-- generated file, do not modify! -- 2016-11-15T20:33:22.535345000000Z module LambdaCube.IR where import Prelude import Data.Generic import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.StrMap (StrMap(..)) import Data.Map (Map(..)) import Data.List (List(..)) import LambdaCube.LinearBase import Data.Argonaut.Encode.Combinators ((~>), (:=)) import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Combinators ((.?)) import Data.Argonaut.Core (jsonEmptyObject) import Data.Argonaut.Printer (printJson) import Data.Argonaut.Encode (class EncodeJson, encodeJson) import Data.Argonaut.Decode (class DecodeJson, decodeJson) type StreamName = Int type ProgramName = Int type TextureName = Int type SamplerName = Int type UniformName = String type SlotName = Int type FrameBufferComponent = Int type TextureUnit = Int type RenderTargetName = Int type TextureUnitMapping = StrMap TextureUnit data ArrayValue = VBoolArray (Array Bool) | VIntArray (Array Int32) | VWordArray (Array Word32) | VFloatArray (Array Float) data Value = VBool Bool | VV2B V2B | VV3B V3B | VV4B V4B | VWord Word32 | VV2U V2U | VV3U V3U | VV4U V4U | VInt Int32 | VV2I V2I | VV3I V3I | VV4I V4I | VFloat Float | VV2F V2F | VV3F V3F | VV4F V4F | VM22F M22F | VM23F M23F | VM24F M24F | VM32F M32F | VM33F M33F | VM34F M34F | VM42F M42F | VM43F M43F | VM44F M44F data InputType = Bool | V2B | V3B | V4B | Word | V2U | V3U | V4U | Int | V2I | V3I | V4I | Float | V2F | V3F | V4F | M22F | M23F | M24F | M32F | M33F | M34F | M42F | M43F | M44F | STexture1D | STexture2D | STextureCube | STexture1DArray | STexture2DArray | STexture2DRect | FTexture1D | FTexture2D | FTexture3D | FTextureCube | FTexture1DArray | FTexture2DArray | FTexture2DMS | FTexture2DMSArray | FTextureBuffer | FTexture2DRect | ITexture1D | ITexture2D | ITexture3D | ITextureCube | ITexture1DArray | ITexture2DArray | ITexture2DMS | ITexture2DMSArray | ITextureBuffer | ITexture2DRect | UTexture1D | UTexture2D | UTexture3D | UTextureCube | UTexture1DArray | UTexture2DArray | UTexture2DMS | UTexture2DMSArray | UTextureBuffer | UTexture2DRect data PointSpriteCoordOrigin = LowerLeft | UpperLeft data PointSize = PointSize Float | ProgramPointSize data PolygonOffset = NoOffset | Offset Float Float data FrontFace = CCW | CW data PolygonMode = PolygonPoint PointSize | PolygonLine Float | PolygonFill data ProvokingVertex = FirstVertex | LastVertex data CullMode = CullNone | CullFront FrontFace | CullBack FrontFace data ComparisonFunction = Never | Less | Equal | Lequal | Greater | Notequal | Gequal | Always type DepthFunction = ComparisonFunction data StencilOperation = OpZero | OpKeep | OpReplace | OpIncr | OpIncrWrap | OpDecr | OpDecrWrap | OpInvert data BlendEquation = FuncAdd | FuncSubtract | FuncReverseSubtract | Min | Max data BlendingFactor = Zero | One | SrcColor | OneMinusSrcColor | DstColor | OneMinusDstColor | SrcAlpha | OneMinusSrcAlpha | DstAlpha | OneMinusDstAlpha | ConstantColor | OneMinusConstantColor | ConstantAlpha | OneMinusConstantAlpha | SrcAlphaSaturate data LogicOperation = Clear | And | AndReverse | Copy | AndInverted | Noop | Xor | Or | Nor | Equiv | Invert | OrReverse | CopyInverted | OrInverted | Nand | Set data StencilOps = StencilOps { frontStencilOp :: StencilOperation , backStencilOp :: StencilOperation } data StencilTest = StencilTest { stencilComparision :: ComparisonFunction , stencilReference :: Int32 , stencilMask :: Word32 } data StencilTests = StencilTests StencilTest StencilTest data FetchPrimitive = Points | Lines | Triangles | LinesAdjacency | TrianglesAdjacency data OutputPrimitive = TrianglesOutput | LinesOutput | PointsOutput data ColorArity = Red | RG | RGB | RGBA data Blending = NoBlending | BlendLogicOp LogicOperation | Blend { colorEqSrc :: BlendEquation , alphaEqSrc :: BlendEquation , colorFSrc :: BlendingFactor , colorFDst :: BlendingFactor , alphaFSrc :: BlendingFactor , alphaFDst :: BlendingFactor , color :: V4F } data RasterContext = PointCtx PointSize Float PointSpriteCoordOrigin | LineCtx Float ProvokingVertex | TriangleCtx CullMode PolygonMode PolygonOffset ProvokingVertex data FragmentOperation = DepthOp DepthFunction Bool | StencilOp StencilTests StencilOps StencilOps | ColorOp Blending Value data AccumulationContext = AccumulationContext { accViewportName :: Maybe String , accOperations :: List FragmentOperation } data TextureDataType = FloatT ColorArity | IntT ColorArity | WordT ColorArity | ShadowT data TextureType = Texture1D TextureDataType Int | Texture2D TextureDataType Int | Texture3D TextureDataType | TextureCube TextureDataType | TextureRect TextureDataType | Texture2DMS TextureDataType Int Int Bool | TextureBuffer TextureDataType data MipMap = Mip Int Int | NoMip | AutoMip Int Int data Filter = Nearest | Linear | NearestMipmapNearest | NearestMipmapLinear | LinearMipmapNearest | LinearMipmapLinear data EdgeMode = Repeat | MirroredRepeat | ClampToEdge | ClampToBorder data ImageSemantic = Depth | Stencil | Color data ImageRef = TextureImage TextureName Int (Maybe Int) | Framebuffer ImageSemantic data ClearImage = ClearImage { imageSemantic :: ImageSemantic , clearValue :: Value } data Command = SetRasterContext RasterContext | SetAccumulationContext AccumulationContext | SetRenderTarget RenderTargetName | SetProgram ProgramName | SetSamplerUniform UniformName TextureUnit | SetTexture TextureUnit TextureName | SetSampler TextureUnit (Maybe SamplerName) | RenderSlot SlotName | RenderStream StreamName | ClearRenderTarget (Array ClearImage) | GenerateMipMap TextureUnit | SaveImage FrameBufferComponent ImageRef | LoadImage ImageRef FrameBufferComponent data SamplerDescriptor = SamplerDescriptor { samplerWrapS :: EdgeMode , samplerWrapT :: Maybe EdgeMode , samplerWrapR :: Maybe EdgeMode , samplerMinFilter :: Filter , samplerMagFilter :: Filter , samplerBorderColor :: Value , samplerMinLod :: Maybe Float , samplerMaxLod :: Maybe Float , samplerLodBias :: Float , samplerCompareFunc :: Maybe ComparisonFunction } data TextureDescriptor = TextureDescriptor { textureType :: TextureType , textureSize :: Value , textureSemantic :: ImageSemantic , textureSampler :: SamplerDescriptor , textureBaseLevel :: Int , textureMaxLevel :: Int } data Parameter = Parameter { name :: String , ty :: InputType } data Program = Program { programUniforms :: StrMap InputType , programStreams :: StrMap Parameter , programInTextures :: StrMap InputType , programOutput :: Array Parameter , vertexShader :: String , geometryShader :: Maybe String , fragmentShader :: String } data Slot = Slot { slotName :: String , slotStreams :: StrMap InputType , slotUniforms :: StrMap InputType , slotPrimitive :: FetchPrimitive , slotPrograms :: Array ProgramName } data StreamData = StreamData { streamData :: StrMap