299testdata/ 1742:31-1742:42 StageTexture 3299testdata/ 1742:31-1742:42 StageTexture
3300testdata/ 1743:34-1743:38 Bool 3300testdata/ 1743:34-1743:38 Bool
3301testdata/ 1744:33-1744:41 DepthFunction 3301testdata/ 1744:33-1744:41 DepthFunction
3302testdata/ 1745:33-1745:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3302testdata/ 1745:33-1745:40 forall a . Maybe a
3303testdata/ 1746:41-1746:46 Bool 3303testdata/ 1746:41-1746:46 Bool
3304testdata/ 1747:38-1747:54 String 3304testdata/ 1747:38-1747:54 String
3305testdata/ 1750:21-1750:26 Bool 3305testdata/ 1750:21-1750:26 Bool
3306testdata/ 1753:5-1795:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3306testdata/ 1753:5-1795:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3307testdata/ 1753:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3307testdata/ 1753:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3308testdata/ 1753:7-1753:42 String 3308testdata/ 1753:7-1753:42 String
3309testdata/ 1754:7-1754:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3309testdata/ 1754:7-1754:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3310testdata/ 1754:7-1755:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3310testdata/ 1754:7-1755:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3311testdata/ 1754:7-1756:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3311testdata/ 1754:7-1756:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3312testdata/ 1754:7-1757:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3312testdata/ 1754:7-1757:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3313testdata/ 1754:7-1758:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3313testdata/ 1754:7-1758:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3314testdata/ 1754:7-1759:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3314testdata/ 1754:7-1759:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3315testdata/ 1754:7-1760:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3315testdata/ 1754:7-1760:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3316testdata/ 1754:7-1761:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3316testdata/ 1754:7-1761:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3317testdata/ 1754:7-1762:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3317testdata/ 1754:7-1762:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3318testdata/ 1754:7-1763:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3318testdata/ 1754:7-1763:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3319testdata/ 1754:7-1764:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3319testdata/ 1754:7-1764:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3320testdata/ 1754:7-1792:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3320testdata/ 1754:7-1792:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3321testdata/ 1754:7-1794:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3321testdata/ 1754:7-1794:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3322testdata/ 1755:24-1755:26 () 3322testdata/ 1755:24-1755:26 ()
3323testdata/ 1756:24-1756:26 () 3323testdata/ 1756:24-1756:26 ()
3324testdata/ 1757:22-1757:27 Bool 3324testdata/ 1757:22-1757:27 Bool
3325testdata/ 1758:20-1758:21 b_ 3325testdata/ 1758:20-1758:21 _b
3326testdata/ 1759:30-1759:35 Bool 3326testdata/ 1759:30-1759:35 Bool
3327testdata/ 1760:23-1760:28 Bool 3327testdata/ 1760:23-1760:28 Bool
3328testdata/ 1761:20-1761:33 CullType 3328testdata/ 1761:20-1761:33 CullType
3329testdata/ 1762:30-1762:32 {a} -> List a 3329testdata/ 1762:30-1762:32 forall a . List a
3330testdata/ 1763:25-1763:30 Bool 3330testdata/ 1763:25-1763:30 Bool
3331testdata/ 1764:29-1764:34 Bool 3331testdata/ 1764:29-1764:34 Bool
3332testdata/ 1766:13-1792:14 List StageAttrs 3332testdata/ 1766:13-1792:14 List StageAttrs
3333testdata/ 1766:15-1766:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3333testdata/ 1766:15-1766:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3334testdata/ 1766:15-1767:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3334testdata/ 1766:15-1767:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3335testdata/ 1766:15-1768:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3335testdata/ 1766:15-1768:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3336testdata/ 1766:15-1769:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3336testdata/ 1766:15-1769:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3337testdata/ 1766:15-1770:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3337testdata/ 1766:15-1770:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3338testdata/ 1766:15-1771:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3338testdata/ 1766:15-1771:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3339testdata/ 1766:15-1772:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3339testdata/ 1766:15-1772:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3340testdata/ 1766:15-1773:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3340testdata/ 1766:15-1773:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3341testdata/ 1766:15-1774:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3341testdata/ 1766:15-1774:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3342testdata/ 1766:15-1775:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3342testdata/ 1766:15-1775:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3343testdata/ 1766:15-1776:46 String->StageAttrs 3343testdata/ 1766:15-1776:46 String -> StageAttrs
3344testdata/ 1766:15-1778:18 StageAttrs 3344testdata/ 1766:15-1778:18 StageAttrs
3345testdata/ 1767:29-1767:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3345testdata/ 1767:29-1767:36 forall a . Maybe a
3346testdata/ 1768:30-1768:50 RGBGen 3346testdata/ 1768:30-1768:50 RGBGen
3347testdata/ 1769:32-1769:42 AlphaGen 3347testdata/ 1769:32-1769:42 AlphaGen
3348testdata/ 1770:29-1770:36 TCGen 3348testdata/ 1770:29-1770:36 TCGen
3349testdata/ 1771:29-1771:31 {a} -> List a 3349testdata/ 1771:29-1771:31 forall a . List a
3350testdata/ 1772:31-1772:37 String->StageTexture 3350testdata/ 1772:31-1772:37 String -> StageTexture
3351testdata/ 1772:31-1772:73 StageTexture 3351testdata/ 1772:31-1772:73 StageTexture
3352testdata/ 1772:38-1772:73 String 3352testdata/ 1772:38-1772:73 String
3353testdata/ 1773:34-1773:38 Bool 3353testdata/ 1773:34-1773:38 Bool
3354testdata/ 1774:33-1774:41 DepthFunction 3354testdata/ 1774:33-1774:41 DepthFunction
3355testdata/ 1775:33-1775:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3355testdata/ 1775:33-1775:40 forall a . Maybe a
3356testdata/ 1776:41-1776:46 Bool 3356testdata/ 1776:41-1776:46 Bool
3357testdata/ 1777:38-1777:54 String 3357testdata/ 1777:38-1777:54 String
3358testdata/ 1779:15-1779:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3358testdata/ 1779:15-1779:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3359testdata/ 1779:15-1780:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3359testdata/ 1779:15-1780:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3360testdata/ 1779:15-1781:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3360testdata/ 1779:15-1781:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3361testdata/ 1779:15-1782:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3361testdata/ 1779:15-1782:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3362testdata/ 1779:15-1783:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3362testdata/ 1779:15-1783:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3363testdata/ 1779:15-1784:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3363testdata/ 1779:15-1784:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3364testdata/ 1779:15-1785:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3364testdata/ 1779:15-1785:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3365testdata/ 1779:15-1786:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3365testdata/ 1779:15-1786:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3366testdata/ 1779:15-1787:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3366testdata/ 1779:15-1787:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3367testdata/ 1779:15-1788:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3367testdata/ 1779:15-1788:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3368testdata/ 1779:15-1789:46 String->StageAttrs 3368testdata/ 1779:15-1789:46 String -> StageAttrs
3369testdata/ 1779:15-1791:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3369testdata/ 1779:15-1791:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3370testdata/ 1780:29-1780:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3370testdata/ 1780:29-1780:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3371testdata/ 1780:29-1780:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3371testdata/ 1780:29-1780:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3372testdata/ 1780:34-1780:57 (Blending', Blending') 3372testdata/ 1780:34-1780:57 (Blending', Blending')
3373testdata/ 1780:36-1780:46 Blending' 3373testdata/ 1780:36-1780:46 Blending'
@@ -3375,77 +3375,77 @@ testdata/ 1780:49-1780:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3375testdata/ 1781:30-1781:50 RGBGen 3375testdata/ 1781:30-1781:50 RGBGen
3376testdata/ 1782:32-1782:42 AlphaGen 3376testdata/ 1782:32-1782:42 AlphaGen
3377testdata/ 1783:29-1783:40 TCGen 3377testdata/ 1783:29-1783:40 TCGen
3378testdata/ 1784:29-1784:31 {a} -> List a 3378testdata/ 1784:29-1784:31 forall a . List a
3379testdata/ 1785:31-1785:42 StageTexture 3379testdata/ 1785:31-1785:42 StageTexture
3380testdata/ 1786:34-1786:38 Bool 3380testdata/ 1786:34-1786:38 Bool
3381testdata/ 1787:33-1787:41 DepthFunction 3381testdata/ 1787:33-1787:41 DepthFunction
3382testdata/ 1788:33-1788:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3382testdata/ 1788:33-1788:40 forall a . Maybe a
3383testdata/ 1789:41-1789:46 Bool 3383testdata/ 1789:41-1789:46 Bool
3384testdata/ 1790:38-1790:54 String 3384testdata/ 1790:38-1790:54 String
3385testdata/ 1793:21-1793:26 Bool 3385testdata/ 1793:21-1793:26 Bool
3386testdata/ 1796:5-1838:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3386testdata/ 1796:5-1838:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3387testdata/ 1796:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3387testdata/ 1796:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3388testdata/ 1796:7-1796:48 String 3388testdata/ 1796:7-1796:48 String
3389testdata/ 1797:7-1797:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3389testdata/ 1797:7-1797:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3390testdata/ 1797:7-1798:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3390testdata/ 1797:7-1798:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3391testdata/ 1797:7-1799:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3391testdata/ 1797:7-1799:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3392testdata/ 1797:7-1800:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3392testdata/ 1797:7-1800:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3393testdata/ 1797:7-1801:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3393testdata/ 1797:7-1801:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3394testdata/ 1797:7-1802:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3394testdata/ 1797:7-1802:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3395testdata/ 1797:7-1803:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3395testdata/ 1797:7-1803:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3396testdata/ 1797:7-1804:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3396testdata/ 1797:7-1804:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3397testdata/ 1797:7-1805:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3397testdata/ 1797:7-1805:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3398testdata/ 1797:7-1806:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3398testdata/ 1797:7-1806:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3399testdata/ 1797:7-1807:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3399testdata/ 1797:7-1807:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3400testdata/ 1797:7-1835:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3400testdata/ 1797:7-1835:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3401testdata/ 1797:7-1837:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3401testdata/ 1797:7-1837:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3402testdata/ 1798:24-1798:26 () 3402testdata/ 1798:24-1798:26 ()
3403testdata/ 1799:24-1799:26 () 3403testdata/ 1799:24-1799:26 ()
3404testdata/ 1800:22-1800:27 Bool 3404testdata/ 1800:22-1800:27 Bool
3405testdata/ 1801:20-1801:21 b_ 3405testdata/ 1801:20-1801:21 _b
3406testdata/ 1802:30-1802:35 Bool 3406testdata/ 1802:30-1802:35 Bool
3407testdata/ 1803:23-1803:28 Bool 3407testdata/ 1803:23-1803:28 Bool
3408testdata/ 1804:20-1804:33 CullType 3408testdata/ 1804:20-1804:33 CullType
3409testdata/ 1805:30-1805:32 {a} -> List a 3409testdata/ 1805:30-1805:32 forall a . List a
3410testdata/ 1806:25-1806:30 Bool 3410testdata/ 1806:25-1806:30 Bool
3411testdata/ 1807:29-1807:34 Bool 3411testdata/ 1807:29-1807:34 Bool
3412testdata/ 1809:13-1835:14 List StageAttrs 3412testdata/ 1809:13-1835:14 List StageAttrs
3413testdata/ 1809:15-1809:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3413testdata/ 1809:15-1809:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3414testdata/ 1809:15-1810:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3414testdata/ 1809:15-1810:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3415testdata/ 1809:15-1811:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3415testdata/ 1809:15-1811:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3416testdata/ 1809:15-1812:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3416testdata/ 1809:15-1812:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3417testdata/ 1809:15-1813:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3417testdata/ 1809:15-1813:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3418testdata/ 1809:15-1814:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3418testdata/ 1809:15-1814:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3419testdata/ 1809:15-1815:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3419testdata/ 1809:15-1815:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3420testdata/ 1809:15-1816:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3420testdata/ 1809:15-1816:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3421testdata/ 1809:15-1817:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3421testdata/ 1809:15-1817:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3422testdata/ 1809:15-1818:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3422testdata/ 1809:15-1818:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3423testdata/ 1809:15-1819:46 String->StageAttrs 3423testdata/ 1809:15-1819:46 String -> StageAttrs
3424testdata/ 1809:15-1821:18 StageAttrs 3424testdata/ 1809:15-1821:18 StageAttrs
3425testdata/ 1810:29-1810:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3425testdata/ 1810:29-1810:36 forall a . Maybe a
3426testdata/ 1811:30-1811:42 RGBGen 3426testdata/ 1811:30-1811:42 RGBGen
3427testdata/ 1812:32-1812:42 AlphaGen 3427testdata/ 1812:32-1812:42 AlphaGen
3428testdata/ 1813:29-1813:40 TCGen 3428testdata/ 1813:29-1813:40 TCGen
3429testdata/ 1814:29-1814:31 {a} -> List a 3429testdata/ 1814:29-1814:31 forall a . List a
3430testdata/ 1815:31-1815:42 StageTexture 3430testdata/ 1815:31-1815:42 StageTexture
3431testdata/ 1816:34-1816:38 Bool 3431testdata/ 1816:34-1816:38 Bool
3432testdata/ 1817:33-1817:41 DepthFunction 3432testdata/ 1817:33-1817:41 DepthFunction
3433testdata/ 1818:33-1818:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3433testdata/ 1818:33-1818:40 forall a . Maybe a
3434testdata/ 1819:41-1819:46 Bool 3434testdata/ 1819:41-1819:46 Bool
3435testdata/ 1820:38-1820:53 String 3435testdata/ 1820:38-1820:53 String
3436testdata/ 1822:15-1822:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3436testdata/ 1822:15-1822:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3437testdata/ 1822:15-1823:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3437testdata/ 1822:15-1823:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3438testdata/ 1822:15-1824:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3438testdata/ 1822:15-1824:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3439testdata/ 1822:15-1825:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3439testdata/ 1822:15-1825:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3440testdata/ 1822:15-1826:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3440testdata/ 1822:15-1826:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3441testdata/ 1822:15-1827:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3441testdata/ 1822:15-1827:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3442testdata/ 1822:15-1828:77 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3442testdata/ 1822:15-1828:77 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3443testdata/ 1822:15-1829:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3443testdata/ 1822:15-1829:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3444testdata/ 1822:15-1830:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3444testdata/ 1822:15-1830:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3445testdata/ 1822:15-1831:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3445testdata/ 1822:15-1831:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3446testdata/ 1822:15-1832:46 String->StageAttrs 3446testdata/ 1822:15-1832:46 String -> StageAttrs
3447testdata/ 1822:15-1834:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3447testdata/ 1822:15-1834:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3448testdata/ 1823:29-1823:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3448testdata/ 1823:29-1823:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3449testdata/ 1823:29-1823:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3449testdata/ 1823:29-1823:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3450testdata/ 1823:34-1823:57 (Blending', Blending') 3450testdata/ 1823:34-1823:57 (Blending', Blending')
3451testdata/ 1823:36-1823:46 Blending' 3451testdata/ 1823:36-1823:46 Blending'
@@ -3453,81 +3453,81 @@ testdata/ 1823:49-1823:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3453testdata/ 1824:30-1824:42 RGBGen 3453testdata/ 1824:30-1824:42 RGBGen
3454testdata/ 1825:32-1825:42 AlphaGen 3454testdata/ 1825:32-1825:42 AlphaGen
3455testdata/ 1826:29-1826:36 TCGen 3455testdata/ 1826:29-1826:36 TCGen
3456testdata/ 1827:29-1827:31 {a} -> List a 3456testdata/ 1827:29-1827:31 forall a . List a
3457testdata/ 1828:31-1828:37 String->StageTexture 3457testdata/ 1828:31-1828:37 String -> StageTexture
3458testdata/ 1828:31-1828:77 StageTexture 3458testdata/ 1828:31-1828:77 StageTexture
3459testdata/ 1828:38-1828:77 String 3459testdata/ 1828:38-1828:77 String
3460testdata/ 1829:34-1829:39 Bool 3460testdata/ 1829:34-1829:39 Bool
3461testdata/ 1830:33-1830:41 DepthFunction 3461testdata/ 1830:33-1830:41 DepthFunction
3462testdata/ 1831:33-1831:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3462testdata/ 1831:33-1831:40 forall a . Maybe a
3463testdata/ 1832:41-1832:46 Bool 3463testdata/ 1832:41-1832:46 Bool
3464testdata/ 1833:38-1833:54 String 3464testdata/ 1833:38-1833:54 String
3465testdata/ 1836:21-1836:26 Bool 3465testdata/ 1836:21-1836:26 Bool
3466testdata/ 1839:5-1881:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3466testdata/ 1839:5-1881:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3467testdata/ 1839:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3467testdata/ 1839:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3468testdata/ 1839:7-1839:42 String 3468testdata/ 1839:7-1839:42 String
3469testdata/ 1840:7-1840:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3469testdata/ 1840:7-1840:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3470testdata/ 1840:7-1841:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3470testdata/ 1840:7-1841:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3471testdata/ 1840:7-1842:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3471testdata/ 1840:7-1842:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3472testdata/ 1840:7-1843:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3472testdata/ 1840:7-1843:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3473testdata/ 1840:7-1844:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3473testdata/ 1840:7-1844:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3474testdata/ 1840:7-1845:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3474testdata/ 1840:7-1845:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3475testdata/ 1840:7-1846:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3475testdata/ 1840:7-1846:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3476testdata/ 1840:7-1847:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3476testdata/ 1840:7-1847:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3477testdata/ 1840:7-1848:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3477testdata/ 1840:7-1848:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3478testdata/ 1840:7-1849:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3478testdata/ 1840:7-1849:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3479testdata/ 1840:7-1850:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3479testdata/ 1840:7-1850:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3480testdata/ 1840:7-1878:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3480testdata/ 1840:7-1878:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3481testdata/ 1840:7-1880:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3481testdata/ 1840:7-1880:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3482testdata/ 1841:24-1841:26 () 3482testdata/ 1841:24-1841:26 ()
3483testdata/ 1842:24-1842:26 () 3483testdata/ 1842:24-1842:26 ()
3484testdata/ 1843:22-1843:27 Bool 3484testdata/ 1843:22-1843:27 Bool
3485testdata/ 1844:20-1844:21 b_ 3485testdata/ 1844:20-1844:21 _b
3486testdata/ 1845:30-1845:35 Bool 3486testdata/ 1845:30-1845:35 Bool
3487testdata/ 1846:23-1846:28 Bool 3487testdata/ 1846:23-1846:28 Bool
3488testdata/ 1847:20-1847:33 CullType 3488testdata/ 1847:20-1847:33 CullType
3489testdata/ 1848:30-1848:32 {a} -> List a 3489testdata/ 1848:30-1848:32 forall a . List a
3490testdata/ 1849:25-1849:30 Bool 3490testdata/ 1849:25-1849:30 Bool
3491testdata/ 1850:29-1850:34 Bool 3491testdata/ 1850:29-1850:34 Bool
3492testdata/ 1852:13-1878:14 List StageAttrs 3492testdata/ 1852:13-1878:14 List StageAttrs
3493testdata/ 1852:15-1852:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3493testdata/ 1852:15-1852:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3494testdata/ 1852:15-1853:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3494testdata/ 1852:15-1853:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3495testdata/ 1852:15-1854:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3495testdata/ 1852:15-1854:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3496testdata/ 1852:15-1855:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3496testdata/ 1852:15-1855:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3497testdata/ 1852:15-1856:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3497testdata/ 1852:15-1856:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3498testdata/ 1852:15-1857:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3498testdata/ 1852:15-1857:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3499testdata/ 1852:15-1858:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3499testdata/ 1852:15-1858:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3500testdata/ 1852:15-1859:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3500testdata/ 1852:15-1859:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3501testdata/ 1852:15-1860:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3501testdata/ 1852:15-1860:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3502testdata/ 1852:15-1861:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3502testdata/ 1852:15-1861:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3503testdata/ 1852:15-1862:46 String->StageAttrs 3503testdata/ 1852:15-1862:46 String -> StageAttrs
3504testdata/ 1852:15-1864:18 StageAttrs 3504testdata/ 1852:15-1864:18 StageAttrs
3505testdata/ 1853:29-1853:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3505testdata/ 1853:29-1853:36 forall a . Maybe a
3506testdata/ 1854:30-1854:50 RGBGen 3506testdata/ 1854:30-1854:50 RGBGen
3507testdata/ 1855:32-1855:42 AlphaGen 3507testdata/ 1855:32-1855:42 AlphaGen
3508testdata/ 1856:29-1856:36 TCGen 3508testdata/ 1856:29-1856:36 TCGen
3509testdata/ 1857:29-1857:31 {a} -> List a 3509testdata/ 1857:29-1857:31 forall a . List a
3510testdata/ 1858:31-1858:37 String->StageTexture 3510testdata/ 1858:31-1858:37 String -> StageTexture
3511testdata/ 1858:31-1858:73 StageTexture 3511testdata/ 1858:31-1858:73 StageTexture
3512testdata/ 1858:38-1858:73 String 3512testdata/ 1858:38-1858:73 String
3513testdata/ 1859:34-1859:38 Bool 3513testdata/ 1859:34-1859:38 Bool
3514testdata/ 1860:33-1860:41 DepthFunction 3514testdata/ 1860:33-1860:41 DepthFunction
3515testdata/ 1861:33-1861:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3515testdata/ 1861:33-1861:40 forall a . Maybe a
3516testdata/ 1862:41-1862:46 Bool 3516testdata/ 1862:41-1862:46 Bool
3517testdata/ 1863:38-1863:54 String 3517testdata/ 1863:38-1863:54 String
3518testdata/ 1865:15-1865:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3518testdata/ 1865:15-1865:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3519testdata/ 1865:15-1866:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3519testdata/ 1865:15-1866:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3520testdata/ 1865:15-1867:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3520testdata/ 1865:15-1867:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3521testdata/ 1865:15-1868:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3521testdata/ 1865:15-1868:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3522testdata/ 1865:15-1869:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3522testdata/ 1865:15-1869:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3523testdata/ 1865:15-1870:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3523testdata/ 1865:15-1870:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3524testdata/ 1865:15-1871:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3524testdata/ 1865:15-1871:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3525testdata/ 1865:15-1872:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3525testdata/ 1865:15-1872:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3526testdata/ 1865:15-1873:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3526testdata/ 1865:15-1873:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3527testdata/ 1865:15-1874:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3527testdata/ 1865:15-1874:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3528testdata/ 1865:15-1875:46 String->StageAttrs 3528testdata/ 1865:15-1875:46 String -> StageAttrs
3529testdata/ 1865:15-1877:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3529testdata/ 1865:15-1877:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3530testdata/ 1866:29-1866:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3530testdata/ 1866:29-1866:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3531testdata/ 1866:29-1866:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3531testdata/ 1866:29-1866:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3532testdata/ 1866:34-1866:57 (Blending', Blending') 3532testdata/ 1866:34-1866:57 (Blending', Blending')
3533testdata/ 1866:36-1866:46 Blending' 3533testdata/ 1866:36-1866:46 Blending'
@@ -3535,79 +3535,79 @@ testdata/ 1866:49-1866:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3535testdata/ 1867:30-1867:50 RGBGen 3535testdata/ 1867:30-1867:50 RGBGen
3536testdata/ 1868:32-1868:42 AlphaGen 3536testdata/ 1868:32-1868:42 AlphaGen
3537testdata/ 1869:29-1869:40 TCGen 3537testdata/ 1869:29-1869:40 TCGen
3538testdata/ 1870:29-1870:31 {a} -> List a 3538testdata/ 1870:29-1870:31 forall a . List a
3539testdata/ 1871:31-1871:42 StageTexture 3539testdata/ 1871:31-1871:42 StageTexture
3540testdata/ 1872:34-1872:38 Bool 3540testdata/ 1872:34-1872:38 Bool
3541testdata/ 1873:33-1873:41 DepthFunction 3541testdata/ 1873:33-1873:41 DepthFunction
3542testdata/ 1874:33-1874:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3542testdata/ 1874:33-1874:40 forall a . Maybe a
3543testdata/ 1875:41-1875:46 Bool 3543testdata/ 1875:41-1875:46 Bool
3544testdata/ 1876:38-1876:54 String 3544testdata/ 1876:38-1876:54 String
3545testdata/ 1879:21-1879:26 Bool 3545testdata/ 1879:21-1879:26 Bool
3546testdata/ 1882:5-1924:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3546testdata/ 1882:5-1924:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3547testdata/ 1882:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3547testdata/ 1882:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3548testdata/ 1882:7-1882:47 String 3548testdata/ 1882:7-1882:47 String
3549testdata/ 1883:7-1883:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3549testdata/ 1883:7-1883:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3550testdata/ 1883:7-1884:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3550testdata/ 1883:7-1884:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3551testdata/ 1883:7-1885:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3551testdata/ 1883:7-1885:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3552testdata/ 1883:7-1886:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3552testdata/ 1883:7-1886:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3553testdata/ 1883:7-1887:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3553testdata/ 1883:7-1887:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3554testdata/ 1883:7-1888:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3554testdata/ 1883:7-1888:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3555testdata/ 1883:7-1889:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3555testdata/ 1883:7-1889:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3556testdata/ 1883:7-1890:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3556testdata/ 1883:7-1890:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3557testdata/ 1883:7-1891:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3557testdata/ 1883:7-1891:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3558testdata/ 1883:7-1892:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3558testdata/ 1883:7-1892:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3559testdata/ 1883:7-1893:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3559testdata/ 1883:7-1893:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3560testdata/ 1883:7-1921:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3560testdata/ 1883:7-1921:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3561testdata/ 1883:7-1923:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3561testdata/ 1883:7-1923:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3562testdata/ 1884:24-1884:26 () 3562testdata/ 1884:24-1884:26 ()
3563testdata/ 1885:24-1885:26 () 3563testdata/ 1885:24-1885:26 ()
3564testdata/ 1886:22-1886:27 Bool 3564testdata/ 1886:22-1886:27 Bool
3565testdata/ 1887:20-1887:21 b_ 3565testdata/ 1887:20-1887:21 _b
3566testdata/ 1888:30-1888:35 Bool 3566testdata/ 1888:30-1888:35 Bool
3567testdata/ 1889:23-1889:28 Bool 3567testdata/ 1889:23-1889:28 Bool
3568testdata/ 1890:20-1890:33 CullType 3568testdata/ 1890:20-1890:33 CullType
3569testdata/ 1891:30-1891:32 {a} -> List a 3569testdata/ 1891:30-1891:32 forall a . List a
3570testdata/ 1892:25-1892:30 Bool 3570testdata/ 1892:25-1892:30 Bool
3571testdata/ 1893:29-1893:34 Bool 3571testdata/ 1893:29-1893:34 Bool
3572testdata/ 1895:13-1921:14 List StageAttrs 3572testdata/ 1895:13-1921:14 List StageAttrs
3573testdata/ 1895:15-1895:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3573testdata/ 1895:15-1895:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3574testdata/ 1895:15-1896:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3574testdata/ 1895:15-1896:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3575testdata/ 1895:15-1897:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3575testdata/ 1895:15-1897:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3576testdata/ 1895:15-1898:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3576testdata/ 1895:15-1898:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3577testdata/ 1895:15-1899:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3577testdata/ 1895:15-1899:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3578testdata/ 1895:15-1900:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3578testdata/ 1895:15-1900:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3579testdata/ 1895:15-1901:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3579testdata/ 1895:15-1901:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3580testdata/ 1895:15-1902:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3580testdata/ 1895:15-1902:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3581testdata/ 1895:15-1903:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3581testdata/ 1895:15-1903:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3582testdata/ 1895:15-1904:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3582testdata/ 1895:15-1904:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3583testdata/ 1895:15-1905:46 String->StageAttrs 3583testdata/ 1895:15-1905:46 String -> StageAttrs
3584testdata/ 1895:15-1907:18 StageAttrs 3584testdata/ 1895:15-1907:18 StageAttrs
3585testdata/ 1896:29-1896:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3585testdata/ 1896:29-1896:36 forall a . Maybe a
3586testdata/ 1897:30-1897:50 RGBGen 3586testdata/ 1897:30-1897:50 RGBGen
3587testdata/ 1898:32-1898:42 AlphaGen 3587testdata/ 1898:32-1898:42 AlphaGen
3588testdata/ 1899:29-1899:36 TCGen 3588testdata/ 1899:29-1899:36 TCGen
3589testdata/ 1900:29-1900:31 {a} -> List a 3589testdata/ 1900:29-1900:31 forall a . List a
3590testdata/ 1901:31-1901:37 String->StageTexture 3590testdata/ 1901:31-1901:37 String -> StageTexture
3591testdata/ 1901:31-1901:78 StageTexture 3591testdata/ 1901:31-1901:78 StageTexture
3592testdata/ 1901:38-1901:78 String 3592testdata/ 1901:38-1901:78 String
3593testdata/ 1902:34-1902:38 Bool 3593testdata/ 1902:34-1902:38 Bool
3594testdata/ 1903:33-1903:41 DepthFunction 3594testdata/ 1903:33-1903:41 DepthFunction
3595testdata/ 1904:33-1904:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3595testdata/ 1904:33-1904:40 forall a . Maybe a
3596testdata/ 1905:41-1905:46 Bool 3596testdata/ 1905:41-1905:46 Bool
3597testdata/ 1906:38-1906:54 String 3597testdata/ 1906:38-1906:54 String
3598testdata/ 1908:15-1908:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3598testdata/ 1908:15-1908:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3599testdata/ 1908:15-1909:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3599testdata/ 1908:15-1909:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3600testdata/ 1908:15-1910:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3600testdata/ 1908:15-1910:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3601testdata/ 1908:15-1911:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3601testdata/ 1908:15-1911:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3602testdata/ 1908:15-1912:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3602testdata/ 1908:15-1912:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3603testdata/ 1908:15-1913:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3603testdata/ 1908:15-1913:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3604testdata/ 1908:15-1914:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3604testdata/ 1908:15-1914:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3605testdata/ 1908:15-1915:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3605testdata/ 1908:15-1915:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3606testdata/ 1908:15-1916:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3606testdata/ 1908:15-1916:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3607testdata/ 1908:15-1917:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3607testdata/ 1908:15-1917:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3608testdata/ 1908:15-1918:46 String->StageAttrs 3608testdata/ 1908:15-1918:46 String -> StageAttrs
3609testdata/ 1908:15-1920:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3609testdata/ 1908:15-1920:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3610testdata/ 1909:29-1909:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3610testdata/ 1909:29-1909:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3611testdata/ 1909:29-1909:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3611testdata/ 1909:29-1909:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3612testdata/ 1909:34-1909:57 (Blending', Blending') 3612testdata/ 1909:34-1909:57 (Blending', Blending')
3613testdata/ 1909:36-1909:46 Blending' 3613testdata/ 1909:36-1909:46 Blending'
@@ -3615,79 +3615,79 @@ testdata/ 1909:49-1909:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3615testdata/ 1910:30-1910:50 RGBGen 3615testdata/ 1910:30-1910:50 RGBGen
3616testdata/ 1911:32-1911:42 AlphaGen 3616testdata/ 1911:32-1911:42 AlphaGen
3617testdata/ 1912:29-1912:40 TCGen 3617testdata/ 1912:29-1912:40 TCGen
3618testdata/ 1913:29-1913:31 {a} -> List a 3618testdata/ 1913:29-1913:31 forall a . List a
3619testdata/ 1914:31-1914:42 StageTexture 3619testdata/ 1914:31-1914:42 StageTexture
3620testdata/ 1915:34-1915:38 Bool 3620testdata/ 1915:34-1915:38 Bool
3621testdata/ 1916:33-1916:41 DepthFunction 3621testdata/ 1916:33-1916:41 DepthFunction
3622testdata/ 1917:33-1917:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3622testdata/ 1917:33-1917:40 forall a . Maybe a
3623testdata/ 1918:41-1918:46 Bool 3623testdata/ 1918:41-1918:46 Bool
3624testdata/ 1919:38-1919:54 String 3624testdata/ 1919:38-1919:54 String
3625testdata/ 1922:21-1922:26 Bool 3625testdata/ 1922:21-1922:26 Bool
3626testdata/ 1925:5-1967:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3626testdata/ 1925:5-1967:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3627testdata/ 1925:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3627testdata/ 1925:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3628testdata/ 1925:7-1925:38 String 3628testdata/ 1925:7-1925:38 String
3629testdata/ 1926:7-1926:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3629testdata/ 1926:7-1926:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3630testdata/ 1926:7-1927:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3630testdata/ 1926:7-1927:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3631testdata/ 1926:7-1928:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3631testdata/ 1926:7-1928:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3632testdata/ 1926:7-1929:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3632testdata/ 1926:7-1929:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3633testdata/ 1926:7-1930:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3633testdata/ 1926:7-1930:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3634testdata/ 1926:7-1931:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3634testdata/ 1926:7-1931:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3635testdata/ 1926:7-1932:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3635testdata/ 1926:7-1932:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3636testdata/ 1926:7-1933:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3636testdata/ 1926:7-1933:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3637testdata/ 1926:7-1934:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3637testdata/ 1926:7-1934:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3638testdata/ 1926:7-1935:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3638testdata/ 1926:7-1935:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3639testdata/ 1926:7-1936:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3639testdata/ 1926:7-1936:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3640testdata/ 1926:7-1964:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3640testdata/ 1926:7-1964:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3641testdata/ 1926:7-1966:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3641testdata/ 1926:7-1966:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3642testdata/ 1927:24-1927:26 () 3642testdata/ 1927:24-1927:26 ()
3643testdata/ 1928:24-1928:26 () 3643testdata/ 1928:24-1928:26 ()
3644testdata/ 1929:22-1929:27 Bool 3644testdata/ 1929:22-1929:27 Bool
3645testdata/ 1930:20-1930:21 b_ 3645testdata/ 1930:20-1930:21 _b
3646testdata/ 1931:30-1931:35 Bool 3646testdata/ 1931:30-1931:35 Bool
3647testdata/ 1932:23-1932:28 Bool 3647testdata/ 1932:23-1932:28 Bool
3648testdata/ 1933:20-1933:33 CullType 3648testdata/ 1933:20-1933:33 CullType
3649testdata/ 1934:30-1934:32 {a} -> List a 3649testdata/ 1934:30-1934:32 forall a . List a
3650testdata/ 1935:25-1935:30 Bool 3650testdata/ 1935:25-1935:30 Bool
3651testdata/ 1936:29-1936:34 Bool 3651testdata/ 1936:29-1936:34 Bool
3652testdata/ 1938:13-1964:14 List StageAttrs 3652testdata/ 1938:13-1964:14 List StageAttrs
3653testdata/ 1938:15-1938:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3653testdata/ 1938:15-1938:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3654testdata/ 1938:15-1939:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3654testdata/ 1938:15-1939:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3655testdata/ 1938:15-1940:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3655testdata/ 1938:15-1940:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3656testdata/ 1938:15-1941:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3656testdata/ 1938:15-1941:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3657testdata/ 1938:15-1942:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3657testdata/ 1938:15-1942:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3658testdata/ 1938:15-1943:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3658testdata/ 1938:15-1943:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3659testdata/ 1938:15-1944:69 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3659testdata/ 1938:15-1944:69 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3660testdata/ 1938:15-1945:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3660testdata/ 1938:15-1945:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3661testdata/ 1938:15-1946:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3661testdata/ 1938:15-1946:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3662testdata/ 1938:15-1947:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3662testdata/ 1938:15-1947:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3663testdata/ 1938:15-1948:46 String->StageAttrs 3663testdata/ 1938:15-1948:46 String -> StageAttrs
3664testdata/ 1938:15-1950:18 StageAttrs 3664testdata/ 1938:15-1950:18 StageAttrs
3665testdata/ 1939:29-1939:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3665testdata/ 1939:29-1939:36 forall a . Maybe a
3666testdata/ 1940:30-1940:50 RGBGen 3666testdata/ 1940:30-1940:50 RGBGen
3667testdata/ 1941:32-1941:42 AlphaGen 3667testdata/ 1941:32-1941:42 AlphaGen
3668testdata/ 1942:29-1942:36 TCGen 3668testdata/ 1942:29-1942:36 TCGen
3669testdata/ 1943:29-1943:31 {a} -> List a 3669testdata/ 1943:29-1943:31 forall a . List a
3670testdata/ 1944:31-1944:37 String->StageTexture 3670testdata/ 1944:31-1944:37 String -> StageTexture
3671testdata/ 1944:31-1944:69 StageTexture 3671testdata/ 1944:31-1944:69 StageTexture
3672testdata/ 1944:38-1944:69 String 3672testdata/ 1944:38-1944:69 String
3673testdata/ 1945:34-1945:38 Bool 3673testdata/ 1945:34-1945:38 Bool
3674testdata/ 1946:33-1946:41 DepthFunction 3674testdata/ 1946:33-1946:41 DepthFunction
3675testdata/ 1947:33-1947:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3675testdata/ 1947:33-1947:40 forall a . Maybe a
3676testdata/ 1948:41-1948:46 Bool 3676testdata/ 1948:41-1948:46 Bool
3677testdata/ 1949:38-1949:54 String 3677testdata/ 1949:38-1949:54 String
3678testdata/ 1951:15-1951:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3678testdata/ 1951:15-1951:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3679testdata/ 1951:15-1952:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3679testdata/ 1951:15-1952:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3680testdata/ 1951:15-1953:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3680testdata/ 1951:15-1953:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3681testdata/ 1951:15-1954:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3681testdata/ 1951:15-1954:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3682testdata/ 1951:15-1955:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3682testdata/ 1951:15-1955:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3683testdata/ 1951:15-1956:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3683testdata/ 1951:15-1956:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3684testdata/ 1951:15-1957:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3684testdata/ 1951:15-1957:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3685testdata/ 1951:15-1958:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3685testdata/ 1951:15-1958:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3686testdata/ 1951:15-1959:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3686testdata/ 1951:15-1959:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3687testdata/ 1951:15-1960:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3687testdata/ 1951:15-1960:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3688testdata/ 1951:15-1961:46 String->StageAttrs 3688testdata/ 1951:15-1961:46 String -> StageAttrs
3689testdata/ 1951:15-1963:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3689testdata/ 1951:15-1963:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3690testdata/ 1952:29-1952:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3690testdata/ 1952:29-1952:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3691testdata/ 1952:29-1952:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3691testdata/ 1952:29-1952:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3692testdata/ 1952:34-1952:57 (Blending', Blending') 3692testdata/ 1952:34-1952:57 (Blending', Blending')
3693testdata/ 1952:36-1952:46 Blending' 3693testdata/ 1952:36-1952:46 Blending'
@@ -3695,79 +3695,79 @@ testdata/ 1952:49-1952:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3695testdata/ 1953:30-1953:50 RGBGen 3695testdata/ 1953:30-1953:50 RGBGen
3696testdata/ 1954:32-1954:42 AlphaGen 3696testdata/ 1954:32-1954:42 AlphaGen
3697testdata/ 1955:29-1955:40 TCGen 3697testdata/ 1955:29-1955:40 TCGen
3698testdata/ 1956:29-1956:31 {a} -> List a 3698testdata/ 1956:29-1956:31 forall a . List a
3699testdata/ 1957:31-1957:42 StageTexture 3699testdata/ 1957:31-1957:42 StageTexture
3700testdata/ 1958:34-1958:38 Bool 3700testdata/ 1958:34-1958:38 Bool
3701testdata/ 1959:33-1959:41 DepthFunction 3701testdata/ 1959:33-1959:41 DepthFunction
3702testdata/ 1960:33-1960:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3702testdata/ 1960:33-1960:40 forall a . Maybe a
3703testdata/ 1961:41-1961:46 Bool 3703testdata/ 1961:41-1961:46 Bool
3704testdata/ 1962:38-1962:54 String 3704testdata/ 1962:38-1962:54 String
3705testdata/ 1965:21-1965:26 Bool 3705testdata/ 1965:21-1965:26 Bool
3706testdata/ 1968:5-2010:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3706testdata/ 1968:5-2010:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3707testdata/ 1968:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3707testdata/ 1968:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3708testdata/ 1968:7-1968:43 String 3708testdata/ 1968:7-1968:43 String
3709testdata/ 1969:7-1969:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3709testdata/ 1969:7-1969:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3710testdata/ 1969:7-1970:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3710testdata/ 1969:7-1970:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3711testdata/ 1969:7-1971:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3711testdata/ 1969:7-1971:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3712testdata/ 1969:7-1972:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3712testdata/ 1969:7-1972:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3713testdata/ 1969:7-1973:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3713testdata/ 1969:7-1973:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3714testdata/ 1969:7-1974:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3714testdata/ 1969:7-1974:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3715testdata/ 1969:7-1975:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3715testdata/ 1969:7-1975:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3716testdata/ 1969:7-1976:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3716testdata/ 1969:7-1976:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3717testdata/ 1969:7-1977:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3717testdata/ 1969:7-1977:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3718testdata/ 1969:7-1978:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3718testdata/ 1969:7-1978:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3719testdata/ 1969:7-1979:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3719testdata/ 1969:7-1979:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3720testdata/ 1969:7-2007:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3720testdata/ 1969:7-2007:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3721testdata/ 1969:7-2009:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3721testdata/ 1969:7-2009:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3722testdata/ 1970:24-1970:26 () 3722testdata/ 1970:24-1970:26 ()
3723testdata/ 1971:24-1971:26 () 3723testdata/ 1971:24-1971:26 ()
3724testdata/ 1972:22-1972:27 Bool 3724testdata/ 1972:22-1972:27 Bool
3725testdata/ 1973:20-1973:21 b_ 3725testdata/ 1973:20-1973:21 _b
3726testdata/ 1974:30-1974:35 Bool 3726testdata/ 1974:30-1974:35 Bool
3727testdata/ 1975:23-1975:28 Bool 3727testdata/ 1975:23-1975:28 Bool
3728testdata/ 1976:20-1976:33 CullType 3728testdata/ 1976:20-1976:33 CullType
3729testdata/ 1977:30-1977:32 {a} -> List a 3729testdata/ 1977:30-1977:32 forall a . List a
3730testdata/ 1978:25-1978:30 Bool 3730testdata/ 1978:25-1978:30 Bool
3731testdata/ 1979:29-1979:34 Bool 3731testdata/ 1979:29-1979:34 Bool
3732testdata/ 1981:13-2007:14 List StageAttrs 3732testdata/ 1981:13-2007:14 List StageAttrs
3733testdata/ 1981:15-1981:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3733testdata/ 1981:15-1981:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3734testdata/ 1981:15-1982:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3734testdata/ 1981:15-1982:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3735testdata/ 1981:15-1983:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3735testdata/ 1981:15-1983:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3736testdata/ 1981:15-1984:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3736testdata/ 1981:15-1984:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3737testdata/ 1981:15-1985:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3737testdata/ 1981:15-1985:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3738testdata/ 1981:15-1986:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3738testdata/ 1981:15-1986:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3739testdata/ 1981:15-1987:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3739testdata/ 1981:15-1987:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3740testdata/ 1981:15-1988:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3740testdata/ 1981:15-1988:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3741testdata/ 1981:15-1989:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3741testdata/ 1981:15-1989:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3742testdata/ 1981:15-1990:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3742testdata/ 1981:15-1990:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3743testdata/ 1981:15-1991:46 String->StageAttrs 3743testdata/ 1981:15-1991:46 String -> StageAttrs
3744testdata/ 1981:15-1993:18 StageAttrs 3744testdata/ 1981:15-1993:18 StageAttrs
3745testdata/ 1982:29-1982:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3745testdata/ 1982:29-1982:36 forall a . Maybe a
3746testdata/ 1983:30-1983:50 RGBGen 3746testdata/ 1983:30-1983:50 RGBGen
3747testdata/ 1984:32-1984:42 AlphaGen 3747testdata/ 1984:32-1984:42 AlphaGen
3748testdata/ 1985:29-1985:36 TCGen 3748testdata/ 1985:29-1985:36 TCGen
3749testdata/ 1986:29-1986:31 {a} -> List a 3749testdata/ 1986:29-1986:31 forall a . List a
3750testdata/ 1987:31-1987:37 String->StageTexture 3750testdata/ 1987:31-1987:37 String -> StageTexture
3751testdata/ 1987:31-1987:74 StageTexture 3751testdata/ 1987:31-1987:74 StageTexture
3752testdata/ 1987:38-1987:74 String 3752testdata/ 1987:38-1987:74 String
3753testdata/ 1988:34-1988:38 Bool 3753testdata/ 1988:34-1988:38 Bool
3754testdata/ 1989:33-1989:41 DepthFunction 3754testdata/ 1989:33-1989:41 DepthFunction
3755testdata/ 1990:33-1990:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3755testdata/ 1990:33-1990:40 forall a . Maybe a
3756testdata/ 1991:41-1991:46 Bool 3756testdata/ 1991:41-1991:46 Bool
3757testdata/ 1992:38-1992:53 String 3757testdata/ 1992:38-1992:53 String
3758testdata/ 1994:15-1994:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3758testdata/ 1994:15-1994:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3759testdata/ 1994:15-1995:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3759testdata/ 1994:15-1995:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3760testdata/ 1994:15-1996:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3760testdata/ 1994:15-1996:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3761testdata/ 1994:15-1997:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3761testdata/ 1994:15-1997:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3762testdata/ 1994:15-1998:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3762testdata/ 1994:15-1998:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3763testdata/ 1994:15-1999:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3763testdata/ 1994:15-1999:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3764testdata/ 1994:15-2000:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3764testdata/ 1994:15-2000:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3765testdata/ 1994:15-2001:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3765testdata/ 1994:15-2001:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3766testdata/ 1994:15-2002:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3766testdata/ 1994:15-2002:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3767testdata/ 1994:15-2003:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3767testdata/ 1994:15-2003:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3768testdata/ 1994:15-2004:46 String->StageAttrs 3768testdata/ 1994:15-2004:46 String -> StageAttrs
3769testdata/ 1994:15-2006:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3769testdata/ 1994:15-2006:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3770testdata/ 1995:29-1995:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3770testdata/ 1995:29-1995:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3771testdata/ 1995:29-1995:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3771testdata/ 1995:29-1995:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3772testdata/ 1995:34-1995:57 (Blending', Blending') 3772testdata/ 1995:34-1995:57 (Blending', Blending')
3773testdata/ 1995:36-1995:46 Blending' 3773testdata/ 1995:36-1995:46 Blending'
@@ -3775,79 +3775,79 @@ testdata/ 1995:49-1995:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3775testdata/ 1996:30-1996:50 RGBGen 3775testdata/ 1996:30-1996:50 RGBGen
3776testdata/ 1997:32-1997:42 AlphaGen 3776testdata/ 1997:32-1997:42 AlphaGen
3777testdata/ 1998:29-1998:40 TCGen 3777testdata/ 1998:29-1998:40 TCGen
3778testdata/ 1999:29-1999:31 {a} -> List a 3778testdata/ 1999:29-1999:31 forall a . List a
3779testdata/ 2000:31-2000:42 StageTexture 3779testdata/ 2000:31-2000:42 StageTexture
3780testdata/ 2001:34-2001:38 Bool 3780testdata/ 2001:34-2001:38 Bool
3781testdata/ 2002:33-2002:41 DepthFunction 3781testdata/ 2002:33-2002:41 DepthFunction
3782testdata/ 2003:33-2003:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3782testdata/ 2003:33-2003:40 forall a . Maybe a
3783testdata/ 2004:41-2004:46 Bool 3783testdata/ 2004:41-2004:46 Bool
3784testdata/ 2005:38-2005:54 String 3784testdata/ 2005:38-2005:54 String
3785testdata/ 2008:21-2008:26 Bool 3785testdata/ 2008:21-2008:26 Bool
3786testdata/ 2011:5-2053:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3786testdata/ 2011:5-2053:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3787testdata/ 2011:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3787testdata/ 2011:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3788testdata/ 2011:7-2011:36 String 3788testdata/ 2011:7-2011:36 String
3789testdata/ 2012:7-2012:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3789testdata/ 2012:7-2012:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3790testdata/ 2012:7-2013:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3790testdata/ 2012:7-2013:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3791testdata/ 2012:7-2014:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3791testdata/ 2012:7-2014:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3792testdata/ 2012:7-2015:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3792testdata/ 2012:7-2015:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3793testdata/ 2012:7-2016:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3793testdata/ 2012:7-2016:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3794testdata/ 2012:7-2017:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3794testdata/ 2012:7-2017:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3795testdata/ 2012:7-2018:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3795testdata/ 2012:7-2018:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3796testdata/ 2012:7-2019:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3796testdata/ 2012:7-2019:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3797testdata/ 2012:7-2020:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3797testdata/ 2012:7-2020:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3798testdata/ 2012:7-2021:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3798testdata/ 2012:7-2021:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3799testdata/ 2012:7-2022:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3799testdata/ 2012:7-2022:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3800testdata/ 2012:7-2050:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3800testdata/ 2012:7-2050:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3801testdata/ 2012:7-2052:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3801testdata/ 2012:7-2052:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3802testdata/ 2013:24-2013:26 () 3802testdata/ 2013:24-2013:26 ()
3803testdata/ 2014:24-2014:26 () 3803testdata/ 2014:24-2014:26 ()
3804testdata/ 2015:22-2015:27 Bool 3804testdata/ 2015:22-2015:27 Bool
3805testdata/ 2016:20-2016:21 b_ 3805testdata/ 2016:20-2016:21 _b
3806testdata/ 2017:30-2017:35 Bool 3806testdata/ 2017:30-2017:35 Bool
3807testdata/ 2018:23-2018:28 Bool 3807testdata/ 2018:23-2018:28 Bool
3808testdata/ 2019:20-2019:33 CullType 3808testdata/ 2019:20-2019:33 CullType
3809testdata/ 2020:30-2020:32 {a} -> List a 3809testdata/ 2020:30-2020:32 forall a . List a
3810testdata/ 2021:25-2021:30 Bool 3810testdata/ 2021:25-2021:30 Bool
3811testdata/ 2022:29-2022:34 Bool 3811testdata/ 2022:29-2022:34 Bool
3812testdata/ 2024:13-2050:14 List StageAttrs 3812testdata/ 2024:13-2050:14 List StageAttrs
3813testdata/ 2024:15-2024:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3813testdata/ 2024:15-2024:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3814testdata/ 2024:15-2025:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3814testdata/ 2024:15-2025:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3815testdata/ 2024:15-2026:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3815testdata/ 2024:15-2026:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3816testdata/ 2024:15-2027:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3816testdata/ 2024:15-2027:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3817testdata/ 2024:15-2028:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3817testdata/ 2024:15-2028:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3818testdata/ 2024:15-2029:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3818testdata/ 2024:15-2029:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3819testdata/ 2024:15-2030:67 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3819testdata/ 2024:15-2030:67 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3820testdata/ 2024:15-2031:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3820testdata/ 2024:15-2031:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3821testdata/ 2024:15-2032:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3821testdata/ 2024:15-2032:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3822testdata/ 2024:15-2033:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3822testdata/ 2024:15-2033:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3823testdata/ 2024:15-2034:46 String->StageAttrs 3823testdata/ 2024:15-2034:46 String -> StageAttrs
3824testdata/ 2024:15-2036:18 StageAttrs 3824testdata/ 2024:15-2036:18 StageAttrs
3825testdata/ 2025:29-2025:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3825testdata/ 2025:29-2025:36 forall a . Maybe a
3826testdata/ 2026:30-2026:50 RGBGen 3826testdata/ 2026:30-2026:50 RGBGen
3827testdata/ 2027:32-2027:42 AlphaGen 3827testdata/ 2027:32-2027:42 AlphaGen
3828testdata/ 2028:29-2028:36 TCGen 3828testdata/ 2028:29-2028:36 TCGen
3829testdata/ 2029:29-2029:31 {a} -> List a 3829testdata/ 2029:29-2029:31 forall a . List a
3830testdata/ 2030:31-2030:37 String->StageTexture 3830testdata/ 2030:31-2030:37 String -> StageTexture
3831testdata/ 2030:31-2030:67 StageTexture 3831testdata/ 2030:31-2030:67 StageTexture
3832testdata/ 2030:38-2030:67 String 3832testdata/ 2030:38-2030:67 String
3833testdata/ 2031:34-2031:38 Bool 3833testdata/ 2031:34-2031:38 Bool
3834testdata/ 2032:33-2032:41 DepthFunction 3834testdata/ 2032:33-2032:41 DepthFunction
3835testdata/ 2033:33-2033:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3835testdata/ 2033:33-2033:40 forall a . Maybe a
3836testdata/ 2034:41-2034:46 Bool 3836testdata/ 2034:41-2034:46 Bool
3837testdata/ 2035:38-2035:54 String 3837testdata/ 2035:38-2035:54 String
3838testdata/ 2037:15-2037:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3838testdata/ 2037:15-2037:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3839testdata/ 2037:15-2038:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3839testdata/ 2037:15-2038:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3840testdata/ 2037:15-2039:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3840testdata/ 2037:15-2039:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3841testdata/ 2037:15-2040:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3841testdata/ 2037:15-2040:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3842testdata/ 2037:15-2041:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3842testdata/ 2037:15-2041:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3843testdata/ 2037:15-2042:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3843testdata/ 2037:15-2042:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3844testdata/ 2037:15-2043:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3844testdata/ 2037:15-2043:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3845testdata/ 2037:15-2044:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3845testdata/ 2037:15-2044:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3846testdata/ 2037:15-2045:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3846testdata/ 2037:15-2045:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3847testdata/ 2037:15-2046:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3847testdata/ 2037:15-2046:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3848testdata/ 2037:15-2047:46 String->StageAttrs 3848testdata/ 2037:15-2047:46 String -> StageAttrs
3849testdata/ 2037:15-2049:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3849testdata/ 2037:15-2049:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3850testdata/ 2038:29-2038:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3850testdata/ 2038:29-2038:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3851testdata/ 2038:29-2038:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3851testdata/ 2038:29-2038:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3852testdata/ 2038:34-2038:57 (Blending', Blending') 3852testdata/ 2038:34-2038:57 (Blending', Blending')
3853testdata/ 2038:36-2038:46 Blending' 3853testdata/ 2038:36-2038:46 Blending'
@@ -3855,79 +3855,79 @@ testdata/ 2038:49-2038:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3855testdata/ 2039:30-2039:50 RGBGen 3855testdata/ 2039:30-2039:50 RGBGen
3856testdata/ 2040:32-2040:42 AlphaGen 3856testdata/ 2040:32-2040:42 AlphaGen
3857testdata/ 2041:29-2041:40 TCGen 3857testdata/ 2041:29-2041:40 TCGen
3858testdata/ 2042:29-2042:31 {a} -> List a 3858testdata/ 2042:29-2042:31 forall a . List a
3859testdata/ 2043:31-2043:42 StageTexture 3859testdata/ 2043:31-2043:42 StageTexture
3860testdata/ 2044:34-2044:38 Bool 3860testdata/ 2044:34-2044:38 Bool
3861testdata/ 2045:33-2045:41 DepthFunction 3861testdata/ 2045:33-2045:41 DepthFunction
3862testdata/ 2046:33-2046:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3862testdata/ 2046:33-2046:40 forall a . Maybe a
3863testdata/ 2047:41-2047:46 Bool 3863testdata/ 2047:41-2047:46 Bool
3864testdata/ 2048:38-2048:54 String 3864testdata/ 2048:38-2048:54 String
3865testdata/ 2051:21-2051:26 Bool 3865testdata/ 2051:21-2051:26 Bool
3866testdata/ 2054:5-2096:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3866testdata/ 2054:5-2096:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3867testdata/ 2054:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3867testdata/ 2054:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3868testdata/ 2054:7-2054:40 String 3868testdata/ 2054:7-2054:40 String
3869testdata/ 2055:7-2055:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3869testdata/ 2055:7-2055:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3870testdata/ 2055:7-2056:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3870testdata/ 2055:7-2056:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3871testdata/ 2055:7-2057:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3871testdata/ 2055:7-2057:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3872testdata/ 2055:7-2058:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3872testdata/ 2055:7-2058:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3873testdata/ 2055:7-2059:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3873testdata/ 2055:7-2059:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3874testdata/ 2055:7-2060:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3874testdata/ 2055:7-2060:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3875testdata/ 2055:7-2061:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3875testdata/ 2055:7-2061:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3876testdata/ 2055:7-2062:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3876testdata/ 2055:7-2062:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3877testdata/ 2055:7-2063:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3877testdata/ 2055:7-2063:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3878testdata/ 2055:7-2064:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3878testdata/ 2055:7-2064:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3879testdata/ 2055:7-2065:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3879testdata/ 2055:7-2065:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3880testdata/ 2055:7-2093:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3880testdata/ 2055:7-2093:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3881testdata/ 2055:7-2095:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3881testdata/ 2055:7-2095:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3882testdata/ 2056:24-2056:26 () 3882testdata/ 2056:24-2056:26 ()
3883testdata/ 2057:24-2057:26 () 3883testdata/ 2057:24-2057:26 ()
3884testdata/ 2058:22-2058:27 Bool 3884testdata/ 2058:22-2058:27 Bool
3885testdata/ 2059:20-2059:21 b_ 3885testdata/ 2059:20-2059:21 _b
3886testdata/ 2060:30-2060:35 Bool 3886testdata/ 2060:30-2060:35 Bool
3887testdata/ 2061:23-2061:28 Bool 3887testdata/ 2061:23-2061:28 Bool
3888testdata/ 2062:20-2062:33 CullType 3888testdata/ 2062:20-2062:33 CullType
3889testdata/ 2063:30-2063:32 {a} -> List a 3889testdata/ 2063:30-2063:32 forall a . List a
3890testdata/ 2064:25-2064:30 Bool 3890testdata/ 2064:25-2064:30 Bool
3891testdata/ 2065:29-2065:34 Bool 3891testdata/ 2065:29-2065:34 Bool
3892testdata/ 2067:13-2093:14 List StageAttrs 3892testdata/ 2067:13-2093:14 List StageAttrs
3893testdata/ 2067:15-2067:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3893testdata/ 2067:15-2067:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3894testdata/ 2067:15-2068:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3894testdata/ 2067:15-2068:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3895testdata/ 2067:15-2069:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3895testdata/ 2067:15-2069:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3896testdata/ 2067:15-2070:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3896testdata/ 2067:15-2070:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3897testdata/ 2067:15-2071:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3897testdata/ 2067:15-2071:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3898testdata/ 2067:15-2072:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3898testdata/ 2067:15-2072:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3899testdata/ 2067:15-2073:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3899testdata/ 2067:15-2073:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3900testdata/ 2067:15-2074:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3900testdata/ 2067:15-2074:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3901testdata/ 2067:15-2075:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3901testdata/ 2067:15-2075:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3902testdata/ 2067:15-2076:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3902testdata/ 2067:15-2076:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3903testdata/ 2067:15-2077:46 String->StageAttrs 3903testdata/ 2067:15-2077:46 String -> StageAttrs
3904testdata/ 2067:15-2079:18 StageAttrs 3904testdata/ 2067:15-2079:18 StageAttrs
3905testdata/ 2068:29-2068:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3905testdata/ 2068:29-2068:36 forall a . Maybe a
3906testdata/ 2069:30-2069:50 RGBGen 3906testdata/ 2069:30-2069:50 RGBGen
3907testdata/ 2070:32-2070:42 AlphaGen 3907testdata/ 2070:32-2070:42 AlphaGen
3908testdata/ 2071:29-2071:36 TCGen 3908testdata/ 2071:29-2071:36 TCGen
3909testdata/ 2072:29-2072:31 {a} -> List a 3909testdata/ 2072:29-2072:31 forall a . List a
3910testdata/ 2073:31-2073:37 String->StageTexture 3910testdata/ 2073:31-2073:37 String -> StageTexture
3911testdata/ 2073:31-2073:71 StageTexture 3911testdata/ 2073:31-2073:71 StageTexture
3912testdata/ 2073:38-2073:71 String 3912testdata/ 2073:38-2073:71 String
3913testdata/ 2074:34-2074:38 Bool 3913testdata/ 2074:34-2074:38 Bool
3914testdata/ 2075:33-2075:41 DepthFunction 3914testdata/ 2075:33-2075:41 DepthFunction
3915testdata/ 2076:33-2076:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3915testdata/ 2076:33-2076:40 forall a . Maybe a
3916testdata/ 2077:41-2077:46 Bool 3916testdata/ 2077:41-2077:46 Bool
3917testdata/ 2078:38-2078:54 String 3917testdata/ 2078:38-2078:54 String
3918testdata/ 2080:15-2080:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3918testdata/ 2080:15-2080:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3919testdata/ 2080:15-2081:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3919testdata/ 2080:15-2081:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3920testdata/ 2080:15-2082:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3920testdata/ 2080:15-2082:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3921testdata/ 2080:15-2083:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3921testdata/ 2080:15-2083:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3922testdata/ 2080:15-2084:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3922testdata/ 2080:15-2084:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3923testdata/ 2080:15-2085:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3923testdata/ 2080:15-2085:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3924testdata/ 2080:15-2086:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3924testdata/ 2080:15-2086:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3925testdata/ 2080:15-2087:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3925testdata/ 2080:15-2087:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3926testdata/ 2080:15-2088:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3926testdata/ 2080:15-2088:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3927testdata/ 2080:15-2089:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3927testdata/ 2080:15-2089:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3928testdata/ 2080:15-2090:46 String->StageAttrs 3928testdata/ 2080:15-2090:46 String -> StageAttrs
3929testdata/ 2080:15-2092:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3929testdata/ 2080:15-2092:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3930testdata/ 2081:29-2081:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3930testdata/ 2081:29-2081:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3931testdata/ 2081:29-2081:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3931testdata/ 2081:29-2081:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3932testdata/ 2081:34-2081:57 (Blending', Blending') 3932testdata/ 2081:34-2081:57 (Blending', Blending')
3933testdata/ 2081:36-2081:46 Blending' 3933testdata/ 2081:36-2081:46 Blending'
@@ -3935,79 +3935,79 @@ testdata/ 2081:49-2081:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
3935testdata/ 2082:30-2082:50 RGBGen 3935testdata/ 2082:30-2082:50 RGBGen
3936testdata/ 2083:32-2083:42 AlphaGen 3936testdata/ 2083:32-2083:42 AlphaGen
3937testdata/ 2084:29-2084:40 TCGen 3937testdata/ 2084:29-2084:40 TCGen
3938testdata/ 2085:29-2085:31 {a} -> List a 3938testdata/ 2085:29-2085:31 forall a . List a
3939testdata/ 2086:31-2086:42 StageTexture 3939testdata/ 2086:31-2086:42 StageTexture
3940testdata/ 2087:34-2087:38 Bool 3940testdata/ 2087:34-2087:38 Bool
3941testdata/ 2088:33-2088:41 DepthFunction 3941testdata/ 2088:33-2088:41 DepthFunction
3942testdata/ 2089:33-2089:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3942testdata/ 2089:33-2089:40 forall a . Maybe a
3943testdata/ 2090:41-2090:46 Bool 3943testdata/ 2090:41-2090:46 Bool
3944testdata/ 2091:38-2091:54 String 3944testdata/ 2091:38-2091:54 String
3945testdata/ 2094:21-2094:26 Bool 3945testdata/ 2094:21-2094:26 Bool
3946testdata/ 2097:5-2139:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3946testdata/ 2097:5-2139:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3947testdata/ 2097:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3947testdata/ 2097:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3948testdata/ 2097:7-2097:50 String 3948testdata/ 2097:7-2097:50 String
3949testdata/ 2098:7-2098:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3949testdata/ 2098:7-2098:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3950testdata/ 2098:7-2099:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3950testdata/ 2098:7-2099:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3951testdata/ 2098:7-2100:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3951testdata/ 2098:7-2100:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3952testdata/ 2098:7-2101:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3952testdata/ 2098:7-2101:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3953testdata/ 2098:7-2102:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3953testdata/ 2098:7-2102:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3954testdata/ 2098:7-2103:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3954testdata/ 2098:7-2103:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3955testdata/ 2098:7-2104:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3955testdata/ 2098:7-2104:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3956testdata/ 2098:7-2105:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3956testdata/ 2098:7-2105:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3957testdata/ 2098:7-2106:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3957testdata/ 2098:7-2106:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3958testdata/ 2098:7-2107:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3958testdata/ 2098:7-2107:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3959testdata/ 2098:7-2108:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3959testdata/ 2098:7-2108:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3960testdata/ 2098:7-2136:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3960testdata/ 2098:7-2136:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3961testdata/ 2098:7-2138:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3961testdata/ 2098:7-2138:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3962testdata/ 2099:24-2099:26 () 3962testdata/ 2099:24-2099:26 ()
3963testdata/ 2100:24-2100:26 () 3963testdata/ 2100:24-2100:26 ()
3964testdata/ 2101:22-2101:27 Bool 3964testdata/ 2101:22-2101:27 Bool
3965testdata/ 2102:20-2102:21 b_ 3965testdata/ 2102:20-2102:21 _b
3966testdata/ 2103:30-2103:35 Bool 3966testdata/ 2103:30-2103:35 Bool
3967testdata/ 2104:23-2104:28 Bool 3967testdata/ 2104:23-2104:28 Bool
3968testdata/ 2105:20-2105:33 CullType 3968testdata/ 2105:20-2105:33 CullType
3969testdata/ 2106:30-2106:32 {a} -> List a 3969testdata/ 2106:30-2106:32 forall a . List a
3970testdata/ 2107:25-2107:30 Bool 3970testdata/ 2107:25-2107:30 Bool
3971testdata/ 2108:29-2108:34 Bool 3971testdata/ 2108:29-2108:34 Bool
3972testdata/ 2110:13-2136:14 List StageAttrs 3972testdata/ 2110:13-2136:14 List StageAttrs
3973testdata/ 2110:15-2110:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3973testdata/ 2110:15-2110:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3974testdata/ 2110:15-2111:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3974testdata/ 2110:15-2111:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3975testdata/ 2110:15-2112:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3975testdata/ 2110:15-2112:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3976testdata/ 2110:15-2113:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3976testdata/ 2110:15-2113:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3977testdata/ 2110:15-2114:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3977testdata/ 2110:15-2114:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3978testdata/ 2110:15-2115:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3978testdata/ 2110:15-2115:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3979testdata/ 2110:15-2116:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3979testdata/ 2110:15-2116:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3980testdata/ 2110:15-2117:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3980testdata/ 2110:15-2117:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3981testdata/ 2110:15-2118:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3981testdata/ 2110:15-2118:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3982testdata/ 2110:15-2119:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3982testdata/ 2110:15-2119:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3983testdata/ 2110:15-2120:46 String->StageAttrs 3983testdata/ 2110:15-2120:46 String -> StageAttrs
3984testdata/ 2110:15-2122:18 StageAttrs 3984testdata/ 2110:15-2122:18 StageAttrs
3985testdata/ 2111:29-2111:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3985testdata/ 2111:29-2111:36 forall a . Maybe a
3986testdata/ 2112:30-2112:50 RGBGen 3986testdata/ 2112:30-2112:50 RGBGen
3987testdata/ 2113:32-2113:42 AlphaGen 3987testdata/ 2113:32-2113:42 AlphaGen
3988testdata/ 2114:29-2114:36 TCGen 3988testdata/ 2114:29-2114:36 TCGen
3989testdata/ 2115:29-2115:31 {a} -> List a 3989testdata/ 2115:29-2115:31 forall a . List a
3990testdata/ 2116:31-2116:37 String->StageTexture 3990testdata/ 2116:31-2116:37 String -> StageTexture
3991testdata/ 2116:31-2116:81 StageTexture 3991testdata/ 2116:31-2116:81 StageTexture
3992testdata/ 2116:38-2116:81 String 3992testdata/ 2116:38-2116:81 String
3993testdata/ 2117:34-2117:38 Bool 3993testdata/ 2117:34-2117:38 Bool
3994testdata/ 2118:33-2118:41 DepthFunction 3994testdata/ 2118:33-2118:41 DepthFunction
3995testdata/ 2119:33-2119:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3995testdata/ 2119:33-2119:40 forall a . Maybe a
3996testdata/ 2120:41-2120:46 Bool 3996testdata/ 2120:41-2120:46 Bool
3997testdata/ 2121:38-2121:53 String 3997testdata/ 2121:38-2121:53 String
3998testdata/ 2123:15-2123:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3998testdata/ 2123:15-2123:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3999testdata/ 2123:15-2124:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3999testdata/ 2123:15-2124:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4000testdata/ 2123:15-2125:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4000testdata/ 2123:15-2125:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4001testdata/ 2123:15-2126:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4001testdata/ 2123:15-2126:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4002testdata/ 2123:15-2127:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4002testdata/ 2123:15-2127:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4003testdata/ 2123:15-2128:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4003testdata/ 2123:15-2128:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4004testdata/ 2123:15-2129:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4004testdata/ 2123:15-2129:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4005testdata/ 2123:15-2130:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4005testdata/ 2123:15-2130:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4006testdata/ 2123:15-2131:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4006testdata/ 2123:15-2131:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4007testdata/ 2123:15-2132:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4007testdata/ 2123:15-2132:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4008testdata/ 2123:15-2133:46 String->StageAttrs 4008testdata/ 2123:15-2133:46 String -> StageAttrs
4009testdata/ 2123:15-2135:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 4009testdata/ 2123:15-2135:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
4010testdata/ 2124:29-2124:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 4010testdata/ 2124:29-2124:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
4011testdata/ 2124:29-2124:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 4011testdata/ 2124:29-2124:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
4012testdata/ 2124:34-2124:57 (Blending', Blending') 4012testdata/ 2124:34-2124:57 (Blending', Blending')
4013testdata/ 2124:36-2124:46 Blending' 4013testdata/ 2124:36-2124:46 Blending'
@@ -4015,78 +4015,78 @@ testdata/ 2124:49-2124:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
4015testdata/ 2125:30-2125:50 RGBGen 4015testdata/ 2125:30-2125:50 RGBGen
4016testdata/ 2126:32-2126:42 AlphaGen 4016testdata/ 2126:32-2126:42 AlphaGen
4017testdata/ 2127:29-2127:40 TCGen 4017testdata/ 2127:29-2127:40 TCGen
4018testdata/ 2128:29-2128:31 {a} -> List a 4018testdata/ 2128:29-2128:31 forall a . List a
4019testdata/ 2129:31-2129:42 StageTexture 4019testdata/ 2129:31-2129:42 StageTexture
4020testdata/ 2130:34-2130:38 Bool 4020testdata/ 2130:34-2130:38 Bool
4021testdata/ 2131:33-2131:41 DepthFunction 4021testdata/ 2131:33-2131:41 DepthFunction
4022testdata/ 2132:33-2132:40 {a} -> Maybe a 4022testdata/ 2132:33-2132:40 forall a . Maybe a
4023testdata/ 2133:41-2133:46 Bool 4023testdata/ 2133:41-2133:46 Bool
4024testdata/ 2134:38-2134:54 String 4024testdata/ 2134:38-2134:54 String
4025testdata/ 2137:21-2137:26 Bool 4025testdata/ 2137:21-2137:26 Bool
4026testdata/ 2140:5-2182:6 (String, CommonAttrs) | List (String, CommonAttrs) 4026testdata/ 2140:5-2182:6 (String, CommonAttrs) | List (String, CommonAttrs)
4027testdata/ 2140:7-2140:50 String 4027testdata/ 2140:7-2140:50 String
4028testdata/ 2141:7-2141:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4028testdata/ 2141:7-2141:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4029testdata/ 2141:7-2142:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4029testdata/ 2141:7-2142:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4030testdata/ 2141:7-2143:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4030testdata/ 2141:7-2143:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4031testdata/ 2141:7-2144:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4031testdata/ 2141:7-2144:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4032testdata/ 2141:7-2145:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4032testdata/ 2141:7-2145:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4033testdata/ 2141:7-2146:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4033testdata/ 2141:7-2146:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4034testdata/ 2141:7-2147:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4034testdata/ 2141:7-2147:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4035testdata/ 2141:7-2148:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4035testdata/ 2141:7-2148:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4036testdata/ 2141:7-2149:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4036testdata/ 2141:7-2149:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4037testdata/ 2141:7-2150:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4037testdata/ 2141:7-2150:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4038testdata/ 2141:7-2151:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4038testdata/ 2141:7-2151:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4039testdata/ 2141:7-2179:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 4039testdata/ 2141:7-2179:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
4040testdata/ 2141:7-2181:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 4040testdata/ 2141:7-2181:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
4041testdata/ 2142:24-2142:26 () 4041testdata/ 2142:24-2142:26 ()
4042testdata/ 2143:24-2143:26 () 4042testdata/ 2143:24-2143:26 ()
4043testdata/ 2144:22-2144:27 Bool 4043testdata/ 2144:22-2144:27 Bool
4044testdata/ 2145:20-2145:21 b_ 4044testdata/ 2145:20-2145:21 _b
4045testdata/ 2146:30-2146:35 Bool 4045testdata/ 2146:30-2146:35 Bool
4046testdata/ 2147:23-2147:28 Bool 4046testdata/ 2147:23-2147:28 Bool
4047testdata/ 2148:20-2148:33 CullType 4047testdata/ 2148:20-2148:33 CullType
4048testdata/ 2149:30-2149:32 {a} -> List a 4048testdata/ 2149:30-2149:32 forall a . List a
4049testdata/ 2150:25-2150:30 Bool 4049testdata/ 2150:25-2150:30 Bool
4050testdata/ 2151:29-2151:34 Bool 4050testdata/ 2151:29-2151:34 Bool
4051testdata/ 2153:13-2179:14 List StageAttrs 4051testdata/ 2153:13-2179:14 List StageAttrs
4052testdata/ 2153:15-2153:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4052testdata/ 2153:15-2153:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4053testdata/ 2153:15-2154:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4053testdata/ 2153:15-2154:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4054testdata/ 2153:15-2155:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4054testdata/ 2153:15-2155:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4055testdata/ 2153:15-2156:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4055testdata/ 2153:15-2156:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4056testdata/ 2153:15-2157:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4056testdata/ 2153:15-2157:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4057testdata/ 2153:15-2158:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4057testdata/ 2153:15-2158:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4058testdata/ 2153:15-2159:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4058testdata/ 2153:15-2159:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4059testdata/ 2153:15-2160:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4059testdata/ 2153:15-2160:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4060testdata/ 2153:15-2161:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4060testdata/ 2153:15-2161:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4061testdata/ 2153:15-2162:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4061testdata/ 2153:15-2162:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4062testdata/ 2153:15-2163:46 String->StageAttrs 4062testdata/ 2153:15-2163:46 String -> StageAttrs
4063testdata/ 2153:15-2165:18 StageAttrs 4063testdata/ 2153:15-2165:18 StageAttrs
4064testdata/ 2154:29-2154:36 {a} -> Maybe a 4064testdata/ 2154:29-2154:36 forall a . Maybe a
4065testdata/ 2155:30-2155:50 RGBGen 4065testdata/ 2155:30-2155:50 RGBGen
4066testdata/ 2156:32-2156:42 AlphaGen 4066testdata/ 2156:32-2156:42 AlphaGen
4067testdata/ 2157:29-2157:36 TCGen 4067testdata/ 2157:29-2157:36 TCGen
4068testdata/ 2158:29-2158:31 {a} -> List a 4068testdata/ 2158:29-2158:31 forall a . List a
4069testdata/ 2159:31-2159:37 String->StageTexture 4069testdata/ 2159:31-2159:37 String -> StageTexture
4070testdata/ 2159:31-2159:81 StageTexture 4070testdata/ 2159:31-2159:81 StageTexture
4071testdata/ 2159:38-2159:81 String 4071testdata/ 2159:38-2159:81 String
4072testdata/ 2160:34-2160:38 Bool 4072testdata/ 2160:34-2160:38 Bool
4073testdata/ 2161:33-2161:41 DepthFunction 4073testdata/ 2161:33-2161:41 DepthFunction
4074testdata/ 2162:33-2162:40 {a} -> Maybe a 4074testdata/ 2162:33-2162:40 forall a . Maybe a
4075testdata/ 2163:41-2163:46 Bool 4075testdata/ 2163:41-2163:46 Bool
4076testdata/ 2164:38-2164:54 String 4076testdata/ 2164:38-2164:54 String
4077testdata/ 2166:15-2166:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4077testdata/ 2166:15-2166:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4078testdata/ 2166:15-2167:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4078testdata/ 2166:15-2167:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4079testdata/ 2166:15-2168:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4079testdata/ 2166:15-2168:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4080testdata/ 2166:15-2169:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4080testdata/ 2166:15-2169:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4081testdata/ 2166:15-2170:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4081testdata/ 2166:15-2170:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4082testdata/ 2166:15-2171:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4082testdata/ 2166:15-2171:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4083testdata/ 2166:15-2172:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4083testdata/ 2166:15-2172:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4084testdata/ 2166:15-2173:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4084testdata/ 2166:15-2173:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4085testdata/ 2166:15-2174:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4085testdata/ 2166:15-2174:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4086testdata/ 2166:15-2175:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4086testdata/ 2166:15-2175:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4087testdata/ 2166:15-2176:46 String->StageAttrs 4087testdata/ 2166:15-2176:46 String -> StageAttrs
4088testdata/ 2166:15-2178:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 4088testdata/ 2166:15-2178:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
4089testdata/ 2167:29-2167:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 4089testdata/ 2167:29-2167:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
4090testdata/ 2167:29-2167:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 4090testdata/ 2167:29-2167:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
4091testdata/ 2167:34-2167:57 (Blending', Blending') 4091testdata/ 2167:34-2167:57 (Blending', Blending')
4092testdata/ 2167:36-2167:46 Blending' 4092testdata/ 2167:36-2167:46 Blending'
@@ -4094,11 +4094,11 @@ testdata/ 2167:49-2167:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
4094testdata/ 2168:30-2168:50 RGBGen 4094testdata/ 2168:30-2168:50 RGBGen
4095testdata/ 2169:32-2169:42 AlphaGen 4095testdata/ 2169:32-2169:42 AlphaGen
4096testdata/ 2170:29-2170:40 TCGen 4096testdata/ 2170:29-2170:40 TCGen
4097testdata/ 2171:29-2171:31 {a} -> List a 4097testdata/ 2171:29-2171:31 forall a . List a
4098testdata/ 2172:31-2172:42 StageTexture 4098testdata/ 2172:31-2172:42 StageTexture
4099testdata/ 2173:34-2173:38 Bool 4099testdata/ 2173:34-2173:38 Bool
4100testdata/ 2174:33-2174:41 DepthFunction 4100testdata/ 2174:33-2174:41 DepthFunction
4101testdata/ 2175:33-2175:40 {a} -> Maybe a 4101testdata/ 2175:33-2175:40 forall a . Maybe a
4102testdata/ 2176:41-2176:46 Bool 4102testdata/ 2176:41-2176:46 Bool
4103testdata/ 2177:38-2177:54 String 4103testdata/ 2177:38-2177:54 String
4104testdata/ 2180:21-2180:26 Bool 4104testdata/ 2180:21-2180:26 Bool
diff --git a/testdata/adhoc.reject.out b/testdata/adhoc.reject.out
index 7322b12d..f9fa8c49 100644
--- a/testdata/adhoc.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/adhoc.reject.out
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ x = one :: Vec 4 A
6------------ trace 6------------ trace
7'A :: Type 7'A :: Type
8A :: 'A 8A :: 'A
9'ACase :: (a : 'A->Type) -> a A -> (b:'A) -> a b 9'ACase :: (a :: 'A -> Type) -> a A -> (b :: 'A) -> a b
10match'A :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'A -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 10match'A :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'A -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
11!type error: no instance of 'Component on ??? 11!type error: no instance of 'Component on ???
