path: root/Codec/Encryption
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Diffstat (limited to 'Codec/Encryption')
3 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor.hs b/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62440ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1-- ASCIIArmor.hs: OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII armor implementation
2-- Copyright Ⓒ 2012 Clint Adams
3-- This software is released under the terms of the Expat (MIT) license.
4-- (See the LICENSE file).
6module Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.ASCIIArmor (
7 armor
8 , decodeArmor
9 , parseArmor
10) where
12import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.ASCIIArmor.Encode (armor)
13import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.ASCIIArmor.Decode (decodeArmor, parseArmor)
diff --git a/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor/Decode.hs b/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor/Decode.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2383ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor/Decode.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2-- ASCIIArmor/Decode.hs: OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII armor implementation
3-- Copyright Ⓒ 2012 Clint Adams
4-- This software is released under the terms of the Expat (MIT) license.
5-- (See the LICENSE file).
7module Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.ASCIIArmor.Decode (
8 parseArmor
9 , decodeArmor
10) where
12import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Serialize (getPackets)
13import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Types
14import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>), (<$>))
15import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser, many1, string, inClass, notInClass, satisfy, word8, (<?>), parse, IResult(..))
16import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (isDigit_w8)
17import Data.Bits (shiftL)
18import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
19import qualified Data.ByteString as B
20import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
21import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
22import Data.Digest.CRC24 (crc24)
23import Data.Serialize.Get (Get, runGet, getWord8)
24import Data.Serialize.Put (runPut, putWord32be)
25import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
26import Data.Word (Word32)
28decodeArmor :: (Integral a, Read a, Show a, IsString e) => ByteString -> Either e (Armor a)
29decodeArmor bs = case parse parseArmor bs of
30 Fail t c e -> Left (fromString e)
31 Partial _ -> Left (fromString "what")
32 Done _ r -> Right r
34parseArmor :: (Integral a, Read a, Show a) => Parser (Armor a)
35parseArmor = do
36 atype <- beginLine <?> "begin line"
37 headers <- armorHeaders <?> "headers"
38 blankishLine <?> "blank line"
39 payload <- base64Data <?> "base64 data"
40 endLine atype <?> "end line"
41 case runGet getPackets payload of
42 Left err -> fail err
43 Right packets -> return $ Armor atype headers packets
45beginLine :: (Integral a, Read a, Show a) => Parser (ArmorType a)
46beginLine = do
47 string "-----BEGIN PGP "
48 atype <- message <|> pubkey <|> privkey<|> parts <|> signature
49 string "-----"
50 many (satisfy (inClass " \t"))
51 lineEnding
52 return atype
53 where
54 message = string "MESSAGE" >> return ArmorMessage
55 pubkey = string "PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" >> return ArmorPublicKeyBlock
56 privkey = string "PRIVATE KEY BLOCK" >> return ArmorPrivateKeyBlock
57 signature = string "SIGNATURE" >> return ArmorSignature
58 parts = do
59 string "MESSAGE, PART "
60 firstnum <- read . BC8.unpack . B.pack <$> many1 (satisfy isDigit_w8)
61 return $ ArmorSplitMessageIndefinite firstnum
63lineEnding :: Parser ByteString
64lineEnding = string "\n" <|> string "\r\n"
66armorHeaders :: Parser [ArmorHeader]
67armorHeaders = many armorHeader
69armorHeader :: Parser ArmorHeader
70armorHeader = do
71 key <- many1 (satisfy (inClass "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
72 string ": "
73 val <- many1 (satisfy (notInClass "\n\r"))
74 lineEnding
75 return (B.pack key, B.pack val)
77blankishLine :: Parser ByteString
78blankishLine = many (satisfy (inClass " \t")) >> lineEnding
80endLine :: (Integral a, Read a, Show a) => ArmorType a -> Parser ByteString
81endLine atype = do
82 string $ "-----END PGP " `B.append` aType atype `B.append` "-----"
83 lineEnding
85aType :: (Integral a, Read a, Show a) => ArmorType a -> ByteString
86aType (ArmorMessage) = BC8.pack "MESSAGE"
