{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, MonadComprehensions, RecordWildCards, LambdaCase, FlexibleContexts #-} module LambdaCube.GL.Backend where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Coerce import Data.Maybe import Data.Bits import Data.IORef import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.Maybe (isNothing,fromJust) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Vector (Vector,(!),(//)) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import Graphics.GL.Core33 import Foreign import Foreign.C.String -- LC IR imports import LambdaCube.PipelineSchema import LambdaCube.Linear import LambdaCube.IR hiding (streamType) import qualified LambdaCube.IR as IR import LambdaCube.GL.Input.Type import LambdaCube.GL.Type import LambdaCube.GL.Util import LambdaCube.GL.Data import LambdaCube.GL.Input setupRasterContext :: RasterContext -> IO () setupRasterContext = cvt where cff :: FrontFace -> GLenum cff CCW = GL_CCW cff CW = GL_CW setProvokingVertex :: ProvokingVertex -> IO () setProvokingVertex pv = glProvokingVertex $ case pv of FirstVertex -> GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION LastVertex -> GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION setPointSize :: PointSize -> IO () setPointSize ps = case ps of ProgramPointSize -> glEnable GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE PointSize s -> do glDisable GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE glPointSize $ realToFrac s cvt :: RasterContext -> IO () cvt (PointCtx ps fts sc) = do setPointSize ps glPointParameterf GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE (realToFrac fts) glPointParameterf GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN $ realToFrac $ case sc of LowerLeft -> GL_LOWER_LEFT UpperLeft -> GL_UPPER_LEFT cvt (LineCtx lw pv) = do glLineWidth (realToFrac lw) setProvokingVertex pv cvt (TriangleCtx cm pm po pv) = do -- cull mode case cm of CullNone -> glDisable GL_CULL_FACE CullFront f -> do glEnable GL_CULL_FACE glCullFace GL_FRONT glFrontFace $ cff f CullBack f -> do glEnable GL_CULL_FACE glCullFace GL_BACK glFrontFace $ cff f -- polygon mode case pm of PolygonPoint ps -> do setPointSize ps glPolygonMode GL_FRONT_AND_BACK GL_POINT PolygonLine lw -> do glLineWidth (realToFrac lw) glPolygonMode GL_FRONT_AND_BACK GL_LINE PolygonFill -> glPolygonMode GL_FRONT_AND_BACK GL_FILL -- polygon offset glDisable GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT glDisable GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE glDisable GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL case po of NoOffset -> return () Offset f u -> do glPolygonOffset (realToFrac f) (realToFrac u) glEnable $ case pm of PolygonPoint _ -> GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT PolygonLine _ -> GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE PolygonFill -> GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL -- provoking vertex setProvokingVertex pv setupAccumulationContext :: AccumulationContext -> IO () setupAccumulationContext (AccumulationContext n ops) = cvt ops where cvt :: [FragmentOperation] -> IO () cvt (StencilOp a b c : DepthOp f m : xs) = do -- TODO cvtC 0 xs cvt (StencilOp a b c : xs) = do -- TODO cvtC 0 xs cvt (DepthOp df dm : xs) = do -- TODO glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST case df == Always && dm == False of True -> glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST False -> do glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST glDepthFunc $! comparisonFunctionToGLType df glDepthMask (cvtBool dm) cvtC 0 xs cvt xs = do glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST cvtC 0 xs cvtC :: Int -> [FragmentOperation] -> IO () cvtC i (ColorOp b m : xs) = do -- TODO case b of NoBlending -> do -- FIXME: requires GL 3.1 --glDisablei GL_BLEND $ fromIntegral GL_DRAW_BUFFER0 + fromIntegral i glDisable GL_BLEND -- workaround glDisable GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP BlendLogicOp op -> do glDisable GL_BLEND glEnable GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP glLogicOp $ logicOperationToGLType op Blend cEq aEq scF dcF saF daF (V4 r g b a) -> do glDisable GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP -- FIXME: requires GL 3.1 --glEnablei GL_BLEND $ fromIntegral GL_DRAW_BUFFER0 + fromIntegral i glEnable GL_BLEND -- workaround glBlendEquationSeparate (blendEquationToGLType cEq) (blendEquationToGLType aEq) glBlendFuncSeparate (blendingFactorToGLType scF) (blendingFactorToGLType dcF) (blendingFactorToGLType saF) (blendingFactorToGLType daF) glBlendColor (realToFrac r) (realToFrac g) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac a) let cvt True = 1 cvt False = 0 (mr,mg,mb,ma) = case m of VBool r -> (cvt r, 1, 1, 1) VV2B (V2 r g) -> (cvt r, cvt g, 1, 1) VV3B (V3 r g b) -> (cvt r, cvt g, cvt b, 1) VV4B (V4 r g b a) -> (cvt r, cvt g, cvt b, cvt a) _ -> (1,1,1,1) glColorMask mr mg mb ma cvtC (i + 1) xs cvtC _ [] = return () cvtBool :: Bool -> GLboolean cvtBool True = 1 cvtBool False = 0 clearRenderTarget :: GLRenderTarget -> [ClearImage] -> IO () clearRenderTarget GLRenderTarget{..