ArrayValue , streamType :: StrMap InputType , streamPrimitive :: FetchPrimitive , streamPrograms :: Array ProgramName } data TargetItem = TargetItem { targetSemantic :: ImageSemantic , targetRef :: Maybe ImageRef } data RenderTarget = RenderTarget { renderTargets :: Array TargetItem } data Backend = WebGL1 | OpenGL33 data Pipeline = Pipeline { info :: String , backend :: Backend , textures :: Array TextureDescriptor , samplers :: Array SamplerDescriptor , targets :: Array RenderTarget , programs :: Array Program , slots :: Array Slot , streams :: Array StreamData , commands :: Array Command } derive instance genericFetchPrimitive :: Generic FetchPrimitive instance showFetchPrimitive :: Show FetchPrimitive where show = gShow instance eqFetchPrimitive :: Eq FetchPrimitive where eq = gEq derive instance genericColorArity :: Generic ColorArity instance showColorArity :: Show ColorArity where show = gShow derive instance genericTextureDataType :: Generic TextureDataType instance showTextureDataType :: Show TextureDataType where show = gShow instance encodeJsonArrayValue :: EncodeJson ArrayValue where encodeJson v = case v of VBoolArray arg0 -> "tag" := "VBoolArray" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VIntArray arg0 -> "tag" := "VIntArray" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VWordArray arg0 -> "tag" := "VWordArray" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VFloatArray arg0 -> "tag" := "VFloatArray" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonArrayValue :: DecodeJson ArrayValue where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "VBoolArray" -> VBoolArray <$> obj .? "arg0" "VIntArray" -> VIntArray <$> obj .? "arg0" "VWordArray" -> VWordArray <$> obj .? "arg0" "VFloatArray" -> VFloatArray <$> obj .? "arg0" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonArrayValue - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonValue :: EncodeJson Value where encodeJson v = case v of VBool arg0 -> "tag" := "VBool" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV2B arg0 -> "tag" := "VV2B" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV3B arg0 -> "tag" := "VV3B" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV4B arg0 -> "tag" := "VV4B" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VWord arg0 -> "tag" := "VWord" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV2U arg0 -> "tag" := "VV2U" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV3U arg0 -> "tag" := "VV3U" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV4U arg0 -> "tag" := "VV4U" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VInt arg0 -> "tag" := "VInt" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV2I arg0 -> "tag" := "VV2I" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV3I arg0 -> "tag" := "VV3I" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV4I arg0 -> "tag" := "VV4I" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VFloat arg0 -> "tag" := "VFloat" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV2F arg0 -> "tag" := "VV2F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV3F arg0 -> "tag" := "VV3F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VV4F arg0 -> "tag" := "VV4F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM22F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM22F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM23F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM23F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM24F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM24F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM32F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM32F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM33F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM33F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM34F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM34F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM42F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM42F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM43F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM43F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject VM44F arg0 -> "tag" := "VM44F" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonValue :: DecodeJson Value where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "VBool" -> VBool <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV2B" -> VV2B <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV3B" -> VV3B <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV4B" -> VV4B <$> obj .? "arg0" "VWord" -> VWord <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV2U" -> VV2U <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV3U" -> VV3U <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV4U" -> VV4U <$> obj .? "arg0" "VInt" -> VInt <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV2I" -> VV2I <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV3I" -> VV3I <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV4I" -> VV4I <$> obj .? "arg0" "VFloat" -> VFloat <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV2F" -> VV2F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV3F" -> VV3F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VV4F" -> VV4F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM22F" -> VM22F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM23F" -> VM23F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM24F" -> VM24F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM32F" -> VM32F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM33F" -> VM33F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM34F" -> VM34F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM42F" -> VM42F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM43F" -> VM43F <$> obj .? "arg0" "VM44F" -> VM44F <$> obj .? "arg0" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonValue - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonInputType :: EncodeJson InputType where encodeJson v = case v of Bool -> "tag" := "Bool" ~> jsonEmptyObject V2B -> "tag" := "V2B" ~> jsonEmptyObject V3B -> "tag" := "V3B" ~> jsonEmptyObject V4B -> "tag" := "V4B" ~> jsonEmptyObject Word -> "tag" := "Word" ~> jsonEmptyObject V2U -> "tag" := "V2U" ~> jsonEmptyObject V3U -> "tag" := "V3U" ~> jsonEmptyObject V4U -> "tag" := "V4U" ~> jsonEmptyObject Int -> "tag" := "Int" ~> jsonEmptyObject V2I -> "tag" := "V2I" ~> jsonEmptyObject V3I -> "tag" := "V3I" ~> jsonEmptyObject V4I -> "tag" := "V4I" ~> jsonEmptyObject Float -> "tag" := "Float" ~> jsonEmptyObject V2F -> "tag" := "V2F" ~> jsonEmptyObject V3F -> "tag" := "V3F" ~> jsonEmptyObject V4F -> "tag" := "V4F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M22F -> "tag" := "M22F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M23F -> "tag" := "M23F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M24F -> "tag" := "M24F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M32F -> "tag" := "M32F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M33F -> "tag" := "M33F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M34F -> "tag" := "M34F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M42F -> "tag" := "M42F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M43F -> "tag" := "M43F" ~> jsonEmptyObject M44F -> "tag" := "M44F" ~> jsonEmptyObject STexture1D -> "tag" := "STexture1D" ~> jsonEmptyObject STexture2D -> "tag" := "STexture2D" ~> jsonEmptyObject STextureCube -> "tag" := "STextureCube" ~> jsonEmptyObject STexture1DArray -> "tag" := "STexture1DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject STexture2DArray -> "tag" := "STexture2DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject STexture2DRect -> "tag" := "STexture2DRect" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture1D -> "tag" := "FTexture1D" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture2D -> "tag" := "FTexture2D" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture3D -> "tag" := "FTexture3D" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTextureCube -> "tag" := "FTextureCube" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture1DArray -> "tag" := "FTexture1DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture2DArray -> "tag" := "FTexture2DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture2DMS -> "tag" := "FTexture2DMS" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture2DMSArray -> "tag" := "FTexture2DMSArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTextureBuffer -> "tag" := "FTextureBuffer" ~> jsonEmptyObject FTexture2DRect -> "tag" := "FTexture2DRect" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture1D -> "tag" := "ITexture1D" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture2D -> "tag" := "ITexture2D" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture3D -> "tag" := "ITexture3D" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITextureCube -> "tag" := "ITextureCube" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture1DArray -> "tag" := "ITexture1DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture2DArray -> "tag" := "ITexture2DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture2DMS -> "tag" := "ITexture2DMS" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture2DMSArray -> "tag" := "ITexture2DMSArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITextureBuffer -> "tag" := "ITextureBuffer" ~> jsonEmptyObject ITexture2DRect -> "tag" := "ITexture2DRect" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture1D -> "tag" := "UTexture1D" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture2D -> "tag" := "UTexture2D" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture3D -> "tag" := "UTexture3D" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTextureCube -> "tag" := "UTextureCube" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture1DArray -> "tag" := "UTexture1DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture2DArray -> "tag" := "UTexture2DArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture2DMS -> "tag" := "UTexture2DMS" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture2DMSArray -> "tag" := "UTexture2DMSArray" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTextureBuffer -> "tag" := "UTextureBuffer" ~> jsonEmptyObject UTexture2DRect -> "tag" := "UTexture2DRect" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonInputType :: DecodeJson InputType where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Bool" -> pure Bool "V2B" -> pure V2B "V3B" -> pure V3B "V4B" -> pure V4B "Word" -> pure Word "V2U" -> pure V2U "V3U" -> pure V3U "V4U" -> pure V4U "Int" -> pure Int "V2I" -> pure V2I "V3I" -> pure V3I "V4I" -> pure V4I "Float" -> pure Float "V2F" -> pure V2F "V3F" -> pure V3F "V4F" -> pure V4F "M22F" -> pure M22F "M23F" -> pure M23F "M24F" -> pure M24F "M32F" -> pure M32F "M33F" -> pure M33F "M34F" -> pure M34F "M42F" -> pure M42F "M43F" -> pure M43F "M44F" -> pure M44F "STexture1D" -> pure STexture1D "STexture2D" -> pure STexture2D "STextureCube" -> pure STextureCube "STexture1DArray" -> pure STexture1DArray "STexture2DArray" -> pure STexture2DArray "STexture2DRect" -> pure STexture2DRect "FTexture1D" -> pure FTexture1D "FTexture2D" -> pure FTexture2D "FTexture3D" -> pure FTexture3D "FTextureCube" -> pure FTextureCube "FTexture1DArray" -> pure FTexture1DArray "FTexture2DArray" -> pure FTexture2DArray "FTexture2DMS" -> pure FTexture2DMS "FTexture2DMSArray" -> pure FTexture2DMSArray "FTextureBuffer" -> pure FTextureBuffer "FTexture2DRect" -> pure FTexture2DRect "ITexture1D" -> pure ITexture1D "ITexture2D" -> pure ITexture2D "ITexture3D" -> pure ITexture3D "ITextureCube" -> pure ITextureCube "ITexture1DArray" -> pure ITexture1DArray "ITexture2DArray" -> pure ITexture2DArray "ITexture2DMS" -> pure ITexture2DMS "ITexture2DMSArray" -> pure ITexture2DMSArray "ITextureBuffer" -> pure ITextureBuffer "ITexture2DRect" -> pure ITexture2DRect "UTexture1D" -> pure UTexture1D "UTexture2D" -> pure UTexture2D "UTexture3D" -> pure UTexture3D "UTextureCube" -> pure UTextureCube "UTexture1DArray" -> pure UTexture1DArray "UTexture2DArray" -> pure UTexture2DArray "UTexture2DMS" -> pure UTexture2DMS "UTexture2DMSArray" -> pure UTexture2DMSArray "UTextureBuffer" -> pure UTextureBuffer "UTexture2DRect" -> pure UTexture2DRect _ -> Left ("decodeJsonInputType - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonPointSpriteCoordOrigin :: EncodeJson PointSpriteCoordOrigin where encodeJson v = case v of LowerLeft -> "tag" := "LowerLeft" ~> jsonEmptyObject UpperLeft -> "tag" := "UpperLeft" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonPointSpriteCoordOrigin :: DecodeJson PointSpriteCoordOrigin where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "LowerLeft" -> pure LowerLeft "UpperLeft" -> pure UpperLeft _ -> Left ("decodeJsonPointSpriteCoordOrigin - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonPointSize :: EncodeJson PointSize where encodeJson v = case v of PointSize arg0 -> "tag" := "PointSize" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject ProgramPointSize -> "tag" := "ProgramPointSize" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonPointSize :: DecodeJson PointSize where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "PointSize" -> PointSize <$> obj .? "arg0" "ProgramPointSize" -> pure ProgramPointSize _ -> Left ("decodeJsonPointSize - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonPolygonOffset :: EncodeJson PolygonOffset where encodeJson v = case v of