-- Tests: -- 1. Pipeline targeting a render texture (TextureOut), instead of a Screenout. -- 2. Integer color components for the output type FB = FrameBuffer 1 '[ 'Color (Vec 4 Int)] scene :: String -> FB -> FB scene name prevFB = Accumulate ((ColorOp NoBlending (one :: Vec 4 Bool))) (mapFragments (\(uv, rgba) -> ((rgba))) $ rasterizePrimitives (TriangleCtx CullFront PolygonFill NoOffset LastVertex) (Flat, Flat) $ mapPrimitives (\(pos, color, id)-> ( (Uniform "viewProj" :: Mat 4 4 Float) *. (V4 pos%x pos%y 0 1) , V2 0.0 0.0 , V4 0 0 0 id)) $ fetch name ( Attribute "position" :: Vec 3 Float , Attribute "color" :: Vec 4 Float , Attribute "id" :: Int)) prevFB main :: Output main = TextureOut (V2 800 600) $ scene "objects" $ FrameBuffer ((colorImage1 (V4 0 0 0 0)))