already defined Value at testdata/language-features/adt/ Value :: a -> forall m . M2 a m ^^^^^ and at testdata/language-features/adt/ Value :: a -> forall m . M a m ^^^^^ ------------ trace 'M :: Type -> String -> Type Value :: forall a . a -> forall (b :: String) . M a b 'MCase :: forall (a :: forall b (c :: String) -> M b c -> Type) -> (forall d . forall (e :: d) -> forall (f :: String) . a d f ('Value d e f)) -> forall g (h :: String) . forall (i :: M g h) -> a g h i match'M :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) -> (forall b (c :: String) -> a (M b c)) -> forall d -> a d -> a d 'M2 :: Type -> String -> Type Value :: forall a . a -> forall (b :: String) . M2 a b !already defined Value at testdata/language-features/adt/ Value :: a -> forall m . M2 a m ^^^^^ and at testdata/language-features/adt/ Value :: a -> forall m . M a m ^^^^^ ------------ tooltips testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-2:7 Type -> String -> Type | Type -> String -> Type | Type | Type | Type -> String -> Type | Type | Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:6-3:33 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:11-2:15 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:19-2:25 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:19-2:33 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 2:29-2:33 Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:8 forall a . a -> forall (b :: String) . M a b | M _c _a testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:3-3:33 Type | Type | Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:12-3:13 _b testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:12-3:33 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:17-3:33 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:29 Type -> String -> Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:31 String -> Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:28-3:33 Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:30-3:31 Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:30-3:33 M _c _a -> Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 3:32-3:33 _b | String testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:6-5:8 Type -> String -> Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:12-5:16 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:20-5:26 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:20-5:34 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 5:30-5:34 Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:12-6:13 _b testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:12-6:34 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:17-6:34 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:30 Type -> String -> Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:32 String -> Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:28-6:34 Type | Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:31-6:32 Type testdata/language-features/adt/ 6:33-6:34 _b