{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module LambdaCube.Compiler.DesugaredSource ( module LambdaCube.Compiler.DesugaredSource , Fixity(..) )where import Data.Monoid import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.Function import Data.Bits import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>)) import LambdaCube.Compiler.Utils import LambdaCube.Compiler.DeBruijn import LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty --hiding (braces, parens) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- simple name type SName = String pattern Ticked :: SName -> SName pattern Ticked s = '\'': s untick (Ticked s) = s untick s = s switchTick :: SName -> SName switchTick (Ticked n) = n switchTick n = Ticked n pattern CaseName :: SName -> SName pattern CaseName cs <- 'c':'a':'s':'e':cs where CaseName cs = "case" ++ cs pattern MatchName :: SName -> SName pattern MatchName cs <- 'm':'a':'t':'c':'h':cs where MatchName cs = "match" ++ cs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file position -- source position without file name newtype SPos = SPos_ Int deriving (Eq, Ord) row :: SPos -> Int row (SPos_ i) = i `shiftR` 16 column :: SPos -> Int column (SPos_ i) = i .&. 0xffff pattern SPos :: Int -> Int -> SPos pattern SPos a b <- ((row &&& column) -> (a, b)) where SPos a b = SPos_ $ (a `shiftL` 16) .|. b instance PShow SPos where pShow (SPos r c) = pShow r <> ":" <> pShow c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file info data FileInfo = FileInfo { fileId :: !Int , filePath :: FilePath , fileModule :: String -- module name , fileContent :: String } instance Eq FileInfo where (==) = (==) `on` fileId instance Ord FileInfo where compare = compare `on` fileId instance PShow FileInfo where pShow = text . filePath --(++ ".lc") . fileModule showPos :: FileInfo -> SPos -> Doc showPos n p = pShow n <> ":" <> pShow p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- range data Range = Range { rangeFile :: !FileInfo , rangeStart :: !SPos , rangeStop :: !SPos } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show Range where show = ppShow instance PShow Range where pShow (Range n b@(SPos r c) e@(SPos r' c')) = expand (pShow n <+> pShow b <> "-" <> pShow e) $ vcat $ (showPos n b <> ":") : map text (drop (r - 1) $ take r' $ lines $ fileContent n) ++ [text $ replicate (c - 1) ' ' ++ replicate (c' - c) '^' | r' == r] showRangeWithoutFileName (Range _ b e) = pShow b <> "-" <> pShow e joinRange :: Range -> Range -> Range joinRange (Range n b e) (Range n' b' e') {- | n == n' -} = Range n (min b b') (max e e') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source info data SI = NoSI (Set.Set String) -- no source info, attached debug info | RangeSI Range getRange (RangeSI r) = Just r getRange _ = Nothing --instance Show SI where show _ = "SI" instance Eq SI where _ == _ = True instance Ord SI where _ `compare` _ = EQ instance Monoid SI where mempty = NoSI Set.empty mappend (RangeSI r1) (RangeSI r2) = RangeSI (joinRange r1 r2) mappend (NoSI ds1) (NoSI ds2) = NoSI (ds1 `Set.union` ds2) mappend r@RangeSI{} _ = r mappend _ r@RangeSI{} = r instance PShow SI where pShow (NoSI ds) = hsep $ map text $ Set.toList ds pShow (RangeSI r) = pShow r hashPos :: FileInfo -> SPos -> Int hashPos fn (SPos_ p) = (1 + fileId fn) `shiftL` 32 .