{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Options.Applicative import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import System.FilePath import Data.Version import Paths_lambdacube_compiler (version) import LambdaCube.Compiler data Config = Config { srcName :: String , backend :: Backend , includePaths :: [FilePath] , pretty :: Bool , output :: Maybe String } sample :: Parser Config sample = Config <$> argument str (metavar "SOURCE_FILE") <*> flag OpenGL33 WebGL1 (long "webgl" <> help "generate WebGL 1.0 pipeline" ) <*> pure ["."] <*> switch (long "pretty" <> help "pretty prints pipeline") <*> optional (strOption (long "output" <> short 'o' <> metavar "FILENAME" <> help "output file name")) main :: IO () main = compile =<< execParser opts where opts = info (helper <*> sample) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "compiles LambdaCube graphics pipeline source to JSON IR" <> header ("LambdaCube 3D compiler " ++ showVersion version)) compile :: Config -> IO () compile cfg@Config{..} = do let ext = takeExtension srcName baseName | ext == ".lc" = dropExtension srcName | otherwise = srcName withOutName n = maybe n id output case ext of ".json" | pretty -> prettyPrint cfg _ -> do pplRes <- compileMain includePaths backend baseName case pplRes of Left err -> fail err Right ppl -> case pretty of False -> B.writeFile (withOutName $ baseName <> ".json") $ encode ppl True -> writeFile (withOutName $ baseName <> ".ppl") $ prettyShowUnlines ppl prettyPrint :: Config -> IO () prettyPrint Config{..} = do let baseName = dropExtension srcName withOutName n = maybe n id output json <- B.readFile srcName case eitherDecode json :: Either String Pipeline of Left err -> putStrLn err Right ppl -> writeFile (withOutName $ baseName <> ".ppl") $ prettyShowUnlines ppl