} values = do let setClearValue (m,i) value = case value of ClearImage Depth (VFloat v) -> do glDepthMask 1 glClearDepth $ realToFrac v return (m .|. GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, i) ClearImage Stencil (VWord v) -> do glClearStencil $ fromIntegral v return (m .|. GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, i) ClearImage Color c -> do glColorMask 1 1 1 1 if framebufferObject == 0 then clearDefaultFB >> pure (m .|. GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, i+1) else clearFBColorAttachment >> pure (m, i+1) where clearDefaultFB = do let (r,g,b,a) = case c of VFloat r -> (realToFrac r, 0, 0, 1) VV2F (V2 r g) -> (realToFrac r, realToFrac g, 0, 1) VV3F (V3 r g b) -> (realToFrac r, realToFrac g, realToFrac b, 1) VV4F (V4 r g b a) -> (realToFrac r, realToFrac g, realToFrac b, realToFrac a) _ -> (0,0,0,1) glClearColor r g b a clearFBColorAttachment = do let buf = GL_COLOR case c of -- there must be some clever way to extract the generality here, I'm sure.. VFloat r -> with (V4 r 0 0 1) $ glClearBufferfv buf i . castPtr VV2F (V2 r g) -> with (V4 r g 0 1) $ glClearBufferfv buf i . castPtr VV3F (V3 r g b) -> with (V4 r g b 1) $ glClearBufferfv buf i . castPtr VV4F (V4 r g b a) -> with (V4 r g b a) $ glClearBufferfv buf i . castPtr VInt r -> with (V4 r 0 0 1) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VV2I (V2 r g) -> with (V4 r g 0 1) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VV3I (V3 r g b) -> with (V4 r g b 1) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VV4I (V4 r g b a) -> with (V4 r g b a) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VWord r -> with (V4 r 0 0 1) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VV2U (V2 r g) -> with (V4 r g 0 1) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VV3U (V3 r g b) -> with (V4 r g b 1) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr VV4U (V4 r g b a) -> with (V4 r g b a) $ glClearBufferiv buf i . castPtr _ -> error $ "internal error: unsupported color attachment format: " ++ show c _ -> error "internal error (clearRenderTarget)" (mask,_) <- foldM setClearValue (0,0) values glClear $ fromIntegral mask printGLStatus :: IO () printGLStatus = checkGL >>= print printFBOStatus :: IO () printFBOStatus = checkFBO >>= print compileProgram :: Program -> IO GLProgram compileProgram p = do po <- glCreateProgram --putStrLn $ "compile program: " ++ show po let createAndAttach src t = do o <- glCreateShader t compileShader o [src] glAttachShader po o --putStr " + compile shader source: " >> printGLStatus return o objs <- sequence $ createAndAttach (vertexShader p) GL_VERTEX_SHADER : createAndAttach (fragmentShader p) GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER : case geometryShader p of Nothing -> [] Just s -> [createAndAttach s GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER] forM_ (zip (V.toList $ programOutput p) [0..]) $ \(Parameter n t,i) -> withCString n $ \pn -> do --putStrLn ("variable " ++ show n ++ " attached to color number #" ++ show i) glBindFragDataLocation po i $ castPtr pn --putStr " + setup shader output mapping: " >> printGLStatus glLinkProgram po log <- printProgramLog po -- check link status status <- glGetProgramiv1 GL_LINK_STATUS po when (status /= fromIntegral GL_TRUE) $ fail $ unlines ["link program failed:",log] -- check program input (uniforms,uniformsType) <- queryUniforms po (attributes,attributesType) <- do (as,ts) <- queryStreams po let builtins = Map.singleton "gl_VertexID" () -- Avoid checking automatic inputs. return (as Map.\\ builtins, ts Map.