|. p debugSI a = NoSI (Set.singleton a) si@(RangeSI r) `validate` xs | r `notElem` [r | RangeSI r <- xs] = si _ `validate` _ = mempty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type classes for source info class SourceInfo a where sourceInfo :: a -> SI instance SourceInfo SI where sourceInfo = id instance SourceInfo si => SourceInfo [si] where sourceInfo = foldMap sourceInfo class SetSourceInfo a where setSI :: SI -> a -> a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name with source info data SIName = SIName__ { nameHash :: Int, nameSI :: SI, nameFixity :: Maybe Fixity, sName :: SName } pattern SIName_ si f n <- SIName__ _ si f n where SIName_ si f n = SIName__ (fnameHash si n) si f n pattern SIName si n <- SIName_ si _ n where SIName si n = SIName_ si Nothing n instance Eq SIName where (==) = (==) `on` sName instance Ord SIName where compare = compare `on` sName instance Show SIName where show = sName instance PShow SIName where pShow (SIName_ si f n) = expand (if isOpName n then DOp0 n (defaultFixity f) else maybe (text n) (DOp0 n) f) $ case si of NoSI{} -> text n --maybe (text n) (DOp0 n) f _ -> pShow si instance SourceInfo SIName where sourceInfo (SIName si _) = si instance SetSourceInfo SIName where setSI si (SIName_ _ f s) = SIName_ si f s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hashed names newtype FName = FName { fName :: SIName } instance Eq FName where (==) = (==) `on` nameHash . fName instance Ord FName where compare = compare `on` nameHash . fName instance Show FName where show = show . fName instance PShow FName where pShow = pShow . fName data FNameTag -- type constructors & constructors = F'Type | F'Empty | F'Unit | FTT | F'Constraint | FCUnit | FCEmpty | F'Nat | FZero | FSucc | F'Bool | FFalse | FTrue | F'Ordering | FLT | FGT | FEQ | F'List | FNil | FCons | F'HList | FHCons | FHNil | F'VecS | FV2 | FV3 | FV4 | FRecordCons | FRecItem | FSx | FSy | FSz | FSw | F'Int | F'Word | F'Float | F'String | F'Char | F'Output -- type functions | F'T2 | F'EqCT | F'CW | F'Split | F'VecScalar -- functions | Fcoe | FparEval | Ft2C | FprimFix | Fparens | FtypeAnn | Fundefined | Fotherwise | FprimIfThenElse | FfromTo | FconcatMap | FfromInt | Fproject | Fswizzscalar | Fswizzvector | FunsafeCoerce | FreflCstr | FhlistNilCase | FhlistConsCase | FprimAddInt | FprimSubInt | FprimModInt | FprimSqrtFloat | FprimRound | FprimIntToFloat | FprimIntToNat | FprimCompareInt | FprimCompareFloat | FprimCompareChar | FprimCompareString | FPrimGreaterThan | FPrimGreaterThanEqual | FPrimLessThan | FPrimLessThanEqual | FPrimEqualV | FPrimNotEqualV | FPrimEqual | FPrimNotEqual | FPrimSubS | FPrimSub | FPrimAddS | FPrimAdd | FPrimMulS | FPrimMul | FPrimDivS | FPrimDiv | FPrimModS | FPrimMod | FPrimNeg | FPrimAnd | FPrimOr | FPrimXor | FPrimNot -- other | F_rhs | F_section deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded) tagName FCons = ":" tagName t = case show t of 'F': s -> s pattern Tag :: FNameTag -> SIName pattern Tag t <- (toTag . nameHash -> Just t) where Tag t = SIName__ (fromEnum t) (tagSI t) (tagFixity t) (tagName t) pattern FTag t = FName (Tag t) toTag i | i <= fromEnum (maxBound :: FNameTag) = Just (toEnum i) | otherwise = Nothing tagFixity FCons = Just $ InfixR 5 tagFixity _ = Nothing tagSI t = NoSI $ Set.singleton $ tagName t fnameHash :: SI -> SName -> Int fnameHash (RangeSI (Range fn p _)) s = maybe (hashPos fn p) fromEnum $ Map.lookup s fntable fnameHash _ s = 0xffff -- TODO error $ "mkFName: " ++ show s fntable :: Map.Map String FNameTag fntable = Map.fromList $ (tagName &&& id) <$> [minBound ..] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- literal data Lit = LInt Integer | LChar Char | LFloat Double | LString String deriving (Eq) instance PShow Lit where pShow = \case LFloat x -> pShow x LString x -> text $ show x LInt x -> pShow x LChar x -> pShow x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- expression data SExp' a = SLit SI Lit | SGlobal SIName | SApp_ SI Visibility (SExp' a) (SExp' a) | SBind_ SI Binder (SData SIName){-parameter name-} (SExp' a) (SExp' a) | SVar_ (SData SIName) !Int | SLet_ SI (SData SIName) (SExp' a) (SExp' a) -- let x = e in f --> SLet e f{-x is Var 0-} | SLHS SIName (SExp' a) | STyped a deriving (Eq) sLHS _ (SRHS x) = x sLHS n x = SLHS n x type SExp = SExp' Void data Binder = BPi Visibility | BLam Visibility | BMeta -- a metavariable is like a floating hidden lambda deriving (Eq) instance PShow Binder where pShow = \case BPi v -> "BPi" `DApp` pShow v BLam v -> "BLam" `DApp` pShow v BMeta -> "BMeta" data Visibility = Hidden | Visible deriving (Eq) instance PShow Visibility where pShow = \case Hidden -> "Hidden" Visible -> "Visible" dummyName s = SIName (debugSI s) ("v_" ++ s) dummyName' = SData . dummyName sVar = SVar . dummyName pattern SBind v x a b <- SBind_ _ v x a b where SBind v x a b = SBind_ (sourceInfo a <> sourceInfo b) v x a b pattern SPi h a b <- SBind (BPi h) _ a b where SPi h a b = SBind (BPi h) (dummyName' "SPi") a b pattern SLam h a b <- SBind (BLam h) _ a b where SLam h a b = SBind (BLam h) (dummyName' "SLam") a b pattern Wildcard t <- SBind BMeta _ t (SVar _ 0) where Wildcard t = SBind BMeta (dummyName' "Wildcard") t (sVar "Wildcard2" 0) pattern SLet n a b <- SLet_ _ (SData n) a b where SLet n a b = SLet_ (sourceInfo a <> sourceInfo b) (SData n) a b pattern SLamV a = SLam Visible (Wildcard SType) a pattern SVar a b = SVar_ (SData a) b pattern SApp h a b <- SApp_ _ h a b where SApp h a b = SApp_ (sourceInfo a <> sourceInfo b) h a b pattern SAppH a b = SApp Hidden a b pattern SAppV a b = SApp Visible a b pattern SAppV2 f a b = f `SAppV` a `SAppV` b infixl 2 `SAppV`, `SAppH` pattern SBuiltin s = SGlobal (Tag s) pattern SRHS a = SBuiltin F_rhs `SAppV` a pattern Section e = SBuiltin F_section `SAppV` e pattern SType = SBuiltin F'Type pattern SConstraint = SBuiltin F'Constraint pattern Parens e = SBuiltin Fparens `SAppV` e pattern SAnn a t = SBuiltin FtypeAnn `SAppH` t `SAppV` a pattern TyType a = SAnn a SType pattern SCW a = SBuiltin F'CW `SAppV` a -- builtin heterogenous list pattern HList a = SBuiltin F'HList `SAppV` a pattern HCons a b = SBuiltin FHCons `SAppV` a `SAppV` b pattern HNil = SBuiltin FHNil -- builtin list pattern BList a = SBuiltin F'List `SAppV` a pattern BCons a b = SBuiltin FCons `SAppV` a `SAppV` b pattern BNil = SBuiltin FNil getTTuple (HList (getList -> Just xs)) = xs getTTuple x = [x] getList BNil = Just [] getList (BCons x (getList -> Just y)) = Just (x:y) getList _ = Nothing sLit = SLit mempty isPi (BPi _) = True isPi _ = False pattern UncurryS :: [(Visibility, SExp' a)] -> SExp' a -> SExp' a pattern UncurryS ps t <- (getParamsS -> (ps, t)) where UncurryS ps t = foldr (uncurry SPi) t ps getParamsS (SPi h t x) = first ((h, t):) $ getParamsS x getParamsS x = ([], x) pattern