{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Data.Char import Data.List --import Data.Either import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Algorithm.Patience import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>)) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader --import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Exception hiding (catch, bracket, finally, mask) --import Control.Exception hiding (catch) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Control.DeepSeq import System.Exit import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import Options.Applicative import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Text.Printf import LambdaCube.Compiler import LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty hiding (()) ------------------------------------------ utils (<&>) = flip (<$>) readFileStrict :: FilePath -> IO String readFileStrict = fmap T.unpack . TIO.readFile getDirectoryContentsRecursive path = do l <- map (path ) . filter (`notElem` [".",".."]) <$> getDirectoryContents path (++) <$> filterM doesFileExist l <*> (fmap mconcat . traverse getDirectoryContentsRecursive =<< filterM doesDirectoryExist l) takeExtensions' :: FilePath -> [String] takeExtensions' = snd . splitExtensions' splitExtensions' fn = case splitExtension fn of (a, "") -> (a, []) (fn', ext) -> second (ext:) $ splitExtensions' fn' getYNChar = do c <- getChar case c of _ | c `elem` ("yY" :: String) -> putChar '\n' >> return True | c `elem` ("nN" :: String) -> putChar '\n' >> return False | otherwise -> getYNChar showTime delta | t > 1e-1 = printf "%.3fs" t | t > 1e-3 = printf "%.1fms" (t/1e-3) | otherwise = printf "%.0fus" (t/1e-6) where t = realToFrac delta :: Double timeOut :: forall m a . MonadBaseControl IO m => NominalDiffTime -> a -> m a -> m (NominalDiffTime, a) timeOut dt d m = control $ \runInIO -> race' (runInIO $ timeDiff m) (runInIO $ timeDiff $ liftIO (threadDelay $ round $ dt * 1000000) >> return d) where liftIO :: IO b -> m b liftIO m = liftBaseWith (const m) race' a b = either id id <$> race a b timeDiff m = (\s x e -> (diffUTCTime e s, x)) <$> liftIO getCurrentTime <*> m <*> liftIO getCurrentTime catchErr :: (MonadCatch m, NFData a, MonadIO m) => (String -> m a) -> m a -> m a catchErr er m = (force <$> m >>= liftIO . evaluate) `catch` getErr `catch` getPMatchFail where getErr (e :: ErrorCall) = catchErr er $ er $ show e getPMatchFail (e :: PatternMatchFail) = catchErr er $ er $ show e ------------------------------------------ testDataPath = "./testdata" data Config = Config { cfgVerbose :: Bool , cfgReject :: Bool , cfgTimeout :: NominalDiffTime , cfgIgnore :: [String] , cfgOverallTime :: Bool } deriving Show arguments :: Parser (Config, [String]) arguments = (,) <$> (Config <$> switch (short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> help "Verbose output during test runs") <*> switch (short 'r' <> long "reject" <> help "Reject test cases with missing, new or different .out files") <*> option (realToFrac <$> (auto :: ReadM Double)) (value 60 <> short 't' <> long "timeout" <> help "Timeout for tests in seconds") <*> many (option (eitherReader Right) (short 'i' <> long "ignore" <> help "Ignore test")) <*> switch (long "overall-time" <> help "Writes overall time to overall-time.txt") ) <*> many (strArgument idm) data Res = Passed | Accepted | NewRes | TimedOut | Rejected | Failed | ErrorCatched deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) showRes = \case ErrorCatched -> "crashed test" Failed -> "failed test" Rejected -> "rejected result" TimedOut -> "timed out test" NewRes -> "new result" Accepted -> "accepted result" Passed -> "passed test" instance NFData Res where rnf a = a `seq` () erroneous = (>= TimedOut) isWip = (".wip" `elem`) . takeExtensions' isReject = (".reject" `elem`) . takeExtensions' -- for the repl parse srcName = do pplRes <- parseModule ["testdata"] (srcName ++ ".lc") case pplRes of Left err -> fail $ show err Right ppl -> putStrLn ppl main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering (cfg@Config{..}, samplesToTest) <- execParser $ info (helper <*> arguments) (fullDesc <> header "LambdaCube 3D compiler test suite") testData <- filter ((".lc" ==) . takeExtension) <$> getDirectoryContentsRecursive testDataPath -- select test set: all test or user selected let (ignoredTests, testSet) = partition (\d -> any (`isInfixOf` d) cfgIgnore) . map head . group . sort $ [d | d <- testData, s <- if null samplesToTest then [""] else samplesToTest, s `isInfixOf` d] unless (null ignoredTests) $ do putStrLn $ "------------------------------------ Ignoring " ++ show (length ignoredTests) ++ " tests" forM_ ignoredTests putStrLn when (null testSet) $ do putStrLn $ "test files not found: " ++ show samplesToTest exitFailure putStrLn $ "------------------------------------ Running " ++ show (length testSet) ++ " tests" resultDiffs <- runMM (ioFetch [".", testDataPath]) $ forM (zip [1..] testSet) $ doTest cfg let sh :: (FilePath -> Res -> Bool) -> String -> [String] sh p b = [ (if any (\(ty, s) -> erroneous ty && not (isWip s)) ss then "!" else "") ++ show noOfResult ++ " " ++ pad 10 (b ++ plural ++ ": ") ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map snd ss) | not $ null ss ] where ss = [(ty, s) | ((_, ty), s) <- zip resultDiffs testSet, p s ty] noOfResult = length ss plural = ['s' | noOfResult > 1] putStrLn "------------------------------------ Summary" putStrLn $ unlines $ reverse $ concat [ sh (\s ty -> ty == x && p s) (w ++ showRes x) | (w, p) <- [("", not . isWip), ("wip ", isWip)] , x <- [ErrorCatched, Failed, Rejected, TimedOut, NewRes, Accepted] ] ++ sh (\s ty -> ty == Passed && isWip s) "wip passed test" let overallTime = sum $ map fst resultDiffs putStrLn $ "Overall time: " ++ showTime overallTime when cfgOverallTime $ writeFile "overall-time.txt" $ show (realToFrac overallTime :: Double) when (or [erroneous r | ((_, r), f) <- zip resultDiffs testSet, not $ isWip f]) exitFailure putStrLn "All OK" when (or [erroneous r | ((_, r), f) <- zip resultDiffs testSet, isWip f]) $ putStrLn "Only work in progress test cases are failing." splitMPath fn = (joinPath $ reverse as, foldr1 () $ reverse bs ++ [y], intercalate "." $ reverse bs ++ [y]) where (bs, as) = span (\x -> not (null x) && isUpper (head x)) $ reverse xs (xs, y) = map takeDirectory . splitPath *** id $ splitFileName $ dropExtension fn doTest Config{..} (i, fn) = do liftIO $ putStr $ pa ++ " " ++ mn ++ " " ++ concat exts ++ " " (runtime, res) <- mapMMT (timeOut cfgTimeout $ Left ("!Timed Out", TimedOut)) $ catchErr (\e -> return $ Left (tab "!Crashed" e, ErrorCatched)) $ liftIO . evaluate =<< (force . f <$> getMain) liftIO $ putStr $ "(" ++ showTime runtime ++ ")" ++ " " (msg, result) <- case res of Left x -> return x Right (op, x) -> liftIO $ compareResult (pad 15 op) (dropExtension fn ++ ".out") x liftIO $ putStrLn msg return (runtime, result) where (splitMPath -> (pa, mn', mn), reverse -> exts) = splitExtensions' $ dropExtension fn getMain = do res <- local (const $ ioFetch [pa]) $ loadModule id Nothing (Left $ mn' ++ concat exts ++ ".lc") <&> \case Left err -> (mempty, Left (Nothing, err)) Right (fname, (src, Left err)) -> (mempty, Left (Just fname, err)) Right (fname, (src, Right (pm, infos, Left err))) -> (,) infos $ Left (Just fname, err) Right (fname, (src, Right (pm, infos, Right (_, ge)))) -> (,) infos $ Right ( fname , ge , case Map.lookup "main" ge of Just (e, thy, si) -> Right (ET e thy) Nothing -> Left $ text "main" <+> "is not found" ) case res of (_, Right (fi, _, Right{})) -> removeFromCache $ filePath fi _ -> return () return res --getDef :: MonadMask m => FilePath -> SName -> Maybe Exp -> MMT m (Infos, [Stmt]) ((Infos, [Stmt]), Either Doc (FilePath, Either Doc ExpType)) f ((i, desug), e) | not $ isReject fn = case e of Left (_, show -> e) -> Left (unlines $ tab "!Failed" e: map show (listTraceInfos i), Failed) Right (fname, ge, Left (pShow -> e)) -> Right ("typechecked module", simpleShow $ vcat $ e: showGE fname ge) Right (fname, ge, Right (ET e te)) | te == outputType -> Right ("compiled pipeline", prettyShowUnlines $ compilePipeline OpenGL33 (ET e te)) | e == trueExp -> Right ("reducted main", de) | te == boolType -> Left (tab "!Failed" $ "main should be True but it is \n" ++ simpleShow res, Failed) | otherwise -> Right ("reduced main :: " ++ simpleShow (mkDoc (True, False) te), de) where de = simpleShow $ vcat $ (DAnn "main" $ pShow te) : (DLet "=" "main" res): showGE fname ge res = mkDoc (True, False) e | otherwise = case e of Left (fn, pShow -> e) -> Right ("error message", simpleShow $ vcat $ e: listAllInfos fn i) Right _ -> Left (tab "!Failed" "failed to catch error", Failed) where showGE fname ge = "------------ desugared source code": intersperse "" (map pShow desug) ++ "------------ core code": intersperse "" [ DAnn (text n) (DResetFreshNames $ pShow t) <$$> DLet "=" (text n) (DResetFreshNames $ mkDoc (False, True) e) | (n, (e, t, RangeSI r)) <- Map.toList ge, rangeFile r == fname] ++ listAllInfos' (Just fname) i tab msg | isWip fn && cfgReject = const msg | otherwise = ((msg ++ "\n") ++) . unlines . map (" " ++) . lines compareResult msg ef e = doesFileExist ef >>= \b -> case b of False | cfgReject -> return ("!Missing .out file", Rejected) | otherwise -> writeFile ef e >> return ("New .out file", NewRes) True -> do e' <- lines <$> readFileStrict ef let d = diff e' $ lines e case d of _ | all (\case Both{} -> True; _ -> False) d -> return ("OK", Passed) rs -> do mapM_ putStrLn $ printOldNew msg d putStrLn $ ef ++ " has changed." if cfgReject then return ("!Different .out file", Rejected) else do putStr $ "Accept new " ++ msg ++ " (y/n)? " c <- getYNChar if c then writeFile ef e >> return ("Accepted .out file", Accepted) else return ("!Rejected .out file", Rejected) printOldNew :: String -> [Item String] -> [String] printOldNew msg d = (msg ++ " has changed.") : ff [] 0 d where ff acc n (x@(Both a b): ds) = [a' | n < 5] ++ ff (a':acc) (n+1) ds where a' = " " ++ a ff acc n (Old a: ds) = g acc n ++ (show (onred "< ") ++ a): ff [] 0 ds ff acc n (New b: ds) = g acc n ++ (show (ongreen "> ") ++ b): ff [] 0 ds ff _ _ [] = [] g acc n | n < 5 = [] g acc n | n > 10 = "___________": reverse (take 5 acc) g acc n = reverse (take (n-5) acc) pad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' ' limit :: String -> Int -> String -> String limit msg n s = take n s ++ if null (drop n s) then "" else msg