NoOffset -> "tag" := "NoOffset" ~> jsonEmptyObject Offset arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "Offset" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonPolygonOffset :: DecodeJson PolygonOffset where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "NoOffset" -> pure NoOffset "Offset" -> Offset <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonPolygonOffset - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonFrontFace :: EncodeJson FrontFace where encodeJson v = case v of CCW -> "tag" := "CCW" ~> jsonEmptyObject CW -> "tag" := "CW" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonFrontFace :: DecodeJson FrontFace where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "CCW" -> pure CCW "CW" -> pure CW _ -> Left ("decodeJsonFrontFace - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonPolygonMode :: EncodeJson PolygonMode where encodeJson v = case v of PolygonPoint arg0 -> "tag" := "PolygonPoint" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject PolygonLine arg0 -> "tag" := "PolygonLine" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject PolygonFill -> "tag" := "PolygonFill" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonPolygonMode :: DecodeJson PolygonMode where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "PolygonPoint" -> PolygonPoint <$> obj .? "arg0" "PolygonLine" -> PolygonLine <$> obj .? "arg0" "PolygonFill" -> pure PolygonFill _ -> Left ("decodeJsonPolygonMode - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonProvokingVertex :: EncodeJson ProvokingVertex where encodeJson v = case v of FirstVertex -> "tag" := "FirstVertex" ~> jsonEmptyObject LastVertex -> "tag" := "LastVertex" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonProvokingVertex :: DecodeJson ProvokingVertex where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "FirstVertex" -> pure FirstVertex "LastVertex" -> pure LastVertex _ -> Left ("decodeJsonProvokingVertex - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonCullMode :: EncodeJson CullMode where encodeJson v = case v of CullNone -> "tag" := "CullNone" ~> jsonEmptyObject CullFront arg0 -> "tag" := "CullFront" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject CullBack arg0 -> "tag" := "CullBack" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonCullMode :: DecodeJson CullMode where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "CullNone" -> pure CullNone "CullFront" -> CullFront <$> obj .? "arg0" "CullBack" -> CullBack <$> obj .? "arg0" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonCullMode - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonComparisonFunction :: EncodeJson ComparisonFunction where encodeJson v = case v of Never -> "tag" := "Never" ~> jsonEmptyObject Less -> "tag" := "Less" ~> jsonEmptyObject Equal -> "tag" := "Equal" ~> jsonEmptyObject Lequal -> "tag" := "Lequal" ~> jsonEmptyObject Greater -> "tag" := "Greater" ~> jsonEmptyObject Notequal -> "tag" := "Notequal" ~> jsonEmptyObject Gequal -> "tag" := "Gequal" ~> jsonEmptyObject Always -> "tag" := "Always" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonComparisonFunction :: DecodeJson ComparisonFunction where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Never" -> pure Never "Less" -> pure Less "Equal" -> pure Equal "Lequal" -> pure Lequal "Greater" -> pure Greater "Notequal" -> pure Notequal "Gequal" -> pure Gequal "Always" -> pure Always _ -> Left ("decodeJsonComparisonFunction - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonStencilOperation :: EncodeJson StencilOperation where encodeJson v = case v of OpZero -> "tag" := "OpZero" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpKeep -> "tag" := "OpKeep" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpReplace -> "tag" := "OpReplace" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpIncr -> "tag" := "OpIncr" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpIncrWrap -> "tag" := "OpIncrWrap" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpDecr -> "tag" := "OpDecr" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpDecrWrap -> "tag" := "OpDecrWrap" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpInvert -> "tag" := "OpInvert" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonStencilOperation :: DecodeJson StencilOperation where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "OpZero" -> pure OpZero "OpKeep" -> pure OpKeep "OpReplace" -> pure OpReplace "OpIncr" -> pure OpIncr "OpIncrWrap" -> pure OpIncrWrap "OpDecr" -> pure OpDecr "OpDecrWrap" -> pure OpDecrWrap "OpInvert" -> pure OpInvert _ -> Left ("decodeJsonStencilOperation - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonBlendEquation :: EncodeJson BlendEquation where encodeJson v = case v of FuncAdd -> "tag" := "FuncAdd" ~> jsonEmptyObject FuncSubtract -> "tag" := "FuncSubtract" ~> jsonEmptyObject FuncReverseSubtract -> "tag" := "FuncReverseSubtract" ~> jsonEmptyObject Min -> "tag" := "Min" ~> jsonEmptyObject Max -> "tag" := "Max" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonBlendEquation :: DecodeJson BlendEquation where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "FuncAdd" -> pure FuncAdd "FuncSubtract" -> pure FuncSubtract "FuncReverseSubtract" -> pure FuncReverseSubtract "Min" -> pure Min "Max" -> pure Max _ -> Left ("decodeJsonBlendEquation - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonBlendingFactor :: EncodeJson BlendingFactor where encodeJson v = case v of Zero -> "tag" := "Zero" ~> jsonEmptyObject One -> "tag" := "One" ~> jsonEmptyObject SrcColor -> "tag" := "SrcColor" ~> jsonEmptyObject OneMinusSrcColor -> "tag" := "OneMinusSrcColor" ~> jsonEmptyObject DstColor -> "tag" := "DstColor" ~> jsonEmptyObject OneMinusDstColor -> "tag" := "OneMinusDstColor" ~> jsonEmptyObject SrcAlpha -> "tag" := "SrcAlpha" ~> jsonEmptyObject OneMinusSrcAlpha -> "tag" := "OneMinusSrcAlpha" ~> jsonEmptyObject DstAlpha -> "tag" := "DstAlpha" ~> jsonEmptyObject OneMinusDstAlpha -> "tag" := "OneMinusDstAlpha" ~> jsonEmptyObject ConstantColor -> "tag" := "ConstantColor" ~> jsonEmptyObject OneMinusConstantColor -> "tag" := "OneMinusConstantColor" ~> jsonEmptyObject ConstantAlpha -> "tag" := "ConstantAlpha" ~> jsonEmptyObject OneMinusConstantAlpha -> "tag" := "OneMinusConstantAlpha" ~> jsonEmptyObject SrcAlphaSaturate -> "tag" := "SrcAlphaSaturate" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonBlendingFactor :: DecodeJson BlendingFactor where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Zero" -> pure Zero "One" -> pure One "SrcColor" -> pure SrcColor "OneMinusSrcColor" -> pure OneMinusSrcColor "DstColor" -> pure DstColor "OneMinusDstColor" -> pure OneMinusDstColor "SrcAlpha" -> pure SrcAlpha "OneMinusSrcAlpha" -> pure OneMinusSrcAlpha "DstAlpha" -> pure DstAlpha "OneMinusDstAlpha" -> pure OneMinusDstAlpha "ConstantColor" -> pure ConstantColor "OneMinusConstantColor" -> pure OneMinusConstantColor "ConstantAlpha" -> pure ConstantAlpha "OneMinusConstantAlpha" -> pure OneMinusConstantAlpha "SrcAlphaSaturate" -> pure SrcAlphaSaturate _ -> Left ("decodeJsonBlendingFactor - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonLogicOperation :: EncodeJson LogicOperation where encodeJson v = case v of Clear -> "tag" := "Clear" ~> jsonEmptyObject And -> "tag" := "And" ~> jsonEmptyObject AndReverse -> "tag" := "AndReverse" ~> jsonEmptyObject Copy -> "tag" := "Copy" ~> jsonEmptyObject AndInverted -> "tag" := "AndInverted" ~> jsonEmptyObject Noop -> "tag" := "Noop" ~> jsonEmptyObject Xor -> "tag" := "Xor" ~> jsonEmptyObject Or -> "tag" := "Or" ~> jsonEmptyObject Nor -> "tag" := "Nor" ~> jsonEmptyObject Equiv -> "tag" := "Equiv" ~> jsonEmptyObject Invert -> "tag" := "Invert" ~> jsonEmptyObject OrReverse -> "tag" := "OrReverse" ~> jsonEmptyObject CopyInverted -> "tag" := "CopyInverted" ~> jsonEmptyObject OrInverted -> "tag" := "OrInverted" ~> jsonEmptyObject Nand -> "tag" := "Nand" ~> jsonEmptyObject Set -> "tag" := "Set" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonLogicOperation :: DecodeJson LogicOperation where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Clear" -> pure Clear "And" -> pure And "AndReverse" -> pure AndReverse "Copy" -> pure Copy "AndInverted" -> pure AndInverted "Noop" -> pure Noop "Xor" -> pure Xor "Or" -> pure Or "Nor" -> pure Nor "Equiv" -> pure Equiv "Invert" -> pure Invert "OrReverse" -> pure OrReverse "CopyInverted" -> pure CopyInverted "OrInverted" -> pure OrInverted "Nand" -> pure Nand "Set" -> pure Set _ -> Left ("decodeJsonLogicOperation - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonStencilOps :: EncodeJson StencilOps where encodeJson v = case v of StencilOps r -> "tag" := "StencilOps" ~> "frontStencilOp" := r.frontStencilOp ~> "backStencilOp" := r.backStencilOp ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonStencilOps :: DecodeJson StencilOps where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "StencilOps" -> do frontStencilOp <- obj .? "frontStencilOp" backStencilOp <- obj .? "backStencilOp" pure $ StencilOps { frontStencilOp:frontStencilOp , backStencilOp:backStencilOp } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonStencilOps - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonStencilTest :: EncodeJson StencilTest where encodeJson v = case v of StencilTest r -> "tag" := "StencilTest" ~> "stencilComparision" := r.stencilComparision ~> "stencilReference" := r.stencilReference ~> "stencilMask" := r.stencilMask ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonStencilTest :: DecodeJson StencilTest where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "StencilTest" -> do stencilComparision <- obj .? "stencilComparision" stencilReference <- obj .? "stencilReference" stencilMask <- obj .? "stencilMask" pure $ StencilTest { stencilComparision:stencilComparision , stencilReference:stencilReference , stencilMask:stencilMask } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonStencilTest - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonStencilTests :: EncodeJson StencilTests where encodeJson v = case v of StencilTests arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "StencilTests" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonStencilTests :: DecodeJson StencilTests where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "StencilTests" -> StencilTests <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonStencilTests - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonFetchPrimitive :: EncodeJson FetchPrimitive where encodeJson v = case v of Points -> "tag" := "Points" ~> jsonEmptyObject Lines -> "tag" := "Lines" ~> jsonEmptyObject Triangles -> "tag" := "Triangles" ~> jsonEmptyObject LinesAdjacency -> "tag" := "LinesAdjacency" ~> jsonEmptyObject TrianglesAdjacency -> "tag" := "TrianglesAdjacency" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonFetchPrimitive :: DecodeJson FetchPrimitive where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Points" -> pure Points "Lines" -> pure Lines "Triangles" -> pure Triangles "LinesAdjacency" -> pure LinesAdjacency "TrianglesAdjacency" -> pure TrianglesAdjacency _ -> Left ("decodeJsonFetchPrimitive - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonOutputPrimitive :: EncodeJson OutputPrimitive where encodeJson v = case v of TrianglesOutput -> "tag" := "TrianglesOutput" ~> jsonEmptyObject LinesOutput -> "tag" := "LinesOutput" ~> jsonEmptyObject PointsOutput -> "tag" := "PointsOutput" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonOutputPrimitive :: DecodeJson OutputPrimitive where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "TrianglesOutput" -> pure TrianglesOutput "LinesOutput" -> pure LinesOutput "PointsOutput" -> pure PointsOutput _ -> Left ("decodeJsonOutputPrimitive - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonColorArity :: EncodeJson ColorArity where encodeJson v = case v of Red -> "tag" := "Red" ~> jsonEmptyObject RG -> "tag" := "RG" ~> jsonEmptyObject RGB -> "tag" := "RGB" ~> jsonEmptyObject RGBA -> "tag" := "RGBA" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonColorArity :: DecodeJson ColorArity where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Red" -> pure Red "RG" -> pure RG "RGB" -> pure RGB "RGBA" -> pure RGBA _ -> Left ("decodeJsonColorArity - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonBlending :: EncodeJson Blending where encodeJson v = case v of NoBlending -> "tag" := "NoBlending" ~> jsonEmptyObject BlendLogicOp arg0 -> "tag" := "BlendLogicOp" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject Blend r -> "tag" := "Blend" ~> "colorEqSrc" := r.colorEqSrc ~> "alphaEqSrc" := r.alphaEqSrc ~> "colorFSrc" := r.colorFSrc ~> "colorFDst" := r.colorFDst ~> "alphaFSrc" := r.alphaFSrc ~> "alphaFDst" := r.alphaFDst ~> "color" := r.color ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonBlending :: DecodeJson Blending where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "NoBlending" -> pure NoBlending "BlendLogicOp" -> BlendLogicOp <$> obj .? "arg0" "Blend" -> do colorEqSrc <- obj .? "colorEqSrc" alphaEqSrc <- obj .? "alphaEqSrc" colorFSrc <- obj .? "colorFSrc" colorFDst <- obj .? "colorFDst" alphaFSrc <- obj .? "alphaFSrc" alphaFDst <- obj .? "alphaFDst" color <- obj .? "color" pure $ Blend { colorEqSrc:colorEqSrc , alphaEqSrc:alphaEqSrc , colorFSrc:colorFSrc , colorFDst:colorFDst , alphaFSrc:alphaFSrc , alphaFDst:alphaFDst , color:color } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonBlending - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonRasterContext :: EncodeJson RasterContext where encodeJson v = case v of PointCtx arg0 arg1 arg2 -> "tag" := "PointCtx" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> jsonEmptyObject LineCtx arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "LineCtx" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject TriangleCtx arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 -> "tag" := "TriangleCtx" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> "arg3" := arg3 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonRasterContext :: DecodeJson RasterContext where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "PointCtx" -> PointCtx <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" "LineCtx" -> LineCtx <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "TriangleCtx" -> TriangleCtx <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" <*> obj .? "arg3" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonRasterContext - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonFragmentOperation :: EncodeJson FragmentOperation where encodeJson v = case v of DepthOp arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "DepthOp" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject StencilOp arg0 arg1 arg2 -> "tag" := "StencilOp" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> jsonEmptyObject ColorOp arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "ColorOp" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonFragmentOperation :: DecodeJson FragmentOperation where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "DepthOp" -> DepthOp <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "StencilOp" -> StencilOp <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" "ColorOp" -> ColorOp <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonFragmentOperation - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonAccumulationContext :: EncodeJson AccumulationContext where encodeJson v = case v of AccumulationContext r -> "tag" := "AccumulationContext" ~> "accViewportName" := r.accViewportName ~> "accOperations" := r.accOperations ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonAccumulationContext :: DecodeJson AccumulationContext where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "AccumulationContext" -> do accViewportName <- obj .? "accViewportName" accOperations <- obj .? "accOperations" pure $ AccumulationContext { accViewportName:accViewportName , accOperations:accOperations } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonAccumulationContext - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonTextureDataType :: EncodeJson TextureDataType where encodeJson v = case v of FloatT arg0 -> "tag" := "FloatT" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject IntT arg0 -> "tag" := "IntT" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject WordT arg0 -> "tag" := "WordT" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject ShadowT -> "tag" := "ShadowT" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonTextureDataType :: DecodeJson TextureDataType where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "FloatT" -> FloatT <$> obj .? "arg0" "IntT" -> IntT <$> obj .? "arg0" "WordT" -> WordT <$> obj .? "arg0" "ShadowT" -> pure ShadowT _ -> Left ("decodeJsonTextureDataType - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonTextureType :: EncodeJson TextureType where encodeJson v = case v of Texture1D arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "Texture1D" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject Texture2D arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "Texture2D" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject Texture3D arg0 -> "tag" := "Texture3D" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject TextureCube arg0 -> "tag" := "TextureCube" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject TextureRect arg0 -> "tag" := "TextureRect" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject Texture2DMS arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 -> "tag" := "Texture2DMS" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> "arg3" := arg3 ~> jsonEmptyObject TextureBuffer arg0 -> "tag" := "TextureBuffer" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonTextureType :: DecodeJson TextureType where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Texture1D" -> Texture1D <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "Texture2D" -> Texture2D <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "Texture3D" -> Texture3D <$> obj .? "arg0" "TextureCube" -> TextureCube <$> obj .? "arg0" "TextureRect" -> TextureRect <$> obj .? "arg0" "Texture2DMS" -> Texture2DMS <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" <*> obj .? "arg3" "TextureBuffer" -> TextureBuffer <$> obj .? "arg0" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonTextureType - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonMipMap :: EncodeJson MipMap where encodeJson v = case v of Mip arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "Mip" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject NoMip -> "tag" := "NoMip" ~> jsonEmptyObject AutoMip arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "AutoMip" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonMipMap :: DecodeJson MipMap where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Mip" -> Mip <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "NoMip" -> pure NoMip "AutoMip" -> AutoMip <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonMipMap - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonFilter :: EncodeJson Filter where encodeJson v = case v of Nearest -> "tag" := "Nearest" ~> jsonEmptyObject Linear -> "tag" := "Linear" ~> jsonEmptyObject NearestMipmapNearest -> "tag" := "NearestMipmapNearest" ~> jsonEmptyObject NearestMipmapLinear -> "tag" := "NearestMipmapLinear" ~> jsonEmptyObject LinearMipmapNearest -> "tag" := "LinearMipmapNearest" ~> jsonEmptyObject LinearMipmapLinear -> "tag" := "LinearMipmapLinear" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonFilter :: DecodeJson Filter where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Nearest" -> pure Nearest "Linear" -> pure Linear "NearestMipmapNearest" -> pure NearestMipmapNearest "NearestMipmapLinear" -> pure NearestMipmapLinear "LinearMipmapNearest" -> pure LinearMipmapNearest "LinearMipmapLinear" -> pure LinearMipmapLinear _ -> Left ("decodeJsonFilter - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonEdgeMode :: EncodeJson EdgeMode where encodeJson v = case v of Repeat -> "tag" := "Repeat" ~> jsonEmptyObject MirroredRepeat -> "tag" := "MirroredRepeat" ~> jsonEmptyObject ClampToEdge -> "tag" := "ClampToEdge" ~> jsonEmptyObject