AppsS :: SExp' a -> [(Visibility, SExp' a)] -> SExp' a pattern AppsS f args <- (getApps -> (f, args)) where AppsS = foldl $ \a (v, b) -> SApp v a b getApps = second reverse . run where run (SApp h a b) = second ((h, b):) $ run a run x = (x, []) -- todo: remove downToS err n m = [sVar (err ++ "_" ++ show i) (n + i) | i <- [m-1, m-2..0]] instance SourceInfo (SExp' a) where sourceInfo = \case SGlobal sn -> sourceInfo sn SBind_ si _ _ _ _ -> si SApp_ si _ _ _ -> si SLet_ si _ _ _ -> si SVar sn _ -> sourceInfo sn SLit si _ -> si SLHS n x -> sourceInfo x STyped _ -> mempty instance SetSourceInfo SExp where setSI si = \case SBind_ _ a b c d -> SBind_ si a b c d SApp_ _ a b c -> SApp_ si a b c SLet_ _ le a b -> SLet_ si le a b SVar sn i -> SVar (setSI si sn) i SGlobal sn -> SGlobal (setSI si sn) SLit _ l -> SLit si l SLHS n x -> SLHS n $ setSI si x STyped v -> elimVoid v foldS :: Monoid m => (Int -> t -> m) -> (SIName -> Int -> m) -> (SIName -> Int -> Int -> m) -> Int -> SExp' t -> m foldS h g f = fs where fs i = \case SApp _ a b -> fs i a <> fs i b SLet _ a b -> fs i a <> fs (i+1) b SBind_ _ _ _ a b -> fs i a <> fs (i+1) b SVar sn j -> f sn j i SGlobal sn -> g sn i x@SLit{} -> mempty SLHS _ x -> fs i x STyped x -> h i x foldName f = foldS (\_ -> elimVoid) (\sn _ -> f sn) mempty 0 usedS :: SIName -> SExp -> Bool usedS n = getAny . foldName (Any . (== n)) mapS :: (Int -> a -> SExp' a) -> (SIName -> Int -> SExp' a) -> (SIName -> Int -> Int{-level-} -> SExp' a) -> Int -> SExp' a -> SExp' a mapS hh gg f2 = g where g i = \case SApp_ si v a b -> SApp_ si v (g i a) (g i b) SLet_ si x a b -> SLet_ si x (g i a) (g (i+1) b) SBind_ si k si' a b -> SBind_ si k si' (g i a) (g (i+1) b) SVar sn j -> f2 sn j i SGlobal sn -> gg sn i SLHS n x -> SLHS n $ g i x STyped x -> hh i x x@SLit{} -> x instance HasFreeVars a => HasFreeVars (SExp' a) where getFreeVars = foldS (\l x -> shiftFreeVars (-l) $ getFreeVars x) mempty (\sn i l -> if i >= l then freeVar $ i - l else mempty) 0 instance Rearrange a => Rearrange (SExp' a) where rearrange i f = mapS (\i x -> STyped $ rearrange i f x) (const . SGlobal) (\sn j i -> SVar sn $ if j < i then j else i + rearrangeFun f (j - i)) i instance DeBruijnify SIName SExp where deBruijnify_ j xs = mapS (\_ -> elimVoid) (\sn x -> maybe (SGlobal sn) (\i -> SVar sn $ i + x) $ elemIndex sn xs) (\sn j k -> SVar sn $ if j >= k then j + l else j) j where l = length xs trSExp :: (a -> b) -> SExp' a -> SExp' b trSExp f = g where g = \case SApp_ si v a b -> SApp_ si v (g a) (g b) SLet_ si x a b -> SLet_ si x (g a) (g b) SBind_ si k si' a b -> SBind_ si k si' (g a) (g b) SVar sn j -> SVar sn j SGlobal sn -> SGlobal sn SLit si l -> SLit si l SLHS n x -> SLHS n (g x) STyped a -> STyped $ f a trSExp' :: SExp -> SExp' a trSExp' = trSExp elimVoid instance (HasFreeVars a, PShow a) => PShow (SExp' a) where pShow = \case SGlobal ns -> pShow ns Parens x -> pShow x -- TODO: remove SAnn a b -> shAnn (pShow a) (pShow b) TyType a -> text "tyType" `DApp` pShow a SApp h a b -> shApp h (pShow a) (pShow b) Wildcard SType -> text "_" Wildcard t -> shAnn (text "_") (pShow t) SBind_ _ h _ SType b -> shLam_ (usedVar 0 b) h Nothing (pShow b) SBind_ _ h _ a b -> shLam (usedVar 0 b) h (pShow a) (pShow b) SLet _ a b -> shLet_ (pShow a) (pShow b) SLHS n x -> "_lhs" `DApp` pShow n `DApp` pShow x STyped a -> pShow a SVar _ i -> shVar i SLit _ l -> pShow l shApp Visible a b = DApp a b shApp Hidden a b = DApp a (DAt b) shLam usedVar h a b = shLam_ usedVar h (Just a) b simpleFo (DExpand x _) = x simpleFo x = x shLam_ False (BPi Hidden) (Just ((simpleFo -> DText "'CW") `DApp` a)) b = DFreshName False $ showContext (DUp 0 a) b where showContext x (DFreshName u d) = DFreshName u $ showContext (DUp 0 x) d showContext x (DParContext xs y) = DParContext (DComma x xs) y showContext x (DContext xs y) = DParContext (DComma x xs) y showContext x y = DContext x y shLam_ usedVar h a b = DFreshName usedVar $ lam (p $ DUp 0 <$> a) b where lam = case h of BPi Visible | usedVar -> showForall "->" | otherwise -> shArr BPi Hidden | usedVar -> showForall "." | otherwise -> showContext _ -> showLam shAnn' a = maybe a (shAnn a) p = case h of BMeta -> shAnn' (blue $ DVar 0) BLam Hidden -> DAt . shAnn' (DVar 0) BLam Visible -> shAnn' (DVar 0) _ -> ann ann | usedVar = shAnn' (DVar 0) | otherwise = fromMaybe (text "Type") showForall s x (DFreshName u d) = DFreshName u $ showForall s (DUp 0 x) d showForall s x (DForall s' xs y) | s == s' = DForall s (DSep (InfixR 11) x xs) y showForall s x y = DForall s x y showContext x y = DContext' x y showLam x (DFreshName u d) = DFreshName u $ showLam (DUp 0 x) d showLam x (DLam xs y) = DLam (DSep (InfixR 11) x xs) y showLam x y = DLam x y shLet i a b = DLet' (DLet "=" (blue $ shVar i) $ DUp i a) (DUp i b) showLet x (DFreshName u d) = DFreshName u $ showLet (DUp 0 x) d showLet x (DLet' xs y) = DLet' (DSemi x xs) y showLet x y = DLet' x y shLet_ a b = DFreshName True $ showLet (DLet "=" (shVar 0) $ DUp 0 a) b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statement data Stmt = StmtLet SIName SExp | Data SIName [(Visibility, SExp)]{-parameters-} SExp{-type-} [(SIName, SExp)]{-constructor names and types-} | PrecDef SIName Fixity pattern StLet n mt x <- StmtLet n (getSAnn -> (x, mt)) where StLet n mt x = StmtLet n $ maybe x (SAnn x) mt getSAnn (SAnn x t) = (x, Just t) getSAnn x = (x, Nothing) pattern Primitive n t = StLet n (Just t) (SBuiltin Fundefined) instance PShow Stmt where pShow stmt = vcat . map DResetFreshNames $ case stmt of Primitive n t -> pure $ shAnn (pShow n) (pShow t) StLet n ty e -> [shAnn (pShow n) (pShow t) | Just t <- [ty]] ++ [DLet "=" (pShow n) (pShow e)] Data n ps ty cs -> pure $ nest 2 $ "data" <+> nest 2 (shAnn (foldl DApp (DTypeNamespace True $ pShow n) [shAnn (text "_") (pShow t) | (v, t) <- ps]) (pShow ty)) "where" <> nest 2 (hardline <> vcat [shAnn (pShow n) $ pShow $ UncurryS (first (const Hidden) <$> ps) t | (n, t) <- cs]) PrecDef n i -> pure $ pShow i <+> text (sName n) --DOp0 (sName n) i instance DeBruijnify SIName Stmt where deBruijnify_ k v = \case StmtLet sn e -> StmtLet sn (deBruijnify_ k v e) x@PrecDef{} -> x x -> error $ "deBruijnify @ " ++ ppShow x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module data Module_ a = Module { extensions :: Extensions , moduleImports :: [(SIName, ImportItems)] , moduleExports :: Maybe [Export] , definitions :: a } data Export = ExportModule SIName | ExportId SIName data ImportItems = ImportAllBut [SIName] | ImportJust [SIName] type Extensions = [Extension] data Extension = NoImplicitPrelude | TraceTypeCheck deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show) extensionMap :: Map.Map String Extension extensionMap = Map.fromList $ map (show &&& id) [toEnum 0 .. ]