language: c sudo: required dist: trusty before_script: #installing libsodium, needed for Core - git clone git:// > /dev/null - cd libsodium - git checkout tags/1.0.15 > /dev/null - ./ > /dev/null - ./configure > /dev/null - make check -j3 > /dev/null - sudo make install >/dev/null - cd .. #installing yasm, needed for compiling vpx - sudo apt-get install yasm > /dev/null #creating libraries links and updating cache - sudo ldconfig > /dev/null #installing check, needed for unit tests - sudo apt-get install check cmake python-pip cscope libevent-dev libevent-pthreads-2.1 - cd .. # toxcore - git clone - cd c-toxcore - cmake . -DBUILD_TOXAV=OFF - make -j3 - sudo make install - sudo ldconfig - cd .. - sudo apt-get install cscope python-jinja2 python-requests python-virtualenv - pushd . - sudo pip install jinja2 requests - virtualenv venv - venv/bin/pip install jinja2 requests - source venv/bin/activate script: - popd - cd tuntox - find .. -name Makefile - make tuntox_nostatic env: global: # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created # via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key - secure: "VjQmHxt7StKi1XF45IaYei3/0GtpIjeCeySLCPyHYnSlTMYw1VWti9Pow2Vr7mses27KddWhgl54hYjukaqyNFklfz+cXuke+VSwLp/wKlC7hV+frsrodWCd35hvNDZV3Q49e1u0944Oz4ggiS1yX1+dlXZO/v6HINXouSJbbk/0UowW4T6vkD5x/Muq7ddf5J9qMr6XF7oGzZO/fHnWO4B+xILiWs3R6gk24B8IksHiHEDIsruGnbSx2OUvoYiyNOW9hVczf2DIMZVKhqWxCX7/dEs2E5K4+/pbGfww4JhbGUMtkkGk97a7Y8rdXhs1l+k5IbG9MoZ5MxcyE1t8DRJSiT8SI50AUzDZGpU7YKIRWFxj9hyIlxPuv9aL3AyhGDzHCLAUGCtV0LYWuXUKusfQ3YuWoc/Z+6I9tIDBUdGtPp8R+P7x2pHnq08PQecBgGh+KOj2rkJBv3jP5GTrH7OtjwdKQyggni+otL/0ydq9Cj67sbt2jerjlBWtI4Vg2jVbRwIT2jDcUCMwrL5kCkuXiSvywlvA/qLVIkAvLILdbIXFBUYh/N4z00YiiVhpbc3AkJaiuhDtese272nXPeYTw6qtQnZyoud3jQjWpGmsD7uYstbnRNYsmYWf4Nz2+XIJtAmqHBhRYuq50Q1ImPY2cJyo0yZ6tniSKCcqHRI=" addons: coverity_scan: project: name: "gjedeer/tuntox" description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" notification_email: build_command_prepend: "cd tuntox; make clean" build_command: "make" branch_pattern: master