main is not found ------------ desugared source code data Data0 :: Type where Data0 :: Data0 data Data1 (_ :: Type) (_ :: Type) (_ :: Type) :: Type where Data1 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data1 a b c data Data2 :: Type where Data21 :: Int -> Data2 Data22 :: Int -> Int -> Data2 Data23 :: Int -> Data2 Data24 :: Data2 x = _lhs x \(a :: _) -> case'Data2 (\(_ :: _) -> _) (\(_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) (\(b :: _) (_ :: _) -> _rhs b) (\(c :: _) -> _rhs c) (_rhs undefined) a y = _lhs y \(a :: _) -> case'Data2 (\(_ :: _) -> _) (\(_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) (\(_ :: _) (b :: _) -> _rhs b) (\(_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) (_rhs undefined) a data Data5 (_ :: Type) (_ :: Type) (_ :: Type) :: Type where Data51 :: forall a b c . a -> Data5 a b c Data52 :: forall d e f . d -> e -> f -> Data5 d e f Data53 :: forall g h i . Int -> g -> Float -> h -> i -> Data5 g h i a5 = _lhs a5 \(a :: _) -> case'Data5 (\(_ :: _) -> _) (\(b :: _) -> _rhs b) (\(c :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) -> _rhs c) (\(_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) a b5 = _lhs b5 \(a :: _) -> case'Data5 (\(_ :: _) -> _) (\(_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) (\(_ :: _) (b :: _) (_ :: _) -> _rhs b) (\(_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) a c5 = _lhs c5 \(a :: _) -> case'Data5 (\(_ :: _) -> _) (\(_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) (\(_ :: _) (_ :: _) (b :: _) -> _rhs b) (\(_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) (_ :: _) -> _rhs undefined) a ------------ core code 'Data0 :: Type 'Data0 = <> 'Data1 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type 'Data1 = <> 'Data2 :: Type 'Data2 = <> 'Data5 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type 'Data5 = <> Data0 :: Data0 Data0 = <<0th constructor of 'Data0>> Data1 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data1 a b c Data1 = <<0th constructor of 'Data1>> Data21 :: Int -> Data2 Data21 = <<0th constructor of 'Data2>> Data22 :: Int -> Int -> Data2 Data22 = <<1st constructor of 'Data2>> Data23 :: Int -> Data2 Data23 = <<2nd constructor of 'Data2>> Data24 :: Data2 Data24 = <<3rd constructor of 'Data2>> Data51 :: forall a b c . a -> Data5 a b c Data51 = <<0th constructor of 'Data5>> Data52 :: forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c Data52 = <<1st constructor of 'Data5>> Data53 :: forall a b c . Int -> a -> Float -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c Data53 = <<2nd constructor of 'Data5>> a5 :: forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> a a5 = \a b c d -> case'Data5 (\_ -> a) (\e -> _rhs e) (\f _ _ -> _rhs f) (\_ _ _ _ _ -> _rhs (undefined a)) d b5 :: forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> b b5 = \a b c d -> case'Data5 (\_ -> b) (\_ -> _rhs (undefined b)) (\_ e _ -> _rhs e) (\_ _ _ _ _ -> _rhs (undefined b)) d c5 :: forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> c c5 = \a b c d -> case'Data5 (\_ -> c) (\_ -> _rhs (undefined c)) (\_ _ e -> _rhs e) (\_ _ _ _ _ -> _rhs (undefined c)) d case'Data0 :: forall (a :: Data0 -> Type) -> a 'Data0 -> forall (b :: Data0) -> a b case'Data0 = \a b c -> <> case'Data1 :: forall a b c . forall (d :: Data1 a b c -> Type) -> (forall (e :: a) (f :: b) (g :: c) -> d ('Data1 e f g)) -> forall (h :: Data1 a b c) -> d h case'Data1 = \_ _ _ a b c -> <> case'Data2 :: forall (a :: Data2 -> Type) -> (forall (b :: Int) -> a ('Data21 b)) -> (forall (c :: Int) (d :: Int) -> a ('Data22 c d)) -> (forall (e :: Int) -> a ('Data23 e)) -> a 'Data24 -> forall (f :: Data2) -> a f case'Data2 = \a b c d e f -> <> case'Data5 :: forall a b c . forall (d :: Data5 a b c -> Type) -> (forall (e :: a) -> d ('Data51 e)) -> (forall (f :: a) (g :: b) (h :: c) -> d ('Data52 f g h)) -> (forall (i :: Int) (j :: a) (k :: Float) (l :: b) (m :: c) -> d ('Data53 i j k l m)) -> forall (n :: Data5 a b c) -> d n case'Data5 = \_ _ _ a b c d e -> <> match'Data0 :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) -> a Data0 -> forall b -> a b -> a b match'Data0 = \a b c d -> <> match'Data1 :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) -> (forall b c d -> a (Data1 b c d)) -> forall e -> a e -> a e match'Data1 = \a b c d -> <> match'Data2 :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) -> a Data2 -> forall b -> a b -> a b match'Data2 = \a b c d -> <> match'Data5 :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) -> (forall b c d -> a (Data5 b c d)) -> forall e -> a e -> a e match'Data5 = \a b c d -> <> x :: Data2 -> Int x = \a -> case'Data2 (\_ -> 'Int) (\_ -> _rhs (undefined 'Int)) (\b _ -> _rhs b) (\c -> _rhs c) (_rhs (undefined 'Int)) a y :: Data2 -> Int y = \a -> case'Data2 (\_ -> 'Int) (\_ -> _rhs (undefined 'Int)) (\_ b -> _rhs b) (\_ -> _rhs (undefined 'Int)) (_rhs (undefined 'Int)) a ------------ tooltips 1:6-1:11 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 1:6-1:19 Type 1:14-1:19 Data0 3:6-3:11 Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type 3:6-3:13 Type -> Type -> Type 3:6-3:15 Type -> Type 3:6-3:17 Type | Type 3:6-3:25 Type | Type | Type | Type 3:6-3:31 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 3:12-3:13 Type 3:14-3:15 Type 3:16-3:17 Type 3:20-3:25 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data1 a b c | Data1 _g _f _e | Type | Type | Type | Type 3:26-3:27 Type 3:28-3:29 Type 3:30-3:31 Type 5:6-5:11 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 5:6-6:39 Type 5:6-8:20 Type | Type | Type | Type 5:14-5:20 Int -> Data2 | Data2 | Type | Type 5:21-5:24 Type 6:14-6:20 Int -> Int -> Data2 | Data2 | Type | Type | Type 6:23-6:24 Data2 -> Int 6:28-6:31 Type 6:33-6:34 Data2 -> Int 6:36-6:39 Type 7:14-7:20 Int -> Data2 | Data2 | Type | Type 7:28-7:31 Type 8:14-8:20 Data2 10:6-10:11 Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type -> Type | Type 10:6-10:14 Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type | Type -> Type -> Type 10:6-10:17 Type -> Type | Type -> Type | Type -> Type 10:6-10:20 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 10:6-10:38 Type | Type | Type 10:6-11:54 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 10:6-12:29 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 10:6-12:48 Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 10:12-10:14 Type | Type | Type 10:15-10:17 Type | Type | Type 10:18-10:20 Type | Type | Type 10:23-10:29 forall a b c . a -> Data5 a b c | Data5 _e _d _c | Type | Type 10:32-10:34 forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> a 10:36-10:38 Type 11:23-11:29 forall a b c . a -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c | Data5 _h _g _f | Type | Type | Type | Type 11:36-11:38 Type 11:40-11:42 forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> b 11:44-11:46 Type 11:48-11:50 forall a b c . Data5 a b c -> c 11:52-11:54 Type 12:23-12:29 forall a b c . Int -> a -> Float -> b -> c -> Data5 a b c | Data5 _k _j _i | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type | Type 12:30-12:33 Type 12:34-12:36 Type 12:37-12:42 Type 12:43-12:45 Type 12:46-12:48 Type ------------ warnings Uncovered pattern(s) at ./testdata/ | Data22 { x :: Int, y::Int } ^ Missing case(s): x (Data21 _) x Data24 Uncovered pattern(s) at ./testdata/ | Data22 { x :: Int, y::Int } ^ Missing case(s): y (Data21 _) y (Data23 _) y Data24 Uncovered pattern(s) at ./testdata/ data Data5 a5 b5 c5 = Data51 { a5::a5} ^^ Missing case(s): a5 (Data53 _ _ _ _ _) Uncovered pattern(s) at ./testdata/ | Data52 { a5::a5, b5::b5, c5::c5 } ^^ Missing case(s): b5 (Data51 _) b5 (Data53 _ _ _ _ _) Uncovered pattern(s) at ./testdata/ | Data52 { a5::a5, b5::b5, c5::c5 } ^^ Missing case(s): c5 (Data51 _) c5 (Data53 _ _ _ _ _)