87aType (ArmorPublicKeyBlock) = BC8.pack "PUBLIC KEY BLOCK"
88aType (ArmorPrivateKeyBlock) = BC8.pack "PRIVATE KEY BLOCK"
89aType (ArmorSplitMessage x y) = BC8.pack $ "MESSAGE, PART " ++ show x ++ "/" ++ show y
90aType (ArmorSplitMessageIndefinite x) = BC8.pack $ "MESSAGE, PART " ++ show x
91aType (ArmorSignature) = BC8.pack "SIGNATURE"
93base64Data :: Parser ByteString
94base64Data = do
95 ls <- many1 base64Line
96 cksum <- checksumLine
97 let payload = B.concat ls
98 let ourcksum = crc24 payload
99 case runGet d24 cksum of
100 Left err -> fail err
101 Right theircksum -> if theircksum == ourcksum then return payload else fail ("CRC24 mismatch: " ++ show (B.unpack cksum) ++ "/" ++ show theircksum ++ " vs. " ++ show ourcksum)
102 where
103 base64Line :: Parser ByteString
104 base64Line = do
105 b64 <- many1 (satisfy (inClass "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"))
106 pad <- many (word8 (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ '='))
107 lineEnding
108 let line = B.pack b64 `B.append` B.pack pad
109 case Base64.decode line of
110 Left err -> fail err
111 Right bs -> return bs
112 checksumLine :: Parser ByteString
113 checksumLine = do
114 word8 (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ '=')
115 b64 <- many1 (satisfy (inClass "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"))
116 lineEnding
117 let line = B.pack b64
118 case Base64.decode line of
119 Left err -> fail err
120 Right bs -> return bs
123d24 :: Get Word32
124d24 = do
125 a <- getWord8
126 b <- getWord8
127 c <- getWord8
128 return $ shiftL (fromIntegral a :: Word32) 16 + shiftL (fromIntegral b :: Word32) 8 + (fromIntegral c :: Word32)
diff --git a/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor/Encode.hs b/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor/Encode.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d08c3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Codec/Encryption/OpenPGP/ASCIIArmor/Encode.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
1-- ASCIIArmor/Encode.hs: OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII armor implementation
2-- Copyright Ⓒ 2012 Clint Adams
3-- This software is released under the terms of the Expat (MIT) license.
4-- (See the LICENSE file).
6module Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.ASCIIArmor.Encode (
7 armor
8) where
10import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Serialize (putPackets)
11import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Types
12import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
13import qualified Data.ByteString as B
14import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
15import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
16import Data.Digest.CRC24 (crc24)
17import Data.Serialize.Put (runPut, putWord32be)
18import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
20armor :: (Integral a, Show a) => Armor a -> ByteString
21armor (Armor atype ahs ps) = beginLine atype `B.append` armorHeaders ahs `B.append` blankLine `B.append` armorData (opgpStream ps) `B.append` armorChecksum (opgpStream ps) `B.append` endLine atype
23blankLine :: ByteString
24blankLine = BC8.singleton '\n'
26beginLine :: (Integral a, Show a) => ArmorType a -> ByteString
27beginLine atype = BC8.pack "-----BEGIN PGP " `B.append` aType atype `B.append` BC8.pack "-----\n"
29endLine :: (Integral a, Show a) => ArmorType a -> ByteString
30endLine atype = BC8.pack "-----END PGP " `B.append` aType atype `B.append` BC8.pack "-----\n"
32aType :: (Integral a, Show a) => ArmorType a -> ByteString
33aType (ArmorMessage) = BC8.pack "MESSAGE"
34aType (ArmorPublicKeyBlock) = BC8.pack "PUBLIC KEY BLOCK"
35aType (ArmorPrivateKeyBlock) = BC8.pack "PRIVATE KEY BLOCK"
36aType (ArmorSplitMessage x y) = BC8.pack $ "MESSAGE, PART " ++ show x ++ "/" ++ show y
37aType (ArmorSplitMessageIndefinite x) = BC8.pack $ "MESSAGE, PART " ++ show x
38aType (ArmorSignature) = BC8.pack "SIGNATURE"
40armorHeaders :: [ArmorHeader] -> ByteString
41armorHeaders ahs = BC8.unlines . map armorHeader $ ahs
42 where
43 armorHeader :: ArmorHeader -> ByteString
44 armorHeader (k, v) = k `B.append` BC8.pack ": " `B.append` v
46opgpStream :: [Packet] -> ByteString
47opgpStream = runPut . putPackets
49armorData :: ByteString -> ByteString
50armorData = BC8.unlines . wrap76 . Base64.encode
52wrap76 :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
53wrap76 bs
54 | B.null bs = []
55 | otherwise = B.take 76 bs : wrap76 (B.drop 76 bs)
57armorChecksum :: ByteString -> ByteString
58armorChecksum = BC8.cons '=' . armorData . B.tail . runPut . putWord32be . crc24