12in testdata/ 12in testdata/
13x = one :: Vec 4 A 13x = one :: Vec 4 A
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ x = one :: Vec 4 A
17testdata/ 2:6-2:7 Type 17testdata/ 2:6-2:7 Type
18testdata/ 2:6-2:11 Type 18testdata/ 2:6-2:11 Type
19testdata/ 2:10-2:11 A 19testdata/ 2:10-2:11 A
20testdata/ 4:5-4:8 {a} -> {_ : Component a}->a 20testdata/ 4:5-4:8 forall a . Component a => a
21testdata/ 4:12-4:15 Nat -> Type->Type 21testdata/ 4:12-4:15 Nat -> Type -> Type
22testdata/ 4:12-4:17 Type->Type 22testdata/ 4:12-4:17 Type -> Type
23testdata/ 4:12-4:19 Type 23testdata/ 4:12-4:19 Type
24testdata/ 4:16-4:17 b_ 24testdata/ 4:16-4:17 _b
25testdata/ 4:18-4:19 Type 25testdata/ 4:18-4:19 Type
diff --git a/testdata/ambig.out b/testdata/ambig.out
index 04665182..35d323b3 100644
--- a/testdata/ambig.out
+++ b/testdata/ambig.out
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3h :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> (b -> d->c) -> (b, d) -> a->c 3h :: forall a b c d . (b -> d -> c) -> (b, d) -> a -> c
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/ 4:1-4:2 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> (b -> d->c) -> (b, d) -> a->c 5testdata/ 4:1-4:2 forall a b c d . (b -> d -> c) -> (b, d) -> a -> c
6testdata/ 4:11-4:12 c_ 6testdata/ 4:11-4:12 _c
7testdata/ 7:9-7:29 b_ 7testdata/ 7:9-7:29 _b
8testdata/ 7:21-7:22 s_ 8testdata/ 7:21-7:22 _s
9testdata/ 7:21-7:26 HList c_ -> b_ | c_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ | d_ 9testdata/ 7:21-7:26 HList _c -> _b | _c | _c -> HList _b -> _a | _d
10testdata/ 7:23-7:24 n_ 10testdata/ 7:23-7:24 _n
11testdata/ 7:25-7:26 j_ 11testdata/ 7:25-7:26 _j
12testdata/ 7:28-7:29 g_ 12testdata/ 7:28-7:29 _g
diff --git a/testdata/complex.out b/testdata/complex.out
index 6152c39a..c7a8df09 100644
--- a/testdata/complex.out
+++ b/testdata/complex.out
@@ -3,197 +3,197 @@ main is not found
3'Repr :: Type 3'Repr :: Type
4Normal :: 'Repr 4Normal :: 'Repr
5Polar :: 'Repr 5Polar :: 'Repr
6'ReprCase :: (a : 'Repr->Type) -> a Normal -> a Polar -> (b:'Repr) -> a b 6'ReprCase :: (a :: 'Repr -> Type) -> a Normal -> a Polar -> (b :: 'Repr) -> a b
7match'Repr :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Repr -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 7match'Repr :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Repr -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
8'Complex :: 'Repr->Type 8'Complex :: 'Repr -> Type
9Complex :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Complex a 9Complex :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Complex a
10'ComplexCase :: (a : (b:'Repr) -> 'Complex b -> Type) -> ({c:'Repr} -> (d:'Float) -> (e:'Float) -> a c (Complex c d e)) -> {f:'Repr} -> (g : 'Complex f) -> a f g 10'ComplexCase :: (a :: (b :: 'Repr) -> 'Complex b -> Type) -> (forall (c :: 'Repr) . (d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'Float) -> a c (Complex c d e)) -> forall (f :: 'Repr) . (g :: 'Complex f) -> a f g
11match'Complex :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:'Repr) -> a ('Complex b)) -> (c:Type) -> a c -> a c 11match'Complex :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Repr) -> a ('Complex b)) -> (c :: Type) -> a c -> a c
12repr :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Repr 12repr :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Repr
13normal :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Complex Normal 13normal :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Complex Normal
14polar :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Complex Polar 14polar :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Complex Polar
15cabs :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Float 15cabs :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Float
16toPolar :: 'Complex Normal -> 'Complex Polar 16toPolar :: 'Complex Normal -> 'Complex Polar
17toNormal :: 'Complex Polar -> 'Complex Normal 17toNormal :: 'Complex Polar -> 'Complex Normal
18it_should_fail :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Float 18it_should_fail :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Float
19add :: {a:'Repr} -> {b:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Complex b -> 'Complex a 19add :: forall (a :: 'Repr) (b :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Complex b -> 'Complex a
20mul :: {a:'Repr} -> {b:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Complex b -> 'Complex a 20mul :: forall (a :: 'Repr) (b :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Complex b -> 'Complex a
21s :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Complex a 21s :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Complex a
22s4 :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Complex a 22s4 :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Complex a
23iter :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'Complex a 23iter :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'Complex a
24mandel :: {a:'Repr} -> 'Complex a -> 'VecScalar 1 'Bool 24mandel :: forall (a :: 'Repr) . 'Complex a -> 'VecScalar 1 'Bool
25------------ tooltips 25------------ tooltips
26testdata/ 3:6-3:10 Type 26testdata/ 3:6-3:10 Type
27testdata/ 3:6-3:27 Type 27testdata/ 3:6-3:27 Type
28testdata/ 3:13-3:19 Repr 28testdata/ 3:13-3:19 Repr
29testdata/ 3:22-3:27 Repr 29testdata/ 3:22-3:27 Repr
30testdata/ 5:6-5:13 Repr->Type | Type 30testdata/ 5:6-5:13 Repr -> Type | Type
31testdata/ 5:6-6:52 Type 31testdata/ 5:6-6:52 Type
32testdata/ 5:17-5:21 Type 32testdata/ 5:17-5:21 Type
33testdata/ 5:25-5:29 Type 33testdata/ 5:25-5:29 Type
34testdata/ 6:3-6:10 Complex c_ | {a:Repr} -> Float -> Float -> Complex a 34testdata/ 6:3-6:10 Complex _c | forall (a :: Repr) . Float -> Float -> Complex a
35testdata/ 6:3-6:52 Type 35testdata/ 6:3-6:52 Type
36testdata/ 6:25-6:30 Type 36testdata/ 6:25-6:30 Type
37testdata/ 6:25-6:52 Type 37testdata/ 6:25-6:52 Type
38testdata/ 6:34-6:39 Type 38testdata/ 6:34-6:39 Type
39testdata/ 6:34-6:52 Type 39testdata/ 6:34-6:52 Type
40testdata/ 6:43-6:50 Repr->Type 40testdata/ 6:43-6:50 Repr -> Type
41testdata/ 6:43-6:52 Type 41testdata/ 6:43-6:52 Type
42testdata/ 6:51-6:52 Repr | d_ 42testdata/ 6:51-6:52 Repr | _d
43testdata/ 8:20-8:27 Repr->Type 43testdata/ 8:20-8:27 Repr -> Type
44testdata/ 8:20-8:29 Type 44testdata/ 8:20-8:29 Type
45testdata/ 8:20-8:37 Type 45testdata/ 8:20-8:37 Type
46testdata/ 8:28-8:29 b_ 46testdata/ 8:28-8:29 _b
47testdata/ 8:33-8:37 Type 47testdata/ 8:33-8:37 Type
48testdata/ 9:1-9:5 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Repr 48testdata/ 9:1-9:5 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Repr
49testdata/ 9:13-9:14 Complex a_ -> Repr | Repr | {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Repr 49testdata/ 9:13-9:14 Complex _a -> Repr | Repr | forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Repr
50testdata/ 11:11-11:16 Type 50testdata/ 11:11-11:16 Type
51testdata/ 11:20-11:25 Type 51testdata/ 11:20-11:25 Type
52testdata/ 11:20-11:43 Type 52testdata/ 11:20-11:43 Type
53testdata/ 11:29-11:36 Repr->Type 53testdata/ 11:29-11:36 Repr -> Type
54testdata/ 11:29-11:43 Type 54testdata/ 11:29-11:43 Type
55testdata/ 11:37-11:43 Repr 55testdata/ 11:37-11:43 Repr
56testdata/ 12:1-12:7 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Normal 56testdata/ 12:1-12:7 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Normal
57testdata/ 12:14-12:21 {a:Repr} -> Float -> Float -> Complex a 57testdata/ 12:14-12:21 forall (a :: Repr) . Float -> Float -> Complex a
58testdata/ 12:14-12:23 Float -> Complex a_ 58testdata/ 12:14-12:23 Float -> Complex _a
59testdata/ 12:14-12:25 Complex 'Normal | Float -> Complex 'Normal | Float -> Float -> Complex 'Normal 59testdata/ 12:14-12:25 Complex 'Normal | Float -> Complex 'Normal | Float -> Float -> Complex 'Normal
60testdata/ 12:22-12:23 Float 60testdata/ 12:22-12:23 Float
61testdata/ 12:24-12:25 Float 61testdata/ 12:24-12:25 Float
62testdata/ 14:10-14:15 Type 62testdata/ 14:10-14:15 Type
63testdata/ 14:19-14:24 Type 63testdata/ 14:19-14:24 Type
64testdata/ 14:19-14:41 Type 64testdata/ 14:19-14:41 Type
65testdata/ 14:28-14:35 Repr->Type 65testdata/ 14:28-14:35 Repr -> Type
66testdata/ 14:28-14:41 Type 66testdata/ 14:28-14:41 Type
67testdata/ 14:36-14:41 Repr 67testdata/ 14:36-14:41 Repr
68testdata/ 15:1-15:6 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 68testdata/ 15:1-15:6 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
69testdata/ 15:13-15:20 {a:Repr} -> Float -> Float -> Complex a 69testdata/ 15:13-15:20 forall (a :: Repr) . Float -> Float -> Complex a
70testdata/ 15:13-15:22 Float -> Complex a_ 70testdata/ 15:13-15:22 Float -> Complex _a
71testdata/ 15:13-15:24 Complex 'Polar | Float -> Complex 'Polar | Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 71testdata/ 15:13-15:24 Complex 'Polar | Float -> Complex 'Polar | Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
72testdata/ 15:21-15:22 Float 72testdata/ 15:21-15:22 Float
73testdata/ 15:23-15:24 Float 73testdata/ 15:23-15:24 Float
74testdata/ 18:20-18:27 Repr->Type 74testdata/ 18:20-18:27 Repr -> Type
75testdata/ 18:20-18:29 Type 75testdata/ 18:20-18:29 Type
76testdata/ 18:20-18:38 Type 76testdata/ 18:20-18:38 Type
77testdata/ 18:28-18:29 b_ 77testdata/ 18:28-18:29 _b
78testdata/ 18:33-18:38 Type 78testdata/ 18:33-18:38 Type
79testdata/ 19:1-19:5 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Float 79testdata/ 19:1-19:5 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Float
80testdata/ 19:34-19:38 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 80testdata/ 19:34-19:38 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
81testdata/ 19:34-19:50 Float | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ | VecScalar 1 Float 81testdata/ 19:34-19:50 Float | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c | VecScalar 1 Float
82testdata/ 19:34-20:35 Complex a_ -> Float | Float | Repr->Float | {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Float 82testdata/ 19:34-20:35 Complex _a -> Float | Float | Repr -> Float | forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Float
83testdata/ 19:40-19:41 Float 83testdata/ 19:40-19:41 Float
84testdata/ 19:40-19:42 Float->Float 84testdata/ 19:40-19:42 Float -> Float
85testdata/ 19:40-19:43 Float 85testdata/ 19:40-19:43 Float
86testdata/ 19:40-19:45 Float->Float 86testdata/ 19:40-19:45 Float -> Float
87testdata/ 19:40-19:49 Float 87testdata/ 19:40-19:49 Float
88testdata/ 19:41-19:42 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 88testdata/ 19:41-19:42 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
89testdata/ 19:42-19:43 Float 89testdata/ 19:42-19:43 Float
90testdata/ 19:44-19:45 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 90testdata/ 19:44-19:45 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
91testdata/ 19:46-19:47 Float 91testdata/ 19:46-19:47 Float
92testdata/ 19:46-19:48 Float->Float 92testdata/ 19:46-19:48 Float -> Float
93testdata/ 19:46-19:49 Float 93testdata/ 19:46-19:49 Float
94testdata/ 19:47-19:48 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 94testdata/ 19:47-19:48 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
95testdata/ 19:48-19:49 Float 95testdata/ 19:48-19:49 Float
96testdata/ 20:34-20:35 Float | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ 96testdata/ 20:34-20:35 Float | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c
97testdata/ 22:12-22:19 Repr->Type 97testdata/ 22:12-22:19 Repr -> Type
98testdata/ 22:12-22:26 Type 98testdata/ 22:12-22:26 Type
99testdata/ 22:20-22:26 Repr 99testdata/ 22:20-22:26 Repr
100testdata/ 22:30-22:37 Repr->Type 100testdata/ 22:30-22:37 Repr -> Type
101testdata/ 22:30-22:43 Type 101testdata/ 22:30-22:43 Type
102testdata/ 22:38-22:43 Repr 102testdata/ 22:38-22:43 Repr
103testdata/ 23:1-23:8 Complex 'Normal -> Complex 'Polar 103testdata/ 23:1-23:8 Complex 'Normal -> Complex 'Polar
104testdata/ 24:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar 104testdata/ 24:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar
105testdata/ 24:8-31:25 Complex 'Normal -> Complex 'Polar | Complex 'Polar | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ 105testdata/ 24:8-31:25 Complex 'Normal -> Complex 'Polar | Complex 'Polar | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c
106testdata/ 24:11-24:12 Float 106testdata/ 24:11-24:12 Float
107testdata/ 24:11-24:14 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 107testdata/ 24:11-24:14 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
108testdata/ 24:11-24:19 VecScalar 1 Bool 108testdata/ 24:11-24:19 VecScalar 1 Bool
109testdata/ 24:11-24:59 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar 109testdata/ 24:11-24:59 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar
110testdata/ 24:13-24:14 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 110testdata/ 24:13-24:14 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
111testdata/ 24:16-24:19 Float 111testdata/ 24:16-24:19 Float
112testdata/ 24:37-24:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 112testdata/ 24:37-24:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
113testdata/ 24:37-24:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar 113testdata/ 24:37-24:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar
114testdata/ 24:37-24:59 Complex 'Polar 114testdata/ 24:37-24:59 Complex 'Polar
115testdata/ 24:43-24:44 VecScalar 1 Float 115testdata/ 24:43-24:44 VecScalar 1 Float
116testdata/ 24:46-24:50 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 116testdata/ 24:46-24:50 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
117testdata/ 24:46-24:58 VecScalar 1 Float 117testdata/ 24:46-24:58 VecScalar 1 Float
118testdata/ 24:52-24:53 Float 118testdata/ 24:52-24:53 Float
119testdata/ 24:52-24:55 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 119testdata/ 24:52-24:55 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
120testdata/ 24:52-24:57 VecScalar 1 Float 120testdata/ 24:52-24:57 VecScalar 1 Float
121testdata/ 24:54-24:55 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 121testdata/ 24:54-24:55 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
122testdata/ 24:56-24:57 Float 122testdata/ 24:56-24:57 Float
123testdata/ 25:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar 123testdata/ 25:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar
124testdata/ 25:11-25:12 Float 124testdata/ 25:11-25:12 Float
125testdata/ 25:11-25:14 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 125testdata/ 25:11-25:14 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
126testdata/ 25:11-25:19 VecScalar 1 Bool 126testdata/ 25:11-25:19 VecScalar 1 Bool
127testdata/ 25:11-25:22 Bool->Bool 127testdata/ 25:11-25:22 Bool -> Bool
128testdata/ 25:11-25:31 Bool 128testdata/ 25:11-25:31 Bool
129testdata/ 25:11-25:64 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar 129testdata/ 25:11-25:64 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar
130testdata/ 25:13-25:14 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 130testdata/ 25:13-25:14 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
131testdata/ 25:16-25:19 Float 131testdata/ 25:16-25:19 Float
132testdata/ 25:20-25:22 Bool -> Bool->Bool 132testdata/ 25:20-25:22 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
133testdata/ 25:23-25:24 Float 133testdata/ 25:23-25:24 Float
134testdata/ 25:23-25:27 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 134testdata/ 25:23-25:27 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
135testdata/ 25:23-25:31 VecScalar 1 Bool 135testdata/ 25:23-25:31 VecScalar 1 Bool
136testdata/ 25:25-25:27 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 136testdata/ 25:25-25:27 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
137testdata/ 25:28-25:31 Float 137testdata/ 25:28-25:31 Float
138testdata/ 25:37-25:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 138testdata/ 25:37-25:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
139testdata/ 25:37-25:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar 139testdata/ 25:37-25:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar
140testdata/ 25:37-25:64 Complex 'Polar 140testdata/ 25:37-25:64 Complex 'Polar
141testdata/ 25:43-25:44 VecScalar 1 Float 141testdata/ 25:43-25:44 VecScalar 1 Float
142testdata/ 25:46-25:50 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 142testdata/ 25:46-25:50 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
143testdata/ 25:46-25:58 VecScalar 1 Float 143testdata/ 25:46-25:58 VecScalar 1 Float
144testdata/ 25:46-25:60 Float->Float 144testdata/ 25:46-25:60 Float -> Float
145testdata/ 25:46-25:63 Float 145testdata/ 25:46-25:63 Float
146testdata/ 25:52-25:53 Float 146testdata/ 25:52-25:53 Float
147testdata/ 25:52-25:55 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 147testdata/ 25:52-25:55 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
148testdata/ 25:52-25:57 VecScalar 1 Float 148testdata/ 25:52-25:57 VecScalar 1 Float
149testdata/ 25:54-25:55 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 149testdata/ 25:54-25:55 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
150testdata/ 25:56-25:57 Float 150testdata/ 25:56-25:57 Float
151testdata/ 25:59-25:60 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 151testdata/ 25:59-25:60 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
152testdata/ 25:61-25:63 Float 152testdata/ 25:61-25:63 Float
153testdata/ 26:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar 153testdata/ 26:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar
154testdata/ 26:11-26:12 Float 154testdata/ 26:11-26:12 Float
155testdata/ 26:11-26:14 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 155testdata/ 26:11-26:14 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
156testdata/ 26:11-26:19 VecScalar 1 Bool 156testdata/ 26:11-26:19 VecScalar 1 Bool
157testdata/ 26:11-26:22 Bool->Bool 157testdata/ 26:11-26:22 Bool -> Bool
158testdata/ 26:11-26:31 Bool 158testdata/ 26:11-26:31 Bool
159testdata/ 26:11-26:64 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar 159testdata/ 26:11-26:64 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar
160testdata/ 26:13-26:14 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 160testdata/ 26:13-26:14 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
161testdata/ 26:16-26:19 Float 161testdata/ 26:16-26:19 Float
162testdata/ 26:20-26:22 Bool -> Bool->Bool 162testdata/ 26:20-26:22 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
163testdata/ 26:23-26:24 Float 163testdata/ 26:23-26:24 Float
164testdata/ 26:23-26:26 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 164testdata/ 26:23-26:26 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
165testdata/ 26:23-26:31 VecScalar 1 Bool 165testdata/ 26:23-26:31 VecScalar 1 Bool
166testdata/ 26:25-26:26 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 166testdata/ 26:25-26:26 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
167testdata/ 26:28-26:31 Float 167testdata/ 26:28-26:31 Float
168testdata/ 26:37-26:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 168testdata/ 26:37-26:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
169testdata/ 26:37-26:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar 169testdata/ 26:37-26:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar
170testdata/ 26:37-26:64 Complex 'Polar 170testdata/ 26:37-26:64 Complex 'Polar
171testdata/ 26:43-26:44 VecScalar 1 Float 171testdata/ 26:43-26:44 VecScalar 1 Float
172testdata/ 26:46-26:50 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 172testdata/ 26:46-26:50 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
173testdata/ 26:46-26:58 VecScalar 1 Float 173testdata/ 26:46-26:58 VecScalar 1 Float
174testdata/ 26:46-26:60 Float->Float 174testdata/ 26:46-26:60 Float -> Float
175testdata/ 26:46-26:63 Float 175testdata/ 26:46-26:63 Float
176testdata/ 26:52-26:53 Float 176testdata/ 26:52-26:53 Float
177testdata/ 26:52-26:55 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 177testdata/ 26:52-26:55 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
178testdata/ 26:52-26:57 VecScalar 1 Float 178testdata/ 26:52-26:57 VecScalar 1 Float
179testdata/ 26:54-26:55 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 179testdata/ 26:54-26:55 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
180testdata/ 26:56-26:57 Float 180testdata/ 26:56-26:57 Float
181testdata/ 26:59-26:60 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 181testdata/ 26:59-26:60 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
182testdata/ 26:61-26:63 Float 182testdata/ 26:61-26:63 Float
183testdata/ 27:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar 183testdata/ 27:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar
184testdata/ 27:11-27:12 Float 184testdata/ 27:11-27:12 Float
185testdata/ 27:11-27:15 Float->Bool 185testdata/ 27:11-27:15 Float -> Bool
186testdata/ 27:11-27:19 Bool 186testdata/ 27:11-27:19 Bool
187testdata/ 27:11-27:22 Bool->Bool 187testdata/ 27:11-27:22 Bool -> Bool
188testdata/ 27:11-27:31 Bool 188testdata/ 27:11-27:31 Bool
189testdata/ 27:11-27:56 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar 189testdata/ 27:11-27:56 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar
190testdata/ 27:13-27:15 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 190testdata/ 27:13-27:15 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
191testdata/ 27:16-27:19 Float 191testdata/ 27:16-27:19 Float
192testdata/ 27:20-27:22 Bool -> Bool->Bool 192testdata/ 27:20-27:22 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
193testdata/ 27:23-27:24 Float 193testdata/ 27:23-27:24 Float
194testdata/ 27:23-27:27 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 194testdata/ 27:23-27:27 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
195testdata/ 27:23-27:31 VecScalar 1 Bool 195testdata/ 27:23-27:31 VecScalar 1 Bool
196testdata/ 27:25-27:27 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 196testdata/ 27:25-27:27 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
197testdata/ 27:28-27:31 Float 197testdata/ 27:28-27:31 Float
198testdata/ 27:37-27:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 198testdata/ 27:37-27:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
199testdata/ 27:37-27:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar 199testdata/ 27:37-27:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar
@@ -202,181 +202,181 @@ testdata/ 27:43-27:44 VecScalar 1 Float
202testdata/ 27:47-27:49 Float 202testdata/ 27:47-27:49 Float
203testdata/ 27:47-27:51 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 203testdata/ 27:47-27:51 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
204testdata/ 27:47-27:55 VecScalar 1 Float 204testdata/ 27:47-27:55 VecScalar 1 Float
205testdata/ 27:50-27:51 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 205testdata/ 27:50-27:51 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
206testdata/ 27:52-27:55 Float 206testdata/ 27:52-27:55 Float
207testdata/ 28:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar 207testdata/ 28:8-29:17 Complex 'Polar
208testdata/ 28:11-28:12 Float 208testdata/ 28:11-28:12 Float
209testdata/ 28:11-28:15 Float->Bool 209testdata/ 28:11-28:15 Float -> Bool
210testdata/ 28:11-28:19 Bool 210testdata/ 28:11-28:19 Bool
211testdata/ 28:11-28:22 Bool->Bool 211testdata/ 28:11-28:22 Bool -> Bool
212testdata/ 28:11-28:31 Bool 212testdata/ 28:11-28:31 Bool
213testdata/ 28:11-28:56 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar 213testdata/ 28:11-28:56 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Polar
214testdata/ 28:13-28:15 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 214testdata/ 28:13-28:15 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
215testdata/ 28:16-28:19 Float 215testdata/ 28:16-28:19 Float
216testdata/ 28:20-28:22 Bool -> Bool->Bool 216testdata/ 28:20-28:22 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
217testdata/ 28:23-28:24 Float 217testdata/ 28:23-28:24 Float
218testdata/ 28:23-28:26 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 218testdata/ 28:23-28:26 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
219testdata/ 28:23-28:31 VecScalar 1 Bool 219testdata/ 28:23-28:31 VecScalar 1 Bool
220testdata/ 28:25-28:26 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 220testdata/ 28:25-28:26 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
221testdata/ 28:28-28:31 Float 221testdata/ 28:28-28:31 Float
222testdata/ 28:37-28:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar 222testdata/ 28:37-28:42 Float -> Float -> Complex 'Polar
223testdata/ 28:37-28:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar 223testdata/ 28:37-28:44 Float -> Complex 'Polar
224testdata/ 28:37-28:56 Complex 'Polar 224testdata/ 28:37-28:56 Complex 'Polar
225testdata/ 28:43-28:44 VecScalar 1 Float 225testdata/ 28:43-28:44 VecScalar 1 Float
226testdata/ 28:46-28:47 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 226testdata/ 28:46-28:47 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
227testdata/ 28:46-28:55 Float 227testdata/ 28:46-28:55 Float
228testdata/ 28:47-28:49 Float 228testdata/ 28:47-28:49 Float
229testdata/ 28:47-28:51 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float 229testdata/ 28:47-28:51 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Float
230testdata/ 28:47-28:55 VecScalar 1 Float 230testdata/ 28:47-28:55 VecScalar 1 Float
231testdata/ 28:50-28:51 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a 231testdata/ 28:50-28:51 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a -> VecScalar b a
232testdata/ 28:52-28:55 Float 232testdata/ 28:52-28:55 Float
233testdata/ 29:8-29:17 {a}->a 233testdata/ 29:8-29:17 forall a . a
234testdata/ 31:9-31:13 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 234testdata/ 31:9-31:13 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
235testdata/ 31:9-31:25 VecScalar 1 Float 235testdata/ 31:9-31:25 VecScalar 1 Float
236testdata/ 31:15-31:16 Float 236testdata/ 31:15-31:16 Float
237testdata/ 31:15-31:17 Float->Float 237testdata/ 31:15-31:17 Float -> Float
238testdata/ 31:15-31:18 Float 238testdata/ 31:15-31:18 Float
239testdata/ 31:15-31:20 Float->Float 239testdata/ 31:15-31:20 Float -> Float
240testdata/ 31:15-31:24 Float 240testdata/ 31:15-31:24 Float
241testdata/ 31:16-31:17 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 241testdata/ 31:16-31:17 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
242testdata/ 31:17-31:18 Float 242testdata/ 31:17-31:18 Float
243testdata/ 31:19-31:20 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 243testdata/ 31:19-31:20 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
244testdata/ 31:21-31:22 Float 244testdata/ 31:21-31:22 Float
245testdata/ 31:21-31:23 Float->Float 245testdata/ 31:21-31:23 Float -> Float
246testdata/ 31:21-31:24 Float 246testdata/ 31:21-31:24 Float
247testdata/ 31:22-31:23 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 247testdata/ 31:22-31:23 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
248testdata/ 31:23-31:24 Float 248testdata/ 31:23-31:24 Float
249testdata/ 64:13-64:20 Repr->Type 249testdata/ 64:13-64:20 Repr -> Type
250testdata/ 64:13-64:26 Type 250testdata/ 64:13-64:26 Type
251testdata/ 64:21-64:26 Repr 251testdata/ 64:21-64:26 Repr
252testdata/ 64:30-64:37 Repr->Type 252testdata/ 64:30-64:37 Repr -> Type
253testdata/ 64:30-64:44 Type 253testdata/ 64:30-64:44 Type
254testdata/ 64:38-64:44 Repr 254testdata/ 64:38-64:44 Repr
255testdata/ 65:1-65:9 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Normal 255testdata/ 65:1-65:9 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Normal
256testdata/ 65:28-65:35 {a:Repr} -> Float -> Float -> Complex a 256testdata/ 65:28-65:35 forall (a :: Repr) . Float -> Float -> Complex a
257testdata/ 65:28-65:49 Float -> Complex a_ 257testdata/ 65:28-65:49 Float -> Complex _a
258testdata/ 65:28-65:63 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Normal | Complex a_ | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ 258testdata/ 65:28-65:63 Complex 'Polar -> Complex 'Normal | Complex _a | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c
259testdata/ 65:37-65:38 Float 259testdata/ 65:37-65:38 Float
260testdata/ 65:37-65:40 Float->Float 260testdata/ 65:37-65:40 Float -> Float
261testdata/ 65:37-65:48 Float 261testdata/ 65:37-65:48 Float
262testdata/ 65:39-65:40 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 262testdata/ 65:39-65:40 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
263testdata/ 65:41-65:44 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 263testdata/ 65:41-65:44 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
264testdata/ 65:41-65:48 VecScalar 1 Float 264testdata/ 65:41-65:48 VecScalar 1 Float
265testdata/ 65:45-65:48 Float 265testdata/ 65:45-65:48 Float
266testdata/ 65:51-65:52 Float 266testdata/ 65:51-65:52 Float
267testdata/ 65:51-65:54 Float->Float 267testdata/ 65:51-65:54 Float -> Float
268testdata/ 65:51-65:62 Float 268testdata/ 65:51-65:62 Float
269testdata/ 65:53-65:54 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 269testdata/ 65:53-65:54 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
270testdata/ 65:55-65:58 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : a ~ VecScalar b Float} -> a->a 270testdata/ 65:55-65:58 forall a (b :: Nat) . (a ~ VecScalar b Float) => a -> a
271testdata/ 65:55-65:62 VecScalar 1 Float 271testdata/ 65:55-65:62 VecScalar 1 Float
272testdata/ 65:59-65:62 Float 272testdata/ 65:59-65:62 Float
273testdata/ 111:1-111:15 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Float 273testdata/ 111:1-111:15 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Float
274testdata/ 111:38-111:39 Float | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ 274testdata/ 111:38-111:39 Float | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c
275testdata/ 113:20-113:70 Type 275testdata/ 113:20-113:70 Type
276testdata/ 113:32-113:39 Repr->Type 276testdata/ 113:32-113:39 Repr -> Type
277testdata/ 113:32-113:42 Type 277testdata/ 113:32-113:42 Type
278testdata/ 113:32-113:70 Type 278testdata/ 113:32-113:70 Type
279testdata/ 113:40-113:42 d_ 279testdata/ 113:40-113:42 _d
280testdata/ 113:46-113:53 Repr->Type 280testdata/ 113:46-113:53 Repr -> Type
281testdata/ 113:46-113:56 Type 281testdata/ 113:46-113:56 Type
282testdata/ 113:46-113:70 Type 282testdata/ 113:46-113:70 Type
283testdata/ 113:54-113:56 c_ 283testdata/ 113:54-113:56 _c
284testdata/ 113:60-113:67 Repr->Type 284testdata/ 113:60-113:67 Repr -> Type
285testdata/ 113:60-113:70 Type 285testdata/ 113:60-113:70 Type
286testdata/ 113:68-113:70 Repr 286testdata/ 113:68-113:70 Repr
287testdata/ 114:1-114:4 {a:Repr} -> {b:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a 287testdata/ 114:1-114:4 forall (a :: Repr) (b :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a
288testdata/ 114:53-114:60 {a:Repr} -> Float -> Float -> Complex a 288testdata/ 114:53-114:60 forall (a :: Repr) . Float -> Float -> Complex a
289testdata/ 114:53-114:68 Float -> Complex a_ 289testdata/ 114:53-114:68 Float -> Complex _a
290testdata/ 114:53-114:76 Complex a_ | Complex b_ -> Complex a_ -> Complex b_ | Complex b_ -> Complex c_ | Complex d_ | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ | {a:Repr} -> Complex a_ -> Complex a -> Complex a_ | {a:Repr} -> {b:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a 290testdata/ 114:53-114:76 Complex _a | Complex _b -> Complex _a -> Complex _b | Complex _b -> Complex _c | Complex _d | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c | forall (a :: Repr) (b :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a | forall (a :: Repr) . Complex _a -> Complex a -> Complex _a
291testdata/ 114:62-114:63 Float 291testdata/ 114:62-114:63 Float
292testdata/ 114:62-114:65 Float->Float 292testdata/ 114:62-114:65 Float -> Float
293testdata/ 114:62-114:67 Float 293testdata/ 114:62-114:67 Float
294testdata/ 114:64-114:65 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 294testdata/ 114:64-114:65 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
295testdata/ 114:66-114:67 Float 295testdata/ 114:66-114:67 Float
296testdata/ 114:70-114:71 Float 296testdata/ 114:70-114:71 Float
297testdata/ 114:70-114:73 Float->Float 297testdata/ 114:70-114:73 Float -> Float
298testdata/ 114:70-114:75 Float 298testdata/ 114:70-114:75 Float
299testdata/ 114:72-114:73 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 299testdata/ 114:72-114:73 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
300testdata/ 114:74-114:75 Float 300testdata/ 114:74-114:75 Float
301testdata/ 128:23-128:30 Repr->Type 301testdata/ 128:23-128:30 Repr -> Type
302testdata/ 128:23-128:33 Type 302testdata/ 128:23-128:33 Type
303testdata/ 128:23-128:61 Type 303testdata/ 128:23-128:61 Type
304testdata/ 128:31-128:33 d_ 304testdata/ 128:31-128:33 _d
305testdata/ 128:37-128:44 Repr->Type 305testdata/ 128:37-128:44 Repr -> Type
306testdata/ 128:37-128:47 Type 306testdata/ 128:37-128:47 Type
307testdata/ 128:37-128:61 Type 307testdata/ 128:37-128:61 Type
308testdata/ 128:45-128:47 c_ 308testdata/ 128:45-128:47 _c
309testdata/ 128:51-128:58 Repr->Type 309testdata/ 128:51-128:58 Repr -> Type
310testdata/ 128:51-128:61 Type 310testdata/ 128:51-128:61 Type
311testdata/ 128:59-128:61 Repr 311testdata/ 128:59-128:61 Repr
312testdata/ 129:1-129:4 {a:Repr} -> {b:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a 312testdata/ 129:1-129:4 forall (a :: Repr) (b :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a
313testdata/ 129:53-129:60 {a:Repr} -> Float -> Float -> Complex a 313testdata/ 129:53-129:60 forall (a :: Repr) . Float -> Float -> Complex a
314testdata/ 129:53-129:72 Float -> Complex a_ 314testdata/ 129:53-129:72 Float -> Complex _a
315testdata/ 129:53-129:84 Complex a_ | Complex b_ -> Complex a_ -> Complex b_ | Complex b_ -> Complex c_ | Complex d_ | Float -> Float->b_ | Float->c_ | {a:Repr} -> Complex a_ -> Complex a -> Complex a_ | {a:Repr} -> {b:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a 315testdata/ 129:53-129:84 Complex _a | Complex _b -> Complex _a -> Complex _b | Complex _b -> Complex _c | Complex _d | Float -> Float -> _b | Float -> _c | forall (a :: Repr) (b :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a | forall (a :: Repr) . Complex _a -> Complex a -> Complex _a
316testdata/ 129:62-129:63 Float 316testdata/ 129:62-129:63 Float
317testdata/ 129:62-129:64 Float->Float 317testdata/ 129:62-129:64 Float -> Float
318testdata/ 129:62-129:65 Float 318testdata/ 129:62-129:65 Float
319testdata/ 129:62-129:67 Float->Float 319testdata/ 129:62-129:67 Float -> Float
320testdata/ 129:62-129:71 Float 320testdata/ 129:62-129:71 Float
321testdata/ 129:63-129:64 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 321testdata/ 129:63-129:64 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
322testdata/ 129:64-129:65 Float 322testdata/ 129:64-129:65 Float
323testdata/ 129:66-129:67 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 323testdata/ 129:66-129:67 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
324testdata/ 129:68-129:69 Float 324testdata/ 129:68-129:69 Float
325testdata/ 129:68-129:70 Float->Float 325testdata/ 129:68-129:70 Float -> Float
326testdata/ 129:68-129:71 Float 326testdata/ 129:68-129:71 Float
327testdata/ 129:69-129:70 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 327testdata/ 129:69-129:70 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
328testdata/ 129:70-129:71 Float 328testdata/ 129:70-129:71 Float
329testdata/ 129:74-129:75 Float 329testdata/ 129:74-129:75 Float
330testdata/ 129:74-129:76 Float->Float 330testdata/ 129:74-129:76 Float -> Float
331testdata/ 129:74-129:77 Float 331testdata/ 129:74-129:77 Float
332testdata/ 129:74-129:79 Float->Float 332testdata/ 129:74-129:79 Float -> Float
333testdata/ 129:74-129:83 Float 333testdata/ 129:74-129:83 Float
334testdata/ 129:75-129:76 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 334testdata/ 129:75-129:76 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
335testdata/ 129:76-129:77 Float 335testdata/ 129:76-129:77 Float
336testdata/ 129:78-129:79 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 336testdata/ 129:78-129:79 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
337testdata/ 129:80-129:81 Float 337testdata/ 129:80-129:81 Float
338testdata/ 129:80-129:82 Float->Float 338testdata/ 129:80-129:82 Float -> Float
339testdata/ 129:80-129:83 Float 339testdata/ 129:80-129:83 Float
340testdata/ 129:81-129:82 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 340testdata/ 129:81-129:82 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
341testdata/ 129:82-129:83 Float 341testdata/ 129:82-129:83 Float
342testdata/ 137:6-137:13 Repr->Type 342testdata/ 137:6-137:13 Repr -> Type
343testdata/ 137:6-137:15 Type 343testdata/ 137:6-137:15 Type
344testdata/ 137:6-137:28 Type 344testdata/ 137:6-137:28 Type
345testdata/ 137:14-137:15 b_ 345testdata/ 137:14-137:15 _b
346testdata/ 137:19-137:26 Repr->Type 346testdata/ 137:19-137:26 Repr -> Type
347testdata/ 137:19-137:28 Type 347testdata/ 137:19-137:28 Type
348testdata/ 137:27-137:28 Repr 348testdata/ 137:27-137:28 Repr
349testdata/ 138:1-138:2 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 349testdata/ 138:1-138:2 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
350testdata/ 138:7-138:22 Complex a_ -> Complex c_ 350testdata/ 138:7-138:22 Complex _a -> Complex _c
351testdata/ 138:7-138:24 Complex a_ -> Complex a_ | Complex b_ 351testdata/ 138:7-138:24 Complex _a -> Complex _a | Complex _b
352testdata/ 138:8-138:11 {a:Repr} -> {b:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a 352testdata/ 138:8-138:11 forall (a :: Repr) (b :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a
353testdata/ 138:8-138:13 Complex a_ -> Complex e_ 353testdata/ 138:8-138:13 Complex _a -> Complex _e
354testdata/ 138:8-138:15 Complex c_ 354testdata/ 138:8-138:15 Complex _c
355testdata/ 138:12-138:13 Complex f_ 355testdata/ 138:12-138:13 Complex _f
356testdata/ 138:14-138:15 Complex d_ 356testdata/ 138:14-138:15 Complex _d
357testdata/ 138:17-138:22 {a:Repr} -> {b:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a 357testdata/ 138:17-138:22 forall (a :: Repr) (b :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex b -> Complex a
358testdata/ 138:23-138:24 Complex c_ 358testdata/ 138:23-138:24 Complex _c
359testdata/ 141:1-141:3 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 359testdata/ 141:1-141:3 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
360testdata/ 141:8-141:9 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 360testdata/ 141:8-141:9 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
361testdata/ 141:8-141:23 Complex a_ 361testdata/ 141:8-141:23 Complex _a
362testdata/ 141:11-141:12 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 362testdata/ 141:11-141:12 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
363testdata/ 141:11-141:22 Complex a_ 363testdata/ 141:11-141:22 Complex _a
364testdata/ 141:14-141:15 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 364testdata/ 141:14-141:15 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
365testdata/ 141:14-141:21 Complex a_ 365testdata/ 141:14-141:21 Complex _a
366testdata/ 141:17-141:18 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 366testdata/ 141:17-141:18 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
367testdata/ 141:17-141:20 Complex a_ 367testdata/ 141:17-141:20 Complex _a
368testdata/ 141:19-141:20 f_ 368testdata/ 141:19-141:20 _f
369testdata/ 143:1-143:5 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 369testdata/ 143:1-143:5 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
370testdata/ 143:8-143:10 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 370testdata/ 143:8-143:10 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
371testdata/ 145:1-145:7 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> VecScalar 1 Bool 371testdata/ 145:1-145:7 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> VecScalar 1 Bool
372testdata/ 145:12-145:16 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Float 372testdata/ 145:12-145:16 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Float
373testdata/ 145:12-145:25 Float 373testdata/ 145:12-145:25 Float
374testdata/ 145:12-145:27 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool 374testdata/ 145:12-145:27 VecScalar 1 Float -> VecScalar 1 Bool
375testdata/ 145:12-145:31 VecScalar 1 Bool 375testdata/ 145:12-145:31 VecScalar 1 Bool
376testdata/ 145:18-145:22 {a:Repr} -> Complex a -> Complex a 376testdata/ 145:18-145:22 forall (a :: Repr) . Complex a -> Complex a
377testdata/ 145:18-145:24 Complex a_ 377testdata/ 145:18-145:24 Complex _a
378testdata/ 145:23-145:24 g_ 378testdata/ 145:23-145:24 _g
379testdata/ 145:26-145:27 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool 379testdata/ 145:26-145:27 forall (a :: Nat) b . Num b => VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a b -> VecScalar a Bool
380testdata/ 145:28-145:31 Float 380testdata/ 145:28-145:31 Float
381------------ warnings 381------------ warnings
382Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/ 382Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/
diff --git a/testdata/data.out b/testdata/data.out
index 1581a0c0..3d54c617 100644
--- a/testdata/data.out
+++ b/testdata/data.out
@@ -2,63 +2,63 @@ main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3'Data0 :: Type 3'Data0 :: Type
4Data0 :: 'Data0 4Data0 :: 'Data0
5'Data0Case :: (a : 'Data0->Type) -> a Data0 -> (b:'Data0) -> a b 5'Data0Case :: (a :: 'Data0 -> Type) -> a Data0 -> (b :: 'Data0) -> a b
6match'Data0 :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Data0 -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 6match'Data0 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Data0 -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
7'Data1 :: Type -> Type -> Type->Type 7'Data1 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
8Data1 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c -> 'Data1 a b c 8Data1 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> 'Data1 a b c
9'Data1Case :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (d : 'Data1 a b c -> Type) -> ((e:a) -> (f:b) -> (g:c) -> d (Data1 e f g)) -> (h : 'Data1 a b c) -> d h 9'Data1Case :: forall a b c . (d :: 'Data1 a b c -> Type) -> ((e :: a) -> (f :: b) -> (g :: c) -> d (Data1 e f g)) -> (h :: 'Data1 a b c) -> d h
10match'Data1 :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:Type) -> (d:Type) -> a ('Data1 b c d)) -> (e:Type) -> a e -> a e 10match'Data1 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: Type) -> (d :: Type) -> a ('Data1 b c d)) -> (e :: Type) -> a e -> a e
11'Data2 :: Type 11'Data2 :: Type
12Data21 :: 'Int->'Data2 12Data21 :: 'Int -> 'Data2
13Data22 :: 'Int -> 'Int->'Data2 13Data22 :: 'Int -> 'Int -> 'Data2
14Data23 :: 'Int->'Data2 14Data23 :: 'Int -> 'Data2
15Data24 :: 'Data2 15Data24 :: 'Data2
16'Data2Case :: (a : 'Data2->Type) -> ((b:'Int) -> a (Data21 b)) -> ((c:'Int) -> (d:'Int) -> a (Data22 c d)) -> ((e:'Int) -> a (Data23 e)) -> a Data24 -> (f:'Data2) -> a f 16'Data2Case :: (a :: 'Data2 -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Int) -> a (Data21 b)) -> ((c :: 'Int) -> (d :: 'Int) -> a (Data22 c d)) -> ((e :: 'Int) -> a (Data23 e)) -> a Data24 -> (f :: 'Data2) -> a f
17match'Data2 :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Data2 -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 17match'Data2 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Data2 -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
18x :: 'Data2->'Int 18x :: 'Data2 -> 'Int
19y :: 'Data2->'Int 19y :: 'Data2 -> 'Int
20'Data5 :: Type -> Type -> Type->Type 20'Data5 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
21Data51 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> 'Data5 a b c 21Data51 :: forall a b c . a -> 'Data5 a b c
22Data52 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c -> 'Data5 a b c 22Data52 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> 'Data5 a b c
23Data53 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> 'Int -> a -> 'Float -> b -> c -> 'Data5 a b c 23Data53 :: forall a b c . 'Int -> a -> 'Float -> b -> c -> 'Data5 a b c
24'Data5Case :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> (d : 'Data5 a b c -> Type) -> ((e:a) -> d (Data51 e)) -> ((f:a) -> (g:b) -> (h:c) -> d (Data52 f g h)) -> ((i:'Int) -> (j:a) -> (k:'Float) -> (l:b) -> (m:c) -> d (Data53 i j k l m)) -> (n : 'Data5 a b c) -> d n 24'Data5Case :: forall a b c . (d :: 'Data5 a b c -> Type) -> ((e :: a) -> d (Data51 e)) -> ((f :: a) -> (g :: b) -> (h :: c) -> d (Data52 f g h)) -> ((i :: 'Int) -> (j :: a) -> (k :: 'Float) -> (l :: b) -> (m :: c) -> d (Data53 i j k l m)) -> (n :: 'Data5 a b c) -> d n
25match'Data5 :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:Type) -> (d:Type) -> a ('Data5 b c d)) -> (e:Type) -> a e -> a e 25match'Data5 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: Type) -> (d :: Type) -> a ('Data5 b c d)) -> (e :: Type) -> a e -> a e
26a5 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> 'Data5 a b c -> a 26a5 :: forall a b c . 'Data5 a b c -> a
27b5 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> 'Data5 a b c -> b 27b5 :: forall a b c . 'Data5 a b c -> b
28c5 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> 'Data5 a b c -> c 28c5 :: forall a b c . 'Data5 a b c -> c
29------------ tooltips 29------------ tooltips
30testdata/ 1:6-1:11 Type 30testdata/ 1:6-1:11 Type
31testdata/ 1:6-1:19 Type 31testdata/ 1:6-1:19 Type
32testdata/ 1:14-1:19 Data0 32testdata/ 1:14-1:19 Data0
33testdata/ 3:6-3:11 Type | Type -> Type -> Type->Type 33testdata/ 3:6-3:11 Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
34testdata/ 3:6-3:13 Type -> Type->Type 34testdata/ 3:6-3:13 Type -> Type -> Type
35testdata/ 3:6-3:15 Type->Type 35testdata/ 3:6-3:15 Type -> Type
36testdata/ 3:6-3:17 Type 36testdata/ 3:6-3:17 Type
37testdata/ 3:6-3:25 Type 37testdata/ 3:6-3:25 Type
38testdata/ 3:6-3:31 Type 38testdata/ 3:6-3:31 Type
39testdata/ 3:12-3:13 Type 39testdata/ 3:12-3:13 Type
40testdata/ 3:14-3:15 Type 40testdata/ 3:14-3:15 Type
41testdata/ 3:16-3:17 Type 41testdata/ 3:16-3:17 Type
42testdata/ 3:20-3:25 Data1 g_ f_ e_ | Type | {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c -> Data1 a b c 42testdata/ 3:20-3:25 Data1 _g _f _e | Type | forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data1 a b c
43testdata/ 3:26-3:27 Type 43testdata/ 3:26-3:27 Type
44testdata/ 3:28-3:29 Type 44testdata/ 3:28-3:29 Type
45testdata/ 3:30-3:31 Type 45testdata/ 3:30-3:31 Type
46testdata/ 5:6-5:11 Type 46testdata/ 5:6-5:11 Type
47testdata/ 5:6-6:39 Type 47testdata/ 5:6-6:39 Type
48testdata/ 5:6-8:20 Type 48testdata/ 5:6-8:20 Type
49testdata/ 5:14-5:20 Data2 | Int->Data2 | Type 49testdata/ 5:14-5:20 Data2 | Int -> Data2 | Type
50testdata/ 5:21-5:24 Type 50testdata/ 5:21-5:24 Type
51testdata/ 6:14-6:20 Data2 | Int -> Int->Data2 | Type 51testdata/ 6:14-6:20 Data2 | Int -> Int -> Data2 | Type
52testdata/ 6:23-6:24 Data2->Int 52testdata/ 6:23-6:24 Data2 -> Int
53testdata/ 6:28-6:31 Type 53testdata/ 6:28-6:31 Type
54testdata/ 6:33-6:34 Data2->Int 54testdata/ 6:33-6:34 Data2 -> Int
55testdata/ 6:36-6:39 Type 55testdata/ 6:36-6:39 Type
56testdata/ 7:14-7:20 Data2 | Int->Data2 | Type 56testdata/ 7:14-7:20 Data2 | Int -> Data2 | Type
57testdata/ 7:28-7:31 Type 57testdata/ 7:28-7:31 Type
58testdata/ 8:14-8:20 Data2 58testdata/ 8:14-8:20 Data2
59testdata/ 10:6-10:11 Type | Type -> Type -> Type->Type 59testdata/ 10:6-10:11 Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
60testdata/ 10:6-10:14 Type -> Type->Type 60testdata/ 10:6-10:14 Type -> Type -> Type
61testdata/ 10:6-10:17 Type->Type 61testdata/ 10:6-10:17 Type -> Type
62testdata/ 10:6-10:20 Type 62testdata/ 10:6-10:20 Type
63testdata/ 10:6-10:38 Type 63testdata/ 10:6-10:38 Type
64testdata/ 10:6-11:54 Type 64testdata/ 10:6-11:54 Type
@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ testdata/ 10:6-12:48 Type
67testdata/ 10:12-10:14 Type 67testdata/ 10:12-10:14 Type
68testdata/ 10:15-10:17 Type 68testdata/ 10:15-10:17 Type
69testdata/ 10:18-10:20 Type 69testdata/ 10:18-10:20 Type
70testdata/ 10:23-10:29 Data5 e_ d_ c_ | Type | {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> Data5 a b c 70testdata/ 10:23-10:29 Data5 _e _d _c | Type | forall a b c . a -> Data5 a b c
71testdata/ 10:32-10:34 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> Data5 a b c -> a 71testdata/ 10:32-10:34 forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> a
72testdata/ 10:36-10:38 Type 72testdata/ 10:36-10:38 Type
73testdata/ 11:23-11:29 Data5 h_ g_ f_ | Type | {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c 73testdata/ 11:23-11:29 Data5 _h _g _f | Type | forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c
74testdata/ 11:36-11:38 Type 74testdata/ 11:36-11:38 Type
75testdata/ 11:40-11:42 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> Data5 a b c -> b 75testdata/ 11:40-11:42 forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> b
76testdata/ 11:44-11:46 Type 76testdata/ 11:44-11:46 Type
77testdata/ 11:48-11:50 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> Data5 a b c -> c 77testdata/ 11:48-11:50 forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> c
78testdata/ 11:52-11:54 Type 78testdata/ 11:52-11:54 Type
79testdata/ 12:23-12:29 Data5 k_ j_ i_ | Type | {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> Int -> a -> Float -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c 79testdata/ 12:23-12:29 Data5 _k _j _i | Type | forall a b c . Int -> a -> Float -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c
80testdata/ 12:30-12:33 Type 80testdata/ 12:30-12:33 Type
81testdata/ 12:34-12:36 Type 81testdata/ 12:34-12:36 Type
82testdata/ 12:37-12:42 Type 82testdata/ 12:37-12:42 Type
diff --git a/testdata/empty.out b/testdata/empty.out
index 6714e719..f1588695 100644
--- a/testdata/empty.out
+++ b/testdata/empty.out
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3'Empty :: Type 3'Empty :: Type
4'EmptyCase :: (a : 'Empty->Type) -> (b:'Empty) -> a b 4'EmptyCase :: (a :: 'Empty -> Type) -> (b :: 'Empty) -> a b
5match'Empty :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Empty -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 5match'Empty :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Empty -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/ 3:6-3:11 Type 7testdata/ 3:6-3:11 Type
diff --git a/testdata/framebuffer02.reject.out b/testdata/framebuffer02.reject.out
index 2c4e68d1..9ae2b9aa 100644
--- a/testdata/framebuffer02.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/framebuffer02.reject.out
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ in testdata/
22 ) 22 )
23 23
24------------ tooltips 24------------ tooltips
25testdata/ 2:17-2:28 {a : List Type} -> {_ : 'sameLayerCounts a} -> HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a) 25testdata/ 2:17-2:28 forall (a :: List Type) . 'sameLayerCounts a => HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a)
26testdata/ 2:17-5:30 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) ('Cons (Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float))) 'Nil)))) 26testdata/ 2:17-5:30 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) ('Cons (Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float))) 'Nil))))
27testdata/ 2:29-5:30 (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)), Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)), Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float))) 27testdata/ 2:29-5:30 (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)), Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)), Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float)))
28testdata/ 2:30-2:41 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 28testdata/ 2:30-2:41 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
29testdata/ 2:30-2:62 Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)) 29testdata/ 2:30-2:62 Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))
30testdata/ 2:43-2:45 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 30testdata/ 2:43-2:45 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
31testdata/ 2:43-2:49 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 31testdata/ 2:43-2:49 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
32testdata/ 2:43-2:53 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 32testdata/ 2:43-2:53 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
33testdata/ 2:43-2:57 Float -> VecS Float 4 33testdata/ 2:43-2:57 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ testdata/ 2:46-2:49 Float
36testdata/ 2:50-2:53 Float 36testdata/ 2:50-2:53 Float
37testdata/ 2:54-2:57 Float 37testdata/ 2:54-2:57 Float
38testdata/ 2:58-2:61 Float 38testdata/ 2:58-2:61 Float
39testdata/ 3:30-3:40 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> {d} -> {_ : Num c} -> {_ : d ~ VecScalar b c} -> d -> Image a ('Color d) 39testdata/ 3:30-3:40 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c d . (Num c, d ~ VecScalar b c) => d -> Image a ('Color d)
40testdata/ 3:30-3:43 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 2 ('Color c) 40testdata/ 3:30-3:43 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 2 ('Color c)
41testdata/ 3:30-3:64 Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)) 41testdata/ 3:30-3:64 Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))
42testdata/ 3:30-4:45 (Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)), Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float))) 42testdata/ 3:30-4:45 (Image 2 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)), Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float)))
43testdata/ 3:42-3:43 b_ 43testdata/ 3:42-3:43 _b
44testdata/ 3:45-3:47 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 44testdata/ 3:45-3:47 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
45testdata/ 3:45-3:51 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 45testdata/ 3:45-3:51 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
46testdata/ 3:45-3:55 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 46testdata/ 3:45-3:55 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
47testdata/ 3:45-3:59 Float -> VecS Float 4 47testdata/ 3:45-3:59 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ testdata/ 3:48-3:51 Float
50testdata/ 3:52-3:55 Float 50testdata/ 3:52-3:55 Float
51testdata/ 3:56-3:59 Float 51testdata/ 3:56-3:59 Float
52testdata/ 3:60-3:63 Float 52testdata/ 3:60-3:63 Float
53testdata/ 4:30-4:41 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 53testdata/ 4:30-4:41 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
54testdata/ 4:30-4:45 ((Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float)))) | Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float)) 54testdata/ 4:30-4:45 ((Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float)))) | Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float))
55testdata/ 4:42-4:45 Float 55testdata/ 4:42-4:45 Float
diff --git a/testdata/id.out b/testdata/id.out
index 08cb1501..611e06a6 100644
--- a/testdata/id.out
+++ b/testdata/id.out
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ main is not found
3main' :: ('Float, 'Bool) 3main' :: ('Float, 'Bool)
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/ 1:1-1:6 (Float, Bool) 5testdata/ 1:1-1:6 (Float, Bool)
6testdata/ 3:19-3:20 b_ 6testdata/ 3:19-3:20 _b
7testdata/ 4:8-4:27 (Float, Bool) 7testdata/ 4:8-4:27 (Float, Bool)
8testdata/ 4:9-4:12 {a} -> a->a 8testdata/ 4:9-4:12 forall a . a -> a
9testdata/ 4:9-4:16 Float 9testdata/ 4:9-4:16 Float
10testdata/ 4:13-4:16 Float 10testdata/ 4:13-4:16 Float
11testdata/ 4:18-4:21 {a} -> a->a 11testdata/ 4:18-4:21 forall a . a -> a
12testdata/ 4:18-4:26 ((Bool)) | Bool 12testdata/ 4:18-4:26 ((Bool)) | Bool
13testdata/ 4:22-4:26 Bool 13testdata/ 4:22-4:26 Bool
diff --git a/testdata/instantiate.out b/testdata/instantiate.out
index b1df8984..bfe23a03 100644
--- a/testdata/instantiate.out
+++ b/testdata/instantiate.out
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ main is not found
3main' :: 'VecS 'Float 2 3main' :: 'VecS 'Float 2
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/ 1:1-1:6 VecS Float 2 5testdata/ 1:1-1:6 VecS Float 2
6testdata/ 2:13-2:20 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 6testdata/ 2:13-2:20 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
7testdata/ 2:24-2:25 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 7testdata/ 2:24-2:25 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
8testdata/ 2:24-2:38 VecS Float 2 -> VecS Float 2 8testdata/ 2:24-2:38 VecS Float 2 -> VecS Float 2
9testdata/ 2:24-2:51 VecS Float 2 9testdata/ 2:24-2:51 VecS Float 2
10testdata/ 2:27-2:29 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 10testdata/ 2:27-2:29 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
11testdata/ 2:27-2:33 Float -> VecS Float 2 11testdata/ 2:27-2:33 Float -> VecS Float 2
12testdata/ 2:27-2:37 VecS Float 2 12testdata/ 2:27-2:37 VecS Float 2
13testdata/ 2:30-2:33 Float 13testdata/ 2:30-2:33 Float
14testdata/ 2:34-2:37 Float 14testdata/ 2:34-2:37 Float
15testdata/ 2:40-2:42 {a} -> a -> a -> VecS a 2 15testdata/ 2:40-2:42 forall a . a -> a -> VecS a 2
16testdata/ 2:40-2:46 Float -> VecS Float 2 16testdata/ 2:40-2:46 Float -> VecS Float 2
17testdata/ 2:40-2:50 VecS Float 2 17testdata/ 2:40-2:50 VecS Float 2
18testdata/ 2:43-2:46 Float 18testdata/ 2:43-2:46 Float
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/adt/adt02.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/adt/adt02.reject.out
index ab363b68..34674b0a 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/adt/adt02.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/adt/adt02.reject.out
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ in proj
7 7
8------------ trace 8------------ trace
9'Data3 :: Type 9'Data3 :: Type
10Data3 :: 'Bool -> 'Char -> 'Bool->'Data3 10Data3 :: 'Bool -> 'Char -> 'Bool -> 'Data3
11Data31 :: 'Int -> 'String -> 'Int->'Data3 11Data31 :: 'Int -> 'String -> 'Int -> 'Data3
12'Data3Case :: (a : 'Data3->Type) -> ((b:'Bool) -> (c:'Char) -> (d:'Bool) -> a (Data3 b c d)) -> ((e:'Int) -> (f:'String) -> (g:'Int) -> a (Data31 e f g)) -> (h:'Data3) -> a h 12'Data3Case :: (a :: 'Data3 -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Bool) -> (c :: 'Char) -> (d :: 'Bool) -> a (Data3 b c d)) -> ((e :: 'Int) -> (f :: 'String) -> (g :: 'Int) -> a (Data31 e f g)) -> (h :: 'Data3) -> a h
13match'Data3 :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Data3 -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 13match'Data3 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Data3 -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
14!type error: can not unify 14!type error: can not unify
15'Bool 15'Bool
16with 16with
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-2:11 Type
23testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-5:25 Type 23testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-5:25 Type
24testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-7:11 Type 24testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-7:11 Type
25testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-10:20 Type 25testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-10:20 Type
26testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:5-3:10 Bool -> Char -> Bool->Data3 | Data3 | Type 26testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:5-3:10 Bool -> Char -> Bool -> Data3 | Data3 | Type
27testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:21-3:25 Type 27testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:21-3:25 Type
28testdata/language-features/adt/ 4:21-4:25 Type 28testdata/language-features/adt/ 4:21-4:25 Type
29testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:21-5:25 Type 29testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:21-5:25 Type
30testdata/language-features/adt/ 7:5-7:11 Data3 | Int -> String -> Int->Data3 | Type 30testdata/language-features/adt/ 7:5-7:11 Data3 | Int -> String -> Int -> Data3 | Type
31testdata/language-features/adt/ 8:17-8:20 Type 31testdata/language-features/adt/ 8:17-8:20 Type
32testdata/language-features/adt/ 9:17-9:23 Type 32testdata/language-features/adt/ 9:17-9:23 Type
33testdata/language-features/adt/ 10:17-10:20 Type 33testdata/language-features/adt/ 10:17-10:20 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt01.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt01.reject.out
index 39a78fe6..5d7c98fd 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt01.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt01.reject.out
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform) 1illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform)
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3'M3 :: Type -> 'String->Type 3'M3 :: Type -> 'String -> Type
4!illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform) 4!illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform)
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String->Type 6testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String -> Type
7testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:15-5:19 Type 7testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:15-5:19 Type
8testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:27-5:33 Type 8testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:27-5:33 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt03.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt03.reject.out
index da32d15b..9d9361c0 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt03.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt03.reject.out
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
1illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform) 1illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform)
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3'M2 :: Type -> 'String->Type 3'M2 :: Type -> 'String -> Type
4Value2 :: {a} -> a -> {b:'String} -> 'M2 a b 4Value2 :: forall a . a -> forall (b :: 'String) . 'M2 a b
5'M2Case :: {a} -> (b : (c:'String) -> 'M2 a c -> Type) -> ((d:a) -> {e:'String} -> b e (Value2 d e)) -> {f:'String} -> (g : 'M2 a f) -> b f g 5'M2Case :: forall a . (b :: (c :: 'String) -> 'M2 a c -> Type) -> ((d :: a) -> forall (e :: 'String) . b e (Value2 d e)) -> forall (f :: 'String) . (g :: 'M2 a f) -> b f g
6match'M2 :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:'String) -> a ('M2 b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 6match'M2 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: 'String) -> a ('M2 b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
7'M3 :: Type -> 'String->Type 7'M3 :: Type -> 'String -> Type
8!illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform) 8!illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform)
9------------ tooltips 9------------ tooltips
10testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-2:8 Type | Type -> String->Type 10testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-2:8 Type | Type -> String -> Type
11testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-3:35 Type 11testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-3:35 Type
12testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:15-2:19 Type 12testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:15-2:19 Type
13testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:24-2:30 Type 13testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:24-2:30 Type
14testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:24-2:38 Type 14testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:24-2:38 Type
15testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:34-2:38 Type 15testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:34-2:38 Type
16testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:9 M2 d_ a_ | {a} -> a -> {b:String} -> M2 a b 16testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:9 M2 _d _a | forall a . a -> forall (b :: String) . M2 a b
17testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:35 Type 17testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:35 Type
18testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:13-3:14 Type 18testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:13-3:14 Type
19testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:13-3:35 Type 19testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:13-3:35 Type
20testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:18-3:35 Type 20testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:18-3:35 Type
21testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:29-3:31 Type -> String->Type 21testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:29-3:31 Type -> String -> Type
22testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:29-3:33 String->Type 22testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:29-3:33 String -> Type
23testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:29-3:35 Type 23testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:29-3:35 Type
24testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:32-3:33 Type 24testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:32-3:33 Type
25testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:34-3:35 String | b_ 25testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:34-3:35 String | _b
26testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String->Type 26testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String -> Type
27testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:15-5:19 Type 27testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:15-5:19 Type
28testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:24-5:30 Type 28testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:24-5:30 Type
29testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:24-5:38 Type 29testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:24-5:38 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt04.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt04.reject.out
index a1aa694f..425f7213 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt04.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/adt/gadt04.reject.out
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ already defined Value at testdata/language-features/adt/
5 Value :: a -> forall m . M a m 5 Value :: a -> forall m . M a m
6 ^^^^^ 6 ^^^^^
7------------ trace 7------------ trace
8'M :: Type -> 'String->Type 8'M :: Type -> 'String -> Type
9Value :: {a} -> a -> {b:'String} -> 'M a b 9Value :: forall a . a -> forall (b :: 'String) . 'M a b
10'MCase :: (a : (b:Type) -> (c:'String) -> 'M b c -> Type) -> ({d} -> (e:d) -> {f:'String} -> a d f (Value d e f)) -> {g} -> {h:'String} -> (i : 'M g h) -> a g h i 10'MCase :: (a :: (b :: Type) -> (c :: 'String) -> 'M b c -> Type) -> (forall d . (e :: d) -> forall (f :: 'String) . a d f (Value d e f)) -> forall g (h :: 'String) . (i :: 'M g h) -> a g h i
11match'M :: (a : Type->Type) -> ((b:Type) -> (c:'String) -> a ('M b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 11match'M :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> ((b :: Type) -> (c :: 'String) -> a ('M b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
12'M2 :: Type -> 'String->Type 12'M2 :: Type -> 'String -> Type
13Value :: {a} -> a -> {b:'String} -> 'M2 a b 13Value :: forall a . a -> forall (b :: 'String) . 'M2 a b
14!already defined Value at testdata/language-features/adt/ 14!already defined Value at testdata/language-features/adt/
15 Value :: a -> forall m . M2 a m 15 Value :: a -> forall m . M2 a m
16 ^^^^^ 16 ^^^^^
@@ -18,34 +18,34 @@ Value :: {a} -> a -> {b:'String} -> 'M2
18 Value :: a -> forall m . M a m 18 Value :: a -> forall m . M a m
19 ^^^^^ 19 ^^^^^
20------------ tooltips 20------------ tooltips
21testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-2:7 Type | Type -> String->Type 21testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-2:7 Type | Type -> String -> Type
22testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-3:33 Type 22testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-3:33 Type
23testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:11-2:15 Type 23testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:11-2:15 Type
24testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:19-2:25 Type 24testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:19-2:25 Type
25testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:19-2:33 Type 25testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:19-2:33 Type
26testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:29-2:33 Type 26testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:29-2:33 Type
27testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:8 M c_ a_ | {a} -> a -> {b:String} -> M a b 27testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:8 M _c _a | forall a . a -> forall (b :: String) . M a b
28testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:33 Type 28testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:33 Type
29testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:12-3:13 b_ 29testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:12-3:13 _b
30testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:12-3:33 Type 30testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:12-3:33 Type
31testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:17-3:33 Type 31testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:17-3:33 Type
32testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:29 Type -> String->Type 32testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:29 Type -> String -> Type
33testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:31 String->Type 33testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:31 String -> Type
34testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:33 Type 34testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:33 Type
35testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:30-3:31 Type 35testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:30-3:31 Type
36testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:30-3:33 M c_ a_ -> Type 36testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:30-3:33 M _c _a -> Type
37testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:32-3:33 String | b_ 37testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:32-3:33 String | _b
38testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String->Type 38testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String -> Type
39testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:12-5:16 Type 39testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:12-5:16 Type
40testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:20-5:26 Type 40testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:20-5:26 Type
41testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:20-5:34 Type 41testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:20-5:34 Type
42testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:30-5:34 Type 42testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:30-5:34 Type
43testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:3-6:8 {a} -> a -> {b:String} -> M2 a b 43testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:3-6:8 forall a . a -> forall (b :: String) . M2 a b
44testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:12-6:13 b_ 44testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:12-6:13 _b
45testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:12-6:34 Type 45testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:12-6:34 Type
46testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:17-6:34 Type 46testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:17-6:34 Type
47testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:30 Type -> String->Type 47testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:30 Type -> String -> Type
48testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:32 String->Type 48testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:32 String -> Type
49testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:34 Type 49testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:34 Type
50testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:31-6:32 Type 50testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:31-6:32 Type
51testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:33-6:34 b_ 51testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:33-6:34 _b
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list01.out
index d4d2b08d..3f0fb720 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list01.out
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value1 :: {a} -> 'List a 3value1 :: forall a . 'List a
4value2 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'List a 4value2 :: forall a . 'Num a => 'List a
5value3 :: 'List 'Char 5value3 :: 'List 'Char
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 {a} -> List a 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 forall a . List a
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:12 {a} -> List a 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:12 forall a . List a
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:1-2:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> List a 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:1-2:7 forall a . Num a => List a
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:19 List c_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:19 List _c
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:11-2:12 b_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:11-2:12 _b
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:13-2:14 b_ 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:13-2:14 _b
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:13-2:18 List d_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:13-2:18 List _d
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:15-2:16 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:15-2:16 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:15-2:18 List e_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:15-2:18 List _e
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:17-2:18 List e_ | b_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:17-2:18 List _e | _b
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:1-3:7 List Char 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:1-3:7 List Char
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:10-3:31 List Char 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:10-3:31 List Char
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:11-3:14 Char 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:11-3:14 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list02.out
index 7863cd3b..ff742fb8 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list02.out
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value1 :: {a} -> 'List a 3value1 :: forall a . 'List a
4value2 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'List a 4value2 :: forall a . 'Num a => 'List a
5value3 :: 'List 'Char 5value3 :: 'List 'Char
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 {a} -> List a 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 forall a . List a
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-2:4 {a} -> List a 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-2:4 forall a . List a
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:1-4:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> List a 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:1-4:7 forall a . Num a => List a
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:10-5:7 List c_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:10-5:7 List _c
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:11-4:12 b_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:11-4:12 _b
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:13-4:14 b_ 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:13-4:14 _b
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:13-5:6 List d_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:13-5:6 List _d
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:3-5:4 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:3-5:4 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:3-5:6 List e_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:3-5:6 List _e
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:5-5:6 List e_ | b_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:5-5:6 List _e | _b
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 7:1-7:7 List Char 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 7:1-7:7 List Char
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:3-13:4 List Char 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:3-13:4 List Char
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:5-8:8 Char 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:5-8:8 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list07.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list07.reject.out
index 49e58ae2..01bf6d20 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list07.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list07.reject.out
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ with
14in builtin Nil 14in builtin Nil
15 15
16------------ tooltips 16------------ tooltips
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 b_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 _b
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:19 Char 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:19 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list08.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list08.out
index 5817af05..1ac19568 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list08.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list08.out
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ value :: 'List 'Float
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List Float 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List Float
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:16 List Float 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:16 List Float
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 b_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 _b
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float | List Float 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float | List Float
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list09.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list09.out
index 838f14f3..492d3138 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list09.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list09.out
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ value :: 'List 'Float
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List Float 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List Float
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:16 List Float 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:16 List Float
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 b_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 _b
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float | List Float 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float | List Float
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:27 Type 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:27 Type
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:26 Type 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:26 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list10.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list10.reject.out
index 1a8c354f..0855f067 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list10.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list10.reject.out
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ with
14in builtin Nil 14in builtin Nil
15 15
16------------ tooltips 16------------ tooltips
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 b_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 _b
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:15 Float
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:25 Type 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:25 Type
20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:24 Type 20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:24 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list11.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list11.out
index 53a243cf..cb6df6d3 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list11.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list11.out
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'List a 3value :: forall a . 'Num a => 'List a
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> List a 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 forall a . Num a => List a
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:10 b_ 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:10 _b
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:11 List b_ -> List b_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:11 List _b -> List _b
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List b_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List _b
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:13 {a} -> List a 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:13 forall a . List a
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list12.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list12.out
index 78811ae1..44f3d7fb 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list12.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list12.out
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'List a 3value :: forall a . 'Num a => 'List a
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> List a 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 forall a . Num a => List a
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:10 b_ 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:10 _b
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:11 List b_ -> List b_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:11 List _b -> List _b
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:21 List c_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:21 List _c
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:12 b_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:12 _b
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:13 List b_ -> List b_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:13 List _b -> List _b
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:21 List d_ 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:21 List _d
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:14 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:14 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:15 List b_ -> List b_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:15 List _b -> List _b
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:21 List e_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:21 List _e
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:14-1:15 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:14-1:15 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:16 b_ 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:16 _b
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:17 List b_ -> List b_ 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:17 List _b -> List _b
20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:21 List f_ 20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:21 List _f
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:18 b_ 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:18 _b
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:19 List b_ -> List b_ 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:19 List _b -> List _b
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:21 List f_ 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:21 List _f
25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:18-1:19 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:18-1:19 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:19-1:21 {a} -> List a 26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:19-1:21 forall a . List a
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list13.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list13.out
index 048307dc..65791b40 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list13.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list13.out
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List Char
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:31 List Char 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:31 List Char
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:17 List Char -> List Char 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:17 List Char -> List Char
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:31 List Char 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:31 List Char
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:20 Char 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:20 Char
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:21 List Char -> List Char 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:21 List Char -> List Char
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:31 List Char 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:31 List Char
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:21 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:21 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:24 Char 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:24 Char
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:25 List Char -> List Char 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:25 List Char -> List Char
20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:31 List Char 20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:31 List Char
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:25 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:25 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:25-1:28 Char 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:25-1:28 Char
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:25-1:29 List Char -> List Char 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:25-1:29 List Char -> List Char
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:25-1:31 List Char 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:25-1:31 List Char
25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:28-1:29 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:28-1:29 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:29-1:31 {a} -> List a 26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:29-1:31 forall a . List a
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list14.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list14.reject.out
index 64380216..bfd60997 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list14.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list14.reject.out
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ value = 'h':'i':()
20------------ tooltips 20------------ tooltips
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char
25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:17 List Char -> List Char 25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:17 List Char -> List Char
26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
27testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:19 () 27testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:19 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list15.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list15.reject.out
index a4ebc72a..081eabad 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list15.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list15.reject.out
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ value = 'h':'i':():[]
20------------ tooltips 20------------ tooltips
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char
25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:17 List Char -> List Char 25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:17 List Char -> List Char
26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:16-1:17 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
27testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:19 () 27testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:19 ()
28testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:20 List () -> List () 28testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:17-1:20 List () -> List ()
29testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:19-1:20 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 29testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:19-1:20 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list16.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list16.reject.out
index 470302ef..4f8d50a1 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list16.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/list16.reject.out
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ value = 'h':'i'
20------------ tooltips 20------------ tooltips
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:12 Char
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:13 List Char -> List Char
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:13-1:16 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp01.out
index 649a2f20..432c6b31 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp01.out
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ value :: 'List ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List () 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:34 List () 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:34 List ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:12 () | List () | b_ -> List a_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:12 () | List () | _b -> List _a
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:33 List () 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:33 List ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:23 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:23 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:26 () 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:26 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp02.out
index 691c04df..febc25b8 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp02.out
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:17 List ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:17 () | List () 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:17 () | List ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:1-2:6 List () 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:1-2:6 List ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:9-2:21 List () 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:9-2:21 List ()
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:11 List b_ | b_ -> List a_ | d_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:11 List _b | _b -> List _a | _d
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:19-2:20 List () 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:19-2:20 List ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp03.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp03.out
index d9d98c75..44bfd033 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp03.out
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ value :: 'List ()
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List () 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:41 List () 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:41 List ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:12 () | List () 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:12 () | List ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:40 List () | List () -> List () | b_ -> List a_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:40 List () | List () -> List () | _b -> List _a
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:33 List () 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:33 List ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:23 () 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:23 ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:26 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:26 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp04.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp04.out
index 627ab11f..d126e288 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp04.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp04.out
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:17 List ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:17 () | List () 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:15-1:17 () | List ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:1-2:6 List () 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:1-2:6 List ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:9-2:30 List () 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:9-2:30 List ()
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:12 () | List () | b_ -> List a_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:12 () | List () | _b -> List _a
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:29 List () | b_ -> List a_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:10-2:29 List () | _b -> List _a
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:20-2:21 List () 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:20-2:21 List ()
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:28-2:29 List () 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:28-2:29 List ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp05.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp05.out
index 7602c5ef..54650e0b 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp05.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp05.out
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ value :: 'List ()
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List () 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:6 List ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:39 List () 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:9-1:39 List ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:11 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:38 b_ -> List a_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:38 _b -> List _a
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:19-1:26 List () 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:19-1:26 List ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:22 () 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:22 ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:23-1:25 () | List () 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:23-1:25 () | List ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:32-1:33 () | b_ 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:32-1:33 () | _b
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:36-1:38 () 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:36-1:38 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp06.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp06.out
index 231185e2..aef51c74 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp06.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp06.out
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ value2 :: 'List ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 List () 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 List ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:46 List () 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:46 List ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:12 () | List () 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:12 () | List ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:45 List () -> List () | b_ -> List a_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:45 List () -> List () | _b -> List _a
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:27 List () 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:20-1:27 List ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:23 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:21-1:23 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:26 () | List () 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:24-1:26 () | List ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:33-1:34 () | b_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:33-1:34 () | _b
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:37-1:39 () 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:37-1:39 ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:41-1:45 Bool 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:41-1:45 Bool
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:1-3:7 List () 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:1-3:7 List ()
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:10-3:46 List () 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:10-3:46 List ()
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:11-3:12 () 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:11-3:12 ()
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:11-3:45 List () | b_ -> List a_ 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:11-3:45 List () | _b -> List _a
20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:20-3:27 List () 20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:20-3:27 List ()
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:21-3:23 () 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:21-3:23 ()
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:24-3:26 () | List () 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:24-3:26 () | List ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:29-3:33 Bool 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:29-3:33 Bool
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:39-3:40 () | b_ 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:39-3:40 () | _b
25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:43-3:45 () 25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:43-3:45 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp07.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp07.out
index a3f66edc..4b7b54ef 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp07.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp07.out
@@ -7,36 +7,36 @@ value3 :: 'List ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 List () 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 List ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-6:11 List () 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-6:11 List ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-1:13 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-5:21 b_ -> List a_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:12-5:21 _b -> List _a
11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:17-2:24 List () 11testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:17-2:24 List ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:18-2:20 () 12testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:18-2:20 ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:21-2:23 () | List () 13testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 2:21-2:23 () | List ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:16-3:17 () | b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:16-3:17 () | _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:20-3:22 () 15testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 3:20-3:22 ()
16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:12-4:16 Bool 16testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 4:12-4:16 Bool
17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:16-5:17 () | b_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:16-5:17 () | _b
18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:20-5:21 () 18testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 5:20-5:21 ()
19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:1-8:7 List () 19testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:1-8:7 List ()
20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:10-12:11 List () 20testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:10-12:11 List ()
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:12-8:13 () 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:12-8:13 ()
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:12-11:21 b_ -> List a_ 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:12-11:21 _b -> List _a
23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:21-8:28 List () 23testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:21-8:28 List ()
24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:22-8:24 () 24testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:22-8:24 ()
25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:25-8:27 () | List () 25testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 8:25-8:27 () | List ()
26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 9:16-9:17 () | b_ 26testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 9:16-9:17 () | _b
27testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 9:20-9:22 () 27testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 9:20-9:22 ()
28testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 10:12-10:16 Bool 28testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 10:12-10:16 Bool
29testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 11:16-11:17 () | b_ 29testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 11:16-11:17 () | _b
30testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 11:20-11:21 () 30testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 11:20-11:21 ()
31testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:1-14:7 List () 31testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:1-14:7 List ()
32testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:10-20:3 List () 32testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:10-20:3 List ()
33testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:12-14:13 () 33testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:12-14:13 ()
34testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:12-19:15 b_ -> List a_ 34testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 14:12-19:15 _b -> List _a
35testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 15:15-15:22 List () 35testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 15:15-15:22 List ()
36testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 15:16-15:18 () 36testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 15:16-15:18 ()
37testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 15:19-15:21 () | List () 37testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 15:19-15:21 () | List ()
38testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 17:2-17:3 () | b_ 38testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 17:2-17:3 () | _b
39testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 17:6-17:8 () 39testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 17:6-17:8 ()
40testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 18:7-18:11 Bool 40testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 18:7-18:11 Bool
41testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 19:10-19:11 () | b_ 41testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 19:10-19:11 () | _b
42testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 19:14-19:15 () 42testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 19:14-19:15 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp08.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp08.reject.out
index 10384134..35f2448e 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp08.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp08.reject.out
@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ value = [x | x <- [], "not Bool"]
18 ^^^^^^^^^^ 18 ^^^^^^^^^^
19 19
20------------ tooltips 20------------ tooltips
21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:33 b_ -> List a_ 21testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:33 _b -> List _a
22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:23-1:33 String 22testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:23-1:33 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp09.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp09.out
index d720baaf..bebcfae6 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp09.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-list/listcomp09.out
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value1 :: {_} -> 'List (()->'String) 3value1 :: Type => 'List (() -> 'String)
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 {_} -> List (()->String) 5testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:1-1:7 Type => List (() -> String)
6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:36 List (()->String) 6testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:10-1:36 List (() -> String)
7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:25 List (()->String) | b_ -> List a_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:11-1:25 List (() -> String) | _b -> List _a
8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:18-1:25 String 8testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:18-1:25 String
9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:33-1:35 {a} -> List a 9testdata/language-features/basic-list/ 1:33-1:35 forall a . List a
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case02.out
index 5c602ef2..e1b5a2e5 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case02.out
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value1 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->() 3value1 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => ()
4value2 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->'String 4value2 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a, 'Eq a, 'Num a) => 'String
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->() 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-3:10 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-3:10 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:16 b_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:16 _b
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:10 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:10 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:10 Bool->() 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:10 Bool -> ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->String 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 forall a . (Eq a, Num a, Eq a, Num a) => String
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-8:11 String 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-8:11 String
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:16 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:16 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-6:11 String 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-6:11 String
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-8:11 Bool->String 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-8:11 Bool -> String
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:8-7:11 String 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:8-7:11 String
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:8-8:11 Bool->String | String 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:8-8:11 Bool -> String | String
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:8-8:11 String 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:8-8:11 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case03.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case03.reject.out
index 8277264e..314fa80e 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case03.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case03.reject.out
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ value1 = case () of
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-3:10 () 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-3:10 ()
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:17 () 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:17 ()
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:10 () 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:10 ()
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:10 Bool->() 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:10 Bool -> ()
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 () 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case05.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case05.out
index f4f03c51..cfd1d9af 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case05.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case05.out
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 3value :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:6 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:6 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-2:11 Char 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-2:11 Char
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:16-1:17 e_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:16-1:17 _e
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:11 Char 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:11 Char
9------------ warnings 9------------ warnings
10Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/
11value x = case x of 11value x = case x of
12 ^ 12 ^
13Missing case(s): 13Missing case(s):
14 _ | False <- fromInt 1 == a_ 14 _ | False <- fromInt 1 == _a
15 15
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case06.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case06.out
index 2867cc57..40e7db3b 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case06.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/case06.out
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 3value :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:6 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:6 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-3:11 Char 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-3:11 Char
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:16-1:17 e_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:16-1:17 _e
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:11 Char 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:11 Char
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:11 Bool->Char 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:11 Bool -> Char
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:11 Char 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:11 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/data01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/data01.out
index a44de4d8..affad824 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/data01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/data01.out
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ main is not found
4B :: 'A 4B :: 'A
5C :: 'A 5C :: 'A
6D :: 'A 6D :: 'A
7'ACase :: (a : 'A->Type) -> a B -> a C -> a D -> (b:'A) -> a b 7'ACase :: (a :: 'A -> Type) -> a B -> a C -> a D -> (b :: 'A) -> a b
8match'A :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'A -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 8match'A :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'A -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
9'E :: Type 9'E :: Type
10F :: 'E 10F :: 'E
11G :: ()->'E 11G :: () -> 'E
12H :: 'E 12H :: 'E
13'ECase :: (a : 'E->Type) -> a F -> ((b:()) -> a (G b)) -> a H -> (c:'E) -> a c 13'ECase :: (a :: 'E -> Type) -> a F -> ((b :: ()) -> a (G b)) -> a H -> (c :: 'E) -> a c
14match'E :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'E -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 14match'E :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'E -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
15'D1 :: Type 15'D1 :: Type
16C1 :: 'D1 16C1 :: 'D1
17C2 :: ()->'D1 17C2 :: () -> 'D1
18C3 :: 'D1 18C3 :: 'D1
19'D1Case :: (a : 'D1->Type) -> a C1 -> ((b:()) -> a (C2 b)) -> a C3 -> (c:'D1) -> a c 19'D1Case :: (a :: 'D1 -> Type) -> a C1 -> ((b :: ()) -> a (C2 b)) -> a C3 -> (c :: 'D1) -> a c
20match'D1 :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'D1 -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 20match'D1 :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'D1 -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
21------------ tooltips 21------------ tooltips
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:7 Type 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:7 Type
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:13 Type 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:13 Type
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 A
27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:6-3:7 Type 27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:6-3:7 Type
28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:6-3:22 Type 28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:6-3:22 Type
29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:10-3:11 E 29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:10-3:11 E
30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:14-3:15 ()->E | E | Type 30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:14-3:15 () -> E | E | Type
31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:16-3:18 Type 31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:16-3:18 Type
32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:21-3:22 E 32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:21-3:22 E
33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:6-5:8 Type 33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:6-5:8 Type
34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:6-6:13 Type 34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:6-6:13 Type
35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:9-5:11 D1 35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:9-5:11 D1
36testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:5-6:7 ()->D1 | D1 | Type 36testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:5-6:7 () -> D1 | D1 | Type
37testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:7-6:9 Type 37testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:7-6:9 Type
38testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:11-6:13 D1 38testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:11-6:13 D1
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def01.out
index 4fa69d6c..6c174057 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def01.out
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3unit :: () 3unit :: ()
4fun1 :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Num b} -> a->b 4fun1 :: forall a b . 'Num b => a -> b
5fun2 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> {e} -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e->'Char 5fun2 :: forall a b c d e . a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> 'Char
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:8-1:10 () 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:8-1:10 ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:5 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : Num b} -> a->b 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:5 forall a b . Num b => a -> b
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:10-3:11 b_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:10-3:11 _b
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> {e} -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e->Char 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 forall a b c d e . a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> Char
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:18-5:21 Char 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:18-5:21 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def03.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def03.out
index 3161d04a..02db7cba 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def03.out
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 3fun :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a, 'Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 forall a . (Eq a, Num a, Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:12 Char 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:12 Char
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-2:12 Bool->Char 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-2:12 Bool -> Char
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:12 Char 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:12 Char
9------------ warnings 9------------ warnings
10Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/
11fun 1 = '1' 11fun 1 = '1'
12fun 2 = '2' 12fun 2 = '2'
13Missing case(s): 13Missing case(s):
14 _ | False <- fromInt 1 == a_, False <- fromInt 2 == a_ 14 _ | False <- fromInt 1 == _a, False <- fromInt 2 == _a
15 15
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def04.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def04.out
index 9b3e36f2..1f3fbeb7 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def04.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def04.out
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 3fun :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a, 'Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
4fun2 :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a -> b->'Char 4fun2 :: forall a b . ('Eq a, 'Num a, 'Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> b -> 'Char
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 forall a . (Eq a, Num a, Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:12 Char 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:12 Char
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-3:12 Bool->Char 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-3:12 Bool -> Char
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:12 Char 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:12 Char
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-3:12 Bool->Char | Char 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-3:12 Bool -> Char | Char
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:9-3:12 Char 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:9-3:12 Char
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a -> b->Char 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 forall a b . (Eq a, Num a, Eq a, Num a) => a -> b -> Char
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-5:15 Char 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-5:15 Char
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-7:15 Bool->Char 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-7:15 Bool -> Char
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:12-6:15 Char 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:12-6:15 Char
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:12-7:15 Bool->Char | Char 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:12-7:15 Bool -> Char | Char
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:12-7:15 Char 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:12-7:15 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def07.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def07.reject.out
index e54d61ca..be624025 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def07.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/def07.reject.out
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ fun _ = '_'
5fun 1 = '1' 5fun 1 = '1'
6^^^ 6^^^
7------------ trace 7------------ trace
8fun :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 8fun :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a, 'Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
9fun2 :: {a} -> {b} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a -> b->'Char 9fun2 :: forall a b . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> b -> 'Char
10fun :: {a} -> a->'Char 10fun :: forall a . a -> 'Char
11!already defined fun at testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11!already defined fun at testdata/language-features/basic-values/
12fun _ = '_' 12fun _ = '_'
13^^^ 13^^^
@@ -15,24 +15,24 @@ fun _ = '_'
15fun 1 = '1' 15fun 1 = '1'
16^^^ 16^^^
17------------ tooltips 17------------ tooltips
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 forall a . (Eq a, Num a, Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:12 Char 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:12 Char
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-2:12 Bool->Char 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-2:12 Bool -> Char
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:12 Char 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:12 Char
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:5 {a} -> {b} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a -> b->Char 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:5 forall a b . (Eq a, Num a) => a -> b -> Char
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:12-3:15 Char 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:12-3:15 Char
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:4 {a} -> a->Char 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:4 forall a . a -> Char
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:9-4:12 Char 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:9-4:12 Char
26------------ warnings 26------------ warnings
27Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/
28fun 1 = '1' 28fun 1 = '1'
29fun 2 = '2' 29fun 2 = '2'
30Missing case(s): 30Missing case(s):
31 _ | False <- fromInt 1 == a_, False <- fromInt 2 == a_ 31 _ | False <- fromInt 1 == _a, False <- fromInt 2 == _a
32 32
33Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 33Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/basic-values/
34fun2 1 _ = '1' 34fun2 1 _ = '1'
35^^^^ 35^^^^
36Missing case(s): 36Missing case(s):
37 _ _ | False <- fromInt 1 == b_ 37 _ _ | False <- fromInt 1 == _b
38 38
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity01.out
index 4d3a5cf9..f30cd6fa 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity01.out
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3funL :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 3funL :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
4funR :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 4funR :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
5<<<< :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 5<<<< :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
6>>>> :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 6>>>> :: forall a b . a -> b -> b
7------------ tooltips 7------------ tooltips
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 d_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 _d
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:13 d_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:13 _d
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:3-4:7 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:3-4:7 forall a b . a -> b -> a
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:12-4:13 d_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:12-4:13 _d
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:3-5:7 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:3-5:7 forall a b . a -> b -> b
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-5:13 b_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-5:13 _b
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity02.out
index bed65026..2f87c92d 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/fixity02.out
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3funL :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 3funL :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
4funR :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 4funR :: forall a b . a -> b -> b
5<@ :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 5<@ :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
6@> :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 6@> :: forall a b . a -> b -> b
7value1 :: 'Float 7value1 :: 'Float
8value2 :: 'Float 8value2 :: 'Float
9value3 :: 'Float 9value3 :: 'Float
@@ -21,251 +21,251 @@ funValue6 :: 'Char
21funValue7 :: 'String 21funValue7 :: 'String
22funValue8 :: () 22funValue8 :: ()
23------------ tooltips 23------------ tooltips
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 d_ 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 _d
26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b . a -> b -> b
27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:13 b_ 27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:13 _b
28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:3-4:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:3-4:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 d_ 29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 _d
30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:3-5:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:3-5:5 forall a b . a -> b -> b
31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:11 b_ 31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:11 _b
32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:1-11:7 Float 32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:1-11:7 Float
33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:12 () 33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:12 ()
34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:15 a_->a_ 34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:15 _a -> _a
35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:34 Float 35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:34 Float
36testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:13-11:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 36testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:13-11:15 forall a b . a -> b -> b
37testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:16-11:19 Char 37testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:16-11:19 Char
38testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:16-11:22 a_->a_ 38testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:16-11:22 _a -> _a
39testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:16-11:34 Float 39testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:16-11:34 Float
40testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:20-11:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 40testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:20-11:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
41testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:23-11:27 String 41testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:23-11:27 String
42testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:23-11:30 a_->a_ 42testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:23-11:30 _a -> _a
43testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:23-11:34 Float 43testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:23-11:34 Float
44testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:28-11:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 44testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:28-11:30 forall a b . a -> b -> b
45testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:31-11:34 Float 45testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:31-11:34 Float
46testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:38-11:43 Type 46testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:38-11:43 Type
47testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:1-12:7 Float 47testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:1-12:7 Float
48testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:10-12:12 () 48testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:10-12:12 ()
49testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:10-12:15 a_->a_ 49testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:10-12:15 _a -> _a
50testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:10-12:34 Float 50testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:10-12:34 Float
51testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:13-12:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 51testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:13-12:15 forall a b . a -> b -> b
52testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:19 Char 52testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:19 Char
53testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:22 a_->Char 53testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:22 _a -> Char
54testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:27 Char 54testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:27 Char
55testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:30 a_->a_ 55testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:30 _a -> _a
56testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:34 Float 56testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:16-12:34 Float
57testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:20-12:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 57testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:20-12:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
58testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:23-12:27 String 58testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:23-12:27 String
59testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:28-12:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 59testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:28-12:30 forall a b . a -> b -> b
60testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:31-12:34 Float 60testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:31-12:34 Float
61testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:38-12:43 Type 61testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:38-12:43 Type
62testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:1-13:7 Float 62testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:1-13:7 Float
63testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:12 () 63testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:12 ()
64testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:15 a_->() 64testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:15 _a -> ()
65testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:19 () 65testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:19 ()
66testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:22 a_->a_ 66testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:22 _a -> _a
67testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:34 Float 67testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:10-13:34 Float
68testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:13-13:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 68testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:13-13:15 forall a b . a -> b -> a
69testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:16-13:19 Char 69testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:16-13:19 Char
70testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:20-13:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 70testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:20-13:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
71testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:23-13:27 String 71testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:23-13:27 String
72testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:23-13:30 a_->a_ 72testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:23-13:30 _a -> _a
73testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:23-13:34 Float 73testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:23-13:34 Float
74testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:28-13:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 74testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:28-13:30 forall a b . a -> b -> b
75testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:31-13:34 Float 75testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:31-13:34 Float
76testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:38-13:43 Type 76testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:38-13:43 Type
77testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:1-14:7 Float 77testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:1-14:7 Float
78testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:12 () 78testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:12 ()
79testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:15 a_->() 79testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:15 _a -> ()
80testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:27 () 80testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:27 ()
81testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:30 a_->a_ 81testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:30 _a -> _a
82testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:34 Float 82testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:10-14:34 Float
83testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:13-14:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 83testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:13-14:15 forall a b . a -> b -> a
84testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:16-14:19 Char 84testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:16-14:19 Char
85testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:16-14:22 a_->Char 85testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:16-14:22 _a -> Char
86testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:16-14:27 Char 86testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:16-14:27 Char
87testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:20-14:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 87testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:20-14:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
88testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:23-14:27 String 88testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:23-14:27 String
89testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:28-14:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 89testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:28-14:30 forall a b . a -> b -> b
90testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:31-14:34 Float 90testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:31-14:34 Float
91testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:38-14:43 Type 91testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:38-14:43 Type
92testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:1-15:7 String 92testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:1-15:7 String
93testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:10-15:12 () 93testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:10-15:12 ()
94testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:10-15:15 a_->a_ 94testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:10-15:15 _a -> _a
95testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:10-15:34 String 95testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:10-15:34 String
96testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:13-15:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 96testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:13-15:15 forall a b . a -> b -> b
97testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:16-15:19 Char 97testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:16-15:19 Char
98testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:16-15:22 a_->a_ 98testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:16-15:22 _a -> _a
99testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:16-15:34 String 99testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:16-15:34 String
100testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:20-15:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 100testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:20-15:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
101testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:23-15:27 String 101testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:23-15:27 String
102testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:23-15:30 a_->String 102testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:23-15:30 _a -> String
103testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:23-15:34 String 103testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:23-15:34 String
104testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:28-15:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 104testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:28-15:30 forall a b . a -> b -> a
105testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:31-15:34 Float 105testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:31-15:34 Float
106testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:38-15:44 Type 106testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:38-15:44 Type
107testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:1-16:7 Char 107testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:1-16:7 Char
108testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-16:12 () 108testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-16:12 ()
109testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-16:15 a_->a_ 109testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-16:15 _a -> _a
110testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-16:34 Char 110testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-16:34 Char
111testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:13-16:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 111testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:13-16:15 forall a b . a -> b -> b
112testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:16-16:19 Char 112testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:16-16:19 Char
113testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:16-16:22 a_->Char 113testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:16-16:22 _a -> Char
114testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:16-16:34 Char 114testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:16-16:34 Char
115testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:20-16:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 115testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:20-16:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
116testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:23-16:27 String 116testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:23-16:27 String
117testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:23-16:30 a_->String 117testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:23-16:30 _a -> String
118testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:23-16:34 String 118testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:23-16:34 String
119testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:28-16:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 119testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:28-16:30 forall a b . a -> b -> a
120testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:31-16:34 Float 120testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:31-16:34 Float
121testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:38-16:42 Type 121testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:38-16:42 Type
122testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:1-17:7 String 122testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:1-17:7 String
123testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:12 () 123testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:12 ()
124testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:15 a_->() 124testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:15 _a -> ()
125testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:19 () 125testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:19 ()
126testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:22 a_->a_ 126testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:22 _a -> _a
127testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:34 String 127testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:10-17:34 String
128testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:13-17:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 128testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:13-17:15 forall a b . a -> b -> a
129testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:16-17:19 Char 129testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:16-17:19 Char
130testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:20-17:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 130testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:20-17:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
131testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:23-17:27 String 131testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:23-17:27 String
132testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:23-17:30 a_->String 132testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:23-17:30 _a -> String
133testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:23-17:34 String 133testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:23-17:34 String
134testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:28-17:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 134testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:28-17:30 forall a b . a -> b -> a
135testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:31-17:34 Float 135testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:31-17:34 Float
136testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:38-17:44 Type 136testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:38-17:44 Type
137testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:1-18:7 () 137testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:1-18:7 ()
138testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:10-18:12 () 138testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:10-18:12 ()
139testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:10-18:15 a_->() 139testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:10-18:15 _a -> ()
140testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:10-18:34 () 140testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:10-18:34 ()
141testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:13-18:15 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 141testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:13-18:15 forall a b . a -> b -> a
142testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:16-18:19 Char 142testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:16-18:19 Char
143testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:16-18:22 a_->Char 143testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:16-18:22 _a -> Char
144testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:16-18:34 Char 144testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:16-18:34 Char
145testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:20-18:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 145testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:20-18:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
146testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:23-18:27 String 146testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:23-18:27 String
147testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:23-18:30 a_->String 147testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:23-18:30 _a -> String
148testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:23-18:34 String 148testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:23-18:34 String
149testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:28-18:30 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 149testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:28-18:30 forall a b . a -> b -> a
150testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:31-18:34 Float 150testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:31-18:34 Float
151testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:38-18:40 Type 151testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:38-18:40 Type
152testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:1-20:10 Float 152testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:1-20:10 Float
153testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:13-20:15 () 153testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:13-20:15 ()
154testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:13-20:22 a_->a_ 154testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:13-20:22 _a -> _a
155testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:13-20:49 Float 155testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:13-20:49 Float
156testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:16-20:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 156testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:16-20:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
157testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:23-20:26 Char 157testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:23-20:26 Char
158testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:23-20:33 a_->a_ 158testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:23-20:33 _a -> _a
159testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:23-20:49 Float 159testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:23-20:49 Float
160testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:27-20:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 160testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:27-20:33 forall a b . a -> b -> b
161testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:34-20:38 String 161testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:34-20:38 String
162testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:34-20:45 a_->a_ 162testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:34-20:45 _a -> _a
163testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:34-20:49 Float 163testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:34-20:49 Float
164testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:39-20:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 164testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:39-20:45 forall a b . a -> b -> b
165testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:46-20:49 Float 165testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:46-20:49 Float
166testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:53-20:58 Type 166testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 20:53-20:58 Type
167testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:1-21:10 Float 167testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:1-21:10 Float
168testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:13-21:15 () 168testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:13-21:15 ()
169testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:13-21:22 a_->a_ 169testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:13-21:22 _a -> _a
170testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:13-21:49 Float 170testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:13-21:49 Float
171testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:16-21:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 171testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:16-21:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
172testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:26 Char 172testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:26 Char
173testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:33 a_->Char 173testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:33 _a -> Char
174testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:38 Char 174testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:38 Char
175testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:45 a_->a_ 175testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:45 _a -> _a
176testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:49 Float 176testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:23-21:49 Float
177testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:27-21:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 177testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:27-21:33 forall a b . a -> b -> a
178testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:34-21:38 String 178testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:34-21:38 String
179testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:39-21:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 179testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:39-21:45 forall a b . a -> b -> b
180testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:46-21:49 Float 180testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:46-21:49 Float
181testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:53-21:58 Type 181testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:53-21:58 Type
182testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:1-22:10 Float 182testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:1-22:10 Float
183testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:15 () 183testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:15 ()
184testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:22 a_->() 184testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:22 _a -> ()
185testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:26 () 185testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:26 ()
186testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:33 a_->a_ 186testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:33 _a -> _a
187testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:49 Float 187testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:13-22:49 Float
188testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:16-22:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 188testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:16-22:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
189testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:23-22:26 Char 189testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:23-22:26 Char
190testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:27-22:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 190testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:27-22:33 forall a b . a -> b -> b
191testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:34-22:38 String 191testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:34-22:38 String
192testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:34-22:45 a_->a_ 192testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:34-22:45 _a -> _a
193testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:34-22:49 Float 193testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:34-22:49 Float
194testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:39-22:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 194testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:39-22:45 forall a b . a -> b -> b
195testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:46-22:49 Float 195testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:46-22:49 Float
196testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:53-22:58 Type 196testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 22:53-22:58 Type
197testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:1-23:10 Float 197testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:1-23:10 Float
198testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:15 () 198testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:15 ()
199testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:22 a_->() 199testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:22 _a -> ()
200testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:38 () 200testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:38 ()
201testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:45 a_->a_ 201testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:45 _a -> _a
202testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:49 Float 202testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:13-23:49 Float
203testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:16-23:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 203testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:16-23:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
204testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:23-23:26 Char 204testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:23-23:26 Char
205testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:23-23:33 a_->Char 205testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:23-23:33 _a -> Char
206testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:23-23:38 Char 206testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:23-23:38 Char
207testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:27-23:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 207testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:27-23:33 forall a b . a -> b -> a
208testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:34-23:38 String 208testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:34-23:38 String
209testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:39-23:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 209testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:39-23:45 forall a b . a -> b -> b
210testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:46-23:49 Float 210testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:46-23:49 Float
211testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:53-23:58 Type 211testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 23:53-23:58 Type
212testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:1-24:10 String 212testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:1-24:10 String
213testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:13-24:15 () 213testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:13-24:15 ()
214testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:13-24:22 a_->a_ 214testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:13-24:22 _a -> _a
215testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:13-24:49 String 215testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:13-24:49 String
216testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:16-24:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 216testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:16-24:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
217testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:23-24:26 Char 217testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:23-24:26 Char
218testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:23-24:33 a_->a_ 218testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:23-24:33 _a -> _a
219testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:23-24:49 String 219testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:23-24:49 String
220testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:27-24:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 220testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:27-24:33 forall a b . a -> b -> b
221testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:34-24:38 String 221testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:34-24:38 String
222testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:34-24:45 a_->String 222testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:34-24:45 _a -> String
223testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:34-24:49 String 223testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:34-24:49 String
224testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:39-24:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 224testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:39-24:45 forall a b . a -> b -> a
225testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:46-24:49 Float 225testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:46-24:49 Float
226testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:53-24:59 Type 226testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 24:53-24:59 Type
227testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:1-25:10 Char 227testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:1-25:10 Char
228testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:13-25:15 () 228testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:13-25:15 ()
229testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:13-25:22 a_->a_ 229testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:13-25:22 _a -> _a
230testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:13-25:49 Char 230testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:13-25:49 Char
231testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:16-25:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 231testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:16-25:22 forall a b . a -> b -> b
232testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:23-25:26 Char 232testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:23-25:26 Char
233testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:23-25:33 a_->Char 233testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:23-25:33 _a -> Char
234testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:23-25:49 Char 234testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:23-25:49 Char
235testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:27-25:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 235testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:27-25:33 forall a b . a -> b -> a
236testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:34-25:38 String 236testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:34-25:38 String
237testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:34-25:45 a_->String 237testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:34-25:45 _a -> String
238testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:34-25:49 String 238testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:34-25:49 String
239testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:39-25:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 239testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:39-25:45 forall a b . a -> b -> a
240testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:46-25:49 Float 240testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:46-25:49 Float
241testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:53-25:57 Type 241testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 25:53-25:57 Type
242testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:1-26:10 String 242testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:1-26:10 String
243testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:15 () 243testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:15 ()
244testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:22 a_->() 244testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:22 _a -> ()
245testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:26 () 245testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:26 ()
246testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:33 a_->a_ 246testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:33 _a -> _a
247testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:49 String 247testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:13-26:49 String
248testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:16-26:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 248testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:16-26:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
249testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:23-26:26 Char 249testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:23-26:26 Char
250testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:27-26:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 250testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:27-26:33 forall a b . a -> b -> b
251testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:34-26:38 String 251testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:34-26:38 String
252testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:34-26:45 a_->String 252testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:34-26:45 _a -> String
253testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:34-26:49 String 253testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:34-26:49 String
254testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:39-26:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 254testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:39-26:45 forall a b . a -> b -> a
255testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:46-26:49 Float 255testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:46-26:49 Float
256testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:53-26:59 Type 256testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 26:53-26:59 Type
257testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:1-27:10 () 257testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:1-27:10 ()
258testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:13-27:15 () 258testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:13-27:15 ()
259testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:13-27:22 a_->() 259testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:13-27:22 _a -> ()
260testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:13-27:49 () 260testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:13-27:49 ()
261testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:16-27:22 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 261testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:16-27:22 forall a b . a -> b -> a
262testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:23-27:26 Char 262testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:23-27:26 Char
263testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:23-27:33 a_->Char 263testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:23-27:33 _a -> Char
264testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:23-27:49 Char 264testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:23-27:49 Char
265testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:27-27:33 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 265testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:27-27:33 forall a b . a -> b -> a
266testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:34-27:38 String 266testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:34-27:38 String
267testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:34-27:45 a_->String 267testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:34-27:45 _a -> String
268testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:34-27:49 String 268testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:34-27:49 String
269testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:39-27:45 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 269testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:39-27:45 forall a b . a -> b -> a
270testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:46-27:49 Float 270testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:46-27:49 Float
271testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:53-27:55 Type 271testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 27:53-27:55 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if01.out
index d9211a28..991efd46 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if01.out
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ value2 :: 'Float
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 () 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:33 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:33 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:17 Bool 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:17 Bool
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:25 ()->() 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:25 () -> ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:23-1:25 () 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:23-1:25 ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:31-1:33 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:31-1:33 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:7 Float 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:7 Float
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:10-2:36 Float 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:10-2:36 Float
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:18 Bool 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:18 Bool
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:27 Float->Float 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:27 Float -> Float
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:24-2:27 Float 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:24-2:27 Float
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:33-2:36 Float 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:33-2:36 Float
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if04.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if04.reject.out
index eed0fc59..23a77a44 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if04.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/if04.reject.out
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ value1 = if True then () else '_'
19 19
20------------ tooltips 20------------ tooltips
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:17 Bool 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:17 Bool
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:25 ()->() 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:25 () -> ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:23-1:25 () 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:23-1:25 ()
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:31-1:34 Char 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:31-1:34 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix01.out
index d4e62854..33ab245c 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix01.out
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 3fun :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
4value :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 4value :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:14 f_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:14 _f
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:20 a_->() 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:20 _a -> ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:22 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:22 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:15-3:20 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:15-3:20 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:21-3:22 c_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:21-3:22 _c
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix02.out
index c5c2b99c..11e17685 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix02.out
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 3fun :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
4value :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 4value :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:4 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:15 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:15 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:6 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:6 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:14 g_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:14 _g
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:20 b_ -> a_->() 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:20 _b -> _a -> ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:22 a_->() 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:22 _a -> ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:15-3:20 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:15-3:20 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:21-3:22 d_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:21-3:22 _d
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix03.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix03.out
index dcdc1bb6..dcab8247 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/infix03.out
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3'D :: Type 3'D :: Type
4D2 :: () -> ()->'D 4D2 :: () -> () -> 'D
5D3 :: () -> () -> ()->'D 5D3 :: () -> () -> () -> 'D
6'DCase :: (a : 'D->Type) -> ((b:()) -> (c:()) -> a (D2 b c)) -> ((d:()) -> (e:()) -> (f:()) -> a (D3 d e f)) -> (g:'D) -> a g 6'DCase :: (a :: 'D -> Type) -> ((b :: ()) -> (c :: ()) -> a (D2 b c)) -> ((d :: ()) -> (e :: ()) -> (f :: ()) -> a (D3 d e f)) -> (g :: 'D) -> a g
7match'D :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'D -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 7match'D :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'D -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
8d2 :: () -> ()->'D 8d2 :: () -> () -> 'D
9d3 :: () -> () -> ()->'D 9d3 :: () -> () -> () -> 'D
10------------ tooltips 10------------ tooltips
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:7 Type 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:7 Type
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:18 Type 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:18 Type
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-2:12 Type 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-2:12 Type
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-2:21 Type 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-2:21 Type
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:12 () -> ()->D | D | Type 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:12 () -> () -> D | D | Type
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:15 Type 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:15 Type
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:16-1:18 Type 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:16-1:18 Type
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:10-2:12 () -> () -> ()->D | D | Type 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:10-2:12 () -> () -> () -> D | D | Type
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:15 Type 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:15 Type
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:16-2:18 Type 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:16-2:18 Type
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:19-2:21 Type 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:19-2:21 Type
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:3 () -> ()->D 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:3 () -> () -> D
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 d_ 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 _d
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:16 ()->D 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:16 () -> D
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:18 D 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:18 D
26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:12-4:16 () -> ()->D 26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:12-4:16 () -> () -> D
27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:17-4:18 b_ 27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:17-4:18 _b
28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:1-6:3 () -> () -> ()->D 28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:1-6:3 () -> () -> () -> D
29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:10-6:11 d_ 29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:10-6:11 _d
30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:10-6:16 () -> ()->D 30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:10-6:16 () -> () -> D
31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:10-6:18 ()->D 31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:10-6:18 () -> D
32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:12-6:16 () -> () -> ()->D 32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:12-6:16 () -> () -> () -> D
33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:17-6:18 b_ 33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:17-6:18 _b
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda01.out
index 14711679..e2c51312 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda01.out
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun1 :: {a} -> a->() 3fun1 :: forall a . a -> ()
4fun2 :: {a} -> a->() 4fun2 :: forall a . a -> ()
5fun3 :: {a} -> a->() 5fun3 :: forall a . a -> ()
6fun4 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> {e} -> {f} -> {g} -> {h} -> {i} -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i->() 6fun4 :: forall a b c d e f g h i . a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> ()
7------------ tooltips 7------------ tooltips
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> a->() 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 forall a . a -> ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:16 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:16 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> a->() 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a . a -> ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:15-2:17 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:15-2:17 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:5 {a} -> a->() 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:5 forall a . a -> ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:15 () 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:15 ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> {e} -> {f} -> {g} -> {h} -> {i} -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i->() 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:5 forall a b c d e f g h i . a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:28-5:30 () 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:28-5:30 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda03.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda03.out
index 7d9a98ae..902fdc98 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/lambda03.out
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun1 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->b 3fun1 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> b
4fun2 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> a -> b -> c -> d->a 4fun2 :: forall a b c d . a -> b -> c -> d -> a
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->b 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> b
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:22-1:23 d_ 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:22-1:23 _d
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d} -> a -> b -> c -> d->a 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b c d . a -> b -> c -> d -> a
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:25-2:26 h_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:25-2:26 _h
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let01.out
index 4c4793b6..8ab8c8e0 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let01.out
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value1 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 3value1 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
4value2 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 4value2 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
5value3 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 5value3 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
6value4 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 6value4 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
7value5 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 7value5 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
8------------ tooltips 8------------ tooltips
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 forall a . Num a => a
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:18-1:19 b_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:18-1:19 _b
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:23-1:24 b_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:23-1:24 _b
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:7 forall a . Num a => a
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:11-4:12 b_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:11-4:12 _b
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:6-5:7 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:6-5:7 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:1-7:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:1-7:7 forall a . Num a => a
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:11-8:12 b_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:11-8:12 _b
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 9:11-9:14 Char 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 9:11-9:14 Char
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:6-10:7 b_ 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:6-10:7 _b
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:1-12:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:1-12:7 forall a . Num a => a
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:18-12:19 b_ 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:18-12:19 _b
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:13-13:14 b_ 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:13-13:14 _b
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:1-15:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:1-15:7 forall a . Num a => a
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:18-15:19 b_ 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:18-15:19 _b
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:18-16:19 b_ 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:18-16:19 _b
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:13-17:14 b_ 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:13-17:14 _b
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let02.out
index 95f6541e..bee7d640 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/let02.out
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:11-2:13 ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:19-3:22 Char 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:19-3:22 Char
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:26-3:28 () 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:26-3:28 ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:17-5:19 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:17-5:19 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:17-6:18 b_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:17-6:18 _b
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:17-7:24 String 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:17-7:24 String
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:12-8:15 Char 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:12-8:15 Char
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 9:6-9:8 () 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 9:6-9:8 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/literal01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/literal01.out
index dd36d512..0f7b3dbf 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/literal01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/literal01.out
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3intValue1 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 3intValue1 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
4intValue2 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 4intValue2 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
5intValue3 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 5intValue3 :: forall a . 'Num a => a
6floatValue1 :: 'Float 6floatValue1 :: 'Float
7floatValue2 :: 'Float 7floatValue2 :: 'Float
8charValue :: 'Char 8charValue :: 'Char
9stringValue1 :: 'String 9stringValue1 :: 'String
10stringValue2 :: 'String 10stringValue2 :: 'String
11------------ tooltips 11------------ tooltips
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:10 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:10 forall a . Num a => a
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:14 b_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:14 _b
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:10 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:10 forall a . Num a => a
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:14 b_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:14 _b
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:10 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:10 forall a . Num a => a
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:18 b_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:18 _b
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:12 Float 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:12 Float
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:18 Float 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:18 Float
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:1-6:12 Float 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:1-6:12 Float
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator01.out
index 78e55853..597a3a00 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator01.out
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3#$# :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 3#$# :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
4$$# :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 4$$# :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
5$$$# :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 5$$$# :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
6$$$ :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 6$$$ :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
7------------ tooltips 7------------ tooltips
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:3-1:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:3-1:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:3-3:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:3-3:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:3-5:7 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:3-5:7 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:3-6:5 () 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:3-6:5 ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:3-8:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:3-8:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:11-8:13 () 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:11-8:13 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator02.reject.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator02.reject.out
index 8e5ed72c..93092e52 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator02.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator02.reject.out
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ a #$# b = ()
5a #$# b = () 5a #$# b = ()
6 ^^^ 6 ^^^
7------------ trace 7------------ trace
8#$# :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 8#$# :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
9fun :: {a} -> a->() 9fun :: forall a . a -> ()
10#$# :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 10#$# :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
11!already defined #$# at testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11!already defined #$# at testdata/language-features/basic-values/
12a #$# b = () 12a #$# b = ()
13 ^^^ 13 ^^^
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ a #$# b = ()
15a #$# b = () 15a #$# b = ()
16 ^^^ 16 ^^^
17------------ tooltips 17------------ tooltips
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:3-1:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:3-1:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 () 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 ()
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:4 {a} -> a->() 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:4 forall a . a -> ()
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:11 () 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:11 ()
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:3-3:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:3-3:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:11-3:13 () 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:11-3:13 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator05.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator05.out
index 16c940fc..30b3fcac 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator05.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator05.out
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ value1 :: ()
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 () 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:24-1:26 () 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:24-1:26 ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:15 () 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:15 ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:19 a_->() 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:19 _a -> ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:22 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:13-2:22 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:16-2:19 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:16-2:19 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:20-2:22 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:20-2:22 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator06.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator06.out
index c37005c3..4fa5381e 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator06.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/operator06.out
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ value1 :: ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 () 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:12 () 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:12 ()
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:16 a_->() 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:16 _a -> ()
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:19 () 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:19 ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:16 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:16 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:17-1:19 () 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:17-1:19 ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:19-2:21 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:19-2:21 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing01.out
index dad7b72b..8956a8a3 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing01.out
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ value :: 'Char
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:6 Char 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:6 Char
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:11-2:14 Char 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:11-2:14 Char
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:11-3:18 String 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:11-3:18 String
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:17-5:18 b_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:17-5:18 _b
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:17-6:21 Float 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:17-6:21 Float
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:25-7:27 () 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:25-7:27 ()
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:25-8:28 Char 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:25-8:28 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing02.out
index a3acdba8..201f5f75 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing02.out
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3c :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->a 3c :: forall a . 'Num a => a
4world :: 'String 4world :: 'String
5value2 :: 'Char 5value2 :: 'Char
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:2 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:2 forall a . Num a => a
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:5-1:6 b_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:5-1:6 _b
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:6 String 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:6 String
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:16 String 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:9-2:16 String
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:7 Char 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:7 Char
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:11-4:14 Char 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:11-4:14 Char
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:11-5:18 String 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:11-5:18 String
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:11-6:14 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:11-6:14 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:17-8:18 b_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:17-8:18 _b
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 9:17-9:21 Float 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 9:17-9:21 Float
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:25-10:27 () 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:25-10:27 ()
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:25-11:28 Char 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:25-11:28 Char
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:25-12:29 Float 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:25-12:29 Float
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:25-13:26 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->a 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:25-13:26 forall a . Num a => a
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:20-14:25 String 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:20-14:25 String
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:14-15:16 () 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 15:14-15:16 ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:6-16:9 Char 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:6-16:9 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing03.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing03.out
index f4b60d48..23d28466 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing03.out
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3x :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 3x :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:2 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:2 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:11 () 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:11 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing04.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing04.out
index b1a26817..70a54caa 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing04.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/shadowing04.out
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3__ :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 3__ :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:3 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:3 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 () 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:13 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/tuple02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/tuple02.out
index 90605d50..649fc85f 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/tuple02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/tuple02.out
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3tuple1 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->(a, 'Float, 'Char, 'String, ()) 3tuple1 :: forall a . 'Num a => (a, 'Float, 'Char, 'String, ())
4tuple2 :: ((), ()) 4tuple2 :: ((), ())
5tuple3 :: (('String, 'Char), ()) 5tuple3 :: (('String, 'Char), ())
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 {a} -> {_ : Num a}->(a, Float, Char, String, ()) 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 forall a . Num a => (a, Float, Char, String, ())
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:33 (b_, Float, Char, String, ()) 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-1:33 (_b, Float, Char, String, ())
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:12 b_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:11-1:12 _b
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:16 Float 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:16 Float
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:32 (Float, Char, String, ()) 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:32 (Float, Char, String, ())
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:17-1:20 Char 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:17-1:20 Char
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig03.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig03.out
index 720df136..68d312c9 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig03.out
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun1 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 3fun1 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
4fun2 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 4fun2 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:10 f_ 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:10 _f
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:26 Type 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:26 Type
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:15 e_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:15 _e
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:26 Type 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:26 Type
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:19-1:20 d_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:19-1:20 _d
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:19-1:26 Type 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:19-1:26 Type
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:24-1:26 Type 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:24-1:26 Type
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:14-2:16 () | c_ -> b_ -> a_->() | c_ -> b_->() | c_->() 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:14-2:16 () | _c -> () | _c -> _b -> () | _c -> _b -> _a -> ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:8 f_ 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:8 _f
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:18 Type 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:18 Type
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 e_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 _e
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:18 Type 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:18 Type
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:13-4:14 d_ 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:13-4:14 _d
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:13-4:18 Type 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:13-4:18 Type
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:16-4:18 Type 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:16-4:18 Type
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> b -> c->() 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:14-5:16 () | c_ -> b_ -> a_->() | c_ -> b_->() | c_->() 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:14-5:16 () | _c -> () | _c -> _b -> () | _c -> _b -> _a -> ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig04.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig04.out
index 9d7d2072..3059a3ac 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig04.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig04.out
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun1 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> (b->c)->() 3fun1 :: forall a b c . a -> (b -> c) -> ()
4fun2 :: {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> (b->c)->() 4fun2 :: forall a b c . a -> (b -> c) -> ()
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:10 f_ 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:10 _f
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:28 Type 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:9-1:28 Type
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:28 Type 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:14-1:28 Type
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:16 e_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:16 _e
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:20-1:21 Type | d_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:20-1:21 Type | _d
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:26-1:28 Type 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:26-1:28 Type
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> (b->c)->() 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b c . a -> (b -> c) -> ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:14 () | (c_->b_)->() | c_ -> (b_->a_)->() 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:14 () | (_c -> _b) -> () | _c -> (_b -> _a) -> ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:8 f_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:8 _f
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:20 Type 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:7-4:20 Type
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:20 Type 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:20 Type
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:11-4:12 e_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:11-4:12 _e
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:14-4:15 Type | d_ 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:14-4:15 Type | _d
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:18-4:20 Type 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:18-4:20 Type
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 {a} -> {b} -> {c} -> a -> (b->c)->() 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:5 forall a b c . a -> (b -> c) -> ()
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-5:14 () | (c_->b_)->() | c_ -> (b_->a_)->() 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:12-5:14 () | (_c -> _b) -> () | _c -> (_b -> _a) -> ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig05.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig05.out
index a2d2e91d..1e8fa0f6 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig05.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig05.out
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3funL :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 3funL :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
4funR :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 4funR :: forall a b . a -> b -> b
5value1 :: 'Char 5value1 :: 'Char
6value2 :: 'String 6value2 :: 'String
7value3 :: 'Char 7value3 :: 'Char
8value4 :: 'String 8value4 :: 'String
9------------ tooltips 9------------ tooltips
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 d_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 _d
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b . a -> b -> b
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:13 b_ 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:12-2:13 _b
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:7 Char 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:7 Char
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:14 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:14 forall a b . a -> b -> a
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:18 a_->Char 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:18 _a -> Char
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:22 Char 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:22 Char
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:15-4:18 Char 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:15-4:18 Char
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:19-4:22 String 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:19-4:22 String
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:26-4:30 Type 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:26-4:30 Type
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 String 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 String
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:14 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:14 forall a b . a -> b -> b
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:18 a_->a_ 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:18 _a -> _a
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:22 String 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:22 String
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:18 Char 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:18 Char
26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:19-5:22 String 26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:19-5:22 String
27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:26-5:32 Type 27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:26-5:32 Type
28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:11-7:15 Type 28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:11-7:15 Type
29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:1-8:7 Char 29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:1-8:7 Char
30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:10-8:14 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:10-8:14 forall a b . a -> b -> a
31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:10-8:18 a_->Char 31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:10-8:18 _a -> Char
32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:10-8:22 Char 32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:10-8:22 Char
33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:15-8:18 Char 33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:15-8:18 Char
34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:19-8:22 String 34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:19-8:22 String
35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:11-10:17 Type 35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:11-10:17 Type
36testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:1-11:7 String 36testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:1-11:7 String
37testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:14 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->b 37testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:14 forall a b . a -> b -> b
38testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:18 a_->a_ 38testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:18 _a -> _a
39testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:22 String 39testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:10-11:22 String
40testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:15-11:18 Char 40testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:15-11:18 Char
41testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:19-11:22 String 41testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:19-11:22 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig06.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig06.out
index 2335d27b..a5bcd427 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig06.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig06.out
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3funL :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 3funL :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
4<@ :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 4<@ :: forall a b . a -> b -> a
5value1 :: 'String 5value1 :: 'String
6value2 :: 'String 6value2 :: 'String
7------------ tooltips 7------------ tooltips
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 d_ 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:12-1:13 _d
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:3-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:3-2:5 forall a b . a -> b -> a
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:10-2:11 d_ 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:10-2:11 _d
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:7 String 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:7 String
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:14 String 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:14 String
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:17 a_->String 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:17 _a -> String
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:21 String 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:21 String
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:15-4:17 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:15-4:17 forall a b . a -> b -> a
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:18-4:21 Float 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:18-4:21 Float
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:25-4:31 Type 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:25-4:31 Type
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 String 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 String
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:14 String 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:14 String
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:21 a_->String 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:21 _a -> String
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:25 String 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:25 String
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:21 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->a 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:21 forall a b . a -> b -> a
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:22-5:25 Float 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:22-5:25 Float
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:29-5:35 Type 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:29-5:35 Type
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig07.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig07.out
index 402f8630..d8beb681 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig07.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesig07.out
@@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ main is not found
3value1 :: 'Int 3value1 :: 'Int
4value2 :: 'Int 4value2 :: 'Int
5value3 :: 'Int 5value3 :: 'Int
6value4 :: () -> ()->() 6value4 :: () -> () -> ()
7@@@ :: () -> ()->() 7@@@ :: () -> () -> ()
8value6 :: () -> ()->() 8value6 :: () -> () -> ()
9------------ tooltips 9------------ tooltips
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:27-1:30 Type 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:27-1:30 Type
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:7 Int 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:1-3:7 Int
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:10-3:11 b_ 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:10-3:11 _b
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:7 Int 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:7 Int
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 b_ 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:10-4:11 _b
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 Int 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 Int
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:11 b_ 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-5:11 _b
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:12-8:14 Type 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:12-8:14 Type
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:18-8:20 Type 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:18-8:20 Type
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:18-8:26 Type 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:18-8:26 Type
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:24-8:26 Type 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:24-8:26 Type
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:1-10:7 () -> ()->() 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:1-10:7 () -> () -> ()
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:14-10:16 () | () -> ()->() | ()->() 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:14-10:16 () | () -> () | () -> () -> ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:3-11:6 () -> ()->() 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:3-11:6 () -> () -> ()
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:11-11:13 () | () -> ()->() | ()->() 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:11-11:13 () | () -> () | () -> () -> ()
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:1-12:7 () -> ()->() 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:1-12:7 () -> () -> ()
26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:14-12:16 () | () -> ()->() | ()->() 26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 12:14-12:16 () | () -> () | () -> () -> ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesyn02.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesyn02.out
index dc6e687e..858e7b33 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesyn02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/typesyn02.out
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3'MyUnit :: Type 3'MyUnit :: Type
4fun :: {a} -> a -> ()->() 4fun :: forall a . a -> () -> ()
5------------ tooltips 5------------ tooltips
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:12 Type 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:6-1:12 Type
7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:17 Type 7testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:17 Type
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:9 b_ 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:9 _b
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:29 Type 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:29 Type
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:19 Type 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:19 Type
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:29 Type 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:13-3:29 Type
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:23-3:29 Type 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:23-3:29 Type
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:4 {a} -> a -> ()->() 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:1-4:4 forall a . a -> () -> ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:12-4:14 () | ()->() | a_ -> ()->() 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 4:12-4:14 () | () -> () | _a -> () -> ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/where05.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/where05.out
index 95f7c3c3..a0785fa9 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/where05.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/where05.out
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value1 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->() 3value1 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => ()
4value2 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->() 4value2 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => ()
5value3 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->() 5value3 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => ()
6value4 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->() 6value4 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => ()
7------------ tooltips 7------------ tooltips
8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->() 8testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:7 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => ()
9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-3:10 () 9testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:10-3:10 ()
10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:16 b_ 10testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:15-1:16 _b
11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:9 () 11testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-2:9 ()
12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:10 Bool->() 12testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:8-3:10 Bool -> ()
13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:20-2:22 () 13testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 2:20-2:22 ()
14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 () 14testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 3:8-3:10 ()
15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->() 15testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:1-5:7 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => ()
16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-8:10 () 16testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:10-8:10 ()
17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:16 b_ 17testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 5:15-5:16 _b
18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-6:9 () 18testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-6:9 ()
19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-8:10 Bool->() 19testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 6:8-8:10 Bool -> ()
20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:14-7:16 () 20testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 7:14-7:16 ()
21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:8-8:10 () 21testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 8:8-8:10 ()
22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:1-10:7 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->() 22testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:1-10:7 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => ()
23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:10-14:10 () 23testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:10-14:10 ()
24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:15-10:16 b_ 24testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 10:15-10:16 _b
25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:8-11:9 () 25testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:8-11:9 ()
26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:8-14:10 Bool->() 26testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 11:8-14:10 Bool -> ()
27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:8-13:10 () 27testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 13:8-13:10 ()
28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:8-14:10 () 28testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 14:8-14:10 ()
29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:1-16:7 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->() 29testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:1-16:7 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => ()
30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-18:10 () 30testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:10-18:10 ()
31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:15-16:16 b_ 31testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 16:15-16:16 _b
32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:8-17:9 () 32testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:8-17:9 ()
33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:8-18:10 Bool->() 33testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 17:8-18:10 Bool -> ()
34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:8-18:10 () 34testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 18:8-18:10 ()
35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:6-21:8 () 35testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 21:6-21:8 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/wildcard01.out b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/wildcard01.out
index dd651320..891a7edd 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/basic-values/wildcard01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/basic-values/wildcard01.out
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3funUnit :: {a} -> a->() 3funUnit :: forall a . a -> ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:8 {a} -> a->() 5testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:1-1:8 forall a . a -> ()
6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:15 () 6testdata/language-features/basic-values/ 1:13-1:15 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard03.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard03.out
index 60e74282..2af70393 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard03.out
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 String
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-2:9 Bool 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-2:9 Bool
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-3:20 String 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-3:20 String
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-2:18 String 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-2:18 String
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-3:20 Bool->String 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-3:20 Bool -> String
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:5-3:10 Bool 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:5-3:10 Bool
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:5-3:20 String 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:5-3:20 String
12testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:13-3:20 String 12testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:13-3:20 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard04.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard04.out
index 7ce283ad..bf31f3ec 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard04.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard04.out
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 String
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-2:9 Bool 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-2:9 Bool
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-3:24 String 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-3:24 String
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-2:18 String 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-2:18 String
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-3:24 Bool->String 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:12-3:24 Bool -> String
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:17-3:24 String 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:17-3:24 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard07.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard07.out
index 2a965392..f4e69791 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard07.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard07.out
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 String
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:11 Bool 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:11 Bool
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-2:20 String 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-2:20 String
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:18 String 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:18 String
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-2:20 Bool->String 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-2:20 Bool -> String
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-2:12 Bool 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-2:12 Bool
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-2:20 String 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-2:20 String
12testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:13-2:20 String 12testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:13-2:20 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard08.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard08.out
index 7cab16c3..5c9c1111 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard08.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard08.out
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 String
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:11 Bool 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:11 Bool
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:32 String 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:32 String
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:18 String 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:18 String
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:32 Bool->String 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:32 Bool -> String
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:19-1:24 Bool 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:19-1:24 Bool
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:19-1:32 String 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:19-1:32 String
12testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:25-1:32 String 12testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:25-1:32 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard09.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard09.out
index 437466c6..e0b89ef8 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard09.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard09.out
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 String
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:11 Bool 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:11 Bool
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-2:16 String 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-2:16 String
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:18 String 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-1:18 String
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-2:16 Bool->String 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:12-2:16 Bool -> String
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:3-2:8 Bool 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:3-2:8 Bool
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:3-2:16 String 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:3-2:16 String
12testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:9-2:16 String 12testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:9-2:16 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard11.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard11.out
index fead2674..abf02c69 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard11.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard11.out
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: 'Bool->'String 3fun :: 'Bool -> 'String
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:4 Bool->String 5testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:4 Bool -> String
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-2:6 b_ 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-2:6 _b
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-3:24 String 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:5-3:24 String
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:9-2:15 String 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:9-2:15 String
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:9-3:24 Bool->String 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:9-3:24 Bool -> String
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:17-3:24 String 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:17-3:24 String
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard13.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard13.out
index f801f842..06e22436 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard13.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard13.out
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: 'Bool->() 3fun :: 'Bool -> ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:4 Bool->() 5testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:4 Bool -> ()
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:8 b_ 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:8 _b
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:24 () 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:7-1:24 ()
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-1:11 () 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-1:11 ()
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-1:24 Bool->() 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-1:24 Bool -> ()
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:22-1:24 () 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:22-1:24 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard14.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard14.out
index ce882094..6239a07f 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard14.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard14.out
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 ()
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:17-1:21 Bool 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:17-1:21 Bool
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:17-2:31 () 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:17-2:31 ()
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:24-1:26 () 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:24-1:26 ()
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:24-2:31 Bool->() 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:24-2:31 Bool -> ()
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:29-2:31 () 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:29-2:31 ()
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:12-3:14 () 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:12-3:14 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard15.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard15.out
index d15dfe52..d29b7738 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard15.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard15.out
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-1:11 ()
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:13-2:17 Bool 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:13-2:17 Bool
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:13-3:27 () 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:13-3:27 ()
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:20-2:22 () 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:20-2:22 ()
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:20-3:27 Bool->() 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:20-3:27 Bool -> ()
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:25-3:27 () 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:25-3:27 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard16.out b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard16.out
index bb8f2af3..d2bec88d 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/guard/guard16.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/guard/guard16.out
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3value :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a}->() 3value :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a}->() 5testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:1-1:6 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => ()
6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-3:10 () 6testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:9-3:10 ()
7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:14-1:15 b_ 7testdata/language-features/guard/ 1:14-1:15 _b
8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-2:11 Bool 8testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-2:11 Bool
9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-3:10 () 9testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:7-3:10 ()
10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:15-2:17 () 10testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:15-2:17 ()
11testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:15-3:10 Bool->() 11testdata/language-features/guard/ 2:15-3:10 Bool -> ()
12testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:8-3:10 () 12testdata/language-features/guard/ 3:8-3:10 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/module/import09.out b/testdata/language-features/module/import09.out
index 080f162a..b084e577 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/module/import09.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/module/import09.out
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> a -> ()->() 3fun :: forall a . a -> () -> ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/module/ 3:8-3:9 b_ 5testdata/language-features/module/ 3:8-3:9 _b
6testdata/language-features/module/ 3:8-3:29 Type 6testdata/language-features/module/ 3:8-3:29 Type
7testdata/language-features/module/ 3:13-3:19 Type 7testdata/language-features/module/ 3:13-3:19 Type
8testdata/language-features/module/ 3:13-3:29 Type 8testdata/language-features/module/ 3:13-3:29 Type
9testdata/language-features/module/ 3:23-3:29 Type 9testdata/language-features/module/ 3:23-3:29 Type
10testdata/language-features/module/ 4:1-4:4 {a} -> a -> ()->() 10testdata/language-features/module/ 4:1-4:4 forall a . a -> () -> ()
11testdata/language-features/module/ 4:12-4:14 () | ()->() | a_ -> ()->() 11testdata/language-features/module/ 4:12-4:14 () | () -> () | _a -> () -> ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/pattern/pattern01.out b/testdata/language-features/pattern/pattern01.out
index 7cb01af3..2d8ea959 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/pattern/pattern01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/pattern/pattern01.out
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun1 :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 3fun1 :: forall a . ('Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
4fun2 :: 'String->'Char 4fun2 :: 'String -> 'Char
5fun3 :: 'Char->'Char 5fun3 :: 'Char -> 'Char
6fun4 :: ()->'Char 6fun4 :: () -> 'Char
7------------ tooltips 7------------ tooltips
8testdata/language-features/pattern/ 1:1-1:5 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 8testdata/language-features/pattern/ 1:1-1:5 forall a . (Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
9testdata/language-features/pattern/ 1:10-1:13 Char 9testdata/language-features/pattern/ 1:10-1:13 Char
10testdata/language-features/pattern/ 1:10-2:13 Bool->Char 10testdata/language-features/pattern/ 1:10-2:13 Bool -> Char
11testdata/language-features/pattern/ 2:10-2:13 Char 11testdata/language-features/pattern/ 2:10-2:13 Char
12testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:1-4:5 String->Char 12testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:1-4:5 String -> Char
13testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:12-4:15 Char 13testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:12-4:15 Char
14testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:12-5:13 Bool->Char 14testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:12-5:13 Bool -> Char
15testdata/language-features/pattern/ 5:10-5:13 Char 15testdata/language-features/pattern/ 5:10-5:13 Char
16testdata/language-features/pattern/ 7:1-7:5 Char->Char 16testdata/language-features/pattern/ 7:1-7:5 Char -> Char
17testdata/language-features/pattern/ 7:12-7:15 Char 17testdata/language-features/pattern/ 7:12-7:15 Char
18testdata/language-features/pattern/ 7:12-8:13 Bool->Char 18testdata/language-features/pattern/ 7:12-8:13 Bool -> Char
19testdata/language-features/pattern/ 8:10-8:13 Char 19testdata/language-features/pattern/ 8:10-8:13 Char
20testdata/language-features/pattern/ 10:1-10:5 ()->Char 20testdata/language-features/pattern/ 10:1-10:5 () -> Char
21testdata/language-features/pattern/ 10:11-10:14 Char 21testdata/language-features/pattern/ 10:11-10:14 Char
22------------ warnings 22------------ warnings
23Source code is not reachable: testdata/language-features/pattern/ 23Source code is not reachable: testdata/language-features/pattern/
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/pattern/uncovered.out b/testdata/language-features/pattern/uncovered.out
index c96c691e..e24ca6ec 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/pattern/uncovered.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/pattern/uncovered.out
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3f :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool->a 3f :: forall a . 'Num a => 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> a
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:1-4:2 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool->a 5testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:1-4:2 forall a . Num a => Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> a
6testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:18-4:19 b_ 6testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:18-4:19 _b
7testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:18-5:19 Bool->c_ | c_ 7testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:18-5:19 Bool -> _c | _c
8testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:18-6:19 Bool->c_ 8testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:18-6:19 Bool -> _c
9testdata/language-features/pattern/ 5:18-5:19 b_ | c_ 9testdata/language-features/pattern/ 5:18-5:19 _b | _c
10testdata/language-features/pattern/ 5:18-6:19 Bool->c_ | b_ 10testdata/language-features/pattern/ 5:18-6:19 Bool -> _c | _b
11testdata/language-features/pattern/ 6:18-6:19 b_ 11testdata/language-features/pattern/ 6:18-6:19 _b
12------------ warnings 12------------ warnings
13Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/pattern/ 13Uncovered pattern(s) at testdata/language-features/pattern/
14f _ True False = 0 14f _ True False = 0
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/pattern/unreachable.out b/testdata/language-features/pattern/unreachable.out
index 51c957b3..4a899374 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/pattern/unreachable.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/pattern/unreachable.out
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3f :: {a} -> a->'String 3f :: forall a . a -> 'String
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:1-4:2 {a} -> a->String 5testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:1-4:2 forall a . a -> String
6testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:7-4:14 String 6testdata/language-features/pattern/ 4:7-4:14 String
7------------ warnings 7------------ warnings
8Source code is not reachable: testdata/language-features/pattern/ 8Source code is not reachable: testdata/language-features/pattern/
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec01.out b/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec01.out
index 9be285c9..42a0f078 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec01.out
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> {_ : 'Num a} -> a->'Char 3fun :: forall a . ('Num a, 'Eq a, 'Num a) => a -> 'Char
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:1-1:4 {a} -> {_ : Num a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> {_ : Num a} -> a->Char 5testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:1-1:4 forall a . (Num a, Eq a, Num a) => a -> Char
6testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:9-1:12 Char 6testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:9-1:12 Char
7testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:9-2:14 Bool->Char | a_->a_ 7testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:9-2:14 Bool -> Char | _a -> _a
8testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:9-2:12 e_ 8testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:9-2:12 _e
9testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:13-2:14 b_ 9testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:13-2:14 _b
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec02.out b/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec02.out
index 43dd847f..107d0414 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec02.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec02.out
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ value :: ()
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:1-1:6 () 5testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:1-1:6 ()
6testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:21-1:24 Char 6testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:21-1:24 Char
7testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:21-2:26 Bool->Char | a_->a_ 7testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:21-2:26 Bool -> Char | _a -> _a
8testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:21-2:24 e_ 8testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:21-2:24 _e
9testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:25-2:26 b_ 9testdata/language-features/recursion/ 2:25-2:26 _b
10testdata/language-features/recursion/ 3:12-3:14 () 10testdata/language-features/recursion/ 3:12-3:14 ()
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec03.out b/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec03.out
index 30b0755d..dd90c946 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec03.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/recursion/simplerec03.out
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ value :: ()
5testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:1-1:6 () 5testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:1-1:6 ()
6testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:9-1:11 () 6testdata/language-features/recursion/ 1:9-1:11 ()
7testdata/language-features/recursion/ 3:13-3:16 Char 7testdata/language-features/recursion/ 3:13-3:16 Char
8testdata/language-features/recursion/ 3:13-4:18 Bool->Char | a_->a_ 8testdata/language-features/recursion/ 3:13-4:18 Bool -> Char | _a -> _a
9testdata/language-features/recursion/ 4:13-4:16 e_ 9testdata/language-features/recursion/ 4:13-4:16 _e
10testdata/language-features/recursion/ 4:17-4:18 b_ 10testdata/language-features/recursion/ 4:17-4:18 _b
diff --git a/testdata/language-features/section/section01.out b/testdata/language-features/section/section01.out
index 2f19c090..07477f24 100644
--- a/testdata/language-features/section/section01.out
+++ b/testdata/language-features/section/section01.out
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3!@! :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 3!@! :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
4value1 :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 4value1 :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
5value2 :: {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 5value2 :: forall a b . a -> b -> ()
6------------ tooltips 6------------ tooltips
7testdata/language-features/section/ 1:3-1:6 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 7testdata/language-features/section/ 1:3-1:6 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
8testdata/language-features/section/ 1:11-1:13 () 8testdata/language-features/section/ 1:11-1:13 ()
9testdata/language-features/section/ 3:1-3:7 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 9testdata/language-features/section/ 3:1-3:7 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
10testdata/language-features/section/ 3:13-3:14 f_ 10testdata/language-features/section/ 3:13-3:14 _f
11testdata/language-features/section/ 3:13-3:18 a_->() 11testdata/language-features/section/ 3:13-3:18 _a -> ()
12testdata/language-features/section/ 3:15-3:18 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 12testdata/language-features/section/ 3:15-3:18 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
13testdata/language-features/section/ 5:1-5:7 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 13testdata/language-features/section/ 5:1-5:7 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
14testdata/language-features/section/ 5:13-5:16 {a} -> {b} -> a -> b->() 14testdata/language-features/section/ 5:13-5:16 forall a b . a -> b -> ()
15testdata/language-features/section/ 5:13-5:18 () 15testdata/language-features/section/ 5:13-5:18 ()
16testdata/language-features/section/ 5:17-5:18 e_ 16testdata/language-features/section/ 5:17-5:18 _e
diff --git a/testdata/let.out b/testdata/let.out
index a5c035e3..1c7a5534 100644
--- a/testdata/let.out
+++ b/testdata/let.out
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3f :: {a} -> a->a 3f :: forall a . a -> a
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/ 2:1-2:2 {a} -> a->a 5testdata/ 2:1-2:2 forall a . a -> a
6testdata/ 2:15-2:17 {a} -> a->a 6testdata/ 2:15-2:17 forall a . a -> a
7testdata/ 2:15-2:19 b_ 7testdata/ 2:15-2:19 _b
8testdata/ 2:18-2:19 c_ 8testdata/ 2:18-2:19 _c
9testdata/ 2:23-2:24 c_ 9testdata/ 2:23-2:24 _c
diff --git a/testdata/letIndent.out b/testdata/letIndent.out
index 3009d024..7469dd50 100644
--- a/testdata/letIndent.out
+++ b/testdata/letIndent.out
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3fun :: {a} -> a->a 3fun :: forall a . a -> a
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/ 2:1-2:4 {a} -> a->a 5testdata/ 2:1-2:4 forall a . a -> a
6testdata/ 3:10-3:11 b_ 6testdata/ 3:10-3:11 _b
7testdata/ 4:10-4:11 b_ 7testdata/ 4:10-4:11 _b
8testdata/ 5:7-5:8 d_ 8testdata/ 5:7-5:8 _d
diff --git a/testdata/performance/Material.out b/testdata/performance/Material.out
index ca1dbe47..d35f582a 100644
--- a/testdata/performance/Material.out
+++ b/testdata/performance/Material.out
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ main is not found
3identityLight :: 'Float 3identityLight :: 'Float
4'Entity :: Type 4'Entity :: Type
5Entity :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Entity 5Entity :: 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 4 'Float -> 'Entity
6'EntityCase :: (a : 'Entity->Type) -> ((b : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (c : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (d : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (e : 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a (Entity b c d e)) -> (f:'Entity) -> a f 6'EntityCase :: (a :: 'Entity -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (c :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> (d :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (e :: 'Vec 4 'Float) -> a (Entity b c d e)) -> (f :: 'Entity) -> a f
7match'Entity :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Entity -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 7match'Entity :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Entity -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
8eAmbientLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4 8eAmbientLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4
9eDirectedLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4 9eDirectedLight :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 4
10eLightDir :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 3 10eLightDir :: 'Entity -> 'VecS 'Float 3
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ WT_Square :: 'WaveType
16WT_Sawtooth :: 'WaveType 16WT_Sawtooth :: 'WaveType
17WT_InverseSawtooth :: 'WaveType 17WT_InverseSawtooth :: 'WaveType
18WT_Noise :: 'WaveType 18WT_Noise :: 'WaveType
19'WaveTypeCase :: (a : 'WaveType->Type) -> a WT_Sin -> a WT_Triangle -> a WT_Square -> a WT_Sawtooth -> a WT_InverseSawtooth -> a WT_Noise -> (b:'WaveType) -> a b 19'WaveTypeCase :: (a :: 'WaveType -> Type) -> a WT_Sin -> a WT_Triangle -> a WT_Square -> a WT_Sawtooth -> a WT_InverseSawtooth -> a WT_Noise -> (b :: 'WaveType) -> a b
20match'WaveType :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'WaveType -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 20match'WaveType :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'WaveType -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
21'Wave :: Type 21'Wave :: Type
22Wave :: 'WaveType -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'Wave 22Wave :: 'WaveType -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Wave
23'WaveCase :: (a : 'Wave->Type) -> ((b:'WaveType) -> (c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> (e:'Float) -> (f:'Float) -> a (Wave b c d e f)) -> (g:'Wave) -> a g 23'WaveCase :: (a :: 'Wave -> Type) -> ((b :: 'WaveType) -> (c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'Float) -> (f :: 'Float) -> a (Wave b c d e f)) -> (g :: 'Wave) -> a g
24match'Wave :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Wave -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 24match'Wave :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Wave -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
25'Deform :: Type 25'Deform :: Type
26D_AutoSprite :: 'Deform 26D_AutoSprite :: 'Deform
27D_AutoSprite2 :: 'Deform 27D_AutoSprite2 :: 'Deform
28D_Bulge :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'Deform 28D_Bulge :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Deform
29D_Move :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Wave->'Deform 29D_Move :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Wave -> 'Deform
30D_Normal :: 'Float -> 'Float->'Deform 30D_Normal :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Deform
31D_ProjectionShadow :: 'Deform 31D_ProjectionShadow :: 'Deform
32D_Text0 :: 'Deform 32D_Text0 :: 'Deform
33D_Text1 :: 'Deform 33D_Text1 :: 'Deform
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ D_Text4 :: 'Deform
37D_Text5 :: 'Deform 37D_Text5 :: 'Deform
38D_Text6 :: 'Deform 38D_Text6 :: 'Deform
39D_Text7 :: 'Deform 39D_Text7 :: 'Deform
40D_Wave :: 'Float -> 'Wave->'Deform 40D_Wave :: 'Float -> 'Wave -> 'Deform
41'DeformCase :: (a : 'Deform->Type) -> a D_AutoSprite -> a D_AutoSprite2 -> ((b:'Float) -> (c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> a (D_Bulge b c d)) -> ((e : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (f:'Wave) -> a (D_Move e f)) -> ((g:'Float) -> (h:'Float) -> a (D_Normal g h)) -> a D_ProjectionShadow -> a D_Text0 -> a D_Text1 -> a D_Text2 -> a D_Text3 -> a D_Text4 -> a D_Text5 -> a D_Text6 -> a D_Text7 -> ((i:'Float) -> (j:'Wave) -> a (D_Wave i j)) -> (k:'Deform) -> a k 41'DeformCase :: (a :: 'Deform -> Type) -> a D_AutoSprite -> a D_AutoSprite2 -> ((b :: 'Float) -> (c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> a (D_Bulge b c d)) -> ((e :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (f :: 'Wave) -> a (D_Move e f)) -> ((g :: 'Float) -> (h :: 'Float) -> a (D_Normal g h)) -> a D_ProjectionShadow -> a D_Text0 -> a D_Text1 -> a D_Text2 -> a D_Text3 -> a D_Text4 -> a D_Text5 -> a D_Text6 -> a D_Text7 -> ((i :: 'Float) -> (j :: 'Wave) -> a (D_Wave i j)) -> (k :: 'Deform) -> a k
42match'Deform :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Deform -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 42match'Deform :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Deform -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
43'CullType :: Type 43'CullType :: Type
44CT_FrontSided :: 'CullType 44CT_FrontSided :: 'CullType
45CT_BackSided :: 'CullType 45CT_BackSided :: 'CullType
46CT_TwoSided :: 'CullType 46CT_TwoSided :: 'CullType
47'CullTypeCase :: (a : 'CullType->Type) -> a CT_FrontSided -> a CT_BackSided -> a CT_TwoSided -> (b:'CullType) -> a b 47'CullTypeCase :: (a :: 'CullType -> Type) -> a CT_FrontSided -> a CT_BackSided -> a CT_TwoSided -> (b :: 'CullType) -> a b
48match'CullType :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'CullType -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 48match'CullType :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'CullType -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
49'Blending' :: Type 49'Blending' :: Type
50B_DstAlpha :: 'Blending' 50B_DstAlpha :: 'Blending'
51B_DstColor :: 'Blending' 51B_DstColor :: 'Blending'
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ B_SrcAlpha :: 'Blending'
58B_SrcAlphaSaturate :: 'Blending' 58B_SrcAlphaSaturate :: 'Blending'
59B_SrcColor :: 'Blending' 59B_SrcColor :: 'Blending'
60B_Zero :: 'Blending' 60B_Zero :: 'Blending'
61'Blending'Case :: (a : 'Blending'->Type) -> a B_DstAlpha -> a B_DstColor -> a B_One -> a B_OneMinusDstAlpha -> a B_OneMinusDstColor -> a B_OneMinusSrcAlpha -> a B_OneMinusSrcColor -> a B_SrcAlpha -> a B_SrcAlphaSaturate -> a B_SrcColor -> a B_Zero -> (b:'Blending') -> a b 61'Blending'Case :: (a :: 'Blending' -> Type) -> a B_DstAlpha -> a B_DstColor -> a B_One -> a B_OneMinusDstAlpha -> a B_OneMinusDstColor -> a B_OneMinusSrcAlpha -> a B_OneMinusSrcColor -> a B_SrcAlpha -> a B_SrcAlphaSaturate -> a B_SrcColor -> a B_Zero -> (b :: 'Blending') -> a b
62match'Blending' :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'Blending' -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 62match'Blending' :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'Blending' -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
63'RGBGen :: Type 63'RGBGen :: Type
64RGB_Wave :: 'Wave->'RGBGen 64RGB_Wave :: 'Wave -> 'RGBGen
65RGB_Const :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'RGBGen 65RGB_Const :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'RGBGen
66RGB_Identity :: 'RGBGen 66RGB_Identity :: 'RGBGen
67RGB_IdentityLighting :: 'RGBGen 67RGB_IdentityLighting :: 'RGBGen
68RGB_Entity :: 'RGBGen 68RGB_Entity :: 'RGBGen
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ RGB_Vertex :: 'RGBGen
72RGB_LightingDiffuse :: 'RGBGen 72RGB_LightingDiffuse :: 'RGBGen
73RGB_OneMinusVertex :: 'RGBGen 73RGB_OneMinusVertex :: 'RGBGen
74RGB_Undefined :: 'RGBGen 74RGB_Undefined :: 'RGBGen
75'RGBGenCase :: (a : 'RGBGen->Type) -> ((b:'Wave) -> a (RGB_Wave b)) -> ((c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> (e:'Float) -> a (RGB_Const c d e)) -> a RGB_Identity -> a RGB_IdentityLighting -> a RGB_Entity -> a RGB_OneMinusEntity -> a RGB_ExactVertex -> a RGB_Vertex -> a RGB_LightingDiffuse -> a RGB_OneMinusVertex -> a RGB_Undefined -> (f:'RGBGen) -> a f 75'RGBGenCase :: (a :: 'RGBGen -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Wave) -> a (RGB_Wave b)) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'Float) -> a (RGB_Const c d e)) -> a RGB_Identity -> a RGB_IdentityLighting -> a RGB_Entity -> a RGB_OneMinusEntity -> a RGB_ExactVertex -> a RGB_Vertex -> a RGB_LightingDiffuse -> a RGB_OneMinusVertex -> a RGB_Undefined -> (f :: 'RGBGen) -> a f
76match'RGBGen :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'RGBGen -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 76match'RGBGen :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'RGBGen -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
77'AlphaGen :: Type 77'AlphaGen :: Type
78A_Wave :: 'Wave->'AlphaGen 78A_Wave :: 'Wave -> 'AlphaGen
79A_Const :: 'Float->'AlphaGen 79A_Const :: 'Float -> 'AlphaGen
80A_Portal :: 'AlphaGen 80A_Portal :: 'AlphaGen
81A_Identity :: 'AlphaGen 81A_Identity :: 'AlphaGen
82A_Entity :: 'AlphaGen 82A_Entity :: 'AlphaGen
@@ -84,109 +84,109 @@ A_OneMinusEntity :: 'AlphaGen
84A_Vertex :: 'AlphaGen 84A_Vertex :: 'AlphaGen
85A_LightingSpecular :: 'AlphaGen 85A_LightingSpecular :: 'AlphaGen
86A_OneMinusVertex :: 'AlphaGen 86A_OneMinusVertex :: 'AlphaGen
87'AlphaGenCase :: (a : 'AlphaGen->Type) -> ((b:'Wave) -> a (A_Wave b)) -> ((c:'Float) -> a (A_Const c)) -> a A_Portal -> a A_Identity -> a A_Entity -> a A_OneMinusEntity -> a A_Vertex -> a A_LightingSpecular -> a A_OneMinusVertex -> (d:'AlphaGen) -> a d 87'AlphaGenCase :: (a :: 'AlphaGen -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Wave) -> a (A_Wave b)) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> a (A_Const c)) -> a A_Portal -> a A_Identity -> a A_Entity -> a A_OneMinusEntity -> a A_Vertex -> a A_LightingSpecular -> a A_OneMinusVertex -> (d :: 'AlphaGen) -> a d
88match'AlphaGen :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'AlphaGen -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 88match'AlphaGen :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'AlphaGen -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
89'TCGen :: Type 89'TCGen :: Type
90TG_Base :: 'TCGen 90TG_Base :: 'TCGen
91TG_Lightmap :: 'TCGen 91TG_Lightmap :: 'TCGen
92TG_Environment :: 'TCGen 92TG_Environment :: 'TCGen
93TG_Vector :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'TCGen 93TG_Vector :: 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'Vec 3 'Float -> 'TCGen
94TG_Undefined :: 'TCGen 94TG_Undefined :: 'TCGen
95'TCGenCase :: (a : 'TCGen->Type) -> a TG_Base -> a TG_Lightmap -> a TG_Environment -> ((b : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (c : 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a (TG_Vector b c)) -> a TG_Undefined -> (d:'TCGen) -> a d 95'TCGenCase :: (a :: 'TCGen -> Type) -> a TG_Base -> a TG_Lightmap -> a TG_Environment -> ((b :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> (c :: 'Vec 3 'Float) -> a (TG_Vector b c)) -> a TG_Undefined -> (d :: 'TCGen) -> a d
96match'TCGen :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'TCGen -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 96match'TCGen :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'TCGen -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
97'TCMod :: Type 97'TCMod :: Type
98TM_EntityTranslate :: 'TCMod 98TM_EntityTranslate :: 'TCMod
99TM_Rotate :: 'Float->'TCMod 99TM_Rotate :: 'Float -> 'TCMod
100TM_Scroll :: 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 100TM_Scroll :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
101TM_Scale :: 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 101TM_Scale :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
102TM_Stretch :: 'Wave->'TCMod 102TM_Stretch :: 'Wave -> 'TCMod
103TM_Transform :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 103TM_Transform :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
104TM_Turb :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float->'TCMod 104TM_Turb :: 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'Float -> 'TCMod
105'TCModCase :: (a : 'TCMod->Type) -> a TM_EntityTranslate -> ((b:'Float) -> a (TM_Rotate b)) -> ((c:'Float) -> (d:'Float) -> a (TM_Scroll c d)) -> ((e:'Float) -> (f:'Float) -> a (TM_Scale e f)) -> ((g:'Wave) -> a (TM_Stretch g)) -> ((h:'Float) -> (i:'Float) -> (j:'Float) -> (k:'Float) -> (l:'Float) -> (m:'Float) -> a (TM_Transform h i j k l m)) -> ((n:'Float) -> (o:'Float) -> (p:'Float) -> (q:'Float) -> a (TM_Turb n o p q)) -> (r:'TCMod) -> a r 105'TCModCase :: (a :: 'TCMod -> Type) -> a TM_EntityTranslate -> ((b :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Rotate b)) -> ((c :: 'Float) -> (d :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Scroll c d)) -> ((e :: 'Float) -> (f :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Scale e f)) -> ((g :: 'Wave) -> a (TM_Stretch g)) -> ((h :: 'Float) -> (i :: 'Float) -> (j :: 'Float) -> (k :: 'Float) -> (l :: 'Float) -> (m :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Transform h i j k l m)) -> ((n :: 'Float) -> (o :: 'Float) -> (p :: 'Float) -> (q :: 'Float) -> a (TM_Turb n o p q)) -> (r :: 'TCMod) -> a r
106match'TCMod :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'TCMod -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 106match'TCMod :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'TCMod -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
107'StageTexture :: Type 107'StageTexture :: Type
108ST_Map :: 'String->'StageTexture 108ST_Map :: 'String -> 'StageTexture
109ST_ClampMap :: 'String->'StageTexture 109ST_ClampMap :: 'String -> 'StageTexture
110ST_AnimMap :: 'Float -> 'List 'String -> 'StageTexture 110ST_AnimMap :: 'Float -> 'List 'String -> 'StageTexture
111ST_Lightmap :: 'StageTexture 111ST_Lightmap :: 'StageTexture
112ST_WhiteImage :: 'StageTexture 112ST_WhiteImage :: 'StageTexture
113'StageTextureCase :: (a : 'StageTexture->Type) -> ((b:'String) -> a (ST_Map b)) -> ((c:'String) -> a (ST_ClampMap c)) -> ((d:'Float) -> (e : 'List 'String) -> a (ST_AnimMap d e)) -> a ST_Lightmap -> a ST_WhiteImage -> (f:'StageTexture) -> a f 113'StageTextureCase :: (a :: 'StageTexture -> Type) -> ((b :: 'String) -> a (ST_Map b)) -> ((c :: 'String) -> a (ST_ClampMap c)) -> ((d :: 'Float) -> (e :: 'List 'String) -> a (ST_AnimMap d e)) -> a ST_Lightmap -> a ST_WhiteImage -> (f :: 'StageTexture) -> a f
114match'StageTexture :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StageTexture -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 114match'StageTexture :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StageTexture -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
115'AlphaFunction :: Type 115'AlphaFunction :: Type
116A_Gt0 :: 'AlphaFunction 116A_Gt0 :: 'AlphaFunction
117A_Lt128 :: 'AlphaFunction 117A_Lt128 :: 'AlphaFunction
118A_Ge128 :: 'AlphaFunction 118A_Ge128 :: 'AlphaFunction
119'AlphaFunctionCase :: (a : 'AlphaFunction->Type) -> a A_Gt0 -> a A_Lt128 -> a A_Ge128 -> (b:'AlphaFunction) -> a b 119'AlphaFunctionCase :: (a :: 'AlphaFunction -> Type) -> a A_Gt0 -> a A_Lt128 -> a A_Ge128 -> (b :: 'AlphaFunction) -> a b
120match'AlphaFunction :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'AlphaFunction -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 120match'AlphaFunction :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'AlphaFunction -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
121'DepthFunction :: Type 121'DepthFunction :: Type
122D_Equal :: 'DepthFunction 122D_Equal :: 'DepthFunction
123D_Lequal :: 'DepthFunction 123D_Lequal :: 'DepthFunction
124'DepthFunctionCase :: (a : 'DepthFunction->Type) -> a D_Equal -> a D_Lequal -> (b:'DepthFunction) -> a b 124'DepthFunctionCase :: (a :: 'DepthFunction -> Type) -> a D_Equal -> a D_Lequal -> (b :: 'DepthFunction) -> a b
125match'DepthFunction :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'DepthFunction -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 125match'DepthFunction :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'DepthFunction -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
126'StageAttrs :: Type 126'StageAttrs :: Type
127StageAttrs :: 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending') -> 'RGBGen -> 'AlphaGen -> 'TCGen -> 'List 'TCMod -> 'StageTexture -> 'Bool -> 'DepthFunction -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction -> 'Bool -> 'String->'StageAttrs 127StageAttrs :: 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending') -> 'RGBGen -> 'AlphaGen -> 'TCGen -> 'List 'TCMod -> 'StageTexture -> 'Bool -> 'DepthFunction -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction -> 'Bool -> 'String -> 'StageAttrs
128'StageAttrsCase :: (a : 'StageAttrs->Type) -> ((b : 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending')) -> (c:'RGBGen) -> (d:'AlphaGen) -> (e:'TCGen) -> (f : 'List 'TCMod) -> (g:'StageTexture) -> (h:'Bool) -> (i:'DepthFunction) -> (j : 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction) -> (k:'Bool) -> (l:'String) -> a (StageAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l)) -> (m:'StageAttrs) -> a m 128'StageAttrsCase :: (a :: 'StageAttrs -> Type) -> ((b :: 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending')) -> (c :: 'RGBGen) -> (d :: 'AlphaGen) -> (e :: 'TCGen) -> (f :: 'List 'TCMod) -> (g :: 'StageTexture) -> (h :: 'Bool) -> (i :: 'DepthFunction) -> (j :: 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction) -> (k :: 'Bool) -> (l :: 'String) -> a (StageAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l)) -> (m :: 'StageAttrs) -> a m
129match'StageAttrs :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'StageAttrs -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 129match'StageAttrs :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'StageAttrs -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
130saBlend :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending') 130saBlend :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe ('Blending', 'Blending')
131saRGBGen :: 'StageAttrs->'RGBGen 131saRGBGen :: 'StageAttrs -> 'RGBGen
132saAlphaGen :: 'StageAttrs->'AlphaGen 132saAlphaGen :: 'StageAttrs -> 'AlphaGen
133saTCGen :: 'StageAttrs->'TCGen 133saTCGen :: 'StageAttrs -> 'TCGen
134saTCMod :: 'StageAttrs -> 'List 'TCMod 134saTCMod :: 'StageAttrs -> 'List 'TCMod
135saTexture :: 'StageAttrs->'StageTexture 135saTexture :: 'StageAttrs -> 'StageTexture
136saDepthWrite :: 'StageAttrs->'Bool 136saDepthWrite :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool
137saDepthFunc :: 'StageAttrs->'DepthFunction 137saDepthFunc :: 'StageAttrs -> 'DepthFunction
138saAlphaFunc :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction 138saAlphaFunc :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Maybe 'AlphaFunction
139saDepthMaskExplicit :: 'StageAttrs->'Bool 139saDepthMaskExplicit :: 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool
140saTextureUniform :: 'StageAttrs->'String 140saTextureUniform :: 'StageAttrs -> 'String
141defaultStageAttrs :: 'StageAttrs 141defaultStageAttrs :: 'StageAttrs
142'CommonAttrs :: Type 142'CommonAttrs :: Type
143CommonAttrs :: () -> () -> 'Bool -> 'Float -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'CullType -> 'List 'Deform -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'List 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool->'CommonAttrs 143CommonAttrs :: () -> () -> 'Bool -> 'Float -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'CullType -> 'List 'Deform -> 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'List 'StageAttrs -> 'Bool -> 'CommonAttrs
144'CommonAttrsCase :: (a : 'CommonAttrs->Type) -> ((b:()) -> (c:()) -> (d:'Bool) -> (e:'Float) -> (f:'Bool) -> (g:'Bool) -> (h:'CullType) -> (i : 'List 'Deform) -> (j:'Bool) -> (k:'Bool) -> (l : 'List 'StageAttrs) -> (m:'Bool) -> a (CommonAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l m)) -> (n:'CommonAttrs) -> a n 144'CommonAttrsCase :: (a :: 'CommonAttrs -> Type) -> ((b :: ()) -> (c :: ()) -> (d :: 'Bool) -> (e :: 'Float) -> (f :: 'Bool) -> (g :: 'Bool) -> (h :: 'CullType) -> (i :: 'List 'Deform) -> (j :: 'Bool) -> (k :: 'Bool) -> (l :: 'List 'StageAttrs) -> (m :: 'Bool) -> a (CommonAttrs b c d e f g h i j k l m)) -> (n :: 'CommonAttrs) -> a n
145match'CommonAttrs :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'CommonAttrs -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 145match'CommonAttrs :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'CommonAttrs -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
146caSkyParms :: 'CommonAttrs->() 146caSkyParms :: 'CommonAttrs -> ()
147caFogParms :: 'CommonAttrs->() 147caFogParms :: 'CommonAttrs -> ()
148caPortal :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 148caPortal :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
149caSort :: 'CommonAttrs->'Float 149caSort :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Float
150caEntityMergable :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 150caEntityMergable :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
151caFogOnly :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 151caFogOnly :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
152caCull :: 'CommonAttrs->'CullType 152caCull :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'CullType
153caDeformVertexes :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'Deform 153caDeformVertexes :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'Deform
154caNoMipMaps :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 154caNoMipMaps :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
155caPolygonOffset :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 155caPolygonOffset :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
156caStages :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'StageAttrs 156caStages :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'List 'StageAttrs
157caIsSky :: 'CommonAttrs->'Bool 157caIsSky :: 'CommonAttrs -> 'Bool
158defaultCommonAttrs :: 'CommonAttrs 158defaultCommonAttrs :: 'CommonAttrs
159------------ tooltips 159------------ tooltips
160testdata/performance/ 7:18-7:23 Type 160testdata/performance/ 7:18-7:23 Type
161testdata/performance/ 8:1-8:14 Float 161testdata/performance/ 8:1-8:14 Float
162testdata/performance/ 8:17-8:18 b_ 162testdata/performance/ 8:17-8:18 _b
163testdata/performance/ 10:6-10:12 Type 163testdata/performance/ 10:6-10:12 Type
164testdata/performance/ 10:6-11:13 Type 164testdata/performance/ 10:6-11:13 Type
165testdata/performance/ 10:6-15:39 Type 165testdata/performance/ 10:6-15:39 Type
166testdata/performance/ 11:7-11:13 Entity | Type | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Entity 166testdata/performance/ 11:7-11:13 Entity | Type | Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Entity
167testdata/performance/ 12:7-12:20 Entity -> VecS Float 4 167testdata/performance/ 12:7-12:20 Entity -> VecS Float 4
168testdata/performance/ 12:28-12:31 Nat -> Type->Type 168testdata/performance/ 12:28-12:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
169testdata/performance/ 12:28-12:33 Type->Type 169testdata/performance/ 12:28-12:33 Type -> Type
170testdata/performance/ 12:28-12:39 Type 170testdata/performance/ 12:28-12:39 Type
171testdata/performance/ 12:32-12:33 b_ 171testdata/performance/ 12:32-12:33 _b
172testdata/performance/ 12:34-12:39 Type 172testdata/performance/ 12:34-12:39 Type
173testdata/performance/ 13:7-13:21 Entity -> VecS Float 4 173testdata/performance/ 13:7-13:21 Entity -> VecS Float 4
174testdata/performance/ 13:28-13:31 Nat -> Type->Type 174testdata/performance/ 13:28-13:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
175testdata/performance/ 13:28-13:33 Type->Type 175testdata/performance/ 13:28-13:33 Type -> Type
176testdata/performance/ 13:28-13:39 Type 176testdata/performance/ 13:28-13:39 Type
177testdata/performance/ 13:32-13:33 b_ 177testdata/performance/ 13:32-13:33 _b
178testdata/performance/ 13:34-13:39 Type 178testdata/performance/ 13:34-13:39 Type
179testdata/performance/ 14:7-14:16 Entity -> VecS Float 3 179testdata/performance/ 14:7-14:16 Entity -> VecS Float 3
180testdata/performance/ 14:28-14:31 Nat -> Type->Type 180testdata/performance/ 14:28-14:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
181testdata/performance/ 14:28-14:33 Type->Type 181testdata/performance/ 14:28-14:33 Type -> Type
182testdata/performance/ 14:28-14:39 Type 182testdata/performance/ 14:28-14:39 Type
183testdata/performance/ 14:32-14:33 b_ 183testdata/performance/ 14:32-14:33 _b
184testdata/performance/ 14:34-14:39 Type 184testdata/performance/ 14:34-14:39 Type
185testdata/performance/ 15:7-15:18 Entity -> VecS Float 4 185testdata/performance/ 15:7-15:18 Entity -> VecS Float 4
186testdata/performance/ 15:28-15:31 Nat -> Type->Type 186testdata/performance/ 15:28-15:31 Nat -> Type -> Type
187testdata/performance/ 15:28-15:33 Type->Type 187testdata/performance/ 15:28-15:33 Type -> Type
188testdata/performance/ 15:28-15:39 Type 188testdata/performance/ 15:28-15:39 Type
189testdata/performance/ 15:32-15:33 b_ 189testdata/performance/ 15:32-15:33 _b
190testdata/performance/ 15:34-15:39 Type 190testdata/performance/ 15:34-15:39 Type
191testdata/performance/ 18:6-18:14 Type 191testdata/performance/ 18:6-18:14 Type
192testdata/performance/ 18:6-24:15 Type 192testdata/performance/ 18:6-24:15 Type
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ testdata/performance/ 24:7-24:15 WaveType
199testdata/performance/ 27:6-27:10 Type 199testdata/performance/ 27:6-27:10 Type
200testdata/performance/ 27:6-27:17 Type 200testdata/performance/ 27:6-27:17 Type
201testdata/performance/ 27:6-27:50 Type 201testdata/performance/ 27:6-27:50 Type
202testdata/performance/ 27:13-27:17 Type | Wave | WaveType -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->Wave 202testdata/performance/ 27:13-27:17 Type | Wave | WaveType -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Wave
203testdata/performance/ 27:18-27:26 Type 203testdata/performance/ 27:18-27:26 Type
204testdata/performance/ 27:27-27:32 Type 204testdata/performance/ 27:27-27:32 Type
205testdata/performance/ 27:33-27:38 Type 205testdata/performance/ 27:33-27:38 Type
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@ testdata/performance/ 29:6-44:13 Type
213testdata/performance/ 29:6-44:24 Type 213testdata/performance/ 29:6-44:24 Type
214testdata/performance/ 30:7-30:19 Deform 214testdata/performance/ 30:7-30:19 Deform
215testdata/performance/ 31:7-31:20 Deform 215testdata/performance/ 31:7-31:20 Deform
216testdata/performance/ 32:7-32:14 Deform | Float -> Float -> Float->Deform | Type 216testdata/performance/ 32:7-32:14 Deform | Float -> Float -> Float -> Deform | Type
217testdata/performance/ 32:15-32:20 Type 217testdata/performance/ 32:15-32:20 Type
218testdata/performance/ 32:21-32:26 Type 218testdata/performance/ 32:21-32:26 Type
219testdata/performance/ 32:27-32:32 Type 219testdata/performance/ 32:27-32:32 Type
220testdata/performance/ 33:7-33:13 Deform | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Wave->Deform 220testdata/performance/ 33:7-33:13 Deform | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Wave -> Deform
221testdata/performance/ 33:15-33:18 Nat -> Type->Type 221testdata/performance/ 33:15-33:18 Nat -> Type -> Type
222testdata/performance/ 33:15-33:20 Type->Type 222testdata/performance/ 33:15-33:20 Type -> Type
223testdata/performance/ 33:15-33:26 Type 223testdata/performance/ 33:15-33:26 Type
224testdata/performance/ 33:19-33:20 b_ 224testdata/performance/ 33:19-33:20 _b
225testdata/performance/ 33:21-33:26 Type 225testdata/performance/ 33:21-33:26 Type
226testdata/performance/ 33:28-33:32 Type 226testdata/performance/ 33:28-33:32 Type
227testdata/performance/ 34:7-34:15 Deform | Float -> Float->Deform | Type 227testdata/performance/ 34:7-34:15 Deform | Float -> Float -> Deform | Type
228testdata/performance/ 34:16-34:21 Type 228testdata/performance/ 34:16-34:21 Type
229testdata/performance/ 34:22-34:27 Type 229testdata/performance/ 34:22-34:27 Type
230testdata/performance/ 35:7-35:25 Deform 230testdata/performance/ 35:7-35:25 Deform
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ testdata/performance/ 40:7-40:14 Deform
236testdata/performance/ 41:7-41:14 Deform 236testdata/performance/ 41:7-41:14 Deform
237testdata/performance/ 42:7-42:14 Deform 237testdata/performance/ 42:7-42:14 Deform
238testdata/performance/ 43:7-43:14 Deform 238testdata/performance/ 43:7-43:14 Deform
239testdata/performance/ 44:7-44:13 Deform | Float -> Wave->Deform | Type 239testdata/performance/ 44:7-44:13 Deform | Float -> Wave -> Deform | Type
240testdata/performance/ 44:14-44:19 Type 240testdata/performance/ 44:14-44:19 Type
241testdata/performance/ 44:20-44:24 Type 241testdata/performance/ 44:20-44:24 Type
242testdata/performance/ 47:6-47:14 Type 242testdata/performance/ 47:6-47:14 Type
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ testdata/performance/ 64:7-64:13 Blending'
