Template: ssh/protocol2_only Type: boolean Default: true Description: Allow SSH protocol 2 only This version of OpenSSH supports version 2 of the ssh protocol, which is much more secure. Disabling ssh 1 is encouraged, however this will slow things down on low end machines and might prevent older clients from connecting. . Also please note that keys used for protocol 1 are different so you will not be able to use them if you only allow protocol 2 connections. Description-da: Tillad kun SSH protokol 2 Denne udgave af OpenSSH understøtter version 2 af ssh-protokollen, som er betydeligt mere sikker. Det anbefales af deaktivere version 1. Dog kan det sløve langsomme maskiner, og forhindre ældre klienter i at opnå forbindelse. Template: ssh/ssh2_keys_merged Type: note Description: ssh2 keys merged in configuration files As of version 3 OpenSSH no longer uses seperate files for ssh1 and ssh2 keys. This means the authorized_keys2 and known_hosts2 files are no longer needed. They will still be read in order to maintain backwards compatibility Description-da: ssh2-nøgler flettet i opsætningsfilerne Siden version 3 har OpenSSH ikke længere separate filer for ssh1- og ssh2-nøgler. Det betyder, at filerne authorized_keys2 og known_hosts2 ikke længere er nødvendige. De vil stadig dog stadig blive læst for bagudkompatilitetens skyld. Template: ssh/use_old_init_script Type: boolean Default: false Description: Do you want to continue (and risk killing active ssh sessions) ? The version of /etc/init.d/ssh that you have installed, is likely to kill all running sshd instances. If you are doing this upgrade via an ssh session, that would be a Bad Thing(tm). . You can fix this by adding "--pidfile /var/run/sshd.pid" to the start-stop-daemon line in the stop section of the file. Description-da: Vil du fortsætte (og risikere at afbryde aktive ssh-forbindelser)? Den udgave af /etc/init.d/ssh, du har installeret, vil sandsynligvis afbryde alle sshd-dæmoner. Det vil være en rigtigt dårlig idé, hvis du er ved at opgradering via en ssh-forbindelse. . Du kan afhjælpe dette ved at tilføje "--pidfile /var/run/sshd.pid" til 'start-stop-daemon'-linjen i stop-afsnittet af filen. Template: ssh/forward_warning Type: note Description: NOTE: Forwarding of X11 and Authorization disabled by default. For security reasons, the Debian version of ssh has ForwardX11 and ForwardAgent set to ``off'' by default. . You can enable it for servers you trust, either in one of the configuration files, or with the -X command line option. . More details can be found in /usr/share/doc/ssh/README.Debian Description-da: BEMÆRK: Videregivelse af X11 og adgangkontrol er som standard deaktiveret. Af sikkerhedsgrunde har Debianudgaven af ssh sat ForwardX11 og ForwardAgent til 'off' som standard. . Du kan aktivere dem for servere, du stoler på i en af opsætningsfilerne eller med kommandolinjetilvalget '-X'. Template: ssh/insecure_rshd Type: note Description: Warning: rsh-server is installed --- probably not a good idea having rsh-server installed undermines the security that you were probably wanting to obtain by installing ssh. I'd advise you to remove that package. Description-da: Advarsel: rsh-serveren er installeret --- sikkert ikke en god idé Den sikkerhed, du nok ønskede at opnå ved at installere ssh undermineres ved, at du har rsh-server installeret. Jeg vil råde dig til at fjerne pakken rsh-server. Template: ssh/insecure_telnetd Type: note Description: Warning: telnetd is installed --- probably not a good idea I'd advise you to either remove the telnetd package (if you don't actually need to offer telnet access) or install telnetd-ssl so that there is at least some chance that telnet sessions will not be sending unencrypted login/password and session information over the network. Description-da: Advarsel: telnetd er installeret --- sikkert ikke en god idé Jeg vil råde dig til enten at fjerne pakken telnetd (hvis du i virkeligheden ikke har brug for at tilbyde telnet-adgang) eller installere telnetd-ssl, så der i det mindste er en mulighed for, at telnet-sessioner ikke sender adgangskoder og sessions-oplysninger ukrypteret over netværket. Template: ssh/encrypted_host_key_but_no_keygen Type: note Description: Warning: you must create a new host key There is an old /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key, which is IDEA encrypted. OpenSSH can not handle this host key file, and I can't find the ssh-keygen utility from the old (non-free) SSH installation. . You will need to generate a new host key. Description-da: Advarsel: du skal oprette en ny værtsnøgle Der ligger en gammel, IDEA-krypteret /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key. OpenSSH kan ikke håndtere sådan en værtsnøglefil, og jeg kan ikke finde værktøjet ssh-keygen fra den gamle (ikke-frie, 'non-free') SSH-installation. Template: ssh/SUID_client Type: boolean Default: false Description: Do you want /usr/bin/ssh to be installed SUID root? You have the option of installing the ssh client with the SUID bit set. . If you make ssh SUID, you will be able to use Rhosts/RhostsRSA authentication, but will not be able to use socks via the LD_PRELOAD trick. This is the traditional approach. . If you do not make ssh SUID, you will be able to use socks, but Rhosts/RhostsRSA authentication will stop working, which may stop you logging in to remote systems. It will also mean that the source port will be above 1024, which may confound firewall rules you've set up. . If in doubt, I suggest you install it with SUID. If it causes problems you can change your mind later by running: dpkg-reconfigure ssh Description-da: Vil du have, at /usr/bin/ssh bliver installeret 'SUID root'? Du har mulighed for at installere ssh-klienten med SUID-flaget sat. . Hvis du gør ssh SUID, vil du kunne bruge adgangskontrollen Rhosts/RhostsRSA, men vil ikke kunne bruge socks med LD_PRELOAD-tricket. Det vil være den almindelige fremgangsmåde. . Hvis du ikke gør ssh SUID, vil du kunne bruge socks, men adgangskontrol med Rhosts/RhostRSA vil holde op med at virke, hvilket kan forhindre dig i at logge ind på fjerne systemer. Det vil også betyde, at kildeporten vil ligge over 1024, hvilket kan kollidere med eventuelle brandmure, du har sat op. . Hvis du er i tvivl, foreslår jeg, at du installerer den med SUID. Hvis det giver problemer, kan du senere ombestemme dig ved at køre: 'dpkg-reconfigure ssh'. Template: ssh/run_sshd Type: boolean Default: true Description: Do you want to run the sshd server ? This package contains both the ssh client, and the sshd server. . Normally the sshd Secure Shell Server will be run to allow remote logins via ssh. . If you are only interested in using the ssh client for outbound connections on this machine, and don't want to log into it at all using ssh, then you can disable sshd here. Description-da: Vil du køre sshd-serveren? Denne pakke indeholder både ssh-klienten og sshd-serveren. . Normalt vil sshd sikker skalserver ('Secure Shell Server') blive aktiveret og tillade fjerne brugere i at logge på via ssh. . Hvis du udelukkende er interesseret i at bruge ssh-klienten til udgående forbindelser fra denne maskine, og ikke ønsker at tilgå denne maskine udefra via ssh, kan du nu deaktivere sshd.