{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Builtins ( module Internals , module Builtins ) where import Internals id x = x --------------------------------------- data VecS (a :: Type) :: Nat -> Type where V2 :: a -> a -> VecS a 2 V3 :: a -> a -> a -> VecS a 3 V4 :: a -> a -> a -> a -> VecS a 4 mapVec :: (a -> b) -> VecS a n -> VecS b n mapVec f (V2 x y) = V2 (f x) (f y) mapVec f (V3 x y z) = V3 (f x) (f y) (f z) mapVec f (V4 x y z w) = V4 (f x) (f y) (f z) (f w) type family Vec (n :: Nat) t where Vec n t = VecS t n -- type family VecScalar (n :: Nat) a = r | r -> n, r -> a where type family VecScalar (n :: Nat) a where VecScalar 1 a = a VecScalar ('Succ ('Succ n)) a = Vec ('Succ ('Succ n)) a -- todo: use less constructors with more parameters data Mat :: Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where M22F :: Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 2 Float M32F :: Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 2 Float M42F :: Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 2 Float M23F :: Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 3 Float M33F :: Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 3 Float M43F :: Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 3 Float M24F :: Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 2 Float -> Mat 2 4 Float M34F :: Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Vec 3 Float -> Mat 3 4 Float M44F :: Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Vec 4 Float -> Mat 4 4 Float type family MatVecScalarElem a where MatVecScalarElem Float = Float MatVecScalarElem Bool = Bool MatVecScalarElem Int = Int MatVecScalarElem (VecS a n) = a MatVecScalarElem (Mat i j a) = a --------------------------------------- type classes class Signed a instance Signed Int instance Signed Float class Component a where zero :: a one :: a instance Component Int where zero = 0 :: Int one = 1 :: Int instance Component Word where zero = 0 :: Word one = 1 :: Word instance Component Float where zero = 0.0 one = 1.0 instance Component (VecS Float 2) where zero = V2 0.0 0.0 one = V2 1.0 1.0 instance Component (VecS Float 3) where zero = V3 0.0 0.0 0.0 one = V3 1.0 1.0 1.0 instance Component (VecS Float 4) where zero = V4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 one = V4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 instance Component Bool where zero = False one = True instance Component (VecS Bool 2) where zero = V2 False False one = V2 True True instance Component (VecS Bool 3) where zero = V3 False False False one = V3 True True True instance Component (VecS Bool 4) where zero = V4 False False False False one = V4 True True True True class Integral a instance Integral Int instance Integral Word class Floating a instance Floating Float instance Floating (VecS Float 2) -- todo: use Vec instance Floating (VecS Float 3) instance Floating (VecS Float 4) instance Floating (Mat 2 2 Float) instance Floating (Mat 2 3 Float) instance Floating (Mat 2 4 Float) instance Floating (Mat 3 2 Float) instance Floating (Mat 3 3 Float) instance Floating (Mat 3 4 Float) instance Floating (Mat 4 2 Float) instance Floating (Mat 4 3 Float) instance Floating (Mat 4 4 Float) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Builtin Primitive Functions * -- Arithmetic Functions (componentwise) PrimAdd, PrimSub, PrimMul :: Num (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> a PrimAddS, PrimSubS, PrimMulS :: (t ~ MatVecScalarElem a, Num t) => a -> t -> a PrimDiv, PrimMod :: (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> a -> a PrimDivS, PrimModS :: (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> t -> a PrimNeg :: Signed (MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -- Bit-wise Functions PrimBAnd, PrimBOr, PrimBXor :: (Integral t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> a -> a PrimBAndS, PrimBOrS, PrimBXorS:: (Integral t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> t -> a PrimBNot :: (Integral t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> a PrimBShiftL, PrimBShiftR :: (Integral t, a ~ VecScalar d t, b ~ VecScalar d Word) => a -> b -> a PrimBShiftLS, PrimBShiftRS :: (Integral t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> Word -> a -- Logic Functions PrimAnd, PrimOr, PrimXor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool PrimNot :: forall a d . (a ~ VecScalar d Bool) => a -> a PrimAny, PrimAll :: VecScalar d Bool -> Bool -- Angle, Trigonometry and Exponential Functions PrimACos, PrimACosH, PrimASin, PrimASinH, PrimATan, PrimATanH, PrimCos, PrimCosH, PrimDegrees, PrimRadians, PrimSin, PrimSinH, PrimTan, PrimTanH, PrimExp, PrimLog, PrimExp2, PrimLog2, PrimSqrt, PrimInvSqrt :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a PrimPow, PrimATan2 :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -> a -- Common Functions PrimFloor, PrimTrunc, PrimRound, PrimRoundEven, PrimCeil, PrimFract :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a PrimMin, PrimMax :: (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> a -> a PrimMinS, PrimMaxS :: (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> t -> a PrimIsNan, PrimIsInf :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float, b ~ VecScalar d Bool) => a -> b PrimAbs, PrimSign :: (Signed t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> a PrimModF :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> (a, a) PrimClamp :: (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> a -> a -> a PrimClampS :: (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t) => a -> t -> t -> a PrimMix :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -> a -> a PrimMixS :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -> Float -> a PrimMixB :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float, b ~ VecScalar d Bool) => a -> a -> b -> a PrimStep :: (a ~ Vec d Float) => a -> a -> a PrimStepS :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => Float -> a -> a PrimSmoothStep :: (a ~ Vec d Float) => a -> a -> a -> a PrimSmoothStepS :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => Float -> Float -> a -> a -- Integer/Floatonversion Functions PrimFloatBitsToInt :: VecScalar d Float -> VecScalar d Int PrimFloatBitsToUInt :: VecScalar d Float -> VecScalar d Word PrimIntBitsToFloat :: VecScalar d Int -> VecScalar d Float PrimUIntBitsToFloat :: VecScalar d Word -> VecScalar d Float -- Geometric Functions PrimLength :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> Float PrimDistance, PrimDot :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -> Float PrimCross :: (a ~ VecScalar 3 Float) => a -> a -> a PrimNormalize :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a PrimFaceForward, PrimRefract :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -> a -> a PrimReflect :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -> a -- Matrix Functions PrimTranspose :: Mat h w a -> Mat w h a PrimDeterminant :: Mat s s a -> Float PrimInverse :: Mat s s a -> Mat s s a PrimOuterProduct :: Vec w a -> Vec h a -> Mat h w a PrimMulMatVec :: Mat h w a -> Vec w a -> Vec h a PrimMulVecMat :: Vec h a -> Mat h w a -> Vec w a PrimMulMatMat :: Mat i j a -> Mat j k a -> Mat i k a -- Vector and Scalar Relational Functions PrimLessThan, PrimLessThanEqual, PrimGreaterThan, PrimGreaterThanEqual, PrimEqualV, PrimNotEqualV :: forall a d t b . (Num t, a ~ VecScalar d t, b ~ VecScalar d Bool) => a -> a -> b PrimEqual, PrimNotEqual :: forall a t . (t ~ MatVecScalarElem a) => a -> a -> Bool -- Fragment Processing Functions PrimDFdx, PrimDFdy, PrimFWidth :: (a ~ VecScalar d Float) => a -> a -- Noise Functions PrimNoise1 :: VecScalar d Float -> Float PrimNoise2 :: VecScalar d Float -> Vec 2 Float PrimNoise3 :: VecScalar d Float -> Vec 3 Float PrimNoise4 :: VecScalar d Float -> Vec 4 Float {- -- Vec/Mat (de)construction PrimTupToV2 :: Component a => PrimFun stage ((a,a) -> V2 a) PrimTupToV3 :: Component a => PrimFun stage ((a,a,a) -> V3 a) PrimTupToV4 :: Component a => PrimFun stage ((a,a,a,a) -> V4 a) PrimV2ToTup :: Component a => PrimFun stage (V2 a -> (a,a)) PrimV3ToTup :: Component a => PrimFun stage (V3 a -> (a,a,a)) PrimV4ToTup :: Component a => PrimFun stage (V4 a -> (a,a,a,a)) -} ------------------------------------------------------- head (x: _) = x [] ++ ys = ys x:xs ++ ys = x : xs ++ ys foldr f e [] = e foldr f e (x: xs) = f x (foldr f e xs) concat = foldr (++) [] map _ [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] concatMap f x = concat (map f x) len [] = 0 len (x:xs) = 1 `primAddInt` len xs ------------------- data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Vector (n :: Nat) t ------------------------------------------------------- data PrimitiveType = Triangle | Line | Point | TriangleAdjacency | LineAdjacency data Primitive a :: PrimitiveType -> Type where PrimPoint :: a -> Primitive a Point PrimLine :: a -> a -> Primitive a Line PrimTriangle :: a -> a -> a -> Primitive a Triangle mapPrimitive :: (a -> b) -> Primitive a p -> Primitive b p {- todo mapPrimitive f (PrimPoint a) = PrimPoint (f a) mapPrimitive f (PrimLine a b) = PrimLine (f a) (f b) mapPrimitive f (PrimTriangle a b c) = PrimTriangle (f a) (f b) (f c) -} type PrimitiveStream a t = [Primitive t a] mapPrimitives :: (a -> b) -> PrimitiveStream p a -> PrimitiveStream p b mapPrimitives f = map (mapPrimitive f) type family ListElem a where ListElem [a] = a --class AttributeTuple a --instance AttributeTuple a -- TODO fetchArrays :: forall a t t' . ({-AttributeTuple t, -} t ~ map ListElem t') => HList t' -> PrimitiveStream a (HList t) fetch :: forall a t . {-(AttributeTuple t) => -} String -> HList t -> PrimitiveStream a (HList t) Attribute :: String -> t fetchStream :: forall p (t :: [Type]) . String -> forall (as :: [String]) -> len as ~ len t => PrimitiveStream p (HList t) ------------------------------------------------------ type Fragment n t = Vector n (Maybe (SimpleFragment t)) data SimpleFragment t = SimpleFragment { sFragmentCoords :: Vec 3 Float , sFragmentValue :: t } type FragmentStream n t = [Fragment n t] customizeDepth :: (a -> Float) -> Fragment n a -> Fragment n a customizeDepths :: (a -> Float) -> FragmentStream n a -> FragmentStream n a customizeDepths f = map (customizeDepth f) filterFragment :: (a -> Bool) -> Fragment n a -> Fragment n a filterFragments :: (a -> Bool) -> FragmentStream n a -> FragmentStream n a filterFragments p = map (filterFragment p) mapFragment :: (a -> b) -> Fragment n a -> Fragment n b mapFragments :: (a -> b) -> FragmentStream n a -> FragmentStream n b mapFragments f = map (mapFragment f) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ImageKind = Color Type | Depth | Stencil imageType :: ImageKind -> Type imageType (Color a) = a imageType Depth = 'Float imageType Stencil = 'Int data Image (n :: Nat) (t :: ImageKind) -- = Vector n [[imageType t]] ColorImage :: forall a d t color . (Num t, color ~ VecScalar d t) => color -> Image a (Color color) DepthImage :: forall a . Float -> Image a Depth StencilImage :: forall a . Int -> Image a Stencil emptyDepthImage = DepthImage @1 emptyColorImage = ColorImage @1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- swizzling data Swizz = Sx | Sy | Sz | Sw {- data Swizz' :: Nat -> Type where Sx' :: forall n . Swizz' (Succ n) Sy' :: forall n . Swizz' (Succ (Succ n)) Sz' :: forall n . Swizz' (Succ (Succ (Succ n))) Sw' :: forall n . Swizz' (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ n)))) swizzscalar' :: forall n -> Vec n a -> Swizz' n -> a swizzscalar' 2 = \x -> case x of V2 x y -> \s -> case s of Sx' -> x Sy' -> y swizzscalar' 3 = \x -> case x of V3 x y z -> \s -> case s of Sx' -> x -} -- todo: make it more type safe swizzscalar :: forall n . Vec n a -> Swizz -> a swizzscalar (V2 x y) Sx = x swizzscalar (V2 x y) Sy = y swizzscalar (V3 x y z) Sx = x swizzscalar (V3 x y z) Sy = y swizzscalar (V3 x y z) Sz = z swizzscalar (V4 x y z w) Sx = x swizzscalar (V4 x y z w) Sy = y swizzscalar (V4 x y z w) Sz = z swizzscalar (V4 x y z w) Sw = w -- used to prevent unfolding of swizzvector on variables (behind GPU lambda) definedVec :: forall a m . Vec m a -> Bool definedVec (V2 _ _) = True definedVec (V3 _ _ _) = True definedVec (V4 _ _ _ _) = True swizzvector :: forall n . forall m . Vec n a -> Vec m Swizz -> Vec m a swizzvector v w | definedVec v = mapVec (swizzscalar v) w ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data BlendingFactor = ZeroBF | OneBF | SrcColor | OneMinusSrcColor | DstColor | OneMinusDstColor | SrcAlpha | OneMinusSrcAlpha | DstAlpha | OneMinusDstAlpha | ConstantColor | OneMinusConstantColor | ConstantAlpha | OneMinusConstantAlpha | SrcAlphaSaturate data BlendEquation = FuncAdd | FuncSubtract | FuncReverseSubtract | Min | Max data LogicOperation = Clear | And | AndReverse | Copy | AndInverted | Noop | Xor | Or | Nor | Equiv | Invert | OrReverse | CopyInverted | OrInverted | Nand | Set data StencilOperation = OpZero | OpKeep | OpReplace | OpIncr | OpIncrWrap | OpDecr | OpDecrWrap | OpInvert data ComparisonFunction = Never | Less | Equal | Lequal | Greater | Notequal | Gequal | Always data ProvokingVertex = LastVertex | FirstVertex data CullMode = CullFront | CullBack | CullNone data PointSize a = PointSize Float | ProgramPointSize (a -> Float) data PolygonMode a = PolygonFill | PolygonPoint (PointSize a) | PolygonLine Float data PolygonOffset = NoOffset | Offset Float Float data PointSpriteCoordOrigin = LowerLeft | UpperLeft -- builtin primTexture :: () -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 4 Float -- builtins Uniform :: String -> t data RasterContext a :: PrimitiveType -> Type where TriangleCtx :: CullMode -> PolygonMode a -> PolygonOffset -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a Triangle PointCtx :: PointSize a -> Float -> PointSpriteCoordOrigin -> RasterContext a Point LineCtx :: Float -> ProvokingVertex -> RasterContext a Line data Blending :: Type -> Type where NoBlending :: Blending t BlendLogicOp :: (Integral t) => LogicOperation -> Blending t Blend :: (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) -> ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) -> Vec 4 Float -> Blending Float data StencilTests data StencilOps data FragmentOperation :: ImageKind -> Type where ColorOp :: Num c => Blending c -> VecScalar d Bool -> FragmentOperation (Color (VecScalar d c)) DepthOp :: ComparisonFunction -> Bool -> FragmentOperation Depth StencilOp :: StencilTests -> StencilOps -> StencilOps -> FragmentOperation Stencil data Interpolated t where Smooth, NoPerspective :: (Floating t) => Interpolated t Flat :: Interpolated t rasterizePrimitive :: ( map Interpolated b ~ interpolation , a ~ Vec 4 Float: b ) => HList interpolation -- tuple of Smooth & Flat -> RasterContext (HList a) x -> Primitive (HList a) x -> FragmentStream 1 (HList b) rasterizePrimitives ctx is s = concat (map (rasterizePrimitive is ctx) s) type family ImageLC a :: Nat where ImageLC (Image n t) = n allSame :: [a] -> Type allSame [] = 'Unit allSame [x] = 'Unit allSame (x: y: xs) = 'T2 (x ~ y) (allSame (y:xs)) sameLayerCounts a = allSame (map 'ImageLC a) {- defaultFragOp :: forall (a :: ImageKind) -> FragmentOperation a defaultFragOp (Color '(VecS Float 4)) = ColorOp NoBlending (V4 True True True True) defaultFragOp Depth = DepthOp Less True class DefaultFragOps a where defaultFragOps :: a instance (DefaultFragOp a, DefaultFragOp b) => DefaultFragOps (FragmentOperation a, FragmentOperation b) where defaultFragOps = -- (undefined @(), undefined) (defaultFragOp @a @_, defaultFragOp @b @_) -} data FrameBuffer (n :: Nat) (t :: [ImageKind]) imageType' :: [ImageKind] -> [Type] imageType' (Depth: x) = map imageType x imageType' x = map imageType x type family FragmentOperationKind a :: ImageKind where FragmentOperationKind (FragmentOperation x) = x Accumulate :: forall (n :: Nat) (c :: [Type]) . (b ~ map FragmentOperationKind c) => HList c -> FragmentStream n (HList (imageType' b)) -> FrameBuffer n b -> FrameBuffer n b accumulateWith ctx x = (ctx, x) overlay cl (ctx, str) = Accumulate ctx str cl infixl 0 `overlay` type family GetImageKind a :: ImageKind where GetImageKind (Image n t) = t --class ValidFrameBuffer (a :: [ImageKind]) --instance ValidFrameBuffer a -- TODO -- todo: rename to imageFrame FrameBuffer :: forall (a :: [Type]) . (sameLayerCounts a) => HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC (head a)) (map GetImageKind a) imageFrame = FrameBuffer accumulate ctx fshader fstr fb = Accumulate ctx (mapFragments fshader fstr) fb -- texture support PrjImage :: FrameBuffer 1 '[a] -> Image 1 a PrjImageColor :: FrameBuffer 1 '[ 'Depth, 'Color (Vec 4 Float)] -> Image 1 (Color (Vec 4 Float)) data Output where ScreenOut :: FrameBuffer a b -> Output renderFrame = ScreenOut -------------------- -- * Texture support -- FIXME: currently only Float RGBA 2D texture is supported data Texture where Texture2DSlot :: String -- texture slot name -> Texture Texture2D :: Vec 2 Int -- FIXME: use Word here -> Image 1 (Color (Vec 4 Float)) -> Texture data Filter = PointFilter | LinearFilter data EdgeMode = Repeat | MirroredRepeat | ClampToEdge data Sampler = Sampler Filter EdgeMode Texture -- builtin texture2D :: Sampler -> Vec 2 Float -> Vec 4 Float -- todo: remove accumulationContext x = x