\\ builtins) --print uniforms --print attributes let lcUniforms = (programUniforms p) `Map.union` (programInTextures p) lcStreams = fmap ty (programStreams p) check a m = and $ map go $ Map.toList m where go (k,b) = case Map.lookup k a of Nothing -> False Just x -> x == b unless (check lcUniforms uniformsType) $ fail $ unlines [ "shader program uniform input mismatch!" , "expected: " ++ show lcUniforms , "actual: " ++ show uniformsType ] unless (check lcStreams attributesType) $ fail $ "shader program stream input mismatch! " ++ show (attributesType,lcStreams) -- the public (user) pipeline and program input is encoded by the objectArrays, therefore the programs does not distinct the render and slot textures input let inUniNames = programUniforms p inUniforms = L.filter (\(n,v) -> Map.member n inUniNames) $ Map.toList $ uniforms inTextureNames = programInTextures p inTextures = L.filter (\(n,v) -> Map.member n inTextureNames) $ Map.toList $ uniforms texUnis = [n | (n,_) <- inTextures, Map.member n (programUniforms p)] let prgInTextures = Map.keys inTextureNames uniInTextures = map fst inTextures {- unless (S.fromList prgInTextures == S.fromList uniInTextures) $ fail $ unlines [ "shader program uniform texture input mismatch!" , "expected: " ++ show prgInTextures , "actual: " ++ show uniInTextures , "vertex shader:" , vertexShader p , "geometry shader:" , fromMaybe "" (geometryShader p) , "fragment shader:" , fragmentShader p ] -} --putStrLn $ "uniTrie: " ++ show (Map.keys uniTrie) --putStrLn $ "inUniNames: " ++ show inUniNames --putStrLn $ "inUniforms: " ++ show inUniforms --putStrLn $ "inTextureNames: " ++ show inTextureNames --putStrLn $ "inTextures: " ++ show inTextures --putStrLn $ "texUnis: " ++ show texUnis let valA = Map.toList $ attributes valB = Map.toList $ programStreams p --putStrLn "------------" --print $ Map.toList $ attributes --print $ Map.toList $ programStreams p let lcStreamName = fmap name (programStreams p) return $ GLProgram { shaderObjects = objs , programObject = po , inputUniforms = Map.fromList inUniforms , inputTextures = Map.fromList inTextures , inputTextureUniforms = Set.fromList $ texUnis , inputStreams = Map.fromList [(n,(idx, attrName)) | (n,idx) <- Map.toList $ attributes, let attrName = fromMaybe (error $ "missing attribute: " ++ n) $ Map.lookup n lcStreamName] } renderTargetOutputs :: Vector GLTexture -> RenderTarget -> GLRenderTarget -> [GLOutput] renderTargetOutputs glTexs (RenderTarget targetItems) (GLRenderTarget fbo bufs) = let isFB (Framebuffer _) = True isFB _ = False images = [img | TargetItem _ (Just img) <- V.toList targetItems] in case all isFB images of True -> fromMaybe [] $ (GLOutputDrawBuffer fbo <$>) <$> bufs False -> (\(TextureImage texIdx _ _)-> GLOutputRenderTexture fbo $ glTexs ! texIdx) <$> images compileRenderTarget :: Vector TextureDescriptor -> Vector GLTexture -> RenderTarget -> IO GLRenderTarget compileRenderTarget texs glTexs (RenderTarget targets) = do let isFB (Framebuffer _) = True isFB _ = False images = [img | TargetItem _ (Just img) <- V.toList targets] case all isFB images of True -> do let bufs = [cvt img | TargetItem Color img <- V.toList targets] cvt a = case a of Nothing -> GL_NONE Just (Framebuffer Color) -> GL_BACK_LEFT -- GTK compatibility: this tentative value -- may be changed to GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 later. We -- avoid doing it now to allow for 'allocRenderer' to -- be called from GTK's "realize" signal before the -- actual frame buffer target is known. _ -> error "internal error (compileRenderTarget)!" return $ GLRenderTarget { framebufferObject = 0 , framebufferDrawbuffers = Just bufs } False -> do when (any isFB images) $ fail "internal error (compileRenderTarget)!" fbo <- alloca $! \pbo -> glGenFramebuffers 1 pbo >> peek pbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo {- void glFramebufferTexture1D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); GL_TEXTURE_1D void glFramebufferTexture2D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE void glFramebufferTextureLayer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); void glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); void glFramebufferTexture(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level); -} let attach attachment (TextureImage texIdx level (Just layer)) = glFramebufferTextureLayer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER attachment (glTextureTarget $ glTexs ! texIdx) (fromIntegral level) (fromIntegral layer) attach attachment (TextureImage texIdx level Nothing) = do let glTex = glTexs ! texIdx tex = texs ! texIdx txLevel = fromIntegral level txTarget = glTextureTarget glTex txObj = glTextureObject glTex attachArray = glFramebufferTexture GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER attachment txObj txLevel attach2D = glFramebufferTexture2D GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER attachment txTarget txObj txLevel case textureType tex of Texture1D _ n | n > 1 -> attachArray | otherwise -> glFramebufferTexture1D GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER attachment txTarget txObj txLevel Texture2D _ n | n > 1 -> attachArray | otherwise -> attach2D Texture3D _ -> attachArray TextureCube _ -> attachArray TextureRect _ -> attach2D Texture2DMS _ n _ _ | n > 1 -> attachArray | otherwise -> attach2D TextureBuffer _ -> fail "internalError (compileRenderTarget/TextureBuffer)!" go a (TargetItem Stencil (Just img)) = do fail "Stencil support is not implemented yet!" return a go a (TargetItem Depth (Just img)) = do attach GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT img return a go (bufs,colorIdx) (TargetItem Color (Just img)) = do let attachment = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + fromIntegral colorIdx attach attachment img return (attachment : bufs, colorIdx + 1) go (bufs,colorIdx) (TargetItem Color Nothing) = return (GL_NONE : bufs, colorIdx + 1) go a _ = return a (bufs,_) <- foldM go ([],0) targets withArray (reverse bufs) $ glDrawBuffers (fromIntegral $ length bufs) return $ GLRenderTarget { framebufferObject = fbo , framebufferDrawbuffers = Nothing } compileStreamData :: StreamData -> IO GLStream compileStreamData s = do let withV w a f = w a (\p -> f $ castPtr p) let compileAttr (VFloatArray v) = Array ArrFloat (V.length v) (withV (SV.unsafeWith . V.convert) v) compileAttr (VIntArray v) = Array ArrInt32 (V.length v) (withV (SV.unsafeWith . V.convert) v) compileAttr (VWordArray v) = Array ArrWord32 (V.length v) (withV (SV.unsafeWith . V.convert) v) --TODO: compileAttr (VBoolArray v) = Array ArrWord32 (length v) (withV withArray v) (indexMap,arrays) = unzip [((n,i),compileAttr d) | (i,(n,d)) <- zip [0..] $ Map.toList $ streamData s] getLength n = l `div` c where l = case Map.lookup n $ IR.streamData s of Just (VFloatArray v) -> V.length v Just (VIntArray v) -> V.length v Just (VWordArray v) -> V.length v _ -> error "compileStreamData - getLength" c = case Map.lookup n $ IR.streamType s of Just Bool -> 1 Just V2B -> 2 Just V3B -> 3 Just V4B -> 4 Just Word -> 1 Just V2U -> 2 Just V3U -> 3 Just V4U -> 4 Just Int -> 1 Just V2I -> 2 Just V3I -> 3 Just V4I -> 4 Just Float -> 1 Just V2F -> 2 Just V3F -> 3 Just V4F -> 4 Just M22F -> 4 Just M23F -> 6 Just M24F -> 8 Just M32F -> 6 Just M33F -> 9 Just M34F -> 12 Just M42F -> 8 Just M43F -> 12 Just M44F -> 16 _ -> error "compileStreamData - getLength element count" buffer <- compileBuffer arrays cmdRef <- newIORef [] let toStream (n,i) = (n,Stream { streamType = fromMaybe (error $ "missing attribute: " ++ n) $ toStreamType =<< Map.lookup n (IR.streamType s) , streamBuffer = buffer , streamArrIdx = i , streamStart = 0 , streamLength = getLength n }) return $ GLStream { glStreamCommands = cmdRef , glStreamPrimitive = case streamPrimitive s of Points -> PointList Lines -> LineList Triangles -> TriangleList LinesAdjacency -> LineListAdjacency TrianglesAdjacency -> TriangleListAdjacency , glStreamAttributes = Map.fromList $ map toStream indexMap , glStreamProgram = V.head $ streamPrograms s } createStreamCommands :: Map String (IORef GLint) -> Map String GLUniform -> Map String (Stream Buffer) -> Primitive -> GLProgram -> [GLObjectCommand] createStreamCommands texUnitMap topUnis attrs primitive prg = streamUniCmds ++ streamCmds ++ [drawCmd] where -- object draw command drawCmd = GLDrawArrays prim 0 (fromIntegral count) where prim = primitiveToGLType primitive count = head [c | Stream _ _ _ _ c <- Map.elems attrs] -- object uniform commands -- texture slot setup commands streamUniCmds = uniCmds ++ texCmds where uniCmds = [GLSetUniform i u | (n,i) <- uniMap, let u = topUni n] uniMap = Map.toList $ inputUniforms prg topUni n = Map.findWithDefault (error "internal error (createStreamCommands)!") n topUnis texUnis = Set.toList $ inputTextureUniforms prg texCmds = [ GLBindTexture (inputTypeToTextureTarget $ uniInputType u) texUnit u | n <- texUnis , let u = topUni n , let texUnit = Map.findWithDefault (error "internal error (createStreamCommands - Texture Unit)") n texUnitMap ] uniInputType (GLTypedUniform ty _) = unwitnessType ty uniInputType (GLUniform r) = objectType r -- object attribute stream commands streamCmds = [attrCmd i s | (i,name) <- Map.elems attrMap, let s = fromMaybe (error $ "missing attribute: " ++ name) $ Map.lookup name attrs] where attrMap = inputStreams prg attrCmd i s = case s of Stream ty (Buffer arrs bo) arrIdx start len -> case ty of Attribute_Word -> setIntAttrib 1 Attribute_V2U -> setIntAttrib 2 Attribute_V3U -> setIntAttrib 3 Attribute_V4U -> setIntAttrib 4 Attribute_Int -> setIntAttrib 1 Attribute_V2I -> setIntAttrib 2 Attribute_V3I -> setIntAttrib 3 Attribute_V4I -> setIntAttrib 4 Attribute_Float -> setFloatAttrib 1 Attribute_V2F -> setFloatAttrib 2 Attribute_V3F -> setFloatAttrib 3 Attribute_V4F -> setFloatAttrib 4 Attribute_M22F -> setFloatAttrib 4 Attribute_M23F -> setFloatAttrib 6 Attribute_M24F -> setFloatAttrib 8 Attribute_M32F -> setFloatAttrib 6 Attribute_M33F -> setFloatAttrib 9 Attribute_M34F -> setFloatAttrib 12 Attribute_M42F -> setFloatAttrib 8 Attribute_M43F -> setFloatAttrib 12 Attribute_M44F -> setFloatAttrib 16 where setFloatAttrib n = GLSetVertexAttribArray i bo n glType (ptr n) setIntAttrib n = GLSetVertexAttribIArray i bo n glType (ptr n) ArrayDesc arrType arrLen arrOffs arrSize = arrs ! arrIdx glType = arrayTypeToGLType arrType ptr compCnt = intPtrToPtr $! fromIntegral (arrOffs + start * fromIntegral compCnt * sizeOfArrayType arrType) -- constant generic attribute constAttr -> GLSetVertexAttrib i constAttr outputIsRenderTexture :: GLOutput -> Bool outputIsRenderTexture GLOutputRenderTexture{..} = True outputIsRenderTexture _ = False allocRenderer :: Pipeline -> IO GLRenderer allocRenderer p = do smps <- V.mapM compileSampler $ samplers p texs <- V.mapM compileTexture $ textures p let cmds = V.toList $ commands p finalRenderTargetIdx = head [i | SetRenderTarget i <- reverse $ cmds] trgs <- traverse (compileRenderTarget (textures p) texs) $ targets p let finalRenderTarget = targets p ! finalRenderTargetIdx finalGLRenderTarget = trgs ! finalRenderTargetIdx outs = renderTargetOutputs texs finalRenderTarget finalGLRenderTarget prgs <- V.mapM compileProgram $ programs p -- texture unit mapping ioref trie -- texUnitMapRefs :: Map UniformName (IORef TextureUnit) texUnitMapRefs <- Map.fromList <$> mapM (\k -> (k,) <$> newIORef 0) (Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ V.toList $ V.map (Map.keys . programInTextures) $ programs p) let st = execState (mapM_ (compileCommand texUnitMapRefs smps texs trgs prgs) cmds) initCGState input <- newIORef Nothing -- default Vertex Array Object vao <- alloca $! \pvao -> glGenVertexArrays 1 pvao >> peek pvao strs <- V.mapM compileStreamData $ streams p drawContextRef <- newIORef $ error "missing DrawContext" forceSetup <- newIORef True vertexBufferRef <- newIORef 0 indexBufferRef <- newIORef 0 drawCallCounterRef <- newIORef 0 return $ GLRenderer { glPrograms = prgs , glTextures = texs , glSamplers = smps , glTargets = trgs , glCommands = reverse $ drawCommands st , glSlotPrograms = V.map (V.toList . slotPrograms) $ IR.slots p , glInput = input , glOutputs = outs , glSlotNames = V.map slotName $ IR.slots p , glVAO = vao , glTexUnitMapping = texUnitMapRefs , glStreams = strs , glDrawContextRef = drawContextRef , glForceSetup = forceSetup , glVertexBufferRef = vertexBufferRef , glIndexBufferRef = indexBufferRef , glDrawCallCounterRef = drawCallCounterRef } disposeRenderer :: GLRenderer -> IO () disposeRenderer p = do setStorage' p Nothing V.forM_ (glPrograms p) $ \prg -> do glDeleteProgram $ programObject prg mapM_ glDeleteShader $ shaderObjects prg let targets = glTargets p withArray (map framebufferObject $ V.toList targets) $ (glDeleteFramebuffers $ fromIntegral $ V.length targets) let textures = glTextures p withArray (map glTextureObject $ V.toList textures) $ (glDeleteTextures $ fromIntegral $ V.length textures) let samplers = glSamplers p withArray (map glSamplerObject $ V.toList samplers) $ (glDeleteSamplers . fromIntegral . V.length $ glSamplers p) with (glVAO p) $ (glDeleteVertexArrays 1) {- data ObjectArraySchema = ObjectArraySchema { primitive :: FetchPrimitive , attributes :: Trie StreamType } deriving Show data PipelineSchema = PipelineSchema { objectArrays :: Trie ObjectArraySchema , uniforms :: Trie InputType } deriving Show -} isSubTrie :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Map String a -> Map String a -> Bool isSubTrie eqFun universe subset = and [isMember a (Map.lookup n universe) | (n,a) <- Map.toList subset] where isMember a Nothing = False isMember a (Just b) = eqFun a b -- TODO: if there is a mismatch thow detailed error message in the excoeption, containing