{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Prelude ( module Prelude , module Builtins ) where import Builtins infixr 9 . infixl 7 `PrimMulMatVec`, `PrimDot` infixr 5 ++ infixr 3 *** infixr 0 $ --infixl 0 & const x y = x otherwise = True x & f = f x ($) = \f x -> f x (.) = \f g x -> f (g x) uncurry f (x, y) = f x y (***) f g (x, y) = (f x, g y) pi = 3.14 zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] zip [] xs = [] zip xs [] = [] zip (a: as) (b: bs) = (a,b): zip as bs unzip :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b]) unzip [] = ([],[]) unzip ((a,b):xs) = (a:as,b:bs) where (as,bs) = unzip xs filter pred [] = [] filter pred (x:xs) = case pred x of True -> (x : filter pred xs) False -> (filter pred xs) --head :: [a] -> a --head (a: _) = a tail :: [a] -> [a] tail (_: xs) = xs pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)] pairs v = zip v (tail v) foldl' f e [] = e foldl' f e (x: xs) = foldl' f (f e x) xs foldr1 f (x: xs) = foldr f x xs split [] = ([], []) split (x: xs) = (x: bs, as) where (as, bs) = split xs mergeBy f (x:xs) (y:ys) = case f x y of LT -> x: mergeBy f xs (y:ys) _ -> y: mergeBy f (x:xs) ys mergeBy f [] xs = xs mergeBy f xs [] = xs sortBy f [] = [] sortBy f [x] = [x] sortBy f xs = uncurry (mergeBy f) ((sortBy f *** sortBy f) (split xs)) iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a] iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x) fst (a, b) = a snd (a, b) = b False ||| x = x True ||| x = True infixr 2 ||| True &&& x = x False &&& x = False infixr 3 &&& ------------------------------------ Row polymorphism -- todo: sorted field names (more efficient & easier to use) {- isKey _ [] = False isKey s ((s', _): ss) = s == s' ||| isKey s ss subList [] _ = [] subList ((s, t): xs) ys = if isKey s ys then subList xs ys else (s, t): subList xs ys addList [] ys = ys addList ((s, t): xs) ys = if isKey s ys then addList xs ys else (s, t): addList xs ys findEq x [] = 'Unit findEq (s, t) ((s', t'):xs) = if s == s' then 'T2 (t ~ t') (findEq (s, t) xs) else findEq (s, t) xs sameEq [] _ = 'Unit sameEq (x: xs) ys = 'T2 (findEq x ys) (sameEq xs ys) defined [] = True defined (x: xs) = defined xs type family Split a b c type instance Split (RecordC xs) (RecordC ys) z | defined xs &&& defined ys = T2 (sameEq xs ys) (z ~ RecordC (subList xs ys)) type instance Split (RecordC xs) z (RecordC ys) | defined xs &&& defined ys = T2 (sameEq xs ys) (z ~ RecordC (subList xs ys)) type instance Split z (RecordC xs) (RecordC ys) | defined xs &&& defined ys = T2 (sameEq xs ys) (z ~ RecordC (addList xs ys)) -- builtin -- TODO record :: [(String, Type)] -> Type --record xs = RecordCons ({- TODO: sortBy fst-} xs) -} data RecItem = RecItem String Type recItemType (RecItem _ t) = t data RecordC (xs :: [RecItem]) = RecordCons (HList (map recItemType xs)) isKeyC _ _ [] = 'Empty "" isKeyC s t (RecItem s' t': ss) = if s == s' then t ~ t' else isKeyC s t ss fstTup (HCons a _) = a sndTup (HCons _ a) = a -- todo: don't use unsafeCoerce project :: forall a (xs :: [RecItem]) . forall (s :: String) -> isKeyC s a xs => RecordC xs -> a project @a @(RecItem s' a': xs) s @_ (RecordCons ts) | s == s' = fstTup (unsafeCoerce @_ @(HList '(a : map recItemType xs)) ts) project @a @(RecItem s' a': xs) s @_ (RecordCons ts) = project @a @xs s @(undefined @(isKeyC s a xs)) (RecordCons (sndTup (unsafeCoerce @_ @(HList '(a : map recItemType xs)) ts))) --------------------------------------- HTML colors rgb r g b = V4 r g b 1.0 black = rgb 0.0 0.0 0.0 gray = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 silver = rgb 0.75 0.75 0.75 white = rgb 1.0 1.0 1.0 maroon = rgb 0.5 0.0 0.0 red = rgb 1.0 0.0 0.0 olive = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.0 yellow = rgb 1.0 1.0 0.0 green = rgb 0.0 0.5 0.0 lime = rgb 0.0 1.0 0.0 teal = rgb 0.0 0.5 0.5 aqua = rgb 0.0 1.0 1.0 navy = rgb 0.0 0.0 0.5 blue = rgb 0.0 0.0 1.0 purple = rgb 0.5 0.0 0.5 fuchsia = rgb 1.0 0.0 1.0 colorImage1 = ColorImage @1 colorImage2 = ColorImage @2 depthImage1 = DepthImage @1 v3FToV4F :: Vec 3 Float -> Vec 4 Float v3FToV4F v = V4 v%x v%y v%z 1 ------------ -- * WebGL 1 ------------ -- angle and trigonometric radians = PrimRadians degrees = PrimDegrees sin = PrimSin cos = PrimCos tan = PrimTan sinh = PrimSinH cosh = PrimCosH tanh = PrimTanH asin = PrimASin asinh = PrimASinH acos = PrimACos acosh = PrimACosH atan = PrimATan atanh = PrimATanH atan2 = PrimATan2 -- exponential functions pow = PrimPow exp = PrimExp log = PrimLog exp2 = PrimExp2 log2 = PrimLog2 sqrt = PrimSqrt inversesqrt = PrimInvSqrt -- common functions abs = PrimAbs sign = PrimSign floor = PrimFloor trunc = PrimTrunc round = PrimRound roundEven = PrimRoundEven ceil = PrimCeil fract = PrimFract mod = PrimMod min = PrimMin max = PrimMax modF = PrimModF clamp = PrimClamp clampS = PrimClampS mix = PrimMix mixS = PrimMixS mixB = PrimMixB step = PrimStep stepS = PrimStepS smoothstep = PrimSmoothStep smoothstepS = PrimSmoothStepS isNan = PrimIsNan isInf = PrimIsInf dFdx = PrimDFdx dFdy = PrimDFdy fWidth = PrimFWidth noise1 = PrimNoise1 noise2 = PrimNoise2 noise3 = PrimNoise3 noise4 = PrimNoise4 -- geometric functions length = PrimLength distance = PrimDistance dot = PrimDot cross = PrimCross normalize = PrimNormalize faceforward = PrimFaceForward reflect = PrimReflect refract = PrimRefract transpose = PrimTranspose det = PrimDeterminant inv = PrimInverse outer = PrimOuterProduct bAnd = PrimBAnd bOr = PrimBOr bXor = PrimBXor bNot = PrimBNot bAndS = PrimBAndS bOrS = PrimBOrS bXorS = PrimBXorS shiftL = PrimBShiftL shiftR = PrimBShiftR shiftLS = PrimBShiftLS shiftRS = PrimBShiftRS floatBitsToInt = PrimFloatBitsToInt floatBitsToWord = PrimFloatBitsToUInt intBitsToFloat = PrimIntBitsToFloat wordBitsToFloat = PrimUIntBitsToFloat -- operators infixl 7 *, /, % infixl 6 +, - infix 4 /=, <, <=, >=, > infixr 3 && infixr 2 || infix 7 `dot` -- dot infix 7 `cross` -- cross infixr 7 *. -- mulmv infixl 7 .* -- mulvm infixl 7 .*. -- mulmm -- arithemtic a + b = PrimAdd a b a - b = PrimSub a b a * b = PrimMul a b a / b = PrimDiv a b a % b = PrimMod a b neg a = PrimNeg a -- comparison --a == b = PrimEqual a b a /= b = PrimNotEqual a b a < b = PrimLessThan a b a <= b = PrimLessThanEqual a b a >= b = PrimGreaterThanEqual a b a > b = PrimGreaterThan a b -- logical a && b = PrimAnd a b a || b = PrimOr a b xor = PrimXor not a = PrimNot a any a = PrimAny a all a = PrimAll a -- matrix functions a .*. b = PrimMulMatMat a b a *. b = PrimMulMatVec a b a .* b = PrimMulVecMat a b -- temp hack for vector <---> scalar operators infixl 7 *!, /!, %! infixl 6 +!, -! -- arithemtic a +! b = PrimAddS a b a -! b = PrimSubS a b a *! b = PrimMulS a b a /! b = PrimDivS a b a %! b = PrimModS a b ------------------ -- common matrices ------------------ {- -- | Perspective transformation matrix in row major order. perspective :: Float -- ^ Near plane clipping distance (always positive). -> Float -- ^ Far plane clipping distance (always positive). -> Float -- ^ Field of view of the y axis, in radians. -> Float -- ^ Aspect ratio, i.e. screen's width\/height. -> Mat 4 4 Float perspective n f fovy aspect = --transpose $ M44F (V4F (2*n/(r-l)) 0 (-(r+l)/(r-l)) 0) (V4F 0 (2*n/(t-b)) ((t+b)/(t-b)) 0) (V4F 0 0 (-(f+n)/(f-n)) (-2*f*n/(f-n))) (V4F 0 0 (-1) 0) where t = n*tan(fovy/2) b = -t r = aspect*t l = -r -} rotMatrixZ a = M44F (V4 c s 0 0) (V4 (-s) c 0 0) (V4 0 0 1 0) (V4 0 0 0 1) where c = cos a s = sin a rotMatrixY a = M44F (V4 c 0 (-s) 0) (V4 0 1 0 0) (V4 s 0 c 0) (V4 0 0 0 1) where c = cos a s = sin a rotMatrixX a = M44F (V4 1 0 0 0) (V4 0 c s 0) (V4 0 (-s) c 0) (V4 0 0 0 1) where c = cos a s = sin a rotationEuler a b c = rotMatrixY a .*. rotMatrixX b .*. rotMatrixZ c {- -- | Camera transformation matrix. lookat :: Vec 3 Float -- ^ Camera position. -> Vec 3 Float -- ^ Target position. -> Vec 3 Float -- ^ Upward direction. -> M44F lookat pos target up = translateBefore4 (neg pos) (orthogonal $ toOrthoUnsafe r) where w = normalize $ pos - target u = normalize $ up `cross` w v = w `cross` u r = transpose $ Mat3 u v w -} scale t v = v * V4 t t t 1.0 fromTo :: Float -> Float -> [Float] fromTo a b | a > b = [] | otherwise = a: fromTo (a + 1) b (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a (x : _) !! 0 = x (_ : xs) !! n = xs !! (n-1)