#!/bin/sh # # ssh-config, Copyright 2000, Red Hat Inc. # # This file is part of the Cygwin port of OpenSSH. # set -x # Subdirectory where the new package is being installed PREFIX=/usr # Directory where the config files are stored SYSCONFDIR=/etc # Subdirectory where an old package might be installed OLDPREFIX=/usr/local OLDSYSCONFDIR=${OLDPREFIX}/etc request() { answer="" while [ "X${answer}" != "Xyes" -a "X${answer}" != "Xno" ] do echo -n "$1 (yes/no) " read answer done if [ "X${answer}" = "Xyes" ] then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Check for running ssh/sshd processes first. Refuse to do anything while # some ssh processes are still running if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -q ssh then echo echo "There are still ssh processes running. Please shut them down first." echo exit 1 fi # Check for ${SYSCONFDIR} directory if [ -e "${SYSCONFDIR}" -a ! -d "${SYSCONFDIR}" ] then echo echo "${SYSCONFDIR} is existant but not a directory." echo "Cannot create global configuration files." echo exit 1 fi # Create it if necessary if [ ! -e "${SYSCONFDIR}" ] then mkdir "${SYSCONFDIR}" if [ ! -e "${SYSCONFDIR}" ] then echo echo "Creating ${SYSCONFDIR} directory failed" echo exit 1 fi fi # Check for an old installation in ${OLDPREFIX} unless ${OLDPREFIX} isn't # the same as ${PREFIX} if [ "${OLDPREFIX}" != "${PREFIX}" ] then if [ -f "${OLDPREFIX}/sbin/sshd" ] then echo echo "You seem to have an older installation in ${OLDPREFIX}." echo # Check if old global configuration files exist if [ -f "${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key" ] then if request "Do you want to copy your config files to your new installation?" then cp -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key ${SYSCONFDIR} cp -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key.pub ${SYSCONFDIR} cp -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key ${SYSCONFDIR} cp -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub ${SYSCONFDIR} cp -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config ${SYSCONFDIR} cp -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config ${SYSCONFDIR} fi fi if request "Do you want to erase your old installation?" then rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/ssh.exe rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/ssh-config rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/scp.exe rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/ssh-add.exe rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/ssh-agent.exe rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/ssh-keygen.exe rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/bin/slogin rm -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key rm -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key.pub rm -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key rm -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub rm -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config rm -f ${OLDSYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man1/ssh.1 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man1/scp.1 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man1/ssh-add.1 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man1/ssh-agent.1 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man1/ssh-keygen.1 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man1/slogin.1 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/man/man8/sshd.8 rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/sbin/sshd.exe rm -f ${OLDPREFIX}/sbin/sftp-server.exe fi fi fi # First generate host keys if not already existing if [ ! -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key" ] then echo "Generating ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key" ssh-keygen -f ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_key -N '' fi if [ ! -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key" ] then echo "Generating ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key" ssh-keygen -d -f ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_host_dsa_key -N '' fi # Check if ssh_config exists. If yes, ask for overwriting if [ -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config" ] then if request "Overwrite existing ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config file?" then rm -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config" if [ -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config" ] then echo "Can't overwrite. ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config is write protected." fi fi fi # Create default ssh_config from here script if [ ! -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config" ] then echo "Creating default ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config file" cat > ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssh_config << EOF # This is ssh client systemwide configuration file. This file provides # defaults for users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration # files or on the command line. # Configuration data is parsed as follows: # 1. command line options # 2. user-specific file # 3. system-wide file # Any configuration value is only changed the first time it is set. # Thus, host-specific definitions should be at the beginning of the # configuration file, and defaults at the end. # Site-wide defaults for various options # Host * # ForwardAgent yes # ForwardX11 yes # RhostsAuthentication yes # RhostsRSAAuthentication yes # RSAAuthentication yes # PasswordAuthentication yes # FallBackToRsh no # UseRsh no # BatchMode no # CheckHostIP yes # StrictHostKeyChecking no # IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity # Port 22 # Protocol 2,1 # Cipher 3des # EscapeChar ~ # Be paranoid by default Host * ForwardAgent no ForwardX11 no FallBackToRsh no EOF fi # Check if sshd_config exists. If yes, ask for overwriting if [ -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config" ] then if request "Overwrite existing ${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config file?" then rm -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config" if [ -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config" ] then echo "Can't overwrite. ${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config is write protected." fi fi fi # Create default sshd_config from here script if [ ! -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config" ] then echo "Creating default ${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config file" cat > ${SYSCONFDIR}/sshd_config << EOF # This is ssh server systemwide configuration file. Port 22 #Protocol 2,1 ListenAddress #ListenAddress :: #HostKey /etc/ssh_host_key ServerKeyBits 768 LoginGraceTime 600 KeyRegenerationInterval 3600 PermitRootLogin yes # # Don't read ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files IgnoreRhosts yes # Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication #IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes StrictModes yes X11Forwarding no X11DisplayOffset 10 PrintMotd yes KeepAlive yes # Logging SyslogFacility AUTH LogLevel INFO #obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging RhostsAuthentication no # # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts RhostsRSAAuthentication no # To install for logon to different user accounts change to "no" here RSAAuthentication yes # To install for logon to different user accounts change to "yes" here PasswordAuthentication no PermitEmptyPasswords no CheckMail no UseLogin no #Uncomment if you want to enable sftp #Subsystem sftp /usr/sbin/sftp-server #MaxStartups 10:30:60 EOF fi # Ask user if user identity should be generated if [ "X${HOME}" = "X" ] then echo '$HOME is nonexistant. Cannot create user identity files.' exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${HOME}" ] then echo '$HOME is not a valid directory. Cannot create user identity files.' exit 1 fi # If HOME is the root dir, set HOME to empty string to avoid error messages # in subsequent parts of that script. if [ "X${HOME}" = "X/" ] then HOME='' fi if [ -e "${HOME}/.ssh" -a ! -d "${HOME}/.ssh" ] then echo '$HOME/.ssh is existant but not a directory. Cannot create user identity files.' exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "${HOME}/.ssh" ] then mkdir "${HOME}/.ssh" if [ ! -e "${HOME}/.ssh" ] then echo "Creating users ${HOME}/.ssh directory failed" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -f "${HOME}/.ssh/identity" ] then if request "Shall I create an RSA identity file for you?" then echo "Generating ${HOME}/.ssh/identity" ssh-keygen -f "${HOME}/.ssh/identity" fi fi if [ ! -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa" ] then if request "Shall I create an DSA identity file for you? (yes/no) " then echo "Generating ${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa" ssh-keygen -d -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa" fi fi echo echo "Note: If you have used sshd as service or from inetd, don't forget to" echo " change the path to sshd.exe in the service entry or in inetd.conf." echo echo "Configuration finished. Have fun!"