one server on LAN that coordintates the tests render devices are the clients: browser - webgl 1.0 nvidia shield - opengles 2.0 ipad - opengles 2.0 desktop1 - opengl 3.3 desktop2 - opengl 4.5 desktop3 - vulkan a client constantly polls the network (broadcast a ping in every sec) for new test cases TODO: - central test server - constantly running - manages clients - for every new connected clients passes the tests and receives the result - clients that polls and connects to the server has a name e.g. android opengl es 2.0 lambdacube backend - 0.3 implementations: - haskell - purescript - c++ roadmap: done - server and clients find each other done - send pipeline, client renders and sends back the result, the server saves the image done - create test command data structure with DDL - pipeline - static content - images - geometry - uniform values for each frame (renders multiple frames) done - add pipeline schema to DDL done - interpret the incoming scene data in test client next: done - receive the render job results done - construct the test scene in server side later - create EDSL for backend tests (configuring data + schema + pipeline) done - compare result with the validated image