--- title: IRC x-toc-enable: true ... We have chat rooms (IRC based, on the libera network), which can be used for members of the community to contact each other: The *+s* flag is set on all of these channels, so that someone can\'t know you\'re in these channels when they run *whois* on your IRC nick. The only way for someone to know is if they join those channels and see you there. These are *safe spaces*. You are free to be yourself here, without judgement. - [\#transchat](https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.libera.chat:6697/#transchat) This is a support channel, for people who need support. It is not a social channel. For general socializing/discussions (even about things that are off-topic in a trans support group), go to the ##transchat-social channel (see below): - [\#transchat-social](https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.libera.chat:6697/#transchat-social) (general lobby or meeting place for the community, for people of all gender identities whether female, male, non-binary, etc. Anyone is welcome. Intersex people and eunuchs are also welcome. This is for socializing. Support goes in the main channel!) - [\#transchat-nsfw](https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.libera.chat:6697/#transchat-nsfw) - sensitive topics go here. The above links are for *web based* chat, but you can also use other IRC clients on GNU+Linux, BSD, MacOS, Windows, Android, Replicant, iOS etc (GNU+Linux, BSD or Replicant highly recommended, for your [freedom from tyranny as a computer user](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html). Information for connecting to IRC is as follows: - Server: irc.libera.chat - Port: 6697 - TLS/SSL encryption is **required** on this port. You must enable encryption - Channels are ##transchat, ##transchat-social, ##transchat-nsfw and ##transchat-meta (make sure to use *two* hashes instead of one). Whether you use the web chat, or a non-web based IRC client, it is highly recommended that you register your nick. Type this into IRC for information about how to register your IRC nickname: /msg nickserv help register