1. Prerequisites ---------------- You will need working installations of Zlib and OpenSSL. Zlib: http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/zlib/ OpenSSL: http://www.openssl.org/ OpenSSH can utilise Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) if your system supports it. PAM is standard on Redhat and Debian Linux and on Solaris. PAM: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/ Dante: http://www.inet.no/dante OpenSSH can also use the Dante SOCKS libraries, version 1.1.1pre1 or higher, if you have them installed on your system. If you wish to build the GNOME passphrase requester, you will need the GNOME libraries and headers. GNOME: http://www.gnome.org/ Alternatly Jim Knoble has written an excellent X11 passphrase requester. This is maintained seperatly at: http://www.pobox.com/~jmknoble/jmk/ If you are planning to use OpenSSH on a Unix which lacks a Kernel random number generator (/dev/urandom), you will need to install the Entropy Gathering Daemon (or similar). You will also need to specify the --with-egd-pool option to ./configure. EGD: http://www.lothar.com/tech/crypto/ GNU Make: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/ OpenSSH has only been tested with GNU make. It may work with other 'make' programs, but you are on your own. 2. Building / Installation -------------------------- To install OpenSSH with default options: ./configure make make install This will install the OpenSSH binaries in /usr/local/bin, configuration files in /usr/local/etc, the server in /usr/local/sbin, etc. To specify a different installation prefix, use the --prefix option to configure: ./configure --prefix=/opt make make install Will install OpenSSH in /opt/{bin,etc,lib,sbin}. You can also override specific paths, for example: ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh make make install This will install the binaries in /opt/{bin,lib,sbin}, but will place the configuration files in /etc/ssh. If you are using PAM, you will need to manually install a PAM control file as "/etc/pam.d/sshd" (or wherever your system prefers to keep them). A generic PAM configuration is included as "sshd.pam.generic", you may need to edit it before using it on your system. If you are using a recent version of Redhat Linux, the config file in packages/redhat/sshd.pam should be more useful. There are a few other options to the configure script: --with-rsh=PATH allows you to specify the path to your rsh program. Normally ./configure will search the current $PATH for 'rsh'. You may need to specify this option if rsh is not in your path or has a different name. --without-pam will disable PAM support. PAM is automatically detected and switched on if found. --enable-gnome-askpass will build the GNOME passphrase dialog. You need a working installation of GNOME, including the development headers, for this to work. --with-random=/some/file allows you to specify an alternate source of random numbers (the default is /dev/urandom). Unless you are absolutly sure of what you are doing, it is best to leave this alone. --with-egd-pool=/some/file allows you to enable Entropy Gathering Daemon support and to specify a EGD pool socket. You will need to use this if your Unix does not support the /dev/urandom device (or similar). The file argument refers to the EGD pool file, not the EGD program itself. Please refer to the EGD documentation. --with-lastlog=FILE will specify the location of the lastlog file. ./configure searches a few locations for lastlog, but may not find it if lastlog is installed in a different place. --without-lastlog will disable lastlog support entirely. --with-kerberos4=PATH will enable Kerberos IV support. You will need to have the Kerberos libraries and header files installed for this to work. Use the optional PATH argument to specify the root of your Kerberos installation. --with-afs=PATH will enable AFS support. You will need to have the Kerberos IV and the AFS libraries and header files installed for this to work. Use the optional PATH argument to specify the root of your AFS installation. AFS requires Kerberos support to be enabled. --with-skey will enable S/Key one time password support. You will need the S/Key libraries and header files installed for this to work. --with-tcp-wrappers will enable TCP Wrappers (/etc/hosts.allow|deny) support. You will need libwrap.a and tcpd.h installed. --with-md5-passwords will enable the use of MD5 passwords. Enable this if your operating system uses MD5 passwords without using PAM. --with-utmpx enables utmpx support. utmpx support is automatic for some platforms. --without-shadow disables shadow password support. --with-ipaddr-display forces the use of a numeric IP address in the $DISPLAY environment variable. Some broken systems need this. --with-default-path=PATH allows you to specify a default $PATH for sessions started by sshd. --with-pid-dir=PATH specifies the directory in which the ssh.pid file is created. --with-xauth=PATH specifies the location of the xauth binary --with-dante[=DIR] will enable Dante SOCKS library support. If the Dante libsocks library isn't installed in a library searched by the compiler, add the directory name as the option. --with-ipv4-default instructs OpenSSH to use IPv4 by default for new connections. Normally OpenSSH will try attempt to lookup both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. On Linux/glibc-2.1.2 this causes long delays in name resolution. If this option is specified, you can still attempt to connect to IPv6 addresses using the command line option '-6'. If you need to pass special options to the compiler or linker, you can specify these as enviornment variables before running ./configure. For example: CFLAGS="-O -m486" LFLAGS="-s" ./configure 3. Configuration ---------------- The runtime configuration files are installed by in ${prefix}/etc or whatever you specified as your --sysconfdir (/usr/local/etc by default). The default configuration should be instantly usable, though you should review it to ensure that it matches your security requirements. To generate a host key, issue the following command: (replacing /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key with an appropriate path) /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N '' Replacing /etc/ssh with the correct path to the configuration directory. (${prefix}/etc or whatever you specified with --sysconfdir during configuration) If you have configured OpenSSH with EGD support, ensure that EGD is running and has collected some Entropy. For more information on configuration, please refer to the manual pages for sshd, ssh and ssh-agent. 4. Problems? ------------ If you experience problems compiling, installing or running OpenSSH. Please refer to the "reporting bugs" section of the webpage at http://violet.ibs.com.au/openssh/