the missing attributes and uniforms {- let sch = schema input forM_ uniformNames $ \n -> case Map.lookup n (uniforms sch) of Nothing -> throw $ userError $ "Unknown uniform: " ++ show n _ -> return () case Map.lookup slotName (objectArrays sch) of Nothing -> throw $ userError $ "Unknown slot: " ++ show slotName Just (ObjectArraySchema sPrim sAttrs) -> do when (sPrim /= (primitiveToFetchPrimitive prim)) $ throw $ userError $ "Primitive mismatch for slot (" ++ show slotName ++ ") expected " ++ show sPrim ++ " but got " ++ show prim let sType = fmap streamToStreamType attribs when (sType /= sAttrs) $ throw $ userError $ unlines $ [ "Attribute stream mismatch for slot (" ++ show slotName ++ ") expected " , show sAttrs , " but got " , show sType ] -} setStorage :: GLRenderer -> GLStorage -> IO (Maybe String) setStorage p input' = setStorage' p (Just input') setStorage' :: GLRenderer -> Maybe GLStorage -> IO (Maybe String) setStorage' p@GLRenderer{..} input' = do -- TODO: check matching input schema {- case input' of Nothing -> return () Just input -> schemaFromPipeline p -} {- deletion: - remove pipeline's object commands from used objectArrays - remove pipeline from attached pipelines vector -} readIORef glInput >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just InputConnection{..} -> do let slotRefs = slotVector icInput modifyIORef (pipelines icInput) $ \v -> v // [(icId,Nothing)] V.forM_ icSlotMapPipelineToInput $ \slotIdx -> do slot <- readIORef (slotRefs ! slotIdx) forM_ (objectMap slot) $ \obj -> do modifyIORef (objCommands obj) $ \v -> v // [(icId,V.empty)] {- addition: - get an id from pipeline input - add to attached pipelines - generate slot mappings - update used objectArrays, and generate object commands for objects in the related objectArrays -} case input' of Nothing -> writeIORef glInput Nothing >> return Nothing Just input -> do let pipelinesRef = pipelines input oldPipelineV <- readIORef pipelinesRef (idx,shouldExtend) <- case V.findIndex isNothing oldPipelineV of Nothing -> do -- we don't have empty space, hence we double the vector size let len = V.length oldPipelineV modifyIORef pipelinesRef $ \v -> (V.concat [v,V.replicate len Nothing]) // [(len,Just p)] return (len,Just len) Just i -> do modifyIORef pipelinesRef $ \v -> v // [(i,Just p)] return (i,Nothing) -- create input connection let sm = slotMap input pToI = [i | n <- glSlotNames, let i = fromMaybe (error $ "setStorage - missing object array: " ++ n) $ Map.lookup n sm] iToP = V.update (V.replicate (Map.size sm) Nothing) (V.imap (\i v -> (v, Just i)) pToI) writeIORef glInput $ Just $ InputConnection idx input pToI iToP -- generate object commands for related objectArrays {- for each slot in pipeline: map slot name to input slot name for each object: generate command program vector => for each dependent program: generate object commands -} let slotV = slotVector input progV = glPrograms --texUnitMap = glTexUnitMapping p topUnis = uniformSetup input emptyV = V.replicate (V.length progV) [] extend v = case shouldExtend of Nothing -> v Just l -> V.concat [v,V.replicate l V.empty] V.forM_ (V.zip pToI glSlotPrograms) $ \(slotIdx,prgs) -> do slot <- readIORef $ slotV ! slotIdx forM_ (objectMap slot) $ \obj -> do let cmdV = emptyV // [(prgIdx,createObjectCommands glTexUnitMapping topUnis obj (progV ! prgIdx)) | prgIdx <- prgs] modifyIORef (objCommands obj) $ \v -> extend v // [(idx,cmdV)] -- generate stream commands V.forM_ glStreams $ \s -> do writeIORef (glStreamCommands s) $ createStreamCommands glTexUnitMapping topUnis (glStreamAttributes s) (glStreamPrimitive s) (progV ! glStreamProgram s) return Nothing {- track state: - render target - binded textures -} {- render steps: - update uniforms - per uniform setup - buffer setup (one buffer per object, which has per at least one object uniform) - new command: set uniform buffer (binds uniform buffer to program's buffer slot) - render slot steps: - set uniform buffer or set uniforms separately - set vertex and index array - call draw command -} {- storage alternatives: - interleaved / separated - VAO or VBOs -} {- strategy: step 1: generate commands for an object step 2: sort object merge and do optimization by filtering redundant commands -} {- design: runtime eleminiation of redundant buffer bind commands and redundant texture bind commands -} {- track: buffer binding on various targets: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER glEnable/DisableVertexAttribArray -} renderSlot :: IORef Int -> IORef GLuint -> IORef GLuint -> [GLObjectCommand] -> IO () renderSlot glDrawCallCounterRef glVertexBufferRef glIndexBufferRef cmds = forM_ cmds $ \cmd -> do let setup ref v m = do old <- readIORef ref unless (old == v) $ do writeIORef ref v m case cmd of GLSetVertexAttribArray idx buf size typ ptr -> do setup glVertexBufferRef buf $ glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf glEnableVertexAttribArray idx glVertexAttribPointer idx size typ (fromIntegral GL_FALSE) 0 ptr GLSetVertexAttribIArray idx buf size typ ptr -> do setup glVertexBufferRef buf $ glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf glEnableVertexAttribArray idx glVertexAttribIPointer idx size typ 0 ptr GLDrawArrays mode first count -> glDrawArrays mode first count >> modifyIORef glDrawCallCounterRef succ GLDrawElements mode count typ buf indicesPtr -> do setup glIndexBufferRef buf $ glBindBuffer GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER buf glDrawElements mode count typ indicesPtr modifyIORef glDrawCallCounterRef succ GLSetUniform idx (GLTypedUniform ty ref) -> setUniform idx ty (readIORef ref) GLSetUniform idx (GLUniform ref) -> return () -- putStrLn $ "TODO: setUniform FTexture2D" GLBindTexture txTarget tuRef (GLUniform ref) -> do txObj <- objectName <$> readIORef ref do texUnit <- readIORef tuRef glActiveTexture $ GL_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral texUnit glBindTexture txTarget txObj --putStrLn $ "to texture unit " ++ show texUnit ++ " texture object " ++ show txObj GLSetVertexAttrib idx val -> do glDisableVertexAttribArray idx setVertexAttrib idx val --isOk <- checkGL --putStrLn $ isOk ++ " - " ++ show cmd setupRenderTarget :: Maybe GLuint -> IORef (Maybe InputConnection) -> GLRenderTarget -> IO () setupRenderTarget boundfb glInput GLRenderTarget{..} = do -- set target viewport ic' <- readIORef glInput case ic' of Nothing -> return () Just ic -> do let input = icInput ic (w,h) <- readIORef $ screenSize input glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) -- TODO: set FBO target viewport glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER -- GTK compatibility: substitute initially bound framebuffer for default binding. $ maybe id (\def -> \case { 0 -> def ; x -> x }) boundfb framebufferObject case framebufferDrawbuffers of Nothing -> return () Just bl -> withArray -- GTK compatibility: avoid using default-only buffer for a non-default binding. (case boundfb of Nothing -> bl Just _ -> \case { GL_BACK_LEFT -> GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 ; x -> x } `map` bl) $ glDrawBuffers (fromIntegral $ length bl) setupDrawContext :: Maybe GLuint -> IORef Bool -> IORef GLDrawContext -> IORef (Maybe InputConnection) -> GLDrawContext -> IO () setupDrawContext boundfb glForceSetup glDrawContextRef glInput new = do old <- readIORef glDrawContextRef writeIORef glDrawContextRef new force <- readIORef glForceSetup writeIORef glForceSetup False let setup :: Eq a => (GLDrawContext -> a) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () setup f m = case force of True -> m $ f new False -> do let a = f new unless (a == f old) $ m a setup glRenderTarget $ setupRenderTarget boundfb glInput setup glRasterContext $ setupRasterContext setup glAccumulationContext setupAccumulationContext setup glProgram glUseProgram -- setup texture mapping setup glTextureMapping $ mapM_ $ \(textureUnit,GLTexture{..}) -> do glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral textureUnit) glBindTexture glTextureTarget glTextureObject -- setup sampler mapping setup glSamplerMapping $ mapM_ $ \(textureUnit,GLSampler{..}) -> do glBindSampler (GL_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral textureUnit) glSamplerObject -- setup sampler uniform mapping forM_ (glSamplerUniformMapping new) $ \(textureUnit,GLSamplerUniform{..}) -> do glUniform1i glUniformBinding (fromIntegral textureUnit) writeIORef glUniformBindingRef (fromIntegral textureUnit) renderFrame :: GLRenderer -> IO () renderFrame GLRenderer{..