260testdata/performance/ 67:6-67:12 Type 260testdata/performance/ 67:6-67:12 Type
261testdata/performance/ 67:6-69:34 Type 261testdata/performance/ 67:6-69:34 Type
262testdata/performance/ 67:6-78:20 Type 262testdata/performance/ 67:6-78:20 Type
263testdata/performance/ 68:7-68:15 RGBGen | Type | Wave->RGBGen 263testdata/performance/ 68:7-68:15 RGBGen | Type | Wave -> RGBGen
264testdata/performance/ 68:16-68:20 Type 264testdata/performance/ 68:16-68:20 Type
265testdata/performance/ 69:7-69:16 Float -> Float -> Float->RGBGen | RGBGen | Type 265testdata/performance/ 69:7-69:16 Float -> Float -> Float -> RGBGen | RGBGen | Type
266testdata/performance/ 69:17-69:22 Type 266testdata/performance/ 69:17-69:22 Type
267testdata/performance/ 69:23-69:28 Type 267testdata/performance/ 69:23-69:28 Type
268testdata/performance/ 69:29-69:34 Type 268testdata/performance/ 69:29-69:34 Type
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ testdata/performance/ 77:7-77:25 RGBGen
277testdata/performance/ 78:7-78:20 RGBGen 277testdata/performance/ 78:7-78:20 RGBGen
278testdata/performance/ 81:6-81:14 Type 278testdata/performance/ 81:6-81:14 Type
279testdata/performance/ 81:6-90:23 Type 279testdata/performance/ 81:6-90:23 Type
280testdata/performance/ 82:7-82:13 AlphaGen | Type | Wave->AlphaGen 280testdata/performance/ 82:7-82:13 AlphaGen | Type | Wave -> AlphaGen
281testdata/performance/ 82:14-82:18 Type 281testdata/performance/ 82:14-82:18 Type
282testdata/performance/ 83:7-83:14 AlphaGen | Float->AlphaGen | Type 282testdata/performance/ 83:7-83:14 AlphaGen | Float -> AlphaGen | Type
283testdata/performance/ 83:15-83:20 Type 283testdata/performance/ 83:15-83:20 Type
284testdata/performance/ 84:7-84:15 AlphaGen 284testdata/performance/ 84:7-84:15 AlphaGen
285testdata/performance/ 85:7-85:17 AlphaGen 285testdata/performance/ 85:7-85:17 AlphaGen
@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@ testdata/performance/ 94:7-94:14 TCGen
295testdata/performance/ 95:7-95:18 TCGen 295testdata/performance/ 95:7-95:18 TCGen
296testdata/performance/ 96:7-96:21 TCGen 296testdata/performance/ 96:7-96:21 TCGen
297testdata/performance/ 97:7-97:16 TCGen | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> TCGen 297testdata/performance/ 97:7-97:16 TCGen | Type | Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> TCGen
298testdata/performance/ 97:18-97:21 Nat -> Type->Type 298testdata/performance/ 97:18-97:21 Nat -> Type -> Type
299testdata/performance/ 97:18-97:23 Type->Type 299testdata/performance/ 97:18-97:23 Type -> Type
300testdata/performance/ 97:18-97:29 Type 300testdata/performance/ 97:18-97:29 Type
301testdata/performance/ 97:22-97:23 b_ 301testdata/performance/ 97:22-97:23 _b
302testdata/performance/ 97:24-97:29 Type 302testdata/performance/ 97:24-97:29 Type
303testdata/performance/ 97:32-97:35 Nat -> Type->Type 303testdata/performance/ 97:32-97:35 Nat -> Type -> Type
304testdata/performance/ 97:32-97:37 Type->Type 304testdata/performance/ 97:32-97:37 Type -> Type
305testdata/performance/ 97:32-97:43 Type 305testdata/performance/ 97:32-97:43 Type
306testdata/performance/ 97:36-97:37 b_ 306testdata/performance/ 97:36-97:37 _b
307testdata/performance/ 97:38-97:43 Type 307testdata/performance/ 97:38-97:43 Type
308testdata/performance/ 98:7-98:19 TCGen 308testdata/performance/ 98:7-98:19 TCGen
309testdata/performance/ 101:6-101:11 Type 309testdata/performance/ 101:6-101:11 Type
@@ -313,24 +313,24 @@ testdata/performance/ 101:6-107:55 Type
313testdata/performance/ 101:6-108:14 Type 313testdata/performance/ 101:6-108:14 Type
314testdata/performance/ 101:6-108:38 Type 314testdata/performance/ 101:6-108:38 Type
315testdata/performance/ 102:7-102:25 TCMod 315testdata/performance/ 102:7-102:25 TCMod
316testdata/performance/ 103:7-103:16 Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 316testdata/performance/ 103:7-103:16 Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
317testdata/performance/ 103:17-103:22 Type 317testdata/performance/ 103:17-103:22 Type
318testdata/performance/ 104:7-104:16 Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 318testdata/performance/ 104:7-104:16 Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
319testdata/performance/ 104:17-104:22 Type 319testdata/performance/ 104:17-104:22 Type
320testdata/performance/ 104:23-104:28 Type 320testdata/performance/ 104:23-104:28 Type
321testdata/performance/ 105:7-105:15 Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 321testdata/performance/ 105:7-105:15 Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
322testdata/performance/ 105:16-105:21 Type 322testdata/performance/ 105:16-105:21 Type
323testdata/performance/ 105:22-105:27 Type 323testdata/performance/ 105:22-105:27 Type
324testdata/performance/ 106:7-106:17 TCMod | Type | Wave->TCMod 324testdata/performance/ 106:7-106:17 TCMod | Type | Wave -> TCMod
325testdata/performance/ 106:18-106:22 Type 325testdata/performance/ 106:18-106:22 Type
326testdata/performance/ 107:7-107:19 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 326testdata/performance/ 107:7-107:19 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
327testdata/performance/ 107:20-107:25 Type 327testdata/performance/ 107:20-107:25 Type
328testdata/performance/ 107:26-107:31 Type 328testdata/performance/ 107:26-107:31 Type
329testdata/performance/ 107:32-107:37 Type 329testdata/performance/ 107:32-107:37 Type
330testdata/performance/ 107:38-107:43 Type 330testdata/performance/ 107:38-107:43 Type
331testdata/performance/ 107:44-107:49 Type 331testdata/performance/ 107:44-107:49 Type
332testdata/performance/ 107:50-107:55 Type 332testdata/performance/ 107:50-107:55 Type
333testdata/performance/ 108:7-108:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod | TCMod | Type 333testdata/performance/ 108:7-108:14 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod | TCMod | Type
334testdata/performance/ 108:15-108:20 Type 334testdata/performance/ 108:15-108:20 Type
335testdata/performance/ 108:21-108:26 Type 335testdata/performance/ 108:21-108:26 Type
336testdata/performance/ 108:27-108:32 Type 336testdata/performance/ 108:27-108:32 Type
@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ testdata/performance/ 108:33-108:38 Type
338testdata/performance/ 111:6-111:18 Type 338testdata/performance/ 111:6-111:18 Type
339testdata/performance/ 111:6-114:35 Type 339testdata/performance/ 111:6-114:35 Type
340testdata/performance/ 111:6-116:20 Type 340testdata/performance/ 111:6-116:20 Type
341testdata/performance/ 112:7-112:13 StageTexture | String->StageTexture | Type 341testdata/performance/ 112:7-112:13 StageTexture | String -> StageTexture | Type
342testdata/performance/ 112:21-112:27 Type 342testdata/performance/ 112:21-112:27 Type
343testdata/performance/ 113:7-113:18 StageTexture | String->StageTexture | Type 343testdata/performance/ 113:7-113:18 StageTexture | String -> StageTexture | Type
344testdata/performance/ 113:21-113:27 Type 344testdata/performance/ 113:21-113:27 Type
345testdata/performance/ 114:7-114:17 Float -> List String -> StageTexture | StageTexture | Type 345testdata/performance/ 114:7-114:17 Float -> List String -> StageTexture | StageTexture | Type
346testdata/performance/ 114:21-114:26 Type 346testdata/performance/ 114:21-114:26 Type
@@ -360,116 +360,116 @@ testdata/performance/ 127:7-127:15 DepthFunction
360testdata/performance/ 130:6-130:16 Type 360testdata/performance/ 130:6-130:16 Type
361testdata/performance/ 130:6-131:17 Type 361testdata/performance/ 130:6-131:17 Type
362testdata/performance/ 130:6-144:34 Type 362testdata/performance/ 130:6-144:34 Type
363testdata/performance/ 131:7-131:17 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs | StageAttrs | Type 363testdata/performance/ 131:7-131:17 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs | StageAttrs | Type
364testdata/performance/ 132:7-132:14 StageAttrs -> Maybe (Blending', Blending') 364testdata/performance/ 132:7-132:14 StageAttrs -> Maybe (Blending', Blending')
365testdata/performance/ 132:25-132:30 Type->Type 365testdata/performance/ 132:25-132:30 Type -> Type
366testdata/performance/ 132:25-132:53 Type 366testdata/performance/ 132:25-132:53 Type
367testdata/performance/ 132:31-132:53 Type 367testdata/performance/ 132:31-132:53 Type
368testdata/performance/ 132:32-132:41 Type 368testdata/performance/ 132:32-132:41 Type
369testdata/performance/ 132:32-132:52 List Type 369testdata/performance/ 132:32-132:52 List Type
370testdata/performance/ 132:43-132:52 List Type | Type 370testdata/performance/ 132:43-132:52 List Type | Type
371testdata/performance/ 133:7-133:15 StageAttrs->RGBGen 371testdata/performance/ 133:7-133:15 StageAttrs -> RGBGen
372testdata/performance/ 133:24-133:30 Type 372testdata/performance/ 133:24-133:30 Type
373testdata/performance/ 134:7-134:17 StageAttrs->AlphaGen 373testdata/performance/ 134:7-134:17 StageAttrs -> AlphaGen
374testdata/performance/ 134:24-134:32 Type 374testdata/performance/ 134:24-134:32 Type
375testdata/performance/ 135:7-135:14 StageAttrs->TCGen 375testdata/performance/ 135:7-135:14 StageAttrs -> TCGen
376testdata/performance/ 135:24-135:29 Type 376testdata/performance/ 135:24-135:29 Type
377testdata/performance/ 136:7-136:14 StageAttrs -> List TCMod 377testdata/performance/ 136:7-136:14 StageAttrs -> List TCMod
378testdata/performance/ 136:24-136:31 Type 378testdata/performance/ 136:24-136:31 Type
379testdata/performance/ 136:25-136:30 Type 379testdata/performance/ 136:25-136:30 Type
380testdata/performance/ 137:7-137:16 StageAttrs->StageTexture 380testdata/performance/ 137:7-137:16 StageAttrs -> StageTexture
381testdata/performance/ 137:24-137:36 Type 381testdata/performance/ 137:24-137:36 Type
382testdata/performance/ 138:7-138:19 StageAttrs->Bool 382testdata/performance/ 138:7-138:19 StageAttrs -> Bool
383testdata/performance/ 138:24-138:28 Type 383testdata/performance/ 138:24-138:28 Type
384testdata/performance/ 139:7-139:18 StageAttrs->DepthFunction 384testdata/performance/ 139:7-139:18 StageAttrs -> DepthFunction
385testdata/performance/ 139:24-139:37 Type 385testdata/performance/ 139:24-139:37 Type
386testdata/performance/ 140:7-140:18 StageAttrs -> Maybe AlphaFunction 386testdata/performance/ 140:7-140:18 StageAttrs -> Maybe AlphaFunction
387testdata/performance/ 140:25-140:30 Type->Type 387testdata/performance/ 140:25-140:30 Type -> Type
388testdata/performance/ 140:25-140:44 Type 388testdata/performance/ 140:25-140:44 Type
389testdata/performance/ 140:31-140:44 Type 389testdata/performance/ 140:31-140:44 Type
390testdata/performance/ 143:7-143:26 StageAttrs->Bool 390testdata/performance/ 143:7-143:26 StageAttrs -> Bool
391testdata/performance/ 143:32-143:36 Type 391testdata/performance/ 143:32-143:36 Type
392testdata/performance/ 144:7-144:23 StageAttrs->String 392testdata/performance/ 144:7-144:23 StageAttrs -> String
393testdata/performance/ 144:28-144:34 Type 393testdata/performance/ 144:28-144:34 Type
394testdata/performance/ 148:22-148:32 Type 394testdata/performance/ 148:22-148:32 Type
395testdata/performance/ 149:1-149:18 StageAttrs 395testdata/performance/ 149:1-149:18 StageAttrs
396testdata/performance/ 149:21-149:31 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 396testdata/performance/ 149:21-149:31 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
397testdata/performance/ 149:21-150:30 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 397testdata/performance/ 149:21-150:30 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
398testdata/performance/ 149:21-151:36 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 398testdata/performance/ 149:21-151:36 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
399testdata/performance/ 149:21-152:33 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 399testdata/performance/ 149:21-152:33 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
400testdata/performance/ 149:21-153:35 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 400testdata/performance/ 149:21-153:35 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
401testdata/performance/ 149:21-154:25 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 401testdata/performance/ 149:21-154:25 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
402testdata/performance/ 149:21-155:36 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 402testdata/performance/ 149:21-155:36 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
403testdata/performance/ 149:21-156:27 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 403testdata/performance/ 149:21-156:27 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
404testdata/performance/ 149:21-157:31 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 404testdata/performance/ 149:21-157:31 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
405testdata/performance/ 149:21-158:30 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 405testdata/performance/ 149:21-158:30 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
406testdata/performance/ 149:21-159:36 String->StageAttrs 406testdata/performance/ 149:21-159:36 String -> StageAttrs
407testdata/performance/ 149:21-161:6 StageAttrs 407testdata/performance/ 149:21-161:6 StageAttrs
408testdata/performance/ 150:23-150:30 {a} -> Maybe a 408testdata/performance/ 150:23-150:30 forall a . Maybe a
409testdata/performance/ 151:23-151:36 RGBGen 409testdata/performance/ 151:23-151:36 RGBGen
410testdata/performance/ 152:23-152:33 AlphaGen 410testdata/performance/ 152:23-152:33 AlphaGen
411testdata/performance/ 153:23-153:35 TCGen 411testdata/performance/ 153:23-153:35 TCGen
412testdata/performance/ 154:23-154:25 {a} -> List a 412testdata/performance/ 154:23-154:25 forall a . List a
413testdata/performance/ 155:23-155:36 StageTexture 413testdata/performance/ 155:23-155:36 StageTexture
414testdata/performance/ 156:23-156:27 Bool 414testdata/performance/ 156:23-156:27 Bool
415testdata/performance/ 157:23-157:31 DepthFunction 415testdata/performance/ 157:23-157:31 DepthFunction
416testdata/performance/ 158:23-158:30 {a} -> Maybe a 416testdata/performance/ 158:23-158:30 forall a . Maybe a
417testdata/performance/ 159:31-159:36 Bool 417testdata/performance/ 159:31-159:36 Bool
418testdata/performance/ 160:27-160:29 String 418testdata/performance/ 160:27-160:29 String
419testdata/performance/ 163:6-163:17 Type 419testdata/performance/ 163:6-163:17 Type
420testdata/performance/ 163:6-164:18 Type 420testdata/performance/ 163:6-164:18 Type
421testdata/performance/ 163:6-178:32 Type 421testdata/performance/ 163:6-178:32 Type
422testdata/performance/ 164:7-164:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs | CommonAttrs | Type 422testdata/performance/ 164:7-164:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs | CommonAttrs | Type
423testdata/performance/ 165:7-165:17 CommonAttrs->() 423testdata/performance/ 165:7-165:17 CommonAttrs -> ()
424testdata/performance/ 165:28-165:30 Type 424testdata/performance/ 165:28-165:30 Type
425testdata/performance/ 166:7-166:17 CommonAttrs->() 425testdata/performance/ 166:7-166:17 CommonAttrs -> ()
426testdata/performance/ 166:28-166:30 Type 426testdata/performance/ 166:28-166:30 Type
427testdata/performance/ 167:7-167:15 CommonAttrs->Bool 427testdata/performance/ 167:7-167:15 CommonAttrs -> Bool
428testdata/performance/ 167:28-167:32 Type 428testdata/performance/ 167:28-167:32 Type
429testdata/performance/ 168:7-168:13 CommonAttrs->Float 429testdata/performance/ 168:7-168:13 CommonAttrs -> Float
430testdata/performance/ 168:28-168:33 Type 430testdata/performance/ 168:28-168:33 Type
431testdata/performance/ 169:7-169:23 CommonAttrs->Bool 431testdata/performance/ 169:7-169:23 CommonAttrs -> Bool
432testdata/performance/ 169:28-169:32 Type 432testdata/performance/ 169:28-169:32 Type
433testdata/performance/ 170:7-170:16 CommonAttrs->Bool 433testdata/performance/ 170:7-170:16 CommonAttrs -> Bool
434testdata/performance/ 170:28-170:32 Type 434testdata/performance/ 170:28-170:32 Type
435testdata/performance/ 171:7-171:13 CommonAttrs->CullType 435testdata/performance/ 171:7-171:13 CommonAttrs -> CullType
436testdata/performance/ 171:28-171:36 Type 436testdata/performance/ 171:28-171:36 Type
437testdata/performance/ 172:7-172:23 CommonAttrs -> List Deform 437testdata/performance/ 172:7-172:23 CommonAttrs -> List Deform
438testdata/performance/ 172:28-172:36 Type 438testdata/performance/ 172:28-172:36 Type
439testdata/performance/ 172:29-172:35 Type 439testdata/performance/ 172:29-172:35 Type
440testdata/performance/ 173:7-173:18 CommonAttrs->Bool 440testdata/performance/ 173:7-173:18 CommonAttrs -> Bool
441testdata/performance/ 173:28-173:32 Type 441testdata/performance/ 173:28-173:32 Type
442testdata/performance/ 174:7-174:22 CommonAttrs->Bool 442testdata/performance/ 174:7-174:22 CommonAttrs -> Bool
443testdata/performance/ 174:28-174:32 Type 443testdata/performance/ 174:28-174:32 Type
444testdata/performance/ 175:7-175:15 CommonAttrs -> List StageAttrs 444testdata/performance/ 175:7-175:15 CommonAttrs -> List StageAttrs
445testdata/performance/ 175:28-175:40 Type 445testdata/performance/ 175:28-175:40 Type
446testdata/performance/ 175:29-175:39 Type 446testdata/performance/ 175:29-175:39 Type
447testdata/performance/ 178:7-178:14 CommonAttrs->Bool 447testdata/performance/ 178:7-178:14 CommonAttrs -> Bool
448testdata/performance/ 178:28-178:32 Type 448testdata/performance/ 178:28-178:32 Type
449testdata/performance/ 182:23-182:34 Type 449testdata/performance/ 182:23-182:34 Type
450testdata/performance/ 183:1-183:19 CommonAttrs 450testdata/performance/ 183:1-183:19 CommonAttrs
451testdata/performance/ 183:22-183:33 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 451testdata/performance/ 183:22-183:33 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
452testdata/performance/ 183:22-184:29 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 452testdata/performance/ 183:22-184:29 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
453testdata/performance/ 183:22-185:29 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 453testdata/performance/ 183:22-185:29 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
454testdata/performance/ 183:22-186:32 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 454testdata/performance/ 183:22-186:32 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
455testdata/performance/ 183:22-187:28 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 455testdata/performance/ 183:22-187:28 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
456testdata/performance/ 183:22-188:32 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 456testdata/performance/ 183:22-188:32 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
457testdata/performance/ 183:22-189:32 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 457testdata/performance/ 183:22-189:32 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
458testdata/performance/ 183:22-190:40 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 458testdata/performance/ 183:22-190:40 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
459testdata/performance/ 183:22-191:29 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 459testdata/performance/ 183:22-191:29 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
460testdata/performance/ 183:22-192:32 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 460testdata/performance/ 183:22-192:32 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
461testdata/performance/ 183:22-193:32 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 461testdata/performance/ 183:22-193:32 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
462testdata/performance/ 183:22-194:29 Bool->CommonAttrs 462testdata/performance/ 183:22-194:29 Bool -> CommonAttrs
463testdata/performance/ 183:22-196:6 CommonAttrs 463testdata/performance/ 183:22-196:6 CommonAttrs
464testdata/performance/ 184:27-184:29 () 464testdata/performance/ 184:27-184:29 ()
465testdata/performance/ 185:27-185:29 () 465testdata/performance/ 185:27-185:29 ()
466testdata/performance/ 186:27-186:32 Bool 466testdata/performance/ 186:27-186:32 Bool
467testdata/performance/ 187:27-187:28 b_ 467testdata/performance/ 187:27-187:28 _b
468testdata/performance/ 188:27-188:32 Bool 468testdata/performance/ 188:27-188:32 Bool
469testdata/performance/ 189:27-189:32 Bool 469testdata/performance/ 189:27-189:32 Bool
470testdata/performance/ 190:27-190:40 CullType 470testdata/performance/ 190:27-190:40 CullType
471testdata/performance/ 191:27-191:29 {a} -> List a 471testdata/performance/ 191:27-191:29 forall a . List a
472testdata/performance/ 192:27-192:32 Bool 472testdata/performance/ 192:27-192:32 Bool
473testdata/performance/ 193:27-193:32 Bool 473testdata/performance/ 193:27-193:32 Bool
474testdata/performance/ 194:27-194:29 {a} -> List a 474testdata/performance/ 194:27-194:29 forall a . List a
475testdata/performance/ 195:27-195:32 Bool 475testdata/performance/ 195:27-195:32 Bool
diff --git a/testdata/performance/SampleMaterial.out b/testdata/performance/SampleMaterial.out
index a3adf868..7776af0c 100644
--- a/testdata/performance/SampleMaterial.out
+++ b/testdata/performance/SampleMaterial.out
@@ -6,68 +6,68 @@ testdata/performance/ 3:1-3:15 List (String, CommonAttrs)
6testdata/performance/ 4:3-2183:4 List (String, CommonAttrs) 6testdata/performance/ 4:3-2183:4 List (String, CommonAttrs)
7testdata/performance/ 4:5-46:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 7testdata/performance/ 4:5-46:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
8testdata/performance/ 4:7-4:40 String 8testdata/performance/ 4:7-4:40 String
9testdata/performance/ 5:7-5:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 9testdata/performance/ 5:7-5:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
10testdata/performance/ 5:7-6:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 10testdata/performance/ 5:7-6:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
11testdata/performance/ 5:7-7:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 11testdata/performance/ 5:7-7:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
12testdata/performance/ 5:7-8:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 12testdata/performance/ 5:7-8:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
13testdata/performance/ 5:7-9:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 13testdata/performance/ 5:7-9:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
14testdata/performance/ 5:7-10:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 14testdata/performance/ 5:7-10:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
15testdata/performance/ 5:7-11:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 15testdata/performance/ 5:7-11:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
16testdata/performance/ 5:7-12:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 16testdata/performance/ 5:7-12:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
17testdata/performance/ 5:7-13:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 17testdata/performance/ 5:7-13:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
18testdata/performance/ 5:7-14:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 18testdata/performance/ 5:7-14:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
19testdata/performance/ 5:7-15:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 19testdata/performance/ 5:7-15:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
20testdata/performance/ 5:7-43:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 20testdata/performance/ 5:7-43:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
21testdata/performance/ 5:7-45:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 21testdata/performance/ 5:7-45:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
22testdata/performance/ 6:24-6:26 () 22testdata/performance/ 6:24-6:26 ()
23testdata/performance/ 7:24-7:26 () 23testdata/performance/ 7:24-7:26 ()
24testdata/performance/ 8:22-8:27 Bool 24testdata/performance/ 8:22-8:27 Bool
25testdata/performance/ 9:20-9:21 b_ 25testdata/performance/ 9:20-9:21 _b
26testdata/performance/ 10:30-10:35 Bool 26testdata/performance/ 10:30-10:35 Bool
27testdata/performance/ 11:23-11:28 Bool 27testdata/performance/ 11:23-11:28 Bool
28testdata/performance/ 12:20-12:33 CullType 28testdata/performance/ 12:20-12:33 CullType
29testdata/performance/ 13:30-13:32 {a} -> List a 29testdata/performance/ 13:30-13:32 forall a . List a
30testdata/performance/ 14:25-14:30 Bool 30testdata/performance/ 14:25-14:30 Bool
31testdata/performance/ 15:29-15:34 Bool 31testdata/performance/ 15:29-15:34 Bool
32testdata/performance/ 17:13-43:14 List StageAttrs 32testdata/performance/ 17:13-43:14 List StageAttrs
33testdata/performance/ 17:15-17:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 33testdata/performance/ 17:15-17:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
34testdata/performance/ 17:15-18:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 34testdata/performance/ 17:15-18:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
35testdata/performance/ 17:15-19:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 35testdata/performance/ 17:15-19:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
36testdata/performance/ 17:15-20:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 36testdata/performance/ 17:15-20:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
37testdata/performance/ 17:15-21:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 37testdata/performance/ 17:15-21:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
38testdata/performance/ 17:15-22:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 38testdata/performance/ 17:15-22:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
39testdata/performance/ 17:15-23:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 39testdata/performance/ 17:15-23:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
40testdata/performance/ 17:15-24:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 40testdata/performance/ 17:15-24:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
41testdata/performance/ 17:15-25:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 41testdata/performance/ 17:15-25:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
42testdata/performance/ 17:15-26:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 42testdata/performance/ 17:15-26:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
43testdata/performance/ 17:15-27:46 String->StageAttrs 43testdata/performance/ 17:15-27:46 String -> StageAttrs
44testdata/performance/ 17:15-29:18 StageAttrs 44testdata/performance/ 17:15-29:18 StageAttrs
45testdata/performance/ 18:29-18:36 {a} -> Maybe a 45testdata/performance/ 18:29-18:36 forall a . Maybe a
46testdata/performance/ 19:30-19:50 RGBGen 46testdata/performance/ 19:30-19:50 RGBGen
47testdata/performance/ 20:32-20:42 AlphaGen 47testdata/performance/ 20:32-20:42 AlphaGen
48testdata/performance/ 21:29-21:36 TCGen 48testdata/performance/ 21:29-21:36 TCGen
49testdata/performance/ 22:29-22:31 {a} -> List a 49testdata/performance/ 22:29-22:31 forall a . List a
50testdata/performance/ 23:31-23:37 String->StageTexture 50testdata/performance/ 23:31-23:37 String -> StageTexture
51testdata/performance/ 23:31-23:71 StageTexture 51testdata/performance/ 23:31-23:71 StageTexture
52testdata/performance/ 23:38-23:71 String 52testdata/performance/ 23:38-23:71 String
53testdata/performance/ 24:34-24:38 Bool 53testdata/performance/ 24:34-24:38 Bool
54testdata/performance/ 25:33-25:41 DepthFunction 54testdata/performance/ 25:33-25:41 DepthFunction
55testdata/performance/ 26:33-26:40 {a} -> Maybe a 55testdata/performance/ 26:33-26:40 forall a . Maybe a
56testdata/performance/ 27:41-27:46 Bool 56testdata/performance/ 27:41-27:46 Bool
57testdata/performance/ 28:38-28:54 String 57testdata/performance/ 28:38-28:54 String
58testdata/performance/ 30:15-30:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 58testdata/performance/ 30:15-30:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
59testdata/performance/ 30:15-31:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 59testdata/performance/ 30:15-31:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
60testdata/performance/ 30:15-32:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 60testdata/performance/ 30:15-32:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
61testdata/performance/ 30:15-33:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 61testdata/performance/ 30:15-33:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
62testdata/performance/ 30:15-34:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 62testdata/performance/ 30:15-34:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
63testdata/performance/ 30:15-35:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 63testdata/performance/ 30:15-35:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
64testdata/performance/ 30:15-36:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 64testdata/performance/ 30:15-36:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
65testdata/performance/ 30:15-37:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 65testdata/performance/ 30:15-37:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
66testdata/performance/ 30:15-38:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 66testdata/performance/ 30:15-38:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
67testdata/performance/ 30:15-39:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 67testdata/performance/ 30:15-39:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
68testdata/performance/ 30:15-40:46 String->StageAttrs 68testdata/performance/ 30:15-40:46 String -> StageAttrs
69testdata/performance/ 30:15-42:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 69testdata/performance/ 30:15-42:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
70testdata/performance/ 31:29-31:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 70testdata/performance/ 31:29-31:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
71testdata/performance/ 31:29-31:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 71testdata/performance/ 31:29-31:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
72testdata/performance/ 31:34-31:57 (Blending', Blending') 72testdata/performance/ 31:34-31:57 (Blending', Blending')
73testdata/performance/ 31:36-31:46 Blending' 73testdata/performance/ 31:36-31:46 Blending'
@@ -75,79 +75,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 31:49-31:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
75testdata/performance/ 32:30-32:50 RGBGen 75testdata/performance/ 32:30-32:50 RGBGen
76testdata/performance/ 33:32-33:42 AlphaGen 76testdata/performance/ 33:32-33:42 AlphaGen
77testdata/performance/ 34:29-34:40 TCGen 77testdata/performance/ 34:29-34:40 TCGen
78testdata/performance/ 35:29-35:31 {a} -> List a 78testdata/performance/ 35:29-35:31 forall a . List a
79testdata/performance/ 36:31-36:42 StageTexture 79testdata/performance/ 36:31-36:42 StageTexture
80testdata/performance/ 37:34-37:38 Bool 80testdata/performance/ 37:34-37:38 Bool
81testdata/performance/ 38:33-38:41 DepthFunction 81testdata/performance/ 38:33-38:41 DepthFunction
82testdata/performance/ 39:33-39:40 {a} -> Maybe a 82testdata/performance/ 39:33-39:40 forall a . Maybe a
83testdata/performance/ 40:41-40:46 Bool 83testdata/performance/ 40:41-40:46 Bool
84testdata/performance/ 41:38-41:54 String 84testdata/performance/ 41:38-41:54 String
85testdata/performance/ 44:21-44:26 Bool 85testdata/performance/ 44:21-44:26 Bool
86testdata/performance/ 47:5-89:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 86testdata/performance/ 47:5-89:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
87testdata/performance/ 47:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 87testdata/performance/ 47:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
88testdata/performance/ 47:7-47:39 String 88testdata/performance/ 47:7-47:39 String
89testdata/performance/ 48:7-48:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 89testdata/performance/ 48:7-48:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
90testdata/performance/ 48:7-49:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 90testdata/performance/ 48:7-49:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
91testdata/performance/ 48:7-50:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 91testdata/performance/ 48:7-50:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
92testdata/performance/ 48:7-51:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 92testdata/performance/ 48:7-51:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
93testdata/performance/ 48:7-52:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 93testdata/performance/ 48:7-52:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
94testdata/performance/ 48:7-53:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 94testdata/performance/ 48:7-53:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
95testdata/performance/ 48:7-54:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 95testdata/performance/ 48:7-54:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
96testdata/performance/ 48:7-55:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 96testdata/performance/ 48:7-55:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
97testdata/performance/ 48:7-56:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 97testdata/performance/ 48:7-56:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
98testdata/performance/ 48:7-57:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 98testdata/performance/ 48:7-57:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
99testdata/performance/ 48:7-58:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 99testdata/performance/ 48:7-58:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
100testdata/performance/ 48:7-86:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 100testdata/performance/ 48:7-86:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
101testdata/performance/ 48:7-88:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 101testdata/performance/ 48:7-88:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
102testdata/performance/ 49:24-49:26 () 102testdata/performance/ 49:24-49:26 ()
103testdata/performance/ 50:24-50:26 () 103testdata/performance/ 50:24-50:26 ()
104testdata/performance/ 51:22-51:27 Bool 104testdata/performance/ 51:22-51:27 Bool
105testdata/performance/ 52:20-52:21 b_ 105testdata/performance/ 52:20-52:21 _b
106testdata/performance/ 53:30-53:35 Bool 106testdata/performance/ 53:30-53:35 Bool
107testdata/performance/ 54:23-54:28 Bool 107testdata/performance/ 54:23-54:28 Bool
108testdata/performance/ 55:20-55:33 CullType 108testdata/performance/ 55:20-55:33 CullType
109testdata/performance/ 56:30-56:32 {a} -> List a 109testdata/performance/ 56:30-56:32 forall a . List a
110testdata/performance/ 57:25-57:30 Bool 110testdata/performance/ 57:25-57:30 Bool
111testdata/performance/ 58:29-58:34 Bool 111testdata/performance/ 58:29-58:34 Bool
112testdata/performance/ 60:13-86:14 List StageAttrs 112testdata/performance/ 60:13-86:14 List StageAttrs
113testdata/performance/ 60:15-60:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 113testdata/performance/ 60:15-60:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
114testdata/performance/ 60:15-61:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 114testdata/performance/ 60:15-61:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
115testdata/performance/ 60:15-62:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 115testdata/performance/ 60:15-62:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
116testdata/performance/ 60:15-63:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 116testdata/performance/ 60:15-63:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
117testdata/performance/ 60:15-64:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 117testdata/performance/ 60:15-64:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
118testdata/performance/ 60:15-65:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 118testdata/performance/ 60:15-65:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
119testdata/performance/ 60:15-66:70 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 119testdata/performance/ 60:15-66:70 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
120testdata/performance/ 60:15-67:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 120testdata/performance/ 60:15-67:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
121testdata/performance/ 60:15-68:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 121testdata/performance/ 60:15-68:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
122testdata/performance/ 60:15-69:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 122testdata/performance/ 60:15-69:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
123testdata/performance/ 60:15-70:46 String->StageAttrs 123testdata/performance/ 60:15-70:46 String -> StageAttrs
124testdata/performance/ 60:15-72:18 StageAttrs 124testdata/performance/ 60:15-72:18 StageAttrs
125testdata/performance/ 61:29-61:36 {a} -> Maybe a 125testdata/performance/ 61:29-61:36 forall a . Maybe a
126testdata/performance/ 62:30-62:50 RGBGen 126testdata/performance/ 62:30-62:50 RGBGen
127testdata/performance/ 63:32-63:42 AlphaGen 127testdata/performance/ 63:32-63:42 AlphaGen
128testdata/performance/ 64:29-64:36 TCGen 128testdata/performance/ 64:29-64:36 TCGen
129testdata/performance/ 65:29-65:31 {a} -> List a 129testdata/performance/ 65:29-65:31 forall a . List a
130testdata/performance/ 66:31-66:37 String->StageTexture 130testdata/performance/ 66:31-66:37 String -> StageTexture
131testdata/performance/ 66:31-66:70 StageTexture 131testdata/performance/ 66:31-66:70 StageTexture
132testdata/performance/ 66:38-66:70 String 132testdata/performance/ 66:38-66:70 String
133testdata/performance/ 67:34-67:38 Bool 133testdata/performance/ 67:34-67:38 Bool
134testdata/performance/ 68:33-68:41 DepthFunction 134testdata/performance/ 68:33-68:41 DepthFunction
135testdata/performance/ 69:33-69:40 {a} -> Maybe a 135testdata/performance/ 69:33-69:40 forall a . Maybe a
136testdata/performance/ 70:41-70:46 Bool 136testdata/performance/ 70:41-70:46 Bool
137testdata/performance/ 71:38-71:54 String 137testdata/performance/ 71:38-71:54 String
138testdata/performance/ 73:15-73:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 138testdata/performance/ 73:15-73:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
139testdata/performance/ 73:15-74:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 139testdata/performance/ 73:15-74:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
140testdata/performance/ 73:15-75:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 140testdata/performance/ 73:15-75:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
141testdata/performance/ 73:15-76:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 141testdata/performance/ 73:15-76:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
142testdata/performance/ 73:15-77:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 142testdata/performance/ 73:15-77:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
143testdata/performance/ 73:15-78:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 143testdata/performance/ 73:15-78:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
144testdata/performance/ 73:15-79:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 144testdata/performance/ 73:15-79:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
145testdata/performance/ 73:15-80:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 145testdata/performance/ 73:15-80:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
146testdata/performance/ 73:15-81:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 146testdata/performance/ 73:15-81:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
147testdata/performance/ 73:15-82:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 147testdata/performance/ 73:15-82:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
148testdata/performance/ 73:15-83:46 String->StageAttrs 148testdata/performance/ 73:15-83:46 String -> StageAttrs
149testdata/performance/ 73:15-85:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 149testdata/performance/ 73:15-85:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
150testdata/performance/ 74:29-74:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 150testdata/performance/ 74:29-74:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
151testdata/performance/ 74:29-74:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 151testdata/performance/ 74:29-74:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
152testdata/performance/ 74:34-74:57 (Blending', Blending') 152testdata/performance/ 74:34-74:57 (Blending', Blending')
153testdata/performance/ 74:36-74:46 Blending' 153testdata/performance/ 74:36-74:46 Blending'
@@ -155,79 +155,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 74:49-74:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
155testdata/performance/ 75:30-75:50 RGBGen 155testdata/performance/ 75:30-75:50 RGBGen
156testdata/performance/ 76:32-76:42 AlphaGen 156testdata/performance/ 76:32-76:42 AlphaGen
157testdata/performance/ 77:29-77:40 TCGen 157testdata/performance/ 77:29-77:40 TCGen
158testdata/performance/ 78:29-78:31 {a} -> List a 158testdata/performance/ 78:29-78:31 forall a . List a
159testdata/performance/ 79:31-79:42 StageTexture 159testdata/performance/ 79:31-79:42 StageTexture
160testdata/performance/ 80:34-80:38 Bool 160testdata/performance/ 80:34-80:38 Bool
161testdata/performance/ 81:33-81:41 DepthFunction 161testdata/performance/ 81:33-81:41 DepthFunction
162testdata/performance/ 82:33-82:40 {a} -> Maybe a 162testdata/performance/ 82:33-82:40 forall a . Maybe a
163testdata/performance/ 83:41-83:46 Bool 163testdata/performance/ 83:41-83:46 Bool
164testdata/performance/ 84:38-84:54 String 164testdata/performance/ 84:38-84:54 String
165testdata/performance/ 87:21-87:26 Bool 165testdata/performance/ 87:21-87:26 Bool
166testdata/performance/ 90:5-132:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 166testdata/performance/ 90:5-132:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
167testdata/performance/ 90:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 167testdata/performance/ 90:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
168testdata/performance/ 90:7-90:40 String 168testdata/performance/ 90:7-90:40 String
169testdata/performance/ 91:7-91:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 169testdata/performance/ 91:7-91:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
170testdata/performance/ 91:7-92:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 170testdata/performance/ 91:7-92:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
171testdata/performance/ 91:7-93:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 171testdata/performance/ 91:7-93:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
172testdata/performance/ 91:7-94:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 172testdata/performance/ 91:7-94:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
173testdata/performance/ 91:7-95:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 173testdata/performance/ 91:7-95:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
174testdata/performance/ 91:7-96:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 174testdata/performance/ 91:7-96:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
175testdata/performance/ 91:7-97:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 175testdata/performance/ 91:7-97:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
176testdata/performance/ 91:7-98:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 176testdata/performance/ 91:7-98:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
177testdata/performance/ 91:7-99:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 177testdata/performance/ 91:7-99:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
178testdata/performance/ 91:7-100:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 178testdata/performance/ 91:7-100:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
179testdata/performance/ 91:7-101:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 179testdata/performance/ 91:7-101:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
180testdata/performance/ 91:7-129:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 180testdata/performance/ 91:7-129:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
181testdata/performance/ 91:7-131:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 181testdata/performance/ 91:7-131:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
182testdata/performance/ 92:24-92:26 () 182testdata/performance/ 92:24-92:26 ()
183testdata/performance/ 93:24-93:26 () 183testdata/performance/ 93:24-93:26 ()
184testdata/performance/ 94:22-94:27 Bool 184testdata/performance/ 94:22-94:27 Bool
185testdata/performance/ 95:20-95:21 b_ 185testdata/performance/ 95:20-95:21 _b
186testdata/performance/ 96:30-96:35 Bool 186testdata/performance/ 96:30-96:35 Bool
187testdata/performance/ 97:23-97:28 Bool 187testdata/performance/ 97:23-97:28 Bool
188testdata/performance/ 98:20-98:33 CullType 188testdata/performance/ 98:20-98:33 CullType
189testdata/performance/ 99:30-99:32 {a} -> List a 189testdata/performance/ 99:30-99:32 forall a . List a
190testdata/performance/ 100:25-100:30 Bool 190testdata/performance/ 100:25-100:30 Bool
191testdata/performance/ 101:29-101:34 Bool 191testdata/performance/ 101:29-101:34 Bool
192testdata/performance/ 103:13-129:14 List StageAttrs 192testdata/performance/ 103:13-129:14 List StageAttrs
193testdata/performance/ 103:15-103:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 193testdata/performance/ 103:15-103:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
194testdata/performance/ 103:15-104:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 194testdata/performance/ 103:15-104:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
195testdata/performance/ 103:15-105:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 195testdata/performance/ 103:15-105:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
196testdata/performance/ 103:15-106:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 196testdata/performance/ 103:15-106:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
197testdata/performance/ 103:15-107:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 197testdata/performance/ 103:15-107:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
198testdata/performance/ 103:15-108:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 198testdata/performance/ 103:15-108:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
199testdata/performance/ 103:15-109:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 199testdata/performance/ 103:15-109:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
200testdata/performance/ 103:15-110:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 200testdata/performance/ 103:15-110:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
201testdata/performance/ 103:15-111:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 201testdata/performance/ 103:15-111:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
202testdata/performance/ 103:15-112:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 202testdata/performance/ 103:15-112:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
203testdata/performance/ 103:15-113:46 String->StageAttrs 203testdata/performance/ 103:15-113:46 String -> StageAttrs
204testdata/performance/ 103:15-115:18 StageAttrs 204testdata/performance/ 103:15-115:18 StageAttrs
205testdata/performance/ 104:29-104:36 {a} -> Maybe a 205testdata/performance/ 104:29-104:36 forall a . Maybe a
206testdata/performance/ 105:30-105:50 RGBGen 206testdata/performance/ 105:30-105:50 RGBGen
207testdata/performance/ 106:32-106:42 AlphaGen 207testdata/performance/ 106:32-106:42 AlphaGen
208testdata/performance/ 107:29-107:36 TCGen 208testdata/performance/ 107:29-107:36 TCGen
209testdata/performance/ 108:29-108:31 {a} -> List a 209testdata/performance/ 108:29-108:31 forall a . List a
210testdata/performance/ 109:31-109:37 String->StageTexture 210testdata/performance/ 109:31-109:37 String -> StageTexture
211testdata/performance/ 109:31-109:71 StageTexture 211testdata/performance/ 109:31-109:71 StageTexture
212testdata/performance/ 109:38-109:71 String 212testdata/performance/ 109:38-109:71 String
213testdata/performance/ 110:34-110:38 Bool 213testdata/performance/ 110:34-110:38 Bool
214testdata/performance/ 111:33-111:41 DepthFunction 214testdata/performance/ 111:33-111:41 DepthFunction
215testdata/performance/ 112:33-112:40 {a} -> Maybe a 215testdata/performance/ 112:33-112:40 forall a . Maybe a
216testdata/performance/ 113:41-113:46 Bool 216testdata/performance/ 113:41-113:46 Bool
217testdata/performance/ 114:38-114:54 String 217testdata/performance/ 114:38-114:54 String
218testdata/performance/ 116:15-116:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 218testdata/performance/ 116:15-116:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
219testdata/performance/ 116:15-117:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 219testdata/performance/ 116:15-117:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
220testdata/performance/ 116:15-118:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 220testdata/performance/ 116:15-118:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
221testdata/performance/ 116:15-119:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 221testdata/performance/ 116:15-119:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
222testdata/performance/ 116:15-120:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 222testdata/performance/ 116:15-120:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
223testdata/performance/ 116:15-121:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 223testdata/performance/ 116:15-121:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
224testdata/performance/ 116:15-122:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 224testdata/performance/ 116:15-122:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
225testdata/performance/ 116:15-123:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 225testdata/performance/ 116:15-123:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
226testdata/performance/ 116:15-124:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 226testdata/performance/ 116:15-124:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
227testdata/performance/ 116:15-125:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 227testdata/performance/ 116:15-125:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
228testdata/performance/ 116:15-126:46 String->StageAttrs 228testdata/performance/ 116:15-126:46 String -> StageAttrs
229testdata/performance/ 116:15-128:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 229testdata/performance/ 116:15-128:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
230testdata/performance/ 117:29-117:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 230testdata/performance/ 117:29-117:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
231testdata/performance/ 117:29-117:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 231testdata/performance/ 117:29-117:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
232testdata/performance/ 117:34-117:57 (Blending', Blending') 232testdata/performance/ 117:34-117:57 (Blending', Blending')
233testdata/performance/ 117:36-117:46 Blending' 233testdata/performance/ 117:36-117:46 Blending'
@@ -235,79 +235,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 117:49-117:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
235testdata/performance/ 118:30-118:50 RGBGen 235testdata/performance/ 118:30-118:50 RGBGen
236testdata/performance/ 119:32-119:42 AlphaGen 236testdata/performance/ 119:32-119:42 AlphaGen
237testdata/performance/ 120:29-120:40 TCGen 237testdata/performance/ 120:29-120:40 TCGen
238testdata/performance/ 121:29-121:31 {a} -> List a 238testdata/performance/ 121:29-121:31 forall a . List a
239testdata/performance/ 122:31-122:42 StageTexture 239testdata/performance/ 122:31-122:42 StageTexture
240testdata/performance/ 123:34-123:38 Bool 240testdata/performance/ 123:34-123:38 Bool
241testdata/performance/ 124:33-124:41 DepthFunction 241testdata/performance/ 124:33-124:41 DepthFunction
242testdata/performance/ 125:33-125:40 {a} -> Maybe a 242testdata/performance/ 125:33-125:40 forall a . Maybe a
243testdata/performance/ 126:41-126:46 Bool 243testdata/performance/ 126:41-126:46 Bool
244testdata/performance/ 127:38-127:54 String 244testdata/performance/ 127:38-127:54 String
245testdata/performance/ 130:21-130:26 Bool 245testdata/performance/ 130:21-130:26 Bool
246testdata/performance/ 133:5-175:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 246testdata/performance/ 133:5-175:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
247testdata/performance/ 133:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 247testdata/performance/ 133:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
248testdata/performance/ 133:7-133:42 String 248testdata/performance/ 133:7-133:42 String
249testdata/performance/ 134:7-134:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 249testdata/performance/ 134:7-134:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
250testdata/performance/ 134:7-135:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 250testdata/performance/ 134:7-135:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
251testdata/performance/ 134:7-136:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 251testdata/performance/ 134:7-136:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
252testdata/performance/ 134:7-137:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 252testdata/performance/ 134:7-137:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
253testdata/performance/ 134:7-138:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 253testdata/performance/ 134:7-138:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
254testdata/performance/ 134:7-139:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 254testdata/performance/ 134:7-139:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
255testdata/performance/ 134:7-140:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 255testdata/performance/ 134:7-140:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
256testdata/performance/ 134:7-141:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 256testdata/performance/ 134:7-141:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
257testdata/performance/ 134:7-142:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 257testdata/performance/ 134:7-142:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
258testdata/performance/ 134:7-143:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 258testdata/performance/ 134:7-143:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
259testdata/performance/ 134:7-144:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 259testdata/performance/ 134:7-144:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
260testdata/performance/ 134:7-172:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 260testdata/performance/ 134:7-172:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
261testdata/performance/ 134:7-174:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 261testdata/performance/ 134:7-174:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
262testdata/performance/ 135:24-135:26 () 262testdata/performance/ 135:24-135:26 ()
263testdata/performance/ 136:24-136:26 () 263testdata/performance/ 136:24-136:26 ()
264testdata/performance/ 137:22-137:27 Bool 264testdata/performance/ 137:22-137:27 Bool
265testdata/performance/ 138:20-138:21 b_ 265testdata/performance/ 138:20-138:21 _b
266testdata/performance/ 139:30-139:35 Bool 266testdata/performance/ 139:30-139:35 Bool
267testdata/performance/ 140:23-140:28 Bool 267testdata/performance/ 140:23-140:28 Bool
268testdata/performance/ 141:20-141:33 CullType 268testdata/performance/ 141:20-141:33 CullType
269testdata/performance/ 142:30-142:32 {a} -> List a 269testdata/performance/ 142:30-142:32 forall a . List a
270testdata/performance/ 143:25-143:30 Bool 270testdata/performance/ 143:25-143:30 Bool
271testdata/performance/ 144:29-144:34 Bool 271testdata/performance/ 144:29-144:34 Bool
272testdata/performance/ 146:13-172:14 List StageAttrs 272testdata/performance/ 146:13-172:14 List StageAttrs
273testdata/performance/ 146:15-146:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 273testdata/performance/ 146:15-146:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
274testdata/performance/ 146:15-147:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 274testdata/performance/ 146:15-147:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
275testdata/performance/ 146:15-148:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 275testdata/performance/ 146:15-148:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
276testdata/performance/ 146:15-149:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 276testdata/performance/ 146:15-149:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
277testdata/performance/ 146:15-150:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 277testdata/performance/ 146:15-150:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
278testdata/performance/ 146:15-151:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 278testdata/performance/ 146:15-151:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
279testdata/performance/ 146:15-152:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 279testdata/performance/ 146:15-152:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
280testdata/performance/ 146:15-153:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 280testdata/performance/ 146:15-153:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
281testdata/performance/ 146:15-154:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 281testdata/performance/ 146:15-154:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
282testdata/performance/ 146:15-155:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 282testdata/performance/ 146:15-155:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
283testdata/performance/ 146:15-156:46 String->StageAttrs 283testdata/performance/ 146:15-156:46 String -> StageAttrs
284testdata/performance/ 146:15-158:18 StageAttrs 284testdata/performance/ 146:15-158:18 StageAttrs
285testdata/performance/ 147:29-147:36 {a} -> Maybe a 285testdata/performance/ 147:29-147:36 forall a . Maybe a
286testdata/performance/ 148:30-148:50 RGBGen 286testdata/performance/ 148:30-148:50 RGBGen
287testdata/performance/ 149:32-149:42 AlphaGen 287testdata/performance/ 149:32-149:42 AlphaGen
288testdata/performance/ 150:29-150:36 TCGen 288testdata/performance/ 150:29-150:36 TCGen
289testdata/performance/ 151:29-151:31 {a} -> List a 289testdata/performance/ 151:29-151:31 forall a . List a
290testdata/performance/ 152:31-152:37 String->StageTexture 290testdata/performance/ 152:31-152:37 String -> StageTexture
291testdata/performance/ 152:31-152:73 StageTexture 291testdata/performance/ 152:31-152:73 StageTexture
292testdata/performance/ 152:38-152:73 String 292testdata/performance/ 152:38-152:73 String
293testdata/performance/ 153:34-153:38 Bool 293testdata/performance/ 153:34-153:38 Bool
294testdata/performance/ 154:33-154:41 DepthFunction 294testdata/performance/ 154:33-154:41 DepthFunction
295testdata/performance/ 155:33-155:40 {a} -> Maybe a 295testdata/performance/ 155:33-155:40 forall a . Maybe a
296testdata/performance/ 156:41-156:46 Bool 296testdata/performance/ 156:41-156:46 Bool
297testdata/performance/ 157:38-157:54 String 297testdata/performance/ 157:38-157:54 String
298testdata/performance/ 159:15-159:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 298testdata/performance/ 159:15-159:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
299testdata/performance/ 159:15-160:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 299testdata/performance/ 159:15-160:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
300testdata/performance/ 159:15-161:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 300testdata/performance/ 159:15-161:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
301testdata/performance/ 159:15-162:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 301testdata/performance/ 159:15-162:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
302testdata/performance/ 159:15-163:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 302testdata/performance/ 159:15-163:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
303testdata/performance/ 159:15-164:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 303testdata/performance/ 159:15-164:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
304testdata/performance/ 159:15-165:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 304testdata/performance/ 159:15-165:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
305testdata/performance/ 159:15-166:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 305testdata/performance/ 159:15-166:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
306testdata/performance/ 159:15-167:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 306testdata/performance/ 159:15-167:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
307testdata/performance/ 159:15-168:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 307testdata/performance/ 159:15-168:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
308testdata/performance/ 159:15-169:46 String->StageAttrs 308testdata/performance/ 159:15-169:46 String -> StageAttrs
309testdata/performance/ 159:15-171:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 309testdata/performance/ 159:15-171:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
310testdata/performance/ 160:29-160:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 310testdata/performance/ 160:29-160:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
311testdata/performance/ 160:29-160:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 311testdata/performance/ 160:29-160:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
312testdata/performance/ 160:34-160:57 (Blending', Blending') 312testdata/performance/ 160:34-160:57 (Blending', Blending')
313testdata/performance/ 160:36-160:46 Blending' 313testdata/performance/ 160:36-160:46 Blending'
@@ -315,100 +315,100 @@ testdata/performance/ 160:49-160:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
315testdata/performance/ 161:30-161:50 RGBGen 315testdata/performance/ 161:30-161:50 RGBGen
316testdata/performance/ 162:32-162:42 AlphaGen 316testdata/performance/ 162:32-162:42 AlphaGen
317testdata/performance/ 163:29-163:40 TCGen 317testdata/performance/ 163:29-163:40 TCGen
318testdata/performance/ 164:29-164:31 {a} -> List a 318testdata/performance/ 164:29-164:31 forall a . List a
319testdata/performance/ 165:31-165:42 StageTexture 319testdata/performance/ 165:31-165:42 StageTexture
320testdata/performance/ 166:34-166:38 Bool 320testdata/performance/ 166:34-166:38 Bool
321testdata/performance/ 167:33-167:41 DepthFunction 321testdata/performance/ 167:33-167:41 DepthFunction
322testdata/performance/ 168:33-168:40 {a} -> Maybe a 322testdata/performance/ 168:33-168:40 forall a . Maybe a
323testdata/performance/ 169:41-169:46 Bool 323testdata/performance/ 169:41-169:46 Bool
324testdata/performance/ 170:38-170:54 String 324testdata/performance/ 170:38-170:54 String
325testdata/performance/ 173:21-173:26 Bool 325testdata/performance/ 173:21-173:26 Bool
326testdata/performance/ 176:5-232:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 326testdata/performance/ 176:5-232:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
327testdata/performance/ 176:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 327testdata/performance/ 176:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
328testdata/performance/ 176:7-176:46 String 328testdata/performance/ 176:7-176:46 String
329testdata/performance/ 177:7-177:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 329testdata/performance/ 177:7-177:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
330testdata/performance/ 177:7-178:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 330testdata/performance/ 177:7-178:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
331testdata/performance/ 177:7-179:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 331testdata/performance/ 177:7-179:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
332testdata/performance/ 177:7-180:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 332testdata/performance/ 177:7-180:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
333testdata/performance/ 177:7-181:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 333testdata/performance/ 177:7-181:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
334testdata/performance/ 177:7-182:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 334testdata/performance/ 177:7-182:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
335testdata/performance/ 177:7-183:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 335testdata/performance/ 177:7-183:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
336testdata/performance/ 177:7-184:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 336testdata/performance/ 177:7-184:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
337testdata/performance/ 177:7-185:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 337testdata/performance/ 177:7-185:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
338testdata/performance/ 177:7-186:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 338testdata/performance/ 177:7-186:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
339testdata/performance/ 177:7-187:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 339testdata/performance/ 177:7-187:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
340testdata/performance/ 177:7-229:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 340testdata/performance/ 177:7-229:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
341testdata/performance/ 177:7-231:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 341testdata/performance/ 177:7-231:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
342testdata/performance/ 178:24-178:26 () 342testdata/performance/ 178:24-178:26 ()
343testdata/performance/ 179:24-179:26 () 343testdata/performance/ 179:24-179:26 ()
344testdata/performance/ 180:22-180:27 Bool 344testdata/performance/ 180:22-180:27 Bool
345testdata/performance/ 181:20-181:21 b_ 345testdata/performance/ 181:20-181:21 _b
346testdata/performance/ 182:30-182:35 Bool 346testdata/performance/ 182:30-182:35 Bool
347testdata/performance/ 183:23-183:28 Bool 347testdata/performance/ 183:23-183:28 Bool
348testdata/performance/ 184:20-184:33 CullType 348testdata/performance/ 184:20-184:33 CullType
349testdata/performance/ 185:30-185:32 {a} -> List a 349testdata/performance/ 185:30-185:32 forall a . List a
350testdata/performance/ 186:25-186:30 Bool 350testdata/performance/ 186:25-186:30 Bool
351testdata/performance/ 187:29-187:34 Bool 351testdata/performance/ 187:29-187:34 Bool
352testdata/performance/ 189:13-229:14 List StageAttrs 352testdata/performance/ 189:13-229:14 List StageAttrs
353testdata/performance/ 189:15-189:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 353testdata/performance/ 189:15-189:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
354testdata/performance/ 189:15-190:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 354testdata/performance/ 189:15-190:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
355testdata/performance/ 189:15-191:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 355testdata/performance/ 189:15-191:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
356testdata/performance/ 189:15-192:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 356testdata/performance/ 189:15-192:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
357testdata/performance/ 189:15-193:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 357testdata/performance/ 189:15-193:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
358testdata/performance/ 189:15-195:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 358testdata/performance/ 189:15-195:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
359testdata/performance/ 189:15-196:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 359testdata/performance/ 189:15-196:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
360testdata/performance/ 189:15-197:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 360testdata/performance/ 189:15-197:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
361testdata/performance/ 189:15-198:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 361testdata/performance/ 189:15-198:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
362testdata/performance/ 189:15-199:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 362testdata/performance/ 189:15-199:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
363testdata/performance/ 189:15-200:46 String->StageAttrs 363testdata/performance/ 189:15-200:46 String -> StageAttrs
364testdata/performance/ 189:15-202:18 StageAttrs 364testdata/performance/ 189:15-202:18 StageAttrs
365testdata/performance/ 190:29-190:36 {a} -> Maybe a 365testdata/performance/ 190:29-190:36 forall a . Maybe a
366testdata/performance/ 191:30-191:42 RGBGen 366testdata/performance/ 191:30-191:42 RGBGen
367testdata/performance/ 192:32-192:42 AlphaGen 367testdata/performance/ 192:32-192:42 AlphaGen
368testdata/performance/ 193:29-193:36 TCGen 368testdata/performance/ 193:29-193:36 TCGen
369testdata/performance/ 195:21-195:88 List TCMod 369testdata/performance/ 195:21-195:88 List TCMod
370testdata/performance/ 195:23-195:32 Float -> Float->TCMod 370testdata/performance/ 195:23-195:32 Float -> Float -> TCMod
371testdata/performance/ 195:23-195:36 Float->TCMod 371testdata/performance/ 195:23-195:36 Float -> TCMod
372testdata/performance/ 195:23-195:40 TCMod 372testdata/performance/ 195:23-195:40 TCMod
373testdata/performance/ 195:33-195:36 Float 373testdata/performance/ 195:33-195:36 Float
374testdata/performance/ 195:37-195:40 Float 374testdata/performance/ 195:37-195:40 Float
375testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 375testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
376testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:54 Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 376testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:54 Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
377testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:59 Float -> Float->TCMod 377testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:59 Float -> Float -> TCMod
378testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:63 Float->TCMod 378testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:63 Float -> TCMod
379testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:67 TCMod 379testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:67 TCMod
380testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:86 List TCMod 380testdata/performance/ 195:43-195:86 List TCMod
381testdata/performance/ 195:51-195:54 Float 381testdata/performance/ 195:51-195:54 Float
382testdata/performance/ 195:55-195:59 Float 382testdata/performance/ 195:55-195:59 Float
383testdata/performance/ 195:60-195:63 Float 383testdata/performance/ 195:60-195:63 Float
384testdata/performance/ 195:64-195:67 Float 384testdata/performance/ 195:64-195:67 Float
385testdata/performance/ 195:70-195:78 Float -> Float->TCMod 385testdata/performance/ 195:70-195:78 Float -> Float -> TCMod
386testdata/performance/ 195:70-195:82 Float->TCMod 386testdata/performance/ 195:70-195:82 Float -> TCMod
387testdata/performance/ 195:70-195:86 List TCMod | TCMod 387testdata/performance/ 195:70-195:86 List TCMod | TCMod
388testdata/performance/ 195:79-195:82 Float 388testdata/performance/ 195:79-195:82 Float
389testdata/performance/ 195:83-195:86 Float 389testdata/performance/ 195:83-195:86 Float
390testdata/performance/ 196:31-196:37 String->StageTexture 390testdata/performance/ 196:31-196:37 String -> StageTexture
391testdata/performance/ 196:31-196:66 StageTexture 391testdata/performance/ 196:31-196:66 StageTexture
392testdata/performance/ 196:38-196:66 String 392testdata/performance/ 196:38-196:66 String
393testdata/performance/ 197:34-197:38 Bool 393testdata/performance/ 197:34-197:38 Bool
394testdata/performance/ 198:33-198:41 DepthFunction 394testdata/performance/ 198:33-198:41 DepthFunction
395testdata/performance/ 199:33-199:40 {a} -> Maybe a 395testdata/performance/ 199:33-199:40 forall a . Maybe a
396testdata/performance/ 200:41-200:46 Bool 396testdata/performance/ 200:41-200:46 Bool
397testdata/performance/ 201:38-201:52 String 397testdata/performance/ 201:38-201:52 String
398testdata/performance/ 203:15-203:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 398testdata/performance/ 203:15-203:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
399testdata/performance/ 203:15-204:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 399testdata/performance/ 203:15-204:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
400testdata/performance/ 203:15-205:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 400testdata/performance/ 203:15-205:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
401testdata/performance/ 203:15-206:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 401testdata/performance/ 203:15-206:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
402testdata/performance/ 203:15-207:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 402testdata/performance/ 203:15-207:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
403testdata/performance/ 203:15-208:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 403testdata/performance/ 203:15-208:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
404testdata/performance/ 203:15-209:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 404testdata/performance/ 203:15-209:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
405testdata/performance/ 203:15-210:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 405testdata/performance/ 203:15-210:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
406testdata/performance/ 203:15-211:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 406testdata/performance/ 203:15-211:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
407testdata/performance/ 203:15-212:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 407testdata/performance/ 203:15-212:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
408testdata/performance/ 203:15-213:46 String->StageAttrs 408testdata/performance/ 203:15-213:46 String -> StageAttrs
409testdata/performance/ 203:15-215:18 StageAttrs 409testdata/performance/ 203:15-215:18 StageAttrs
410testdata/performance/ 203:15-228:18 List StageAttrs 410testdata/performance/ 203:15-228:18 List StageAttrs
411testdata/performance/ 204:29-204:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 411testdata/performance/ 204:29-204:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
412testdata/performance/ 204:29-204:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 412testdata/performance/ 204:29-204:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
413testdata/performance/ 204:34-204:69 (Blending', Blending') 413testdata/performance/ 204:34-204:69 (Blending', Blending')
414testdata/performance/ 204:36-204:46 Blending' 414testdata/performance/ 204:36-204:46 Blending'
@@ -416,28 +416,28 @@ testdata/performance/ 204:49-204:67 ((Blending')) | Blending'
416testdata/performance/ 205:30-205:42 RGBGen 416testdata/performance/ 205:30-205:42 RGBGen
417testdata/performance/ 206:32-206:42 AlphaGen 417testdata/performance/ 206:32-206:42 AlphaGen
418testdata/performance/ 207:29-207:36 TCGen 418testdata/performance/ 207:29-207:36 TCGen
419testdata/performance/ 208:29-208:31 {a} -> List a 419testdata/performance/ 208:29-208:31 forall a . List a
420testdata/performance/ 209:31-209:37 String->StageTexture 420testdata/performance/ 209:31-209:37 String -> StageTexture
421testdata/performance/ 209:31-209:81 StageTexture 421testdata/performance/ 209:31-209:81 StageTexture
422testdata/performance/ 209:38-209:81 String 422testdata/performance/ 209:38-209:81 String
423testdata/performance/ 210:34-210:39 Bool 423testdata/performance/ 210:34-210:39 Bool
424testdata/performance/ 211:33-211:41 DepthFunction 424testdata/performance/ 211:33-211:41 DepthFunction
425testdata/performance/ 212:33-212:40 {a} -> Maybe a 425testdata/performance/ 212:33-212:40 forall a . Maybe a
426testdata/performance/ 213:41-213:46 Bool 426testdata/performance/ 213:41-213:46 Bool
427testdata/performance/ 214:38-214:54 String 427testdata/performance/ 214:38-214:54 String
428testdata/performance/ 216:15-216:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 428testdata/performance/ 216:15-216:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
429testdata/performance/ 216:15-217:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 429testdata/performance/ 216:15-217:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
430testdata/performance/ 216:15-218:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 430testdata/performance/ 216:15-218:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
431testdata/performance/ 216:15-219:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 431testdata/performance/ 216:15-219:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
432testdata/performance/ 216:15-220:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 432testdata/performance/ 216:15-220:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
433testdata/performance/ 216:15-221:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 433testdata/performance/ 216:15-221:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
434testdata/performance/ 216:15-222:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 434testdata/performance/ 216:15-222:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
435testdata/performance/ 216:15-223:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 435testdata/performance/ 216:15-223:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
436testdata/performance/ 216:15-224:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 436testdata/performance/ 216:15-224:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
437testdata/performance/ 216:15-225:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 437testdata/performance/ 216:15-225:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
438testdata/performance/ 216:15-226:46 String->StageAttrs 438testdata/performance/ 216:15-226:46 String -> StageAttrs
439testdata/performance/ 216:15-228:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 439testdata/performance/ 216:15-228:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
440testdata/performance/ 217:29-217:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 440testdata/performance/ 217:29-217:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
441testdata/performance/ 217:29-217:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 441testdata/performance/ 217:29-217:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
442testdata/performance/ 217:34-217:69 (Blending', Blending') 442testdata/performance/ 217:34-217:69 (Blending', Blending')
443testdata/performance/ 217:36-217:46 Blending' 443testdata/performance/ 217:36-217:46 Blending'
@@ -445,79 +445,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 217:49-217:67 ((Blending')) | Blending'
445testdata/performance/ 218:30-218:42 RGBGen 445testdata/performance/ 218:30-218:42 RGBGen
446testdata/performance/ 219:32-219:42 AlphaGen 446testdata/performance/ 219:32-219:42 AlphaGen
447testdata/performance/ 220:29-220:40 TCGen 447testdata/performance/ 220:29-220:40 TCGen
448testdata/performance/ 221:29-221:31 {a} -> List a 448testdata/performance/ 221:29-221:31 forall a . List a
449testdata/performance/ 222:31-222:42 StageTexture 449testdata/performance/ 222:31-222:42 StageTexture
450testdata/performance/ 223:34-223:39 Bool 450testdata/performance/ 223:34-223:39 Bool
451testdata/performance/ 224:33-224:41 DepthFunction 451testdata/performance/ 224:33-224:41 DepthFunction
452testdata/performance/ 225:33-225:40 {a} -> Maybe a 452testdata/performance/ 225:33-225:40 forall a . Maybe a
453testdata/performance/ 226:41-226:46 Bool 453testdata/performance/ 226:41-226:46 Bool
454testdata/performance/ 227:38-227:54 String 454testdata/performance/ 227:38-227:54 String
455testdata/performance/ 230:21-230:26 Bool 455testdata/performance/ 230:21-230:26 Bool
456testdata/performance/ 233:5-275:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 456testdata/performance/ 233:5-275:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
457testdata/performance/ 233:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 457testdata/performance/ 233:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
458testdata/performance/ 233:7-233:40 String 458testdata/performance/ 233:7-233:40 String
459testdata/performance/ 234:7-234:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 459testdata/performance/ 234:7-234:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
460testdata/performance/ 234:7-235:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 460testdata/performance/ 234:7-235:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
461testdata/performance/ 234:7-236:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 461testdata/performance/ 234:7-236:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
462testdata/performance/ 234:7-237:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 462testdata/performance/ 234:7-237:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
463testdata/performance/ 234:7-238:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 463testdata/performance/ 234:7-238:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
464testdata/performance/ 234:7-239:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 464testdata/performance/ 234:7-239:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
465testdata/performance/ 234:7-240:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 465testdata/performance/ 234:7-240:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
466testdata/performance/ 234:7-241:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 466testdata/performance/ 234:7-241:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
467testdata/performance/ 234:7-242:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 467testdata/performance/ 234:7-242:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
468testdata/performance/ 234:7-243:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 468testdata/performance/ 234:7-243:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
469testdata/performance/ 234:7-244:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 469testdata/performance/ 234:7-244:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
470testdata/performance/ 234:7-272:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 470testdata/performance/ 234:7-272:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
471testdata/performance/ 234:7-274:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 471testdata/performance/ 234:7-274:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
472testdata/performance/ 235:24-235:26 () 472testdata/performance/ 235:24-235:26 ()
473testdata/performance/ 236:24-236:26 () 473testdata/performance/ 236:24-236:26 ()
474testdata/performance/ 237:22-237:27 Bool 474testdata/performance/ 237:22-237:27 Bool
475testdata/performance/ 238:20-238:21 b_ 475testdata/performance/ 238:20-238:21 _b
476testdata/performance/ 239:30-239:35 Bool 476testdata/performance/ 239:30-239:35 Bool
477testdata/performance/ 240:23-240:28 Bool 477testdata/performance/ 240:23-240:28 Bool
478testdata/performance/ 241:20-241:33 CullType 478testdata/performance/ 241:20-241:33 CullType
479testdata/performance/ 242:30-242:32 {a} -> List a 479testdata/performance/ 242:30-242:32 forall a . List a
480testdata/performance/ 243:25-243:30 Bool 480testdata/performance/ 243:25-243:30 Bool
481testdata/performance/ 244:29-244:34 Bool 481testdata/performance/ 244:29-244:34 Bool
482testdata/performance/ 246:13-272:14 List StageAttrs 482testdata/performance/ 246:13-272:14 List StageAttrs
483testdata/performance/ 246:15-246:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 483testdata/performance/ 246:15-246:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
484testdata/performance/ 246:15-247:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 484testdata/performance/ 246:15-247:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
485testdata/performance/ 246:15-248:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 485testdata/performance/ 246:15-248:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
486testdata/performance/ 246:15-249:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 486testdata/performance/ 246:15-249:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
487testdata/performance/ 246:15-250:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 487testdata/performance/ 246:15-250:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
488testdata/performance/ 246:15-251:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 488testdata/performance/ 246:15-251:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
489testdata/performance/ 246:15-252:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 489testdata/performance/ 246:15-252:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
490testdata/performance/ 246:15-253:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 490testdata/performance/ 246:15-253:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
491testdata/performance/ 246:15-254:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 491testdata/performance/ 246:15-254:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
492testdata/performance/ 246:15-255:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 492testdata/performance/ 246:15-255:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
493testdata/performance/ 246:15-256:46 String->StageAttrs 493testdata/performance/ 246:15-256:46 String -> StageAttrs
494testdata/performance/ 246:15-258:18 StageAttrs 494testdata/performance/ 246:15-258:18 StageAttrs
495testdata/performance/ 247:29-247:36 {a} -> Maybe a 495testdata/performance/ 247:29-247:36 forall a . Maybe a
496testdata/performance/ 248:30-248:50 RGBGen 496testdata/performance/ 248:30-248:50 RGBGen
497testdata/performance/ 249:32-249:42 AlphaGen 497testdata/performance/ 249:32-249:42 AlphaGen
498testdata/performance/ 250:29-250:36 TCGen 498testdata/performance/ 250:29-250:36 TCGen
499testdata/performance/ 251:29-251:31 {a} -> List a 499testdata/performance/ 251:29-251:31 forall a . List a
500testdata/performance/ 252:31-252:37 String->StageTexture 500testdata/performance/ 252:31-252:37 String -> StageTexture
501testdata/performance/ 252:31-252:71 StageTexture 501testdata/performance/ 252:31-252:71 StageTexture
502testdata/performance/ 252:38-252:71 String 502testdata/performance/ 252:38-252:71 String
503testdata/performance/ 253:34-253:38 Bool 503testdata/performance/ 253:34-253:38 Bool
504testdata/performance/ 254:33-254:41 DepthFunction 504testdata/performance/ 254:33-254:41 DepthFunction
505testdata/performance/ 255:33-255:40 {a} -> Maybe a 505testdata/performance/ 255:33-255:40 forall a . Maybe a
506testdata/performance/ 256:41-256:46 Bool 506testdata/performance/ 256:41-256:46 Bool
507testdata/performance/ 257:38-257:54 String 507testdata/performance/ 257:38-257:54 String
508testdata/performance/ 259:15-259:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 508testdata/performance/ 259:15-259:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
509testdata/performance/ 259:15-260:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 509testdata/performance/ 259:15-260:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
510testdata/performance/ 259:15-261:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 510testdata/performance/ 259:15-261:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
511testdata/performance/ 259:15-262:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 511testdata/performance/ 259:15-262:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
512testdata/performance/ 259:15-263:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 512testdata/performance/ 259:15-263:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
513testdata/performance/ 259:15-264:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 513testdata/performance/ 259:15-264:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
514testdata/performance/ 259:15-265:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 514testdata/performance/ 259:15-265:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
515testdata/performance/ 259:15-266:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 515testdata/performance/ 259:15-266:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
516testdata/performance/ 259:15-267:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 516testdata/performance/ 259:15-267:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
517testdata/performance/ 259:15-268:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 517testdata/performance/ 259:15-268:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
518testdata/performance/ 259:15-269:46 String->StageAttrs 518testdata/performance/ 259:15-269:46 String -> StageAttrs
519testdata/performance/ 259:15-271:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 519testdata/performance/ 259:15-271:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
520testdata/performance/ 260:29-260:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 520testdata/performance/ 260:29-260:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
521testdata/performance/ 260:29-260:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 521testdata/performance/ 260:29-260:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
522testdata/performance/ 260:34-260:57 (Blending', Blending') 522testdata/performance/ 260:34-260:57 (Blending', Blending')
523testdata/performance/ 260:36-260:46 Blending' 523testdata/performance/ 260:36-260:46 Blending'
@@ -525,79 +525,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 260:49-260:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
525testdata/performance/ 261:30-261:50 RGBGen 525testdata/performance/ 261:30-261:50 RGBGen
526testdata/performance/ 262:32-262:42 AlphaGen 526testdata/performance/ 262:32-262:42 AlphaGen
527testdata/performance/ 263:29-263:40 TCGen 527testdata/performance/ 263:29-263:40 TCGen
528testdata/performance/ 264:29-264:31 {a} -> List a 528testdata/performance/ 264:29-264:31 forall a . List a
529testdata/performance/ 265:31-265:42 StageTexture 529testdata/performance/ 265:31-265:42 StageTexture
530testdata/performance/ 266:34-266:38 Bool 530testdata/performance/ 266:34-266:38 Bool
531testdata/performance/ 267:33-267:41 DepthFunction 531testdata/performance/ 267:33-267:41 DepthFunction
532testdata/performance/ 268:33-268:40 {a} -> Maybe a 532testdata/performance/ 268:33-268:40 forall a . Maybe a
533testdata/performance/ 269:41-269:46 Bool 533testdata/performance/ 269:41-269:46 Bool
534testdata/performance/ 270:38-270:54 String 534testdata/performance/ 270:38-270:54 String
535testdata/performance/ 273:21-273:26 Bool 535testdata/performance/ 273:21-273:26 Bool
536testdata/performance/ 276:5-318:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 536testdata/performance/ 276:5-318:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
537testdata/performance/ 276:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 537testdata/performance/ 276:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
538testdata/performance/ 276:7-276:42 String 538testdata/performance/ 276:7-276:42 String
539testdata/performance/ 277:7-277:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 539testdata/performance/ 277:7-277:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
540testdata/performance/ 277:7-278:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 540testdata/performance/ 277:7-278:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
541testdata/performance/ 277:7-279:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 541testdata/performance/ 277:7-279:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
542testdata/performance/ 277:7-280:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 542testdata/performance/ 277:7-280:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
543testdata/performance/ 277:7-281:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 543testdata/performance/ 277:7-281:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
544testdata/performance/ 277:7-282:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 544testdata/performance/ 277:7-282:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
545testdata/performance/ 277:7-283:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 545testdata/performance/ 277:7-283:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
546testdata/performance/ 277:7-284:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 546testdata/performance/ 277:7-284:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
547testdata/performance/ 277:7-285:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 547testdata/performance/ 277:7-285:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
548testdata/performance/ 277:7-286:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 548testdata/performance/ 277:7-286:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
549testdata/performance/ 277:7-287:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 549testdata/performance/ 277:7-287:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
550testdata/performance/ 277:7-315:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 550testdata/performance/ 277:7-315:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
551testdata/performance/ 277:7-317:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 551testdata/performance/ 277:7-317:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
552testdata/performance/ 278:24-278:26 () 552testdata/performance/ 278:24-278:26 ()
553testdata/performance/ 279:24-279:26 () 553testdata/performance/ 279:24-279:26 ()
554testdata/performance/ 280:22-280:27 Bool 554testdata/performance/ 280:22-280:27 Bool
555testdata/performance/ 281:20-281:21 b_ 555testdata/performance/ 281:20-281:21 _b
556testdata/performance/ 282:30-282:35 Bool 556testdata/performance/ 282:30-282:35 Bool
557testdata/performance/ 283:23-283:28 Bool 557testdata/performance/ 283:23-283:28 Bool
558testdata/performance/ 284:20-284:33 CullType 558testdata/performance/ 284:20-284:33 CullType
559testdata/performance/ 285:30-285:32 {a} -> List a 559testdata/performance/ 285:30-285:32 forall a . List a
560testdata/performance/ 286:25-286:30 Bool 560testdata/performance/ 286:25-286:30 Bool
561testdata/performance/ 287:29-287:34 Bool 561testdata/performance/ 287:29-287:34 Bool
562testdata/performance/ 289:13-315:14 List StageAttrs 562testdata/performance/ 289:13-315:14 List StageAttrs
563testdata/performance/ 289:15-289:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 563testdata/performance/ 289:15-289:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
564testdata/performance/ 289:15-290:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 564testdata/performance/ 289:15-290:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
565testdata/performance/ 289:15-291:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 565testdata/performance/ 289:15-291:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
566testdata/performance/ 289:15-292:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 566testdata/performance/ 289:15-292:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
567testdata/performance/ 289:15-293:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 567testdata/performance/ 289:15-293:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
568testdata/performance/ 289:15-294:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 568testdata/performance/ 289:15-294:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
569testdata/performance/ 289:15-295:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 569testdata/performance/ 289:15-295:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
570testdata/performance/ 289:15-296:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 570testdata/performance/ 289:15-296:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
571testdata/performance/ 289:15-297:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 571testdata/performance/ 289:15-297:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
572testdata/performance/ 289:15-298:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 572testdata/performance/ 289:15-298:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
573testdata/performance/ 289:15-299:46 String->StageAttrs 573testdata/performance/ 289:15-299:46 String -> StageAttrs
574testdata/performance/ 289:15-301:18 StageAttrs 574testdata/performance/ 289:15-301:18 StageAttrs
575testdata/performance/ 290:29-290:36 {a} -> Maybe a 575testdata/performance/ 290:29-290:36 forall a . Maybe a
576testdata/performance/ 291:30-291:50 RGBGen 576testdata/performance/ 291:30-291:50 RGBGen
577testdata/performance/ 292:32-292:42 AlphaGen 577testdata/performance/ 292:32-292:42 AlphaGen
578testdata/performance/ 293:29-293:36 TCGen 578testdata/performance/ 293:29-293:36 TCGen
579testdata/performance/ 294:29-294:31 {a} -> List a 579testdata/performance/ 294:29-294:31 forall a . List a
580testdata/performance/ 295:31-295:37 String->StageTexture 580testdata/performance/ 295:31-295:37 String -> StageTexture
581testdata/performance/ 295:31-295:73 StageTexture 581testdata/performance/ 295:31-295:73 StageTexture
582testdata/performance/ 295:38-295:73 String 582testdata/performance/ 295:38-295:73 String
583testdata/performance/ 296:34-296:38 Bool 583testdata/performance/ 296:34-296:38 Bool
584testdata/performance/ 297:33-297:41 DepthFunction 584testdata/performance/ 297:33-297:41 DepthFunction
585testdata/performance/ 298:33-298:40 {a} -> Maybe a 585testdata/performance/ 298:33-298:40 forall a . Maybe a
586testdata/performance/ 299:41-299:46 Bool 586testdata/performance/ 299:41-299:46 Bool
587testdata/performance/ 300:38-300:53 String 587testdata/performance/ 300:38-300:53 String
588testdata/performance/ 302:15-302:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 588testdata/performance/ 302:15-302:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
589testdata/performance/ 302:15-303:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 589testdata/performance/ 302:15-303:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
590testdata/performance/ 302:15-304:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 590testdata/performance/ 302:15-304:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
591testdata/performance/ 302:15-305:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 591testdata/performance/ 302:15-305:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
592testdata/performance/ 302:15-306:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 592testdata/performance/ 302:15-306:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
593testdata/performance/ 302:15-307:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 593testdata/performance/ 302:15-307:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
594testdata/performance/ 302:15-308:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 594testdata/performance/ 302:15-308:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
595testdata/performance/ 302:15-309:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 595testdata/performance/ 302:15-309:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
596testdata/performance/ 302:15-310:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 596testdata/performance/ 302:15-310:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
597testdata/performance/ 302:15-311:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 597testdata/performance/ 302:15-311:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
598testdata/performance/ 302:15-312:46 String->StageAttrs 598testdata/performance/ 302:15-312:46 String -> StageAttrs
599testdata/performance/ 302:15-314:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 599testdata/performance/ 302:15-314:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
600testdata/performance/ 303:29-303:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 600testdata/performance/ 303:29-303:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
601testdata/performance/ 303:29-303:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 601testdata/performance/ 303:29-303:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
602testdata/performance/ 303:34-303:57 (Blending', Blending') 602testdata/performance/ 303:34-303:57 (Blending', Blending')
603testdata/performance/ 303:36-303:46 Blending' 603testdata/performance/ 303:36-303:46 Blending'
@@ -605,79 +605,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 303:49-303:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
605testdata/performance/ 304:30-304:50 RGBGen 605testdata/performance/ 304:30-304:50 RGBGen
606testdata/performance/ 305:32-305:42 AlphaGen 606testdata/performance/ 305:32-305:42 AlphaGen
607testdata/performance/ 306:29-306:40 TCGen 607testdata/performance/ 306:29-306:40 TCGen
608testdata/performance/ 307:29-307:31 {a} -> List a 608testdata/performance/ 307:29-307:31 forall a . List a
609testdata/performance/ 308:31-308:42 StageTexture 609testdata/performance/ 308:31-308:42 StageTexture
610testdata/performance/ 309:34-309:38 Bool 610testdata/performance/ 309:34-309:38 Bool
611testdata/performance/ 310:33-310:41 DepthFunction 611testdata/performance/ 310:33-310:41 DepthFunction
612testdata/performance/ 311:33-311:40 {a} -> Maybe a 612testdata/performance/ 311:33-311:40 forall a . Maybe a
613testdata/performance/ 312:41-312:46 Bool 613testdata/performance/ 312:41-312:46 Bool
614testdata/performance/ 313:38-313:54 String 614testdata/performance/ 313:38-313:54 String
615testdata/performance/ 316:21-316:26 Bool 615testdata/performance/ 316:21-316:26 Bool
616testdata/performance/ 319:5-361:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 616testdata/performance/ 319:5-361:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
617testdata/performance/ 319:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 617testdata/performance/ 319:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
618testdata/performance/ 319:7-319:43 String 618testdata/performance/ 319:7-319:43 String
619testdata/performance/ 320:7-320:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 619testdata/performance/ 320:7-320:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
620testdata/performance/ 320:7-321:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 620testdata/performance/ 320:7-321:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
621testdata/performance/ 320:7-322:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 621testdata/performance/ 320:7-322:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
622testdata/performance/ 320:7-323:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 622testdata/performance/ 320:7-323:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
623testdata/performance/ 320:7-324:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 623testdata/performance/ 320:7-324:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
624testdata/performance/ 320:7-325:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 624testdata/performance/ 320:7-325:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
625testdata/performance/ 320:7-326:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 625testdata/performance/ 320:7-326:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
626testdata/performance/ 320:7-327:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 626testdata/performance/ 320:7-327:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
627testdata/performance/ 320:7-328:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 627testdata/performance/ 320:7-328:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
628testdata/performance/ 320:7-329:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 628testdata/performance/ 320:7-329:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
629testdata/performance/ 320:7-330:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 629testdata/performance/ 320:7-330:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
630testdata/performance/ 320:7-358:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 630testdata/performance/ 320:7-358:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
631testdata/performance/ 320:7-360:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 631testdata/performance/ 320:7-360:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
632testdata/performance/ 321:24-321:26 () 632testdata/performance/ 321:24-321:26 ()
633testdata/performance/ 322:24-322:26 () 633testdata/performance/ 322:24-322:26 ()
634testdata/performance/ 323:22-323:27 Bool 634testdata/performance/ 323:22-323:27 Bool
635testdata/performance/ 324:20-324:21 b_ 635testdata/performance/ 324:20-324:21 _b
636testdata/performance/ 325:30-325:35 Bool 636testdata/performance/ 325:30-325:35 Bool
637testdata/performance/ 326:23-326:28 Bool 637testdata/performance/ 326:23-326:28 Bool
638testdata/performance/ 327:20-327:33 CullType 638testdata/performance/ 327:20-327:33 CullType
639testdata/performance/ 328:30-328:32 {a} -> List a 639testdata/performance/ 328:30-328:32 forall a . List a
640testdata/performance/ 329:25-329:30 Bool 640testdata/performance/ 329:25-329:30 Bool
641testdata/performance/ 330:29-330:34 Bool 641testdata/performance/ 330:29-330:34 Bool
642testdata/performance/ 332:13-358:14 List StageAttrs 642testdata/performance/ 332:13-358:14 List StageAttrs
643testdata/performance/ 332:15-332:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 643testdata/performance/ 332:15-332:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
644testdata/performance/ 332:15-333:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 644testdata/performance/ 332:15-333:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
645testdata/performance/ 332:15-334:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 645testdata/performance/ 332:15-334:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
646testdata/performance/ 332:15-335:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 646testdata/performance/ 332:15-335:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
647testdata/performance/ 332:15-336:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 647testdata/performance/ 332:15-336:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
648testdata/performance/ 332:15-337:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 648testdata/performance/ 332:15-337:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
649testdata/performance/ 332:15-338:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 649testdata/performance/ 332:15-338:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
650testdata/performance/ 332:15-339:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 650testdata/performance/ 332:15-339:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
651testdata/performance/ 332:15-340:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 651testdata/performance/ 332:15-340:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
652testdata/performance/ 332:15-341:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 652testdata/performance/ 332:15-341:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
653testdata/performance/ 332:15-342:46 String->StageAttrs 653testdata/performance/ 332:15-342:46 String -> StageAttrs
654testdata/performance/ 332:15-344:18 StageAttrs 654testdata/performance/ 332:15-344:18 StageAttrs
655testdata/performance/ 333:29-333:36 {a} -> Maybe a 655testdata/performance/ 333:29-333:36 forall a . Maybe a
656testdata/performance/ 334:30-334:50 RGBGen 656testdata/performance/ 334:30-334:50 RGBGen
657testdata/performance/ 335:32-335:42 AlphaGen 657testdata/performance/ 335:32-335:42 AlphaGen
658testdata/performance/ 336:29-336:36 TCGen 658testdata/performance/ 336:29-336:36 TCGen
659testdata/performance/ 337:29-337:31 {a} -> List a 659testdata/performance/ 337:29-337:31 forall a . List a
660testdata/performance/ 338:31-338:37 String->StageTexture 660testdata/performance/ 338:31-338:37 String -> StageTexture
661testdata/performance/ 338:31-338:74 StageTexture 661testdata/performance/ 338:31-338:74 StageTexture
662testdata/performance/ 338:38-338:74 String 662testdata/performance/ 338:38-338:74 String
663testdata/performance/ 339:34-339:38 Bool 663testdata/performance/ 339:34-339:38 Bool
664testdata/performance/ 340:33-340:41 DepthFunction 664testdata/performance/ 340:33-340:41 DepthFunction
665testdata/performance/ 341:33-341:40 {a} -> Maybe a 665testdata/performance/ 341:33-341:40 forall a . Maybe a
666testdata/performance/ 342:41-342:46 Bool 666testdata/performance/ 342:41-342:46 Bool
667testdata/performance/ 343:38-343:54 String 667testdata/performance/ 343:38-343:54 String
668testdata/performance/ 345:15-345:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 668testdata/performance/ 345:15-345:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
669testdata/performance/ 345:15-346:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 669testdata/performance/ 345:15-346:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
670testdata/performance/ 345:15-347:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 670testdata/performance/ 345:15-347:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
671testdata/performance/ 345:15-348:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 671testdata/performance/ 345:15-348:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
672testdata/performance/ 345:15-349:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 672testdata/performance/ 345:15-349:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
673testdata/performance/ 345:15-350:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 673testdata/performance/ 345:15-350:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
674testdata/performance/ 345:15-351:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 674testdata/performance/ 345:15-351:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
675testdata/performance/ 345:15-352:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 675testdata/performance/ 345:15-352:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
676testdata/performance/ 345:15-353:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 676testdata/performance/ 345:15-353:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
677testdata/performance/ 345:15-354:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 677testdata/performance/ 345:15-354:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
678testdata/performance/ 345:15-355:46 String->StageAttrs 678testdata/performance/ 345:15-355:46 String -> StageAttrs
679testdata/performance/ 345:15-357:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 679testdata/performance/ 345:15-357:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
680testdata/performance/ 346:29-346:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 680testdata/performance/ 346:29-346:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
681testdata/performance/ 346:29-346:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 681testdata/performance/ 346:29-346:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
682testdata/performance/ 346:34-346:57 (Blending', Blending') 682testdata/performance/ 346:34-346:57 (Blending', Blending')
683testdata/performance/ 346:36-346:46 Blending' 683testdata/performance/ 346:36-346:46 Blending'
@@ -685,79 +685,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 346:49-346:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
685testdata/performance/ 347:30-347:50 RGBGen 685testdata/performance/ 347:30-347:50 RGBGen
686testdata/performance/ 348:32-348:42 AlphaGen 686testdata/performance/ 348:32-348:42 AlphaGen
687testdata/performance/ 349:29-349:40 TCGen 687testdata/performance/ 349:29-349:40 TCGen
688testdata/performance/ 350:29-350:31 {a} -> List a 688testdata/performance/ 350:29-350:31 forall a . List a
689testdata/performance/ 351:31-351:42 StageTexture 689testdata/performance/ 351:31-351:42 StageTexture
690testdata/performance/ 352:34-352:38 Bool 690testdata/performance/ 352:34-352:38 Bool
691testdata/performance/ 353:33-353:41 DepthFunction 691testdata/performance/ 353:33-353:41 DepthFunction
692testdata/performance/ 354:33-354:40 {a} -> Maybe a 692testdata/performance/ 354:33-354:40 forall a . Maybe a
693testdata/performance/ 355:41-355:46 Bool 693testdata/performance/ 355:41-355:46 Bool
694testdata/performance/ 356:38-356:54 String 694testdata/performance/ 356:38-356:54 String
695testdata/performance/ 359:21-359:26 Bool 695testdata/performance/ 359:21-359:26 Bool
696testdata/performance/ 362:5-404:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 696testdata/performance/ 362:5-404:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
697testdata/performance/ 362:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 697testdata/performance/ 362:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
698testdata/performance/ 362:7-362:53 String 698testdata/performance/ 362:7-362:53 String
699testdata/performance/ 363:7-363:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 699testdata/performance/ 363:7-363:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
700testdata/performance/ 363:7-364:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 700testdata/performance/ 363:7-364:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
701testdata/performance/ 363:7-365:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 701testdata/performance/ 363:7-365:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
702testdata/performance/ 363:7-366:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 702testdata/performance/ 363:7-366:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
703testdata/performance/ 363:7-367:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 703testdata/performance/ 363:7-367:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
704testdata/performance/ 363:7-368:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 704testdata/performance/ 363:7-368:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
705testdata/performance/ 363:7-369:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 705testdata/performance/ 363:7-369:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
706testdata/performance/ 363:7-370:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 706testdata/performance/ 363:7-370:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
707testdata/performance/ 363:7-371:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 707testdata/performance/ 363:7-371:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
708testdata/performance/ 363:7-372:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 708testdata/performance/ 363:7-372:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
709testdata/performance/ 363:7-373:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 709testdata/performance/ 363:7-373:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
710testdata/performance/ 363:7-401:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 710testdata/performance/ 363:7-401:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
711testdata/performance/ 363:7-403:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 711testdata/performance/ 363:7-403:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
712testdata/performance/ 364:24-364:26 () 712testdata/performance/ 364:24-364:26 ()
713testdata/performance/ 365:24-365:26 () 713testdata/performance/ 365:24-365:26 ()
714testdata/performance/ 366:22-366:27 Bool 714testdata/performance/ 366:22-366:27 Bool
715testdata/performance/ 367:20-367:21 b_ 715testdata/performance/ 367:20-367:21 _b
716testdata/performance/ 368:30-368:35 Bool 716testdata/performance/ 368:30-368:35 Bool
717testdata/performance/ 369:23-369:28 Bool 717testdata/performance/ 369:23-369:28 Bool
718testdata/performance/ 370:20-370:33 CullType 718testdata/performance/ 370:20-370:33 CullType
719testdata/performance/ 371:30-371:32 {a} -> List a 719testdata/performance/ 371:30-371:32 forall a . List a
720testdata/performance/ 372:25-372:30 Bool 720testdata/performance/ 372:25-372:30 Bool
721testdata/performance/ 373:29-373:34 Bool 721testdata/performance/ 373:29-373:34 Bool
722testdata/performance/ 375:13-401:14 List StageAttrs 722testdata/performance/ 375:13-401:14 List StageAttrs
723testdata/performance/ 375:15-375:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 723testdata/performance/ 375:15-375:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
724testdata/performance/ 375:15-376:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 724testdata/performance/ 375:15-376:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
725testdata/performance/ 375:15-377:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 725testdata/performance/ 375:15-377:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
726testdata/performance/ 375:15-378:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 726testdata/performance/ 375:15-378:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
727testdata/performance/ 375:15-379:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 727testdata/performance/ 375:15-379:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
728testdata/performance/ 375:15-380:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 728testdata/performance/ 375:15-380:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
729testdata/performance/ 375:15-381:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 729testdata/performance/ 375:15-381:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
730testdata/performance/ 375:15-382:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 730testdata/performance/ 375:15-382:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
731testdata/performance/ 375:15-383:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 731testdata/performance/ 375:15-383:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
732testdata/performance/ 375:15-384:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 732testdata/performance/ 375:15-384:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
733testdata/performance/ 375:15-385:46 String->StageAttrs 733testdata/performance/ 375:15-385:46 String -> StageAttrs
734testdata/performance/ 375:15-387:18 StageAttrs 734testdata/performance/ 375:15-387:18 StageAttrs
735testdata/performance/ 376:29-376:36 {a} -> Maybe a 735testdata/performance/ 376:29-376:36 forall a . Maybe a
736testdata/performance/ 377:30-377:50 RGBGen 736testdata/performance/ 377:30-377:50 RGBGen
737testdata/performance/ 378:32-378:42 AlphaGen 737testdata/performance/ 378:32-378:42 AlphaGen
738testdata/performance/ 379:29-379:36 TCGen 738testdata/performance/ 379:29-379:36 TCGen
739testdata/performance/ 380:29-380:31 {a} -> List a 739testdata/performance/ 380:29-380:31 forall a . List a
740testdata/performance/ 381:31-381:37 String->StageTexture 740testdata/performance/ 381:31-381:37 String -> StageTexture
741testdata/performance/ 381:31-381:84 StageTexture 741testdata/performance/ 381:31-381:84 StageTexture
742testdata/performance/ 381:38-381:84 String 742testdata/performance/ 381:38-381:84 String
743testdata/performance/ 382:34-382:38 Bool 743testdata/performance/ 382:34-382:38 Bool
744testdata/performance/ 383:33-383:41 DepthFunction 744testdata/performance/ 383:33-383:41 DepthFunction
745testdata/performance/ 384:33-384:40 {a} -> Maybe a 745testdata/performance/ 384:33-384:40 forall a . Maybe a
746testdata/performance/ 385:41-385:46 Bool 746testdata/performance/ 385:41-385:46 Bool
747testdata/performance/ 386:38-386:54 String 747testdata/performance/ 386:38-386:54 String
748testdata/performance/ 388:15-388:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 748testdata/performance/ 388:15-388:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
749testdata/performance/ 388:15-389:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 749testdata/performance/ 388:15-389:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
750testdata/performance/ 388:15-390:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 750testdata/performance/ 388:15-390:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
751testdata/performance/ 388:15-391:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 751testdata/performance/ 388:15-391:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
752testdata/performance/ 388:15-392:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 752testdata/performance/ 388:15-392:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
753testdata/performance/ 388:15-393:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 753testdata/performance/ 388:15-393:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
754testdata/performance/ 388:15-394:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 754testdata/performance/ 388:15-394:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
755testdata/performance/ 388:15-395:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 755testdata/performance/ 388:15-395:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
756testdata/performance/ 388:15-396:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 756testdata/performance/ 388:15-396:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
757testdata/performance/ 388:15-397:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 757testdata/performance/ 388:15-397:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
758testdata/performance/ 388:15-398:46 String->StageAttrs 758testdata/performance/ 388:15-398:46 String -> StageAttrs
759testdata/performance/ 388:15-400:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 759testdata/performance/ 388:15-400:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
760testdata/performance/ 389:29-389:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 760testdata/performance/ 389:29-389:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
761testdata/performance/ 389:29-389:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 761testdata/performance/ 389:29-389:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
762testdata/performance/ 389:34-389:57 (Blending', Blending') 762testdata/performance/ 389:34-389:57 (Blending', Blending')
763testdata/performance/ 389:36-389:46 Blending' 763testdata/performance/ 389:36-389:46 Blending'
@@ -765,79 +765,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 389:49-389:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
765testdata/performance/ 390:30-390:50 RGBGen 765testdata/performance/ 390:30-390:50 RGBGen
766testdata/performance/ 391:32-391:42 AlphaGen 766testdata/performance/ 391:32-391:42 AlphaGen
767testdata/performance/ 392:29-392:40 TCGen 767testdata/performance/ 392:29-392:40 TCGen
768testdata/performance/ 393:29-393:31 {a} -> List a 768testdata/performance/ 393:29-393:31 forall a . List a
769testdata/performance/ 394:31-394:42 StageTexture 769testdata/performance/ 394:31-394:42 StageTexture
770testdata/performance/ 395:34-395:38 Bool 770testdata/performance/ 395:34-395:38 Bool
771testdata/performance/ 396:33-396:41 DepthFunction 771testdata/performance/ 396:33-396:41 DepthFunction
772testdata/performance/ 397:33-397:40 {a} -> Maybe a 772testdata/performance/ 397:33-397:40 forall a . Maybe a
773testdata/performance/ 398:41-398:46 Bool 773testdata/performance/ 398:41-398:46 Bool
774testdata/performance/ 399:38-399:54 String 774testdata/performance/ 399:38-399:54 String
775testdata/performance/ 402:21-402:26 Bool 775testdata/performance/ 402:21-402:26 Bool
776testdata/performance/ 405:5-447:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 776testdata/performance/ 405:5-447:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
777testdata/performance/ 405:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 777testdata/performance/ 405:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
778testdata/performance/ 405:7-405:53 String 778testdata/performance/ 405:7-405:53 String
779testdata/performance/ 406:7-406:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 779testdata/performance/ 406:7-406:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
780testdata/performance/ 406:7-407:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 780testdata/performance/ 406:7-407:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
781testdata/performance/ 406:7-408:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 781testdata/performance/ 406:7-408:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
782testdata/performance/ 406:7-409:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 782testdata/performance/ 406:7-409:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
783testdata/performance/ 406:7-410:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 783testdata/performance/ 406:7-410:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
784testdata/performance/ 406:7-411:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 784testdata/performance/ 406:7-411:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
785testdata/performance/ 406:7-412:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 785testdata/performance/ 406:7-412:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
786testdata/performance/ 406:7-413:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 786testdata/performance/ 406:7-413:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
787testdata/performance/ 406:7-414:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 787testdata/performance/ 406:7-414:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
788testdata/performance/ 406:7-415:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 788testdata/performance/ 406:7-415:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
789testdata/performance/ 406:7-416:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 789testdata/performance/ 406:7-416:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
790testdata/performance/ 406:7-444:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 790testdata/performance/ 406:7-444:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
791testdata/performance/ 406:7-446:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 791testdata/performance/ 406:7-446:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
792testdata/performance/ 407:24-407:26 () 792testdata/performance/ 407:24-407:26 ()
793testdata/performance/ 408:24-408:26 () 793testdata/performance/ 408:24-408:26 ()
794testdata/performance/ 409:22-409:27 Bool 794testdata/performance/ 409:22-409:27 Bool
795testdata/performance/ 410:20-410:21 b_ 795testdata/performance/ 410:20-410:21 _b
796testdata/performance/ 411:30-411:35 Bool 796testdata/performance/ 411:30-411:35 Bool
797testdata/performance/ 412:23-412:28 Bool 797testdata/performance/ 412:23-412:28 Bool
798testdata/performance/ 413:20-413:33 CullType 798testdata/performance/ 413:20-413:33 CullType
799testdata/performance/ 414:30-414:32 {a} -> List a 799testdata/performance/ 414:30-414:32 forall a . List a
800testdata/performance/ 415:25-415:30 Bool 800testdata/performance/ 415:25-415:30 Bool
801testdata/performance/ 416:29-416:34 Bool 801testdata/performance/ 416:29-416:34 Bool
802testdata/performance/ 418:13-444:14 List StageAttrs 802testdata/performance/ 418:13-444:14 List StageAttrs
803testdata/performance/ 418:15-418:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 803testdata/performance/ 418:15-418:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
804testdata/performance/ 418:15-419:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 804testdata/performance/ 418:15-419:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
805testdata/performance/ 418:15-420:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 805testdata/performance/ 418:15-420:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
806testdata/performance/ 418:15-421:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 806testdata/performance/ 418:15-421:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
807testdata/performance/ 418:15-422:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 807testdata/performance/ 418:15-422:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
808testdata/performance/ 418:15-423:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 808testdata/performance/ 418:15-423:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
809testdata/performance/ 418:15-424:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 809testdata/performance/ 418:15-424:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
810testdata/performance/ 418:15-425:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 810testdata/performance/ 418:15-425:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
811testdata/performance/ 418:15-426:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 811testdata/performance/ 418:15-426:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
812testdata/performance/ 418:15-427:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 812testdata/performance/ 418:15-427:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
813testdata/performance/ 418:15-428:46 String->StageAttrs 813testdata/performance/ 418:15-428:46 String -> StageAttrs
814testdata/performance/ 418:15-430:18 StageAttrs 814testdata/performance/ 418:15-430:18 StageAttrs
815testdata/performance/ 419:29-419:36 {a} -> Maybe a 815testdata/performance/ 419:29-419:36 forall a . Maybe a
816testdata/performance/ 420:30-420:50 RGBGen 816testdata/performance/ 420:30-420:50 RGBGen
817testdata/performance/ 421:32-421:42 AlphaGen 817testdata/performance/ 421:32-421:42 AlphaGen
818testdata/performance/ 422:29-422:36 TCGen 818testdata/performance/ 422:29-422:36 TCGen
819testdata/performance/ 423:29-423:31 {a} -> List a 819testdata/performance/ 423:29-423:31 forall a . List a
820testdata/performance/ 424:31-424:37 String->StageTexture 820testdata/performance/ 424:31-424:37 String -> StageTexture
821testdata/performance/ 424:31-424:84 StageTexture 821testdata/performance/ 424:31-424:84 StageTexture
822testdata/performance/ 424:38-424:84 String 822testdata/performance/ 424:38-424:84 String
823testdata/performance/ 425:34-425:38 Bool 823testdata/performance/ 425:34-425:38 Bool
824testdata/performance/ 426:33-426:41 DepthFunction 824testdata/performance/ 426:33-426:41 DepthFunction
825testdata/performance/ 427:33-427:40 {a} -> Maybe a 825testdata/performance/ 427:33-427:40 forall a . Maybe a
826testdata/performance/ 428:41-428:46 Bool 826testdata/performance/ 428:41-428:46 Bool
827testdata/performance/ 429:38-429:54 String 827testdata/performance/ 429:38-429:54 String
828testdata/performance/ 431:15-431:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 828testdata/performance/ 431:15-431:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
829testdata/performance/ 431:15-432:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 829testdata/performance/ 431:15-432:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
830testdata/performance/ 431:15-433:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 830testdata/performance/ 431:15-433:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
831testdata/performance/ 431:15-434:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 831testdata/performance/ 431:15-434:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
832testdata/performance/ 431:15-435:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 832testdata/performance/ 431:15-435:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
833testdata/performance/ 431:15-436:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 833testdata/performance/ 431:15-436:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
834testdata/performance/ 431:15-437:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 834testdata/performance/ 431:15-437:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
835testdata/performance/ 431:15-438:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 835testdata/performance/ 431:15-438:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
836testdata/performance/ 431:15-439:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 836testdata/performance/ 431:15-439:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
837testdata/performance/ 431:15-440:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 837testdata/performance/ 431:15-440:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
838testdata/performance/ 431:15-441:46 String->StageAttrs 838testdata/performance/ 431:15-441:46 String -> StageAttrs
839testdata/performance/ 431:15-443:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 839testdata/performance/ 431:15-443:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
840testdata/performance/ 432:29-432:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 840testdata/performance/ 432:29-432:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
841testdata/performance/ 432:29-432:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 841testdata/performance/ 432:29-432:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
842testdata/performance/ 432:34-432:57 (Blending', Blending') 842testdata/performance/ 432:34-432:57 (Blending', Blending')
843testdata/performance/ 432:36-432:46 Blending' 843testdata/performance/ 432:36-432:46 Blending'
@@ -845,79 +845,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 432:49-432:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
845testdata/performance/ 433:30-433:50 RGBGen 845testdata/performance/ 433:30-433:50 RGBGen
846testdata/performance/ 434:32-434:42 AlphaGen 846testdata/performance/ 434:32-434:42 AlphaGen
847testdata/performance/ 435:29-435:40 TCGen 847testdata/performance/ 435:29-435:40 TCGen
848testdata/performance/ 436:29-436:31 {a} -> List a 848testdata/performance/ 436:29-436:31 forall a . List a
849testdata/performance/ 437:31-437:42 StageTexture 849testdata/performance/ 437:31-437:42 StageTexture
850testdata/performance/ 438:34-438:38 Bool 850testdata/performance/ 438:34-438:38 Bool
851testdata/performance/ 439:33-439:41 DepthFunction 851testdata/performance/ 439:33-439:41 DepthFunction
852testdata/performance/ 440:33-440:40 {a} -> Maybe a 852testdata/performance/ 440:33-440:40 forall a . Maybe a
853testdata/performance/ 441:41-441:46 Bool 853testdata/performance/ 441:41-441:46 Bool
854testdata/performance/ 442:38-442:54 String 854testdata/performance/ 442:38-442:54 String
855testdata/performance/ 445:21-445:26 Bool 855testdata/performance/ 445:21-445:26 Bool
856testdata/performance/ 448:5-490:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 856testdata/performance/ 448:5-490:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
857testdata/performance/ 448:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 857testdata/performance/ 448:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
858testdata/performance/ 448:7-448:53 String 858testdata/performance/ 448:7-448:53 String
859testdata/performance/ 449:7-449:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 859testdata/performance/ 449:7-449:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
860testdata/performance/ 449:7-450:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 860testdata/performance/ 449:7-450:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
861testdata/performance/ 449:7-451:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 861testdata/performance/ 449:7-451:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
862testdata/performance/ 449:7-452:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 862testdata/performance/ 449:7-452:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
863testdata/performance/ 449:7-453:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 863testdata/performance/ 449:7-453:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