ClampToBorder -> "tag" := "ClampToBorder" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonEdgeMode :: DecodeJson EdgeMode where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Repeat" -> pure Repeat "MirroredRepeat" -> pure MirroredRepeat "ClampToEdge" -> pure ClampToEdge "ClampToBorder" -> pure ClampToBorder _ -> Left ("decodeJsonEdgeMode - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonImageSemantic :: EncodeJson ImageSemantic where encodeJson v = case v of Depth -> "tag" := "Depth" ~> jsonEmptyObject Stencil -> "tag" := "Stencil" ~> jsonEmptyObject Color -> "tag" := "Color" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonImageSemantic :: DecodeJson ImageSemantic where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Depth" -> pure Depth "Stencil" -> pure Stencil "Color" -> pure Color _ -> Left ("decodeJsonImageSemantic - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonImageRef :: EncodeJson ImageRef where encodeJson v = case v of TextureImage arg0 arg1 arg2 -> "tag" := "TextureImage" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> "arg2" := arg2 ~> jsonEmptyObject Framebuffer arg0 -> "tag" := "Framebuffer" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonImageRef :: DecodeJson ImageRef where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "TextureImage" -> TextureImage <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" <*> obj .? "arg2" "Framebuffer" -> Framebuffer <$> obj .? "arg0" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonImageRef - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonClearImage :: EncodeJson ClearImage where encodeJson v = case v of ClearImage r -> "tag" := "ClearImage" ~> "imageSemantic" := r.imageSemantic ~> "clearValue" := r.clearValue ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonClearImage :: DecodeJson ClearImage where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "ClearImage" -> do imageSemantic <- obj .? "imageSemantic" clearValue <- obj .? "clearValue" pure $ ClearImage { imageSemantic:imageSemantic , clearValue:clearValue } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonClearImage - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonCommand :: EncodeJson Command where encodeJson v = case v of SetRasterContext arg0 -> "tag" := "SetRasterContext" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject SetAccumulationContext arg0 -> "tag" := "SetAccumulationContext" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject SetRenderTarget arg0 -> "tag" := "SetRenderTarget" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject SetProgram arg0 -> "tag" := "SetProgram" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject SetSamplerUniform arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "SetSamplerUniform" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject SetTexture arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "SetTexture" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject SetSampler arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "SetSampler" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject RenderSlot arg0 -> "tag" := "RenderSlot" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject RenderStream arg0 -> "tag" := "RenderStream" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject ClearRenderTarget arg0 -> "tag" := "ClearRenderTarget" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject GenerateMipMap arg0 -> "tag" := "GenerateMipMap" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> jsonEmptyObject SaveImage arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "SaveImage" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject LoadImage arg0 arg1 -> "tag" := "LoadImage" ~> "arg0" := arg0 ~> "arg1" := arg1 ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonCommand :: DecodeJson Command where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "SetRasterContext" -> SetRasterContext <$> obj .? "arg0" "SetAccumulationContext" -> SetAccumulationContext <$> obj .? "arg0" "SetRenderTarget" -> SetRenderTarget <$> obj .? "arg0" "SetProgram" -> SetProgram <$> obj .? "arg0" "SetSamplerUniform" -> SetSamplerUniform <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "SetTexture" -> SetTexture <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "SetSampler" -> SetSampler <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "RenderSlot" -> RenderSlot <$> obj .? "arg0" "RenderStream" -> RenderStream <$> obj .? "arg0" "ClearRenderTarget" -> ClearRenderTarget <$> obj .? "arg0" "GenerateMipMap" -> GenerateMipMap <$> obj .? "arg0" "SaveImage" -> SaveImage <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" "LoadImage" -> LoadImage <$> obj .? "arg0" <*> obj .? "arg1" _ -> Left ("decodeJsonCommand - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonSamplerDescriptor :: EncodeJson SamplerDescriptor where encodeJson v = case v of SamplerDescriptor r -> "tag" := "SamplerDescriptor" ~> "samplerWrapS" := r.samplerWrapS ~> "samplerWrapT" := r.samplerWrapT ~> "samplerWrapR" := r.samplerWrapR ~> "samplerMinFilter" := r.samplerMinFilter ~> "samplerMagFilter" := r.samplerMagFilter ~> "samplerBorderColor" := r.samplerBorderColor ~> "samplerMinLod" := r.samplerMinLod ~> "samplerMaxLod" := r.samplerMaxLod ~> "samplerLodBias" := r.samplerLodBias ~> "samplerCompareFunc" := r.samplerCompareFunc ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonSamplerDescriptor :: DecodeJson SamplerDescriptor where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "SamplerDescriptor" -> do samplerWrapS <- obj .? "samplerWrapS" samplerWrapT <- obj .? "samplerWrapT" samplerWrapR <- obj .? "samplerWrapR" samplerMinFilter <- obj .? "samplerMinFilter" samplerMagFilter <- obj .? "samplerMagFilter" samplerBorderColor <- obj .? "samplerBorderColor" samplerMinLod <- obj .? "samplerMinLod" samplerMaxLod <- obj .? "samplerMaxLod" samplerLodBias <- obj .? "samplerLodBias" samplerCompareFunc <- obj .? "samplerCompareFunc" pure $ SamplerDescriptor { samplerWrapS:samplerWrapS , samplerWrapT:samplerWrapT , samplerWrapR:samplerWrapR , samplerMinFilter:samplerMinFilter , samplerMagFilter:samplerMagFilter , samplerBorderColor:samplerBorderColor , samplerMinLod:samplerMinLod , samplerMaxLod:samplerMaxLod , samplerLodBias:samplerLodBias , samplerCompareFunc:samplerCompareFunc } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonSamplerDescriptor - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonTextureDescriptor :: EncodeJson TextureDescriptor where encodeJson v = case v of TextureDescriptor r -> "tag" := "TextureDescriptor" ~> "textureType" := r.textureType ~> "textureSize" := r.textureSize ~> "textureSemantic" := r.textureSemantic ~> "textureSampler" := r.textureSampler ~> "textureBaseLevel" := r.textureBaseLevel ~> "textureMaxLevel" := r.textureMaxLevel ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonTextureDescriptor :: DecodeJson TextureDescriptor where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "TextureDescriptor" -> do textureType <- obj .? "textureType" textureSize <- obj .? "textureSize" textureSemantic <- obj .? "textureSemantic" textureSampler <- obj .? "textureSampler" textureBaseLevel <- obj .? "textureBaseLevel" textureMaxLevel <- obj .? "textureMaxLevel" pure $ TextureDescriptor { textureType:textureType , textureSize:textureSize , textureSemantic:textureSemantic , textureSampler:textureSampler , textureBaseLevel:textureBaseLevel , textureMaxLevel:textureMaxLevel } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonTextureDescriptor - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonParameter :: EncodeJson Parameter where encodeJson v = case v of Parameter r -> "tag" := "Parameter" ~> "name" := r.name ~> "ty" := r.ty ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonParameter :: DecodeJson Parameter where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Parameter" -> do name <- obj .? "name" ty <- obj .? "ty" pure $ Parameter { name:name , ty:ty } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonParameter - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonProgram :: EncodeJson Program where encodeJson v = case v of Program r -> "tag" := "Program" ~> "programUniforms" := r.programUniforms ~> "programStreams" := r.programStreams ~> "programInTextures" := r.programInTextures ~> "programOutput" := r.programOutput ~> "vertexShader" := r.vertexShader ~> "geometryShader" := r.geometryShader ~> "fragmentShader" := r.fragmentShader ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonProgram :: DecodeJson Program where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Program" -> do programUniforms <- obj .? "programUniforms" programStreams <- obj .? "programStreams" programInTextures <- obj .? "programInTextures" programOutput <- obj .? "programOutput" vertexShader <- obj .? "vertexShader" geometryShader <- obj .? "geometryShader" fragmentShader <- obj .? "fragmentShader" pure $ Program { programUniforms:programUniforms , programStreams:programStreams , programInTextures:programInTextures , programOutput:programOutput , vertexShader:vertexShader , geometryShader:geometryShader , fragmentShader:fragmentShader } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonProgram - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonSlot :: EncodeJson Slot where encodeJson v = case v of Slot r -> "tag" := "Slot" ~> "slotName" := r.slotName ~> "slotStreams" := r.slotStreams ~> "slotUniforms" := r.slotUniforms ~> "slotPrimitive" := r.slotPrimitive ~> "slotPrograms" := r.slotPrograms ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonSlot :: DecodeJson Slot where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Slot" -> do slotName <- obj .? "slotName" slotStreams <- obj .? "slotStreams" slotUniforms <- obj .? "slotUniforms" slotPrimitive <- obj .? "slotPrimitive" slotPrograms <- obj .? "slotPrograms" pure $ Slot { slotName:slotName , slotStreams:slotStreams , slotUniforms:slotUniforms , slotPrimitive:slotPrimitive , slotPrograms:slotPrograms } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonSlot - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonStreamData :: EncodeJson StreamData where encodeJson v = case v of StreamData r -> "tag" := "StreamData" ~> "streamData" := r.streamData ~> "streamType" := r.streamType ~> "streamPrimitive" := r.streamPrimitive ~> "streamPrograms" := r.streamPrograms ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonStreamData :: DecodeJson StreamData where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "StreamData" -> do streamData <- obj .? "streamData" streamType <- obj .? "streamType" streamPrimitive <- obj .? "streamPrimitive" streamPrograms <- obj .? "streamPrograms" pure $ StreamData { streamData:streamData , streamType:streamType , streamPrimitive:streamPrimitive , streamPrograms:streamPrograms } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonStreamData - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonTargetItem :: EncodeJson TargetItem where encodeJson v = case v of TargetItem r -> "tag" := "TargetItem" ~> "targetSemantic" := r.targetSemantic ~> "targetRef" := r.targetRef ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonTargetItem :: DecodeJson TargetItem where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "TargetItem" -> do targetSemantic <- obj .? "targetSemantic" targetRef <- obj .? "targetRef" pure $ TargetItem { targetSemantic:targetSemantic , targetRef:targetRef } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonTargetItem - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonRenderTarget :: EncodeJson RenderTarget where encodeJson v = case v of RenderTarget r -> "tag" := "RenderTarget" ~> "renderTargets" := r.renderTargets ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonRenderTarget :: DecodeJson RenderTarget where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "RenderTarget" -> do renderTargets <- obj .? "renderTargets" pure $ RenderTarget { renderTargets:renderTargets } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonRenderTarget - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonBackend :: EncodeJson Backend where encodeJson v = case v of WebGL1 -> "tag" := "WebGL1" ~> jsonEmptyObject OpenGL33 -> "tag" := "OpenGL33" ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonBackend :: DecodeJson Backend where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "WebGL1" -> pure WebGL1 "OpenGL33" -> pure OpenGL33 _ -> Left ("decodeJsonBackend - unknown tag: " <> tag) instance encodeJsonPipeline :: EncodeJson Pipeline where encodeJson v = case v of Pipeline r -> "tag" := "Pipeline" ~> "info" := r.info ~> "backend" := r.backend ~> "textures" := r.textures ~> "samplers" := r.samplers ~> "targets" := r.targets ~> "programs" := r.programs ~> "slots" := r.slots ~> "streams" := r.streams ~> "commands" := r.commands ~> jsonEmptyObject instance decodeJsonPipeline :: DecodeJson Pipeline where decodeJson json = do obj <- decodeJson json tag <- obj .? "tag" case tag of "Pipeline" -> do info <- obj .? "info" backend <- obj .? "backend" textures <- obj .? "textures" samplers <- obj .? "samplers" targets <- obj .? "targets" programs <- obj .? "programs" slots <- obj .? "slots" streams <- obj .? "streams" commands <- obj .? "commands" pure $ Pipeline { info:info , backend:backend , textures:textures , samplers:samplers , targets:targets , programs:programs , slots:slots , streams:streams , commands:commands } _ -> Left ("decodeJsonPipeline - unknown tag: " <> tag)