} = do writeIORef glForceSetup True writeIORef glVertexBufferRef 0 writeIORef glIndexBufferRef 0 writeIORef glDrawCallCounterRef 0 fb <- do -- For GTK compatibility, we detect the currently bound draw buffer and use it instead of -- the default framebuffer. fbo <- alloca $! \pbo -> glGetIntegerv GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING pbo >> peek pbo return $ case fbo of 0 -> Nothing _ -> Just $ fromIntegral fbo glBindVertexArray glVAO forM_ glCommands $ \cmd -> do case cmd of GLClearRenderTarget rt vals -> do setupRenderTarget fb glInput rt clearRenderTarget rt vals modifyIORef glDrawContextRef $ \ctx -> ctx {glRenderTarget = rt} GLRenderStream ctx streamIdx progIdx -> do setupDrawContext fb glForceSetup glDrawContextRef glInput ctx drawcmd <- readIORef (glStreamCommands $ glStreams ! streamIdx) renderSlot glDrawCallCounterRef glVertexBufferRef glIndexBufferRef drawcmd GLRenderSlot ctx slotIdx progIdx -> do input <- readIORef glInput case input of Nothing -> putStrLn "Warning: No pipeline input!" >> return () Just ic -> do let draw setupDone obj = readIORef (objEnabled obj) >>= \case False -> return setupDone True -> do unless setupDone $ setupDrawContext fb glForceSetup glDrawContextRef glInput ctx drawcmd <- readIORef $ objCommands obj --putStrLn "Render object" renderSlot glDrawCallCounterRef glVertexBufferRef glIndexBufferRef ((drawcmd ! icId ic) ! progIdx) return True --putStrLn $ "Rendering " ++ show (V.length objs) ++ " objects" readIORef (slotVector (icInput ic) ! (icSlotMapPipelineToInput ic ! slotIdx)) >>= \case GLSlot _ objs Ordered -> foldM_ (\a -> draw a . snd) False objs GLSlot objMap _ _ -> foldM_ draw False objMap --isOk <- checkGL --putStrLn $ isOk ++ " - " ++ show cmd --readIORef glDrawCallCounterRef >>= \n -> putStrLn (show n ++ " draw calls") data CGState = CGState { drawCommands :: [GLCommand] -- draw context data , rasterContext :: RasterContext , accumulationContext :: AccumulationContext , renderTarget :: GLRenderTarget , currentProgram :: ProgramName , samplerUniformMapping :: IntMap GLSamplerUniform , textureMapping :: IntMap GLTexture , samplerMapping :: IntMap GLSampler } initCGState :: CGState initCGState = CGState { drawCommands = mempty -- draw context data , rasterContext = error "compileCommand: missing RasterContext" , accumulationContext = error "compileCommand: missing AccumulationContext" , renderTarget = error "compileCommand: missing RenderTarget" , currentProgram = error "compileCommand: missing Program" , samplerUniformMapping = mempty , textureMapping = mempty , samplerMapping = mempty } type CG a = State CGState a emit :: GLCommand -> CG () emit cmd = modify $ \s -> s {drawCommands = cmd : drawCommands s} drawContext :: MonadState CGState m => Vector GLProgram -> m GLDrawContext drawContext programs = do GLProgram{..} <- (programs !) <$> gets currentProgram let f = take (Map.size inputTextures) . IntMap.toList GLDrawContext <$> gets rasterContext <*> gets accumulationContext <*> gets renderTarget <*> pure programObject <*> gets (f . textureMapping) <*> gets (f . samplerMapping) <*> gets (f . samplerUniformMapping) compileCommand :: Map String (IORef GLint) -> Vector GLSampler -> Vector GLTexture -> Vector GLRenderTarget -> Vector GLProgram -> Command -> CG () compileCommand texUnitMap samplers textures targets programs cmd = case cmd of SetRasterContext rCtx -> modify $ \s -> s {rasterContext = rCtx} SetAccumulationContext aCtx -> modify $ \s -> s {accumulationContext = aCtx} SetRenderTarget rt -> modify $ \s -> s {renderTarget = targets ! rt} SetProgram p -> modify $ \s -> s {currentProgram = p} SetSamplerUniform n tu -> do p <- currentProgram <$> get case Map.lookup n (inputTextures $ programs ! p) of Nothing -> return () -- TODO: some drivers does heavy cross stage (vertex/fragment) dead code elimination; fail $ "internal error (SetSamplerUniform)! - " ++ show cmd Just i -> case Map.lookup n texUnitMap of Nothing -> fail $ "internal error (SetSamplerUniform - IORef)! - " ++ show cmd Just r -> modify $ \s -> s {samplerUniformMapping = IntMap.insert tu (GLSamplerUniform i r) $ samplerUniformMapping s} SetTexture tu t -> modify $ \s -> s {textureMapping = IntMap.insert tu (textures ! t) $ textureMapping s} SetSampler tu i -> modify $ \s -> s {samplerMapping = IntMap.insert tu (maybe (GLSampler 0) (samplers !) i) $ samplerMapping s} -- draw commands RenderSlot slot -> do p <- gets currentProgram ctx <- drawContext programs emit $ GLRenderSlot ctx slot p RenderStream stream -> do p <- gets currentProgram ctx <- drawContext programs emit $ GLRenderStream ctx stream p ClearRenderTarget vals -> do rt <- gets renderTarget emit $ GLClearRenderTarget rt $ V.toList vals {- GenerateMipMap tu -> do tb <- textureBinding <$> get case IM.lookup tu tb of Nothing -> fail "internal error (GenerateMipMap)!" Just tex -> return $ GLGenerateMipMap (GL_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral tu) (glTextureTarget tex) -}