864testdata/performance/ 449:7-454:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 864testdata/performance/ 449:7-454:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
865testdata/performance/ 449:7-455:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 865testdata/performance/ 449:7-455:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
866testdata/performance/ 449:7-456:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 866testdata/performance/ 449:7-456:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
867testdata/performance/ 449:7-457:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 867testdata/performance/ 449:7-457:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
868testdata/performance/ 449:7-458:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 868testdata/performance/ 449:7-458:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
869testdata/performance/ 449:7-459:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 869testdata/performance/ 449:7-459:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
870testdata/performance/ 449:7-487:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 870testdata/performance/ 449:7-487:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
871testdata/performance/ 449:7-489:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 871testdata/performance/ 449:7-489:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
872testdata/performance/ 450:24-450:26 () 872testdata/performance/ 450:24-450:26 ()
873testdata/performance/ 451:24-451:26 () 873testdata/performance/ 451:24-451:26 ()
874testdata/performance/ 452:22-452:27 Bool 874testdata/performance/ 452:22-452:27 Bool
875testdata/performance/ 453:20-453:21 b_ 875testdata/performance/ 453:20-453:21 _b
876testdata/performance/ 454:30-454:35 Bool 876testdata/performance/ 454:30-454:35 Bool
877testdata/performance/ 455:23-455:28 Bool 877testdata/performance/ 455:23-455:28 Bool
878testdata/performance/ 456:20-456:33 CullType 878testdata/performance/ 456:20-456:33 CullType
879testdata/performance/ 457:30-457:32 {a} -> List a 879testdata/performance/ 457:30-457:32 forall a . List a
880testdata/performance/ 458:25-458:30 Bool 880testdata/performance/ 458:25-458:30 Bool
881testdata/performance/ 459:29-459:34 Bool 881testdata/performance/ 459:29-459:34 Bool
882testdata/performance/ 461:13-487:14 List StageAttrs 882testdata/performance/ 461:13-487:14 List StageAttrs
883testdata/performance/ 461:15-461:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 883testdata/performance/ 461:15-461:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
884testdata/performance/ 461:15-462:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 884testdata/performance/ 461:15-462:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
885testdata/performance/ 461:15-463:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 885testdata/performance/ 461:15-463:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
886testdata/performance/ 461:15-464:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 886testdata/performance/ 461:15-464:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
887testdata/performance/ 461:15-465:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 887testdata/performance/ 461:15-465:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
888testdata/performance/ 461:15-466:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 888testdata/performance/ 461:15-466:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
889testdata/performance/ 461:15-467:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 889testdata/performance/ 461:15-467:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
890testdata/performance/ 461:15-468:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 890testdata/performance/ 461:15-468:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
891testdata/performance/ 461:15-469:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 891testdata/performance/ 461:15-469:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
892testdata/performance/ 461:15-470:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 892testdata/performance/ 461:15-470:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
893testdata/performance/ 461:15-471:46 String->StageAttrs 893testdata/performance/ 461:15-471:46 String -> StageAttrs
894testdata/performance/ 461:15-473:18 StageAttrs 894testdata/performance/ 461:15-473:18 StageAttrs
895testdata/performance/ 462:29-462:36 {a} -> Maybe a 895testdata/performance/ 462:29-462:36 forall a . Maybe a
896testdata/performance/ 463:30-463:50 RGBGen 896testdata/performance/ 463:30-463:50 RGBGen
897testdata/performance/ 464:32-464:42 AlphaGen 897testdata/performance/ 464:32-464:42 AlphaGen
898testdata/performance/ 465:29-465:36 TCGen 898testdata/performance/ 465:29-465:36 TCGen
899testdata/performance/ 466:29-466:31 {a} -> List a 899testdata/performance/ 466:29-466:31 forall a . List a
900testdata/performance/ 467:31-467:37 String->StageTexture 900testdata/performance/ 467:31-467:37 String -> StageTexture
901testdata/performance/ 467:31-467:84 StageTexture 901testdata/performance/ 467:31-467:84 StageTexture
902testdata/performance/ 467:38-467:84 String 902testdata/performance/ 467:38-467:84 String
903testdata/performance/ 468:34-468:38 Bool 903testdata/performance/ 468:34-468:38 Bool
904testdata/performance/ 469:33-469:41 DepthFunction 904testdata/performance/ 469:33-469:41 DepthFunction
905testdata/performance/ 470:33-470:40 {a} -> Maybe a 905testdata/performance/ 470:33-470:40 forall a . Maybe a
906testdata/performance/ 471:41-471:46 Bool 906testdata/performance/ 471:41-471:46 Bool
907testdata/performance/ 472:38-472:54 String 907testdata/performance/ 472:38-472:54 String
908testdata/performance/ 474:15-474:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 908testdata/performance/ 474:15-474:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
909testdata/performance/ 474:15-475:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 909testdata/performance/ 474:15-475:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
910testdata/performance/ 474:15-476:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 910testdata/performance/ 474:15-476:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
911testdata/performance/ 474:15-477:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 911testdata/performance/ 474:15-477:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
912testdata/performance/ 474:15-478:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 912testdata/performance/ 474:15-478:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
913testdata/performance/ 474:15-479:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 913testdata/performance/ 474:15-479:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
914testdata/performance/ 474:15-480:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 914testdata/performance/ 474:15-480:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
915testdata/performance/ 474:15-481:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 915testdata/performance/ 474:15-481:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
916testdata/performance/ 474:15-482:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 916testdata/performance/ 474:15-482:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
917testdata/performance/ 474:15-483:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 917testdata/performance/ 474:15-483:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
918testdata/performance/ 474:15-484:46 String->StageAttrs 918testdata/performance/ 474:15-484:46 String -> StageAttrs
919testdata/performance/ 474:15-486:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 919testdata/performance/ 474:15-486:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
920testdata/performance/ 475:29-475:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 920testdata/performance/ 475:29-475:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
921testdata/performance/ 475:29-475:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 921testdata/performance/ 475:29-475:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
922testdata/performance/ 475:34-475:57 (Blending', Blending') 922testdata/performance/ 475:34-475:57 (Blending', Blending')
923testdata/performance/ 475:36-475:46 Blending' 923testdata/performance/ 475:36-475:46 Blending'
@@ -925,79 +925,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 475:49-475:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
925testdata/performance/ 476:30-476:50 RGBGen 925testdata/performance/ 476:30-476:50 RGBGen
926testdata/performance/ 477:32-477:42 AlphaGen 926testdata/performance/ 477:32-477:42 AlphaGen
927testdata/performance/ 478:29-478:40 TCGen 927testdata/performance/ 478:29-478:40 TCGen
928testdata/performance/ 479:29-479:31 {a} -> List a 928testdata/performance/ 479:29-479:31 forall a . List a
929testdata/performance/ 480:31-480:42 StageTexture 929testdata/performance/ 480:31-480:42 StageTexture
930testdata/performance/ 481:34-481:38 Bool 930testdata/performance/ 481:34-481:38 Bool
931testdata/performance/ 482:33-482:41 DepthFunction 931testdata/performance/ 482:33-482:41 DepthFunction
932testdata/performance/ 483:33-483:40 {a} -> Maybe a 932testdata/performance/ 483:33-483:40 forall a . Maybe a
933testdata/performance/ 484:41-484:46 Bool 933testdata/performance/ 484:41-484:46 Bool
934testdata/performance/ 485:38-485:54 String 934testdata/performance/ 485:38-485:54 String
935testdata/performance/ 488:21-488:26 Bool 935testdata/performance/ 488:21-488:26 Bool
936testdata/performance/ 491:5-533:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 936testdata/performance/ 491:5-533:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
937testdata/performance/ 491:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 937testdata/performance/ 491:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
938testdata/performance/ 491:7-491:53 String 938testdata/performance/ 491:7-491:53 String
939testdata/performance/ 492:7-492:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 939testdata/performance/ 492:7-492:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
940testdata/performance/ 492:7-493:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 940testdata/performance/ 492:7-493:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
941testdata/performance/ 492:7-494:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 941testdata/performance/ 492:7-494:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
942testdata/performance/ 492:7-495:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 942testdata/performance/ 492:7-495:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
943testdata/performance/ 492:7-496:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 943testdata/performance/ 492:7-496:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
944testdata/performance/ 492:7-497:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 944testdata/performance/ 492:7-497:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
945testdata/performance/ 492:7-498:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 945testdata/performance/ 492:7-498:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
946testdata/performance/ 492:7-499:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 946testdata/performance/ 492:7-499:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
947testdata/performance/ 492:7-500:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 947testdata/performance/ 492:7-500:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
948testdata/performance/ 492:7-501:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 948testdata/performance/ 492:7-501:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
949testdata/performance/ 492:7-502:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 949testdata/performance/ 492:7-502:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
950testdata/performance/ 492:7-530:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 950testdata/performance/ 492:7-530:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
951testdata/performance/ 492:7-532:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 951testdata/performance/ 492:7-532:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
952testdata/performance/ 493:24-493:26 () 952testdata/performance/ 493:24-493:26 ()
953testdata/performance/ 494:24-494:26 () 953testdata/performance/ 494:24-494:26 ()
954testdata/performance/ 495:22-495:27 Bool 954testdata/performance/ 495:22-495:27 Bool
955testdata/performance/ 496:20-496:21 b_ 955testdata/performance/ 496:20-496:21 _b
956testdata/performance/ 497:30-497:35 Bool 956testdata/performance/ 497:30-497:35 Bool
957testdata/performance/ 498:23-498:28 Bool 957testdata/performance/ 498:23-498:28 Bool
958testdata/performance/ 499:20-499:33 CullType 958testdata/performance/ 499:20-499:33 CullType
959testdata/performance/ 500:30-500:32 {a} -> List a 959testdata/performance/ 500:30-500:32 forall a . List a
960testdata/performance/ 501:25-501:30 Bool 960testdata/performance/ 501:25-501:30 Bool
961testdata/performance/ 502:29-502:34 Bool 961testdata/performance/ 502:29-502:34 Bool
962testdata/performance/ 504:13-530:14 List StageAttrs 962testdata/performance/ 504:13-530:14 List StageAttrs
963testdata/performance/ 504:15-504:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 963testdata/performance/ 504:15-504:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
964testdata/performance/ 504:15-505:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 964testdata/performance/ 504:15-505:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
965testdata/performance/ 504:15-506:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 965testdata/performance/ 504:15-506:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
966testdata/performance/ 504:15-507:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 966testdata/performance/ 504:15-507:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
967testdata/performance/ 504:15-508:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 967testdata/performance/ 504:15-508:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
968testdata/performance/ 504:15-509:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 968testdata/performance/ 504:15-509:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
969testdata/performance/ 504:15-510:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 969testdata/performance/ 504:15-510:84 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
970testdata/performance/ 504:15-511:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 970testdata/performance/ 504:15-511:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
971testdata/performance/ 504:15-512:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 971testdata/performance/ 504:15-512:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
972testdata/performance/ 504:15-513:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 972testdata/performance/ 504:15-513:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
973testdata/performance/ 504:15-514:46 String->StageAttrs 973testdata/performance/ 504:15-514:46 String -> StageAttrs
974testdata/performance/ 504:15-516:18 StageAttrs 974testdata/performance/ 504:15-516:18 StageAttrs
975testdata/performance/ 505:29-505:36 {a} -> Maybe a 975testdata/performance/ 505:29-505:36 forall a . Maybe a
976testdata/performance/ 506:30-506:50 RGBGen 976testdata/performance/ 506:30-506:50 RGBGen
977testdata/performance/ 507:32-507:42 AlphaGen 977testdata/performance/ 507:32-507:42 AlphaGen
978testdata/performance/ 508:29-508:36 TCGen 978testdata/performance/ 508:29-508:36 TCGen
979testdata/performance/ 509:29-509:31 {a} -> List a 979testdata/performance/ 509:29-509:31 forall a . List a
980testdata/performance/ 510:31-510:37 String->StageTexture 980testdata/performance/ 510:31-510:37 String -> StageTexture
981testdata/performance/ 510:31-510:84 StageTexture 981testdata/performance/ 510:31-510:84 StageTexture
982testdata/performance/ 510:38-510:84 String 982testdata/performance/ 510:38-510:84 String
983testdata/performance/ 511:34-511:38 Bool 983testdata/performance/ 511:34-511:38 Bool
984testdata/performance/ 512:33-512:41 DepthFunction 984testdata/performance/ 512:33-512:41 DepthFunction
985testdata/performance/ 513:33-513:40 {a} -> Maybe a 985testdata/performance/ 513:33-513:40 forall a . Maybe a
986testdata/performance/ 514:41-514:46 Bool 986testdata/performance/ 514:41-514:46 Bool
987testdata/performance/ 515:38-515:54 String 987testdata/performance/ 515:38-515:54 String
988testdata/performance/ 517:15-517:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 988testdata/performance/ 517:15-517:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
989testdata/performance/ 517:15-518:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 989testdata/performance/ 517:15-518:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
990testdata/performance/ 517:15-519:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 990testdata/performance/ 517:15-519:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
991testdata/performance/ 517:15-520:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 991testdata/performance/ 517:15-520:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
992testdata/performance/ 517:15-521:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 992testdata/performance/ 517:15-521:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
993testdata/performance/ 517:15-522:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 993testdata/performance/ 517:15-522:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
994testdata/performance/ 517:15-523:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 994testdata/performance/ 517:15-523:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
995testdata/performance/ 517:15-524:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 995testdata/performance/ 517:15-524:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
996testdata/performance/ 517:15-525:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 996testdata/performance/ 517:15-525:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
997testdata/performance/ 517:15-526:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 997testdata/performance/ 517:15-526:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
998testdata/performance/ 517:15-527:46 String->StageAttrs 998testdata/performance/ 517:15-527:46 String -> StageAttrs
999testdata/performance/ 517:15-529:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 999testdata/performance/ 517:15-529:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1000testdata/performance/ 518:29-518:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1000testdata/performance/ 518:29-518:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1001testdata/performance/ 518:29-518:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1001testdata/performance/ 518:29-518:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1002testdata/performance/ 518:34-518:57 (Blending', Blending') 1002testdata/performance/ 518:34-518:57 (Blending', Blending')
1003testdata/performance/ 518:36-518:46 Blending' 1003testdata/performance/ 518:36-518:46 Blending'
@@ -1005,79 +1005,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 518:49-518:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1005testdata/performance/ 519:30-519:50 RGBGen 1005testdata/performance/ 519:30-519:50 RGBGen
1006testdata/performance/ 520:32-520:42 AlphaGen 1006testdata/performance/ 520:32-520:42 AlphaGen
1007testdata/performance/ 521:29-521:40 TCGen 1007testdata/performance/ 521:29-521:40 TCGen
1008testdata/performance/ 522:29-522:31 {a} -> List a 1008testdata/performance/ 522:29-522:31 forall a . List a
1009testdata/performance/ 523:31-523:42 StageTexture 1009testdata/performance/ 523:31-523:42 StageTexture
1010testdata/performance/ 524:34-524:38 Bool 1010testdata/performance/ 524:34-524:38 Bool
1011testdata/performance/ 525:33-525:41 DepthFunction 1011testdata/performance/ 525:33-525:41 DepthFunction
1012testdata/performance/ 526:33-526:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1012testdata/performance/ 526:33-526:40 forall a . Maybe a
1013testdata/performance/ 527:41-527:46 Bool 1013testdata/performance/ 527:41-527:46 Bool
1014testdata/performance/ 528:38-528:54 String 1014testdata/performance/ 528:38-528:54 String
1015testdata/performance/ 531:21-531:26 Bool 1015testdata/performance/ 531:21-531:26 Bool
1016testdata/performance/ 534:5-576:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1016testdata/performance/ 534:5-576:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1017testdata/performance/ 534:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1017testdata/performance/ 534:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1018testdata/performance/ 534:7-534:42 String 1018testdata/performance/ 534:7-534:42 String
1019testdata/performance/ 535:7-535:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1019testdata/performance/ 535:7-535:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1020testdata/performance/ 535:7-536:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1020testdata/performance/ 535:7-536:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1021testdata/performance/ 535:7-537:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1021testdata/performance/ 535:7-537:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1022testdata/performance/ 535:7-538:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1022testdata/performance/ 535:7-538:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1023testdata/performance/ 535:7-539:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1023testdata/performance/ 535:7-539:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1024testdata/performance/ 535:7-540:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1024testdata/performance/ 535:7-540:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1025testdata/performance/ 535:7-541:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1025testdata/performance/ 535:7-541:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1026testdata/performance/ 535:7-542:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1026testdata/performance/ 535:7-542:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1027testdata/performance/ 535:7-543:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1027testdata/performance/ 535:7-543:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1028testdata/performance/ 535:7-544:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1028testdata/performance/ 535:7-544:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1029testdata/performance/ 535:7-545:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1029testdata/performance/ 535:7-545:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1030testdata/performance/ 535:7-573:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1030testdata/performance/ 535:7-573:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1031testdata/performance/ 535:7-575:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1031testdata/performance/ 535:7-575:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1032testdata/performance/ 536:24-536:26 () 1032testdata/performance/ 536:24-536:26 ()
1033testdata/performance/ 537:24-537:26 () 1033testdata/performance/ 537:24-537:26 ()
1034testdata/performance/ 538:22-538:27 Bool 1034testdata/performance/ 538:22-538:27 Bool
1035testdata/performance/ 539:20-539:21 b_ 1035testdata/performance/ 539:20-539:21 _b
1036testdata/performance/ 540:30-540:35 Bool 1036testdata/performance/ 540:30-540:35 Bool
1037testdata/performance/ 541:23-541:28 Bool 1037testdata/performance/ 541:23-541:28 Bool
1038testdata/performance/ 542:20-542:33 CullType 1038testdata/performance/ 542:20-542:33 CullType
1039testdata/performance/ 543:30-543:32 {a} -> List a 1039testdata/performance/ 543:30-543:32 forall a . List a
1040testdata/performance/ 544:25-544:30 Bool 1040testdata/performance/ 544:25-544:30 Bool
1041testdata/performance/ 545:29-545:34 Bool 1041testdata/performance/ 545:29-545:34 Bool
1042testdata/performance/ 547:13-573:14 List StageAttrs 1042testdata/performance/ 547:13-573:14 List StageAttrs
1043testdata/performance/ 547:15-547:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1043testdata/performance/ 547:15-547:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1044testdata/performance/ 547:15-548:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1044testdata/performance/ 547:15-548:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1045testdata/performance/ 547:15-549:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1045testdata/performance/ 547:15-549:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1046testdata/performance/ 547:15-550:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1046testdata/performance/ 547:15-550:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1047testdata/performance/ 547:15-551:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1047testdata/performance/ 547:15-551:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1048testdata/performance/ 547:15-552:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1048testdata/performance/ 547:15-552:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1049testdata/performance/ 547:15-553:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1049testdata/performance/ 547:15-553:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1050testdata/performance/ 547:15-554:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1050testdata/performance/ 547:15-554:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1051testdata/performance/ 547:15-555:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1051testdata/performance/ 547:15-555:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1052testdata/performance/ 547:15-556:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1052testdata/performance/ 547:15-556:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1053testdata/performance/ 547:15-557:46 String->StageAttrs 1053testdata/performance/ 547:15-557:46 String -> StageAttrs
1054testdata/performance/ 547:15-559:18 StageAttrs 1054testdata/performance/ 547:15-559:18 StageAttrs
1055testdata/performance/ 548:29-548:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1055testdata/performance/ 548:29-548:36 forall a . Maybe a
1056testdata/performance/ 549:30-549:50 RGBGen 1056testdata/performance/ 549:30-549:50 RGBGen
1057testdata/performance/ 550:32-550:42 AlphaGen 1057testdata/performance/ 550:32-550:42 AlphaGen
1058testdata/performance/ 551:29-551:36 TCGen 1058testdata/performance/ 551:29-551:36 TCGen
1059testdata/performance/ 552:29-552:31 {a} -> List a 1059testdata/performance/ 552:29-552:31 forall a . List a
1060testdata/performance/ 553:31-553:37 String->StageTexture 1060testdata/performance/ 553:31-553:37 String -> StageTexture
1061testdata/performance/ 553:31-553:73 StageTexture 1061testdata/performance/ 553:31-553:73 StageTexture
1062testdata/performance/ 553:38-553:73 String 1062testdata/performance/ 553:38-553:73 String
1063testdata/performance/ 554:34-554:38 Bool 1063testdata/performance/ 554:34-554:38 Bool
1064testdata/performance/ 555:33-555:41 DepthFunction 1064testdata/performance/ 555:33-555:41 DepthFunction
1065testdata/performance/ 556:33-556:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1065testdata/performance/ 556:33-556:40 forall a . Maybe a
1066testdata/performance/ 557:41-557:46 Bool 1066testdata/performance/ 557:41-557:46 Bool
1067testdata/performance/ 558:38-558:54 String 1067testdata/performance/ 558:38-558:54 String
1068testdata/performance/ 560:15-560:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1068testdata/performance/ 560:15-560:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1069testdata/performance/ 560:15-561:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1069testdata/performance/ 560:15-561:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1070testdata/performance/ 560:15-562:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1070testdata/performance/ 560:15-562:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1071testdata/performance/ 560:15-563:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1071testdata/performance/ 560:15-563:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1072testdata/performance/ 560:15-564:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1072testdata/performance/ 560:15-564:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1073testdata/performance/ 560:15-565:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1073testdata/performance/ 560:15-565:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1074testdata/performance/ 560:15-566:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1074testdata/performance/ 560:15-566:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1075testdata/performance/ 560:15-567:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1075testdata/performance/ 560:15-567:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1076testdata/performance/ 560:15-568:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1076testdata/performance/ 560:15-568:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1077testdata/performance/ 560:15-569:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1077testdata/performance/ 560:15-569:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1078testdata/performance/ 560:15-570:46 String->StageAttrs 1078testdata/performance/ 560:15-570:46 String -> StageAttrs
1079testdata/performance/ 560:15-572:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1079testdata/performance/ 560:15-572:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1080testdata/performance/ 561:29-561:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1080testdata/performance/ 561:29-561:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1081testdata/performance/ 561:29-561:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1081testdata/performance/ 561:29-561:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1082testdata/performance/ 561:34-561:57 (Blending', Blending') 1082testdata/performance/ 561:34-561:57 (Blending', Blending')
1083testdata/performance/ 561:36-561:46 Blending' 1083testdata/performance/ 561:36-561:46 Blending'
@@ -1085,79 +1085,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 561:49-561:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1085testdata/performance/ 562:30-562:50 RGBGen 1085testdata/performance/ 562:30-562:50 RGBGen
1086testdata/performance/ 563:32-563:42 AlphaGen 1086testdata/performance/ 563:32-563:42 AlphaGen
1087testdata/performance/ 564:29-564:40 TCGen 1087testdata/performance/ 564:29-564:40 TCGen
1088testdata/performance/ 565:29-565:31 {a} -> List a 1088testdata/performance/ 565:29-565:31 forall a . List a
1089testdata/performance/ 566:31-566:42 StageTexture 1089testdata/performance/ 566:31-566:42 StageTexture
1090testdata/performance/ 567:34-567:38 Bool 1090testdata/performance/ 567:34-567:38 Bool
1091testdata/performance/ 568:33-568:41 DepthFunction 1091testdata/performance/ 568:33-568:41 DepthFunction
1092testdata/performance/ 569:33-569:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1092testdata/performance/ 569:33-569:40 forall a . Maybe a
1093testdata/performance/ 570:41-570:46 Bool 1093testdata/performance/ 570:41-570:46 Bool
1094testdata/performance/ 571:38-571:54 String 1094testdata/performance/ 571:38-571:54 String
1095testdata/performance/ 574:21-574:26 Bool 1095testdata/performance/ 574:21-574:26 Bool
1096testdata/performance/ 577:5-619:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1096testdata/performance/ 577:5-619:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1097testdata/performance/ 577:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1097testdata/performance/ 577:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1098testdata/performance/ 577:7-577:42 String 1098testdata/performance/ 577:7-577:42 String
1099testdata/performance/ 578:7-578:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1099testdata/performance/ 578:7-578:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1100testdata/performance/ 578:7-579:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1100testdata/performance/ 578:7-579:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1101testdata/performance/ 578:7-580:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1101testdata/performance/ 578:7-580:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1102testdata/performance/ 578:7-581:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1102testdata/performance/ 578:7-581:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1103testdata/performance/ 578:7-582:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1103testdata/performance/ 578:7-582:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1104testdata/performance/ 578:7-583:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1104testdata/performance/ 578:7-583:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1105testdata/performance/ 578:7-584:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1105testdata/performance/ 578:7-584:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1106testdata/performance/ 578:7-585:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1106testdata/performance/ 578:7-585:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1107testdata/performance/ 578:7-586:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1107testdata/performance/ 578:7-586:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1108testdata/performance/ 578:7-587:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1108testdata/performance/ 578:7-587:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1109testdata/performance/ 578:7-588:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1109testdata/performance/ 578:7-588:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1110testdata/performance/ 578:7-616:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1110testdata/performance/ 578:7-616:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1111testdata/performance/ 578:7-618:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1111testdata/performance/ 578:7-618:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1112testdata/performance/ 579:24-579:26 () 1112testdata/performance/ 579:24-579:26 ()
1113testdata/performance/ 580:24-580:26 () 1113testdata/performance/ 580:24-580:26 ()
1114testdata/performance/ 581:22-581:27 Bool 1114testdata/performance/ 581:22-581:27 Bool
1115testdata/performance/ 582:20-582:21 b_ 1115testdata/performance/ 582:20-582:21 _b
1116testdata/performance/ 583:30-583:35 Bool 1116testdata/performance/ 583:30-583:35 Bool
1117testdata/performance/ 584:23-584:28 Bool 1117testdata/performance/ 584:23-584:28 Bool
1118testdata/performance/ 585:20-585:33 CullType 1118testdata/performance/ 585:20-585:33 CullType
1119testdata/performance/ 586:30-586:32 {a} -> List a 1119testdata/performance/ 586:30-586:32 forall a . List a
1120testdata/performance/ 587:25-587:30 Bool 1120testdata/performance/ 587:25-587:30 Bool
1121testdata/performance/ 588:29-588:34 Bool 1121testdata/performance/ 588:29-588:34 Bool
1122testdata/performance/ 590:13-616:14 List StageAttrs 1122testdata/performance/ 590:13-616:14 List StageAttrs
1123testdata/performance/ 590:15-590:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1123testdata/performance/ 590:15-590:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1124testdata/performance/ 590:15-591:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1124testdata/performance/ 590:15-591:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1125testdata/performance/ 590:15-592:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1125testdata/performance/ 590:15-592:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1126testdata/performance/ 590:15-593:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1126testdata/performance/ 590:15-593:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1127testdata/performance/ 590:15-594:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1127testdata/performance/ 590:15-594:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1128testdata/performance/ 590:15-595:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1128testdata/performance/ 590:15-595:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1129testdata/performance/ 590:15-596:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1129testdata/performance/ 590:15-596:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1130testdata/performance/ 590:15-597:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1130testdata/performance/ 590:15-597:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1131testdata/performance/ 590:15-598:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1131testdata/performance/ 590:15-598:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1132testdata/performance/ 590:15-599:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1132testdata/performance/ 590:15-599:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1133testdata/performance/ 590:15-600:46 String->StageAttrs 1133testdata/performance/ 590:15-600:46 String -> StageAttrs
1134testdata/performance/ 590:15-602:18 StageAttrs 1134testdata/performance/ 590:15-602:18 StageAttrs
1135testdata/performance/ 591:29-591:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1135testdata/performance/ 591:29-591:36 forall a . Maybe a
1136testdata/performance/ 592:30-592:50 RGBGen 1136testdata/performance/ 592:30-592:50 RGBGen
1137testdata/performance/ 593:32-593:42 AlphaGen 1137testdata/performance/ 593:32-593:42 AlphaGen
1138testdata/performance/ 594:29-594:36 TCGen 1138testdata/performance/ 594:29-594:36 TCGen
1139testdata/performance/ 595:29-595:31 {a} -> List a 1139testdata/performance/ 595:29-595:31 forall a . List a
1140testdata/performance/ 596:31-596:37 String->StageTexture 1140testdata/performance/ 596:31-596:37 String -> StageTexture
1141testdata/performance/ 596:31-596:73 StageTexture 1141testdata/performance/ 596:31-596:73 StageTexture
1142testdata/performance/ 596:38-596:73 String 1142testdata/performance/ 596:38-596:73 String
1143testdata/performance/ 597:34-597:38 Bool 1143testdata/performance/ 597:34-597:38 Bool
1144testdata/performance/ 598:33-598:41 DepthFunction 1144testdata/performance/ 598:33-598:41 DepthFunction
1145testdata/performance/ 599:33-599:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1145testdata/performance/ 599:33-599:40 forall a . Maybe a
1146testdata/performance/ 600:41-600:46 Bool 1146testdata/performance/ 600:41-600:46 Bool
1147testdata/performance/ 601:38-601:54 String 1147testdata/performance/ 601:38-601:54 String
1148testdata/performance/ 603:15-603:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1148testdata/performance/ 603:15-603:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1149testdata/performance/ 603:15-604:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1149testdata/performance/ 603:15-604:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1150testdata/performance/ 603:15-605:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1150testdata/performance/ 603:15-605:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1151testdata/performance/ 603:15-606:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1151testdata/performance/ 603:15-606:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1152testdata/performance/ 603:15-607:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1152testdata/performance/ 603:15-607:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1153testdata/performance/ 603:15-608:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1153testdata/performance/ 603:15-608:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1154testdata/performance/ 603:15-609:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1154testdata/performance/ 603:15-609:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1155testdata/performance/ 603:15-610:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1155testdata/performance/ 603:15-610:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1156testdata/performance/ 603:15-611:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1156testdata/performance/ 603:15-611:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1157testdata/performance/ 603:15-612:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1157testdata/performance/ 603:15-612:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1158testdata/performance/ 603:15-613:46 String->StageAttrs 1158testdata/performance/ 603:15-613:46 String -> StageAttrs
1159testdata/performance/ 603:15-615:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1159testdata/performance/ 603:15-615:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1160testdata/performance/ 604:29-604:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1160testdata/performance/ 604:29-604:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1161testdata/performance/ 604:29-604:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1161testdata/performance/ 604:29-604:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1162testdata/performance/ 604:34-604:57 (Blending', Blending') 1162testdata/performance/ 604:34-604:57 (Blending', Blending')
1163testdata/performance/ 604:36-604:46 Blending' 1163testdata/performance/ 604:36-604:46 Blending'
@@ -1165,79 +1165,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 604:49-604:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1165testdata/performance/ 605:30-605:50 RGBGen 1165testdata/performance/ 605:30-605:50 RGBGen
1166testdata/performance/ 606:32-606:42 AlphaGen 1166testdata/performance/ 606:32-606:42 AlphaGen
1167testdata/performance/ 607:29-607:40 TCGen 1167testdata/performance/ 607:29-607:40 TCGen
1168testdata/performance/ 608:29-608:31 {a} -> List a 1168testdata/performance/ 608:29-608:31 forall a . List a
1169testdata/performance/ 609:31-609:42 StageTexture 1169testdata/performance/ 609:31-609:42 StageTexture
1170testdata/performance/ 610:34-610:38 Bool 1170testdata/performance/ 610:34-610:38 Bool
1171testdata/performance/ 611:33-611:41 DepthFunction 1171testdata/performance/ 611:33-611:41 DepthFunction
1172testdata/performance/ 612:33-612:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1172testdata/performance/ 612:33-612:40 forall a . Maybe a
1173testdata/performance/ 613:41-613:46 Bool 1173testdata/performance/ 613:41-613:46 Bool
1174testdata/performance/ 614:38-614:54 String 1174testdata/performance/ 614:38-614:54 String
1175testdata/performance/ 617:21-617:26 Bool 1175testdata/performance/ 617:21-617:26 Bool
1176testdata/performance/ 620:5-662:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1176testdata/performance/ 620:5-662:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1177testdata/performance/ 620:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1177testdata/performance/ 620:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1178testdata/performance/ 620:7-620:42 String 1178testdata/performance/ 620:7-620:42 String
1179testdata/performance/ 621:7-621:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1179testdata/performance/ 621:7-621:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1180testdata/performance/ 621:7-622:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1180testdata/performance/ 621:7-622:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1181testdata/performance/ 621:7-623:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1181testdata/performance/ 621:7-623:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1182testdata/performance/ 621:7-624:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1182testdata/performance/ 621:7-624:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1183testdata/performance/ 621:7-625:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1183testdata/performance/ 621:7-625:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1184testdata/performance/ 621:7-626:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1184testdata/performance/ 621:7-626:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1185testdata/performance/ 621:7-627:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1185testdata/performance/ 621:7-627:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1186testdata/performance/ 621:7-628:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1186testdata/performance/ 621:7-628:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1187testdata/performance/ 621:7-629:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1187testdata/performance/ 621:7-629:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1188testdata/performance/ 621:7-630:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1188testdata/performance/ 621:7-630:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1189testdata/performance/ 621:7-631:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1189testdata/performance/ 621:7-631:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1190testdata/performance/ 621:7-659:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1190testdata/performance/ 621:7-659:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1191testdata/performance/ 621:7-661:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1191testdata/performance/ 621:7-661:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1192testdata/performance/ 622:24-622:26 () 1192testdata/performance/ 622:24-622:26 ()
1193testdata/performance/ 623:24-623:26 () 1193testdata/performance/ 623:24-623:26 ()
1194testdata/performance/ 624:22-624:27 Bool 1194testdata/performance/ 624:22-624:27 Bool
1195testdata/performance/ 625:20-625:21 b_ 1195testdata/performance/ 625:20-625:21 _b
1196testdata/performance/ 626:30-626:35 Bool 1196testdata/performance/ 626:30-626:35 Bool
1197testdata/performance/ 627:23-627:28 Bool 1197testdata/performance/ 627:23-627:28 Bool
1198testdata/performance/ 628:20-628:33 CullType 1198testdata/performance/ 628:20-628:33 CullType
1199testdata/performance/ 629:30-629:32 {a} -> List a 1199testdata/performance/ 629:30-629:32 forall a . List a
1200testdata/performance/ 630:25-630:30 Bool 1200testdata/performance/ 630:25-630:30 Bool
1201testdata/performance/ 631:29-631:34 Bool 1201testdata/performance/ 631:29-631:34 Bool
1202testdata/performance/ 633:13-659:14 List StageAttrs 1202testdata/performance/ 633:13-659:14 List StageAttrs
1203testdata/performance/ 633:15-633:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1203testdata/performance/ 633:15-633:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1204testdata/performance/ 633:15-634:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1204testdata/performance/ 633:15-634:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1205testdata/performance/ 633:15-635:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1205testdata/performance/ 633:15-635:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1206testdata/performance/ 633:15-636:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1206testdata/performance/ 633:15-636:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1207testdata/performance/ 633:15-637:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1207testdata/performance/ 633:15-637:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1208testdata/performance/ 633:15-638:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1208testdata/performance/ 633:15-638:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1209testdata/performance/ 633:15-639:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1209testdata/performance/ 633:15-639:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1210testdata/performance/ 633:15-640:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1210testdata/performance/ 633:15-640:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1211testdata/performance/ 633:15-641:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1211testdata/performance/ 633:15-641:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1212testdata/performance/ 633:15-642:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1212testdata/performance/ 633:15-642:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1213testdata/performance/ 633:15-643:46 String->StageAttrs 1213testdata/performance/ 633:15-643:46 String -> StageAttrs
1214testdata/performance/ 633:15-645:18 StageAttrs 1214testdata/performance/ 633:15-645:18 StageAttrs
1215testdata/performance/ 634:29-634:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1215testdata/performance/ 634:29-634:36 forall a . Maybe a
1216testdata/performance/ 635:30-635:50 RGBGen 1216testdata/performance/ 635:30-635:50 RGBGen
1217testdata/performance/ 636:32-636:42 AlphaGen 1217testdata/performance/ 636:32-636:42 AlphaGen
1218testdata/performance/ 637:29-637:36 TCGen 1218testdata/performance/ 637:29-637:36 TCGen
1219testdata/performance/ 638:29-638:31 {a} -> List a 1219testdata/performance/ 638:29-638:31 forall a . List a
1220testdata/performance/ 639:31-639:37 String->StageTexture 1220testdata/performance/ 639:31-639:37 String -> StageTexture
1221testdata/performance/ 639:31-639:73 StageTexture 1221testdata/performance/ 639:31-639:73 StageTexture
1222testdata/performance/ 639:38-639:73 String 1222testdata/performance/ 639:38-639:73 String
1223testdata/performance/ 640:34-640:38 Bool 1223testdata/performance/ 640:34-640:38 Bool
1224testdata/performance/ 641:33-641:41 DepthFunction 1224testdata/performance/ 641:33-641:41 DepthFunction
1225testdata/performance/ 642:33-642:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1225testdata/performance/ 642:33-642:40 forall a . Maybe a
1226testdata/performance/ 643:41-643:46 Bool 1226testdata/performance/ 643:41-643:46 Bool
1227testdata/performance/ 644:38-644:54 String 1227testdata/performance/ 644:38-644:54 String
1228testdata/performance/ 646:15-646:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1228testdata/performance/ 646:15-646:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1229testdata/performance/ 646:15-647:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1229testdata/performance/ 646:15-647:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1230testdata/performance/ 646:15-648:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1230testdata/performance/ 646:15-648:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1231testdata/performance/ 646:15-649:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1231testdata/performance/ 646:15-649:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1232testdata/performance/ 646:15-650:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1232testdata/performance/ 646:15-650:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1233testdata/performance/ 646:15-651:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1233testdata/performance/ 646:15-651:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1234testdata/performance/ 646:15-652:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1234testdata/performance/ 646:15-652:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1235testdata/performance/ 646:15-653:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1235testdata/performance/ 646:15-653:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1236testdata/performance/ 646:15-654:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1236testdata/performance/ 646:15-654:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1237testdata/performance/ 646:15-655:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1237testdata/performance/ 646:15-655:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1238testdata/performance/ 646:15-656:46 String->StageAttrs 1238testdata/performance/ 646:15-656:46 String -> StageAttrs
1239testdata/performance/ 646:15-658:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1239testdata/performance/ 646:15-658:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1240testdata/performance/ 647:29-647:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1240testdata/performance/ 647:29-647:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1241testdata/performance/ 647:29-647:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1241testdata/performance/ 647:29-647:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1242testdata/performance/ 647:34-647:57 (Blending', Blending') 1242testdata/performance/ 647:34-647:57 (Blending', Blending')
1243testdata/performance/ 647:36-647:46 Blending' 1243testdata/performance/ 647:36-647:46 Blending'
@@ -1245,79 +1245,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 647:49-647:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1245testdata/performance/ 648:30-648:50 RGBGen 1245testdata/performance/ 648:30-648:50 RGBGen
1246testdata/performance/ 649:32-649:42 AlphaGen 1246testdata/performance/ 649:32-649:42 AlphaGen
1247testdata/performance/ 650:29-650:40 TCGen 1247testdata/performance/ 650:29-650:40 TCGen
1248testdata/performance/ 651:29-651:31 {a} -> List a 1248testdata/performance/ 651:29-651:31 forall a . List a
1249testdata/performance/ 652:31-652:42 StageTexture 1249testdata/performance/ 652:31-652:42 StageTexture
1250testdata/performance/ 653:34-653:38 Bool 1250testdata/performance/ 653:34-653:38 Bool
1251testdata/performance/ 654:33-654:41 DepthFunction 1251testdata/performance/ 654:33-654:41 DepthFunction
1252testdata/performance/ 655:33-655:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1252testdata/performance/ 655:33-655:40 forall a . Maybe a
1253testdata/performance/ 656:41-656:46 Bool 1253testdata/performance/ 656:41-656:46 Bool
1254testdata/performance/ 657:38-657:54 String 1254testdata/performance/ 657:38-657:54 String
1255testdata/performance/ 660:21-660:26 Bool 1255testdata/performance/ 660:21-660:26 Bool
1256testdata/performance/ 663:5-705:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1256testdata/performance/ 663:5-705:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1257testdata/performance/ 663:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1257testdata/performance/ 663:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1258testdata/performance/ 663:7-663:42 String 1258testdata/performance/ 663:7-663:42 String
1259testdata/performance/ 664:7-664:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1259testdata/performance/ 664:7-664:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1260testdata/performance/ 664:7-665:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1260testdata/performance/ 664:7-665:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1261testdata/performance/ 664:7-666:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1261testdata/performance/ 664:7-666:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1262testdata/performance/ 664:7-667:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1262testdata/performance/ 664:7-667:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1263testdata/performance/ 664:7-668:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1263testdata/performance/ 664:7-668:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1264testdata/performance/ 664:7-669:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1264testdata/performance/ 664:7-669:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1265testdata/performance/ 664:7-670:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1265testdata/performance/ 664:7-670:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1266testdata/performance/ 664:7-671:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1266testdata/performance/ 664:7-671:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1267testdata/performance/ 664:7-672:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1267testdata/performance/ 664:7-672:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1268testdata/performance/ 664:7-673:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1268testdata/performance/ 664:7-673:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1269testdata/performance/ 664:7-674:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1269testdata/performance/ 664:7-674:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1270testdata/performance/ 664:7-702:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1270testdata/performance/ 664:7-702:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1271testdata/performance/ 664:7-704:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1271testdata/performance/ 664:7-704:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1272testdata/performance/ 665:24-665:26 () 1272testdata/performance/ 665:24-665:26 ()
1273testdata/performance/ 666:24-666:26 () 1273testdata/performance/ 666:24-666:26 ()
1274testdata/performance/ 667:22-667:27 Bool 1274testdata/performance/ 667:22-667:27 Bool
1275testdata/performance/ 668:20-668:21 b_ 1275testdata/performance/ 668:20-668:21 _b
1276testdata/performance/ 669:30-669:35 Bool 1276testdata/performance/ 669:30-669:35 Bool
1277testdata/performance/ 670:23-670:28 Bool 1277testdata/performance/ 670:23-670:28 Bool
1278testdata/performance/ 671:20-671:33 CullType 1278testdata/performance/ 671:20-671:33 CullType
1279testdata/performance/ 672:30-672:32 {a} -> List a 1279testdata/performance/ 672:30-672:32 forall a . List a
1280testdata/performance/ 673:25-673:30 Bool 1280testdata/performance/ 673:25-673:30 Bool
1281testdata/performance/ 674:29-674:34 Bool 1281testdata/performance/ 674:29-674:34 Bool
1282testdata/performance/ 676:13-702:14 List StageAttrs 1282testdata/performance/ 676:13-702:14 List StageAttrs
1283testdata/performance/ 676:15-676:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1283testdata/performance/ 676:15-676:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1284testdata/performance/ 676:15-677:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1284testdata/performance/ 676:15-677:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1285testdata/performance/ 676:15-678:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1285testdata/performance/ 676:15-678:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1286testdata/performance/ 676:15-679:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1286testdata/performance/ 676:15-679:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1287testdata/performance/ 676:15-680:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1287testdata/performance/ 676:15-680:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1288testdata/performance/ 676:15-681:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1288testdata/performance/ 676:15-681:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1289testdata/performance/ 676:15-682:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1289testdata/performance/ 676:15-682:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1290testdata/performance/ 676:15-683:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1290testdata/performance/ 676:15-683:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1291testdata/performance/ 676:15-684:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1291testdata/performance/ 676:15-684:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1292testdata/performance/ 676:15-685:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1292testdata/performance/ 676:15-685:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1293testdata/performance/ 676:15-686:46 String->StageAttrs 1293testdata/performance/ 676:15-686:46 String -> StageAttrs
1294testdata/performance/ 676:15-688:18 StageAttrs 1294testdata/performance/ 676:15-688:18 StageAttrs
1295testdata/performance/ 677:29-677:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1295testdata/performance/ 677:29-677:36 forall a . Maybe a
1296testdata/performance/ 678:30-678:50 RGBGen 1296testdata/performance/ 678:30-678:50 RGBGen
1297testdata/performance/ 679:32-679:42 AlphaGen 1297testdata/performance/ 679:32-679:42 AlphaGen
1298testdata/performance/ 680:29-680:36 TCGen 1298testdata/performance/ 680:29-680:36 TCGen
1299testdata/performance/ 681:29-681:31 {a} -> List a 1299testdata/performance/ 681:29-681:31 forall a . List a
1300testdata/performance/ 682:31-682:37 String->StageTexture 1300testdata/performance/ 682:31-682:37 String -> StageTexture
1301testdata/performance/ 682:31-682:73 StageTexture 1301testdata/performance/ 682:31-682:73 StageTexture
1302testdata/performance/ 682:38-682:73 String 1302testdata/performance/ 682:38-682:73 String
1303testdata/performance/ 683:34-683:38 Bool 1303testdata/performance/ 683:34-683:38 Bool
1304testdata/performance/ 684:33-684:41 DepthFunction 1304testdata/performance/ 684:33-684:41 DepthFunction
1305testdata/performance/ 685:33-685:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1305testdata/performance/ 685:33-685:40 forall a . Maybe a
1306testdata/performance/ 686:41-686:46 Bool 1306testdata/performance/ 686:41-686:46 Bool
1307testdata/performance/ 687:38-687:54 String 1307testdata/performance/ 687:38-687:54 String
1308testdata/performance/ 689:15-689:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1308testdata/performance/ 689:15-689:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1309testdata/performance/ 689:15-690:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1309testdata/performance/ 689:15-690:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1310testdata/performance/ 689:15-691:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1310testdata/performance/ 689:15-691:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1311testdata/performance/ 689:15-692:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1311testdata/performance/ 689:15-692:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1312testdata/performance/ 689:15-693:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1312testdata/performance/ 689:15-693:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1313testdata/performance/ 689:15-694:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1313testdata/performance/ 689:15-694:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1314testdata/performance/ 689:15-695:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1314testdata/performance/ 689:15-695:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1315testdata/performance/ 689:15-696:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1315testdata/performance/ 689:15-696:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1316testdata/performance/ 689:15-697:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1316testdata/performance/ 689:15-697:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1317testdata/performance/ 689:15-698:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1317testdata/performance/ 689:15-698:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1318testdata/performance/ 689:15-699:46 String->StageAttrs 1318testdata/performance/ 689:15-699:46 String -> StageAttrs
1319testdata/performance/ 689:15-701:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1319testdata/performance/ 689:15-701:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1320testdata/performance/ 690:29-690:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1320testdata/performance/ 690:29-690:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1321testdata/performance/ 690:29-690:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1321testdata/performance/ 690:29-690:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1322testdata/performance/ 690:34-690:57 (Blending', Blending') 1322testdata/performance/ 690:34-690:57 (Blending', Blending')
1323testdata/performance/ 690:36-690:46 Blending' 1323testdata/performance/ 690:36-690:46 Blending'
@@ -1325,79 +1325,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 690:49-690:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1325testdata/performance/ 691:30-691:50 RGBGen 1325testdata/performance/ 691:30-691:50 RGBGen
1326testdata/performance/ 692:32-692:42 AlphaGen 1326testdata/performance/ 692:32-692:42 AlphaGen
1327testdata/performance/ 693:29-693:40 TCGen 1327testdata/performance/ 693:29-693:40 TCGen
1328testdata/performance/ 694:29-694:31 {a} -> List a 1328testdata/performance/ 694:29-694:31 forall a . List a
1329testdata/performance/ 695:31-695:42 StageTexture 1329testdata/performance/ 695:31-695:42 StageTexture
1330testdata/performance/ 696:34-696:38 Bool 1330testdata/performance/ 696:34-696:38 Bool
1331testdata/performance/ 697:33-697:41 DepthFunction 1331testdata/performance/ 697:33-697:41 DepthFunction
1332testdata/performance/ 698:33-698:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1332testdata/performance/ 698:33-698:40 forall a . Maybe a
1333testdata/performance/ 699:41-699:46 Bool 1333testdata/performance/ 699:41-699:46 Bool
1334testdata/performance/ 700:38-700:54 String 1334testdata/performance/ 700:38-700:54 String
1335testdata/performance/ 703:21-703:26 Bool 1335testdata/performance/ 703:21-703:26 Bool
1336testdata/performance/ 706:5-748:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1336testdata/performance/ 706:5-748:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1337testdata/performance/ 706:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1337testdata/performance/ 706:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1338testdata/performance/ 706:7-706:42 String 1338testdata/performance/ 706:7-706:42 String
1339testdata/performance/ 707:7-707:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1339testdata/performance/ 707:7-707:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1340testdata/performance/ 707:7-708:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1340testdata/performance/ 707:7-708:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1341testdata/performance/ 707:7-709:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1341testdata/performance/ 707:7-709:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1342testdata/performance/ 707:7-710:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1342testdata/performance/ 707:7-710:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1343testdata/performance/ 707:7-711:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1343testdata/performance/ 707:7-711:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1344testdata/performance/ 707:7-712:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1344testdata/performance/ 707:7-712:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1345testdata/performance/ 707:7-713:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1345testdata/performance/ 707:7-713:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1346testdata/performance/ 707:7-714:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1346testdata/performance/ 707:7-714:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1347testdata/performance/ 707:7-715:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1347testdata/performance/ 707:7-715:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1348testdata/performance/ 707:7-716:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1348testdata/performance/ 707:7-716:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1349testdata/performance/ 707:7-717:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1349testdata/performance/ 707:7-717:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1350testdata/performance/ 707:7-745:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1350testdata/performance/ 707:7-745:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1351testdata/performance/ 707:7-747:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1351testdata/performance/ 707:7-747:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1352testdata/performance/ 708:24-708:26 () 1352testdata/performance/ 708:24-708:26 ()
1353testdata/performance/ 709:24-709:26 () 1353testdata/performance/ 709:24-709:26 ()
1354testdata/performance/ 710:22-710:27 Bool 1354testdata/performance/ 710:22-710:27 Bool
1355testdata/performance/ 711:20-711:21 b_ 1355testdata/performance/ 711:20-711:21 _b
1356testdata/performance/ 712:30-712:35 Bool 1356testdata/performance/ 712:30-712:35 Bool
1357testdata/performance/ 713:23-713:28 Bool 1357testdata/performance/ 713:23-713:28 Bool
1358testdata/performance/ 714:20-714:33 CullType 1358testdata/performance/ 714:20-714:33 CullType
1359testdata/performance/ 715:30-715:32 {a} -> List a 1359testdata/performance/ 715:30-715:32 forall a . List a
1360testdata/performance/ 716:25-716:30 Bool 1360testdata/performance/ 716:25-716:30 Bool
1361testdata/performance/ 717:29-717:34 Bool 1361testdata/performance/ 717:29-717:34 Bool
1362testdata/performance/ 719:13-745:14 List StageAttrs 1362testdata/performance/ 719:13-745:14 List StageAttrs
1363testdata/performance/ 719:15-719:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1363testdata/performance/ 719:15-719:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1364testdata/performance/ 719:15-720:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1364testdata/performance/ 719:15-720:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1365testdata/performance/ 719:15-721:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1365testdata/performance/ 719:15-721:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1366testdata/performance/ 719:15-722:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1366testdata/performance/ 719:15-722:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1367testdata/performance/ 719:15-723:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1367testdata/performance/ 719:15-723:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1368testdata/performance/ 719:15-724:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1368testdata/performance/ 719:15-724:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1369testdata/performance/ 719:15-725:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1369testdata/performance/ 719:15-725:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1370testdata/performance/ 719:15-726:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1370testdata/performance/ 719:15-726:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1371testdata/performance/ 719:15-727:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1371testdata/performance/ 719:15-727:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1372testdata/performance/ 719:15-728:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1372testdata/performance/ 719:15-728:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1373testdata/performance/ 719:15-729:46 String->StageAttrs 1373testdata/performance/ 719:15-729:46 String -> StageAttrs
1374testdata/performance/ 719:15-731:18 StageAttrs 1374testdata/performance/ 719:15-731:18 StageAttrs
1375testdata/performance/ 720:29-720:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1375testdata/performance/ 720:29-720:36 forall a . Maybe a
1376testdata/performance/ 721:30-721:50 RGBGen 1376testdata/performance/ 721:30-721:50 RGBGen
1377testdata/performance/ 722:32-722:42 AlphaGen 1377testdata/performance/ 722:32-722:42 AlphaGen
1378testdata/performance/ 723:29-723:36 TCGen 1378testdata/performance/ 723:29-723:36 TCGen
1379testdata/performance/ 724:29-724:31 {a} -> List a 1379testdata/performance/ 724:29-724:31 forall a . List a
1380testdata/performance/ 725:31-725:37 String->StageTexture 1380testdata/performance/ 725:31-725:37 String -> StageTexture
1381testdata/performance/ 725:31-725:73 StageTexture 1381testdata/performance/ 725:31-725:73 StageTexture
1382testdata/performance/ 725:38-725:73 String 1382testdata/performance/ 725:38-725:73 String
1383testdata/performance/ 726:34-726:38 Bool 1383testdata/performance/ 726:34-726:38 Bool
1384testdata/performance/ 727:33-727:41 DepthFunction 1384testdata/performance/ 727:33-727:41 DepthFunction
1385testdata/performance/ 728:33-728:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1385testdata/performance/ 728:33-728:40 forall a . Maybe a
1386testdata/performance/ 729:41-729:46 Bool 1386testdata/performance/ 729:41-729:46 Bool
1387testdata/performance/ 730:38-730:54 String 1387testdata/performance/ 730:38-730:54 String
1388testdata/performance/ 732:15-732:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1388testdata/performance/ 732:15-732:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1389testdata/performance/ 732:15-733:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1389testdata/performance/ 732:15-733:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1390testdata/performance/ 732:15-734:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1390testdata/performance/ 732:15-734:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1391testdata/performance/ 732:15-735:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1391testdata/performance/ 732:15-735:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1392testdata/performance/ 732:15-736:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1392testdata/performance/ 732:15-736:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1393testdata/performance/ 732:15-737:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1393testdata/performance/ 732:15-737:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1394testdata/performance/ 732:15-738:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1394testdata/performance/ 732:15-738:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1395testdata/performance/ 732:15-739:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1395testdata/performance/ 732:15-739:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1396testdata/performance/ 732:15-740:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1396testdata/performance/ 732:15-740:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1397testdata/performance/ 732:15-741:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1397testdata/performance/ 732:15-741:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1398testdata/performance/ 732:15-742:46 String->StageAttrs 1398testdata/performance/ 732:15-742:46 String -> StageAttrs
1399testdata/performance/ 732:15-744:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1399testdata/performance/ 732:15-744:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1400testdata/performance/ 733:29-733:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1400testdata/performance/ 733:29-733:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1401testdata/performance/ 733:29-733:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1401testdata/performance/ 733:29-733:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1402testdata/performance/ 733:34-733:57 (Blending', Blending') 1402testdata/performance/ 733:34-733:57 (Blending', Blending')
1403testdata/performance/ 733:36-733:46 Blending' 1403testdata/performance/ 733:36-733:46 Blending'
@@ -1405,79 +1405,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 733:49-733:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1405testdata/performance/ 734:30-734:50 RGBGen 1405testdata/performance/ 734:30-734:50 RGBGen
1406testdata/performance/ 735:32-735:42 AlphaGen 1406testdata/performance/ 735:32-735:42 AlphaGen
1407testdata/performance/ 736:29-736:40 TCGen 1407testdata/performance/ 736:29-736:40 TCGen
1408testdata/performance/ 737:29-737:31 {a} -> List a 1408testdata/performance/ 737:29-737:31 forall a . List a
1409testdata/performance/ 738:31-738:42 StageTexture 1409testdata/performance/ 738:31-738:42 StageTexture
1410testdata/performance/ 739:34-739:38 Bool 1410testdata/performance/ 739:34-739:38 Bool
1411testdata/performance/ 740:33-740:41 DepthFunction 1411testdata/performance/ 740:33-740:41 DepthFunction
1412testdata/performance/ 741:33-741:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1412testdata/performance/ 741:33-741:40 forall a . Maybe a
1413testdata/performance/ 742:41-742:46 Bool 1413testdata/performance/ 742:41-742:46 Bool
1414testdata/performance/ 743:38-743:54 String 1414testdata/performance/ 743:38-743:54 String
1415testdata/performance/ 746:21-746:26 Bool 1415testdata/performance/ 746:21-746:26 Bool
1416testdata/performance/ 749:5-791:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1416testdata/performance/ 749:5-791:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1417testdata/performance/ 749:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1417testdata/performance/ 749:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1418testdata/performance/ 749:7-749:42 String 1418testdata/performance/ 749:7-749:42 String
1419testdata/performance/ 750:7-750:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1419testdata/performance/ 750:7-750:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1420testdata/performance/ 750:7-751:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1420testdata/performance/ 750:7-751:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1421testdata/performance/ 750:7-752:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1421testdata/performance/ 750:7-752:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1422testdata/performance/ 750:7-753:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1422testdata/performance/ 750:7-753:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1423testdata/performance/ 750:7-754:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1423testdata/performance/ 750:7-754:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1424testdata/performance/ 750:7-755:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1424testdata/performance/ 750:7-755:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1425testdata/performance/ 750:7-756:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1425testdata/performance/ 750:7-756:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1426testdata/performance/ 750:7-757:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1426testdata/performance/ 750:7-757:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1427testdata/performance/ 750:7-758:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1427testdata/performance/ 750:7-758:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1428testdata/performance/ 750:7-759:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1428testdata/performance/ 750:7-759:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1429testdata/performance/ 750:7-760:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1429testdata/performance/ 750:7-760:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1430testdata/performance/ 750:7-788:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1430testdata/performance/ 750:7-788:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1431testdata/performance/ 750:7-790:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1431testdata/performance/ 750:7-790:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1432testdata/performance/ 751:24-751:26 () 1432testdata/performance/ 751:24-751:26 ()
1433testdata/performance/ 752:24-752:26 () 1433testdata/performance/ 752:24-752:26 ()
1434testdata/performance/ 753:22-753:27 Bool 1434testdata/performance/ 753:22-753:27 Bool
1435testdata/performance/ 754:20-754:21 b_ 1435testdata/performance/ 754:20-754:21 _b
1436testdata/performance/ 755:30-755:35 Bool 1436testdata/performance/ 755:30-755:35 Bool
1437testdata/performance/ 756:23-756:28 Bool 1437testdata/performance/ 756:23-756:28 Bool
1438testdata/performance/ 757:20-757:33 CullType 1438testdata/performance/ 757:20-757:33 CullType
1439testdata/performance/ 758:30-758:32 {a} -> List a 1439testdata/performance/ 758:30-758:32 forall a . List a
1440testdata/performance/ 759:25-759:30 Bool 1440testdata/performance/ 759:25-759:30 Bool
1441testdata/performance/ 760:29-760:34 Bool 1441testdata/performance/ 760:29-760:34 Bool
1442testdata/performance/ 762:13-788:14 List StageAttrs 1442testdata/performance/ 762:13-788:14 List StageAttrs
1443testdata/performance/ 762:15-762:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1443testdata/performance/ 762:15-762:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1444testdata/performance/ 762:15-763:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1444testdata/performance/ 762:15-763:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1445testdata/performance/ 762:15-764:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1445testdata/performance/ 762:15-764:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1446testdata/performance/ 762:15-765:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1446testdata/performance/ 762:15-765:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1447testdata/performance/ 762:15-766:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1447testdata/performance/ 762:15-766:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1448testdata/performance/ 762:15-767:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1448testdata/performance/ 762:15-767:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1449testdata/performance/ 762:15-768:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1449testdata/performance/ 762:15-768:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1450testdata/performance/ 762:15-769:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1450testdata/performance/ 762:15-769:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1451testdata/performance/ 762:15-770:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1451testdata/performance/ 762:15-770:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1452testdata/performance/ 762:15-771:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1452testdata/performance/ 762:15-771:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1453testdata/performance/ 762:15-772:46 String->StageAttrs 1453testdata/performance/ 762:15-772:46 String -> StageAttrs
1454testdata/performance/ 762:15-774:18 StageAttrs 1454testdata/performance/ 762:15-774:18 StageAttrs
1455testdata/performance/ 763:29-763:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1455testdata/performance/ 763:29-763:36 forall a . Maybe a
1456testdata/performance/ 764:30-764:50 RGBGen 1456testdata/performance/ 764:30-764:50 RGBGen
1457testdata/performance/ 765:32-765:42 AlphaGen 1457testdata/performance/ 765:32-765:42 AlphaGen
1458testdata/performance/ 766:29-766:36 TCGen 1458testdata/performance/ 766:29-766:36 TCGen
1459testdata/performance/ 767:29-767:31 {a} -> List a 1459testdata/performance/ 767:29-767:31 forall a . List a
1460testdata/performance/ 768:31-768:37 String->StageTexture 1460testdata/performance/ 768:31-768:37 String -> StageTexture
1461testdata/performance/ 768:31-768:73 StageTexture 1461testdata/performance/ 768:31-768:73 StageTexture
1462testdata/performance/ 768:38-768:73 String 1462testdata/performance/ 768:38-768:73 String
1463testdata/performance/ 769:34-769:38 Bool 1463testdata/performance/ 769:34-769:38 Bool
1464testdata/performance/ 770:33-770:41 DepthFunction 1464testdata/performance/ 770:33-770:41 DepthFunction
1465testdata/performance/ 771:33-771:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1465testdata/performance/ 771:33-771:40 forall a . Maybe a
1466testdata/performance/ 772:41-772:46 Bool 1466testdata/performance/ 772:41-772:46 Bool
1467testdata/performance/ 773:38-773:54 String 1467testdata/performance/ 773:38-773:54 String
1468testdata/performance/ 775:15-775:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1468testdata/performance/ 775:15-775:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1469testdata/performance/ 775:15-776:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1469testdata/performance/ 775:15-776:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1470testdata/performance/ 775:15-777:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1470testdata/performance/ 775:15-777:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1471testdata/performance/ 775:15-778:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1471testdata/performance/ 775:15-778:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1472testdata/performance/ 775:15-779:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1472testdata/performance/ 775:15-779:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1473testdata/performance/ 775:15-780:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1473testdata/performance/ 775:15-780:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1474testdata/performance/ 775:15-781:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1474testdata/performance/ 775:15-781:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1475testdata/performance/ 775:15-782:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1475testdata/performance/ 775:15-782:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1476testdata/performance/ 775:15-783:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1476testdata/performance/ 775:15-783:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1477testdata/performance/ 775:15-784:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1477testdata/performance/ 775:15-784:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1478testdata/performance/ 775:15-785:46 String->StageAttrs 1478testdata/performance/ 775:15-785:46 String -> StageAttrs
1479testdata/performance/ 775:15-787:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1479testdata/performance/ 775:15-787:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1480testdata/performance/ 776:29-776:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1480testdata/performance/ 776:29-776:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1481testdata/performance/ 776:29-776:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1481testdata/performance/ 776:29-776:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1482testdata/performance/ 776:34-776:57 (Blending', Blending') 1482testdata/performance/ 776:34-776:57 (Blending', Blending')
1483testdata/performance/ 776:36-776:46 Blending' 1483testdata/performance/ 776:36-776:46 Blending'
@@ -1485,79 +1485,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 776:49-776:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1485testdata/performance/ 777:30-777:50 RGBGen 1485testdata/performance/ 777:30-777:50 RGBGen
1486testdata/performance/ 778:32-778:42 AlphaGen 1486testdata/performance/ 778:32-778:42 AlphaGen
1487testdata/performance/ 779:29-779:40 TCGen 1487testdata/performance/ 779:29-779:40 TCGen
1488testdata/performance/ 780:29-780:31 {a} -> List a 1488testdata/performance/ 780:29-780:31 forall a . List a
1489testdata/performance/ 781:31-781:42 StageTexture 1489testdata/performance/ 781:31-781:42 StageTexture
1490testdata/performance/ 782:34-782:38 Bool 1490testdata/performance/ 782:34-782:38 Bool
1491testdata/performance/ 783:33-783:41 DepthFunction 1491testdata/performance/ 783:33-783:41 DepthFunction
1492testdata/performance/ 784:33-784:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1492testdata/performance/ 784:33-784:40 forall a . Maybe a
1493testdata/performance/ 785:41-785:46 Bool 1493testdata/performance/ 785:41-785:46 Bool
1494testdata/performance/ 786:38-786:54 String 1494testdata/performance/ 786:38-786:54 String
1495testdata/performance/ 789:21-789:26 Bool 1495testdata/performance/ 789:21-789:26 Bool
1496testdata/performance/ 792:5-834:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1496testdata/performance/ 792:5-834:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1497testdata/performance/ 792:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1497testdata/performance/ 792:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1498testdata/performance/ 792:7-792:41 String 1498testdata/performance/ 792:7-792:41 String
1499testdata/performance/ 793:7-793:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1499testdata/performance/ 793:7-793:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1500testdata/performance/ 793:7-794:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1500testdata/performance/ 793:7-794:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1501testdata/performance/ 793:7-795:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1501testdata/performance/ 793:7-795:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1502testdata/performance/ 793:7-796:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1502testdata/performance/ 793:7-796:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1503testdata/performance/ 793:7-797:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1503testdata/performance/ 793:7-797:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1504testdata/performance/ 793:7-798:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1504testdata/performance/ 793:7-798:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1505testdata/performance/ 793:7-799:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1505testdata/performance/ 793:7-799:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1506testdata/performance/ 793:7-800:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1506testdata/performance/ 793:7-800:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1507testdata/performance/ 793:7-801:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1507testdata/performance/ 793:7-801:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1508testdata/performance/ 793:7-802:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1508testdata/performance/ 793:7-802:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1509testdata/performance/ 793:7-803:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1509testdata/performance/ 793:7-803:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1510testdata/performance/ 793:7-831:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1510testdata/performance/ 793:7-831:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1511testdata/performance/ 793:7-833:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1511testdata/performance/ 793:7-833:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1512testdata/performance/ 794:24-794:26 () 1512testdata/performance/ 794:24-794:26 ()
1513testdata/performance/ 795:24-795:26 () 1513testdata/performance/ 795:24-795:26 ()
1514testdata/performance/ 796:22-796:27 Bool 1514testdata/performance/ 796:22-796:27 Bool
1515testdata/performance/ 797:20-797:21 b_ 1515testdata/performance/ 797:20-797:21 _b
1516testdata/performance/ 798:30-798:35 Bool 1516testdata/performance/ 798:30-798:35 Bool
1517testdata/performance/ 799:23-799:28 Bool 1517testdata/performance/ 799:23-799:28 Bool
1518testdata/performance/ 800:20-800:33 CullType 1518testdata/performance/ 800:20-800:33 CullType
1519testdata/performance/ 801:30-801:32 {a} -> List a 1519testdata/performance/ 801:30-801:32 forall a . List a
1520testdata/performance/ 802:25-802:30 Bool 1520testdata/performance/ 802:25-802:30 Bool
1521testdata/performance/ 803:29-803:34 Bool 1521testdata/performance/ 803:29-803:34 Bool
1522testdata/performance/ 805:13-831:14 List StageAttrs 1522testdata/performance/ 805:13-831:14 List StageAttrs
1523testdata/performance/ 805:15-805:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1523testdata/performance/ 805:15-805:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1524testdata/performance/ 805:15-806:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1524testdata/performance/ 805:15-806:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1525testdata/performance/ 805:15-807:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1525testdata/performance/ 805:15-807:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1526testdata/performance/ 805:15-808:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1526testdata/performance/ 805:15-808:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1527testdata/performance/ 805:15-809:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1527testdata/performance/ 805:15-809:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1528testdata/performance/ 805:15-810:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1528testdata/performance/ 805:15-810:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1529testdata/performance/ 805:15-811:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1529testdata/performance/ 805:15-811:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1530testdata/performance/ 805:15-812:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1530testdata/performance/ 805:15-812:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1531testdata/performance/ 805:15-813:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1531testdata/performance/ 805:15-813:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1532testdata/performance/ 805:15-814:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1532testdata/performance/ 805:15-814:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1533testdata/performance/ 805:15-815:46 String->StageAttrs 1533testdata/performance/ 805:15-815:46 String -> StageAttrs
1534testdata/performance/ 805:15-817:18 StageAttrs 1534testdata/performance/ 805:15-817:18 StageAttrs
1535testdata/performance/ 806:29-806:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1535testdata/performance/ 806:29-806:36 forall a . Maybe a
1536testdata/performance/ 807:30-807:50 RGBGen 1536testdata/performance/ 807:30-807:50 RGBGen
1537testdata/performance/ 808:32-808:42 AlphaGen 1537testdata/performance/ 808:32-808:42 AlphaGen
1538testdata/performance/ 809:29-809:36 TCGen 1538testdata/performance/ 809:29-809:36 TCGen
1539testdata/performance/ 810:29-810:31 {a} -> List a 1539testdata/performance/ 810:29-810:31 forall a . List a
1540testdata/performance/ 811:31-811:37 String->StageTexture 1540testdata/performance/ 811:31-811:37 String -> StageTexture
1541testdata/performance/ 811:31-811:72 StageTexture 1541testdata/performance/ 811:31-811:72 StageTexture
1542testdata/performance/ 811:38-811:72 String 1542testdata/performance/ 811:38-811:72 String
1543testdata/performance/ 812:34-812:38 Bool 1543testdata/performance/ 812:34-812:38 Bool
1544testdata/performance/ 813:33-813:41 DepthFunction 1544testdata/performance/ 813:33-813:41 DepthFunction
1545testdata/performance/ 814:33-814:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1545testdata/performance/ 814:33-814:40 forall a . Maybe a
1546testdata/performance/ 815:41-815:46 Bool 1546testdata/performance/ 815:41-815:46 Bool
1547testdata/performance/ 816:38-816:54 String 1547testdata/performance/ 816:38-816:54 String
1548testdata/performance/ 818:15-818:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1548testdata/performance/ 818:15-818:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1549testdata/performance/ 818:15-819:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1549testdata/performance/ 818:15-819:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1550testdata/performance/ 818:15-820:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1550testdata/performance/ 818:15-820:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1551testdata/performance/ 818:15-821:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1551testdata/performance/ 818:15-821:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1552testdata/performance/ 818:15-822:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1552testdata/performance/ 818:15-822:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1553testdata/performance/ 818:15-823:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1553testdata/performance/ 818:15-823:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1554testdata/performance/ 818:15-824:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1554testdata/performance/ 818:15-824:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1555testdata/performance/ 818:15-825:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1555testdata/performance/ 818:15-825:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1556testdata/performance/ 818:15-826:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1556testdata/performance/ 818:15-826:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1557testdata/performance/ 818:15-827:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1557testdata/performance/ 818:15-827:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1558testdata/performance/ 818:15-828:46 String->StageAttrs 1558testdata/performance/ 818:15-828:46 String -> StageAttrs
1559testdata/performance/ 818:15-830:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1559testdata/performance/ 818:15-830:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1560testdata/performance/ 819:29-819:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1560testdata/performance/ 819:29-819:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1561testdata/performance/ 819:29-819:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1561testdata/performance/ 819:29-819:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1562testdata/performance/ 819:34-819:57 (Blending', Blending') 1562testdata/performance/ 819:34-819:57 (Blending', Blending')
1563testdata/performance/ 819:36-819:46 Blending' 1563testdata/performance/ 819:36-819:46 Blending'
@@ -1565,100 +1565,100 @@ testdata/performance/ 819:49-819:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1565testdata/performance/ 820:30-820:50 RGBGen 1565testdata/performance/ 820:30-820:50 RGBGen
1566testdata/performance/ 821:32-821:42 AlphaGen 1566testdata/performance/ 821:32-821:42 AlphaGen
1567testdata/performance/ 822:29-822:40 TCGen 1567testdata/performance/ 822:29-822:40 TCGen
1568testdata/performance/ 823:29-823:31 {a} -> List a 1568testdata/performance/ 823:29-823:31 forall a . List a
1569testdata/performance/ 824:31-824:42 StageTexture 1569testdata/performance/ 824:31-824:42 StageTexture
1570testdata/performance/ 825:34-825:38 Bool 1570testdata/performance/ 825:34-825:38 Bool
1571testdata/performance/ 826:33-826:41 DepthFunction 1571testdata/performance/ 826:33-826:41 DepthFunction
1572testdata/performance/ 827:33-827:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1572testdata/performance/ 827:33-827:40 forall a . Maybe a
1573testdata/performance/ 828:41-828:46 Bool 1573testdata/performance/ 828:41-828:46 Bool
1574testdata/performance/ 829:38-829:54 String 1574testdata/performance/ 829:38-829:54 String
1575testdata/performance/ 832:21-832:26 Bool 1575testdata/performance/ 832:21-832:26 Bool
1576testdata/performance/ 835:5-891:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1576testdata/performance/ 835:5-891:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1577testdata/performance/ 835:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1577testdata/performance/ 835:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1578testdata/performance/ 835:7-835:41 String 1578testdata/performance/ 835:7-835:41 String
1579testdata/performance/ 836:7-836:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1579testdata/performance/ 836:7-836:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1580testdata/performance/ 836:7-837:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1580testdata/performance/ 836:7-837:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1581testdata/performance/ 836:7-838:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1581testdata/performance/ 836:7-838:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1582testdata/performance/ 836:7-839:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1582testdata/performance/ 836:7-839:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1583testdata/performance/ 836:7-840:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1583testdata/performance/ 836:7-840:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1584testdata/performance/ 836:7-841:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1584testdata/performance/ 836:7-841:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1585testdata/performance/ 836:7-842:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1585testdata/performance/ 836:7-842:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1586testdata/performance/ 836:7-843:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1586testdata/performance/ 836:7-843:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1587testdata/performance/ 836:7-844:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1587testdata/performance/ 836:7-844:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1588testdata/performance/ 836:7-845:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1588testdata/performance/ 836:7-845:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1589testdata/performance/ 836:7-846:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1589testdata/performance/ 836:7-846:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1590testdata/performance/ 836:7-888:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1590testdata/performance/ 836:7-888:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1591testdata/performance/ 836:7-890:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1591testdata/performance/ 836:7-890:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1592testdata/performance/ 837:24-837:26 () 1592testdata/performance/ 837:24-837:26 ()
1593testdata/performance/ 838:24-838:26 () 1593testdata/performance/ 838:24-838:26 ()
1594testdata/performance/ 839:22-839:27 Bool 1594testdata/performance/ 839:22-839:27 Bool
1595testdata/performance/ 840:20-840:21 b_ 1595testdata/performance/ 840:20-840:21 _b
1596testdata/performance/ 841:30-841:35 Bool 1596testdata/performance/ 841:30-841:35 Bool
1597testdata/performance/ 842:23-842:28 Bool 1597testdata/performance/ 842:23-842:28 Bool
1598testdata/performance/ 843:20-843:33 CullType 1598testdata/performance/ 843:20-843:33 CullType
1599testdata/performance/ 844:30-844:32 {a} -> List a 1599testdata/performance/ 844:30-844:32 forall a . List a
1600testdata/performance/ 845:25-845:30 Bool 1600testdata/performance/ 845:25-845:30 Bool
1601testdata/performance/ 846:29-846:34 Bool 1601testdata/performance/ 846:29-846:34 Bool
1602testdata/performance/ 848:13-888:14 List StageAttrs 1602testdata/performance/ 848:13-888:14 List StageAttrs
1603testdata/performance/ 848:15-848:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1603testdata/performance/ 848:15-848:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1604testdata/performance/ 848:15-849:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1604testdata/performance/ 848:15-849:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1605testdata/performance/ 848:15-850:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1605testdata/performance/ 848:15-850:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1606testdata/performance/ 848:15-851:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1606testdata/performance/ 848:15-851:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1607testdata/performance/ 848:15-852:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1607testdata/performance/ 848:15-852:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1608testdata/performance/ 848:15-854:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1608testdata/performance/ 848:15-854:88 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1609testdata/performance/ 848:15-855:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1609testdata/performance/ 848:15-855:66 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1610testdata/performance/ 848:15-856:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1610testdata/performance/ 848:15-856:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1611testdata/performance/ 848:15-857:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1611testdata/performance/ 848:15-857:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1612testdata/performance/ 848:15-858:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1612testdata/performance/ 848:15-858:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1613testdata/performance/ 848:15-859:46 String->StageAttrs 1613testdata/performance/ 848:15-859:46 String -> StageAttrs
1614testdata/performance/ 848:15-861:18 StageAttrs 1614testdata/performance/ 848:15-861:18 StageAttrs
1615testdata/performance/ 849:29-849:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1615testdata/performance/ 849:29-849:36 forall a . Maybe a
1616testdata/performance/ 850:30-850:42 RGBGen 1616testdata/performance/ 850:30-850:42 RGBGen
1617testdata/performance/ 851:32-851:42 AlphaGen 1617testdata/performance/ 851:32-851:42 AlphaGen
1618testdata/performance/ 852:29-852:36 TCGen 1618testdata/performance/ 852:29-852:36 TCGen
1619testdata/performance/ 854:21-854:88 List TCMod 1619testdata/performance/ 854:21-854:88 List TCMod
1620testdata/performance/ 854:23-854:32 Float -> Float->TCMod 1620testdata/performance/ 854:23-854:32 Float -> Float -> TCMod
1621testdata/performance/ 854:23-854:36 Float->TCMod 1621testdata/performance/ 854:23-854:36 Float -> TCMod
1622testdata/performance/ 854:23-854:40 TCMod 1622testdata/performance/ 854:23-854:40 TCMod
1623testdata/performance/ 854:33-854:36 Float 1623testdata/performance/ 854:33-854:36 Float
1624testdata/performance/ 854:37-854:40 Float 1624testdata/performance/ 854:37-854:40 Float
1625testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 1625testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:50 Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
1626testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:54 Float -> Float -> Float->TCMod 1626testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:54 Float -> Float -> Float -> TCMod
1627testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:59 Float -> Float->TCMod 1627testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:59 Float -> Float -> TCMod
1628testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:63 Float->TCMod 1628testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:63 Float -> TCMod
1629testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:67 TCMod 1629testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:67 TCMod
1630testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:86 List TCMod 1630testdata/performance/ 854:43-854:86 List TCMod
1631testdata/performance/ 854:51-854:54 Float 1631testdata/performance/ 854:51-854:54 Float
1632testdata/performance/ 854:55-854:59 Float 1632testdata/performance/ 854:55-854:59 Float
1633testdata/performance/ 854:60-854:63 Float 1633testdata/performance/ 854:60-854:63 Float
1634testdata/performance/ 854:64-854:67 Float 1634testdata/performance/ 854:64-854:67 Float
1635testdata/performance/ 854:70-854:78 Float -> Float->TCMod 1635testdata/performance/ 854:70-854:78 Float -> Float -> TCMod
1636testdata/performance/ 854:70-854:82 Float->TCMod 1636testdata/performance/ 854:70-854:82 Float -> TCMod
1637testdata/performance/ 854:70-854:86 List TCMod | TCMod 1637testdata/performance/ 854:70-854:86 List TCMod | TCMod
1638testdata/performance/ 854:79-854:82 Float 1638testdata/performance/ 854:79-854:82 Float
1639testdata/performance/ 854:83-854:86 Float 1639testdata/performance/ 854:83-854:86 Float
1640testdata/performance/ 855:31-855:37 String->StageTexture 1640testdata/performance/ 855:31-855:37 String -> StageTexture
1641testdata/performance/ 855:31-855:66 StageTexture 1641testdata/performance/ 855:31-855:66 StageTexture
1642testdata/performance/ 855:38-855:66 String 1642testdata/performance/ 855:38-855:66 String
1643testdata/performance/ 856:34-856:38 Bool 1643testdata/performance/ 856:34-856:38 Bool
1644testdata/performance/ 857:33-857:41 DepthFunction 1644testdata/performance/ 857:33-857:41 DepthFunction
1645testdata/performance/ 858:33-858:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1645testdata/performance/ 858:33-858:40 forall a . Maybe a
1646testdata/performance/ 859:41-859:46 Bool 1646testdata/performance/ 859:41-859:46 Bool
1647testdata/performance/ 860:38-860:54 String 1647testdata/performance/ 860:38-860:54 String
1648testdata/performance/ 862:15-862:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1648testdata/performance/ 862:15-862:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1649testdata/performance/ 862:15-863:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1649testdata/performance/ 862:15-863:69 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1650testdata/performance/ 862:15-864:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1650testdata/performance/ 862:15-864:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1651testdata/performance/ 862:15-865:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1651testdata/performance/ 862:15-865:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1652testdata/performance/ 862:15-866:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1652testdata/performance/ 862:15-866:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1653testdata/performance/ 862:15-867:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1653testdata/performance/ 862:15-867:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1654testdata/performance/ 862:15-868:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1654testdata/performance/ 862:15-868:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1655testdata/performance/ 862:15-869:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1655testdata/performance/ 862:15-869:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1656testdata/performance/ 862:15-870:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1656testdata/performance/ 862:15-870:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1657testdata/performance/ 862:15-871:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1657testdata/performance/ 862:15-871:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1658testdata/performance/ 862:15-872:46 String->StageAttrs 1658testdata/performance/ 862:15-872:46 String -> StageAttrs
1659testdata/performance/ 862:15-874:18 StageAttrs 1659testdata/performance/ 862:15-874:18 StageAttrs
1660testdata/performance/ 862:15-887:18 List StageAttrs 1660testdata/performance/ 862:15-887:18 List StageAttrs
1661testdata/performance/ 863:29-863:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1661testdata/performance/ 863:29-863:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1662testdata/performance/ 863:29-863:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1662testdata/performance/ 863:29-863:69 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1663testdata/performance/ 863:34-863:69 (Blending', Blending') 1663testdata/performance/ 863:34-863:69 (Blending', Blending')
1664testdata/performance/ 863:36-863:46 Blending' 1664testdata/performance/ 863:36-863:46 Blending'
@@ -1666,28 +1666,28 @@ testdata/performance/ 863:49-863:67 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1666testdata/performance/ 864:30-864:42 RGBGen 1666testdata/performance/ 864:30-864:42 RGBGen
1667testdata/performance/ 865:32-865:42 AlphaGen 1667testdata/performance/ 865:32-865:42 AlphaGen
1668testdata/performance/ 866:29-866:36 TCGen 1668testdata/performance/ 866:29-866:36 TCGen
1669testdata/performance/ 867:29-867:31 {a} -> List a 1669testdata/performance/ 867:29-867:31 forall a . List a
1670testdata/performance/ 868:31-868:37 String->StageTexture 1670testdata/performance/ 868:31-868:37 String -> StageTexture
1671testdata/performance/ 868:31-868:76 StageTexture 1671testdata/performance/ 868:31-868:76 StageTexture
1672testdata/performance/ 868:38-868:76 String 1672testdata/performance/ 868:38-868:76 String
1673testdata/performance/ 869:34-869:39 Bool 1673testdata/performance/ 869:34-869:39 Bool
1674testdata/performance/ 870:33-870:41 DepthFunction 1674testdata/performance/ 870:33-870:41 DepthFunction
1675testdata/performance/ 871:33-871:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1675testdata/performance/ 871:33-871:40 forall a . Maybe a
1676testdata/performance/ 872:41-872:46 Bool 1676testdata/performance/ 872:41-872:46 Bool
1677testdata/performance/ 873:38-873:54 String 1677testdata/performance/ 873:38-873:54 String
1678testdata/performance/ 875:15-875:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1678testdata/performance/ 875:15-875:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1679testdata/performance/ 875:15-876:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1679testdata/performance/ 875:15-876:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1680testdata/performance/ 875:15-877:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1680testdata/performance/ 875:15-877:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1681testdata/performance/ 875:15-878:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1681testdata/performance/ 875:15-878:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1682testdata/performance/ 875:15-879:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1682testdata/performance/ 875:15-879:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1683testdata/performance/ 875:15-880:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1683testdata/performance/ 875:15-880:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1684testdata/performance/ 875:15-881:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1684testdata/performance/ 875:15-881:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1685testdata/performance/ 875:15-882:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1685testdata/performance/ 875:15-882:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1686testdata/performance/ 875:15-883:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1686testdata/performance/ 875:15-883:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1687testdata/performance/ 875:15-884:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1687testdata/performance/ 875:15-884:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1688testdata/performance/ 875:15-885:46 String->StageAttrs 1688testdata/performance/ 875:15-885:46 String -> StageAttrs
1689testdata/performance/ 875:15-887:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1689testdata/performance/ 875:15-887:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1690testdata/performance/ 876:29-876:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1690testdata/performance/ 876:29-876:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1691testdata/performance/ 876:29-876:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1691testdata/performance/ 876:29-876:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1692testdata/performance/ 876:34-876:57 (Blending', Blending') 1692testdata/performance/ 876:34-876:57 (Blending', Blending')
1693testdata/performance/ 876:36-876:46 Blending' 1693testdata/performance/ 876:36-876:46 Blending'
@@ -1695,79 +1695,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 876:49-876:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1695testdata/performance/ 877:30-877:42 RGBGen 1695testdata/performance/ 877:30-877:42 RGBGen
1696testdata/performance/ 878:32-878:42 AlphaGen 1696testdata/performance/ 878:32-878:42 AlphaGen
1697testdata/performance/ 879:29-879:40 TCGen 1697testdata/performance/ 879:29-879:40 TCGen
1698testdata/performance/ 880:29-880:31 {a} -> List a 1698testdata/performance/ 880:29-880:31 forall a . List a
1699testdata/performance/ 881:31-881:42 StageTexture 1699testdata/performance/ 881:31-881:42 StageTexture
1700testdata/performance/ 882:34-882:39 Bool 1700testdata/performance/ 882:34-882:39 Bool
1701testdata/performance/ 883:33-883:41 DepthFunction 1701testdata/performance/ 883:33-883:41 DepthFunction
1702testdata/performance/ 884:33-884:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1702testdata/performance/ 884:33-884:40 forall a . Maybe a
1703testdata/performance/ 885:41-885:46 Bool 1703testdata/performance/ 885:41-885:46 Bool
1704testdata/performance/ 886:38-886:54 String 1704testdata/performance/ 886:38-886:54 String
1705testdata/performance/ 889:21-889:26 Bool 1705testdata/performance/ 889:21-889:26 Bool
1706testdata/performance/ 892:5-934:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1706testdata/performance/ 892:5-934:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1707testdata/performance/ 892:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1707testdata/performance/ 892:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1708testdata/performance/ 892:7-892:41 String 1708testdata/performance/ 892:7-892:41 String
1709testdata/performance/ 893:7-893:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1709testdata/performance/ 893:7-893:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1710testdata/performance/ 893:7-894:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1710testdata/performance/ 893:7-894:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1711testdata/performance/ 893:7-895:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1711testdata/performance/ 893:7-895:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1712testdata/performance/ 893:7-896:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1712testdata/performance/ 893:7-896:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1713testdata/performance/ 893:7-897:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1713testdata/performance/ 893:7-897:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1714testdata/performance/ 893:7-898:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1714testdata/performance/ 893:7-898:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1715testdata/performance/ 893:7-899:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1715testdata/performance/ 893:7-899:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1716testdata/performance/ 893:7-900:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1716testdata/performance/ 893:7-900:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1717testdata/performance/ 893:7-901:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1717testdata/performance/ 893:7-901:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1718testdata/performance/ 893:7-902:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1718testdata/performance/ 893:7-902:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1719testdata/performance/ 893:7-903:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1719testdata/performance/ 893:7-903:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1720testdata/performance/ 893:7-931:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1720testdata/performance/ 893:7-931:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1721testdata/performance/ 893:7-933:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1721testdata/performance/ 893:7-933:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1722testdata/performance/ 894:24-894:26 () 1722testdata/performance/ 894:24-894:26 ()
1723testdata/performance/ 895:24-895:26 () 1723testdata/performance/ 895:24-895:26 ()
1724testdata/performance/ 896:22-896:27 Bool 1724testdata/performance/ 896:22-896:27 Bool
1725testdata/performance/ 897:20-897:21 b_ 1725testdata/performance/ 897:20-897:21 _b
1726testdata/performance/ 898:30-898:35 Bool 1726testdata/performance/ 898:30-898:35 Bool
1727testdata/performance/ 899:23-899:28 Bool 1727testdata/performance/ 899:23-899:28 Bool
1728testdata/performance/ 900:20-900:33 CullType 1728testdata/performance/ 900:20-900:33 CullType
1729testdata/performance/ 901:30-901:32 {a} -> List a 1729testdata/performance/ 901:30-901:32 forall a . List a
1730testdata/performance/ 902:25-902:30 Bool 1730testdata/performance/ 902:25-902:30 Bool
1731testdata/performance/ 903:29-903:34 Bool 1731testdata/performance/ 903:29-903:34 Bool
1732testdata/performance/ 905:13-931:14 List StageAttrs 1732testdata/performance/ 905:13-931:14 List StageAttrs
1733testdata/performance/ 905:15-905:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1733testdata/performance/ 905:15-905:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1734testdata/performance/ 905:15-906:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1734testdata/performance/ 905:15-906:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1735testdata/performance/ 905:15-907:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1735testdata/performance/ 905:15-907:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1736testdata/performance/ 905:15-908:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1736testdata/performance/ 905:15-908:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1737testdata/performance/ 905:15-909:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1737testdata/performance/ 905:15-909:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1738testdata/performance/ 905:15-910:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1738testdata/performance/ 905:15-910:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1739testdata/performance/ 905:15-911:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1739testdata/performance/ 905:15-911:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1740testdata/performance/ 905:15-912:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1740testdata/performance/ 905:15-912:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1741testdata/performance/ 905:15-913:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1741testdata/performance/ 905:15-913:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1742testdata/performance/ 905:15-914:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1742testdata/performance/ 905:15-914:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1743testdata/performance/ 905:15-915:46 String->StageAttrs 1743testdata/performance/ 905:15-915:46 String -> StageAttrs
1744testdata/performance/ 905:15-917:18 StageAttrs 1744testdata/performance/ 905:15-917:18 StageAttrs
1745testdata/performance/ 906:29-906:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1745testdata/performance/ 906:29-906:36 forall a . Maybe a
1746testdata/performance/ 907:30-907:50 RGBGen 1746testdata/performance/ 907:30-907:50 RGBGen
1747testdata/performance/ 908:32-908:42 AlphaGen 1747testdata/performance/ 908:32-908:42 AlphaGen
1748testdata/performance/ 909:29-909:36 TCGen 1748testdata/performance/ 909:29-909:36 TCGen
1749testdata/performance/ 910:29-910:31 {a} -> List a 1749testdata/performance/ 910:29-910:31 forall a . List a
1750testdata/performance/ 911:31-911:37 String->StageTexture 1750testdata/performance/ 911:31-911:37 String -> StageTexture
1751testdata/performance/ 911:31-911:72 StageTexture 1751testdata/performance/ 911:31-911:72 StageTexture
1752testdata/performance/ 911:38-911:72 String 1752testdata/performance/ 911:38-911:72 String
1753testdata/performance/ 912:34-912:38 Bool 1753testdata/performance/ 912:34-912:38 Bool
1754testdata/performance/ 913:33-913:41 DepthFunction 1754testdata/performance/ 913:33-913:41 DepthFunction
1755testdata/performance/ 914:33-914:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1755testdata/performance/ 914:33-914:40 forall a . Maybe a
1756testdata/performance/ 915:41-915:46 Bool 1756testdata/performance/ 915:41-915:46 Bool
1757testdata/performance/ 916:38-916:54 String 1757testdata/performance/ 916:38-916:54 String
1758testdata/performance/ 918:15-918:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1758testdata/performance/ 918:15-918:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1759testdata/performance/ 918:15-919:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1759testdata/performance/ 918:15-919:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1760testdata/performance/ 918:15-920:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1760testdata/performance/ 918:15-920:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1761testdata/performance/ 918:15-921:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1761testdata/performance/ 918:15-921:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1762testdata/performance/ 918:15-922:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1762testdata/performance/ 918:15-922:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1763testdata/performance/ 918:15-923:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1763testdata/performance/ 918:15-923:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1764testdata/performance/ 918:15-924:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1764testdata/performance/ 918:15-924:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1765testdata/performance/ 918:15-925:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1765testdata/performance/ 918:15-925:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1766testdata/performance/ 918:15-926:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1766testdata/performance/ 918:15-926:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1767testdata/performance/ 918:15-927:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1767testdata/performance/ 918:15-927:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1768testdata/performance/ 918:15-928:46 String->StageAttrs 1768testdata/performance/ 918:15-928:46 String -> StageAttrs
1769testdata/performance/ 918:15-930:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1769testdata/performance/ 918:15-930:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1770testdata/performance/ 919:29-919:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1770testdata/performance/ 919:29-919:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1771testdata/performance/ 919:29-919:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1771testdata/performance/ 919:29-919:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1772testdata/performance/ 919:34-919:57 (Blending', Blending') 1772testdata/performance/ 919:34-919:57 (Blending', Blending')
1773testdata/performance/ 919:36-919:46 Blending' 1773testdata/performance/ 919:36-919:46 Blending'
@@ -1775,79 +1775,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 919:49-919:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1775testdata/performance/ 920:30-920:50 RGBGen 1775testdata/performance/ 920:30-920:50 RGBGen
1776testdata/performance/ 921:32-921:42 AlphaGen 1776testdata/performance/ 921:32-921:42 AlphaGen
1777testdata/performance/ 922:29-922:40 TCGen 1777testdata/performance/ 922:29-922:40 TCGen
1778testdata/performance/ 923:29-923:31 {a} -> List a 1778testdata/performance/ 923:29-923:31 forall a . List a
1779testdata/performance/ 924:31-924:42 StageTexture 1779testdata/performance/ 924:31-924:42 StageTexture
1780testdata/performance/ 925:34-925:38 Bool 1780testdata/performance/ 925:34-925:38 Bool
1781testdata/performance/ 926:33-926:41 DepthFunction 1781testdata/performance/ 926:33-926:41 DepthFunction
1782testdata/performance/ 927:33-927:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1782testdata/performance/ 927:33-927:40 forall a . Maybe a
1783testdata/performance/ 928:41-928:46 Bool 1783testdata/performance/ 928:41-928:46 Bool
1784testdata/performance/ 929:38-929:54 String 1784testdata/performance/ 929:38-929:54 String
1785testdata/performance/ 932:21-932:26 Bool 1785testdata/performance/ 932:21-932:26 Bool
1786testdata/performance/ 935:5-978:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1786testdata/performance/ 935:5-978:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1787testdata/performance/ 935:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1787testdata/performance/ 935:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1788testdata/performance/ 935:7-935:54 String 1788testdata/performance/ 935:7-935:54 String
1789testdata/performance/ 936:7-936:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1789testdata/performance/ 936:7-936:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1790testdata/performance/ 936:7-937:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1790testdata/performance/ 936:7-937:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1791testdata/performance/ 936:7-938:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1791testdata/performance/ 936:7-938:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1792testdata/performance/ 936:7-939:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1792testdata/performance/ 936:7-939:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1793testdata/performance/ 936:7-940:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1793testdata/performance/ 936:7-940:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1794testdata/performance/ 936:7-941:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1794testdata/performance/ 936:7-941:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1795testdata/performance/ 936:7-942:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1795testdata/performance/ 936:7-942:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1796testdata/performance/ 936:7-943:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1796testdata/performance/ 936:7-943:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1797testdata/performance/ 936:7-944:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1797testdata/performance/ 936:7-944:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1798testdata/performance/ 936:7-945:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1798testdata/performance/ 936:7-945:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1799testdata/performance/ 936:7-946:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1799testdata/performance/ 936:7-946:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1800testdata/performance/ 936:7-975:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1800testdata/performance/ 936:7-975:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1801testdata/performance/ 936:7-977:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1801testdata/performance/ 936:7-977:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1802testdata/performance/ 937:24-937:26 () 1802testdata/performance/ 937:24-937:26 ()
1803testdata/performance/ 938:24-938:26 () 1803testdata/performance/ 938:24-938:26 ()
1804testdata/performance/ 939:22-939:27 Bool 1804testdata/performance/ 939:22-939:27 Bool
1805testdata/performance/ 940:20-940:21 b_ 1805testdata/performance/ 940:20-940:21 _b
1806testdata/performance/ 941:30-941:35 Bool 1806testdata/performance/ 941:30-941:35 Bool
1807testdata/performance/ 942:23-942:28 Bool 1807testdata/performance/ 942:23-942:28 Bool
1808testdata/performance/ 943:20-943:33 CullType 1808testdata/performance/ 943:20-943:33 CullType
1809testdata/performance/ 944:30-944:32 {a} -> List a 1809testdata/performance/ 944:30-944:32 forall a . List a
1810testdata/performance/ 945:25-945:30 Bool 1810testdata/performance/ 945:25-945:30 Bool
1811testdata/performance/ 946:29-946:34 Bool 1811testdata/performance/ 946:29-946:34 Bool
1812testdata/performance/ 948:13-975:14 List StageAttrs 1812testdata/performance/ 948:13-975:14 List StageAttrs
1813testdata/performance/ 948:15-948:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1813testdata/performance/ 948:15-948:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1814testdata/performance/ 948:15-949:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1814testdata/performance/ 948:15-949:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1815testdata/performance/ 948:15-950:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1815testdata/performance/ 948:15-950:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1816testdata/performance/ 948:15-951:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1816testdata/performance/ 948:15-951:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1817testdata/performance/ 948:15-952:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1817testdata/performance/ 948:15-952:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1818testdata/performance/ 948:15-953:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1818testdata/performance/ 948:15-953:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1819testdata/performance/ 948:15-955:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1819testdata/performance/ 948:15-955:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1820testdata/performance/ 948:15-956:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1820testdata/performance/ 948:15-956:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1821testdata/performance/ 948:15-957:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1821testdata/performance/ 948:15-957:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1822testdata/performance/ 948:15-958:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1822testdata/performance/ 948:15-958:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1823testdata/performance/ 948:15-959:46 String->StageAttrs 1823testdata/performance/ 948:15-959:46 String -> StageAttrs
1824testdata/performance/ 948:15-961:18 StageAttrs 1824testdata/performance/ 948:15-961:18 StageAttrs
1825testdata/performance/ 949:29-949:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1825testdata/performance/ 949:29-949:36 forall a . Maybe a
1826testdata/performance/ 950:30-950:50 RGBGen 1826testdata/performance/ 950:30-950:50 RGBGen
1827testdata/performance/ 951:32-951:42 AlphaGen 1827testdata/performance/ 951:32-951:42 AlphaGen
1828testdata/performance/ 952:29-952:36 TCGen 1828testdata/performance/ 952:29-952:36 TCGen
1829testdata/performance/ 953:29-953:31 {a} -> List a 1829testdata/performance/ 953:29-953:31 forall a . List a
1830testdata/performance/ 955:21-955:27 String->StageTexture 1830testdata/performance/ 955:21-955:27 String -> StageTexture
1831testdata/performance/ 955:21-955:75 StageTexture 1831testdata/performance/ 955:21-955:75 StageTexture
1832testdata/performance/ 955:28-955:75 String 1832testdata/performance/ 955:28-955:75 String
1833testdata/performance/ 956:34-956:38 Bool 1833testdata/performance/ 956:34-956:38 Bool
1834testdata/performance/ 957:33-957:41 DepthFunction 1834testdata/performance/ 957:33-957:41 DepthFunction
1835testdata/performance/ 958:33-958:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1835testdata/performance/ 958:33-958:40 forall a . Maybe a
1836testdata/performance/ 959:41-959:46 Bool 1836testdata/performance/ 959:41-959:46 Bool
1837testdata/performance/ 960:38-960:54 String 1837testdata/performance/ 960:38-960:54 String
1838testdata/performance/ 962:15-962:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1838testdata/performance/ 962:15-962:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1839testdata/performance/ 962:15-963:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1839testdata/performance/ 962:15-963:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1840testdata/performance/ 962:15-964:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1840testdata/performance/ 962:15-964:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1841testdata/performance/ 962:15-965:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1841testdata/performance/ 962:15-965:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1842testdata/performance/ 962:15-966:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1842testdata/performance/ 962:15-966:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1843testdata/performance/ 962:15-967:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1843testdata/performance/ 962:15-967:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1844testdata/performance/ 962:15-968:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1844testdata/performance/ 962:15-968:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1845testdata/performance/ 962:15-969:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1845testdata/performance/ 962:15-969:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1846testdata/performance/ 962:15-970:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1846testdata/performance/ 962:15-970:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1847testdata/performance/ 962:15-971:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1847testdata/performance/ 962:15-971:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1848testdata/performance/ 962:15-972:46 String->StageAttrs 1848testdata/performance/ 962:15-972:46 String -> StageAttrs
1849testdata/performance/ 962:15-974:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1849testdata/performance/ 962:15-974:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1850testdata/performance/ 963:29-963:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1850testdata/performance/ 963:29-963:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1851testdata/performance/ 963:29-963:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1851testdata/performance/ 963:29-963:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1852testdata/performance/ 963:34-963:57 (Blending', Blending') 1852testdata/performance/ 963:34-963:57 (Blending', Blending')
1853testdata/performance/ 963:36-963:46 Blending' 1853testdata/performance/ 963:36-963:46 Blending'
@@ -1855,79 +1855,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 963:49-963:55 ((Blending')) | Blending'
1855testdata/performance/ 964:30-964:50 RGBGen 1855testdata/performance/ 964:30-964:50 RGBGen
