type error: can not unify 'HList V1 with 'Image 1 (Color ('VecScalar 1 'Float)) in testdata/nameclash01.reject.lc:2:48: let FrameBuffer = FrameBuffer (colorImage1 1.0) ^^^ ------------ trace !type error: can not unify 'HList V1 with 'Image 1 (Color ('VecScalar 1 'Float)) in testdata/nameclash01.reject.lc:2:48 ------------ tooltips testdata/nameclash01.reject.lc 2:23-2:34 {a : List Type} -> {b : 'sameLayerCounts a} -> HList a -> FrameBuffer (ImageLC ('head Type a)) ('map Type ImageSemantics ImageSem a) testdata/nameclash01.reject.lc 2:36-2:47 {a:Nat} -> {b} -> {c} -> {d : Num b} -> {e : c ~ VecScalar a b} -> c -> Image 1 ('Color c) testdata/nameclash01.reject.lc 2:36-2:51 Image 1 ('Color (VecScalar 1 Float)) testdata/nameclash01.reject.lc 2:48-2:51 Float