-- generated file, do not modify! <<<<<<< d022971b99be214c71429d58f97f85b13e33a426 <<<<<<< 4d40c4ee5ed15544d2ac7fb1ea7b61e89766d277 <<<<<<< c5e063b3c9aeff65161e24445e9672daff980b45 <<<<<<< 3b50722f433ec5ecc515ea1441fd633d85118cb9 -- 2016-03-01T13:00:40.761274000000Z ======= -- 2016-03-20T21:42:12.892571000000Z >>>>>>> working c# backend ======= -- 2016-03-20T22:19:43.498688000000Z >>>>>>> fix c# ======= -- 2016-03-21T11:36:01.075399000000Z >>>>>>> work on java json loader ======= -- 2016-03-21T11:41:52.343859000000Z >>>>>>> improve java json {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-} module LambdaCube.PipelineSchema where import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.Map import Data.Vector (Vector(..)) import LambdaCube.Linear import Data.Text import Data.Aeson hiding (Value,Bool) import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (Value,Bool) import Control.Monad import LambdaCube.IR data StreamType = Attribute_Word | Attribute_V2U | Attribute_V3U | Attribute_V4U | Attribute_Int | Attribute_V2I | Attribute_V3I | Attribute_V4I | Attribute_Float | Attribute_V2F | Attribute_V3F | Attribute_V4F | Attribute_M22F | Attribute_M23F | Attribute_M24F | Attribute_M32F | Attribute_M33F | Attribute_M34F | Attribute_M42F | Attribute_M43F | Attribute_M44F deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data ObjectArraySchema = ObjectArraySchema { primitive :: FetchPrimitive , attributes :: Map String StreamType } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data PipelineSchema = PipelineSchema { objectArrays :: Map String ObjectArraySchema , uniforms :: Map String InputType } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance ToJSON StreamType where toJSON v = case v of Attribute_Word -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_Word" :: Text)] Attribute_V2U -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V2U" :: Text)] Attribute_V3U -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V3U" :: Text)] Attribute_V4U -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V4U" :: Text)] Attribute_Int -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_Int" :: Text)] Attribute_V2I -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V2I" :: Text)] Attribute_V3I -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V3I" :: Text)] Attribute_V4I -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V4I" :: Text)] Attribute_Float -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_Float" :: Text)] Attribute_V2F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V2F" :: Text)] Attribute_V3F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V3F" :: Text)] Attribute_V4F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_V4F" :: Text)] Attribute_M22F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M22F" :: Text)] Attribute_M23F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M23F" :: Text)] Attribute_M24F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M24F" :: Text)] Attribute_M32F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M32F" :: Text)] Attribute_M33F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M33F" :: Text)] Attribute_M34F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M34F" :: Text)] Attribute_M42F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M42F" :: Text)] Attribute_M43F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M43F" :: Text)] Attribute_M44F -> object [ "tag" .= ("Attribute_M44F" :: Text)] instance FromJSON StreamType where parseJSON (Object obj) = do tag <- obj .: "tag" case tag :: Text of "Attribute_Word" -> pure Attribute_Word "Attribute_V2U" -> pure Attribute_V2U "Attribute_V3U" -> pure Attribute_V3U "Attribute_V4U" -> pure Attribute_V4U "Attribute_Int" -> pure Attribute_Int "Attribute_V2I" -> pure Attribute_V2I "Attribute_V3I" -> pure Attribute_V3I "Attribute_V4I" -> pure Attribute_V4I "Attribute_Float" -> pure Attribute_Float "Attribute_V2F" -> pure Attribute_V2F "Attribute_V3F" -> pure Attribute_V3F "Attribute_V4F" -> pure Attribute_V4F "Attribute_M22F" -> pure Attribute_M22F "Attribute_M23F" -> pure Attribute_M23F "Attribute_M24F" -> pure Attribute_M24F "Attribute_M32F" -> pure Attribute_M32F "Attribute_M33F" -> pure Attribute_M33F "Attribute_M34F" -> pure Attribute_M34F "Attribute_M42F" -> pure Attribute_M42F "Attribute_M43F" -> pure Attribute_M43F "Attribute_M44F" -> pure Attribute_M44F parseJSON _ = mzero instance ToJSON ObjectArraySchema where toJSON v = case v of ObjectArraySchema{..} -> object [ "tag" .= ("ObjectArraySchema" :: Text) , "primitive" .= primitive , "attributes" .= attributes ] instance FromJSON ObjectArraySchema where parseJSON (Object obj) = do tag <- obj .: "tag" case tag :: Text of "ObjectArraySchema" -> do primitive <- obj .: "primitive" attributes <- obj .: "attributes" pure $ ObjectArraySchema { primitive = primitive , attributes = attributes } parseJSON _ = mzero instance ToJSON PipelineSchema where toJSON v = case v of PipelineSchema{..} -> object [ "tag" .= ("PipelineSchema" :: Text) , "objectArrays" .= objectArrays , "uniforms" .= uniforms ] instance FromJSON PipelineSchema where parseJSON (Object obj) = do tag <- obj .: "tag" case tag :: Text of "PipelineSchema" -> do objectArrays <- obj .: "objectArrays" uniforms <- obj .: "uniforms" pure $ PipelineSchema { objectArrays = objectArrays , uniforms = uniforms } parseJSON _ = mzero