1856testdata/performance/ 965:32-965:42 AlphaGen 1856testdata/performance/ 965:32-965:42 AlphaGen
1857testdata/performance/ 966:29-966:40 TCGen 1857testdata/performance/ 966:29-966:40 TCGen
1858testdata/performance/ 967:29-967:31 {a} -> List a 1858testdata/performance/ 967:29-967:31 forall a . List a
1859testdata/performance/ 968:31-968:42 StageTexture 1859testdata/performance/ 968:31-968:42 StageTexture
1860testdata/performance/ 969:34-969:38 Bool 1860testdata/performance/ 969:34-969:38 Bool
1861testdata/performance/ 970:33-970:41 DepthFunction 1861testdata/performance/ 970:33-970:41 DepthFunction
1862testdata/performance/ 971:33-971:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1862testdata/performance/ 971:33-971:40 forall a . Maybe a
1863testdata/performance/ 972:41-972:46 Bool 1863testdata/performance/ 972:41-972:46 Bool
1864testdata/performance/ 973:38-973:54 String 1864testdata/performance/ 973:38-973:54 String
1865testdata/performance/ 976:21-976:26 Bool 1865testdata/performance/ 976:21-976:26 Bool
1866testdata/performance/ 979:5-1021:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1866testdata/performance/ 979:5-1021:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1867testdata/performance/ 979:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1867testdata/performance/ 979:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1868testdata/performance/ 979:7-979:45 String 1868testdata/performance/ 979:7-979:45 String
1869testdata/performance/ 980:7-980:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1869testdata/performance/ 980:7-980:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1870testdata/performance/ 980:7-981:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1870testdata/performance/ 980:7-981:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1871testdata/performance/ 980:7-982:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1871testdata/performance/ 980:7-982:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1872testdata/performance/ 980:7-983:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1872testdata/performance/ 980:7-983:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1873testdata/performance/ 980:7-984:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1873testdata/performance/ 980:7-984:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1874testdata/performance/ 980:7-985:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1874testdata/performance/ 980:7-985:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1875testdata/performance/ 980:7-986:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1875testdata/performance/ 980:7-986:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1876testdata/performance/ 980:7-987:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1876testdata/performance/ 980:7-987:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1877testdata/performance/ 980:7-988:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1877testdata/performance/ 980:7-988:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1878testdata/performance/ 980:7-989:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1878testdata/performance/ 980:7-989:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1879testdata/performance/ 980:7-990:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1879testdata/performance/ 980:7-990:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1880testdata/performance/ 980:7-1018:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1880testdata/performance/ 980:7-1018:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1881testdata/performance/ 980:7-1020:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1881testdata/performance/ 980:7-1020:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1882testdata/performance/ 981:24-981:26 () 1882testdata/performance/ 981:24-981:26 ()
1883testdata/performance/ 982:24-982:26 () 1883testdata/performance/ 982:24-982:26 ()
1884testdata/performance/ 983:22-983:27 Bool 1884testdata/performance/ 983:22-983:27 Bool
1885testdata/performance/ 984:20-984:21 b_ 1885testdata/performance/ 984:20-984:21 _b
1886testdata/performance/ 985:30-985:35 Bool 1886testdata/performance/ 985:30-985:35 Bool
1887testdata/performance/ 986:23-986:28 Bool 1887testdata/performance/ 986:23-986:28 Bool
1888testdata/performance/ 987:20-987:33 CullType 1888testdata/performance/ 987:20-987:33 CullType
1889testdata/performance/ 988:30-988:32 {a} -> List a 1889testdata/performance/ 988:30-988:32 forall a . List a
1890testdata/performance/ 989:25-989:30 Bool 1890testdata/performance/ 989:25-989:30 Bool
1891testdata/performance/ 990:29-990:34 Bool 1891testdata/performance/ 990:29-990:34 Bool
1892testdata/performance/ 992:13-1018:14 List StageAttrs 1892testdata/performance/ 992:13-1018:14 List StageAttrs
1893testdata/performance/ 992:15-992:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1893testdata/performance/ 992:15-992:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1894testdata/performance/ 992:15-993:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1894testdata/performance/ 992:15-993:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1895testdata/performance/ 992:15-994:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1895testdata/performance/ 992:15-994:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1896testdata/performance/ 992:15-995:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1896testdata/performance/ 992:15-995:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1897testdata/performance/ 992:15-996:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1897testdata/performance/ 992:15-996:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1898testdata/performance/ 992:15-997:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1898testdata/performance/ 992:15-997:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1899testdata/performance/ 992:15-998:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1899testdata/performance/ 992:15-998:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1900testdata/performance/ 992:15-999:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1900testdata/performance/ 992:15-999:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1901testdata/performance/ 992:15-1000:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1901testdata/performance/ 992:15-1000:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1902testdata/performance/ 992:15-1001:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1902testdata/performance/ 992:15-1001:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1903testdata/performance/ 992:15-1002:46 String->StageAttrs 1903testdata/performance/ 992:15-1002:46 String -> StageAttrs
1904testdata/performance/ 992:15-1004:18 StageAttrs 1904testdata/performance/ 992:15-1004:18 StageAttrs
1905testdata/performance/ 993:29-993:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1905testdata/performance/ 993:29-993:36 forall a . Maybe a
1906testdata/performance/ 994:30-994:50 RGBGen 1906testdata/performance/ 994:30-994:50 RGBGen
1907testdata/performance/ 995:32-995:42 AlphaGen 1907testdata/performance/ 995:32-995:42 AlphaGen
1908testdata/performance/ 996:29-996:36 TCGen 1908testdata/performance/ 996:29-996:36 TCGen
1909testdata/performance/ 997:29-997:31 {a} -> List a 1909testdata/performance/ 997:29-997:31 forall a . List a
1910testdata/performance/ 998:31-998:37 String->StageTexture 1910testdata/performance/ 998:31-998:37 String -> StageTexture
1911testdata/performance/ 998:31-998:76 StageTexture 1911testdata/performance/ 998:31-998:76 StageTexture
1912testdata/performance/ 998:38-998:76 String 1912testdata/performance/ 998:38-998:76 String
1913testdata/performance/ 999:34-999:38 Bool 1913testdata/performance/ 999:34-999:38 Bool
1914testdata/performance/ 1000:33-1000:41 DepthFunction 1914testdata/performance/ 1000:33-1000:41 DepthFunction
1915testdata/performance/ 1001:33-1001:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1915testdata/performance/ 1001:33-1001:40 forall a . Maybe a
1916testdata/performance/ 1002:41-1002:46 Bool 1916testdata/performance/ 1002:41-1002:46 Bool
1917testdata/performance/ 1003:38-1003:54 String 1917testdata/performance/ 1003:38-1003:54 String
1918testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1005:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1918testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1005:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1919testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1006:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1919testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1006:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1920testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1007:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1920testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1007:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1921testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1008:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1921testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1008:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1922testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1009:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1922testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1009:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1923testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1010:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1923testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1010:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1924testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1011:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1924testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1011:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1925testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1012:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1925testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1012:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1926testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1013:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1926testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1013:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1927testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1014:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1927testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1014:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1928testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1015:46 String->StageAttrs 1928testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1015:46 String -> StageAttrs
1929testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1017:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 1929testdata/performance/ 1005:15-1017:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
1930testdata/performance/ 1006:29-1006:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 1930testdata/performance/ 1006:29-1006:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
1931testdata/performance/ 1006:29-1006:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 1931testdata/performance/ 1006:29-1006:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
1932testdata/performance/ 1006:34-1006:57 (Blending', Blending') 1932testdata/performance/ 1006:34-1006:57 (Blending', Blending')
1933testdata/performance/ 1006:36-1006:46 Blending' 1933testdata/performance/ 1006:36-1006:46 Blending'
@@ -1935,79 +1935,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1006:49-1006:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
1935testdata/performance/ 1007:30-1007:50 RGBGen 1935testdata/performance/ 1007:30-1007:50 RGBGen
1936testdata/performance/ 1008:32-1008:42 AlphaGen 1936testdata/performance/ 1008:32-1008:42 AlphaGen
1937testdata/performance/ 1009:29-1009:40 TCGen 1937testdata/performance/ 1009:29-1009:40 TCGen
1938testdata/performance/ 1010:29-1010:31 {a} -> List a 1938testdata/performance/ 1010:29-1010:31 forall a . List a
1939testdata/performance/ 1011:31-1011:42 StageTexture 1939testdata/performance/ 1011:31-1011:42 StageTexture
1940testdata/performance/ 1012:34-1012:38 Bool 1940testdata/performance/ 1012:34-1012:38 Bool
1941testdata/performance/ 1013:33-1013:41 DepthFunction 1941testdata/performance/ 1013:33-1013:41 DepthFunction
1942testdata/performance/ 1014:33-1014:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1942testdata/performance/ 1014:33-1014:40 forall a . Maybe a
1943testdata/performance/ 1015:41-1015:46 Bool 1943testdata/performance/ 1015:41-1015:46 Bool
1944testdata/performance/ 1016:38-1016:54 String 1944testdata/performance/ 1016:38-1016:54 String
1945testdata/performance/ 1019:21-1019:26 Bool 1945testdata/performance/ 1019:21-1019:26 Bool
1946testdata/performance/ 1022:5-1064:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 1946testdata/performance/ 1022:5-1064:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
1947testdata/performance/ 1022:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 1947testdata/performance/ 1022:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
1948testdata/performance/ 1022:7-1022:44 String 1948testdata/performance/ 1022:7-1022:44 String
1949testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1023:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1949testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1023:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1950testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1024:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1950testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1024:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1951testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1025:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1951testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1025:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1952testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1026:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1952testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1026:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1953testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1027:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1953testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1027:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1954testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1028:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1954testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1028:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1955testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1029:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1955testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1029:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1956testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1030:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1956testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1030:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1957testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1031:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1957testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1031:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1958testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1032:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1958testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1032:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1959testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1033:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 1959testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1033:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
1960testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1061:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 1960testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1061:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
1961testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1063:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 1961testdata/performance/ 1023:7-1063:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
1962testdata/performance/ 1024:24-1024:26 () 1962testdata/performance/ 1024:24-1024:26 ()
1963testdata/performance/ 1025:24-1025:26 () 1963testdata/performance/ 1025:24-1025:26 ()
1964testdata/performance/ 1026:22-1026:27 Bool 1964testdata/performance/ 1026:22-1026:27 Bool
1965testdata/performance/ 1027:20-1027:21 b_ 1965testdata/performance/ 1027:20-1027:21 _b
1966testdata/performance/ 1028:30-1028:35 Bool 1966testdata/performance/ 1028:30-1028:35 Bool
1967testdata/performance/ 1029:23-1029:28 Bool 1967testdata/performance/ 1029:23-1029:28 Bool
1968testdata/performance/ 1030:20-1030:33 CullType 1968testdata/performance/ 1030:20-1030:33 CullType
1969testdata/performance/ 1031:30-1031:32 {a} -> List a 1969testdata/performance/ 1031:30-1031:32 forall a . List a
1970testdata/performance/ 1032:25-1032:30 Bool 1970testdata/performance/ 1032:25-1032:30 Bool
1971testdata/performance/ 1033:29-1033:34 Bool 1971testdata/performance/ 1033:29-1033:34 Bool
1972testdata/performance/ 1035:13-1061:14 List StageAttrs 1972testdata/performance/ 1035:13-1061:14 List StageAttrs
1973testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1035:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1973testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1035:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1974testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1036:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1974testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1036:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1975testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1037:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1975testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1037:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1976testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1038:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1976testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1038:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1977testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1039:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1977testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1039:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1978testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1040:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1978testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1040:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1979testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1041:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1979testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1041:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1980testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1042:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1980testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1042:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1981testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1043:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1981testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1043:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1982testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1044:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1982testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1044:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1983testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1045:46 String->StageAttrs 1983testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1045:46 String -> StageAttrs
1984testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1047:18 StageAttrs 1984testdata/performance/ 1035:15-1047:18 StageAttrs
1985testdata/performance/ 1036:29-1036:36 {a} -> Maybe a 1985testdata/performance/ 1036:29-1036:36 forall a . Maybe a
1986testdata/performance/ 1037:30-1037:50 RGBGen 1986testdata/performance/ 1037:30-1037:50 RGBGen
1987testdata/performance/ 1038:32-1038:42 AlphaGen 1987testdata/performance/ 1038:32-1038:42 AlphaGen
1988testdata/performance/ 1039:29-1039:36 TCGen 1988testdata/performance/ 1039:29-1039:36 TCGen
1989testdata/performance/ 1040:29-1040:31 {a} -> List a 1989testdata/performance/ 1040:29-1040:31 forall a . List a
1990testdata/performance/ 1041:31-1041:37 String->StageTexture 1990testdata/performance/ 1041:31-1041:37 String -> StageTexture
1991testdata/performance/ 1041:31-1041:75 StageTexture 1991testdata/performance/ 1041:31-1041:75 StageTexture
1992testdata/performance/ 1041:38-1041:75 String 1992testdata/performance/ 1041:38-1041:75 String
1993testdata/performance/ 1042:34-1042:38 Bool 1993testdata/performance/ 1042:34-1042:38 Bool
1994testdata/performance/ 1043:33-1043:41 DepthFunction 1994testdata/performance/ 1043:33-1043:41 DepthFunction
1995testdata/performance/ 1044:33-1044:40 {a} -> Maybe a 1995testdata/performance/ 1044:33-1044:40 forall a . Maybe a
1996testdata/performance/ 1045:41-1045:46 Bool 1996testdata/performance/ 1045:41-1045:46 Bool
1997testdata/performance/ 1046:38-1046:54 String 1997testdata/performance/ 1046:38-1046:54 String
1998testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1048:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1998testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1048:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
1999testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1049:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 1999testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1049:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2000testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1050:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2000testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1050:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2001testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1051:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2001testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1051:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2002testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1052:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2002testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1052:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2003testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1053:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2003testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1053:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2004testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1054:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2004testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1054:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2005testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1055:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2005testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1055:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2006testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1056:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2006testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1056:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2007testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1057:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2007testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1057:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2008testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1058:46 String->StageAttrs 2008testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1058:46 String -> StageAttrs
2009testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1060:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2009testdata/performance/ 1048:15-1060:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2010testdata/performance/ 1049:29-1049:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2010testdata/performance/ 1049:29-1049:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2011testdata/performance/ 1049:29-1049:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2011testdata/performance/ 1049:29-1049:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2012testdata/performance/ 1049:34-1049:57 (Blending', Blending') 2012testdata/performance/ 1049:34-1049:57 (Blending', Blending')
2013testdata/performance/ 1049:36-1049:46 Blending' 2013testdata/performance/ 1049:36-1049:46 Blending'
@@ -2015,79 +2015,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1049:49-1049:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2015testdata/performance/ 1050:30-1050:50 RGBGen 2015testdata/performance/ 1050:30-1050:50 RGBGen
2016testdata/performance/ 1051:32-1051:42 AlphaGen 2016testdata/performance/ 1051:32-1051:42 AlphaGen
2017testdata/performance/ 1052:29-1052:40 TCGen 2017testdata/performance/ 1052:29-1052:40 TCGen
2018testdata/performance/ 1053:29-1053:31 {a} -> List a 2018testdata/performance/ 1053:29-1053:31 forall a . List a
2019testdata/performance/ 1054:31-1054:42 StageTexture 2019testdata/performance/ 1054:31-1054:42 StageTexture
2020testdata/performance/ 1055:34-1055:38 Bool 2020testdata/performance/ 1055:34-1055:38 Bool
2021testdata/performance/ 1056:33-1056:41 DepthFunction 2021testdata/performance/ 1056:33-1056:41 DepthFunction
2022testdata/performance/ 1057:33-1057:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2022testdata/performance/ 1057:33-1057:40 forall a . Maybe a
2023testdata/performance/ 1058:41-1058:46 Bool 2023testdata/performance/ 1058:41-1058:46 Bool
2024testdata/performance/ 1059:38-1059:54 String 2024testdata/performance/ 1059:38-1059:54 String
2025testdata/performance/ 1062:21-1062:26 Bool 2025testdata/performance/ 1062:21-1062:26 Bool
2026testdata/performance/ 1065:5-1107:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2026testdata/performance/ 1065:5-1107:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2027testdata/performance/ 1065:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2027testdata/performance/ 1065:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2028testdata/performance/ 1065:7-1065:44 String 2028testdata/performance/ 1065:7-1065:44 String
2029testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1066:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2029testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1066:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2030testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1067:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2030testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1067:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2031testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1068:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2031testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1068:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2032testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1069:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2032testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1069:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2033testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1070:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2033testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1070:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2034testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1071:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2034testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1071:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2035testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1072:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2035testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1072:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2036testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1073:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2036testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1073:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2037testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1074:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2037testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1074:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2038testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1075:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2038testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1075:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2039testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1076:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2039testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1076:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2040testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1104:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2040testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1104:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2041testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1106:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2041testdata/performance/ 1066:7-1106:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2042testdata/performance/ 1067:24-1067:26 () 2042testdata/performance/ 1067:24-1067:26 ()
2043testdata/performance/ 1068:24-1068:26 () 2043testdata/performance/ 1068:24-1068:26 ()
2044testdata/performance/ 1069:22-1069:27 Bool 2044testdata/performance/ 1069:22-1069:27 Bool
2045testdata/performance/ 1070:20-1070:21 b_ 2045testdata/performance/ 1070:20-1070:21 _b
2046testdata/performance/ 1071:30-1071:35 Bool 2046testdata/performance/ 1071:30-1071:35 Bool
2047testdata/performance/ 1072:23-1072:28 Bool 2047testdata/performance/ 1072:23-1072:28 Bool
2048testdata/performance/ 1073:20-1073:33 CullType 2048testdata/performance/ 1073:20-1073:33 CullType
2049testdata/performance/ 1074:30-1074:32 {a} -> List a 2049testdata/performance/ 1074:30-1074:32 forall a . List a
2050testdata/performance/ 1075:25-1075:30 Bool 2050testdata/performance/ 1075:25-1075:30 Bool
2051testdata/performance/ 1076:29-1076:34 Bool 2051testdata/performance/ 1076:29-1076:34 Bool
2052testdata/performance/ 1078:13-1104:14 List StageAttrs 2052testdata/performance/ 1078:13-1104:14 List StageAttrs
2053testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1078:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2053testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1078:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2054testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1079:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2054testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1079:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2055testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1080:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2055testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1080:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2056testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1081:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2056testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1081:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2057testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1082:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2057testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1082:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2058testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1083:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2058testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1083:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2059testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1084:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2059testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1084:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2060testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1085:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2060testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1085:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2061testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1086:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2061testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1086:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2062testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1087:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2062testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1087:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2063testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1088:46 String->StageAttrs 2063testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1088:46 String -> StageAttrs
2064testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1090:18 StageAttrs 2064testdata/performance/ 1078:15-1090:18 StageAttrs
2065testdata/performance/ 1079:29-1079:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2065testdata/performance/ 1079:29-1079:36 forall a . Maybe a
2066testdata/performance/ 1080:30-1080:50 RGBGen 2066testdata/performance/ 1080:30-1080:50 RGBGen
2067testdata/performance/ 1081:32-1081:42 AlphaGen 2067testdata/performance/ 1081:32-1081:42 AlphaGen
2068testdata/performance/ 1082:29-1082:36 TCGen 2068testdata/performance/ 1082:29-1082:36 TCGen
2069testdata/performance/ 1083:29-1083:31 {a} -> List a 2069testdata/performance/ 1083:29-1083:31 forall a . List a
2070testdata/performance/ 1084:31-1084:37 String->StageTexture 2070testdata/performance/ 1084:31-1084:37 String -> StageTexture
2071testdata/performance/ 1084:31-1084:75 StageTexture 2071testdata/performance/ 1084:31-1084:75 StageTexture
2072testdata/performance/ 1084:38-1084:75 String 2072testdata/performance/ 1084:38-1084:75 String
2073testdata/performance/ 1085:34-1085:38 Bool 2073testdata/performance/ 1085:34-1085:38 Bool
2074testdata/performance/ 1086:33-1086:41 DepthFunction 2074testdata/performance/ 1086:33-1086:41 DepthFunction
2075testdata/performance/ 1087:33-1087:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2075testdata/performance/ 1087:33-1087:40 forall a . Maybe a
2076testdata/performance/ 1088:41-1088:46 Bool 2076testdata/performance/ 1088:41-1088:46 Bool
2077testdata/performance/ 1089:38-1089:54 String 2077testdata/performance/ 1089:38-1089:54 String
2078testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1091:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2078testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1091:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2079testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1092:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2079testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1092:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2080testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1093:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2080testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1093:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2081testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1094:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2081testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1094:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2082testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1095:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2082testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1095:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2083testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1096:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2083testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1096:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2084testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1097:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2084testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1097:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2085testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1098:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2085testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1098:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2086testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1099:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2086testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1099:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2087testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1100:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2087testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1100:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2088testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1101:46 String->StageAttrs 2088testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1101:46 String -> StageAttrs
2089testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1103:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2089testdata/performance/ 1091:15-1103:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2090testdata/performance/ 1092:29-1092:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2090testdata/performance/ 1092:29-1092:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2091testdata/performance/ 1092:29-1092:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2091testdata/performance/ 1092:29-1092:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2092testdata/performance/ 1092:34-1092:57 (Blending', Blending') 2092testdata/performance/ 1092:34-1092:57 (Blending', Blending')
2093testdata/performance/ 1092:36-1092:46 Blending' 2093testdata/performance/ 1092:36-1092:46 Blending'
@@ -2095,79 +2095,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1092:49-1092:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2095testdata/performance/ 1093:30-1093:50 RGBGen 2095testdata/performance/ 1093:30-1093:50 RGBGen
2096testdata/performance/ 1094:32-1094:42 AlphaGen 2096testdata/performance/ 1094:32-1094:42 AlphaGen
2097testdata/performance/ 1095:29-1095:40 TCGen 2097testdata/performance/ 1095:29-1095:40 TCGen
2098testdata/performance/ 1096:29-1096:31 {a} -> List a 2098testdata/performance/ 1096:29-1096:31 forall a . List a
2099testdata/performance/ 1097:31-1097:42 StageTexture 2099testdata/performance/ 1097:31-1097:42 StageTexture
2100testdata/performance/ 1098:34-1098:38 Bool 2100testdata/performance/ 1098:34-1098:38 Bool
2101testdata/performance/ 1099:33-1099:41 DepthFunction 2101testdata/performance/ 1099:33-1099:41 DepthFunction
2102testdata/performance/ 1100:33-1100:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2102testdata/performance/ 1100:33-1100:40 forall a . Maybe a
2103testdata/performance/ 1101:41-1101:46 Bool 2103testdata/performance/ 1101:41-1101:46 Bool
2104testdata/performance/ 1102:38-1102:54 String 2104testdata/performance/ 1102:38-1102:54 String
2105testdata/performance/ 1105:21-1105:26 Bool 2105testdata/performance/ 1105:21-1105:26 Bool
2106testdata/performance/ 1108:5-1150:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2106testdata/performance/ 1108:5-1150:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2107testdata/performance/ 1108:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2107testdata/performance/ 1108:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2108testdata/performance/ 1108:7-1108:49 String 2108testdata/performance/ 1108:7-1108:49 String
2109testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1109:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2109testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1109:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2110testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1110:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2110testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1110:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2111testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1111:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2111testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1111:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2112testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1112:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2112testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1112:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2113testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1113:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2113testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1113:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2114testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1114:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2114testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1114:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2115testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1115:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2115testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1115:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2116testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1116:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2116testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1116:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2117testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1117:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2117testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1117:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2118testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1118:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2118testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1118:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2119testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1119:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2119testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1119:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2120testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1147:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2120testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1147:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2121testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1149:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2121testdata/performance/ 1109:7-1149:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2122testdata/performance/ 1110:24-1110:26 () 2122testdata/performance/ 1110:24-1110:26 ()
2123testdata/performance/ 1111:24-1111:26 () 2123testdata/performance/ 1111:24-1111:26 ()
2124testdata/performance/ 1112:22-1112:27 Bool 2124testdata/performance/ 1112:22-1112:27 Bool
2125testdata/performance/ 1113:20-1113:21 b_ 2125testdata/performance/ 1113:20-1113:21 _b
2126testdata/performance/ 1114:30-1114:35 Bool 2126testdata/performance/ 1114:30-1114:35 Bool
2127testdata/performance/ 1115:23-1115:28 Bool 2127testdata/performance/ 1115:23-1115:28 Bool
2128testdata/performance/ 1116:20-1116:33 CullType 2128testdata/performance/ 1116:20-1116:33 CullType
2129testdata/performance/ 1117:30-1117:32 {a} -> List a 2129testdata/performance/ 1117:30-1117:32 forall a . List a
2130testdata/performance/ 1118:25-1118:30 Bool 2130testdata/performance/ 1118:25-1118:30 Bool
2131testdata/performance/ 1119:29-1119:34 Bool 2131testdata/performance/ 1119:29-1119:34 Bool
2132testdata/performance/ 1121:13-1147:14 List StageAttrs 2132testdata/performance/ 1121:13-1147:14 List StageAttrs
2133testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1121:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2133testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1121:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2134testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1122:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2134testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1122:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2135testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1123:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2135testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1123:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2136testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1124:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2136testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1124:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2137testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1125:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2137testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1125:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2138testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1126:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2138testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1126:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2139testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1127:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2139testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1127:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2140testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1128:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2140testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1128:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2141testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1129:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2141testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1129:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2142testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1130:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2142testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1130:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2143testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1131:46 String->StageAttrs 2143testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1131:46 String -> StageAttrs
2144testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1133:18 StageAttrs 2144testdata/performance/ 1121:15-1133:18 StageAttrs
2145testdata/performance/ 1122:29-1122:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2145testdata/performance/ 1122:29-1122:36 forall a . Maybe a
2146testdata/performance/ 1123:30-1123:50 RGBGen 2146testdata/performance/ 1123:30-1123:50 RGBGen
2147testdata/performance/ 1124:32-1124:42 AlphaGen 2147testdata/performance/ 1124:32-1124:42 AlphaGen
2148testdata/performance/ 1125:29-1125:36 TCGen 2148testdata/performance/ 1125:29-1125:36 TCGen
2149testdata/performance/ 1126:29-1126:31 {a} -> List a 2149testdata/performance/ 1126:29-1126:31 forall a . List a
2150testdata/performance/ 1127:31-1127:37 String->StageTexture 2150testdata/performance/ 1127:31-1127:37 String -> StageTexture
2151testdata/performance/ 1127:31-1127:80 StageTexture 2151testdata/performance/ 1127:31-1127:80 StageTexture
2152testdata/performance/ 1127:38-1127:80 String 2152testdata/performance/ 1127:38-1127:80 String
2153testdata/performance/ 1128:34-1128:38 Bool 2153testdata/performance/ 1128:34-1128:38 Bool
2154testdata/performance/ 1129:33-1129:41 DepthFunction 2154testdata/performance/ 1129:33-1129:41 DepthFunction
2155testdata/performance/ 1130:33-1130:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2155testdata/performance/ 1130:33-1130:40 forall a . Maybe a
2156testdata/performance/ 1131:41-1131:46 Bool 2156testdata/performance/ 1131:41-1131:46 Bool
2157testdata/performance/ 1132:38-1132:54 String 2157testdata/performance/ 1132:38-1132:54 String
2158testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1134:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2158testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1134:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2159testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1135:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2159testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1135:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2160testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1136:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2160testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1136:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2161testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1137:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2161testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1137:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2162testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1138:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2162testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1138:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2163testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1139:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2163testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1139:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2164testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1140:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2164testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1140:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2165testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1141:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2165testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1141:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2166testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1142:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2166testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1142:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2167testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1143:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2167testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1143:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2168testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1144:46 String->StageAttrs 2168testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1144:46 String -> StageAttrs
2169testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1146:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2169testdata/performance/ 1134:15-1146:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2170testdata/performance/ 1135:29-1135:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2170testdata/performance/ 1135:29-1135:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2171testdata/performance/ 1135:29-1135:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2171testdata/performance/ 1135:29-1135:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2172testdata/performance/ 1135:34-1135:57 (Blending', Blending') 2172testdata/performance/ 1135:34-1135:57 (Blending', Blending')
2173testdata/performance/ 1135:36-1135:46 Blending' 2173testdata/performance/ 1135:36-1135:46 Blending'
@@ -2175,79 +2175,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1135:49-1135:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2175testdata/performance/ 1136:30-1136:50 RGBGen 2175testdata/performance/ 1136:30-1136:50 RGBGen
2176testdata/performance/ 1137:32-1137:42 AlphaGen 2176testdata/performance/ 1137:32-1137:42 AlphaGen
2177testdata/performance/ 1138:29-1138:40 TCGen 2177testdata/performance/ 1138:29-1138:40 TCGen
2178testdata/performance/ 1139:29-1139:31 {a} -> List a 2178testdata/performance/ 1139:29-1139:31 forall a . List a
2179testdata/performance/ 1140:31-1140:42 StageTexture 2179testdata/performance/ 1140:31-1140:42 StageTexture
2180testdata/performance/ 1141:34-1141:38 Bool 2180testdata/performance/ 1141:34-1141:38 Bool
2181testdata/performance/ 1142:33-1142:41 DepthFunction 2181testdata/performance/ 1142:33-1142:41 DepthFunction
2182testdata/performance/ 1143:33-1143:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2182testdata/performance/ 1143:33-1143:40 forall a . Maybe a
2183testdata/performance/ 1144:41-1144:46 Bool 2183testdata/performance/ 1144:41-1144:46 Bool
2184testdata/performance/ 1145:38-1145:54 String 2184testdata/performance/ 1145:38-1145:54 String
2185testdata/performance/ 1148:21-1148:26 Bool 2185testdata/performance/ 1148:21-1148:26 Bool
2186testdata/performance/ 1151:5-1193:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2186testdata/performance/ 1151:5-1193:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2187testdata/performance/ 1151:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2187testdata/performance/ 1151:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2188testdata/performance/ 1151:7-1151:41 String 2188testdata/performance/ 1151:7-1151:41 String
2189testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1152:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2189testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1152:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2190testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1153:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2190testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1153:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2191testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1154:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2191testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1154:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2192testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1155:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2192testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1155:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2193testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1156:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2193testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1156:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2194testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1157:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2194testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1157:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2195testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1158:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2195testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1158:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2196testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1159:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2196testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1159:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2197testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1160:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2197testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1160:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2198testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1161:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2198testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1161:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2199testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1162:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2199testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1162:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2200testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1190:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2200testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1190:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2201testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1192:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2201testdata/performance/ 1152:7-1192:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2202testdata/performance/ 1153:24-1153:26 () 2202testdata/performance/ 1153:24-1153:26 ()
2203testdata/performance/ 1154:24-1154:26 () 2203testdata/performance/ 1154:24-1154:26 ()
2204testdata/performance/ 1155:22-1155:27 Bool 2204testdata/performance/ 1155:22-1155:27 Bool
2205testdata/performance/ 1156:20-1156:21 b_ 2205testdata/performance/ 1156:20-1156:21 _b
2206testdata/performance/ 1157:30-1157:35 Bool 2206testdata/performance/ 1157:30-1157:35 Bool
2207testdata/performance/ 1158:23-1158:28 Bool 2207testdata/performance/ 1158:23-1158:28 Bool
2208testdata/performance/ 1159:20-1159:33 CullType 2208testdata/performance/ 1159:20-1159:33 CullType
2209testdata/performance/ 1160:30-1160:32 {a} -> List a 2209testdata/performance/ 1160:30-1160:32 forall a . List a
2210testdata/performance/ 1161:25-1161:30 Bool 2210testdata/performance/ 1161:25-1161:30 Bool
2211testdata/performance/ 1162:29-1162:34 Bool 2211testdata/performance/ 1162:29-1162:34 Bool
2212testdata/performance/ 1164:13-1190:14 List StageAttrs 2212testdata/performance/ 1164:13-1190:14 List StageAttrs
2213testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1164:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2213testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1164:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2214testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1165:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2214testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1165:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2215testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1166:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2215testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1166:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2216testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1167:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2216testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1167:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2217testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1168:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2217testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1168:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2218testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1169:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2218testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1169:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2219testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1170:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2219testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1170:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2220testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1171:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2220testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1171:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2221testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1172:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2221testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1172:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2222testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1173:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2222testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1173:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2223testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1174:46 String->StageAttrs 2223testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1174:46 String -> StageAttrs
2224testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1176:18 StageAttrs 2224testdata/performance/ 1164:15-1176:18 StageAttrs
2225testdata/performance/ 1165:29-1165:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2225testdata/performance/ 1165:29-1165:36 forall a . Maybe a
2226testdata/performance/ 1166:30-1166:50 RGBGen 2226testdata/performance/ 1166:30-1166:50 RGBGen
2227testdata/performance/ 1167:32-1167:42 AlphaGen 2227testdata/performance/ 1167:32-1167:42 AlphaGen
2228testdata/performance/ 1168:29-1168:36 TCGen 2228testdata/performance/ 1168:29-1168:36 TCGen
2229testdata/performance/ 1169:29-1169:31 {a} -> List a 2229testdata/performance/ 1169:29-1169:31 forall a . List a
2230testdata/performance/ 1170:31-1170:37 String->StageTexture 2230testdata/performance/ 1170:31-1170:37 String -> StageTexture
2231testdata/performance/ 1170:31-1170:72 StageTexture 2231testdata/performance/ 1170:31-1170:72 StageTexture
2232testdata/performance/ 1170:38-1170:72 String 2232testdata/performance/ 1170:38-1170:72 String
2233testdata/performance/ 1171:34-1171:38 Bool 2233testdata/performance/ 1171:34-1171:38 Bool
2234testdata/performance/ 1172:33-1172:41 DepthFunction 2234testdata/performance/ 1172:33-1172:41 DepthFunction
2235testdata/performance/ 1173:33-1173:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2235testdata/performance/ 1173:33-1173:40 forall a . Maybe a
2236testdata/performance/ 1174:41-1174:46 Bool 2236testdata/performance/ 1174:41-1174:46 Bool
2237testdata/performance/ 1175:38-1175:54 String 2237testdata/performance/ 1175:38-1175:54 String
2238testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1177:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2238testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1177:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2239testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1178:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2239testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1178:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2240testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1179:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2240testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1179:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2241testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1180:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2241testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1180:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2242testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1181:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2242testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1181:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2243testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1182:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2243testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1182:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2244testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1183:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2244testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1183:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2245testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1184:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2245testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1184:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2246testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1185:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2246testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1185:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2247testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1186:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2247testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1186:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2248testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1187:46 String->StageAttrs 2248testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1187:46 String -> StageAttrs
2249testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1189:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2249testdata/performance/ 1177:15-1189:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2250testdata/performance/ 1178:29-1178:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2250testdata/performance/ 1178:29-1178:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2251testdata/performance/ 1178:29-1178:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2251testdata/performance/ 1178:29-1178:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2252testdata/performance/ 1178:34-1178:57 (Blending', Blending') 2252testdata/performance/ 1178:34-1178:57 (Blending', Blending')
2253testdata/performance/ 1178:36-1178:46 Blending' 2253testdata/performance/ 1178:36-1178:46 Blending'
@@ -2255,79 +2255,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1178:49-1178:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2255testdata/performance/ 1179:30-1179:50 RGBGen 2255testdata/performance/ 1179:30-1179:50 RGBGen
2256testdata/performance/ 1180:32-1180:42 AlphaGen 2256testdata/performance/ 1180:32-1180:42 AlphaGen
2257testdata/performance/ 1181:29-1181:40 TCGen 2257testdata/performance/ 1181:29-1181:40 TCGen
2258testdata/performance/ 1182:29-1182:31 {a} -> List a 2258testdata/performance/ 1182:29-1182:31 forall a . List a
2259testdata/performance/ 1183:31-1183:42 StageTexture 2259testdata/performance/ 1183:31-1183:42 StageTexture
2260testdata/performance/ 1184:34-1184:38 Bool 2260testdata/performance/ 1184:34-1184:38 Bool
2261testdata/performance/ 1185:33-1185:41 DepthFunction 2261testdata/performance/ 1185:33-1185:41 DepthFunction
2262testdata/performance/ 1186:33-1186:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2262testdata/performance/ 1186:33-1186:40 forall a . Maybe a
2263testdata/performance/ 1187:41-1187:46 Bool 2263testdata/performance/ 1187:41-1187:46 Bool
2264testdata/performance/ 1188:38-1188:54 String 2264testdata/performance/ 1188:38-1188:54 String
2265testdata/performance/ 1191:21-1191:26 Bool 2265testdata/performance/ 1191:21-1191:26 Bool
2266testdata/performance/ 1194:5-1236:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2266testdata/performance/ 1194:5-1236:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2267testdata/performance/ 1194:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2267testdata/performance/ 1194:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2268testdata/performance/ 1194:7-1194:43 String 2268testdata/performance/ 1194:7-1194:43 String
2269testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1195:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2269testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1195:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2270testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1196:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2270testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1196:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2271testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1197:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2271testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1197:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2272testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1198:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2272testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1198:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2273testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1199:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2273testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1199:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2274testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1200:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2274testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1200:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2275testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1201:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2275testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1201:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2276testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1202:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2276testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1202:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2277testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1203:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2277testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1203:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2278testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1204:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2278testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1204:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2279testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1205:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2279testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1205:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2280testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1233:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2280testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1233:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2281testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1235:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2281testdata/performance/ 1195:7-1235:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2282testdata/performance/ 1196:24-1196:26 () 2282testdata/performance/ 1196:24-1196:26 ()
2283testdata/performance/ 1197:24-1197:26 () 2283testdata/performance/ 1197:24-1197:26 ()
2284testdata/performance/ 1198:22-1198:27 Bool 2284testdata/performance/ 1198:22-1198:27 Bool
2285testdata/performance/ 1199:20-1199:21 b_ 2285testdata/performance/ 1199:20-1199:21 _b
2286testdata/performance/ 1200:30-1200:35 Bool 2286testdata/performance/ 1200:30-1200:35 Bool
2287testdata/performance/ 1201:23-1201:28 Bool 2287testdata/performance/ 1201:23-1201:28 Bool
2288testdata/performance/ 1202:20-1202:33 CullType 2288testdata/performance/ 1202:20-1202:33 CullType
2289testdata/performance/ 1203:30-1203:32 {a} -> List a 2289testdata/performance/ 1203:30-1203:32 forall a . List a
2290testdata/performance/ 1204:25-1204:30 Bool 2290testdata/performance/ 1204:25-1204:30 Bool
2291testdata/performance/ 1205:29-1205:34 Bool 2291testdata/performance/ 1205:29-1205:34 Bool
2292testdata/performance/ 1207:13-1233:14 List StageAttrs 2292testdata/performance/ 1207:13-1233:14 List StageAttrs
2293testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1207:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2293testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1207:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2294testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1208:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2294testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1208:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2295testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1209:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2295testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1209:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2296testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1210:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2296testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1210:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2297testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1211:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2297testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1211:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2298testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1212:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2298testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1212:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2299testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1213:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2299testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1213:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2300testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1214:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2300testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1214:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2301testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1215:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2301testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1215:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2302testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1216:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2302testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1216:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2303testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1217:46 String->StageAttrs 2303testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1217:46 String -> StageAttrs
2304testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1219:18 StageAttrs 2304testdata/performance/ 1207:15-1219:18 StageAttrs
2305testdata/performance/ 1208:29-1208:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2305testdata/performance/ 1208:29-1208:36 forall a . Maybe a
2306testdata/performance/ 1209:30-1209:50 RGBGen 2306testdata/performance/ 1209:30-1209:50 RGBGen
2307testdata/performance/ 1210:32-1210:42 AlphaGen 2307testdata/performance/ 1210:32-1210:42 AlphaGen
2308testdata/performance/ 1211:29-1211:36 TCGen 2308testdata/performance/ 1211:29-1211:36 TCGen
2309testdata/performance/ 1212:29-1212:31 {a} -> List a 2309testdata/performance/ 1212:29-1212:31 forall a . List a
2310testdata/performance/ 1213:31-1213:37 String->StageTexture 2310testdata/performance/ 1213:31-1213:37 String -> StageTexture
2311testdata/performance/ 1213:31-1213:74 StageTexture 2311testdata/performance/ 1213:31-1213:74 StageTexture
2312testdata/performance/ 1213:38-1213:74 String 2312testdata/performance/ 1213:38-1213:74 String
2313testdata/performance/ 1214:34-1214:38 Bool 2313testdata/performance/ 1214:34-1214:38 Bool
2314testdata/performance/ 1215:33-1215:41 DepthFunction 2314testdata/performance/ 1215:33-1215:41 DepthFunction
2315testdata/performance/ 1216:33-1216:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2315testdata/performance/ 1216:33-1216:40 forall a . Maybe a
2316testdata/performance/ 1217:41-1217:46 Bool 2316testdata/performance/ 1217:41-1217:46 Bool
2317testdata/performance/ 1218:38-1218:54 String 2317testdata/performance/ 1218:38-1218:54 String
2318testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1220:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2318testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1220:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2319testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1221:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2319testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1221:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2320testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1222:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2320testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1222:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2321testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1223:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2321testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1223:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2322testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1224:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2322testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1224:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2323testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1225:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2323testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1225:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2324testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1226:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2324testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1226:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2325testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1227:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2325testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1227:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2326testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1228:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2326testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1228:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2327testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1229:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2327testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1229:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2328testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1230:46 String->StageAttrs 2328testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1230:46 String -> StageAttrs
2329testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1232:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2329testdata/performance/ 1220:15-1232:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2330testdata/performance/ 1221:29-1221:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2330testdata/performance/ 1221:29-1221:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2331testdata/performance/ 1221:29-1221:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2331testdata/performance/ 1221:29-1221:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2332testdata/performance/ 1221:34-1221:57 (Blending', Blending') 2332testdata/performance/ 1221:34-1221:57 (Blending', Blending')
2333testdata/performance/ 1221:36-1221:46 Blending' 2333testdata/performance/ 1221:36-1221:46 Blending'
@@ -2335,79 +2335,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1221:49-1221:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2335testdata/performance/ 1222:30-1222:50 RGBGen 2335testdata/performance/ 1222:30-1222:50 RGBGen
2336testdata/performance/ 1223:32-1223:42 AlphaGen 2336testdata/performance/ 1223:32-1223:42 AlphaGen
2337testdata/performance/ 1224:29-1224:40 TCGen 2337testdata/performance/ 1224:29-1224:40 TCGen
2338testdata/performance/ 1225:29-1225:31 {a} -> List a 2338testdata/performance/ 1225:29-1225:31 forall a . List a
2339testdata/performance/ 1226:31-1226:42 StageTexture 2339testdata/performance/ 1226:31-1226:42 StageTexture
2340testdata/performance/ 1227:34-1227:38 Bool 2340testdata/performance/ 1227:34-1227:38 Bool
2341testdata/performance/ 1228:33-1228:41 DepthFunction 2341testdata/performance/ 1228:33-1228:41 DepthFunction
2342testdata/performance/ 1229:33-1229:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2342testdata/performance/ 1229:33-1229:40 forall a . Maybe a
2343testdata/performance/ 1230:41-1230:46 Bool 2343testdata/performance/ 1230:41-1230:46 Bool
2344testdata/performance/ 1231:38-1231:54 String 2344testdata/performance/ 1231:38-1231:54 String
2345testdata/performance/ 1234:21-1234:26 Bool 2345testdata/performance/ 1234:21-1234:26 Bool
2346testdata/performance/ 1237:5-1279:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2346testdata/performance/ 1237:5-1279:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2347testdata/performance/ 1237:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2347testdata/performance/ 1237:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2348testdata/performance/ 1237:7-1237:41 String 2348testdata/performance/ 1237:7-1237:41 String
2349testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1238:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2349testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1238:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2350testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1239:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2350testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1239:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2351testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1240:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2351testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1240:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2352testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1241:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2352testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1241:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2353testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1242:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2353testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1242:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2354testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1243:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2354testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1243:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2355testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1244:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2355testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1244:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2356testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1245:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2356testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1245:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2357testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1246:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2357testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1246:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2358testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1247:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2358testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1247:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2359testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1248:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2359testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1248:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2360testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1276:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2360testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1276:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2361testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1278:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2361testdata/performance/ 1238:7-1278:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2362testdata/performance/ 1239:24-1239:26 () 2362testdata/performance/ 1239:24-1239:26 ()
2363testdata/performance/ 1240:24-1240:26 () 2363testdata/performance/ 1240:24-1240:26 ()
2364testdata/performance/ 1241:22-1241:27 Bool 2364testdata/performance/ 1241:22-1241:27 Bool
2365testdata/performance/ 1242:20-1242:21 b_ 2365testdata/performance/ 1242:20-1242:21 _b
2366testdata/performance/ 1243:30-1243:35 Bool 2366testdata/performance/ 1243:30-1243:35 Bool
2367testdata/performance/ 1244:23-1244:28 Bool 2367testdata/performance/ 1244:23-1244:28 Bool
2368testdata/performance/ 1245:20-1245:33 CullType 2368testdata/performance/ 1245:20-1245:33 CullType
2369testdata/performance/ 1246:30-1246:32 {a} -> List a 2369testdata/performance/ 1246:30-1246:32 forall a . List a
2370testdata/performance/ 1247:25-1247:30 Bool 2370testdata/performance/ 1247:25-1247:30 Bool
2371testdata/performance/ 1248:29-1248:34 Bool 2371testdata/performance/ 1248:29-1248:34 Bool
2372testdata/performance/ 1250:13-1276:14 List StageAttrs 2372testdata/performance/ 1250:13-1276:14 List StageAttrs
2373testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1250:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2373testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1250:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2374testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1251:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2374testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1251:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2375testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1252:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2375testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1252:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2376testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1253:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2376testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1253:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2377testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1254:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2377testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1254:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2378testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1255:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2378testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1255:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2379testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1256:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2379testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1256:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2380testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1257:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2380testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1257:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2381testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1258:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2381testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1258:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2382testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1259:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2382testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1259:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2383testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1260:46 String->StageAttrs 2383testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1260:46 String -> StageAttrs
2384testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1262:18 StageAttrs 2384testdata/performance/ 1250:15-1262:18 StageAttrs
2385testdata/performance/ 1251:29-1251:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2385testdata/performance/ 1251:29-1251:36 forall a . Maybe a
2386testdata/performance/ 1252:30-1252:50 RGBGen 2386testdata/performance/ 1252:30-1252:50 RGBGen
2387testdata/performance/ 1253:32-1253:42 AlphaGen 2387testdata/performance/ 1253:32-1253:42 AlphaGen
2388testdata/performance/ 1254:29-1254:36 TCGen 2388testdata/performance/ 1254:29-1254:36 TCGen
2389testdata/performance/ 1255:29-1255:31 {a} -> List a 2389testdata/performance/ 1255:29-1255:31 forall a . List a
2390testdata/performance/ 1256:31-1256:37 String->StageTexture 2390testdata/performance/ 1256:31-1256:37 String -> StageTexture
2391testdata/performance/ 1256:31-1256:72 StageTexture 2391testdata/performance/ 1256:31-1256:72 StageTexture
2392testdata/performance/ 1256:38-1256:72 String 2392testdata/performance/ 1256:38-1256:72 String
2393testdata/performance/ 1257:34-1257:38 Bool 2393testdata/performance/ 1257:34-1257:38 Bool
2394testdata/performance/ 1258:33-1258:41 DepthFunction 2394testdata/performance/ 1258:33-1258:41 DepthFunction
2395testdata/performance/ 1259:33-1259:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2395testdata/performance/ 1259:33-1259:40 forall a . Maybe a
2396testdata/performance/ 1260:41-1260:46 Bool 2396testdata/performance/ 1260:41-1260:46 Bool
2397testdata/performance/ 1261:38-1261:54 String 2397testdata/performance/ 1261:38-1261:54 String
2398testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1263:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2398testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1263:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2399testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1264:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2399testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1264:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2400testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1265:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2400testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1265:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2401testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1266:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2401testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1266:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2402testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1267:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2402testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1267:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2403testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1268:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2403testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1268:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2404testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1269:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2404testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1269:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2405testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1270:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2405testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1270:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2406testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1271:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2406testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1271:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2407testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1272:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2407testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1272:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2408testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1273:46 String->StageAttrs 2408testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1273:46 String -> StageAttrs
2409testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1275:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2409testdata/performance/ 1263:15-1275:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2410testdata/performance/ 1264:29-1264:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2410testdata/performance/ 1264:29-1264:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2411testdata/performance/ 1264:29-1264:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2411testdata/performance/ 1264:29-1264:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2412testdata/performance/ 1264:34-1264:57 (Blending', Blending') 2412testdata/performance/ 1264:34-1264:57 (Blending', Blending')
2413testdata/performance/ 1264:36-1264:46 Blending' 2413testdata/performance/ 1264:36-1264:46 Blending'
@@ -2415,79 +2415,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1264:49-1264:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2415testdata/performance/ 1265:30-1265:50 RGBGen 2415testdata/performance/ 1265:30-1265:50 RGBGen
2416testdata/performance/ 1266:32-1266:42 AlphaGen 2416testdata/performance/ 1266:32-1266:42 AlphaGen
2417testdata/performance/ 1267:29-1267:40 TCGen 2417testdata/performance/ 1267:29-1267:40 TCGen
2418testdata/performance/ 1268:29-1268:31 {a} -> List a 2418testdata/performance/ 1268:29-1268:31 forall a . List a
2419testdata/performance/ 1269:31-1269:42 StageTexture 2419testdata/performance/ 1269:31-1269:42 StageTexture
2420testdata/performance/ 1270:34-1270:38 Bool 2420testdata/performance/ 1270:34-1270:38 Bool
2421testdata/performance/ 1271:33-1271:41 DepthFunction 2421testdata/performance/ 1271:33-1271:41 DepthFunction
2422testdata/performance/ 1272:33-1272:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2422testdata/performance/ 1272:33-1272:40 forall a . Maybe a
2423testdata/performance/ 1273:41-1273:46 Bool 2423testdata/performance/ 1273:41-1273:46 Bool
2424testdata/performance/ 1274:38-1274:54 String 2424testdata/performance/ 1274:38-1274:54 String
2425testdata/performance/ 1277:21-1277:26 Bool 2425testdata/performance/ 1277:21-1277:26 Bool
2426testdata/performance/ 1280:5-1322:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2426testdata/performance/ 1280:5-1322:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2427testdata/performance/ 1280:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2427testdata/performance/ 1280:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2428testdata/performance/ 1280:7-1280:44 String 2428testdata/performance/ 1280:7-1280:44 String
2429testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1281:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2429testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1281:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2430testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1282:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2430testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1282:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2431testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1283:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2431testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1283:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2432testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1284:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2432testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1284:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2433testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1285:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2433testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1285:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2434testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1286:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2434testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1286:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2435testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1287:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2435testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1287:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2436testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1288:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2436testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1288:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2437testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1289:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2437testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1289:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2438testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1290:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2438testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1290:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2439testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1291:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2439testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1291:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2440testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1319:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2440testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1319:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2441testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1321:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2441testdata/performance/ 1281:7-1321:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2442testdata/performance/ 1282:24-1282:26 () 2442testdata/performance/ 1282:24-1282:26 ()
2443testdata/performance/ 1283:24-1283:26 () 2443testdata/performance/ 1283:24-1283:26 ()
2444testdata/performance/ 1284:22-1284:27 Bool 2444testdata/performance/ 1284:22-1284:27 Bool
2445testdata/performance/ 1285:20-1285:21 b_ 2445testdata/performance/ 1285:20-1285:21 _b
2446testdata/performance/ 1286:30-1286:35 Bool 2446testdata/performance/ 1286:30-1286:35 Bool
2447testdata/performance/ 1287:23-1287:28 Bool 2447testdata/performance/ 1287:23-1287:28 Bool
2448testdata/performance/ 1288:20-1288:33 CullType 2448testdata/performance/ 1288:20-1288:33 CullType
2449testdata/performance/ 1289:30-1289:32 {a} -> List a 2449testdata/performance/ 1289:30-1289:32 forall a . List a
2450testdata/performance/ 1290:25-1290:30 Bool 2450testdata/performance/ 1290:25-1290:30 Bool
2451testdata/performance/ 1291:29-1291:34 Bool 2451testdata/performance/ 1291:29-1291:34 Bool
2452testdata/performance/ 1293:13-1319:14 List StageAttrs 2452testdata/performance/ 1293:13-1319:14 List StageAttrs
2453testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1293:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2453testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1293:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2454testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1294:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2454testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1294:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2455testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1295:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2455testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1295:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2456testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1296:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2456testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1296:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2457testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1297:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2457testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1297:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2458testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1298:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2458testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1298:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2459testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1299:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2459testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1299:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2460testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1300:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2460testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1300:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2461testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1301:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2461testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1301:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2462testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1302:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2462testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1302:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2463testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1303:46 String->StageAttrs 2463testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1303:46 String -> StageAttrs
2464testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1305:18 StageAttrs 2464testdata/performance/ 1293:15-1305:18 StageAttrs
2465testdata/performance/ 1294:29-1294:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2465testdata/performance/ 1294:29-1294:36 forall a . Maybe a
2466testdata/performance/ 1295:30-1295:50 RGBGen 2466testdata/performance/ 1295:30-1295:50 RGBGen
2467testdata/performance/ 1296:32-1296:42 AlphaGen 2467testdata/performance/ 1296:32-1296:42 AlphaGen
2468testdata/performance/ 1297:29-1297:36 TCGen 2468testdata/performance/ 1297:29-1297:36 TCGen
2469testdata/performance/ 1298:29-1298:31 {a} -> List a 2469testdata/performance/ 1298:29-1298:31 forall a . List a
2470testdata/performance/ 1299:31-1299:37 String->StageTexture 2470testdata/performance/ 1299:31-1299:37 String -> StageTexture
2471testdata/performance/ 1299:31-1299:75 StageTexture 2471testdata/performance/ 1299:31-1299:75 StageTexture
2472testdata/performance/ 1299:38-1299:75 String 2472testdata/performance/ 1299:38-1299:75 String
2473testdata/performance/ 1300:34-1300:38 Bool 2473testdata/performance/ 1300:34-1300:38 Bool
2474testdata/performance/ 1301:33-1301:41 DepthFunction 2474testdata/performance/ 1301:33-1301:41 DepthFunction
2475testdata/performance/ 1302:33-1302:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2475testdata/performance/ 1302:33-1302:40 forall a . Maybe a
2476testdata/performance/ 1303:41-1303:46 Bool 2476testdata/performance/ 1303:41-1303:46 Bool
2477testdata/performance/ 1304:38-1304:54 String 2477testdata/performance/ 1304:38-1304:54 String
2478testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1306:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2478testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1306:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2479testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1307:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2479testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1307:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2480testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1308:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2480testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1308:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2481testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1309:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2481testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1309:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2482testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1310:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2482testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1310:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2483testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1311:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2483testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1311:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2484testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1312:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2484testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1312:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2485testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1313:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2485testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1313:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2486testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1314:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2486testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1314:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2487testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1315:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2487testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1315:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2488testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1316:46 String->StageAttrs 2488testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1316:46 String -> StageAttrs
2489testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1318:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2489testdata/performance/ 1306:15-1318:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2490testdata/performance/ 1307:29-1307:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2490testdata/performance/ 1307:29-1307:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2491testdata/performance/ 1307:29-1307:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2491testdata/performance/ 1307:29-1307:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2492testdata/performance/ 1307:34-1307:57 (Blending', Blending') 2492testdata/performance/ 1307:34-1307:57 (Blending', Blending')
2493testdata/performance/ 1307:36-1307:46 Blending' 2493testdata/performance/ 1307:36-1307:46 Blending'
@@ -2495,79 +2495,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1307:49-1307:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2495testdata/performance/ 1308:30-1308:50 RGBGen 2495testdata/performance/ 1308:30-1308:50 RGBGen
2496testdata/performance/ 1309:32-1309:42 AlphaGen 2496testdata/performance/ 1309:32-1309:42 AlphaGen
2497testdata/performance/ 1310:29-1310:40 TCGen 2497testdata/performance/ 1310:29-1310:40 TCGen
2498testdata/performance/ 1311:29-1311:31 {a} -> List a 2498testdata/performance/ 1311:29-1311:31 forall a . List a
2499testdata/performance/ 1312:31-1312:42 StageTexture 2499testdata/performance/ 1312:31-1312:42 StageTexture
2500testdata/performance/ 1313:34-1313:38 Bool 2500testdata/performance/ 1313:34-1313:38 Bool
2501testdata/performance/ 1314:33-1314:41 DepthFunction 2501testdata/performance/ 1314:33-1314:41 DepthFunction
2502testdata/performance/ 1315:33-1315:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2502testdata/performance/ 1315:33-1315:40 forall a . Maybe a
2503testdata/performance/ 1316:41-1316:46 Bool 2503testdata/performance/ 1316:41-1316:46 Bool
2504testdata/performance/ 1317:38-1317:54 String 2504testdata/performance/ 1317:38-1317:54 String
2505testdata/performance/ 1320:21-1320:26 Bool 2505testdata/performance/ 1320:21-1320:26 Bool
2506testdata/performance/ 1323:5-1365:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2506testdata/performance/ 1323:5-1365:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2507testdata/performance/ 1323:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2507testdata/performance/ 1323:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2508testdata/performance/ 1323:7-1323:43 String 2508testdata/performance/ 1323:7-1323:43 String
2509testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1324:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2509testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1324:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2510testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1325:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2510testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1325:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2511testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1326:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2511testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1326:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2512testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1327:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2512testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1327:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2513testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1328:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2513testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1328:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2514testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1329:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2514testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1329:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2515testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1330:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2515testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1330:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2516testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1331:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2516testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1331:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2517testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1332:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2517testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1332:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2518testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1333:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2518testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1333:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2519testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1334:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2519testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1334:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2520testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1362:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2520testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1362:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2521testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1364:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2521testdata/performance/ 1324:7-1364:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2522testdata/performance/ 1325:24-1325:26 () 2522testdata/performance/ 1325:24-1325:26 ()
2523testdata/performance/ 1326:24-1326:26 () 2523testdata/performance/ 1326:24-1326:26 ()
2524testdata/performance/ 1327:22-1327:27 Bool 2524testdata/performance/ 1327:22-1327:27 Bool
2525testdata/performance/ 1328:20-1328:21 b_ 2525testdata/performance/ 1328:20-1328:21 _b
2526testdata/performance/ 1329:30-1329:35 Bool 2526testdata/performance/ 1329:30-1329:35 Bool
2527testdata/performance/ 1330:23-1330:28 Bool 2527testdata/performance/ 1330:23-1330:28 Bool
2528testdata/performance/ 1331:20-1331:33 CullType 2528testdata/performance/ 1331:20-1331:33 CullType
2529testdata/performance/ 1332:30-1332:32 {a} -> List a 2529testdata/performance/ 1332:30-1332:32 forall a . List a
2530testdata/performance/ 1333:25-1333:30 Bool 2530testdata/performance/ 1333:25-1333:30 Bool
2531testdata/performance/ 1334:29-1334:34 Bool 2531testdata/performance/ 1334:29-1334:34 Bool
2532testdata/performance/ 1336:13-1362:14 List StageAttrs 2532testdata/performance/ 1336:13-1362:14 List StageAttrs
2533testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1336:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2533testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1336:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2534testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1337:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2534testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1337:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2535testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1338:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2535testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1338:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2536testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1339:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2536testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1339:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2537testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1340:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2537testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1340:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2538testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1341:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2538testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1341:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2539testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1342:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2539testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1342:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2540testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1343:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2540testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1343:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2541testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1344:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2541testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1344:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2542testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1345:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2542testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1345:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2543testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1346:46 String->StageAttrs 2543testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1346:46 String -> StageAttrs
2544testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1348:18 StageAttrs 2544testdata/performance/ 1336:15-1348:18 StageAttrs
2545testdata/performance/ 1337:29-1337:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2545testdata/performance/ 1337:29-1337:36 forall a . Maybe a
2546testdata/performance/ 1338:30-1338:50 RGBGen 2546testdata/performance/ 1338:30-1338:50 RGBGen
2547testdata/performance/ 1339:32-1339:42 AlphaGen 2547testdata/performance/ 1339:32-1339:42 AlphaGen
2548testdata/performance/ 1340:29-1340:36 TCGen 2548testdata/performance/ 1340:29-1340:36 TCGen
2549testdata/performance/ 1341:29-1341:31 {a} -> List a 2549testdata/performance/ 1341:29-1341:31 forall a . List a
2550testdata/performance/ 1342:31-1342:37 String->StageTexture 2550testdata/performance/ 1342:31-1342:37 String -> StageTexture
2551testdata/performance/ 1342:31-1342:74 StageTexture 2551testdata/performance/ 1342:31-1342:74 StageTexture
2552testdata/performance/ 1342:38-1342:74 String 2552testdata/performance/ 1342:38-1342:74 String
2553testdata/performance/ 1343:34-1343:38 Bool 2553testdata/performance/ 1343:34-1343:38 Bool
2554testdata/performance/ 1344:33-1344:41 DepthFunction 2554testdata/performance/ 1344:33-1344:41 DepthFunction
2555testdata/performance/ 1345:33-1345:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2555testdata/performance/ 1345:33-1345:40 forall a . Maybe a
2556testdata/performance/ 1346:41-1346:46 Bool 2556testdata/performance/ 1346:41-1346:46 Bool
2557testdata/performance/ 1347:38-1347:54 String 2557testdata/performance/ 1347:38-1347:54 String
2558testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1349:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2558testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1349:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2559testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1350:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2559testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1350:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2560testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1351:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2560testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1351:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2561testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1352:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2561testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1352:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2562testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1353:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2562testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1353:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2563testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1354:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2563testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1354:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2564testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1355:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2564testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1355:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2565testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1356:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2565testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1356:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2566testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1357:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2566testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1357:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2567testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1358:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2567testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1358:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2568testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1359:46 String->StageAttrs 2568testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1359:46 String -> StageAttrs
2569testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1361:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2569testdata/performance/ 1349:15-1361:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2570testdata/performance/ 1350:29-1350:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2570testdata/performance/ 1350:29-1350:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2571testdata/performance/ 1350:29-1350:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2571testdata/performance/ 1350:29-1350:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2572testdata/performance/ 1350:34-1350:57 (Blending', Blending') 2572testdata/performance/ 1350:34-1350:57 (Blending', Blending')
2573testdata/performance/ 1350:36-1350:46 Blending' 2573testdata/performance/ 1350:36-1350:46 Blending'
@@ -2575,79 +2575,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1350:49-1350:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2575testdata/performance/ 1351:30-1351:50 RGBGen 2575testdata/performance/ 1351:30-1351:50 RGBGen
2576testdata/performance/ 1352:32-1352:42 AlphaGen 2576testdata/performance/ 1352:32-1352:42 AlphaGen
2577testdata/performance/ 1353:29-1353:40 TCGen 2577testdata/performance/ 1353:29-1353:40 TCGen
2578testdata/performance/ 1354:29-1354:31 {a} -> List a 2578testdata/performance/ 1354:29-1354:31 forall a . List a
2579testdata/performance/ 1355:31-1355:42 StageTexture 2579testdata/performance/ 1355:31-1355:42 StageTexture
2580testdata/performance/ 1356:34-1356:38 Bool 2580testdata/performance/ 1356:34-1356:38 Bool
2581testdata/performance/ 1357:33-1357:41 DepthFunction 2581testdata/performance/ 1357:33-1357:41 DepthFunction
2582testdata/performance/ 1358:33-1358:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2582testdata/performance/ 1358:33-1358:40 forall a . Maybe a
2583testdata/performance/ 1359:41-1359:46 Bool 2583testdata/performance/ 1359:41-1359:46 Bool
2584testdata/performance/ 1360:38-1360:54 String 2584testdata/performance/ 1360:38-1360:54 String
2585testdata/performance/ 1363:21-1363:26 Bool 2585testdata/performance/ 1363:21-1363:26 Bool
2586testdata/performance/ 1366:5-1408:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2586testdata/performance/ 1366:5-1408:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2587testdata/performance/ 1366:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2587testdata/performance/ 1366:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2588testdata/performance/ 1366:7-1366:44 String 2588testdata/performance/ 1366:7-1366:44 String
2589testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1367:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2589testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1367:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2590testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1368:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2590testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1368:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2591testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1369:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2591testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1369:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2592testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1370:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2592testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1370:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2593testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1371:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2593testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1371:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2594testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1372:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2594testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1372:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2595testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1373:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2595testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1373:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2596testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1374:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2596testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1374:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2597testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1375:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2597testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1375:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2598testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1376:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2598testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1376:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2599testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1377:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2599testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1377:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2600testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1405:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2600testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1405:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2601testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1407:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2601testdata/performance/ 1367:7-1407:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2602testdata/performance/ 1368:24-1368:26 () 2602testdata/performance/ 1368:24-1368:26 ()
2603testdata/performance/ 1369:24-1369:26 () 2603testdata/performance/ 1369:24-1369:26 ()
2604testdata/performance/ 1370:22-1370:27 Bool 2604testdata/performance/ 1370:22-1370:27 Bool
2605testdata/performance/ 1371:20-1371:21 b_ 2605testdata/performance/ 1371:20-1371:21 _b
2606testdata/performance/ 1372:30-1372:35 Bool 2606testdata/performance/ 1372:30-1372:35 Bool
2607testdata/performance/ 1373:23-1373:28 Bool 2607testdata/performance/ 1373:23-1373:28 Bool
2608testdata/performance/ 1374:20-1374:33 CullType 2608testdata/performance/ 1374:20-1374:33 CullType
2609testdata/performance/ 1375:30-1375:32 {a} -> List a 2609testdata/performance/ 1375:30-1375:32 forall a . List a
2610testdata/performance/ 1376:25-1376:30 Bool 2610testdata/performance/ 1376:25-1376:30 Bool
2611testdata/performance/ 1377:29-1377:34 Bool 2611testdata/performance/ 1377:29-1377:34 Bool
2612testdata/performance/ 1379:13-1405:14 List StageAttrs 2612testdata/performance/ 1379:13-1405:14 List StageAttrs
2613testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1379:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2613testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1379:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2614testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1380:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2614testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1380:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2615testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1381:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2615testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1381:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2616testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1382:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2616testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1382:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2617testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1383:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2617testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1383:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2618testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1384:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2618testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1384:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2619testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1385:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2619testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1385:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2620testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1386:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2620testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1386:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2621testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1387:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2621testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1387:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2622testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1388:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2622testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1388:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2623testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1389:46 String->StageAttrs 2623testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1389:46 String -> StageAttrs
2624testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1391:18 StageAttrs 2624testdata/performance/ 1379:15-1391:18 StageAttrs
2625testdata/performance/ 1380:29-1380:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2625testdata/performance/ 1380:29-1380:36 forall a . Maybe a
2626testdata/performance/ 1381:30-1381:50 RGBGen 2626testdata/performance/ 1381:30-1381:50 RGBGen
2627testdata/performance/ 1382:32-1382:42 AlphaGen 2627testdata/performance/ 1382:32-1382:42 AlphaGen
2628testdata/performance/ 1383:29-1383:36 TCGen 2628testdata/performance/ 1383:29-1383:36 TCGen
2629testdata/performance/ 1384:29-1384:31 {a} -> List a 2629testdata/performance/ 1384:29-1384:31 forall a . List a
2630testdata/performance/ 1385:31-1385:37 String->StageTexture 2630testdata/performance/ 1385:31-1385:37 String -> StageTexture
2631testdata/performance/ 1385:31-1385:75 StageTexture 2631testdata/performance/ 1385:31-1385:75 StageTexture
2632testdata/performance/ 1385:38-1385:75 String 2632testdata/performance/ 1385:38-1385:75 String
2633testdata/performance/ 1386:34-1386:38 Bool 2633testdata/performance/ 1386:34-1386:38 Bool
2634testdata/performance/ 1387:33-1387:41 DepthFunction 2634testdata/performance/ 1387:33-1387:41 DepthFunction
2635testdata/performance/ 1388:33-1388:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2635testdata/performance/ 1388:33-1388:40 forall a . Maybe a
2636testdata/performance/ 1389:41-1389:46 Bool 2636testdata/performance/ 1389:41-1389:46 Bool
2637testdata/performance/ 1390:38-1390:54 String 2637testdata/performance/ 1390:38-1390:54 String
2638testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1392:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2638testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1392:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2639testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1393:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2639testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1393:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2640testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1394:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2640testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1394:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2641testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1395:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2641testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1395:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2642testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1396:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2642testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1396:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2643testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1397:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2643testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1397:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2644testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1398:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2644testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1398:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2645testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1399:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2645testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1399:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2646testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1400:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2646testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1400:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2647testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1401:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2647testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1401:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2648testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1402:46 String->StageAttrs 2648testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1402:46 String -> StageAttrs
2649testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1404:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2649testdata/performance/ 1392:15-1404:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2650testdata/performance/ 1393:29-1393:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2650testdata/performance/ 1393:29-1393:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2651testdata/performance/ 1393:29-1393:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2651testdata/performance/ 1393:29-1393:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2652testdata/performance/ 1393:34-1393:57 (Blending', Blending') 2652testdata/performance/ 1393:34-1393:57 (Blending', Blending')
2653testdata/performance/ 1393:36-1393:46 Blending' 2653testdata/performance/ 1393:36-1393:46 Blending'
@@ -2655,79 +2655,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1393:49-1393:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2655testdata/performance/ 1394:30-1394:50 RGBGen 2655testdata/performance/ 1394:30-1394:50 RGBGen
2656testdata/performance/ 1395:32-1395:42 AlphaGen 2656testdata/performance/ 1395:32-1395:42 AlphaGen
2657testdata/performance/ 1396:29-1396:40 TCGen 2657testdata/performance/ 1396:29-1396:40 TCGen
2658testdata/performance/ 1397:29-1397:31 {a} -> List a 2658testdata/performance/ 1397:29-1397:31 forall a . List a
2659testdata/performance/ 1398:31-1398:42 StageTexture 2659testdata/performance/ 1398:31-1398:42 StageTexture
2660testdata/performance/ 1399:34-1399:38 Bool 2660testdata/performance/ 1399:34-1399:38 Bool
2661testdata/performance/ 1400:33-1400:41 DepthFunction 2661testdata/performance/ 1400:33-1400:41 DepthFunction
2662testdata/performance/ 1401:33-1401:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2662testdata/performance/ 1401:33-1401:40 forall a . Maybe a
2663testdata/performance/ 1402:41-1402:46 Bool 2663testdata/performance/ 1402:41-1402:46 Bool
2664testdata/performance/ 1403:38-1403:54 String 2664testdata/performance/ 1403:38-1403:54 String
2665testdata/performance/ 1406:21-1406:26 Bool 2665testdata/performance/ 1406:21-1406:26 Bool
2666testdata/performance/ 1409:5-1451:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2666testdata/performance/ 1409:5-1451:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2667testdata/performance/ 1409:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2667testdata/performance/ 1409:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2668testdata/performance/ 1409:7-1409:44 String 2668testdata/performance/ 1409:7-1409:44 String
2669testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1410:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2669testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1410:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2670testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1411:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2670testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1411:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2671testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1412:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2671testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1412:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2672testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1413:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2672testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1413:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2673testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1414:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2673testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1414:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2674testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1415:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2674testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1415:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2675testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1416:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2675testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1416:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2676testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1417:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2676testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1417:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2677testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1418:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2677testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1418:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2678testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1419:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2678testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1419:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2679testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1420:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2679testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1420:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2680testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1448:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2680testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1448:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2681testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1450:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2681testdata/performance/ 1410:7-1450:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2682testdata/performance/ 1411:24-1411:26 () 2682testdata/performance/ 1411:24-1411:26 ()
2683testdata/performance/ 1412:24-1412:26 () 2683testdata/performance/ 1412:24-1412:26 ()
2684testdata/performance/ 1413:22-1413:27 Bool 2684testdata/performance/ 1413:22-1413:27 Bool
2685testdata/performance/ 1414:20-1414:21 b_ 2685testdata/performance/ 1414:20-1414:21 _b
2686testdata/performance/ 1415:30-1415:35 Bool 2686testdata/performance/ 1415:30-1415:35 Bool
