-- generated file, do not modify! -- 2016-03-21T15:32:17.924228000000Z module LambdaCube.TypeInfo where import Prelude import Data.Generic import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.StrMap (StrMap(..)) import Data.Map (Map(..)) import Data.List (List(..)) import Linear import Data.Argonaut.Combinators ((~>), (:=), (.?)) import Data.Argonaut.Core (jsonEmptyObject) import Data.Argonaut.Printer (printJson) import Data.Argonaut.Encode (EncodeJson, encodeJson) import Data.Argonaut.Decode (DecodeJson, decodeJson) import LambdaCube.IR data Range = Range { startLine :: Int , startColumn :: Int , endLine :: Int , endColumn :: Int } data TypeInfo = TypeInfo { range :: Range , text :: String } data CompileResult = CompileError (Array Range) String (Array TypeInfo) | Compiled String String Pipeline (Array TypeInfo) instance encodeJsonRange :: EncodeJson Range where encodeJson v = case v of Range r -> "tag" := "Range" ~> "startLine" := r.startLine ~> "startColumn" := r.startColumn ~> "endLine" := r.endLine ~> "endColumn" := r.endColumn ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonRange :: DecodeJson Range where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Range" -> do startLine <- obj .? "startLine" startColumn <- obj .? "startColumn" endLine <- obj .? "endLine" endColumn <- obj .? "endColumn" pure $ Range { startLine:startLine , startColumn:startColumn , endLine:endLine , endColumn:endColumn } instance encodeJsonTypeInfo :: EncodeJson TypeInfo where encodeJson v = case v of TypeInfo r -> "tag" := "TypeInfo" ~> "range" := r.range ~> "text" := r.text ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonTypeInfo :: DecodeJson TypeInfo where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "TypeInfo" -> do range <- obj .? "range" text <- obj .? "text" pure $ TypeInfo { range:range , text:text } instance encodeJsonCompileResult :: EncodeJson CompileResult where encodeJson v = case v of CompileError arg0 arg1 arg2 -> "tag" := "CompileError" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> jsonEmptyObject Compiled arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 -> "tag" := "Compiled" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> "arg3" := arg3 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonCompileResult :: DecodeJson CompileResult where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "CompileError" -> CompileError <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" "Compiled" -> Compiled <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" <*> obj .? "arg3"