module Stunts.Main (id,(***)) where import A(a,b) import A.B data Bool = True | False data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a main :: Screen main = screen (A q w e (Just t n1)) a B (a B (q)) fun a@(B a@(C c)) = let q = a where a = c () p = A c r = case a (A c a) q of _ -> () _ -> () in (a,c) author = { name: "Phil" , interests: ["Functional Programming", "JavaScript"] } lambdaFun = \_ a b (Just _) _ -> a () r = case (a (A c a) q) of _ -> if c :: Bool then () else () _ -> () (*) :: Screen one :: Int one = n1 :: Int infix 5 ... ($) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b ($) f x = f x foldStream :: forall l e m. (Stream l, Monoid m) => (e -> m) -> l -> m showPerson :: forall r. { first :: String, last :: String | r} -> String type Entry = { firstName :: String, lastName :: String, phone :: String } getPhone :: Entry -> String --TODO: {- getPhone e = setX :: Number -> Point -> Point setX val point = point { x = val } -} type PhoneBook = List Entry class Functor f where (<$>) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b instance Functor State where (<$>) f a = a class Foldable f where foldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b foldl :: forall a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> f a -> b foldMap :: forall a m. (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> f a -> m class Partial a head :: forall a. (Partial a) => [a] -> a class (Monoid m) => Action m where act :: m -> a -> a {- - add the remained syntax parts - write an example using lambdacube operations, e.g. self containing rotating cube (CPU + GPU + Data, only with time input nothing else) HINT: feedback between frames is out of scope at first, because it requires FRP features -}