2687testdata/performance/ 1416:23-1416:28 Bool 2687testdata/performance/ 1416:23-1416:28 Bool
2688testdata/performance/ 1417:20-1417:33 CullType 2688testdata/performance/ 1417:20-1417:33 CullType
2689testdata/performance/ 1418:30-1418:32 {a} -> List a 2689testdata/performance/ 1418:30-1418:32 forall a . List a
2690testdata/performance/ 1419:25-1419:30 Bool 2690testdata/performance/ 1419:25-1419:30 Bool
2691testdata/performance/ 1420:29-1420:34 Bool 2691testdata/performance/ 1420:29-1420:34 Bool
2692testdata/performance/ 1422:13-1448:14 List StageAttrs 2692testdata/performance/ 1422:13-1448:14 List StageAttrs
2693testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1422:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2693testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1422:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2694testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1423:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2694testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1423:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2695testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1424:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2695testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1424:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2696testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1425:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2696testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1425:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2697testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1426:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2697testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1426:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2698testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1427:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2698testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1427:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2699testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1428:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2699testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1428:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2700testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1429:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2700testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1429:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2701testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1430:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2701testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1430:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2702testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1431:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2702testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1431:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2703testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1432:46 String->StageAttrs 2703testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1432:46 String -> StageAttrs
2704testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1434:18 StageAttrs 2704testdata/performance/ 1422:15-1434:18 StageAttrs
2705testdata/performance/ 1423:29-1423:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2705testdata/performance/ 1423:29-1423:36 forall a . Maybe a
2706testdata/performance/ 1424:30-1424:50 RGBGen 2706testdata/performance/ 1424:30-1424:50 RGBGen
2707testdata/performance/ 1425:32-1425:42 AlphaGen 2707testdata/performance/ 1425:32-1425:42 AlphaGen
2708testdata/performance/ 1426:29-1426:36 TCGen 2708testdata/performance/ 1426:29-1426:36 TCGen
2709testdata/performance/ 1427:29-1427:31 {a} -> List a 2709testdata/performance/ 1427:29-1427:31 forall a . List a
2710testdata/performance/ 1428:31-1428:37 String->StageTexture 2710testdata/performance/ 1428:31-1428:37 String -> StageTexture
2711testdata/performance/ 1428:31-1428:75 StageTexture 2711testdata/performance/ 1428:31-1428:75 StageTexture
2712testdata/performance/ 1428:38-1428:75 String 2712testdata/performance/ 1428:38-1428:75 String
2713testdata/performance/ 1429:34-1429:38 Bool 2713testdata/performance/ 1429:34-1429:38 Bool
2714testdata/performance/ 1430:33-1430:41 DepthFunction 2714testdata/performance/ 1430:33-1430:41 DepthFunction
2715testdata/performance/ 1431:33-1431:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2715testdata/performance/ 1431:33-1431:40 forall a . Maybe a
2716testdata/performance/ 1432:41-1432:46 Bool 2716testdata/performance/ 1432:41-1432:46 Bool
2717testdata/performance/ 1433:38-1433:54 String 2717testdata/performance/ 1433:38-1433:54 String
2718testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1435:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2718testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1435:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2719testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1436:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2719testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1436:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2720testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1437:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2720testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1437:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2721testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1438:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2721testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1438:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2722testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1439:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2722testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1439:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2723testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1440:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2723testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1440:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2724testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1441:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2724testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1441:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2725testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1442:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2725testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1442:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2726testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1443:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2726testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1443:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2727testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1444:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2727testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1444:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2728testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1445:46 String->StageAttrs 2728testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1445:46 String -> StageAttrs
2729testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1447:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2729testdata/performance/ 1435:15-1447:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2730testdata/performance/ 1436:29-1436:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2730testdata/performance/ 1436:29-1436:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2731testdata/performance/ 1436:29-1436:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2731testdata/performance/ 1436:29-1436:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2732testdata/performance/ 1436:34-1436:57 (Blending', Blending') 2732testdata/performance/ 1436:34-1436:57 (Blending', Blending')
2733testdata/performance/ 1436:36-1436:46 Blending' 2733testdata/performance/ 1436:36-1436:46 Blending'
@@ -2735,79 +2735,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1436:49-1436:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2735testdata/performance/ 1437:30-1437:50 RGBGen 2735testdata/performance/ 1437:30-1437:50 RGBGen
2736testdata/performance/ 1438:32-1438:42 AlphaGen 2736testdata/performance/ 1438:32-1438:42 AlphaGen
2737testdata/performance/ 1439:29-1439:40 TCGen 2737testdata/performance/ 1439:29-1439:40 TCGen
2738testdata/performance/ 1440:29-1440:31 {a} -> List a 2738testdata/performance/ 1440:29-1440:31 forall a . List a
2739testdata/performance/ 1441:31-1441:42 StageTexture 2739testdata/performance/ 1441:31-1441:42 StageTexture
2740testdata/performance/ 1442:34-1442:38 Bool 2740testdata/performance/ 1442:34-1442:38 Bool
2741testdata/performance/ 1443:33-1443:41 DepthFunction 2741testdata/performance/ 1443:33-1443:41 DepthFunction
2742testdata/performance/ 1444:33-1444:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2742testdata/performance/ 1444:33-1444:40 forall a . Maybe a
2743testdata/performance/ 1445:41-1445:46 Bool 2743testdata/performance/ 1445:41-1445:46 Bool
2744testdata/performance/ 1446:38-1446:54 String 2744testdata/performance/ 1446:38-1446:54 String
2745testdata/performance/ 1449:21-1449:26 Bool 2745testdata/performance/ 1449:21-1449:26 Bool
2746testdata/performance/ 1452:5-1494:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2746testdata/performance/ 1452:5-1494:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2747testdata/performance/ 1452:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2747testdata/performance/ 1452:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2748testdata/performance/ 1452:7-1452:44 String 2748testdata/performance/ 1452:7-1452:44 String
2749testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1453:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2749testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1453:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2750testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1454:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2750testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1454:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2751testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1455:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2751testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1455:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2752testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1456:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2752testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1456:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2753testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1457:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2753testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1457:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2754testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1458:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2754testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1458:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2755testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1459:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2755testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1459:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2756testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1460:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2756testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1460:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2757testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1461:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2757testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1461:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2758testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1462:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2758testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1462:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2759testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1463:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2759testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1463:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2760testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1491:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2760testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1491:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2761testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1493:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2761testdata/performance/ 1453:7-1493:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2762testdata/performance/ 1454:24-1454:26 () 2762testdata/performance/ 1454:24-1454:26 ()
2763testdata/performance/ 1455:24-1455:26 () 2763testdata/performance/ 1455:24-1455:26 ()
2764testdata/performance/ 1456:22-1456:27 Bool 2764testdata/performance/ 1456:22-1456:27 Bool
2765testdata/performance/ 1457:20-1457:21 b_ 2765testdata/performance/ 1457:20-1457:21 _b
2766testdata/performance/ 1458:30-1458:35 Bool 2766testdata/performance/ 1458:30-1458:35 Bool
2767testdata/performance/ 1459:23-1459:28 Bool 2767testdata/performance/ 1459:23-1459:28 Bool
2768testdata/performance/ 1460:20-1460:33 CullType 2768testdata/performance/ 1460:20-1460:33 CullType
2769testdata/performance/ 1461:30-1461:32 {a} -> List a 2769testdata/performance/ 1461:30-1461:32 forall a . List a
2770testdata/performance/ 1462:25-1462:30 Bool 2770testdata/performance/ 1462:25-1462:30 Bool
2771testdata/performance/ 1463:29-1463:34 Bool 2771testdata/performance/ 1463:29-1463:34 Bool
2772testdata/performance/ 1465:13-1491:14 List StageAttrs 2772testdata/performance/ 1465:13-1491:14 List StageAttrs
2773testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1465:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2773testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1465:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2774testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1466:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2774testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1466:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2775testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1467:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2775testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1467:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2776testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1468:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2776testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1468:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2777testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1469:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2777testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1469:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2778testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1470:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2778testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1470:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2779testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1471:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2779testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1471:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2780testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1472:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2780testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1472:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2781testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1473:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2781testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1473:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2782testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1474:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2782testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1474:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2783testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1475:46 String->StageAttrs 2783testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1475:46 String -> StageAttrs
2784testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1477:18 StageAttrs 2784testdata/performance/ 1465:15-1477:18 StageAttrs
2785testdata/performance/ 1466:29-1466:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2785testdata/performance/ 1466:29-1466:36 forall a . Maybe a
2786testdata/performance/ 1467:30-1467:50 RGBGen 2786testdata/performance/ 1467:30-1467:50 RGBGen
2787testdata/performance/ 1468:32-1468:42 AlphaGen 2787testdata/performance/ 1468:32-1468:42 AlphaGen
2788testdata/performance/ 1469:29-1469:36 TCGen 2788testdata/performance/ 1469:29-1469:36 TCGen
2789testdata/performance/ 1470:29-1470:31 {a} -> List a 2789testdata/performance/ 1470:29-1470:31 forall a . List a
2790testdata/performance/ 1471:31-1471:37 String->StageTexture 2790testdata/performance/ 1471:31-1471:37 String -> StageTexture
2791testdata/performance/ 1471:31-1471:75 StageTexture 2791testdata/performance/ 1471:31-1471:75 StageTexture
2792testdata/performance/ 1471:38-1471:75 String 2792testdata/performance/ 1471:38-1471:75 String
2793testdata/performance/ 1472:34-1472:38 Bool 2793testdata/performance/ 1472:34-1472:38 Bool
2794testdata/performance/ 1473:33-1473:41 DepthFunction 2794testdata/performance/ 1473:33-1473:41 DepthFunction
2795testdata/performance/ 1474:33-1474:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2795testdata/performance/ 1474:33-1474:40 forall a . Maybe a
2796testdata/performance/ 1475:41-1475:46 Bool 2796testdata/performance/ 1475:41-1475:46 Bool
2797testdata/performance/ 1476:38-1476:54 String 2797testdata/performance/ 1476:38-1476:54 String
2798testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1478:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2798testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1478:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2799testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1479:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2799testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1479:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2800testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1480:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2800testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1480:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2801testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1481:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2801testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1481:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2802testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1482:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2802testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1482:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2803testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1483:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2803testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1483:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2804testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1484:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2804testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1484:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2805testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1485:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2805testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1485:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2806testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1486:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2806testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1486:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2807testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1487:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2807testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1487:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2808testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1488:46 String->StageAttrs 2808testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1488:46 String -> StageAttrs
2809testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1490:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2809testdata/performance/ 1478:15-1490:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2810testdata/performance/ 1479:29-1479:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2810testdata/performance/ 1479:29-1479:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2811testdata/performance/ 1479:29-1479:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2811testdata/performance/ 1479:29-1479:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2812testdata/performance/ 1479:34-1479:57 (Blending', Blending') 2812testdata/performance/ 1479:34-1479:57 (Blending', Blending')
2813testdata/performance/ 1479:36-1479:46 Blending' 2813testdata/performance/ 1479:36-1479:46 Blending'
@@ -2815,79 +2815,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1479:49-1479:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2815testdata/performance/ 1480:30-1480:50 RGBGen 2815testdata/performance/ 1480:30-1480:50 RGBGen
2816testdata/performance/ 1481:32-1481:42 AlphaGen 2816testdata/performance/ 1481:32-1481:42 AlphaGen
2817testdata/performance/ 1482:29-1482:40 TCGen 2817testdata/performance/ 1482:29-1482:40 TCGen
2818testdata/performance/ 1483:29-1483:31 {a} -> List a 2818testdata/performance/ 1483:29-1483:31 forall a . List a
2819testdata/performance/ 1484:31-1484:42 StageTexture 2819testdata/performance/ 1484:31-1484:42 StageTexture
2820testdata/performance/ 1485:34-1485:38 Bool 2820testdata/performance/ 1485:34-1485:38 Bool
2821testdata/performance/ 1486:33-1486:41 DepthFunction 2821testdata/performance/ 1486:33-1486:41 DepthFunction
2822testdata/performance/ 1487:33-1487:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2822testdata/performance/ 1487:33-1487:40 forall a . Maybe a
2823testdata/performance/ 1488:41-1488:46 Bool 2823testdata/performance/ 1488:41-1488:46 Bool
2824testdata/performance/ 1489:38-1489:54 String 2824testdata/performance/ 1489:38-1489:54 String
2825testdata/performance/ 1492:21-1492:26 Bool 2825testdata/performance/ 1492:21-1492:26 Bool
2826testdata/performance/ 1495:5-1537:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2826testdata/performance/ 1495:5-1537:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2827testdata/performance/ 1495:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2827testdata/performance/ 1495:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2828testdata/performance/ 1495:7-1495:45 String 2828testdata/performance/ 1495:7-1495:45 String
2829testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1496:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2829testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1496:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2830testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1497:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2830testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1497:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2831testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1498:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2831testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1498:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2832testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1499:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2832testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1499:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2833testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1500:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2833testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1500:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2834testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1501:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2834testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1501:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2835testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1502:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2835testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1502:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2836testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1503:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2836testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1503:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2837testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1504:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2837testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1504:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2838testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1505:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2838testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1505:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2839testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1506:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2839testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1506:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2840testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1534:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2840testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1534:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2841testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1536:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2841testdata/performance/ 1496:7-1536:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2842testdata/performance/ 1497:24-1497:26 () 2842testdata/performance/ 1497:24-1497:26 ()
2843testdata/performance/ 1498:24-1498:26 () 2843testdata/performance/ 1498:24-1498:26 ()
2844testdata/performance/ 1499:22-1499:27 Bool 2844testdata/performance/ 1499:22-1499:27 Bool
2845testdata/performance/ 1500:20-1500:21 b_ 2845testdata/performance/ 1500:20-1500:21 _b
2846testdata/performance/ 1501:30-1501:35 Bool 2846testdata/performance/ 1501:30-1501:35 Bool
2847testdata/performance/ 1502:23-1502:28 Bool 2847testdata/performance/ 1502:23-1502:28 Bool
2848testdata/performance/ 1503:20-1503:33 CullType 2848testdata/performance/ 1503:20-1503:33 CullType
2849testdata/performance/ 1504:30-1504:32 {a} -> List a 2849testdata/performance/ 1504:30-1504:32 forall a . List a
2850testdata/performance/ 1505:25-1505:30 Bool 2850testdata/performance/ 1505:25-1505:30 Bool
2851testdata/performance/ 1506:29-1506:34 Bool 2851testdata/performance/ 1506:29-1506:34 Bool
2852testdata/performance/ 1508:13-1534:14 List StageAttrs 2852testdata/performance/ 1508:13-1534:14 List StageAttrs
2853testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1508:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2853testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1508:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2854testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1509:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2854testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1509:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2855testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1510:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2855testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1510:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2856testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1511:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2856testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1511:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2857testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1512:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2857testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1512:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2858testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1513:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2858testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1513:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2859testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1514:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2859testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1514:76 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2860testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1515:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2860testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1515:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2861testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1516:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2861testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1516:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2862testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1517:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2862testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1517:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2863testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1518:46 String->StageAttrs 2863testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1518:46 String -> StageAttrs
2864testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1520:18 StageAttrs 2864testdata/performance/ 1508:15-1520:18 StageAttrs
2865testdata/performance/ 1509:29-1509:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2865testdata/performance/ 1509:29-1509:36 forall a . Maybe a
2866testdata/performance/ 1510:30-1510:50 RGBGen 2866testdata/performance/ 1510:30-1510:50 RGBGen
2867testdata/performance/ 1511:32-1511:42 AlphaGen 2867testdata/performance/ 1511:32-1511:42 AlphaGen
2868testdata/performance/ 1512:29-1512:36 TCGen 2868testdata/performance/ 1512:29-1512:36 TCGen
2869testdata/performance/ 1513:29-1513:31 {a} -> List a 2869testdata/performance/ 1513:29-1513:31 forall a . List a
2870testdata/performance/ 1514:31-1514:37 String->StageTexture 2870testdata/performance/ 1514:31-1514:37 String -> StageTexture
2871testdata/performance/ 1514:31-1514:76 StageTexture 2871testdata/performance/ 1514:31-1514:76 StageTexture
2872testdata/performance/ 1514:38-1514:76 String 2872testdata/performance/ 1514:38-1514:76 String
2873testdata/performance/ 1515:34-1515:38 Bool 2873testdata/performance/ 1515:34-1515:38 Bool
2874testdata/performance/ 1516:33-1516:41 DepthFunction 2874testdata/performance/ 1516:33-1516:41 DepthFunction
2875testdata/performance/ 1517:33-1517:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2875testdata/performance/ 1517:33-1517:40 forall a . Maybe a
2876testdata/performance/ 1518:41-1518:46 Bool 2876testdata/performance/ 1518:41-1518:46 Bool
2877testdata/performance/ 1519:38-1519:54 String 2877testdata/performance/ 1519:38-1519:54 String
2878testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1521:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2878testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1521:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2879testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1522:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2879testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1522:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2880testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1523:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2880testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1523:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2881testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1524:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2881testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1524:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2882testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1525:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2882testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1525:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2883testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1526:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2883testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1526:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2884testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1527:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2884testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1527:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2885testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1528:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2885testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1528:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2886testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1529:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2886testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1529:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2887testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1530:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2887testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1530:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2888testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1531:46 String->StageAttrs 2888testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1531:46 String -> StageAttrs
2889testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1533:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2889testdata/performance/ 1521:15-1533:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2890testdata/performance/ 1522:29-1522:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2890testdata/performance/ 1522:29-1522:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2891testdata/performance/ 1522:29-1522:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2891testdata/performance/ 1522:29-1522:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2892testdata/performance/ 1522:34-1522:57 (Blending', Blending') 2892testdata/performance/ 1522:34-1522:57 (Blending', Blending')
2893testdata/performance/ 1522:36-1522:46 Blending' 2893testdata/performance/ 1522:36-1522:46 Blending'
@@ -2895,79 +2895,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1522:49-1522:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2895testdata/performance/ 1523:30-1523:50 RGBGen 2895testdata/performance/ 1523:30-1523:50 RGBGen
2896testdata/performance/ 1524:32-1524:42 AlphaGen 2896testdata/performance/ 1524:32-1524:42 AlphaGen
2897testdata/performance/ 1525:29-1525:40 TCGen 2897testdata/performance/ 1525:29-1525:40 TCGen
2898testdata/performance/ 1526:29-1526:31 {a} -> List a 2898testdata/performance/ 1526:29-1526:31 forall a . List a
2899testdata/performance/ 1527:31-1527:42 StageTexture 2899testdata/performance/ 1527:31-1527:42 StageTexture
2900testdata/performance/ 1528:34-1528:38 Bool 2900testdata/performance/ 1528:34-1528:38 Bool
2901testdata/performance/ 1529:33-1529:41 DepthFunction 2901testdata/performance/ 1529:33-1529:41 DepthFunction
2902testdata/performance/ 1530:33-1530:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2902testdata/performance/ 1530:33-1530:40 forall a . Maybe a
2903testdata/performance/ 1531:41-1531:46 Bool 2903testdata/performance/ 1531:41-1531:46 Bool
2904testdata/performance/ 1532:38-1532:54 String 2904testdata/performance/ 1532:38-1532:54 String
2905testdata/performance/ 1535:21-1535:26 Bool 2905testdata/performance/ 1535:21-1535:26 Bool
2906testdata/performance/ 1538:5-1580:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2906testdata/performance/ 1538:5-1580:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2907testdata/performance/ 1538:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2907testdata/performance/ 1538:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2908testdata/performance/ 1538:7-1538:47 String 2908testdata/performance/ 1538:7-1538:47 String
2909testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1539:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2909testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1539:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2910testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1540:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2910testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1540:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2911testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1541:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2911testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1541:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2912testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1542:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2912testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1542:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2913testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1543:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2913testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1543:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2914testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1544:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2914testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1544:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2915testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1545:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2915testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1545:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2916testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1546:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2916testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1546:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2917testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1547:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2917testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1547:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2918testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1548:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2918testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1548:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2919testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1549:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2919testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1549:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2920testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1577:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 2920testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1577:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
2921testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1579:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 2921testdata/performance/ 1539:7-1579:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
2922testdata/performance/ 1540:24-1540:26 () 2922testdata/performance/ 1540:24-1540:26 ()
2923testdata/performance/ 1541:24-1541:26 () 2923testdata/performance/ 1541:24-1541:26 ()
2924testdata/performance/ 1542:22-1542:27 Bool 2924testdata/performance/ 1542:22-1542:27 Bool
2925testdata/performance/ 1543:20-1543:21 b_ 2925testdata/performance/ 1543:20-1543:21 _b
2926testdata/performance/ 1544:30-1544:35 Bool 2926testdata/performance/ 1544:30-1544:35 Bool
2927testdata/performance/ 1545:23-1545:28 Bool 2927testdata/performance/ 1545:23-1545:28 Bool
2928testdata/performance/ 1546:20-1546:33 CullType 2928testdata/performance/ 1546:20-1546:33 CullType
2929testdata/performance/ 1547:30-1547:32 {a} -> List a 2929testdata/performance/ 1547:30-1547:32 forall a . List a
2930testdata/performance/ 1548:25-1548:30 Bool 2930testdata/performance/ 1548:25-1548:30 Bool
2931testdata/performance/ 1549:29-1549:34 Bool 2931testdata/performance/ 1549:29-1549:34 Bool
2932testdata/performance/ 1551:13-1577:14 List StageAttrs 2932testdata/performance/ 1551:13-1577:14 List StageAttrs
2933testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1551:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2933testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1551:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2934testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1552:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2934testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1552:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2935testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1553:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2935testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1553:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2936testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1554:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2936testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1554:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2937testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1555:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2937testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1555:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2938testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1556:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2938testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1556:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2939testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1557:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2939testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1557:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2940testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1558:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2940testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1558:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2941testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1559:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2941testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1559:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2942testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1560:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2942testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1560:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2943testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1561:46 String->StageAttrs 2943testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1561:46 String -> StageAttrs
2944testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1563:18 StageAttrs 2944testdata/performance/ 1551:15-1563:18 StageAttrs
2945testdata/performance/ 1552:29-1552:36 {a} -> Maybe a 2945testdata/performance/ 1552:29-1552:36 forall a . Maybe a
2946testdata/performance/ 1553:30-1553:50 RGBGen 2946testdata/performance/ 1553:30-1553:50 RGBGen
2947testdata/performance/ 1554:32-1554:42 AlphaGen 2947testdata/performance/ 1554:32-1554:42 AlphaGen
2948testdata/performance/ 1555:29-1555:36 TCGen 2948testdata/performance/ 1555:29-1555:36 TCGen
2949testdata/performance/ 1556:29-1556:31 {a} -> List a 2949testdata/performance/ 1556:29-1556:31 forall a . List a
2950testdata/performance/ 1557:31-1557:37 String->StageTexture 2950testdata/performance/ 1557:31-1557:37 String -> StageTexture
2951testdata/performance/ 1557:31-1557:78 StageTexture 2951testdata/performance/ 1557:31-1557:78 StageTexture
2952testdata/performance/ 1557:38-1557:78 String 2952testdata/performance/ 1557:38-1557:78 String
2953testdata/performance/ 1558:34-1558:38 Bool 2953testdata/performance/ 1558:34-1558:38 Bool
2954testdata/performance/ 1559:33-1559:41 DepthFunction 2954testdata/performance/ 1559:33-1559:41 DepthFunction
2955testdata/performance/ 1560:33-1560:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2955testdata/performance/ 1560:33-1560:40 forall a . Maybe a
2956testdata/performance/ 1561:41-1561:46 Bool 2956testdata/performance/ 1561:41-1561:46 Bool
2957testdata/performance/ 1562:38-1562:54 String 2957testdata/performance/ 1562:38-1562:54 String
2958testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1564:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2958testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1564:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2959testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1565:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2959testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1565:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2960testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1566:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2960testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1566:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2961testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1567:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2961testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1567:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2962testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1568:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2962testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1568:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2963testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1569:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2963testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1569:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2964testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1570:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2964testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1570:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2965testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1571:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2965testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1571:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2966testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1572:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2966testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1572:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2967testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1573:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 2967testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1573:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
2968testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1574:46 String->StageAttrs 2968testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1574:46 String -> StageAttrs
2969testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1576:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 2969testdata/performance/ 1564:15-1576:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
2970testdata/performance/ 1565:29-1565:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 2970testdata/performance/ 1565:29-1565:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
2971testdata/performance/ 1565:29-1565:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 2971testdata/performance/ 1565:29-1565:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
2972testdata/performance/ 1565:34-1565:57 (Blending', Blending') 2972testdata/performance/ 1565:34-1565:57 (Blending', Blending')
2973testdata/performance/ 1565:36-1565:46 Blending' 2973testdata/performance/ 1565:36-1565:46 Blending'
@@ -2975,79 +2975,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1565:49-1565:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
2975testdata/performance/ 1566:30-1566:50 RGBGen 2975testdata/performance/ 1566:30-1566:50 RGBGen
2976testdata/performance/ 1567:32-1567:42 AlphaGen 2976testdata/performance/ 1567:32-1567:42 AlphaGen
2977testdata/performance/ 1568:29-1568:40 TCGen 2977testdata/performance/ 1568:29-1568:40 TCGen
2978testdata/performance/ 1569:29-1569:31 {a} -> List a 2978testdata/performance/ 1569:29-1569:31 forall a . List a
2979testdata/performance/ 1570:31-1570:42 StageTexture 2979testdata/performance/ 1570:31-1570:42 StageTexture
2980testdata/performance/ 1571:34-1571:38 Bool 2980testdata/performance/ 1571:34-1571:38 Bool
2981testdata/performance/ 1572:33-1572:41 DepthFunction 2981testdata/performance/ 1572:33-1572:41 DepthFunction
2982testdata/performance/ 1573:33-1573:40 {a} -> Maybe a 2982testdata/performance/ 1573:33-1573:40 forall a . Maybe a
2983testdata/performance/ 1574:41-1574:46 Bool 2983testdata/performance/ 1574:41-1574:46 Bool
2984testdata/performance/ 1575:38-1575:54 String 2984testdata/performance/ 1575:38-1575:54 String
2985testdata/performance/ 1578:21-1578:26 Bool 2985testdata/performance/ 1578:21-1578:26 Bool
2986testdata/performance/ 1581:5-1623:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 2986testdata/performance/ 1581:5-1623:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
2987testdata/performance/ 1581:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 2987testdata/performance/ 1581:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
2988testdata/performance/ 1581:7-1581:49 String 2988testdata/performance/ 1581:7-1581:49 String
2989testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1582:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2989testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1582:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2990testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1583:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2990testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1583:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2991testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1584:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2991testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1584:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2992testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1585:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2992testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1585:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2993testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1586:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2993testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1586:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2994testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1587:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2994testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1587:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2995testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1588:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2995testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1588:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2996testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1589:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2996testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1589:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2997testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1590:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2997testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1590:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2998testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1591:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2998testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1591:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
2999testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1592:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 2999testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1592:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3000testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1620:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3000testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1620:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3001testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1622:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3001testdata/performance/ 1582:7-1622:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3002testdata/performance/ 1583:24-1583:26 () 3002testdata/performance/ 1583:24-1583:26 ()
3003testdata/performance/ 1584:24-1584:26 () 3003testdata/performance/ 1584:24-1584:26 ()
3004testdata/performance/ 1585:22-1585:27 Bool 3004testdata/performance/ 1585:22-1585:27 Bool
3005testdata/performance/ 1586:20-1586:21 b_ 3005testdata/performance/ 1586:20-1586:21 _b
3006testdata/performance/ 1587:30-1587:35 Bool 3006testdata/performance/ 1587:30-1587:35 Bool
3007testdata/performance/ 1588:23-1588:28 Bool 3007testdata/performance/ 1588:23-1588:28 Bool
3008testdata/performance/ 1589:20-1589:33 CullType 3008testdata/performance/ 1589:20-1589:33 CullType
3009testdata/performance/ 1590:30-1590:32 {a} -> List a 3009testdata/performance/ 1590:30-1590:32 forall a . List a
3010testdata/performance/ 1591:25-1591:30 Bool 3010testdata/performance/ 1591:25-1591:30 Bool
3011testdata/performance/ 1592:29-1592:34 Bool 3011testdata/performance/ 1592:29-1592:34 Bool
3012testdata/performance/ 1594:13-1620:14 List StageAttrs 3012testdata/performance/ 1594:13-1620:14 List StageAttrs
3013testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1594:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3013testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1594:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3014testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1595:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3014testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1595:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3015testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1596:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3015testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1596:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3016testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1597:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3016testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1597:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3017testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1598:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3017testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1598:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3018testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1599:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3018testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1599:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3019testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1600:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3019testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1600:80 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3020testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1601:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3020testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1601:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3021testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1602:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3021testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1602:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3022testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1603:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3022testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1603:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3023testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1604:46 String->StageAttrs 3023testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1604:46 String -> StageAttrs
3024testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1606:18 StageAttrs 3024testdata/performance/ 1594:15-1606:18 StageAttrs
3025testdata/performance/ 1595:29-1595:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3025testdata/performance/ 1595:29-1595:36 forall a . Maybe a
3026testdata/performance/ 1596:30-1596:50 RGBGen 3026testdata/performance/ 1596:30-1596:50 RGBGen
3027testdata/performance/ 1597:32-1597:42 AlphaGen 3027testdata/performance/ 1597:32-1597:42 AlphaGen
3028testdata/performance/ 1598:29-1598:36 TCGen 3028testdata/performance/ 1598:29-1598:36 TCGen
3029testdata/performance/ 1599:29-1599:31 {a} -> List a 3029testdata/performance/ 1599:29-1599:31 forall a . List a
3030testdata/performance/ 1600:31-1600:37 String->StageTexture 3030testdata/performance/ 1600:31-1600:37 String -> StageTexture
3031testdata/performance/ 1600:31-1600:80 StageTexture 3031testdata/performance/ 1600:31-1600:80 StageTexture
3032testdata/performance/ 1600:38-1600:80 String 3032testdata/performance/ 1600:38-1600:80 String
3033testdata/performance/ 1601:34-1601:38 Bool 3033testdata/performance/ 1601:34-1601:38 Bool
3034testdata/performance/ 1602:33-1602:41 DepthFunction 3034testdata/performance/ 1602:33-1602:41 DepthFunction
3035testdata/performance/ 1603:33-1603:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3035testdata/performance/ 1603:33-1603:40 forall a . Maybe a
3036testdata/performance/ 1604:41-1604:46 Bool 3036testdata/performance/ 1604:41-1604:46 Bool
3037testdata/performance/ 1605:38-1605:54 String 3037testdata/performance/ 1605:38-1605:54 String
3038testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1607:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3038testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1607:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3039testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1608:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3039testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1608:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3040testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1609:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3040testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1609:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3041testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1610:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3041testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1610:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3042testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1611:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3042testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1611:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3043testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1612:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3043testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1612:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3044testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1613:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3044testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1613:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3045testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1614:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3045testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1614:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3046testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1615:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3046testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1615:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3047testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1616:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3047testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1616:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3048testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1617:46 String->StageAttrs 3048testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1617:46 String -> StageAttrs
3049testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1619:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3049testdata/performance/ 1607:15-1619:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3050testdata/performance/ 1608:29-1608:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3050testdata/performance/ 1608:29-1608:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3051testdata/performance/ 1608:29-1608:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3051testdata/performance/ 1608:29-1608:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3052testdata/performance/ 1608:34-1608:57 (Blending', Blending') 3052testdata/performance/ 1608:34-1608:57 (Blending', Blending')
3053testdata/performance/ 1608:36-1608:46 Blending' 3053testdata/performance/ 1608:36-1608:46 Blending'
@@ -3055,79 +3055,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1608:49-1608:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3055testdata/performance/ 1609:30-1609:50 RGBGen 3055testdata/performance/ 1609:30-1609:50 RGBGen
3056testdata/performance/ 1610:32-1610:42 AlphaGen 3056testdata/performance/ 1610:32-1610:42 AlphaGen
3057testdata/performance/ 1611:29-1611:40 TCGen 3057testdata/performance/ 1611:29-1611:40 TCGen
3058testdata/performance/ 1612:29-1612:31 {a} -> List a 3058testdata/performance/ 1612:29-1612:31 forall a . List a
3059testdata/performance/ 1613:31-1613:42 StageTexture 3059testdata/performance/ 1613:31-1613:42 StageTexture
3060testdata/performance/ 1614:34-1614:38 Bool 3060testdata/performance/ 1614:34-1614:38 Bool
3061testdata/performance/ 1615:33-1615:41 DepthFunction 3061testdata/performance/ 1615:33-1615:41 DepthFunction
3062testdata/performance/ 1616:33-1616:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3062testdata/performance/ 1616:33-1616:40 forall a . Maybe a
3063testdata/performance/ 1617:41-1617:46 Bool 3063testdata/performance/ 1617:41-1617:46 Bool
3064testdata/performance/ 1618:38-1618:54 String 3064testdata/performance/ 1618:38-1618:54 String
3065testdata/performance/ 1621:21-1621:26 Bool 3065testdata/performance/ 1621:21-1621:26 Bool
3066testdata/performance/ 1624:5-1666:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3066testdata/performance/ 1624:5-1666:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3067testdata/performance/ 1624:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3067testdata/performance/ 1624:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3068testdata/performance/ 1624:7-1624:44 String 3068testdata/performance/ 1624:7-1624:44 String
3069testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1625:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3069testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1625:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3070testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1626:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3070testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1626:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3071testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1627:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3071testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1627:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3072testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1628:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3072testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1628:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3073testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1629:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3073testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1629:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3074testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1630:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3074testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1630:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3075testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1631:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3075testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1631:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3076testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1632:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3076testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1632:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3077testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1633:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3077testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1633:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3078testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1634:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3078testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1634:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3079testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1635:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3079testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1635:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3080testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1663:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3080testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1663:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3081testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1665:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3081testdata/performance/ 1625:7-1665:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3082testdata/performance/ 1626:24-1626:26 () 3082testdata/performance/ 1626:24-1626:26 ()
3083testdata/performance/ 1627:24-1627:26 () 3083testdata/performance/ 1627:24-1627:26 ()
3084testdata/performance/ 1628:22-1628:27 Bool 3084testdata/performance/ 1628:22-1628:27 Bool
3085testdata/performance/ 1629:20-1629:21 b_ 3085testdata/performance/ 1629:20-1629:21 _b
3086testdata/performance/ 1630:30-1630:35 Bool 3086testdata/performance/ 1630:30-1630:35 Bool
3087testdata/performance/ 1631:23-1631:28 Bool 3087testdata/performance/ 1631:23-1631:28 Bool
3088testdata/performance/ 1632:20-1632:33 CullType 3088testdata/performance/ 1632:20-1632:33 CullType
3089testdata/performance/ 1633:30-1633:32 {a} -> List a 3089testdata/performance/ 1633:30-1633:32 forall a . List a
3090testdata/performance/ 1634:25-1634:30 Bool 3090testdata/performance/ 1634:25-1634:30 Bool
3091testdata/performance/ 1635:29-1635:34 Bool 3091testdata/performance/ 1635:29-1635:34 Bool
3092testdata/performance/ 1637:13-1663:14 List StageAttrs 3092testdata/performance/ 1637:13-1663:14 List StageAttrs
3093testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1637:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3093testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1637:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3094testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1638:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3094testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1638:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3095testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1639:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3095testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1639:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3096testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1640:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3096testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1640:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3097testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1641:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3097testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1641:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3098testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1642:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3098testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1642:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3099testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1643:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3099testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1643:75 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3100testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1644:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3100testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1644:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3101testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1645:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3101testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1645:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3102testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1646:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3102testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1646:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3103testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1647:46 String->StageAttrs 3103testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1647:46 String -> StageAttrs
3104testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1649:18 StageAttrs 3104testdata/performance/ 1637:15-1649:18 StageAttrs
3105testdata/performance/ 1638:29-1638:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3105testdata/performance/ 1638:29-1638:36 forall a . Maybe a
3106testdata/performance/ 1639:30-1639:50 RGBGen 3106testdata/performance/ 1639:30-1639:50 RGBGen
3107testdata/performance/ 1640:32-1640:42 AlphaGen 3107testdata/performance/ 1640:32-1640:42 AlphaGen
3108testdata/performance/ 1641:29-1641:36 TCGen 3108testdata/performance/ 1641:29-1641:36 TCGen
3109testdata/performance/ 1642:29-1642:31 {a} -> List a 3109testdata/performance/ 1642:29-1642:31 forall a . List a
3110testdata/performance/ 1643:31-1643:37 String->StageTexture 3110testdata/performance/ 1643:31-1643:37 String -> StageTexture
3111testdata/performance/ 1643:31-1643:75 StageTexture 3111testdata/performance/ 1643:31-1643:75 StageTexture
3112testdata/performance/ 1643:38-1643:75 String 3112testdata/performance/ 1643:38-1643:75 String
3113testdata/performance/ 1644:34-1644:38 Bool 3113testdata/performance/ 1644:34-1644:38 Bool
3114testdata/performance/ 1645:33-1645:41 DepthFunction 3114testdata/performance/ 1645:33-1645:41 DepthFunction
3115testdata/performance/ 1646:33-1646:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3115testdata/performance/ 1646:33-1646:40 forall a . Maybe a
3116testdata/performance/ 1647:41-1647:46 Bool 3116testdata/performance/ 1647:41-1647:46 Bool
3117testdata/performance/ 1648:38-1648:54 String 3117testdata/performance/ 1648:38-1648:54 String
3118testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1650:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3118testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1650:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3119testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1651:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3119testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1651:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3120testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1652:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3120testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1652:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3121testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1653:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3121testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1653:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3122testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1654:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3122testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1654:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3123testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1655:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3123testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1655:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3124testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1656:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3124testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1656:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3125testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1657:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3125testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1657:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3126testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1658:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3126testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1658:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3127testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1659:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3127testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1659:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3128testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1660:46 String->StageAttrs 3128testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1660:46 String -> StageAttrs
3129testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1662:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3129testdata/performance/ 1650:15-1662:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3130testdata/performance/ 1651:29-1651:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3130testdata/performance/ 1651:29-1651:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3131testdata/performance/ 1651:29-1651:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3131testdata/performance/ 1651:29-1651:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3132testdata/performance/ 1651:34-1651:57 (Blending', Blending') 3132testdata/performance/ 1651:34-1651:57 (Blending', Blending')
3133testdata/performance/ 1651:36-1651:46 Blending' 3133testdata/performance/ 1651:36-1651:46 Blending'
@@ -3135,79 +3135,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1651:49-1651:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3135testdata/performance/ 1652:30-1652:50 RGBGen 3135testdata/performance/ 1652:30-1652:50 RGBGen
3136testdata/performance/ 1653:32-1653:42 AlphaGen 3136testdata/performance/ 1653:32-1653:42 AlphaGen
3137testdata/performance/ 1654:29-1654:40 TCGen 3137testdata/performance/ 1654:29-1654:40 TCGen
3138testdata/performance/ 1655:29-1655:31 {a} -> List a 3138testdata/performance/ 1655:29-1655:31 forall a . List a
3139testdata/performance/ 1656:31-1656:42 StageTexture 3139testdata/performance/ 1656:31-1656:42 StageTexture
3140testdata/performance/ 1657:34-1657:38 Bool 3140testdata/performance/ 1657:34-1657:38 Bool
3141testdata/performance/ 1658:33-1658:41 DepthFunction 3141testdata/performance/ 1658:33-1658:41 DepthFunction
3142testdata/performance/ 1659:33-1659:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3142testdata/performance/ 1659:33-1659:40 forall a . Maybe a
3143testdata/performance/ 1660:41-1660:46 Bool 3143testdata/performance/ 1660:41-1660:46 Bool
3144testdata/performance/ 1661:38-1661:54 String 3144testdata/performance/ 1661:38-1661:54 String
3145testdata/performance/ 1664:21-1664:26 Bool 3145testdata/performance/ 1664:21-1664:26 Bool
3146testdata/performance/ 1667:5-1709:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3146testdata/performance/ 1667:5-1709:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3147testdata/performance/ 1667:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3147testdata/performance/ 1667:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3148testdata/performance/ 1667:7-1667:43 String 3148testdata/performance/ 1667:7-1667:43 String
3149testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1668:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3149testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1668:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3150testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1669:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3150testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1669:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3151testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1670:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3151testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1670:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3152testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1671:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3152testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1671:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3153testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1672:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3153testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1672:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3154testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1673:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3154testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1673:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3155testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1674:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3155testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1674:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3156testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1675:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3156testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1675:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3157testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1676:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3157testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1676:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3158testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1677:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3158testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1677:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3159testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1678:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3159testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1678:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3160testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1706:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3160testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1706:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3161testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1708:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3161testdata/performance/ 1668:7-1708:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3162testdata/performance/ 1669:24-1669:26 () 3162testdata/performance/ 1669:24-1669:26 ()
3163testdata/performance/ 1670:24-1670:26 () 3163testdata/performance/ 1670:24-1670:26 ()
3164testdata/performance/ 1671:22-1671:27 Bool 3164testdata/performance/ 1671:22-1671:27 Bool
3165testdata/performance/ 1672:20-1672:21 b_ 3165testdata/performance/ 1672:20-1672:21 _b
3166testdata/performance/ 1673:30-1673:35 Bool 3166testdata/performance/ 1673:30-1673:35 Bool
3167testdata/performance/ 1674:23-1674:28 Bool 3167testdata/performance/ 1674:23-1674:28 Bool
3168testdata/performance/ 1675:20-1675:33 CullType 3168testdata/performance/ 1675:20-1675:33 CullType
3169testdata/performance/ 1676:30-1676:32 {a} -> List a 3169testdata/performance/ 1676:30-1676:32 forall a . List a
3170testdata/performance/ 1677:25-1677:30 Bool 3170testdata/performance/ 1677:25-1677:30 Bool
3171testdata/performance/ 1678:29-1678:34 Bool 3171testdata/performance/ 1678:29-1678:34 Bool
3172testdata/performance/ 1680:13-1706:14 List StageAttrs 3172testdata/performance/ 1680:13-1706:14 List StageAttrs
3173testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1680:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3173testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1680:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3174testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1681:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3174testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1681:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3175testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1682:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3175testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1682:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3176testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1683:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3176testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1683:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3177testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1684:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3177testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1684:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3178testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1685:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3178testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1685:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3179testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1686:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3179testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1686:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3180testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1687:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3180testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1687:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3181testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1688:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3181testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1688:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3182testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1689:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3182testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1689:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3183testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1690:46 String->StageAttrs 3183testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1690:46 String -> StageAttrs
3184testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1692:18 StageAttrs 3184testdata/performance/ 1680:15-1692:18 StageAttrs
3185testdata/performance/ 1681:29-1681:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3185testdata/performance/ 1681:29-1681:36 forall a . Maybe a
3186testdata/performance/ 1682:30-1682:50 RGBGen 3186testdata/performance/ 1682:30-1682:50 RGBGen
3187testdata/performance/ 1683:32-1683:42 AlphaGen 3187testdata/performance/ 1683:32-1683:42 AlphaGen
3188testdata/performance/ 1684:29-1684:36 TCGen 3188testdata/performance/ 1684:29-1684:36 TCGen
3189testdata/performance/ 1685:29-1685:31 {a} -> List a 3189testdata/performance/ 1685:29-1685:31 forall a . List a
3190testdata/performance/ 1686:31-1686:37 String->StageTexture 3190testdata/performance/ 1686:31-1686:37 String -> StageTexture
3191testdata/performance/ 1686:31-1686:74 StageTexture 3191testdata/performance/ 1686:31-1686:74 StageTexture
3192testdata/performance/ 1686:38-1686:74 String 3192testdata/performance/ 1686:38-1686:74 String
3193testdata/performance/ 1687:34-1687:38 Bool 3193testdata/performance/ 1687:34-1687:38 Bool
3194testdata/performance/ 1688:33-1688:41 DepthFunction 3194testdata/performance/ 1688:33-1688:41 DepthFunction
3195testdata/performance/ 1689:33-1689:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3195testdata/performance/ 1689:33-1689:40 forall a . Maybe a
3196testdata/performance/ 1690:41-1690:46 Bool 3196testdata/performance/ 1690:41-1690:46 Bool
3197testdata/performance/ 1691:38-1691:54 String 3197testdata/performance/ 1691:38-1691:54 String
3198testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1693:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3198testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1693:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3199testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1694:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3199testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1694:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3200testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1695:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3200testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1695:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3201testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1696:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3201testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1696:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3202testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1697:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3202testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1697:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3203testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1698:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3203testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1698:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3204testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1699:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3204testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1699:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3205testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1700:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3205testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1700:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3206testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1701:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3206testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1701:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3207testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1702:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3207testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1702:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3208testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1703:46 String->StageAttrs 3208testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1703:46 String -> StageAttrs
3209testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1705:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3209testdata/performance/ 1693:15-1705:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3210testdata/performance/ 1694:29-1694:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3210testdata/performance/ 1694:29-1694:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3211testdata/performance/ 1694:29-1694:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3211testdata/performance/ 1694:29-1694:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3212testdata/performance/ 1694:34-1694:57 (Blending', Blending') 3212testdata/performance/ 1694:34-1694:57 (Blending', Blending')
3213testdata/performance/ 1694:36-1694:46 Blending' 3213testdata/performance/ 1694:36-1694:46 Blending'
@@ -3215,79 +3215,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1694:49-1694:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3215testdata/performance/ 1695:30-1695:50 RGBGen 3215testdata/performance/ 1695:30-1695:50 RGBGen
3216testdata/performance/ 1696:32-1696:42 AlphaGen 3216testdata/performance/ 1696:32-1696:42 AlphaGen
3217testdata/performance/ 1697:29-1697:40 TCGen 3217testdata/performance/ 1697:29-1697:40 TCGen
3218testdata/performance/ 1698:29-1698:31 {a} -> List a 3218testdata/performance/ 1698:29-1698:31 forall a . List a
3219testdata/performance/ 1699:31-1699:42 StageTexture 3219testdata/performance/ 1699:31-1699:42 StageTexture
3220testdata/performance/ 1700:34-1700:38 Bool 3220testdata/performance/ 1700:34-1700:38 Bool
3221testdata/performance/ 1701:33-1701:41 DepthFunction 3221testdata/performance/ 1701:33-1701:41 DepthFunction
3222testdata/performance/ 1702:33-1702:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3222testdata/performance/ 1702:33-1702:40 forall a . Maybe a
3223testdata/performance/ 1703:41-1703:46 Bool 3223testdata/performance/ 1703:41-1703:46 Bool
3224testdata/performance/ 1704:38-1704:54 String 3224testdata/performance/ 1704:38-1704:54 String
3225testdata/performance/ 1707:21-1707:26 Bool 3225testdata/performance/ 1707:21-1707:26 Bool
3226testdata/performance/ 1710:5-1752:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3226testdata/performance/ 1710:5-1752:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3227testdata/performance/ 1710:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3227testdata/performance/ 1710:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3228testdata/performance/ 1710:7-1710:41 String 3228testdata/performance/ 1710:7-1710:41 String
3229testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1711:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3229testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1711:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3230testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1712:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3230testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1712:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3231testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1713:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3231testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1713:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3232testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1714:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3232testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1714:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3233testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1715:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3233testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1715:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3234testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1716:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3234testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1716:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3235testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1717:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3235testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1717:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3236testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1718:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3236testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1718:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3237testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1719:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3237testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1719:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3238testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1720:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3238testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1720:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3239testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1721:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3239testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1721:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3240testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1749:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3240testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1749:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3241testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1751:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3241testdata/performance/ 1711:7-1751:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3242testdata/performance/ 1712:24-1712:26 () 3242testdata/performance/ 1712:24-1712:26 ()
3243testdata/performance/ 1713:24-1713:26 () 3243testdata/performance/ 1713:24-1713:26 ()
3244testdata/performance/ 1714:22-1714:27 Bool 3244testdata/performance/ 1714:22-1714:27 Bool
3245testdata/performance/ 1715:20-1715:21 b_ 3245testdata/performance/ 1715:20-1715:21 _b
3246testdata/performance/ 1716:30-1716:35 Bool 3246testdata/performance/ 1716:30-1716:35 Bool
3247testdata/performance/ 1717:23-1717:28 Bool 3247testdata/performance/ 1717:23-1717:28 Bool
3248testdata/performance/ 1718:20-1718:33 CullType 3248testdata/performance/ 1718:20-1718:33 CullType
3249testdata/performance/ 1719:30-1719:32 {a} -> List a 3249testdata/performance/ 1719:30-1719:32 forall a . List a
3250testdata/performance/ 1720:25-1720:30 Bool 3250testdata/performance/ 1720:25-1720:30 Bool
3251testdata/performance/ 1721:29-1721:34 Bool 3251testdata/performance/ 1721:29-1721:34 Bool
3252testdata/performance/ 1723:13-1749:14 List StageAttrs 3252testdata/performance/ 1723:13-1749:14 List StageAttrs
3253testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1723:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3253testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1723:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3254testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1724:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3254testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1724:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3255testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1725:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3255testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1725:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3256testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1726:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3256testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1726:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3257testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1727:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3257testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1727:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3258testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1728:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3258testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1728:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3259testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1729:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3259testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1729:72 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3260testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1730:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3260testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1730:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3261testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1731:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3261testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1731:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3262testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1732:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3262testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1732:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3263testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1733:46 String->StageAttrs 3263testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1733:46 String -> StageAttrs
3264testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1735:18 StageAttrs 3264testdata/performance/ 1723:15-1735:18 StageAttrs
3265testdata/performance/ 1724:29-1724:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3265testdata/performance/ 1724:29-1724:36 forall a . Maybe a
3266testdata/performance/ 1725:30-1725:50 RGBGen 3266testdata/performance/ 1725:30-1725:50 RGBGen
3267testdata/performance/ 1726:32-1726:42 AlphaGen 3267testdata/performance/ 1726:32-1726:42 AlphaGen
3268testdata/performance/ 1727:29-1727:36 TCGen 3268testdata/performance/ 1727:29-1727:36 TCGen
3269testdata/performance/ 1728:29-1728:31 {a} -> List a 3269testdata/performance/ 1728:29-1728:31 forall a . List a
3270testdata/performance/ 1729:31-1729:37 String->StageTexture 3270testdata/performance/ 1729:31-1729:37 String -> StageTexture
3271testdata/performance/ 1729:31-1729:72 StageTexture 3271testdata/performance/ 1729:31-1729:72 StageTexture
3272testdata/performance/ 1729:38-1729:72 String 3272testdata/performance/ 1729:38-1729:72 String
3273testdata/performance/ 1730:34-1730:38 Bool 3273testdata/performance/ 1730:34-1730:38 Bool
3274testdata/performance/ 1731:33-1731:41 DepthFunction 3274testdata/performance/ 1731:33-1731:41 DepthFunction
3275testdata/performance/ 1732:33-1732:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3275testdata/performance/ 1732:33-1732:40 forall a . Maybe a
3276testdata/performance/ 1733:41-1733:46 Bool 3276testdata/performance/ 1733:41-1733:46 Bool
3277testdata/performance/ 1734:38-1734:54 String 3277testdata/performance/ 1734:38-1734:54 String
3278testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1736:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3278testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1736:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3279testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1737:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3279testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1737:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3280testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1738:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3280testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1738:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3281testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1739:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3281testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1739:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3282testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1740:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3282testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1740:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3283testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1741:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3283testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1741:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3284testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1742:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3284testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1742:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3285testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1743:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3285testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1743:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3286testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1744:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3286testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1744:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3287testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1745:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3287testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1745:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3288testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1746:46 String->StageAttrs 3288testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1746:46 String -> StageAttrs
3289testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1748:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3289testdata/performance/ 1736:15-1748:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3290testdata/performance/ 1737:29-1737:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3290testdata/performance/ 1737:29-1737:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3291testdata/performance/ 1737:29-1737:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3291testdata/performance/ 1737:29-1737:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3292testdata/performance/ 1737:34-1737:57 (Blending', Blending') 3292testdata/performance/ 1737:34-1737:57 (Blending', Blending')
3293testdata/performance/ 1737:36-1737:46 Blending' 3293testdata/performance/ 1737:36-1737:46 Blending'
@@ -3295,79 +3295,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1737:49-1737:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3295testdata/performance/ 1738:30-1738:50 RGBGen 3295testdata/performance/ 1738:30-1738:50 RGBGen
3296testdata/performance/ 1739:32-1739:42 AlphaGen 3296testdata/performance/ 1739:32-1739:42 AlphaGen
3297testdata/performance/ 1740:29-1740:40 TCGen 3297testdata/performance/ 1740:29-1740:40 TCGen
3298testdata/performance/ 1741:29-1741:31 {a} -> List a 3298testdata/performance/ 1741:29-1741:31 forall a . List a
3299testdata/performance/ 1742:31-1742:42 StageTexture 3299testdata/performance/ 1742:31-1742:42 StageTexture
3300testdata/performance/ 1743:34-1743:38 Bool 3300testdata/performance/ 1743:34-1743:38 Bool
3301testdata/performance/ 1744:33-1744:41 DepthFunction 3301testdata/performance/ 1744:33-1744:41 DepthFunction
3302testdata/performance/ 1745:33-1745:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3302testdata/performance/ 1745:33-1745:40 forall a . Maybe a
3303testdata/performance/ 1746:41-1746:46 Bool 3303testdata/performance/ 1746:41-1746:46 Bool
3304testdata/performance/ 1747:38-1747:54 String 3304testdata/performance/ 1747:38-1747:54 String
3305testdata/performance/ 1750:21-1750:26 Bool 3305testdata/performance/ 1750:21-1750:26 Bool
3306testdata/performance/ 1753:5-1795:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3306testdata/performance/ 1753:5-1795:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3307testdata/performance/ 1753:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3307testdata/performance/ 1753:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3308testdata/performance/ 1753:7-1753:42 String 3308testdata/performance/ 1753:7-1753:42 String
3309testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1754:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3309testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1754:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3310testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1755:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3310testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1755:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3311testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1756:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3311testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1756:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3312testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1757:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3312testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1757:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3313testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1758:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3313testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1758:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3314testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1759:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3314testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1759:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3315testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1760:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3315testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1760:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3316testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1761:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3316testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1761:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3317testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1762:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3317testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1762:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3318testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1763:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3318testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1763:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3319testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1764:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3319testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1764:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3320testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1792:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3320testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1792:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3321testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1794:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3321testdata/performance/ 1754:7-1794:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3322testdata/performance/ 1755:24-1755:26 () 3322testdata/performance/ 1755:24-1755:26 ()
3323testdata/performance/ 1756:24-1756:26 () 3323testdata/performance/ 1756:24-1756:26 ()
3324testdata/performance/ 1757:22-1757:27 Bool 3324testdata/performance/ 1757:22-1757:27 Bool
3325testdata/performance/ 1758:20-1758:21 b_ 3325testdata/performance/ 1758:20-1758:21 _b
3326testdata/performance/ 1759:30-1759:35 Bool 3326testdata/performance/ 1759:30-1759:35 Bool
3327testdata/performance/ 1760:23-1760:28 Bool 3327testdata/performance/ 1760:23-1760:28 Bool
3328testdata/performance/ 1761:20-1761:33 CullType 3328testdata/performance/ 1761:20-1761:33 CullType
3329testdata/performance/ 1762:30-1762:32 {a} -> List a 3329testdata/performance/ 1762:30-1762:32 forall a . List a
3330testdata/performance/ 1763:25-1763:30 Bool 3330testdata/performance/ 1763:25-1763:30 Bool
3331testdata/performance/ 1764:29-1764:34 Bool 3331testdata/performance/ 1764:29-1764:34 Bool
3332testdata/performance/ 1766:13-1792:14 List StageAttrs 3332testdata/performance/ 1766:13-1792:14 List StageAttrs
3333testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1766:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3333testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1766:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3334testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1767:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3334testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1767:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3335testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1768:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3335testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1768:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3336testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1769:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3336testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1769:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3337testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1770:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3337testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1770:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3338testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1771:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3338testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1771:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3339testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1772:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3339testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1772:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3340testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1773:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3340testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1773:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3341testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1774:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3341testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1774:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3342testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1775:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3342testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1775:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3343testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1776:46 String->StageAttrs 3343testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1776:46 String -> StageAttrs
3344testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1778:18 StageAttrs 3344testdata/performance/ 1766:15-1778:18 StageAttrs
3345testdata/performance/ 1767:29-1767:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3345testdata/performance/ 1767:29-1767:36 forall a . Maybe a
3346testdata/performance/ 1768:30-1768:50 RGBGen 3346testdata/performance/ 1768:30-1768:50 RGBGen
3347testdata/performance/ 1769:32-1769:42 AlphaGen 3347testdata/performance/ 1769:32-1769:42 AlphaGen
3348testdata/performance/ 1770:29-1770:36 TCGen 3348testdata/performance/ 1770:29-1770:36 TCGen
3349testdata/performance/ 1771:29-1771:31 {a} -> List a 3349testdata/performance/ 1771:29-1771:31 forall a . List a
3350testdata/performance/ 1772:31-1772:37 String->StageTexture 3350testdata/performance/ 1772:31-1772:37 String -> StageTexture
3351testdata/performance/ 1772:31-1772:73 StageTexture 3351testdata/performance/ 1772:31-1772:73 StageTexture
3352testdata/performance/ 1772:38-1772:73 String 3352testdata/performance/ 1772:38-1772:73 String
3353testdata/performance/ 1773:34-1773:38 Bool 3353testdata/performance/ 1773:34-1773:38 Bool
3354testdata/performance/ 1774:33-1774:41 DepthFunction 3354testdata/performance/ 1774:33-1774:41 DepthFunction
3355testdata/performance/ 1775:33-1775:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3355testdata/performance/ 1775:33-1775:40 forall a . Maybe a
3356testdata/performance/ 1776:41-1776:46 Bool 3356testdata/performance/ 1776:41-1776:46 Bool
3357testdata/performance/ 1777:38-1777:54 String 3357testdata/performance/ 1777:38-1777:54 String
3358testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1779:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3358testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1779:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3359testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1780:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3359testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1780:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3360testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1781:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3360testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1781:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3361testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1782:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3361testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1782:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3362testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1783:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3362testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1783:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3363testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1784:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3363testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1784:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3364testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1785:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3364testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1785:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3365testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1786:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3365testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1786:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3366testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1787:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3366testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1787:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3367testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1788:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3367testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1788:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3368testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1789:46 String->StageAttrs 3368testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1789:46 String -> StageAttrs
3369testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1791:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3369testdata/performance/ 1779:15-1791:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3370testdata/performance/ 1780:29-1780:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3370testdata/performance/ 1780:29-1780:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3371testdata/performance/ 1780:29-1780:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3371testdata/performance/ 1780:29-1780:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3372testdata/performance/ 1780:34-1780:57 (Blending', Blending') 3372testdata/performance/ 1780:34-1780:57 (Blending', Blending')
3373testdata/performance/ 1780:36-1780:46 Blending' 3373testdata/performance/ 1780:36-1780:46 Blending'
@@ -3375,77 +3375,77 @@ testdata/performance/ 1780:49-1780:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3375testdata/performance/ 1781:30-1781:50 RGBGen 3375testdata/performance/ 1781:30-1781:50 RGBGen
3376testdata/performance/ 1782:32-1782:42 AlphaGen 3376testdata/performance/ 1782:32-1782:42 AlphaGen
3377testdata/performance/ 1783:29-1783:40 TCGen 3377testdata/performance/ 1783:29-1783:40 TCGen
3378testdata/performance/ 1784:29-1784:31 {a} -> List a 3378testdata/performance/ 1784:29-1784:31 forall a . List a
3379testdata/performance/ 1785:31-1785:42 StageTexture 3379testdata/performance/ 1785:31-1785:42 StageTexture
3380testdata/performance/ 1786:34-1786:38 Bool 3380testdata/performance/ 1786:34-1786:38 Bool
3381testdata/performance/ 1787:33-1787:41 DepthFunction 3381testdata/performance/ 1787:33-1787:41 DepthFunction
3382testdata/performance/ 1788:33-1788:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3382testdata/performance/ 1788:33-1788:40 forall a . Maybe a
3383testdata/performance/ 1789:41-1789:46 Bool 3383testdata/performance/ 1789:41-1789:46 Bool
3384testdata/performance/ 1790:38-1790:54 String 3384testdata/performance/ 1790:38-1790:54 String
3385testdata/performance/ 1793:21-1793:26 Bool 3385testdata/performance/ 1793:21-1793:26 Bool
3386testdata/performance/ 1796:5-1838:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3386testdata/performance/ 1796:5-1838:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3387testdata/performance/ 1796:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3387testdata/performance/ 1796:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3388testdata/performance/ 1796:7-1796:48 String 3388testdata/performance/ 1796:7-1796:48 String
3389testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1797:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3389testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1797:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3390testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1798:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3390testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1798:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3391testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1799:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3391testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1799:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3392testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1800:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3392testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1800:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3393testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1801:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3393testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1801:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3394testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1802:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3394testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1802:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3395testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1803:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3395testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1803:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3396testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1804:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3396testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1804:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3397testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1805:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3397testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1805:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3398testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1806:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3398testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1806:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3399testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1807:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3399testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1807:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3400testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1835:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3400testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1835:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3401testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1837:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3401testdata/performance/ 1797:7-1837:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3402testdata/performance/ 1798:24-1798:26 () 3402testdata/performance/ 1798:24-1798:26 ()
3403testdata/performance/ 1799:24-1799:26 () 3403testdata/performance/ 1799:24-1799:26 ()
3404testdata/performance/ 1800:22-1800:27 Bool 3404testdata/performance/ 1800:22-1800:27 Bool
3405testdata/performance/ 1801:20-1801:21 b_ 3405testdata/performance/ 1801:20-1801:21 _b
3406testdata/performance/ 1802:30-1802:35 Bool 3406testdata/performance/ 1802:30-1802:35 Bool
3407testdata/performance/ 1803:23-1803:28 Bool 3407testdata/performance/ 1803:23-1803:28 Bool
3408testdata/performance/ 1804:20-1804:33 CullType 3408testdata/performance/ 1804:20-1804:33 CullType
3409testdata/performance/ 1805:30-1805:32 {a} -> List a 3409testdata/performance/ 1805:30-1805:32 forall a . List a
3410testdata/performance/ 1806:25-1806:30 Bool 3410testdata/performance/ 1806:25-1806:30 Bool
3411testdata/performance/ 1807:29-1807:34 Bool 3411testdata/performance/ 1807:29-1807:34 Bool
3412testdata/performance/ 1809:13-1835:14 List StageAttrs 3412testdata/performance/ 1809:13-1835:14 List StageAttrs
3413testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1809:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3413testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1809:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3414testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1810:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3414testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1810:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3415testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1811:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3415testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1811:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3416testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1812:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3416testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1812:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3417testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1813:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3417testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1813:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3418testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1814:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3418testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1814:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3419testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1815:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3419testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1815:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3420testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1816:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3420testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1816:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3421testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1817:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3421testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1817:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3422testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1818:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3422testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1818:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3423testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1819:46 String->StageAttrs 3423testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1819:46 String -> StageAttrs
3424testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1821:18 StageAttrs 3424testdata/performance/ 1809:15-1821:18 StageAttrs
3425testdata/performance/ 1810:29-1810:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3425testdata/performance/ 1810:29-1810:36 forall a . Maybe a
3426testdata/performance/ 1811:30-1811:42 RGBGen 3426testdata/performance/ 1811:30-1811:42 RGBGen
3427testdata/performance/ 1812:32-1812:42 AlphaGen 3427testdata/performance/ 1812:32-1812:42 AlphaGen
3428testdata/performance/ 1813:29-1813:40 TCGen 3428testdata/performance/ 1813:29-1813:40 TCGen
3429testdata/performance/ 1814:29-1814:31 {a} -> List a 3429testdata/performance/ 1814:29-1814:31 forall a . List a
3430testdata/performance/ 1815:31-1815:42 StageTexture 3430testdata/performance/ 1815:31-1815:42 StageTexture
3431testdata/performance/ 1816:34-1816:38 Bool 3431testdata/performance/ 1816:34-1816:38 Bool
3432testdata/performance/ 1817:33-1817:41 DepthFunction 3432testdata/performance/ 1817:33-1817:41 DepthFunction
3433testdata/performance/ 1818:33-1818:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3433testdata/performance/ 1818:33-1818:40 forall a . Maybe a
3434testdata/performance/ 1819:41-1819:46 Bool 3434testdata/performance/ 1819:41-1819:46 Bool
3435testdata/performance/ 1820:38-1820:53 String 3435testdata/performance/ 1820:38-1820:53 String
3436testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1822:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3436testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1822:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3437testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1823:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3437testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1823:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3438testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1824:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3438testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1824:42 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3439testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1825:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3439testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1825:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3440testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1826:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3440testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1826:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3441testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1827:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3441testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1827:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3442testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1828:77 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3442testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1828:77 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3443testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1829:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3443testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1829:39 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3444testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1830:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3444testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1830:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3445testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1831:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3445testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1831:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3446testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1832:46 String->StageAttrs 3446testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1832:46 String -> StageAttrs
3447testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1834:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3447testdata/performance/ 1822:15-1834:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3448testdata/performance/ 1823:29-1823:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3448testdata/performance/ 1823:29-1823:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3449testdata/performance/ 1823:29-1823:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3449testdata/performance/ 1823:29-1823:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3450testdata/performance/ 1823:34-1823:57 (Blending', Blending') 3450testdata/performance/ 1823:34-1823:57 (Blending', Blending')
3451testdata/performance/ 1823:36-1823:46 Blending' 3451testdata/performance/ 1823:36-1823:46 Blending'
@@ -3453,81 +3453,81 @@ testdata/performance/ 1823:49-1823:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3453testdata/performance/ 1824:30-1824:42 RGBGen 3453testdata/performance/ 1824:30-1824:42 RGBGen
3454testdata/performance/ 1825:32-1825:42 AlphaGen 3454testdata/performance/ 1825:32-1825:42 AlphaGen
3455testdata/performance/ 1826:29-1826:36 TCGen 3455testdata/performance/ 1826:29-1826:36 TCGen
3456testdata/performance/ 1827:29-1827:31 {a} -> List a 3456testdata/performance/ 1827:29-1827:31 forall a . List a
3457testdata/performance/ 1828:31-1828:37 String->StageTexture 3457testdata/performance/ 1828:31-1828:37 String -> StageTexture
3458testdata/performance/ 1828:31-1828:77 StageTexture 3458testdata/performance/ 1828:31-1828:77 StageTexture
3459testdata/performance/ 1828:38-1828:77 String 3459testdata/performance/ 1828:38-1828:77 String
3460testdata/performance/ 1829:34-1829:39 Bool 3460testdata/performance/ 1829:34-1829:39 Bool
3461testdata/performance/ 1830:33-1830:41 DepthFunction 3461testdata/performance/ 1830:33-1830:41 DepthFunction
3462testdata/performance/ 1831:33-1831:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3462testdata/performance/ 1831:33-1831:40 forall a . Maybe a
3463testdata/performance/ 1832:41-1832:46 Bool 3463testdata/performance/ 1832:41-1832:46 Bool
3464testdata/performance/ 1833:38-1833:54 String 3464testdata/performance/ 1833:38-1833:54 String
3465testdata/performance/ 1836:21-1836:26 Bool 3465testdata/performance/ 1836:21-1836:26 Bool
3466testdata/performance/ 1839:5-1881:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3466testdata/performance/ 1839:5-1881:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3467testdata/performance/ 1839:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3467testdata/performance/ 1839:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3468testdata/performance/ 1839:7-1839:42 String 3468testdata/performance/ 1839:7-1839:42 String
3469testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1840:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3469testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1840:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3470testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1841:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3470testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1841:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3471testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1842:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3471testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1842:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3472testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1843:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3472testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1843:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3473testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1844:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3473testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1844:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3474testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1845:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3474testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1845:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3475testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1846:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3475testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1846:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3476testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1847:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3476testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1847:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3477testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1848:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3477testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1848:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3478testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1849:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3478testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1849:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3479testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1850:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3479testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1850:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3480testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1878:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3480testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1878:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3481testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1880:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3481testdata/performance/ 1840:7-1880:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3482testdata/performance/ 1841:24-1841:26 () 3482testdata/performance/ 1841:24-1841:26 ()
3483testdata/performance/ 1842:24-1842:26 () 3483testdata/performance/ 1842:24-1842:26 ()
3484testdata/performance/ 1843:22-1843:27 Bool 3484testdata/performance/ 1843:22-1843:27 Bool
3485testdata/performance/ 1844:20-1844:21 b_ 3485testdata/performance/ 1844:20-1844:21 _b
3486testdata/performance/ 1845:30-1845:35 Bool 3486testdata/performance/ 1845:30-1845:35 Bool
3487testdata/performance/ 1846:23-1846:28 Bool 3487testdata/performance/ 1846:23-1846:28 Bool
3488testdata/performance/ 1847:20-1847:33 CullType 3488testdata/performance/ 1847:20-1847:33 CullType
3489testdata/performance/ 1848:30-1848:32 {a} -> List a 3489testdata/performance/ 1848:30-1848:32 forall a . List a
3490testdata/performance/ 1849:25-1849:30 Bool 3490testdata/performance/ 1849:25-1849:30 Bool
3491testdata/performance/ 1850:29-1850:34 Bool 3491testdata/performance/ 1850:29-1850:34 Bool
3492testdata/performance/ 1852:13-1878:14 List StageAttrs 3492testdata/performance/ 1852:13-1878:14 List StageAttrs
3493testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1852:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3493testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1852:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3494testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1853:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3494testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1853:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3495testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1854:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3495testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1854:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3496testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1855:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3496testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1855:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3497testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1856:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3497testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1856:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3498testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1857:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3498testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1857:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3499testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1858:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3499testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1858:73 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3500testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1859:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3500testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1859:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3501testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1860:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3501testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1860:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3502testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1861:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3502testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1861:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3503testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1862:46 String->StageAttrs 3503testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1862:46 String -> StageAttrs
3504testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1864:18 StageAttrs 3504testdata/performance/ 1852:15-1864:18 StageAttrs
3505testdata/performance/ 1853:29-1853:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3505testdata/performance/ 1853:29-1853:36 forall a . Maybe a
3506testdata/performance/ 1854:30-1854:50 RGBGen 3506testdata/performance/ 1854:30-1854:50 RGBGen
