# lambdacube-gl This is the Haskell OpenGL backend for LambdaCube. It depends on the [lambdacube-ir](https://github.com/lambdacube3d/lambdacube-ir) package. ## Building instructions Probably the easiest way to build this project is using [stack](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/master/doc/install_and_upgrade.md). 1. Clone the [lambdacube-ir](https://github.com/lambdacube3d/lambdacube-ir) and [lambdacube-gl](https://github.com/lambdacube3d/lambdacube-gl) repositories under a common root (from now on `$LC_ROOT`). If you want to run the hello world example, clone [lambdacube-compiler](https://github.com/lambdacube3d/lambdacube-compiler) as well. 2. If you are a Windows user, you must enable symlink support for `lambdacube-ir`. Start your Git shell as an administrator and run the following commands: ``` git config core.symlinks true git reset --hard HEAD ``` 3. If you just want to build this package, simply execute `stack build` in `$LC_ROOT/lambdacube-gl`. If you want to run the hello world example, continue with the steps below 4. Set up a local stack config in `$LC_ROOT`: 1. Execute `stack init --resolver lts-4.1` to generate `stack.yaml`. 2. Copy the `extra-deps` section from the stack config of `lambdacube-compiler` into the above file. The resulting file should look something like this (plus auto-generated comments): ``` resolver: lts-4.1 packages: - lambdacube-ir\lambdacube-ir.haskell\ - lambdacube-gl\ - lambdacube-compiler\ extra-deps: - indentation- - pretty-compact-1.0 flags: {} extra-package-dbs: [] ``` 5. Execute `stack install GLFW-b` in `$LC_ROOT`. 6. Copy `lambdacube-gl/examples` into `$LC_ROOT/examples` (so it's not part of the `lambdacube-gl` local stack, which doesn't see `lambdacube-compiler`). 7. Copy `lambdacube-compiler/testdata/accept/{Prelude|Builtins|Internals}.lc` into `$LC_ROOT/examples` (sadly we don't have a standard way to handle these dependencies yet). 8. In `$LC_ROOT/examples` execute `stack ghc -- --make Hello`. 9. Run the resulting executable and enjoy the view.