3507testdata/performance/ 1855:32-1855:42 AlphaGen 3507testdata/performance/ 1855:32-1855:42 AlphaGen
3508testdata/performance/ 1856:29-1856:36 TCGen 3508testdata/performance/ 1856:29-1856:36 TCGen
3509testdata/performance/ 1857:29-1857:31 {a} -> List a 3509testdata/performance/ 1857:29-1857:31 forall a . List a
3510testdata/performance/ 1858:31-1858:37 String->StageTexture 3510testdata/performance/ 1858:31-1858:37 String -> StageTexture
3511testdata/performance/ 1858:31-1858:73 StageTexture 3511testdata/performance/ 1858:31-1858:73 StageTexture
3512testdata/performance/ 1858:38-1858:73 String 3512testdata/performance/ 1858:38-1858:73 String
3513testdata/performance/ 1859:34-1859:38 Bool 3513testdata/performance/ 1859:34-1859:38 Bool
3514testdata/performance/ 1860:33-1860:41 DepthFunction 3514testdata/performance/ 1860:33-1860:41 DepthFunction
3515testdata/performance/ 1861:33-1861:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3515testdata/performance/ 1861:33-1861:40 forall a . Maybe a
3516testdata/performance/ 1862:41-1862:46 Bool 3516testdata/performance/ 1862:41-1862:46 Bool
3517testdata/performance/ 1863:38-1863:54 String 3517testdata/performance/ 1863:38-1863:54 String
3518testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1865:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3518testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1865:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3519testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1866:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3519testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1866:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3520testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1867:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3520testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1867:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3521testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1868:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3521testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1868:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3522testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1869:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3522testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1869:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3523testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1870:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3523testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1870:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3524testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1871:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3524testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1871:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3525testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1872:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3525testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1872:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3526testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1873:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3526testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1873:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3527testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1874:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3527testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1874:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3528testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1875:46 String->StageAttrs 3528testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1875:46 String -> StageAttrs
3529testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1877:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3529testdata/performance/ 1865:15-1877:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3530testdata/performance/ 1866:29-1866:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3530testdata/performance/ 1866:29-1866:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3531testdata/performance/ 1866:29-1866:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3531testdata/performance/ 1866:29-1866:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3532testdata/performance/ 1866:34-1866:57 (Blending', Blending') 3532testdata/performance/ 1866:34-1866:57 (Blending', Blending')
3533testdata/performance/ 1866:36-1866:46 Blending' 3533testdata/performance/ 1866:36-1866:46 Blending'
@@ -3535,79 +3535,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1866:49-1866:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3535testdata/performance/ 1867:30-1867:50 RGBGen 3535testdata/performance/ 1867:30-1867:50 RGBGen
3536testdata/performance/ 1868:32-1868:42 AlphaGen 3536testdata/performance/ 1868:32-1868:42 AlphaGen
3537testdata/performance/ 1869:29-1869:40 TCGen 3537testdata/performance/ 1869:29-1869:40 TCGen
3538testdata/performance/ 1870:29-1870:31 {a} -> List a 3538testdata/performance/ 1870:29-1870:31 forall a . List a
3539testdata/performance/ 1871:31-1871:42 StageTexture 3539testdata/performance/ 1871:31-1871:42 StageTexture
3540testdata/performance/ 1872:34-1872:38 Bool 3540testdata/performance/ 1872:34-1872:38 Bool
3541testdata/performance/ 1873:33-1873:41 DepthFunction 3541testdata/performance/ 1873:33-1873:41 DepthFunction
3542testdata/performance/ 1874:33-1874:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3542testdata/performance/ 1874:33-1874:40 forall a . Maybe a
3543testdata/performance/ 1875:41-1875:46 Bool 3543testdata/performance/ 1875:41-1875:46 Bool
3544testdata/performance/ 1876:38-1876:54 String 3544testdata/performance/ 1876:38-1876:54 String
3545testdata/performance/ 1879:21-1879:26 Bool 3545testdata/performance/ 1879:21-1879:26 Bool
3546testdata/performance/ 1882:5-1924:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3546testdata/performance/ 1882:5-1924:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3547testdata/performance/ 1882:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3547testdata/performance/ 1882:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3548testdata/performance/ 1882:7-1882:47 String 3548testdata/performance/ 1882:7-1882:47 String
3549testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1883:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3549testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1883:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3550testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1884:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3550testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1884:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3551testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1885:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3551testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1885:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3552testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1886:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3552testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1886:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3553testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1887:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3553testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1887:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3554testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1888:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3554testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1888:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3555testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1889:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3555testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1889:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3556testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1890:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3556testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1890:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3557testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1891:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3557testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1891:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3558testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1892:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3558testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1892:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3559testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1893:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3559testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1893:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3560testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1921:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3560testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1921:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3561testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1923:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3561testdata/performance/ 1883:7-1923:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3562testdata/performance/ 1884:24-1884:26 () 3562testdata/performance/ 1884:24-1884:26 ()
3563testdata/performance/ 1885:24-1885:26 () 3563testdata/performance/ 1885:24-1885:26 ()
3564testdata/performance/ 1886:22-1886:27 Bool 3564testdata/performance/ 1886:22-1886:27 Bool
3565testdata/performance/ 1887:20-1887:21 b_ 3565testdata/performance/ 1887:20-1887:21 _b
3566testdata/performance/ 1888:30-1888:35 Bool 3566testdata/performance/ 1888:30-1888:35 Bool
3567testdata/performance/ 1889:23-1889:28 Bool 3567testdata/performance/ 1889:23-1889:28 Bool
3568testdata/performance/ 1890:20-1890:33 CullType 3568testdata/performance/ 1890:20-1890:33 CullType
3569testdata/performance/ 1891:30-1891:32 {a} -> List a 3569testdata/performance/ 1891:30-1891:32 forall a . List a
3570testdata/performance/ 1892:25-1892:30 Bool 3570testdata/performance/ 1892:25-1892:30 Bool
3571testdata/performance/ 1893:29-1893:34 Bool 3571testdata/performance/ 1893:29-1893:34 Bool
3572testdata/performance/ 1895:13-1921:14 List StageAttrs 3572testdata/performance/ 1895:13-1921:14 List StageAttrs
3573testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1895:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3573testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1895:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3574testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1896:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3574testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1896:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3575testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1897:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3575testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1897:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3576testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1898:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3576testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1898:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3577testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1899:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3577testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1899:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3578testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1900:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3578testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1900:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3579testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1901:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3579testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1901:78 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3580testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1902:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3580testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1902:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3581testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1903:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3581testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1903:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3582testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1904:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3582testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1904:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3583testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1905:46 String->StageAttrs 3583testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1905:46 String -> StageAttrs
3584testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1907:18 StageAttrs 3584testdata/performance/ 1895:15-1907:18 StageAttrs
3585testdata/performance/ 1896:29-1896:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3585testdata/performance/ 1896:29-1896:36 forall a . Maybe a
3586testdata/performance/ 1897:30-1897:50 RGBGen 3586testdata/performance/ 1897:30-1897:50 RGBGen
3587testdata/performance/ 1898:32-1898:42 AlphaGen 3587testdata/performance/ 1898:32-1898:42 AlphaGen
3588testdata/performance/ 1899:29-1899:36 TCGen 3588testdata/performance/ 1899:29-1899:36 TCGen
3589testdata/performance/ 1900:29-1900:31 {a} -> List a 3589testdata/performance/ 1900:29-1900:31 forall a . List a
3590testdata/performance/ 1901:31-1901:37 String->StageTexture 3590testdata/performance/ 1901:31-1901:37 String -> StageTexture
3591testdata/performance/ 1901:31-1901:78 StageTexture 3591testdata/performance/ 1901:31-1901:78 StageTexture
3592testdata/performance/ 1901:38-1901:78 String 3592testdata/performance/ 1901:38-1901:78 String
3593testdata/performance/ 1902:34-1902:38 Bool 3593testdata/performance/ 1902:34-1902:38 Bool
3594testdata/performance/ 1903:33-1903:41 DepthFunction 3594testdata/performance/ 1903:33-1903:41 DepthFunction
3595testdata/performance/ 1904:33-1904:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3595testdata/performance/ 1904:33-1904:40 forall a . Maybe a
3596testdata/performance/ 1905:41-1905:46 Bool 3596testdata/performance/ 1905:41-1905:46 Bool
3597testdata/performance/ 1906:38-1906:54 String 3597testdata/performance/ 1906:38-1906:54 String
3598testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1908:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3598testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1908:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3599testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1909:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3599testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1909:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3600testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1910:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3600testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1910:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3601testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1911:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3601testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1911:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3602testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1912:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3602testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1912:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3603testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1913:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3603testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1913:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3604testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1914:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3604testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1914:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3605testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1915:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3605testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1915:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3606testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1916:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3606testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1916:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3607testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1917:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3607testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1917:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3608testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1918:46 String->StageAttrs 3608testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1918:46 String -> StageAttrs
3609testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1920:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3609testdata/performance/ 1908:15-1920:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3610testdata/performance/ 1909:29-1909:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3610testdata/performance/ 1909:29-1909:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3611testdata/performance/ 1909:29-1909:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3611testdata/performance/ 1909:29-1909:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3612testdata/performance/ 1909:34-1909:57 (Blending', Blending') 3612testdata/performance/ 1909:34-1909:57 (Blending', Blending')
3613testdata/performance/ 1909:36-1909:46 Blending' 3613testdata/performance/ 1909:36-1909:46 Blending'
@@ -3615,79 +3615,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1909:49-1909:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3615testdata/performance/ 1910:30-1910:50 RGBGen 3615testdata/performance/ 1910:30-1910:50 RGBGen
3616testdata/performance/ 1911:32-1911:42 AlphaGen 3616testdata/performance/ 1911:32-1911:42 AlphaGen
3617testdata/performance/ 1912:29-1912:40 TCGen 3617testdata/performance/ 1912:29-1912:40 TCGen
3618testdata/performance/ 1913:29-1913:31 {a} -> List a 3618testdata/performance/ 1913:29-1913:31 forall a . List a
3619testdata/performance/ 1914:31-1914:42 StageTexture 3619testdata/performance/ 1914:31-1914:42 StageTexture
3620testdata/performance/ 1915:34-1915:38 Bool 3620testdata/performance/ 1915:34-1915:38 Bool
3621testdata/performance/ 1916:33-1916:41 DepthFunction 3621testdata/performance/ 1916:33-1916:41 DepthFunction
3622testdata/performance/ 1917:33-1917:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3622testdata/performance/ 1917:33-1917:40 forall a . Maybe a
3623testdata/performance/ 1918:41-1918:46 Bool 3623testdata/performance/ 1918:41-1918:46 Bool
3624testdata/performance/ 1919:38-1919:54 String 3624testdata/performance/ 1919:38-1919:54 String
3625testdata/performance/ 1922:21-1922:26 Bool 3625testdata/performance/ 1922:21-1922:26 Bool
3626testdata/performance/ 1925:5-1967:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3626testdata/performance/ 1925:5-1967:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3627testdata/performance/ 1925:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3627testdata/performance/ 1925:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3628testdata/performance/ 1925:7-1925:38 String 3628testdata/performance/ 1925:7-1925:38 String
3629testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1926:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3629testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1926:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3630testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1927:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3630testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1927:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3631testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1928:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3631testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1928:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3632testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1929:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3632testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1929:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3633testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1930:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3633testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1930:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3634testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1931:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3634testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1931:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3635testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1932:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3635testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1932:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3636testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1933:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3636testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1933:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3637testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1934:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3637testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1934:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3638testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1935:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3638testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1935:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3639testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1936:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3639testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1936:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3640testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1964:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3640testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1964:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3641testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1966:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3641testdata/performance/ 1926:7-1966:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3642testdata/performance/ 1927:24-1927:26 () 3642testdata/performance/ 1927:24-1927:26 ()
3643testdata/performance/ 1928:24-1928:26 () 3643testdata/performance/ 1928:24-1928:26 ()
3644testdata/performance/ 1929:22-1929:27 Bool 3644testdata/performance/ 1929:22-1929:27 Bool
3645testdata/performance/ 1930:20-1930:21 b_ 3645testdata/performance/ 1930:20-1930:21 _b
3646testdata/performance/ 1931:30-1931:35 Bool 3646testdata/performance/ 1931:30-1931:35 Bool
3647testdata/performance/ 1932:23-1932:28 Bool 3647testdata/performance/ 1932:23-1932:28 Bool
3648testdata/performance/ 1933:20-1933:33 CullType 3648testdata/performance/ 1933:20-1933:33 CullType
3649testdata/performance/ 1934:30-1934:32 {a} -> List a 3649testdata/performance/ 1934:30-1934:32 forall a . List a
3650testdata/performance/ 1935:25-1935:30 Bool 3650testdata/performance/ 1935:25-1935:30 Bool
3651testdata/performance/ 1936:29-1936:34 Bool 3651testdata/performance/ 1936:29-1936:34 Bool
3652testdata/performance/ 1938:13-1964:14 List StageAttrs 3652testdata/performance/ 1938:13-1964:14 List StageAttrs
3653testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1938:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3653testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1938:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3654testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1939:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3654testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1939:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3655testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1940:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3655testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1940:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3656testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1941:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3656testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1941:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3657testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1942:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3657testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1942:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3658testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1943:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3658testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1943:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3659testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1944:69 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3659testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1944:69 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3660testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1945:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3660testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1945:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3661testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1946:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3661testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1946:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3662testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1947:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3662testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1947:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3663testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1948:46 String->StageAttrs 3663testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1948:46 String -> StageAttrs
3664testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1950:18 StageAttrs 3664testdata/performance/ 1938:15-1950:18 StageAttrs
3665testdata/performance/ 1939:29-1939:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3665testdata/performance/ 1939:29-1939:36 forall a . Maybe a
3666testdata/performance/ 1940:30-1940:50 RGBGen 3666testdata/performance/ 1940:30-1940:50 RGBGen
3667testdata/performance/ 1941:32-1941:42 AlphaGen 3667testdata/performance/ 1941:32-1941:42 AlphaGen
3668testdata/performance/ 1942:29-1942:36 TCGen 3668testdata/performance/ 1942:29-1942:36 TCGen
3669testdata/performance/ 1943:29-1943:31 {a} -> List a 3669testdata/performance/ 1943:29-1943:31 forall a . List a
3670testdata/performance/ 1944:31-1944:37 String->StageTexture 3670testdata/performance/ 1944:31-1944:37 String -> StageTexture
3671testdata/performance/ 1944:31-1944:69 StageTexture 3671testdata/performance/ 1944:31-1944:69 StageTexture
3672testdata/performance/ 1944:38-1944:69 String 3672testdata/performance/ 1944:38-1944:69 String
3673testdata/performance/ 1945:34-1945:38 Bool 3673testdata/performance/ 1945:34-1945:38 Bool
3674testdata/performance/ 1946:33-1946:41 DepthFunction 3674testdata/performance/ 1946:33-1946:41 DepthFunction
3675testdata/performance/ 1947:33-1947:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3675testdata/performance/ 1947:33-1947:40 forall a . Maybe a
3676testdata/performance/ 1948:41-1948:46 Bool 3676testdata/performance/ 1948:41-1948:46 Bool
3677testdata/performance/ 1949:38-1949:54 String 3677testdata/performance/ 1949:38-1949:54 String
3678testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1951:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3678testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1951:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3679testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1952:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3679testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1952:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3680testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1953:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3680testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1953:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3681testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1954:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3681testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1954:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3682testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1955:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3682testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1955:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3683testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1956:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3683testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1956:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3684testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1957:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3684testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1957:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3685testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1958:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3685testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1958:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3686testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1959:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3686testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1959:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3687testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1960:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3687testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1960:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3688testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1961:46 String->StageAttrs 3688testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1961:46 String -> StageAttrs
3689testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1963:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3689testdata/performance/ 1951:15-1963:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3690testdata/performance/ 1952:29-1952:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3690testdata/performance/ 1952:29-1952:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3691testdata/performance/ 1952:29-1952:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3691testdata/performance/ 1952:29-1952:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3692testdata/performance/ 1952:34-1952:57 (Blending', Blending') 3692testdata/performance/ 1952:34-1952:57 (Blending', Blending')
3693testdata/performance/ 1952:36-1952:46 Blending' 3693testdata/performance/ 1952:36-1952:46 Blending'
@@ -3695,79 +3695,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1952:49-1952:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3695testdata/performance/ 1953:30-1953:50 RGBGen 3695testdata/performance/ 1953:30-1953:50 RGBGen
3696testdata/performance/ 1954:32-1954:42 AlphaGen 3696testdata/performance/ 1954:32-1954:42 AlphaGen
3697testdata/performance/ 1955:29-1955:40 TCGen 3697testdata/performance/ 1955:29-1955:40 TCGen
3698testdata/performance/ 1956:29-1956:31 {a} -> List a 3698testdata/performance/ 1956:29-1956:31 forall a . List a
3699testdata/performance/ 1957:31-1957:42 StageTexture 3699testdata/performance/ 1957:31-1957:42 StageTexture
3700testdata/performance/ 1958:34-1958:38 Bool 3700testdata/performance/ 1958:34-1958:38 Bool
3701testdata/performance/ 1959:33-1959:41 DepthFunction 3701testdata/performance/ 1959:33-1959:41 DepthFunction
3702testdata/performance/ 1960:33-1960:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3702testdata/performance/ 1960:33-1960:40 forall a . Maybe a
3703testdata/performance/ 1961:41-1961:46 Bool 3703testdata/performance/ 1961:41-1961:46 Bool
3704testdata/performance/ 1962:38-1962:54 String 3704testdata/performance/ 1962:38-1962:54 String
3705testdata/performance/ 1965:21-1965:26 Bool 3705testdata/performance/ 1965:21-1965:26 Bool
3706testdata/performance/ 1968:5-2010:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3706testdata/performance/ 1968:5-2010:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3707testdata/performance/ 1968:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3707testdata/performance/ 1968:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3708testdata/performance/ 1968:7-1968:43 String 3708testdata/performance/ 1968:7-1968:43 String
3709testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1969:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3709testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1969:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3710testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1970:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3710testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1970:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3711testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1971:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3711testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1971:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3712testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1972:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3712testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1972:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3713testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1973:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3713testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1973:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3714testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1974:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3714testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1974:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3715testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1975:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3715testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1975:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3716testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1976:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3716testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1976:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3717testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1977:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3717testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1977:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3718testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1978:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3718testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1978:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3719testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1979:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3719testdata/performance/ 1969:7-1979:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3720testdata/performance/ 1969:7-2007:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3720testdata/performance/ 1969:7-2007:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3721testdata/performance/ 1969:7-2009:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3721testdata/performance/ 1969:7-2009:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3722testdata/performance/ 1970:24-1970:26 () 3722testdata/performance/ 1970:24-1970:26 ()
3723testdata/performance/ 1971:24-1971:26 () 3723testdata/performance/ 1971:24-1971:26 ()
3724testdata/performance/ 1972:22-1972:27 Bool 3724testdata/performance/ 1972:22-1972:27 Bool
3725testdata/performance/ 1973:20-1973:21 b_ 3725testdata/performance/ 1973:20-1973:21 _b
3726testdata/performance/ 1974:30-1974:35 Bool 3726testdata/performance/ 1974:30-1974:35 Bool
3727testdata/performance/ 1975:23-1975:28 Bool 3727testdata/performance/ 1975:23-1975:28 Bool
3728testdata/performance/ 1976:20-1976:33 CullType 3728testdata/performance/ 1976:20-1976:33 CullType
3729testdata/performance/ 1977:30-1977:32 {a} -> List a 3729testdata/performance/ 1977:30-1977:32 forall a . List a
3730testdata/performance/ 1978:25-1978:30 Bool 3730testdata/performance/ 1978:25-1978:30 Bool
3731testdata/performance/ 1979:29-1979:34 Bool 3731testdata/performance/ 1979:29-1979:34 Bool
3732testdata/performance/ 1981:13-2007:14 List StageAttrs 3732testdata/performance/ 1981:13-2007:14 List StageAttrs
3733testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1981:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3733testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1981:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3734testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1982:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3734testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1982:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3735testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1983:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3735testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1983:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3736testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1984:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3736testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1984:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3737testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1985:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3737testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1985:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3738testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1986:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3738testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1986:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3739testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1987:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3739testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1987:74 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3740testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1988:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3740testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1988:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3741testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1989:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3741testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1989:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3742testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1990:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3742testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1990:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3743testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1991:46 String->StageAttrs 3743testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1991:46 String -> StageAttrs
3744testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1993:18 StageAttrs 3744testdata/performance/ 1981:15-1993:18 StageAttrs
3745testdata/performance/ 1982:29-1982:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3745testdata/performance/ 1982:29-1982:36 forall a . Maybe a
3746testdata/performance/ 1983:30-1983:50 RGBGen 3746testdata/performance/ 1983:30-1983:50 RGBGen
3747testdata/performance/ 1984:32-1984:42 AlphaGen 3747testdata/performance/ 1984:32-1984:42 AlphaGen
3748testdata/performance/ 1985:29-1985:36 TCGen 3748testdata/performance/ 1985:29-1985:36 TCGen
3749testdata/performance/ 1986:29-1986:31 {a} -> List a 3749testdata/performance/ 1986:29-1986:31 forall a . List a
3750testdata/performance/ 1987:31-1987:37 String->StageTexture 3750testdata/performance/ 1987:31-1987:37 String -> StageTexture
3751testdata/performance/ 1987:31-1987:74 StageTexture 3751testdata/performance/ 1987:31-1987:74 StageTexture
3752testdata/performance/ 1987:38-1987:74 String 3752testdata/performance/ 1987:38-1987:74 String
3753testdata/performance/ 1988:34-1988:38 Bool 3753testdata/performance/ 1988:34-1988:38 Bool
3754testdata/performance/ 1989:33-1989:41 DepthFunction 3754testdata/performance/ 1989:33-1989:41 DepthFunction
3755testdata/performance/ 1990:33-1990:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3755testdata/performance/ 1990:33-1990:40 forall a . Maybe a
3756testdata/performance/ 1991:41-1991:46 Bool 3756testdata/performance/ 1991:41-1991:46 Bool
3757testdata/performance/ 1992:38-1992:53 String 3757testdata/performance/ 1992:38-1992:53 String
3758testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1994:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3758testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1994:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3759testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1995:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3759testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1995:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3760testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1996:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3760testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1996:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3761testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1997:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3761testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1997:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3762testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1998:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3762testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1998:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3763testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1999:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3763testdata/performance/ 1994:15-1999:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3764testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2000:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3764testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2000:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3765testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2001:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3765testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2001:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3766testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2002:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3766testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2002:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3767testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2003:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3767testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2003:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3768testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2004:46 String->StageAttrs 3768testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2004:46 String -> StageAttrs
3769testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2006:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3769testdata/performance/ 1994:15-2006:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3770testdata/performance/ 1995:29-1995:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3770testdata/performance/ 1995:29-1995:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3771testdata/performance/ 1995:29-1995:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3771testdata/performance/ 1995:29-1995:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3772testdata/performance/ 1995:34-1995:57 (Blending', Blending') 3772testdata/performance/ 1995:34-1995:57 (Blending', Blending')
3773testdata/performance/ 1995:36-1995:46 Blending' 3773testdata/performance/ 1995:36-1995:46 Blending'
@@ -3775,79 +3775,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 1995:49-1995:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3775testdata/performance/ 1996:30-1996:50 RGBGen 3775testdata/performance/ 1996:30-1996:50 RGBGen
3776testdata/performance/ 1997:32-1997:42 AlphaGen 3776testdata/performance/ 1997:32-1997:42 AlphaGen
3777testdata/performance/ 1998:29-1998:40 TCGen 3777testdata/performance/ 1998:29-1998:40 TCGen
3778testdata/performance/ 1999:29-1999:31 {a} -> List a 3778testdata/performance/ 1999:29-1999:31 forall a . List a
3779testdata/performance/ 2000:31-2000:42 StageTexture 3779testdata/performance/ 2000:31-2000:42 StageTexture
3780testdata/performance/ 2001:34-2001:38 Bool 3780testdata/performance/ 2001:34-2001:38 Bool
3781testdata/performance/ 2002:33-2002:41 DepthFunction 3781testdata/performance/ 2002:33-2002:41 DepthFunction
3782testdata/performance/ 2003:33-2003:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3782testdata/performance/ 2003:33-2003:40 forall a . Maybe a
3783testdata/performance/ 2004:41-2004:46 Bool 3783testdata/performance/ 2004:41-2004:46 Bool
3784testdata/performance/ 2005:38-2005:54 String 3784testdata/performance/ 2005:38-2005:54 String
3785testdata/performance/ 2008:21-2008:26 Bool 3785testdata/performance/ 2008:21-2008:26 Bool
3786testdata/performance/ 2011:5-2053:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3786testdata/performance/ 2011:5-2053:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3787testdata/performance/ 2011:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3787testdata/performance/ 2011:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3788testdata/performance/ 2011:7-2011:36 String 3788testdata/performance/ 2011:7-2011:36 String
3789testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2012:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3789testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2012:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3790testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2013:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3790testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2013:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3791testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2014:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3791testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2014:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3792testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2015:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3792testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2015:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3793testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2016:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3793testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2016:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3794testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2017:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3794testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2017:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3795testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2018:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3795testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2018:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3796testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2019:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3796testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2019:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3797testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2020:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3797testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2020:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3798testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2021:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3798testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2021:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3799testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2022:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3799testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2022:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3800testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2050:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3800testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2050:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3801testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2052:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3801testdata/performance/ 2012:7-2052:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3802testdata/performance/ 2013:24-2013:26 () 3802testdata/performance/ 2013:24-2013:26 ()
3803testdata/performance/ 2014:24-2014:26 () 3803testdata/performance/ 2014:24-2014:26 ()
3804testdata/performance/ 2015:22-2015:27 Bool 3804testdata/performance/ 2015:22-2015:27 Bool
3805testdata/performance/ 2016:20-2016:21 b_ 3805testdata/performance/ 2016:20-2016:21 _b
3806testdata/performance/ 2017:30-2017:35 Bool 3806testdata/performance/ 2017:30-2017:35 Bool
3807testdata/performance/ 2018:23-2018:28 Bool 3807testdata/performance/ 2018:23-2018:28 Bool
3808testdata/performance/ 2019:20-2019:33 CullType 3808testdata/performance/ 2019:20-2019:33 CullType
3809testdata/performance/ 2020:30-2020:32 {a} -> List a 3809testdata/performance/ 2020:30-2020:32 forall a . List a
3810testdata/performance/ 2021:25-2021:30 Bool 3810testdata/performance/ 2021:25-2021:30 Bool
3811testdata/performance/ 2022:29-2022:34 Bool 3811testdata/performance/ 2022:29-2022:34 Bool
3812testdata/performance/ 2024:13-2050:14 List StageAttrs 3812testdata/performance/ 2024:13-2050:14 List StageAttrs
3813testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2024:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3813testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2024:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3814testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2025:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3814testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2025:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3815testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2026:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3815testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2026:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3816testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2027:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3816testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2027:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3817testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2028:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3817testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2028:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3818testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2029:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3818testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2029:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3819testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2030:67 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3819testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2030:67 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3820testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2031:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3820testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2031:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3821testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2032:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3821testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2032:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3822testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2033:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3822testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2033:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3823testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2034:46 String->StageAttrs 3823testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2034:46 String -> StageAttrs
3824testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2036:18 StageAttrs 3824testdata/performance/ 2024:15-2036:18 StageAttrs
3825testdata/performance/ 2025:29-2025:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3825testdata/performance/ 2025:29-2025:36 forall a . Maybe a
3826testdata/performance/ 2026:30-2026:50 RGBGen 3826testdata/performance/ 2026:30-2026:50 RGBGen
3827testdata/performance/ 2027:32-2027:42 AlphaGen 3827testdata/performance/ 2027:32-2027:42 AlphaGen
3828testdata/performance/ 2028:29-2028:36 TCGen 3828testdata/performance/ 2028:29-2028:36 TCGen
3829testdata/performance/ 2029:29-2029:31 {a} -> List a 3829testdata/performance/ 2029:29-2029:31 forall a . List a
3830testdata/performance/ 2030:31-2030:37 String->StageTexture 3830testdata/performance/ 2030:31-2030:37 String -> StageTexture
3831testdata/performance/ 2030:31-2030:67 StageTexture 3831testdata/performance/ 2030:31-2030:67 StageTexture
3832testdata/performance/ 2030:38-2030:67 String 3832testdata/performance/ 2030:38-2030:67 String
3833testdata/performance/ 2031:34-2031:38 Bool 3833testdata/performance/ 2031:34-2031:38 Bool
3834testdata/performance/ 2032:33-2032:41 DepthFunction 3834testdata/performance/ 2032:33-2032:41 DepthFunction
3835testdata/performance/ 2033:33-2033:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3835testdata/performance/ 2033:33-2033:40 forall a . Maybe a
3836testdata/performance/ 2034:41-2034:46 Bool 3836testdata/performance/ 2034:41-2034:46 Bool
3837testdata/performance/ 2035:38-2035:54 String 3837testdata/performance/ 2035:38-2035:54 String
3838testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2037:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3838testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2037:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3839testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2038:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3839testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2038:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3840testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2039:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3840testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2039:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3841testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2040:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3841testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2040:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3842testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2041:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3842testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2041:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3843testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2042:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3843testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2042:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3844testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2043:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3844testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2043:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3845testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2044:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3845testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2044:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3846testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2045:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3846testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2045:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3847testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2046:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3847testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2046:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3848testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2047:46 String->StageAttrs 3848testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2047:46 String -> StageAttrs
3849testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2049:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3849testdata/performance/ 2037:15-2049:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3850testdata/performance/ 2038:29-2038:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3850testdata/performance/ 2038:29-2038:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3851testdata/performance/ 2038:29-2038:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3851testdata/performance/ 2038:29-2038:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3852testdata/performance/ 2038:34-2038:57 (Blending', Blending') 3852testdata/performance/ 2038:34-2038:57 (Blending', Blending')
3853testdata/performance/ 2038:36-2038:46 Blending' 3853testdata/performance/ 2038:36-2038:46 Blending'
@@ -3855,79 +3855,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 2038:49-2038:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3855testdata/performance/ 2039:30-2039:50 RGBGen 3855testdata/performance/ 2039:30-2039:50 RGBGen
3856testdata/performance/ 2040:32-2040:42 AlphaGen 3856testdata/performance/ 2040:32-2040:42 AlphaGen
3857testdata/performance/ 2041:29-2041:40 TCGen 3857testdata/performance/ 2041:29-2041:40 TCGen
3858testdata/performance/ 2042:29-2042:31 {a} -> List a 3858testdata/performance/ 2042:29-2042:31 forall a . List a
3859testdata/performance/ 2043:31-2043:42 StageTexture 3859testdata/performance/ 2043:31-2043:42 StageTexture
3860testdata/performance/ 2044:34-2044:38 Bool 3860testdata/performance/ 2044:34-2044:38 Bool
3861testdata/performance/ 2045:33-2045:41 DepthFunction 3861testdata/performance/ 2045:33-2045:41 DepthFunction
3862testdata/performance/ 2046:33-2046:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3862testdata/performance/ 2046:33-2046:40 forall a . Maybe a
3863testdata/performance/ 2047:41-2047:46 Bool 3863testdata/performance/ 2047:41-2047:46 Bool
3864testdata/performance/ 2048:38-2048:54 String 3864testdata/performance/ 2048:38-2048:54 String
3865testdata/performance/ 2051:21-2051:26 Bool 3865testdata/performance/ 2051:21-2051:26 Bool
3866testdata/performance/ 2054:5-2096:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3866testdata/performance/ 2054:5-2096:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3867testdata/performance/ 2054:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3867testdata/performance/ 2054:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3868testdata/performance/ 2054:7-2054:40 String 3868testdata/performance/ 2054:7-2054:40 String
3869testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2055:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3869testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2055:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3870testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2056:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3870testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2056:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3871testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2057:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3871testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2057:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3872testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2058:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3872testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2058:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3873testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2059:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3873testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2059:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3874testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2060:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3874testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2060:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3875testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2061:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3875testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2061:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3876testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2062:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3876testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2062:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3877testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2063:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3877testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2063:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3878testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2064:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3878testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2064:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3879testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2065:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3879testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2065:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3880testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2093:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3880testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2093:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3881testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2095:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3881testdata/performance/ 2055:7-2095:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3882testdata/performance/ 2056:24-2056:26 () 3882testdata/performance/ 2056:24-2056:26 ()
3883testdata/performance/ 2057:24-2057:26 () 3883testdata/performance/ 2057:24-2057:26 ()
3884testdata/performance/ 2058:22-2058:27 Bool 3884testdata/performance/ 2058:22-2058:27 Bool
3885testdata/performance/ 2059:20-2059:21 b_ 3885testdata/performance/ 2059:20-2059:21 _b
3886testdata/performance/ 2060:30-2060:35 Bool 3886testdata/performance/ 2060:30-2060:35 Bool
3887testdata/performance/ 2061:23-2061:28 Bool 3887testdata/performance/ 2061:23-2061:28 Bool
3888testdata/performance/ 2062:20-2062:33 CullType 3888testdata/performance/ 2062:20-2062:33 CullType
3889testdata/performance/ 2063:30-2063:32 {a} -> List a 3889testdata/performance/ 2063:30-2063:32 forall a . List a
3890testdata/performance/ 2064:25-2064:30 Bool 3890testdata/performance/ 2064:25-2064:30 Bool
3891testdata/performance/ 2065:29-2065:34 Bool 3891testdata/performance/ 2065:29-2065:34 Bool
3892testdata/performance/ 2067:13-2093:14 List StageAttrs 3892testdata/performance/ 2067:13-2093:14 List StageAttrs
3893testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2067:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3893testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2067:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3894testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2068:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3894testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2068:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3895testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2069:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3895testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2069:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3896testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2070:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3896testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2070:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3897testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2071:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3897testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2071:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3898testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2072:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3898testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2072:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3899testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2073:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3899testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2073:71 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3900testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2074:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3900testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2074:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3901testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2075:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3901testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2075:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3902testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2076:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3902testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2076:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3903testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2077:46 String->StageAttrs 3903testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2077:46 String -> StageAttrs
3904testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2079:18 StageAttrs 3904testdata/performance/ 2067:15-2079:18 StageAttrs
3905testdata/performance/ 2068:29-2068:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3905testdata/performance/ 2068:29-2068:36 forall a . Maybe a
3906testdata/performance/ 2069:30-2069:50 RGBGen 3906testdata/performance/ 2069:30-2069:50 RGBGen
3907testdata/performance/ 2070:32-2070:42 AlphaGen 3907testdata/performance/ 2070:32-2070:42 AlphaGen
3908testdata/performance/ 2071:29-2071:36 TCGen 3908testdata/performance/ 2071:29-2071:36 TCGen
3909testdata/performance/ 2072:29-2072:31 {a} -> List a 3909testdata/performance/ 2072:29-2072:31 forall a . List a
3910testdata/performance/ 2073:31-2073:37 String->StageTexture 3910testdata/performance/ 2073:31-2073:37 String -> StageTexture
3911testdata/performance/ 2073:31-2073:71 StageTexture 3911testdata/performance/ 2073:31-2073:71 StageTexture
3912testdata/performance/ 2073:38-2073:71 String 3912testdata/performance/ 2073:38-2073:71 String
3913testdata/performance/ 2074:34-2074:38 Bool 3913testdata/performance/ 2074:34-2074:38 Bool
3914testdata/performance/ 2075:33-2075:41 DepthFunction 3914testdata/performance/ 2075:33-2075:41 DepthFunction
3915testdata/performance/ 2076:33-2076:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3915testdata/performance/ 2076:33-2076:40 forall a . Maybe a
3916testdata/performance/ 2077:41-2077:46 Bool 3916testdata/performance/ 2077:41-2077:46 Bool
3917testdata/performance/ 2078:38-2078:54 String 3917testdata/performance/ 2078:38-2078:54 String
3918testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2080:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3918testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2080:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3919testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2081:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3919testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2081:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3920testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2082:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3920testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2082:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3921testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2083:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3921testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2083:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3922testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2084:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3922testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2084:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3923testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2085:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3923testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2085:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3924testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2086:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3924testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2086:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3925testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2087:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3925testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2087:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3926testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2088:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3926testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2088:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3927testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2089:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3927testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2089:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3928testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2090:46 String->StageAttrs 3928testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2090:46 String -> StageAttrs
3929testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2092:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 3929testdata/performance/ 2080:15-2092:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
3930testdata/performance/ 2081:29-2081:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 3930testdata/performance/ 2081:29-2081:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
3931testdata/performance/ 2081:29-2081:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 3931testdata/performance/ 2081:29-2081:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
3932testdata/performance/ 2081:34-2081:57 (Blending', Blending') 3932testdata/performance/ 2081:34-2081:57 (Blending', Blending')
3933testdata/performance/ 2081:36-2081:46 Blending' 3933testdata/performance/ 2081:36-2081:46 Blending'
@@ -3935,79 +3935,79 @@ testdata/performance/ 2081:49-2081:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
3935testdata/performance/ 2082:30-2082:50 RGBGen 3935testdata/performance/ 2082:30-2082:50 RGBGen
3936testdata/performance/ 2083:32-2083:42 AlphaGen 3936testdata/performance/ 2083:32-2083:42 AlphaGen
3937testdata/performance/ 2084:29-2084:40 TCGen 3937testdata/performance/ 2084:29-2084:40 TCGen
3938testdata/performance/ 2085:29-2085:31 {a} -> List a 3938testdata/performance/ 2085:29-2085:31 forall a . List a
3939testdata/performance/ 2086:31-2086:42 StageTexture 3939testdata/performance/ 2086:31-2086:42 StageTexture
3940testdata/performance/ 2087:34-2087:38 Bool 3940testdata/performance/ 2087:34-2087:38 Bool
3941testdata/performance/ 2088:33-2088:41 DepthFunction 3941testdata/performance/ 2088:33-2088:41 DepthFunction
3942testdata/performance/ 2089:33-2089:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3942testdata/performance/ 2089:33-2089:40 forall a . Maybe a
3943testdata/performance/ 2090:41-2090:46 Bool 3943testdata/performance/ 2090:41-2090:46 Bool
3944testdata/performance/ 2091:38-2091:54 String 3944testdata/performance/ 2091:38-2091:54 String
3945testdata/performance/ 2094:21-2094:26 Bool 3945testdata/performance/ 2094:21-2094:26 Bool
3946testdata/performance/ 2097:5-2139:6 (String, CommonAttrs) 3946testdata/performance/ 2097:5-2139:6 (String, CommonAttrs)
3947testdata/performance/ 2097:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs) 3947testdata/performance/ 2097:5-2182:6 List (String, CommonAttrs)
3948testdata/performance/ 2097:7-2097:50 String 3948testdata/performance/ 2097:7-2097:50 String
3949testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2098:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3949testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2098:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3950testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2099:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3950testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2099:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3951testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2100:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3951testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2100:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3952testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2101:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3952testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2101:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3953testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2102:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3953testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2102:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3954testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2103:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3954testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2103:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3955testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2104:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3955testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2104:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3956testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2105:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3956testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2105:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3957testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2106:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3957testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2106:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3958testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2107:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3958testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2107:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3959testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2108:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 3959testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2108:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
3960testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2136:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 3960testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2136:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
3961testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2138:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 3961testdata/performance/ 2098:7-2138:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
3962testdata/performance/ 2099:24-2099:26 () 3962testdata/performance/ 2099:24-2099:26 ()
3963testdata/performance/ 2100:24-2100:26 () 3963testdata/performance/ 2100:24-2100:26 ()
3964testdata/performance/ 2101:22-2101:27 Bool 3964testdata/performance/ 2101:22-2101:27 Bool
3965testdata/performance/ 2102:20-2102:21 b_ 3965testdata/performance/ 2102:20-2102:21 _b
3966testdata/performance/ 2103:30-2103:35 Bool 3966testdata/performance/ 2103:30-2103:35 Bool
3967testdata/performance/ 2104:23-2104:28 Bool 3967testdata/performance/ 2104:23-2104:28 Bool
3968testdata/performance/ 2105:20-2105:33 CullType 3968testdata/performance/ 2105:20-2105:33 CullType
3969testdata/performance/ 2106:30-2106:32 {a} -> List a 3969testdata/performance/ 2106:30-2106:32 forall a . List a
3970testdata/performance/ 2107:25-2107:30 Bool 3970testdata/performance/ 2107:25-2107:30 Bool
3971testdata/performance/ 2108:29-2108:34 Bool 3971testdata/performance/ 2108:29-2108:34 Bool
3972testdata/performance/ 2110:13-2136:14 List StageAttrs 3972testdata/performance/ 2110:13-2136:14 List StageAttrs
3973testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2110:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3973testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2110:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3974testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2111:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3974testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2111:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3975testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2112:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3975testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2112:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3976testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2113:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3976testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2113:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3977testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2114:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3977testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2114:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3978testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2115:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3978testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2115:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3979testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2116:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3979testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2116:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3980testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2117:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3980testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2117:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3981testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2118:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3981testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2118:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3982testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2119:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3982testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2119:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3983testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2120:46 String->StageAttrs 3983testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2120:46 String -> StageAttrs
3984testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2122:18 StageAttrs 3984testdata/performance/ 2110:15-2122:18 StageAttrs
3985testdata/performance/ 2111:29-2111:36 {a} -> Maybe a 3985testdata/performance/ 2111:29-2111:36 forall a . Maybe a
3986testdata/performance/ 2112:30-2112:50 RGBGen 3986testdata/performance/ 2112:30-2112:50 RGBGen
3987testdata/performance/ 2113:32-2113:42 AlphaGen 3987testdata/performance/ 2113:32-2113:42 AlphaGen
3988testdata/performance/ 2114:29-2114:36 TCGen 3988testdata/performance/ 2114:29-2114:36 TCGen
3989testdata/performance/ 2115:29-2115:31 {a} -> List a 3989testdata/performance/ 2115:29-2115:31 forall a . List a
3990testdata/performance/ 2116:31-2116:37 String->StageTexture 3990testdata/performance/ 2116:31-2116:37 String -> StageTexture
3991testdata/performance/ 2116:31-2116:81 StageTexture 3991testdata/performance/ 2116:31-2116:81 StageTexture
3992testdata/performance/ 2116:38-2116:81 String 3992testdata/performance/ 2116:38-2116:81 String
3993testdata/performance/ 2117:34-2117:38 Bool 3993testdata/performance/ 2117:34-2117:38 Bool
3994testdata/performance/ 2118:33-2118:41 DepthFunction 3994testdata/performance/ 2118:33-2118:41 DepthFunction
3995testdata/performance/ 2119:33-2119:40 {a} -> Maybe a 3995testdata/performance/ 2119:33-2119:40 forall a . Maybe a
3996testdata/performance/ 2120:41-2120:46 Bool 3996testdata/performance/ 2120:41-2120:46 Bool
3997testdata/performance/ 2121:38-2121:53 String 3997testdata/performance/ 2121:38-2121:53 String
3998testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2123:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3998testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2123:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
3999testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2124:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 3999testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2124:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4000testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2125:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4000testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2125:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4001testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2126:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4001testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2126:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4002testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2127:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4002testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2127:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4003testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2128:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4003testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2128:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4004testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2129:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4004testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2129:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4005testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2130:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4005testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2130:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4006testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2131:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4006testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2131:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4007testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2132:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4007testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2132:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4008testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2133:46 String->StageAttrs 4008testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2133:46 String -> StageAttrs
4009testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2135:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 4009testdata/performance/ 2123:15-2135:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
4010testdata/performance/ 2124:29-2124:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 4010testdata/performance/ 2124:29-2124:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
4011testdata/performance/ 2124:29-2124:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 4011testdata/performance/ 2124:29-2124:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
4012testdata/performance/ 2124:34-2124:57 (Blending', Blending') 4012testdata/performance/ 2124:34-2124:57 (Blending', Blending')
4013testdata/performance/ 2124:36-2124:46 Blending' 4013testdata/performance/ 2124:36-2124:46 Blending'
@@ -4015,78 +4015,78 @@ testdata/performance/ 2124:49-2124:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
4015testdata/performance/ 2125:30-2125:50 RGBGen 4015testdata/performance/ 2125:30-2125:50 RGBGen
4016testdata/performance/ 2126:32-2126:42 AlphaGen 4016testdata/performance/ 2126:32-2126:42 AlphaGen
4017testdata/performance/ 2127:29-2127:40 TCGen 4017testdata/performance/ 2127:29-2127:40 TCGen
4018testdata/performance/ 2128:29-2128:31 {a} -> List a 4018testdata/performance/ 2128:29-2128:31 forall a . List a
4019testdata/performance/ 2129:31-2129:42 StageTexture 4019testdata/performance/ 2129:31-2129:42 StageTexture
4020testdata/performance/ 2130:34-2130:38 Bool 4020testdata/performance/ 2130:34-2130:38 Bool
4021testdata/performance/ 2131:33-2131:41 DepthFunction 4021testdata/performance/ 2131:33-2131:41 DepthFunction
4022testdata/performance/ 2132:33-2132:40 {a} -> Maybe a 4022testdata/performance/ 2132:33-2132:40 forall a . Maybe a
4023testdata/performance/ 2133:41-2133:46 Bool 4023testdata/performance/ 2133:41-2133:46 Bool
4024testdata/performance/ 2134:38-2134:54 String 4024testdata/performance/ 2134:38-2134:54 String
4025testdata/performance/ 2137:21-2137:26 Bool 4025testdata/performance/ 2137:21-2137:26 Bool
4026testdata/performance/ 2140:5-2182:6 (String, CommonAttrs) | List (String, CommonAttrs) 4026testdata/performance/ 2140:5-2182:6 (String, CommonAttrs) | List (String, CommonAttrs)
4027testdata/performance/ 2140:7-2140:50 String 4027testdata/performance/ 2140:7-2140:50 String
4028testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2141:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4028testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2141:18 () -> () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4029testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2142:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4029testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2142:26 () -> Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4030testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2143:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4030testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2143:26 Bool -> Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4031testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2144:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4031testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2144:27 Float -> Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4032testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2145:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4032testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2145:21 Bool -> Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4033testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2146:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4033testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2146:35 Bool -> CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4034testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2147:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4034testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2147:28 CullType -> List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4035testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2148:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4035testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2148:33 List Deform -> Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4036testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2149:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4036testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2149:32 Bool -> Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4037testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2150:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4037testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2150:30 Bool -> List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4038testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2151:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool->CommonAttrs 4038testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2151:34 List StageAttrs -> Bool -> CommonAttrs
4039testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2179:14 Bool->CommonAttrs 4039testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2179:14 Bool -> CommonAttrs
4040testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2181:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs 4040testdata/performance/ 2141:7-2181:10 ((CommonAttrs)) | CommonAttrs
4041testdata/performance/ 2142:24-2142:26 () 4041testdata/performance/ 2142:24-2142:26 ()
4042testdata/performance/ 2143:24-2143:26 () 4042testdata/performance/ 2143:24-2143:26 ()
4043testdata/performance/ 2144:22-2144:27 Bool 4043testdata/performance/ 2144:22-2144:27 Bool
4044testdata/performance/ 2145:20-2145:21 b_ 4044testdata/performance/ 2145:20-2145:21 _b
4045testdata/performance/ 2146:30-2146:35 Bool 4045testdata/performance/ 2146:30-2146:35 Bool
4046testdata/performance/ 2147:23-2147:28 Bool 4046testdata/performance/ 2147:23-2147:28 Bool
4047testdata/performance/ 2148:20-2148:33 CullType 4047testdata/performance/ 2148:20-2148:33 CullType
4048testdata/performance/ 2149:30-2149:32 {a} -> List a 4048testdata/performance/ 2149:30-2149:32 forall a . List a
4049testdata/performance/ 2150:25-2150:30 Bool 4049testdata/performance/ 2150:25-2150:30 Bool
4050testdata/performance/ 2151:29-2151:34 Bool 4050testdata/performance/ 2151:29-2151:34 Bool
4051testdata/performance/ 2153:13-2179:14 List StageAttrs 4051testdata/performance/ 2153:13-2179:14 List StageAttrs
4052testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2153:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4052testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2153:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4053testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2154:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4053testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2154:36 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4054testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2155:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4054testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2155:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4055testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2156:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4055testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2156:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4056testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2157:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4056testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2157:36 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4057testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2158:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4057testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2158:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4058testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2159:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4058testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2159:81 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4059testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2160:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4059testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2160:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4060testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2161:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4060testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2161:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4061testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2162:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4061testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2162:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4062testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2163:46 String->StageAttrs 4062testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2163:46 String -> StageAttrs
4063testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2165:18 StageAttrs 4063testdata/performance/ 2153:15-2165:18 StageAttrs
4064testdata/performance/ 2154:29-2154:36 {a} -> Maybe a 4064testdata/performance/ 2154:29-2154:36 forall a . Maybe a
4065testdata/performance/ 2155:30-2155:50 RGBGen 4065testdata/performance/ 2155:30-2155:50 RGBGen
4066testdata/performance/ 2156:32-2156:42 AlphaGen 4066testdata/performance/ 2156:32-2156:42 AlphaGen
4067testdata/performance/ 2157:29-2157:36 TCGen 4067testdata/performance/ 2157:29-2157:36 TCGen
4068testdata/performance/ 2158:29-2158:31 {a} -> List a 4068testdata/performance/ 2158:29-2158:31 forall a . List a
4069testdata/performance/ 2159:31-2159:37 String->StageTexture 4069testdata/performance/ 2159:31-2159:37 String -> StageTexture
4070testdata/performance/ 2159:31-2159:81 StageTexture 4070testdata/performance/ 2159:31-2159:81 StageTexture
4071testdata/performance/ 2159:38-2159:81 String 4071testdata/performance/ 2159:38-2159:81 String
4072testdata/performance/ 2160:34-2160:38 Bool 4072testdata/performance/ 2160:34-2160:38 Bool
4073testdata/performance/ 2161:33-2161:41 DepthFunction 4073testdata/performance/ 2161:33-2161:41 DepthFunction
4074testdata/performance/ 2162:33-2162:40 {a} -> Maybe a 4074testdata/performance/ 2162:33-2162:40 forall a . Maybe a
4075testdata/performance/ 2163:41-2163:46 Bool 4075testdata/performance/ 2163:41-2163:46 Bool
4076testdata/performance/ 2164:38-2164:54 String 4076testdata/performance/ 2164:38-2164:54 String
4077testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2166:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4077testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2166:25 Maybe (Blending', Blending') -> RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4078testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2167:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4078testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2167:57 RGBGen -> AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4079testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2168:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4079testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2168:50 AlphaGen -> TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4080testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2169:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4080testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2169:42 TCGen -> List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4081testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2170:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4081testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2170:40 List TCMod -> StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4082testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2171:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4082testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2171:31 StageTexture -> Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4083testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2172:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4083testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2172:42 Bool -> DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4084testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2173:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4084testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2173:38 DepthFunction -> Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4085testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2174:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4085testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2174:41 Maybe AlphaFunction -> Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4086testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2175:40 Bool -> String->StageAttrs 4086testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2175:40 Bool -> String -> StageAttrs
4087testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2176:46 String->StageAttrs 4087testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2176:46 String -> StageAttrs
4088testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2178:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs 4088testdata/performance/ 2166:15-2178:18 List StageAttrs | StageAttrs
4089testdata/performance/ 2167:29-2167:33 {a} -> a -> Maybe a 4089testdata/performance/ 2167:29-2167:33 forall a . a -> Maybe a
4090testdata/performance/ 2167:29-2167:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending') 4090testdata/performance/ 2167:29-2167:57 Maybe (Blending', Blending')
4091testdata/performance/ 2167:34-2167:57 (Blending', Blending') 4091testdata/performance/ 2167:34-2167:57 (Blending', Blending')
4092testdata/performance/ 2167:36-2167:46 Blending' 4092testdata/performance/ 2167:36-2167:46 Blending'
@@ -4094,11 +4094,11 @@ testdata/performance/ 2167:49-2167:55 ((Blending')) | Blending
4094testdata/performance/ 2168:30-2168:50 RGBGen 4094testdata/performance/ 2168:30-2168:50 RGBGen
4095testdata/performance/ 2169:32-2169:42 AlphaGen 4095testdata/performance/ 2169:32-2169:42 AlphaGen
4096testdata/performance/ 2170:29-2170:40 TCGen 4096testdata/performance/ 2170:29-2170:40 TCGen
4097testdata/performance/ 2171:29-2171:31 {a} -> List a 4097testdata/performance/ 2171:29-2171:31 forall a . List a
4098testdata/performance/ 2172:31-2172:42 StageTexture 4098testdata/performance/ 2172:31-2172:42 StageTexture
4099testdata/performance/ 2173:34-2173:38 Bool 4099testdata/performance/ 2173:34-2173:38 Bool
4100testdata/performance/ 2174:33-2174:41 DepthFunction 4100testdata/performance/ 2174:33-2174:41 DepthFunction
4101testdata/performance/ 2175:33-2175:40 {a} -> Maybe a 4101testdata/performance/ 2175:33-2175:40 forall a . Maybe a
4102testdata/performance/ 2176:41-2176:46 Bool 4102testdata/performance/ 2176:41-2176:46 Bool
4103testdata/performance/ 2177:38-2177:54 String 4103testdata/performance/ 2177:38-2177:54 String
4104testdata/performance/ 2180:21-2180:26 Bool 4104testdata/performance/ 2180:21-2180:26 Bool
diff --git a/testdata/record01.reject.out b/testdata/record01.reject.out
index 38d10686..01aefa45 100644
--- a/testdata/record01.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/record01.reject.out
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1type error: can not unify 1type error: can not unify
2'FrameBuffer b_ a_ 2'FrameBuffer _b _a
3with 3with
4'Float 4'Float
5 5
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ in testdata/
9 9
10------------ trace 10------------ trace
11!type error: can not unify 11!type error: can not unify
12'FrameBuffer b_ a_ 12'FrameBuffer _b _a
13with 13with
14'Float 14'Float
15 15
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ testdata/ 2:16-2:21 (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> ((Blend
22testdata/ 2:16-2:23 ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) -> Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float 22testdata/ 2:16-2:23 ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) -> Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float
23testdata/ 2:16-2:81 Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float 23testdata/ 2:16-2:81 Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float
24testdata/ 2:16-2:102 Blending Float 24testdata/ 2:16-2:102 Blending Float
25testdata/ 2:22-2:23 b_ 25testdata/ 2:22-2:23 _b
26testdata/ 2:24-2:81 ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) 26testdata/ 2:24-2:81 ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))
27testdata/ 2:25-2:52 (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor) 27testdata/ 2:25-2:52 (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
28testdata/ 2:26-2:34 BlendingFactor 28testdata/ 2:26-2:34 BlendingFactor
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ testdata/ 2:35-2:51 ((BlendingFactor)) | BlendingFactor
30testdata/ 2:53-2:80 (((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))) | (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor) 30testdata/ 2:53-2:80 (((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))) | (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
31testdata/ 2:54-2:62 BlendingFactor 31testdata/ 2:54-2:62 BlendingFactor
32testdata/ 2:63-2:79 ((BlendingFactor)) | BlendingFactor 32testdata/ 2:63-2:79 ((BlendingFactor)) | BlendingFactor
33testdata/ 2:83-2:85 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 33testdata/ 2:83-2:85 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
34testdata/ 2:83-2:89 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 34testdata/ 2:83-2:89 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
35testdata/ 2:83-2:93 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 35testdata/ 2:83-2:93 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
36testdata/ 2:83-2:97 Float -> VecS Float 4 36testdata/ 2:83-2:97 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ testdata/ 4:46-4:62 ((BlendingFactor)) | BlendingFactor
58testdata/ 4:64-4:91 (((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))) | (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor) 58testdata/ 4:64-4:91 (((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))) | (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
59testdata/ 4:65-4:73 BlendingFactor 59testdata/ 4:65-4:73 BlendingFactor
60testdata/ 4:74-4:90 ((BlendingFactor)) | BlendingFactor 60testdata/ 4:74-4:90 ((BlendingFactor)) | BlendingFactor
61testdata/ 4:94-4:96 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 61testdata/ 4:94-4:96 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
62testdata/ 4:94-4:100 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 62testdata/ 4:94-4:100 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
63testdata/ 4:94-4:104 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 63testdata/ 4:94-4:104 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
64testdata/ 4:94-4:108 Float -> VecS Float 4 64testdata/ 4:94-4:108 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ testdata/ 4:97-4:100 Float
67testdata/ 4:101-4:104 Float 67testdata/ 4:101-4:104 Float
68testdata/ 4:105-4:108 Float 68testdata/ 4:105-4:108 Float
69testdata/ 4:109-4:112 Float 69testdata/ 4:109-4:112 Float
70testdata/ 5:12-5:22 {a} -> Blending a 70testdata/ 5:12-5:22 forall a . Blending a
71testdata/ 6:13-6:15 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 71testdata/ 6:13-6:15 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
72testdata/ 6:13-6:19 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 72testdata/ 6:13-6:19 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
73testdata/ 6:13-6:23 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 73testdata/ 6:13-6:23 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
74testdata/ 6:13-6:27 Float -> VecS Float 4 74testdata/ 6:13-6:27 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ testdata/ 6:16-6:19 Float
77testdata/ 6:20-6:23 Float 77testdata/ 6:20-6:23 Float
78testdata/ 6:24-6:27 Float 78testdata/ 6:24-6:27 Float
79testdata/ 6:28-6:31 Float 79testdata/ 6:28-6:31 Float
80testdata/ 7:14-7:16 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 80testdata/ 7:14-7:16 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
81testdata/ 7:14-7:20 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 81testdata/ 7:14-7:20 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
82testdata/ 7:14-7:24 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 82testdata/ 7:14-7:24 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
83testdata/ 7:14-7:28 Float -> VecS Float 4 83testdata/ 7:14-7:28 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -86,36 +86,36 @@ testdata/ 7:17-7:20 Float
86testdata/ 7:21-7:24 Float 86testdata/ 7:21-7:24 Float
87testdata/ 7:25-7:28 Float 87testdata/ 7:25-7:28 Float
88testdata/ 7:29-7:32 Float 88testdata/ 7:29-7:32 Float
89testdata/ 8:23-8:34 {a : List Type} -> {_ : 'sameLayerCounts a} -> HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a) 89testdata/ 8:23-8:34 forall (a :: List Type) . 'sameLayerCounts a => HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind a)
90testdata/ 8:23-8:75 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind ('Cons (Image 1 'Depth) ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) 90testdata/ 8:23-8:75 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind ('Cons (Image 1 'Depth) ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil)))
91testdata/ 8:35-8:75 (Image 1 'Depth, Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 91testdata/ 8:35-8:75 (Image 1 'Depth, Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))
92testdata/ 8:36-8:47 Float -> Image 1 'Depth 92testdata/ 8:36-8:47 Float -> Image 1 'Depth
93testdata/ 8:36-8:54 Image 1 'Depth 93testdata/ 8:36-8:54 Image 1 'Depth
94testdata/ 8:48-8:54 Float 94testdata/ 8:48-8:54 Float
95testdata/ 8:55-8:66 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {_ : Num b} -> {_ : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) 95testdata/ 8:55-8:66 forall (a :: Nat) b c . (Num b, c ~ VecScalar a b) => c -> Image 1 ('Color c)
96testdata/ 8:55-8:74 ((Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))) | Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)) 96testdata/ 8:55-8:74 ((Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))) | Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))
97testdata/ 8:67-8:74 VecS Float 4 97testdata/ 8:67-8:74 VecS Float 4
98testdata/ 9:23-9:34 {a} -> Float -> PolygonMode a 98testdata/ 9:23-9:34 forall a . Float -> PolygonMode a
99testdata/ 9:23-9:39 PolygonMode a_ 99testdata/ 9:23-9:39 PolygonMode _a
100testdata/ 9:35-9:39 Float 100testdata/ 9:35-9:39 Float
101testdata/ 10:23-10:34 {a} -> PolygonMode a 101testdata/ 10:23-10:34 forall a . PolygonMode a
102testdata/ 11:23-11:35 {a} -> PointSize a -> PolygonMode a 102testdata/ 11:23-11:35 forall a . PointSize a -> PolygonMode a
103testdata/ 11:23-11:52 PolygonMode a_ 103testdata/ 11:23-11:52 PolygonMode _a
104testdata/ 11:37-11:46 {a} -> Float -> PointSize a 104testdata/ 11:37-11:46 forall a . Float -> PointSize a
105testdata/ 11:37-11:51 PointSize a_ 105testdata/ 11:37-11:51 PointSize _a
106testdata/ 11:47-11:51 Float 106testdata/ 11:47-11:51 Float
107testdata/ 12:10-12:18 CullMode 107testdata/ 12:10-12:18 CullMode
108testdata/ 13:11-13:20 CullMode 108testdata/ 13:11-13:20 CullMode
109testdata/ 14:23-14:34 {a} -> CullMode -> PolygonMode a -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a 'Triangle 109testdata/ 14:23-14:34 forall a . CullMode -> PolygonMode a -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a 'Triangle
110testdata/ 14:23-14:39 PolygonMode a_ -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a_ 'Triangle 110testdata/ 14:23-14:39 PolygonMode _a -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext _a 'Triangle
111testdata/ 14:23-14:49 PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a_ 'Triangle 111testdata/ 14:23-14:49 PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext _a 'Triangle
112testdata/ 14:23-14:58 ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a_ 'Triangle 112testdata/ 14:23-14:58 ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext _a 'Triangle
113testdata/ 14:23-14:70 RasterContext a_ 'Triangle 113testdata/ 14:23-14:70 RasterContext _a 'Triangle
114testdata/ 14:35-14:39 CullMode 114testdata/ 14:35-14:39 CullMode
115testdata/ 14:40-14:49 {a} -> PolygonMode a 115testdata/ 14:40-14:49 forall a . PolygonMode a
116testdata/ 14:50-14:58 PolygonOffset 116testdata/ 14:50-14:58 PolygonOffset
117testdata/ 14:59-14:70 ProvokingVertex 117testdata/ 14:59-14:70 ProvokingVertex
118testdata/ 15:23-15:42 {a} -> a->a 118testdata/ 15:23-15:42 forall a . a -> a
119testdata/ 15:23-15:102 (FragmentOperation 'Depth, FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 119testdata/ 15:23-15:102 (FragmentOperation 'Depth, FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))
120testdata/ 15:43-15:102 (FragmentOperation 'Depth, FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 120testdata/ 15:43-15:102 (FragmentOperation 'Depth, FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))
121testdata/ 15:44-15:51 ComparisonFunction -> Bool -> FragmentOperation 'Depth 121testdata/ 15:44-15:51 ComparisonFunction -> Bool -> FragmentOperation 'Depth
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ testdata/ 15:44-15:56 Bool -> FragmentOperation 'Depth
123testdata/ 15:44-15:61 FragmentOperation 'Depth 123testdata/ 15:44-15:61 FragmentOperation 'Depth
124testdata/ 15:52-15:56 ComparisonFunction 124testdata/ 15:52-15:56 ComparisonFunction
125testdata/ 15:57-15:61 Bool 125testdata/ 15:57-15:61 Bool
126testdata/ 15:63-15:70 {a} -> {b:Nat} -> {_ : Num a} -> Blending a -> VecScalar b Bool -> FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar b a)) 126testdata/ 15:63-15:70 forall a (b :: Nat) . Num a => Blending a -> VecScalar b Bool -> FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar b a))
127testdata/ 15:63-15:76 VecScalar b_ Bool -> FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar b_ Float)) 127testdata/ 15:63-15:76 VecScalar _b Bool -> FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar _b Float))
128testdata/ 15:63-15:101 ((FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))) | FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)) 128testdata/ 15:63-15:101 ((FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))) | FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))
129testdata/ 15:71-15:76 Blending Float 129testdata/ 15:71-15:76 Blending Float
130testdata/ 15:78-15:80 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 130testdata/ 15:78-15:80 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
131testdata/ 15:78-15:85 Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4 131testdata/ 15:78-15:85 Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4
132testdata/ 15:78-15:90 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4 132testdata/ 15:78-15:90 Bool -> Bool -> VecS Bool 4
133testdata/ 15:78-15:95 Bool -> VecS Bool 4 133testdata/ 15:78-15:95 Bool -> VecS Bool 4
@@ -136,52 +136,52 @@ testdata/ 15:81-15:85 Bool
136testdata/ 15:86-15:90 Bool 136testdata/ 15:86-15:90 Bool
137testdata/ 15:91-15:95 Bool 137testdata/ 15:91-15:95 Bool
138testdata/ 15:96-15:100 Bool 138testdata/ 15:96-15:100 Bool
139testdata/ 16:23-16:30 {a} -> String->a 139testdata/ 16:23-16:30 forall a . String -> a
140testdata/ 16:23-16:36 a_ 140testdata/ 16:23-16:36 _a
141testdata/ 16:31-16:36 String 141testdata/ 16:31-16:36 String
142testdata/ 16:40-16:43 Nat -> Nat -> Type->Type 142testdata/ 16:40-16:43 Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
143testdata/ 16:40-16:45 Nat -> Type->Type 143testdata/ 16:40-16:45 Nat -> Type -> Type
144testdata/ 16:40-16:47 Type->Type 144testdata/ 16:40-16:47 Type -> Type
145testdata/ 16:40-16:53 Type 145testdata/ 16:40-16:53 Type
146testdata/ 16:44-16:45 b_ 146testdata/ 16:44-16:45 _b
147testdata/ 16:46-16:47 b_ 147testdata/ 16:46-16:47 _b
148testdata/ 16:48-16:53 Type 148testdata/ 16:48-16:53 Type
149testdata/ 17:27-17:61 (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) | HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 149testdata/ 17:27-17:61 (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) | HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a
150testdata/ 17:28-17:41 {a:Nat} -> {b:Nat} -> {c} -> Mat a b c -> Vec b c -> Vec a c 150testdata/ 17:28-17:41 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) c . Mat a b c -> Vec b c -> Vec a c
151testdata/ 17:28-17:55 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float 151testdata/ 17:28-17:55 Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float
152testdata/ 17:28-17:57 Vec 4 Float 152testdata/ 17:28-17:57 Vec 4 Float
153testdata/ 17:42-17:55 Mat 4 4 Float 153testdata/ 17:42-17:55 Mat 4 4 Float
154testdata/ 17:56-17:57 g_ 154testdata/ 17:56-17:57 _g
155testdata/ 17:59-17:60 ((VecS Float 4)) | VecS Float 4 155testdata/ 17:59-17:60 ((VecS Float 4)) | VecS Float 4
156testdata/ 18:23-18:28 {a:PrimitiveType} -> {b : List Type} -> String -> HList b -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b) 156testdata/ 18:23-18:28 forall (a :: PrimitiveType) (b :: List Type) . String -> HList b -> PrimitiveStream a (HList b)
157testdata/ 18:23-18:37 HList a_ -> PrimitiveStream b_ (HList a_) 157testdata/ 18:23-18:37 HList _a -> PrimitiveStream _b (HList _a)
158testdata/ 18:23-18:79 PrimitiveStream a_ ((Vec 4 Float)) 158testdata/ 18:23-18:79 PrimitiveStream _a ((Vec 4 Float))
159testdata/ 18:29-18:37 String 159testdata/ 18:29-18:37 String
160testdata/ 18:39-18:48 {a} -> String->a 160testdata/ 18:39-18:48 forall a . String -> a
161testdata/ 18:39-18:59 a_ 161testdata/ 18:39-18:59 _a
162testdata/ 18:39-18:78 ((Vec 4 Float)) 162testdata/ 18:39-18:78 ((Vec 4 Float))
163testdata/ 18:49-18:59 String 163testdata/ 18:49-18:59 String
164testdata/ 18:63-18:78 Type 164testdata/ 18:63-18:78 Type
165testdata/ 18:65-18:68 Nat -> Type->Type 165testdata/ 18:65-18:68 Nat -> Type -> Type
166testdata/ 18:65-18:70 Type->Type 166testdata/ 18:65-18:70 Type -> Type
167testdata/ 18:65-18:76 List Type | Type 167testdata/ 18:65-18:76 List Type | Type
168testdata/ 18:69-18:70 b_ 168testdata/ 18:69-18:70 _b
169testdata/ 18:71-18:76 Type 169testdata/ 18:71-18:76 Type
170testdata/ 19:23-19:36 {a} -> {b} -> {c:PrimitiveType} -> (a->b) -> List (Primitive a c) -> List (Primitive b c) 170testdata/ 19:23-19:36 forall a b (c :: PrimitiveType) . (a -> b) -> List (Primitive a c) -> List (Primitive b c)
171testdata/ 19:23-19:49 List (Primitive ((VecS Float 4)) a_) -> List (Primitive (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) a_) 171testdata/ 19:23-19:49 List (Primitive ((VecS Float 4)) _a) -> List (Primitive (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) _a)
172testdata/ 19:23-19:62 List (Primitive (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) a_) 172testdata/ 19:23-19:62 List (Primitive (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) _a)
173testdata/ 19:37-19:49 ((VecS Float 4))->(VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) 173testdata/ 19:37-19:49 ((VecS Float 4)) -> (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4)
174testdata/ 19:50-19:62 {a:PrimitiveType} -> PrimitiveStream a ((Vec 4 Float)) 174testdata/ 19:50-19:62 forall (a :: PrimitiveType) . PrimitiveStream a ((Vec 4 Float))
175testdata/ 20:23-20:42 {a : List Type} -> {b:PrimitiveType} -> RasterContext (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b -> HList ('map Type Type Interpolated a) -> List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList a)))) 175testdata/ 20:23-20:42 forall (a :: List Type) (b :: PrimitiveType) . RasterContext (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b -> HList ('map Type Type Interpolated a) -> List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a)) b) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList a))))
176testdata/ 20:23-20:52 HList ('map Type Type Interpolated a_) -> List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) a_)) 'Triangle) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList a_)))) 176testdata/ 20:23-20:52 HList ('map Type Type Interpolated _a) -> List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) _a)) 'Triangle) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList _a))))
177testdata/ 20:23-20:63 List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) d_)) 'Triangle) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList d_)))) 177testdata/ 20:23-20:63 List (Primitive (HList ('Cons (Vec 4 Float) _d)) 'Triangle) -> List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment (HList _d))))
178testdata/ 20:23-20:79 List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment ((VecS Float 4))))) 178testdata/ 20:23-20:79 List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment ((VecS Float 4)))))
179testdata/ 20:43-20:52 {a} -> RasterContext a 'Triangle 179testdata/ 20:43-20:52 forall a . RasterContext a 'Triangle
180testdata/ 20:53-20:63 ((Interpolated c_)) 180testdata/ 20:53-20:63 ((Interpolated _c))
181testdata/ 20:55-20:61 {a} -> {_ : Floating a} -> Interpolated a 181testdata/ 20:55-20:61 forall a . Floating a => Interpolated a
182testdata/ 20:64-20:79 {a:PrimitiveType} -> List (Primitive (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) a) 182testdata/ 20:64-20:79 forall (a :: PrimitiveType) . List (Primitive (VecS Float 4, VecS Float 4) a)
183testdata/ 21:33-21:55 ((VecS Float 4)) | HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 183testdata/ 21:33-21:55 ((VecS Float 4)) | HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a
184testdata/ 21:35-21:37 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 184testdata/ 21:35-21:37 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
185testdata/ 21:35-21:41 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 185testdata/ 21:35-21:41 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
186testdata/ 21:35-21:45 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 186testdata/ 21:35-21:45 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
187testdata/ 21:35-21:49 Float -> VecS Float 4 187testdata/ 21:35-21:49 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ testdata/ 21:38-21:41 Float
190testdata/ 21:42-21:45 Float 190testdata/ 21:42-21:45 Float
191testdata/ 21:46-21:49 Float 191testdata/ 21:46-21:49 Float
192testdata/ 21:50-21:53 Float 192testdata/ 21:50-21:53 Float
193testdata/ 22:33-22:67 ((VecS Float 4)) | HList c_ -> b_ | c_ -> HList b_ -> a_ 193testdata/ 22:33-22:67 ((VecS Float 4)) | HList _c -> _b | _c -> HList _b -> _a
194testdata/ 22:35-22:42 {a} -> {_ : Num (MatVecScalarElem a)} -> a -> a->a 194testdata/ 22:35-22:42 forall a . Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a
195testdata/ 22:35-22:44 i_->i_ 195testdata/ 22:35-22:44 _i -> _i
196testdata/ 22:35-22:65 VecS Float 4 196testdata/ 22:35-22:65 VecS Float 4
197testdata/ 22:43-22:44 j_ 197testdata/ 22:43-22:44 _j
198testdata/ 22:46-22:48 {a} -> a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 198testdata/ 22:46-22:48 forall a . a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4
199testdata/ 22:46-22:52 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 199testdata/ 22:46-22:52 Float -> Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
200testdata/ 22:46-22:56 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4 200testdata/ 22:46-22:56 Float -> Float -> VecS Float 4
201testdata/ 22:46-22:60 Float -> VecS Float 4 201testdata/ 22:46-22:60 Float -> VecS Float 4
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ testdata/ 22:49-22:52 Float
204testdata/ 22:53-22:56 Float 204testdata/ 22:53-22:56 Float
205testdata/ 22:57-22:60 Float 205testdata/ 22:57-22:60 Float
206testdata/ 22:61-22:64 Float 206testdata/ 22:61-22:64 Float
207testdata/ 23:23-23:33 {a:Nat} -> {b : List Type} -> {c} -> HList b -> (c -> HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b))) -> List (Vector a (Maybe (SimpleFragment c))) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) 207testdata/ 23:23-23:33 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List Type) c . HList b -> (c -> HList ('imageType' ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b))) -> List (Vector a (Maybe (SimpleFragment c))) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b) -> FrameBuffer a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind b)
208testdata/ 23:23-23:45 (a_->(('imageType (FragmentOperationKind (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))))))) -> List (Vector b_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment a_))) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) -> FrameBuffer b_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) 208testdata/ 23:23-23:45 (_a -> (('imageType (FragmentOperationKind (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))))))) -> List (Vector _b (Maybe (SimpleFragment _a))) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) -> FrameBuffer _b ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil)))
209testdata/ 23:23-23:60 List (Vector a_ (Maybe (SimpleFragment ((VecS Float 4))))) -> FrameBuffer a_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) -> FrameBuffer a_ ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) 209testdata/ 23:23-23:60 List (Vector _a (Maybe (SimpleFragment ((VecS Float 4))))) -> FrameBuffer _a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) -> FrameBuffer _a ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil)))
210testdata/ 23:23-23:75 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) -> FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) 210testdata/ 23:23-23:75 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) -> FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil)))
211testdata/ 23:23-23:83 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) 211testdata/ 23:23-23:83 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil)))
212testdata/ 23:34-23:45 (FragmentOperation 'Depth, FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 212testdata/ 23:34-23:45 (FragmentOperation 'Depth, FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float)))
213testdata/ 23:46-23:60 ((VecS Float 4))->((VecS Float 4)) 213testdata/ 23:46-23:60 ((VecS Float 4)) -> ((VecS Float 4))
214testdata/ 23:61-23:75 List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment ((VecS Float 4))))) 214testdata/ 23:61-23:75 List (Vector 1 (Maybe (SimpleFragment ((VecS Float 4)))))
215testdata/ 23:76-23:83 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind ('Cons (Image 1 'Depth) ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))) 215testdata/ 23:76-23:83 FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind GetImageKind ('Cons (Image 1 'Depth) ('Cons (Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil)))
216testdata/ 24:12-24:58 RecordC ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldA" Float) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldB" (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))))) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldC" ((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) 'Nil))) 216testdata/ 24:12-24:58 RecordC ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldA" Float) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldB" (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))))) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldC" ((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) 'Nil)))
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ testdata/ 24:34-24:57 (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind Fra
225testdata/ 24:41-24:47 List RecItem | RecItem | String 225testdata/ 24:41-24:47 List RecItem | RecItem | String
226testdata/ 24:49-24:57 (((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) | (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float 226testdata/ 24:49-24:57 (((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) | (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float
227testdata/ 25:11-25:17 RecordC ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldA" Float) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldB" (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))))) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldC" ((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) 'Nil))) 227testdata/ 25:11-25:17 RecordC ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldA" Float) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldB" (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))))) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldC" ((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) 'Nil)))
228testdata/ 25:11-25:24 b_ 228testdata/ 25:11-25:24 _b
229testdata/ 25:18-25:24 String 229testdata/ 25:18-25:24 String
230testdata/ 26:5-26:14 {a:Nat} -> {b : List ImageKind} -> FrameBuffer a b -> Output 230testdata/ 26:5-26:14 forall (a :: Nat) (b :: List ImageKind) . FrameBuffer a b -> Output
231testdata/ 26:15-26:21 RecordC ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldA" Float) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldB" (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))))) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldC" ((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) 'Nil))) 231testdata/ 26:15-26:21 RecordC ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldA" Float) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldB" (FrameBuffer 1 ('map Type ImageKind FragmentOperationKind ('Cons (FragmentOperation 'Depth) ('Cons (FragmentOperation ('Color (VecScalar 4 Float))) 'Nil))))) ('Cons ('RecItem "fieldC" ((BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> Blending Float)) 'Nil)))
232testdata/ 26:15-26:28 b_ 232testdata/ 26:15-26:28 _b
233testdata/ 26:22-26:28 String 233testdata/ 26:22-26:28 String
diff --git a/testdata/traceTest.out b/testdata/traceTest.out
index c1529ca6..4d11599e 100644
--- a/testdata/traceTest.out
+++ b/testdata/traceTest.out
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3id :: {a} -> a->a 3id :: forall a . a -> a
4'X :: {a} -> a->Type 4'X :: forall a . a -> Type
5'XCase :: {a} -> {b:a} -> (c : 'X a b -> Type) -> (d : 'X a b) -> c d 5'XCase :: forall a (b :: a) . (c :: 'X a b -> Type) -> (d :: 'X a b) -> c d
6match'X :: (a : Type->Type) -> ({b} -> (c:b) -> a ('X b c)) -> (d:Type) -> a d -> a d 6match'X :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> (forall b . (c :: b) -> a ('X b c)) -> (d :: Type) -> a d -> a d
7x :: 'X (Type -> Type->Type) (\(a:Type) (b:Type) -> (a, b)) 7x :: 'X (Type -> Type -> Type) (\(a :: Type) (b :: Type) -> (a, b))
8------------ tooltips 8------------ tooltips
9testdata/ 6:1-6:3 {a} -> a->a 9testdata/ 6:1-6:3 forall a . a -> a
10testdata/ 6:8-6:9 b_ 10testdata/ 6:8-6:9 _b
11testdata/ 8:6-8:7 Type | {a} -> a->Type 11testdata/ 8:6-8:7 Type | forall a . a -> Type
12testdata/ 8:6-8:18 Type 12testdata/ 8:6-8:18 Type
13testdata/ 8:17-8:18 Type 13testdata/ 8:17-8:18 Type
14testdata/ 10:6-10:7 {a} -> a->Type 14testdata/ 10:6-10:7 forall a . a -> Type
15testdata/ 10:6-10:25 Type 15testdata/ 10:6-10:25 Type
16testdata/ 10:17-10:24 Type 16testdata/ 10:17-10:24 Type
17testdata/ 10:19-10:20 e_ 17testdata/ 10:19-10:20 _e
18testdata/ 10:19-10:23 List Type 18testdata/ 10:19-10:23 List Type
19testdata/ 10:22-10:23 List Type | c_ 19testdata/ 10:22-10:23 List Type | _c
20testdata/ 11:1-11:2 X (Type -> Type->Type) (\(a:Type) (b:Type) -> (a, b)) 20testdata/ 11:1-11:2 X (Type -> Type -> Type) (\(a :: Type) (b :: Type) -> (a, b))
21testdata/ 11:5-11:14 {a}->a 21testdata/ 11:5-11:14 forall a . a
diff --git a/testdata/typeclass.out b/testdata/typeclass.out
index c325cfed..1d5b48d0 100644
--- a/testdata/typeclass.out
+++ b/testdata/typeclass.out
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3not :: 'Bool->'Bool 3not :: 'Bool -> 'Bool
4&& :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 4&& :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
5|| :: 'Bool -> 'Bool->'Bool 5|| :: 'Bool -> 'Bool -> 'Bool
6'Eq :: Type->Type 6'Eq :: Type -> Type
7== :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> a -> a->'Bool 7== :: forall a . 'Eq a => a -> a -> 'Bool
8/= :: {a} -> {_ : 'Eq a} -> a -> a->'Bool 8/= :: forall a . 'Eq a => a -> a -> 'Bool
9------------ tooltips 9------------ tooltips
10testdata/ 8:1-8:4 Bool->Bool 10testdata/ 8:1-8:4 Bool -> Bool
11testdata/ 8:12-8:17 Bool 11testdata/ 8:12-8:17 Bool
12testdata/ 8:12-9:17 Bool->Bool 12testdata/ 8:12-9:17 Bool -> Bool
13testdata/ 9:13-9:17 Bool 13testdata/ 9:13-9:17 Bool
14testdata/ 11:6-11:8 Bool -> Bool->Bool 14testdata/ 11:6-11:8 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
15testdata/ 11:13-11:14 b_ 15testdata/ 11:13-11:14 _b
16testdata/ 11:13-12:19 Bool->Bool 16testdata/ 11:13-12:19 Bool -> Bool
17testdata/ 12:14-12:19 Bool 17testdata/ 12:14-12:19 Bool
18testdata/ 14:7-14:9 Bool -> Bool->Bool 18testdata/ 14:7-14:9 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
19testdata/ 14:14-14:15 c_ 19testdata/ 14:14-14:15 _c
20testdata/ 14:14-15:17 Bool->Bool 20testdata/ 14:14-15:17 Bool -> Bool
21testdata/ 15:13-15:17 Bool 21testdata/ 15:13-15:17 Bool
22testdata/ 17:7-17:9 Type->Type 22testdata/ 17:7-17:9 Type -> Type
23testdata/ 17:7-18:27 Type 23testdata/ 17:7-18:27 Type
24testdata/ 18:6-18:8 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 24testdata/ 18:6-18:8 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
25testdata/ 18:13-18:14 Type 25testdata/ 18:13-18:14 Type
26testdata/ 18:13-18:27 Type 26testdata/ 18:13-18:27 Type
27testdata/ 18:18-18:19 Type 27testdata/ 18:18-18:19 Type
28testdata/ 18:18-18:27 Type 28testdata/ 18:18-18:27 Type
29testdata/ 18:23-18:27 Type 29testdata/ 18:23-18:27 Type
30testdata/ 20:3-20:5 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 30testdata/ 20:3-20:5 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
31testdata/ 20:10-20:13 Bool->Bool 31testdata/ 20:10-20:13 Bool -> Bool
32testdata/ 20:10-20:22 Bool 32testdata/ 20:10-20:22 Bool
33testdata/ 20:15-20:16 f_ 33testdata/ 20:15-20:16 _f
34testdata/ 20:15-20:19 e_->Bool 34testdata/ 20:15-20:19 _e -> Bool
35testdata/ 20:15-20:21 Bool 35testdata/ 20:15-20:21 Bool
36testdata/ 20:17-20:19 {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 36testdata/ 20:17-20:19 forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
37testdata/ 20:20-20:21 c_ 37testdata/ 20:20-20:21 _c
38testdata/ 23:17-23:18 Bool 38testdata/ 23:17-23:18 Bool
39testdata/ 23:17-24:23 Bool->Bool | {_ : Eq a_} -> a_ -> a_->Bool | {a} -> {_ : Eq a} -> a -> a->Bool 39testdata/ 23:17-24:23 Bool -> Bool | Eq _a => _a -> _a -> Bool | forall a . Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
40testdata/ 24:18-24:21 Bool->Bool 40testdata/ 24:18-24:21 Bool -> Bool
41testdata/ 24:18-24:23 Bool 41testdata/ 24:18-24:23 Bool
42testdata/ 24:22-24:23 b_ 42testdata/ 24:22-24:23 _b
diff --git a/testdata/typesig.reject.out b/testdata/typesig.reject.out
index 50c13202..1b78a5c8 100644
--- a/testdata/typesig.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/typesig.reject.out
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
1focus checkMetas: \a -> (\(b:Type) -> primFix a b) (\(a:=Type) -> \(c:Type) -> <<HERE>>) 1focus checkMetas: \a -> (\(b :: Type) -> primFix a b) (\(a := Type) -> \(c :: Type) -> <<HERE>>)
2\(a : Type~a_) (b : a_~'X) -> typeAnn a_ (labend X) 2\(a :: Type ~ _a) (b :: _a ~ 'X) -> typeAnn _a (labend X)
3------------ trace 3------------ trace
4'X :: Type 4'X :: Type
5X :: 'X 5X :: 'X
6'XCase :: (a : 'X->Type) -> a X -> (b:'X) -> a b 6'XCase :: (a :: 'X -> Type) -> a X -> (b :: 'X) -> a b
7match'X :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'X -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 7match'X :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'X -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
8!focus checkMetas: \a -> (\(b:Type) -> primFix a b) (\(a:=Type) -> \(c:Type) -> <<HERE>>) 8!focus checkMetas: \a -> (\(b :: Type) -> primFix a b) (\(a := Type) -> \(c :: Type) -> <<HERE>>)
9\(a : Type~a_) (b : a_~'X) -> typeAnn a_ (labend X) 9\(a :: Type ~ _a) (b :: _a ~ 'X) -> typeAnn _a (labend X)
10------------ tooltips 10------------ tooltips
11testdata/ 4:6-4:7 Type 11testdata/ 4:6-4:7 Type
12testdata/ 4:6-4:11 Type 12testdata/ 4:6-4:11 Type
13testdata/ 4:10-4:11 X 13testdata/ 4:10-4:11 X
14testdata/ 6:6-6:7 b_ 14testdata/ 6:6-6:7 _b
15testdata/ 6:6-7:6 a_->a_ | c_ 15testdata/ 6:6-7:6 _a -> _a | _c
16testdata/ 7:5-7:6 X 16testdata/ 7:5-7:6 X
diff --git a/testdata/typesigctx.reject.out b/testdata/typesigctx.reject.out
index 63c575ce..3d32979e 100644
--- a/testdata/typesigctx.reject.out
+++ b/testdata/typesigctx.reject.out
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ in Wildcard2 builtin 'Type
4------------ trace 4------------ trace
5'X :: Type 5'X :: Type
6X :: 'X 6X :: 'X
7'XCase :: (a : 'X->Type) -> a X -> (b:'X) -> a b 7'XCase :: (a :: 'X -> Type) -> a X -> (b :: 'X) -> a b
8match'X :: (a : Type->Type) -> a 'X -> (b:Type) -> a b -> a b 8match'X :: (a :: Type -> Type) -> a 'X -> (b :: Type) -> a b -> a b
9'Show' :: Type->Type 9'Show' :: Type -> Type
10show' :: {a} -> {_ : 'Show' a} -> a->'X 10show' :: forall a . 'Show' a => a -> 'X
11!type error: no instance of 'Show' on ??? 11!type error: no instance of 'Show' on ???
12in Wildcard2 builtin 'Type 12in Wildcard2 builtin 'Type
13 13
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ in Wildcard2 builtin 'Type
15testdata/ 1:6-1:7 Type 15testdata/ 1:6-1:7 Type
16testdata/ 1:6-1:11 Type 16testdata/ 1:6-1:11 Type
17testdata/ 1:10-1:11 X 17testdata/ 1:10-1:11 X
18testdata/ 3:7-3:12 Type->Type 18testdata/ 3:7-3:12 Type -> Type
19testdata/ 3:7-3:36 Type 19testdata/ 3:7-3:36 Type
20testdata/ 3:21-3:26 {a} -> {_ : Show' a} -> a->X 20testdata/ 3:21-3:26 forall a . Show' a => a -> X
21testdata/ 3:30-3:31 Type 21testdata/ 3:30-3:31 Type
22testdata/ 3:30-3:36 Type 22testdata/ 3:30-3:36 Type
23testdata/ 3:35-3:36 Type 23testdata/ 3:35-3:36 Type
24testdata/ 5:11-5:12 Type 24testdata/ 5:11-5:12 Type
25testdata/ 6:10-6:15 {a} -> {_ : Show' a} -> a->X 25testdata/ 6:10-6:15 forall a . Show' a => a -> X
diff --git a/testdata/zip01.out b/testdata/zip01.out
index 10a48894..eb0911c5 100644
--- a/testdata/zip01.out
+++ b/testdata/zip01.out
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
1main is not found 1main is not found
2------------ trace 2------------ trace
3zip2 :: {a} -> {b} -> 'List a -> 'List b -> 'List (a, b) 3zip2 :: forall a b . 'List a -> 'List b -> 'List (a, b)
4------------ tooltips 4------------ tooltips
5testdata/ 1:9-1:12 Type 5testdata/ 1:9-1:12 Type
6testdata/ 1:9-1:30 Type 6testdata/ 1:9-1:30 Type
7testdata/ 1:9-4:40 a_->a_ | {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 7testdata/ 1:9-4:40 _a -> _a | forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
8testdata/ 1:10-1:11 d_ 8testdata/ 1:10-1:11 _d
9testdata/ 1:16-1:19 Type 9testdata/ 1:16-1:19 Type
10testdata/ 1:16-1:30 Type 10testdata/ 1:16-1:30 Type
11testdata/ 1:17-1:18 c_ 11testdata/ 1:17-1:18 _c
12testdata/ 1:23-1:30 Type 12testdata/ 1:23-1:30 Type
13testdata/ 1:24-1:29 Type 13testdata/ 1:24-1:29 Type
14testdata/ 1:25-1:26 Type 14testdata/ 1:25-1:26 Type
15testdata/ 1:25-1:28 List Type 15testdata/ 1:25-1:28 List Type
16testdata/ 1:27-1:28 List Type | Type 16testdata/ 1:27-1:28 List Type | Type
17testdata/ 2:1-2:5 {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 17testdata/ 2:1-2:5 forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
18testdata/ 2:22-2:24 {a} -> List a 18testdata/ 2:22-2:24 forall a . List a
19testdata/ 2:22-4:40 List (d_, c_) | List a_ -> List (a_, d_) | List b_ -> List (c_, b_) | List b_ -> List a_ -> List (b_, a_) 19testdata/ 2:22-4:40 List (_d, _c) | List _a -> List (_a, _d) | List _b -> List (_c, _b) | List _b -> List _a -> List (_b, _a)
20testdata/ 3:22-3:24 {a} -> List a 20testdata/ 3:22-3:24 forall a . List a
21testdata/ 3:22-4:40 List (c_, f_) | List a_ -> List (e_, a_) | List c_ -> List b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 21testdata/ 3:22-4:40 List (_c, _f) | List _a -> List (_e, _a) | List _c -> List _b | _b -> List _b -> List _a
22testdata/ 4:22-4:27 (h_, d_) 22testdata/ 4:22-4:27 (_h, _d)
23testdata/ 4:22-4:29 List (h_, d_) -> List (h_, d_) 23testdata/ 4:22-4:29 List (_h, _d) -> List (_h, _d)
24testdata/ 4:22-4:40 List (g_, c_) | List c_ -> List b_ | b_ -> List b_ -> List a_ 24testdata/ 4:22-4:40 List (_g, _c) | List _c -> List _b | _b -> List _b -> List _a
25testdata/ 4:23-4:24 k_ 25testdata/ 4:23-4:24 _k
26testdata/ 4:25-4:26 ((d_)) | g_ 26testdata/ 4:25-4:26 ((_d)) | _g
27testdata/ 4:28-4:29 {a} -> a -> List a -> List a 27testdata/ 4:28-4:29 forall a . a -> List a -> List a
28testdata/ 4:30-4:34 {a} -> {b} -> List a -> List b -> List (a, b) 28testdata/ 4:30-4:34 forall a b . List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
29testdata/ 4:30-4:37 List a_ -> List (h_, a_) 29testdata/ 4:30-4:37 List _a -> List (_h, _a)
30testdata/ 4:30-4:40 List (g_, c_) 30testdata/ 4:30-4:40 List (_g, _c)
31testdata/ 4:35-4:37 List i_ 31testdata/ 4:35-4:37 List _i
32testdata/ 4:38-4:40 List c_ 32testdata/ 4:38-4:40 List _c